diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index 2ea25281..1a72fb63 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -3463,6 +3463,7 @@
accountId required | string Example: accountId=act-123456789 The ID of the account associated with your token. |
required | object The specification of the Ocean cluster. | ||||||||||||||||||
{- "cluster": {
- "name": "test",
- "controllerClusterId": "test-123124",
- "gke": {
- "clusterName": "test-cluster",
- "masterLocation": "us-central1-a"
}, - "autoScaler": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cooldown": 180,
- "resourceLimits": {
- "maxMemoryGib": 1500,
- "maxVcpu": 750
}, - "down": {
- "evaluationPeriods": 3,
- "maxScaleDownPercentage": 30,
- "aggressiveScaleDown": {
- "isEnabled": false
}, - "headRoom": {
- "cpuPerUnit": 0,
- "memoryPerUnit": 0,
- "gpuPerUnit": 0,
- "numOfUnit": 0
}, - "isAutoConfig": false,
- "autoHeadroomPercentage": null,
- "enableAutomaticAndManualHeadroom": true
}, - "capacity": {
- "minimum": 0,
- "maximum": 3,
- "target": 3
}, - "strategy": {
- "drainingTimeout": 60,
- "provisioningModel": "SPOT",
- "preemptiblePercentage": 100,
- "shouldUtilizeCommitments": true
}, - "scheduling": {
- "shutdownHours": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "timeWindows": [
- [
- "Fri:15:30-Wed:14:30",
- "Wed:15:30-Thu:18:30"
}, - "tasks": [
- {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cronExpression": "0 1 * * *",
- "taskType": "clusterRoll",
- "parameters": {
- "clusterRoll": {
- "batchSizePercentage": 20,
- "comment": "This is why I deployed my cluster.",
- "batchMinHealthyPercentage": 100,
- "respectPdb": true
}, - "security": {
- "containerImage": {
- "approvedImages": [
- [
- "gce.io/*",
- "docker.*"
}, - "compute": {
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- "network": "default",
- "projectId": "test-project",
- "accessConfigs": {
- "name": "external-nat",
- "type": "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT"
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- "subnetworkRangeName": "gke-test-native-vpc-pods-5cb557f7"
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- "name": "https",
- "ports": [
- 443,
- 8443
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- "availabilityZones": [
- "us-west1-a"
], - "instanceTypes": {
- "whitelist": [
- "n1-standard-2"
], - "blacklist": [
- "n2d-highcpu-96"
], - "filters": {
- "minVcpu": 2,
- "maxVcpu": 16,
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- "maxMemoryGiB": 16,
- "includeFamilies": [
- "c2",
- "c3"
], - "excludeFamilies": [
- "n2",
- "c3"
}, - "preferredTypes": [
- "c3d-standard-4",
- "c3d-standard-8"
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- "key": "example_key1",
- "value": "exmample_value1"
}, - "tags": [
- "gke-cluster-name-12345-node"
], - "ipForwarding": true,
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- "serviceAccount": "265168459660-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com",
- "labels": [
- {
- "key": "spotinst-gke-original-node-pool",
- "value": "test-native-vpc__default-pool"
], - "rootVolumeSizeInGb": 100,
- "rootVolumeType": "pd-standard",
- "shieldedInstanceConfig": {
- "enableSecureBoot": true,
- "enableIntegrityMonitoring": true
}, - "useAsTemplateOnly": false
{- "request": {
- "id": "e593ff58-067d-4340-92f9-8b1c0bad70d7",
- "url": "/ocean/gcp/k8s/cluster",
- "method": "POST",
- "timestamp": "2018-06-20T11:35:01.745Z"
}, - "response": {
- "status": {
- "code": 200,
- "message": "OK"
}, - "items": [
- {
- "id": "o-abcd1234",
- "name": "test",
- "controllerClusterId": "test-123124",
- "gke": {
- "clusterName": "test-cluster",
- "masterLocation": "us-central1-a"
}, - "autoScaler": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cooldown": 180,
- "resourceLimits": {
- "maxMemoryGib": 1500,
- "maxVcpu": 750
}, - "down": {
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- "maxScaleDownPercentage": 30,
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- "isEnabled": false
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- "gpuPerUnit": 0,
- "numOfUnit": 0
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- "enableAutomaticAndManualHeadroom": true
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- "target": 3
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- "shouldUtilizeCommitments": true
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- "isEnabled": true,
- "timeWindows": [
- [
- "Fri:15:30-Wed:14:30",
- "Wed:15:30-Thu:18:30"
}, - "tasks": [
- {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cronExpression": "0 1 * * *",
- "taskType": "clusterRoll",
- "parameters": {
- "clusterRoll": {
- "batchSizePercentage": 20,
- "comment": "This is why I deployed my cluster.",
- "batchMinHealthyPercentage": 100,
- "respectPdb": true
}, - "security": {
- "containerImage": {
- "approvedImages": [
- [
- "gce.io/*",
- "docker.*"
}, - "compute": {
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- "network": "default",
- "projectId": "test-project",
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- "name": "external-nat",
- "type": "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT"
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- 443,
- 8443
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- "us-west1-a"
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- "n1-standard-2"
], - "blacklist": [
- "n2d-highcpu-96"
], - "filters": {
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- "c2",
- "c3"
], - "excludeFamilies": [
- "n2",
- "c3"
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- "c3d-standard-4",
- "c3d-standard-8"
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- "key": "example_key1",
- "value": "exmample_value1"
}, - "tags": [
- "gke-cluster-name-12345-node"
], - "ipForwarding": true,
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- "serviceAccount": "265168459660-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com",
- "labels": [
- {
- "key": "spotinst-gke-original-node-pool",
- "value": "test-native-vpc__default-pool"
], - "rootVolumeSizeInGb": 100,
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- "enableSecureBoot": true,
