diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81d6905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md b/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77cbeea
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
+## Our Pledge
+In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
+contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
+our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
+size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression,
+level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal
+appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
+## Our Standards
+Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment
+* Using welcoming and inclusive language
+* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
+* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
+* Focusing on what is best for the community
+* Showing empathy towards other community members
+Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
+* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or
+ advances
+* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
+* Public or private harassment
+* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic
+ address, without explicit permission
+* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
+ professional setting
+## Our Responsibilities
+Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable
+behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in
+response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
+Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
+reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
+that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
+permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
+threatening, offensive, or harmful.
+## Scope
+This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
+when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
+representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
+address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
+representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
+further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
+## Enforcement
+Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
+reported by contacting the project team at otd@tm-consulting.ru. All
+complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that
+is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is
+obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
+Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
+Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
+faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
+members of the project's leadership.
+## Attribution
+This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4,
+available at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/code-of-conduct.html
+[homepage]: https://www.contributor-covenant.org
+For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ go test ./... -v
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4355201..cd92349 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,59 +2,81 @@
This package contains structures, forms, functions and SOAP handler for Amadeus WS.
-## SOAP Methods implemented
-The following versions of services are currently implemented:
-* Air_FlightInfo (05.1)
-* Air_SellFromRecommendation (05.2)
-* Command_Cryptic (07.3)
-* DocIssuance_IssueTicket (09.1)
-* Fare_CheckRules (07.1)
-* Fare_ConvertCurrency (08.1)
-* Fare_InformativeBestPricingWithoutPNR (12.4)
-* Fare_InformativePricingWithoutPNR (12.4)
-* Fare_MasterPricerCalendar (14.3, 12.2)
-* Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearch (16.3, 14.3, 12.3)
-* Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass (14.1, 12.4)
-* PNR_AddMultiElements (11.3)
-* PNR_Cancel (11.3)
-* PNR_Retrieve (11.3)
-* Queue_CountPlanner (03.1)
-* Queue_CountTotal (03.1)
-* Queue_List (11.1)
-* Queue_MoveItem (03.1)
-* Queue_PlacePNR (03.1)
-* Queue_RemoveItem (03.1)
-* Security_Authenticate (06.1)
-* Security_SignOut (04.1)
-* Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricing (04.1)
-* Ticket_CreditCardCheck (06.1)
-* Ticket_DeleteTST (04.1)
-* Ticket_DisplayTST (07.1)
+## Methods implementation progress
+- [ ] Air_FlightInfo (05.1)
+- [x] Air_SellFromRecommendation (05.2)
+- [x] Command_Cryptic (07.3)
+- [x] DocIssuance_IssueTicket (09.1)
+- [x] Fare_CheckRules (07.1)
+- [ ] Fare_ConvertCurrency (08.1)
+- [x] Fare_InformativeBestPricingWithoutPNR (12.4)
+- [x] Fare_InformativePricingWithoutPNR (12.4)
+- [ ] Fare_MasterPricerCalendar (14.3, 12.2)
+- [x] Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearch (16.3, 14.3)
+- [x] Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass (14.1)
+- [x] PNR_AddMultiElements (11.3)
+- [x] PNR_Cancel (11.3)
+- [x] PNR_Retrieve (11.3)
+- [ ] Queue_CountPlanner (03.1)
+- [ ] Queue_CountTotal (03.1)
+- [ ] Queue_List (11.1)
+- [ ] Queue_MoveItem (03.1)
+- [ ] Queue_PlacePNR (03.1)
+- [ ] Queue_RemoveItem (03.1)
+- [x] Security_Authenticate (06.1)
+- [x] Security_SignOut (04.1)
+- [x] Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricing (04.1)
+- [ ] Ticket_CreditCardCheck (06.1)
+- [x] Ticket_DeleteTST (04.1)
+- [x] Ticket_DisplayTST (07.1)
+- [x] Ticket_ProcessEDoc (15.2)
## Installation
-It is go gettable
+It is go gettable and go.mod powered
- $ go get github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk
+ $ go get github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk@latest
+## Usage
+Prepare log writer realisation if you need to see outgoing and incoming xmls (null logging used if nil is passed),
+ methods map that you want (and allowed by Amadeus) to run (use `GetLatestMethodsMap()` to use latest methods versions
+ that are implemented) and credentials to connect: url, originator, password (not in base64!). Initiate SDK and service:
package main
import (
- amadeusSdk "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk"
+ "log"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/logger/stdoutLogger"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/service"
-## Usage examples
-There are several usage examples in `./example` folder. Try it out.
+func main() {
+ url := "https://nodeD1.test.webservices.amadeus.com/1ASIWXXXXXX"
+ originator := "WSBENXXX"
+ passwordRaw := "dGhlIHBhc3N3b3Jk"
+ officeID := "BRUXX1111"
+ client := sdk.CreateAmadeusClient(url, originator, passwordRaw, officeID, stdoutLogger.Init())
+ amadeusSDK := service.NewSKD(client, service.GetLatestMethodsMap())
+ response, err := amadeusSDK.CommandCryptic("AN20MAYMOWLED/ALH")
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("error: %v", err)
+ }
+ log.Printf("response: %v\n", response)
-## Tests
+## Testing
-There are no tests yet. :( Feel free to help us to change this situation!
+Create test `.env` file from [test.env-example](test.env-example), or run with ENV variables `make test`
+(or `go test ./... -v`)
## Contribution
diff --git a/client/ama.go b/client/ama.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86b1794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/ama.go
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+package client
+import "encoding/xml"
+type AMASecurityHostedUser struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/2010/06/Security_v1 AMA_SecurityHostedUser"`
+ UserId AMASecurityHostedUserUserID `xml:"UserID"`
+type AMASecurityHostedUserUserID struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name `xml:"UserID"`
+ AgentDutyCode string `xml:"AgentDutyCode,attr"`
+ RequestorType string `xml:"RequestorType,attr"`
+ PseudoCityCode string `xml:"PseudoCityCode,attr"`
+ POSType string `xml:"POS_Type,attr"`
diff --git a/client/book.go b/client/book.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7f48d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/book.go
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+package client
+import (
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/air/sellFromRecommendation/v05.2/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/air/sellFromRecommendation/v05.2/response"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/pricePNRWithBookingClass/v14.1/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/pricePNRWithBookingClass/v14.1/response"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/pnr/addMultiElements/v11.3"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/pnr/cancel/v11.3"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/pnr/reply/v11.3"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ticket/createTSTFromPricing/v04.1"
+func (client *AmadeusClient) AirSellFromRecommendationV052(query *Air_SellFromRecommendationRequest_v05_2.Request) (*Air_SellFromRecommendationResponse_v05_2.Response, *ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ var reply Air_SellFromRecommendationResponse_v05_2.Response
+ header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, "ITAREQ_05_2_IA", query, &reply, client)
+ return &reply, header, err
+func (client *AmadeusClient) PNRAddMultiElementsV113(query *PNR_AddMultiElementsRequest_v11_3.Request) (*PNR_Reply_v11_3.Response, *ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ var reply PNR_Reply_v11_3.Response
+ header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, "PNRADD_11_3_1A", query, &reply, client)
+ return &reply, header, err
+func (client *AmadeusClient) FarePricePNRWithBookingClassV141(query *Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClassRequest_v14_1.Request) (*Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClassResponse_v14_1.Response, *ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ var reply Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClassResponse_v14_1.Response
+ header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, "TPCBRQ_14_1_1A", query, &reply, client)
+ return &reply, header, err
+func (client *AmadeusClient) TicketCreateTSTFromPricingV041(query *Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricing_v04_1.Request) (*Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricing_v04_1.Response, *ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ var reply Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricing_v04_1.Response
+ header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, "TAUTCQ_04_1_1A", query, &reply, client)
+ return &reply, header, err
+func (client *AmadeusClient) PNRCancelV113(query *PNR_Cancel_v11_3.Request) (*PNR_Reply_v11_3.Response, *ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ var reply PNR_Reply_v11_3.Response
+ header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, "PNRXCL_11_3_1A", query, &reply, client)
+ return &reply, header, err
diff --git a/client/client.go b/client/client.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6538566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/client.go
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+package client
+import (
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/logger"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/logger/nilLogger"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/session/v03.0"
+var (
+ soapUrl = "http://webservices.amadeus.com/WSAP/"
+ amaUrl = "http://webservices.amadeus.com/"
+func New(opts ...Option) *AmadeusClient {
+ c := &AmadeusClient{
+ Session: CreateSession(),
+ service: &WebServicePT{
+ Client: &SOAP4Client{
+ TLSEnable: true,
+ Logger: logger.NewLogger(nilLogger.Init()),
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ for _, opt := range opts {
+ opt(c)
+ }
+ return c
+type AmadeusClient struct {
+ Session *Session_v03_0.Session
+ service *WebServicePT
+func (client *AmadeusClient) Close() error {
+ if client == nil || client.service == nil {
+ return nil
+ }
+ if client.Session != nil && client.Session.TransactionStatusCode != Session_v03_0.TransactionStatusCode[Session_v03_0.End] {
+ client.Session.TransactionStatusCode = Session_v03_0.TransactionStatusCode[Session_v03_0.End]
+ if _, _, err := client.SecuritySignOutV041(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ client.Session = nil
+ }
+ return nil
diff --git a/client/comandCryptic.go b/client/comandCryptic.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edd2c34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/comandCryptic.go
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+package client
+import (
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/commandCryptic/v07.3"
+func (client *AmadeusClient) CommandCrypticV073(query *CommandCryptic_v07_3.Request) (*CommandCryptic_v07_3.Response, error) {
+ var reply CommandCryptic_v07_3.Response
+ header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, "HSFREQ_07_3_1A", query, &reply, client)
+ client.IncSessionSequenceNumber(header)
+ return &reply, err
diff --git a/client/information.go b/client/information.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8a53a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/information.go
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+package client
+import (
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/checkRules/v07.1/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/checkRules/v07.1/response"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/informativePricingWithoutPNR/v12.4/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/informativePricingWithoutPNR/v12.4/response"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/pnr/reply/v11.3"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/pnr/retrieve/v11.3"
+func (client *AmadeusClient) PNRRetrieveV113(query *PNR_Retrieve_v11_3.Request) (*PNR_Reply_v11_3.Response, *ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ var reply PNR_Reply_v11_3.Response
+ header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, "PNRRET_11_3_1A", query, &reply, client)
+ return &reply, header, err
+func (client *AmadeusClient) FareInformativePricingWithoutPNRV124(query *Fare_InformativePricingWithoutPNR_v12_4.Request) (*Fare_InformativePricingWithoutPNRReply_v12_4.Response, *ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ var reply Fare_InformativePricingWithoutPNRReply_v12_4.Response
+ header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, "TIPNRQ_12_4_1A", query, &reply, client)
+ return &reply, header, err
+func (client *AmadeusClient) FareCheckRulesV071(query *Fare_CheckRulesRequest_v07_1.Request) (*Fare_CheckRulesResponse_v07_1.Response, *ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ var reply Fare_CheckRulesResponse_v07_1.Response
+ header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, "FARQNQ_07_1_1A", query, &reply, client)
+ return &reply, header, err
diff --git a/client/issue.go b/client/issue.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61e726e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/issue.go
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+package client
+import (
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/docIssuance/issueTicket/v09.1"
+func (client *AmadeusClient) DocIssuanceIssueTicketV091(query *DocIssuance_IssueTicket_v09_1.Request) (*DocIssuance_IssueTicket_v09_1.Response, *ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ var reply DocIssuance_IssueTicket_v09_1.Response
+ header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, "TTKTIQ_09_1_1A", query, &reply, client)
+ return &reply, header, err
diff --git a/client/options.go b/client/options.go
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6a71281
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/options.go
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+package client
+import "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/logger"
+// Option describes a functional option for configuring AmadeusClient.
+type Option func(client *AmadeusClient)
+//SetURL sets client connection url
+func SetURL(url string) Option {
+ return func(c *AmadeusClient) {
+ c.service.Client.Url = url
+ }
+// SetUser sets client user (originator)
+func SetUser(originator string) Option {
+ return func(c *AmadeusClient) {
+ c.service.Client.User = originator
+ }
+//SetPassword sets client password
+func SetPassword(pass string) Option {
+ return func(c *AmadeusClient) {
+ c.service.Client.Pass = pass
+ }
+//SetAgent sets client office id
+func SetAgent(officeID string) Option {
+ return func(c *AmadeusClient) {
+ c.service.Client.Agent = officeID
+ }
+func SetLogger(l logger.LogWriter) Option {
+ return func(c *AmadeusClient) {
+ c.service.Client.Logger = logger.NewLogger(l)
+ }
diff --git a/utils/randString.go b/client/randString.go
similarity index 98%
rename from utils/randString.go
rename to client/randString.go
index a3284a3..904bd64 100644
--- a/utils/randString.go
+++ b/client/randString.go
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-package utils
+package client
import (
diff --git a/client/refund.go b/client/refund.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1766a7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/refund.go
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+package client
+import (
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ama/ticketIgnoreRefund/v03.0"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ama/ticketInitRefund/v03.0"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ama/ticketProcessRefund/v03.0"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/pnr/ignore/v04.1"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/salesReports/displayTransactionReport/v13.2"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ticket/processEDoc/v15.2/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ticket/processEDoc/v15.2/response"
+func (client *AmadeusClient) AMATicketIgnoreRefundV030(query *AMA_TicketIgnoreRefund_v03_0.Request) (*AMA_TicketIgnoreRefund_v03_0.Response, *ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ var reply AMA_TicketIgnoreRefund_v03_0.Response
+ header, err := client.service.Call(amaUrl, "Ticket_IgnoreRefund_3.0", query, &reply, client)
+ return &reply, header, err
+func (client *AmadeusClient) AMATicketInitRefundV030(query *AMA_TicketInitRefund_v03_0.Request) (*AMA_TicketInitRefund_v03_0.Response, *ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ var reply AMA_TicketInitRefund_v03_0.Response
+ header, err := client.service.Call(amaUrl, "Ticket_InitRefund_3.0", query, &reply, client)
+ return &reply, header, err
+func (client *AmadeusClient) AMATicketProcessRefundV030(query *AMA_TicketProcessRefund_v03_0.Request) (*AMA_TicketProcessRefund_v03_0.Response, *ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ var reply AMA_TicketProcessRefund_v03_0.Response
+ header, err := client.service.Call(amaUrl, "Ticket_ProcessRefund_3.0", query, &reply, client)
+ return &reply, header, err
+func (client *AmadeusClient) TicketProcessEDocV152(query *Ticket_ProcessEDocRequest_v15_2.Request) (*Ticket_ProcessEDocResponse_v15_2.Response, *ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ var reply Ticket_ProcessEDocResponse_v15_2.Response
+ header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, "TATREQ_15_2_1A", query, &reply, client)
+ return &reply, header, err
+func (client *AmadeusClient) SalesReportsDisplayTransactionReportV132(query *SalesReports_DisplayTransactionReport_v13_2.Request) (*SalesReports_DisplayTransactionReport_v13_2.Response, *ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ var reply SalesReports_DisplayTransactionReport_v13_2.Response
+ header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, "TSRTRQ_13_2_1A", query, &reply, client)
+ return &reply, header, err
+func (client *AmadeusClient) PNRIgnoreV041(query *PNR_Ignore_v04_1.Request) (*PNR_Ignore_v04_1.Response, *ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ var reply PNR_Ignore_v04_1.Response
+ header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, "CLTREQ_04_1_IA", query, &reply, client)
+ return &reply, header, err
diff --git a/client/search.go b/client/search.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a0ba9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/search.go
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+package client
+import (
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/informativeBestPricingWithoutPNR/v12.4/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/informativeBestPricingWithoutPNR/v12.4/response"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v14.3/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v14.3/response"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v16.3/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v16.3/response"
+func (client *AmadeusClient) FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchV143(query *Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchRequest_v14_3.Request) (*Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchResponse_v14_3.Response, *ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ var reply Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchResponse_v14_3.Response
+ header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, "FMPTBQ_14_3_1A", query, &reply, client)
+ return &reply, header, err
+func (client *AmadeusClient) FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchV163(query *Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchRequest_v16_3.Request) (*Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchResponse_v16_3.Response, *ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ var reply Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchResponse_v16_3.Response
+ header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, "FMPTBQ_14_3_1A", query, &reply, client)
+ return &reply, header, err
+func (client *AmadeusClient) FareInformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRV124(query *Fare_InformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRRequest_v12_4.Request) (*Fare_InformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRResponse_v12_4.Response, *ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ var reply Fare_InformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRResponse_v12_4.Response
+ header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, "TIBNRQ_12_4_1A", query, &reply, client)
+ return &reply, header, err
diff --git a/client/session.go b/client/session.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d5a7e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/session.go
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+package client
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/security/signOut/v04.1"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/session/v03.0"
+func (client *AmadeusClient) SecuritySignOutV041() (*SecuritySignOut_v04_1.Response, *ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ var query SecuritySignOut_v04_1.Request
+ var reply SecuritySignOut_v04_1.Response
+ header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, "VLSSOQ_04_1_1A", &query, &reply, client)
+ return &reply, header, err
+func CreateSession() *Session_v03_0.Session {
+ return &Session_v03_0.Session{
+ TransactionStatusCode: Session_v03_0.TransactionStatusCode[Session_v03_0.Start],
+ }
+func (client *AmadeusClient) GetSession() *Session_v03_0.Session {
+ return client.Session
+func (client *AmadeusClient) IncSessionSequenceNumber(header *ResponseSOAPHeader) {
+ if header != nil {
+ client.Session = &header.Session
+ }
+ client.Session.SequenceNumber++
+func (client *AmadeusClient) CheckIfSessionIsClosed() bool {
+ if client == nil || client.Session == nil || client.Session.TransactionStatusCode == Session_v03_0.TransactionStatusCode[Session_v03_0.End] {
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+func (client *AmadeusClient) SetSessionEndTransaction() bool {
+ if client == nil || client.Session == nil || client.Session.TransactionStatusCode == Session_v03_0.TransactionStatusCode[Session_v03_0.End] {
+ return false
+ }
+ client.Session.TransactionStatusCode = Session_v03_0.TransactionStatusCode[Session_v03_0.End]
+ return true
+func (client *AmadeusClient) UpdateSessionV030(session *Session_v03_0.Session) bool {
+ if client == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ client.Session = session
+ return true
+func (client *AmadeusClient) CloseSessionV041() (*SecuritySignOut_v04_1.Response, error) {
+ if client == nil || client.service == nil {
+ return nil, errors.New("nil client or service")
+ }
+ if client.Session != nil && client.Session.TransactionStatusCode != Session_v03_0.TransactionStatusCode[Session_v03_0.End] {
+ client.Session.TransactionStatusCode = Session_v03_0.TransactionStatusCode[Session_v03_0.End]
+ reply, header, err := client.SecuritySignOutV041()
+ if err == nil {
+ client.Session = nil
+ } else {
+ client.Session = &header.Session
+ }
+ return reply, err
+ }
+ return nil, errors.New("can't close session: Session is nil or Session.TransactionStatusCode == End")
diff --git a/client/soap.go b/client/soap.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5edae2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/soap.go
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+package client
+import (
+ "encoding/xml"
+ "fmt"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/session/v03.0"
+const (
+ Ns = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
+ XsiNs = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ XsdNs = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
+ WasNs = "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing"
+type Body struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name `xml:"soap:Body"`
+ Fault *Fault `xml:",omitempty"`
+ Content interface{} `xml:",omitempty"`
+type Header struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name `xml:"soap:Header"`
+ Items []interface{} `xml:",omitempty"`
+type AddressingFrom struct {
+ // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"wsa:From"`
+ Address string `xml:"Address"`
+type ResponseSOAPBody struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ Body"`
+ Fault *Fault `xml:",omitempty"`
+ Content interface{} `xml:",omitempty"`
+func (b *ResponseSOAPBody) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
+ if b.Content == nil {
+ return xml.UnmarshalError("Content must be a pointer to a struct")
+ }
+ var (
+ token xml.Token
+ err error
+ consumed bool
+ )
+ for {
+ if token, err = d.Token(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if token == nil {
+ break
+ }
+ switch se := token.(type) {
+ case xml.StartElement:
+ if consumed {
+ return xml.UnmarshalError("Found multiple elements inside SOAP body; not wrapped-document/literal WS-I compliant")
+ } else if se.Name.Space == "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" && se.Name.Local == "Fault" {
+ b.Fault = &Fault{}
+ b.Content = nil
+ err = d.DecodeElement(b.Fault, &se)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ consumed = true
+ } else {
+ if err = d.DecodeElement(b.Content, &se); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ consumed = true
+ }
+ case xml.EndElement:
+ break Loop
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+type Fault struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Fault"`
+ Code string `xml:"faultcode,omitempty"`
+ String string `xml:"faultstring,omitempty"`
+ Actor string `xml:"faultactor,omitempty"`
+ Detail string `xml:"detail,omitempty"`
+func (f *Fault) Error() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("code: %s; error: %s", f.Code, f.String)
+type RequestSOAP4Envelope struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name `xml:"soap:Envelope"`
+ SOAPAttr string `xml:"xmlns:soap,attr"`
+ XSIAttr string `xml:"xmlns:xsi,attr"`
+ XSDAttr string `xml:"xmlns:xsd,attr"`
+ Header *RequestSOAP4Header
+ Body Body
+type ResponseSOAP4Envelope struct {
+ // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ Envelope"`
+ Header ResponseSOAPHeader
+ Body ResponseSOAPBody
+type RequestSOAP4Header struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name `xml:"soap:Header"`
+ WSAAttr string `xml:"xmlns:wsa,attr"`
+ To string `xml:"wsa:To"`
+ Action string `xml:"wsa:Action"`
+ MessageId string `xml:"wsa:MessageID"`
+ Security *WSSSecurityHeader // `xml:"wsse:Security"`
+ AMASecurity *AMASecurityHostedUser // `xml:"AMA_SecurityHostedUser"`
+ Session *Session_v03_0.RequestSession // `xml:"Session"`
+type ResponseSOAPHeader struct {
+ // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ soap:Header"`
+ To string `xml:"To"`
+ From AddressingFrom `xml:"From"`
+ Action string `xml:"Action"`
+ MessageId string `xml:"MessageID"`
+ RelatesTo string `xml:"RelatesTo"`
+ Session Session_v03_0.Session `xml:"Session"`
+ Items []interface{} `xml:",omitempty"`
diff --git a/client/soapClient.go b/client/soapClient.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..071d0ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/soapClient.go
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+package client
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "crypto/sha1"
+ "crypto/tls"
+ "encoding/base64"
+ "encoding/xml"
+ "fmt"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "net"
+ "net/http"
+ "os"
+ "time"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/logger"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/session/v03.0"
+var timeout = 20 * time.Second
+type SOAP4Client struct {
+ Url string
+ User string
+ Pass string
+ Agent string
+ TLSEnable bool
+ Headers []interface{}
+ Logger logger.Service
+func (s *SOAP4Client) AddHeader(header interface{}) {
+ s.Headers = append(s.Headers, header)
+func (s *SOAP4Client) UpdateHeader(header interface{}) {
+ s.Headers = []interface{}{header}
+func (s *SOAP4Client) GetHashedPassword(nonceRaw string, timestamp string) string {
+ // HashedPassword = Base64 ( SHA-1 ( nonce + created + SHA-1 ( password ) ) )
+ sha := sha1.New()
+ sha.Write([]byte(s.Pass))
+ pwd := string(sha.Sum(nil))
+ sha.Reset()
+ sha.Write([]byte(nonceRaw + timestamp + pwd))
+ return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(sha.Sum(nil))
+func (s *SOAP4Client) MakeNewWSSSecurityHeader() *WSSSecurityHeader {
+ nonce := RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(16)
+ nonceBase64 := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(nonce))
+ timestamp := time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
+ return &WSSSecurityHeader{
+ XmlNSWsse: WssNsWSSE,
+ XmlNSWsu: WssNsWSU,
+ MustUnderstand: "",
+ Token: &WSSUsernameToken{
+ Id: "UsernameToken-" + RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(9),
+ Username: s.User,
+ Nonce: &WSSNonce{EncodingType: WssNsEncodingType, Nonce: nonceBase64},
+ Password: &WSSPassword{Type: WssNsPasswordType, Password: s.GetHashedPassword(nonce, timestamp)},
+ Created: timestamp,
+ },
+ }
+func (s *SOAP4Client) MakeNewAMASecurityHostedUser() *AMASecurityHostedUser {
+ return &AMASecurityHostedUser{UserId: AMASecurityHostedUserUserID{
+ AgentDutyCode: "SU",
+ RequestorType: "U",
+ PseudoCityCode: s.Agent,
+ POSType: "1",
+ }}
+func (s *SOAP4Client) Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId string, query, reply interface{}, amadeusClient *AmadeusClient) (*ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ session := amadeusClient.Session
+ envelope := RequestSOAP4Envelope{
+ SOAPAttr: Ns, XSIAttr: XsiNs, XSDAttr: XsdNs,
+ Header: &RequestSOAP4Header{WSAAttr: WasNs, To: s.Url, Action: soapUrl + soapAction, MessageId: messageId},
+ }
+ if session == nil || session.TransactionStatusCode == Session_v03_0.TransactionStatusCode[Session_v03_0.Start] {
+ envelope.Header.Security = s.MakeNewWSSSecurityHeader()
+ envelope.Header.AMASecurity = s.MakeNewAMASecurityHostedUser()
+ }
+ if session != nil {
+ envelope.Header.Session = &Session_v03_0.RequestSession{Session: session}
+ }
+ envelope.Body.Content = query
+ buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
+ buffer.Write([]byte(""))
+ encoder := xml.NewEncoder(buffer)
+ // encoder.Indent(" ", " ")
+ if err := encoder.Encode(envelope); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if err := encoder.Flush(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ savebuf := buffer.Bytes()
+ if err := s.Logger.Push("out", soapAction, string(savebuf)); err != nil {
+ _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to fire hook log_request: %v\n", err)
+ }
+ req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", s.Url, buffer)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"")
+ req.Header.Add("SOAPAction", soapUrl+soapAction)
+ req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "amadeus-golang-sdk")
+ req.Close = true
+ tr := &http.Transport{
+ TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
+ InsecureSkipVerify: s.TLSEnable,
+ },
+ Dial: dialTimeout,
+ }
+ numberOfAttempts := 3
+ var res *http.Response
+ httpClient := &http.Client{
+ Transport: tr,
+ Timeout: timeout,
+ }
+ res, err = httpClient.Do(req)
+ for err != nil {
+ time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
+ buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
+ buffer.Write(savebuf)
+ rc := ioutil.NopCloser(buffer)
+ req.Body = rc // .(io.ReadCloser)
+ httpClient = &http.Client{
+ Transport: tr,
+ Timeout: timeout,
+ }
+ res, err = httpClient.Do(req)
+ numberOfAttempts--
+ if numberOfAttempts == 0 {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ defer res.Body.Close()
+ rawbody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ err = s.Logger.Push("inc", soapAction, string(rawbody))
+ if err != nil {
+ _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to fire hook log_response: %v\n", err)
+ }
+ respEnvelope := new(ResponseSOAP4Envelope)
+ respEnvelope.Body = ResponseSOAPBody{Content: reply}
+ err = xml.Unmarshal(rawbody, respEnvelope)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ fault := respEnvelope.Body.Fault
+ if fault != nil {
+ return &respEnvelope.Header, fault
+ }
+ return &respEnvelope.Header, nil
+func dialTimeout(network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
+ return net.DialTimeout(network, addr, timeout)
diff --git a/client/void.go b/client/void.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35df0e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/void.go
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+package client
+import (
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/salesReports/displayQueryReport/v10.1/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/salesReports/displayQueryReport/v10.1/response"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ticket/cancelDocument/v11.1"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ticket/deleteTST/v04.1"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ticket/displayTST/v07.1/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ticket/displayTST/v07.1/response"
+func (client *AmadeusClient) SalesReportsDisplayQueryReportV101(query *SalesReports_QueryReportRequest_v10_1.Request) (*SalesReports_QueryReportReply_v10_1.Response, *ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ var reply SalesReports_QueryReportReply_v10_1.Response
+ header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, "TSRQRQ_10_1_1A", query, &reply, client)
+ return &reply, header, err
+func (client *AmadeusClient) TicketCancelDocumentV111(query *Ticket_CancelDocument_v11_1.Request) (*Ticket_CancelDocument_v11_1.Response, *ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ var reply Ticket_CancelDocument_v11_1.Response
+ header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, "TRCANQ_11_1_1A", query, &reply, client)
+ return &reply, header, err
+func (client *AmadeusClient) TicketDeleteTSTV041(query *Ticket_DeleteTST_v04_1.Request) (*Ticket_DeleteTST_v04_1.Response, *ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ var reply Ticket_DeleteTST_v04_1.Response
+ header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, "TTSTDQ_04_1_1A", query, &reply, client)
+ return &reply, header, err
+func (client *AmadeusClient) TicketDisplayTSTV071(query *Ticket_DisplayTSTRequest_v07_1.Request) (*Ticket_DisplayTSTResponse_v07_1.Response, *ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ var reply Ticket_DisplayTSTResponse_v07_1.Response
+ header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, "TTSTRQ_07_1_1A", query, &reply, client)
+ return &reply, header, err
+//func (client *AmadeusClient) TicketDisplayTSTV1511A(query *Ticket_DisplayTST_v15_1_1A.Request) (*Ticket_DisplayTSTReply_v15_1_1A.Response, *ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+// var reply Ticket_DisplayTSTReply_v15_1_1A.Response
+// header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, "TTSTRQ_15_1_1A", query, &reply, client)
+// return &reply, header, err
diff --git a/client/webServicePT.go b/client/webServicePT.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1193769
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/webServicePT.go
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+package client
+import (
+ "strings"
+type WebServicePT struct {
+ Client *SOAP4Client
+ // wsap string
+func (w *WebServicePT) Call(soapUrl, soapAction string, query, reply interface{}, client *AmadeusClient) (*ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ messageId := strings.ToUpper(RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
+ return w.Client.Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client)
+func (w *WebServicePT) AddHeader(header interface{}) {
+ w.Client.AddHeader(header)
+// Backwards-compatible function: use AddHeader instead
+// Deprecated
+func (w *WebServicePT) SetHeader(header interface{}) {
+ w.AddHeader(header)
+func (w *WebServicePT) UpdateHeader(header interface{}) {
+ w.Client.UpdateHeader(header)
diff --git a/client/wss.go b/client/wss.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b10e6ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/wss.go
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+package client
+import "encoding/xml"
+const (
+ // Predefined WSS namespaces to be used in
+ WssNsWSSE = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd"
+ WssNsWSU = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd"
+ WssNsEncodingType = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-soap-message-security-1.0#Base64Binary"
+ WssNsPasswordType = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#PasswordDigest"
+type WSSSecurityHeader struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name `xml:"wsse:Security"`
+ XmlNSWsse string `xml:"xmlns:wsse,attr"`
+ XmlNSWsu string `xml:"xmlns:wsu,attr"`
+ MustUnderstand string `xml:"mustUnderstand,attr,omitempty"`
+ Token *WSSUsernameToken `xml:",omitempty"`
+type WSSUsernameToken struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name `xml:"wsse:UsernameToken"`
+ Id string `xml:"wsu:Id,attr,omitempty"`
+ Username string `xml:"wsse:Username"`
+ Nonce *WSSNonce //`xml:"wsse:Nonce"`
+ Password *WSSPassword //`xml:"wsse:Password"`
+ Created string `xml:"wsu:Created"`
+type WSSNonce struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name `xml:"wsse:Nonce"`
+ EncodingType string `xml:"EncodingType,attr"`
+ Nonce string `xml:",chardata"`
+type WSSPassword struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name `xml:"wsse:Password"`
+ Type string `xml:"Type,attr"`
+ Password string `xml:",chardata"`
diff --git a/examples/soap_header_2.0/authenticate.go b/examples/soap_header_2.0/authenticate.go
deleted file mode 100644
index f72d820..0000000
--- a/examples/soap_header_2.0/authenticate.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-package main
-import (
- "crypto/sha1"
- "fmt"
- "log"
- "strings"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/formats"
- sa "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/security_authenticate"
- soap2 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/soap2.0"
-const (
- url = "https://test.webservices.amadeus.com"
- wsap = "WSAPId"
-func main() {
- var officeId = "OfficeId"
- var originator = "Originator"
- var organizationId = "OrganizationId"
- var clearPassword = "AMADEUS"
- s := sha1.New()
- s.Write([]byte(clearPassword))
- sess := authenticate(officeId, originator, "U", "DUT", "SU", organizationId, len(clearPassword), "E", string(s.Sum(nil)))
- fmt.Println(sess)
-func authenticate(officeId, originator, originatorTypeCode, referenceQualifier, referenceIdentifier, organizationId string, passwordLength int, passwordType, passwordData string) *soap2.Session {
- service := soap2.NewAmadeusWebServicesPT(url, true, wsap)
- response, session, err := service.SecurityAuthenticate(&sa.SecurityAuthenticate{
- UserIdentifier: []*sa.UserIdentificationType{
- {
- OriginIdentification: &sa.OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI{
- SourceOffice: formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9(officeId),
- },
- Originator: formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To30(originator),
- OriginatorTypeCode: formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1(originatorTypeCode),
- },
- },
- DutyCode: &sa.ReferenceInformationTypeI{
- DutyCodeDetails: &sa.ReferencingDetailsTypeI{
- ReferenceQualifier: formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3(referenceQualifier),
- ReferenceIdentifier: formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35(referenceIdentifier),
- },
- },
- SystemDetails: &sa.SystemDetailsInfoType{
- OrganizationDetails: &sa.SystemDetailsTypeI{
- OrganizationId: formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35(organizationId),
- },
- },
- PasswordInfo: []*sa.BinaryDataType{
- {
- DataLength: formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15(passwordLength),
- DataType: formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1(passwordType),
- BinaryData: formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To99999(passwordData),
- },
- },
- })
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatal(err)
- }
- if response.ErrorSection != nil {
- log.Fatalln("Error message:", strings.Join(response.ErrorSection.InteractiveFreeText.FreeText, "\n"))
- }
- return session
diff --git a/examples/soap_header_4.0/helpers/amadeusWebServices.go b/examples/soap_header_4.0/helpers/amadeusWebServices.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 8da6c98..0000000
--- a/examples/soap_header_4.0/helpers/amadeusWebServices.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-package helpers
-import (
- soap4 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/soap4.0"
-const (
- wsap = "WSAPId"
- url = "https://test.webservices.amadeus.com/" + wsap
- originator = "Originator"
- clearPassword = "AMADEUS"
- officeId = "OfficeId"
-func NewWebServices() *soap4.WebServicesPTSOAP4Header {
- return soap4.NewAmadeusWebServicesPTSOAP4Header(url, originator, clearPassword, officeId, true)
diff --git a/examples/soap_header_4.0/helpers/search.go b/examples/soap_header_4.0/helpers/search.go
deleted file mode 100644
index d2b1bdd..0000000
--- a/examples/soap_header_4.0/helpers/search.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-package helpers
-import (
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/formats"
- fmptbq143 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch"
-func MakeSearchQuery(cabinClass, departureLocationId, arrivalLocationId, date string) *fmptbq143.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearch {
- return &fmptbq143.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearch{
- NumberOfUnit: &fmptbq143.NumberOfUnitsType{
- UnitNumberDetail: []*fmptbq143.NumberOfUnitDetailsType_260583C{
- {
- NumberOfUnits: formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6(1),
- TypeOfUnit: formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3("PX"),
- },
- {
- NumberOfUnits: formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6(200),
- TypeOfUnit: formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3("RC"),
- },
- },
- },
- PaxReference: []*fmptbq143.TravellerReferenceInformationType{
- {
- Ptc: []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6{
- formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6("ADT"),
- },
- Traveller: []*fmptbq143.TravellerDetailsType{
- {
- Ref: formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3(1),
- },
- },
- },
- },
- FareOptions: &fmptbq143.FareOptions{
- PricingTickInfo: &fmptbq143.PricingTicketingDetailsType{
- PricingTicketing: &fmptbq143.PricingTicketingInformationType{
- PriceType: []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3{
- formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3("RU"), // Unifares
- formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3("ET"),
- formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3("NAD"), // No Airline Distribution
- formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3("TAC"), // Ticket ability check
- formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3("RP"),
- },
- },
- },
- },
- TravelFlightInfo: &fmptbq143.TravelFlightInformationType_185853S{
- CabinId: &fmptbq143.CabinIdentificationType_233500C{
- //CabinQualifier: formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2("MD"),
- Cabin: []formats.AlphaString_Length0To1{
- formats.AlphaString_Length0To1(cabinClass),
- },
- },
- },
- Itinerary: []*fmptbq143.Itinerary{
- {
- RequestedSegmentRef: &fmptbq143.OriginAndDestinationRequestType{
- SegRef: formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2(1),
- },
- DepartureLocalization: &fmptbq143.DepartureLocationType{
- DepMultiCity: []*fmptbq143.MultiCityOptionType{
- {
- LocationId: formats.AlphaString_Length3To5(departureLocationId),
- },
- },
- },
- ArrivalLocalization: &fmptbq143.ArrivalLocalizationType{
- ArrivalMultiCity: []*fmptbq143.MultiCityOptionType{
- {
- LocationId: formats.AlphaString_Length3To5(arrivalLocationId),
- },
- },
- },
- TimeDetails: &fmptbq143.DateAndTimeInformationType_181295S{
- FirstDateTimeDetail: &fmptbq143.DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI{
- Date: formats.Date_DDMMYY(date),
- },
- },
- },
- },
- }
diff --git a/examples/soap_header_4.0/search_stateful_mode.go b/examples/soap_header_4.0/search_stateful_mode.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d261b1..0000000
--- a/examples/soap_header_4.0/search_stateful_mode.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-package main
-import (
- "log"
- "strconv"
- "strings"
- "time"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/examples/soap_header_4.0/helpers"
- fmptbr143 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_reply"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/soap4.0"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/utils"
- "gopkg.in/metakeule/fmtdate.v1"
-func ActionSearchUsingStatefulMode(session *soap4_0.Session_v3, class, departure, arrival, date string) (*fmptbr143.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply, *soap4_0.ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- messageId := strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- query := helpers.MakeSearchQuery(class, departure, arrival, date)
- services := helpers.NewWebServices()
- reply, header, err := services.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearch(session, messageId, query)
- return reply, header, err
-func main () {
- var cabinClass = "Y"
- var departureLocationId = "DEL"
- var arrivalLocationId = "FRA"
- date := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, 7)
- var dateStr = fmtdate.Format("DDMMYY", date)
- session := &soap4_0.Session_v3{
- TransactionStatusCode: soap4_0.TransactionStatusCode[soap4_0.Start],
- }
- _, header, err := ActionSearchUsingStatefulMode(session, cabinClass, departureLocationId, arrivalLocationId, dateStr)
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatal(err)
- } else {
- session = &header.Session
- sequenceNumber, _ := strconv.Atoi(session.SequenceNumber)
- sequenceNumber++
- session.SequenceNumber = strconv.Itoa(sequenceNumber)
- session.TransactionStatusCode = soap4_0.TransactionStatusCode[soap4_0.End]
- dateStr = fmtdate.Format("DDMMYY", date.AddDate(0, 0, 1))
- _, _, err := ActionSearchUsingStatefulMode(session, cabinClass, departureLocationId, arrivalLocationId, dateStr)
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatal(err)
- }
- }
diff --git a/examples/soap_header_4.0/search_stateless_mode.go b/examples/soap_header_4.0/search_stateless_mode.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b4dbad..0000000
--- a/examples/soap_header_4.0/search_stateless_mode.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-package main
-import (
- "log"
- "strings"
- "time"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/examples/soap_header_4.0/helpers"
- fmptbr143 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_reply"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/utils"
- "gopkg.in/metakeule/fmtdate.v1"
-func ActionSearchUsingStatelessMode(class, departure, arrival, date string) (*fmptbr143.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply, error) {
- messageId := strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- query := helpers.MakeSearchQuery(class, departure, arrival, date)
- services := helpers.NewWebServices()
- response, _, err := services.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearch(nil, messageId, query)
- return response, err
-func main () {
- var cabinClass = "Y"
- var departureLocationId = "DEL"
- var arrivalLocationId = "FRA"
- date := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, 7)
- var dateStr = fmtdate.Format("DDMMYY", date)
- _, err := ActionSearchUsingStatelessMode(cabinClass, departureLocationId, arrivalLocationId, dateStr)
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatal(err)
- }
diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a39c2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+module github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk
+go 1.12
+require (
+ github.com/joho/godotenv v1.3.0
+ github.com/stretchr/testify v1.3.0
diff --git a/go.sum b/go.sum
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb9575b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go.sum
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.0 h1:ZDRjVQ15GmhC3fiQ8ni8+OwkZQO4DARzQgrnXU1Liz8=
+github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.0/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38=
+github.com/joho/godotenv v1.3.0 h1:Zjp+RcGpHhGlrMbJzXTrZZPrWj+1vfm90La1wgB6Bhc=
+github.com/joho/godotenv v1.3.0/go.mod h1:7hK45KPybAkOC6peb+G5yklZfMxEjkZhHbwpqxOKXbg=
+github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 h1:4DBwDE0NGyQoBHbLQYPwSUPoCMWR5BEzIk/f1lZbAQM=
+github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0/go.mod h1:iKH77koFhYxTK1pcRnkKkqfTogsbg7gZNVY4sRDYZ/4=
+github.com/stretchr/objx v0.1.0/go.mod h1:HFkY916IF+rwdDfMAkV7OtwuqBVzrE8GR6GFx+wExME=
+github.com/stretchr/testify v1.3.0 h1:TivCn/peBQ7UY8ooIcPgZFpTNSz0Q2U6UrFlUfqbe0Q=
+github.com/stretchr/testify v1.3.0/go.mod h1:M5WIy9Dh21IEIfnGCwXGc5bZfKNJtfHm1UVUgZn+9EI=
diff --git a/hooks/hooks.go b/hooks/hooks.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 68c2628..0000000
--- a/hooks/hooks.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-package hooks
-// A hook to be fired when logging on the logging levels returned from
-// `Levels()` on your implementation of the interface. Note that this is not
-// fired in a goroutine or a channel with workers, you should handle such
-// functionality yourself if your call is non-blocking and you don't wish for
-// the logging calls for levels returned from `Levels()` to block.
-type Hook interface {
- Levels() []string
- Fire(string, string, string) error
-// Internal type for storing the hooks on a logger instance.
-type LevelHooks map[string][]Hook
-// Add a hook to an instance of logger. This is called with
-// `log.Hooks.Add(new(MyHook))` where `MyHook` implements the `Hook` interface.
-func (hooks LevelHooks) Add(hook Hook) {
- if hooks == nil {
- hooks = make(LevelHooks)
- }
- for _, level := range hook.Levels() {
- hooks[level] = append(hooks[level], hook)
- }
-// Fire all the hooks for the passed level. Used by `entry.log` to fire
-// appropriate hooks for a log entry.
-func (hooks LevelHooks) Fire(level string, soapAction string, entry string) error {
- for _, hook := range hooks[level] {
- if err := hook.Fire(level, soapAction, entry); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- return nil
-//type Hooks []Hook
-//type Hook struct {
-// hook func()
-// level string
-//func (h Hooks) Add(hook Hook) {
-// h = append(h, hook)
-//func (h Hooks) Log(level string, value string) {
-// for _, hook := range h {
-// if hook.level == level {
-// hook.hook()
-// }
-// }
-//var hooks map[string][]func(string)
-//func Init() {
-// hooks = make(map[string][]func(string))
-//func Add(level string, hook func(string)) {
-// hooks[level] = append(hooks[level], hook)
-//func Fire(level string, entry string) {
-// for _, hook := range hooks[level] {
-// hook(entry)
-// }
diff --git a/logger/nilLogger/repository.go b/logger/nilLogger/repository.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85ee6cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/logger/nilLogger/repository.go
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+package nilLogger
+type LogWriter struct{}
+func Init() *LogWriter {
+ return &LogWriter{}
+func (*LogWriter) WriteLog(direction string, action string, content string) error {
+ return nil
diff --git a/logger/service.go b/logger/service.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df3229b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/logger/service.go
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+package logger
+type Service interface {
+ Push(direction string, action string, content string) error
+type LogWriter interface {
+ WriteLog(direction string, action string, content string) error
+func NewLogger(ls LogWriter) Service {
+ return &logger{writer: ls}
+// Internal type for storing the hooks on a r instance.
+type logger struct {
+ writer LogWriter
+func (l *logger) Push(direction string, action string, content string) error {
+ return l.writer.WriteLog(direction, action, content)
diff --git a/logger/stdoutLogger/repository.go b/logger/stdoutLogger/repository.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4f261d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/logger/stdoutLogger/repository.go
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+package stdoutLogger
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "time"
+type LogWriter struct{}
+func Init() *LogWriter {
+ return &LogWriter{}
+func (*LogWriter) WriteLog(direction string, action string, content string) error {
+ _, err := fmt.Printf("%s_%s_%s\n%s\n", time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339), action, direction, content)
+ return err
diff --git a/reqstructs/air_flightinfo/structs.go b/reqstructs/air_flightinfo/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 86f9307..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/air_flightinfo/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-package air_flightinfo
-import "encoding/xml"
-type AirFlightInfo struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/FLIREQ_05_1_1A Air_FlightInfo"`
- GeneralFlightInfo *GeneralFlightInfo `xml:"generalFlightInfo"`
-type GeneralFlightInfo struct {
- FlightDate *FlightDate `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BoardPointDetails *BoardPointDetails `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OffPointDetails *OffPointDetails `xml:"offPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightIdentification *FlightIdentification `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightTypeDetails *FlightTypeDetails `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MarriageDetails []*MarriageDetails `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FlightDate struct {
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DepartureTime string `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ArrivalTime string `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DateVariation string `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type BoardPointDetails struct {
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OffPointDetails struct {
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyDetails struct {
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany"`
- OperatingCompany string `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightIdentification struct {
- FlightNumber string `xml:"flightNumber"`
- OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightTypeDetails struct {
- FlightIndicator []string `xml:"flightIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type MarriageDetails struct {
- Relation string `xml:"relation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MarriageIdentifier *float64 `xml:"marriageIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LineNumber *float64 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherRelation string `xml:"otherRelation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CarrierCode string `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
diff --git a/reqstructs/air_sellfromrecommendation/structs.go b/reqstructs/air_sellfromrecommendation/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index b9464b0..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/air_sellfromrecommendation/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-package air_sellfromrecommendation
-import "encoding/xml"
-type AirSellFromRecommendation struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/ITAREQ_05_2_IA Air_SellFromRecommendation"`
- MessageActionDetails *MessageActionDetails `xml:"messageActionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RecordLocator *RecordLocator `xml:"recordLocator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ItineraryDetails []*ItineraryDetails `xml:"itineraryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type MessageActionDetails struct {
- MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionDetails `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MessageFunctionDetails struct {
- MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AdditionalMessageFunction []string `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type RecordLocator struct {
- Reservation []*Reservation `xml:"reservation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type Reservation struct {
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ControlType string `xml:"controlType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Time *float64 `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItineraryDetails struct {
- OriginDestinationDetails *OriginDestinationDetails `xml:"originDestinationDetails"`
- Message *Message `xml:"message,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SegmentInformation []*SegmentInformation `xml:"segmentInformation"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type OriginDestinationDetails struct {
- Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type Message struct {
- MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionDetails `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegmentInformation struct {
- TravelProductInformation *TravelProductInformation `xml:"travelProductInformation"`
- RelatedproductInformation *RelatedproductInformation `xml:"relatedproductInformation"`
-type TravelProductInformation struct {
- FlightDate *FlightDate `xml:"flightDate"`
- BoardPointDetails *BoardPointDetails `xml:"boardPointDetails"`
- OffpointDetails *OffpointDetails `xml:"offpointDetails"`
- CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails"`
- FlightIdentification *FlightIdentification `xml:"flightIdentification"`
- FlightTypeDetails *FlightTypeDetails `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SpecialSegment string `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MarriageDetails []*MarriageDetails `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FlightDate struct {
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DepartureTime *float64 `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ArrivalTime *float64 `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DateVariation string `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type BoardPointDetails struct {
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId"`
-type OffpointDetails struct {
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId"`
-type CompanyDetails struct {
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany"`
-type FlightIdentification struct {
- FlightNumber string `xml:"flightNumber"`
- BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass"`
- OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightTypeDetails struct {
- FlightIndicator []string `xml:"flightIndicator"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type MarriageDetails struct {
- Relation string `xml:"relation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MarriageIdentifier *float64 `xml:"marriageIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LineNumber *float64 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RelatedproductInformation struct {
- Quantity float64 `xml:"quantity"`
- StatusCode []string `xml:"statusCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
diff --git a/reqstructs/command_cryptic/structs.go b/reqstructs/command_cryptic/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d2e0da..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/command_cryptic/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-package command_cryptic
-import "encoding/xml"
-type CommandCryptic struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/HSFREQ_07_3_1A Command_Cryptic"`
- MessageAction *MessageAction `xml:"messageAction"`
- NumberOfUnits *NumberOfUnits `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- IntelligentWorkstationInfo *IntelligentWorkstationInfo `xml:"intelligentWorkstationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LongTextString *LongTextString `xml:"longTextString"`
-type MessageAction struct {
- MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionDetails `xml:"messageFunctionDetails"`
- ResponseType string `xml:"responseType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MessageFunctionDetails struct {
- BusinessFunction string `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction"`
- AdditionalMessageFunction []string `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type NumberOfUnits struct {
- NumberOfUnitsDetails1 *NumberOfUnitsDetails1 `xml:"numberOfUnitsDetails1"`
- NumberOfUnitsDetails2 []*NumberOfUnitsDetails2 `xml:"numberOfUnitsDetails2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type NumberOfUnitsDetails1 struct {
- Units float64 `xml:"units"`
- UnitsQualifier string `xml:"unitsQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type NumberOfUnitsDetails2 struct {
- Units *float64 `xml:"units,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- UnitsQualifier string `xml:"unitsQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type IntelligentWorkstationInfo struct {
- CompanyIdentification string `xml:"companyIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LongTextString struct {
- TextStringDetails string `xml:"textStringDetails"`
diff --git a/reqstructs/docissuance_issueticket/structs.go b/reqstructs/docissuance_issueticket/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c889cd..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/docissuance_issueticket/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-package docissuance_issueticket
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/formats"
-type DocIssuanceIssueTicket struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TTKTIQ_09_1_1A DocIssuance_IssueTicket"`
- // agent code
- AgentInfo *TicketAgentInfoTypeI `xml:"agentInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // override past date TST
- OverrideDate *StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"overrideDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Segment, TST, Coupon or line selection
- Selection []*ReferenceInfoType `xml:"selection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
- // Passenger Selection
- PaxSelection []*ReferenceInformationType `xml:"paxSelection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // stock reference
- Stock *StockInformationType `xml:"stock,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OptionGroup []*OptionGroup `xml:"optionGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // Infant or Adult passenger
- InfantOrAdultAssociation *TravellerInformationType `xml:"infantOrAdultAssociation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Contains other options that do take parameters.
- OtherCompoundOptions []*CodedAttributeType `xml:"otherCompoundOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type OptionGroup struct {
- // contains a list of switches, i.e. options that do not take any parameters.
- Switches *StatusTypeI `xml:"switches"`
- // Contains sub-options that do take parameters.
- SubCompoundOptions []*AttributeType `xml:"subCompoundOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // To override Alternative date for Invoice printing
- OverrideAlternativeDate *StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"overrideAlternativeDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type AttributeInformationTypeU struct {
- // provides the sub-option name: EMPR Email to the specified address EMPRA Email to the address specified in the APE element EMPRN Email to addresses associated to nickname FAXR Fax to Specified Number FAXA Fax to Number specified in AP element of the PNR FAXN Fax to number associated to nickname LP Issuance langage PALT Printer Options / Alternate printer PCIH Printer Options / Customize Itinerary Header PDCT Printer Options / Document Type PDPR Printer Options / Distribution Profile PDUP Printer Options / Duplicate Itinerary PMNE Printer Options / Mnemonic PNUM Printer Options / Number POFP Printer Options / Office profile
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"attributeType"`
- // provides the sub-option value
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To256 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeType struct {
- // Details for the message criteria (name, value).
- CriteriaDetails *AttributeInformationTypeU `xml:"criteriaDetails"`
-type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
- // provides the option name
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"attributeType"`
- // provides a description for the attribute (option value)
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To256 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeType struct {
- // provides details for the Attribute
- AttributeDetails *CodedAttributeInformationType `xml:"attributeDetails"`
-type InternalIDDetailsTypeI struct {
- // agent code or agent sine
- InhouseId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"inhouseId"`
- // Agent qualifier
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
-type ReferenceInfoType struct {
- // Reference list (segment tattoos or PNR lines or TST number or Coupon number)
- ReferenceDetails []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referenceDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferenceInformationType struct {
- // Used to convey the passenger tatoo or display number.
- PassengerReference *ReferencingDetailsType_108978C `xml:"passengerReference"`
-type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
- // Reference qualifier
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
- // Reference value
- Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferencingDetailsType_108978C struct {
- // Reference qualifier
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger tattoo.
- Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"value"`
-type StatusDetailsTypeI struct {
- Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicator"`
-type StatusTypeI struct {
- StatusDetails *StatusDetailsTypeI `xml:"statusDetails"`
-type StockInformationType struct {
- // To convey Stock type
- StockTicketNumberDetails *StockTicketNumberDetailsType `xml:"stockTicketNumberDetails"`
-type StockTicketNumberDetailsType struct {
- // Stock Qualifier: 'S' stock control number
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Stock control number
- ControlNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeInformationType struct {
- // Date format
- BusinessSemantic formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"businessSemantic"`
- // Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
- // Year number.
- Year formats.Year_YYYY `xml:"year"`
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month formats.Month_mM `xml:"month"`
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day formats.Day_nN `xml:"day"`
-type TicketAgentInfoTypeI struct {
- // agent ID details
- InternalIdDetails *InternalIDDetailsTypeI `xml:"internalIdDetails"`
-type TravellerInformationType struct {
- // Detail if the discount is adult only or infant only
- PaxDetails *TravellerSurnameInformationType `xml:"paxDetails"`
-type TravellerSurnameInformationType struct {
- // Customer type: A=adult IN = infant
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"type"`
diff --git a/reqstructs/fare_checkrules/structs.go b/reqstructs/fare_checkrules/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a7c6cc..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/fare_checkrules/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,491 +0,0 @@
-package fare_checkrules
-import "encoding/xml"
-type FareCheckRules struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/FARQNQ_07_1_1A Fare_CheckRules"`
- MsgType *MsgType `xml:"msgType"`
- AvailcabinStatus *AvailcabinStatus `xml:"availcabinStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ConversionRate *ConversionRate `xml:"conversionRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PricingTickInfo *PricingTickInfo `xml:"pricingTickInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MultiCorporate *MultiCorporate `xml:"multiCorporate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ItemNumber *ItemNumber `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DateOfFlight *DateOfFlight `xml:"dateOfFlight,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightQualification []*FlightQualification `xml:"flightQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- TransportInformation []*TransportInformation `xml:"transportInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- TripDescription []*TripDescription `xml:"tripDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- PricingInfo []*PricingInfo `xml:"pricingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- FareRule *FareRule `xml:"fareRule,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MsgType struct {
- MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionDetails `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MessageFunctionDetails struct {
- MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AvailcabinStatus struct {
- ProductDetailsQualifier string `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BookingClassDetails []*BookingClassDetails `xml:"bookingClassDetails"` // maxOccurs="26"
-type BookingClassDetails struct {
- Designator string `xml:"designator"`
- Option []string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ConversionRate struct {
- ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetails `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
- OtherConvRateDetails []*OtherConvRateDetails `xml:"otherConvRateDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type ConversionRateDetails struct {
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RateType string `xml:"rateType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PricingAmount *float64 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ConvertedValueAmount *float64 `xml:"convertedValueAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DutyTaxFeeType string `xml:"dutyTaxFeeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MeasurementValue *float64 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MeasurementSignificance string `xml:"measurementSignificance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OtherConvRateDetails struct {
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RateType string `xml:"rateType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PricingAmount *float64 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ConvertedValueAmount *float64 `xml:"convertedValueAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DutyTaxFeeType string `xml:"dutyTaxFeeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MeasurementValue *float64 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MeasurementSignificance string `xml:"measurementSignificance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTickInfo struct {
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeDetails `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LocationDetails *LocationDetails `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherLocationDetails *OtherLocationDetails `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeDetails struct {
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationDetails struct {
- City string `xml:"city,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OtherLocationDetails struct {
- City string `xml:"city,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MultiCorporate struct {
- CorporateId []*CorporateId `xml:"corporateId"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type CorporateId struct {
- CorporateQualifier string `xml:"corporateQualifier"`
- Identity []string `xml:"identity"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type ItemNumber struct {
- ItemNumberDetails []*ItemNumberDetails `xml:"itemNumberDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type ItemNumberDetails struct {
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateOfFlight struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type DateAndTimeDetails struct {
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Date *float64 `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightQualification struct {
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareCategories struct {
- FareType string `xml:"fareType"`
- OtherFareType []string `xml:"otherFareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type FareDetails struct {
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AdditionalFareDetails struct {
- RateClass string `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CommodityCategory string `xml:"commodityCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SecondRateClass []string `xml:"secondRateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="29"
-type DiscountDetails struct {
- FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier"`
- RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Percentage *float64 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TransportInformation struct {
- TransportService *TransportService `xml:"transportService"`
- AvailCabinConf *AvailCabinConf `xml:"availCabinConf,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RoutingInfo *RoutingInfo `xml:"routingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SelectionDetail *SelectionDetail `xml:"selectionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TransportService struct {
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentification `xml:"companyIdentification"`
- ProductIdentificationDetails []*ProductIdentificationDetails `xml:"productIdentificationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type CompanyIdentification struct {
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Operatingcompany string `xml:"operatingcompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductIdentificationDetails struct {
- FlightNumber string `xml:"flightNumber"`
- OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AvailCabinConf struct {
- ProductDetailsQualifier string `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BookingClassDetails []*BookingClassDetails `xml:"bookingClassDetails"` // maxOccurs="26"
-type RoutingInfo struct {
- RoutingDetails []*RoutingDetails `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type RoutingDetails struct {
- Station string `xml:"station,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherStation string `xml:"otherStation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetail struct {
- SelectionDetails *SelectionDetails `xml:"selectionDetails"`
- SelectionDetailsTwo []*SelectionDetailsTwo `xml:"selectionDetailsTwo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
-type SelectionDetails struct {
- Option string `xml:"option"`
- OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetailsTwo struct {
- Option string `xml:"option"`
- OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TripDescription struct {
- OrigDest *OrigDest `xml:"origDest"`
- DateFlightMovement *DateFlightMovement `xml:"dateFlightMovement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Routing []*Routing `xml:"routing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type OrigDest struct {
- Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateFlightMovement struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type Routing struct {
- RoutingInfo *RoutingInfo `xml:"routingInfo"`
- TransportService *TransportService `xml:"transportService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SegFareDetails *SegFareDetails `xml:"segFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PertinentQuantity *PertinentQuantity `xml:"pertinentQuantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SelectionMakingDetails *SelectionMakingDetails `xml:"selectionMakingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegFareDetails struct {
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type PertinentQuantity struct {
- QuantityDetails *QuantityDetails `xml:"quantityDetails"`
- OtherQuantityDetails []*OtherQuantityDetails `xml:"otherQuantityDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type QuantityDetails struct {
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- Value float64 `xml:"value"`
- Unit string `xml:"unit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OtherQuantityDetails struct {
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- Value float64 `xml:"value"`
- Unit string `xml:"unit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionMakingDetails struct {
- SelectionDetails *SelectionDetails `xml:"selectionDetails"`
- SelectionDetailsTwo []*SelectionDetailsTwo `xml:"selectionDetailsTwo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
-type PricingInfo struct {
- NumberOfUnits *NumberOfUnits `xml:"numberOfUnits"`
- TicketPricingDate []*TicketPricingDate `xml:"ticketPricingDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
- Fare []*Fare `xml:"fare,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type NumberOfUnits struct {
- QuantityDetails *QuantityDetails1 `xml:"quantityDetails"`
- OtherQuantityDetails []*OtherQuantityDetails1 `xml:"otherQuantityDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type QuantityDetails1 struct {
- NumberOfUnit *float64 `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OtherQuantityDetails1 struct {
- NumberOfUnit *float64 `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TicketPricingDate struct {
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeDetails `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LocationDetails *LocationDetails `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherLocationDetails *OtherLocationDetails `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type Fare struct {
- DetailsOfFare *DetailsOfFare `xml:"detailsOfFare"`
- FareQualificationDetails []*FareQualificationDetails `xml:"fareQualificationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type DetailsOfFare struct {
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGrouping `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareTypeGrouping struct {
- PricingGroup []string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type FareQualificationDetails struct {
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareRule struct {
- TarifFareRule *TarifFareRule `xml:"tarifFareRule"`
- TravellerIdentification *TravellerIdentification `xml:"travellerIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TravellerDate *TravellerDate `xml:"travellerDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TarifFareRule struct {
- TariffClassId string `xml:"tariffClassId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RuleSectionId []string `xml:"ruleSectionId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type CompanyDetails struct {
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Operatingcompany string `xml:"operatingcompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerIdentification struct {
- ReferenceDetails []*ReferenceDetails `xml:"referenceDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferenceDetails struct {
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerDate struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
diff --git a/reqstructs/fare_convertcurrency/structs.go b/reqstructs/fare_convertcurrency/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c346e1..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/fare_convertcurrency/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-package fare_convertcurrency
-import "encoding/xml"
-type FareConvertCurrency struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/FCUQCQ_08_1_1A Fare_ConvertCurrency"`
- Message *Message `xml:"message"`
- ConversionDate *ConversionDate `xml:"conversionDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ConversionRate *ConversionRate `xml:"conversionRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ConversionDetails []*ConversionDetails `xml:"conversionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type Message struct {
- MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionDetails `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MessageFunctionDetails struct {
- MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionDate struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type DateAndTimeDetails struct {
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Time *Time `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type Time struct {
-type ConversionRate struct {
- ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetails `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
-type ConversionRateDetails struct {
- RateType string `xml:"rateType"`
- Rate *Rate `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type Rate struct {
-type ConversionDetails struct {
- ConversionDirection *ConversionDirection `xml:"conversionDirection"`
- CurrencyInfo *CurrencyInfo `xml:"currencyInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AmountInfo *AmountInfo `xml:"amountInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LocationInfo *LocationInfo `xml:"locationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionDirection struct {
- SelectionDetails []*SelectionDetails `xml:"selectionDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type SelectionDetails struct {
- Option string `xml:"option"`
- OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CurrencyInfo struct {
- ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetails1 `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
-type ConversionRateDetails1 struct {
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AmountInfo struct {
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryDetails `xml:"monetaryDetails"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type MonetaryDetails struct {
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationInfo struct {
- LocationType string `xml:"locationType"`
- LocationDescription *LocationDescription `xml:"locationDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FirstLocationDetails *FirstLocationDetails `xml:"firstLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationDescription struct {
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FirstLocationDetails struct {
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
diff --git a/reqstructs/fare_informativebestpricingwithoutpnr/structs.go b/reqstructs/fare_informativebestpricingwithoutpnr/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ee70a1..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/fare_informativebestpricingwithoutpnr/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,880 +0,0 @@
-package fare_informativebestpricingwithoutpnr
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/formats"
-type FareInformativeBestPricingWithoutPNR struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TIBNRQ_12_4_1A Fare_InformativeBestPricingWithoutPNR"`
- // Contains general information about the message, especially the use case.
- MessageDetails *MessageActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"messageDetails"`
- OriginatorGroup *OriginatorGroup `xml:"originatorGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ConsumerReferenceInformation *ConsumerReferenceInformationType `xml:"consumerReferenceInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Handles: * Fare conversion option * Fare selection option
- CurrencyOverride *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"currencyOverride,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used for Unifare pricing
- CorporateFareInfo *CorporateFareInformationType `xml:"corporateFareInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TaxExemptGroup *TaxExemptGroup `xml:"taxExemptGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Form of payment at query level: 9888: type of form of payment 5004: amount (amount charged on the current FOP in case of multi FOP) 1154: Bin Number, i.e. the first six digits of any credit card
- GeneralFormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"generalFormOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PassengersGroup []*PassengersGroup `xml:"passengersGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- CabinPreferenceOption []*CabinPreferenceOption `xml:"cabinPreferenceOption,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="15"
- PricingOptionsGroup []*PricingOptionsGroup `xml:"pricingOptionsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- TripsGroup *TripsGroup `xml:"tripsGroup"`
- ObFeeRequestGroup *ObFeeRequestGroup `xml:"obFeeRequestGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OriginatorGroup struct {
- // Supplementary protocol or business related information.
- AdditionalBusinessInformation *AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationTypeI `xml:"additionalBusinessInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TaxExemptGroup struct {
- // Handles tax exemption option.
- TaxExempt *TaxTypeI `xml:"taxExempt"`
-type PassengersGroup struct {
- // Contains: * Number of passengers in the group * Group tattoo
- SegmentRepetitionControl *SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI `xml:"segmentRepetitionControl"`
- // Passengers' tattoos provided by the carrier in case of LCC pricing with U2. NOT USED FOR FSC.
- TravellersID *SpecificTravellerTypeI `xml:"travellersID,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PtcGroup []*PtcGroup `xml:"ptcGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type PtcGroup struct {
- // PTC/Discount Code
- DiscountPtc *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"discountPtc"`
- // Form of payment at passenger level 9888: type of form of payment 5004: amount (amount charged on the current FOP in case of multi FOP) 1154: Bin Number, i.e. the first six digits of any credit card
- PassengerFormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"passengerFormOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CabinPreferenceOption struct {
- // * Contains Preference priority
- PreferenceLevel *ProductInformationTypeI `xml:"preferenceLevel"`
- // * Contains Cabin option information
- CabinPreference *SeatRequestParametersType `xml:"cabinPreference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingOptionsGroup struct {
- // Handles the following pricing options: * Point of Sell override * Point of Ticketing override * Fare list * P/E ticket * Price by fare basis indicator * Validating Carrier * Award Publishing Carrier * No PNR Split (Best Pricer only)
- PricingDetails *PricingTicketingDetailsType `xml:"pricingDetails"`
- // * Expanded parameters * Forced PTC flag
- ExtPricingDetails *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"extPricingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TripsGroup struct {
- // This segment can be left empty.
- OriginDestination *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originDestination"`
- SegmentGroup []*SegmentGroup `xml:"segmentGroup"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type SegmentGroup struct {
- // Convey the information related to a segment (company, flight number, origin, destination...).
- SegmentInformation *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"segmentInformation"`
- // Used for technical stops, even if it is currently deprecated.
- AdditionnalSegmentDetails *AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionnalSegmentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // *** deprecated *** * A segment tattoo provided by the carrier in case of LCC pricing with U2. USELESS FOR FSC.
- SegmentPricingOptions *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentPricingOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Contain Zap Off details
- ZapOffDetails *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"zapOffDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- InventoryGroup *InventoryGroup `xml:"inventoryGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Options at passenger level: PTC/Discount Tier Level
- PsgDetailsGroup []*GroupPassengerDetailsType `xml:"psgDetailsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type InventoryGroup struct {
- // Deprecated. To store the flight inventory (opened classes and number of remaining seats) if known.
- Inventory *ProductInformationTypeI `xml:"inventory"`
-type ObFeeRequestGroup struct {
- // Marker fee options
- MarkerFeeOptions *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"markerFeeOptions"`
- FeeOptionInfoGroup []*FeeOptionInfoGroup `xml:"feeOptionInfoGroup"` // maxOccurs="5"
-type FeeOptionInfoGroup struct {
- // Nature of the fee ( OB, OC, ...)
- FeeTypeInfo *SelectionDetailsType `xml:"feeTypeInfo"`
- // Associated tax rate
- RateTaxInfo *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"rateTaxInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FeeDetailsInfoGroup []*FeeDetailsInfoGroup `xml:"feeDetailsInfoGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FeeDetailsInfoGroup struct {
- // Fee information
- FeeInfo *SpecificDataInformationTypeI `xml:"feeInfo"`
- // Include, exclude
- FeeProcessingInfo *SelectionDetailsType `xml:"feeProcessingInfo"`
- // Associated amounts: amount to take into account to calculate the fee, ...
