This directory contains a set of unit test for the different communication primitives. Tests are executed in emulation environment, therefore passing the test does not ensure that the primitive will work in hardware (but in any case it is a necessary condition)
The user can compile and runn all of them with
Tested primitives:
- p2p: point to point communications
- broadcast
- scatter
- gather
- reduce
- mixed: p2p and collective communications in the same bitstream
Each primitive is tested against different message lenght, data types and (in case of collective) different roots.
All the tests have a timeout to ensure that a deadlock would not stall the testing procedure. However it should be noticed that emulation can be slow, so in case try to re-execute the test or increase the timeout. For each test, the timeout value is defined as macro at the begining of the respective .cpp file.
To test a primitive, in the test
folder of the Cmake folder:
compile the emulated bitstream
make test_<primitive>_emulator
compile the test program
make test_<primitive>_host
execute the test program from the respective working directory
env CL_CONTEXT_EMULATOR_DEVICE_INTELFPGA=8 mpirun -np 8 ./test_<primitive>_host
or simply use the integration with