- "enableIntegrityMonitoring": true
}, - "useAsTemplateOnly": false
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- "updatedAt": "2021-03-17T15:06:13.000Z"
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- "name": "test",
- "controllerClusterId": "test-123124",
- "gke": {
- "clusterName": "test-cluster",
- "masterLocation": "us-central1-a"
}, - "autoScaler": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cooldown": 180,
- "resourceLimits": {
- "maxMemoryGib": 1500,
- "maxVcpu": 750
}, - "down": {
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- "isEnabled": true
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- "shouldUtilizeCommitments": true
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- "shutdownHours": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "timeWindows": [
- [
- "Fri:15:30-Wed:14:30",
- "Wed:15:30-Thu:18:30"
}, - "tasks": [
- {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cronExpression": "0 1 * * *",
- "taskType": "clusterRoll",
- "parameters": {
- "clusterRoll": {
- "batchSizePercentage": 20,
- "comment": "This is why I deployed my cluster.",
- "batchMinHealthyPercentage": 100,
- "respectPdb": true
}, - "security": {
- "containerImage": {
- "approvedImages": [
- [
- "gce.io/*",
- "docker.*"
}, - "compute": {
- "networkInterfaces": {
- "network": "default",
- "projectId": "test-project",
- "accessConfigs": {
- "name": "external-nat",
- "type": "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT"
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- "name": "https",
- "ports": [
- 443,
- 8443
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- "us-west1-a"
], - "instanceTypes": {
- "whitelist": [
- "n1-standard-2"
], - "blacklist": [
- "n2d-highcpu-96"
], - "filters": {
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- "c2",
- "c3"
], - "excludeFamilies": [
- "n2",
- "c3"
}, - "preferredTypes": [
- "c3d-standard-4",
- "c3d-standard-8"
}, - "launchSpecification": {
- "metadata": {
- "key": "example_key1",
- "value": "exmample_value1"
}, - "tags": [
- "gke-cluster-name-12345-node"
], - "ipForwarding": true,
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- "serviceAccount": "265168459660-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com",
- "labels": [
- {
- "key": "spotinst-gke-original-node-pool",
- "value": "test-native-vpc__default-pool"
], - "rootVolumeSizeInGb": 100,
- "rootVolumeType": "pd-standard",
- "shieldedInstanceConfig": {
- "enableSecureBoot": true,
- "enableIntegrityMonitoring": true
}, - "useAsTemplateOnly": false
{- "request": {
- "id": "e593ff58-067d-4340-92f9-8b1c0bad70d7",
- "url": "/ocean/gcp/k8s/cluster",
- "method": "POST",
- "timestamp": "2018-06-20T11:35:01.745Z"
}, - "response": {
- "status": {
- "code": 200,
- "message": "OK"
}, - "items": [
- {
- "id": "o-abcd1234",
- "name": "test",
- "controllerClusterId": "test-123124",
- "gke": {
- "clusterName": "test-cluster",
- "masterLocation": "us-central1-a"
}, - "autoScaler": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cooldown": 180,
- "resourceLimits": {
- "maxMemoryGib": 1500,
- "maxVcpu": 750
}, - "down": {
- "evaluationPeriods": 3,
- "maxScaleDownPercentage": 30,
- "aggressiveScaleDown": {
- "isEnabled": false
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- "memoryPerUnit": 0,
- "gpuPerUnit": 0,
- "numOfUnit": 0
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- "autoHeadroomPercentage": null,
- "enableAutomaticAndManualHeadroom": true
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- "isEnabled": true
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- "minimum": 0,
- "maximum": 3,
- "target": 3
}, - "strategy": {
- "drainingTimeout": 60,
- "provisioningModel": "SPOT",
- "preemptiblePercentage": 100,
- "shouldUtilizeCommitments": true
}, - "scheduling": {
- "shutdownHours": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "timeWindows": [
- [
- "Fri:15:30-Wed:14:30",
- "Wed:15:30-Thu:18:30"
}, - "tasks": [
- {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cronExpression": "0 1 * * *",
- "taskType": "clusterRoll",
- "parameters": {
- "clusterRoll": {
- "batchSizePercentage": 20,
- "comment": "This is why I deployed my cluster.",
- "batchMinHealthyPercentage": 100,
- "respectPdb": true
}, - "security": {
- "containerImage": {
- "approvedImages": [
- [
- "gce.io/*",
- "docker.*"
}, - "compute": {
- "networkInterfaces": {
- "network": "default",
- "projectId": "test-project",
- "accessConfigs": {
- "name": "external-nat",
- "type": "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT"
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- "ipCidrRange": "/24",
- "subnetworkRangeName": "gke-test-native-vpc-pods-5cb557f7"
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- "backendServiceName": "test-global-tcp",
- "locationType": "regional",
- "scheme": "EXTERNAL",
- "namedPorts": {
- "name": "https",
- "ports": [
- 443,
- 8443
}, - "subnetName": "default",
- "availabilityZones": [
- "us-west1-a"
], - "instanceTypes": {
- "whitelist": [
- "n1-standard-2"
], - "blacklist": [
- "n2d-highcpu-96"
], - "filters": {
- "minVcpu": 2,
- "maxVcpu": 16,
- "minMemoryGiB": 8,
- "maxMemoryGiB": 16,
- "includeFamilies": [
- "c2",
- "c3"
], - "excludeFamilies": [
- "n2",
- "c3"
}, - "preferredTypes": [
- "c3d-standard-4",
- "c3d-standard-8"
}, - "launchSpecification": {
- "metadata": {
- "key": "example_key1",
- "value": "exmample_value1"
}, - "tags": [
- "gke-cluster-name-12345-node"
], - "ipForwarding": true,
- "minCpuPlatform": "Intel Sandy Bridge",
- "serviceAccount": "265168459660-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com",
- "labels": [
- {
- "key": "spotinst-gke-original-node-pool",
- "value": "test-native-vpc__default-pool"
], - "rootVolumeSizeInGb": 100,
- "rootVolumeType": "pd-standard",
- "shieldedInstanceConfig": {
- "enableSecureBoot": true,
- "enableIntegrityMonitoring": true
}, - "useAsTemplateOnly": false
}, - "createdAt": "2021-03-17T08:13:08.000Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-03-17T15:06:13.000Z"
], - "count": 1,
- "kind": "spotinst:ocean:gcp:k8s"
List the configurations for all Ocean clusters in the specified account.
