From 75acd3cd62d6f608de1bfd606f7454990c6ac1dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: msw7007 <>
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2024 20:01:09 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?=D0=9F=D0=B5=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=B2=D0=BE=D0=B4:=20?=
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## About The Pull Request
Перевод травм, описание и методы лечения
## Why It's Good For The Game
Потому-что понятнее
## Changelog
add: Перевод травм
code/datums/wounds/ | 116 +++++++++++++-------------
code/datums/wounds/ | 102 +++++++++++-----------
code/datums/wounds/ | 22 ++---
code/datums/wounds/ | 24 +++---
code/datums/wounds/ | 40 ++++-----
code/datums/wounds/ | 64 +++++++-------
6 files changed, 184 insertions(+), 184 deletions(-)
diff --git a/code/datums/wounds/ b/code/datums/wounds/
index 6232c7bebe089..593ed8a0a5c5e 100644
--- a/code/datums/wounds/
+++ b/code/datums/wounds/
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
I = victim.get_inactive_held_item()
if(I && victim.dropItemToGround(I))
- victim.visible_message(span_danger("[victim] drops [I] in shock!"), span_warning("The force on your [limb.plaintext_zone] causes you to drop [I]!"), vision_distance=COMBAT_MESSAGE_RANGE)
+ victim.visible_message(span_danger("[capitalize(victim.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] бросает [I.declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)] от шока!"), span_warning("Боль в [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[PREPOSITIONAL] || limb.plaintext_zone] заставляет вас выронить [I.declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)]!"), vision_distance=COMBAT_MESSAGE_RANGE)
return ..()
@@ -101,13 +101,13 @@
victim.take_bodypart_damage(rand(1, severity * 2), wound_bonus=CANT_WOUND)
victim.adjustStaminaLoss(rand(2, severity * 2.5))
- to_chat(victim, span_danger("You feel a sharp pain in your body as your bones are reforming!"))
+ to_chat(victim, span_danger("Вы чувствуете острую боль в ваших костях, пока они возвращают свою форму!"))
if(regen_ticks_current > regen_ticks_needed)
if(!victim || !limb)
- to_chat(victim, span_green("Your [limb.plaintext_zone] has recovered from its [name]!"))
+ to_chat(victim, span_green("Ваша травма \"[name]\" на [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[PREPOSITIONAL] || limb.plaintext_zone] излечивается!"))
/// If we're a human who's punching something with a broken arm, we might hurt ourselves doing so
@@ -121,11 +121,11 @@
if(prob((severity - 1) * 15))
// And you have a 70% or 50% chance to actually land the blow, respectively
if(prob(70 - 20 * (severity - 1)))
- to_chat(victim, span_userdanger("The fracture in your [limb.plaintext_zone] shoots with pain as you strike [target]!"))
+ to_chat(victim, span_userdanger("Перелом в [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[PREPOSITIONAL] || limb.plaintext_zone] отдает болью, когда вы ударяете [target.declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)]!"))
- victim.visible_message(span_danger("[victim] weakly strikes [target] with [victim.p_their()] broken [limb.plaintext_zone], recoiling from pain!"), \
- span_userdanger("You fail to strike [target] as the fracture in your [limb.plaintext_zone] lights up in unbearable pain!"), vision_distance=COMBAT_MESSAGE_RANGE)
+ victim.visible_message(span_danger("[capitalize(victim.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] слабо бьет [target.declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)] своей сломанной [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[INSTRUMENTAL] || limb.plaintext_zone], пошатываясь от боли!"), \
+ span_userdanger("Вы не смогли ударить [target.declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)], так как перелом в [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[PREPOSITIONAL] || limb.plaintext_zone] вызывает немыслимую боль!"), vision_distance=COMBAT_MESSAGE_RANGE)
INVOKE_ASYNC(victim, TYPE_PROC_REF(/mob, emote), "scream")
victim.Stun(0.5 SECONDS)
@@ -148,23 +148,23 @@
victim.bleed(blood_bled, TRUE)
if(7 to 13)
- span_smalldanger("A thin stream of blood drips from [victim]'s mouth from the blow to [victim.p_their()] chest."),
- span_danger("You cough up a bit of blood from the blow to your chest."),
+ span_smalldanger("Тонкая струйка крови капает из рта [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)] после удара по [victim.ru_p_them()] груди."),
+ span_danger("Вы откашливаете немного крови после удара в грудь."),
vision_distance = COMBAT_MESSAGE_RANGE,
victim.bleed(blood_bled, TRUE)
if(14 to 19)
- span_smalldanger("Blood spews out of [victim]'s mouth from the blow to [victim.p_their()] chest!"),
- span_danger("You spit out a string of blood from the blow to your chest!"),
+ span_smalldanger("Кровь брызгает из рта [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)] после удара по [victim.ru_p_them()] груди!"),
+ span_danger("Вы сплевываете струйкой крови после удара в грудь!"),
vision_distance = COMBAT_MESSAGE_RANGE,
new /obj/effect/temp_visual/dir_setting/bloodsplatter(victim.loc, victim.dir)
if(20 to INFINITY)
- span_danger("Blood spurts out of [victim]'s mouth from the blow to [victim.p_their()] chest!"),
- span_bolddanger("You choke up on a spray of blood from the blow to your chest!"),
+ span_danger("Кровь фонтанирует из рта [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)] после удара по [victim.ru_p_them()] груди!"),
+ span_bolddanger("Вы задыхаетесь от струи крови после удара в грудь!"),
vision_distance = COMBAT_MESSAGE_RANGE,
@@ -176,12 +176,12 @@
if (!limb.current_gauze)
- . += ", [span_notice("and appears to be reforming itself under some surgical tape!")]"
