diff --git a/code/controllers/settings/configuration.dm b/code/controllers/settings/configuration.dm
index e3151f840..87de2251c 100644
--- a/code/controllers/settings/configuration.dm
+++ b/code/controllers/settings/configuration.dm
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@
+ var/chaturl
+ var/donationurl
+ var/bugtrackerurl
//Alert level description
var/alert_desc_green = "All security alerts have passed."
@@ -339,6 +342,15 @@
if ("rulesurl")
config.rulesurl = value
+ if ("chaturl")
+ config.chaturl = value
+ if ("donationurl")
+ config.donationurl = value
+ if ("bugtrackerurl")
+ config.bugtrackerurl = value
if ("guest_jobban")
config.guest_jobban = 1
diff --git a/code/game/world.dm b/code/game/world.dm
index b56ec68c5..94ee0de00 100644
--- a/code/game/world.dm
+++ b/code/game/world.dm
@@ -255,12 +255,25 @@ var/world_topic_spam_protect_time = world.timeofday
var/s = ""
if (config && config.server_name)
- s += "[config.server_name] — [MAIN_SHIP_NAME]"
- s += "
- // s += "Wiki|Rules"
+ if(config.chaturl)
+ s += "[config.server_name] — [MAIN_SHIP_NAME]"
+ else
+ s += "[config.server_name] — [MAIN_SHIP_NAME]"
- s += "
Map: [map_tag]"
+ switch(map_tag)
+ if("Ice Colony")
+ s += "
Map: [map_tag]"
+ if("LV-624")
+ s += "
Map: [map_tag]"
+ if("Solaris Ridge")
+ s += "
Map: [map_tag]"
+ if("Prison Station")
+ s += "
Map: [map_tag]"
+ if("Whiskey Outpost")
+ s += "
Map: [map_tag]"
+ else
+ s += "
Map: [map_tag]"
s += "
Mode: [ticker.mode.name]"
s += "
Round time: [duration2text()]"
diff --git a/code/modules/admin/verbs/adminhelp.dm b/code/modules/admin/verbs/adminhelp.dm
index bf9c39ce0..b546fe73f 100644
--- a/code/modules/admin/verbs/adminhelp.dm
+++ b/code/modules/admin/verbs/adminhelp.dm
@@ -22,18 +22,23 @@ var/list/adminhelp_ignored_words = list("unknown","the","a","an","of","monkey","
var/list/type = list ("Suggestion / Bug Report", "Gameplay / Roleplay Issue", "Admins Spawn Shit")
var/selected_type = input("Pick a category.", "Admin Help", null, null) as null|anything in type
- if(selected_type == "Gameplay / Roleplay Issue")
- msg = input("Please enter your message:", "Admin Help", null, null) as message|null
- if(selected_type == "Suggestion / Bug Report")
- switch(alert("Adminhelps are not for suggestions or bug reports - issues should be posted on our Github, and suggestions on our forums. #WHENYOUCODEIT",,"Go to Github","Go to forums","Cancel"))
- if("Go to Github")
- src << link("https://github.com/ColonialMarines-Mirror/ColonialMarines-2018/issues")
- if("Go to forums")
- src << link("https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewforum.php?f=65")
- if(selected_type == "Admins Spawn Shit")
- src << "\red No"
+ switch(selected_type)
+ if("Gameplay / Roleplay Issue")
+ msg = input("Please enter your message:", "Admin Help", null, null) as message|null
+ if("Suggestion / Bug Report")
+ switch(alert("Adminhelps are not for suggestions or bug reports - issues should be posted on our Github, and suggestions on our forums. #WHENYOUCODEIT",,"Go to Github","Go to forums","Cancel"))
+ if("Go to Github")
+ if(config.bugtrackerurl)
+ src << link(config.bugtrackerurl)
+ else
+ to_chat(src, "The bug tracker URL is not set in the server configuration.")
+ if("Go to forums")
+ if(config.forumurl)
+ src << link(config.forumurl)
+ else
+ to_chat(src, "The forum URL is not set in the server configuration.")