accountId required | string Example: accountId=act-123456789 The ID of the account associated with your token. |
{- "request": {
- "id": "e593ff58-067d-4340-92f9-8b1c0bad70d7",
- "url": "/ocean/gcp/k8s/cluster",
- "method": "GET",
- "timestamp": "2018-06-20T11:35:01.745Z"
}, - "response": {
- "status": {
- "code": 200,
- "message": "OK"
}, - "items": [
- {
- "cluster": {
- "id": "o-abcd1234",
- "name": "test",
- "controllerClusterId": "test-123124",
- "gke": {
- "clusterName": "test-cluster",
- "masterLocation": "us-central1-a"
}, - "autoScaler": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cooldown": 180,
- "resourceLimits": {
- "maxMemoryGib": 1500,
- "maxVcpu": 750
}, - "down": {
- "evaluationPeriods": 3,
- "maxScaleDownPercentage": 30,
- "aggressiveScaleDown": {
- "isEnabled": false
}, - "headRoom": {
- "cpuPerUnit": 0,
- "memoryPerUnit": 0,
- "gpuPerUnit": 0,
- "numOfUnit": 0
}, - "isAutoConfig": false,
- "autoHeadroomPercentage": null,
- "enableAutomaticAndManualHeadroom": true
}, - "capacity": {
- "minimum": 0,
- "maximum": 3,
- "target": 3
}, - "strategy": {
- "drainingTimeout": 60,
- "provisioningModel": "SPOT",
- "preemptiblePercentage": 100,
- "shouldUtilizeCommitments": true
}, - "scheduling": {
- "shutdownHours": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "timeWindows": [
- [
- "Fri:15:30-Wed:14:30",
- "Wed:15:30-Thu:18:30"
}, - "tasks": [
- {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cronExpression": "0 1 * * *",
- "taskType": "clusterRoll",
- "parameters": {
- "clusterRoll": {
- "batchSizePercentage": 20,
- "comment": "This is why I deployed my cluster.",
- "batchMinHealthyPercentage": 100,
- "respectPdb": true
}, - "security": {
- "containerImage": {
- "approvedImages": [
- [
- "gce.io/*",
- "docker.*"
}, - "compute": {
- "networkInterfaces": {
- "network": "default",
- "projectId": "test-project",
- "accessConfigs": {
- "name": "external-nat",
- "type": "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT"
}, - "aliasIpRanges": {
- "ipCidrRange": "/24",
- "subnetworkRangeName": "gke-test-native-vpc-pods-5cb557f7"
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- "backendServiceName": "test-global-tcp",
- "locationType": "regional",
- "scheme": "EXTERNAL",
- "namedPorts": {
- "name": "https",
- "ports": [
- 443,
- 8443
}, - "subnetName": "default",
- "availabilityZones": [
- "us-west1-a"
], - "instanceTypes": {
- "whitelist": [
- "n1-standard-2"
], - "blacklist": [
- "n2d-highcpu-96"
], - "filters": {
- "minVcpu": 2,
- "maxVcpu": 16,
- "minMemoryGiB": 8,
- "maxMemoryGiB": 16,
- "includeFamilies": [
- "c2",
- "c3"
], - "excludeFamilies": [
- "n2",
- "c3"
}, - "preferredTypes": [
- "c3d-standard-4",
- "c3d-standard-8"
}, - "launchSpecification": {
- "metadata": {
- "key": "example_key1",
- "value": "exmample_value1"
}, - "tags": [
- "gke-cluster-name-12345-node"
], - "ipForwarding": true,
- "minCpuPlatform": "Intel Sandy Bridge",
- "serviceAccount": "265168459660-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com",
- "labels": [
- {
- "key": "spotinst-gke-original-node-pool",
- "value": "test-native-vpc__default-pool"
], - "rootVolumeSizeInGb": 100,
- "rootVolumeType": "pd-standard",
- "shieldedInstanceConfig": {
- "enableSecureBoot": true,
- "enableIntegrityMonitoring": true
}, - "useAsTemplateOnly": false
}, - "createdAt": "2021-03-17T08:13:08.000Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-03-17T15:06:13.000Z"
], - "count": 1,
- "kind": "spotinst:ocean:gcp:k8s"
{- "request": {
- "id": "e593ff58-067d-4340-92f9-8b1c0bad70d7",
- "url": "/ocean/gcp/k8s/cluster",
- "method": "GET",
- "timestamp": "2018-06-20T11:35:01.745Z"
}, - "response": {
- "status": {
- "code": 200,
- "message": "OK"
}, - "items": [
- {
- "cluster": {
- "id": "o-abcd1234",
- "name": "test",
- "controllerClusterId": "test-123124",
- "gke": {
- "clusterName": "test-cluster",
- "masterLocation": "us-central1-a"
}, - "autoScaler": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cooldown": 180,
- "resourceLimits": {
- "maxMemoryGib": 1500,
- "maxVcpu": 750
}, - "down": {
- "evaluationPeriods": 3,
- "maxScaleDownPercentage": 30,
- "aggressiveScaleDown": {
- "isEnabled": false
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- "cpuPerUnit": 0,
- "memoryPerUnit": 0,
- "gpuPerUnit": 0,
- "numOfUnit": 0
}, - "isAutoConfig": false,
- "autoHeadroomPercentage": null,
- "enableAutomaticAndManualHeadroom": true
}, - "autoUpdate": {
- "isEnabled": true
}, - "capacity": {
- "minimum": 0,
- "maximum": 3,
- "target": 3
}, - "strategy": {
- "drainingTimeout": 60,
- "provisioningModel": "SPOT",
- "preemptiblePercentage": 100,
- "shouldUtilizeCommitments": true
}, - "scheduling": {
- "shutdownHours": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "timeWindows": [
- [
- "Fri:15:30-Wed:14:30",
- "Wed:15:30-Thu:18:30"
}, - "tasks": [
- {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cronExpression": "0 1 * * *",
- "taskType": "clusterRoll",
- "parameters": {
- "clusterRoll": {
- "batchSizePercentage": 20,
- "comment": "This is why I deployed my cluster.",
- "batchMinHealthyPercentage": 100,
- "respectPdb": true
}, - "security": {
- "containerImage": {
- "approvedImages": [
- [
- "gce.io/*",
- "docker.*"
}, - "compute": {
- "networkInterfaces": {
- "network": "default",
- "projectId": "test-project",
- "accessConfigs": {
- "name": "external-nat",
- "type": "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT"
}, - "aliasIpRanges": {
- "ipCidrRange": "/24",
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- "scheme": "EXTERNAL",
- "namedPorts": {
- "name": "https",
- "ports": [
- 443,
- 8443
}, - "subnetName": "default",
- "availabilityZones": [
- "us-west1-a"
], - "instanceTypes": {
- "whitelist": [
- "n1-standard-2"
], - "blacklist": [
- "n2d-highcpu-96"
], - "filters": {
- "minVcpu": 2,
- "maxVcpu": 16,
- "minMemoryGiB": 8,
- "maxMemoryGiB": 16,
- "includeFamilies": [
- "c2",
- "c3"
], - "excludeFamilies": [
- "n2",
- "c3"
}, - "preferredTypes": [
- "c3d-standard-4",
- "c3d-standard-8"
}, - "launchSpecification": {
- "metadata": {
- "key": "example_key1",
- "value": "exmample_value1"
}, - "tags": [
- "gke-cluster-name-12345-node"
], - "ipForwarding": true,
- "minCpuPlatform": "Intel Sandy Bridge",
- "serviceAccount": "265168459660-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com",
- "labels": [
- {
- "key": "spotinst-gke-original-node-pool",
- "value": "test-native-vpc__default-pool"
], - "rootVolumeSizeInGb": 100,
- "rootVolumeType": "pd-standard",
- "shieldedInstanceConfig": {
- "enableSecureBoot": true,
- "enableIntegrityMonitoring": true
}, - "useAsTemplateOnly": false
}, - "createdAt": "2021-03-17T08:13:08.000Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-03-17T15:06:13.000Z"
], - "count": 1,
- "kind": "spotinst:ocean:gcp:k8s"
accountId required | string Example: accountId=act-123456789 The ID of the account associated with your token. |
{- "request": {
- "id": "e593ff58-067d-4340-92f9-8b1c0bad70d7",
