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268 lines (218 loc) · 8.92 KB

##Set Up A Development Environment Using Chocolatey

How many of you out there are rake fans? Getting developers to look at your source code can sometimes be an issue. Wouldn't it be nice if it was simple for them to get all set up? What about Ruby DevKit? It would be nice, right?

Set up From the Source

This does the following:

  • downloads and installs Chocolatey
  • installs nuget.commandline if it is not installed
  • installs ruby.devkit if it is not installed
  • installs ruby if it is not installed
  • updates gems and installs some required gems for rake
  • restores nuget packages from the configs
  • builds the source with rake


function Install-NeededFor {
   [string] $packageName = ''
  ,[bool] $defaultAnswer = $true
  if ($packageName -eq '') {return $false}

  $yes = '6'
  $no = '7'
  $defaultAnswerDisplay = 'Yes'
  $buttonType = 0x4;
  if (!$defaultAnswer) { $defaultAnswerDisplay = 'No'; $buttonType= 0x104;}

  $answer = $msgBoxTimeout
  try {
    $timeout = 10
    $question = "Do you need to install $($packageName)? Defaults to `'$defaultAnswerDisplay`' after $timeout seconds"
    $msgBox = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
    $answer = $msgBox.Popup($question, $timeout, "Install $packageName", $buttonType)
  catch {

  if ($answer -eq $yes -or ($answer -eq $msgBoxTimeout -and $defaultAnswer -eq $true)) {
    write-host "Installing $packageName"
    return $true

  write-host "Not installing $packageName"
  return $false

# Install Chocolatey
if (Install-NeededFor 'chocolatey') {
  iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))

# install nuget, ruby.devkit, and ruby if they are missing
cinst nuget.commandline

if (Install-NeededFor 'ruby / ruby devkit') {
  cinst ruby.devkit
  cinst ruby -version

# perform ruby updates and get gems
gem update --system
gem install rake
gem install bundler

# restore the nuget packages
$nugetConfigs = Get-ChildItem '.\\' -Recurse | ?{$ -match "packages\\.config"} | select
foreach ($nugetConfig in $nugetConfigs) {
  Write-Host "restoring packages from $($nugetConfig.FullName)"
  nuget install $($nugetConfig.FullName) /OutputDirectory packages



@echo off
SET DIR=%~dp0%
@PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "& '%DIR%setup.ps1' %*"

The original is on github.

Getting the Source

Create a package for your project and call it projectname*.dev*. It should take a nuspec dependency on whatever source control you use. So in the case of git, a dependency on msysgit. Now, in [[chocolateyInstall.ps1|ChocolateyInstallPS1]], you just need something like the following:

try {

  $dirSelected = Read-Host "Please tell me the directory where you want to clone dropkick. Press enter to use .\\dropkick"

  if ($dirSelected -eq '') {$dirSelected = '.\\dropkick'}

  git clone git:// $dirSelected

  Start-Sleep 6
} catch {
Error Occurred: $($_.Exception.Message)
"@ | Write-Host -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkRed
	Start-Sleep 8

The above is from DropkicK.Dev

Setup A Full Environment Including Visual Studio Express, IIS Express and SQL Server Express (with Management Studio)

The original gist

$scriptDir = $(Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)

function Install-NeededFor {
   [string] $packageName = ''
  ,[bool] $defaultAnswer = $true
  if ($packageName -eq '') {return $false}

  $yes = '6'
  $no = '7'
  $defaultAnswerDisplay = 'Yes'
  $buttonType = 0x4;
  if (!$defaultAnswer) { $defaultAnswerDisplay = 'No'; $buttonType= 0x104;}

  $answer = $msgBoxTimeout
  try {
    $timeout = 10
    $question = "Do you need to install $($packageName)? Defaults to `'$defaultAnswerDisplay`' after $timeout seconds"
    $msgBox = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
    $answer = $msgBox.Popup($question, $timeout, "Install $packageName", $buttonType)
  catch {

  if ($answer -eq $yes -or ($answer -eq $msgBoxTimeout -and $defaultAnswer -eq $true)) {
    write-host "Installing $packageName"
    return $true

  write-host "Not installing $packageName"
  return $false

# Install Chocolatey
if (Install-NeededFor 'chocolatey') {
  iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString("")) 

if (Install-NeededFor 'autosave') {
  cinstm nodejs.install
  $nodePath = Join-Path $env:programfiles 'nodejs'
   $is64bit = (Get-WmiObject Win32_Processor).AddressWidth -eq 64
  if ($is64bit) {$nodePath = Join-Path ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)} 'nodejs'}
  $env:Path = "$($env:Path);$nodePath"
  npm install -g autosave