- AssociatedAmountsInfo *MonetaryInformationType_61169S `xml:"associatedAmountsInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationTypeI struct {
- SourceType *SourceTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"sourceType"`
- OriginatorDetails *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originatorDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LocationDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CountryCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SystemCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"systemCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
- RateClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CommodityCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"commodityCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PricingGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SecondRateClass []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"secondRateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="29"
-type AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI struct {
- LegDetails *AdditionalProductTypeI `xml:"legDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DepartureStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"departureStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ArrivalStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"arrivalStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MileageTimeDetails *MileageTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileageTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TravellerTimeDetails *TravellerTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"travellerTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FacilitiesInformation []*ProductFacilitiesTypeI `xml:"facilitiesInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type AdditionalProductTypeI struct {
- Equipment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"equipment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- NumberOfStops *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"numberOfStops,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Duration *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"duration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Percentage *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DaysOfOperation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"daysOfOperation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DateTimePeriod formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"dateTimePeriod,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ComplexingFlightIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"complexingFlightIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Locations []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"locations,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI struct {
- Identifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To15 `xml:"identifier"`
- OtherIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To15 `xml:"otherIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
- MarketingCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OperatingCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConsumerReferenceIdentificationType struct {
- ReferenceQualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"referenceQualifier"`
- ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber"`
-type ConsumerReferenceInformationType struct {
- // Customer references
- CustomerReferences []*ConsumerReferenceIdentificationType `xml:"customerReferences"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI struct {
- ConversionType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Not used
- RateType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"rateType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Not used
- PricingAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Not used
- ConvertedValueAmount *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"convertedValueAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Not used
- DutyTaxFeeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"dutyTaxFeeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Not used
- MeasurementValue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Not used
- MeasurementSignificance formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"measurementSignificance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
- // Fare Conversion option (/R,FC-xxx): 6345 = currencty Fare Selection option (/R,FS-xxx): 9875 = 700 6345 = currencty
- ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
- // Fare Conversion option (/R,FC-xxx): 6345 = currencty Fare Selection option (/R,FS-xxx): 9875 = 700 6345 = currencty
- OtherConvRateDetails []*ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherConvRateDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type CorporateFareIdentifiersTypeI struct {
- FareQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CorporateID []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"corporateID,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type CorporateFareInformationType struct {
- CorporateFareIdentifiers []*CorporateFareIdentifiersTypeI `xml:"corporateFareIdentifiers"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type DataTypeInformationTypeI struct {
- // Carrier fee code
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
- // Status event
- StatusEvent formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"statusEvent,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
- FareQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareQualifier"`
- RateCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Percentage *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
-type FareCategoryCodesTypeI struct {
- FareType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"fareType"`
- OtherFareType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"otherFareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type FareDetailsTypeI struct {
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Rate *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetailsTypeI_58070C struct {
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Rate *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To8 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareInformationTypeI struct {
- // PTC or Fare discount
- ValueQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI_58070C `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- IdentityNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RateCategory []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareInformationTypeI_133432S struct {
- ValueQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- IdentityNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RateCategory []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
- MovementType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategories *FareCategoryCodesTypeI `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI_58070C `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI struct {
- PricingGroup []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"type"`
- Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- VendorCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CreditCardNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ExpiryDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ApprovalCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"approvalCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SourceOfApproval formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"sourceOfApproval,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AuthorisedAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"authorisedAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AddressVerification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"addressVerification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CustomerAccount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"customerAccount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ExtendedPayment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"extendedPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FopFreeText formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"fopFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MembershipStatus formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"membershipStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TransactionInfo formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"transactionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FormOfPaymentTypeI struct {
- FormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI `xml:"formOfPayment"`
- OtherFormOfPayment []*FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherFormOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType struct {
- // Frequent Traveller Info
- FrequentTravellerDetails []*FrequentTravellerIdentificationType `xml:"frequentTravellerDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType struct {
- // Carrier where the FQTV is registered.
- Carrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"carrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To28 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specifies which traveller in the TIF segment the frequent traveller number applies (same as 9944 in TIF).
- CustomerReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // status code: 'OK' if the frequent flyer card has been validated
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify a Tier linked to the FQTV
- TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // For example : priority code
- PriorityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // For example : Level description
- TierDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // For example : Company code of alliance
- CompanyCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"companyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CustomerValue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"customerValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type GenericDetailsTypeI struct {
- // not used
- CabinClassDesignator formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabinClassDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Not used
- NoSmokingIndicator formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"noSmokingIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Cabin class
- CabinClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabinClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Compartment designator
- CompartmentDesignator formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"compartmentDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // not used
- SeatCharacteristic []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"seatCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type GroupPassengerDetailsType struct {
- // Trigger
- PassengerReference *SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI `xml:"passengerReference"`
- // Passengers' tattoos
- TravellersID *SpecificTravellerTypeI `xml:"travellersID,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // pricing option at passenger level
- PsgDetailsInfo *PsgDetailsInfo `xml:"psgDetailsInfo"`
-type PsgDetailsInfo struct {
- // PTC/Discount Code
- DiscountPtc *FareInformationTypeI_133432S `xml:"discountPtc"`
- // Tier level information
- FlequentFlyerDetails *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"flequentFlyerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationDetailsTypeI struct {
- City formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"city,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationTypeI struct {
- TrueLocationId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TrueLocation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MarriageControlDetailsTypeI struct {
- Relation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"relation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MarriageIdentifier *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To10 `xml:"marriageIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LineNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherRelation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"otherRelation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CarrierCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MessageActionDetailsTypeI struct {
- MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ResponseType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"responseType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI struct {
- BusinessFunction formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MessageFunction formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ResponsibleAgency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AdditionalMessageFunction []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type MileageTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
- FlightLegMileage *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"flightLegMileage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- UnitQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ElapsedGroundTime *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"elapsedGroundTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
- // Qualifier
- TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsType_96941C struct {
- // Qualifier
- TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location
- Location formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationType struct {
- // Monetary info
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetails"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type MonetaryInformationType_61169S struct {
- // Monetary info
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType_96941C `xml:"monetaryDetails"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI struct {
- Origin formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Destination formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- OriginatorId *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"originatorId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- InHouseIdentification1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"inHouseIdentification1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- InHouseIdentification2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"inHouseIdentification2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- InHouseIdentification3 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"inHouseIdentification3,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingDetailsType struct {
- PriceTicketDetails *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"priceTicketDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PriceTariffType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"priceTariffType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Not used
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // * Validating Carrier : 9906 : MarketingCompany * Award Publishing Carrier : 9906 : OtherCompany
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Controlling Carrier
- CompanyNumberDetails *CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"companyNumberDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Point Of Sale Override Information (3225 : City)
- LocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Point Of Ticketing Override Information (3225 : City)
- OtherLocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PSR
- IdNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MonetaryAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"monetaryAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI struct {
- PriceTicketDetails *PricingTicketingInformationTypeI `xml:"priceTicketDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PriceTariffType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"priceTariffType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyNumberDetails *CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"companyNumberDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherLocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- IdNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MonetaryAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"monetaryAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingInformationType struct {
- Indicators []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type PricingTicketingInformationTypeI struct {
- Indicators []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI struct {
- DepartureDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DepartureTime *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ArrivalDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ArrivalTime *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DateVariation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDetailsTypeI struct {
- Designator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"designator"`
- AvailabilityStatus formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"availabilityStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SpecialService formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"specialService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Option []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ProductFacilitiesTypeI struct {
- Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Description formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ExtensionCode []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"extensionCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- FlightNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"flightNumber"`
- BookingClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Modifier []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ProductInformationTypeI struct {
- ProductDetailsQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Not used
- BookingClassDetails []*ProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"bookingClassDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
-type ProductTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
- FlightIndicator []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"flightIndicator"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type RangeOfRowsDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Seat row number
- SeatRowNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"seatRowNumber"`
- // Number of rows
- NumberOfRows *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"numberOfRows,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Seat column
- SeatColumn []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"seatColumn,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type SeatRequestParametersType struct {
- // Generic details
- GenericDetails *GenericDetailsTypeI `xml:"genericDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // not used
- RangeOfRowsDetails *RangeOfRowsDetailsTypeI `xml:"rangeOfRowsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // not used
- ProcessingIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"processingIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // not used
- ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // not used
- Description formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI struct {
- Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- NumberOfUnits *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TotalNumberOfItems *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"totalNumberOfItems,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI struct {
- SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type SelectionDetailsInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee type
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
- // Carrier fee status
- OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetailsType struct {
- // Carrier fees options
- CarrierFeeDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationType `xml:"carrierFeeDetails"`
-type SourceTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
- SourceQualifier1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"sourceQualifier1"`
- SourceQualifier2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"sourceQualifier2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SpecificDataInformationTypeI struct {
- // Carrier fee information
- DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationTypeI `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
-type SpecificTravellerDetailsTypeI struct {
- ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MeasurementValue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FirstDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"firstDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Surname formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"surname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FirstName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"firstName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SpecificTravellerTypeI struct {
- TravellerDetails []*SpecificTravellerDetailsTypeI `xml:"travellerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type StationInformationTypeI struct {
- GateDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"gateDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Terminal formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Concourse formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"concourse,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TaxDetailsTypeI struct {
- Rate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CountryCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CurrencyCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Type []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TaxTypeI struct {
- TaxCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
- FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ItemNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SpecialSegment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MarriageDetails []*MarriageControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TravellerTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
- DepartureTime *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ArrivalTime *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CheckInDateTime formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"checkInDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
diff --git a/reqstructs/fare_informativepricingwithoutpnr/structs.go b/reqstructs/fare_informativepricingwithoutpnr/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index c037690..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/fare_informativepricingwithoutpnr/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,944 +0,0 @@
-package fare_informativepricingwithoutpnr
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/formats"
-type FareInformativePricingWithoutPNR struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TIPNRQ_12_4_1A Fare_InformativePricingWithoutPNR"`
- // Contains general information about the message, especially the use case.
- MessageDetails *MessageActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"messageDetails"`
- OriginatorGroup *OriginatorGroup `xml:"originatorGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Handles: * Fare conversion option * Fare selection option
- CurrencyOverride *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"currencyOverride,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used for Unifare pricing
- CorporateFares *CorporateFareInformationType `xml:"corporateFares,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TaxExemptGroup *TaxExemptGroup `xml:"taxExemptGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Form of payment at query level
- GeneralFormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"generalFormOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PassengersGroup []*PassengersGroup `xml:"passengersGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- PricingOptionsGroup []*PricingOptionsGroup `xml:"pricingOptionsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // This option allows to target the wished amount (called Instant pricing option)
- InstantPricingOption *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"instantPricingOption,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TripsGroup *TripsGroup `xml:"tripsGroup"`
- ObFeeRequestGroup *ObFeeRequestGroup `xml:"obFeeRequestGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OriginatorGroup struct {
- // Supplementary protocol or business related information.
- AdditionalBusinessInformation *AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationTypeI `xml:"additionalBusinessInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TaxExemptGroup struct {
- // Handles tax exemption option.
- TaxExempt *TaxTypeI `xml:"taxExempt"`
-type PassengersGroup struct {
- // Contains: * Number of passengers in the group * Group tattoo
- SegmentRepetitionControl *SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI_69179S `xml:"segmentRepetitionControl"`
- // Passengers' tattoos provided by the carrier in case of LCC pricing with U2. NOT USED FOR FSC.
- TravellersID *SpecificTravellerTypeI `xml:"travellersID,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PtcGroup []*PtcGroup `xml:"ptcGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type PtcGroup struct {
- // PTC/Discount Code
- DiscountPtc *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"discountPtc"`
- // Form of payment at passenger level
- PassengerFormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"passengerFormOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingOptionsGroup struct {
- // Handles the following pricing options: * Point of Sell override * Point of Ticketing override * Fare list * P/E ticket * Price by fare basis indicator * Validating Carrier * Award Publishing Carrier
- PricingDetails *PricingTicketingDetailsType `xml:"pricingDetails"`
- // * Expanded parameters * Forced PTC flag
- ExtPricingDetails *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"extPricingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TripsGroup struct {
- // This segment can be left empty.
- OriginDestination *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originDestination"`
- SegmentGroup []*SegmentGroup `xml:"segmentGroup"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type SegmentGroup struct {
- // Convey the information related to a segment (company, flight number, origin, destination...).
- SegmentInformation *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"segmentInformation"`
- // Used for technical stops, even if it is currently deprecated.
- AdditionnalSegmentDetails *AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionnalSegmentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Contain Zap Off details
- ZapOffDetails *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"zapOffDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- InventoryGroup *InventoryGroup `xml:"inventoryGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PricePsgByFareBasisInfo []*PricePsgByFareBasisInfo `xml:"pricePsgByFareBasisInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- Trigger *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"trigger"`
- // Options at passenger level: PTC/Discount Tier Level
- PsgDetailsGroup []*GroupPassengerDetailsType `xml:"psgDetailsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type InventoryGroup struct {
- // To store the flight inventory (opened classes and number of remaining seats) if known.
- Inventory *ProductInformationTypeI `xml:"inventory"`
-type PricePsgByFareBasisInfo struct {
- // Segment repetition control
- SegmentRepetitionControl *SegmentRepetitionControlType `xml:"segmentRepetitionControl"`
- // Specific traveller details
- SpecificTravellerDetails *SpecificTravellerTypeI_65902S `xml:"specificTravellerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RequestedPricingInfo *RequestedPricingInfo `xml:"requestedPricingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RequestedPricingInfo struct {
- // This group is used in order to identify Pax/Farebasis group
- FareInfo *FareInformationType `xml:"fareInfo"`
- // Date and time information (for future use)
- DateAndTimeInfo *DateAndTimeInformationTypeI `xml:"dateAndTimeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Pricing by fare basis information
- PricingByFareBasisInfo *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI_82845S `xml:"pricingByFareBasisInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // For future use!
- RoutingNumberInfo *FareRouteInformationTypeI `xml:"routingNumberInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ObFeeRequestGroup struct {
- // Marker fee options
- MarkersFeeOptions *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"markersFeeOptions"`
- FeeOptionInfoGroup []*FeeOptionInfoGroup `xml:"feeOptionInfoGroup"` // maxOccurs="5"
-type FeeOptionInfoGroup struct {
- // Nature of the fee ( OB, OC, ...)
- FeeTypeInfo *SelectionDetailsType `xml:"feeTypeInfo"`
- // Associated tax rate
- RateTaxInfo *MonetaryInformationType_69171S `xml:"rateTaxInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FeeDetailsInfoGroup []*FeeDetailsInfoGroup `xml:"feeDetailsInfoGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FeeDetailsInfoGroup struct {
- // Fee information
- FeeInfo *SpecificDataInformationTypeI `xml:"feeInfo"`
- // Include, exclude
- FeeProcessingInfo *SelectionDetailsType `xml:"feeProcessingInfo"`
- // Associated amounts: amount to take into account to calculate the fee, ...
- AssociatedAmountsInfo *MonetaryInformationType_69173S `xml:"associatedAmountsInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationTypeI struct {
- SourceType *SourceTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"sourceType"`
- OriginatorDetails *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originatorDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LocationDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CountryCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SystemCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"systemCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
- RateClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CommodityCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"commodityCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PricingGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SecondRateClass []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"secondRateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="29"
-type AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI struct {
- LegDetails *AdditionalProductTypeI `xml:"legDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // not used
- DepartureStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"departureStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // not used
- ArrivalStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"arrivalStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // not used
- MileageTimeDetails *MileageTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileageTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // not used
- TravellerTimeDetails *TravellerTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"travellerTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // not used
- FacilitiesInformation []*ProductFacilitiesTypeI `xml:"facilitiesInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type AdditionalProductTypeI struct {
- Equipment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"equipment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- NumberOfStops *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"numberOfStops,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // not used
- Duration *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"duration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // not used
- Percentage *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // not used
- DaysOfOperation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"daysOfOperation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // not used
- DateTimePeriod formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"dateTimePeriod,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // not used
- ComplexingFlightIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"complexingFlightIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // not used
- Locations []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"locations,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI struct {
- // Controlling Carrier
- Identifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To15 `xml:"identifier"`
- OtherIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To15 `xml:"otherIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
- MarketingCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OperatingCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI struct {
- ConversionType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RateType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"rateType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PricingAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ConvertedValueAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"convertedValueAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DutyTaxFeeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"dutyTaxFeeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MeasurementValue *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MeasurementSignificance formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"measurementSignificance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
- // Fare Conversion option (/R,FC-xxx): 6345 = currencty Fare Selection option (/R,FS-xxx): 9875 = 700 6345 = currencty
- ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
- // Fare Conversion option (/R,FC-xxx): 6345 = currencty Fare Selection option (/R,FS-xxx): 9875 = 700 6345 = currencty
- OtherConvRateDetails []*ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherConvRateDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type CorporateFareIdentifiersTypeI struct {
- // Fare type (e.g. U for unifares)
- FareQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Corporate ID
- CorporateID []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"corporateID,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type CorporateFareInformationType struct {
- CorporateFareIdentifiers []*CorporateFareIdentifiersTypeI `xml:"corporateFareIdentifiers"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type DataTypeInformationTypeI struct {
- // Carrier fee code
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
- // Status event
- StatusEvent formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"statusEvent,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // A for not valid after, B for not valide before
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeInformationTypeI struct {
- // Date and time details
- DateAndTimeDetails *DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
- FareQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareQualifier"`
- RateCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Percentage *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI_127142C struct {
- // Fare qualifier: PFB pricing for fare basis (DOD-ODD not yet used. They will specify directionality)
- FareQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareQualifier"`
- // fareBasisCode
- RateCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
-type FareCategoryCodesTypeI struct {
- FareType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"fareType"`
- OtherFareType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"otherFareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type FareDetailsTypeI struct {
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Rate *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetailsTypeI_193637C struct {
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Rate *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To8 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareInformationType struct {
- // identify pax/fare basis group
- IdentityNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identityNumber"`
-type FareInformationTypeI struct {
- // PTC or fare discount
- ValueQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- IdentityNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RateCategory []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareInformationTypeI_133428S struct {
- ValueQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI_193637C `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- IdentityNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI_193636C `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RateCategory []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Global indicator
- MovementType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategories *FareCategoryCodesTypeI `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Zap off option: 9910: base / total fare indicator 5242: ticket designator 5004: amount 5482: percentage
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareQualifierDetailsTypeI_82845S struct {
- DiscountDetails *DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI_127142C `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareRouteInformationTypeI struct {
- // Corresponds to the Routing Number For future use !
- IdentificationNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identificationNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI struct {
- PricingGroup []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI_193636C struct {
- PricingGroup []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
- // PTCs/ Discount-Codes
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"type"`
- Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount charged on this FOP
- Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- VendorCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used: The 6 first digits of the credit Card, if any
- CreditCardNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ExpiryDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ApprovalCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"approvalCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SourceOfApproval formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"sourceOfApproval,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AuthorisedAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"authorisedAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AddressVerification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"addressVerification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CustomerAccount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"customerAccount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ExtendedPayment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"extendedPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FopFreeText formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"fopFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MembershipStatus formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"membershipStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TransactionInfo formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"transactionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FormOfPaymentTypeI struct {
- // 9888: type of form of payment 5004: amount (amount charged on the current FOP in case of multi FOP) 1154: Bin Number, i.e. the first six digits of any credit card
- FormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI `xml:"formOfPayment"`
- // 9888: type of form of payment 5004: amount (amount charged on the current FOP in case of multi FOP) 1154: Bin Number, i.e. the first six digits of any credit card
- OtherFormOfPayment []*FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherFormOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType struct {
- // Frequent Traveller Info
- FrequentTravellerDetails []*FrequentTravellerIdentificationType `xml:"frequentTravellerDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType struct {
- // Carrier where the FQTV is registered.
- Carrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"carrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To28 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specifies which traveller in the TIF segment the frequent traveller number applies (same as 9944 in TIF).
- CustomerReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // status code: 'OK' if the frequent flyer card has been validated
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify a Tier linked to the FQTV
- TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // For example : priority code
- PriorityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // For example : Level description
- TierDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // For example : Company code of alliance
- CompanyCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"companyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CustomerValue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"customerValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type GroupPassengerDetailsType struct {
- // Trigger
- PassengerReference *SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI `xml:"passengerReference"`
- // Passengers' tattoos
- TravellersID *SpecificTravellerTypeI `xml:"travellersID,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // pricing option at passenger level
- PsgDetailsInfo *PsgDetailsInfo `xml:"psgDetailsInfo"`
-type PsgDetailsInfo struct {
- // PTC/Discount Code
- DiscountPtc *FareInformationTypeI_133428S `xml:"discountPtc"`
- // Tier level information
- FlequentFlyerDetails *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"flequentFlyerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // * Point of Sale Override (LocationDetails) * Point of Ticketing Override (OtherLocationDetails)
- City formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"city,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationTypeI struct {
- TrueLocationId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TrueLocation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MarriageControlDetailsTypeI struct {
- // not used
- Relation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"relation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // not used
- MarriageIdentifier *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To10 `xml:"marriageIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // not used
- LineNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // not used
- OtherRelation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"otherRelation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // not used
- CarrierCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MessageActionDetailsTypeI struct {
- MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ResponseType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"responseType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI struct {
- BusinessFunction formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MessageFunction formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ResponsibleAgency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // not used
- AdditionalMessageFunction []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type MileageTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
- FlightLegMileage *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"flightLegMileage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- UnitQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ElapsedGroundTime formats.Time24_hhmM `xml:"elapsedGroundTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
- // Qualifier
- TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsType_108001C struct {
- // Qualifier
- TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location
- Location formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsType_209983C struct {
- TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To35 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationType struct {
- // Indicate - Action type: IPA - Amount - Currency
- MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsType_209983C `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
-type MonetaryInformationType_69171S struct {
- // Monetary info
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetails"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type MonetaryInformationType_69173S struct {
- // Monetary info
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType_108001C `xml:"monetaryDetails"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI struct {
- Origin formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Destination formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- OriginatorId *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"originatorId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- InHouseIdentification1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"inHouseIdentification1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- InHouseIdentification2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"inHouseIdentification2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- InHouseIdentification3 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"inHouseIdentification3,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingDetailsType struct {
- PriceTicketDetails *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"priceTicketDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PriceTariffType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"priceTariffType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Not used
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // * Validating Carrier : 9906 : MarketingCompany * Award Publishing Carrier : 9906 : OtherCompany
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Controlling Carrier
- CompanyNumberDetails *CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"companyNumberDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Point Of Sale Override Information (3225 : City)
- LocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Point Of Ticketing Override Information (3225 : City)
- OtherLocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PSR Number
- IdNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MonetaryAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"monetaryAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingInformationType struct {
- Indicators []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI struct {
- DepartureDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DepartureTime formats.Time24_hhmM `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ArrivalDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ArrivalTime formats.Time24_hhmM `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DateVariation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDetailsTypeI struct {
- Designator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"designator"`
- AvailabilityStatus formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"availabilityStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SpecialService formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"specialService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Option []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ProductFacilitiesTypeI struct {
- Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Description formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ExtensionCode []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"extensionCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- FlightNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"flightNumber"`
- BookingClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Modifier []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ProductInformationTypeI struct {
- ProductDetailsQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BookingClassDetails []*ProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"bookingClassDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
-type ProductTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
- FlightIndicator []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"flightIndicator"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsType struct {
- // (Optional, information not taken into account at present)
- ProductReference *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"productReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // (Optional, information not taken into account at present)
- NumberOfUnits *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI struct {
- Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- NumberOfUnits *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI_193634C struct {
- Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- NumberOfUnits *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TotalNumberOfItems *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"totalNumberOfItems,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegmentRepetitionControlType struct {
- // Segment control details
- SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsType `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI struct {
- SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI_193634C `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI_69179S struct {
- SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type SelectionDetailsInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee type
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
- // Carrier fee status
- OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetailsType struct {
- // Carrier fees options
- CarrierFeeDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationType `xml:"carrierFeeDetails"`
-type SourceTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
- SourceQualifier1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"sourceQualifier1"`
- SourceQualifier2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"sourceQualifier2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SpecificDataInformationTypeI struct {
- // Carrier fee information
- DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationTypeI `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
-type SpecificTravellerDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Passenger Tattoos
- MeasurementValue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SpecificTravellerDetailsTypeI_108010C struct {
- ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger Tattoos
- MeasurementValue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FirstDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"firstDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Surname formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"surname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FirstName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"firstName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SpecificTravellerTypeI struct {
- TravellerDetails []*SpecificTravellerDetailsTypeI_108010C `xml:"travellerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type SpecificTravellerTypeI_65902S struct {
- // Traveller details
- TravellerDetails []*SpecificTravellerDetailsTypeI `xml:"travellerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type StationInformationTypeI struct {
- GateDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"gateDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Terminal formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Concourse formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"concourse,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TaxDetailsTypeI struct {
- Rate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CountryCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Not used
- CurrencyCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Type []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TaxTypeI struct {
- TaxCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
- FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Connection indicators: order in the group.
- ItemNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SpecialSegment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // not used
- MarriageDetails []*MarriageControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TravellerTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
- DepartureTime formats.Time24_hhmM `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ArrivalTime formats.Time24_hhmM `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CheckInDateTime formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"checkInDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
diff --git a/reqstructs/fare_masterpricercalendar/structs.go b/reqstructs/fare_masterpricercalendar/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index b81c5e2..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/fare_masterpricercalendar/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2039 +0,0 @@
-package fare_masterpricercalendar
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/formats"
-type FareMasterPricerCalendar struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/FMPCAQ_14_3_1A Fare_MasterPricerCalendar"`
- // Number of seats , recommendations.
- NumberOfUnit *NumberOfUnitsType `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Global options
- GlobalOptions *AttributeType `xml:"globalOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Traveler Details
- PaxReference []*TravellerReferenceInformationType `xml:"paxReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Customer references
- CustomerRef *ConsumerReferenceInformationType `xml:"customerRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fee with different payment forms by passenger.
- FormOfPaymentByPassenger []*FOPRepresentationType `xml:"formOfPaymentByPassenger,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="60"
- // Solution Family
- SolutionFamily []*FareInformationType `xml:"solutionFamily,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Passenger info group (9 ADT + 9 IN)
- PassengerInfoGrp []*GroupPassengerDetailsType `xml:"passengerInfoGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- FareFamilies []*FareFamilies `xml:"fareFamilies,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- FareOptions *FareOptions `xml:"fareOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates Price to beat
- PriceToBeat *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"priceToBeat,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tax Details
- TaxInfo []*TaxType `xml:"taxInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // Details of a Flight : Direct, Non stop...
- TravelFlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType_185853S `xml:"travelFlightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ValueSearch []*ValueSearchCriteriaType `xml:"valueSearch,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- Itinerary []*Itinerary `xml:"itinerary,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="18"
- TicketChangeInfo *TicketChangeInfo `xml:"ticketChangeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CombinationFareFamilies []*CombinationFareFamilies `xml:"combinationFareFamilies,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2000"
- FeeOption []*FeeOption `xml:"feeOption,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- OfficeIdDetails []*OfficeIdDetails `xml:"officeIdDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FareFamilies struct {
- // Segment used to target Commercial Fare Family.
- FamilyInformation *FareFamilyType `xml:"familyInformation"`
- // Description of Fare Family Criteria.
- FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareFamilySegment []*FareFamilySegment `xml:"fareFamilySegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- OtherPossibleCriteria []*OtherPossibleCriteria `xml:"otherPossibleCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FareFamilySegment struct {
- // Requested segment reference
- ReferenceInfo *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceInfo"`
- // Description of fare family criteria.
- FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OtherPossibleCriteria struct {
- // Logical link with other criteria.
- LogicalLink *BooleanExpressionRuleType `xml:"logicalLink"`
- // Description of fare family criteria.
- FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareFamilySegment []*FareFamilySegment `xml:"fareFamilySegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type FareOptions struct {
- // Pricing and ticketing details.
- PricingTickInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsType `xml:"pricingTickInfo"`
- // Corporate name/number used to target fares
- Corporate *CorporateIdentificationType `xml:"corporate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticketing price scheme.
- TicketingPriceScheme *TicketingPriceSchemeType `xml:"ticketingPriceScheme,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PSR number
- FeeIdDescription *CodedAttributeType `xml:"feeIdDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to force the currency of pricing
- ConversionRate *ConversionRateType `xml:"conversionRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Form of payment information.
- FormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"formOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Frequent traveller information
- FrequentTravellerInfo *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType_177150S `xml:"frequentTravellerInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Monetary and cabin information.
- MonetaryCabinInfo *MonetaryAndCabinInformationType `xml:"monetaryCabinInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type Itinerary struct {
- // Indicates reference of the requested segment
- RequestedSegmentRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"requestedSegmentRef"`
- // Specification of the requested departure point
- DepartureLocalization *DepartureLocationType `xml:"departureLocalization,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specification of the requested arrival point
- ArrivalLocalization *ArrivalLocalizationType `xml:"arrivalLocalization,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details on requested date and time plus range of date trip duration
- TimeDetails *DateAndTimeInformationType_181295S `xml:"timeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify Flight options.
- FlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType_165053S `xml:"flightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ValueSearch []*ValueSearchCriteriaType `xml:"valueSearch,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- GroupOfFlights []*GroupOfFlights `xml:"groupOfFlights,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- FlightInfoPNR []*FlightInfoPNR `xml:"flightInfoPNR,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- // Action identification for the requested segment
- RequestedSegmentAction *ActionIdentificationType `xml:"requestedSegmentAction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Coded attributes
- Attributes *CodedAttributeType_181239S `xml:"attributes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type GroupOfFlights struct {
- // To indicate parameters for proposed flight group.
- PropFlightGrDetail *ProposedSegmentType `xml:"propFlightGrDetail"`
- // Indicates Price to beat
- PriceToBeat *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"priceToBeat,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightDetails []*FlightDetails `xml:"flightDetails"` // maxOccurs="4"
-type FlightDetails struct {
- // Specification of details on the flight and posting availability
- FlightInformation *TravelProductType `xml:"flightInformation"`
- // returns booking class and availability context
- AvlInfo []*FlightProductInformationType `xml:"avlInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Details on Flight date, time and location of technical stop or change of gauge
- TechnicalStop []*DateAndTimeInformationType `xml:"technicalStop,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- // Code Share Agreement description for current flight.
- CommercialAgreement *CommercialAgreementsType_78540S `xml:"commercialAgreement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Additional Info about flight, such as Reference number, and several options
- AddInfo *HeaderInformationTypeI `xml:"addInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Terminal, Equipment and EFT Details. If a Total EFT of the Travel Solution is requested then we will have 2 occurrences of the terminalEquipmentDetails attached to the first leg flightInformation: the 1st occurence will give the EFT of the leg, the 2nd occurrence will give the total EFT of the Travel Solution.
- TerminalEquipmentDetails []*AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"terminalEquipmentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // PNR flight reservation info
- ReservationInfo *PassengerItineraryInformationType `xml:"reservationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates Price to beat
- PriceToBeat *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"priceToBeat,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightInfoPNR struct {
- // Travel Response Details: - Board/Off aiports - Flight number - Part of the journey - Day difference between Board and off - Departure/Arrival dates - Departure/Arrival times
- TravelResponseDetails *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"travelResponseDetails"`
- // Time Table Effective/Discontinue dates and frequency of operating Travel Solution
- TimeTableDate *StructuredPeriodInformationType `xml:"timeTableDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Terminal, Equipment and EFT Details. If a Total EFT of the Travel Solution is requested then we will have 2 occurrences of the terminalEquipmentDetails attached to the first leg travelResponseDetails: the 1st occurrence will give the EFT of the leg, the 2nd occurrence will give the total EFT of the Travel Solution.
- TerminalEquipmentDetails []*AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"terminalEquipmentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // Codeshare data
- CodeshareData *CommercialAgreementsType `xml:"codeshareData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Disclosure message from an operating carrier.
- Disclosure *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"disclosure,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Stops Details
- StopDetails *RoutingInformationTypeI `xml:"stopDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Traffic restriction information
- TrafficRestrictionData *TrafficRestrictionTypeI `xml:"trafficRestrictionData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR flight reservation info
- ReservationInfo *PassengerItineraryInformationType `xml:"reservationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- IncidentalStopInfo []*IncidentalStopInfo `xml:"incidentalStopInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type IncidentalStopInfo struct {
- // Incidental stop date/time information
- DateTimeInfo *DateAndTimeInformationTypeI `xml:"dateTimeInfo"`
-type TicketChangeInfo struct {
- // Ticket nb details.
- TicketNumberDetails *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"ticketNumberDetails"`
- TicketRequestedSegments []*TicketRequestedSegments `xml:"ticketRequestedSegments,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type TicketRequestedSegments struct {
- // Action identification.
- ActionIdentification *ActionIdentificationType `xml:"actionIdentification"`
- // Connected cities in changed ticket requested segment.
- ConnectPointDetails *ConnectionTypeI `xml:"connectPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CombinationFareFamilies struct {
- // Specification of the item number
- ItemFFCNumber *ItemNumberType `xml:"itemFFCNumber"`
- // Number of units.
- NbOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsType_80154S `xml:"nbOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Requested segment reference
- ReferenceInfo []*ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type FeeOption struct {
- // Nature of the fee (OB,OC,..)
- FeeTypeInfo *SelectionDetailsType `xml:"feeTypeInfo"`
- // Associated rate tax.
- RateTax *MonetaryInformationType_80162S `xml:"rateTax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FeeDetails struct {
- // Fee information
- FeeInfo *SpecificDataInformationType `xml:"feeInfo"`
- // Associated amounts : amounts to take into account to calculate fee.
- AssociatedAmounts *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"associatedAmounts,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FeeDescriptionGrp *FeeDescriptionGrp `xml:"feeDescriptionGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FeeDescriptionGrp struct {
- // Specification of the item number
- ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType_80866S `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
- // Attributes (SSR code EMD, RFIC, SSIM)
- ServiceAttributesInfo *AttributeType_61377S `xml:"serviceAttributesInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other service information (service description, ...)
- ServiceDescriptionInfo *SpecialRequirementsDetailsType `xml:"serviceDescriptionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OfficeIdDetails struct {
- // Office Id Information
- OfficeIdInformation *UserIdentificationType `xml:"officeIdInformation"`
- // Number of units.
- NbOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsType_80154S `xml:"nbOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // UID option
- UidOption *CodedAttributeType_78500S `xml:"uidOption,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Pricing and ticketing details.
- PricingTickInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsType `xml:"pricingTickInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Corporate fare information
- CorporateFareInfo *CorporateFareInformationType `xml:"corporateFareInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details of a Flight : Direct, Non stop...
- TravelFlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType `xml:"travelFlightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AirlineDistributionDetails []*AirlineDistributionDetails `xml:"airlineDistributionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type AirlineDistributionDetails struct {
- // Indicates reference of the requested segment
- RequestedSegmentRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"requestedSegmentRef"`
- // Specify Flight options.
- FlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType `xml:"flightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ActionIdentificationType struct {
- // Action request code
- ActionRequestCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"actionRequestCode"`
- ProductDetails *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_50878C `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AdditionalProductDetailsType struct {
- // Type of aircraft
- EquipmentType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"equipmentType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day number of the week
- OperatingDay formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"operatingDay,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number of stops made in a journey if different from 0
- TechStopNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"techStopNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location places of the stops
- LocationId []formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Flight details
- LegDetails *AdditionalProductTypeI `xml:"legDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Departure station
- DepartureStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"departureStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ArrivalStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"arrivalStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ground Time Details when connection
- MileageTimeDetails *MileageTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileageTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AdditionalProductTypeI struct {
- // Equipment type
- Equipment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"equipment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Elaps flying time of the leg
- Duration *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"duration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // COG indicator
- ComplexingFlightIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"complexingFlightIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AgentIdentificationType struct {
- // Contains ARC number
- ArcNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"arcNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ERSP number of the Office or Customer
- ErspNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"erspNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // IATA Number
- IataNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"iataNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ArithmeticEvaluationType struct {
- // Boolean operator
- CodeOperator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"codeOperator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ArrivalLocalizationType struct {
- // Details on the location of the arrival point
- ArrivalPointDetails *ArrivalLocationDetailsType `xml:"arrivalPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival multi city option
- ArrivalMultiCity []*MultiCityOptionType `xml:"arrivalMultiCity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_139508C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type ArrivalLocationDetailsType struct {
- // For Radius: This is the length of the requested radius around the location of destination.
- Distance *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"distance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Distance unit qualifier for radius
- DistanceUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"distanceUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ATA/IATA airport/city code of arrival In case of SP request from a PNR, this field is empty.
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Request from no PNR A = consider the locationID specified as an airport (used only when ambiguous) C = consider the locationId as a city (used only when ambiguous) A and C are not used in case of a request from PNR Request from a PNR with Radius option: O = radius applies to the origin of the PNR segments D = radius applies to the destination of the PNR segments
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Latitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere N=north S=south
- Latitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"latitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Longitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere E=east, W=west
- Longitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"longitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ArrivalLocationDetailsType_120834C struct {
- // For Radius: This is the length of the requested radius around the location of origin.
- Distance *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"distance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Distance unit qualifier for radius
- DistanceUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"distanceUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ATA/IATA airport/city code of arrival In case of SP request from a PNR, this field is empty.
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Request from no PNR A = consider the locationID specified as an airport (used only when ambiguous) C = consider the locationId as a city (used only when ambiguous) A and C are not used in case of a request from PNR Request from a PNR with Radius option: O = radius applies to the origin of the PNR segments D = radius applies to the destination of the PNR segments
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Latitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere N=north S=south
- Latitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"latitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Longitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere E=east, W=west
- Longitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"longitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeInformationType struct {
- // Code of options
- Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option"`
- // Mandatory when alternate date option is used (ALT), must be set to plus (P) or minus (M) a number of days around the original PNR segment dates. E.g.: M1 (for minus 1 day) or P100 (for plus 100 days)
- OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeInformationType_97181C struct {
- // Attribute type
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute description
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To256 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeType struct {
- // Option parameters
- SelectionDetails []*AttributeInformationType `xml:"selectionDetails"` // maxOccurs="10"
-type AttributeType_61377S struct {
- // Criteria Set Type
- AttributeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"attributeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Criteria details
- AttributeDetails []*AttributeInformationType_97181C `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type BooleanExpressionRuleType struct {
- // Boolean expression associated to the decision rule.
- BooleanExpression *ArithmeticEvaluationType `xml:"booleanExpression"`
-type CabinClassDesignationType struct {
- // Cabin designator.
- CabinDesignator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabinDesignator"`
-type CabinIdentificationType struct {
- // Cabin qualifier. For Star Pricer,MD stands for Mandatory Cabin qualifier. For other products no qualifier stands for Mandatory Cabin.
- CabinQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"cabinQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Cabin
- Cabin []formats.AlphaString_Length0To1 `xml:"cabin"` // maxOccurs="3"
-type CabinIdentificationType_233500C struct {
- // Cabin qualifier. For Star Pricer,MD stands for Mandatory Cabin qualifier. For other products no qualifier stands for Mandatory Cabin.
- CabinQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"cabinQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Cabin
- Cabin []formats.AlphaString_Length0To1 `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type CabinProductDetailsType struct {
- // Reservation booking designator - RBD
- Rbd formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"rbd"`
- // Reservation Booking Modifier
- BookingModifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1 `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
- // Attribute type identification
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute Description
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_120742C struct {
- // Name.
- Name formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"name"`
- // Value.
- Value []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_139508C struct {
- // Attribute type
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Value.
- Value []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_247828C struct {
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute description
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_247829C struct {
- // Type of fee/reduction
- FeeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"feeType"`
- // Fee Id Number
- FeeIdNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To50 `xml:"feeIdNumber"`
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_254574C struct {
- // Attribute type
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute description
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To50 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeType struct {
- // Fee/reduction Id
- FeeId []*CodedAttributeInformationType_247829C `xml:"feeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type CodedAttributeType_181239S struct {
- // Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_254574C `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type CodedAttributeType_78500S struct {
- // Atrribute details.
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type CommercialAgreementsType struct {
- // Codeshare Details
- CodeshareDetails *CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"codeshareDetails"`
- // Other codeshare details
- OtherCodeshareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"otherCodeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type CommercialAgreementsType_78540S struct {
- // Codeshare Details
- CodeshareDetails *CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120761C `xml:"codeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other codeshare details
- OtherCodeshareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120761C `xml:"otherCodeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type CompanyIdentificationType struct {}
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // Carrier code
- MarketingCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"marketingCompany"`
-type CompanyIdentificationType_120719C struct {
- // Item description identification.
- CarrierQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To1 `xml:"carrierQualifier"`
- // carrier id
- CarrierId []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"carrierId"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type CompanyIdentificationType_195544C struct {
- // Marketing carrier
- MarketingCarrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"marketingCarrier"`
- // Operating carrier
- OperatingCarrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"operatingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyIdentificationType_233548C struct {
- // Item description identification.
- CarrierQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To1 `xml:"carrierQualifier"`
- // carrier id
- CarrierId []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"carrierId"` // maxOccurs="999"
-type CompanyRoleIdentificationType struct {
- // Codeshare qualifier
- TransportStageQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"transportStageQualifier"`
- // company identification
- AirlineDesignator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"airlineDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // flight number
- FlightNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"flightNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // suffix
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120761C struct {
- // Type of code share agreement.
- CodeShareType formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"codeShareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // company identification
- AirlineDesignator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"airlineDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // flight number
- FlightNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"flightNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConnectPointDetailsType struct {
- // Exclusion identification
- ExclusionIdentifier formats.AlphaString_Length0To1 `xml:"exclusionIdentifier"`
- // Place or Location identification
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
- // Airport/city qualifier
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C struct {
- // Inclusion identification
- InclusionIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To1 `xml:"inclusionIdentifier"`
- // Place or Location identification
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
- // Airport/city qualifier
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConnectionDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Location
- Location formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"location"`
-type ConnectionTypeI struct {
- // Connection details.
- ConnectionDetails []*ConnectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"connectionDetails"` // maxOccurs="17"
-type ConsumerReferenceIdentificationTypeI struct {
- ReferenceQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"referenceQualifier"`
- ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ReferencePartyName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referencePartyName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TravellerReferenceNbr formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"travellerReferenceNbr,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConsumerReferenceInformationType struct {
- // Customer references
- CustomerReferences []*ConsumerReferenceIdentificationTypeI `xml:"customerReferences"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type ConversionRateDetailsType struct {
- // Conversion type
- ConversionType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency"`
-type ConversionRateType struct {
- // Detail of conversion rate of First Monetary Unit
- ConversionRateDetail []*ConversionRateDetailsType `xml:"conversionRateDetail"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type CorporateFareIdentifiersType struct {
- // Indicates the type of corporate fares requested
- FareQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Corporate contract number or name
- IdentifyNumber []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identifyNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type CorporateFareInformationType struct {
- // Corporate fare identifiers
- CorporateFareIdentifiers *CorporateFareIdentifiersType `xml:"corporateFareIdentifiers,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CorporateIdentificationType struct {
- // Corporate identity
- CorporateId []*CorporateIdentityType `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type CorporateIdentityType struct {
- // Indicates if 1A corporate (RC) or Unifare corporate (RW) requested.
- CorporateQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"corporateQualifier"`
- // Corporate contract number or name
- Identity []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"identity"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type CriteriaiDetaislType struct {
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Attribute []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"attribute,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type DataInformationType struct {
- // Ancillary services options
- Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DataTypeInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee code
- SubType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"subType"`
- // Status (automated, manually added, exempted). Default is automated
- Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsType struct {
- // Trip Duration type(Plus,Minus,Combined)
- FlexibilityQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"flexibilityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number of days added or/and retrieved to the trip duration
- TripInterval *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"tripInterval,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Period between date of departure and date of arrival
- TripDuration *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"tripDuration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Toidentify type of time Arrival/Departure
- TimeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"timeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Time
- Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Time window size in hours
- TimeWindow formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"timeWindow,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI_120740C struct {
- // Date time period qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First Time
- Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- Qualifier2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Reserved1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"reserved1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Reserved2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length3To5 `xml:"reserved2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsType_120762C struct {
- // Date time period qualifier
- DateQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"dateQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First Time
- FirstTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"firstTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Movement type.
- EquipementType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"equipementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Place/location identification.
- LocationId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsType_254619C struct {
- // To identify type of range (Plus,Minus or combined)
- RangeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"rangeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Range of dates : Number of Days preceding or/and Following the request departure date
- DayInterval *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"dayInterval,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Time at destination (local)
- TimeAtdestination formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"timeAtdestination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeInformationType struct {
- // Details on date and time
- StopDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsType_120762C `xml:"stopDetails"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type DateAndTimeInformationTypeI struct {
- DateTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI_120740C `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type DateAndTimeInformationType_181295S struct {
- // Details on date and Time
- FirstDateTimeDetail *DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"firstDateTimeDetail"`
- // Details of the Requested Range of Dates
- RangeOfDate *DateAndTimeDetailsType_254619C `xml:"rangeOfDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details of the trip duration
- TripDetails *DateAndTimeDetailsType `xml:"tripDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Value
- Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DepartureLocationType struct {
- // Details on localization of the departure point
- DeparturePoint *ArrivalLocationDetailsType_120834C `xml:"departurePoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Departure multi city option
- DepMultiCity []*MultiCityOptionType `xml:"depMultiCity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // To specify a series or a range of PNR segments
- FirstPnrSegmentRef *PNRSegmentReferenceType `xml:"firstPnrSegmentRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_139508C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FOPRepresentationType struct {
- // Form of payment information.
- FormOfPaymentDetails *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"formOfPaymentDetails"`
- // Fee/Reduction Passenger reference.
- PassengerFeeReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"passengerFeeReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetailsType struct {
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate
- Rate *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Category
- FareCategory formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareFamilyCriteriaType struct {
- // Fare publishing carrier.
- CarrierId []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"carrierId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Reservation booking designator.
- Rdb []formats.AlphaString_Length1To2 `xml:"rdb,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Fare family info.
- FareFamilyInfo *FareQualifierInformationType `xml:"fareFamilyInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare product detail.
- FareProductDetail []*FareProductDetailsType `xml:"fareProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Corporate information.
- CorporateInfo []*MultipleIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"corporateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Indicates flight cabin details.
- CabinProduct []*CabinClassDesignationType `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Cabin processing option.
- CabinProcessingIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"cabinProcessingIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product date or time.
- DateTimeDetails []*ProductDateTimeTypeI_194583C `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Other criteria.
- OtherCriteria []*CodedAttributeInformationType_120742C `xml:"otherCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FareFamilyDetailsType struct {
- // Commercial fare Family Short name
- CommercialFamily formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"commercialFamily"`
-type FareFamilyType struct {
- // Fare Family Reference Number
- RefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Family Short Name
- FareFamilyname formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"fareFamilyname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Hierarchy *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"hierarchy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates Commercial Fare Family Short names
- CommercialFamilyDetails []*FareFamilyDetailsType `xml:"commercialFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FareInformationType struct {
- // Value Qualifier
- ValueQualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Value
- Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsType `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Identity Number
- IdentityNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Type Grouping
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationType `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate Category
- RateCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareInformationTypeI struct {
- // PTC (Full Codeset List described in ATPCo Documentation B11109 Appendix A)
- ValueQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // age
- Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareProductDetailsType struct {
- // Fare basis code
- FareBasis formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To18 `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type of fare
- FareType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"fareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type FareQualifierInformationType struct {
- // Fare family combinability.
- FareFamilyQual []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"fareFamilyQual"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type FareTypeGroupingInformationType struct {
- // Pricing Group
- PricingGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightProductInformationType struct {
- // Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct []*CabinProductDetailsType `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
- // To specify additional characteristics.
- ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType_205137C `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Form of payment identification
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
- // amount to be charged on this form
- ChargedAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To12 `xml:"chargedAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference number
- CreditCardNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FormOfPaymentTypeI struct {
- FormOfPaymentDetails []*FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI `xml:"formOfPaymentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
- // Qualifier of the free text. Always literal in our usage.
- TextSubjectQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Type of the free text. Always 7 for our usage.
- InformationType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Source of the information.
- Source formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"source"`
- // Encoding method used.
- Encoding formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"encoding"`
-type FreeTextInformationType struct {
- // Details for the free text message
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType `xml:"freeTextDetails"`
- // Free text corresponding to the DEI 127 data.
- FreeText formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"freeText"`
-type FrequencyType struct {
- // Indicate if the sequence number represents days of the week or days of the month.
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Used to represent days of the week. 1 is monday and 7 is sunday.
- Value []*formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="7"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType struct {
- // Frequent Traveller Info
- FrequentTravellerDetails []*FrequentTravellerIdentificationType `xml:"frequentTravellerDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType_177150S struct {
- // Frequent traveller details
- FrequentTravellerDetails []*FrequentTravellerIdentificationType_249074C `xml:"frequentTravellerDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType struct {
- // Carrier where the FQTV is registered.
- Carrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"carrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To28 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specifies which traveller in the TIF segment the frequent traveller number applies (same as 9944 in TIF).
- CustomerReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // status code: 'OK' if the frequent flyer card has been validated
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify a Tier linked to the FQTV
- TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // For example : priority code
- PriorityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // For example : Level description
- TierDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // For example : Company code of alliance
- CompanyCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"companyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CustomerValue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"customerValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the product/account number qualifier. (e.g. 2=Corporate Frequent Flyer).
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType_249074C struct {
- // carrier
- Carrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"carrier"`
- // Frequent traveller number
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Customer reference
- CustomerReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tier level
- TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Priority code
- PriorityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tier description
- TierDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the product/account number qualifier. (e.g. 2=Corporate Frequent Flyer).
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type GroupPassengerDetailsType struct {
- // Trigger
- PassengerReference *SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI `xml:"passengerReference"`
- // pricing option at passenger level
- PsgDetailsInfo []*PsgDetailsInfo `xml:"psgDetailsInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type PsgDetailsInfo struct {
- // PTC/Discount Code age
- DiscountPtc *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"discountPtc"`
- // Tier level information
- FlequentFlyerDetails *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"flequentFlyerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type HeaderInformationTypeI struct {
- // Status
- Status []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // Date and Time info
- DateTimePeriodDetails *DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI `xml:"dateTimePeriodDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference number
- ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Contains product identification such as UIC code...
- ProductIdentification []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"productIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType struct {
- // Fare family combination number
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Responsible agency
- ResponsibleAgency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberType struct {
- // Indicates the fare family combination number
- ItemNumberId *ItemNumberIdentificationType `xml:"itemNumberId"`
-type ItemNumberType_80866S struct {
- // Item number details
- ItemNumberDetails *ItemNumberIdentificationType `xml:"itemNumberDetails"`
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
- // Reference Qualifier.
- PassengerFeeRefType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference number.
- PassengerFeeRefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unique id description.
- OtherCharacteristics *UniqueIdDescriptionType `xml:"otherCharacteristics,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItineraryDetailsType struct {
- // Airport/City Qualifier: the passenger wants to depart/arrive from/to the same airport or city in the specified requested segment
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier"`
- // Requested segment number
- SegmentNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"segmentNumber"`
-type LocationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Place or Location identification
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
- // Country, coded
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationIdentificationDetailsType struct {
- // 3 characters ATA/IATA airport/city code
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
- // Airport/city qualifier: the requested point is an airport when ambiguity exists (e.g. HOU)
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Terminal information
- Terminal formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationTypeI struct {
- // Departure or Arrival IATA airport code
- TrueLocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"trueLocationId"`
-type MileageTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Ground Time in minutes at Board point (connection with incoming flight)
- ElapsedGroundTime *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"elapsedGroundTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryAndCabinInformationDetailsType struct {
- // Amount qualifier.
- AmountType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"amountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount
- Amount formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"amount"`
- // ISO currency code
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Airport/city code
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Cabin class designator
- CabinClassDesignator []formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabinClassDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type MonetaryAndCabinInformationType struct {
- // Monetary and cabin information.
- MoneyAndCabinInfo []*MonetaryAndCabinInformationDetailsType `xml:"moneyAndCabinInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Monetary amount type qualifier, coded
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Allowance or charge number
- Amount formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"amount"`
- // Currency, coded
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_194597C struct {
- // Monetary amount type qualifier, coded
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Allowance or charge number
- Amount formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"amount"`
- // Currency, coded
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Place or Location identification
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65140C struct {
- // Qualifier
- TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65141C struct {
- // Qualifier
- TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location
- Location formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationType struct {
- MoneyInfo *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"moneyInfo"`
- AdditionalMoneyInfo []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_194597C `xml:"additionalMoneyInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
- // Monetary info
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65141C `xml:"monetaryDetails"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type MonetaryInformationType_80162S struct {
- // Monetary info
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65140C `xml:"monetaryDetails"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type MultiCityOptionType struct {
- // ATA/IATA airport/city code of arrival multi city option enable to define until 20 airports/cities
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
- // Requested arrival point is an airport or a city (default is city and used only when ambiguity)
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MultipleIdentificationNumbersTypeI struct {
- // Corporate number or ALL.
- CorporateNumberIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"corporateNumberIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Corporate name.
- CorporateName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"corporateName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type NumberOfUnitDetailsType struct {
- // Number of Units
- NumberOfUnits *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number of unit qualifier
- TypeOfUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeOfUnit"`
-type NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Number of Units
- NumberOfUnits formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"numberOfUnits"`
- // Number of unit qualifier
- TypeOfUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeOfUnit"`
-type NumberOfUnitDetailsType_260583C struct {
- // Number of Units
- NumberOfUnits formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"numberOfUnits"`
- // Number of unit qualifier
- TypeOfUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeOfUnit"`
-type NumberOfUnitsType struct {
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsType_260583C `xml:"unitNumberDetail"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type NumberOfUnitsType_80154S struct {
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsType `xml:"unitNumberDetail"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type OriginAndDestinationRequestType struct {
- // Requested segment number
- SegRef formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"segRef"`
- // Forces arrival or departure, from/to the same airport/city
- LocationForcing []*ItineraryDetailsType `xml:"locationForcing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Office Name.
- OfficeName *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"officeName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Agent Sign In .
- AgentSignin formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"agentSignin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Confidential Office Name.
- ConfidentialOffice formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"confidentialOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other Office Name
- OtherOffice formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"otherOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PNRSegmentReferenceType struct {
- // For a request from PNR: this is the reference number of a PNR air segment. In case a range of PNR segments is specified (eg. segments 2-5), then it is the 1st of the range, the last being in ARR.
- PnrSegmentTattoo *formats.NumericInteger_Length0To35 `xml:"pnrSegmentTattoo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PnrSegmentQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"pnrSegmentQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PassengerItineraryInformationType struct {
- // .
- Booking formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"booking,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- Identifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"identifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- ItemNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- DateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeType `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- Designator formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"designator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- MovementType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- ProductTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"productTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingDetailsType struct {
- // Pricing ticketing Details.
- PricingTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"pricingTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TicketingDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI_194598C `xml:"ticketingDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyId *CompanyIdentificationType `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SellingPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"sellingPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TicketingPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"ticketingPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to Target Transborder Fares
- JourneyOriginPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"journeyOriginPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Contains the ARC,IATA and ERSP numbers
- CorporateId *AgentIdentificationType `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingInformationType struct {
- // Price type qualifier
- PriceType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"priceType"` // maxOccurs="50"
-type ProductDateTimeType struct {
- // .
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date"`
- // .
- Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI struct {
- // Departure date in YYYYMMDD format
- DepartureDate formats.Date_YYYYMMDD `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Departure time
- DepartureTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival date
- ArrivalDate formats.Date_YYYYMMDD `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival time
- ArrivalTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day difference between Departure date of the leg and date of reference (Departure or Arrival date specified in the SDI)
- DateVariation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI_194583C struct {
- // Ticketing Purchase Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date"`
- // Ticketing purchase date
- OtherDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"otherDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI_194598C struct {
- // First date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date"`
- // Half round trip combination.
- RtcDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"rtcDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeType_195546C struct {
- // Departure date
- DateOfDeparture formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"dateOfDeparture"`
- // Departure time
- TimeOfDeparture formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"timeOfDeparture,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival date
- DateOfArrival formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"dateOfArrival,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival time
- TimeOfArrival formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"timeOfArrival,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival date compared to departure date, only if different from 0
- DateVariation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductFacilitiesType struct {
- // Yes-No indicator whether Last Seat Available
- LastSeatAvailable formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"lastSeatAvailable,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Level of access
- LevelOfAccess formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"levelOfAccess,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Yes-No indicator whether electronic ticketing
- ElectronicTicketing formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"electronicTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product identification suffix
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Define whether a flight has been polled or not
- ProductDetailQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"productDetailQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Add some flight restrictions (See code set list)
- FlightCharacteristic []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Flight number
- FlightNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"flightNumber"`
- // Flight suffix
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_50878C struct {
- FlightNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"flightNumber"`
- BookingClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Modifier []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ProductLocationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // airport
- Station formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"station,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductTypeDetailsType struct {
- // .
- SequenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"sequenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR availability context
- AvailabilityContext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"availabilityContext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Part of the journey (C,E,S), Codeshare service (A), Technical stop at off point in a Direct (TSD), Technical stop at off point in a COG (TSC), E-Ticket candidate (ET), Prohibited Countries (RPC, WPC)
- FlightIndicator []formats.AlphaString_Length1To3 `xml:"flightIndicator"` // maxOccurs="5"
-type ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C struct {
- // Type of flight
- FlightType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"flightType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ProductTypeDetailsType_205137C struct {
- // indicates whether the flight is domestic or international
- Avl []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"avl"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type ProposedSegmentDetailsType struct {
- // Flight proposal reference
- Ref formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"ref,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Elapse Flying Time
- UnitQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProposedSegmentType struct {
- // Parameters for proposed flight group
- FlightProposal []*ProposedSegmentDetailsType `xml:"flightProposal"` // maxOccurs="9"
- // Flight characteristics.
- FlightCharacteristic formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Majority cabin
- MajCabin formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"majCabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferenceInfoType struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
- // Segment reference qualifier
- RefQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Flight or flight group reference
- RefNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length0To3 `xml:"refNumber"`
-type RoutingInformationTypeI struct {
- // Stops details
- RoutingDetails []*ProductLocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI struct {
- // traveller number
- Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI struct {
- // Segment control details
- SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type SelectionDetailsInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee type
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
- // Carrier fee status
- OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
- Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option"`
- OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetailsType struct {
- // Carrier fees options
- CarrierFeeDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationType `xml:"carrierFeeDetails"`
- OtherSelectionDetails []*SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"otherSelectionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
-type SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType struct {
- // SSR seat characteristic
- SeatCharacteristics []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"seatCharacteristics,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type SpecialRequirementsDetailsType struct {
- // To specify the Service Requirement of the customer
- ServiceRequirementsInfo *SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType `xml:"serviceRequirementsInfo"`
- // Seat details
- SeatDetails []*SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType `xml:"seatDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType struct {
- // To specify the Service Classification of the Service Requirement.
- ServiceClassification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"serviceClassification"`
- // Status
- ServiceStatus formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the number of items involved
- ServiceNumberOfInstances *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"serviceNumberOfInstances,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify to which marketing carrier the service applies
- ServiceMarketingCarrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceMarketingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify the Service group
- ServiceGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify the Service Sub-Group
- ServiceSubGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceSubGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free Text attached to the Service.
- ServiceFreeText []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"serviceFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type SpecificDataInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee description
- DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationType `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
- // Data information
- DataInformation []*DataInformationType `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type StationInformationTypeI struct {
- // Departure terminal
- Terminal formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
- // Year number. The format is a little long for short term usage but it can be reduced by implementation if required.
- Year *formats.NumericInteger_Length4To4 `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredPeriodInformationType struct {
- // Effective date of period of operation
- BeginDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"beginDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Discontinue date of period of operation
- EndDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"endDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // It is used with a period to give a restriction for days impacted. It permits for example to indicate on which days, a flight operates.
- Frequency *FrequencyType `xml:"frequency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TaxDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Duty/tax/fee rate
- Rate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country, coded
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency, coded
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Duty/Tax fee type, coded
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount type qualifier, coded
- AmountQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"amountQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TaxType struct {
- // Duty tax fee category, coded
- WithholdTaxSurcharge formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"withholdTaxSurcharge,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TaxDetail []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TicketNumberDetailsTypeI struct {
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TicketNumberTypeI struct {
- DocumentDetails []*TicketNumberDetailsTypeI `xml:"documentDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type TicketingPriceSchemeType struct {
- // PSR (Price Scheme Reference): unique reference of the price scheme as a 8 digit number.
- ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber"`
- // Price Scheme Name
- Name formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Price Scheme Status. Is the price scheme valid for service fee calculation ?
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // free flow description of the price scheme
- Description formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To250 `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TrafficRestrictionDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Traffic Restriction code
- Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TrafficRestrictionTypeI struct {
- // Traffic Restriction Details
- TrafficRestrictionDetails []*TrafficRestrictionDetailsTypeI `xml:"trafficRestrictionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type TravelFlightInformationType struct {
- // Cabin identification
- CabinId *CabinIdentificationType `xml:"cabinId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company Identification
- CompanyIdentity []*CompanyIdentificationType_120719C `xml:"companyIdentity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Type of flight details
- FlightDetail *ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details of included connecting points
- InclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C `xml:"inclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Further connection details
- ExclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType `xml:"exclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // Nb of connections for each requested segment of the journey.
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"unitNumberDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type TravelFlightInformationType_165053S struct {
- // Cabin identification
- CabinId *CabinIdentificationType_233500C `xml:"cabinId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company Identification
- CompanyIdentity []*CompanyIdentificationType_120719C `xml:"companyIdentity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Type of flight details
- FlightDetail *ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details of included connect point
- InclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C `xml:"inclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Further connection details
- ExclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType `xml:"exclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Nb of connections allowed at requested segment level.
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"unitNumberDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type TravelFlightInformationType_185853S struct {
- // Cabin identification
- CabinId *CabinIdentificationType_233500C `xml:"cabinId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company Identification
- CompanyIdentity []*CompanyIdentificationType_233548C `xml:"companyIdentity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Type of flight details
- FlightDetail *ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details of included connect point
- InclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C `xml:"inclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Further connection details
- ExclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType `xml:"exclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Added departed flights flag
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"unitNumberDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
- // Flight Date
- FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Board point
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails"`
- // Off point
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails"`
- // Flight Carrier
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails"`
- // Flight identification
- FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Identify flight part of the journey
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravelProductType struct {
- // Date and time of departure and arrival
- ProductDateTime *ProductDateTimeType_195546C `xml:"productDateTime"`
- // Location of departure and arrival
- Location []*LocationIdentificationDetailsType `xml:"location"` // maxOccurs="2"
- // Company identification
- CompanyId *CompanyIdentificationType_195544C `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Flight number or trainNumber
- FlightOrtrainNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"flightOrtrainNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product details
- ProductDetail *AdditionalProductDetailsType `xml:"productDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Additional product details
- AddProductDetail *ProductFacilitiesType `xml:"addProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_247828C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type TravellerDetailsType struct {
- // Direct reference of passenger assigned by requesting system.
- Ref formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"ref"`
- // Traveller is an infant
- InfantIndicator *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerReferenceInformationType struct {
- // Requested passenger type
- Ptc []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"ptc,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
- // Traveller details
- Traveller []*TravellerDetailsType `xml:"traveller"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type UniqueIdDescriptionType struct {
- // Reference qualifier.
- PassengerFeeRefQualif formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefQualif,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type UserIdentificationType struct {
- // Originator Identification Details
- OfficeIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"officeIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to specify which kind of info is given in DE 9900.
- OfficeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"officeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The code given to an agent by the originating reservation system.
- OfficeCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To30 `xml:"officeCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ValueSearchCriteriaType struct {
- CriteriaName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To50 `xml:"criteriaName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CriteriaCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"criteriaCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CriteriaDetails []*CriteriaiDetaislType `xml:"criteriaDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
diff --git a/reqstructs/fare_masterpricercalendar_old/structs.go b/reqstructs/fare_masterpricercalendar_old/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index cb77064..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/fare_masterpricercalendar_old/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1627 +0,0 @@
-package fare_masterpricercalendar_old
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/formats"
-type FareMasterPricerCalendarOld struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/FMPCAQ_12_2_1A Fare_MasterPricerCalendar"`
- // Number of seats , recommendations.
- NumberOfUnit *NumberOfUnitsType `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Global options
- GlobalOptions *AttributeType `xml:"globalOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Traveler Details
- PaxReference []*TravellerReferenceInformationType `xml:"paxReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Customer references
- CustomerRef *ConsumerReferenceInformationType `xml:"customerRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fee with different payment forms by passenger.
- FormOfPaymentByPassenger []*FOPRepresentationType `xml:"formOfPaymentByPassenger,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="60"
- // Solution Family
- SolutionFamily []*FareInformationType `xml:"solutionFamily,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- FareFamilies []*FareFamilies `xml:"fareFamilies,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- FareOptions *FareOptions `xml:"fareOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates Price to beat
- PriceToBeat *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"priceToBeat,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tax Details
- TaxInfo []*TaxDetailsType `xml:"taxInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // Details of a Flight : Direct, Non stop...
- TravelFlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType_134790S `xml:"travelFlightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Itinerary []*Itinerary `xml:"itinerary,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="18"
- TicketChangeInfo *TicketChangeInfo `xml:"ticketChangeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CombinationFareFamilies []*CombinationFareFamilies `xml:"combinationFareFamilies,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2000"
- FeeOption []*FeeOption `xml:"feeOption,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- OfficeIdDetails []*OfficeIdDetails `xml:"officeIdDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FareFamilies struct {
- // Segment used to target Commercial Fare Family.
- FamilyInformation *FareFamilyType `xml:"familyInformation"`
- // Description of Fare Family Criteria.
- FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareFamilySegment []*FareFamilySegment `xml:"fareFamilySegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- OtherPossibleCriteria []*OtherPossibleCriteria `xml:"otherPossibleCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FareFamilySegment struct {
- // Requested segment reference
- ReferenceInfo *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceInfo"`
- // Description of fare family criteria.
- FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OtherPossibleCriteria struct {
- // Logical link with other criteria.
- LogicalLink *BooleanExpressionRuleType `xml:"logicalLink"`
- // Description of fare family criteria.
- FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareFamilySegment []*FareFamilySegment `xml:"fareFamilySegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type FareOptions struct {
- // Pricing and ticketing details.
- PricingTickInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsType `xml:"pricingTickInfo"`
- // Corporate name/number used to target fares
- Corporate *CorporateIdentificationType `xml:"corporate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticketing price scheme.
- TicketingPriceScheme *TicketingPriceSchemeType `xml:"ticketingPriceScheme,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PSR number
- FeeIdDescription *CodedAttributeType_78503S `xml:"feeIdDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to force the currency of pricing
- ConversionRate *ConversionRateType `xml:"conversionRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Form of payment information.
- FormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"formOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Frequent traveller information
- FrequentTravellerInfo *FrequentTravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"frequentTravellerInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Monetary and cabin information.
- MonetaryCabinInfo *MonetaryAndCabinInformationType `xml:"monetaryCabinInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type Itinerary struct {
- // Indicates reference of the requested segment
- RequestedSegmentRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"requestedSegmentRef"`
- // Specification of the requested departure point
- DepartureLocalization *DepartureLocationType `xml:"departureLocalization,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specification of the requested arrival point
- ArrivalLocalization *ArrivalLocalizationType `xml:"arrivalLocalization,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details on requested date and time plus range of date trip duration
- TimeDetails *DateAndTimeInformationType `xml:"timeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify Flight options.
- FlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType_134790S `xml:"flightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightInfoPNR []*FlightInfoPNR `xml:"flightInfoPNR,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- // Action identification for the requested segment
- RequestedSegmentAction *ActionIdentificationType `xml:"requestedSegmentAction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Coded attributes
- Attributes *CodedAttributeType_82309S `xml:"attributes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightInfoPNR struct {
- // Travel Response Details: - Board/Off aiports - Flight number - Part of the journey - Day difference between Board and off - Departure/Arrival dates - Departure/Arrival times
- TravelResponseDetails *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"travelResponseDetails"`
- // Time Table Effective/Discontinue dates and frequency of operating Travel Solution
- TimeTableDate *StructuredPeriodInformationType `xml:"timeTableDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Terminal,Equipment and EFT Details. If a Total EFT of the Travel Solution is requested (TEF in SFLIGQ SDT) then we will have 2 occurences of the APD attached to the first leg TVL: the 1st occurence will give the EFT of the leg, the 2nd occurence will give the total EFT of the Travel Solution.
- TerminalEquipmentDetails []*AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"terminalEquipmentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // Codeshare data
- CodeshareData *CommercialAgreementsType `xml:"codeshareData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Disclosure message from an operating carrier.
- Disclosure *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"disclosure,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Stops Details
- StopDetails *RoutingInformationTypeI `xml:"stopDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Traffic restriction information
- TrafficRestrictionData *TrafficRestrictionTypeI `xml:"trafficRestrictionData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR flight reservation info
- ReservationInfo *PassengerItineraryInformationType `xml:"reservationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- IncidentalStopInfo []*IncidentalStopInfo `xml:"incidentalStopInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type IncidentalStopInfo struct {
- // Incidental stop date/time information
- DateTimeInfo *DateAndTimeInformationTypeI `xml:"dateTimeInfo"`
-type TicketChangeInfo struct {
- // Ticket nb details.