- "url": "/ocean/gcp/k8s/cluster/o-abcd1234",
- "method": "GET",
- "timestamp": "2018-06-20T11:35:01.745Z"
}, - "response": {
- "status": {
- "code": 200,
- "message": "OK"
}, - "items": [
- {
- "cluster": {
- "id": "o-abcd1234",
- "name": "test",
- "controllerClusterId": "test-123124",
- "gke": {
- "clusterName": "test-cluster",
- "masterLocation": "us-central1-a"
}, - "autoScaler": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cooldown": 180,
- "resourceLimits": {
- "maxMemoryGib": 1500,
- "maxVcpu": 750
}, - "down": {
- "evaluationPeriods": 3,
- "maxScaleDownPercentage": 30,
- "aggressiveScaleDown": {
- "isEnabled": false
}, - "headRoom": {
- "cpuPerUnit": 0,
- "memoryPerUnit": 0,
- "gpuPerUnit": 0,
- "numOfUnit": 0
}, - "isAutoConfig": false,
- "autoHeadroomPercentage": null,
- "enableAutomaticAndManualHeadroom": true
}, - "capacity": {
- "minimum": 0,
- "maximum": 3,
- "target": 3
}, - "strategy": {
- "drainingTimeout": 60,
- "provisioningModel": "SPOT",
- "preemptiblePercentage": 100,
- "shouldUtilizeCommitments": true
}, - "scheduling": {
- "shutdownHours": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "timeWindows": [
- [
- "Fri:15:30-Wed:14:30",
- "Wed:15:30-Thu:18:30"
}, - "tasks": [
- {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cronExpression": "0 1 * * *",
- "taskType": "clusterRoll",
- "parameters": {
- "clusterRoll": {
- "batchSizePercentage": 20,
- "comment": "This is why I deployed my cluster.",
- "batchMinHealthyPercentage": 100,
- "respectPdb": true
}, - "security": {
- "containerImage": {
- "approvedImages": [
- [
- "gce.io/*",
- "docker.*"
}, - "compute": {
- "networkInterfaces": {
- "network": "default",
- "projectId": "test-project",
- "accessConfigs": {
- "name": "external-nat",
- "type": "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT"
}, - "aliasIpRanges": {
- "ipCidrRange": "/24",
- "subnetworkRangeName": "gke-test-native-vpc-pods-5cb557f7"
}, - "backendServices": {
- "backendServiceName": "test-global-tcp",
- "locationType": "regional",
- "scheme": "EXTERNAL",
- "namedPorts": {
- "name": "https",
- "ports": [
- 443,
- 8443
}, - "subnetName": "default",
- "availabilityZones": [
- "us-west1-a"
], - "instanceTypes": {
- "whitelist": [
- "n1-standard-2"
], - "blacklist": [
- "n2d-highcpu-96"
], - "filters": {
- "minVcpu": 2,
- "maxVcpu": 16,
- "minMemoryGiB": 8,
- "maxMemoryGiB": 16,
- "includeFamilies": [
- "c2",
- "c3"
], - "excludeFamilies": [
- "n2",
- "c3"
}, - "preferredTypes": [
- "c3d-standard-4",
- "c3d-standard-8"
}, - "launchSpecification": {
- "metadata": {
- "key": "example_key1",
- "value": "exmample_value1"
}, - "tags": [
- "gke-cluster-name-12345-node"
], - "ipForwarding": true,
- "minCpuPlatform": "Intel Sandy Bridge",
- "serviceAccount": "265168459660-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com",
- "labels": [
- {
- "key": "spotinst-gke-original-node-pool",
- "value": "test-native-vpc__default-pool"
], - "rootVolumeSizeInGb": 100,
- "rootVolumeType": "pd-standard",
- "shieldedInstanceConfig": {
- "enableSecureBoot": true,
- "enableIntegrityMonitoring": true
}, - "useAsTemplateOnly": false
}, - "createdAt": "2021-03-17T08:13:08.000Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-03-17T15:06:13.000Z"
], - "count": 1,
- "kind": "spotinst:ocean:gcp:k8s"
All Ocean parameters are updatable, excluding the Name and controllerClusterId.
This API supports partial updates, so specific fields can be updated separately.
{- "request": {
- "id": "e593ff58-067d-4340-92f9-8b1c0bad70d7",
- "url": "/ocean/gcp/k8s/cluster/o-abcd1234",
- "method": "GET",
- "timestamp": "2018-06-20T11:35:01.745Z"
}, - "response": {
- "status": {
- "code": 200,
- "message": "OK"
}, - "items": [
- {
- "cluster": {
- "id": "o-abcd1234",
- "name": "test",
- "controllerClusterId": "test-123124",
- "gke": {
- "clusterName": "test-cluster",
- "masterLocation": "us-central1-a"
}, - "autoScaler": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cooldown": 180,
- "resourceLimits": {
- "maxMemoryGib": 1500,
- "maxVcpu": 750
}, - "down": {
- "evaluationPeriods": 3,
- "maxScaleDownPercentage": 30,
- "aggressiveScaleDown": {
- "isEnabled": false
}, - "headRoom": {
- "cpuPerUnit": 0,
- "memoryPerUnit": 0,
- "gpuPerUnit": 0,
- "numOfUnit": 0
}, - "isAutoConfig": false,
- "autoHeadroomPercentage": null,
- "enableAutomaticAndManualHeadroom": true
}, - "autoUpdate": {
- "isEnabled": true
}, - "capacity": {
- "minimum": 0,
- "maximum": 3,
- "target": 3
}, - "strategy": {
- "drainingTimeout": 60,
- "provisioningModel": "SPOT",
- "preemptiblePercentage": 100,
- "shouldUtilizeCommitments": true
}, - "scheduling": {
- "shutdownHours": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "timeWindows": [
- [
- "Fri:15:30-Wed:14:30",
- "Wed:15:30-Thu:18:30"
}, - "tasks": [
- {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cronExpression": "0 1 * * *",
- "taskType": "clusterRoll",
- "parameters": {
- "clusterRoll": {
- "batchSizePercentage": 20,
- "comment": "This is why I deployed my cluster.",
- "batchMinHealthyPercentage": 100,
- "respectPdb": true
}, - "security": {
- "containerImage": {
- "approvedImages": [
- [
- "gce.io/*",
- "docker.*"
}, - "compute": {
- "networkInterfaces": {
- "network": "default",
- "projectId": "test-project",
- "accessConfigs": {
- "name": "external-nat",
- "type": "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT"
}, - "aliasIpRanges": {
- "ipCidrRange": "/24",
- "subnetworkRangeName": "gke-test-native-vpc-pods-5cb557f7"
}, - "backendServices": {
- "backendServiceName": "test-global-tcp",
- "locationType": "regional",
- "scheme": "EXTERNAL",
- "namedPorts": {
- "name": "https",
- "ports": [
- 443,
- 8443
}, - "subnetName": "default",
- "availabilityZones": [
- "us-west1-a"
], - "instanceTypes": {
- "whitelist": [
- "n1-standard-2"
], - "blacklist": [
- "n2d-highcpu-96"
], - "filters": {
- "minVcpu": 2,
- "maxVcpu": 16,
- "minMemoryGiB": 8,
- "maxMemoryGiB": 16,
- "includeFamilies": [
- "c2",
- "c3"
], - "excludeFamilies": [
- "n2",
- "c3"
}, - "preferredTypes": [
- "c3d-standard-4",
- "c3d-standard-8"
}, - "launchSpecification": {
- "metadata": {
- "key": "example_key1",
- "value": "exmample_value1"
}, - "tags": [
- "gke-cluster-name-12345-node"
], - "ipForwarding": true,
- "minCpuPlatform": "Intel Sandy Bridge",
- "serviceAccount": "265168459660-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com",
- "labels": [
- {
- "key": "spotinst-gke-original-node-pool",
- "value": "test-native-vpc__default-pool"
], - "rootVolumeSizeInGb": 100,
- "rootVolumeType": "pd-standard",
- "shieldedInstanceConfig": {
- "enableSecureBoot": true,
- "enableIntegrityMonitoring": true
}, - "useAsTemplateOnly": false
}, - "createdAt": "2021-03-17T08:13:08.000Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-03-17T15:06:13.000Z"
], - "count": 1,
- "kind": "spotinst:ocean:gcp:k8s"
All Ocean parameters are updatable, excluding the Name and controllerClusterId.
