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ZCM Step-by-Step Tutorial

We believe the best way to learn new things is to just dive in and start making mistakes. It's only by making those early mistakes that one truly can understand the folly of one's ways and to grow as a result. So, without further ado, let's get started.

Basic Types

To understand ZCM, we must start by discussing its message type-system. Every message sent inside ZCM can be tied back to some message specification. Let's explore this with a simple, yet practical example. Imagine that we have a typical rotation sensor such as an IMU or Gyro. Our sensor produces yaw, pitch, and roll measurements as well as a few flags describing it's mode of operation. If we were programming in just C code, we might design a struct type as follows:

struct rotation_t
    double yaw;
    double pitch;
    double roll;
    int   flags;

In ZCM, we aim to retain this rich data structuring and layout while still being able to do powerful message-passing in numerous different programming languages. To do this, we use a programming-language-agnostic type specification language. Fortunately for our example above, it is very similar to C struct syntax. Here it is:

struct rotation_t
    double yaw;
    double pitch;
    double roll;
    int32_t flags;

The ZCM type is almost an exact copy. The key difference here is that in C 'int' is not strictly defined. An 'int' can be a different size depending on the machine the software runs on. Because a ZCM Type is a binary data-exchange format, it needs to have rigourously defined types that mean the same thing on each machine. Here's a brief table of the default built-in types:

int8_t 8-bit signed integer
int16_t 16-bit signed integer
int32_t 32-bit signed integer
int64_t 64-bit signed integer
float 32-bit IEEE floating point value
double 64-bit IEEE floating point value
string UTF-8 string
boolean true/false logical value
byte 8-bit value

Believe it or not, this is all the basic knowledge needed to get started. Let's dive into code, and build a working program using ZCM!

Hello World

Let's build a canonical Hello World message-passing program on top of ZCM. For this we will need two programs. One program will create and publish new messages and the other program will subscribe to and receive those messages.

Hello World Types

First, let's create a new zcm type in the file msg_t.zcm

struct msg_t
    string str;

We can now use the zcm-gen tool to convert this type specification into bindings for many different programming languages. We will be using C code for this example, so run:

zcm-gen -c msg_t.zcm

This command will produce two new files in the current directory (msg_t.h and msg_t.c). Feel free to browse these files for a moment to get a rough idea of how zcm-gen works. Notice that zcm-gen has converted the string to a native C type. ZCM always tries to use the native data types in each programming langauge, so the programming experience doesn't feel foreign.

typedef struct _msg_t msg_t;
struct _msg_t
     char*      str;

Hello World Publish

For most simple programs, the only include needed is the basic zcm, but we also need to include our msg_t header

#include <zcm/zcm.h>
#include <msg_t.h>

In the main function we have to create a zcm instance that will manage the communications. Here, you decide which transport protocol to use and provide an appropriate url. For this example, we'll use Inter-process Communication (IPC):

zcm_t *zcm = zcm_create("ipc");

Finally, we simply construct a msg_t and then publish it repeatedly:

msg_t msg;
msg.str = (char*)"Hello, World!";

while (1) {
    msg_t_publish(zcm, "HELLO_WORLD", &msg);
    usleep(1000000); /* sleep for a second */

And that's it! Here's the full program (publish.c):

#include <unistd.h>
#include <zcm/zcm.h>
#include <msg_t.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    zcm_t *zcm = zcm_create("ipc");

    msg_t msg;
    msg.str = (char*)"Hello, World!";

    while (1) {
        msg_t_publish(zcm, "HELLO_WORLD", &msg);
        usleep(1000000); /* sleep for a second */

    return 0;

Building and running:

cc -o publish -I. publish.c msg_t.c -lzcm

If you have the java ZCM tools installed, you should be able to run zcm-spy and see the published messages now!

zcm-spy --zcm-url ipc

Notice how you are unable to decode the messages inside of zcm-spy, as it does not know your message types. For a guide on properly use zcm-spy and the rest of the zcm tooling see Tools

Hello World Subscribe

Let's build a program to receive those messages. We'll start off the same as before by adding the headers and creating a new zcm_t* instance. Then, we need to subscribe to the particular channel. But, first we need to create a callback function to handle all the received messages:

void callback_handler(const zcm_recv_buf_t *rbuf, const char *channel, const msg_t *msg, void *usr)
    printf("Received a message on channel '%s'\n", channel);
    printf("msg->str = '%s'\n", msg->str);

Now, in the main() function, we need to register this callback by subscribing:

msg_t_subscribe(zcm, "HELLO_WORLD", callback_handler, NULL);

Finally, in order to dispatch messages to the callbacks, ZCM needs a thread. So, we call into zcm to tell it to consume the current thread and use it for dispatching any incoming messages (zcm_run doesn't normally return):


And that's it! Here's the full program (subscribe.c):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <zcm/zcm.h>
#include <msg_t.h>

void callback_handler(const zcm_recv_buf_t *rbuf, const char *channel, const msg_t *msg, void *usr)
    printf("Received a message on channel '%s'\n", channel);
    printf("msg->str = '%s'\n", msg->str);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    zcm_t *zcm = zcm_create("ipc");
    msg_t_subscribe(zcm, "HELLO_WORLD", callback_handler, NULL);


    return 0;

Building and running:

cc -o subscribe -I. subscribe.c msg_t.c -lzcm

Now, with both ./publish and ./subscribe running, you should successfully see a stream of data in the subscribe window!