+ . += ", [span_notice("и, похоже, начинает восстанавливаться под хирургической лентой!")]"
else if(gelled)
- . += ", [span_notice("with fizzing flecks of blue bone gel sparking off the bone!")]"
+ . += ", [span_notice("с шипящими кусочками синего костного геля, что искрами разлетается от кости!")]"
- return span_warning("The bones in this limb appear badly cracked.")
+ return span_warning("Кости выглядят сильно поврежденными.")
New common procs for /datum/wound/blunt/bone/
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
- victim.visible_message(span_danger("[victim]'s dislocated [limb.plaintext_zone] pops back into place!"), span_userdanger("Your dislocated [limb.plaintext_zone] pops back into place! Ow!"))
+ victim.visible_message(span_danger("[capitalize(limb.ru_plaintext_zone[NOMINATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone)] у [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)] встала обратно на место!"), span_userdanger("Сустав в районе [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[GENITIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] встал обратно на место! Ай!"))
@@ -254,12 +254,12 @@
return FALSE
if(user.grab_state == GRAB_PASSIVE)
- to_chat(user, span_warning("You must have [victim] in an aggressive grab to manipulate [victim.p_their()] [LOWER_TEXT(name)]!"))
+ to_chat(user, span_warning("Вы должны держать [victim.declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)] в агрессивном захвате, чтобы вылечить [victim.ru_p_them()] [LOWER_TEXT(name)]!"))
return TRUE
if(user.grab_state >= GRAB_AGGRESSIVE)
- user.visible_message(span_danger("[user] begins twisting and straining [victim]'s dislocated [limb.plaintext_zone]!"), span_notice("You begin twisting and straining [victim]'s dislocated [limb.plaintext_zone]..."), ignored_mobs=victim)
- to_chat(victim, span_userdanger("[user] begins twisting and straining your dislocated [limb.plaintext_zone]!"))
+ user.visible_message(span_danger("[capitalize(user.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] начинает прокручивать вывих в [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[PREPOSITIONAL] || limb.plaintext_zone] у [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)]!"), span_notice("Вы начинаете прокручивать вывих в [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[PREPOSITIONAL] || limb.plaintext_zone] у [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)]..."), ignored_mobs=victim)
+ to_chat(victim, span_userdanger("[capitalize(user.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] начинает прокручивать ваш вывих в [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[PREPOSITIONAL] || limb.plaintext_zone]!"))
@@ -274,14 +274,14 @@
- user.visible_message(span_danger("[user] snaps [victim]'s dislocated [limb.plaintext_zone] back into place!"), span_notice("You snap [victim]'s dislocated [limb.plaintext_zone] back into place!"), ignored_mobs=victim)
- to_chat(victim, span_userdanger("[user] snaps your dislocated [limb.plaintext_zone] back into place!"))
+ user.visible_message(span_danger("[capitalize(limb.ru_plaintext_zone[NOMINATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone)] у [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)] щелкает, когда [capitalize(user.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] вправляет ее обратно на место!"), span_notice("[capitalize(limb.ru_plaintext_zone[NOMINATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone)] у [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)] щелкает, когда Вы вправляете ее обратно на место!"), ignored_mobs=victim)
+ to_chat(victim, span_userdanger("Ваша [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[NOMINATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] щелкает, когда [capitalize(user.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] вправляет ее обратно на место!"))
limb.receive_damage(brute=20, wound_bonus=CANT_WOUND)
- user.visible_message(span_danger("[user] wrenches [victim]'s dislocated [limb.plaintext_zone] around painfully!"), span_danger("You wrench [victim]'s dislocated [limb.plaintext_zone] around painfully!"), ignored_mobs=victim)
- to_chat(victim, span_userdanger("[user] wrenches your dislocated [limb.plaintext_zone] around painfully!"))