  Write-Host 'You still need to enable experimental packages in Chrome and install the Chrome Extension'
  Write-Host 'Details at'

Write-Host "Grabbing required frameworks"
cinst netframework2 -source webpi
cinst NETFramework35 -source webpi
cinst NETFramework4 -source webpi
cinst NETFramework4Update402 -source webpi
cinst NETFramework4Update402_KB2544514_Only -source webpi
cinst WindowsInstaller31 -source webpi
cinst WindowsInstaller45 -source webpi

cinst roundhouse -pre

Write-Host "Checking for/installing SQLServer Express and Management Studio..."
cinst SQLManagementStudio -source webpi
cinst SQLExpressTools -source webpi
Write-Warning "You will need to supply a password on the screen that is minimized"
cinst SQLExpress -source webpi
Write-Host "Finished checking for/install SQLServer Express and Management Studio"

Write-Host "Checking for/installing Visual Studio Items..."
if (Install-NeededFor 'VS2010 Express & SP1' $false) {
 cinst VWD_RTW -source webpi
 cinst VWD2010SP1AzurePack -source webpi

if (Install-NeededFor 'VS2010 Full Edition SP1') {
 cinst VS2010SP1Pack -source webpi

cinst MVC3 -source webpi
cinst MVC3Loc -source webpi
Write-Host "Finished checking for/installing Visual Studio Items."

if (Install-NeededFor 'database' $false) {
  & .\build.bat
  $sqlFiles = Join-Path $scriptDir 'code_drop\ProjectName.Database\ProjectName'
  $dbServer = Read-Host "Please tell me the server\instance location of the database (i.e. '(local)'). Press enter to use .\SQLEXPRESS"
  if ($dbServer -eq '') {$dbServer = '.\SQLEXPRESS'}
  & rh /d ProjectName /s $dbServer /f $sqlFiles /silent

if (Install-NeededFor 'IIS' $false) {
  cinst ASPNET -source webpi
  cinst ASPNET_REGIIS -source webpi
  cinst DefaultDocument -source webpi
  cinst DynamicContentCompression -source webpi
  cinst HTTPRedirection -source webpi
  cinst IIS7_ExtensionLessURLs -source webpi
  cinst IISExpress -source webpi
  cinst IISExpress_7_5 -source webpi
  cinst IISManagementConsole -source webpi
  cinst ISAPIExtensions -source webpi
  cinst ISAPIFilters -source webpi
  cinst NETExtensibility -source webpi
  cinst RequestFiltering -source webpi
  cinst StaticContent -source webpi
  cinst StaticContentCompression -source webpi
  cinst UrlRewrite2 -source webpi
  cinst WindowsAuthentication -source webpi

$projectName = 'ProjectName'
$srcDir = Join-Path $scriptDir "src\$($projectName).Web"
if (Install-NeededFor 'website' $false) {
  Write-Host "Setting folder permissions on `'$srcDir`' to 'Read' for user $networkSvc"
  $acl = Get-Acl $srcDir
  $acl.SetAccessRuleProtection($True, $True)
  $rule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("$networkSvc","Read", "ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow");
  Set-Acl $srcDir $acl

  Import-Module WebAdministration
  $appPoolPath = "IIS:\AppPools\$projectName"
  #$pool = new-object
  Write-Warning "You can safely ignore the next error if it occurs related to getting an app pool that doesn't exist"
  $pool = Get-Item $appPoolPath
  if ($pool -eq $null) {
    Write-Host "Creating the app pool `'$appPoolPath`'"
    $pool = New-Item $appPoolPath

  $pool.processModel.identityType = "NetworkService"
  $pool | Set-Item
  Set-itemproperty $appPoolPath -Name "managedRuntimeVersion" -Value "v4.0"
  #Set-itemproperty $appPoolPath -Name "managedPipelineMode" -Value "Integrated"
  Start-WebAppPool "$projectName"
  Write-Host "Creating the site `'$projectName`' with appPool `'$projectName`'"
  New-WebApplication "$projectName" -Site "Default Web Site" -PhysicalPath $srcDir -ApplicationPool "$projectName" -Force

  Write-Host 'You still need to open Visual Studio and build the application one time prior to going to the site in a browser.'

Write-Host "If you have made it here without errors, you should be setup and ready to hack on the apps."
Write-Warning "If you see any failures happen, you may want to reboot and continue to let installers catch up. This script is idempotent and will only apply changes that have not yet been applied."