- TicketNumberDetails *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"ticketNumberDetails"`
- TicketRequestedSegments []*TicketRequestedSegments `xml:"ticketRequestedSegments,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type TicketRequestedSegments struct {
- // Action identification.
- ActionIdentification *ActionIdentificationType `xml:"actionIdentification"`
- // Connected cities in changed ticket requested segment.
- ConnectPointDetails *ConnectionTypeI `xml:"connectPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CombinationFareFamilies struct {
- // Specification of the item number
- ItemFFCNumber *ItemNumberType `xml:"itemFFCNumber"`
- // Number of units.
- NbOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsType_80154S `xml:"nbOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Requested segment reference
- ReferenceInfo []*ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type FeeOption struct {
- // Nature of the fee (OB,OC,..)
- FeeTypeInfo *SelectionDetailsType `xml:"feeTypeInfo"`
- // Associated rate tax.
- RateTax *MonetaryInformationType_80162S `xml:"rateTax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FeeDetails struct {
- // Fee information
- FeeInfo *SpecificDataInformationType `xml:"feeInfo"`
- // Associated amounts : amounts to take into account to calculate fee.
- AssociatedAmounts *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"associatedAmounts,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FeeDescriptionGrp *FeeDescriptionGrp `xml:"feeDescriptionGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FeeDescriptionGrp struct {
- // Specification of the item number
- ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType_80866S `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
- // Attributes (SSR code EMD, RFIC, SSIM)
- ServiceAttributesInfo *AttributeType_61377S `xml:"serviceAttributesInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other service information (service description, ...)
- ServiceDescriptionInfo *SpecialRequirementsDetailsType `xml:"serviceDescriptionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OfficeIdDetails struct {
- // Office Id Information
- OfficeIdInformation *UserIdentificationType `xml:"officeIdInformation"`
- // Number of units.
- NbOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsType_80154S `xml:"nbOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // UID option
- UidOption *CodedAttributeType `xml:"uidOption,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Pricing and ticketing details.
- PricingTickInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsType `xml:"pricingTickInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Corporate fare information
- CorporateFareInfo *CorporateFareInformationType `xml:"corporateFareInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details of a Flight : Direct, Non stop...
- TravelFlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType `xml:"travelFlightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AirlineDistributionDetails []*AirlineDistributionDetails `xml:"airlineDistributionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type AirlineDistributionDetails struct {
- // Indicates reference of the requested segment
- RequestedSegmentRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"requestedSegmentRef"`
- // Specify Flight options.
- FlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType `xml:"flightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ActionIdentificationType struct {
- // Action request code
- ActionRequestCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"actionRequestCode"`
- ProductDetails *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_50878C `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Flight details
- LegDetails *AdditionalProductTypeI `xml:"legDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Departure station
- DepartureStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"departureStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ArrivalStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"arrivalStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ground Time Details when connection
- MileageTimeDetails *MileageTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileageTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AdditionalProductTypeI struct {
- // Equipment type
- Equipment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"equipment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Elaps flying time of the leg
- Duration *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"duration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // COG indicator
- ComplexingFlightIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"complexingFlightIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AgentIdentificationType struct {
- // Contains ARC number
- ArcNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"arcNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ERSP number of the Office or Customer
- ErspNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"erspNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // IATA Number
- IataNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"iataNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ArithmeticEvaluationType struct {
- // Boolean operator
- CodeOperator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"codeOperator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ArrivalLocalizationType struct {
- // Details on the location of the arrival point
- ArrivalPointDetails *ArrivalLocationDetailsType `xml:"arrivalPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival multi city option
- ArrivalMultiCity []*MultiCityOptionType `xml:"arrivalMultiCity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_139508C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type ArrivalLocationDetailsType struct {
- // For Radius: This is the length of the requested radius around the location of destination.
- Distance *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"distance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Distance unit qualifier for radius
- DistanceUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"distanceUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ATA/IATA airport/city code of arrival In case of SP request from a PNR, this field is empty.
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Request from no PNR A = consider the locationID specified as an airport (used only when ambiguous) C = consider the locationId as a city (used only when ambiguous) A and C are not used in case of a request from PNR Request from a PNR with Radius option: O = radius applies to the origin of the PNR segments D = radius applies to the destination of the PNR segments
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Latitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere N=north S=south
- Latitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"latitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Longitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere E=east, W=west
- Longitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"longitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ArrivalLocationDetailsType_120834C struct {
- // For Radius: This is the length of the requested radius around the location of origin.
- Distance *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"distance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Distance unit qualifier for radius
- DistanceUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"distanceUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ATA/IATA airport/city code of arrival In case of SP request from a PNR, this field is empty.
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Request from no PNR A = consider the locationID specified as an airport (used only when ambiguous) C = consider the locationId as a city (used only when ambiguous) A and C are not used in case of a request from PNR Request from a PNR with Radius option: O = radius applies to the origin of the PNR segments D = radius applies to the destination of the PNR segments
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Latitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere N=north S=south
- Latitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"latitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Longitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere E=east, W=west
- Longitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"longitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeInformationType struct {
- // Code of options
- Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option"`
- // Mandatory when alternate date option is used (ALT), must be set to plus (P) or minus (M) a number of days around the original PNR segment dates. E.g.: M1 (for minus 1 day) or P100 (for plus 100 days)
- OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeInformationType_97181C struct {
- // Attribute type
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute description
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To256 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeType struct {
- // Option parameters
- SelectionDetails []*AttributeInformationType `xml:"selectionDetails"` // maxOccurs="10"
-type AttributeType_61377S struct {
- // Criteria Set Type
- AttributeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"attributeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Criteria details
- AttributeDetails []*AttributeInformationType_97181C `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type BooleanExpressionRuleType struct {
- // Boolean expression associated to the decision rule.
- BooleanExpression *ArithmeticEvaluationType `xml:"booleanExpression"`
-type CabinClassDesignationType struct {
- // Cabin designator.
- CabinDesignator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabinDesignator"`
-type CabinIdentificationType struct {
- // Cabin qualifier. For Star Pricer,MD stands for Mandatory Cabin qualifier. For other products no qualifier stands for Mandatory Cabin.
- CabinQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"cabinQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Cabin
- Cabin []formats.AlphaString_Length0To1 `xml:"cabin"` // maxOccurs="3"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
- // Attribute type identification
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute Description
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_120700C struct {
- // Type of fee/reduction
- FeeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"feeType"`
- // Fee Id Number
- FeeIdNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To50 `xml:"feeIdNumber"`
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_120742C struct {
- // Name.
- Name formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"name"`
- // Value.
- Value []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_125859C struct {
- // Attribute type
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute description
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To50 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_139508C struct {
- // Attribute type
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Value.
- Value []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type CodedAttributeType struct {
- // Atrribute details.
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type CodedAttributeType_78503S struct {
- // Fee/reduction Id
- FeeId []*CodedAttributeInformationType_120700C `xml:"feeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type CodedAttributeType_82309S struct {
- // Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_125859C `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type CommercialAgreementsType struct {
- // Codeshare Details
- CodeshareDetails *CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"codeshareDetails"`
- // Other codeshare details
- OtherCodeshareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"otherCodeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type CompanyIdentificationType struct {}
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // Carrier code
- MarketingCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"marketingCompany"`
-type CompanyIdentificationType_120719C struct {
- // Item description identification.
- CarrierQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To1 `xml:"carrierQualifier"`
- // carrier id
- CarrierId []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"carrierId"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type CompanyRoleIdentificationType struct {
- // Codeshare qualifier
- TransportStageQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"transportStageQualifier"`
- // company identification
- AirlineDesignator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"airlineDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // flight number
- FlightNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"flightNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // suffix
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConnectPointDetailsType struct {
- // Exclusion identification
- ExclusionIdentifier formats.AlphaString_Length0To1 `xml:"exclusionIdentifier"`
- // Place or Location identification
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
- // Airport/city qualifier
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C struct {
- // Inclusion identification
- InclusionIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To1 `xml:"inclusionIdentifier"`
- // Place or Location identification
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
- // Airport/city qualifier
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConnectionDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Location
- Location formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"location"`
-type ConnectionTypeI struct {
- // Connection details.
- ConnectionDetails []*ConnectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"connectionDetails"` // maxOccurs="17"
-type ConsumerReferenceIdentificationTypeI struct {
- ReferenceQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"referenceQualifier"`
- ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ReferencePartyName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referencePartyName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TravellerReferenceNbr formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"travellerReferenceNbr,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConsumerReferenceInformationType struct {
- // Customer references
- CustomerReferences []*ConsumerReferenceIdentificationTypeI `xml:"customerReferences"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type ConversionRateDetailsType struct {
- // Conversion type
- ConversionType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency"`
-type ConversionRateType struct {
- // Detail of conversion rate of First Monetary Unit
- ConversionRateDetail []*ConversionRateDetailsType `xml:"conversionRateDetail"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type CorporateFareIdentifiersType struct {
- // Indicates the type of corporate fares requested
- FareQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Corporate contract number or name
- IdentifyNumber []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identifyNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type CorporateFareInformationType struct {
- // Corporate fare identifiers
- CorporateFareIdentifiers *CorporateFareIdentifiersType `xml:"corporateFareIdentifiers,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CorporateIdentificationType struct {
- // Corporate identity
- CorporateId []*CorporateIdentityType `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type CorporateIdentityType struct {
- // Indicates if 1A corporate (RC) or Unifare corporate (RW) requested.
- CorporateQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"corporateQualifier"`
- // Corporate contract number or name
- Identity []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"identity"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type DataInformationType struct {
- // Ancillary services options
- Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DataTypeInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee code
- SubType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"subType"`
- // Status (automated, manually added, exempted). Default is automated
- Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsType struct {
- // Trip Duration type(Plus,Minus,Combined)
- FlexibilityQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"flexibilityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number of days added or/and retrieved to the trip duration
- TripInterval *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"tripInterval,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Period between date of departure and date of arrival
- TripDuration *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"tripDuration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Toidentify type of time Arrival/Departure
- TimeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"timeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Time
- Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Time window size in hours
- TimeWindow formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"timeWindow,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI_120740C struct {
- // Date time period qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First Time
- Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- Qualifier2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Reserved1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"reserved1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Reserved2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length3To5 `xml:"reserved2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsType_120843C struct {
- // To identify type of range (Plus,Minus or combined)
- RangeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"rangeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Range of dates : Number of Days preceding or/and Following the request departure date
- DayInterval *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"dayInterval,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Time at destination (local)
- TimeAtdestination *formats.NumericInteger_Length4To4 `xml:"timeAtdestination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeInformationType struct {
- // Details on date and Time
- FirstDateTimeDetail *DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"firstDateTimeDetail"`
- // Details of the Requested Range of Dates
- RangeOfDate *DateAndTimeDetailsType_120843C `xml:"rangeOfDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details of the trip duration
- TripDetails *DateAndTimeDetailsType `xml:"tripDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeInformationTypeI struct {
- DateTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI_120740C `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type DepartureLocationType struct {
- // Details on localization of the departure point
- DeparturePoint *ArrivalLocationDetailsType_120834C `xml:"departurePoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Departure multi city option
- DepMultiCity []*MultiCityOptionType `xml:"depMultiCity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // To specify a series or a range of PNR segments
- FirstPnrSegmentRef *PNRSegmentReferenceType `xml:"firstPnrSegmentRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_139508C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FOPRepresentationType struct {
- // Form of payment information.
- FormOfPaymentDetails *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"formOfPaymentDetails"`
- // Fee/Reduction Passenger reference.
- PassengerFeeReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"passengerFeeReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetailsType struct {
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate
- Rate *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Category
- FareCategory formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareFamilyCriteriaType struct {
- // Fare publishing carrier.
- CarrierId []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"carrierId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Reservation booking designator.
- Rdb []formats.AlphaString_Length1To2 `xml:"rdb,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Fare family info.
- FareFamilyInfo *FareQualifierInformationType `xml:"fareFamilyInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare product detail.
- FareProductDetail []*FareProductDetailsType `xml:"fareProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Corporate information.
- CorporateInfo []*MultipleIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"corporateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Indicates flight cabin details.
- CabinProduct []*CabinClassDesignationType `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Cabin processing option.
- CabinProcessingIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"cabinProcessingIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product date or time.
- DateTimeDetails []*ProductDateTimeTypeI_194583C `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Other criteria.
- OtherCriteria []*CodedAttributeInformationType_120742C `xml:"otherCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FareFamilyDetailsType struct {
- // Commercial fare Family Short name
- CommercialFamily formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"commercialFamily"`
-type FareFamilyType struct {
- // Fare Family Reference Number
- RefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Family Short Name
- FareFamilyname formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"fareFamilyname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Hierarchy *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"hierarchy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates Commercial Fare Family Short names
- CommercialFamilyDetails []*FareFamilyDetailsType `xml:"commercialFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FareInformationType struct {
- // Value Qualifier
- ValueQualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Value
- Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsType `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Identity Number
- IdentityNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Type Grouping
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationType `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate Category
- RateCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareProductDetailsType struct {
- // Fare basis code
- FareBasis formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To18 `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type of fare
- FareType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"fareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type FareQualifierInformationType struct {
- // Fare family combinability.
- FareFamilyQual []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"fareFamilyQual"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type FareTypeGroupingInformationType struct {
- // Pricing Group
- PricingGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Form of payment identification
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
- // amount to be charged on this form
- ChargedAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To12 `xml:"chargedAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference number
- CreditCardNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FormOfPaymentTypeI struct {
- FormOfPaymentDetails []*FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI `xml:"formOfPaymentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
- // Qualifier of the free text. Always literal in our usage.
- TextSubjectQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Type of the free text. Always 7 for our usage.
- InformationType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Source of the information.
- Source formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"source"`
- // Encoding method used.
- Encoding formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"encoding"`
-type FreeTextInformationType struct {
- // Details for the free text message
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType `xml:"freeTextDetails"`
- // Free text corresponding to the DEI 127 data.
- FreeText formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"freeText"`
-type FrequencyType struct {
- // Indicate if the sequence number represents days of the week or days of the month.
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Used to represent days of the week. 1 is monday and 7 is sunday.
- Value []*formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="7"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // carrier
- Carrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"carrier"`
- // Frequent traveller number
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Customer reference
- CustomerReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tier level
- TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Priority code
- PriorityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tier description
- TierDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FrequentTravellerInformationTypeI struct {
- // Frequent traveller details
- FrequentTravellerDetails []*FrequentTravellerIdentificationTypeI `xml:"frequentTravellerDetails"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType struct {
- // Fare family combination number
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Responsible agency
- ResponsibleAgency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberType struct {
- // Indicates the fare family combination number
- ItemNumberId *ItemNumberIdentificationType `xml:"itemNumberId"`
-type ItemNumberType_80866S struct {
- // Item number details
- ItemNumberDetails *ItemNumberIdentificationType `xml:"itemNumberDetails"`
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
- // Reference Qualifier.
- PassengerFeeRefType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference number.
- PassengerFeeRefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unique id description.
- OtherCharacteristics *UniqueIdDescriptionType `xml:"otherCharacteristics,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItineraryDetailsType struct {
- // Airport/City Qualifier: the passenger wants to depart/arrive from/to the same airport or city in the specified requested segment
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier"`
- // Requested segment number
- SegmentNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"segmentNumber"`
-type LocationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Place or Location identification
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
- // Country, coded
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationTypeI struct {
- // Departure or Arrival IATA airport code
- TrueLocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"trueLocationId"`
-type MileageTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Ground Time in minutes at Board point (connection with incoming flight)
- ElapsedGroundTime *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"elapsedGroundTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryAndCabinInformationDetailsType struct {
- // Amount qualifier.
- AmountType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"amountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount
- Amount formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"amount"`
- // ISO currency code
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Airport/city code
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Cabin class designator
- CabinClassDesignator []formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabinClassDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type MonetaryAndCabinInformationType struct {
- // Monetary and cabin information.
- MoneyAndCabinInfo []*MonetaryAndCabinInformationDetailsType `xml:"moneyAndCabinInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Monetary amount type qualifier, coded
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Allowance or charge number
- Amount formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"amount"`
- // Currency, coded
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_194597C struct {
- // Monetary amount type qualifier, coded
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Allowance or charge number
- Amount formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"amount"`
- // Currency, coded
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Place or Location identification
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65140C struct {
- // Qualifier
- TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65141C struct {
- // Qualifier
- TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location
- Location formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationType struct {
- MoneyInfo *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"moneyInfo"`
- AdditionalMoneyInfo []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_194597C `xml:"additionalMoneyInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
- // Monetary info
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65141C `xml:"monetaryDetails"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type MonetaryInformationType_80162S struct {
- // Monetary info
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65140C `xml:"monetaryDetails"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type MultiCityOptionType struct {
- // ATA/IATA airport/city code of arrival multi city option enable to define until 20 airports/cities
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
- // Requested arrival point is an airport or a city (default is city and used only when ambiguity)
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MultipleIdentificationNumbersTypeI struct {
- // Corporate number or ALL.
- CorporateNumberIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"corporateNumberIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Corporate name.
- CorporateName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"corporateName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type NumberOfUnitDetailsType struct {
- // Number of Units
- NumberOfUnits *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number of unit qualifier
- TypeOfUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeOfUnit"`
-type NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Number of Units
- NumberOfUnits formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"numberOfUnits"`
- // Number of unit qualifier
- TypeOfUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeOfUnit"`
-type NumberOfUnitDetailsType_191580C struct {
- // Number of Units
- NumberOfUnits formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"numberOfUnits"`
- // Number of unit qualifier
- TypeOfUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeOfUnit"`
-type NumberOfUnitsType struct {
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsType_191580C `xml:"unitNumberDetail"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type NumberOfUnitsType_80154S struct {
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsType `xml:"unitNumberDetail"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type OriginAndDestinationRequestType struct {
- // Requested segment number
- SegRef formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"segRef"`
- // Forces arrival or departure, from/to the same airport/city
- LocationForcing []*ItineraryDetailsType `xml:"locationForcing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Office Name.
- OfficeName *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"officeName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Agent Sign In .
- AgentSignin formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"agentSignin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Confidential Office Name.
- ConfidentialOffice formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"confidentialOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other Office Name
- OtherOffice formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"otherOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PNRSegmentReferenceType struct {
- // For a request from PNR: this is the reference number of a PNR air segment. In case a range of PNR segments is specified (eg. segments 2-5), then it is the 1st of the range, the last being in ARR.
- PnrSegmentTattoo *formats.NumericInteger_Length0To35 `xml:"pnrSegmentTattoo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PnrSegmentQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"pnrSegmentQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PassengerItineraryInformationType struct {
- // .
- Booking formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"booking,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- Identifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"identifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- ItemNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- DateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeType `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- Designator formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"designator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- MovementType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- ProductTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"productTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingDetailsType struct {
- // Pricing ticketing Details.
- PricingTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"pricingTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TicketingDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI_194598C `xml:"ticketingDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyId *CompanyIdentificationType `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SellingPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"sellingPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TicketingPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"ticketingPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to Target Transborder Fares
- JourneyOriginPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"journeyOriginPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Contains the ARC,IATA and ERSP numbers
- CorporateId *AgentIdentificationType `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingInformationType struct {
- // Price type qualifier
- PriceType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"priceType"` // maxOccurs="50"
-type ProductDateTimeType struct {
- // .
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date"`
- // .
- Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI struct {
- // Departure date in YYYYMMDD format
- DepartureDate formats.Date_YYYYMMDD `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Departure time
- DepartureTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival date
- ArrivalDate formats.Date_YYYYMMDD `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival time
- ArrivalTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day difference between Departure date of the leg and date of reference (Departure or Arrival date specified in the SDI)
- DateVariation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI_194583C struct {
- // Ticketing Purchase Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date"`
- // Ticketing purchase date
- OtherDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"otherDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI_194598C struct {
- // First date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date"`
- // Half round trip combination.
- RtcDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"rtcDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Flight number
- FlightNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"flightNumber"`
- // Flight suffix
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_50878C struct {
- FlightNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"flightNumber"`
- BookingClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Modifier []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ProductLocationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // airport
- Station formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"station,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductTypeDetailsType struct {
- // .
- SequenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"sequenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR availability context
- AvailabilityContext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"availabilityContext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Part of the journey (C,E,S), Codeshare service (A), Technical stop at off point in a Direct (TSD), Technical stop at off point in a COG (TSC), E-Ticket candidate (ET), Prohibited Countries (RPC, WPC)
- FlightIndicator []formats.AlphaString_Length1To3 `xml:"flightIndicator"` // maxOccurs="5"
-type ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C struct {
- // Type of flight
- FlightType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"flightType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ReferenceInfoType struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
- // Segment reference qualifier
- RefQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Flight or flight group reference
- RefNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length0To3 `xml:"refNumber"`
-type RoutingInformationTypeI struct {
- // Stops details
- RoutingDetails []*ProductLocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type SelectionDetailsInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee type
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
- // Carrier fee status
- OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
- Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option"`
- OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetailsType struct {
- // Carrier fees options
- CarrierFeeDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationType `xml:"carrierFeeDetails"`
- OtherSelectionDetails []*SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"otherSelectionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
-type SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType struct {
- // SSR seat characteristic
- SeatCharacteristics []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"seatCharacteristics,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type SpecialRequirementsDetailsType struct {
- // To specify the Service Requirement of the customer
- ServiceRequirementsInfo *SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType `xml:"serviceRequirementsInfo"`
- // Seat details
- SeatDetails []*SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType `xml:"seatDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType struct {
- // To specify the Service Classification of the Service Requirement.
- ServiceClassification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"serviceClassification"`
- // Status
- ServiceStatus formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the number of items involved
- ServiceNumberOfInstances *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"serviceNumberOfInstances,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify to which marketing carrier the service applies
- ServiceMarketingCarrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceMarketingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify the Service group
- ServiceGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify the Service Sub-Group
- ServiceSubGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceSubGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free Text attached to the Service.
- ServiceFreeText []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"serviceFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type SpecificDataInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee description
- DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationType `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
- // Data information
- DataInformation []*DataInformationType `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type StationInformationTypeI struct {
- // Departure terminal
- Terminal formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
- // Year number. The format is a little long for short term usage but it can be reduced by implementation if required.
- Year *formats.NumericInteger_Length4To4 `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredPeriodInformationType struct {
- // Effective date of period of operation
- BeginDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"beginDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Discontinue date of period of operation
- EndDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"endDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // It is used with a period to give a restriction for days impacted. It permits for example to indicate on which days, a flight operates.
- Frequency *FrequencyType `xml:"frequency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TaxDetailsType struct {
- // Duty tax fee category, coded
- WithholdTaxSurcharge formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"withholdTaxSurcharge,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TaxDetail []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TaxDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Duty/tax/fee rate
- Rate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country, coded
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency, coded
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Duty/Tax fee type, coded
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount type qualifier, coded
- AmountQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"amountQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TicketNumberDetailsTypeI struct {
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TicketNumberTypeI struct {
- DocumentDetails []*TicketNumberDetailsTypeI `xml:"documentDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type TicketingPriceSchemeType struct {
- // PSR (Price Scheme Reference): unique reference of the price scheme as a 8 digit number.
- ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber"`
- // Price Scheme Name
- Name formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Price Scheme Status. Is the price scheme valid for service fee calculation ?
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // free flow description of the price scheme
- Description formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To250 `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TrafficRestrictionDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Traffic Restriction code
- Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TrafficRestrictionTypeI struct {
- // Traffic Restriction Details
- TrafficRestrictionDetails []*TrafficRestrictionDetailsTypeI `xml:"trafficRestrictionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type TravelFlightInformationType struct {
- // Cabin identification
- CabinId *CabinIdentificationType `xml:"cabinId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company Identification
- CompanyIdentity []*CompanyIdentificationType_120719C `xml:"companyIdentity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Type of flight details
- FlightDetail *ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details of included connecting points
- InclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C `xml:"inclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Further connection details
- ExclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType `xml:"exclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // Nb of connections for each requested segment of the journey.
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"unitNumberDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type TravelFlightInformationType_134790S struct {
- // Cabin identification
- CabinId *CabinIdentificationType `xml:"cabinId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company Identification
- CompanyIdentity []*CompanyIdentificationType_120719C `xml:"companyIdentity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Type of flight details
- FlightDetail *ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details of included connect point
- InclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C `xml:"inclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Further connection details
- ExclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType `xml:"exclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Nb of connections allowed at requested segment level.
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"unitNumberDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
- // Flight Date
- FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Board point
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails"`
- // Off point
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails"`
- // Flight Carrier
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails"`
- // Flight identification
- FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Identify flight part of the journey
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerDetailsType struct {
- // Direct reference of passenger assigned by requesting system.
- Ref formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"ref"`
- // Traveller is an infant
- InfantIndicator *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerReferenceInformationType struct {
- // Requested passenger type
- Ptc []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"ptc,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
- // Traveller details
- Traveller []*TravellerDetailsType `xml:"traveller"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type UniqueIdDescriptionType struct {
- // Reference qualifier.
- PassengerFeeRefQualif formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefQualif,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type UserIdentificationType struct {
- // Originator Identification Details
- OfficeIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"officeIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to specify which kind of info is given in DE 9900.
- OfficeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"officeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The code given to an agent by the originating reservation system.
- OfficeCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To30 `xml:"officeCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
diff --git a/reqstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch/structs.go b/reqstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c3de15..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2039 +0,0 @@
-package fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/formats"
-type FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearch struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/FMPTBQ_14_3_1A Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearch"`
- // Number of seats, recommendations.
- NumberOfUnit *NumberOfUnitsType `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Global options
- GlobalOptions *AttributeType `xml:"globalOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Traveler Details
- PaxReference []*TravellerReferenceInformationType `xml:"paxReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Customer references
- CustomerRef *ConsumerReferenceInformationType `xml:"customerRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fee with different payment forms by passenger.
- FormOfPaymentByPassenger []*FOPRepresentationType `xml:"formOfPaymentByPassenger,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="60"
- // Solution Family
- SolutionFamily []*FareInformationType `xml:"solutionFamily,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Passenger info group (9 ADT + 9 IN)
- PassengerInfoGrp []*GroupPassengerDetailsType `xml:"passengerInfoGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- FareFamilies []*FareFamilies `xml:"fareFamilies,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- FareOptions *FareOptions `xml:"fareOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates Price to beat
- PriceToBeat *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"priceToBeat,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tax Details
- TaxInfo []*TaxType `xml:"taxInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // Details of a Flight : Direct, Non stop...
- TravelFlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType_185853S `xml:"travelFlightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ValueSearch []*ValueSearchCriteriaType `xml:"valueSearch,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- Itinerary []*Itinerary `xml:"itinerary,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="18"
- TicketChangeInfo *TicketChangeInfo `xml:"ticketChangeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CombinationFareFamilies []*CombinationFareFamilies `xml:"combinationFareFamilies,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2000"
- FeeOption []*FeeOption `xml:"feeOption,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- OfficeIdDetails []*OfficeIdDetails `xml:"officeIdDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FareFamilies struct {
- // Segment used to target Commercial Fare Family.
- FamilyInformation *FareFamilyType `xml:"familyInformation"`
- // Description of Fare Family Criteria.
- FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareFamilySegment []*FareFamilySegment `xml:"fareFamilySegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- OtherPossibleCriteria []*OtherPossibleCriteria `xml:"otherPossibleCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FareFamilySegment struct {
- // Requested segment reference
- ReferenceInfo *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceInfo"`
- // Description of fare family criteria.
- FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OtherPossibleCriteria struct {
- // Logical link with other criteria.
- LogicalLink *BooleanExpressionRuleType `xml:"logicalLink"`
- // Description of fare family criteria.
- FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareFamilySegment []*FareFamilySegment `xml:"fareFamilySegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type FareOptions struct {
- // Pricing and ticketing details.
- PricingTickInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsType `xml:"pricingTickInfo"`
- // Corporate name/number used to target fares
- Corporate *CorporateIdentificationType `xml:"corporate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticketing price scheme.
- TicketingPriceScheme *TicketingPriceSchemeType `xml:"ticketingPriceScheme,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PSR number
- FeeIdDescription *CodedAttributeType `xml:"feeIdDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to force the currency of pricing
- ConversionRate *ConversionRateType `xml:"conversionRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Form of payment information.
- FormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"formOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Frequent traveller information
- FrequentTravellerInfo *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType_177150S `xml:"frequentTravellerInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Monetary and cabin information.
- MonetaryCabinInfo *MonetaryAndCabinInformationType `xml:"monetaryCabinInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type Itinerary struct {
- // Indicates reference of the requested segment
- RequestedSegmentRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"requestedSegmentRef"`
- // Specification of the requested departure point
- DepartureLocalization *DepartureLocationType `xml:"departureLocalization,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specification of the requested arrival point
- ArrivalLocalization *ArrivalLocalizationType `xml:"arrivalLocalization,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details on requested date and time plus range of date trip duration
- TimeDetails *DateAndTimeInformationType_181295S `xml:"timeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify Flight options.
- FlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType_165053S `xml:"flightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ValueSearch []*ValueSearchCriteriaType `xml:"valueSearch,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- GroupOfFlights []*GroupOfFlights `xml:"groupOfFlights,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- FlightInfoPNR []*FlightInfoPNR `xml:"flightInfoPNR,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- // Action identification for the requested segment
- RequestedSegmentAction *ActionIdentificationType `xml:"requestedSegmentAction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Coded attributes
- Attributes *CodedAttributeType_181239S `xml:"attributes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type GroupOfFlights struct {
- // To indicate parameters for proposed flight group.
- PropFlightGrDetail *ProposedSegmentType `xml:"propFlightGrDetail"`
- // Indicates Price to beat
- PriceToBeat *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"priceToBeat,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightDetails []*FlightDetails `xml:"flightDetails"` // maxOccurs="4"
-type FlightDetails struct {
- // Specification of details on the flight and posting availability
- FlightInformation *TravelProductType `xml:"flightInformation"`
- // returns booking class and availability context
- AvlInfo []*FlightProductInformationType `xml:"avlInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Details on Flight date, time and location of technical stop or change of gauge
- TechnicalStop []*DateAndTimeInformationType `xml:"technicalStop,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- // Code Share Agreement description for current flight.
- CommercialAgreement *CommercialAgreementsType_78540S `xml:"commercialAgreement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Additional Info about flight, such as Reference number, and several options
- AddInfo *HeaderInformationTypeI `xml:"addInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Terminal, Equipment and EFT Details. If a Total EFT of the Travel Solution is requested then we will have 2 occurrences of the terminalEquipmentDetails attached to the first leg flightInformation: the 1st occurence will give the EFT of the leg, the 2nd occurrence will give the total EFT of the Travel Solution.
- TerminalEquipmentDetails []*AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"terminalEquipmentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // PNR flight reservation info
- ReservationInfo *PassengerItineraryInformationType `xml:"reservationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates Price to beat
- PriceToBeat *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"priceToBeat,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightInfoPNR struct {
- // Travel Response Details: - Board/Off aiports - Flight number - Part of the journey - Day difference between Board and off - Departure/Arrival dates - Departure/Arrival times
- TravelResponseDetails *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"travelResponseDetails"`
- // Time Table Effective/Discontinue dates and frequency of operating Travel Solution
- TimeTableDate *StructuredPeriodInformationType `xml:"timeTableDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Terminal, Equipment and EFT Details. If a Total EFT of the Travel Solution is requested then we will have 2 occurrences of the terminalEquipmentDetails attached to the first leg travelResponseDetails: the 1st occurrence will give the EFT of the leg, the 2nd occurrence will give the total EFT of the Travel Solution.
- TerminalEquipmentDetails []*AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"terminalEquipmentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // Codeshare data
- CodeshareData *CommercialAgreementsType `xml:"codeshareData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Disclosure message from an operating carrier.
- Disclosure *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"disclosure,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Stops Details
- StopDetails *RoutingInformationTypeI `xml:"stopDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Traffic restriction information
- TrafficRestrictionData *TrafficRestrictionTypeI `xml:"trafficRestrictionData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR flight reservation info
- ReservationInfo *PassengerItineraryInformationType `xml:"reservationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- IncidentalStopInfo []*IncidentalStopInfo `xml:"incidentalStopInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type IncidentalStopInfo struct {
- // Incidental stop date/time information
- DateTimeInfo *DateAndTimeInformationTypeI `xml:"dateTimeInfo"`
-type TicketChangeInfo struct {
- // Ticket nb details.
- TicketNumberDetails *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"ticketNumberDetails"`
- TicketRequestedSegments []*TicketRequestedSegments `xml:"ticketRequestedSegments,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type TicketRequestedSegments struct {
- // Action identification.
- ActionIdentification *ActionIdentificationType `xml:"actionIdentification"`
- // Connected cities in changed ticket requested segment.
- ConnectPointDetails *ConnectionTypeI `xml:"connectPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CombinationFareFamilies struct {
- // Specification of the item number
- ItemFFCNumber *ItemNumberType `xml:"itemFFCNumber"`
- // Number of units.
- NbOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsType_80154S `xml:"nbOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Requested segment reference
- ReferenceInfo []*ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type FeeOption struct {
- // Nature of the fee (OB,OC,..)
- FeeTypeInfo *SelectionDetailsType `xml:"feeTypeInfo"`
- // Associated rate tax.
- RateTax *MonetaryInformationType_80162S `xml:"rateTax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FeeDetails struct {
- // Fee information
- FeeInfo *SpecificDataInformationType `xml:"feeInfo"`
- // Associated amounts : amounts to take into account to calculate fee.
- AssociatedAmounts *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"associatedAmounts,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FeeDescriptionGrp *FeeDescriptionGrp `xml:"feeDescriptionGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FeeDescriptionGrp struct {
- // Specification of the item number
- ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType_80866S `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
- // Attributes (SSR code EMD, RFIC, SSIM)
- ServiceAttributesInfo *AttributeType_61377S `xml:"serviceAttributesInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other service information (service description, ...)
- ServiceDescriptionInfo *SpecialRequirementsDetailsType `xml:"serviceDescriptionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OfficeIdDetails struct {
- // Office Id Information
- OfficeIdInformation *UserIdentificationType `xml:"officeIdInformation"`
- // Number of units.
- NbOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsType_80154S `xml:"nbOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // UID option
- UidOption *CodedAttributeType_78500S `xml:"uidOption,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Pricing and ticketing details.
- PricingTickInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsType `xml:"pricingTickInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Corporate fare information
- CorporateFareInfo *CorporateFareInformationType `xml:"corporateFareInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details of a Flight : Direct, Non stop...
- TravelFlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType `xml:"travelFlightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AirlineDistributionDetails []*AirlineDistributionDetails `xml:"airlineDistributionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type AirlineDistributionDetails struct {
- // Indicates reference of the requested segment
- RequestedSegmentRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"requestedSegmentRef"`
- // Specify Flight options.
- FlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType `xml:"flightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ActionIdentificationType struct {
- // Action request code
- ActionRequestCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"actionRequestCode"`
- ProductDetails *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_50878C `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AdditionalProductDetailsType struct {
- // Type of aircraft
- EquipmentType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"equipmentType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day number of the week
- OperatingDay formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"operatingDay,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number of stops made in a journey if different from 0
- TechStopNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"techStopNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location places of the stops
- LocationId []formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Flight details
- LegDetails *AdditionalProductTypeI `xml:"legDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Departure station
- DepartureStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"departureStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ArrivalStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"arrivalStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ground Time Details when connection
- MileageTimeDetails *MileageTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileageTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AdditionalProductTypeI struct {
- // Equipment type
- Equipment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"equipment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Elaps flying time of the leg
- Duration *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"duration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // COG indicator
- ComplexingFlightIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"complexingFlightIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AgentIdentificationType struct {
- // Contains ARC number
- ArcNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"arcNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ERSP number of the Office or Customer
- ErspNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"erspNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // IATA Number
- IataNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"iataNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ArithmeticEvaluationType struct {
- // Boolean operator
- CodeOperator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"codeOperator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ArrivalLocalizationType struct {
- // Details on the location of the arrival point
- ArrivalPointDetails *ArrivalLocationDetailsType `xml:"arrivalPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival multi city option
- ArrivalMultiCity []*MultiCityOptionType `xml:"arrivalMultiCity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_139508C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type ArrivalLocationDetailsType struct {
- // For Radius: This is the length of the requested radius around the location of destination.
- Distance *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"distance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Distance unit qualifier for radius
- DistanceUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"distanceUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ATA/IATA airport/city code of arrival In case of SP request from a PNR, this field is empty.
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Request from no PNR A = consider the locationID specified as an airport (used only when ambiguous) C = consider the locationId as a city (used only when ambiguous) A and C are not used in case of a request from PNR Request from a PNR with Radius option: O = radius applies to the origin of the PNR segments D = radius applies to the destination of the PNR segments
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Latitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere N=north S=south
- Latitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"latitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Longitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere E=east, W=west
- Longitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"longitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ArrivalLocationDetailsType_120834C struct {
- // For Radius: This is the length of the requested radius around the location of origin.
- Distance *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"distance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Distance unit qualifier for radius
- DistanceUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"distanceUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ATA/IATA airport/city code of arrival In case of SP request from a PNR, this field is empty.
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Request from no PNR A = consider the locationID specified as an airport (used only when ambiguous) C = consider the locationId as a city (used only when ambiguous) A and C are not used in case of a request from PNR Request from a PNR with Radius option: O = radius applies to the origin of the PNR segments D = radius applies to the destination of the PNR segments
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Latitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere N=north S=south
- Latitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"latitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Longitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere E=east, W=west
- Longitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"longitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeInformationType struct {
- // Code of options
- Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option"`
- // Mandatory when alternate date option is used (ALT), must be set to plus (P) or minus (M) a number of days around the original PNR segment dates. E.g.: M1 (for minus 1 day) or P100 (for plus 100 days)
- OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeInformationType_97181C struct {
- // Attribute type
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute description
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To256 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeType struct {
- // Option parameters
- SelectionDetails []*AttributeInformationType `xml:"selectionDetails"` // maxOccurs="10"
-type AttributeType_61377S struct {
- // Criteria Set Type
- AttributeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"attributeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Criteria details
- AttributeDetails []*AttributeInformationType_97181C `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type BooleanExpressionRuleType struct {
- // Boolean expression associated to the decision rule.
- BooleanExpression *ArithmeticEvaluationType `xml:"booleanExpression"`
-type CabinClassDesignationType struct {
- // Cabin designator.
- CabinDesignator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabinDesignator"`
-type CabinIdentificationType struct {
- // Cabin qualifier. For Star Pricer,MD stands for Mandatory Cabin qualifier. For other products no qualifier stands for Mandatory Cabin.
- CabinQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"cabinQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Cabin
- Cabin []formats.AlphaString_Length0To1 `xml:"cabin"` // maxOccurs="3"
-type CabinIdentificationType_233500C struct {
- // Cabin qualifier. For Star Pricer,MD stands for Mandatory Cabin qualifier. For other products no qualifier stands for Mandatory Cabin.
- CabinQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"cabinQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Cabin
- Cabin []formats.AlphaString_Length0To1 `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type CabinProductDetailsType struct {
- // Reservation booking designator - RBD
- Rbd formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"rbd"`
- // Reservation Booking Modifier
- BookingModifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1 `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
- // Attribute type identification
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute Description
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_120742C struct {
- // Name.
- Name formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"name"`
- // Value.
- Value []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_139508C struct {
- // Attribute type
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Value.
- Value []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_247828C struct {
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute description
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_247829C struct {
- // Type of fee/reduction
- FeeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"feeType"`
- // Fee Id Number
- FeeIdNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To50 `xml:"feeIdNumber"`
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_254574C struct {
- // Attribute type
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute description
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To50 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeType struct {
- // Fee/reduction Id
- FeeId []*CodedAttributeInformationType_247829C `xml:"feeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type CodedAttributeType_181239S struct {
- // Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_254574C `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type CodedAttributeType_78500S struct {
- // Atrribute details.
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type CommercialAgreementsType struct {
- // Codeshare Details
- CodeshareDetails *CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"codeshareDetails"`
- // Other codeshare details
- OtherCodeshareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"otherCodeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type CommercialAgreementsType_78540S struct {
- // Codeshare Details
- CodeshareDetails *CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120761C `xml:"codeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other codeshare details
- OtherCodeshareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120761C `xml:"otherCodeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type CompanyIdentificationType struct {}
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // Carrier code
- MarketingCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"marketingCompany"`
-type CompanyIdentificationType_120719C struct {
- // Item description identification.
- CarrierQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To1 `xml:"carrierQualifier"`
- // carrier id
- CarrierId []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"carrierId"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type CompanyIdentificationType_195544C struct {
- // Marketing carrier
- MarketingCarrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"marketingCarrier"`
- // Operating carrier
- OperatingCarrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"operatingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyIdentificationType_233548C struct {
- // Item description identification.
- CarrierQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To1 `xml:"carrierQualifier"`
- // carrier id
- CarrierId []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"carrierId"` // maxOccurs="999"
-type CompanyRoleIdentificationType struct {
- // Codeshare qualifier
- TransportStageQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"transportStageQualifier"`
- // company identification
- AirlineDesignator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"airlineDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // flight number
- FlightNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"flightNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // suffix
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120761C struct {
- // Type of code share agreement.
- CodeShareType formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"codeShareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // company identification
- AirlineDesignator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"airlineDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // flight number
- FlightNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"flightNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConnectPointDetailsType struct {
- // Exclusion identification
- ExclusionIdentifier formats.AlphaString_Length0To1 `xml:"exclusionIdentifier"`
- // Place or Location identification
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
- // Airport/city qualifier
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C struct {
- // Inclusion identification
- InclusionIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To1 `xml:"inclusionIdentifier"`
- // Place or Location identification
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
- // Airport/city qualifier
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConnectionDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Location
- Location formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"location"`
-type ConnectionTypeI struct {
- // Connection details.
- ConnectionDetails []*ConnectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"connectionDetails"` // maxOccurs="17"
-type ConsumerReferenceIdentificationTypeI struct {
- ReferenceQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"referenceQualifier"`
- ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ReferencePartyName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referencePartyName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TravellerReferenceNbr formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"travellerReferenceNbr,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConsumerReferenceInformationType struct {
- // Customer references
- CustomerReferences []*ConsumerReferenceIdentificationTypeI `xml:"customerReferences"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type ConversionRateDetailsType struct {
- // Conversion type
- ConversionType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency"`
-type ConversionRateType struct {
- // Detail of conversion rate of First Monetary Unit
- ConversionRateDetail []*ConversionRateDetailsType `xml:"conversionRateDetail"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type CorporateFareIdentifiersType struct {
- // Indicates the type of corporate fares requested
- FareQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Corporate contract number or name
- IdentifyNumber []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identifyNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type CorporateFareInformationType struct {
- // Corporate fare identifiers
- CorporateFareIdentifiers *CorporateFareIdentifiersType `xml:"corporateFareIdentifiers,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CorporateIdentificationType struct {
- // Corporate identity
- CorporateId []*CorporateIdentityType `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type CorporateIdentityType struct {
- // Indicates if 1A corporate (RC) or Unifare corporate (RW) requested.
- CorporateQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"corporateQualifier"`
- // Corporate contract number or name
- Identity []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"identity"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type CriteriaiDetaislType struct {
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Attribute []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"attribute,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type DataInformationType struct {
- // Ancillary services options
- Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DataTypeInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee code
- SubType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"subType"`
- // Status (automated, manually added, exempted). Default is automated
- Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsType struct {
- // Trip Duration type(Plus,Minus,Combined)
- FlexibilityQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"flexibilityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number of days added or/and retrieved to the trip duration
- TripInterval *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"tripInterval,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Period between date of departure and date of arrival
- TripDuration *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"tripDuration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Toidentify type of time Arrival/Departure
- TimeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"timeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Time
- Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Time window size in hours
- TimeWindow formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"timeWindow,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI_120740C struct {
- // Date time period qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First Time
- Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- Qualifier2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Reserved1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"reserved1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Reserved2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length3To5 `xml:"reserved2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsType_120762C struct {
- // Date time period qualifier
- DateQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"dateQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First Time
- FirstTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"firstTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Movement type.
- EquipementType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"equipementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Place/location identification.
- LocationId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsType_254619C struct {
- // To identify type of range (Plus,Minus or combined)
- RangeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"rangeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Range of dates : Number of Days preceding or/and Following the request departure date
- DayInterval *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"dayInterval,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Time at destination (local)
- TimeAtdestination formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"timeAtdestination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeInformationType struct {
- // Details on date and time
- StopDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsType_120762C `xml:"stopDetails"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type DateAndTimeInformationTypeI struct {
- DateTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI_120740C `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type DateAndTimeInformationType_181295S struct {
- // Details on date and Time
- FirstDateTimeDetail *DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"firstDateTimeDetail"`
- // Details of the Requested Range of Dates
- RangeOfDate *DateAndTimeDetailsType_254619C `xml:"rangeOfDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details of the trip duration
- TripDetails *DateAndTimeDetailsType `xml:"tripDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Value
- Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DepartureLocationType struct {
- // Details on localization of the departure point
- DeparturePoint *ArrivalLocationDetailsType_120834C `xml:"departurePoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Departure multi city option
- DepMultiCity []*MultiCityOptionType `xml:"depMultiCity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // To specify a series or a range of PNR segments
- FirstPnrSegmentRef *PNRSegmentReferenceType `xml:"firstPnrSegmentRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_139508C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FOPRepresentationType struct {
- // Form of payment information.
- FormOfPaymentDetails *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"formOfPaymentDetails"`
- // Fee/Reduction Passenger reference.
- PassengerFeeReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"passengerFeeReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetailsType struct {
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate
- Rate *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Category
- FareCategory formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareFamilyCriteriaType struct {
- // Fare publishing carrier.
- CarrierId []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"carrierId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Reservation booking designator.
- Rdb []formats.AlphaString_Length1To2 `xml:"rdb,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Fare family info.
- FareFamilyInfo *FareQualifierInformationType `xml:"fareFamilyInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare product detail.
- FareProductDetail []*FareProductDetailsType `xml:"fareProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Corporate information.
- CorporateInfo []*MultipleIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"corporateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Indicates flight cabin details.
- CabinProduct []*CabinClassDesignationType `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Cabin processing option.
- CabinProcessingIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"cabinProcessingIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product date or time.
- DateTimeDetails []*ProductDateTimeTypeI_194583C `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Other criteria.
- OtherCriteria []*CodedAttributeInformationType_120742C `xml:"otherCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FareFamilyDetailsType struct {
- // Commercial fare Family Short name
- CommercialFamily formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"commercialFamily"`
-type FareFamilyType struct {
- // Fare Family Reference Number
- RefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Family Short Name
- FareFamilyName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"fareFamilyname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Hierarchy *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"hierarchy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates Commercial Fare Family Short names
- CommercialFamilyDetails []*FareFamilyDetailsType `xml:"commercialFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FareInformationType struct {
- // Value Qualifier
- ValueQualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Value
- Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsType `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Identity Number
- IdentityNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Type Grouping
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationType `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate Category
- RateCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareInformationTypeI struct {
- // PTC (Full Codeset List described in ATPCo Documentation B11109 Appendix A)
- ValueQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // age
- Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareProductDetailsType struct {
- // Fare basis code
- FareBasis formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To18 `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type of fare
- FareType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"fareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type FareQualifierInformationType struct {
- // Fare family combinability.
- FareFamilyQual []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"fareFamilyQual"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type FareTypeGroupingInformationType struct {
- // Pricing Group
- PricingGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightProductInformationType struct {
- // Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct []*CabinProductDetailsType `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
- // To specify additional characteristics.
- ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType_205137C `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Form of payment identification
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
- // amount to be charged on this form
- ChargedAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To12 `xml:"chargedAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference number
- CreditCardNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FormOfPaymentTypeI struct {
- FormOfPaymentDetails []*FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI `xml:"formOfPaymentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
- // Qualifier of the free text. Always literal in our usage.
- TextSubjectQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Type of the free text. Always 7 for our usage.
- InformationType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Source of the information.
- Source formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"source"`
- // Encoding method used.
- Encoding formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"encoding"`
-type FreeTextInformationType struct {
- // Details for the free text message
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType `xml:"freeTextDetails"`
- // Free text corresponding to the DEI 127 data.
- FreeText formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"freeText"`
-type FrequencyType struct {
- // Indicate if the sequence number represents days of the week or days of the month.
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Used to represent days of the week. 1 is monday and 7 is sunday.
- Value []*formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="7"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType struct {
- // Frequent Traveller Info
- FrequentTravellerDetails []*FrequentTravellerIdentificationType `xml:"frequentTravellerDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType_177150S struct {
- // Frequent traveller details
- FrequentTravellerDetails []*FrequentTravellerIdentificationType_249074C `xml:"frequentTravellerDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType struct {
- // Carrier where the FQTV is registered.
- Carrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"carrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To28 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specifies which traveller in the TIF segment the frequent traveller number applies (same as 9944 in TIF).
- CustomerReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // status code: 'OK' if the frequent flyer card has been validated
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify a Tier linked to the FQTV
- TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // For example : priority code
- PriorityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // For example : Level description
- TierDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // For example : Company code of alliance
- CompanyCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"companyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CustomerValue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"customerValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the product/account number qualifier. (e.g. 2=Corporate Frequent Flyer).
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType_249074C struct {
- // carrier
- Carrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"carrier"`
- // Frequent traveller number
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Customer reference
- CustomerReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tier level
- TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Priority code
- PriorityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tier description
- TierDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the product/account number qualifier. (e.g. 2=Corporate Frequent Flyer).
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type GroupPassengerDetailsType struct {
- // Trigger
- PassengerReference *SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI `xml:"passengerReference"`
- // pricing option at passenger level
- PsgDetailsInfo []*PsgDetailsInfo `xml:"psgDetailsInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type PsgDetailsInfo struct {
- // PTC/Discount Code age
- DiscountPtc *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"discountPtc"`
- // Tier level information
- FlequentFlyerDetails *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"flequentFlyerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type HeaderInformationTypeI struct {
- // Status
- Status []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // Date and Time info
- DateTimePeriodDetails *DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI `xml:"dateTimePeriodDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference number
- ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Contains product identification such as UIC code...
- ProductIdentification []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"productIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType struct {
- // Fare family combination number
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Responsible agency
- ResponsibleAgency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberType struct {
- // Indicates the fare family combination number
- ItemNumberId *ItemNumberIdentificationType `xml:"itemNumberId"`
-type ItemNumberType_80866S struct {
- // Item number details
- ItemNumberDetails *ItemNumberIdentificationType `xml:"itemNumberDetails"`
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
- // Reference Qualifier.
- PassengerFeeRefType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference number.
- PassengerFeeRefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unique id description.
- OtherCharacteristics *UniqueIdDescriptionType `xml:"otherCharacteristics,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItineraryDetailsType struct {
- // Airport/City Qualifier: the passenger wants to depart/arrive from/to the same airport or city in the specified requested segment
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier"`
- // Requested segment number
- SegmentNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"segmentNumber"`
-type LocationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Place or Location identification
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
- // Country, coded
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationIdentificationDetailsType struct {
- // 3 characters ATA/IATA airport/city code
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
- // Airport/city qualifier: the requested point is an airport when ambiguity exists (e.g. HOU)
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Terminal information
- Terminal formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationTypeI struct {
- // Departure or Arrival IATA airport code
- TrueLocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"trueLocationId"`
-type MileageTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Ground Time in minutes at Board point (connection with incoming flight)
- ElapsedGroundTime *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"elapsedGroundTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryAndCabinInformationDetailsType struct {
- // Amount qualifier.
- AmountType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"amountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount
- Amount formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"amount"`
- // ISO currency code
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Airport/city code
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Cabin class designator
- CabinClassDesignator []formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabinClassDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type MonetaryAndCabinInformationType struct {
- // Monetary and cabin information.
- MoneyAndCabinInfo []*MonetaryAndCabinInformationDetailsType `xml:"moneyAndCabinInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Monetary amount type qualifier, coded
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Allowance or charge number
- Amount formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"amount"`
- // Currency, coded
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_194597C struct {
- // Monetary amount type qualifier, coded
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Allowance or charge number
- Amount formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"amount"`
- // Currency, coded
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Place or Location identification
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65140C struct {
- // Qualifier
- TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65141C struct {
- // Qualifier
- TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location
- Location formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationType struct {
- MoneyInfo *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"moneyInfo"`
- AdditionalMoneyInfo []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_194597C `xml:"additionalMoneyInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
- // Monetary info
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65141C `xml:"monetaryDetails"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type MonetaryInformationType_80162S struct {
- // Monetary info
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65140C `xml:"monetaryDetails"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type MultiCityOptionType struct {
- // ATA/IATA airport/city code of arrival multi city option enable to define until 20 airports/cities
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
- // Requested arrival point is an airport or a city (default is city and used only when ambiguity)
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MultipleIdentificationNumbersTypeI struct {
- // Corporate number or ALL.
- CorporateNumberIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"corporateNumberIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Corporate name.
- CorporateName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"corporateName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type NumberOfUnitDetailsType struct {
- // Number of Units
- NumberOfUnits *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number of unit qualifier
- TypeOfUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeOfUnit"`
-type NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Number of Units
- NumberOfUnits formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"numberOfUnits"`
- // Number of unit qualifier
- TypeOfUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeOfUnit"`
-type NumberOfUnitDetailsType_260583C struct {
- // Number of Units
- NumberOfUnits formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"numberOfUnits"`
- // Number of unit qualifier
- TypeOfUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeOfUnit"`
-type NumberOfUnitsType struct {
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsType_260583C `xml:"unitNumberDetail"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type NumberOfUnitsType_80154S struct {
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsType `xml:"unitNumberDetail"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type OriginAndDestinationRequestType struct {
- // Requested segment number
- SegRef formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"segRef"`
- // Forces arrival or departure, from/to the same airport/city
- LocationForcing []*ItineraryDetailsType `xml:"locationForcing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Office Name.
- OfficeName *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"officeName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Agent Sign In .
- AgentSignin formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"agentSignin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Confidential Office Name.
- ConfidentialOffice formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"confidentialOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other Office Name
- OtherOffice formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"otherOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PNRSegmentReferenceType struct {
- // For a request from PNR: this is the reference number of a PNR air segment. In case a range of PNR segments is specified (eg. segments 2-5), then it is the 1st of the range, the last being in ARR.
- PnrSegmentTattoo *formats.NumericInteger_Length0To35 `xml:"pnrSegmentTattoo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PnrSegmentQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"pnrSegmentQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PassengerItineraryInformationType struct {
- // .
- Booking formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"booking,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- Identifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"identifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- ItemNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- DateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeType `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- Designator formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"designator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- MovementType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- ProductTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"productTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingDetailsType struct {
- // Pricing ticketing Details.
- PricingTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"pricingTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TicketingDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI_194598C `xml:"ticketingDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyId *CompanyIdentificationType `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SellingPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"sellingPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TicketingPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"ticketingPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to Target Transborder Fares
- JourneyOriginPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"journeyOriginPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Contains the ARC,IATA and ERSP numbers
- CorporateId *AgentIdentificationType `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingInformationType struct {
- // Price type qualifier
- PriceType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"priceType"` // maxOccurs="50"
-type ProductDateTimeType struct {
- // .
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date"`
- // .
- Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI struct {
- // Departure date in YYYYMMDD format
- DepartureDate formats.Date_YYYYMMDD `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Departure time
- DepartureTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival date
- ArrivalDate formats.Date_YYYYMMDD `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival time
- ArrivalTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day difference between Departure date of the leg and date of reference (Departure or Arrival date specified in the SDI)
- DateVariation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI_194583C struct {
- // Ticketing Purchase Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date"`
- // Ticketing purchase date
- OtherDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"otherDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI_194598C struct {
- // First date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date"`
- // Half round trip combination.
- RtcDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"rtcDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeType_195546C struct {
- // Departure date
- DateOfDeparture formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"dateOfDeparture"`
- // Departure time
- TimeOfDeparture formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"timeOfDeparture,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival date
- DateOfArrival formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"dateOfArrival,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival time
- TimeOfArrival formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"timeOfArrival,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival date compared to departure date, only if different from 0
- DateVariation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductFacilitiesType struct {
- // Yes-No indicator whether Last Seat Available
- LastSeatAvailable formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"lastSeatAvailable,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Level of access
- LevelOfAccess formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"levelOfAccess,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Yes-No indicator whether electronic ticketing
- ElectronicTicketing formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"electronicTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product identification suffix
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Define whether a flight has been polled or not
- ProductDetailQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"productDetailQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Add some flight restrictions (See code set list)
- FlightCharacteristic []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Flight number
- FlightNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"flightNumber"`
- // Flight suffix
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_50878C struct {
- FlightNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"flightNumber"`
- BookingClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Modifier []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ProductLocationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // airport
- Station formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"station,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductTypeDetailsType struct {
- // .
- SequenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"sequenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR availability context
- AvailabilityContext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"availabilityContext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Part of the journey (C,E,S), Codeshare service (A), Technical stop at off point in a Direct (TSD), Technical stop at off point in a COG (TSC), E-Ticket candidate (ET), Prohibited Countries (RPC, WPC)
- FlightIndicator []formats.AlphaString_Length1To3 `xml:"flightIndicator"` // maxOccurs="5"
-type ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C struct {
- // Type of flight
- FlightType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"flightType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ProductTypeDetailsType_205137C struct {
- // indicates whether the flight is domestic or international
- Avl []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"avl"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type ProposedSegmentDetailsType struct {
- // Flight proposal reference
- Ref formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"ref,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Elapse Flying Time
- UnitQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProposedSegmentType struct {
- // Parameters for proposed flight group
- FlightProposal []*ProposedSegmentDetailsType `xml:"flightProposal"` // maxOccurs="9"
- // Flight characteristics.
- FlightCharacteristic formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Majority cabin
- MajCabin formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"majCabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferenceInfoType struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
- // Segment reference qualifier
- RefQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Flight or flight group reference
- RefNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length0To3 `xml:"refNumber"`
-type RoutingInformationTypeI struct {
- // Stops details
- RoutingDetails []*ProductLocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI struct {
- // traveller number
- Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI struct {
- // Segment control details
- SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type SelectionDetailsInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee type
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
- // Carrier fee status
- OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
- Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option"`
- OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetailsType struct {
- // Carrier fees options
- CarrierFeeDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationType `xml:"carrierFeeDetails"`
- OtherSelectionDetails []*SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"otherSelectionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
-type SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType struct {
- // SSR seat characteristic
- SeatCharacteristics []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"seatCharacteristics,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type SpecialRequirementsDetailsType struct {
- // To specify the Service Requirement of the customer
- ServiceRequirementsInfo *SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType `xml:"serviceRequirementsInfo"`
- // Seat details
- SeatDetails []*SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType `xml:"seatDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType struct {
- // To specify the Service Classification of the Service Requirement.
- ServiceClassification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"serviceClassification"`
- // Status
- ServiceStatus formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the number of items involved
- ServiceNumberOfInstances *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"serviceNumberOfInstances,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify to which marketing carrier the service applies
- ServiceMarketingCarrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceMarketingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify the Service group
- ServiceGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify the Service Sub-Group
- ServiceSubGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceSubGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free Text attached to the Service.
- ServiceFreeText []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"serviceFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type SpecificDataInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee description
- DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationType `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
- // Data information
- DataInformation []*DataInformationType `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type StationInformationTypeI struct {
- // Departure terminal
- Terminal formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
- // Year number. The format is a little long for short term usage but it can be reduced by implementation if required.
- Year *formats.NumericInteger_Length4To4 `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredPeriodInformationType struct {
- // Effective date of period of operation
- BeginDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"beginDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Discontinue date of period of operation
- EndDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"endDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // It is used with a period to give a restriction for days impacted. It permits for example to indicate on which days, a flight operates.
- Frequency *FrequencyType `xml:"frequency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TaxDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Duty/tax/fee rate
- Rate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country, coded
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency, coded
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Duty/Tax fee type, coded
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount type qualifier, coded
- AmountQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"amountQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TaxType struct {
- // Duty tax fee category, coded
- WithholdTaxSurcharge formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"withholdTaxSurcharge,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TaxDetail []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TicketNumberDetailsTypeI struct {
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TicketNumberTypeI struct {
- DocumentDetails []*TicketNumberDetailsTypeI `xml:"documentDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type TicketingPriceSchemeType struct {
- // PSR (Price Scheme Reference): unique reference of the price scheme as a 8 digit number.
- ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber"`
- // Price Scheme Name
- Name formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Price Scheme Status. Is the price scheme valid for service fee calculation ?
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // free flow description of the price scheme
- Description formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To250 `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TrafficRestrictionDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Traffic Restriction code
- Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TrafficRestrictionTypeI struct {
- // Traffic Restriction Details
- TrafficRestrictionDetails []*TrafficRestrictionDetailsTypeI `xml:"trafficRestrictionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type TravelFlightInformationType struct {
- // Cabin identification
- CabinId *CabinIdentificationType `xml:"cabinId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company Identification
- CompanyIdentity []*CompanyIdentificationType_120719C `xml:"companyIdentity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Type of flight details
- FlightDetail *ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details of included connecting points
- InclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C `xml:"inclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Further connection details
- ExclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType `xml:"exclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // Nb of connections for each requested segment of the journey.
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"unitNumberDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type TravelFlightInformationType_165053S struct {
- // Cabin identification
- CabinId *CabinIdentificationType_233500C `xml:"cabinId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company Identification
- CompanyIdentity []*CompanyIdentificationType_120719C `xml:"companyIdentity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Type of flight details
- FlightDetail *ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details of included connect point
- InclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C `xml:"inclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Further connection details
- ExclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType `xml:"exclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Nb of connections allowed at requested segment level.
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"unitNumberDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type TravelFlightInformationType_185853S struct {
- // Cabin identification
- CabinId *CabinIdentificationType_233500C `xml:"cabinId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company Identification
- CompanyIdentity []*CompanyIdentificationType_233548C `xml:"companyIdentity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Type of flight details
- FlightDetail *ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details of included connect point
- InclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C `xml:"inclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Further connection details
- ExclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType `xml:"exclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Added departed flights flag
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"unitNumberDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
- // Flight Date
- FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Board point
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails"`
- // Off point
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails"`
- // Flight Carrier
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails"`
- // Flight identification
- FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Identify flight part of the journey
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravelProductType struct {
- // Date and time of departure and arrival
- ProductDateTime *ProductDateTimeType_195546C `xml:"productDateTime"`
- // Location of departure and arrival
- Location []*LocationIdentificationDetailsType `xml:"location"` // maxOccurs="2"
- // Company identification
- CompanyId *CompanyIdentificationType_195544C `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Flight number or trainNumber
- FlightOrtrainNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"flightOrtrainNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product details
- ProductDetail *AdditionalProductDetailsType `xml:"productDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Additional product details
- AddProductDetail *ProductFacilitiesType `xml:"addProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_247828C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type TravellerDetailsType struct {
- // Direct reference of passenger assigned by requesting system.
- Ref formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"ref"`
- // Traveller is an infant
- InfantIndicator *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerReferenceInformationType struct {
- // Requested passenger type
- Ptc []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"ptc,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
- // Traveller details
- Traveller []*TravellerDetailsType `xml:"traveller"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type UniqueIdDescriptionType struct {
- // Reference qualifier.
- PassengerFeeRefQualif formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefQualif,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type UserIdentificationType struct {
- // Originator Identification Details
- OfficeIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"officeIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to specify which kind of info is given in DE 9900.
- OfficeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"officeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The code given to an agent by the originating reservation system.
- OfficeCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To30 `xml:"officeCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ValueSearchCriteriaType struct {
- CriteriaName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To50 `xml:"criteriaName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CriteriaCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"criteriaCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CriteriaDetails []*CriteriaiDetaislType `xml:"criteriaDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
diff --git a/reqstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_new/structs.go b/reqstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_new/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 755d57a..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_new/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2132 +0,0 @@
-package fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/formats"
-type FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearch struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/FMPTBQ_16_3_1A Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearch"`
- // Number of seats , recommendations.
- NumberOfUnit *NumberOfUnitsType `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Global options
- GlobalOptions *AttributeType `xml:"globalOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Traveler Details
- PaxReference []*TravellerReferenceInformationType `xml:"paxReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // Customer references
- CustomerRef *ConsumerReferenceInformationType `xml:"customerRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Search options
- SearchOptions []*AttributeList `xml:"searchOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
- // Fee with different payment forms by passenger.
- FormOfPaymentByPassenger []*FOPRepresentationType `xml:"formOfPaymentByPassenger,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="60"
- // Solution Family
- SolutionFamily []*FareInformationType `xml:"solutionFamily,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Passenger info group (9 ADT + 9 IN)
- PassengerInfoGrp []*GroupPassengerDetailsType `xml:"passengerInfoGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- FareFamilies []*FareFamilies `xml:"fareFamilies,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- FareOptions *FareOptions `xml:"fareOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates Price to beat
- PriceToBeat *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"priceToBeat,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tax Details
- TaxInfo []*TaxType `xml:"taxInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // Details of a Flight : Direct, Non stop...
- TravelFlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType_199258S `xml:"travelFlightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ValueSearch []*ValueSearchCriteriaType `xml:"valueSearch,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- Buckets []*Buckets `xml:"buckets,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
- Itinerary []*Itinerary `xml:"itinerary,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="18"
- TicketChangeInfo *TicketChangeInfo `xml:"ticketChangeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CombinationFareFamilies []*CombinationFareFamilies `xml:"combinationFareFamilies,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2000"
- FeeOption []*FeeOption `xml:"feeOption,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- OfficeIdDetails []*OfficeIdDetails `xml:"officeIdDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FareFamilies struct {
- // Segment used to target Commercial Fare Family.
- FamilyInformation *FareFamilyType_80157S `xml:"familyInformation"`
- // Description of Fare Family Criteria.
- FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareFamilySegment []*FareFamilySegment `xml:"fareFamilySegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- OtherPossibleCriteria []*OtherPossibleCriteria `xml:"otherPossibleCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FareFamilySegment struct {
- // Requested segment reference
- ReferenceInfo *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceInfo"`
- // Description of fare family criteria.
- FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OtherPossibleCriteria struct {
- // Logical link with other criteria.
- LogicalLink *BooleanExpressionRuleType `xml:"logicalLink"`
- // Description of fare family criteria.
- FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareFamilySegment []*FareFamilySegment `xml:"fareFamilySegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type FareOptions struct {
- // Pricing and ticketing details.
- PricingTickInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsType `xml:"pricingTickInfo"`
- // Corporate name/number used to target fares
- Corporate *CorporateIdentificationType `xml:"corporate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticketing price scheme.
- TicketingPriceScheme *TicketingPriceSchemeType `xml:"ticketingPriceScheme,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PSR number
- FeeIdDescription *CodedAttributeType_199259S `xml:"feeIdDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to force the currency of pricing
- ConversionRate *ConversionRateType `xml:"conversionRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Form of payment information.
- FormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"formOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Frequent traveller information
- FrequentTravellerInfo *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType_177150S `xml:"frequentTravellerInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Monetary and cabin information.
- MonetaryCabinInfo *MonetaryAndCabinInformationType `xml:"monetaryCabinInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type Buckets struct {
- // Bucket information: name, priority, weight
- BucketInfo *BucketInformationType `xml:"bucketInfo"`
- // Bucket details
- BucketDetails []*BucketDetailsType `xml:"bucketDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="15"
-type Itinerary struct {
- // Indicates reference of the requested segment
- RequestedSegmentRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"requestedSegmentRef"`
- // Specification of the requested departure point
- DepartureLocalization *DepartureLocationType `xml:"departureLocalization,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specification of the requested arrival point
- ArrivalLocalization *ArrivalLocalizationType `xml:"arrivalLocalization,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details on requested date and time plus range of date trip duration
- TimeDetails *DateAndTimeInformationType_181295S `xml:"timeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify Flight options.
- FlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType_199585S `xml:"flightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Segment used to target Commercial Fare Family at requested segment level
- FamilyInformation *FareFamilyType `xml:"familyInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ValueSearch []*ValueSearchCriteriaType `xml:"valueSearch,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- GroupOfFlights []*GroupOfFlights `xml:"groupOfFlights,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- FlightInfoPNR []*FlightInfoPNR `xml:"flightInfoPNR,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- // Action identification for the requested segment
- RequestedSegmentAction *ActionIdentificationType `xml:"requestedSegmentAction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Coded attributes
- Attributes *CodedAttributeType `xml:"attributes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type GroupOfFlights struct {
- // To indicate parameters for proposed flight group.
