[Test-Format-Lint] [Documentation] [Packaging]]
Check against at least one of py310 / py312 [1].
# Auto-format your code (if using VSCode, install the ufmt extension)
$ poetry run tox -e format
# Style, Format
$ poetry run tox -e check
# Type-Check
$ poetry run tox -e mypy310
# Tests
$ poetry run tox -e py310
[1] CI will test against both python versions for you, but should you wish to do so locally, open up two VSCode windows, one with the project opened in the default py310 devcontainer and the other with the py312 devcontainer.
Generate the docs, view them from ./docs/html
in a browser.
# Install dependencies
$ poetry install --with docs
# Build
$ poetry run make -C docs html
On Doc dependency changes, export the requirements for ReadTheDocs
$ poetry export -f requirements.txt --with docs -o docs/requirements.txt
If you have permission to publish on pypi:
$ poetry publish