+ user.visible_message(span_danger("[capitalize(user.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] болезнено прокручивает вывих в [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[PREPOSITIONAL] || limb.plaintext_zone] у [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)]!"), span_danger("Вы болезненно прокручиваете вывих в [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[PREPOSITIONAL] || limb.plaintext_zone] у [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)]!"), ignored_mobs=victim)
+ to_chat(victim, span_userdanger("[capitalize(user.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] болезнено прокручивает ваш вывих в [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[PREPOSITIONAL] || limb.plaintext_zone]!"))
limb.receive_damage(brute=10, wound_bonus=CANT_WOUND)
@@ -293,13 +293,13 @@
- user.visible_message(span_danger("[user] snaps [victim]'s dislocated [limb.plaintext_zone] with a sickening crack!"), span_danger("You snap [victim]'s dislocated [limb.plaintext_zone] with a sickening crack!"), ignored_mobs=victim)
- to_chat(victim, span_userdanger("[user] snaps your dislocated [limb.plaintext_zone] with a sickening crack!"))
+ user.visible_message(span_danger("[capitalize(limb.ru_plaintext_zone[NOMINATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone)] у [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)] оглушительно щелкает, ломая с болезненым хрустом вывих в [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[PREPOSITIONAL] || limb.plaintext_zone] у [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)]!"), span_danger("Вы оглушительно щелкаете, ломая с болезненым хрустом вывих в [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[PREPOSITIONAL] || limb.plaintext_zone] у [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)]!"), ignored_mobs=victim)
+ to_chat(victim, span_userdanger("Ваша [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[NOMINATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] оглушительно щелкает, ломая с болезненым хрустом вывих в [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[PREPOSITIONAL] || limb.plaintext_zone] с хрустом!"))
limb.receive_damage(brute=25, wound_bonus=30)
- user.visible_message(span_danger("[user] wrenches [victim]'s dislocated [limb.plaintext_zone] around painfully!"), span_danger("You wrench [victim]'s dislocated [limb.plaintext_zone] around painfully!"), ignored_mobs=victim)
- to_chat(victim, span_userdanger("[user] wrenches your dislocated [limb.plaintext_zone] around painfully!"))
+ user.visible_message(span_danger("[capitalize(user.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] болезнено прокручивает вывих в [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[PREPOSITIONAL] || limb.plaintext_zone] у [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)]!"), span_danger("Вы болезненно прокручиваете вывих в [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[PREPOSITIONAL] || limb.plaintext_zone] у [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)]!"), ignored_mobs=victim)
+ to_chat(victim, span_userdanger("[capitalize(user.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] болезнено прокручивает ваш вывих в [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[PREPOSITIONAL] || limb.plaintext_zone]!"))
limb.receive_damage(brute=10, wound_bonus=CANT_WOUND)
@@ -311,20 +311,20 @@
var/treatment_delay = base_treat_time * self_penalty_mult * scanned_mult
if(victim == user)
- victim.visible_message(span_danger("[user] begins [scanned ? "expertly" : ""] resetting [victim.p_their()] [limb.plaintext_zone] with [I]."), span_warning("You begin resetting your [limb.plaintext_zone] with [I][scanned ? ", keeping the holo-image's indications in mind" : ""]..."))
+ victim.visible_message(span_danger("[capitalize(user.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] начинает [scanned ? "опытно" : ""] вправлять свою [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] при помощи [I.declent_ru(GENITIVE)]."), span_warning("Вы вправляете свою [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] при помощи [I.declent_ru(GENITIVE)][scanned ? ", держа в голове показатели сканера" : ""]..."))
- user.visible_message(span_danger("[user] begins [scanned ? "expertly" : ""] resetting [victim]'s [limb.plaintext_zone] with [I]."), span_notice("You begin resetting [victim]'s [limb.plaintext_zone] with [I][scanned ? ", keeping the holo-image's indications in mind" : ""]..."))