This API supports partial updates, so specific fields can be updated separately.
oceanClusterId required | string Example: o-abcd1234 Identifier of the Ocean cluster. |
accountId required | string Example: accountId=act-123456789 The ID of the account associated with your token. |
required | object The specification of the Ocean cluster. | ||||||||||||||||
{- "cluster": {
- "name": "test",
- "autoScaler": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cooldown": 180,
- "resourceLimits": {
- "maxMemoryGib": 1500,
- "maxVcpu": 750
}, - "down": {
- "evaluationPeriods": 3,
- "maxScaleDownPercentage": 30,
- "aggressiveScaleDown": {
- "isEnabled": false
}, - "headRoom": {
- "cpuPerUnit": 0,
- "memoryPerUnit": 0,
- "gpuPerUnit": 0,
- "numOfUnit": 0
}, - "isAutoConfig": false,
- "autoHeadroomPercentage": null,
- "enableAutomaticAndManualHeadroom": true
}, - "capacity": {
- "minimum": 0,
- "maximum": 3,
- "target": 3
}, - "strategy": {
- "drainingTimeout": 60,
- "provisioningModel": "SPOT",
- "preemptiblePercentage": 100,
- "shouldUtilizeCommitments": true
}, - "scheduling": {
- "shutdownHours": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "timeWindows": [
- [
- "Fri:15:30-Wed:14:30",
- "Wed:15:30-Thu:18:30"
}, - "tasks": [
- {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cronExpression": "0 1 * * *",
- "taskType": "clusterRoll",
- "parameters": {
- "clusterRoll": {
- "batchSizePercentage": 20,
- "comment": "This is why I deployed my cluster.",
- "batchMinHealthyPercentage": 100,
- "respectPdb": true
}, - "security": {
- "containerImage": {
- "approvedImages": [
- [
- "gce.io/*",
- "docker.*"
}, - "compute": {
- "networkInterfaces": {
- "network": "default",
- "projectId": "test-project",
- "accessConfigs": {
- "name": "external-nat",
- "type": "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT"
}, - "aliasIpRanges": {
- "ipCidrRange": "/24",
- "subnetworkRangeName": "gke-test-native-vpc-pods-5cb557f7"
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- "backendServiceName": "test-global-tcp",
- "locationType": "regional",
- "scheme": "EXTERNAL",
- "namedPorts": {
- "name": "https",
- "ports": [
- 443,
- 8443
}, - "subnetName": "default",
- "availabilityZones": [
- "us-west1-a"
], - "instanceTypes": {
- "whitelist": [
- "n1-standard-2"
], - "blacklist": [
- "n2d-highcpu-96"
], - "filters": {
- "minVcpu": 2,
- "maxVcpu": 16,
- "minMemoryGiB": 8,
- "maxMemoryGiB": 16,
- "includeFamilies": [
- "c2",
- "c3"
], - "excludeFamilies": [
- "n2",
- "c3"
}, - "preferredTypes": [
- "c3d-standard-4",
- "c3d-standard-8"
}, - "launchSpecification": {
- "metadata": {
- "key": "example_key1",
- "value": "exmample_value1"
}, - "tags": [
- "gke-cluster-name-12345-node"
], - "ipForwarding": true,
- "minCpuPlatform": "Intel Sandy Bridge",
- "serviceAccount": "265168459660-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com",
- "labels": [
- {
- "key": "spotinst-gke-original-node-pool",
- "value": "test-native-vpc__default-pool"
], - "rootVolumeSizeInGb": 100,
- "rootVolumeType": "pd-standard",
- "shieldedInstanceConfig": {
- "enableSecureBoot": true,
- "enableIntegrityMonitoring": true
}, - "useAsTemplateOnly": false
{- "request": {
- "id": "e593ff58-067d-4340-92f9-8b1c0bad70d7",
- "url": "/ocean/gcp/k8s/cluster/o-abcd1234",
- "method": "PUT",
- "timestamp": "2018-06-20T11:35:01.745Z"
}, - "response": {
- "status": {
- "code": 200,
- "message": "OK"
}, - "items": [
- {
- "cluster": {
- "id": "o-abcd1234",
- "name": "test",
- "controllerClusterId": "test-123124",
- "gke": {
- "clusterName": "test-cluster",
- "masterLocation": "us-central1-a"
}, - "autoScaler": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cooldown": 180,
- "resourceLimits": {
- "maxMemoryGib": 1500,
- "maxVcpu": 750
}, - "down": {
- "evaluationPeriods": 3,
- "maxScaleDownPercentage": 30,
- "aggressiveScaleDown": {
- "isEnabled": false
}, - "headRoom": {
- "cpuPerUnit": 0,
- "memoryPerUnit": 0,
- "gpuPerUnit": 0,
- "numOfUnit": 0
}, - "isAutoConfig": false,
- "autoHeadroomPercentage": null,
- "enableAutomaticAndManualHeadroom": true
}, - "capacity": {
- "minimum": 0,
- "maximum": 3,
- "target": 3
}, - "strategy": {
- "drainingTimeout": 60,
- "provisioningModel": "SPOT",
- "preemptiblePercentage": 100,
- "shouldUtilizeCommitments": true
}, - "scheduling": {
- "shutdownHours": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "timeWindows": [
- [
- "Fri:15:30-Wed:14:30",
- "Wed:15:30-Thu:18:30"
}, - "tasks": [
- {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cronExpression": "0 1 * * *",
- "taskType": "clusterRoll",
- "parameters": {
- "clusterRoll": {
- "batchSizePercentage": 20,
- "comment": "This is why I deployed my cluster.",
- "batchMinHealthyPercentage": 100,
- "respectPdb": true
}, - "security": {
- "containerImage": {
- "approvedImages": [
- [
- "gce.io/*",
- "docker.*"
}, - "compute": {
- "networkInterfaces": {
- "network": "default",
- "projectId": "test-project",
- "accessConfigs": {
- "name": "external-nat",
- "type": "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT"
}, - "aliasIpRanges": {
- "ipCidrRange": "/24",
- "subnetworkRangeName": "gke-test-native-vpc-pods-5cb557f7"
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- "scheme": "EXTERNAL",
- "namedPorts": {
- "name": "https",
- "ports": [
- 443,
- 8443
}, - "subnetName": "default",
- "availabilityZones": [
- "us-west1-a"
], - "instanceTypes": {
- "whitelist": [
