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Spice on Databricks - Delta Lake and Spark Connect

Spice can read data straight from a Databricks instance. This recipe will create an app, configure Databricks, load and query a dataset directly from Delta Lake Tables through mode: delta_lake and from Databricks instance through mode: spark_connect. It assumes:

  • Spice is installed (see the Getting Started documentation).
  • The Databricks instance is running against AWS S3 storage in us-east-1.
  • Basic AWS authentication is configured (with environment variable credentials AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID & AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY).
  • A Databricks personal access token is available (as the environment variable DATABRICKS_TOKEN).
  • A Databricks cluster id is available (as the environment variable DATABRICKS_CLUSTER_ID).
  • A table already exists in Databricks, called spice_data.public.awesome_table.

mode: delta_lake

  1. Initialize a Spice app

    spice init databricks_demo
    cd databricks_demo
  2. In another terminal, working in the databricks_demo directory, configure Spice with the Databricks credentials

    spice login databricks \
        --token $DATABRICKS_TOKEN \
        --aws-access-key-id $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID \
        --aws-secret-access-key $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY \
        --aws-region us-east-1

    Executing spice login and successfully authenticating will create a .env file in the databricks_demo directory with the Databricks credentials.

  3. Start the Spice runtime

    >>> spice run
    2024-03-27T05:27:52.696536Z  INFO runtime::http: Spice Runtime HTTP listening on
    2024-03-27T05:27:52.696543Z  INFO runtime::flight: Spice Runtime Flight listening on
    2024-03-27T05:27:52.696606Z  INFO runtime::opentelemetry: Spice Runtime OpenTelemetry listening on
  4. Configure a Databricks dataset into the spicepod. The table provided must be a reference to a table in the Databricks unity catalog.

    >>> spice dataset configure
    dataset name: (databricks_demo) my_table
    description: My Databricks table
    from: databricks:spice_data.public.awesome_table
    locally accelerate (y/n)? (y) n
    Saved datasets/my_table/dataset.yaml
  5. Edit the dataset to add mode: delta_lake to the params section:

      mode: delta_lake
      databricks_endpoint: <existing_endpoint>
  6. Confirm that the runtime has registered the new table (in the original terminal)

    2024-03-27T05:27:54.051229Z  INFO runtime: Dataset my_table registered (databricks:spice_data.public.awesome_table), results cache enabled.
  7. Check the table exists from the Spice REPL

    >>> spice sql
    Welcome to the SQL REPL! Type 'help' for help.
    show tables; -- list available tables
    sql> show tables;
    | table_catalog | table_schema | table_name    | table_type |
    | spice         | public       | my_table      | BASE TABLE |
    | spice         | runtime      | task_history  | BASE TABLE |
    | spice         | runtime      | metrics       | BASE TABLE |
    Time: 0.008540708 seconds
    sql> describe spice.public.my_table;
    | column_name           | data_type                    | is_nullable |
    | VendorID              | Int32                        | YES         |
    | tpep_pickup_datetime  | Timestamp(Microsecond, None) | YES         |
    | tpep_dropoff_datetime | Timestamp(Microsecond, None) | YES         |
    | passenger_count       | Int64                        | YES         |
    | trip_distance         | Float64                      | YES         |
    | RatecodeID            | Int64                        | YES         |
    | store_and_fwd_flag    | LargeUtf8                    | YES         |
    | PULocationID          | Int32                        | YES         |
    | DOLocationID          | Int32                        | YES         |
    | payment_type          | Int64                        | YES         |
    | fare_amount           | Float64                      | YES         |
    | extra                 | Float64                      | YES         |
    | mta_tax               | Float64                      | YES         |
    | tip_amount            | Float64                      | YES         |
    | tolls_amount          | Float64                      | YES         |
    | improvement_surcharge | Float64                      | YES         |
    | total_amount          | Float64                      | YES         |
    | congestion_surcharge  | Float64                      | YES         |
    | Airport_fee           | Float64                      | YES         |
    Time: 0.00507075 seconds
  8. Query against the Databricks table. Since the table isn't accelerated, the spice runtime will make a network call to the object storage service.

    >>> spice sql
    sql> SELECT avg(total_amount), avg(tip_amount), count(1), passenger_count FROM my_table  GROUP BY passenger_count ORDER BY passenger_count ASC;
    | AVG(my_table.total_amount) | AVG(my_table.tip_amount) | COUNT(Int64(1)) | passenger_count |
    | 25.327816939456696         | 3.072259971396788        | 31465           | 0               |
    | 26.20523044549061          | 3.3712622884681065       | 2188739         | 1               |
    | 29.5206599309276           | 3.71713021132875         | 405103          | 2               |
    | 29.138309044289365         | 3.5370455392168942       | 91262           | 3               |
    | 30.877266710278            | 3.466037634201754        | 51974           | 4               |
    | 26.26912911120415          | 3.3797078135259517       | 33506           | 5               |
    | 25.801183286359887         | 3.344098778687425        | 22353           | 6               |
    | 57.735                     | 8.37                     | 8               | 7               |
    | 95.66803921568629          | 11.972156862745097       | 51              | 8               |
    | 18.45                      | 3.05                     | 1               | 9               |
    | 25.811736633327225         | 1.5459567500463327       | 140162          |                 |
    Time: 6.56567 seconds

(Optional): Accelerating Databricks

To improve the query performance, the Databricks dataset can be accelerated.