+ user.visible_message(span_danger("[capitalize(user.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] начинает [scanned ? "опытно" : ""] вправлять [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] у [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)] при помощи [I.declent_ru(GENITIVE)]."), span_notice("Вы вправляете [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] у [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)] при помощи [I.declent_ru(GENITIVE)][scanned ? ", держа в голове показатели сканера" : ""]..."))
if(!do_after(user, treatment_delay, target = victim, extra_checks=CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(still_exists))))
if(victim == user)
limb.receive_damage(brute=15, wound_bonus=CANT_WOUND)
- victim.visible_message(span_danger("[user] finishes resetting [victim.p_their()] [limb.plaintext_zone]!"), span_userdanger("You reset your [limb.plaintext_zone]!"))
+ victim.visible_message(span_danger("[capitalize(user.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] заканчивает лечение вывиха своей [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[GENITIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone]!"), span_userdanger("Вы вправили вывих своей [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[GENITIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone]!"))
limb.receive_damage(brute=10, wound_bonus=CANT_WOUND)
- user.visible_message(span_danger("[user] finishes resetting [victim]'s [limb.plaintext_zone]!"), span_nicegreen("You finish resetting [victim]'s [limb.plaintext_zone]!"), ignored_mobs=victim)
- to_chat(victim, span_userdanger("[user] resets your [limb.plaintext_zone]!"))
+ user.visible_message(span_danger("[capitalize(user.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] заканчивает лечение вывиха [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[GENITIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] у [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)]!!"), span_nicegreen("Вы вправили вывих [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[GENITIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] у [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)]!"), ignored_mobs=victim)
+ to_chat(victim, span_userdanger("[capitalize(user.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] заканивает лечение вывиха вашей [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[GENITIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone]!"))
@@ -409,8 +409,8 @@
// doesn't make much sense for "a" bone to stick out of your head
/datum/wound/blunt/bone/critical/apply_wound(obj/item/bodypart/L, silent = FALSE, datum/wound/old_wound = null, smited = FALSE, attack_direction = null, wound_source = "Unknown", replacing = FALSE)
if(L.body_zone == BODY_ZONE_HEAD)
- occur_text = "splits open, exposing a bare, cracked skull through the flesh and blood"
- examine_desc = "has an unsettling indent, with bits of skull poking out"
+ occur_text = "раскрывается, обнажая голую, треснувшую черепную кость сквозь плоть и кровь"
+ examine_desc = "имеет тревожную вмятину, из которой торчат кусочки черепа"
. = ..()
/// if someone is using bone gel on our wound
@@ -420,10 +420,10 @@
return skelly_gel(I, user)
- to_chat(user, span_warning("[user == victim ? "Your" : "[victim]'s"] [limb.plaintext_zone] is already coated with bone gel!"))
+ to_chat(user, span_warning("[capitalize(limb.ru_plaintext_zone[NOMINATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone)] у [user == victim ? "вас" : "[victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)]"] уже покрыта костным гелем!"))
return TRUE
- user.visible_message(span_danger("[user] begins hastily applying [I] to [victim]'s' [limb.plaintext_zone]..."), span_warning("You begin hastily applying [I] to [user == victim ? "your" : "[victim]'s"] [limb.plaintext_zone], disregarding the warning label..."))
+ user.visible_message(span_danger("[capitalize(user.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] начинает в спешке наносить [I.declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)] на [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] у [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)]..."), span_warning("Вы начинаете в спешке наносить [I.declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)] на [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] у [user == victim ? "вас" : "[victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)]"] , игнорируя предупреждающую наклейку..."))
if(!do_after(user, base_treat_time * 1.5 * (user == victim ? 1.5 : 1), target = victim, extra_checks=CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(still_exists))))
return TRUE
@@ -431,15 +431,15 @@
if(user != victim)
- user.visible_message(span_notice("[user] finishes applying [I] to [victim]'s [limb.plaintext_zone], emitting a fizzing noise!"), span_notice("You finish applying [I] to [victim]'s [limb.plaintext_zone]!"), ignored_mobs=victim)
- to_chat(victim, span_userdanger("[user] finishes applying [I] to your [limb.plaintext_zone], and you can feel the bones exploding with pain as they begin melting and reforming!"))
+ user.visible_message(span_notice("[capitalize(user.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] заканчивает нанесение [I.declent_ru(GENITIVE)] на [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] у [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)], раздаётся шипящий звук!"), span_notice("Вы заканчиваете нанесение [I.declent_ru(GENITIVE)] на [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] у [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)]!"), ignored_mobs=victim)
+ to_chat(victim, span_userdanger("[capitalize(user.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] завершает нанесение [I.declent_ru(GENITIVE)] на вашу [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone], и вы чувствуете, как кости взрываются болью, когда начинают плавиться и реформироваться!"))
if(prob(25 + (20 * (severity - 2)) - min(victim.get_drunk_amount(), 10))) // 25%/45% chance to fail self-applying with severe and critical wounds, modded by drunkenness
- victim.visible_message(span_danger("[victim] fails to finish applying [I] to [victim.p_their()] [limb.plaintext_zone], passing out from the pain!"), span_notice("You pass out from the pain of applying [I] to your [limb.plaintext_zone] before you can finish!"))
