Suppose we have a bunch of views that end up all needing the same bits of context data. How should we handle that?
There are a few different answers:
Is the data going to be needed by pretty much every page in your site? The answer is context processors.
Is the data going to be needed in a large fraction of your site, but not everywhere and is expensive to evaluate? I'd recommend using lazy evaluation in your context processor.
Is the data needed for a “component” that exists really at the template level, perhaps in a base template or is included in several templates? For example, it might be data needed for common elements that appear in a header or footer on lots of pages.
In general this can be done most easily by using a custom inclusion template tag which can load its own data — that way you don't have to worry about changing view functions every time you include this component.
But suppose none of these apply — we just have some common data that is used for a group of a pages. Perhaps we have an e-commerce site, and all the checkout pages have a common set of data that they need, without necessarily displaying it in the same way.
For this, we can use the simple technique below of pulling out the code that returns the common data into a function:
def checkout_start(request):
context = {
# etc
} | checkout_pages_context_data(request.user)
return TemplateResponse(request, "shop/checkout/start.html", context)
def checkout_pages_context_data(user):
context = {}
if not user.is_anonymous:
context["user_addresses"] = list(user.addresses.order_by("primary", "first_line"))
return context
Just add | checkout_pages_context_data(request.user)
into every view that needs it.
This is a perfectly adequate technique that is very easy to use, easy to
understand and flexible. You can add parameters to the function if necessary,
such as the user
object as above, and combine common sets of these helpers
into bigger helpers, as per your requirements. And you can write tests for these
helpers if they have any significant logic in them.
Next up: :doc:`url-parameters`
The solution above is simple and direct. But some might protest it is a bit ugly, and has involved a bit of boilerplate. A CBV solution using a mixin is surely more elegant:
class CheckoutPageMixin:
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
user = self.request.user
if not user.is_anonymous:
context["user_addresses"] = list(user.addresses.order_by("primary", "first_line"))
return context
You simply have to include CheckoutPageMixin
in your base classes, which is
less typing than | checkout_pages_context_data(request.user)
This kind of base class or mixin might also provide some other functionality,
like doing some pre-condition checks and redirects as necessary.
My response would be, first, a reminder that a small reduction in typing is a poor trade-off if it obfuscates your code even a small amount, due to the time we spend reading versus writing code.
Second, the mixin has several significant disadvantages:
It hides the source of the context data. Any of your base classes could potentially be overriding
, you have to look at all of them to get the whole picture, which in general is harder than just following function definitions.Your mixin is not separately testable. This is a major problem with mixins in general.
Lack of testability is just an indication of a deeper problem — the mixin does not have a well defined interface, and this always hinders comprehension. If you think of
not as a method, but as a function whose first parameter isself
, you'll quickly see how complicated its interface is.Over time, mixins defined like this quickly become tangled, due to that problematic
parameter, which can have all kinds of things attached to it. You can easily end up with a mixin that works in one context, but not in another, due to different expectations about what is attached toself
.In contrast, all the parameters to functions are usually well defined, and you can usually have a very high level of confidence that they will work in all contexts. There is no
parameter which you can you use to sneak things in. (See :ref:`shortcuts vs mixins <shortcuts-vs-mixins>` for a more in-depth treatment of this)Mixins often tie you into inheritance trees for organising things. In reality, instead of trees you often want a mix-and-match approach to including data or functionality. Mixins are supposed to support that, but it you quickly find :ref:`they don't really and you end up in a tangle <multiple-mixins>`.
The simple solution is the best!
This example is part of a larger principle for the best way to write views, and any similar functions:
Building up behaviour by explicitly composing smaller, testable units of functionality (whether functions or classes) is far better than building up behaviour via inheritance.
For more on this, see Brandon Rhodes' treatment of The Composition Over Inheritance Principle, which also mentions mixins.