- "n1-standard-2"
], - "blacklist": [
- "n2d-highcpu-96"
], - "filters": {
- "minVcpu": 2,
- "maxVcpu": 16,
- "minMemoryGiB": 8,
- "maxMemoryGiB": 16,
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- "c2",
- "c3"
], - "excludeFamilies": [
- "n2",
- "c3"
}, - "preferredTypes": [
- "c3d-standard-4",
- "c3d-standard-8"
}, - "launchSpecification": {
- "metadata": {
- "key": "example_key1",
- "value": "exmample_value1"
}, - "tags": [
- "gke-cluster-name-12345-node"
], - "ipForwarding": true,
- "minCpuPlatform": "Intel Sandy Bridge",
- "serviceAccount": "265168459660-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com",
- "labels": [
- {
- "key": "spotinst-gke-original-node-pool",
- "value": "test-native-vpc__default-pool"
], - "rootVolumeSizeInGb": 100,
- "rootVolumeType": "pd-standard",
- "shieldedInstanceConfig": {
- "enableSecureBoot": true,
- "enableIntegrityMonitoring": true
}, - "useAsTemplateOnly": false
}, - "createdAt": "2021-03-17T08:13:08.000Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-03-17T15:06:13.000Z"
], - "count": 1,
- "kind": "spotinst:ocean:gcp:k8s"
{- "cluster": {
- "name": "test",
- "autoScaler": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cooldown": 180,
- "resourceLimits": {
- "maxMemoryGib": 1500,
- "maxVcpu": 750
}, - "down": {
- "evaluationPeriods": 3,
- "maxScaleDownPercentage": 30,
- "aggressiveScaleDown": {
- "isEnabled": false
}, - "headRoom": {
- "cpuPerUnit": 0,
- "memoryPerUnit": 0,
- "gpuPerUnit": 0,
- "numOfUnit": 0
}, - "isAutoConfig": false,
- "autoHeadroomPercentage": null,
- "enableAutomaticAndManualHeadroom": true
}, - "autoUpdate": {
- "isEnabled": true
}, - "capacity": {
- "minimum": 0,
- "maximum": 3,
- "target": 3
}, - "strategy": {
- "drainingTimeout": 60,
- "provisioningModel": "SPOT",
- "preemptiblePercentage": 100,
- "shouldUtilizeCommitments": true
}, - "scheduling": {
- "shutdownHours": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "timeWindows": [
- [
- "Fri:15:30-Wed:14:30",
- "Wed:15:30-Thu:18:30"
}, - "tasks": [
- {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cronExpression": "0 1 * * *",
- "taskType": "clusterRoll",
- "parameters": {
- "clusterRoll": {
- "batchSizePercentage": 20,
- "comment": "This is why I deployed my cluster.",
- "batchMinHealthyPercentage": 100,
- "respectPdb": true
}, - "security": {
- "containerImage": {
- "approvedImages": [
- [
- "gce.io/*",
- "docker.*"
}, - "compute": {
- "networkInterfaces": {
- "network": "default",
- "projectId": "test-project",
- "accessConfigs": {
- "name": "external-nat",
- "type": "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT"
}, - "aliasIpRanges": {
- "ipCidrRange": "/24",
- "subnetworkRangeName": "gke-test-native-vpc-pods-5cb557f7"
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- "scheme": "EXTERNAL",
- "namedPorts": {
- "name": "https",
- "ports": [
- 443,
- 8443
}, - "subnetName": "default",
- "availabilityZones": [
- "us-west1-a"
], - "instanceTypes": {
- "whitelist": [
- "n1-standard-2"
], - "blacklist": [
- "n2d-highcpu-96"
], - "filters": {
- "minVcpu": 2,
- "maxVcpu": 16,
- "minMemoryGiB": 8,
- "maxMemoryGiB": 16,
- "includeFamilies": [
- "c2",
- "c3"
], - "excludeFamilies": [
- "n2",
- "c3"
}, - "preferredTypes": [
- "c3d-standard-4",
- "c3d-standard-8"
}, - "launchSpecification": {
- "metadata": {
- "key": "example_key1",
- "value": "exmample_value1"
}, - "tags": [
- "gke-cluster-name-12345-node"
], - "ipForwarding": true,
- "minCpuPlatform": "Intel Sandy Bridge",
- "serviceAccount": "265168459660-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com",
- "labels": [
- {
- "key": "spotinst-gke-original-node-pool",
- "value": "test-native-vpc__default-pool"
], - "rootVolumeSizeInGb": 100,
- "rootVolumeType": "pd-standard",
- "shieldedInstanceConfig": {
- "enableSecureBoot": true,
- "enableIntegrityMonitoring": true
}, - "useAsTemplateOnly": false
{- "request": {
- "id": "e593ff58-067d-4340-92f9-8b1c0bad70d7",
- "url": "/ocean/gcp/k8s/cluster/o-abcd1234",
- "method": "PUT",
- "timestamp": "2018-06-20T11:35:01.745Z"
}, - "response": {
- "status": {
- "code": 200,
- "message": "OK"
}, - "items": [
- {
- "cluster": {
- "id": "o-abcd1234",
- "name": "test",
- "controllerClusterId": "test-123124",
- "gke": {
- "clusterName": "test-cluster",
- "masterLocation": "us-central1-a"
}, - "autoScaler": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cooldown": 180,
- "resourceLimits": {
- "maxMemoryGib": 1500,
- "maxVcpu": 750
}, - "down": {
- "evaluationPeriods": 3,
- "maxScaleDownPercentage": 30,
- "aggressiveScaleDown": {
- "isEnabled": false
}, - "headRoom": {
- "cpuPerUnit": 0,
- "memoryPerUnit": 0,
- "gpuPerUnit": 0,
- "numOfUnit": 0
}, - "isAutoConfig": false,
- "autoHeadroomPercentage": null,
- "enableAutomaticAndManualHeadroom": true
}, - "autoUpdate": {
- "isEnabled": true
}, - "capacity": {
- "minimum": 0,
- "maximum": 3,
- "target": 3
}, - "strategy": {
- "drainingTimeout": 60,
- "provisioningModel": "SPOT",
- "preemptiblePercentage": 100,
- "shouldUtilizeCommitments": true
}, - "scheduling": {
- "shutdownHours": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "timeWindows": [
- [
- "Fri:15:30-Wed:14:30",
- "Wed:15:30-Thu:18:30"
}, - "tasks": [
- {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cronExpression": "0 1 * * *",
- "taskType": "clusterRoll",
- "parameters": {
- "clusterRoll": {
- "batchSizePercentage": 20,
- "comment": "This is why I deployed my cluster.",
