- Added tooltip module.
- Added images-fluid module.
- Allow direct extending of button/core styles mixin via content.
- Added ui-fluid component for fluid image and ratio handling.
- Allow custom content on styles() mixin for following modules wrap, button-core, button-styled and icons-core.
- Added and updated so css icons.
- Additional minor tweaks.
- Fixed abstract/config mixin empty data check.
- Removed colors default attributes.
- Color names that match a css color name must be quoted or color generation will prevent corresponding color utilities from rendering.
- Added fastforward icon.
- Minor button improvements.
- Changed filesystem structure for better imports and autocompletion.
- Added more icons.
- Some button module tweaks and improvements.
- Added a basic button styles module, core and styled variant.
- Added all() function to font module to get the full fonts map.
- Added merge-optional abstract function.
- Extended properties mixin with media.query support.
- Removed the js placeholder.
- Remove local css maps.
- Move example util.scss to its own folder.
- Updated build script arguments.
- Fixed a flow control typo/deprecation.
- Fixed a division deprecation and replaced with math.div.
- Added mixin wordbreak.
- Added icons module with styled css icons and images icon helpers.
- Added a bunch of default styles icons.
- Breaking changes!
- Complete module refactor, rebased all code for use syntax with configuration variables and mixins.
- Improved error handling and namespacing.
- Added images.assets and images.decals module.
- Added mobile.classic default media query.
- Added button cursor and fieldset border to reset styles.
- Added mobile-mini, mobile-medium, mobile-large, desktop-mini and desktop-classic default media queries.
- Added prototype fn-spacing dynamic padding/margin/inset list value generator.
- Added margin and padding "0" to button/inputs reset.
- Added mobile-tablet default media query.
- Added media desktop-nano as 1152px break point.
- Fixed example data query references for small to mobile-small.
- Fixed media defaults to ensure unique initials.
- Updated all corresponding default vars with media changes.
- Fixed util-break class names missing dash separator.
- Fixed util-prefix default value.
- Added basic util class customizations.
- Added details and summary to reset styles.
- Updated style export to use the minified build.
- Updated dev dependencies.
- Added colors generator, generates css vars and supplies a list of names generated.
- Added color utilities, defaults include color, border-color and background-color.
- Added fn-dynamic-default-args to handle dynamic default arguments.
- Fixed mx-bem query issues and reduced to one query marker.
- Migrated to new sass module functions.
- Improved readme docs.
- Added fn-has-query to check strings for query parts.
- Added fn-is-query to check if string is a query.
- Added str-split completed version with no-empty option.
- Improved and extended nesting options for mx-bem mixin.
- Added customizable query prefix and marker strings.
- Added no-max option to mx-font-fluid and mx-font-fluid-base to prevent the upper min query from being rendered.
- Improved font util declaration handling.
- Added some work in progress default wrap styles.
- Added some work in progress default font styles.
- Added box-sizing for pseudo before and after elements.
- Fixed some typos.
- Added a readme overview of contents.
- Switched builder to @squirrel-forge/build-scss.
- Updated package data.
- Added .browserslistrc
- Core features prototype.