.. toctree:: :hidden: index /user-manual/index /admin-manual/index
Manual for Archivematica users explaining functionality and configuration operations performed through the user interface.
- :ref:`What is Archivematica? <intro>`
- :ref:`Web-based dashboard <web-dashboard>`
- :ref:`Technical architecture <technical-arch>`
- :ref:`Micro-services <micro-services>`
- :ref:`General description <transfer>`
- :ref:`Create a transfer <create-transfer>`
- :ref:`Create a transfer with submission documentation <create-submission>`
- :ref:`Create a transfer with existing checksums <transfer-checksums>`
- :ref:`Process the transfer <process-transfer>`
- :ref:`Extract packages <extract-packages>`
- :ref:`Import metadata <import-metadata>`
- :ref:`Manage a backlog <manage-backlog>`
- :ref:`Bags (Library of Congress Bagit format) <bags>`
- :ref:`Digitized files <digitized>`
- :ref:`Forensic images <forensic>`
- :ref:`DSpace exports <dspace>`
- :ref:`ContentDM (transfer and ingest) <contentdm>`
- :ref:`General description <ingest>`
- :ref:`Create a SIP <create-sip>`
- :ref:`Arrange a SIP from backlog <arrange-sip>`
- :ref:`Add metadata <add-metadata>`
- :ref:`Add PREMIS rights <add-rights>`
- :ref:`Normalize <normalize>`
- :ref:`Store the AIP <store-aip>`
- :ref:`Reingest AIP <reingest>`
- :ref:`Manual normalization <manual-norm>`
- :ref:`General description <archival-storage>`
- :ref:`Store the AIP <storing-aip>`
- :ref:`Search the AIP store <search-aip>`
- :ref:`Delete an AIP <delete-aip>`
- :ref:`AIP structure <aip-structure>`
- :ref:`AICs <aic>`- managing multi-part AIPs
- :ref:`General description <access>`
- :ref:`Upload DIP to AtoM <upload-atom>`
- :ref:`Store DIP <store-dip>`
- :ref:`Upload DIP metadata to Archivists' Toolkit <archivists-toolkit>`
- :ref:`Upload DIP to ContentDM <contentdm>`
- :ref:`General description <preservation-planning>`
- :ref:`Preservation planning tab <pres-tab>`
- :ref:`FPR Format Policy Registry <fpr>`
- :ref:`Preservation policies <pres-policies>`
- :ref:`Dashboard administration tab <dashboard-admin>`
- :ref:`Update Format Policy Registry (FPR) <fpr-update>`
- :ref:`Storage service users <storageservice:users>`
- :ref:`Import metadata <import-metadata>`
- :ref:`PREMIS <premis-template>`
- :ref:`Dublin Core <dublin_core>`
Manual for Systems Administrators covering installation, configuration, set-up and maintenance of Archivematica and related systems.
- :ref:`Installation <installation>`
- :ref:`Storage Service <storageservice:administrators>`
- :ref:`Dashboard Administration tab <dashboard-config>`
- :ref:`Format Policy Registry (FPR) <fpr:index>`
- :ref:`Customization and automation <customization>`
- :ref:`Duracloud setup <duracloud-setup>`