- PropFlightGrDetail *ProposedSegmentType `xml:"propFlightGrDetail"`
- // Indicates Price to beat
- PriceToBeat *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"priceToBeat,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightDetails []*FlightDetails `xml:"flightDetails"` // maxOccurs="4"
-type FlightDetails struct {
- // Specification of details on the flight and posting availability
- FlightInformation *TravelProductType `xml:"flightInformation"`
- // returns booking class and availability context
- AvlInfo []*FlightProductInformationType `xml:"avlInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Details on Flight date, time and location of technical stop or change of gauge
- TechnicalStop []*DateAndTimeInformationType `xml:"technicalStop,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- // Code Share Agreement description for current flight.
- CommercialAgreement *CommercialAgreementsType_78540S `xml:"commercialAgreement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Additional Info about flight, such as Reference number, and several options
- AddInfo *HeaderInformationTypeI `xml:"addInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Terminal, Equipment and EFT Details. If a Total EFT of the Travel Solution is requested then we will have 2 occurrences of the terminalEquipmentDetails attached to the first leg flightInformation: the 1st occurence will give the EFT of the leg, the 2nd occurrence will give the total EFT of the Travel Solution.
- TerminalEquipmentDetails []*AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"terminalEquipmentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // PNR flight reservation info
- ReservationInfo *PassengerItineraryInformationType `xml:"reservationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates Price to beat
- PriceToBeat *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"priceToBeat,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightInfoPNR struct {
- // Travel Response Details: - Board/Off aiports - Flight number - Part of the journey - Day difference between Board and off - Departure/Arrival dates - Departure/Arrival times
- TravelResponseDetails *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"travelResponseDetails"`
- // Time Table Effective/Discontinue dates and frequency of operating Travel Solution
- TimeTableDate *StructuredPeriodInformationType `xml:"timeTableDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Terminal, Equipment and EFT Details. If a Total EFT of the Travel Solution is requested then we will have 2 occurrences of the terminalEquipmentDetails attached to the first leg travelResponseDetails: the 1st occurrence will give the EFT of the leg, the 2nd occurrence will give the total EFT of the Travel Solution.
- TerminalEquipmentDetails []*AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"terminalEquipmentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // Codeshare data
- CodeshareData *CommercialAgreementsType `xml:"codeshareData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Disclosure message from an operating carrier.
- Disclosure *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"disclosure,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Stops Details
- StopDetails *RoutingInformationTypeI `xml:"stopDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Traffic restriction information
- TrafficRestrictionData *TrafficRestrictionTypeI `xml:"trafficRestrictionData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR flight reservation info
- ReservationInfo *PassengerItineraryInformationType `xml:"reservationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- IncidentalStopInfo []*IncidentalStopInfo `xml:"incidentalStopInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type IncidentalStopInfo struct {
- // Incidental stop date/time information
- DateTimeInfo *DateAndTimeInformationTypeI `xml:"dateTimeInfo"`
-type TicketChangeInfo struct {
- // Ticket nb details.
- TicketNumberDetails *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"ticketNumberDetails"`
- TicketRequestedSegments []*TicketRequestedSegments `xml:"ticketRequestedSegments,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type TicketRequestedSegments struct {
- // Action identification.
- ActionIdentification *ActionIdentificationType `xml:"actionIdentification"`
- // Connected cities in changed ticket requested segment.
- ConnectPointDetails *ConnectionTypeI `xml:"connectPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CombinationFareFamilies struct {
- // Specification of the item number
- ItemFFCNumber *ItemNumberType `xml:"itemFFCNumber"`
- // Number of units.
- NbOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsType_80154S `xml:"nbOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Requested segment reference
- ReferenceInfo []*ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type FeeOption struct {
- // Nature of the fee (OB,OC,..)
- FeeTypeInfo *SelectionDetailsType `xml:"feeTypeInfo"`
- // Associated rate tax.
- RateTax *MonetaryInformationType_80162S `xml:"rateTax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FeeDetails struct {
- // Fee information
- FeeInfo *SpecificDataInformationType `xml:"feeInfo"`
- // Associated amounts : amounts to take into account to calculate fee.
- AssociatedAmounts *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"associatedAmounts,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FeeDescriptionGrp *FeeDescriptionGrp `xml:"feeDescriptionGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FeeDescriptionGrp struct {
- // Specification of the item number
- ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType_80866S `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
- // Attributes (SSR code EMD, RFIC, SSIM)
- ServiceAttributesInfo *AttributeType_61377S `xml:"serviceAttributesInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other service information (service description, ...)
- ServiceDescriptionInfo *SpecialRequirementsDetailsType `xml:"serviceDescriptionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OfficeIdDetails struct {
- // Office Id Information
- OfficeIdInformation *UserIdentificationType `xml:"officeIdInformation"`
- // Number of units.
- NbOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsType_80154S `xml:"nbOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // UID option
- UidOption *CodedAttributeType_78500S `xml:"uidOption,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Pricing and ticketing details.
- PricingTickInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsType `xml:"pricingTickInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Corporate fare information
- CorporateFareInfo *CorporateFareInformationType `xml:"corporateFareInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details of a Flight : Direct, Non stop...
- TravelFlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType `xml:"travelFlightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AirlineDistributionDetails []*AirlineDistributionDetails `xml:"airlineDistributionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type AirlineDistributionDetails struct {
- // Indicates reference of the requested segment
- RequestedSegmentRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"requestedSegmentRef"`
- // Specify Flight options.
- FlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType `xml:"flightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ActionIdentificationType struct {
- // Action request code
- ActionRequestCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"actionRequestCode"`
- ProductDetails *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_50878C `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AdditionalProductDetailsType struct {
- // Type of aircraft
- EquipmentType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"equipmentType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day number of the week
- OperatingDay formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"operatingDay,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number of stops made in a journey if different from 0
- TechStopNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"techStopNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location places of the stops
- LocationId []formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Flight details
- LegDetails *AdditionalProductTypeI `xml:"legDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Departure station
- DepartureStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"departureStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ArrivalStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"arrivalStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ground Time Details when connection
- MileageTimeDetails *MileageTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileageTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AdditionalProductTypeI struct {
- // Equipment type
- Equipment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"equipment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Elaps flying time of the leg
- Duration *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"duration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // COG indicator
- ComplexingFlightIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"complexingFlightIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AgentIdentificationType struct {
- // Contains ARC number
- ArcNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"arcNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ERSP number of the Office or Customer
- ErspNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"erspNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // IATA Number
- IataNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"iataNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ArithmeticEvaluationType struct {
- // Boolean operator
- CodeOperator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"codeOperator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ArrivalLocalizationType struct {
- // Details on the location of the arrival point
- ArrivalPointDetails *ArrivalLocationDetailsType `xml:"arrivalPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival multi city option
- ArrivalMultiCity []*MultiCityOptionType `xml:"arrivalMultiCity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="50"
- // Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_139508C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type ArrivalLocationDetailsType struct {
- // For Radius: This is the length of the requested radius around the location of destination.
- Distance *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"distance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Distance unit qualifier for radius
- DistanceUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"distanceUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ATA/IATA airport/city code of arrival In case of SP request from a PNR, this field is empty.
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Request from no PNR A = consider the locationID specified as an airport (used only when ambiguous) C = consider the locationId as a city (used only when ambiguous) A and C are not used in case of a request from PNR Request from a PNR with Radius option: O = radius applies to the origin of the PNR segments D = radius applies to the destination of the PNR segments
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Latitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere N=north S=south
- Latitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"latitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Longitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere E=east, W=west
- Longitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"longitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ArrivalLocationDetailsType_120834C struct {
- // For Radius: This is the length of the requested radius around the location of origin.
- Distance *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"distance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Distance unit qualifier for radius
- DistanceUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"distanceUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ATA/IATA airport/city code of arrival In case of SP request from a PNR, this field is empty.
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Request from no PNR A = consider the locationID specified as an airport (used only when ambiguous) C = consider the locationId as a city (used only when ambiguous) A and C are not used in case of a request from PNR Request from a PNR with Radius option: O = radius applies to the origin of the PNR segments D = radius applies to the destination of the PNR segments
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Latitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere N=north S=south
- Latitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"latitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Longitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere E=east, W=west
- Longitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"longitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeDetails struct {
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Value
- Value []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To64 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type AttributeDetailsType struct {
- // Reference of the requested segment
- RequestedSgt formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"requestedSgt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // List of airlines, cabins, time window, number of connections.
- Value []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="50"
-type AttributeInformationType struct {
- // Code of options
- Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option"`
- // Mandatory when alternate date option is used (ALT), must be set to plus (P) or minus (M) a number of days around the original PNR segment dates. E.g.: M1 (for minus 1 day) or P100 (for plus 100 days)
- OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeInformationType_97181C struct {
- // Attribute type
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute description
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To256 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeList struct {
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*AttributeDetails `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type AttributeType struct {
- // Option parameters
- SelectionDetails []*AttributeInformationType `xml:"selectionDetails"` // maxOccurs="10"
-type AttributeType_61377S struct {
- // Criteria Set Type
- AttributeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"attributeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Criteria details
- AttributeDetails []*AttributeInformationType_97181C `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type BooleanExpressionRuleType struct {
- // Boolean expression associated to the decision rule.
- BooleanExpression *ArithmeticEvaluationType `xml:"booleanExpression"`
-type BucketDetailsType struct {
- // Code
- Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Option or distribution
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Attribute
- Attribute []*AttributeDetailsType `xml:"attribute,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type BucketInformationType struct {
- // Number
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Name
- Name formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Completion
- Completion formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"completion,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Mode
- Mode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"mode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Value reference
- ValueRef formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"valueRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Weight
- Weight *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"weight,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number of solutions in the bucket
- Count *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"count,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number of solutions per attribute
- AttributeCount *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"attributeCount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CabinClassDesignationType struct {
- // Cabin designator.
- CabinDesignator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabinDesignator"`
-type CabinIdentificationType struct {
- // Cabin qualifier. For Star Pricer,MD stands for Mandatory Cabin qualifier. For other products no qualifier stands for Mandatory Cabin.
- CabinQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"cabinQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Cabin
- Cabin []formats.AlphaString_Length0To1 `xml:"cabin"` // maxOccurs="3"
-type CabinIdentificationType_233500C struct {
- // Cabin qualifier. For Star Pricer,MD stands for Mandatory Cabin qualifier. For other products no qualifier stands for Mandatory Cabin.
- CabinQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"cabinQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Cabin
- Cabin []formats.AlphaString_Length0To1 `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type CabinProductDetailsType struct {
- // Reservation booking designator - RBD
- Rbd formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"rbd"`
- // Reservation Booking Modifier
- BookingModifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1 `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
- // Attribute type identification
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute Description
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_120742C struct {
- // Name.
- Name formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"name"`
- // Value.
- Value []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_139508C struct {
- // Attribute type
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Value.
- Value []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_247828C struct {
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute description
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_254574C struct {
- // Attribute type
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute description
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To50 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_277155C struct {
- // Type of fee/reduction
- FeeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"feeType"`
- // Fee Id Number
- FeeIdNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To50 `xml:"feeIdNumber"`
-type CodedAttributeType struct {
- // Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_254574C `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type CodedAttributeType_199259S struct {
- // Fee/reduction Id
- FeeId []*CodedAttributeInformationType_277155C `xml:"feeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type CodedAttributeType_78500S struct {
- // Atrribute details.
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type CommercialAgreementsType struct {
- // Codeshare Details
- CodeshareDetails *CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"codeshareDetails"`
- // Other codeshare details
- OtherCodeshareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"otherCodeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type CommercialAgreementsType_78540S struct {
- // Codeshare Details
- CodeshareDetails *CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120761C `xml:"codeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other codeshare details
- OtherCodeshareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120761C `xml:"otherCodeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type CompanyIdentificationType struct {}
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // Carrier code
- MarketingCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"marketingCompany"`
-type CompanyIdentificationType_120719C struct {
- // Item description identification.
- CarrierQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To1 `xml:"carrierQualifier"`
- // carrier id
- CarrierId []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"carrierId"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type CompanyIdentificationType_195544C struct {
- // Marketing carrier
- MarketingCarrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"marketingCarrier"`
- // Operating carrier
- OperatingCarrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"operatingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyIdentificationType_275415C struct {
- // Item description identification.
- CarrierQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To1 `xml:"carrierQualifier"`
- // carrier id
- CarrierId []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"carrierId"` // maxOccurs="999"
-type CompanyRoleIdentificationType struct {
- // Codeshare qualifier
- TransportStageQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"transportStageQualifier"`
- // company identification
- AirlineDesignator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"airlineDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // flight number
- FlightNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"flightNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // suffix
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120761C struct {
- // Type of code share agreement.
- CodeShareType formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"codeShareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // company identification
- AirlineDesignator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"airlineDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // flight number
- FlightNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"flightNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConnectPointDetailsType struct {
- // Exclusion identification
- ExclusionIdentifier formats.AlphaString_Length0To1 `xml:"exclusionIdentifier"`
- // Place or Location identification
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
- // Airport/city qualifier
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C struct {
- // Inclusion identification
- InclusionIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To1 `xml:"inclusionIdentifier"`
- // Place or Location identification
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
- // Airport/city qualifier
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConnectionDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Location
- Location formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"location"`
-type ConnectionTypeI struct {
- // Connection details.
- ConnectionDetails []*ConnectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"connectionDetails"` // maxOccurs="17"
-type ConsumerReferenceIdentificationTypeI struct {
- ReferenceQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"referenceQualifier"`
- ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ReferencePartyName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referencePartyName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TravellerReferenceNbr formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"travellerReferenceNbr,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConsumerReferenceInformationType struct {
- // Customer references
- CustomerReferences []*ConsumerReferenceIdentificationTypeI `xml:"customerReferences"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type ConversionRateDetailsType struct {
- // Conversion type
- ConversionType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency"`
-type ConversionRateType struct {
- // Detail of conversion rate of First Monetary Unit
- ConversionRateDetail []*ConversionRateDetailsType `xml:"conversionRateDetail"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type CorporateFareIdentifiersType struct {
- // Indicates the type of corporate fares requested
- FareQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Corporate contract number or name
- IdentifyNumber []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identifyNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type CorporateFareInformationType struct {
- // Corporate fare identifiers
- CorporateFareIdentifiers *CorporateFareIdentifiersType `xml:"corporateFareIdentifiers,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CorporateIdentificationType struct {
- // Corporate identity
- CorporateId []*CorporateIdentityType `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type CorporateIdentityType struct {
- // Indicates if 1A corporate (RC) or Unifare corporate (RW) requested.
- CorporateQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"corporateQualifier"`
- // Corporate contract number or name
- Identity []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"identity"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type CriteriaiDetaislType struct {
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Attribute []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"attribute,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type DataInformationType struct {
- // Ancillary services options
- Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DataTypeInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee code
- SubType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"subType"`
- // Status (automated, manually added, exempted). Default is automated
- Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsType struct {
- // Trip Duration type(Plus,Minus,Combined)
- FlexibilityQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"flexibilityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number of days added or/and retrieved to the trip duration
- TripInterval *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"tripInterval,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Period between date of departure and date of arrival
- TripDuration *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"tripDuration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Toidentify type of time Arrival/Departure
- TimeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"timeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Time
- Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Time window size in hours
- TimeWindow formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"timeWindow,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI_120740C struct {
- // Date time period qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First Time
- Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- Qualifier2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Reserved1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"reserved1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Reserved2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length3To5 `xml:"reserved2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsType_120762C struct {
- // Date time period qualifier
- DateQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"dateQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First Time
- FirstTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"firstTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Movement type.
- EquipementType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"equipementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Place/location identification.
- LocationId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsType_254619C struct {
- // To identify type of range (Plus,Minus or combined)
- RangeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"rangeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Range of dates : Number of Days preceding or/and Following the request departure date
- DayInterval *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"dayInterval,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Time at destination (local)
- TimeAtdestination formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"timeAtdestination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeInformationType struct {
- // Details on date and time
- StopDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsType_120762C `xml:"stopDetails"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type DateAndTimeInformationTypeI struct {
- DateTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI_120740C `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type DateAndTimeInformationType_181295S struct {
- // Details on date and Time
- FirstDateTimeDetail *DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"firstDateTimeDetail"`
- // Details of the Requested Range of Dates
- RangeOfDate *DateAndTimeDetailsType_254619C `xml:"rangeOfDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details of the trip duration
- TripDetails *DateAndTimeDetailsType `xml:"tripDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Value
- Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DepartureLocationType struct {
- // Details on localization of the departure point
- DeparturePoint *ArrivalLocationDetailsType_120834C `xml:"departurePoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Departure multi city option
- DepMultiCity []*MultiCityOptionType `xml:"depMultiCity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="50"
- // To specify a series or a range of PNR segments
- FirstPnrSegmentRef *PNRSegmentReferenceType `xml:"firstPnrSegmentRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_139508C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FOPRepresentationType struct {
- // Form of payment information.
- FormOfPaymentDetails *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"formOfPaymentDetails"`
- // Fee/Reduction Passenger reference.
- PassengerFeeReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"passengerFeeReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetailsType struct {
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate
- Rate *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Category
- FareCategory formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareFamilyCriteriaType struct {
- // Fare publishing carrier.
- CarrierId []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"carrierId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Reservation booking designator.
- Rdb []formats.AlphaString_Length1To2 `xml:"rdb,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Fare family info.
- FareFamilyInfo *FareQualifierInformationType `xml:"fareFamilyInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare product detail.
- FareProductDetail []*FareProductDetailsType `xml:"fareProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Corporate information.
- CorporateInfo []*MultipleIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"corporateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Indicates flight cabin details.
- CabinProduct []*CabinClassDesignationType `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Cabin processing option.
- CabinProcessingIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"cabinProcessingIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product date or time.
- DateTimeDetails []*ProductDateTimeTypeI_194583C `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Other criteria.
- OtherCriteria []*CodedAttributeInformationType_120742C `xml:"otherCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FareFamilyDetailsType struct {
- // Commercial fare Family Short name
- CommercialFamily formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"commercialFamily"`
-type FareFamilyType struct {
- // Indicates Commercial Fare Family Short names
- CommercialFamilyDetails []*FareFamilyDetailsType `xml:"commercialFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FareFamilyType_80157S struct {
- // Fare Family Reference Number
- RefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Family Short Name
- FareFamilyname formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"fareFamilyname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Hierarchy *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"hierarchy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates Commercial Fare Family Short names
- CommercialFamilyDetails []*FareFamilyDetailsType `xml:"commercialFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FareInformationType struct {
- // Value Qualifier
- ValueQualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Value
- Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsType `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Identity Number
- IdentityNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Type Grouping
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationType `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate Category
- RateCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareInformationTypeI struct {
- // PTC (Full Codeset List described in ATPCo Documentation B11109 Appendix A)
- ValueQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // age
- Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareProductDetailsType struct {
- // Fare basis code
- FareBasis formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To18 `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type of fare
- FareType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"fareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type FareQualifierInformationType struct {
- // Fare family combinability.
- FareFamilyQual []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"fareFamilyQual"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type FareTypeGroupingInformationType struct {
- // Pricing Group
- PricingGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightProductInformationType struct {
- // Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct []*CabinProductDetailsType `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
- // To specify additional characteristics.
- ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType_205137C `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Form of payment identification
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
- // amount to be charged on this form
- ChargedAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To12 `xml:"chargedAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference number
- CreditCardNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FormOfPaymentTypeI struct {
- FormOfPaymentDetails []*FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI `xml:"formOfPaymentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
- // Qualifier of the free text. Always literal in our usage.
- TextSubjectQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Type of the free text. Always 7 for our usage.
- InformationType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Source of the information.
- Source formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"source"`
- // Encoding method used.
- Encoding formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"encoding"`
-type FreeTextInformationType struct {
- // Details for the free text message
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType `xml:"freeTextDetails"`
- // Free text corresponding to the DEI 127 data.
- FreeText formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"freeText"`
-type FrequencyType struct {
- // Indicate if the sequence number represents days of the week or days of the month.
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Used to represent days of the week. 1 is monday and 7 is sunday.
- Value []*formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="7"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType struct {
- // Frequent Traveller Info
- FrequentTravellerDetails []*FrequentTravellerIdentificationType `xml:"frequentTravellerDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType_177150S struct {
- // Frequent traveller details
- FrequentTravellerDetails []*FrequentTravellerIdentificationType_249074C `xml:"frequentTravellerDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType struct {
- // Carrier where the FQTV is registered.
- Carrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"carrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To28 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specifies which traveller in the TIF segment the frequent traveller number applies (same as 9944 in TIF).
- CustomerReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // status code: 'OK' if the frequent flyer card has been validated
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify a Tier linked to the FQTV
- TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // For example : priority code
- PriorityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // For example : Level description
- TierDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // For example : Company code of alliance
- CompanyCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"companyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CustomerValue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"customerValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the product/account number qualifier. (e.g. 2=Corporate Frequent Flyer).
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType_249074C struct {
- // carrier
- Carrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"carrier"`
- // Frequent traveller number
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Customer reference
- CustomerReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tier level
- TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Priority code
- PriorityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tier description
- TierDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the product/account number qualifier. (e.g. 2=Corporate Frequent Flyer).
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type GroupPassengerDetailsType struct {
- // Trigger
- PassengerReference *SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI `xml:"passengerReference"`
- // pricing option at passenger level
- PsgDetailsInfo []*PsgDetailsInfo `xml:"psgDetailsInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type PsgDetailsInfo struct {
- // PTC/Discount Code age
- DiscountPtc *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"discountPtc"`
- // Tier level information
- FlequentFlyerDetails *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"flequentFlyerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type HeaderInformationTypeI struct {
- // Status
- Status []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // Date and Time info
- DateTimePeriodDetails *DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI `xml:"dateTimePeriodDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference number
- ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Contains product identification such as UIC code...
- ProductIdentification []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"productIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType struct {
- // Fare family combination number
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Responsible agency
- ResponsibleAgency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberType struct {
- // Indicates the fare family combination number
- ItemNumberId *ItemNumberIdentificationType `xml:"itemNumberId"`
-type ItemNumberType_80866S struct {
- // Item number details
- ItemNumberDetails *ItemNumberIdentificationType `xml:"itemNumberDetails"`
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
- // Reference Qualifier.
- PassengerFeeRefType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference number.
- PassengerFeeRefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unique id description.
- OtherCharacteristics *UniqueIdDescriptionType `xml:"otherCharacteristics,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItineraryDetailsType struct {
- // Airport/City Qualifier: the passenger wants to depart/arrive from/to the same airport or city in the specified requested segment
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier"`
- // Requested segment number
- SegmentNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"segmentNumber"`
-type LocationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Place or Location identification
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
- // Country, coded
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationIdentificationDetailsType struct {
- // 3 characters ATA/IATA airport/city code
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
- // Airport/city qualifier: the requested point is an airport when ambiguity exists (e.g. HOU)
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Terminal information
- Terminal formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationTypeI struct {
- // Departure or Arrival IATA airport code
- TrueLocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"trueLocationId"`
-type MileageTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Ground Time in minutes at Board point (connection with incoming flight)
- ElapsedGroundTime *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"elapsedGroundTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryAndCabinInformationDetailsType struct {
- // Amount qualifier.
- AmountType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"amountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount
- Amount formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"amount"`
- // ISO currency code
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Airport/city code
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Cabin class designator
- CabinClassDesignator []formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabinClassDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type MonetaryAndCabinInformationType struct {
- // Monetary and cabin information.
- MoneyAndCabinInfo []*MonetaryAndCabinInformationDetailsType `xml:"moneyAndCabinInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Monetary amount type qualifier, coded
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Allowance or charge number
- Amount formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"amount"`
- // Currency, coded
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_194597C struct {
- // Monetary amount type qualifier, coded
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Allowance or charge number
- Amount formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"amount"`
- // Currency, coded
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Place or Location identification
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65140C struct {
- // Qualifier
- TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65141C struct {
- // Qualifier
- TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location
- Location formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationType struct {
- MoneyInfo *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"moneyInfo"`
- AdditionalMoneyInfo []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_194597C `xml:"additionalMoneyInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
- // Monetary info
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65141C `xml:"monetaryDetails"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type MonetaryInformationType_80162S struct {
- // Monetary info
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65140C `xml:"monetaryDetails"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type MultiCityOptionType struct {
- // ATA/IATA airport/city code of arrival multi city option enable to define until 20 airports/cities
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
- // Requested arrival point is an airport or a city (default is city and used only when ambiguity)
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MultipleIdentificationNumbersTypeI struct {
- // Corporate number or ALL.
- CorporateNumberIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"corporateNumberIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Corporate name.
- CorporateName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"corporateName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type NumberOfUnitDetailsType struct {
- // Number of Units
- NumberOfUnits *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number of unit qualifier
- TypeOfUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeOfUnit"`
-type NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Number of Units
- NumberOfUnits formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"numberOfUnits"`
- // Number of unit qualifier
- TypeOfUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeOfUnit"`
-type NumberOfUnitDetailsType_270113C struct {
- // Number of Units
- NumberOfUnits formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"numberOfUnits"`
- // Number of unit qualifier
- TypeOfUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeOfUnit"`
-type NumberOfUnitsType struct {
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsType_270113C `xml:"unitNumberDetail"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type NumberOfUnitsType_80154S struct {
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsType `xml:"unitNumberDetail"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type OriginAndDestinationRequestType struct {
- // Requested segment number
- SegRef formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"segRef"`
- // Forces arrival or departure, from/to the same airport/city
- LocationForcing []*ItineraryDetailsType `xml:"locationForcing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Office Name.
- OfficeName *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"officeName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Agent Sign In .
- AgentSignin formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"agentSignin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Confidential Office Name.
- ConfidentialOffice formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"confidentialOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other Office Name
- OtherOffice formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"otherOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PNRSegmentReferenceType struct {
- // For a request from PNR: this is the reference number of a PNR air segment. In case a range of PNR segments is specified (eg. segments 2-5), then it is the 1st of the range, the last being in ARR.
- PnrSegmentTattoo *formats.NumericInteger_Length0To35 `xml:"pnrSegmentTattoo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PnrSegmentQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"pnrSegmentQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PassengerItineraryInformationType struct {
- // .
- Booking formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"booking,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- Identifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"identifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- ItemNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- DateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeType `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- Designator formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"designator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- MovementType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- ProductTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"productTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingDetailsType struct {
- // Pricing ticketing Details.
- PricingTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"pricingTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TicketingDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI_194598C `xml:"ticketingDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyId *CompanyIdentificationType `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SellingPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"sellingPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TicketingPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"ticketingPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to Target Transborder Fares
- JourneyOriginPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"journeyOriginPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Contains the ARC,IATA and ERSP numbers
- CorporateId *AgentIdentificationType `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingInformationType struct {
- // Price type qualifier
- PriceType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"priceType"` // maxOccurs="50"
-type ProductDateTimeType struct {
- // .
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date"`
- // .
- Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI struct {
- // Departure date in YYYYMMDD format
- DepartureDate formats.Date_YYYYMMDD `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Departure time
- DepartureTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival date
- ArrivalDate formats.Date_YYYYMMDD `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival time
- ArrivalTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day difference between Departure date of the leg and date of reference (Departure or Arrival date specified in the SDI)
- DateVariation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI_194583C struct {
- // Ticketing Purchase Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date"`
- // Ticketing purchase date
- OtherDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"otherDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI_194598C struct {
- // First date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date"`
- // Half round trip combination.
- RtcDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"rtcDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeType_195546C struct {
- // Departure date
- DateOfDeparture formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"dateOfDeparture"`
- // Departure time
- TimeOfDeparture formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"timeOfDeparture,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival date
- DateOfArrival formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"dateOfArrival,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival time
- TimeOfArrival formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"timeOfArrival,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival date compared to departure date, only if different from 0
- DateVariation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductFacilitiesType struct {
- // Yes-No indicator whether Last Seat Available
- LastSeatAvailable formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"lastSeatAvailable,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Level of access
- LevelOfAccess formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"levelOfAccess,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Yes-No indicator whether electronic ticketing
- ElectronicTicketing formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"electronicTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product identification suffix
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Define whether a flight has been polled or not
- ProductDetailQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"productDetailQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Add some flight restrictions (See code set list)
- FlightCharacteristic []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Flight number
- FlightNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"flightNumber"`
- // Flight suffix
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_50878C struct {
- FlightNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"flightNumber"`
- BookingClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Modifier []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ProductLocationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // airport
- Station formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"station,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductTypeDetailsType struct {
- // .
- SequenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"sequenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR availability context
- AvailabilityContext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"availabilityContext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Part of the journey (C,E,S), Codeshare service (A), Technical stop at off point in a Direct (TSD), Technical stop at off point in a COG (TSC), E-Ticket candidate (ET), Prohibited Countries (RPC, WPC)
- FlightIndicator []formats.AlphaString_Length1To3 `xml:"flightIndicator"` // maxOccurs="5"
-type ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C struct {
- // Type of flight
- FlightType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"flightType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ProductTypeDetailsType_205137C struct {
- // indicates whether the flight is domestic or international
- Avl []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"avl"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type ProposedSegmentDetailsType struct {
- // Flight proposal reference
- Ref formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"ref,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Elapse Flying Time
- UnitQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProposedSegmentType struct {
- // Parameters for proposed flight group
- FlightProposal []*ProposedSegmentDetailsType `xml:"flightProposal"` // maxOccurs="9"
- // Flight characteristics.
- FlightCharacteristic formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Majority cabin
- MajCabin formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"majCabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferenceInfoType struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
- // Segment reference qualifier
- RefQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Flight or flight group reference
- RefNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length0To3 `xml:"refNumber"`
-type RoutingInformationTypeI struct {
- // Stops details
- RoutingDetails []*ProductLocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI struct {
- // traveller number
- Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI struct {
- // Segment control details
- SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type SelectionDetailsInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee type
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
- // Carrier fee status
- OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
- Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option"`
- OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetailsType struct {
- // Carrier fees options
- CarrierFeeDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationType `xml:"carrierFeeDetails"`
- OtherSelectionDetails []*SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"otherSelectionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
-type SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType struct {
- // SSR seat characteristic
- SeatCharacteristics []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"seatCharacteristics,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type SpecialRequirementsDetailsType struct {
- // To specify the Service Requirement of the customer
- ServiceRequirementsInfo *SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType `xml:"serviceRequirementsInfo"`
- // Seat details
- SeatDetails []*SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType `xml:"seatDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType struct {
- // To specify the Service Classification of the Service Requirement.
- ServiceClassification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"serviceClassification"`
- // Status
- ServiceStatus formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the number of items involved
- ServiceNumberOfInstances *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"serviceNumberOfInstances,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify to which marketing carrier the service applies
- ServiceMarketingCarrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceMarketingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify the Service group
- ServiceGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify the Service Sub-Group
- ServiceSubGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceSubGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free Text attached to the Service.
- ServiceFreeText []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"serviceFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type SpecificDataInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee description
- DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationType `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
- // Data information
- DataInformation []*DataInformationType `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type StationInformationTypeI struct {
- // Departure terminal
- Terminal formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
- // Year number. The format is a little long for short term usage but it can be reduced by implementation if required.
- Year *formats.NumericInteger_Length4To4 `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredPeriodInformationType struct {
- // Effective date of period of operation
- BeginDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"beginDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Discontinue date of period of operation
- EndDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"endDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // It is used with a period to give a restriction for days impacted. It permits for example to indicate on which days, a flight operates.
- Frequency *FrequencyType `xml:"frequency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TaxDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Duty/tax/fee rate
- Rate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country, coded
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency, coded
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Duty/Tax fee type, coded
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount type qualifier, coded
- AmountQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"amountQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TaxType struct {
- // Duty tax fee category, coded
- WithholdTaxSurcharge formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"withholdTaxSurcharge,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TaxDetail []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TicketNumberDetailsTypeI struct {
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TicketNumberTypeI struct {
- DocumentDetails []*TicketNumberDetailsTypeI `xml:"documentDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type TicketingPriceSchemeType struct {
- // PSR (Price Scheme Reference): unique reference of the price scheme as a 8 digit number.
- ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber"`
- // Price Scheme Name
- Name formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Price Scheme Status. Is the price scheme valid for service fee calculation ?
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // free flow description of the price scheme
- Description formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To250 `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TrafficRestrictionDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Traffic Restriction code
- Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TrafficRestrictionTypeI struct {
- // Traffic Restriction Details
- TrafficRestrictionDetails []*TrafficRestrictionDetailsTypeI `xml:"trafficRestrictionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type TravelFlightInformationType struct {
- // Cabin identification
- CabinId *CabinIdentificationType `xml:"cabinId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company Identification
- CompanyIdentity []*CompanyIdentificationType_120719C `xml:"companyIdentity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Type of flight details
- FlightDetail *ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details of included connecting points
- InclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C `xml:"inclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Further connection details
- ExclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType `xml:"exclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // Nb of connections for each requested segment of the journey.
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"unitNumberDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type TravelFlightInformationType_199258S struct {
- // Cabin identification
- CabinId *CabinIdentificationType_233500C `xml:"cabinId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company Identification
- CompanyIdentity []*CompanyIdentificationType_275415C `xml:"companyIdentity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Type of flight details
- FlightDetail *ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details of included connect point
- InclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C `xml:"inclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Further connection details
- ExclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType `xml:"exclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Added departed flights flag
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"unitNumberDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type TravelFlightInformationType_199585S struct {
- // Cabin identification
- CabinId *CabinIdentificationType_233500C `xml:"cabinId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company Identification
- CompanyIdentity []*CompanyIdentificationType_120719C `xml:"companyIdentity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Type of flight details
- FlightDetail *ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details of included connect point
- InclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C `xml:"inclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Further connection details
- ExclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType `xml:"exclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Nb of connections allowed at requested segment level.
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"unitNumberDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
- // Flight Date
- FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Board point
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails"`
- // Off point
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails"`
- // Flight Carrier
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails"`
- // Flight identification
- FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Identify flight part of the journey
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravelProductType struct {
- // Date and time of departure and arrival
- ProductDateTime *ProductDateTimeType_195546C `xml:"productDateTime"`
- // Location of departure and arrival
- Location []*LocationIdentificationDetailsType `xml:"location"` // maxOccurs="2"
- // Company identification
- CompanyId *CompanyIdentificationType_195544C `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Flight number or trainNumber
- FlightOrtrainNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"flightOrtrainNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product details
- ProductDetail *AdditionalProductDetailsType `xml:"productDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Additional product details
- AddProductDetail *ProductFacilitiesType `xml:"addProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_247828C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type TravellerDetailsType struct {
- // Direct reference of passenger assigned by requesting system.
- Ref formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"ref"`
- // Traveller is an infant
- InfantIndicator *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerReferenceInformationType struct {
- // Requested passenger type
- Ptc []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"ptc,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- // Traveller details
- Traveller []*TravellerDetailsType `xml:"traveller"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type UniqueIdDescriptionType struct {
- // Reference qualifier.
- PassengerFeeRefQualif formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefQualif,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type UserIdentificationType struct {
- // Originator Identification Details
- OfficeIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"officeIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to specify which kind of info is given in DE 9900.
- OfficeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"officeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The code given to an agent by the originating reservation system.
- OfficeCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To30 `xml:"officeCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ValueSearchCriteriaType struct {
- // Value search reference
- Ref formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"ref,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CriteriaName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To50 `xml:"criteriaName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CriteriaCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"criteriaCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CriteriaDetails []*CriteriaiDetaislType `xml:"criteriaDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
diff --git a/reqstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_old/structs.go b/reqstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_old/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 999ec12..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_old/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1627 +0,0 @@
-package fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_old
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/formats"
-type FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchOld struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/FMPTBQ_12_3_1A Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearch"`
- // Number of seats , recommendations.
- NumberOfUnit *NumberOfUnitsType `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Global options
- GlobalOptions *AttributeType `xml:"globalOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Traveler Details
- PaxReference []*TravellerReferenceInformationType `xml:"paxReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Customer references
- CustomerRef *ConsumerReferenceInformationType `xml:"customerRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fee with different payment forms by passenger.
- FormOfPaymentByPassenger []*FOPRepresentationType `xml:"formOfPaymentByPassenger,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="60"
- // Solution Family
- SolutionFamily []*FareInformationType `xml:"solutionFamily,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- FareFamilies []*FareFamilies `xml:"fareFamilies,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- FareOptions *FareOptions `xml:"fareOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates Price to beat
- PriceToBeat *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"priceToBeat,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tax Details
- TaxInfo []*TaxType `xml:"taxInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // Details of a Flight : Direct, Non stop...
- TravelFlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType_134790S `xml:"travelFlightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Itinerary []*Itinerary `xml:"itinerary,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="18"
- TicketChangeInfo *TicketChangeInfo `xml:"ticketChangeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CombinationFareFamilies []*CombinationFareFamilies `xml:"combinationFareFamilies,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2000"
- FeeOption []*FeeOption `xml:"feeOption,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- OfficeIdDetails []*OfficeIdDetails `xml:"officeIdDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FareFamilies struct {
- // Segment used to target Commercial Fare Family.
- FamilyInformation *FareFamilyType `xml:"familyInformation"`
- // Description of Fare Family Criteria.
- FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareFamilySegment []*FareFamilySegment `xml:"fareFamilySegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- OtherPossibleCriteria []*OtherPossibleCriteria `xml:"otherPossibleCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FareFamilySegment struct {
- // Requested segment reference
- ReferenceInfo *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceInfo"`
- // Description of fare family criteria.
- FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OtherPossibleCriteria struct {
- // Logical link with other criteria.
- LogicalLink *BooleanExpressionRuleType `xml:"logicalLink"`
- // Description of fare family criteria.
- FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareFamilySegment []*FareFamilySegment `xml:"fareFamilySegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type FareOptions struct {
- // Pricing and ticketing details.
- PricingTickInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsType `xml:"pricingTickInfo"`
- // Corporate name/number used to target fares
- Corporate *CorporateIdentificationType `xml:"corporate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticketing price scheme.
- TicketingPriceScheme *TicketingPriceSchemeType `xml:"ticketingPriceScheme,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PSR number
- FeeIdDescription *CodedAttributeType_78503S `xml:"feeIdDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to force the currency of pricing
- ConversionRate *ConversionRateType `xml:"conversionRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Form of payment information.
- FormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"formOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Frequent traveller information
- FrequentTravellerInfo *FrequentTravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"frequentTravellerInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Monetary and cabin information.
- MonetaryCabinInfo *MonetaryAndCabinInformationType `xml:"monetaryCabinInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type Itinerary struct {
- // Indicates reference of the requested segment
- RequestedSegmentRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"requestedSegmentRef"`
- // Specification of the requested departure point
- DepartureLocalization *DepartureLocationType `xml:"departureLocalization,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specification of the requested arrival point
- ArrivalLocalization *ArrivalLocalizationType `xml:"arrivalLocalization,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details on requested date and time plus range of date trip duration
- TimeDetails *DateAndTimeInformationType `xml:"timeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify Flight options.
- FlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType_134790S `xml:"flightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightInfoPNR []*FlightInfoPNR `xml:"flightInfoPNR,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- // Action identification for the requested segment
- RequestedSegmentAction *ActionIdentificationType `xml:"requestedSegmentAction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Coded attributes
- Attributes *CodedAttributeType_82309S `xml:"attributes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightInfoPNR struct {
- // Travel Response Details: - Board/Off aiports - Flight number - Part of the journey - Day difference between Board and off - Departure/Arrival dates - Departure/Arrival times
- TravelResponseDetails *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"travelResponseDetails"`
- // Time Table Effective/Discontinue dates and frequency of operating Travel Solution
- TimeTableDate *StructuredPeriodInformationType `xml:"timeTableDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Terminal,Equipment and EFT Details. If a Total EFT of the Travel Solution is requested (TEF in SFLIGQ SDT) then we will have 2 occurences of the APD attached to the first leg TVL: the 1st occurence will give the EFT of the leg, the 2nd occurence will give the total EFT of the Travel Solution.
- TerminalEquipmentDetails []*AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"terminalEquipmentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // Codeshare data
- CodeshareData *CommercialAgreementsType `xml:"codeshareData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Disclosure message from an operating carrier.
- Disclosure *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"disclosure,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Stops Details
- StopDetails *RoutingInformationTypeI `xml:"stopDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Traffic restriction information
- TrafficRestrictionData *TrafficRestrictionTypeI `xml:"trafficRestrictionData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR flight reservation info
- ReservationInfo *PassengerItineraryInformationType `xml:"reservationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- IncidentalStopInfo []*IncidentalStopInfo `xml:"incidentalStopInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type IncidentalStopInfo struct {
- // Incidental stop date/time information
- DateTimeInfo *DateAndTimeInformationTypeI `xml:"dateTimeInfo"`
-type TicketChangeInfo struct {
- // Ticket nb details.
- TicketNumberDetails *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"ticketNumberDetails"`
- TicketRequestedSegments []*TicketRequestedSegments `xml:"ticketRequestedSegments,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type TicketRequestedSegments struct {
- // Action identification.
- ActionIdentification *ActionIdentificationType `xml:"actionIdentification"`
- // Connected cities in changed ticket requested segment.
- ConnectPointDetails *ConnectionTypeI `xml:"connectPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CombinationFareFamilies struct {
- // Specification of the item number
- ItemFFCNumber *ItemNumberType `xml:"itemFFCNumber"`
- // Number of units.
- NbOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsType_80154S `xml:"nbOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Requested segment reference
- ReferenceInfo []*ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type FeeOption struct {
- // Nature of the fee (OB,OC,..)
- FeeTypeInfo *SelectionDetailsType `xml:"feeTypeInfo"`
- // Associated rate tax.
- RateTax *MonetaryInformationType_80162S `xml:"rateTax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FeeDetails struct {
- // Fee information
- FeeInfo *SpecificDataInformationType `xml:"feeInfo"`
- // Associated amounts : amounts to take into account to calculate fee.
- AssociatedAmounts *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"associatedAmounts,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FeeDescriptionGrp *FeeDescriptionGrp `xml:"feeDescriptionGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FeeDescriptionGrp struct {
- // Specification of the item number
- ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType_80866S `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
- // Attributes (SSR code EMD, RFIC, SSIM)
- ServiceAttributesInfo *AttributeType_61377S `xml:"serviceAttributesInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other service information (service description, ...)
- ServiceDescriptionInfo *SpecialRequirementsDetailsType `xml:"serviceDescriptionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OfficeIdDetails struct {
- // Office Id Information
- OfficeIdInformation *UserIdentificationType `xml:"officeIdInformation"`
- // Number of units.
- NbOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsType_80154S `xml:"nbOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // UID option
- UidOption *CodedAttributeType `xml:"uidOption,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Pricing and ticketing details.
- PricingTickInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsType `xml:"pricingTickInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Corporate fare information
- CorporateFareInfo *CorporateFareInformationType `xml:"corporateFareInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details of a Flight : Direct, Non stop...
- TravelFlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType `xml:"travelFlightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AirlineDistributionDetails []*AirlineDistributionDetails `xml:"airlineDistributionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type AirlineDistributionDetails struct {
- // Indicates reference of the requested segment
- RequestedSegmentRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"requestedSegmentRef"`
- // Specify Flight options.
- FlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType `xml:"flightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ActionIdentificationType struct {
- // Action request code
- ActionRequestCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"actionRequestCode"`
- ProductDetails *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_50878C `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Flight details
- LegDetails *AdditionalProductTypeI `xml:"legDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Departure station
- DepartureStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"departureStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ArrivalStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"arrivalStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ground Time Details when connection
- MileageTimeDetails *MileageTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileageTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AdditionalProductTypeI struct {
- // Equipment type
- Equipment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"equipment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Elaps flying time of the leg
- Duration *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"duration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // COG indicator
- ComplexingFlightIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"complexingFlightIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AgentIdentificationType struct {
- // Contains ARC number
- ArcNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"arcNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ERSP number of the Office or Customer
- ErspNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"erspNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // IATA Number
- IataNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"iataNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ArithmeticEvaluationType struct {
- // Boolean operator
- CodeOperator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"codeOperator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ArrivalLocalizationType struct {
- // Details on the location of the arrival point
- ArrivalPointDetails *ArrivalLocationDetailsType `xml:"arrivalPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival multi city option
- ArrivalMultiCity []*MultiCityOptionType `xml:"arrivalMultiCity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_139508C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type ArrivalLocationDetailsType struct {
- // For Radius: This is the length of the requested radius around the location of destination.
- Distance *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"distance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Distance unit qualifier for radius
- DistanceUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"distanceUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ATA/IATA airport/city code of arrival In case of SP request from a PNR, this field is empty.
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Request from no PNR A = consider the locationID specified as an airport (used only when ambiguous) C = consider the locationId as a city (used only when ambiguous) A and C are not used in case of a request from PNR Request from a PNR with Radius option: O = radius applies to the origin of the PNR segments D = radius applies to the destination of the PNR segments
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Latitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere N=north S=south
- Latitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"latitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Longitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere E=east, W=west
- Longitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"longitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ArrivalLocationDetailsType_120834C struct {
- // For Radius: This is the length of the requested radius around the location of origin.
- Distance *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"distance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Distance unit qualifier for radius
- DistanceUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"distanceUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ATA/IATA airport/city code of arrival In case of SP request from a PNR, this field is empty.
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Request from no PNR A = consider the locationID specified as an airport (used only when ambiguous) C = consider the locationId as a city (used only when ambiguous) A and C are not used in case of a request from PNR Request from a PNR with Radius option: O = radius applies to the origin of the PNR segments D = radius applies to the destination of the PNR segments
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Latitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere N=north S=south
- Latitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"latitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Longitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere E=east, W=west
- Longitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"longitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeInformationType struct {
- // Code of options
- Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option"`
- // Mandatory when alternate date option is used (ALT), must be set to plus (P) or minus (M) a number of days around the original PNR segment dates. E.g.: M1 (for minus 1 day) or P100 (for plus 100 days)
- OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeInformationType_97181C struct {
- // Attribute type
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute description
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To256 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeType struct {
- // Option parameters
- SelectionDetails []*AttributeInformationType `xml:"selectionDetails"` // maxOccurs="10"
-type AttributeType_61377S struct {
- // Criteria Set Type
- AttributeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"attributeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Criteria details
- AttributeDetails []*AttributeInformationType_97181C `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type BooleanExpressionRuleType struct {
- // Boolean expression associated to the decision rule.
- BooleanExpression *ArithmeticEvaluationType `xml:"booleanExpression"`
-type CabinClassDesignationType struct {
- // Cabin designator.
- CabinDesignator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabinDesignator"`
-type CabinIdentificationType struct {
- // Cabin qualifier. For Star Pricer,MD stands for Mandatory Cabin qualifier. For other products no qualifier stands for Mandatory Cabin.
- CabinQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"cabinQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Cabin
- Cabin []formats.AlphaString_Length0To1 `xml:"cabin"` // maxOccurs="3"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
- // Attribute type identification
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute Description
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_120700C struct {
- // Type of fee/reduction
- FeeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"feeType"`
- // Fee Id Number
- FeeIdNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To50 `xml:"feeIdNumber"`
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_120742C struct {
- // Name.
- Name formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"name"`
- // Value.
- Value []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_125859C struct {
- // Attribute type
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute description
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To50 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_139508C struct {
- // Attribute type
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Value.
- Value []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type CodedAttributeType struct {
- // Atrribute details.
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type CodedAttributeType_78503S struct {
- // Fee/reduction Id
- FeeId []*CodedAttributeInformationType_120700C `xml:"feeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type CodedAttributeType_82309S struct {
- // Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_125859C `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type CommercialAgreementsType struct {
- // Codeshare Details
- CodeshareDetails *CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"codeshareDetails"`
- // Other codeshare details
- OtherCodeshareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"otherCodeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type CompanyIdentificationType struct {}
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // Carrier code
- MarketingCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"marketingCompany"`
-type CompanyIdentificationType_120719C struct {
- // Item description identification.
- CarrierQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To1 `xml:"carrierQualifier"`
- // carrier id
- CarrierId []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"carrierId"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type CompanyRoleIdentificationType struct {
- // Codeshare qualifier
- TransportStageQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"transportStageQualifier"`
- // company identification
- AirlineDesignator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"airlineDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // flight number
- FlightNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"flightNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // suffix
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConnectPointDetailsType struct {
- // Exclusion identification
- ExclusionIdentifier formats.AlphaString_Length0To1 `xml:"exclusionIdentifier"`
- // Place or Location identification
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
- // Airport/city qualifier
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C struct {
- // Inclusion identification
- InclusionIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To1 `xml:"inclusionIdentifier"`
- // Place or Location identification
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
- // Airport/city qualifier
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConnectionDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Location
- Location formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"location"`
-type ConnectionTypeI struct {
- // Connection details.
- ConnectionDetails []*ConnectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"connectionDetails"` // maxOccurs="17"
-type ConsumerReferenceIdentificationTypeI struct {
- ReferenceQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"referenceQualifier"`
- ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ReferencePartyName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referencePartyName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TravellerReferenceNbr formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"travellerReferenceNbr,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConsumerReferenceInformationType struct {
- // Customer references
- CustomerReferences []*ConsumerReferenceIdentificationTypeI `xml:"customerReferences"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type ConversionRateDetailsType struct {
- // Conversion type
- ConversionType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency"`
-type ConversionRateType struct {
- // Detail of conversion rate of First Monetary Unit
- ConversionRateDetail []*ConversionRateDetailsType `xml:"conversionRateDetail"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type CorporateFareIdentifiersType struct {
- // Indicates the type of corporate fares requested
- FareQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Corporate contract number or name
- IdentifyNumber []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identifyNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type CorporateFareInformationType struct {
- // Corporate fare identifiers
- CorporateFareIdentifiers *CorporateFareIdentifiersType `xml:"corporateFareIdentifiers,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CorporateIdentificationType struct {
- // Corporate identity
- CorporateId []*CorporateIdentityType `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type CorporateIdentityType struct {
- // Indicates if 1A corporate (RC) or Unifare corporate (RW) requested.
- CorporateQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"corporateQualifier"`
- // Corporate contract number or name
- Identity []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"identity"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type DataInformationType struct {
- // Ancillary services options
- Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DataTypeInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee code
- SubType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"subType"`
- // Status (automated, manually added, exempted). Default is automated
- Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsType struct {
- // Trip Duration type(Plus,Minus,Combined)
- FlexibilityQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"flexibilityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number of days added or/and retrieved to the trip duration
- TripInterval *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"tripInterval,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Period between date of departure and date of arrival
- TripDuration *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"tripDuration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Toidentify type of time Arrival/Departure
- TimeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"timeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Time
- Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Time window size in hours
- TimeWindow formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"timeWindow,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI_120740C struct {
- // Date time period qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First Time
- Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- Qualifier2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Reserved1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"reserved1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Reserved2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length3To5 `xml:"reserved2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsType_120843C struct {
- // To identify type of range (Plus,Minus or combined)
- RangeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"rangeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Range of dates : Number of Days preceding or/and Following the request departure date
- DayInterval *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"dayInterval,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Time at destination (local)
- TimeAtdestination *formats.NumericInteger_Length4To4 `xml:"timeAtdestination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeInformationType struct {
- // Details on date and Time
- FirstDateTimeDetail *DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"firstDateTimeDetail"`
- // Details of the Requested Range of Dates
- RangeOfDate *DateAndTimeDetailsType_120843C `xml:"rangeOfDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details of the trip duration
- TripDetails *DateAndTimeDetailsType `xml:"tripDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeInformationTypeI struct {
- DateTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI_120740C `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type DepartureLocationType struct {
- // Details on localization of the departure point
- DeparturePoint *ArrivalLocationDetailsType_120834C `xml:"departurePoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Departure multi city option
- DepMultiCity []*MultiCityOptionType `xml:"depMultiCity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // To specify a series or a range of PNR segments
- FirstPnrSegmentRef *PNRSegmentReferenceType `xml:"firstPnrSegmentRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_139508C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FOPRepresentationType struct {
- // Form of payment information.
- FormOfPaymentDetails *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"formOfPaymentDetails"`
- // Fee/Reduction Passenger reference.
- PassengerFeeReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"passengerFeeReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetailsType struct {
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate
- Rate *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Category
- FareCategory formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareFamilyCriteriaType struct {
- // Fare publishing carrier.
- CarrierId []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"carrierId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Reservation booking designator.
- Rdb []formats.AlphaString_Length1To2 `xml:"rdb,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Fare family info.
- FareFamilyInfo *FareQualifierInformationType `xml:"fareFamilyInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare product detail.
- FareProductDetail []*FareProductDetailsType `xml:"fareProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Corporate information.
- CorporateInfo []*MultipleIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"corporateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Indicates flight cabin details.
- CabinProduct []*CabinClassDesignationType `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Cabin processing option.
- CabinProcessingIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"cabinProcessingIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product date or time.
- DateTimeDetails []*ProductDateTimeTypeI_194583C `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Other criteria.
- OtherCriteria []*CodedAttributeInformationType_120742C `xml:"otherCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FareFamilyDetailsType struct {
- // Commercial fare Family Short name
- CommercialFamily formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"commercialFamily"`
-type FareFamilyType struct {
- // Fare Family Reference Number
- RefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Family Short Name
- FareFamilyname formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"fareFamilyname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Hierarchy *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"hierarchy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates Commercial Fare Family Short names
- CommercialFamilyDetails []*FareFamilyDetailsType `xml:"commercialFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FareInformationType struct {
- // Value Qualifier
- ValueQualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Value
- Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsType `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Identity Number
- IdentityNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Type Grouping
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationType `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate Category
- RateCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareProductDetailsType struct {
- // Fare basis code
- FareBasis formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To18 `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type of fare
- FareType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"fareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type FareQualifierInformationType struct {
- // Fare family combinability.
- FareFamilyQual []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"fareFamilyQual"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type FareTypeGroupingInformationType struct {
- // Pricing Group
- PricingGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Form of payment identification
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
- // amount to be charged on this form
- ChargedAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To12 `xml:"chargedAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference number
- CreditCardNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FormOfPaymentTypeI struct {
- FormOfPaymentDetails []*FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI `xml:"formOfPaymentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
- // Qualifier of the free text. Always literal in our usage.
- TextSubjectQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Type of the free text. Always 7 for our usage.
- InformationType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Source of the information.
- Source formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"source"`
- // Encoding method used.
- Encoding formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"encoding"`
-type FreeTextInformationType struct {
- // Details for the free text message
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType `xml:"freeTextDetails"`
- // Free text corresponding to the DEI 127 data.
- FreeText formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"freeText"`
-type FrequencyType struct {
- // Indicate if the sequence number represents days of the week or days of the month.
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Used to represent days of the week. 1 is monday and 7 is sunday.
- Value []*formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="7"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // carrier
- Carrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"carrier"`
- // Frequent traveller number
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Customer reference
- CustomerReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tier level
- TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Priority code
- PriorityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tier description
- TierDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FrequentTravellerInformationTypeI struct {
- // Frequent traveller details
- FrequentTravellerDetails []*FrequentTravellerIdentificationTypeI `xml:"frequentTravellerDetails"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType struct {
- // Fare family combination number
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Responsible agency
- ResponsibleAgency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberType struct {
- // Indicates the fare family combination number
- ItemNumberId *ItemNumberIdentificationType `xml:"itemNumberId"`
-type ItemNumberType_80866S struct {
- // Item number details
- ItemNumberDetails *ItemNumberIdentificationType `xml:"itemNumberDetails"`
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
- // Reference Qualifier.
- PassengerFeeRefType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference number.
- PassengerFeeRefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unique id description.
- OtherCharacteristics *UniqueIdDescriptionType `xml:"otherCharacteristics,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItineraryDetailsType struct {
- // Airport/City Qualifier: the passenger wants to depart/arrive from/to the same airport or city in the specified requested segment
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier"`
- // Requested segment number
- SegmentNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"segmentNumber"`
-type LocationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Place or Location identification
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
- // Country, coded
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationTypeI struct {
- // Departure or Arrival IATA airport code
- TrueLocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"trueLocationId"`
-type MileageTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Ground Time in minutes at Board point (connection with incoming flight)
- ElapsedGroundTime *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"elapsedGroundTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryAndCabinInformationDetailsType struct {
- // Amount qualifier.
- AmountType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"amountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount
- Amount formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"amount"`
- // ISO currency code
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Airport/city code
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Cabin class designator
- CabinClassDesignator []formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabinClassDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type MonetaryAndCabinInformationType struct {
- // Monetary and cabin information.
- MoneyAndCabinInfo []*MonetaryAndCabinInformationDetailsType `xml:"moneyAndCabinInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Monetary amount type qualifier, coded
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Allowance or charge number
- Amount formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"amount"`
- // Currency, coded
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_194597C struct {
- // Monetary amount type qualifier, coded
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Allowance or charge number
- Amount formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"amount"`
- // Currency, coded
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Place or Location identification
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65140C struct {
- // Qualifier
- TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65141C struct {
- // Qualifier
- TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location
- Location formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationType struct {
- MoneyInfo *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"moneyInfo"`
- AdditionalMoneyInfo []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_194597C `xml:"additionalMoneyInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
- // Monetary info
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65141C `xml:"monetaryDetails"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type MonetaryInformationType_80162S struct {
- // Monetary info
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65140C `xml:"monetaryDetails"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type MultiCityOptionType struct {
- // ATA/IATA airport/city code of arrival multi city option enable to define until 20 airports/cities
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
- // Requested arrival point is an airport or a city (default is city and used only when ambiguity)
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MultipleIdentificationNumbersTypeI struct {
- // Corporate number or ALL.
- CorporateNumberIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"corporateNumberIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Corporate name.
- CorporateName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"corporateName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type NumberOfUnitDetailsType struct {
- // Number of Units
- NumberOfUnits *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number of unit qualifier
- TypeOfUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeOfUnit"`
-type NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Number of Units
- NumberOfUnits formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"numberOfUnits"`
- // Number of unit qualifier
- TypeOfUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeOfUnit"`
-type NumberOfUnitDetailsType_191580C struct {
- // Number of Units
- NumberOfUnits formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"numberOfUnits"`
- // Number of unit qualifier
- TypeOfUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeOfUnit"`
-type NumberOfUnitsType struct {
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsType_191580C `xml:"unitNumberDetail"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type NumberOfUnitsType_80154S struct {
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsType `xml:"unitNumberDetail"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type OriginAndDestinationRequestType struct {
- // Requested segment number
- SegRef formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"segRef"`
- // Forces arrival or departure, from/to the same airport/city
- LocationForcing []*ItineraryDetailsType `xml:"locationForcing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Office Name.
- OfficeName *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"officeName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Agent Sign In .
- AgentSignin formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"agentSignin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Confidential Office Name.
- ConfidentialOffice formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"confidentialOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other Office Name
- OtherOffice formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"otherOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PNRSegmentReferenceType struct {
- // For a request from PNR: this is the reference number of a PNR air segment. In case a range of PNR segments is specified (eg. segments 2-5), then it is the 1st of the range, the last being in ARR.
- PnrSegmentTattoo *formats.NumericInteger_Length0To35 `xml:"pnrSegmentTattoo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PnrSegmentQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"pnrSegmentQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PassengerItineraryInformationType struct {
- // .
- Booking formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"booking,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- Identifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"identifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- ItemNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- DateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeType `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- Designator formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"designator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- MovementType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // .
- ProductTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"productTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingDetailsType struct {
- // Pricing ticketing Details.
- PricingTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"pricingTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TicketingDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI_194598C `xml:"ticketingDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyId *CompanyIdentificationType `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SellingPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"sellingPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TicketingPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"ticketingPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to Target Transborder Fares
- JourneyOriginPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"journeyOriginPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Contains the ARC,IATA and ERSP numbers
- CorporateId *AgentIdentificationType `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingInformationType struct {
- // Price type qualifier
- PriceType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"priceType"` // maxOccurs="50"
-type ProductDateTimeType struct {
- // .
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date"`
- // .
- Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI struct {
- // Departure date in YYYYMMDD format
- DepartureDate formats.Date_YYYYMMDD `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Departure time
- DepartureTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival date
- ArrivalDate formats.Date_YYYYMMDD `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival time
- ArrivalTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day difference between Departure date of the leg and date of reference (Departure or Arrival date specified in the SDI)
- DateVariation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI_194583C struct {
- // Ticketing Purchase Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date"`
- // Ticketing purchase date
- OtherDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"otherDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI_194598C struct {
- // First date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date"`
- // Half round trip combination.
- RtcDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"rtcDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Flight number
- FlightNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"flightNumber"`
- // Flight suffix
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_50878C struct {
- FlightNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"flightNumber"`
- BookingClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Modifier []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ProductLocationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // airport
- Station formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"station,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductTypeDetailsType struct {
- // .
- SequenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"sequenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR availability context
- AvailabilityContext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"availabilityContext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Part of the journey (C,E,S), Codeshare service (A), Technical stop at off point in a Direct (TSD), Technical stop at off point in a COG (TSC), E-Ticket candidate (ET), Prohibited Countries (RPC, WPC)
- FlightIndicator []formats.AlphaString_Length1To3 `xml:"flightIndicator"` // maxOccurs="5"
-type ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C struct {
- // Type of flight
- FlightType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"flightType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ReferenceInfoType struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
- // Segment reference qualifier
- RefQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Flight or flight group reference
- RefNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length0To3 `xml:"refNumber"`
-type RoutingInformationTypeI struct {
- // Stops details
- RoutingDetails []*ProductLocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type SelectionDetailsInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee type
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
- // Carrier fee status
- OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
- Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option"`
- OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetailsType struct {
- // Carrier fees options
- CarrierFeeDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationType `xml:"carrierFeeDetails"`
- OtherSelectionDetails []*SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"otherSelectionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
-type SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType struct {
- // SSR seat characteristic
- SeatCharacteristics []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"seatCharacteristics,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type SpecialRequirementsDetailsType struct {
- // To specify the Service Requirement of the customer
- ServiceRequirementsInfo *SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType `xml:"serviceRequirementsInfo"`
- // Seat details
- SeatDetails []*SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType `xml:"seatDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType struct {
- // To specify the Service Classification of the Service Requirement.
- ServiceClassification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"serviceClassification"`
- // Status
- ServiceStatus formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the number of items involved
- ServiceNumberOfInstances *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"serviceNumberOfInstances,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify to which marketing carrier the service applies
- ServiceMarketingCarrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceMarketingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify the Service group
- ServiceGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify the Service Sub-Group
- ServiceSubGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceSubGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free Text attached to the Service.
- ServiceFreeText []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"serviceFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type SpecificDataInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee description
- DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationType `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
- // Data information
- DataInformation []*DataInformationType `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type StationInformationTypeI struct {
- // Departure terminal
- Terminal formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
- // Year number. The format is a little long for short term usage but it can be reduced by implementation if required.
- Year *formats.NumericInteger_Length4To4 `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredPeriodInformationType struct {
- // Effective date of period of operation
- BeginDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"beginDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Discontinue date of period of operation
- EndDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"endDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // It is used with a period to give a restriction for days impacted. It permits for example to indicate on which days, a flight operates.
- Frequency *FrequencyType `xml:"frequency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TaxDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Duty/tax/fee rate
- Rate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country, coded
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency, coded
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Duty/Tax fee type, coded
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount type qualifier, coded
- AmountQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"amountQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TaxType struct {
- // Duty tax fee category, coded
- WithholdTaxSurcharge formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"withholdTaxSurcharge,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TaxDetail []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TicketNumberDetailsTypeI struct {
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TicketNumberTypeI struct {
- DocumentDetails []*TicketNumberDetailsTypeI `xml:"documentDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type TicketingPriceSchemeType struct {
- // PSR (Price Scheme Reference): unique reference of the price scheme as a 8 digit number.
- ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber"`
- // Price Scheme Name
- Name formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Price Scheme Status. Is the price scheme valid for service fee calculation ?
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // free flow description of the price scheme
- Description formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To250 `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TrafficRestrictionDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Traffic Restriction code
- Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TrafficRestrictionTypeI struct {
- // Traffic Restriction Details
- TrafficRestrictionDetails []*TrafficRestrictionDetailsTypeI `xml:"trafficRestrictionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type TravelFlightInformationType struct {
- // Cabin identification
- CabinId *CabinIdentificationType `xml:"cabinId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company Identification
- CompanyIdentity []*CompanyIdentificationType_120719C `xml:"companyIdentity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Type of flight details
- FlightDetail *ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details of included connecting points
- InclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C `xml:"inclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Further connection details
- ExclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType `xml:"exclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // Nb of connections for each requested segment of the journey.
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"unitNumberDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type TravelFlightInformationType_134790S struct {
- // Cabin identification
- CabinId *CabinIdentificationType `xml:"cabinId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company Identification
- CompanyIdentity []*CompanyIdentificationType_120719C `xml:"companyIdentity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Type of flight details
- FlightDetail *ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details of included connect point
- InclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C `xml:"inclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Further connection details
- ExclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType `xml:"exclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Nb of connections allowed at requested segment level.
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"unitNumberDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
- // Flight Date
- FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Board point
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails"`
- // Off point
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails"`
- // Flight Carrier
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails"`
- // Flight identification
- FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Identify flight part of the journey
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerDetailsType struct {
- // Direct reference of passenger assigned by requesting system.
- Ref formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"ref"`
- // Traveller is an infant
- InfantIndicator *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerReferenceInformationType struct {
- // Requested passenger type
- Ptc []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"ptc,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
- // Traveller details
- Traveller []*TravellerDetailsType `xml:"traveller"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type UniqueIdDescriptionType struct {
- // Reference qualifier.
- PassengerFeeRefQualif formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefQualif,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type UserIdentificationType struct {
- // Originator Identification Details
- OfficeIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"officeIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to specify which kind of info is given in DE 9900.
- OfficeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"officeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The code given to an agent by the originating reservation system.
- OfficeCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To30 `xml:"officeCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9a3a42e..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/fare_pricepnrwithbookingclass/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-package fare_pricepnrwithbookingclass
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/formats"
-type FarePricePNRWithBookingClass struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TPCBRQ_14_1_1A Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass"`
- PricingOptionGroup []*PricingOptionGroup `xml:"pricingOptionGroup"` // maxOccurs="999"
-type PricingOptionGroup struct {
- PricingOptionKey *PricingOptionKey `xml:"pricingOptionKey"`
- OptionDetail *AttributeType `xml:"optionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CarrierInformation *TransportIdentifierType `xml:"carrierInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Currency *CurrenciesType `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PenDisInformation *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationType `xml:"penDisInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TaxInformation []*DutyTaxFeeDetailsType `xml:"taxInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- DateInformation []*StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"dateInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- FrequentFlyerInformation *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"frequentFlyerInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FormOfPaymentInformation *FormOfPaymentType `xml:"formOfPaymentInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LocationInformation *PlaceLocationIdentificationType `xml:"locationInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PaxSegTstReference *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"paxSegTstReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type AttributeInformationTypeU struct {
- // Used for attribute value rather than attributeType
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"attributeType"`
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To256 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeType struct {
- // Details for the message criteria (name, value).
- CriteriaDetails []*AttributeInformationTypeU `xml:"criteriaDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
- OtherCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CurrenciesType struct {
- FirstCurrencyDetails *CurrencyDetailsTypeU `xml:"firstCurrencyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CurrencyDetailsTypeU struct {
- CurrencyQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currencyQualifier"`
- CurrencyIsoCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currencyIsoCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountAndPenaltyInformationType struct {
- DiscountPenaltyQualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"discountPenaltyQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DiscountPenaltyDetails []*DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationType `xml:"discountPenaltyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationType struct {
- Function formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"function,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AmountType formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"amountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Rate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Currency formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DutyTaxFeeAccountDetailType struct {
- IsoCountry formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"isoCountry"`
-type DutyTaxFeeDetailType struct {
- TaxRate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"taxRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TaxValueQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"taxValueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DutyTaxFeeDetailsType struct {
- TaxQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"taxQualifier"`
- TaxType *DutyTaxFeeAccountDetailType `xml:"taxType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TaxNature formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To15 `xml:"taxNature,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TaxData *DutyTaxFeeDetailType `xml:"taxData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FormOfPaymentDetailsType struct {
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"type"`
- Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CreditCardNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FormOfPaymentType struct {
- // Details on the form of payment
- FormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentDetailsType `xml:"formOfPayment"`
- OtherFormOfPayment []*FormOfPaymentDetailsType `xml:"otherFormOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType struct {
- // Frequent Traveller Info
- FrequentTravellerDetails []*FrequentTravellerIdentificationType `xml:"frequentTravellerDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType struct {
- // Carrier where the FQTV is registered.
- Carrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"carrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To28 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify a Tier linked to the FQTV
- TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // For example : priority code
- PriorityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
- TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To35 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // location
- Location formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationType struct {
- MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type PlaceLocationIdentificationType struct {
- LocationType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"locationType"`
- FirstLocationDetails *RelatedLocationOneIdentificationType `xml:"firstLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SecondLocationDetails *RelatedLocationTwoIdentificationType `xml:"secondLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingOptionKey struct {
- PricingOptionKey formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"pricingOptionKey"`
-type ReferenceInfoType struct {
- ReferenceDetails []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referenceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To60 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RelatedLocationOneIdentificationType struct {
- Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RelatedLocationTwoIdentificationType struct {
- Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeInformationType struct {
- BusinessSemantic formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"businessSemantic"`
- // Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
- // Year number.
- Year formats.Year_YYYY `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month formats.Month_mM `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day formats.Day_nN `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TransportIdentifierType struct {
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
diff --git a/reqstructs/fare_pricepnrwithbookingclass_old/structs.go b/reqstructs/fare_pricepnrwithbookingclass_old/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 7438979..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/fare_pricepnrwithbookingclass_old/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,547 +0,0 @@
-package fare_pricepnrwithbookingclass_old
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/formats"
-type FarePricePNRWithBookingClassOld struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TPCBRQ_12_4_1A Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass"`
- // PNR record locator information for this transaction. This PNR record locator is used for tracing purpose, no internal retrieve.
- PnrLocatorData *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"pnrLocatorData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger segment association of the transaction. Several passengers and/or segments can be priced in the same transaction.
- PaxSegReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI_94605S `xml:"paxSegReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Information on the pricing override request
- OverrideInformation *CodedAttributeType `xml:"overrideInformation"`
- // Booking date override information.
- DateOverride *StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"dateOverride,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Validating carrier override information.
- ValidatingCarrier *TransportIdentifierType `xml:"validatingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Point of sale and point of ticketing override.
- CityOverride *PointOfSaleInformationTypeU `xml:"cityOverride,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency override information. 1st C661 : currency to use for pricing. 2nd C661 : fare selection currency.
- CurrencyOverride *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"currencyOverride,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details about taxes specified in the request. The number of repetition is 60, as we can have 60 taxes.
- TaxDetails []*DutyTaxFeeDetailsTypeU `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="60"
- DiscountInformation []*DiscountInformation `xml:"discountInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- PricingFareBase []*PricingFareBase `xml:"pricingFareBase,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1584"
- FlightInformation []*FlightInformation `xml:"flightInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="16"
- OpenSegmentsInformation []*OpenSegmentsInformation `xml:"openSegmentsInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- BookingClassSelection []*BookingClassSelection `xml:"bookingClassSelection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="16"
- FopInformation *FopInformation `xml:"fopInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Commercial Agreements with specific Carrier, Ex: Award publishing Carrier.
- CarrierAgreements *CommercialAgreementsTypeI `xml:"carrierAgreements,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FrequentFlyerInformation []*FrequentFlyerInformation `xml:"frequentFlyerInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- InstantPricingOption *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"instantPricingOption,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountInformation struct {
- // Penalty/discount/Fees details specified in the request.
- PenDisInformation *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"penDisInformation"`
- // Passenger or segments qualifiers
- ReferenceQualifier *ReferenceInformationTypeI_94606S `xml:"referenceQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingFareBase struct {
- // Segment details for pricing by fare basis request.
- FareBasisOptions *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareBasisOptions"`
- // Reference of segments associated to a fare basis. S- indicator for segment
- FareBasisSegReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI_94606S `xml:"fareBasisSegReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // provides the dates for fare basis : Not Valid Before and Not Valid After dates.
- FareBasisDates []*StructuredDateTimeInformationType_94602S `xml:"fareBasisDates,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // In this segment you can specify the passengers
- PassengerTattoo *ReferenceInformationType_94604S `xml:"passengerTattoo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightInformation struct {
- // Override options for itinerary specified in the request (breakpoint, turnaround, ...).
- ItineraryOptions *TravelItineraryInformationTypeI `xml:"itineraryOptions"`
- // Reference of segments (tattoo number) associated to the override option : point of turnaround, connexion... 'S' is the only reference qualifier relevant here.
- ItinerarySegReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI_94610S `xml:"itinerarySegReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OpenSegmentsInformation struct {
- // Extra segment specified in the request. This segment is not part of the PNR.
- ExtendedItinerary *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"extendedItinerary"`
- // Reference of segments (tattoo number) associated to extended itinerary option. 'S' is the only reference qualifier relevant here.
- ExtendedItinerarySegReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI_94610S `xml:"extendedItinerarySegReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type BookingClassSelection struct {
- // Contains the list of booking classes requested per segment. This option is valid only for Best buy messages.
- BookingClassList *ProductInformationTypeI `xml:"bookingClassList"`
- // The REF segment is used to indicate the segment associated to the booking codes option selected.
- BookCodeSegAsso *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"bookCodeSegAsso"`
-type FopInformation struct {
- // Form of payment
- Fop *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"fop"`
-type FrequentFlyerInformation struct {
- // Used for tier level override
- FlequentFlyerdetails *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"flequentFlyerdetails"`
- // Pax
- PassengerReference *ReferenceInformationType `xml:"passengerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Segment
- FlightReference *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"flightReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Primary code of the fare basis. This is not a codeset but a free flow text field.
- PrimaryCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"primaryCode"`
- // Fare basis code of the fare basis. This is not a codeset but a free flow text field.
- FareBasisCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"fareBasisCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticket designator of the fare basis
- TicketDesignator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"ticketDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // provides the routing Number.
- DiscTktDesignator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"discTktDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
- // provides the attribute type
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"attributeType"`
- // provides a description for the attribute
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To100 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeType struct {
- // provides details for the Attribute
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="30"
-type CommercialAgreementsTypeI struct {
- // Company options
- CompanyDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // Code of the airline
- CarrierCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyRoleIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // Option qualifier.
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier"`
- // company identification
- Company formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"company,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Currency of the rate
- CurrencyCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RateType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"rateType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount/percentage
- Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To11 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
- // Used for fare override, e.g. /FC-USD
- FirstRateDetail *ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"firstRateDetail"`
- // Used for fare selection, e.g. /FS-USD
- SecondRateDetail *ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"secondRateDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
- // Qualify the type of information. -Penalties are not passenger associated and are pure monetary information. Discount are passenger associated but only discount code is specified. -The type can be for Zapp off discount which is segment associated. -The type of Fee: OB are neither passenger associated nor segment associated.
- InfoQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"infoQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to specify penalty information
- PenDisData []*DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"penDisData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="16"
-type DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
- // Type of discount/penalty/fee
- PenaltyType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"penaltyType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The amount Type can be a percentage or an amount
- PenaltyQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"penaltyQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // specify the value
- PenaltyAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To11 `xml:"penaltyAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // provides the discount or Fee code
- DiscountCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To11 `xml:"discountCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // penalty currency code
- PenaltyCurrency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"penaltyCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DutyTaxFeeAccountDetailTypeU struct {
- // Iso country of the tax
- IsoCountry formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"isoCountry"`
-type DutyTaxFeeDetailTypeU struct {
- // Tax override value
- TaxRate *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To9 `xml:"taxRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tax value qualifier will be either amount or percentage.
- TaxValueQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"taxValueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DutyTaxFeeDetailsTypeU struct {
- // Tax data qualifier
- TaxQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"taxQualifier"`
- // Tax type identification
- TaxIdentification *DutyTaxFeeTypeDetailsTypeU `xml:"taxIdentification"`
- // Type of the tax
- TaxType *DutyTaxFeeAccountDetailTypeU `xml:"taxType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Nature of the tax
- TaxNature formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"taxNature,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tax fare data information
- TaxData *DutyTaxFeeDetailTypeU `xml:"taxData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DutyTaxFeeTypeDetailsTypeU struct {
- // Tax type identifier
- TaxIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"taxIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetailsTypeI struct {
-type FareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Type of movement for this segment to take into account by Fare Quote to calculate the fare.
- MovementType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This composite contains the block ID called Pax-fare basis association
- BlockPaxSegmentDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"blockPaxSegmentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare basis detail
- FareBasisDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareBasisDetails"`
-type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Type of Form Of Payment (Credit card, cash, check...).
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // amount to be charged on this form
- ChargedAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To12 `xml:"chargedAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // It is mandatory if the Form of Payment at pricing was a credit card with a bin number. It may only occur for Credit Card Types. It is composed of the first 6 bin numbers of the credit card. Wildcards are not possible.
- CreditCardNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FormOfPaymentTypeI struct {
- FormOfPayment []*FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI `xml:"formOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType struct {
- // Frequent Traveller Info
- FrequentTravellerDetails *FrequentTravellerIdentificationType `xml:"frequentTravellerDetails"`
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType struct {
- // Carrier where the FQTV is registered.
- Carrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"carrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify a Tier level
- TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationTypeI struct {
- // code of the city
- CityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"cityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationTypeU struct {
- // Code of the city
- CityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"cityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Qualifier of the city
- CityQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"cityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
- TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To35 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationType struct {
- // Indicate - Action type: IPA - Amount - Currency
- MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
-type PointOfSaleInformationTypeU struct {
- // Detail on city to override
- CityDetail []*LocationTypeU `xml:"cityDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type ProductDetailsTypeI struct {
- Designator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"designator"`
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // OPEN or AIR are the two identifications accepted. OPEN means the segment described here is an open segment. AIR means that it is a valid AIR segment
- Identification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"identification"`
- // Class of service to use in order to price the extra segment.
- ClassOfService formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"classOfService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductInformationTypeI struct {
- BookingClassDetails []*ProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"bookingClassDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
-type ProductTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Different types of flight
- FlightType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"flightType"`
- // Other types of flights as combination might happen
- OtherFlightTypes []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"otherFlightTypes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type ReferenceInfoType struct {
- ReferenceDetails []*ReferencingDetailsType_191491C `xml:"referenceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type ReferenceInformationType struct {
- // Used to convey the passenger tatoo or display number.
- PassengerReference []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"passengerReference"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
- // The segment reference details
- ReferenceDetails *ReferencingDetailsTypeI_47428C `xml:"referenceDetails"`
-type ReferenceInformationTypeI_94605S struct {
- // Passenger/segment/TST/fare reference details
- RefDetails []*ReferencingDetailsTypeI_142222C `xml:"refDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferenceInformationTypeI_94606S struct {
- // Passenger/segment/TST/fare reference details
- RefDetails []*ReferencingDetailsTypeI_142223C `xml:"refDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferenceInformationTypeI_94610S struct {
- // segment reference details
- RefDetails *ReferencingDetailsTypeI_142223C `xml:"refDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferenceInformationType_94604S struct {
- // Used to convey the passenger tatoo or display number.
- PassengerReference []*ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"passengerReference"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"type"`
- Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To60 `xml:"value"`
-type ReferencingDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Passenger tattoo type P. It is possible to choose Adult passenger or Infant Passenger
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
- // Passenger tattoo
- Value formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"value"`
-type ReferencingDetailsTypeI_142222C struct {
- // Qualifyer of the reference (Pax/Seg/Tst/Fare tattoo)
- RefQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger/segment/TST/fare tattoo reference number
- RefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferencingDetailsTypeI_142223C struct {
- // Qualifyer of the reference (Pax/Seg)
- RefQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"refQualifier"`
- // Passenger/segment reference number
- RefNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"refNumber"`
-type ReferencingDetailsTypeI_47428C struct {
- // Only segment reference type selection is accepted.
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
- // segment tattoo number
- Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"value"`
-type ReferencingDetailsType_191491C struct {
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To60 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Record locator.
- ControlNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"controlNumber"`
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
- // Reservation control information
- ReservationInformation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservationInformation"`
-type StructuredDateTimeInformationType struct {
- // This data element can be used to provide the semantic of the information provided. Examples : - Impacted period - Departure date - Estimated arrival date and time
- BusinessSemantic formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"businessSemantic"`
- // Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeInformationType_94602S struct {
- // provides the qualifier for the fare basis dates : Not Valid Before and Not Valid After.
- FareBasisDateQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareBasisDateQualifier"`
- // provides the Not Valid Before or the Not Valid After Date.
- FareBasisDate *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"fareBasisDate"`
-type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
- // Year number. The format is a little long for short term usage but it can be reduced by implementation if required.
- Year formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"year"`
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"month"`
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"day"`
-type TransportIdentifierType struct {
- // Information related to validating carrier.
- CarrierInformation *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"carrierInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravelItineraryInformationTypeI struct {
- // Global routing data for the type of movement.
- GlobalRoute formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"globalRoute,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Booking class override.
- BookingClass formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Extra information about the flight
- FlightDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
- // departure city code
- DepartureCity *LocationTypeI `xml:"departureCity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // arrival city code
- ArrivalCity *LocationTypeI `xml:"arrivalCity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Airline detail information of the extra segment
- AirlineDetail *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"airlineDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Segment detail information
- SegmentDetail *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticketing status for this segment. Relevant only in case of reply
- TicketingStatus formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"ticketingStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
diff --git a/reqstructs/pnr_addmultielements/structs.go b/reqstructs/pnr_addmultielements/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 7813238..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/pnr_addmultielements/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1355 +0,0 @@
-package pnr_addmultielements
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/formats"
-type PNRAddMultiElements struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/PNRADD_11_3_1A PNR_AddMultiElements"`
- // To specify a reference to a reservation
- ReservationInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"reservationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify specific Actions to be processed on PNR
- PnrActions *OptionalPNRActionsType `xml:"pnrActions"`
- TravellerInfo []*TravellerInfo `xml:"travellerInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100"
- OriginDestinationDetails []*OriginDestinationDetails `xml:"originDestinationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="50"
- DataElementsMaster *DataElementsMaster `xml:"dataElementsMaster,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerInfo struct {
- // To specify the PNR segments/elements references and action to apply
- ElementManagementPassenger *ElementManagementSegmentType `xml:"elementManagementPassenger"`
- PassengerData []*PassengerData `xml:"passengerData"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type PassengerData struct {
- // To specify a traveler(s) and personal details relating to the traveler(s). In values with 'X00' (X being any letter), 00 should be replaced by any value between 01 and 99.
- TravellerInformation *TravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"travellerInformation"`
- // Passenger date of birth (DDMMYYYY) If the passenger has an infant, not in a separate TIF, then the date is used for the infant date of birth.
- DateOfBirth *DateAndTimeInformationType `xml:"dateOfBirth,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OriginDestinationDetails struct {
- // To convey the origin and destination of a journey
- OriginDestination *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originDestination"`
- ItineraryInfo []*ItineraryInfo `xml:"itineraryInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ItineraryInfo struct {
- // To specify the PNR segments/elements references and action to apply
- ElementManagementItinerary *ElementManagementSegmentType `xml:"elementManagementItinerary"`
- AirAuxItinerary *AirAuxItinerary `xml:"airAuxItinerary,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To provide specific reference identification
- ReferenceForSegment *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceForSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AirAuxItinerary struct {
- // To specify details related to a product
- TravelProduct *TravelProductInformationType `xml:"travelProduct"`
- // To specify the message type and business function
- MessageAction *MessageActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"messageAction"`
- // To indicate quantity and action required in relation to a product
- RelatedProduct *RelatedProductInformationTypeI `xml:"relatedProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the details for making a selection
- SelectionDetailsAir *SelectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"selectionDetailsAir,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify a reference to a reservation
- ReservationInfoSell *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"reservationInfoSell,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To provide free form or coded long text information.
- FreetextItinerary *LongFreeTextType `xml:"freetextItinerary,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DataElementsMaster struct {
- // marker
- Marker1 *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"marker1"`
- DataElementsIndiv []*DataElementsIndiv `xml:"dataElementsIndiv,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="250"
-type DataElementsIndiv struct {
- // To specify the PNR segments/elements references and action to apply
- ElementManagementData *ElementManagementSegmentType `xml:"elementManagementData"`
- // To specify the Amadeus PNR Individual Security element Note: up to 3 ISI segments may be needed to represent the ES element and its 3 types of receiver
- PnrSecurity *IndividualPnrSecurityInformationType `xml:"pnrSecurity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // specify amadeus accounting informations
- Acccounting *AccountingInformationElementType `xml:"acccounting,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify different kinds of remarks
- MiscellaneousRemark *MiscellaneousRemarksType `xml:"miscellaneousRemark,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify special requests or services information relating to a traveller.
- ServiceRequest *SpecialRequirementsDetailsTypeI `xml:"serviceRequest,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To provide date and time details relative to flight movements
- DateAndTimeInformation *DateAndTimeInformationTypeI `xml:"dateAndTimeInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the Amadeus PNR Tour Code element
- TourCode *TourCodeType `xml:"tourCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify an Amadeus PNR Ticket element
- TicketElement *TicketElementType `xml:"ticketElement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To provide free form or coded long text information.
- FreetextData *LongFreeTextType `xml:"freetextData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the way data are mapped for structured
- StructuredAddress *StructuredAddressType `xml:"structuredAddress,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify an Amadeus PNR Option element
- OptionElement *OptionElementType `xml:"optionElement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To request a Hard Copy Print
- Printer *PrinterIdentificationType `xml:"printer,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The group handles Seat Request with possibly rail preferences
- SeatGroup *SeatEntityType `xml:"seatGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the Amadeus PNR Fare elements
- FareElement *FareElementsType `xml:"fareElement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the Amadeus PNR Fare discount element
- FareDiscount *FareDiscountElementType `xml:"fareDiscount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the Amadeus PNR Manual Document Registration element
- ManualFareDocument *ManualDocumentRegistrationType `xml:"manualFareDocument,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the Amadeus PNR Commission element
- Commission *CommissionElementType `xml:"commission,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the Amadeus PNR Original Issue / Issue in Exchange For element
- OriginalIssue *OriginalIssueType `xml:"originalIssue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To convey details describing the form of payment
- FormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"formOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To convey additional details of the form of payment
- FopExtension []*MarketSpecificDataType `xml:"fopExtension,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
- // To convey the FOP service details
- ServiceDetails []*StatusTypeI `xml:"serviceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
- // To specify frequent traveler verification
- FrequentTravellerVerification *FrequentTravellerVerificationType `xml:"frequentTravellerVerification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the Amadeus PNR Ticketing Carrier Designator element
- TicketingCarrier *TicketingCarrierDesignatorType `xml:"ticketingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the Amadeus PNR Fare Print Override element
- FarePrintOverride *FarePrintOverrideType `xml:"farePrintOverride,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To convey frequent traveler program information relating to a specific traveller or group.
- FrequentTravellerData *FrequentTravellerInformationTypeU `xml:"frequentTravellerData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify access level of an entity (office) to the element.
- AccessLevel *ExtendedOwnershipSecurityDetailsType `xml:"accessLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To provide specific reference identification
- ReferenceForDataElement *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceForDataElement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type AccountingElementType struct {
- // Account number
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Cost Number
- CostNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To60 `xml:"costNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // IATA company number
- CompanyNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"companyNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Client Reference Number
- ClientReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To60 `xml:"clientReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- GSTTaxDetails formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To109 `xml:"gSTTaxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AccountingInformationElementType struct {
- // One of these 4 data elements is mandatory , but non in particular
- Account *AccountingElementType `xml:"account,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number of units qualifier
- AccountNumberOfUnits formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"accountNumberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ClassDetailsType struct {
- // For the booking class code.
- Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BookingClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To2 `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CommissionElementType struct {
- // Passenger type PAX for Passenger INF for Infant not occupying a seat
- PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Commission indicator M, C, P, CR, PR
- Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Commission
- CommissionInfo *CommissionInformationType `xml:"commissionInfo"`
- // Old commission
- OldCommission *CommissionInformationType_6428C `xml:"oldCommission,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Manual capping Amount (after tag C)
- ManualCapping *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To10 `xml:"manualCapping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CommissionInformationType struct {
- // Percentage (max 2 decimals)
- Percentage *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To5 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount (before tag A)
- Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To10 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // VAT indicator V
- VatIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"vatIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Net remit indicator N
- RemitIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"remitIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CommissionInformationType_6428C struct {
- // Percentage (max 2 decimals)
- Percentage *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount (before tag A)
- Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To10 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // VAT indicator V
- VatIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"vatIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Net remit indicator N
- RemitIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"remitIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyIdentificationType struct {
- // To specify the frequent traveller program company code
- Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"code"`
- // To specify the frequent traveller program partnership company code
- PartnerCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"partnerCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the frequent traveller program other partnership company code
- OtherPartnerCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"otherPartnerCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // 1. Air segment: Airline code 2. ATX segment: Airline code of the airline to take action 3. CAR segment: Airline code of the airline to take action 4. HTL segment: Airline code of the airline to take action
- Identification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"identification"`
- // To convey a second carrier (e.g. in case of multi airline open segments)
- SecondIdentification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"secondIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Miscellaneous Charge Order element : date.- SEAT ssr : date of cahnge of gauge - gourp seat SSR : date of change of gauge
- FirstDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"firstDate"`
- // Miscellaneous Charge Order element : ARC carrier code code.
- MovementType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"movementType"`
- // Miscellaneous Charge Order element : ARC city code.
- LocationIdentification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"locationIdentification"`
-type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI_56946C struct {
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Inf/Child date of birth
- Date formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeInformationType struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails *DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI_56946C `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeInformationTypeI struct {
- // date and time details
- DateAndTime *DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"dateAndTime"`
-type DiscountInformationType struct {
- // Discount code
- AdjustmentReason formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"adjustmentReason,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Discount percentage
- Percentage *formats.NumericInteger_Length2To2 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Status code
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Staff employee number
- StaffNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"staffNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Staff employee name
- StaffName formats.AlphaString_Length1To30 `xml:"staffName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
-type ElementManagementSegmentType struct {
- // segments/elements references - type and number
- Reference *ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"reference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR segment or element name
- SegmentName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"segmentName"`
-type ExtendedOwnershipSecurityDetailsType struct {
- // This composite contains security data between entities or related to one entity.
- SecurityDetails []*ExtendedSecurityDetailsType `xml:"securityDetails"` // maxOccurs="5"
-type ExtendedSecurityDetailsType struct {
- // Used to specify which kind of entities is specified. F - for family
- TypeOfEntity formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeOfEntity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to specify the access mode regarding agreement and entities
- AccessMode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"accessMode"`
- // Used to specify entity on which the detailed security applied. Mask is specified useing *, for instance, corporate 1A0 is specified as follows : ***1A0***.
- InhouseIdentification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"inhouseIdentification"`
-type FareDiscountElementType struct {
- // Passenger type PAX for Passenger INF for Infant not occupying a seat
- PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the discount details. Only 1 repetition must be used. The Fare Discount element cannot process multiple discounts. If you wish to enter multiple discounts for a passenger, you should enter several FD elements and associate them to the same passenger.
- Discount []*DiscountInformationType `xml:"discount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // Date of birth
- BirthDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"birthDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // number of years or months
- NumberDetail *NumberOfUnitDetailsType `xml:"numberDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // company ID and reference number (should not be used)
- RpInformation *RpInformationType `xml:"rpInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Customer info
- Customer *ItemDetailsType `xml:"customer,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Resident Discount applicable for discount code RM,RC,DC,BP or BI
- ResidentDisc *ItemDetailsType_64822C `xml:"residentDisc,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareElementsType struct {
- // E for FE - Endorsements / Restrictions element K for FK - Shadow AIR office ID element S for FS - Miscellaneous Ticketing Information element Z for FZ - Miscellaneous Information element
- GeneralIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"generalIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger type PAX for Passenger INF for Infant not occupying a seat
- PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1. FK element: Office identification
- OfficeId []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length9To9 `xml:"officeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- // 1. FE element: Free text 2. FS element: Free text 3. FZ element: Free text
- FreetextLong formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To126 `xml:"freetextLong,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FarePrintOverrideDetailsType struct {
- // Base fare override
- BaseFare formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To11 `xml:"baseFare"`
- // Total fare override
- TotalFare formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To11 `xml:"totalFare,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // equivalent fare override
- EquivalentFare formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To11 `xml:"equivalentFare,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tax amount override
- TaxAmount []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To11 `xml:"taxAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type FarePrintOverrideType struct {
- // Passenger type PAX for Passenger INF for Infant not occupying a seat
- PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // fare override detaild
- Override *FarePrintOverrideDetailsType `xml:"override,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Form(s) of payment CA for Cash (Amadeus code CASH) CK for Check (Amadeus code CHECK) CC for Credit card (Amadeus code CC) MS for Miscellaneous (Amadeus code MS)
- Identification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"identification"`
- // Amount
- Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To9 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Credit card code
- CreditCardCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"creditCardCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Credit card account number
- AccountNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"accountNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Credit card expiry date
- ExpiryDate formats.Date_MMYY `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Credit card approval code
- ApprovalCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"approvalCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Customer account number
- CustomerAccountNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"customerAccountNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Extended credit payment request E for extended payment
- PaymentTimeReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"paymentTimeReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // free text
- Freetext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency (as there is no place elsewhere)
- CurrencyCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FormOfPaymentTypeI struct {
- // form of payment details
- Fop []*FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI `xml:"fop"` // maxOccurs="3"
-type FormatedTourCodeType struct {
- // Tour type IT, BT
- ProductId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"productId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Last digit of year in which tour code became effective
- Year *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Airline code of sponsor
- CompanyId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conference area approval code
- ApprovalCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"approvalCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tour identification
- PartyId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"partyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FreeFormatTourCodeType struct {
- // Free format indicator FF
- Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free flow text
- Freetext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To14 `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FreeTextQualificationType struct {
- // Identifies whether the free text is coded or not coded 3 for Literal text
- SubjectQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"subjectQualifier"`
- // 1. AP element: 2. AQ element: 3. OS element
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Transmittable/non-transmittable indicator (S or X). Codeset list not applicable.
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Airline or system code
- CompanyId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationTypeU struct {
- // Airline Code
- CompanyId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"companyId"`
- // Frequent Traveller Number
- MembershipNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"membershipNumber"`
-type FrequentTravellerInformationTypeU struct {
- // frequent traveller identification
- FrequentTraveller *FrequentTravellerIdentificationTypeU `xml:"frequentTraveller"`
-type FrequentTravellerVerificationType struct {
- // A Add FT name N Name verification R Redeem miles
- ActionRequest formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"actionRequest"`
- // company identification
- Company *CompanyIdentificationType `xml:"company,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // frequent flyer number
- Account *ProductAccountDetailsType `xml:"account"`
-type IndividualPnrSecurityInformationType struct {
- // Returned before EOT or after retrieve by RTE
- Security []*IndividualSecurityType `xml:"security,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- // Returned when retrieved
- SecurityInfo *SecurityInformationType `xml:"securityInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code as in the display: G for Amadeus Global Core Office Identification I for IATA number P for Pseudo-Office Identification Default is G.
- Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type IndividualSecurityType struct {
- // Type of receiver G: Type of receiver I: Type of receiver P:
- Identification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To14 `xml:"identification"`
- // R for Read B for Both read and write N for None
- AccessMode formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"accessMode"`
-type IssueInformationType struct {
- // Numeric airline code
- AirlineCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length3To3 `xml:"airlineCode"`
- // {Original issue , exchange for} document number
- DocumentNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"documentNumber"`
- // {Original issue , exchange for} document check digit
- DocumentCD *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"documentCD,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1st coupon number
- Coupon1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"coupon1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 2nd coupon number
- Coupon2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"coupon2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 3rd coupon number
- Coupon3 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"coupon3,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 4th coupon number
- Coupon4 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"coupon4,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Last 2 digits of the last conjunction document of the {original issue , exchange for} document
- LastConjunction *formats.NumericInteger_Length2To2 `xml:"lastConjunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Last conjunction document of the {original issue , exchange for} document check digit
- ExchangeDocumentCD *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"exchangeDocumentCD,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1st last conjunction document of the {original issue , exchange for} document coupon number
- LastConjunction1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"lastConjunction1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 2nd last conjunction document of the {original issue , exchange for} document coupon number
- LastConjunction2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"lastConjunction2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 3rd last conjunction document of the {original issue , exchange for} document 4th coupon number
- LastConjunction3 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"lastConjunction3,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 4th last conjunction document of the {original issue , exchange for} document 1st coupon number
- LastConjunction4 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"lastConjunction4,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // City code of the issue
- CityCode formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"cityCode"`
- // Date of the {original , new} issue
- DateOfIssue formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"dateOfIssue"`
- // IATA number
- IataNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"iataNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount
- Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To10 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemDetailsType struct {
- // Only applicable for some discount codes
- CompanyId formats.AlphaString_Length2To2 `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Only applicable for some discount codes
- CardType *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"cardType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Only applicable for some discount codes
- CardNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To13 `xml:"cardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // for PC - alpha value for other - numeric value
- CardCheck formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"cardCheck,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // for PC only
- Owner *formats.NumericInteger_Length2To2 `xml:"owner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // for PC only
- Version *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"version,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemDetailsType_64822C struct {
- IdCardCode formats.AlphaString_Length2To2 `xml:"idCardCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // T - used for TR resident discount only
- IdCardType formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"idCardType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Card Number
- CardNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To13 `xml:"cardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Card alpha check
- AlphaCheck formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"alphaCheck,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Zip code
- ZipCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"zipCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Credential certificate number
- CertificateNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"certificateNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationTypeI struct {
- // 1. Air segment: Boarding point 2. ATX segment: Boarding point 3. CAR segment: Pick-up point city 4. HTL segment: Check-in city 5. MIS segment: City code
- CityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"cityCode"`
- // 1. TRN SNCF segment: Off point city name
- CityName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"cityName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LongFreeTextType struct {
- // free text details
- FreetextDetail *FreeTextQualificationType `xml:"freetextDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Long free text information
- LongFreetext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To199 `xml:"longFreetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ManualDocumentRegistrationType struct {
- // Passenger type PAX for Passenger INF for Infant not occupying a seat
- PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // documentation details
- Document *ManualDocumentType `xml:"document,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text
- Freeflow formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To49 `xml:"freeflow,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ManualDocumentType struct {
- // Numeric airline code
- CompanyId formats.NumericString_Length3To3 `xml:"companyId"`
- // Ticket number
- TicketNumber formats.NumericString_Length10To10 `xml:"ticketNumber"`
- // Ticket number check digit
- TicketNumberCd *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"ticketNumberCd,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Last conjunction ticket number
- LastConjuction *formats.NumericInteger_Length2To2 `xml:"lastConjuction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Last conjunction ticket number check digit
- LastConjuctionCD *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"lastConjuctionCD,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MarketSpecificDataDetailsType struct {
- // Credit Card Verification data (*CV data)
- CvData formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"cvData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Printed and reported freeflow
- PrintedFreeflow formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"printedFreeflow,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reported but not printed freeflow
- ReportedFreeflow formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"reportedFreeflow,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Credit Card ONO data.
- OnoData formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To15 `xml:"onoData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Credit Card GWT data
- GwtData formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To15 `xml:"gwtData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Credit Card Holder name.
- ChdData formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To40 `xml:"chdData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Delegation code.
- DelegationCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"delegationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // MCO Fop Document Number
- McoDocNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To13 `xml:"mcoDocNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // MCO Fop Coupon Number
- McoCouponNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"mcoCouponNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // MCO Fop Iata Number
- McoIataNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"mcoIataNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // MCO Fop Place of Issue
- McoPlaceOfIssue formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"mcoPlaceOfIssue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // MCO Fop date of Issue. DDMMMYY
- McoDateOfIssue formats.AlphaNumericString_Length7To7 `xml:"mcoDateOfIssue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Standard Fop Iata Number
- IataNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"iataNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MarketSpecificDataType struct {
- // FOP detail Sequence Number.
- FopSequenceNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"fopSequenceNumber"`
- // Passenger type: PAX or INF.
- PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Form of Payment Market Specific Data
- NewFopsDetails *MarketSpecificDataDetailsType `xml:"newFopsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To provide extended FOP details.
- ExtFOP []*ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"extFOP,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type MessageActionDetailsTypeI struct {
- // type of segment
- Business *MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI `xml:"business"`
-type MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI struct {
- // 1. Air segment:
- Function formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"function"`
-type MiscellaneousRemarkType struct {
- // RC for confidential remark RI for invoice remark RM for miscellaneous remark RQ for quality control remark
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
- // This is the 3rd character (x) of the remark title RIx or RMx, or 2 letter code for RMxx, conditional for RM, not applicable for RC and RQ
- Category formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"category,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
- Freetext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To127 `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Provider type (element RIA): 1 for Air provider 2 for Car provider (CCR) 3 for Hotel Provider (HHL) M for Miscellaneous
- ProviderType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"providerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // MCO element : Currency code
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // MCO element : total fee amount
- Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To11 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Office Id (confidential remark RC)
- OfficeId []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length9To9 `xml:"officeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type MiscellaneousRemarksType struct {
- // miscellaneous remarks
- Remarks *MiscellaneousRemarkType `xml:"remarks,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type NetRemitTourCodeType struct {
- // Net remit indicator N
- Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free flow text of next remit
- Freetext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To14 `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type NumberOfUnitDetailsType struct {
- // Number of years or months
- Units formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"units"`
- // YRS for year MTH for month
- UnitsQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"unitsQualifier"`
-type OptionElementInformationType struct {
- // Office Id
- OfficeId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length9To9 `xml:"officeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Queue number
- Queue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"queue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Category number
- Category *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"category,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free flow text
- Freetext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To200 `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OptionElementType struct {
- // queuing option details
- OptionDetail *OptionElementInformationType `xml:"optionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OptionalPNRActionsType struct {
- // 0 No Special Processing 10 - 49 PNR processing options 50 - 99 PNRACC options 100 - 149 Other Opt 150 - 199 Error Processing 200 - 229 Car Opt 230 - 259 Hotel Opt 260 - 299 Air + AUX Opt 300 - 329 Ticketing Opt
- OptionCode []formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"optionCode"` // maxOccurs="40"
-type OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Airport/city code of Origin In a Client request message, a non-blank ODI is used in an air sell request to advise that the following segments (TVL etc...) are connected. There is a maximum of 6 TVLs following a non-blank ODI.
- Origin formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Airport/city code of Destination
- Destination formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OriginalIssueType struct {
- // Passenger type PAX for Passenger INF for Infant not occupying a seat
- PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 8 for Voucher/Certificate indicator RN for RN indicator
- VoucherIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"voucherIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1st occurrence for original issue 2 occurrences for issues in exchange
- Issue []*IssueInformationType `xml:"issue"` // maxOccurs="3"
- // Base fare amount
- BaseFare *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To10 `xml:"baseFare,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Total tax amount
- TotalTax *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To10 `xml:"totalTax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Penalty amount
- Penalty *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To10 `xml:"penalty,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free flow text
- Freeflow formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To126 `xml:"freeflow,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PrinterIdentificationDetailsType struct {
- // name of the printer
- Name formats.AlphaNumericString_Length5To6 `xml:"name"`
- // netwrok ID of the printer
- Network formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To2 `xml:"network,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PrinterIdentificationType struct {
- // identification details
- IdentifierDetail *PrinterIdentificationDetailsType `xml:"identifierDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1A office id
- Office formats.AlphaNumericString_Length9To9 `xml:"office,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // IATA teletype address
- TeletypeAddress formats.AlphaNumericString_Length7To7 `xml:"teletypeAddress,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductAccountDetailsType struct {
- // To specify the product/account number qualifier.
- NumberQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"numberQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // A code to identify a frequent traveller (e.g. a frequent traveller number)
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To27 `xml:"number"`
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI struct {
- // 1. Air segment: Departure date 2. ATX segment: Requested date 3. CAR segment: Pick-up date 4. HTL segment: Check-in date 5. MIS segment: Date for service required
- DepDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"depDate"`
- // 1. Air segment Departure time 2. SUR segment: Pick-up time 3. TRN Amtrack segment: Departure time 4. TRN SNCF segment: Departure time
- DepTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"depTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1. Air segment Arrival date (not in the display) 2. CAR segment Drop-off date 3. HTL segment: Check-out date 4. TTO segment: Return date of the Tour
- ArrDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"arrDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1. Air segment Arrival time 2. TRN Amtrack segment: Arrival time 3. TRN SNCF segment: Arrival time
- ArrTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"arrTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // 1. Air segment: Flight number or OPEN ARNK - air segment arrival unknown 2. CAR se 3. segment: Car type 4. SUR segment: Transportation type (refer to VGTVD transaction)
- Identification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"identification"`
- // 1. Air segment: Class of service 2. TRN Amtrack segment: Class of service 3. TRN SNCF segment: Class of service
- ClassOfService formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"classOfService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1. Air segment Flight number alpha suffix A, B, C, D, E 2. SUR segment: Departure code A or D 3. TRN SNCF segment: Train type
- Subtype formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"subtype,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1. Air segment: N for Night class 2. TRN Amtrack segment: N for Night class 3. TRN SNCF segment: N for Night class
- Description formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductTypeDetailsType struct {
- // Used to convey availibility context.
- FlightIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"flightIndicator"`
-type RailSeatConfigurationType struct {
- // Seat space.
- SeatSpace formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To2 `xml:"seatSpace,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Coach type.
- CoachType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To2 `xml:"coachType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Seat equipment.
- SeatEquipment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To2 `xml:"seatEquipment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Seat position.
- SeatPosition formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"seatPosition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Seat direction.
- SeatDirection formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"seatDirection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Seat deck.
- SeatDeck formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"seatDeck,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Special passenger information.
- SpecialPassengerType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"specialPassengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type RailSeatPreferencesType struct {
- // Selection of the type of seat request.
- SeatRequestFunction formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"seatRequestFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Seat smoking zone indicator.
- SmokingIndicator formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"smokingIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Seat class details.
- ClassDetails *ClassDetailsType `xml:"classDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Seat configuration details.
- SeatConfiguration *RailSeatConfigurationType `xml:"seatConfiguration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RailSeatReferenceInformationType struct {
- // Rail seat reference information.
- RailSeatReferenceDetails *SeatReferenceInformationType `xml:"railSeatReferenceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferenceInfoType struct {
- // This composite is used to transmit association information
- Reference []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"reference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="198"
-type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
- // Amadeus codes are used here. PT for Passenger Tatoo reference number PR for Passenger Client- request-message-defined reference number ST for Segment Tatoo reference number SR for Segment Client- request-message-defined reference number
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier"`
- // refers to a PNR segment/element that had this number in its related EMS segment in the same message (qualifier PT, ST)
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"number"`
-type ReferencingDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Reference qualifier
- ReferenceQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"referenceQualifier"`
- // Reference value.
- DataValue formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"dataValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RelatedProductInformationTypeI struct {
- // 1. Air segment: Number of passengers 2. ATX segment: Number of passengers 3. CAR segment: Number of cars 4. CCR segment: Number of cars 5. HHL segment: Number of rooms 6. HTL segment: Number of rooms
- Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // status
- Status formats.AlphaString_Length1To2 `xml:"status"`
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // 1A
- CompanyId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1. RR element: Record locator of the original PNR 2. Record locator information: Airline record locator 3. Profile record locator information: Profile record locator 4. Air segment: Passive segment airline record locator Due to technical limitations, RCI for air segment is truncated to 7 characters.
- ControlNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To19 `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
- // reservation control information - i.e. record locator
- Reservation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RpInformationType struct {
- // Airline code (should not be used)
- CompanyId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Numeric value (should not be used)
- ReferenceNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To12 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SeatEntityType struct {
- // To make Seat requests on flights within the PNR
- SeatRequest *SeatRequestType `xml:"seatRequest"`
- // Used to convey specific seat details relative to Train for a specific request or the "near-to" seat details for a "next-to" request.
- RailSeatReferenceInformation []*RailSeatReferenceInformationType `xml:"railSeatReferenceInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // Rail Seat Preferences
- RailSeatPreferences *RailSeatPreferencesType `xml:"railSeatPreferences,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SeatReferenceInformationType struct {
- // Coach number.
- CoachNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"coachNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Deck number.
- DeckNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"deckNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Seat number.
- SeatNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"seatNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SeatRequestType struct {
- // seat requirement details
- Seat *SeatRequierementsType `xml:"seat,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Maximum 99 for Group Seat request
- Special []*SeatRequierementsDataType `xml:"special,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type SeatRequierementsDataType struct {
- // Seat number + row (seat request) Number of seats (Group seat request)
- Data formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"data,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 3 occurrences may be used for in Amadeus seat request to indicate: 1. smoking/no smoking 2. 1st area preference 2nd area preference or passenger type
- SeatType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"seatType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type SeatRequierementsType struct {
- // G for group
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type of Seat requested. S - Smoking (SMST) N - No Smoking (NSST) RQST
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Board point
- Boardpoint formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"boardpoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Off point
- Offpoint formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"offpoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SecurityInformationType struct {
- // Date of creation
- CreationDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"creationDate"`
- // Agent initials and duty code as in ORG (eg: AASU)
- AgentCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length4To4 `xml:"agentCode"`
- // Office Id of creation/update
- OfficeId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length9To9 `xml:"officeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
- // See comment below
- Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option"`
-type SelectionDetailsTypeI struct {
- // level of sell to be processed
- Selection []*SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"selection"` // maxOccurs="10"
-type SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Seat number + row (seat SSR) Number of seats (Group seat SSR)
- Data formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"data,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 3 occurrences may be used for in Amadeus seat SSR to indicate: 1. smoking/no smoking 2. 1st area preference 3. 2nd area preference or passenger type
- SeatType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"seatType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type SpecialRequirementsDetailsTypeI struct {
- // special requirement type details
- Ssr *SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"ssr"`
- // Group seat SSR cannot ask for specific seats but only smoking and/or non-smoking (see Group seat SSR). Therefore the maximum repetitions here is 9 seats (1 per passenger of non-group PNR).
- Ssrb []*SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsTypeI `xml:"ssrb,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // - ATA/IATA defined Special Service Requirement code. (refer to IATA AIRIMP documentation) - SK element : Keyword
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ATA/IATA status code Codeset list not applicable.
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number of services requested
- Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Airline code or YY
- CompanyId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Processing indicator, coded. - Normal SSR P01 request for SSR explosion at EOT ...
- Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Board point
- Boardpoint formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"boardpoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Off point
- Offpoint formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"offpoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // free text data
- Freetext []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type StatusDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Service indicator SV : Service Fee
- Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StatusTypeI struct {
- // To convey the status details
- StatusDetails *StatusDetailsTypeI `xml:"statusDetails"`
-type StructuredAddressInformationType struct {
- // A1 for Address line 1
- OptionA1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"optionA1"`
- // A1 50 char
- OptionTextA1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To50 `xml:"optionTextA1"`
-type StructuredAddressInformationType_5063C struct {
- // CY for company - NA for name - A2 for addr line - PO for P.O box-ZP for postacl code - CI for city - ST for state-CO for country
- Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"option"`
- // CY-NA-CI - 30char : A2 - 50 char: ST-CT- 25 char : PO 8 char - ZP 9 char.
- OptionText formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To50 `xml:"optionText"`
-type StructuredAddressType struct {
- // Information type, coded 2 for billing address P08 for general mailing address P19 for miscellaneous mailing address P24 for home mailing address P25 for delivery mailing address
- InformationType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // address line
- Address *StructuredAddressInformationType `xml:"address"`
- // upto 8 possible address options
- OptionalData []*StructuredAddressInformationType_5063C `xml:"optionalData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type TicketElementType struct {
- // Passenger type PAX for Passenger INF for Infant not occupying a seat
- PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // general ticketing information
- Ticket *TicketInformationType `xml:"ticket"`
- // Print options (//print options after double slash)
- PrintOptions formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To127 `xml:"printOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TicketInformationType struct {
- // Ticketing type TL, OK, DO, IN, MA, TR, AT, PT, XL, ST, SS
- Indicator formats.AlphaString_Length2To2 `xml:"indicator"`
- // Ticketing date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticketing time
- Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Office Id
- OfficeId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"officeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free flow text
- Freetext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To15 `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Airline code
- AirlineCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"airlineCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Queue number
- QueueNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"queueNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Category number
- QueueCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"queueCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // SITA Addresses
- SitaAddress []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length7To7 `xml:"sitaAddress,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type TicketingCarrierDesignatorType struct {
- // Passenger type PAX for Passenger INF for Infant not occupying a seat
- PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // airline code and printer details
- Carrier *TicketingCarrierType `xml:"carrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TicketingCarrierType struct {
- // Airline code of sponsor
- AirlineCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"airlineCode"`
- // Print itinerary option IBP, IEP, IBPJ, IEPJ
- OptionInfo formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"optionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Printer number
- PrinterNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"printerNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ISO code 639 - 1988
- Language formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TourCodeType struct {
- // Passenger type PAX for Passenger INF for Infant not occupying a seat
- PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Formatted tour code
- FormatedTour *FormatedTourCodeType `xml:"formatedTour,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Net remit
- NetRemit *NetRemitTourCodeType `xml:"netRemit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Freeformat Tour information
- FreeFormatTour *FreeFormatTourCodeType `xml:"freeFormatTour,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravelProductInformationType struct {
- // date and time details
- Product *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"product,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // boardpoint details
- BoardpointDetail *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardpointDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // offpoint details
- OffpointDetail *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // airline or system code
- Company *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"company,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // product details - number and class
- ProductDetails *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product type details. Here: availibility context.
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1. Air segment To indicate an Informational Air segment: N for No action required
- ProcessingIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"processingIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Traveler First Name + titel
- FirstName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To56 `xml:"firstName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Traveler Type using Amadeus codification. In values with 'X00' (X being any letter), 00 should be replaced by any value between 01 and 99.
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1. Infant (INF) No more info in Edifact. 2. Infant given name only (INF/BILL) Infant given name will be placed in a 2nd occurence of C324 of this (adult) passenger TIF. The 2nd C324/6353 element will contain INF. 3. Infant given and last name (INFGATES/BILL) Infant is treated as a separate TIF following immediately this (adult) passenger TIF. This following TIF C324/6353 element will contain INF.
- InfantIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Identification code, 2 cases: ID < 1 to 51 char free text ) or CR < 1 to 40 char free text )
- IdentificationCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"identificationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerInformationTypeI struct {
- // traveller surname,type and quantity
- Traveller *TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI `xml:"traveller"`
- // Occurrence one relates to the traveler. Occurrence 2 relates only to an infant accompanying the traveler for whom only the given name is present.
- Passenger []*TravellerDetailsTypeI `xml:"passenger,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI struct {
- // Traveler Last Name or Group name
- Surname formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To57 `xml:"surname"`
- // G for a group. (The traveler type is in C324/6353)
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // - 1 : only one traveler defined by TIFwith exceptions below. - 2 : the traveler is accompanied by an infant for whom only the given name is present.
- Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
diff --git a/reqstructs/pnr_cancel/structs.go b/reqstructs/pnr_cancel/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cbba3c..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/pnr_cancel/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-package pnr_cancel
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/formats"
-type PNRCancel struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/PNRXCL_11_3_1A PNR_Cancel"`
- // reservation control informations
- ReservationInfo *ReservationControlInformationType `xml:"reservationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // specific actions to be processed on PNR
- PnrActions *OptionalPNRActionsType `xml:"pnrActions"`
- CancelElements []*CancelPNRElementType `xml:"cancelElements,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
-// Complex structs
-type CancelPNRElementType struct {
- // E : XE I : XI D : XD G : Name integration P : Priority line
- EntryType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"entryType"`
- // Element data
- Element []*ElementIdentificationType `xml:"element,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type ElementIdentificationType struct {
- Identifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"identifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // element number
- Number *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // sub element number
- SubElement *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"subElement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OptionalPNRActionsType struct {
- // Processing options. Only the option 0, 10, 11 and 20 are supported.
- OptionCode []formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"optionCode"` // maxOccurs="40"
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // profile or PNR record locator
- ControlNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"controlNumber"`
-type ReservationControlInformationType struct {
- // record information
- Reservation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservation"`
diff --git a/reqstructs/pnr_retrieve/structs.go b/reqstructs/pnr_retrieve/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 11845dd..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/pnr_retrieve/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-package pnr_retrieve
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/formats"
-type PNRRetrieve struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/PNRRET_11_3_1A PNR_Retrieve"`
- Settings *Settings `xml:"settings,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RetrievalFacts *RetrievalFacts `xml:"retrievalFacts"`
-type Settings struct {
- // optional information on what needs to be returned in the PNR , hardcopy print or PNR mode.
- Options *OptionalPNRActionsType `xml:"options"`
- // Identification of the printer when hardcopy is requested
- Printer *PrinterIdentificationType `xml:"printer,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RetrievalFacts struct {
- // retrieval type , options , and references related to the PNR content .
- Retrieve *RetrievePNRType `xml:"retrieve"`
- // Informations needed for retreive by record locator or retreive by customer profile.
- ReservationOrProfileIdentifier *ReservationControlInformationType `xml:"reservationOrProfileIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PersonalFacts *PersonalFacts `xml:"personalFacts,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Informations needed for a retreive by frequent flyer .
- FrequentFlyer *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"frequentFlyer,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Informations needed for a retreive by account number
- Accounting *AccountingInformationElementType `xml:"accounting,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PersonalFacts struct {
- // Informations needed for retreive by office and name or retreive by service and name .
- TravellerInformation *TravellerInformationType `xml:"travellerInformation"`
- // Informations on the travel product
- ProductInformation *TravelProductInformationType `xml:"productInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticket number that can be used optionally when retreive by record locator is done .
- Ticket *TicketNumberType `xml:"ticket,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type AccountingElementType struct {
- // account number
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To30 `xml:"number"`
-type AccountingInformationElementType struct {
- // accounting element needed when retreive by account number
- Account *AccountingElementType `xml:"account"`
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // Airline/ provider code
- Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"code"`
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType struct {
- // frequent traveler identification needed when retreive by frequent traveller
- FrequentTraveller *FrequentTravellerIdentificationTypeI `xml:"frequentTraveller"`
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // airline code
- CompanyId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To2 `xml:"companyId"`
- // frequent traveller reference number
- MembershipNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To27 `xml:"membershipNumber"`
-type LocationTypeI struct {
- // Board point or off point
- CityCode formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"cityCode"`
-type OptionalPNRActionsType struct {
- // 51 - return all RTSVC 52 - return line numbers 53 - return RLRs 55 - do not return individual names of a group 101 - hard copy print 201 - return RTSVC for car 231 - return RTSVC for hotel 261 - return RTSVC for air 300 - TY mode
- OptionCode []formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"optionCode"` // maxOccurs="40"
-type PrinterIdentificationDetailsType struct {
- // name of the printer
- Name formats.AlphaNumericString_Length5To6 `xml:"name"`
- // network id of the printer
- Network formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To2 `xml:"network,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PrinterIdentificationType struct {
- // printer identification
- IdentifierDetail *PrinterIdentificationDetailsType `xml:"identifierDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // amadeus office id
- Office formats.AlphaNumericString_Length9To9 `xml:"office,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // IATA teletype address
- TeletypeAddress formats.AlphaNumericString_Length7To7 `xml:"teletypeAddress,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI struct {
- // Departure/ pick-up/ check-in date
- DepDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"depDate"`
- // Only for retrieve by flight/departure time, needed.
- DepTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"depTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Return/ drop-off/ check-out date
- ArrDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"arrDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Flight number
- Identification formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"identification"`
- // Flight number alpha suffix
- Subtype formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"subtype,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // profile or PNR record locator
- ControlNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"controlNumber"`
-type ReservationControlInformationType struct {
- // record information
- Reservation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservation"`
-type RetrievePNRType struct {
- // 1 - redisplay 2 - retrieve by record locator 3 - retrieve by office and name 4 - retrieve by service and name 5 - retrieve by frequent traveller 6 - retrieve by account number 7 - retrieve by customer profile 8 - retrieve by Insurance policy number 9 - retrieve by numeric record locator
- Type formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"type"`
- // information needed for redisplay if RTSVC (AIR, HTL, CAR). Needed for retrieve by service and name . Optional for retrieve by office and name
- Service formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"service,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Element tattoo. Optional for redisplay when RTSVC.
- Tattoo formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"tattoo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR owner office id
- Office formats.AlphaNumericString_Length9To9 `xml:"office,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Target system for retrieve PNR via claim. Only for retrieve by record locator and retrieve by service and name
- TargetSystem formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To2 `xml:"targetSystem,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // X - RTAXR V - RV Optional for redisplay and retrieval types 2, 3 and 4. N/A otherwise.
- Option1 formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"option1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // A - active PNRs only Optional for retrieve by office and name. N/A otherwise.
- Option2 formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"option2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TicketNumberType struct {
- // airline code
- Airline formats.NumericInteger_Length3To3 `xml:"airline"`
- // airline ticket number
- TicketNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length10To10 `xml:"ticketNumber"`
-type TravelProductInformationType struct {
- // Defaults to current date
- Product *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"product,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Needed for retrieval by flight, optional otherwise.
- BoardpointDetail *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardpointDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // needed only if board point is provided.
- OffpointDetail *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // company identification
- Company *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"company,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // needed only for retrieve by flight
- ProductDetails *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Traveler first name
- FirstName formats.AlphaString_Length1To56 `xml:"firstName"`
-type TravellerInformationType struct {
- // traveler surname information
- Traveller *TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI `xml:"traveller"`
- // N/A for retrieve by record locator
- Passenger *TravellerDetailsTypeI `xml:"passenger,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI struct {
- // traveler last name or group name
- Surname formats.AlphaString_Length1To57 `xml:"surname"`
diff --git a/reqstructs/queue_countplanner/structs.go b/reqstructs/queue_countplanner/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 230cbcb..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/queue_countplanner/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-package queue_countplanner
-import "encoding/xml"
-type QueueCountPlanner struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/QCDDRQ_03_1_1A Queue_CountPlanner"`
- DisplayType *DisplayType `xml:"displayType"`
- TargetOffice *TargetOffice `xml:"targetOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Date *Date `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- QueueNumber *QueueNumber `xml:"queueNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CategoryDetails *CategoryDetails `xml:"categoryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DisplayType struct {
- SelectionDetails *SelectionDetails `xml:"selectionDetails"`
-type SelectionDetails struct {
- Option string `xml:"option"`
-type TargetOffice struct {
- SourceType *SourceType `xml:"sourceType"`
- OriginatorDetails *OriginatorDetails `xml:"originatorDetails"`
-type SourceType struct {
- SourceQualifier1 string `xml:"sourceQualifier1"`
-type OriginatorDetails struct {
- InHouseIdentification1 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification1"`
-type Date struct {
- TimeMode string `xml:"timeMode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DateTime *DateTime `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateTime struct {
- Year float64 `xml:"year"`
- Month float64 `xml:"month"`
- Day float64 `xml:"day"`
-type QueueNumber struct {
- QueueDetails *QueueDetails `xml:"queueDetails"`
-type QueueDetails struct {
- Number float64 `xml:"number"`
-type CategoryDetails struct {
- SubQueueInfoDetails *SubQueueInfoDetails `xml:"subQueueInfoDetails"`
-type SubQueueInfoDetails struct {
- IdentificationType string `xml:"identificationType"`
- ItemNumber string `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ItemDescription string `xml:"itemDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
diff --git a/reqstructs/queue_counttotal/structs.go b/reqstructs/queue_counttotal/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c40675..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/queue_counttotal/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-package queue_counttotal
-import "encoding/xml"
-type QueueCountTotal struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/QCSDRQ_03_1_1A Queue_CountTotal"`
- QueueingOptions *QueueingOptions `xml:"queueingOptions"`
- TargetOffice *TargetOffice `xml:"targetOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- QueueNumber *QueueNumber `xml:"queueNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CategorySelection *CategorySelection `xml:"categorySelection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type QueueingOptions struct {
- SelectionDetails *SelectionDetails `xml:"selectionDetails"`
-type SelectionDetails struct {
- Option string `xml:"option"`
-type TargetOffice struct {
- SourceType *SourceType `xml:"sourceType"`
- OriginatorDetails *OriginatorDetails `xml:"originatorDetails"`
-type SourceType struct {
- SourceQualifier1 string `xml:"sourceQualifier1"`
-type OriginatorDetails struct {
- InHouseIdentification1 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification1"`
-type QueueNumber struct {
- QueueDetails *QueueDetails `xml:"queueDetails"`
-type QueueDetails struct {
- Number float64 `xml:"number"`
-type CategorySelection struct {
- SubQueueInfoDetails *SubQueueInfoDetails `xml:"subQueueInfoDetails"`
-type SubQueueInfoDetails struct {
- IdentificationType string `xml:"identificationType"`
- ItemNumber string `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ItemDescription string `xml:"itemDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
diff --git a/reqstructs/queue_list/structs.go b/reqstructs/queue_list/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index e02c2f4..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/queue_list/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-package queue_list
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/formats"
-type QueueList struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/QDQLRQ_11_1_1A Queue_List"`
- // presence implies that this is a follow up scrolling entry to a previous entry. Absence implies start of a new search
- Scroll *ActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"scroll,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // used to specify the target office for which the queue count is to be displayed
- TargetOffice *AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationTypeI `xml:"targetOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // used to specify the queue if required
- QueueNumber *QueueInformationTypeI `xml:"queueNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // used to select the category
- CategoryDetails *SubQueueInformationTypeI `xml:"categoryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // date range as system defined
- Date *StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // defines the start point for the search and may also define the end point of the search
- ScanRange *RangeDetailsTypeI `xml:"scanRange,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SearchCriteria []*SearchCriteria `xml:"searchCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
- // Passenger name list (all the names in the PNR).
- PassengerName []*TravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"passengerName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- // The last 2 characters of the sine of the agent who placed the PNR on queue.
- AgentSine *UserIdentificationType `xml:"agentSine,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Account number issue from AIAN entry in the PNR.
- AccountNumber *AccountingInformationElementType `xml:"accountNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightInformation []*FlightInformation `xml:"flightInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- // This is the point of sale of segments in PNRs: - 9 char Amadeus Office ID. - OR 2 char GDS code for OA PNRs PNRs containing a segment sold in any Amadeus Office ID matching pattern NCE6X*** or ***BA0*** or sold in Sabre (1S) or Gallileo (1G).
- Pos []*PointOfSaleInformationType `xml:"pos,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- // The repetition is 10 because we can transport: - until 5 tierLevel - until 5 customerValue, including possibly range of customerValue. If we have tierLevel in the FTI, the customerValue must not be present. If we have customerValue in the FTI, the tierLevel must not be present.
- TierLevelAndCustomerValue []*FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"tierLevelAndCustomerValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
- SortCriteria *SortCriteria `xml:"sortCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SearchCriteria struct {
- // used to specify if ticketing, departure or creation options
- SearchOption *SelectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"searchOption"`
- // used to specify the dates to be searched on
- Dates []*StructuredPeriodInformationType `xml:"dates"` // maxOccurs="5"
-type FlightInformation struct {
- // It transport the type of flight information that will follow.
- FlightInformationType *StatusTypeI `xml:"flightInformationType"`
- // Board point or Off Point.
- BoardPointOrOffPoint []*OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI `xml:"boardPointOrOffPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- // Airline code or Flight Number (in fact, airline + flight number)
- AirlineCodeOrFlightNumber []*TransportIdentifierType `xml:"airlineCodeOrFlightNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- // Booking class.
- ClassOfService []*ProductInformationTypeI `xml:"classOfService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- // Segment status code.
- SegmentStatus []*RelatedProductInformationTypeI `xml:"segmentStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type SortCriteria struct {
- // dummy for SDT clash
- Dumbo *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"dumbo"`
- // Determine the order of the display.
- SortOption []*SelectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"sortOption"` // maxOccurs="3"
-// Complex structs
-type AccountingElementType struct {
- // Account number
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"number"`
-type AccountingInformationElementType struct {
- // One of these 4 data elements is mandatory , but non in particular
- Account *AccountingElementType `xml:"account"`
-type ActionDetailsTypeI struct {
- // used for scrollling purposes
- NumberOfItemsDetails *ProcessingInformationTypeI `xml:"numberOfItemsDetails"`
-type AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationTypeI struct {
- // the office we are targetting
- SourceType *SourceTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"sourceType"`
- // contains the office ID
- OriginatorDetails *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originatorDetails"`
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // Marketing company.
- MarketingCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType struct {
- // Frequent Traveller Info. Repetition 2 is used only in the case we provide a customer value range (only one is accepted).
- FrequentTravellerDetails []*FrequentTravellerIdentificationType `xml:"frequentTravellerDetails"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType struct {
- // This field specifies the Tier Level. This is a 4 letter string indicating the airline's ranking of frequent flyers. It is not to be confused with Alliance tier. If tierLevel is filled in a given FTI segment, customerValue must not be filled.
- TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This field specifies the Customer value. This is a 4 letter string indicating the airline's ranking of frequent flyers. It is not to be confused with Alliance tier. If customerValue is filled in a given FTI segment, tierLevel field must not be filled.
- CustomerValue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"customerValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationTypeU struct {
- // Office identification. It can contain wildcards.
- Name formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Board point
- Origin formats.AlphaNumericString_Length3To3 `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Off point
- Destination formats.AlphaNumericString_Length3To3 `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // the office that is being targetted
- InHouseIdentification1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"inHouseIdentification1"`
-type PartyIdentifierTypeU struct {
- // GDS identifier: 1A, 1S, 1G.
- PartyIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"partyIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PointOfSaleInformationType struct {
- // Party identification.
- PointOfSale *PartyIdentifierTypeU `xml:"pointOfSale,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Office id in case the party identifier is 1A.
- LocationDetails *LocationTypeU `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProcessingInformationTypeI struct {
- // determine if move up or move down required
- ActionQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"actionQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Class designator.
- Designator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"designator"`
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Flight number.
- FlightNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"flightNumber"`
-type ProductInformationTypeI struct {
- // Booking class details.
- BookingClassDetails *ProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"bookingClassDetails"`
-type QueueInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // queue number
- Number formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"number"`
-type QueueInformationTypeI struct {
- // queue identification
- QueueDetails *QueueInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"queueDetails"`
-type RangeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // define is a range or not
- RangeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"rangeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // define the start and possible end point of the scan
- RangeDetails []*RangeTypeI `xml:"rangeDetails"` // maxOccurs="5"
-type RangeTypeI struct {
- // starting point of the scan
- Min formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"min"`
- // ending point of the scan
- Max *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"max,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RelatedProductInformationTypeI struct {
- // Status code
- StatusCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To2 `xml:"statusCode"`
-type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
- // used to determine if a new start or a continuation Also used for search and sort criteria on the ticketing, departure and creation dates
- Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option"`
-type SelectionDetailsTypeI struct {
- // used for search and sort criteria
- SelectionDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"selectionDetails"`
-type SourceTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // not needed - but mandatory field So just stick a 4 in it !!
- SourceQualifier1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"sourceQualifier1"`
-type StatusDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Indicator showing what flight information will be transported.
- Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicator"`
-type StatusTypeI struct {
- // Flight status details.
- StatusDetails *StatusDetailsTypeI `xml:"statusDetails"`
-type StructuredDateTimeInformationType struct {
- // used for date range only The date ranges are defined on central system as 1,2,3,4 The actual values of the ranges are set in the office profile
- TimeMode formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"timeMode"`
-type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
- // Year number.
- Year formats.Year_YYYY `xml:"year"`
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month formats.Month_mM `xml:"month"`
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day formats.Day_nN `xml:"day"`
-type StructuredPeriodInformationType struct {
- // Convey the begin date/time of a period.
- BeginDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"beginDateTime"`
- // Convey the end date/time of a period.
- EndDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"endDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SubQueueInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // E for every category A for cats with items to be worked C for category number N for nickname CN for both category number and nickname numeric for date range
- IdentificationType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"identificationType"`
- // category number
- ItemNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // used for nickname on inbound used for category name on outbound
- ItemDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"itemDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SubQueueInformationTypeI struct {
- // identifies the category or categories.
- SubQueueInfoDetails *SubQueueInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"subQueueInfoDetails"`
-type TransportIdentifierType struct {
- // Company identification.
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Flight details.
- FlightDetails []*ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type TravellerInformationTypeI struct {
- // Traveller surname information.
- PaxDetails *TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI `xml:"paxDetails"`
-type TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI struct {
- // Passenger surname.
- Surname formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"surname"`
-type UserIdentificationType struct {
- // The last 2 characters of the sine of the agent who placed the PNR on queue.
- Originator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"originator"`
diff --git a/reqstructs/queue_moveitem/structs.go b/reqstructs/queue_moveitem/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index afc38d8..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/queue_moveitem/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-package queue_moveitem
-import "encoding/xml"
-type QueueMoveItem struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/QUQMUQ_03_1_1A Queue_MoveItem"`
- PlacementOption *PlacementOption `xml:"placementOption"`
- TargetDetails []*TargetDetails `xml:"targetDetails"` // maxOccurs="10"
- MessageText *MessageText `xml:"messageText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RecordLocator *RecordLocator `xml:"recordLocator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- NumberOfPNRs *NumberOfPNRs `xml:"numberOfPNRs,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PlacementOption struct {
- SelectionDetails *SelectionDetails `xml:"selectionDetails"`
-type SelectionDetails struct {
- Option string `xml:"option"`
-type TargetDetails struct {
- TargetOffice *TargetOffice `xml:"targetOffice"`
- QueueNumber *QueueNumber `xml:"queueNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CategoryDetails *CategoryDetails `xml:"categoryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PlacementDate *PlacementDate `xml:"placementDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TargetOffice struct {
- SourceType *SourceType `xml:"sourceType"`
- OriginatorDetails *OriginatorDetails `xml:"originatorDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SourceType struct {
- SourceQualifier1 string `xml:"sourceQualifier1"`
-type OriginatorDetails struct {
- InHouseIdentification1 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification1"`
-type QueueNumber struct {
- QueueDetails *QueueDetails `xml:"queueDetails"`
-type QueueDetails struct {
- Number float64 `xml:"number"`
-type CategoryDetails struct {
- SubQueueInfoDetails *SubQueueInfoDetails `xml:"subQueueInfoDetails"`
-type SubQueueInfoDetails struct {
- IdentificationType string `xml:"identificationType"`
- ItemNumber string `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ItemDescription string `xml:"itemDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PlacementDate struct {
- TimeMode string `xml:"timeMode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DateTime *DateTime `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateTime struct {
- Year string `xml:"year"`
- Month float64 `xml:"month"`
- Day float64 `xml:"day"`
- Hour *float64 `xml:"hour,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MessageText struct {
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetails `xml:"freeTextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FreeTextDetails struct {
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- Source string `xml:"source,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Encoding string `xml:"encoding,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RecordLocator struct {
- Reservation *Reservation `xml:"reservation"`
-type Reservation struct {
- ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber"`
-type NumberOfPNRs struct {
- QuantityDetails *QuantityDetails `xml:"quantityDetails"`
-type QuantityDetails struct {
- NumberOfUnit float64 `xml:"numberOfUnit"`
diff --git a/reqstructs/queue_placepnr/structs.go b/reqstructs/queue_placepnr/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 04ebf78..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/queue_placepnr/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-package queue_placepnr
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/formats"
-type QueuePlacePNR struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/QUQPCQ_03_1_1A Queue_PlacePNR"`
- // specify the type of placement to be done queue place on queue queue place on another queue queue place off queue
- PlacementOption *SelectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"placementOption"`
- TargetDetails []*TargetDetails `xml:"targetDetails"` // maxOccurs="10"
- // contains the record locator to be queue placed
- RecordLocator *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"recordLocator"`
-type TargetDetails struct {
- // used to specify the target office for which the queue count is to be displayed
- TargetOffice *AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationType `xml:"targetOffice"`
- // used to specify the queue if required
- QueueNumber *QueueInformationTypeI `xml:"queueNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // used to select the category
- CategoryDetails *SubQueueInformationTypeI `xml:"categoryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // used to pass the target date/time if not default
- PlacementDate *StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"placementDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationType struct {
- SourceType *SourceTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"sourceType"`
- OriginatorDetails *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originatorDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // the office that is being targetted
- InHouseIdentification1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"inHouseIdentification1"`
-type QueueInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // queue number
- Number formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"number"`
-type QueueInformationTypeI struct {
- // queue identification
- QueueDetails *QueueInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"queueDetails"`
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // contains the record locator to be queue placed
- ControlNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"controlNumber"`
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
- // contains the record locator
- Reservation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservation"`
-type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
- // to specify if noramal or delay queue
- Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option"`
-type SelectionDetailsTypeI struct {
- // specify queue type
- SelectionDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"selectionDetails"`
-type SourceTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // to define if own office or different office being targetted
- SourceQualifier1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"sourceQualifier1"`
-type StructuredDateTimeInformationType struct {
- // used to select the date range
- TimeMode *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"timeMode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
- // Year number. The format is a little long for short term usage but it can be reduced by implementation if required.