- "batchMinHealthyPercentage": 100,
- "respectPdb": true
}, - "security": {
- "containerImage": {
- "approvedImages": [
- [
- "gce.io/*",
- "docker.*"
}, - "compute": {
- "networkInterfaces": {
- "network": "default",
- "projectId": "test-project",
- "accessConfigs": {
- "name": "external-nat",
- "type": "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT"
}, - "aliasIpRanges": {
- "ipCidrRange": "/24",
- "subnetworkRangeName": "gke-test-native-vpc-pods-5cb557f7"
}, - "backendServices": {
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- "locationType": "regional",
- "scheme": "EXTERNAL",
- "namedPorts": {
- "name": "https",
- "ports": [
- 443,
- 8443
}, - "subnetName": "default",
- "availabilityZones": [
- "us-west1-a"
], - "instanceTypes": {
- "whitelist": [
- "n1-standard-2"
], - "blacklist": [
- "n2d-highcpu-96"
], - "filters": {
- "minVcpu": 2,
- "maxVcpu": 16,
- "minMemoryGiB": 8,
- "maxMemoryGiB": 16,
- "includeFamilies": [
- "c2",
- "c3"
], - "excludeFamilies": [
- "n2",
- "c3"
}, - "preferredTypes": [
- "c3d-standard-4",
- "c3d-standard-8"
}, - "launchSpecification": {
- "metadata": {
- "key": "example_key1",
- "value": "exmample_value1"
}, - "tags": [
- "gke-cluster-name-12345-node"
], - "ipForwarding": true,
- "minCpuPlatform": "Intel Sandy Bridge",
- "serviceAccount": "265168459660-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com",
- "labels": [
- {
- "key": "spotinst-gke-original-node-pool",
- "value": "test-native-vpc__default-pool"
], - "rootVolumeSizeInGb": 100,
- "rootVolumeType": "pd-standard",
- "shieldedInstanceConfig": {
- "enableSecureBoot": true,
- "enableIntegrityMonitoring": true
}, - "useAsTemplateOnly": false
}, - "createdAt": "2021-03-17T08:13:08.000Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-03-17T15:06:13.000Z"
], - "count": 1,
- "kind": "spotinst:ocean:gcp:k8s"
Reimport the cluster's configuration from GKE.
oceanClusterId required | string Example: o-abcd1234 Identifier of the Ocean cluster. |
accountId required | string Example: accountId=act-123456789 The ID of the account associated with your token. |
Add a name for the Ocean cluster.
{- "cluster": {
- "name": "test",
- "controllerClusterId": "test-123124",
- "capacity": {
- "minimum": 0,
- "maximum": 3,
- "target": 3
}, - "instanceTypes": {
- "whitelist": [
- "n1-standard-2"
], - "blacklist": [
- "n2d-highcpu-96"
}, - "autoScaler": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cooldown": 180,
- "resourceLimits": {
- "maxMemoryGib": 1500,
- "maxVcpu": 750
}, - "down": {
- "evaluationPeriods": 3,
- "maxScaleDownPercentage": 30,
- "aggressiveScaleDown": {
- "isEnabled": false
}, - "headRoom": {
- "cpuPerUnit": 0,
- "memoryPerUnit": 0,
- "gpuPerUnit": 0,
- "numOfUnit": 0
}, - "isAutoConfig": false,
- "autoHeadroomPercentage": null,
- "enableAutomaticAndManualHeadroom": true
}, - "availabilityZones": [
- "us-central1-a",
- "us-central1-b"
], - "backendServices": [
- {
- "backendServiceName": "bserv-2",
- "locationType": "regional",
- "scheme": "EXTERNAL",
- "namedPorts": {
- "name": "https",
- "ports": [
- 443,
- 8443
{- "request": {
- "id": "e593ff58-067d-4340-92f9-8b1c0bad70d7",
- "url": "/ocean/gcp/k8s/cluster/gke/import",
- "method": "POST",
- "timestamp": "2018-06-20T11:35:01.745Z"
}, - "response": {
- "status": {
- "code": 200,
- "message": "OK"
}, - "items": [
- {
- "cluster": {
- "name": "test",
- "controllerClusterId": "test-123124",
- "gke": {
- "clusterName": "test-cluster",
- "masterLocation": "us-central1-a"
}, - "autoScaler": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cooldown": 180,
- "resourceLimits": {
- "maxMemoryGib": 1500,
- "maxVcpu": 750
}, - "down": {
- "evaluationPeriods": 3,
- "maxScaleDownPercentage": 30,
- "aggressiveScaleDown": {
- "isEnabled": false
}, - "headRoom": {
- "cpuPerUnit": 0,
- "memoryPerUnit": 0,
- "gpuPerUnit": 0,
- "numOfUnit": 0
}, - "isAutoConfig": false,
- "autoHeadroomPercentage": null,
- "enableAutomaticAndManualHeadroom": true
}, - "capacity": {
- "minimum": 0,
- "maximum": 3,
- "target": 3
}, - "compute": {
- "networkInterfaces": {
- "network": "default",
- "projectId": "test-project",
- "accessConfigs": {
- "name": "external-nat",
- "type": "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT"
}, - "aliasIpRanges": {
- "ipCidrRange": "/24",
- "subnetworkRangeName": "gke-test-native-vpc-pods-5cb557f7"
}, - "backendServices": {
- "backendServiceName": "test-global-tcp",
- "locationType": "regional",
- "scheme": "EXTERNAL",
- "namedPorts": {
- "name": "https",
- "ports": [
- 443,
- 8443
}, - "subnetName": "default",
- "availabilityZones": [
- "us-west1-a"
], - "instanceTypes": {
- "whitelist": [
- "n1-standard-2"
], - "blacklist": [
- "n2d-highcpu-96"
], - "filters": {
- "minVcpu": 2,
- "maxVcpu": 16,
- "minMemoryGiB": 8,
- "maxMemoryGiB": 16,
- "includeFamilies": [
- "c2",
- "c3"
], - "excludeFamilies": [
- "n2",
- "c3"
}, - "preferredTypes": [
- "c3d-standard-4",
- "c3d-standard-8"
}, - "launchSpecification": {
- "metadata": {
- "key": "example_key1",
- "value": "exmample_value1"
}, - "tags": [
- "gke-cluster-name-12345-node"
], - "ipForwarding": true,
- "minCpuPlatform": "Intel Sandy Bridge",
- "serviceAccount": "265168459660-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com",
- "labels": [
- {
- "key": "spotinst-gke-original-node-pool",
- "value": "test-native-vpc__default-pool"
], - "rootVolumeSizeInGb": 100,
- "rootVolumeType": "pd-standard",