Received a message on channel 'HELLO_WORLD'
msg->str = 'Hello, World!'

Type Safety

Another super useful feature of the ZCM type system is its type-checking capabilities. These type checks make it hard to accidentally change message types without updating programs that rely on them. For a mission critical system such as a robotics system, this is a crucial feature.

Let's explore by example. Let's revisit our msg_t type and add a new field, changing it to look as follows:

struct msg_t
    boolean can_frobinate;
    string str;

Adding this new field has changed the type's encoding and any existing program not aware of the change might decode the wrong bytes! Let's regenerate the zcmtypes:

zcm-gen -c msg_t.zcm && cat msg_t.h

The msg_t.h file now contains:

/* ... code removed ... */
typedef struct _msg_t msg_t;
struct _msg_t
    int8_t     can_frobinate;
    char*      str;
/* ... code removed ... */

Evolving a message in this way would normally eliminate any chance at backward compatibility, but these things can happen accidentally and can introduce bugs that are tricky to track-down. To show how ZCM detects this issue. Let's change publish.c to use the new type:

msg.can_frobinate = 0;

If we rebuild the publisher and try running it with the old subscriber, the subscriber reports:

error -1 decoding msg_t!!!

The decoder was able to successfully determine a mismatch, and correctly rejected the incoming data. How does this work? Well, internally ZCM computes a hash code for each type based on the individual field types and their orderings. If any of these types change or get re-ordered, existing programs will detect a hashcode mismatch and will refuse to decode the received data!

Advanced ZCM Types

With a firm grasp of the ZCM tools and environment, we can start exploring some of the more advanced topics in ZCM. Let's begin with the more advanced features of the ZCM type system.

Nested Types

As discussed earlier, ZCM types are strongly-typed statically-defined records that may contain any number of fields. These fields can use a wide set of primitive data types. However, this system is much more powerful than containing only primitive types. The ZCM type system can support nested types as well.

Let's see an example (nested_types.zcm):

struct position_t
    double x, y, z;

struct cfg_t
    position_t cam1;
    position_t laser1;

Generate the bindings:

zcm-gen -c nested_types.zcm

This generates the types position_t and cfg_t.


/* ... code removed ... */
typedef struct _position_t position_t;
struct _position_t
    double     x;
    double     y;
    double     z;
/* ... code removed ... */


/* ... code removed ... */
typedef struct _cfg_t cfg_t;
struct _cfg_t
    position_t cam1;
    position_t laser1;
/* ... code removed ... */

As you can see, cfg_t can be used in the same same way as any other zcmtype. The type nesting just works! Note that currently, nested types are not supported by the nodejs zcm bindings. If this is a huge pain for you, speak up!

Array Types

As with any programming language type system, array data types are often desired in a message. To this end, ZCM supports two different kinds of array types: static and dynamic sized. As you'd expect, statically size array use the same familiar C-style syntax:

struct st_array_t
    int32_t data[8];

Dynamic arrays are similar with an additional size field:

struct dyn_array_t
    int64_t sz;
    int32_t data[sz];

For dynamic arrays, the size parameter may be any integer type: int8_t, int16_t, int32_t, or int64_t

Consistent with ZCM's philosophy, these types generate language bindings that use the language-specific idioms:

C code:

/* ... code removed ... */
typedef struct _st_array_t st_array_t;
struct _st_array_t
    int32_t    data[8];
/* ... code removed ... */

/* ... code removed ... */
typedef struct _dyn_array_t dyn_array_t;
struct _dyn_array_t
    int64_t    sz;
    int32_t    *data;
/* ... code removed ... */

C++ code:

class st_array_t
        int32_t    data[8];

    /* ... code removed ... */

class dyn_array_t
        int64_t    sz;

        std::vector< int32_t > data;

    /* ... code removed ... */

Note that the size parameter must be declared before the array type, otherwise zcm wont yet know how big of an array it should be decoding when it goes to decode it!

Multi-dimmension Arrays

ZCM also supports multiple dimensions on arrays. You can also mix static-sized and dynamic-sized arrays along different dimensions:

struct multdim_t
    int32_t dim1;
    int32_t dim2;
    int32_t dim3;

    float array1[dim1][8][dim3];
    float array2[2][dim2][5];


ZCM supports consts embedded in the type. These constants occupy no space in the resulting serialization: they are only present in the language-specific generated code. Common uses for consts are for emulating enum types and for defining flags and masks:

struct consts_t
    const int32_t VAL_FOO = 0;
    const int32_t VAL_BAR = 1;
    const int32_t VAL_BAZ = 2;
    int32_t val;

    const int32_t FLAG_A = 1;
    const int32_t FLAG_B = 2;
    const int32_t FLAG_C = 4;
    const int32_t MASK_AB = 0x03;
    int32_t flags;

    const float secs_per_tick = 0.01;
    float ticks;

Closing Thoughts on Types

The ZCM type system is incredibly rich, flexible, and composable. Nearly each of these features can be used independent of or in conjunction with the others. This allows users to create rich and interesting message types with ease. For a rigorous definition of the ZCM type system, see the ZCM Type System.

Next Steps

At this point you should know enough about ZCM to implement many interesting applications. The essence of ZCM defining ZCMTypes, coding to the pub/sub APIs, and debugging using the built-in tool suite. This covers about 90% of the typical ZCM development workflow.

But, there is much more to ZCM, so we recommend a few next steps below:

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