- Year formats.Year_YYYY `xml:"year"`
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month formats.Month_mM `xml:"month"`
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day formats.Day_nN `xml:"day"`
- // Hour between 0 and 23
- Hour formats.Hour_hH `xml:"hour,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SubQueueInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // E for every category A for cats with items to be worked C for category number N for nickname CN for both category number and nickname numeric for date range
- IdentificationType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"identificationType"`
- // category number
- ItemNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // used for nickname on inbound used for category name on outbound
- ItemDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"itemDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SubQueueInformationTypeI struct {
- // identifies the category or categories.
- SubQueueInfoDetails *SubQueueInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"subQueueInfoDetails"`
diff --git a/reqstructs/queue_removeitem/structs.go b/reqstructs/queue_removeitem/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 947558e..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/queue_removeitem/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-package queue_removeitem
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/formats"
-type QueueRemoveItem struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/QUQMDQ_03_1_1A Queue_RemoveItem"`
- // determine the target of the removal ordinary queue Ticketing queue option queue
- RemovalOption *SelectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"removalOption"`
- TargetDetails []*TargetDetails `xml:"targetDetails"` // maxOccurs="3"
-type TargetDetails struct {
- // used to specify the target office for which the queue removal is to be done
- TargetOffice *AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationType `xml:"targetOffice"`
- // used to specify the queue if required
- QueueNumber *QueueInformationTypeI `xml:"queueNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // used to select the category
- CategoryDetails *SubQueueInformationTypeI `xml:"categoryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // used to pass the target date/time if not default
- PlacementDate *StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"placementDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // contains the record locators to be removed from the queue being targeted
- RecordLocator []*ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"recordLocator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="300"
-// Complex structs
-type AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationType struct {
- SourceType *SourceTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"sourceType"`
- OriginatorDetails *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originatorDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // the office that is being targetted
- InHouseIdentification1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"inHouseIdentification1"`
-type QueueInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // queue number
- Number formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"number"`
-type QueueInformationTypeI struct {
- // queue identification
- QueueDetails *QueueInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"queueDetails"`
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // contains the record locator to be queue placed
- ControlNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"controlNumber"`
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
- // contains the record locator
- Reservation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservation"`
-type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
- // removal option
- Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option"`
-type SelectionDetailsTypeI struct {
- // specify the option for removal
- SelectionDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"selectionDetails"`
-type SourceTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // to define if own office or different office being targetted
- SourceQualifier1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"sourceQualifier1"`
-type StructuredDateTimeInformationType struct {
- // used to select the date range
- TimeMode *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"timeMode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
- // Year number. The format is a little long for short term usage but it can be reduced by implementation if required.
- Year formats.Year_YYYY `xml:"year"`
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month formats.Month_mM `xml:"month"`
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day formats.Day_nN `xml:"day"`
- // Hour between 0 and 23
- Hour formats.Hour_hH `xml:"hour,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SubQueueInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // E for every category A for cats with items to be worked C for category number N for nickname CN for both category number and nickname numeric for date range
- IdentificationType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"identificationType"`
- // category number
- ItemNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // used for nickname on inbound used for category name on outbound
- ItemDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"itemDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SubQueueInformationTypeI struct {
- // identifies the category or categories.
- SubQueueInfoDetails *SubQueueInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"subQueueInfoDetails"`
diff --git a/reqstructs/security_authenticate/structs.go b/reqstructs/security_authenticate/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 7589c51..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/security_authenticate/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-package security_authenticate
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/formats"
-type SecurityAuthenticate struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/VLSSLQ_06_1_1A Security_Authenticate"`
- // It contains conversation properties between the SI and the JFE.
- ConversationClt *ConversationIDType `xml:"conversationClt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment is dedicated to specify a user identifier. The first one for the main logon and the second one to the delegate user if any. Either a SignId or a UserId can be used, depending on DE 9972 value (Z for Sign Id, U for User Id). The value itself is specified in DE 9904.
- UserIdentifier []*UserIdentificationType `xml:"userIdentifier"` // maxOccurs="2"
- // This segment can be used to specify an AMADEUS Duty Code for the TPF sign in. DUT must be specified in the qualifier.
- DutyCode *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"dutyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment is used to specify the system which is used by the user. The workstation Id (DE 3148) can be specified to determine the location in terms of office of the request (if no workstation Id, the source office must be specified in the first UID segment). Moreover, if a User Id is used instead of a Sign Id, the organization must be specified in DE 9906. WorkstationId is actually the Atid
- SystemDetails *SystemDetailsInfoType `xml:"systemDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // These segments contain the password information. Two segments can be used in case of a New password is required.
- PasswordInfo []*BinaryDataType `xml:"passwordInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- FullLocation *FullLocation `xml:"fullLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conatins Baleb and INdex of application. ex: JFE 1
- ApplicationId *ApplicationType `xml:"applicationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FullLocation struct {
- // Stores the location of the workstation.
- WorkstationPos *PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU `xml:"workstationPos"`
- // Contains terminal and facility or worstation id.
- LocationInfo *TerminalLocationType `xml:"locationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ApplicationIdentificationType struct {
- // Application Label. Exemple : NGD. Label is the first part of the ApplicationId. Label is considered as an Internal Id, as it is the key of the application.
- InternalId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"internalId"`
- // Application Index. Index is part of the ApplicationId.
- SeqNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"seqNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationType struct {
- // Identification of the application.
- ApplicationDetails *ApplicationIdentificationType `xml:"applicationDetails"`
-type BinaryDataType struct {
- // Length of the data element 114Z. The unit is given in number of binary characters (bytes).
- DataLength formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"dataLength"`
- // type of the data. When E is specified, this means that the password is not crypted. When B specified, this means that the password is crypted.
- DataType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"dataType"`
- // used to store binary data
- BinaryData formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To99999 `xml:"binaryData"`
-type ConversationIDType struct {
- // Sender identification
- SenderIdentification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"senderIdentification"`
- // Recipient identification
- RecipientIdentification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"recipientIdentification"`
- // Sender's interchange control reference
- SenderInterchangeControlReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To14 `xml:"senderInterchangeControlReference"`
- // Recipient's interchange control reference
- RecipientInterchangeControlReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To14 `xml:"recipientInterchangeControlReference"`
-type FacilityInformationType struct {
- // Type of the Facility, coded. E.g.: - Check-In Desk - Gate... The codeset is not yet defined.
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
- // Unique Reference to a Facility of a given Type in a terminal. This can be several kind of values. E.g.: - 25 (means Gate 25 when associated Facility Type= Gate, or Check-in Desk 25 when associated Facility Type= Check-In Desk) - BAEXC: means Ba-Executive Club Lounge when associated to
- Identifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"identifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU struct {
- // Airport(139) or City (227) code
- Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Discriminator between airport or city.
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // AMADEUS Office Id the workstation belongs to. Must be empty if a workstation Id is specified in the SYS segment.
- SourceOffice formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"sourceOffice"`
-type PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU struct {
- // Type of location
- LocationType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"locationType"`
- // Description of the location
- LocationDescription *LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU `xml:"locationDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details on the location
- FirstLocationDetails *RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU `xml:"firstLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
- // This composite duty code information. For Duty code info, DUT must be specified in the Qualifier.
- DutyCodeDetails *ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"dutyCodeDetails"`
-type ReferencingDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Code determining if the data is a tree identifier, a category identifier or a parent category identifier.
- ReferenceQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"referenceQualifier"`
- // Data value.
- ReferenceIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceIdentifier"`
-type RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU struct {
- // Terminal (180) or Building(300) code
- Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Discriminator between airport or city.
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SystemDetailsInfoType struct {
- // This field contains a workstation Identifier. It is used to retrieve the physical origin of the request (mainly for printing purposes) .
- WorkstationId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"workstationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to specify an organization when User Id logon is used.
- OrganizationDetails *SystemDetailsTypeI `xml:"organizationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Explain what type of workstation ID is stored in data element 3148
- IdQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"idQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SystemDetailsTypeI struct {
- // This DE is used to specify an organization Id such as BA, 1A or QF.
- OrganizationId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"organizationId"`
-type TerminalLocationType struct {
- // To convey information related to a specific Facility.
- FacilityDetails *FacilityInformationType `xml:"facilityDetails"`
-type UserIdentificationType struct {
- // To specify the source office the workstation belongs to. Not used in the second repetition of the segment (if any, it will not be taken into account). Used when no workstation Id is specified in SYS segment.
- OriginIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to specify which kind of info is given in DE 9900.
- OriginatorTypeCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"originatorTypeCode"`
- // Authority code of the requester If Sign Id : (Numeric Sine)+(Agent Initials) ex : 0001XV). If user Id : Logon User Id.
- Originator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To30 `xml:"originator"`
diff --git a/reqstructs/security_signout/structs.go b/reqstructs/security_signout/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b796de..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/security_signout/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-package security_signout
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/formats"
-type SecuritySignOut struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/VLSSOQ_04_1_1A Security_SignOut"`
- // It contains conversation properties between the SI and the JFE.
- ConversationClt *ConversationIDType `xml:"conversationClt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ConversationIDType struct {
- // Sender identification
- SenderIdentification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"senderIdentification"`
- // Recipient identification
- RecipientIdentification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"recipientIdentification"`
- // Sender's interchange control reference
- SenderInterchangeControlReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To14 `xml:"senderInterchangeControlReference"`
- // Recipient's interchange control reference
- RecipientInterchangeControlReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To14 `xml:"recipientInterchangeControlReference"`
diff --git a/reqstructs/ticket_createtstfrompricing/structs.go b/reqstructs/ticket_createtstfrompricing/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 93a9c3d..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/ticket_createtstfrompricing/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-package ticket_createtstfrompricing
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/formats"
-type TicketCreateTSTFromPricing struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TAUTCQ_04_1_1A Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricing"`
- // PNR record locator information for this transaction. This PNR record locator is used for tracing purpose, no internal retrieve.
- PnrLocatorData *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"pnrLocatorData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PsaList []*PsaList `xml:"psaList"` // maxOccurs="1980"
-type PsaList struct {
- // Reference of the fare selected. A fare may have been calculated by Fare Quote for several passengers but there is still the possibility to create a TST only for a part of these passengers.
- ItemReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"itemReference"`
- // Reference information on passengers.
- PaxReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"paxReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
- // qualifies the type of the reference used. Code set to define
- ReferenceType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tattoo number : It is in fact the TST display number.
- UniqueReference *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"uniqueReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
- // Passenger/segment/TST/fare reference details
- RefDetails []*ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"refDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferencingDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Qualifyer of the reference (Pax/Seg/Tst/Fare tattoo)
- RefQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger/segment/TST/fare tattoo reference number
- RefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Record locator.
- ControlNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"controlNumber"`
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
- // Reservation control information
- ReservationInformation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservationInformation"`
diff --git a/reqstructs/ticket_creditcardcheck/structs.go b/reqstructs/ticket_creditcardcheck/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a569f95..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/ticket_creditcardcheck/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-package ticket_creditcardcheck
-import "encoding/xml"
-type TicketCreditCardCheck struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/CCVRQT_06_1_1A Ticket_CreditCardCheck"`
- CommonCcData *CommonCcData `xml:"commonCcData"`
- HiddenData *HiddenData `xml:"hiddenData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Country *Country `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CommonCcData struct {
- CcInfo *CcInfo `xml:"ccInfo"`
- PriceInfo *PriceInfo `xml:"priceInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AvsInfo *AvsInfo `xml:"avsInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CcInfo struct {
- VendorCode string `xml:"vendorCode"`
- CardNumber string `xml:"cardNumber"`
- ExpiryDate string `xml:"expiryDate"`
- ValidatingCarrier string `xml:"validatingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PriceInfo struct {
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Amount float64 `xml:"amount"`
-type AvsInfo struct {
- AddressCode string `xml:"addressCode"`
- ZipCode string `xml:"zipCode"`
-type HiddenData struct {
- SecurityId string `xml:"securityId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AuthenticationData *AuthenticationData `xml:"authenticationData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AuthenticationData struct {
- TransactionIdentifier string `xml:"transactionIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Veres string `xml:"veres,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Pares string `xml:"pares,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CreditCardCompany string `xml:"creditCardCompany"`
- AuthenticationIndicator string `xml:"authenticationIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AuthenticationCode string `xml:"authenticationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type Country struct {
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode"`
diff --git a/reqstructs/ticket_deletetst/structs.go b/reqstructs/ticket_deletetst/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index ef1f556..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/ticket_deletetst/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-package ticket_deletetst
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/formats"
-type TicketDeleteTST struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TTSTDQ_04_1_1A Ticket_DeleteTST"`
- // It can be: - 'ALL' - all TSTs are deleted; - 'SEL' - only the information corresponding to the TST/passenger selection is deleted.
- DeleteMode *CodedAttributeType `xml:"deleteMode"`
- // PNR record locator information for this transaction. This PNR record locator is used for tracing purpose, no internal retrieve.
- PnrLocatorData *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"pnrLocatorData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PsaList []*PsaList `xml:"psaList,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1980"
-type PsaList struct {
- // TST reference number. Order number is here meaningless.
- ItemReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"itemReference"`
- // Reference information about passenger(s) to delete from the TST(s)
- PaxReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"paxReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
- // provides the attribute Type
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"attributeType"`
-type CodedAttributeType struct {
- // provides details for the Attribute
- AttributeDetails *CodedAttributeInformationType `xml:"attributeDetails"`
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
- // qualifies the type of the reference used. Code set to define
- ReferenceType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tattoo number (It is in fact the Tst Display Number)
- UniqueReference *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"uniqueReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Gives the TST ID number
- IDDescription *UniqueIdDescriptionType `xml:"iDDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
- // Passenger/segment/TST reference details
- RefDetails []*ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"refDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferencingDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Qualifyer of the reference (Pax/Seg/Tst)
- RefQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger/segment/TST reference number
- RefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Record locator.
- ControlNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"controlNumber"`
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
- // Reservation control information
- ReservationInformation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservationInformation"`
-type UniqueIdDescriptionType struct {
- // The TST Id Number : The Id number allows to determine a TST in the single manner.
- IDSequenceNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length1To11 `xml:"iDSequenceNumber"`
diff --git a/reqstructs/ticket_displaytst/structs.go b/reqstructs/ticket_displaytst/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f75a14..0000000
--- a/reqstructs/ticket_displaytst/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-package ticket_displaytst
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/formats"
-type TicketDisplayTST struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TTSTRQ_07_1_1A Ticket_DisplayTST"`
- // It can be: - 'ALL' - all TSTs are displayed; - 'SEL' - only the information corresponding to the TST/passenger selection is displayed.
- DisplayMode *CodedAttributeType `xml:"displayMode"`
- // PNR record locator information for this transaction. This PNR record locator is used for tracing purpose, no internal retrieve.
- PnrLocatorData *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"pnrLocatorData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Scrolling information.
- ScrollingInformation *ActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"scrollingInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to get TST information for selected TST references. As we can have 10 TST per Pax, 99 passenger per PNR, and a TST split with the Infant , the max number of TST is 1980.
- TstReference []*ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"tstReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1980"
- // Passenger/segment references information about TST(s) to retrieve. - Passenger reference specified : all the TSTs concerning this passenger reference are returned. - Passenger/segment reference : only the TST having this passenger/segment association is returned.
- PsaInformation *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"psaInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ActionDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Information on next list of TSTs to return.
- NextListInformation *ReferenceTypeI `xml:"nextListInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
- // provides the attribute Type
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"attributeType"`
-type CodedAttributeType struct {
- // provides details for the Attribute
- AttributeDetails *CodedAttributeInformationType `xml:"attributeDetails"`
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
- // qualifies the type of the reference used. Code set to define
- ReferenceType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tattoo number (It is in fact the Tst Display Number)
- UniqueReference *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"uniqueReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Gives the TST ID number
- IDDescription *UniqueIdDescriptionType `xml:"iDDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
- // Passenger/segment/TST reference details
- RefDetails []*ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"refDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferenceTypeI struct {
- // In case of query specifies the number of TSTs to get in reply. In case of response specifies the number of TSTs remaining.
- RemainingInformation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"remainingInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // In case of first query specifies the value of this field in the last reply. In case of other queries specifies the last reference returned in the previous list. In case of reply specifies the last TST reference of the list. In case of last reply the value of this field set in the first query is sent.
- RemainingReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"remainingReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferencingDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Qualifyer of the reference (Pax/Seg/Tst)
- RefQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger/segment/TST reference number
- RefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Record locator.
- ControlNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"controlNumber"`
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
- // Reservation control information
- ReservationInformation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservationInformation"`
-type UniqueIdDescriptionType struct {
- // The TST Id Number : The Id number allows to determine a TST in the single manner.
- IDSequenceNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length1To11 `xml:"iDSequenceNumber"`
diff --git a/respstructs/air_flightinfo_reply/structs.go b/respstructs/air_flightinfo_reply/structs.go
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index 052017a..0000000
--- a/respstructs/air_flightinfo_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-package air_flightinfo_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type AirFlightInfoReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/FLIRES_05_1_1A Air_FlightInfoReply"`
- MessageActionDetails *MessageActionDetails `xml:"messageActionDetails"`
- InteractiveFreeText *InteractiveFreeText `xml:"interactiveFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ResponseError *ResponseError `xml:"responseError,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightScheduleDetails *FlightScheduleDetails `xml:"flightScheduleDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MessageActionDetails struct {
- MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionDetails `xml:"messageFunctionDetails"`
-type MessageFunctionDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- BusinessFunction string `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- AdditionalMessageFunction []string `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type InteractiveFreeText struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- FreeText string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FreeTextQualification struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..4
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ResponseError struct {
- ErrorInfo *ErrorInfo `xml:"errorInfo"`
- InteractiveFreeText *InteractiveFreeText `xml:"interactiveFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorInfo struct {
- ErrorDetails *ErrorDetails `xml:"errorDetails"`
-type ErrorDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightScheduleDetails struct {
- DummySegment *DummySegment `xml:"dummySegment"`
- GeneralFlightInfo *GeneralFlightInfo `xml:"generalFlightInfo"`
- AdditionalProductDetails *AdditionalProductDetails `xml:"additionalProductDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ProductInfo *ProductInfo `xml:"productInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- InteractiveFreeText []*InteractiveFreeText `xml:"interactiveFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- ErrorResponseOrWarningData *ErrorResponseOrWarningData `xml:"errorResponseOrWarningData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BoardPointAndOffPointDetails []*BoardPointAndOffPointDetails `xml:"boardPointAndOffPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type DummySegment struct {
-type GeneralFlightInfo struct {
- FlightDate *FlightDate `xml:"flightDate"`
- BoardPointDetails *BoardPointDetails `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OffPointDetails *OffPointDetails `xml:"offPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ProductIdDetails *ProductIdDetails `xml:"productIdDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightDate struct {
- // Format limitations: n6
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n4
- DepartureTime string `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n6
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n4
- ArrivalTime string `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type BoardPointDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: a3
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId"`
-type OffPointDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: a3
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId"`
-type CompanyDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- OperatingCompany string `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductIdDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..4
- FlightNumber string `xml:"flightNumber"`
- // Format limitations: an1
- OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..7
- Modifier []string `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type AdditionalProductDetails struct {
- LegDetails *LegDetails `xml:"legDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DepartureStationInfo *DepartureStationInfo `xml:"departureStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ArrivalStationInfo *ArrivalStationInfo `xml:"arrivalStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightLegMileag *FlightLegMileag `xml:"flightLegMileag,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TravellerTimeDetails *TravellerTimeDetails `xml:"travellerTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FacilitiesInformation []*FacilitiesInformation `xml:"facilitiesInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type LegDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Equipment string `xml:"equipment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..2
- NumberOfStops *float64 `xml:"numberOfStops,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n4
- Duration string `xml:"duration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..7
- DaysOfOperation *float64 `xml:"daysOfOperation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an1
- ComplexingFlightIndicator string `xml:"complexingFlightIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: a3
- Location1 string `xml:"location1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: a3
- Location2 string `xml:"location2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: a3
- Location3 string `xml:"location3,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DepartureStationInfo struct {
- // Format limitations: an..6
- GateDescription string `xml:"gateDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..2
- Terminal string `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..2
- Concourse string `xml:"concourse,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ArrivalStationInfo struct {
- // Format limitations: an..6
- GateDescription string `xml:"gateDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..2
- Terminal string `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..2
- Concourse string `xml:"concourse,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightLegMileag struct {
- // Format limitations: n..8
- FlightLegMileage *float64 `xml:"flightLegMileage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerTimeDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: n4
- DepartureTime string `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n4
- ArrivalTime string `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n10
- CheckInDetails string `xml:"checkInDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FacilitiesInformation struct {
- // Format limitations: n4
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductInfo struct {
- BookingClassDetails []*BookingClassDetails `xml:"bookingClassDetails"` // maxOccurs="26"
-type BookingClassDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an1
- Designator string `xml:"designator"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- AvailabilityStatus string `xml:"availabilityStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..2
- SpecialService string `xml:"specialService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an1
- Option []string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ErrorResponseOrWarningData struct {
- ErrorInfo *ErrorInfo `xml:"errorInfo"`
- InteractiveFreeText *InteractiveFreeText `xml:"interactiveFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type BoardPointAndOffPointDetails struct {
- GeneralFlightInfo *GeneralFlightInfo `xml:"generalFlightInfo"`
- AdditionalProductDetails *AdditionalProductDetails `xml:"additionalProductDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ProductInfo *ProductInfo `xml:"productInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- EquipmentInfo *EquipmentInfo `xml:"equipmentInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- InteractiveFreeText []*InteractiveFreeText `xml:"interactiveFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type EquipmentInfo struct {
- CabinClassDetails []*CabinClassDetails `xml:"cabinClassDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- IataAircraftTypeCode string `xml:"iataAircraftTypeCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- ConfigVersionDescription string `xml:"configVersionDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CabinClassDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an1
- ClassDesignator string `xml:"classDesignator"`
- // Format limitations: n..3
- NumberOfSeats float64 `xml:"numberOfSeats"`
diff --git a/respstructs/air_sellfromrecommendation_reply/structs.go b/respstructs/air_sellfromrecommendation_reply/structs.go
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index a73919b..0000000
--- a/respstructs/air_sellfromrecommendation_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-package air_sellfromrecommendation_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type AirSellFromRecommendationReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/ITARES_05_2_IA Air_SellFromRecommendationReply"`
- Message *Message `xml:"message,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ErrorAtMessageLevel []*ErrorAtMessageLevel `xml:"errorAtMessageLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- ItineraryDetails []*ItineraryDetails `xml:"itineraryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type Message struct {
- MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionDetails `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ResponseType string `xml:"responseType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MessageFunctionDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- BusinessFunction string `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- AdditionalMessageFunction []string `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type ErrorAtMessageLevel struct {
- ErrorSegment *ErrorSegment `xml:"errorSegment"`
- InformationText *InformationText `xml:"informationText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorSegment struct {
- ErrorDetails *ErrorDetails `xml:"errorDetails"`
-type ErrorDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..5
- ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type InformationText struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FreeTextQualification struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..4
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItineraryDetails struct {
- OriginDestination *OriginDestination `xml:"originDestination"`
- ErrorItinerarylevel []*ErrorItinerarylevel `xml:"errorItinerarylevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- SegmentInformation []*SegmentInformation `xml:"segmentInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type OriginDestination struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorItinerarylevel struct {
- ErrorSegment *ErrorSegment `xml:"errorSegment"`
- InformationText *InformationText `xml:"informationText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegmentInformation struct {
- FlightDetails *FlightDetails `xml:"flightDetails"`
- ApdSegment *ApdSegment `xml:"apdSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ActionDetails *ActionDetails `xml:"actionDetails"`
- InformationText *InformationText `xml:"informationText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ErrorAtSegmentLevel []*ErrorAtSegmentLevel `xml:"errorAtSegmentLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type FlightDetails struct {
- FlightDate *FlightDate `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BoardPointDetails *BoardPointDetails `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OffpointDetails *OffpointDetails `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightIdentification *FlightIdentification `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightTypeDetails *FlightTypeDetails `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- SpecialSegment string `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MarriageDetails []*MarriageDetails `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FlightDate struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..4
- DepartureTime *float64 `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..4
- ArrivalTime *float64 `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n1
- DateVariation string `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type BoardPointDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..25
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..17
- TrueLocation string `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OffpointDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..25
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..17
- TrueLocation string `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- OperatingCompany string `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightIdentification struct {
- // Format limitations: an..4
- FlightNumber string `xml:"flightNumber"`
- // Format limitations: an..2
- BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..7
- Modifier []string `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type FlightTypeDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..6
- FlightIndicator []string `xml:"flightIndicator"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type MarriageDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Relation string `xml:"relation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..10
- MarriageIdentifier *float64 `xml:"marriageIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..6
- LineNumber *float64 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- OtherRelation string `xml:"otherRelation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- CarrierCode string `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApdSegment struct {
- LegDetails *LegDetails `xml:"legDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DepartureStationInfo *DepartureStationInfo `xml:"departureStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ArrivalStationInfo *ArrivalStationInfo `xml:"arrivalStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FacilitiesInformation []*FacilitiesInformation `xml:"facilitiesInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type LegDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..8
- Equipment string `xml:"equipment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..3
- NumberOfStops *float64 `xml:"numberOfStops,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..6
- Duration *float64 `xml:"duration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..8
- Percentage *float64 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..7
- DaysOfOperation string `xml:"daysOfOperation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- DateTimePeriod string `xml:"dateTimePeriod,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n1
- ComplexingFlightIndicator string `xml:"complexingFlightIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..25
- Locations []string `xml:"locations,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type DepartureStationInfo struct {
- // Format limitations: an..6
- GateDescription string `xml:"gateDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..25
- Terminal string `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..25
- Concourse string `xml:"concourse,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ArrivalStationInfo struct {
- // Format limitations: an..6
- GateDescription string `xml:"gateDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..25
- Terminal string `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..25
- Concourse string `xml:"concourse,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FacilitiesInformation struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..17
- ExtensionCode []string `xml:"extensionCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
-type ActionDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: n..15
- Quantity float64 `xml:"quantity"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- StatusCode []string `xml:"statusCode"` // maxOccurs="10"
-type ErrorAtSegmentLevel struct {
- ErrorSegment *ErrorSegment `xml:"errorSegment"`
- InformationText *InformationText `xml:"informationText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
diff --git a/respstructs/command_cryptic_reply/structs.go b/respstructs/command_cryptic_reply/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 41c20cb..0000000
--- a/respstructs/command_cryptic_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-package command_cryptic_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type CommandCrypticReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/HSFRES_07_3_1A Command_CrypticReply"`
- MessageActionDetails *MessageActionDetails `xml:"messageActionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LongTextString *LongTextString `xml:"longTextString"`
-type MessageActionDetails struct {
- MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionDetails `xml:"messageFunctionDetails"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ResponseType string `xml:"responseType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MessageFunctionDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- BusinessFunction string `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction"`
-type LongTextString struct {
- // Format limitations: an..9999
- TextStringDetails string `xml:"textStringDetails"`
diff --git a/respstructs/docissuance_issueticket_reply/structs.go b/respstructs/docissuance_issueticket_reply/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 8416b08..0000000
--- a/respstructs/docissuance_issueticket_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-package docissuance_issueticket_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type DocIssuanceIssueTicketReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TTKTIR_09_1_1A DocIssuance_IssueTicketReply"`
- // The type of the answer : warning, aknowledgement, PNR display...
- ProcessingStatus *ResponseAnalysisDetailsType `xml:"processingStatus"`
- // Contains warning and errors.
- ErrorGroup *ErrorGroupType `xml:"errorGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
- // Code identifying the data validation error condition.
- ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
- // Identification of a code list.
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
- // Application error details.
- ErrorDetails *ApplicationErrorDetailType `xml:"errorDetails"`
-type ErrorGroupType struct {
- // The details of error/warning code.
- ErrorOrWarningCodeDetails *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"errorOrWarningCodeDetails"`
- // The desciption of warning or error.
- ErrorWarningDescription *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"errorWarningDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
- // textSubjectQualifier
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // source
- Source string `xml:"source"`
- // encoding
- Encoding string `xml:"encoding"`
-type FreeTextInformationType struct {
- // warning/error message details.
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType `xml:"freeTextDetails"`
- // Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
- FreeText string `xml:"freeText"`
-type ResponseAnalysisDetailsType struct {
- // type of the answer
- StatusCode string `xml:"statusCode"`
diff --git a/respstructs/fare_checkrules_reply/structs.go b/respstructs/fare_checkrules_reply/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 5409cf4..0000000
--- a/respstructs/fare_checkrules_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1266 +0,0 @@
-package fare_checkrules_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type FareCheckRulesReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/FARQNR_07_1_1A Fare_CheckRulesReply"`
- TransactionType *TransactionType `xml:"transactionType"`
- StatusInfo *StatusInfo `xml:"statusInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareRouteInfo *FareRouteInfo `xml:"fareRouteInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- InfoText []*InfoText `xml:"infoText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
- ErrorInfo *ErrorInfo `xml:"errorInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TariffInfo []*TariffInfo `xml:"tariffInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
- FlightDetails []*FlightDetails `xml:"flightDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type TransactionType struct {
- MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionDetails `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MessageFunctionDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StatusInfo struct {
- StatusDetails *StatusDetails `xml:"statusDetails"`
- OtherDetails []*OtherDetails `xml:"otherDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
-type StatusDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OtherDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareRouteInfo struct {
- // Format limitations: an..7
- DayOfWeek string `xml:"dayOfWeek,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareQualifierDetails *FareQualifierDetails `xml:"fareQualifierDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- IdentificationNumber string `xml:"identificationNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ValidityPeriod *ValidityPeriod `xml:"validityPeriod,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareQualifierDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- FareQualifier []string `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ValidityPeriod struct {
- // Format limitations: n..6
- FirstDate *float64 `xml:"firstDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..6
- SecondDate *float64 `xml:"secondDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type InfoText struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FreeTextQualification struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..4
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorInfo struct {
- RejectErrorCode *RejectErrorCode `xml:"rejectErrorCode"`
- ErrorFreeText *ErrorFreeText `xml:"errorFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RejectErrorCode struct {
- ErrorDetails *ErrorDetails `xml:"errorDetails"`
-type ErrorDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
-type ErrorFreeText struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TariffInfo struct {
- FareRuleInfo *FareRuleInfo `xml:"fareRuleInfo"`
- FareRuleText []*FareRuleText `xml:"fareRuleText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type FareRuleInfo struct {
- // Format limitations: an..9
- RuleSectionLocalId string `xml:"ruleSectionLocalId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..7
- RuleCategoryCode string `xml:"ruleCategoryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Operatingcompany string `xml:"operatingcompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareRuleText struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FlightDetails struct {
- NbOfSegments *NbOfSegments `xml:"nbOfSegments"`
- AmountConversion *AmountConversion `xml:"amountConversion,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- QuantityValue *QuantityValue `xml:"quantityValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PricingAndDateInfo *PricingAndDateInfo `xml:"pricingAndDateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- QualificationFareDetails []*QualificationFareDetails `xml:"qualificationFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- TransportService []*TransportService `xml:"transportService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- FlightErrorCode []*FlightErrorCode `xml:"flightErrorCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
- ProductInfo []*ProductInfo `xml:"productInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- PriceInfo []*PriceInfo `xml:"priceInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- FareDetailInfo []*FareDetailInfo `xml:"fareDetailInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- OdiGrp []*OdiGrp `xml:"odiGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
- TravellerGrp []*TravellerGrp `xml:"travellerGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- FareRouteGrp []*FareRouteGrp `xml:"fareRouteGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- ItemGrp []*ItemGrp `xml:"itemGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type NbOfSegments struct {
- SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentControlDetails `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type SegmentControlDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: n..15
- Quantity *float64 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..15
- NumberOfUnits *float64 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..15
- TotalNumberOfItems *float64 `xml:"totalNumberOfItems,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AmountConversion struct {
- ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetails `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
- OtherConversionRateDetails []*OtherConversionRateDetails `xml:"otherConversionRateDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type ConversionRateDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- RateType string `xml:"rateType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- PricingAmount *float64 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- MeasurementValue *float64 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MeasurementSignificance string `xml:"measurementSignificance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OtherConversionRateDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- RateType string `xml:"rateType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- PricingAmount *float64 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- MeasurementValue *float64 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MeasurementSignificance string `xml:"measurementSignificance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type QuantityValue struct {
- QuantityDetails []*QuantityDetails `xml:"quantityDetails"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type QuantityDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Format limitations: n..5
- Value float64 `xml:"value"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Unit string `xml:"unit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingAndDateInfo struct {
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeDetails `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LocationDetails *LocationDetails `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherLocationDetails *OtherLocationDetails `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: n6
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n6
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- City string `xml:"city,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OtherLocationDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- City string `xml:"city,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type QualificationFareDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareCategories struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- FareType []string `xml:"fareType"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type FareDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..3
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AdditionalFareDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..10
- RateClass string `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..13
- CommodityCategory string `xml:"commodityCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..10
- FareClass []string `xml:"fareClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type DiscountDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..35
- RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..3
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..3
- Percentage *float64 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TransportService struct {
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentification `xml:"companyIdentification"`
- ProductIdentificationDetails []*ProductIdentificationDetails `xml:"productIdentificationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type CompanyIdentification struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Operatingcompany string `xml:"operatingcompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductIdentificationDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..4
- FlightNumber string `xml:"flightNumber"`
- // Format limitations: an1
- OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightErrorCode struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ProductInfo struct {
- ProductDetails *ProductDetails `xml:"productDetails"`
- ProductErrorCode []*ProductErrorCode `xml:"productErrorCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ProductDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ProductDetailsQualifier string `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BookingClassDetails []*BookingClassDetails `xml:"bookingClassDetails"` // maxOccurs="26"
-type BookingClassDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an1
- Designator string `xml:"designator"`
- // Format limitations: an1
- Option []string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ProductErrorCode struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type PriceInfo struct {
- MonetaryRates *MonetaryRates `xml:"monetaryRates"`
- TaxAmount *TaxAmount `xml:"taxAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareTypeInfo []*FareTypeInfo `xml:"fareTypeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type MonetaryRates struct {
- MonetaryDetails *MonetaryDetails `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- AmountTwo []*AmountTwo `xml:"amountTwo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type MonetaryDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..18
- Amount string `xml:"amount"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AmountTwo struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..18
- Amount string `xml:"amount"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TaxAmount struct {
- TaxDetails []*TaxDetails `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TaxDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..17
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Type []string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FareTypeInfo struct {
- FareDetailQualif *FareDetailQualif `xml:"fareDetailQualif"`
- FlightMovementDate *FlightMovementDate `xml:"flightMovementDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FaraRulesInfo *FaraRulesInfo `xml:"faraRulesInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SelectionMakingDetails *SelectionMakingDetails `xml:"selectionMakingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AmountConvDetails *AmountConvDetails `xml:"amountConvDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetailQualif struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FlightMovementDate struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type DateAndTimeDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..6
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FaraRulesInfo struct {
- // Format limitations: an..9
- RuleSectionLocalId string `xml:"ruleSectionLocalId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..7
- RuleCategoryCode string `xml:"ruleCategoryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionMakingDetails struct {
- SelectionDetails *SelectionDetails `xml:"selectionDetails"`
- SelectionDetailsTwo []*SelectionDetailsTwo `xml:"selectionDetailsTwo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
-type SelectionDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Option string `xml:"option"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetailsTwo struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Option string `xml:"option"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AmountConvDetails struct {
- ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetails `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
- OtherConversionRateDetails []*OtherConversionRateDetails `xml:"otherConversionRateDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type FareDetailInfo struct {
- NbOfUnits *NbOfUnits `xml:"nbOfUnits"`
- PricingPlusDateInfo *PricingPlusDateInfo `xml:"pricingPlusDateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDeatilInfo *FareDeatilInfo `xml:"fareDeatilInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type NbOfUnits struct {
- QuantityDetails []*QuantityDetails1 `xml:"quantityDetails"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type QuantityDetails1 struct {
- // Format limitations: n..15
- NumberOfUnit *float64 `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingPlusDateInfo struct {
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeDetails `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LocationDetails *LocationDetails `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherLocationDetails *OtherLocationDetails `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDeatilInfo struct {
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGrouping `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareTypeGrouping struct {
- // Format limitations: an..6
- PricingGroup []string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type OdiGrp struct {
- OriginDestination *OriginDestination `xml:"originDestination"`
- FlightDateAndTime []*FlightDateAndTime `xml:"flightDateAndTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- FlightErrorText *FlightErrorText `xml:"flightErrorText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MonGrp []*MonGrp `xml:"monGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- RoutingGrp []*RoutingGrp `xml:"routingGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- TravelProductGrp []*TravelProductGrp `xml:"travelProductGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type OriginDestination struct {
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightDateAndTime struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FlightErrorText struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type MonGrp struct {
- MonetaryValues *MonetaryValues `xml:"monetaryValues"`
- FareDetailGrp []*FareDetailGrp `xml:"fareDetailGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type MonetaryValues struct {
- MonetaryDetails *MonetaryDetails `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- AmountTwo []*AmountTwo `xml:"amountTwo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type FareDetailGrp struct {
- FareQualif *FareQualif `xml:"fareQualif"`
- AmountCvtRate *AmountCvtRate `xml:"amountCvtRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareQualif struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type AmountCvtRate struct {
- ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetails `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
- OtherConversionRateDetails []*OtherConversionRateDetails `xml:"otherConversionRateDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type RoutingGrp struct {
- RoutingInfo *RoutingInfo `xml:"routingInfo"`
- ServiceTransport *ServiceTransport `xml:"serviceTransport,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- QualificationOfFare *QualificationOfFare `xml:"qualificationOfFare,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PertinentQuantity *PertinentQuantity `xml:"pertinentQuantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RoutingInfo struct {
- RoutingDetails []*RoutingDetails `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type RoutingDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- Station string `xml:"station,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- OtherStation string `xml:"otherStation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ServiceTransport struct {
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentification `xml:"companyIdentification"`
- ProductIdentificationDetails []*ProductIdentificationDetails `xml:"productIdentificationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type QualificationOfFare struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type PertinentQuantity struct {
- QuantityDetails []*QuantityDetails `xml:"quantityDetails"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type TravelProductGrp struct {
- TravelProductInfo *TravelProductInfo `xml:"travelProductInfo"`
- RoutingGrp []*RoutingGrp1 `xml:"routingGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TravelProductInfo struct {
- FlightDate *FlightDate `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BoardPointDetails *BoardPointDetails `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OffpointDetails *OffpointDetails `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightIdentification *FlightIdentification `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightTypeDetails *FlightTypeDetails `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..6
- ItemNumber *float64 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- SpecialSegment string `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MarriageDetails *MarriageDetails `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightDate struct {
- // Format limitations: n6
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n6
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type BoardPointDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- TrueLocation string `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OffpointDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- TrueLocation string `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightIdentification struct {
- // Format limitations: an..4
- FlightNumber string `xml:"flightNumber"`
- // Format limitations: an1
- OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightTypeDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..6
- FlightIndicator string `xml:"flightIndicator"`
- // Format limitations: an..6
- SecondSequenceNb []string `xml:"secondSequenceNb,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type MarriageDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Relation string `xml:"relation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..10
- MarriageIdentifier *float64 `xml:"marriageIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..6
- LineNumber *float64 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- OtherRelation string `xml:"otherRelation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- CarrierCode string `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RoutingGrp1 struct {
- RoutingInfo *RoutingInfo `xml:"routingInfo"`
- TransportServiceChange []*TransportServiceChange `xml:"transportServiceChange,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type TransportServiceChange struct {
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentification `xml:"companyIdentification"`
- ProductIdentificationDetails []*ProductIdentificationDetails `xml:"productIdentificationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TravellerGrp struct {
- TravellerIdentRef *TravellerIdentRef `xml:"travellerIdentRef"`
- FareRulesDetails *FareRulesDetails `xml:"fareRulesDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightMovementDateInfo *FlightMovementDateInfo `xml:"flightMovementDateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerIdentRef struct {
- ReferenceDetails []*ReferenceDetails `xml:"referenceDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferenceDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..10
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareRulesDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..9
- TariffClassId string `xml:"tariffClassId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..7
- RuleSectionId []string `xml:"ruleSectionId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FlightMovementDateInfo struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FareRouteGrp struct {
- FareRouteInfo *FareRouteInfo `xml:"fareRouteInfo"`
- JourneyGrp []*JourneyGrp `xml:"journeyGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type JourneyGrp struct {
- JourneyOriginAndDestination *JourneyOriginAndDestination `xml:"journeyOriginAndDestination"`
- JourneyProductGrp []*JourneyProductGrp `xml:"journeyProductGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type JourneyOriginAndDestination struct {
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type JourneyProductGrp struct {
- JourneyProductInfo *JourneyProductInfo `xml:"journeyProductInfo"`
- JourneyRoutingGrp []*JourneyRoutingGrp `xml:"journeyRoutingGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type JourneyProductInfo struct {
- FlightDate *FlightDate `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BoardPointDetails *BoardPointDetails `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OffpointDetails *OffpointDetails `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightIdentification *FlightIdentification `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightTypeDetails *FlightTypeDetails `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..6
- ItemNumber *float64 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- SpecialSegment string `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MarriageDetails *MarriageDetails `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type JourneyRoutingGrp struct {
- JourneyRoutingInfo *JourneyRoutingInfo `xml:"journeyRoutingInfo"`
- JourneyTransportService *JourneyTransportService `xml:"journeyTransportService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type JourneyRoutingInfo struct {
- RoutingDetails []*RoutingDetails `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type JourneyTransportService struct {
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentification `xml:"companyIdentification"`
- ProductIdentificationDetails []*ProductIdentificationDetails `xml:"productIdentificationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ItemGrp struct {
- ItemNb *ItemNb `xml:"itemNb"`
- ProductAvailabilityStatus *ProductAvailabilityStatus `xml:"productAvailabilityStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- QuantityItem *QuantityItem `xml:"quantityItem,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TransportServiceItem []*TransportServiceItem `xml:"transportServiceItem,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- FreeTextItem []*FreeTextItem `xml:"freeTextItem,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- FareQualifItem []*FareQualifItem `xml:"fareQualifItem,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- OriginDestinationGrp []*OriginDestinationGrp `xml:"originDestinationGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- UnitGrp []*UnitGrp `xml:"unitGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- MonetaryGrp []*MonetaryGrp `xml:"monetaryGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- FarerouteGrp []*FarerouteGrp `xml:"farerouteGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ItemNb struct {
- ItemNumberDetails []*ItemNumberDetails `xml:"itemNumberDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type ItemNumberDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductAvailabilityStatus struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ProductDetailsQualifier string `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BookingClassDetails []*BookingClassDetails `xml:"bookingClassDetails"` // maxOccurs="26"
-type QuantityItem struct {
- QuantityDetails []*QuantityDetails `xml:"quantityDetails"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type TransportServiceItem struct {
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentification `xml:"companyIdentification"`
- ProductIdentificationDetails []*ProductIdentificationDetails `xml:"productIdentificationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FreeTextItem struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FareQualifItem struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type OriginDestinationGrp struct {
- OriginDestOfJourney *OriginDestOfJourney `xml:"originDestOfJourney"`
- DateForMovements *DateForMovements `xml:"dateForMovements,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RoutingForJourney *RoutingForJourney `xml:"routingForJourney,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OriginDestOfJourney struct {
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateForMovements struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type RoutingForJourney struct {
- RoutingDetails []*RoutingDetails `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type UnitGrp struct {
- NbOfUnits *NbOfUnits `xml:"nbOfUnits"`
- UnitPricingAndDateInfo *UnitPricingAndDateInfo `xml:"unitPricingAndDateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- UnitFareDetails *UnitFareDetails `xml:"unitFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type UnitPricingAndDateInfo struct {
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeDetails `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LocationDetails *LocationDetails `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherLocationDetails *OtherLocationDetails `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type UnitFareDetails struct {
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGrouping `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryGrp struct {
- MonetaryValues *MonetaryValues `xml:"monetaryValues"`
- MonetFareRuleValues *MonetFareRuleValues `xml:"monetFareRuleValues,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MonetTravellerRef *MonetTravellerRef `xml:"monetTravellerRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MonetTicketPriceAndDate *MonetTicketPriceAndDate `xml:"monetTicketPriceAndDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MonetTaxValues *MonetTaxValues `xml:"monetTaxValues,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- QualifGrp []*QualifGrp `xml:"qualifGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type MonetFareRuleValues struct {
- // Format limitations: an..9
- RuleSectionLocalId string `xml:"ruleSectionLocalId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..7
- RuleCategoryCode string `xml:"ruleCategoryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetTravellerRef struct {
- ReferenceDetails []*ReferenceDetails `xml:"referenceDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type MonetTicketPriceAndDate struct {
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeDetails `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LocationDetails *LocationDetails `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherLocationDetails *OtherLocationDetails `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetTaxValues struct {
- TaxDetails []*TaxDetails `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type QualifGrp struct {
- QualificationFare *QualificationFare `xml:"qualificationFare"`
- QualifSelection *QualifSelection `xml:"qualifSelection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- QualifDateFlightMovement *QualifDateFlightMovement `xml:"qualifDateFlightMovement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- QualifConversionRate *QualifConversionRate `xml:"qualifConversionRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type QualificationFare struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type QualifSelection struct {
- SelectionDetails *SelectionDetails `xml:"selectionDetails"`
- SelectionDetailsTwo []*SelectionDetailsTwo `xml:"selectionDetailsTwo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
-type QualifDateFlightMovement struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type QualifConversionRate struct {
- ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetails `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
- OtherConversionRateDetails []*OtherConversionRateDetails `xml:"otherConversionRateDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type FarerouteGrp struct {
- InfoForFareRoute *InfoForFareRoute `xml:"infoForFareRoute"`
- FarerouteTransportService []*FarerouteTransportService `xml:"farerouteTransportService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- FinalOdiGrp []*FinalOdiGrp `xml:"finalOdiGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type InfoForFareRoute struct {
- // Format limitations: an..7
- DayOfWeek string `xml:"dayOfWeek,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareQualifierDetails *FareQualifierDetails `xml:"fareQualifierDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- IdentificationNumber string `xml:"identificationNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ValidityPeriod *ValidityPeriod `xml:"validityPeriod,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FarerouteTransportService struct {
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentification `xml:"companyIdentification"`
- ProductIdentificationDetails []*ProductIdentificationDetails `xml:"productIdentificationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FinalOdiGrp struct {
- FinalOriginDestination *FinalOriginDestination `xml:"finalOriginDestination"`
- LastOdiRoutingInfo *LastOdiRoutingInfo `xml:"lastOdiRoutingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LastOdiDateFlightMovement *LastOdiDateFlightMovement `xml:"lastOdiDateFlightMovement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FinalOriginDestination struct {
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LastOdiRoutingInfo struct {
- RoutingDetails []*RoutingDetails `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type LastOdiDateFlightMovement struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
diff --git a/respstructs/fare_convertcurrency_reply/structs.go b/respstructs/fare_convertcurrency_reply/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index f6f1c7f..0000000
--- a/respstructs/fare_convertcurrency_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-package fare_convertcurrency_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type FareConvertCurrencyReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/FCUQCR_08_1_1A Fare_ConvertCurrencyReply"`
- Message *Message `xml:"message"`
- StatusDetails *StatusDetails `xml:"statusDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FreeTextInfo []*FreeTextInfo `xml:"freeTextInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- ErrorInfo []*ErrorInfo `xml:"errorInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- ConversionRoundingInfo []*ConversionRoundingInfo `xml:"conversionRoundingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- InvolvedCurrency []*InvolvedCurrency `xml:"involvedCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- ConversionDetails []*ConversionDetails `xml:"conversionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
- CountryDetails []*CountryDetails `xml:"countryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type Message struct {
- MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionDetails `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MessageFunctionDetails struct {
- MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StatusDetails struct {
- StatusInformation []*StatusInformation `xml:"statusInformation"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type StatusInformation struct {
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Action string `xml:"action,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FreeTextInfo struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FreeTextQualification struct {
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorInfo struct {
- ErrorIdentification *ErrorIdentification `xml:"errorIdentification"`
- ErrorText *ErrorText `xml:"errorText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorIdentification struct {
- ErrorDetails *ErrorDetails `xml:"errorDetails"`
-type ErrorDetails struct {
- ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorText struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ConversionRoundingInfo struct {
- ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetails `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
-type ConversionRateDetails struct {
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType"`
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RoundingUnit *RoundingUnit `xml:"roundingUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RoundingMethod string `xml:"roundingMethod,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RoundingUnit struct {
-type InvolvedCurrency struct {
- ConversionDirection *ConversionDirection `xml:"conversionDirection"`
- CurrencyDetails *CurrencyDetails `xml:"currencyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionDirection struct {
- SelectionDetails []*SelectionDetails `xml:"selectionDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type SelectionDetails struct {
- Option string `xml:"option"`
- OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CurrencyDetails struct {
- ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetails1 `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
-type ConversionRateDetails1 struct {
- Currency string `xml:"currency"`
-type ConversionDetails struct {
- DateInfo *DateInfo `xml:"dateInfo"`
- ConversionRate *ConversionRate `xml:"conversionRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ConvertedAmount []*ConvertedAmount `xml:"convertedAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="18"
-type DateInfo struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type DateAndTimeDetails struct {
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Time *Time `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type Time struct {
-type ConversionRate struct {
- ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetails2 `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
- OtherConvRateDetails *OtherConvRateDetails `xml:"otherConvRateDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateDetails2 struct {
- OriginCurrency string `xml:"originCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RateType string `xml:"rateType"`
- Rate *Rate `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type Rate struct {
-type OtherConvRateDetails struct {
- DestinationCurrency string `xml:"destinationCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConvertedAmount struct {
- MonetaryInfo *MonetaryInfo `xml:"monetaryInfo"`
- AdditionalConversionDetails *AdditionalConversionDetails `xml:"additionalConversionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInfo struct {
- MonetaryDetails *MonetaryDetails `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
-type MonetaryDetails struct {
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AdditionalConversionDetails struct {
- ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetails3 `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
- OtherConvRateDetails []*OtherConvRateDetails1 `xml:"otherConvRateDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type ConversionRateDetails3 struct {
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RateType string `xml:"rateType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PricingAmount *PricingAmount `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ConvertedValueAmount *ConvertedValueAmount `xml:"convertedValueAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DutyTaxFeeType string `xml:"dutyTaxFeeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MeasurementValue *MeasurementValue `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MeasurementSignificance string `xml:"measurementSignificance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingAmount struct {
-type ConvertedValueAmount struct {
-type MeasurementValue struct {
-type OtherConvRateDetails1 struct {
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RateType string `xml:"rateType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PricingAmount *PricingAmount `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ConvertedValueAmount *ConvertedValueAmount `xml:"convertedValueAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DutyTaxFeeType string `xml:"dutyTaxFeeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MeasurementValue *MeasurementValue `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MeasurementSignificance string `xml:"measurementSignificance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CountryDetails struct {
- CountryInfo *CountryInfo `xml:"countryInfo"`
- AdditionalCountryInfo []*AdditionalCountryInfo `xml:"additionalCountryInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- MarkerEndCountryDetails *MarkerEndCountryDetails `xml:"markerEndCountryDetails"`
-type CountryInfo struct {
- LocationType string `xml:"locationType"`
- LocationDescription *LocationDescription `xml:"locationDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FirstLocationDetails *FirstLocationDetails `xml:"firstLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SecondLocationDetails *SecondLocationDetails `xml:"secondLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationDescription struct {
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FirstLocationDetails struct {
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SecondLocationDetails struct {
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AdditionalCountryInfo struct {
- LocationType string `xml:"locationType"`
- LocationDescription *LocationDescription1 `xml:"locationDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationDescription1 struct {
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MarkerEndCountryDetails struct {
diff --git a/respstructs/fare_informativebestpricingwithoutpnr_reply/structs.go b/respstructs/fare_informativebestpricingwithoutpnr_reply/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index d9caef0..0000000
--- a/respstructs/fare_informativebestpricingwithoutpnr_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1220 +0,0 @@
-package fare_informativebestpricingwithoutpnr_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type FareInformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TIBNRR_12_4_1A Fare_InformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRReply"`
- // Contains general information about the message, especially the use case. Tells if the request was correctly performed of not.
- MessageDetails *MessageActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"messageDetails"`
- ErrorGroup *ErrorGroupType `xml:"errorGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MainGroup *MainGroup `xml:"mainGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MainGroup struct {
- // A useless separator.
- DummySegment *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"dummySegment"`
- // Convertion rates and currency information.
- ConvertionRate *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"convertionRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- GeneralIndicatorsGroup *GeneralIndicatorsGroup `xml:"generalIndicatorsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PricingGroupLevelGroup []*PricingGroupLevelGroup `xml:"pricingGroupLevelGroup"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type GeneralIndicatorsGroup struct {
- // Contains pricing indicators such as SITI, SOTO... and International flag.
- GeneralIndicators *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"generalIndicators"`
-type PricingGroupLevelGroup struct {
- // Number of pax in this fare group
- NumberOfPax *SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI `xml:"numberOfPax"`
- // * IDs of the passengers (same as in the request) * Carrier-related tattoo for LCC pricing (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
- PassengersID []*SpecificTravellerTypeI `xml:"passengersID,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- FareInfoGroup *FareInfoGroup `xml:"fareInfoGroup"`
-type FareInfoGroup struct {
- // Fae indicators
- EmptySegment *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"emptySegment"`
- // Contains pricing-related indicators: * "Fare Basis in fare calc" flag * Last ticketing date * Type of fare priced * Non-Homogenous Reco(BestBuy only) * Rebooking required (BestBuy only) ... and many more
- PricingIndicators *PricingTicketingDetailsType `xml:"pricingIndicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareAmount *MonetaryInformationType_157223S `xml:"fareAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to store text data such as: * Horizontal fare calulation line * Mileage fare calculation line * Endorsement information ...
- TextData []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"textData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- SurchargesGroup *SurchargesGroup `xml:"surchargesGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CorporateGroup []*CorporateGroup `xml:"corporateGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- NegoFareGroup []*NegoFareGroup `xml:"negoFareGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- SegmentLevelGroup []*SegmentLevelGroup `xml:"segmentLevelGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- StructuredFareCalcGroup *StructuredFareCalcGroup `xml:"structuredFareCalcGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CarrierFeeGroup []*CarrierFeeGroup `xml:"carrierFeeGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- FareComponentDetailsGroup []*FareComponentDetailsType `xml:"fareComponentDetailsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type SurchargesGroup struct {
- // Stores the data related to taxes.
- TaxesAmount *TaxTypeI `xml:"taxesAmount"`
- // Stores the information related to the penalties: amount or rate, currency...
- PenaltiesAmount *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"penaltiesAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To store the Passenger Facility Charges.
- PfcAmount []*MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"pfcAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type CorporateGroup struct {
- // Stores data qualifying a corporate fare: * Type of fare (Nego/Unifare) * Associated contract number or company name
- CorporateData *FareCalculationCodeDetailsTypeI `xml:"corporateData"`
-type NegoFareGroup struct {
- NegoFareIndicators *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI `xml:"negoFareIndicators"`
- ExtNegoFareIndicators *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"extNegoFareIndicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount of the negociated fares
- NegoFareAmount *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"negoFareAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Text informations : indicates to ticketing what to print in Fare and Total boxes.
- NegoFareText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"negoFareText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegmentLevelGroup struct {
- // Information about a segment: dates, carrier, board/off point...
- SegmentInformation *TravelProductInformationTypeI_33489S `xml:"segmentInformation"`
- // Contains the following pieces of information: * Ticket designator * NVA date * NVB date * Split PNR indicator * Slice And Dice indicator
- AdditionalInformation *PricingTicketingDetailsType `xml:"additionalInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Contains the following pieces of information: * Transportation class * Fare Basis * Fare by Rule flag
- FareBasis *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CabinGroup []*CabinGroup `xml:"cabinGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // Baggage allowance in a given measurement unit.
- BaggageAllowance *ExcessBaggageTypeI `xml:"baggageAllowance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PTC associated to this segment in this fare group.
- PtcSegment *NumberOfUnitsTypeI `xml:"ptcSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Coupon value/TPM for national fares
- CouponInformation *QuantityTypeI `xml:"couponInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CabinGroup struct {
- // *Booking class used for Best pricing *Cabin associated to the class
- CabinSegment *ProductInformationTypeI `xml:"cabinSegment"`
-type StructuredFareCalcGroup struct {
- // Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructureFareCalcRoot *FareComponentInformationTypeI `xml:"structureFareCalcRoot"`
- Group27 []*Group27 `xml:"group27,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type Group27 struct {
- // Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG27EQN *NumberOfUnitsTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG27EQN"`
- Group28 []*Group28 `xml:"group28,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // Dummy segment to differentiate MON in group 29 and 28
- DummySegmentGroup27 *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"dummySegmentGroup27"`
- // Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG27MON *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG27MON,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG27TXD []*TaxTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG27TXD,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG27CVR *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG27CVR,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type Group28 struct {
- // Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28ITM *ItemNumberTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28ITM"`
- Group29 []*Group29 `xml:"group29,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28MON *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28MON,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28PTS *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28PTS,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28FCC *FareCalculationCodeDetailsTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28FCC,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28PTK *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28PTK,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28FRU *FareRulesInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28FRU,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type Group29 struct {
- // Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28ADT *ActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28ADT"`
- // Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28TVL *TravelProductInformationTypeI_33489S `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28TVL,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CarrierFeeGroup struct {
- // Nature of the fee (OB, OC, ...)
- FeeType *SelectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"feeType"`
- FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FeeDetails struct {
- // Fee information
- FeeInfo *SpecificDataInformationTypeI `xml:"feeInfo"`
- // Fee associated amounts: amount with/without tax, total tax amount
- FeeAmounts *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"feeAmounts,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // taxes related to this fee
- FeeTaxes []*TaxTypeI `xml:"feeTaxes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // Attributes of this fee (commercial description, ...)
- FeeDescription *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"feeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ActionDetailsTypeI struct {
- NumberOfItemsDetails *ProcessingInformationTypeI `xml:"numberOfItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LastItemsDetails []*ReferenceTypeI `xml:"lastItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- RateClass string `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..18
- CommodityCategory string `xml:"commodityCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- SecondRateClass []string `xml:"secondRateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="29"
-type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
- // Code identifying the data validation error condition.
- ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
- // Identification of a code list.
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
- // Application error details.
- ErrorDetails *ApplicationErrorDetailType `xml:"errorDetails"`
-type BaggageDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: n..15
- FreeAllowance *int32 `xml:"freeAllowance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- Measurement *int32 `xml:"measurement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- QuantityCode string `xml:"quantityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ProcessIndicator string `xml:"processIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type BagtagDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- Company string `xml:"company,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- Identifier string `xml:"identifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..15
- Number *int32 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..25
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..15
- CompanyNumber string `xml:"companyNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Characteristic string `xml:"characteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..4
- SpecialRequirement string `xml:"specialRequirement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- Measurement *int32 `xml:"measurement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..15
- Identifier string `xml:"identifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..15
- OtherIdentifier string `xml:"otherIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- OperatingCompany string `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- RateType string `xml:"rateType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- PricingAmount *float64 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- ConvertedValueAmount *int32 `xml:"convertedValueAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- DutyTaxFeeType string `xml:"dutyTaxFeeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- MeasurementValue *int32 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MeasurementSignificance string `xml:"measurementSignificance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
- ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
- OtherConvRateDetails []*ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherConvRateDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type CouponDetailsType struct {
- // Tattoo + type of the product identifying the coupon.
- ProductId *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"productId"`
- // Flight Connection Type
- FlightConnectionType *TravelProductInformationType `xml:"flightConnectionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DataInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..15
- Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Unit string `xml:"unit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DataTypeInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- StatusEvent string `xml:"statusEvent,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- DiscountPenaltyQualifier string `xml:"discountPenaltyQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DiscountPenaltyDetails []*DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"discountPenaltyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type DiscountPenaltyInformationType struct {
- // Used for codes in the AMADEUS code tables. Code Length is three alphanumeric characters.
- FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..35
- RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..8
- Percentage *int32 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Function string `xml:"function,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- AmountType string `xml:"amountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
-type ErrorGroupType struct {
- // The details of error/warning code.
- ErrorOrWarningCodeDetails *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"errorOrWarningCodeDetails"`
- // The desciption of warning or error.
- ErrorWarningDescription *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"errorWarningDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ExcessBaggageDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ProcessIndicator string `xml:"processIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ExcessBaggageTypeI struct {
- ExcessBaggageDetails *ExcessBaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"excessBaggageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BaggageDetails *BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"baggageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherBaggageDetails *BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherBaggageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ExtraBaggageDetails *BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"extraBaggageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BagTagDetails []*BagtagDetailsTypeI `xml:"bagTagDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FareCalculationCodeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ChargeCategory string `xml:"chargeCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..25
- LocationCode string `xml:"locationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..25
- OtherLocationCode string `xml:"otherLocationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..8
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareCategoryCodesTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..20
- FareType string `xml:"fareType"`
- // Format limitations: an..20
- OtherFareType []string `xml:"otherFareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type FareComponentDetailsType struct {
- // fare Component identification
- FareComponentID *ItemNumberType `xml:"fareComponentID"`
- // Market information related to fare component
- MarketFareComponent *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"marketFareComponent,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Monetary Information
- MonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Component Class information
- ComponentClassInfo *PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType `xml:"componentClassInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Qualifier Detail
- FareQualifiersDetail *FareQualifierDetailsType `xml:"fareQualifiersDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CouponDetailsGroup []*CouponDetailsType `xml:"couponDetailsGroup"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FareComponentDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Type of data _ fare calc or exchanged residual fare data
- DataType string `xml:"dataType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare component count
- Count *int32 `xml:"count,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Price quote date
- PricingDate string `xml:"pricingDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Account code
- AccountCode string `xml:"accountCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Input designator
- InputDesignator string `xml:"inputDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareComponentInformationTypeI struct {
- FareComponentDetails *FareComponentDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareComponentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticket document number
- TicketNumber string `xml:"ticketNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Not used
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Not used
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Not used
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare indicators
- FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareInformationTypeI struct {
- // Not used
- ValueQualifier string `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Not used
- Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare information
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Not used
- IdentityNumber string `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Not used
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Not used
- RateCategory []string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareQualifierDetailsType struct {
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationType `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategories *FareCategoryCodesTypeI `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareRulesInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..9
- TariffClassId string `xml:"tariffClassId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..7
- RuleSectionId []string `xml:"ruleSectionId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- PricingGroup []string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..4
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Source string `xml:"source"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Encoding string `xml:"encoding"`
-type FreeTextInformationType struct {
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType `xml:"freeTextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FreeTextQualificationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..4
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..250
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberType struct {
- ItemNumberDetails []*ItemNumberIdentificationType `xml:"itemNumberDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type ItemNumberTypeI struct {
- ItemNumberDetails []*ItemNumberIdentificationTypeI `xml:"itemNumberDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type LocationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..25
- City string `xml:"city,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..25
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationTypeI_58141C struct {
- // Format limitations: an..25
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..17
- TrueLocation string `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MarriageControlDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Relation string `xml:"relation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..10
- MarriageIdentifier *int32 `xml:"marriageIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..6
- LineNumber *int32 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- OtherRelation string `xml:"otherRelation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- CarrierCode string `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MessageActionDetailsTypeI struct {
- MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ResponseType string `xml:"responseType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- BusinessFunction string `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- AdditionalMessageFunction []string `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..35
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..25
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223868C struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // location
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationType struct {
- // Monetary information per fare component
- MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- // Other monetary information per fare component
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
- MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type MonetaryInformationType_157223S struct {
- MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223868C `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223868C `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: n..15
- NumberOfUnit *int32 `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type NumberOfUnitsTypeI struct {
- QuantityDetails *NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"quantityDetails"`
- OtherQuantityDetails []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherQuantityDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType struct {
- FareBasisDetails *RateTariffClassInformationType `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingDetailsType struct {
- PriceTicketDetails *PricingTicketingInformationTypeI `xml:"priceTicketDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- PriceTariffType string `xml:"priceTariffType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyNumberDetails *CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"companyNumberDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherLocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- MonetaryAmount *float64 `xml:"monetaryAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI struct {
- PriceTicketDetails *PricingTicketingInformationTypeI `xml:"priceTicketDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- PriceTariffType string `xml:"priceTariffType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyNumberDetails *CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"companyNumberDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherLocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..35
- IdNumber *int32 `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- MonetaryAmount *float64 `xml:"monetaryAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Indicators []string `xml:"indicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- ItemNumber string `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareBasisDetails *RateTariffClassInformationTypeI `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- FareValue *int32 `xml:"fareValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- PriceType string `xml:"priceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- SpecialCondition string `xml:"specialCondition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- OtherSpecialCondition string `xml:"otherSpecialCondition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- AdditionalSpecialCondition string `xml:"additionalSpecialCondition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TaxCategory []string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type ProcessingInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ActionQualifier string `xml:"actionQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ReferenceQualifier string `xml:"referenceQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..6
- NumberOfItems string `xml:"numberOfItems,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..4
- DepartureTime *int32 `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..4
- ArrivalTime *int32 `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n1
- DateVariation *int32 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..17
- Designator string `xml:"designator"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- AvailabilityStatus string `xml:"availabilityStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- SpecialService string `xml:"specialService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..7
- Option []string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- FlightNumber string `xml:"flightNumber"`
- // Format limitations: an..17
- BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..7
- Modifier []string `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ProductInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ProductDetailsQualifier string `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BookingClassDetails []*ProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"bookingClassDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
-type ProductTypeDetailsType struct {
- // TST Connection Type
- FlightIndicator string `xml:"flightIndicator"`
-type ProductTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..6
- FlightIndicator []string `xml:"flightIndicator"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type QuantityDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Format limitations: n..15
- Value int32 `xml:"value"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Unit string `xml:"unit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type QuantityTypeI struct {
- QuantityDetails *QuantityDetailsTypeI `xml:"quantityDetails"`
- OtherquantityDetails []*QuantityDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherquantityDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type RateTariffClassInformationType struct {
- // Fare Basis Code
- RateTariffClass string `xml:"rateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticket Designator
- OtherRateTariffClass string `xml:"otherRateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RateTariffClassInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- RateTariffClass string `xml:"rateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- RateTariffIndicator string `xml:"rateTariffIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- OtherRateTariffClass string `xml:"otherRateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- OtherRateTariffIndicator string `xml:"otherRateTariffIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferenceInfoType struct {
- ReferenceDetails *ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referenceDetails"`
-type ReferenceTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..6
- NumberOfItems string `xml:"numberOfItems,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- LastItemIdentifier []string `xml:"lastItemIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..10
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Format limitations: an..60
- Value string `xml:"value"`
-type SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: n..15
- Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..15
- NumberOfUnits *int32 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..15
- TotalNumberOfItems *int32 `xml:"totalNumberOfItems,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI struct {
- SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Option string `xml:"option"`
- // Format limitations: an..35
- OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetailsTypeI struct {
- SelectionDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"selectionDetails"`
- OtherSelectionDetails []*SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"otherSelectionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
-type SpecificDataInformationTypeI struct {
- DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationTypeI `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
- DataInformation []*DataInformationTypeI `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type SpecificTravellerDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..10
- ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- MeasurementValue *int32 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- FirstDate string `xml:"firstDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- Surname string `xml:"surname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- FirstName string `xml:"firstName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SpecificTravellerTypeI struct {
- TravellerDetails []*SpecificTravellerDetailsTypeI `xml:"travellerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TaxDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..17
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Type []string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TaxTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TaxCategory string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TravelProductInformationType struct {
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // TST Connection Type
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravelProductInformationTypeI_33489S struct {
- FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI_58141C `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI_58141C `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..6
- ItemNumber *int32 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- SpecialSegment string `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MarriageDetails []*MarriageControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
diff --git a/respstructs/fare_informativepricingwithoutpnr_reply/structs.go b/respstructs/fare_informativepricingwithoutpnr_reply/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 418473d..0000000
--- a/respstructs/fare_informativepricingwithoutpnr_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1196 +0,0 @@
-package fare_informativepricingwithoutpnr_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type FareInformativePricingWithoutPNRReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TIPNRR_12_4_1A Fare_InformativePricingWithoutPNRReply"`
- // Contains general information about the message, especially the use case. Tells if the request was correctly performed of not.
- MessageDetails *MessageActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"messageDetails"`
- ErrorGroup *ErrorGroupType `xml:"errorGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MainGroup *MainGroup `xml:"mainGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MainGroup struct {
- // A useless separator.
- DummySegment *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"dummySegment"`
- // Convertion rates and currency information.
- ConvertionRate *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"convertionRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- GeneralIndicatorsGroup *GeneralIndicatorsGroup `xml:"generalIndicatorsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PricingGroupLevelGroup []*PricingGroupLevelGroup `xml:"pricingGroupLevelGroup"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type GeneralIndicatorsGroup struct {
- // Contains pricing indicators such as SITI, SOTO... and International flag.
