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Unreal SDK:

Upgrading to SpatialOS 13.0

Migrating to the Unreal SDK 1.0.0

GitHub repository:

NOTE: The steps below tell you how to migrate from an earlier version of SpatialOS and the Unreal SDK (before SpatialOS version 13). If you are installing SpatialOS and the Unreal SDK for the first time, see: Introduction to the Unreal SDK.

SpatialOS 13.0 splits SpatialOS and the Unreal SDK to make SpatialOS available as a separate product to the Unreal SDK. At the time of initial release, the functionality of SpatialOS 13.0 and the Unreal SDK 1.0.0 is the same as the combined SpatialOS and Unreal SDK 12.2.1. Subsequent patch releases may make the functionality of the versions slightly different. If you want to use the Unreal SDK 1.0.0, you need to upgrade your SpatialOS version to 13.0 and migrate your Unreal SDK version to 1.0.0.

Follow the steps below for every SpatialOS Unreal project you want to upgrade and migrate.

Quick guide

  1. Run spatial clean.
  2. Clone the SpatialOS Unreal SDK GitHub repository.
  3. From the cloned repository, move the Game directory into your project’s Unreal worker directory (this is usually <root>/workers/unreal). If you are asked whether to merge or replace the Game folder, select merge, otherwise you will delete files that your game depends upon.
  4. Still in the Unreal worker directory, edit the spatialos.UnrealClient.worker.json file to remove "generated_build_scripts_type": "unreal" completely and to replace "Game/Intermediate/Improbable/" with "Game/Source/SpatialOS/". Be sure to remove the comma after .json".
  5. Edit the spatialos.UnrealWorker.worker.json file to remove "generated_build_scripts_type": "unreal" completely and to replace "Game/Intermediate/Improbable/" with "Game/Source/SpatialOS/". Be sure to remove the comma after .json".
  6. In <root>\workers\unreal\Game\Intermediate\Improbable delete the spatialos_worker_packages.json file.
  7. In Game/<yourgame>.uproject replace all instances of spatial invoke unreal with Binaries\\ThirdParty\\Improbable\\Programs\\unreal_packager.
  8. Edit the spatialos.json file in two places so that "version" is “13.0.0”.
  9. Run spatial clean (again).
  10. Run spatial worker build.
  11. In your project's Unreal worker directory (for example, workers/unreal), edit the version control system (VCS) ignore file as below:
    • Change the line **/Binaries/ to **/Binaries/*
    • Add the line !Game/Binaries/ThirdParty/
    • Delete the line Game/Source/SpatialOS/*

Note: In all our starter projects downloaded before 2018-05-15 the VCS ignore files are not set as above, so if your project is based on any of these projects, you need to edit the VCS ignore files as described in the final step.

Detailed guide

1. Clean up your existing project

  1. Open a terminal window and cd to the root directory of your project.
  2. Run spatial clean. Note: It’s very important you start by running spatial clean. If you don’t, files won’t be cleaned up properly and may cause issues with the new version.

2. Clone or download the Unreal SDK 1.0.0.

Get the Unreal SDK by cloning the SpatialOS Unreal SDK GitHub repository. Either follow the Clone or download instructions on the web page or clone using the command line. (See the git-scm website for guidance on setting up and using command-line git.)

For command-line git, in a terminal window run: git clone

3. Upgrade your Unreal project

  1. From the cloned repository, copy the contents of the Game directory into the directory which contains your Unreal project’s workers. (It is the directory which contains the spatialos_worker_packages.json file.) For example: ~/mySpatialOSgame/workers/unreal
  2. In the same directory, edit the spatialos.UnrealClient.worker.json file to remove "generated_build_scripts_type": "unreal" completely and to replace "" with "Game/Source/SpatialOS/". Make sure there is no comma after .json".

This part of the file should now look like this:

"build": {
   "tasks_filename": "Game/Source/SpatialOS/"
  1. In the same directory, edit the spatialos.UnrealWorker.worker.json file to remove the "generated_build_scripts_type": "unreal" completely and to replace "" with "Game/Source/SpatialOS/". Make sure there is no comma after .json".

This part of the file should now look like this:

"build": {
    "tasks_filename": "Game/Source/SpatialOS/"
  1. Delete spatialos_worker_packages.json as spatial no longer uses this file.

  2. In Game/<yourgame>.uproject replace all instances of spatial invoke unreal with Binaries\\ThirdParty\\Improbable\\Programs\\unreal_packager.

For example, the PostBuildSteps section of Game/<yourgame.uproject> should now look like this:

        "Win64": [
            "cd /D \"$(ProjectDir)\"",
            "Binaries\\ThirdParty\\Improbable\\Programs\\unreal_packager package --engineDir=\"$(EngineDir)\" --project=\"$(ProjectFile)\" --platform=\"$(TargetPlatform)\" --target=\"$(TargetType)\" --configuration=\"$(TargetConfiguration)\" -- -allmaps",
            "exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%"
        "Linux": [
            "cd \"$(ProjectDir)\"",
            "Binaries\\ThirdParty\\Improbable\\Programs\\unreal_packager package --engineDir=\"$(EngineDir)\" --project=\"$(ProjectFile)\" --platform=\"$(TargetPlatform)\" --target=\"$(TargetType)\" --configuration=\"$(TargetConfiguration)\" -- -allmaps",
            "exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%"
  1. Navigate two directories up to find the spatialos.json file. Edit the spatialos.json file so that the "version" is “13.0.0” and save the file. Note that there are two places to edit the version.

The file should now look similar to this:

    "name": "mySpatialOSgame",
    "project_version": "1.0.0",
    "sdk_version": "13.0.0",
    "dependencies": [
    	{"name": "standard_library", "version": "13.0.0"}
  1. In the root directory of your project, run spatial clean (again).

3. Update the version control ignore file

Make sure your version control system (VCS) is set to stop ignoring the Unreal SDK directories you have copied, specifically the directories under Game/Binaries/ThirdParty/Improbable and Source/SpatialOS which are ignored by default.

  1. Locate the VCS ignore file in your project’s Unreal worker directory.
  1. Edit the ignore file as below:
    • Change the line **/Binaries/ to **/Binaries/*
    • Add the line !Game/Binaries/ThirdParty/
    • Delete the line Game/Source/SpatialOS/*

You need to do this for every project you migrate.

Note: In all our starter projects (including Unreal Starter) downloaded before 2018-05-15 the version control ignore files are not set as above, so if your project is based on any of these starter projects, you need to edit the VCS ignore files.

4. Check it worked

In the root directory of your project, check that the upgrade and migration worked by running: spatial worker build.

It’s worked when you see 'spatial build UnrealWorker UnrealClient' succeeded (or 'spatial.exe build UnrealWorker UnrealClient' succeeded).