+ if("Admins Spawn Shit")
+ to_chat(src, "No")
var/selected_upper = uppertext(selected_type)
diff --git a/config/config.txt b/config/config.txt
index b8b2c77be..77d82a9bd 100644
--- a/config/config.txt
+++ b/config/config.txt
@@ -187,16 +187,25 @@ GUEST_BAN
#SERVER server.net:port
## forum address
-FORUMURL https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/
+FORUMURL https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewforum.php?f=64
## Wiki address
-WIKIURL https://tgstation13.org/wiki
+WIKIURL https://tgstation13.org/wiki/DMCA
## Rules address
RULESURL https://tgstation13.org/wiki/DMCA_Rules
+## Chat address
+CHATURL https://discord.gg/2dFpfNE
+## Donation address
+DONATIONURL https://www.patreon.com/tgstation
+## Bug tracker address
+BUGTRACKERURL https://github.com/ColonialMarines-Mirror/ColonialMarines-2018/issues
## Ban appeals URL - usually for a forum or wherever people should go to contact your admins.
-BANAPPEALS https://cm-ss13.com/viewforum.php?f=76
+BANAPPEALS https://cc.ddmers.com/dmca/
## In-game features
## spawns a spellbook which gives object-type spells instead of verb-type spells for the wizard
diff --git a/config/example/config.txt b/config/example/config.txt
index a8f348e33..33061fb98 100644
--- a/config/example/config.txt
+++ b/config/example/config.txt
@@ -181,16 +181,25 @@ GUEST_BAN
#SERVER server.net:port
## forum address
-FORUMURL https://cm-ss13.com/
+FORUMURL https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/
## Wiki address
-WIKIURL https://cm-ss13/wiki/
+WIKIURL https://tgstation13.org/wiki/
## Rules address
-RULESURL https://cm-ss13.com/viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5094
+RULESURL https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Rules
+## Chat address
+CHATURL https://discord.tgstation13.org/
+## Donation address
+DONATIONURL https://www.patreon.com/tgstation
+## Bug tracker address
+BUGTRACKERURL https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/issues
## Ban appeals URL - usually for a forum or wherever people should go to contact your admins.
-BANAPPEALS https://cm-ss13.com/viewforum.php?f=76
+BANAPPEALS https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewforum.php?f=7
## In-game features
## spawns a spellbook which gives object-type spells instead of verb-type spells for the wizard
diff --git a/interface/interface.dm b/interface/interface.dm
index 19d1f89bb..903125f81 100644
--- a/interface/interface.dm
+++ b/interface/interface.dm
@@ -3,54 +3,60 @@
set name = "wiki"
set desc = "Visit the wiki."
set hidden = 1
- if( config.wikiurl )
+ if(config.wikiurl)
if(alert("This will open the wiki in your browser. Are you sure?",,"Yes","No")=="No")
src << link(config.wikiurl)
- src << "\red The wiki URL is not set in the server configuration."
+ to_chat(src, "The wiki URL is not set in the server configuration.")
set name = "forum"
set desc = "Visit the forum."
set hidden = 1
- if( config.forumurl )
+ if(config.forumurl)
if(alert("This will open the forum in your browser. Are you sure?",,"Yes","No")=="No")
src << link(config.forumurl)
- src << "\red The forum URL is not set in the server configuration."
+ to_chat(src, "The forum URL is not set in the server configuration.")
set name = "rules"
set desc = "Read our rules."
set hidden = 1
- if( config.rulesurl )
+ if(config.rulesurl)
if(alert("This will open the rules in your browser. Are you sure?",,"Yes","No")=="No")
src << link(config.rulesurl)
- src << "\red The rules URL is not set in the server configuration."
+ to_chat(src, "The rules URL is not set in the server configuration.")
set name = "Patreon"
set desc = "Like our server? Buy us and get satisfaction for your efforts."
set hidden = 1
- src << "
View our donation page for more info: https://www.patreon.com/tgstation.
+ if(config.donationurl)
+ if(alert("This will open our donation page in your browser. Are you sure?",,"Yes","No")=="No")
+ return
+ src << link(config.donationurl)
+ else
+ to_chat(src, "The donation URL is not set in the server configuration.")
set name = "Submit Bug"
set desc = "Submit a bug."
set hidden = 1
- if(alert("Please search for the bug first to make sure you aren't posting a duplicate.",,"Ok","Cancel")=="Cancel")
- return
- src << link("https://github.com/ColonialMarines-Mirror/ColonialMarines-2018")
+ if(config.bugtrackerurl)
+ if(alert("This will open our bug tracker page in your browser. Are you sure?",,"Yes","No")=="No")
+ return
+ src << link(config.bugtrackerurl)
+ else
+ to_chat(src, "The bug tracker URL is not set in the server configuration.")