- GeneralIndicators *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"generalIndicators"`
-type PricingGroupLevelGroup struct {
- // Number of pax in this fare group
- NumberOfPax *SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI `xml:"numberOfPax"`
- // * IDs of the passengers (same as in the request) * Carrier-related tattoo for LCC pricing (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
- PassengersID []*SpecificTravellerTypeI `xml:"passengersID,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- FareInfoGroup *FareInfoGroup `xml:"fareInfoGroup"`
-type FareInfoGroup struct {
- // Fare information
- EmptySegment *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"emptySegment"`
- // Contains the following pieces of information: * Ticket designator * NVA date * NVB date
- PricingIndicators *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"pricingIndicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareAmount *MonetaryInformationType_157205S `xml:"fareAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to store text data such as: * Horizontal fare calulation line * Mileage fare calculation line * Endorsement information ...
- TextData []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"textData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- SurchargesGroup *SurchargesGroup `xml:"surchargesGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CorporateGroup []*CorporateGroup `xml:"corporateGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- NegoFareGroup []*NegoFareGroup `xml:"negoFareGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- SegmentLevelGroup []*SegmentLevelGroup `xml:"segmentLevelGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- StructuredFareCalcGroup *StructuredFareCalcGroup `xml:"structuredFareCalcGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CarrierFeeGroup []*CarrierFeeGroup `xml:"carrierFeeGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- FareComponentDetailsGroup []*FareComponentDetailsType `xml:"fareComponentDetailsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type SurchargesGroup struct {
- // Stores the data related to taxes.
- TaxesAmount *TaxTypeI `xml:"taxesAmount"`
- // Stores the information related to the penalties: amount or rate, currency...
- PenaltiesAmount *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"penaltiesAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To store the Passenger Facility Charges.
- PfcAmount []*MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"pfcAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type CorporateGroup struct {
- // Stores data qualifying a corporate fare: * Type of fare (Nego/Unifare) * Associated contract number or company name
- CorporateData *FareCalculationCodeDetailsTypeI `xml:"corporateData"`
-type NegoFareGroup struct {
- NegoFareIndicators *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI `xml:"negoFareIndicators"`
- ExtNegoFareIndicators *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"extNegoFareIndicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount of the negociated fares
- NegoFareAmount *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"negoFareAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Text informations : indicates to ticketing what to print in Fare and Total boxes.
- NegoFareText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"negoFareText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegmentLevelGroup struct {
- // Information about a segment: dates, carrier, board/off point...
- SegmentInformation *TravelProductInformationTypeI_69238S `xml:"segmentInformation"`
- // Contains the following pieces of information: * Ticket designator * NVA date * NVB date
- AdditionalInformation *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionalInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Contains the following pieces of information: * Transportation class * Fare Basis * Fare by Rule flag
- FareBasis *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CabinGroup []*CabinGroup `xml:"cabinGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // Baggage allowance in a given measurement unit.
- BaggageAllowance *ExcessBaggageTypeI `xml:"baggageAllowance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PTC associated to this segment in this fare group.
- PtcSegment *NumberOfUnitsTypeI `xml:"ptcSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Coupon value/TPM for national fares
- CouponInformation *QuantityTypeI `xml:"couponInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CabinGroup struct {
- // This segment gives the cabin information
- CabinSegment *ProductInformationTypeI `xml:"cabinSegment"`
-type StructuredFareCalcGroup struct {
- // Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructureFareCalcRoot *FareComponentInformationTypeI `xml:"structureFareCalcRoot"`
- Group27 []*Group27 `xml:"group27,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type Group27 struct {
- // Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG27EQN *NumberOfUnitsTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG27EQN"`
- Group28 []*Group28 `xml:"group28,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // Dummy segment to differentiate MON in group 29 and 28
- DummySegmentGroup27 *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"dummySegmentGroup27"`
- // Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG27MON *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG27MON,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG27TXD []*TaxTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG27TXD,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG27CVR *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG27CVR,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type Group28 struct {
- // Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28ITM *ItemNumberTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28ITM"`
- Group29 []*Group29 `xml:"group29,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28MON *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28MON,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28PTS *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28PTS,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28FCC *FareCalculationCodeDetailsTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28FCC,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28PTK *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28PTK,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28FRU *FareRulesInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28FRU,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type Group29 struct {
- // Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28ADT *ActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28ADT"`
- // Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28TVL *TravelProductInformationTypeI_69238S `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28TVL,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CarrierFeeGroup struct {
- // Nature of the fee (OB, OC, ...)
- FeeType *SelectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"feeType"`
- FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FeeDetails struct {
- // Fee information
- FeeInfo *SpecificDataInformationTypeI `xml:"feeInfo"`
- // Fee associated amounts: amount with/without tax, total tax amount
- FeeAmounts *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"feeAmounts,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // taxes related to this fee
- FeeTaxes []*TaxTypeI `xml:"feeTaxes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // Attributes of this fee (commercial description, ...)
- FeeDescription *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"feeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ActionDetailsTypeI struct {
- NumberOfItemsDetails *ProcessingInformationTypeI `xml:"numberOfItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LastItemsDetails []*ReferenceTypeI `xml:"lastItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- RateClass string `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..18
- CommodityCategory string `xml:"commodityCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- SecondRateClass []string `xml:"secondRateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="29"
-type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
- // Code identifying the data validation error condition.
- ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
- // Identification of a code list.
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
- // Application error details.
- ErrorDetails *ApplicationErrorDetailType `xml:"errorDetails"`
-type BaggageDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: n..15
- FreeAllowance *int32 `xml:"freeAllowance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- Measurement *int32 `xml:"measurement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- QuantityCode string `xml:"quantityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ProcessIndicator string `xml:"processIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type BagtagDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- Company string `xml:"company,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- Identifier string `xml:"identifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..15
- Number *int32 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..25
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..15
- CompanyNumber string `xml:"companyNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Characteristic string `xml:"characteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..4
- SpecialRequirement string `xml:"specialRequirement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- Measurement *int32 `xml:"measurement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..15
- Identifier string `xml:"identifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..15
- OtherIdentifier string `xml:"otherIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- OperatingCompany string `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- RateType string `xml:"rateType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- PricingAmount *float64 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- ConvertedValueAmount *int32 `xml:"convertedValueAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- DutyTaxFeeType string `xml:"dutyTaxFeeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- MeasurementValue *int32 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MeasurementSignificance string `xml:"measurementSignificance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
- ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
- OtherConvRateDetails []*ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherConvRateDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type CouponDetailsType struct {
- // Tattoo + type of the product identifying the coupon.
- ProductId *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"productId"`
- // Flight Connection Type
- FlightConnectionType *TravelProductInformationType `xml:"flightConnectionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DataInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..15
- Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Unit string `xml:"unit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DataTypeInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- StatusEvent string `xml:"statusEvent,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- DiscountPenaltyQualifier string `xml:"discountPenaltyQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DiscountPenaltyDetails []*DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"discountPenaltyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type DiscountPenaltyInformationType struct {
- // Used for codes in the AMADEUS code tables. Code Length is three alphanumeric characters.
- FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..35
- RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..8
- Percentage *int32 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Function string `xml:"function,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- AmountType string `xml:"amountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
-type ErrorGroupType struct {
- // The details of error/warning code.
- ErrorOrWarningCodeDetails *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"errorOrWarningCodeDetails"`
- // The desciption of warning or error.
- ErrorWarningDescription *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"errorWarningDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ExcessBaggageDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ProcessIndicator string `xml:"processIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ExcessBaggageTypeI struct {
- ExcessBaggageDetails *ExcessBaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"excessBaggageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BaggageDetails *BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"baggageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherBaggageDetails *BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherBaggageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ExtraBaggageDetails *BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"extraBaggageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BagTagDetails []*BagtagDetailsTypeI `xml:"bagTagDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FareCalculationCodeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ChargeCategory string `xml:"chargeCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..25
- LocationCode string `xml:"locationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..25
- OtherLocationCode string `xml:"otherLocationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..8
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareCategoryCodesTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..20
- FareType string `xml:"fareType"`
- // Format limitations: an..20
- OtherFareType []string `xml:"otherFareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type FareComponentDetailsType struct {
- // fare Component identification
- FareComponentID *ItemNumberType `xml:"fareComponentID"`
- // Market information related to fare component
- MarketFareComponent *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"marketFareComponent,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Monetary Information
- MonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Component Class information
- ComponentClassInfo *PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType `xml:"componentClassInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Qualifier Detail
- FareQualifiersDetail *FareQualifierDetailsType `xml:"fareQualifiersDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CouponDetailsGroup []*CouponDetailsType `xml:"couponDetailsGroup"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FareComponentDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Type of data _ fare calc or exchanged residual fare data
- DataType string `xml:"dataType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare component count
- Count *int32 `xml:"count,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Price quote date
- PricingDate string `xml:"pricingDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Account code
- AccountCode string `xml:"accountCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Input designator
- InputDesignator string `xml:"inputDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareComponentInformationTypeI struct {
- FareComponentDetails *FareComponentDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareComponentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticket document number
- TicketNumber string `xml:"ticketNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..8
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareInformationTypeI struct {
- // Not used
- ValueQualifier string `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Not used
- Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare information
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- IdentityNumber string `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Not used
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Not used
- RateCategory []string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareQualifierDetailsType struct {
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationType `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategories *FareCategoryCodesTypeI `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareRulesInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..9
- TariffClassId string `xml:"tariffClassId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..7
- RuleSectionId []string `xml:"ruleSectionId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- PricingGroup []string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..4
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Source string `xml:"source"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Encoding string `xml:"encoding"`
-type FreeTextInformationType struct {
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType `xml:"freeTextDetails"`
- // Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FreeTextQualificationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..4
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..250
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberType struct {
- ItemNumberDetails []*ItemNumberIdentificationType `xml:"itemNumberDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type ItemNumberTypeI struct {
- ItemNumberDetails []*ItemNumberIdentificationTypeI `xml:"itemNumberDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type LocationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..25
- City string `xml:"city,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..25
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..17
- TrueLocation string `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationTypeI_208252C struct {
- // Format limitations: an..25
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MarriageControlDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Relation string `xml:"relation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..10
- MarriageIdentifier *int32 `xml:"marriageIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..6
- LineNumber *int32 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- OtherRelation string `xml:"otherRelation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- CarrierCode string `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MessageActionDetailsTypeI struct {
- MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ResponseType string `xml:"responseType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- BusinessFunction string `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- AdditionalMessageFunction []string `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..35
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..25
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223848C struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // location
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationType struct {
- // Monetary information per fare component
- MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- // Other monetary information per fare component
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
- MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type MonetaryInformationType_157205S struct {
- MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223848C `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223848C `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: n..15
- NumberOfUnit *int32 `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type NumberOfUnitsTypeI struct {
- QuantityDetails *NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"quantityDetails"`
- OtherQuantityDetails []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherQuantityDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType struct {
- FareBasisDetails *RateTariffClassInformationType `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI struct {
- PriceTicketDetails *PricingTicketingInformationTypeI `xml:"priceTicketDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- PriceTariffType string `xml:"priceTariffType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyNumberDetails *CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"companyNumberDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherLocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- MonetaryAmount *float64 `xml:"monetaryAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Indicators []string `xml:"indicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- ItemNumber string `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareBasisDetails *RateTariffClassInformationTypeI `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- FareValue *int32 `xml:"fareValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- PriceType string `xml:"priceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- SpecialCondition string `xml:"specialCondition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- OtherSpecialCondition string `xml:"otherSpecialCondition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- AdditionalSpecialCondition string `xml:"additionalSpecialCondition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TaxCategory []string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type ProcessingInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ActionQualifier string `xml:"actionQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ReferenceQualifier string `xml:"referenceQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..6
- NumberOfItems string `xml:"numberOfItems,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..4
- DepartureTime *int32 `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..4
- ArrivalTime *int32 `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n1
- DateVariation *int32 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..17
- Designator string `xml:"designator"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- AvailabilityStatus string `xml:"availabilityStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- SpecialService string `xml:"specialService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..7
- Option []string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- FlightNumber string `xml:"flightNumber"`
- // Format limitations: an..17
- BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..7
- Modifier []string `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ProductInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ProductDetailsQualifier string `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BookingClassDetails []*ProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"bookingClassDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
-type ProductTypeDetailsType struct {
- // TST Connection Type
- FlightIndicator string `xml:"flightIndicator"`
-type ProductTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..6
- FlightIndicator []string `xml:"flightIndicator"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type QuantityDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Format limitations: n..15
- Value int32 `xml:"value"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Unit string `xml:"unit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type QuantityTypeI struct {
- QuantityDetails *QuantityDetailsTypeI `xml:"quantityDetails"`
- OtherquantityDetails []*QuantityDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherquantityDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type RateTariffClassInformationType struct {
- // Fare Basis Code
- RateTariffClass string `xml:"rateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticket Designator
- OtherRateTariffClass string `xml:"otherRateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RateTariffClassInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- RateTariffClass string `xml:"rateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- RateTariffIndicator string `xml:"rateTariffIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- OtherRateTariffClass string `xml:"otherRateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- OtherRateTariffIndicator string `xml:"otherRateTariffIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferenceInfoType struct {
- ReferenceDetails *ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referenceDetails"`
-type ReferenceTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..6
- NumberOfItems string `xml:"numberOfItems,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- LastItemIdentifier []string `xml:"lastItemIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..10
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Format limitations: an..60
- Value string `xml:"value"`
-type SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: n..15
- Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..15
- NumberOfUnits *int32 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..15
- TotalNumberOfItems *int32 `xml:"totalNumberOfItems,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI struct {
- SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Option string `xml:"option"`
- // Format limitations: an..35
- OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetailsTypeI struct {
- SelectionDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"selectionDetails"`
- OtherSelectionDetails []*SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"otherSelectionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
-type SpecificDataInformationTypeI struct {
- DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationTypeI `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
- DataInformation []*DataInformationTypeI `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type SpecificTravellerDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..10
- ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- MeasurementValue *int32 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- FirstDate string `xml:"firstDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- Surname string `xml:"surname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- FirstName string `xml:"firstName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SpecificTravellerTypeI struct {
- TravellerDetails []*SpecificTravellerDetailsTypeI `xml:"travellerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TaxDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..17
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Type []string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TaxTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TaxCategory string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TravelProductInformationType struct {
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI_208252C `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI_208252C `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // TST Connection Type
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI_208252C `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI_208252C `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravelProductInformationTypeI_69238S struct {
- FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..6
- ItemNumber *int32 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- SpecialSegment string `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MarriageDetails []*MarriageControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
diff --git a/respstructs/fare_masterpricercalendar_old_reply/structs.go b/respstructs/fare_masterpricercalendar_old_reply/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 220111a..0000000
--- a/respstructs/fare_masterpricercalendar_old_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1435 +0,0 @@
-package fare_masterpricercalendar_old_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type FareMasterPricerCalendarOldReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/FMPCAR_12_2_1A Fare_MasterPricerCalendarReply"`
- // Gives status about reply : type of process, region , CPU etc..
- ReplyStatus *StatusType `xml:"replyStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ErrorMessage *ErrorMessage `xml:"errorMessage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specifies the currency used for pricing.
- ConversionRate *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"conversionRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Solution Family
- SolutionFamily []*FareInformationType `xml:"solutionFamily,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Details of the fare families processed
- FamilyInformation []*FareFamilyType `xml:"familyInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
- AmountInfoForAllPax *AmountInfoForAllPax `xml:"amountInfoForAllPax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AmountInfoPerPax []*AmountInfoPerPax `xml:"amountInfoPerPax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2099"
- // Free text identifying an airline in a code share.
- CompanyIdText []*CompanyIdentificationTextType `xml:"companyIdText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5000"
- OfficeIdDetails []*OfficeIdDetails `xml:"officeIdDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- FlightIndex []*FlightIndex `xml:"flightIndex,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- Recommendation []*Recommendation `xml:"recommendation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
- WarningInfo []*WarningInfo `xml:"warningInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- GlobalInformation []*GlobalInformation `xml:"globalInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- ServiceFeesGrp []*ServiceFeesGrp `xml:"serviceFeesGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ErrorMessage struct {
- // Application error details.
- ApplicationError *ApplicationErrorInformationType_78543S `xml:"applicationError"`
- // Type of error message and free text
- ErrorMessageText *InteractiveFreeTextType_78544S `xml:"errorMessageText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AmountInfoForAllPax struct {
- // Itinerary amounts for all passengers
- ItineraryAmounts *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"itineraryAmounts"`
- AmountsPerSgt []*AmountsPerSgt `xml:"amountsPerSgt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type AmountsPerSgt struct {
- // Requested segment reference
- SgtRef *ReferenceInfoType_133176S `xml:"sgtRef"`
- // Amounts : Issue total amount, issue taxes amount, non refundable taxes amount
- Amounts *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"amounts,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AmountInfoPerPax struct {
- // Passenger references
- PaxRef *SpecificTravellerType `xml:"paxRef"`
- // Passenger attributes : Infant indicator
- PaxAttributes *FareInformationType_80868S `xml:"paxAttributes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Itinerary amounts information
- ItineraryAmounts *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"itineraryAmounts"`
- AmountsPerSgt []*AmountsPerSgt `xml:"amountsPerSgt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FeeDetails struct {
- // Fee/Reduction Reference number.
- FeeReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_78564S `xml:"feeReference"`
- // Fee/Reduction information.
- FeeInformation *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationType `xml:"feeInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fee/Reduction parameters.
- FeeParameters *AttributeType_78561S `xml:"feeParameters,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify conversion rate details
- ConvertedOrOriginalInfo *ConversionRateTypeI_78562S `xml:"convertedOrOriginalInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OfficeIdDetails struct {
- // Office Id Information
- OfficeIdInformation *UserIdentificationType `xml:"officeIdInformation"`
- // Office Id Reference Number
- OfficeIdReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_78536S `xml:"officeIdReference"`
-type FlightIndex struct {
- // Indicates references and details about requested segments
- RequestedSegmentRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"requestedSegmentRef"`
- GroupOfFlights []*GroupOfFlights `xml:"groupOfFlights"` // maxOccurs="100000"
-type GroupOfFlights struct {
- // To indicate parameters for proposed flight group.
- PropFlightGrDetail *ProposedSegmentType `xml:"propFlightGrDetail"`
- FlightDetails []*FlightDetails `xml:"flightDetails"` // maxOccurs="4"
-type FlightDetails struct {
- // Specification of details on the flight and posting availability
- FlightInformation *TravelProductType `xml:"flightInformation"`
- // Details on Flight date, time and location of technical stop or change of gauge
- TechnicalStop []*DateAndTimeInformationType `xml:"technicalStop,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- // Code Share Agreement description for current flight.
- CommercialAgreement *CommercialAgreementsType `xml:"commercialAgreement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type Recommendation struct {
- // Specification of the item number
- ItemNumber *ItemNumberType_133453S `xml:"itemNumber"`
- // To describe type of recommendation
- WarningMessage []*InteractiveFreeTextType_78544S `xml:"warningMessage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- // Indicates the Fare family reference.
- FareFamilyRef *ReferenceInfoType_133176S `xml:"fareFamilyRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Recommendation Price and Taxes.
- RecPriceInfo *MonetaryInformationType_134806S `xml:"recPriceInfo"`
- // Mini rules
- MiniRule []*MiniRulesType `xml:"miniRule,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // Indicates reference of Flight or the fee reference valid for all pax (usage:start with the 1 possible Fee reference, then provide the segments references)
- SegmentFlightRef []*ReferenceInfoType `xml:"segmentFlightRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100009"
- RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails []*RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails `xml:"recommandationSegmentsFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- PaxFareProduct []*PaxFareProduct `xml:"paxFareProduct"` // maxOccurs="10"
- SpecificRecDetails []*SpecificRecDetails `xml:"specificRecDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
-type RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails struct {
- // Reference and details about requested segments.
- RecommendationSegRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"recommendationSegRef"`
- // Amounts per requested segment.
- SegmentMonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"segmentMonetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PaxFareProduct struct {
- // Passenger Fare Details.
- PaxFareDetail *PricingTicketingSubsequentType_134837S `xml:"paxFareDetail"`
- // Indicates Fee references (usage: start with the 1 possible Fee reference, then provide the segments references)
- FeeRef *ReferenceInfoType_134839S `xml:"feeRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger Reference
- PaxReference []*TravellerReferenceInformationType `xml:"paxReference"` // maxOccurs="6"
- // add tax details for each passenger of each recommendations.
- PassengerTaxDetails *TaxType `xml:"passengerTaxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Fare []*Fare `xml:"fare,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="7"
- FareDetails []*FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails"` // maxOccurs="6"
-type Fare struct {
- // Last Date to Ticket, Penalties
- PricingMessage *InteractiveFreeTextType_78559S `xml:"pricingMessage"`
- // Amount of penalties, Surcharges...
- MonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType_134805S `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetails struct {
- // Reference of the Requested Segment
- SegmentRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"segmentRef"`
- GroupOfFares []*GroupOfFares `xml:"groupOfFares,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- // Amounts per passenger per requested segment.
- PsgSegMonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"psgSegMonetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type GroupOfFares struct {
- // Contains details of Flight and Fare
- ProductInformation *FlightProductInformationType `xml:"productInformation"`
- // Fare calculation code details
- FareCalculationCodeDetails []*FareCalculationCodeDetailsType `xml:"fareCalculationCodeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // Ticket designator, ticket code and fare basis.
- TicketInfos *FareQualifierDetailsType `xml:"ticketInfos,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference of Fare Family for each Fare Component
- FareFamiliesRef *ReferenceInfoType_134838S `xml:"fareFamiliesRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SpecificRecDetails struct {
- // Recommendation details
- SpecificRecItem *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"specificRecItem"`
- SpecificProductDetails []*SpecificProductDetails `xml:"specificProductDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type SpecificProductDetails struct {
- // Product details
- ProductReferences *PricingTicketingSubsequentType `xml:"productReferences"`
- FareContextDetails []*FareContextDetails `xml:"fareContextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type FareContextDetails struct {
- // Reference of requested segment
- RequestedSegmentInfo *OriginAndDestinationRequestType_134833S `xml:"requestedSegmentInfo"`
- CnxContextDetails []*CnxContextDetails `xml:"cnxContextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
-type CnxContextDetails struct {
- // Fare connection context details
- FareCnxInfo *FlightProductInformationType_134801S `xml:"fareCnxInfo"`
-type WarningInfo struct {
- // Dummy Segment
- GlobalMessageMarker *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"globalMessageMarker"`
- // Informative free text information
- GlobalMessage *InteractiveFreeTextType `xml:"globalMessage"`
-type GlobalInformation struct {
- // Coded attributes
- Attributes *CodedAttributeType `xml:"attributes"`
-type ServiceFeesGrp struct {
- // Service fee type (OC)
- ServiceTypeInfo *SelectionDetailsType `xml:"serviceTypeInfo"`
- ServiceFeeRefGrp []*ServiceFeeRefGrp `xml:"serviceFeeRefGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
- ServiceCoverageInfoGrp []*ServiceCoverageInfoGrp `xml:"serviceCoverageInfoGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
- // Globalmessage marker
- GlobalMessageMarker *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"globalMessageMarker"`
- ServiceFeeInfoGrp []*ServiceFeeInfoGrp `xml:"serviceFeeInfoGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
- ServiceDetailsGrp []*ServiceDetailsGrp1 `xml:"serviceDetailsGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
-type ServiceFeeRefGrp struct {
- // Reference of service fee global information
- RefInfo *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"refInfo"`
-type ServiceCoverageInfoGrp struct {
- // Item reference number for service coverage details
- ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
- ServiceCovInfoGrp []*ServiceCovInfoGrp `xml:"serviceCovInfoGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
-type ServiceCovInfoGrp struct {
- // Passenger reference number
- PaxRefInfo *SpecificTravellerType `xml:"paxRefInfo"`
- // Service coverage information at flight level Matched seat characteristics
- CoveragePerFlightsInfo []*ActionDetailsType `xml:"coveragePerFlightsInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Service reference number
- RefInfo *ReferenceInfoType_134840S `xml:"refInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ServiceFeeInfoGrp struct {
- // Item number details
- ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
- ServiceDetailsGrp []*ServiceDetailsGrp `xml:"serviceDetailsGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
-type ServiceDetailsGrp struct {
- // Service reference number
- RefInfo *ReferenceInfoType_134840S `xml:"refInfo"`
- ServiceMatchedInfoGroup []*ServiceMatchedInfoGroup `xml:"serviceMatchedInfoGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ServiceMatchedInfoGroup struct {
- // Reference on pax number
- PaxRefInfo *SpecificTravellerType `xml:"paxRefInfo"`
- // Pricing oriented service matched information
- PricingInfo *FareInformationType_80868S `xml:"pricingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Informative Service amount
- AmountInfo *MonetaryInformationType_134806S `xml:"amountInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ServiceDetailsGrp1 struct {
- // Service sub-code and options (exclusion,inclusion, mode pushed,polled)
- ServiceOptionInfo *SpecificDataInformationType `xml:"serviceOptionInfo"`
- FeeDescriptionGrp *FeeDescriptionGrp `xml:"feeDescriptionGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FeeDescriptionGrp struct {
- // Specification of the item number
- ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType_80866S `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
- // Attributes (SSR code EMD, RFIC, SSIM)
- ServiceAttributesInfo *AttributeType `xml:"serviceAttributesInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other service information (service description, ...)
- ServiceDescriptionInfo *SpecialRequirementsDetailsType `xml:"serviceDescriptionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ActionDetailsType struct {
- // Number of items details
- NumberOfItemsDetails *ProcessingInformationType `xml:"numberOfItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Range of segments
- LastItemsDetails []*ReferenceType `xml:"lastItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Rate class
- RateClass string `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticket designator.
- TicketDesignator string `xml:"ticketDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Pricing group
- PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Second rate class
- SecondRateClass []string `xml:"secondRateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="29"
-type AdditionalProductDetailsType struct {
- // Type of aircraft
- EquipmentType string `xml:"equipmentType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day number of the week
- OperatingDay string `xml:"operatingDay,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number of stops made in a journey if different from 0
- TechStopNumber *int32 `xml:"techStopNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location places of the stops
- LocationId []string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
- // The code assigned by the receiver of a message for identification of a data validation error condition.
- Error string `xml:"error"`
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType_78543S struct {
- // Details on application error.
- ApplicationErrorDetail *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"applicationErrorDetail"`
-type AttributeInformationType struct {
- // Type of parameter.
- FeeParameterType string `xml:"feeParameterType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference to company Id.
- FeeParameterDescription string `xml:"feeParameterDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeInformationType_97181C struct {
- // Attribute type
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute description
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeType struct {
- // Criteria Set Type
- AttributeQualifier string `xml:"attributeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Criteria details
- AttributeDetails []*AttributeInformationType_97181C `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type AttributeType_78561S struct {
- // Fee/reduction parameters.
- FeeParameter []*AttributeInformationType `xml:"feeParameter,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type CabinProductDetailsType struct {
- // Reservation booking designator - RBD
- Rbd string `xml:"rbd"`
- // Reservation Booking Modifier
- BookingModifier string `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CabinProductDetailsType_195516C struct {
- // Reservation booking designator - RBD
- Rbd string `xml:"rbd,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reservation Booking Modifier
- BookingModifier string `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus"`
-type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
- // Type of fee/reduction
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Fee Id Number
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeType struct {
- // Fee/reduction Id
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type CommercialAgreementsType struct {
- // Codeshare Details
- CodeshareDetails *CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"codeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other codeshare details
- OtherCodeshareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"otherCodeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type CompanyIdentificationTextType struct {
- // Company Id Text reference.
- TextRefNumber *int32 `xml:"textRefNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company id free text.
- CompanyText string `xml:"companyText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyIdentificationType struct {
- // Marketing carrier
- MarketingCarrier string `xml:"marketingCarrier"`
- // Operating carrier
- OperatingCarrier string `xml:"operatingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyRoleIdentificationType struct {
- // Type of code share agreement.
- CodeShareType string `xml:"codeShareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // company identification
- AirlineDesignator string `xml:"airlineDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // flight number
- FlightNumber *int32 `xml:"flightNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120771C struct {
- // Type of code share agreement.
- TransportStageQualifier string `xml:"transportStageQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // company identification
- Company string `xml:"company,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Conversion type
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI_179848C struct {
- // Conversion type
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency"`
- // Conversion rate for pricing
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Converted value amount
- ConvertedAmountLink string `xml:"convertedAmountLink,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Applicable ISO country code or Tax designator code.
- TaxQualifier string `xml:"taxQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
- // Detail of conversion rate of First Monetary Unit.
- ConversionRateDetail []*ConversionRateDetailsTypeI_179848C `xml:"conversionRateDetail"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type ConversionRateTypeI_78562S struct {
- // Details of conversion
- ConversionRateDetail []*ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"conversionRateDetail"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type DataInformationType struct {
- // Ancillary services options
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DataTypeInformationType struct {
- // service group/sub-group/sub-code information
- SubType string `xml:"subType"`
- // Status (automated, manually added, exempted). Default is automated
- Option string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsType struct {
- // Date time period qualifier
- DateQualifier string `xml:"dateQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First Date
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First Time
- FirstTime string `xml:"firstTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Movement type.
- EquipementType string `xml:"equipementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Place/location identification.
- LocationId string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeInformationType struct {
- // Details on date and time
- StopDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsType `xml:"stopDetails"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type DiscountAndPenaltyInformationType struct {
- // Used to specify airline collected fee or agent collected fee.
- FeeIdentification string `xml:"feeIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to specify penalty information
- FeeInformation *DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationType `xml:"feeInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountPenaltyInformationType struct {
- // Discounted fare,...
- FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier"`
- // Dicount code,...
- RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Percentage
- Percentage *float64 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationType struct {
- // Type of discount/penalty
- FeeType string `xml:"feeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The amount Type can be a percentage or an amount
- FeeAmountType string `xml:"feeAmountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // specify the value
- FeeAmount *float64 `xml:"feeAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fee currency code.
- FeeCurrency string `xml:"feeCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
-type FareCalculationCodeDetailsType struct {
- // Qualifier of the amout or rate
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location code
- LocationCode string `xml:"locationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other location code
- OtherLocationCode string `xml:"otherLocationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareCategoryCodesTypeI struct {
- // Fare type
- FareType string `xml:"fareType"`
- // Other fare type
- OtherFareType []string `xml:"otherFareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type FareDetailsType struct {
- // Passenger Type qualifier
- PassengerTypeQualifier string `xml:"passengerTypeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare category
- FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetailsType_193037C struct {
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate
- Rate *int32 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Category
- FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareFamilyType struct {
- // Fare Family Reference Number
- RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
- // Fare Family Short Name
- FareFamilyname string `xml:"fareFamilyname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Hierarchy *int32 `xml:"hierarchy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareInformationType struct {
- // Value Qualifier
- ValueQualifier string `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Value
- Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsType_193037C `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Identity Number
- IdentityNumber string `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Type Grouping
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationType `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate Category
- RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareInformationType_80868S struct {
- // Fare details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsType `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareProductDetailsType struct {
- // Fare basis code
- FareBasis string `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PTC priced
- PassengerType string `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type of fare
- FareType []string `xml:"fareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareQualifierDetailsType struct {
- // Route Code
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare categories
- FareCategories *FareCategoryCodesTypeI `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Additional fare details
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Discount details
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationType `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareTypeGroupingInformationType struct {
- // Pricing Group
- PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightProductInformationType struct {
- // Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct *CabinProductDetailsType `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare product details
- FareProductDetail *FareProductDetailsType `xml:"fareProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Corporate number or name and number
- CorporateId []string `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // To determine if Fare Breaks at this segment
- BreakPoint string `xml:"breakPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify additional characteristics.
- ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightProductInformationType_134801S struct {
- // Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct []*CabinProductDetailsType_195516C `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // To specify additional characteristics.
- ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FreeTextQualificationType struct {
- // Type of message
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Coded Text or type of information in 4440 (e.g. type of OSI or free text, canned message value)
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FreeTextQualificationType_120769C struct {
- // Type of message
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Coded Text or type of information in 4440 (e.g. type of OSI or free text, canned message value)
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ISO code for language of free text (default is English)
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type InteractiveFreeTextType struct {
- // Details on interactive free text
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text
- Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type InteractiveFreeTextType_78544S struct {
- // Details on interactive free text
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType_120769C `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text
- Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type InteractiveFreeTextType_78559S struct {
- // Details on interactive free text
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType_120769C `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text
- Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType struct {
- // Ancillary Service number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Responsible agency
- ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType_191597C struct {
- // Item number.
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates the item type .
- NumberType string `xml:"numberType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType_192331C struct {
- // Service coverage number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Responsible agency
- ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberType struct {
- // Item number details
- ItemNumber *ItemNumberIdentificationType_192331C `xml:"itemNumber"`
-type ItemNumberType_133453S struct {
- // Indicates the recommendation number.
- ItemNumberId *ItemNumberIdentificationType_191597C `xml:"itemNumberId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code share details.
- CodeShareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120771C `xml:"codeShareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Pricing ticketind details.
- PriceTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"priceTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberType_80866S struct {
- // Item number details
- ItemNumberDetails *ItemNumberIdentificationType `xml:"itemNumberDetails"`
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
- // Qualifies the type of the reference used.
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unique fee reference.
- RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_78536S struct {
- // Qualifies the type of the reference used.
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unique fee reference.
- RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_78564S struct {
- // Qualifies the type of the reference used.
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unique fee reference.
- FeeRefNumber *int32 `xml:"feeRefNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItineraryDetailsType struct {
- // Airport/City Qualifier: the passenger wants to depart/arrive from/to the same airport or city in the specified requested segment
- AirportCityQualifier string `xml:"airportCityQualifier"`
- // Requested segment number
- SegmentNumber int32 `xml:"segmentNumber"`
-type LocationIdentificationDetailsType struct {
- // 3 characters ATA/IATA airport/city code
- LocationId string `xml:"locationId"`
- // Airport/city qualifier: the requested point is an airport when ambiguity exists (e.g. HOU)
- AirportCityQualifier string `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Terminal information
- Terminal string `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MiniRulesDetailsType struct {
- // Coded text (period or day)
- Interpretation string `xml:"interpretation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Data type coded or value of interpretation
- Value []string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type MiniRulesIndicatorType struct {
- // See rule indicator and free form text indicator
- RuleIndicator []string `xml:"ruleIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type MiniRulesType struct {
- // Type of restriction: PTC, Max Adv Res, Max Ticketing After Res, ...
- RestrictionType string `xml:"restrictionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Categoty of restriction: PTC, Max Adv Pur, Days, ...
- Category string `xml:"category"`
- // Indicators
- Indicator *MiniRulesIndicatorType `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Mini rules
- MiniRules []*MiniRulesDetailsType `xml:"miniRules,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
- // To specify amount and percentage.
- AmountType string `xml:"amountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount
- Amount float64 `xml:"amount"`
- // ISO currency code
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationType struct {
- // Monetary information.
- MonetaryDetail []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type MonetaryInformationType_134805S struct {
- // Monetary information
- MonetaryDetail []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetail"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type MonetaryInformationType_134806S struct {
- // Monetary information.
- MonetaryDetail []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="30"
-type OriginAndDestinationRequestType struct {
- // Requested segment number
- SegRef int32 `xml:"segRef"`
- // Forces arrival or departure, from/to the same airport/city
- LocationForcing []*ItineraryDetailsType `xml:"locationForcing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type OriginAndDestinationRequestType_134833S struct {
- // Requested segment number
- SegRef int32 `xml:"segRef"`
-type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Office Name.
- OfficeName *int32 `xml:"officeName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Agent Sign In .
- AgentSignin string `xml:"agentSignin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Confidential Office Name.
- ConfidentialOffice string `xml:"confidentialOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other Office Name
- OtherOffice string `xml:"otherOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingInformationType struct {
- // Price type qualifier
- PriceType []string `xml:"priceType"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type PricingTicketingSubsequentType struct {
- // Passenger fare product number
- PaxFareNum []string `xml:"paxFareNum"` // maxOccurs="10"
-type PricingTicketingSubsequentType_134837S struct {
- // Passenger fare product number
- PaxFareNum string `xml:"paxFareNum"`
- // Total fare amount
- TotalFareAmount float64 `xml:"totalFareAmount"`
- // Total tax amount
- TotalTaxAmount *float64 `xml:"totalTaxAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code share details.
- CodeShareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120771C `xml:"codeShareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Monetary information.
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Pricing ticketing details.
- PricingTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"pricingTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProcessingInformationType struct {
- // Action qualifier
- ActionQualifier string `xml:"actionQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference qualifier
- ReferenceQualifier string `xml:"referenceQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference number
- RefNum string `xml:"refNum,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeType struct {
- // Departure date
- DateOfDeparture string `xml:"dateOfDeparture"`
- // Departure time
- TimeOfDeparture string `xml:"timeOfDeparture,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival date
- DateOfArrival string `xml:"dateOfArrival,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival time
- TimeOfArrival string `xml:"timeOfArrival,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival date compared to departure date, only if different from 0
- DateVariation *int32 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductFacilitiesType struct {
- // Yes-No indicator whether Last Seat Available
- LastSeatAvailable string `xml:"lastSeatAvailable,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Level of access
- LevelOfAccess string `xml:"levelOfAccess,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Yes-No indicator whether electronic ticketing
- ElectronicTicketing string `xml:"electronicTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product identification suffix
- OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Define whether a flight has been polled or not
- ProductDetailQualifier string `xml:"productDetailQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Add some flight restrictions (See code set list)
- FlightCharacteristic []string `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ProductTypeDetailsType struct {
- // Availability connection type.
- AvailabilityCnxType []string `xml:"availabilityCnxType"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type ProposedSegmentDetailsType struct {
- // Flight proposal reference
- Ref string `xml:"ref,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Elapse Flying Time
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProposedSegmentType struct {
- // Parameters for proposed flight group
- FlightProposal []*ProposedSegmentDetailsType `xml:"flightProposal"` // maxOccurs="9"
- // Flight characteristics.
- FlightCharacteristic string `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Majority cabin
- MajCabin string `xml:"majCabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferenceInfoType struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_191583C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
-type ReferenceInfoType_133176S struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferenceInfoType_134838S struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type ReferenceInfoType_134839S struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_195561C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferenceInfoType_134840S struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_195561C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
-type ReferenceType struct {
- // Reference of leg
- RefOfLeg string `xml:"refOfLeg,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference of segment starting range
- FirstItemIdentifier *int32 `xml:"firstItemIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference of segment ending range
- LastItemIdentifier *int32 `xml:"lastItemIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
- // Reference qualifier
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Requested segment reference
- RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
-type ReferencingDetailsType_191583C struct {
- // Service reference qualifier
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Service reference
- RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
-type ReferencingDetailsType_195561C struct {
- // Segment reference qualifier
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Flight or flight group reference
- RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
-type SelectionDetailsInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee type
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Carrier fee status
- OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetailsType struct {
- // Carrier fees options
- CarrierFeeDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationType `xml:"carrierFeeDetails"`
-type SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType struct {
- // SSR seat characteristic
- SeatCharacteristics []string `xml:"seatCharacteristics,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type SpecialRequirementsDetailsType struct {
- // To specify the Service Requirement of the customer
- ServiceRequirementsInfo *SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType `xml:"serviceRequirementsInfo"`
- // Seat details
- SeatDetails []*SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType `xml:"seatDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType struct {
- // To specify the Service Classification of the Service Requirement.
- ServiceClassification string `xml:"serviceClassification"`
- // Status
- ServiceStatus string `xml:"serviceStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the number of items involved
- ServiceNumberOfInstances *int32 `xml:"serviceNumberOfInstances,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify to which marketing carrier the service applies
- ServiceMarketingCarrier string `xml:"serviceMarketingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify the Service group
- ServiceGroup string `xml:"serviceGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify the Service Sub-Group
- ServiceSubGroup string `xml:"serviceSubGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free Text attached to the Service.
- ServiceFreeText []string `xml:"serviceFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type SpecificDataInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee description
- DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationType `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
- // Data information
- DataInformation []*DataInformationType `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type SpecificTravellerDetailsType struct {
- // Reference number
- ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SpecificTravellerType struct {
- // Traveller details
- TravellerDetails []*SpecificTravellerDetailsType `xml:"travellerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type StatusDetailsType struct {
- // Advisory type information, Fare Server
- AdvisoryTypeInfo string `xml:"advisoryTypeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // CPU time, user type
- Notification string `xml:"notification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // CPU time,user type
- Notification2 string `xml:"notification2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Capture and trace information
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StatusType struct {
- // Status details
- Status []*StatusDetailsType `xml:"status"` // maxOccurs="10"
-type TaxDetailsType struct {
- // Amount
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country code
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency code
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicator
- Indicator []string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
-type TaxType struct {
- // Tax category
- TaxCategory string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tax details
- TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsType `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TravelProductType struct {
- // Date and time of departure and arrival
- ProductDateTime *ProductDateTimeType `xml:"productDateTime"`
- // Location of departure and arrival
- Location []*LocationIdentificationDetailsType `xml:"location"` // maxOccurs="2"
- // Company identification
- CompanyId *CompanyIdentificationType `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Flight number or trainNumber
- FlightOrtrainNumber string `xml:"flightOrtrainNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product details
- ProductDetail *AdditionalProductDetailsType `xml:"productDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Additional product details
- AddProductDetail *ProductFacilitiesType `xml:"addProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerDetailsType struct {
- // Direct reference of passenger assigned by requesting system.
- Ref *int32 `xml:"ref,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Traveller is an infant
- InfantIndicator *int32 `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerReferenceInformationType struct {
- // Requested passenger type
- Ptc []string `xml:"ptc,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
- // Traveller details
- Traveller []*TravellerDetailsType `xml:"traveller,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type UserIdentificationType struct {
- // Originator Identification Details
- OfficeIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"officeIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to specify which kind of info is given in DE 9900.
- OfficeType string `xml:"officeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The code given to an agent by the originating reservation system.
- OfficeCode string `xml:"officeCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
diff --git a/respstructs/fare_masterpricercalendar_reply/structs.go b/respstructs/fare_masterpricercalendar_reply/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d796c3..0000000
--- a/respstructs/fare_masterpricercalendar_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2037 +0,0 @@
-package fare_masterpricercalendar_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type FareMasterPricerCalendarReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/FMPCAR_14_3_1A Fare_MasterPricerCalendarReply"`
- // Gives status about reply : type of process, region , CPU etc..
- ReplyStatus *StatusType `xml:"replyStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ErrorMessage *ErrorMessage `xml:"errorMessage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specifies the currency used for pricing.
- ConversionRate *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"conversionRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Solution Family
- SolutionFamily []*FareInformationType `xml:"solutionFamily,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Details of the fare families processed
- FamilyInformation []*FareFamilyType `xml:"familyInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
- AmountInfoForAllPax *AmountInfoForAllPax `xml:"amountInfoForAllPax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AmountInfoPerPax []*AmountInfoPerPax `xml:"amountInfoPerPax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2099"
- // Free text identifying an airline in a code share.
- CompanyIdText []*CompanyIdentificationTextType `xml:"companyIdText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5000"
- OfficeIdDetails []*OfficeIdDetails `xml:"officeIdDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- FlightIndex []*FlightIndex `xml:"flightIndex,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- Recommendation []*Recommendation `xml:"recommendation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
- OtherSolutions []*OtherSolutions `xml:"otherSolutions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100009"
- WarningInfo []*WarningInfo `xml:"warningInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- GlobalInformation []*GlobalInformation `xml:"globalInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- ServiceFeesGrp []*ServiceFeesGrp `xml:"serviceFeesGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
- Value []*ValueSearchCriteriaType `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100009"
- MnrGrp *MnrGrp `xml:"mnrGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorMessage struct {
- // Application error details.
- ApplicationError *ApplicationErrorInformationType_78543S `xml:"applicationError"`
- // Type of error message and free text
- ErrorMessageText *InteractiveFreeTextType_78544S `xml:"errorMessageText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AmountInfoForAllPax struct {
- // Itinerary amounts for all passengers
- ItineraryAmounts *MonetaryInformationType_137835S `xml:"itineraryAmounts"`
- AmountsPerSgt []*AmountsPerSgt `xml:"amountsPerSgt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type AmountsPerSgt struct {
- // Requested segment reference
- SgtRef *ReferenceInfoType_133176S `xml:"sgtRef"`
- // Amounts : Issue total amount, issue taxes amount, non refundable taxes amount
- Amounts *MonetaryInformationType_137835S `xml:"amounts,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AmountInfoPerPax struct {
- // Passenger references
- PaxRef *SpecificTravellerType `xml:"paxRef"`
- // Passenger attributes : Infant indicator
- PaxAttributes *FareInformationType_80868S `xml:"paxAttributes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Itinerary amounts information
- ItineraryAmounts *MonetaryInformationType_137835S `xml:"itineraryAmounts"`
- AmountsPerSgt []*AmountsPerSgt `xml:"amountsPerSgt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FeeDetails struct {
- // Fee/Reduction Reference number.
- FeeReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_78564S `xml:"feeReference"`
- // Fee/Reduction information.
- FeeInformation *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationType `xml:"feeInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fee/Reduction parameters.
- FeeParameters *AttributeType_78561S `xml:"feeParameters,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify conversion rate details
- ConvertedOrOriginalInfo *ConversionRateTypeI_78562S `xml:"convertedOrOriginalInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OfficeIdDetails struct {
- // Office Id Information
- OfficeIdInformation *UserIdentificationType `xml:"officeIdInformation"`
- // Office Id Reference Number
- OfficeIdReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_78536S `xml:"officeIdReference"`
-type FlightIndex struct {
- // Indicates references and details about requested segments
- RequestedSegmentRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"requestedSegmentRef"`
- GroupOfFlights []*GroupOfFlights `xml:"groupOfFlights"` // maxOccurs="100000"
-type GroupOfFlights struct {
- // To indicate parameters for proposed flight group.
- PropFlightGrDetail *ProposedSegmentType `xml:"propFlightGrDetail"`
- FlightDetails []*FlightDetails `xml:"flightDetails"` // maxOccurs="4"
-type FlightDetails struct {
- // Specification of details on the flight and posting availability
- FlightInformation *TravelProductType `xml:"flightInformation"`
- // returns booking class and availability context
- AvlInfo []*FlightProductInformationType_141442S `xml:"avlInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Details on Flight date, time and location of technical stop or change of gauge
- TechnicalStop []*DateAndTimeInformationType `xml:"technicalStop,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- // Code Share Agreement description for current flight.
- CommercialAgreement *CommercialAgreementsType `xml:"commercialAgreement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Additional Info about flight, such as Reference number, and several options
- AddInfo *HeaderInformationTypeI `xml:"addInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Flight characteristics
- FlightCharacteristics *FlightCharacteristicsType `xml:"flightCharacteristics,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Flight Services by cabin/rbd
- FlightServices []*FlightServicesType `xml:"flightServices,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type Recommendation struct {
- // Specification of the item number
- ItemNumber *ItemNumberType_161497S `xml:"itemNumber"`
- // To describe type of recommendation
- WarningMessage []*InteractiveFreeTextType_78544S `xml:"warningMessage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- // Indicates the Fare family reference.
- FareFamilyRef *ReferenceInfoType_133176S `xml:"fareFamilyRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Recommendation Price and Taxes.
- RecPriceInfo *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"recPriceInfo"`
- // Mini rules
- MiniRule []*MiniRulesType_78547S `xml:"miniRule,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // Indicates reference of Flight or the fee reference valid for all pax (usage:start with the 1 possible Fee reference, then provide the segments references)
- SegmentFlightRef []*ReferenceInfoType `xml:"segmentFlightRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100009"
- RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails []*RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails `xml:"recommandationSegmentsFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- PaxFareProduct []*PaxFareProduct `xml:"paxFareProduct"` // maxOccurs="10"
- SpecificRecDetails []*SpecificRecDetails `xml:"specificRecDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
-type RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails struct {
- // Reference and details about requested segments.
- RecommendationSegRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"recommendationSegRef"`
- // Amounts per requested segment.
- SegmentMonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType_137835S `xml:"segmentMonetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PaxFareProduct struct {
- // Passenger Fare Details.
- PaxFareDetail *PricingTicketingSubsequentType_144401S `xml:"paxFareDetail"`
- // Indicates Fee references (usage: start with the 1 possible Fee reference, then provide the segments references)
- FeeRef *ReferenceInfoType_134839S `xml:"feeRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger Reference
- PaxReference []*TravellerReferenceInformationType `xml:"paxReference"` // maxOccurs="6"
- // add tax details for each passenger of each recommendations.
- PassengerTaxDetails *TaxType `xml:"passengerTaxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Fare []*Fare `xml:"fare,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="7"
- FareDetails []*FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails"` // maxOccurs="6"
-type Fare struct {
- // Last Date to Ticket, Penalties
- PricingMessage *InteractiveFreeTextType_78559S `xml:"pricingMessage"`
- // Amount of penalties, Surcharges...
- MonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType_185955S `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetails struct {
- // Reference of the Requested Segment
- SegmentRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"segmentRef"`
- GroupOfFares []*GroupOfFares `xml:"groupOfFares,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- // Amounts per passenger per requested segment.
- PsgSegMonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType_137835S `xml:"psgSegMonetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Majority Cabin Info
- MajCabin []*ProductInformationType `xml:"majCabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type GroupOfFares struct {
- // Contains details of Flight and Fare
- ProductInformation *FlightProductInformationType_176659S `xml:"productInformation"`
- // Fare calculation code details
- FareCalculationCodeDetails []*FareCalculationCodeDetailsType `xml:"fareCalculationCodeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // Ticket designator, ticket code and fare basis.
- TicketInfos *FareQualifierDetailsType `xml:"ticketInfos,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference of Fare Family for each Fare Component
- FareFamiliesRef *ReferenceInfoType_176658S `xml:"fareFamiliesRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SpecificRecDetails struct {
- // Recommendation details
- SpecificRecItem *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"specificRecItem"`
- SpecificProductDetails []*SpecificProductDetails `xml:"specificProductDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type SpecificProductDetails struct {
- // Product details
- ProductReferences *PricingTicketingSubsequentType `xml:"productReferences"`
- FareContextDetails []*FareContextDetails `xml:"fareContextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type FareContextDetails struct {
- // Reference of requested segment
- RequestedSegmentInfo *OriginAndDestinationRequestType_134833S `xml:"requestedSegmentInfo"`
- CnxContextDetails []*CnxContextDetails `xml:"cnxContextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
-type CnxContextDetails struct {
- // Fare connection context details
- FareCnxInfo *FlightProductInformationType `xml:"fareCnxInfo"`
-type OtherSolutions struct {
- // Reference to the current solution
- Reference *SequenceDetailsTypeU `xml:"reference"`
- AmtGroup []*AmtGroup `xml:"amtGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
- PsgInfo []*PsgInfo `xml:"psgInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type AmtGroup struct {
- // reference to the current amount (per bound, per segment...)
- Ref *ReferenceInfoType_165972S `xml:"ref"`
- // Amount Description
- Amount *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PsgInfo struct {
- // passenger reference
- Ref *SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI `xml:"ref"`
- // Passenger Description Info
- Description *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger frequent traveler info
- FreqTraveller *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"freqTraveller,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // amount per passenger or group of passenger
- Amount *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare description
- Fare *FlightProductInformationType_161491S `xml:"fare,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Additional Information
- Attribute []*AttributeTypeU `xml:"attribute,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type WarningInfo struct {
- // Dummy Segment
- GlobalMessageMarker *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"globalMessageMarker"`
- // Informative free text information
- GlobalMessage *InteractiveFreeTextType_78534S `xml:"globalMessage"`
-type GlobalInformation struct {
- // Coded attributes
- Attributes *CodedAttributeType `xml:"attributes"`
-type ServiceFeesGrp struct {
- // Service fee type (OC)
- ServiceTypeInfo *SelectionDetailsType `xml:"serviceTypeInfo"`
- ServiceFeeRefGrp []*ServiceFeeRefGrp `xml:"serviceFeeRefGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
- ServiceCoverageInfoGrp []*ServiceCoverageInfoGrp `xml:"serviceCoverageInfoGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
- // Globalmessage marker
- GlobalMessageMarker *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"globalMessageMarker"`
- ServiceFeeInfoGrp []*ServiceFeeInfoGrp `xml:"serviceFeeInfoGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
- ServiceDetailsGrp []*ServiceDetailsGrp1 `xml:"serviceDetailsGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
- FreeBagAllowanceGrp []*FreeBagAllowanceGrp `xml:"freeBagAllowanceGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
-type ServiceFeeRefGrp struct {
- // Reference of service fee global information
- RefInfo *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"refInfo"`
-type ServiceCoverageInfoGrp struct {
- // Item reference number for service coverage details
- ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
- ServiceCovInfoGrp []*ServiceCovInfoGrp `xml:"serviceCovInfoGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
-type ServiceCovInfoGrp struct {
- // Passenger reference number
- PaxRefInfo *SpecificTravellerType `xml:"paxRefInfo"`
- // Service coverage information at flight level Matched seat characteristics
- CoveragePerFlightsInfo []*ActionDetailsType `xml:"coveragePerFlightsInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Carrier information
- CarrierInfo *TransportIdentifierType `xml:"carrierInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Service reference number
- RefInfo *ReferenceInfoType_134840S `xml:"refInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ServiceFeeInfoGrp struct {
- // Item number details
- ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
- ServiceDetailsGrp []*ServiceDetailsGrp `xml:"serviceDetailsGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
-type ServiceDetailsGrp struct {
- // Service reference number
- RefInfo *ReferenceInfoType_134840S `xml:"refInfo"`
- ServiceMatchedInfoGroup []*ServiceMatchedInfoGroup `xml:"serviceMatchedInfoGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ServiceMatchedInfoGroup struct {
- // Reference on pax number
- PaxRefInfo *SpecificTravellerType `xml:"paxRefInfo"`
- // Pricing oriented service matched information
- PricingInfo *FareInformationType_80868S `xml:"pricingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Informative Service amount
- AmountInfo *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"amountInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ServiceDetailsGrp1 struct {
- // Service sub-code and options (exclusion,inclusion, mode pushed,polled)
- ServiceOptionInfo *SpecificDataInformationType `xml:"serviceOptionInfo"`
- FeeDescriptionGrp *FeeDescriptionGrp `xml:"feeDescriptionGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FeeDescriptionGrp struct {
- // Specification of the item number
- ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType_80866S `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
- // Attributes (SSR code EMD, RFIC, SSIM)
- ServiceAttributesInfo *AttributeType `xml:"serviceAttributesInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other service information (service description, ...)
- ServiceDescriptionInfo *SpecialRequirementsDetailsType `xml:"serviceDescriptionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Commercial name
- CommercialName *InteractiveFreeTextType `xml:"commercialName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FreeBagAllowanceGrp struct {
- // Free baggage allownce information
- FreeBagAllownceInfo *ExcessBaggageType `xml:"freeBagAllownceInfo"`
- // Item number information
- ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType_166130S `xml:"itemNumberInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MnrGrp struct {
- Mnr *MiniRulesType `xml:"mnr"`
- MnrDetails []*MnrDetails `xml:"mnrDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type MnrDetails struct {
- MnrRef *ItemNumberType_176648S `xml:"mnrRef"`
- DateInfo []*DateAndTimeInformationType_182345S `xml:"dateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="16"
- CatGrp []*CatGrp `xml:"catGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type CatGrp struct {
- // Category information
- CatInfo *CategDescrType `xml:"catInfo"`
- // Monetary information
- MonInfo *MonetaryInformationType_174241S `xml:"monInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Status information
- StatusInfo *StatusType_182386S `xml:"statusInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ActionDetailsType struct {
- // Number of items details
- NumberOfItemsDetails *ProcessingInformationType `xml:"numberOfItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Range of segments
- LastItemsDetails []*ReferenceType `xml:"lastItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Rate class
- RateClass string `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticket designator.
- TicketDesignator string `xml:"ticketDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Pricing group
- PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Second rate class
- SecondRateClass []string `xml:"secondRateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="29"
-type AdditionalProductDetailsType struct {
- // Type of aircraft
- EquipmentType string `xml:"equipmentType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day number of the week
- OperatingDay string `xml:"operatingDay,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number of stops made in a journey if different from 0
- TechStopNumber *int32 `xml:"techStopNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location places of the stops
- LocationId []string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
- // The code assigned by the receiver of a message for identification of a data validation error condition.
- Error string `xml:"error"`
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType_78543S struct {
- // Details on application error.
- ApplicationErrorDetail *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"applicationErrorDetail"`
-type AttributeInformationType struct {
- // Type of parameter.
- FeeParameterType string `xml:"feeParameterType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference to company Id.
- FeeParameterDescription string `xml:"feeParameterDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeInformationTypeU struct {
- // Attribute type
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute description
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeInformationType_97181C struct {
- // Attribute type
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute description
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeType struct {
- // Criteria Set Type
- AttributeQualifier string `xml:"attributeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Criteria details
- AttributeDetails []*AttributeInformationType_97181C `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type AttributeTypeU struct {
- // provides the function of the attribute
- AttributeFunction string `xml:"attributeFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // provides details for the Attribute
- AttributeDetails *AttributeInformationTypeU `xml:"attributeDetails"`
-type AttributeType_78561S struct {
- // Fee/reduction parameters.
- FeeParameter []*AttributeInformationType `xml:"feeParameter,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type BaggageDetailsType struct {
- // Number of pieces or weight
- FreeAllowance *int32 `xml:"freeAllowance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Nature of the free allowance ( Number of pieces or weight)
- QuantityCode string `xml:"quantityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unit qualifier
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type BagtagDetailsType struct {
- // Identifier
- Identifier string `xml:"identifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number
- Number *int32 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CabinInformationType struct {
- // Identify the features associated to the cabin/class
- Service string `xml:"service"`
- // Cabin code designator
- Cabin []string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type CabinProductDetailsType struct {
- // Reservation booking designator - RBD
- Rbd string `xml:"rbd"`
- // Reservation Booking Modifier
- BookingModifier string `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CabinProductDetailsType_195516C struct {
- // Reservation booking designator - RBD
- Rbd string `xml:"rbd,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reservation Booking Modifier
- BookingModifier string `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus"`
-type CabinProductDetailsType_205138C struct {
- // Reservation booking designator - RBD
- Rbd string `xml:"rbd"`
- // Reservation Booking Modifier
- BookingModifier string `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CabinProductDetailsType_229142C struct {
- // Reservation booking designator - RBD
- Rbd string `xml:"rbd"`
- // Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CategDescrType struct {
- // Category description information
- DescriptionInfo *CategoryDescriptionType `xml:"descriptionInfo"`
- // Category processing indicator
- ProcessIndicator string `xml:"processIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CategoryDescriptionType struct {
- // Category number from ATPCO naming conventions (C05 for Advance Purchase restrictions, C06 for Minimun stay ...)
- Number int32 `xml:"number"`
- // Category Code (ATPCO component code, e.g ADV for Advance purchase, STP for stopover restrictions, ELG for eligibility restrictions...)
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ClassInformationType struct {
- // Identify the features associated to the cabin/class
- Service string `xml:"service"`
- // Class designator
- Rbd []string `xml:"rbd,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
- // Type of fee/reduction
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Fee Id Number
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_260992C struct {
- // Format limitations: an..5
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute description
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeType struct {
- // Fee/reduction Id
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type CommercialAgreementsType struct {
- // Codeshare Details
- CodeshareDetails *CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"codeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other codeshare details
- OtherCodeshareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"otherCodeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type CompanyIdentificationTextType struct {
- // Company Id Text reference.
- TextRefNumber *int32 `xml:"textRefNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company id free text.
- CompanyText string `xml:"companyText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyIdentificationType struct {
- // Marketing carrier
- MarketingCarrier string `xml:"marketingCarrier"`
- // Operating carrier
- OperatingCarrier string `xml:"operatingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // airline alliance code
- Alliance string `xml:"alliance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // Company
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company
- OperatingCompany string `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company
- OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyRoleIdentificationType struct {
- // Type of code share agreement.
- CodeShareType string `xml:"codeShareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // company identification
- AirlineDesignator string `xml:"airlineDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // flight number
- FlightNumber *int32 `xml:"flightNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120771C struct {
- // Type of code share agreement.
- TransportStageQualifier string `xml:"transportStageQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // company identification
- Company string `xml:"company,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Conversion type
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI_179848C struct {
- // Conversion type
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency"`
- // Conversion rate for pricing
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Converted value amount
- ConvertedAmountLink string `xml:"convertedAmountLink,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Applicable ISO country code or Tax designator code.
- TaxQualifier string `xml:"taxQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
- // Detail of conversion rate of First Monetary Unit.
- ConversionRateDetail []*ConversionRateDetailsTypeI_179848C `xml:"conversionRateDetail"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type ConversionRateTypeI_78562S struct {
- // Details of conversion
- ConversionRateDetail []*ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"conversionRateDetail"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type CriteriaiDetaislType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..18
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DataInformationType struct {
- // Ancillary services options
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DataTypeInformationType struct {
- // service group/sub-group/sub-code information
- SubType string `xml:"subType"`
- // Status (automated, manually added, exempted). Default is automated
- Option string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsType struct {
- // Date time period qualifier
- DateQualifier string `xml:"dateQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First Date
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First Time
- FirstTime string `xml:"firstTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Movement type.
- EquipementType string `xml:"equipementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Place/location identification.
- LocationId string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsType_256192C struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Time
- Time string `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeInformationType struct {
- // Details on date and time
- StopDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsType `xml:"stopDetails"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type DateAndTimeInformationType_182345S struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsType_256192C `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="400"
-type DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Value
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountAndPenaltyInformationType struct {
- // Used to specify airline collected fee or agent collected fee.
- FeeIdentification string `xml:"feeIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to specify penalty information
- FeeInformation *DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationType `xml:"feeInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountPenaltyInformationType struct {
- // Discounted fare,...
- FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier"`
- // Dicount code,...
- RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Percentage
- Percentage *float64 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationType struct {
- // Type of discount/penalty
- FeeType string `xml:"feeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The amount Type can be a percentage or an amount
- FeeAmountType string `xml:"feeAmountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // specify the value
- FeeAmount *float64 `xml:"feeAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fee currency code.
- FeeCurrency string `xml:"feeCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
-type ExcessBaggageType struct {
- // Baggage details
- BaggageDetails *BaggageDetailsType `xml:"baggageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free baggage allowance details
- BagTagDetails []*BagtagDetailsType `xml:"bagTagDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FareCalculationCodeDetailsType struct {
- // Qualifier of the amout or rate
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location code
- LocationCode string `xml:"locationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other location code
- OtherLocationCode string `xml:"otherLocationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareCategoryCodesTypeI struct {
- // Fare type
- FareType string `xml:"fareType"`
- // Other fare type
- OtherFareType []string `xml:"otherFareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type FareDetailsType struct {
- // Passenger Type qualifier
- PassengerTypeQualifier string `xml:"passengerTypeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare category
- FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetailsType_193037C struct {
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate
- Rate *int32 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Category
- FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareFamilyDetailsType struct {
- // Commercial fare Family Short name
- CommercialFamily string `xml:"commercialFamily"`
-type FareFamilyType struct {
- // Fare Family Reference Number
- RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
- // Fare Family Short Name
- FareFamilyname string `xml:"fareFamilyname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Hierarchy *int32 `xml:"hierarchy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates Commercial Fare Family Short names
- CommercialFamilyDetails []*FareFamilyDetailsType `xml:"commercialFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Short description of the fare family
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Carrier code
- Carrier string `xml:"carrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference to the services details
- Services []*ServicesReferences `xml:"services,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FareInformationType struct {
- // Value Qualifier
- ValueQualifier string `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Value
- Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsType_193037C `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Identity Number
- IdentityNumber string `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Type Grouping
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationType `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate Category
- RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareInformationTypeI struct {
- // Value qualifier
- ValueQualifier string `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Value
- Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareInformationType_80868S struct {
- // Fare details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsType `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareProductDetailsType struct {
- // Fare basis code
- FareBasis string `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareProductDetailsType_248552C struct {
- // Fare basis code
- FareBasis string `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PTC priced
- PassengerType string `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type of fare
- FareType []string `xml:"fareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareQualifierDetailsType struct {
- // Route Code
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare categories
- FareCategories *FareCategoryCodesTypeI `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Additional fare details
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Discount details
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationType `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareTypeGroupingInformationType struct {
- // Pricing Group
- PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightCharacteristicsType struct {
- // On-Time Performance
- OnTimePerformance *OnTimePerformanceType `xml:"onTimePerformance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // In flight services
- InFlightSrv []string `xml:"inFlightSrv,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FlightProductInformationType struct {
- // Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct []*CabinProductDetailsType_195516C `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // To specify additional characteristics.
- ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightProductInformationType_141442S struct {
- // Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct []*CabinProductDetailsType_205138C `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
- // To specify additional characteristics.
- ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType_205137C `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightProductInformationType_161491S struct {
- // Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct *CabinProductDetailsType_229142C `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare product details
- FareProductDetail *FareProductDetailsType `xml:"fareProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightProductInformationType_176659S struct {
- // Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct *CabinProductDetailsType `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare product details
- FareProductDetail *FareProductDetailsType_248552C `xml:"fareProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Corporate number or name and number
- CorporateId []string `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // To determine if Fare Breaks at this segment
- BreakPoint string `xml:"breakPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify additional characteristics.
- ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightServicesType struct {
- // Type of service used
- ServiceType string `xml:"serviceType"`
- CabinInfo []*CabinInformationType `xml:"cabinInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- ClassInfo []*ClassInformationType `xml:"classInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FreeTextQualificationType struct {
- // Type of message
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Coded Text or type of information in 4440 (e.g. type of OSI or free text, canned message value)
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FreeTextQualificationTypeI struct {
- // Text subject qualifier
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
-type FreeTextQualificationType_120769C struct {
- // Type of message
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Coded Text or type of information in 4440 (e.g. type of OSI or free text, canned message value)
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ISO code for language of free text (default is English)
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType struct {
- // Frequent Traveller Info
- FrequentTravellerDetails []*FrequentTravellerIdentificationType `xml:"frequentTravellerDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType struct {
- // Carrier where the FQTV is registered.
- Carrier string `xml:"carrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify a Tier linked to the FQTV
- TierLevel string `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // For example : priority code
- PriorityCode string `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type HeaderInformationTypeI struct {
- // Status
- Status []string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // Date and Time info
- DateTimePeriodDetails *DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI `xml:"dateTimePeriodDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference number
- ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Contains product identification such as UIC code...
- ProductIdentification []string `xml:"productIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type InteractiveFreeTextType struct {
- // Free text qualification
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text
- FreeText string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type InteractiveFreeTextType_78534S struct {
- // Details on interactive free text
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text
- Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type InteractiveFreeTextType_78544S struct {
- // Details on interactive free text
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType_120769C `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text
- Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type InteractiveFreeTextType_78559S struct {
- // Details on interactive free text
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType_120769C `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text
- Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType struct {
- // Ancillary Service number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Responsible agency
- ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType_191597C struct {
- // Item number.
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates the item type .
- NumberType string `xml:"numberType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType_192331C struct {
- // Service coverage number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Responsible agency
- ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType_234878C struct {
- // Number
- Number *int32 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType_248537C struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberType struct {
- // Item number details
- ItemNumber *ItemNumberIdentificationType_192331C `xml:"itemNumber"`
-type ItemNumberType_161497S struct {
- // Indicates the recommendation number.
- ItemNumberId *ItemNumberIdentificationType_191597C `xml:"itemNumberId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code share details.
- CodeShareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120771C `xml:"codeShareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Pricing ticketind details.
- PriceTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"priceTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberType_166130S struct {
- // Item number details
- ItemNumberDetails []*ItemNumberIdentificationType_234878C `xml:"itemNumberDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type ItemNumberType_176648S struct {
- ItemNumberDetails []*ItemNumberIdentificationType_248537C `xml:"itemNumberDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type ItemNumberType_80866S struct {
- // Item number details
- ItemNumberDetails *ItemNumberIdentificationType `xml:"itemNumberDetails"`
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
- // Qualifies the type of the reference used.
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unique fee reference.
- RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_78536S struct {
- // Qualifies the type of the reference used.
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unique fee reference.
- RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_78564S struct {
- // Qualifies the type of the reference used.
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unique fee reference.