+ victim.visible_message(span_danger("[capitalize(victim.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] не успевает завершить нанесение [I.declent_ru(GENITIVE)] на свою [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone], теряя сознание от боли!"), span_notice("Вы теряете сознание от боли при нанесении [I.declent_ru(GENITIVE)] на вашу [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone], не успев завершить!"))
victim.AdjustUnconscious(5 SECONDS)
return TRUE
- victim.visible_message(span_notice("[victim] finishes applying [I] to [victim.p_their()] [limb.plaintext_zone], grimacing from the pain!"), span_notice("You finish applying [I] to your [limb.plaintext_zone], and your bones explode in pain!"))
+ victim.visible_message(span_notice("[capitalize(victim.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] завершает наносить [I.declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)] на свою [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone], корча лицо от боли!"), span_notice("Вы завершаете нанесение [I.declent_ru(GENITIVE)] на свою [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone], и ваши кости отдают страшной болью!"))
limb.receive_damage(25, wound_bonus=CANT_WOUND)
@@ -449,20 +449,20 @@
/// skellies are less averse to bone gel, since they're literally all bone
/datum/wound/blunt/bone/proc/skelly_gel(obj/item/stack/medical/bone_gel/I, mob/user)
- to_chat(user, span_warning("[user == victim ? "Your" : "[victim]'s"] [limb.plaintext_zone] is already coated with bone gel!"))
+ to_chat(user, span_warning("[capitalize(limb.ru_plaintext_zone[NOMINATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone)] у [user == victim ? "вас" : "[victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)]"] уже покрыта костным гелем!"))
- user.visible_message(span_danger("[user] begins applying [I] to [victim]'s' [limb.plaintext_zone]..."), span_warning("You begin applying [I] to [user == victim ? "your" : "[victim]'s"] [limb.plaintext_zone]..."))
+ user.visible_message(span_danger("[capitalize(user.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] начинает наносить [I.declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)] на [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] у [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)]..."), span_warning("Вы начинаете наносить [I.declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)] на [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] у [user == victim ? "вас" : "[victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)]"]..."))
if(!do_after(user, base_treat_time * (user == victim ? 1.5 : 1), target = victim, extra_checks=CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(still_exists))))
if(user != victim)
- user.visible_message(span_notice("[user] finishes applying [I] to [victim]'s [limb.plaintext_zone], emitting a fizzing noise!"), span_notice("You finish applying [I] to [victim]'s [limb.plaintext_zone]!"), ignored_mobs=victim)
- to_chat(victim, span_userdanger("[user] finishes applying [I] to your [limb.plaintext_zone], and you feel a funny fizzy tickling as they begin to reform!"))
+ user.visible_message(span_notice("[capitalize(user.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] завершает нанесение [I.declent_ru(GENITIVE)] на [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] у [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)], издавая шипящий звук!"), span_notice("Вы завершаете нанесение [I.declent_ru(GENITIVE)] на [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] у [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)]!"), ignored_mobs=victim)
+ to_chat(victim, span_userdanger("[capitalize(user.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] завершает нанесение [I.declent_ru(GENITIVE)] на вашу [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone], и вы чувствуете странное щекочущее покалывание, пока кости начинают восстанавливаться!"))
- victim.visible_message(span_notice("[victim] finishes applying [I] to [victim.p_their()] [limb.plaintext_zone], emitting a funny fizzing sound!"), span_notice("You finish applying [I] to your [limb.plaintext_zone], and feel a funny fizzy tickling as the bone begins to reform!"))
+ victim.visible_message(span_notice("[capitalize(victim.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] завершает нанесение [I.declent_ru(GENITIVE)] на свою [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone], издавая забавный шипящий звук!"), span_notice("Вы завершаете нанесение [I.declent_ru(GENITIVE)] на вашу [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] и чувствуете странное щекочущее покалывание, пока кость начинает восстанавливаться!"))
gelled = TRUE
processes = TRUE
@@ -471,13 +471,13 @@
/// if someone is using surgical tape on our wound
/datum/wound/blunt/bone/proc/tape(obj/item/stack/sticky_tape/surgical/I, mob/user)
- to_chat(user, span_warning("[user == victim ? "Your" : "[victim]'s"] [limb.plaintext_zone] must be coated with bone gel to perform this emergency operation!"))