  1. Edit the dataset, my_table.

    echo """acceleration:
      enabled: true""" >> datasets/my_table/dataset.yaml
  2. The Spice runtime should be updated (i.e. ACCELERATION=true)

    >>> spice datasets
    FROM                                       NAME     REPLICATION ACCELERATION DEPENDSON STATUS
    databricks:spice_data.public.awesome_table my_table false       true                   Ready
  3. Rerun the query

    >>> spice sql
    sql> select avg(total_amount), avg(tip_amount), count(1), passenger_count from my_table  group by passenger_count order by passenger_count asc;
    | AVG(my_table.total_amount) | AVG(my_table.tip_amount) | COUNT(Int64(1)) | passenger_count |
    | 25.32781693945653          | 3.072259971396793        | 31465           | 0               |
    | 26.205230445474996         | 3.3712622884680052       | 2188739         | 1               |
    | 29.520659930930304         | 3.7171302113290854       | 405103          | 2               |
    | 29.138309044290263         | 3.5370455392167615       | 91262           | 3               |
    | 30.877266710278306         | 3.466037634201712        | 51974           | 4               |
    | 26.269129111203988         | 3.3797078135259317       | 33506           | 5               |
    | 25.801183286359798         | 3.344098778687425        | 22353           | 6               |
    | 57.735                     | 8.37                     | 8               | 7               |
    | 95.66803921568626          | 11.972156862745097       | 51              | 8               |
    | 18.45                      | 3.05                     | 1               | 9               |
    | 25.81173663332435          | 1.545956750046378        | 140162          |                 |
    Time: 0.0227835 seconds

Note: A dataset can be accelerated when configured by specifying yes (y) to locally accelerate (y/n)?.

mode: spark_connect

  1. Initialize a Spice app

    spice init databricks_demo_spark_connect
    cd databricks_demo_spark_connect
  2. Run the following command to set databricks secrets

    export DATABRICKS_HOST=<your-databricks-host>
    export DATABRICKS_TOKEN=<your-databricks-token>
    export DATABRICKS_CLUSTER_ID=<your-databricks-cluster-id>
  3. Configure the spicepod.yaml as following, replace the <catalog>.<schema>.<table> with the actual catalog, schema, and table in databricks

    version: v1
    kind: Spicepod
    name: databricks_demo_spark_connect
    - from: databricks:<catalog>.<schema>.<table>
       name: my_table
          mode: spark_connect
          databricks_endpoint: ${ secrets:DATABRICKS_HOST }
          databricks_token: ${ secrets:DATABRICKS_TOKEN }
          databricks_cluster_id: ${ secrets:DATABRICKS_CLUSTER_ID }
  4. Start the Spice runtime, and confirm that runtime has register the table under mode: spark_connect

    >>> spice run
    2025-01-15T04:44:40.207555Z  INFO runtime::init::dataset: Initializing dataset my_table
    2025-01-15T04:44:40.208013Z  INFO runtime::flight: Spice Runtime Flight listening on
    2025-01-15T04:44:40.208015Z  INFO runtime::metrics_server: Spice Runtime Metrics listening on
    2025-01-15T04:44:40.208823Z  INFO runtime::http: Spice Runtime HTTP listening on
    2025-01-15T04:44:40.211694Z  INFO runtime::opentelemetry: Spice Runtime OpenTelemetry listening on
    2025-01-15T04:44:40.238106Z  INFO runtime::init::results_cache: Initialized results cache; max size: 128.00 MiB, item ttl: 1s
    2025-01-15T04:44:41.299484Z  INFO runtime::init::dataset: Dataset my_table registered (databricks:<catalog>.<schema>.<table>), results cache enabled.
  5. Check the table exists from the Spice REPL

    >>> spice sql
    Welcome to the SQL REPL! Type 'help' for help.
    show tables; -- list available tables
    sql> show tables;
    | table_catalog | table_schema | table_name    | table_type |
    | spice         | public       | my_table      | BASE TABLE |
    | spice         | runtime      | task_history  | BASE TABLE |
    | spice         | runtime      | metrics       | BASE TABLE |
    Time: 0.008540708 seconds
  6. Query against the Databricks table connected with mode: spark_connect

    sql> select * from my_table limit 1;
    | c_custkey | c_name             | c_address         | c_nationkey | c_phone         | c_acctbal | c_mktsegment | c_comment                                                      |
    | 1         | Customer#000000001 | j5JsirBM9PsCy0O1m | 15          | 25-989-741-2988 | 711.56    | BUILDING     | y final requests wake slyly quickly special accounts. blithely |