- "shieldedInstanceConfig": {
- "enableSecureBoot": true,
- "enableIntegrityMonitoring": true
}, - "useAsTemplateOnly": false
}, - "customLaunchSpecs": [
- {
- "oceanId": "o-1fff54ed",
- "serviceAccount": "265168459660-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com",
- "rootVolumeType": "pd-standard",
- "metadata": [
- {
- "key": "key1",
- "value": "value1"
}, - {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": "value2"
], - "availabilityZones": [
- "us-central1-a",
- "us-central1-b"
], - "tags": [
- "gke-cluster-name-12345-node",
- "network-tag-1"
], - "taints": [
- {
- "key": "taintKey",
- "value": "taintValue",
- "effect": "NoSchedule"
], - "labels": [
- {
- "key": "env",
- "value": "test"
], - "shieldedInstanceConfig": {
- "enableSecureBoot": true,
- "enableIntegrityMonitoring": true
}, - "storage": {
- "localSsdCount": 2
], - "count": 1,
- "kind": "spotinst:ocean:gcp:k8s"
{- "cluster": {
- "name": "test",
- "controllerClusterId": "test-123124",
- "capacity": {
- "minimum": 0,
- "maximum": 3,
- "target": 3
}, - "instanceTypes": {
- "whitelist": [
- "n1-standard-2"
], - "blacklist": [
- "n2d-highcpu-96"
}, - "autoScaler": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cooldown": 180,
- "resourceLimits": {
- "maxMemoryGib": 1500,
- "maxVcpu": 750
}, - "down": {
- "evaluationPeriods": 3,
- "maxScaleDownPercentage": 30,
- "aggressiveScaleDown": {
- "isEnabled": false
}, - "headRoom": {
- "cpuPerUnit": 0,
- "memoryPerUnit": 0,
- "gpuPerUnit": 0,
- "numOfUnit": 0
}, - "isAutoConfig": false,
- "autoHeadroomPercentage": null,
- "enableAutomaticAndManualHeadroom": true
}, - "availabilityZones": [
- "us-central1-a",
- "us-central1-b"
], - "backendServices": [
- {
- "backendServiceName": "bserv-2",
- "locationType": "regional",
- "scheme": "EXTERNAL",
- "namedPorts": {
- "name": "https",
- "ports": [
- 443,
- 8443
{- "request": {
- "id": "e593ff58-067d-4340-92f9-8b1c0bad70d7",
- "url": "/ocean/gcp/k8s/cluster/gke/import",
- "method": "POST",
- "timestamp": "2018-06-20T11:35:01.745Z"
}, - "response": {
- "status": {
- "code": 200,
- "message": "OK"
}, - "items": [
- {
- "cluster": {
- "name": "test",
- "controllerClusterId": "test-123124",
- "gke": {
- "clusterName": "test-cluster",
- "masterLocation": "us-central1-a"
}, - "autoScaler": {
- "isEnabled": true,
- "cooldown": 180,
- "resourceLimits": {
- "maxMemoryGib": 1500,
- "maxVcpu": 750
}, - "down": {
- "evaluationPeriods": 3,
- "maxScaleDownPercentage": 30,
- "aggressiveScaleDown": {
- "isEnabled": false
}, - "headRoom": {
- "cpuPerUnit": 0,
- "memoryPerUnit": 0,
- "gpuPerUnit": 0,
- "numOfUnit": 0
}, - "isAutoConfig": false,
- "autoHeadroomPercentage": null,
- "enableAutomaticAndManualHeadroom": true
}, - "autoUpdate": {
- "isEnabled": true
}, - "capacity": {
- "minimum": 0,
- "maximum": 3,
- "target": 3
}, - "compute": {
- "networkInterfaces": {
- "network": "default",
- "projectId": "test-project",
- "accessConfigs": {
- "name": "external-nat",
- "type": "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT"
}, - "aliasIpRanges": {
- "ipCidrRange": "/24",
- "subnetworkRangeName": "gke-test-native-vpc-pods-5cb557f7"
}, - "backendServices": {
- "backendServiceName": "test-global-tcp",
- "locationType": "regional",
- "scheme": "EXTERNAL",
- "namedPorts": {
- "name": "https",
- "ports": [
- 443,
- 8443
}, - "subnetName": "default",
- "availabilityZones": [
- "us-west1-a"
], - "instanceTypes": {
- "whitelist": [
- "n1-standard-2"
], - "blacklist": [
- "n2d-highcpu-96"
], - "filters": {
- "minVcpu": 2,
- "maxVcpu": 16,
- "minMemoryGiB": 8,
- "maxMemoryGiB": 16,
- "includeFamilies": [
- "c2",
- "c3"
], - "excludeFamilies": [
- "n2",
- "c3"
}, - "preferredTypes": [
- "c3d-standard-4",
- "c3d-standard-8"
}, - "launchSpecification": {
- "metadata": {
- "key": "example_key1",
- "value": "exmample_value1"
}, - "tags": [
- "gke-cluster-name-12345-node"
], - "ipForwarding": true,
- "minCpuPlatform": "Intel Sandy Bridge",
- "serviceAccount": "265168459660-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com",
- "labels": [
- {
- "key": "spotinst-gke-original-node-pool",
- "value": "test-native-vpc__default-pool"
], - "rootVolumeSizeInGb": 100,
- "rootVolumeType": "pd-standard",
- "shieldedInstanceConfig": {
- "enableSecureBoot": true,
- "enableIntegrityMonitoring": true
}, - "useAsTemplateOnly": false
}, - "customLaunchSpecs": [
- {
- "oceanId": "o-1fff54ed",
- "serviceAccount": "265168459660-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com",
- "rootVolumeType": "pd-standard",
- "metadata": [
- {
- "key": "key1",
- "value": "value1"
}, - {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": "value2"
], - "availabilityZones": [
- "us-central1-a",
- "us-central1-b"
], - "tags": [
- "gke-cluster-name-12345-node",
- "network-tag-1"
], - "taints": [
- {
- "key": "taintKey",
- "value": "taintValue",
- "effect": "NoSchedule"
], - "labels": [
- {
- "key": "env",
- "value": "test"
], - "shieldedInstanceConfig": {
- "enableSecureBoot": true,
- "enableIntegrityMonitoring": true
}, - "storage": {
- "localSsdCount": 2
], - "count": 1,
- "kind": "spotinst:ocean:gcp:k8s"
Launch nodes in virtual node group.
launchSpecId required | string Ocean cluster Virtual Node Group identifier. |
accountId required | string Example: accountId=act-123456789 The ID of the account associated with your token. |
object (Ocean GKE Virtual Node Group Launch Request) | |||||||||||||||