+ to_chat(user, span_warning("[capitalize(limb.ru_plaintext_zone[NOMINATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone)] у [user == victim ? "вас" : "[victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)]"] должна быть покрыта костным гелем, чтобы выполнить эту экстренную операцию!"))
return TRUE
- to_chat(user, span_warning("[user == victim ? "Your" : "[victim]'s"] [limb.plaintext_zone] is already wrapped in [] and reforming!"))
+ to_chat(user, span_warning("[capitalize(limb.ru_plaintext_zone[NOMINATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone)] у [user == victim ? "вас" : "[victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)]"] уже обработана [I.declent_ru(INSTRUMENTAL)] и восстанавливается!"))
return TRUE
- user.visible_message(span_danger("[user] begins applying [I] to [victim]'s' [limb.plaintext_zone]..."), span_warning("You begin applying [I] to [user == victim ? "your" : "[victim]'s"] [limb.plaintext_zone]..."))
+ user.visible_message(span_danger("[capitalize(user.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] начинает наносить [I.declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)] на [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] у [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)]..."), span_warning("Вы начинаете наносить [I.declent_ru(ACCUSATIVE)] на [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] у [user == victim ? "вас" : "[victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)]"] ..."))
if(!do_after(user, base_treat_time * (user == victim ? 1.5 : 1), target = victim, extra_checks=CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(still_exists))))
return TRUE
@@ -487,10 +487,10 @@
if(user != victim)
- user.visible_message(span_notice("[user] finishes applying [I] to [victim]'s [limb.plaintext_zone], emitting a fizzing noise!"), span_notice("You finish applying [I] to [victim]'s [limb.plaintext_zone]!"), ignored_mobs=victim)
- to_chat(victim, span_green("[user] finishes applying [I] to your [limb.plaintext_zone], you immediately begin to feel your bones start to reform!"))
+ user.visible_message(span_notice("[capitalize(user.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] завершает нанесение [I.declent_ru(GENITIVE)] на [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] у [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)], издавая шипящий звук!"), span_notice("Вы завершаете нанесение [I.declent_ru(GENITIVE)] на [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] у [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)]!"), ignored_mobs=victim)
+ to_chat(victim, span_green("[capitalize(user.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] завершает нанесение [I.declent_ru(GENITIVE)] на вашу [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone], и вы сразу начинаете чувствовать, как ваши кости начинают восстанавливаться!"))
- victim.visible_message(span_notice("[victim] finishes applying [I] to [victim.p_their()] [limb.plaintext_zone], !"), span_green("You finish applying [I] to your [limb.plaintext_zone], and you immediately begin to feel your bones start to reform!"))
+ victim.visible_message(span_notice("[capitalize(victim.declent_ru(NOMINATIVE))] завершает нанесение [I.declent_ru(GENITIVE)] на свою [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone], !"), span_green("Вы завершаете нанесение [I.declent_ru(GENITIVE)] на вашу [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone], и вы сразу начинаете чувствовать, как ваши кости начинают восстанавливаться!"))
taped = TRUE
processes = TRUE
@@ -510,19 +510,19 @@
if((limb.biological_state & BIO_BONE) && !(limb.biological_state & BIO_FLESH))
- . += "Recommended Treatment: Apply bone gel directly to injured limb. Creatures of pure bone don't seem to mind bone gel application nearly as much as fleshed individuals. Surgical tape will also be unnecessary.\n"
+ . += "Рекомендуемое лечение: Нанесите костный гель непосредственно на поврежденную конечность. Существо из костей, похоже, не так сильно реагирует на нанесение костного геля, как особь с плотью. Хирургическая лента также будет ненужен.\n"
- . += "[span_notice("Note: Bone regeneration in effect. Bone is [round(regen_ticks_current*100/regen_ticks_needed)]% regenerated.")]\n"
+ . += "[span_notice("Примечание: Регенерация костей в процессе. Кости восстановлены на [round(regen_ticks_current*100/regen_ticks_needed)]%.")]\n"
- . += "Alternative Treatment: Apply bone gel directly to injured limb, then apply surgical tape to begin bone regeneration. This is both excruciatingly painful and slow, and only recommended in dire circumstances.\n"
+ . += "Альтернативное лечение: Нанесите костный гель непосредственно на поврежденную конечность, затем нанесите хирургическую ленту, чтобы начать регенерацию костей. Это крайне болезненно и медленно, рекомендуется только в крайних случаях.\n"
else if(!taped)
- . += "[span_notice("Continue Alternative Treatment: Apply surgical tape directly to injured limb to begin bone regeneration. Note, this is both excruciatingly painful and slow, though sleep or laying down will speed recovery.")]\n"
+ . += "[span_notice("Продолжайте альтернативное лечение: Нанесите хирургическую ленту непосредственно на поврежденную конечность, чтобы начать регенерацию костей. Обратите внимание, что это крайне болезненно и медленно, хотя сон или лежание ускорят восстановление.")]\n"
- . += "[span_notice("Note: Bone regeneration in effect. Bone is [round(regen_ticks_current*100/regen_ticks_needed)]% regenerated.")]\n"
+ . += "[span_notice("Примечание: Регенерация костей в процессе. Кости восстановлены на [round(regen_ticks_current*100/regen_ticks_needed)]%.")]\n"
if(limb.body_zone == BODY_ZONE_HEAD)
- . += "Cranial Trauma Detected: Patient will suffer random bouts of [severity == WOUND_SEVERITY_SEVERE ? "mild" : "severe"] brain traumas until bone is repaired."
+ . += "Обнаружена черепная травма: Пациент будет страдать от случайных приступов [severity == WOUND_SEVERITY_SEVERE ? "незначительных" : "серьезных"] травм головного мозга до восстановления кости."
else if(limb.body_zone == BODY_ZONE_CHEST && victim.blood_volume)
- . += "Ribcage Trauma Detected: Further trauma to chest is likely to worsen internal bleeding until bone is repaired."
+ . += "Обнаружена травма грудной клетки: Дальнейшая травма груди, вероятно, усугубит внутреннее кровотечение до восстановления кости."
. += ""
diff --git a/code/datums/wounds/ b/code/datums/wounds/
index e482de6c81959..5859388cbf4fd 100644
--- a/code/datums/wounds/
+++ b/code/datums/wounds/
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
if(strikes_to_lose_limb <= 0) // we've already hit sepsis, nothing more to do
victim.adjustToxLoss(0.25 * seconds_per_tick)
if(SPT_PROB(0.5, seconds_per_tick))
- victim.visible_message(span_danger("The infection on the remnants of [victim]'s [limb.plaintext_zone] shift and bubble nauseatingly!"), span_warning("You can feel the infection on the remnants of your [limb.plaintext_zone] coursing through your veins!"), vision_distance = COMBAT_MESSAGE_RANGE)
+ victim.visible_message(span_danger("Инфекция на остатках [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[GENITIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] у [victim.declent_ru(GENITIVE)] тошнотворно пузырится!"), span_warning("Вы чувствуете, как инфекция на остатках вашей [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[GENITIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] проникает в ваши вены!"), vision_distance = COMBAT_MESSAGE_RANGE)
for(var/datum/reagent/reagent as anything in victim.reagents.reagent_list)
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
// here's the check to see if we're cleared up
if((flesh_damage <= 0) && (infestation <= WOUND_INFECTION_MODERATE))
- to_chat(victim, span_green("The burns on your [limb.plaintext_zone] have cleared up!"))
+ to_chat(victim, span_green("Ожоги на вашей [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[PREPOSITIONAL] || limb.plaintext_zone] зажили!"))
@@ -88,16 +88,16 @@
if(SPT_PROB(15, seconds_per_tick))
- to_chat(victim, span_warning("The blisters on your [limb.plaintext_zone] ooze a strange pus..."))
+ to_chat(victim, span_warning("Волдыри на вашей [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[PREPOSITIONAL] || limb.plaintext_zone] выделяют странный гной..."))
if(SPT_PROB(1, seconds_per_tick))
- to_chat(victim, span_warning("Your [limb.plaintext_zone] completely locks up, as you struggle for control against the infection!"))
+ to_chat(victim, span_warning("Ваша [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] полностью утратила чувствительность, и вы боретесь за контроль над инфекцией!"))
else if(SPT_PROB(4, seconds_per_tick))
- to_chat(victim, span_notice("You regain sensation in your [limb.plaintext_zone], but it's still in terrible shape!"))
+ to_chat(victim, span_notice("Вы вновь чувствуете свою [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone], но она по-прежнему в ужасном состоянии!"))
@@ -107,17 +107,17 @@
if(SPT_PROB(1.5, seconds_per_tick))
- to_chat(victim, span_warning("You suddenly lose all sensation of the festering infection in your [limb.plaintext_zone]!"))
+ to_chat(victim, span_warning("Вы внезапно теряете все ощущения от гнойной инфекции в вашей [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[PREPOSITIONAL] || limb.plaintext_zone]!"))
else if(SPT_PROB(1.5, seconds_per_tick))
- to_chat(victim, span_notice("You can barely feel your [limb.plaintext_zone] again, and you have to strain to retain motor control!"))
+ to_chat(victim, span_notice("Вы едва чувствуете свою [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] снова, и вам нужно напрягаться, чтобы сохранить контроль над моторикой!"))
if(SPT_PROB(2.48, seconds_per_tick))
- to_chat(victim, span_warning("You contemplate life without your [limb.plaintext_zone]..."))
+ to_chat(victim, span_warning("Вы размышляете о жизни без своей [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[GENITIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone]..."))
@@ -127,49 +127,49 @@
if(2 to INFINITY)
- to_chat(victim, span_deadsay("The infection in your [limb.plaintext_zone] is literally dripping off, you feel horrible!"))
+ to_chat(victim, span_deadsay("Инфекция в вашей [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[PREPOSITIONAL] || limb.plaintext_zone] буквально сочится, вы чувствуете себя ужасно!"))
- to_chat(victim, span_deadsay("Infection has just about completely claimed your [limb.plaintext_zone]!"))
+ to_chat(victim, span_deadsay("Инфекция почти полностью захватила вашу [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[ACCUSATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone]!"))
- to_chat(victim, span_deadsay("The last of the nerve endings in your [limb.plaintext_zone] wither away, as the infection completely paralyzes your joint connector."))
+ to_chat(victim, span_deadsay("Последние нервные окончания в вашей [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[PREPOSITIONAL] || limb.plaintext_zone] увядают, пока инфекция полностью парализует ваш сустав."))
threshold_penalty = 120 // piss easy to destroy
. = ..()
if(new_value && strikes_to_lose_limb <= 0)
- treat_text_short = "Amputate or augment limb immediately, or place the patient into cryogenics."
+ treat_text_short = "Ампутируйте или аугментируйте конечность немедленно, или поместите пациента в криогенику."
treat_text_short = initial(treat_text_short)
if(strikes_to_lose_limb <= 0)
- return span_deadsay("[victim.p_Their()] [limb.plaintext_zone] has locked up completely and is non-functional.")
+ return span_deadsay("[capitalize(victim.ru_p_them())] [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[NOMINATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] полностью обезжизнена и не функционирует.")
- var/list/condition = list("[victim.p_Their()] [limb.plaintext_zone] [examine_desc]")
+ var/list/condition = list("[capitalize(victim.ru_p_them())] [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[NOMINATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] [examine_desc]")
if(0 to 1.25)
- bandage_condition = "nearly ruined"
+ bandage_condition = "почти спала"
if(1.25 to 2.75)
- bandage_condition = "badly worn"
+ bandage_condition = "сильно износилась"
if(2.75 to 4)
- bandage_condition = "slightly stained"
+ bandage_condition = "слегка запачкана кровью"
if(4 to INFINITY)
- bandage_condition = "clean"
+ bandage_condition = "чиста"
- condition += " underneath a dressing of [bandage_condition] []"
+ condition += ", и перевязана [limb.current_gauze.declent_ru(INSTRUMENTAL)]. Повязка [bandage_condition]!"
- condition += ", [span_deadsay("with early signs of infection.")]"
+ condition += ", [span_deadsay("и видны ранние признаки инфекции.")]"
- condition += ", [span_deadsay("with growing clouds of infection.")]"
+ condition += ", [span_deadsay("и видны растущие облака инфекции.")]"
- condition += ", [span_deadsay("with streaks of rotten infection!")]"
+ condition += ", [span_deadsay("и видны полосы гнилой инфекции!")]"
- return span_deadsay("[victim.p_Their()] [limb.plaintext_zone] is a mess of charred skin and infected rot!")
+ return span_deadsay("[capitalize(victim.ru_p_them())] [limb.ru_plaintext_zone[NOMINATIVE] || limb.plaintext_zone] представляет собой мессиво из обожженной кожи и зараженного гниения!")
condition += "!"
@@ -177,46 +177,46 @@
/datum/wound/burn/flesh/severity_text(simple = FALSE)
. = ..()
- . += " Burn / "
+ . += " Ожог / "
- . += "No"
+ . += "Отсутствует"
- . += "Moderate"
+ . += "Умеренная"
- . += "Severe"
+ . += "Серьезная"
- . += "Critical"
+ . += "Критическая"
- . += "Total"
- . += " Infection"
+ . += "Полностью распространенная"
+ . += " инфекция"
if(strikes_to_lose_limb <= 0) // Unclear if it can go below 0, best to not take the chance
- var/oopsie = "Type: [name]
Severity: [severity_text()]"
- oopsie += "