- FeeRefNumber *int32 `xml:"feeRefNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItineraryDetailsType struct {
- // Airport/City Qualifier: the passenger wants to depart/arrive from/to the same airport or city in the specified requested segment
- AirportCityQualifier string `xml:"airportCityQualifier"`
- // Requested segment number
- SegmentNumber int32 `xml:"segmentNumber"`
-type LocationIdentificationDetailsType struct {
- // 3 characters ATA/IATA airport/city code
- LocationId string `xml:"locationId"`
- // Airport/city qualifier: the requested point is an airport when ambiguity exists (e.g. HOU)
- AirportCityQualifier string `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Terminal information
- Terminal string `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MiniRulesDetailsType struct {
- // Coded text (period or day)
- Interpretation string `xml:"interpretation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Data type coded or value of interpretation
- Value []string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type MiniRulesIndicatorType struct {
- // See rule indicator and free form text indicator
- RuleIndicator []string `xml:"ruleIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type MiniRulesType struct {
- // Categoty of restriction: PTC, Max Adv Pur, Days, ...
- Category string `xml:"category"`
-type MiniRulesType_78547S struct {
- // Type of restriction: PTC, Max Adv Res, Max Ticketing After Res, ...
- RestrictionType string `xml:"restrictionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Categoty of restriction: PTC, Max Adv Pur, Days, ...
- Category string `xml:"category"`
- // Indicators
- Indicator *MiniRulesIndicatorType `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Mini rules
- MiniRules []*MiniRulesDetailsType `xml:"miniRules,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
- // To specify amount and percentage.
- AmountType string `xml:"amountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount
- Amount float64 `xml:"amount"`
- // ISO currency code
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // type Qualifier
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsType_245528C struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // location
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationType struct {
- // Monetary information.
- MonetaryDetail []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="30"
-type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
- // Monetary details
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"monetaryDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type MonetaryInformationType_137835S struct {
- // Monetary information.
- MonetaryDetail []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type MonetaryInformationType_174241S struct {
- MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsType_245528C `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType_245528C `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type MonetaryInformationType_185955S struct {
- // Monetary information
- MonetaryDetail []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetail"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type OnTimePerformanceType struct {
- // Date time period
- DateTimePeriod string `xml:"dateTimePeriod,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Percentage
- Percentage *float64 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Accuracy
- Accuracy string `xml:"accuracy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OriginAndDestinationRequestType struct {
- // Requested segment number
- SegRef int32 `xml:"segRef"`
- // Forces arrival or departure, from/to the same airport/city
- LocationForcing []*ItineraryDetailsType `xml:"locationForcing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type OriginAndDestinationRequestType_134833S struct {
- // Requested segment number
- SegRef int32 `xml:"segRef"`
-type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Office Name.
- OfficeName *int32 `xml:"officeName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Agent Sign In .
- AgentSignin string `xml:"agentSignin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Confidential Office Name.
- ConfidentialOffice string `xml:"confidentialOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other Office Name
- OtherOffice string `xml:"otherOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingInformationType struct {
- // Price type qualifier
- PriceType []string `xml:"priceType"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type PricingTicketingSubsequentType struct {
- // Passenger fare product number
- PaxFareNum []string `xml:"paxFareNum"` // maxOccurs="10"
-type PricingTicketingSubsequentType_144401S struct {
- // Passenger fare product number
- PaxFareNum string `xml:"paxFareNum"`
- // Total fare amount
- TotalFareAmount float64 `xml:"totalFareAmount"`
- // Total tax amount
- TotalTaxAmount *float64 `xml:"totalTaxAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code share details.
- CodeShareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120771C `xml:"codeShareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Monetary information.
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Pricing ticketing details.
- PricingTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"pricingTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProcessingInformationType struct {
- // Action qualifier
- ActionQualifier string `xml:"actionQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference qualifier
- ReferenceQualifier string `xml:"referenceQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference number
- RefNum string `xml:"refNum,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeType struct {
- // Departure date
- DateOfDeparture string `xml:"dateOfDeparture"`
- // Departure time
- TimeOfDeparture string `xml:"timeOfDeparture,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival date
- DateOfArrival string `xml:"dateOfArrival,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival time
- TimeOfArrival string `xml:"timeOfArrival,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival date compared to departure date, only if different from 0
- DateVariation *int32 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDetailsType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..17
- Designator string `xml:"designator"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- AvailabilityStatus string `xml:"availabilityStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- SpecialService string `xml:"specialService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..7
- Option []string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ProductFacilitiesType struct {
- // Yes-No indicator whether Last Seat Available
- LastSeatAvailable string `xml:"lastSeatAvailable,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Level of access
- LevelOfAccess string `xml:"levelOfAccess,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Yes-No indicator whether electronic ticketing
- ElectronicTicketing string `xml:"electronicTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product identification suffix
- OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Define whether a flight has been polled or not
- ProductDetailQualifier string `xml:"productDetailQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Add some flight restrictions (See code set list)
- FlightCharacteristic []string `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ProductInformationType struct {
- // value of the Qualifier: INT for International DOM for Domestic EUR for European otherwise CM#10569 INVALID INTERNATIONAL INDICATOR is returned.
- ProductDetailsQualifier string `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BookingClassDetails []*ProductDetailsType `xml:"bookingClassDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
-type ProductTypeDetailsType struct {
- // Availability connection type.
- AvailabilityCnxType []string `xml:"availabilityCnxType"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type ProductTypeDetailsType_205137C struct {
- // indicates whether the flight is domestic or international
- Avl []string `xml:"avl"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type ProposedSegmentDetailsType struct {
- // Flight proposal reference
- Ref string `xml:"ref,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Elapse Flying Time
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProposedSegmentType struct {
- // Parameters for proposed flight group
- FlightProposal []*ProposedSegmentDetailsType `xml:"flightProposal"` // maxOccurs="9"
- // Flight characteristics.
- FlightCharacteristic string `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Majority cabin
- MajCabin string `xml:"majCabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferenceInfoType struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_191583C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
-type ReferenceInfoType_133176S struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferenceInfoType_134839S struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_195561C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferenceInfoType_134840S struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_195561C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
-type ReferenceInfoType_165972S struct {
- // Reference details
- ReferenceDetails []*ReferencingDetailsType_234704C `xml:"referenceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type ReferenceInfoType_176658S struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type ReferenceType struct {
- // Reference of leg
- RefOfLeg string `xml:"refOfLeg,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference of segment starting range
- FirstItemIdentifier *int32 `xml:"firstItemIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference of segment ending range
- LastItemIdentifier *int32 `xml:"lastItemIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
- // Reference qualifier
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Requested segment reference
- RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
-type ReferencingDetailsType_191583C struct {
- // Service reference qualifier
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Service reference
- RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
-type ReferencingDetailsType_195561C struct {
- // Segment reference qualifier
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Flight or flight group reference
- RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
-type ReferencingDetailsType_234704C struct {
- // Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Value
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI struct {
- // traveller number
- Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // range of traveller
- NumberOfUnits *int32 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI struct {
- // Segment control details
- SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type SelectionDetailsInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee type
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Carrier fee status
- OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetailsType struct {
- // Carrier fees options
- CarrierFeeDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationType `xml:"carrierFeeDetails"`
-type SequenceDetailsTypeU struct {
- // Sequence details
- SequenceDetails *SequenceInformationTypeU `xml:"sequenceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SequenceInformationTypeU struct {
- // Number
- Number string `xml:"number"`
- // Identification code
- IdentificationCode string `xml:"identificationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ServicesReferences struct {
- // Reference of the service
- Reference string `xml:"reference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Status of the service
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType struct {
- // SSR seat characteristic
- SeatCharacteristics []string `xml:"seatCharacteristics,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type SpecialRequirementsDetailsType struct {
- // To specify the Service Requirement of the customer
- ServiceRequirementsInfo *SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType `xml:"serviceRequirementsInfo"`
- // Seat details
- SeatDetails []*SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType `xml:"seatDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType struct {
- // To specify the Service Classification of the Service Requirement.
- ServiceClassification string `xml:"serviceClassification"`
- // Status
- ServiceStatus string `xml:"serviceStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the number of items involved
- ServiceNumberOfInstances *int32 `xml:"serviceNumberOfInstances,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify to which marketing carrier the service applies
- ServiceMarketingCarrier string `xml:"serviceMarketingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify the Service group
- ServiceGroup string `xml:"serviceGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify the Service Sub-Group
- ServiceSubGroup string `xml:"serviceSubGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free Text attached to the Service.
- ServiceFreeText []string `xml:"serviceFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type SpecificDataInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee description
- DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationType `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
- // Data information
- DataInformation []*DataInformationType `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type SpecificTravellerDetailsType struct {
- // Reference number
- ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SpecificTravellerType struct {
- // Traveller details
- TravellerDetails []*SpecificTravellerDetailsType `xml:"travellerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type StatusDetailsType struct {
- // Advisory type information, Fare Server
- AdvisoryTypeInfo string `xml:"advisoryTypeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // CPU time, user type
- Notification string `xml:"notification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // CPU time,user type
- Notification2 string `xml:"notification2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Capture and trace information
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StatusDetailsType_256255C struct {
- // list of status/qualifiers Either His for Historical or Crt for Current
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Action string `xml:"action,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StatusType struct {
- // Status details
- Status []*StatusDetailsType `xml:"status"` // maxOccurs="10"
-type StatusType_182386S struct {
- StatusInformation []*StatusDetailsType_256255C `xml:"statusInformation"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type TaxDetailsType struct {
- // Amount
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country code
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency code
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicator
- Indicator []string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
-type TaxType struct {
- // Tax category
- TaxCategory string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tax details
- TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsType `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TransportIdentifierType struct {
- // Company identification
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravelProductType struct {
- // Date and time of departure and arrival
- ProductDateTime *ProductDateTimeType `xml:"productDateTime"`
- // Location of departure and arrival
- Location []*LocationIdentificationDetailsType `xml:"location"` // maxOccurs="2"
- CompanyId *CompanyIdentificationType `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Flight number or trainNumber
- FlightOrtrainNumber string `xml:"flightOrtrainNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product details
- ProductDetail *AdditionalProductDetailsType `xml:"productDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Additional product details
- AddProductDetail *ProductFacilitiesType `xml:"addProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_260992C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type TravellerDetailsType struct {
- // Direct reference of passenger assigned by requesting system.
- Ref *int32 `xml:"ref,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Traveller is an infant
- InfantIndicator *int32 `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerReferenceInformationType struct {
- // Requested passenger type
- Ptc []string `xml:"ptc,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
- // Traveller details
- Traveller []*TravellerDetailsType `xml:"traveller,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type UserIdentificationType struct {
- // Originator Identification Details
- OfficeIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"officeIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to specify which kind of info is given in DE 9900.
- OfficeType string `xml:"officeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The code given to an agent by the originating reservation system.
- OfficeCode string `xml:"officeCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ValueSearchCriteriaType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- Ref string `xml:"ref,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..18
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CriteriaDetails []*CriteriaiDetaislType `xml:"criteriaDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
diff --git a/respstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_new_reply/structs.go b/respstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_new_reply/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index e3a0ba7..0000000
--- a/respstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_new_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2229 +0,0 @@
-package fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/FMPTBR_16_3_1A Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply"`
- // Gives status about reply : type of process, region , CPU etc..
- ReplyStatus *StatusType `xml:"replyStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ErrorMessage *ErrorMessage `xml:"errorMessage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specifies the currency used for pricing.
- ConversionRate *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"conversionRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Solution Family
- SolutionFamily []*FareInformationType `xml:"solutionFamily,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Details of the fare families processed
- FamilyInformation []*FareFamilyType `xml:"familyInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
- AmountInfoForAllPax *AmountInfoForAllPax `xml:"amountInfoForAllPax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AmountInfoPerPax []*AmountInfoPerPax `xml:"amountInfoPerPax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2099"
- // Bucket information
- BucketInfo []*BucketInformationType `xml:"bucketInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
- // Theme identification text
- ThemeIdText []*ThemeText `xml:"themeIdText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1000"
- AdditionalInfo []*AdditionalInfo `xml:"additionalInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1000"
- // Free text identifying an airline in a code share.
- CompanyIdText []*CompanyIdentificationTextType `xml:"companyIdText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5000"
- OfficeIdDetails []*OfficeIdDetails `xml:"officeIdDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- FlightIndex []*FlightIndex `xml:"flightIndex,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- Recommendation []*Recommendation `xml:"recommendation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
- OtherSolutions []*OtherSolutions `xml:"otherSolutions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100009"
- WarningInfo []*WarningInfo `xml:"warningInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- GlobalInformation []*GlobalInformation `xml:"globalInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- ServiceFeesGrp []*ServiceFeesGrp `xml:"serviceFeesGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
- // Multi dimension references
- MultiDimensionRef []*MultiDimensionalValueType `xml:"multiDimensionRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
- Value []*ValueSearchCriteriaType `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100009"
- MnrGrp *MnrGrp `xml:"mnrGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OffersGroup *OffersGroup `xml:"offersGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorMessage struct {
- // Application error details.
- ApplicationError *ApplicationErrorInformationType_78543S `xml:"applicationError"`
- // Type of error message and free text
- ErrorMessageText *InteractiveFreeTextType_78544S `xml:"errorMessageText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AmountInfoForAllPax struct {
- // Itinerary amounts for all passengers
- ItineraryAmounts *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"itineraryAmounts"`
- AmountsPerSgt []*AmountsPerSgt `xml:"amountsPerSgt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type AmountsPerSgt struct {
- // Requested segment reference
- SgtRef *ReferenceInfoType_133176S `xml:"sgtRef"`
- // Amounts : Issue total amount, issue taxes amount, non refundable taxes amount
- Amounts *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"amounts,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AmountInfoPerPax struct {
- // Passenger references
- PaxRef *SpecificTravellerType `xml:"paxRef"`
- // Passenger attributes : Infant indicator
- PaxAttributes *FareInformationType_80868S `xml:"paxAttributes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Itinerary amounts information
- ItineraryAmounts *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"itineraryAmounts"`
- AmountsPerSgt []*AmountsPerSgt `xml:"amountsPerSgt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FeeDetails struct {
- // Fee/Reduction Reference number.
- FeeReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_78564S `xml:"feeReference"`
- // Fee/Reduction information.
- FeeInformation *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationType `xml:"feeInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fee/Reduction parameters.
- FeeParameters *AttributeType_78561S `xml:"feeParameters,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify conversion rate details
- ConvertedOrOriginalInfo *ConversionRateTypeI_78562S `xml:"convertedOrOriginalInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AdditionalInfo struct {
- // Identifier
- IdentDetails *ProductIdentificationType `xml:"identDetails"`
- // Date information
- DateInfo *DateTimePeriodType `xml:"dateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OfficeIdDetails struct {
- // Office Id Information
- OfficeIdInformation *UserIdentificationType `xml:"officeIdInformation"`
- // Office Id Reference Number
- OfficeIdReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_78536S `xml:"officeIdReference"`
-type FlightIndex struct {
- // Indicates references and details about requested segments
- RequestedSegmentRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"requestedSegmentRef"`
- GroupOfFlights []*GroupOfFlights `xml:"groupOfFlights"` // maxOccurs="100000"
-type GroupOfFlights struct {
- // To indicate parameters for proposed flight group.
- PropFlightGrDetail *ProposedSegmentType `xml:"propFlightGrDetail"`
- FlightDetails []*FlightDetails `xml:"flightDetails"` // maxOccurs="4"
-type FlightDetails struct {
- // Specification of details on the flight and posting availability
- FlightInformation *TravelProductType `xml:"flightInformation"`
- // returns booking class and availability context
- AvlInfo []*FlightProductInformationType_141442S `xml:"avlInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Details on Flight date, time and location of technical stop or change of gauge
- TechnicalStop []*DateAndTimeInformationType `xml:"technicalStop,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- // Code Share Agreement description for current flight.
- CommercialAgreement *CommercialAgreementsType `xml:"commercialAgreement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Additional Info about flight, such as Reference number, and several options
- AddInfo *HeaderInformationTypeI `xml:"addInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Flight characteristics
- FlightCharacteristics *FlightCharacteristicsType `xml:"flightCharacteristics,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Flight Services by cabin/rbd
- FlightServices []*FlightServicesType `xml:"flightServices,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // Meal services
- MealServices *MealServicesType `xml:"mealServices,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type Recommendation struct {
- // Specification of the item number
- ItemNumber *ItemNumberType_161497S `xml:"itemNumber"`
- // To describe type of recommendation
- WarningMessage []*InteractiveFreeTextType_78544S `xml:"warningMessage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- // Indicates the Fare family reference.
- FareFamilyRef *ReferenceInfoType_133176S `xml:"fareFamilyRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Recommendation Price and Taxes.
- RecPriceInfo *MonetaryInformationType_193024S `xml:"recPriceInfo"`
- // Mini rules
- MiniRule []*MiniRulesType_78547S `xml:"miniRule,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // Indicates reference of Flight or the fee reference valid for all pax (usage:start with the 1 possible Fee reference, then provide the segments references)
- SegmentFlightRef []*ReferenceInfoType `xml:"segmentFlightRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100009"
- RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails []*RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails `xml:"recommandationSegmentsFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- PaxFareProduct []*PaxFareProduct `xml:"paxFareProduct"` // maxOccurs="10"
- SpecificRecDetails []*SpecificRecDetails `xml:"specificRecDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
-type RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails struct {
- // Reference and details about requested segments.
- RecommendationSegRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"recommendationSegRef"`
- // Amounts per requested segment.
- SegmentMonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"segmentMonetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PaxFareProduct struct {
- // Passenger Fare Details.
- PaxFareDetail *PricingTicketingSubsequentType_193023S `xml:"paxFareDetail"`
- // Indicates Fee references (usage: start with the 1 possible Fee reference, then provide the segments references)
- FeeRef *ReferenceInfoType_134839S `xml:"feeRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger Reference
- PaxReference []*TravellerReferenceInformationType `xml:"paxReference"` // maxOccurs="6"
- // add tax details for each passenger of each recommendations.
- PassengerTaxDetails *TaxType `xml:"passengerTaxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Fare []*Fare `xml:"fare,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="7"
- FareDetails []*FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails"` // maxOccurs="6"
-type Fare struct {
- // Last Date to Ticket, Penalties
- PricingMessage *InteractiveFreeTextType_78559S `xml:"pricingMessage"`
- // Amount of penalties, Surcharges...
- MonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType_199534S `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetails struct {
- // Reference of the Requested Segment
- SegmentRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"segmentRef"`
- GroupOfFares []*GroupOfFares `xml:"groupOfFares,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- // Amounts per passenger per requested segment.
- PsgSegMonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"psgSegMonetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Majority Cabin Info
- MajCabin []*ProductInformationType `xml:"majCabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type GroupOfFares struct {
- // Contains details of Flight and Fare
- ProductInformation *FlightProductInformationType_176659S `xml:"productInformation"`
- // Fare calculation code details
- FareCalculationCodeDetails []*FareCalculationCodeDetailsType `xml:"fareCalculationCodeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // Ticket designator, ticket code and fare basis.
- TicketInfos *FareQualifierDetailsType `xml:"ticketInfos,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference of Fare Family for each Fare Component
- FareFamiliesRef *ReferenceInfoType_176658S `xml:"fareFamiliesRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SpecificRecDetails struct {
- // Recommendation details
- SpecificRecItem *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"specificRecItem"`
- SpecificProductDetails []*SpecificProductDetails `xml:"specificProductDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type SpecificProductDetails struct {
- // Product details
- ProductReferences *PricingTicketingSubsequentType `xml:"productReferences"`
- FareContextDetails []*FareContextDetails `xml:"fareContextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type FareContextDetails struct {
- // Reference of requested segment
- RequestedSegmentInfo *OriginAndDestinationRequestType_134833S `xml:"requestedSegmentInfo"`
- CnxContextDetails []*CnxContextDetails `xml:"cnxContextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
-type CnxContextDetails struct {
- // Fare connection context details
- FareCnxInfo *FlightProductInformationType `xml:"fareCnxInfo"`
-type OtherSolutions struct {
- // Reference to the current solution
- Reference *SequenceDetailsTypeU `xml:"reference"`
- AmtGroup []*AmtGroup `xml:"amtGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
- PsgInfo []*PsgInfo `xml:"psgInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type AmtGroup struct {
- // reference to the current amount (per bound, per segment...)
- Ref *ReferenceInfoType_165972S `xml:"ref"`
- // Amount Description
- Amount *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PsgInfo struct {
- // passenger reference
- Ref *SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI `xml:"ref"`
- // Passenger Description Info
- Description *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger frequent traveler info
- FreqTraveller *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"freqTraveller,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // amount per passenger or group of passenger
- Amount *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare description
- Fare *FlightProductInformationType_161491S `xml:"fare,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Additional Information
- Attribute []*AttributeTypeU `xml:"attribute,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type WarningInfo struct {
- // Dummy Segment
- GlobalMessageMarker *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"globalMessageMarker"`
- // Informative free text information
- GlobalMessage *InteractiveFreeTextType_78534S `xml:"globalMessage"`
-type GlobalInformation struct {
- // Coded attributes
- Attributes *CodedAttributeType_78535S `xml:"attributes"`
-type ServiceFeesGrp struct {
- // Service fee type (OC)
- ServiceTypeInfo *SelectionDetailsType `xml:"serviceTypeInfo"`
- ServiceFeeRefGrp []*ServiceFeeRefGrp `xml:"serviceFeeRefGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
- ServiceCoverageInfoGrp []*ServiceCoverageInfoGrp `xml:"serviceCoverageInfoGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
- // Globalmessage marker
- GlobalMessageMarker *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"globalMessageMarker"`
- ServiceFeeInfoGrp []*ServiceFeeInfoGrp `xml:"serviceFeeInfoGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
- ServiceDetailsGrp []*ServiceDetailsGrp1 `xml:"serviceDetailsGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
- FreeBagAllowanceGrp []*FreeBagAllowanceGrp `xml:"freeBagAllowanceGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
-type ServiceFeeRefGrp struct {
- // Reference of service fee global information
- RefInfo *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"refInfo"`
-type ServiceCoverageInfoGrp struct {
- // Item reference number for service coverage details
- ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
- ServiceCovInfoGrp []*ServiceCovInfoGrp `xml:"serviceCovInfoGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
-type ServiceCovInfoGrp struct {
- // Passenger reference number
- PaxRefInfo *SpecificTravellerType `xml:"paxRefInfo"`
- // Service coverage information at flight level Matched seat characteristics
- CoveragePerFlightsInfo []*ActionDetailsType `xml:"coveragePerFlightsInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Carrier information
- CarrierInfo *TransportIdentifierType `xml:"carrierInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Service reference number
- RefInfo *ReferenceInfoType_134840S `xml:"refInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ServiceFeeInfoGrp struct {
- // Item number details
- ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
- ServiceDetailsGrp []*ServiceDetailsGrp `xml:"serviceDetailsGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
-type ServiceDetailsGrp struct {
- // Service reference number
- RefInfo *ReferenceInfoType_134840S `xml:"refInfo"`
- ServiceMatchedInfoGroup []*ServiceMatchedInfoGroup `xml:"serviceMatchedInfoGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ServiceMatchedInfoGroup struct {
- // Reference on pax number
- PaxRefInfo *SpecificTravellerType `xml:"paxRefInfo"`
- // Pricing oriented service matched information
- PricingInfo *FareInformationType_80868S `xml:"pricingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Informative Service amount
- AmountInfo *MonetaryInformationType_193024S `xml:"amountInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Attribute information
- AttributeInfo []*CodedAttributeType `xml:"attributeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type ServiceDetailsGrp1 struct {
- // Service sub-code and options (exclusion,inclusion, mode pushed,polled)
- ServiceOptionInfo *SpecificDataInformationType `xml:"serviceOptionInfo"`
- FeeDescriptionGrp *FeeDescriptionGrp `xml:"feeDescriptionGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FeeDescriptionGrp struct {
- // Specification of the item number
- ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType_80866S `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
- // Attributes (SSR code EMD, RFIC, SSIM)
- ServiceAttributesInfo *AttributeType `xml:"serviceAttributesInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other service information (service description, ...)
- ServiceDescriptionInfo *SpecialRequirementsDetailsType `xml:"serviceDescriptionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Commercial name
- CommercialName *InteractiveFreeTextType `xml:"commercialName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FreeBagAllowanceGrp struct {
- // Free baggage allownce information
- FreeBagAllownceInfo *ExcessBaggageType `xml:"freeBagAllownceInfo"`
- // Item number information
- ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType_166130S `xml:"itemNumberInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MnrGrp struct {
- Mnr *MiniRulesType `xml:"mnr"`
- MnrDetails []*MnrDetails `xml:"mnrDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type MnrDetails struct {
- MnrRef *ItemNumberType_176648S `xml:"mnrRef"`
- DateInfo []*DateAndTimeInformationType_182345S `xml:"dateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="16"
- CatGrp []*CatGrp `xml:"catGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type CatGrp struct {
- // Category information
- CatInfo *CategDescrType `xml:"catInfo"`
- // Monetary information
- MonInfo *MonetaryInformationType_174241S `xml:"monInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Status information
- StatusInfo *StatusType_182386S `xml:"statusInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OffersGroup struct {
- // Response information
- Response *ApplicationType `xml:"response"`
- Offers []*Offers `xml:"offers,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
-type Offers struct {
- // Offer details
- OfferDtetails *OfferType `xml:"offerDtetails"`
- OfferItems []*OfferItems `xml:"offerItems,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1000"
-type OfferItems struct {
- // Offer item details
- OfferItemDetails *OfferItemType `xml:"offerItemDetails"`
- // References
- References []*ReferenceInfoType_165972S `xml:"references,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-// Complex structs
-type ActionDetailsType struct {
- // Number of items details
- NumberOfItemsDetails *ProcessingInformationType `xml:"numberOfItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Range of segments
- LastItemsDetails []*ReferenceType `xml:"lastItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Rate class
- RateClass string `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticket designator.
- TicketDesignator string `xml:"ticketDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Pricing group
- PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Second rate class
- SecondRateClass []string `xml:"secondRateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="29"
-type AdditionalProductDetailsType struct {
- // Type of aircraft
- EquipmentType string `xml:"equipmentType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day number of the week
- OperatingDay string `xml:"operatingDay,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number of stops made in a journey if different from 0
- TechStopNumber *int32 `xml:"techStopNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location places of the stops
- LocationId []string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
- // The code assigned by the receiver of a message for identification of a data validation error condition.
- Error string `xml:"error"`
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType_78543S struct {
- // Details on application error.
- ApplicationErrorDetail *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"applicationErrorDetail"`
-type ApplicationIdentificationType struct {
- // Unique identifier of the item.
- InternalId string `xml:"internalId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationType struct {
- // Application details
- ApplicationDetails *ApplicationIdentificationType `xml:"applicationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeInformationType struct {
- // Type of parameter.
- FeeParameterType string `xml:"feeParameterType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference to company Id.
- FeeParameterDescription string `xml:"feeParameterDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeInformationTypeU struct {
- // Attribute type
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute description
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeInformationType_97181C struct {
- // Attribute type
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute description
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeType struct {
- // Criteria Set Type
- AttributeQualifier string `xml:"attributeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Criteria details
- AttributeDetails []*AttributeInformationType_97181C `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type AttributeTypeU struct {
- // provides the function of the attribute
- AttributeFunction string `xml:"attributeFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // provides details for the Attribute
- AttributeDetails *AttributeInformationTypeU `xml:"attributeDetails"`
-type AttributeType_78561S struct {
- // Fee/reduction parameters.
- FeeParameter []*AttributeInformationType `xml:"feeParameter,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type BaggageDetailsType struct {
- // Number of pieces or weight
- FreeAllowance *int32 `xml:"freeAllowance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Nature of the free allowance ( Number of pieces or weight)
- QuantityCode string `xml:"quantityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unit qualifier
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type BagtagDetailsType struct {
- // Identifier
- Identifier string `xml:"identifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number
- Number *int32 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type BucketInformationType struct {
- // Number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Name
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Mode
- Mode string `xml:"mode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CabinInformationType struct {
- // Identify the features associated to the cabin/class
- Service string `xml:"service"`
- // Cabin code designator
- Cabin []string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type CabinProductDetailsType struct {
- // Reservation booking designator - RBD
- Rbd string `xml:"rbd"`
- // Reservation Booking Modifier
- BookingModifier string `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CabinProductDetailsType_195516C struct {
- // Reservation booking designator - RBD
- Rbd string `xml:"rbd,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reservation Booking Modifier
- BookingModifier string `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus"`
-type CabinProductDetailsType_205138C struct {
- // Reservation booking designator - RBD
- Rbd string `xml:"rbd"`
- // Reservation Booking Modifier
- BookingModifier string `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CabinProductDetailsType_229142C struct {
- // Reservation booking designator - RBD
- Rbd string `xml:"rbd"`
- // Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CategDescrType struct {
- // Category description information
- DescriptionInfo *CategoryDescriptionType `xml:"descriptionInfo"`
- // Category processing indicator
- ProcessIndicator string `xml:"processIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CategoryDescriptionType struct {
- // Category number from ATPCO naming conventions (C05 for Advance Purchase restrictions, C06 for Minimun stay ...)
- Number int32 `xml:"number"`
- // Category Code (ATPCO component code, e.g ADV for Advance purchase, STP for stopover restrictions, ELG for eligibility restrictions...)
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ClassInformationType struct {
- // Identify the features associated to the cabin/class
- Service string `xml:"service"`
- // Class designator
- Rbd []string `xml:"rbd,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
- // Type of fee/reduction
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Fee Id Number
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_270108C struct {
- // Format limitations: an..5
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute description
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_283620C struct {
- // Format limitations: an..5
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute description
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeType struct {
- // Attribute function
- AttributeFunction string `xml:"attributeFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_283620C `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="10"
-type CodedAttributeType_78535S struct {
- // Fee/reduction Id
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type CommercialAgreementsType struct {
- // Codeshare Details
- CodeshareDetails *CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"codeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other codeshare details
- OtherCodeshareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"otherCodeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type CompanyIdentificationTextType struct {
- // Company Id Text reference.
- TextRefNumber *int32 `xml:"textRefNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company id free text.
- CompanyText string `xml:"companyText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyIdentificationType struct {
- // Marketing carrier
- MarketingCarrier string `xml:"marketingCarrier"`
- // Operating carrier
- OperatingCarrier string `xml:"operatingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // airline alliance code
- Alliance string `xml:"alliance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // Company
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company
- OperatingCompany string `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company
- OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyRoleIdentificationType struct {
- // Type of code share agreement.
- CodeShareType string `xml:"codeShareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // company identification
- AirlineDesignator string `xml:"airlineDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // flight number
- FlightNumber *int32 `xml:"flightNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120771C struct {
- // Type of code share agreement.
- TransportStageQualifier string `xml:"transportStageQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // company identification
- Company string `xml:"company,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Conversion type
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI_179848C struct {
- // Conversion type
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency"`
- // Conversion rate for pricing
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Converted value amount
- ConvertedAmountLink string `xml:"convertedAmountLink,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Applicable ISO country code or Tax designator code.
- TaxQualifier string `xml:"taxQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
- // Detail of conversion rate of First Monetary Unit.
- ConversionRateDetail []*ConversionRateDetailsTypeI_179848C `xml:"conversionRateDetail"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type ConversionRateTypeI_78562S struct {
- // Details of conversion
- ConversionRateDetail []*ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"conversionRateDetail"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type CriteriaiDetaislType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..18
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Attribute
- Attribute string `xml:"attribute,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DataInformationType struct {
- // Ancillary services options
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DataTypeInformationType struct {
- // service group/sub-group/sub-code information
- SubType string `xml:"subType"`
- // Status (automated, manually added, exempted). Default is automated
- Option string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsType struct {
- // Date time period qualifier
- DateQualifier string `xml:"dateQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First Date
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First Time
- FirstTime string `xml:"firstTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Movement type.
- EquipementType string `xml:"equipementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Place/location identification.
- LocationId string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsType_256192C struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Time
- Time string `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeInformationType struct {
- // Details on date and time
- StopDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsType `xml:"stopDetails"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type DateAndTimeInformationType_182345S struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsType_256192C `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="400"
-type DateTimePeriodDetailsBatchType struct {
- // Date time qualifier
- DateTimeQualifier string `xml:"dateTimeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Date time details
- DateTimeDetails string `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Value
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateTimePeriodType struct {
- // Date Time Description
- DateTimeDescription *DateTimePeriodDetailsBatchType `xml:"dateTimeDescription"`
-type DimensionDetailType struct {
- // Bucket reference
- BucketRef string `xml:"bucketRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Value reference
- ValueRef string `xml:"valueRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountAndPenaltyInformationType struct {
- // Used to specify airline collected fee or agent collected fee.
- FeeIdentification string `xml:"feeIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to specify penalty information
- FeeInformation *DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationType `xml:"feeInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountPenaltyInformationType struct {
- // Discounted fare,...
- FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier"`
- // Dicount code,...
- RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Percentage
- Percentage *float64 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationType struct {
- // Type of discount/penalty
- FeeType string `xml:"feeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The amount Type can be a percentage or an amount
- FeeAmountType string `xml:"feeAmountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // specify the value
- FeeAmount *float64 `xml:"feeAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fee currency code.
- FeeCurrency string `xml:"feeCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
-type ExcessBaggageType struct {
- // Baggage details
- BaggageDetails *BaggageDetailsType `xml:"baggageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free baggage allowance details
- BagTagDetails []*BagtagDetailsType `xml:"bagTagDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FareCalculationCodeDetailsType struct {
- // Qualifier of the amout or rate
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location code
- LocationCode string `xml:"locationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other location code
- OtherLocationCode string `xml:"otherLocationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareCategoryCodesTypeI struct {
- // Fare type
- FareType string `xml:"fareType"`
- // Other fare type
- OtherFareType []string `xml:"otherFareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type FareDetailsType struct {
- // Passenger Type qualifier
- PassengerTypeQualifier string `xml:"passengerTypeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare category
- FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetailsType_193037C struct {
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate
- Rate *int32 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Category
- FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareFamilyDetailsType struct {
- // Commercial fare Family Short name
- CommercialFamily string `xml:"commercialFamily"`
-type FareFamilyType struct {
- // Fare Family Reference Number
- RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
- // Fare Family Short Name
- FareFamilyname string `xml:"fareFamilyname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Hierarchy *int32 `xml:"hierarchy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates Commercial Fare Family Short names
- CommercialFamilyDetails []*FareFamilyDetailsType `xml:"commercialFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Short description of the fare family
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Carrier code
- Carrier string `xml:"carrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference to the services details
- Services []*ServicesReferences `xml:"services,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Reservation booking designator
- BookingClass []string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
-type FareInformationType struct {
- // Value Qualifier
- ValueQualifier string `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Value
- Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsType_193037C `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Identity Number
- IdentityNumber string `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Type Grouping
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationType `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate Category
- RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareInformationTypeI struct {
- // Value qualifier
- ValueQualifier string `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Value
- Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareInformationType_80868S struct {
- // Fare details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsType `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareProductDetailsType struct {
- // Fare basis code
- FareBasis string `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareProductDetailsType_248552C struct {
- // Fare basis code
- FareBasis string `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PTC priced
- PassengerType string `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type of fare
- FareType []string `xml:"fareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareQualifierDetailsType struct {
- // Route Code
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare categories
- FareCategories *FareCategoryCodesTypeI `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Additional fare details
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Discount details
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationType `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareTypeGroupingInformationType struct {
- // Pricing Group
- PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightCharacteristicsType struct {
- // On-Time Performance
- OnTimePerformance *OnTimePerformanceType `xml:"onTimePerformance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // In flight services
- InFlightSrv []string `xml:"inFlightSrv,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FlightProductInformationType struct {
- // Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct []*CabinProductDetailsType_195516C `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // To specify additional characteristics.
- ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightProductInformationType_141442S struct {
- // Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct []*CabinProductDetailsType_205138C `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
- // To specify additional characteristics.
- ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType_205137C `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightProductInformationType_161491S struct {
- // Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct *CabinProductDetailsType_229142C `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare product details
- FareProductDetail *FareProductDetailsType `xml:"fareProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightProductInformationType_176659S struct {
- // Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct *CabinProductDetailsType `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare product details
- FareProductDetail *FareProductDetailsType_248552C `xml:"fareProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Corporate number or name and number
- CorporateId []string `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // To determine if Fare Breaks at this segment
- BreakPoint string `xml:"breakPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify additional characteristics.
- ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightServicesType struct {
- // Type of service used
- ServiceType string `xml:"serviceType"`
- CabinInfo []*CabinInformationType `xml:"cabinInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- ClassInfo []*ClassInformationType `xml:"classInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FreeTextQualificationType struct {
- // Type of message
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Coded Text or type of information in 4440 (e.g. type of OSI or free text, canned message value)
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FreeTextQualificationTypeI struct {
- // Text subject qualifier
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
-type FreeTextQualificationType_120769C struct {
- // Type of message
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Coded Text or type of information in 4440 (e.g. type of OSI or free text, canned message value)
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ISO code for language of free text (default is English)
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType struct {
- // Frequent Traveller Info
- FrequentTravellerDetails []*FrequentTravellerIdentificationType `xml:"frequentTravellerDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType struct {
- // Carrier where the FQTV is registered.
- Carrier string `xml:"carrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify a Tier linked to the FQTV
- TierLevel string `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // For example : priority code
- PriorityCode string `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type HeaderInformationTypeI struct {
- // Status
- Status []string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // Date and Time info
- DateTimePeriodDetails *DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI `xml:"dateTimePeriodDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference number
- ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Contains product identification such as UIC code...
- ProductIdentification []string `xml:"productIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type InteractiveFreeTextType struct {
- // Free text qualification
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text
- FreeText string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type InteractiveFreeTextType_78534S struct {
- // Details on interactive free text
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text
- Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type InteractiveFreeTextType_78544S struct {
- // Details on interactive free text
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType_120769C `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text
- Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type InteractiveFreeTextType_78559S struct {
- // Details on interactive free text
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType_120769C `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text
- Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType struct {
- // Ancillary Service number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Responsible agency
- ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType_191597C struct {
- // Item number.
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates the item type .
- NumberType string `xml:"numberType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType_192331C struct {
- // Service coverage number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Responsible agency
- ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType_234878C struct {
- // Number
- Number *int32 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType_248537C struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberType struct {
- // Item number details
- ItemNumber *ItemNumberIdentificationType_192331C `xml:"itemNumber"`
-type ItemNumberType_161497S struct {
- // Indicates the recommendation number.
- ItemNumberId *ItemNumberIdentificationType_191597C `xml:"itemNumberId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code share details.
- CodeShareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120771C `xml:"codeShareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Pricing ticketind details.
- PriceTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"priceTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberType_166130S struct {
- // Item number details
- ItemNumberDetails []*ItemNumberIdentificationType_234878C `xml:"itemNumberDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type ItemNumberType_176648S struct {
- ItemNumberDetails []*ItemNumberIdentificationType_248537C `xml:"itemNumberDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type ItemNumberType_80866S struct {
- // Item number details
- ItemNumberDetails *ItemNumberIdentificationType `xml:"itemNumberDetails"`
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
- // Qualifies the type of the reference used.
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unique fee reference.
- RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_78536S struct {
- // Qualifies the type of the reference used.
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unique fee reference.
- RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_78564S struct {
- // Qualifies the type of the reference used.
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unique fee reference.
- FeeRefNumber *int32 `xml:"feeRefNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItineraryDetailsType struct {
- // Airport/City Qualifier: the passenger wants to depart/arrive from/to the same airport or city in the specified requested segment
- AirportCityQualifier string `xml:"airportCityQualifier"`
- // Requested segment number
- SegmentNumber int32 `xml:"segmentNumber"`
-type LocationIdentificationDetailsType struct {
- // 3 characters ATA/IATA airport/city code
- LocationId string `xml:"locationId"`
- // Airport/city qualifier: the requested point is an airport when ambiguity exists (e.g. HOU)
- AirportCityQualifier string `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Terminal information
- Terminal string `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MealServicesType struct {
- // Service details
- ServiceDetails []*ServiceDetailsType `xml:"serviceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
-type MiniRulesDetailsType struct {
- // Coded text (period or day)
- Interpretation string `xml:"interpretation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Data type coded or value of interpretation
- Value []string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type MiniRulesIndicatorType struct {
- // See rule indicator and free form text indicator
- RuleIndicator []string `xml:"ruleIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type MiniRulesType struct {
- // Categoty of restriction: PTC, Max Adv Pur, Days, ...
- Category string `xml:"category"`
-type MiniRulesType_78547S struct {
- // Type of restriction: PTC, Max Adv Res, Max Ticketing After Res, ...
- RestrictionType string `xml:"restrictionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Categoty of restriction: PTC, Max Adv Pur, Days, ...
- Category string `xml:"category"`
- // Indicators
- Indicator *MiniRulesIndicatorType `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Mini rules
- MiniRules []*MiniRulesDetailsType `xml:"miniRules,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
- // To specify amount and percentage.
- AmountType string `xml:"amountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount
- Amount float64 `xml:"amount"`
- // ISO currency code
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // type Qualifier
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsType_245528C struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // location
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationType struct {
- // Monetary information.
- MonetaryDetail []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
- // Monetary details
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"monetaryDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type MonetaryInformationType_174241S struct {
- MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsType_245528C `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType_245528C `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type MonetaryInformationType_193024S struct {
- // Monetary information.
- MonetaryDetail []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="30"
-type MonetaryInformationType_199534S struct {
- // Monetary information
- MonetaryDetail []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetail"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type MultiDimensionalValueType struct {
- // Identifier
- Identifier string `xml:"identifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Dimension detail
- DimensionDetail []*DimensionDetailType `xml:"dimensionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type OfferItemType struct {
- // Offer item identifier
- OfferItemId string `xml:"offerItemId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Status
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OfferType struct {
- // Reference
- Reference string `xml:"reference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Offer identification
- OfferId string `xml:"offerId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OnTimePerformanceType struct {
- // Date time period
- DateTimePeriod string `xml:"dateTimePeriod,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Percentage
- Percentage *float64 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Accuracy
- Accuracy string `xml:"accuracy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OriginAndDestinationRequestType struct {
- // Requested segment number
- SegRef int32 `xml:"segRef"`
- // Forces arrival or departure, from/to the same airport/city
- LocationForcing []*ItineraryDetailsType `xml:"locationForcing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type OriginAndDestinationRequestType_134833S struct {
- // Requested segment number
- SegRef int32 `xml:"segRef"`
-type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Office Name.
- OfficeName *int32 `xml:"officeName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Agent Sign In .
- AgentSignin string `xml:"agentSignin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Confidential Office Name.
- ConfidentialOffice string `xml:"confidentialOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other Office Name
- OtherOffice string `xml:"otherOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingInformationType struct {
- // Price type qualifier
- PriceType []string `xml:"priceType"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type PricingTicketingSubsequentType struct {
- // Passenger fare product number
- PaxFareNum []string `xml:"paxFareNum"` // maxOccurs="10"
-type PricingTicketingSubsequentType_193023S struct {
- // Passenger fare product number
- PaxFareNum string `xml:"paxFareNum"`
- // Total fare amount
- TotalFareAmount float64 `xml:"totalFareAmount"`
- // Total tax amount
- TotalTaxAmount *float64 `xml:"totalTaxAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code share details.
- CodeShareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120771C `xml:"codeShareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Monetary information.
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Pricing ticketing details.
- PricingTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"pricingTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProcessingInformationType struct {
- // Action qualifier
- ActionQualifier string `xml:"actionQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference qualifier
- ReferenceQualifier string `xml:"referenceQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference number
- RefNum string `xml:"refNum,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeType struct {
- // Departure date
- DateOfDeparture string `xml:"dateOfDeparture"`
- // Departure time
- TimeOfDeparture string `xml:"timeOfDeparture,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival date
- DateOfArrival string `xml:"dateOfArrival,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival time
- TimeOfArrival string `xml:"timeOfArrival,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival date compared to departure date, only if different from 0
- DateVariation *int32 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDetailsType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..17
- Designator string `xml:"designator"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- AvailabilityStatus string `xml:"availabilityStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- SpecialService string `xml:"specialService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..7
- Option []string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ProductFacilitiesType struct {
- // Yes-No indicator whether Last Seat Available
- LastSeatAvailable string `xml:"lastSeatAvailable,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Level of access
- LevelOfAccess string `xml:"levelOfAccess,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Yes-No indicator whether electronic ticketing
- ElectronicTicketing string `xml:"electronicTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product identification suffix
- OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Define whether a flight has been polled or not
- ProductDetailQualifier string `xml:"productDetailQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Add some flight restrictions (See code set list)
- FlightCharacteristic []string `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ProductIdentDetailsType struct {
- // Number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductIdentificationType struct {
- // Product identification details
- ProductData []*ProductIdentDetailsType `xml:"productData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ProductInformationType struct {
- // value of the Qualifier: INT for International DOM for Domestic EUR for European otherwise CM#10569 INVALID INTERNATIONAL INDICATOR is returned.
- ProductDetailsQualifier string `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BookingClassDetails []*ProductDetailsType `xml:"bookingClassDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
-type ProductTypeDetailsType struct {
- // Availability connection type.
- AvailabilityCnxType []string `xml:"availabilityCnxType"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type ProductTypeDetailsType_205137C struct {
- // indicates whether the flight is domestic or international
- Avl []string `xml:"avl"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type ProposedSegmentDetailsType struct {
- // Flight proposal reference
- Ref string `xml:"ref,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Elapse Flying Time
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProposedSegmentType struct {
- // Parameters for proposed flight group
- FlightProposal []*ProposedSegmentDetailsType `xml:"flightProposal"` // maxOccurs="9"
- // Flight characteristics.
- FlightCharacteristic string `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Majority cabin
- MajCabin string `xml:"majCabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferenceInfoType struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_191583C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
-type ReferenceInfoType_133176S struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferenceInfoType_134839S struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_195561C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferenceInfoType_134840S struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_195561C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
-type ReferenceInfoType_165972S struct {
- // Reference details
- ReferenceDetails []*ReferencingDetailsType_234704C `xml:"referenceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type ReferenceInfoType_176658S struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type ReferenceType struct {
- // Reference of leg
- RefOfLeg string `xml:"refOfLeg,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference of segment starting range
- FirstItemIdentifier *int32 `xml:"firstItemIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference of segment ending range
- LastItemIdentifier *int32 `xml:"lastItemIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
- // Reference qualifier
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Requested segment reference
- RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
-type ReferencingDetailsType_191583C struct {
- // Service reference qualifier
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Service reference
- RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
-type ReferencingDetailsType_195561C struct {
- // Segment reference qualifier
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Flight or flight group reference
- RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
-type ReferencingDetailsType_234704C struct {
- // Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Value
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI struct {
- // traveller number
- Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // range of traveller
- NumberOfUnits *int32 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI struct {
- // Segment control details
- SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type SelectionDetailsInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee type
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Carrier fee status
- OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetailsType struct {
- // Carrier fees options
- CarrierFeeDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationType `xml:"carrierFeeDetails"`
-type SequenceDetailsTypeU struct {
- // Sequence details
- SequenceDetails *SequenceInformationTypeU `xml:"sequenceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SequenceInformationTypeU struct {
- // Number
- Number string `xml:"number"`
- // Identification code
- IdentificationCode string `xml:"identificationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ServiceDetailsType struct {
- // Reservation booking designator
- BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Service
- Service []string `xml:"service,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type ServicesReferences struct {
- // Reference of the service
- Reference string `xml:"reference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Status of the service
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Service lowest price
- FromPrice string `xml:"fromPrice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType struct {
- // SSR seat characteristic
- SeatCharacteristics []string `xml:"seatCharacteristics,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type SpecialRequirementsDetailsType struct {
- // To specify the Service Requirement of the customer
- ServiceRequirementsInfo *SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType `xml:"serviceRequirementsInfo"`
- // Seat details
- SeatDetails []*SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType `xml:"seatDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType struct {
- // To specify the Service Classification of the Service Requirement.
- ServiceClassification string `xml:"serviceClassification"`
- // Status
- ServiceStatus string `xml:"serviceStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the number of items involved
- ServiceNumberOfInstances *int32 `xml:"serviceNumberOfInstances,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify to which marketing carrier the service applies
- ServiceMarketingCarrier string `xml:"serviceMarketingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify the Service group
- ServiceGroup string `xml:"serviceGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify the Service Sub-Group
- ServiceSubGroup string `xml:"serviceSubGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free Text attached to the Service.
- ServiceFreeText []string `xml:"serviceFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type SpecificDataInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee description
- DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationType `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
- // Data information
- DataInformation []*DataInformationType `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type SpecificTravellerDetailsType struct {
- // Reference number
- ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SpecificTravellerType struct {
- // Traveller details
- TravellerDetails []*SpecificTravellerDetailsType `xml:"travellerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type StatusDetailsType struct {
- // Advisory type information, Fare Server
- AdvisoryTypeInfo string `xml:"advisoryTypeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // CPU time, user type
- Notification string `xml:"notification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // CPU time,user type
- Notification2 string `xml:"notification2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Capture and trace information
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StatusDetailsType_256255C struct {
- // list of status/qualifiers Either His for Historical or Crt for Current
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Action string `xml:"action,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StatusType struct {
- // Status details
- Status []*StatusDetailsType `xml:"status"` // maxOccurs="10"
-type StatusType_182386S struct {
- StatusInformation []*StatusDetailsType_256255C `xml:"statusInformation"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type TaxDetailsType struct {
- // Amount
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country code
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency code
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicator
- Indicator []string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
-type TaxType struct {
- // Tax category
- TaxCategory string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tax details
- TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsType `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ThemeText struct {
- // Reference
- Reference string `xml:"reference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Text
- Text string `xml:"text,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TransportIdentifierType struct {
- // Company identification
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravelProductType struct {
- // Date and time of departure and arrival
- ProductDateTime *ProductDateTimeType `xml:"productDateTime"`
- // Location of departure and arrival
- Location []*LocationIdentificationDetailsType `xml:"location"` // maxOccurs="2"
- CompanyId *CompanyIdentificationType `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Flight number or trainNumber
- FlightOrtrainNumber string `xml:"flightOrtrainNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product details
- ProductDetail *AdditionalProductDetailsType `xml:"productDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Additional product details
- AddProductDetail *ProductFacilitiesType `xml:"addProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_270108C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type TravellerDetailsType struct {
- // Direct reference of passenger assigned by requesting system.
- Ref *int32 `xml:"ref,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Traveller is an infant
- InfantIndicator *int32 `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerReferenceInformationType struct {
- // Requested passenger type
- Ptc []string `xml:"ptc,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- // Traveller details
- Traveller []*TravellerDetailsType `xml:"traveller,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type UserIdentificationType struct {
- // Originator Identification Details
- OfficeIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"officeIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to specify which kind of info is given in DE 9900.
- OfficeType string `xml:"officeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The code given to an agent by the originating reservation system.
- OfficeCode string `xml:"officeCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ValueSearchCriteriaType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- Ref string `xml:"ref,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..18
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CriteriaDetails []*CriteriaiDetaislType `xml:"criteriaDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
diff --git a/respstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_old_reply/structs.go b/respstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_old_reply/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 17dae36..0000000
--- a/respstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_old_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1461 +0,0 @@
-package fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_old_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchOldReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/FMPTBR_12_3_1A Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply"`
- // Gives status about reply : type of process, region , CPU etc..
- ReplyStatus *StatusType `xml:"replyStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ErrorMessage *ErrorMessage `xml:"errorMessage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specifies the currency used for pricing.
- ConversionRate *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"conversionRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Solution Family
- SolutionFamily []*FareInformationType `xml:"solutionFamily,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Details of the fare families processed
- FamilyInformation []*FareFamilyType `xml:"familyInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
- AmountInfoForAllPax *AmountInfoForAllPax `xml:"amountInfoForAllPax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AmountInfoPerPax []*AmountInfoPerPax `xml:"amountInfoPerPax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2099"
- // Free text identifying an airline in a code share.
- CompanyIdText []*CompanyIdentificationTextType `xml:"companyIdText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5000"
- OfficeIdDetails []*OfficeIdDetails `xml:"officeIdDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- FlightIndex []*FlightIndex `xml:"flightIndex,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- Recommendation []*Recommendation `xml:"recommendation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
- WarningInfo []*WarningInfo `xml:"warningInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- GlobalInformation []*GlobalInformation `xml:"globalInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- ServiceFeesGrp []*ServiceFeesGrp `xml:"serviceFeesGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ErrorMessage struct {
- // Application error details.
- ApplicationError *ApplicationErrorInformationType_78543S `xml:"applicationError"`
- // Type of error message and free text
- ErrorMessageText *InteractiveFreeTextType_78544S `xml:"errorMessageText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AmountInfoForAllPax struct {
- // Itinerary amounts for all passengers
- ItineraryAmounts *MonetaryInformationType_137835S `xml:"itineraryAmounts"`
- AmountsPerSgt []*AmountsPerSgt `xml:"amountsPerSgt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type AmountsPerSgt struct {
- // Requested segment reference
- SgtRef *ReferenceInfoType_133176S `xml:"sgtRef"`
- // Amounts : Issue total amount, issue taxes amount, non refundable taxes amount
- Amounts *MonetaryInformationType_137835S `xml:"amounts,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AmountInfoPerPax struct {
- // Passenger references
- PaxRef *SpecificTravellerType `xml:"paxRef"`
- // Passenger attributes : Infant indicator
- PaxAttributes *FareInformationType_80868S `xml:"paxAttributes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Itinerary amounts information
- ItineraryAmounts *MonetaryInformationType_137835S `xml:"itineraryAmounts"`
- AmountsPerSgt []*AmountsPerSgt `xml:"amountsPerSgt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FeeDetails struct {
- // Fee/Reduction Reference number.
- FeeReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_78564S `xml:"feeReference"`
- // Fee/Reduction information.
- FeeInformation *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationType `xml:"feeInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fee/Reduction parameters.
- FeeParameters *AttributeType_78561S `xml:"feeParameters,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify conversion rate details
- ConvertedOrOriginalInfo *ConversionRateTypeI_78562S `xml:"convertedOrOriginalInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OfficeIdDetails struct {
- // Office Id Information
- OfficeIdInformation *UserIdentificationType `xml:"officeIdInformation"`
- // Office Id Reference Number
- OfficeIdReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_78536S `xml:"officeIdReference"`
-type FlightIndex struct {
- // Indicates references and details about requested segments
- RequestedSegmentRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"requestedSegmentRef"`
- GroupOfFlights []*GroupOfFlights `xml:"groupOfFlights"` // maxOccurs="100000"
-type GroupOfFlights struct {
- // To indicate parameters for proposed flight group.
- PropFlightGrDetail *ProposedSegmentType `xml:"propFlightGrDetail"`
- FlightDetails []*FlightDetails `xml:"flightDetails"` // maxOccurs="4"
-type FlightDetails struct {
- // Specification of details on the flight and posting availability
- FlightInformation *TravelProductType `xml:"flightInformation"`
- // Details on Flight date, time and location of technical stop or change of gauge
- TechnicalStop []*DateAndTimeInformationType `xml:"technicalStop,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- // Code Share Agreement description for current flight.
- CommercialAgreement *CommercialAgreementsType `xml:"commercialAgreement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type Recommendation struct {
- // Specification of the item number
- ItemNumber *ItemNumberType_133453S `xml:"itemNumber"`
- // To describe type of recommendation
- WarningMessage []*InteractiveFreeTextType_78544S `xml:"warningMessage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- // Indicates the Fare family reference.
- FareFamilyRef *ReferenceInfoType_133176S `xml:"fareFamilyRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Recommendation Price and Taxes.
- RecPriceInfo *MonetaryInformationType_134806S `xml:"recPriceInfo"`
- // Mini rules
- MiniRule []*MiniRulesType `xml:"miniRule,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // Indicates reference of Flight or the fee reference valid for all pax (usage:start with the 1 possible Fee reference, then provide the segments references)
- SegmentFlightRef []*ReferenceInfoType `xml:"segmentFlightRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100009"
- RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails []*RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails `xml:"recommandationSegmentsFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- PaxFareProduct []*PaxFareProduct `xml:"paxFareProduct"` // maxOccurs="10"
- SpecificRecDetails []*SpecificRecDetails `xml:"specificRecDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
-type RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails struct {
- // Reference and details about requested segments.
- RecommendationSegRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"recommendationSegRef"`
- // Amounts per requested segment.
- SegmentMonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType_137835S `xml:"segmentMonetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PaxFareProduct struct {
- // Passenger Fare Details.
- PaxFareDetail *PricingTicketingSubsequentType_134837S `xml:"paxFareDetail"`
- // Indicates Fee references (usage: start with the 1 possible Fee reference, then provide the segments references)
- FeeRef *ReferenceInfoType_134839S `xml:"feeRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger Reference
- PaxReference []*TravellerReferenceInformationType `xml:"paxReference"` // maxOccurs="6"
- // add tax details for each passenger of each recommendations.
- PassengerTaxDetails *TaxType `xml:"passengerTaxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Fare []*Fare `xml:"fare,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="7"
- FareDetails []*FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails"` // maxOccurs="6"
-type Fare struct {
- // Last Date to Ticket, Penalties
- PricingMessage *InteractiveFreeTextType_78559S `xml:"pricingMessage"`
- // Amount of penalties, Surcharges...
- MonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetails struct {
- // Reference of the Requested Segment
- SegmentRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"segmentRef"`
- GroupOfFares []*GroupOfFares `xml:"groupOfFares,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- // Amounts per passenger per requested segment.
- PsgSegMonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType_137835S `xml:"psgSegMonetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Majority Cabin Info
- MajCabin []*ProductInformationType `xml:"majCabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type GroupOfFares struct {
- // Contains details of Flight and Fare
- ProductInformation *FlightProductInformationType `xml:"productInformation"`
- // Fare calculation code details
- FareCalculationCodeDetails []*FareCalculationCodeDetailsType `xml:"fareCalculationCodeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // Ticket designator, ticket code and fare basis.
- TicketInfos *FareQualifierDetailsType `xml:"ticketInfos,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference of Fare Family for each Fare Component
- FareFamiliesRef *ReferenceInfoType_134838S `xml:"fareFamiliesRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SpecificRecDetails struct {
- // Recommendation details
- SpecificRecItem *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"specificRecItem"`
- SpecificProductDetails []*SpecificProductDetails `xml:"specificProductDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type SpecificProductDetails struct {
- // Product details
- ProductReferences *PricingTicketingSubsequentType `xml:"productReferences"`
- FareContextDetails []*FareContextDetails `xml:"fareContextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type FareContextDetails struct {
- // Reference of requested segment
- RequestedSegmentInfo *OriginAndDestinationRequestType_134833S `xml:"requestedSegmentInfo"`
- CnxContextDetails []*CnxContextDetails `xml:"cnxContextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
-type CnxContextDetails struct {
- // Fare connection context details
- FareCnxInfo *FlightProductInformationType_134801S `xml:"fareCnxInfo"`
-type WarningInfo struct {
- // Dummy Segment
- GlobalMessageMarker *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"globalMessageMarker"`
- // Informative free text information
- GlobalMessage *InteractiveFreeTextType `xml:"globalMessage"`
-type GlobalInformation struct {
- // Coded attributes
- Attributes *CodedAttributeType `xml:"attributes"`
-type ServiceFeesGrp struct {
- // Service fee type (OC)
- ServiceTypeInfo *SelectionDetailsType `xml:"serviceTypeInfo"`
- ServiceFeeRefGrp []*ServiceFeeRefGrp `xml:"serviceFeeRefGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
- ServiceCoverageInfoGrp []*ServiceCoverageInfoGrp `xml:"serviceCoverageInfoGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
- // Globalmessage marker
- GlobalMessageMarker *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"globalMessageMarker"`
- ServiceFeeInfoGrp []*ServiceFeeInfoGrp `xml:"serviceFeeInfoGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
- ServiceDetailsGrp []*ServiceDetailsGrp1 `xml:"serviceDetailsGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
-type ServiceFeeRefGrp struct {
- // Reference of service fee global information
- RefInfo *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"refInfo"`
-type ServiceCoverageInfoGrp struct {
- // Item reference number for service coverage details
- ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
- ServiceCovInfoGrp []*ServiceCovInfoGrp `xml:"serviceCovInfoGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
-type ServiceCovInfoGrp struct {
- // Passenger reference number
- PaxRefInfo *SpecificTravellerType `xml:"paxRefInfo"`
- // Service coverage information at flight level Matched seat characteristics
- CoveragePerFlightsInfo []*ActionDetailsType `xml:"coveragePerFlightsInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Service reference number
- RefInfo *ReferenceInfoType_134840S `xml:"refInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ServiceFeeInfoGrp struct {
- // Item number details
- ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
- ServiceDetailsGrp []*ServiceDetailsGrp `xml:"serviceDetailsGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
-type ServiceDetailsGrp struct {
- // Service reference number
- RefInfo *ReferenceInfoType_134840S `xml:"refInfo"`
- ServiceMatchedInfoGroup []*ServiceMatchedInfoGroup `xml:"serviceMatchedInfoGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ServiceMatchedInfoGroup struct {
- // Reference on pax number
- PaxRefInfo *SpecificTravellerType `xml:"paxRefInfo"`
- // Pricing oriented service matched information
- PricingInfo *FareInformationType_80868S `xml:"pricingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Informative Service amount
- AmountInfo *MonetaryInformationType_134806S `xml:"amountInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ServiceDetailsGrp1 struct {
- // Service sub-code and options (exclusion,inclusion, mode pushed,polled)
- ServiceOptionInfo *SpecificDataInformationType `xml:"serviceOptionInfo"`
- FeeDescriptionGrp *FeeDescriptionGrp `xml:"feeDescriptionGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FeeDescriptionGrp struct {
- // Specification of the item number
- ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType_80866S `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
- // Attributes (SSR code EMD, RFIC, SSIM)
- ServiceAttributesInfo *AttributeType `xml:"serviceAttributesInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other service information (service description, ...)
- ServiceDescriptionInfo *SpecialRequirementsDetailsType `xml:"serviceDescriptionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ActionDetailsType struct {
- // Number of items details
- NumberOfItemsDetails *ProcessingInformationType `xml:"numberOfItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Range of segments
- LastItemsDetails []*ReferenceType `xml:"lastItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Rate class
- RateClass string `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticket designator.
- TicketDesignator string `xml:"ticketDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Pricing group
- PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Second rate class
- SecondRateClass []string `xml:"secondRateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="29"
-type AdditionalProductDetailsType struct {
- // Type of aircraft
- EquipmentType string `xml:"equipmentType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day number of the week
- OperatingDay string `xml:"operatingDay,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number of stops made in a journey if different from 0
- TechStopNumber *int32 `xml:"techStopNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location places of the stops
- LocationId []string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
- // The code assigned by the receiver of a message for identification of a data validation error condition.
- Error string `xml:"error"`
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType_78543S struct {
- // Details on application error.
- ApplicationErrorDetail *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"applicationErrorDetail"`
-type AttributeInformationType struct {
- // Type of parameter.
- FeeParameterType string `xml:"feeParameterType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference to company Id.
- FeeParameterDescription string `xml:"feeParameterDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeInformationType_97181C struct {
- // Attribute type
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute description
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeType struct {
- // Criteria Set Type
- AttributeQualifier string `xml:"attributeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Criteria details
- AttributeDetails []*AttributeInformationType_97181C `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type AttributeType_78561S struct {
- // Fee/reduction parameters.
- FeeParameter []*AttributeInformationType `xml:"feeParameter,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type CabinProductDetailsType struct {
- // Reservation booking designator - RBD
- Rbd string `xml:"rbd"`
- // Reservation Booking Modifier
- BookingModifier string `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CabinProductDetailsType_195516C struct {
- // Reservation booking designator - RBD
- Rbd string `xml:"rbd,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reservation Booking Modifier
- BookingModifier string `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus"`
-type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
- // Type of fee/reduction
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Fee Id Number
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeType struct {
- // Fee/reduction Id
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type CommercialAgreementsType struct {
- // Codeshare Details
- CodeshareDetails *CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"codeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other codeshare details
- OtherCodeshareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"otherCodeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type CompanyIdentificationTextType struct {
- // Company Id Text reference.
- TextRefNumber *int32 `xml:"textRefNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company id free text.
- CompanyText string `xml:"companyText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyIdentificationType struct {
- // Marketing carrier
- MarketingCarrier string `xml:"marketingCarrier"`
- // Operating carrier
- OperatingCarrier string `xml:"operatingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyRoleIdentificationType struct {
- // Type of code share agreement.
- CodeShareType string `xml:"codeShareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // company identification
- AirlineDesignator string `xml:"airlineDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // flight number
- FlightNumber *int32 `xml:"flightNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120771C struct {
- // Type of code share agreement.
- TransportStageQualifier string `xml:"transportStageQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // company identification
- Company string `xml:"company,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Conversion type
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI_179848C struct {
- // Conversion type
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency"`
- // Conversion rate for pricing
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Converted value amount
- ConvertedAmountLink string `xml:"convertedAmountLink,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Applicable ISO country code or Tax designator code.
- TaxQualifier string `xml:"taxQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
- // Detail of conversion rate of First Monetary Unit.
- ConversionRateDetail []*ConversionRateDetailsTypeI_179848C `xml:"conversionRateDetail"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type ConversionRateTypeI_78562S struct {
- // Details of conversion
- ConversionRateDetail []*ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"conversionRateDetail"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type DataInformationType struct {
- // Ancillary services options
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DataTypeInformationType struct {
- // service group/sub-group/sub-code information
- SubType string `xml:"subType"`
- // Status (automated, manually added, exempted). Default is automated
- Option string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsType struct {
- // Date time period qualifier
- DateQualifier string `xml:"dateQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First Date
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First Time
- FirstTime string `xml:"firstTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Movement type.
- EquipementType string `xml:"equipementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Place/location identification.
- LocationId string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeInformationType struct {
- // Details on date and time
- StopDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsType `xml:"stopDetails"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type DiscountAndPenaltyInformationType struct {
- // Used to specify airline collected fee or agent collected fee.
- FeeIdentification string `xml:"feeIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to specify penalty information
- FeeInformation *DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationType `xml:"feeInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountPenaltyInformationType struct {
- // Discounted fare,...
- FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier"`
- // Dicount code,...
- RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Percentage
- Percentage *float64 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationType struct {
- // Type of discount/penalty
- FeeType string `xml:"feeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The amount Type can be a percentage or an amount
- FeeAmountType string `xml:"feeAmountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // specify the value
- FeeAmount *float64 `xml:"feeAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fee currency code.
- FeeCurrency string `xml:"feeCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
-type FareCalculationCodeDetailsType struct {
- // Qualifier of the amout or rate
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location code
- LocationCode string `xml:"locationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other location code
- OtherLocationCode string `xml:"otherLocationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareCategoryCodesTypeI struct {
- // Fare type
- FareType string `xml:"fareType"`
- // Other fare type
- OtherFareType []string `xml:"otherFareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type FareDetailsType struct {
- // Passenger Type qualifier
- PassengerTypeQualifier string `xml:"passengerTypeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare category
- FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetailsType_193037C struct {
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate
- Rate *int32 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Category
- FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareFamilyType struct {
- // Fare Family Reference Number
- RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
- // Fare Family Short Name
- FareFamilyname string `xml:"fareFamilyname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Hierarchy *int32 `xml:"hierarchy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareInformationType struct {
- // Value Qualifier
- ValueQualifier string `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Value
- Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsType_193037C `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Identity Number
- IdentityNumber string `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Type Grouping
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationType `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate Category
- RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareInformationType_80868S struct {
- // Fare details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsType `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareProductDetailsType struct {
- // Fare basis code
- FareBasis string `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PTC priced
- PassengerType string `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type of fare
- FareType []string `xml:"fareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareQualifierDetailsType struct {
- // Route Code
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare categories
- FareCategories *FareCategoryCodesTypeI `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Additional fare details
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Discount details
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationType `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareTypeGroupingInformationType struct {
- // Pricing Group
- PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightProductInformationType struct {
- // Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct *CabinProductDetailsType `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare product details
- FareProductDetail *FareProductDetailsType `xml:"fareProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Corporate number or name and number
- CorporateId []string `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // To determine if Fare Breaks at this segment
- BreakPoint string `xml:"breakPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify additional characteristics.
- ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightProductInformationType_134801S struct {
- // Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct []*CabinProductDetailsType_195516C `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // To specify additional characteristics.
- ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FreeTextQualificationType struct {
- // Type of message
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Coded Text or type of information in 4440 (e.g. type of OSI or free text, canned message value)
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FreeTextQualificationType_120769C struct {
- // Type of message
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Coded Text or type of information in 4440 (e.g. type of OSI or free text, canned message value)
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ISO code for language of free text (default is English)
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type InteractiveFreeTextType struct {
- // Details on interactive free text
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text
- Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type InteractiveFreeTextType_78544S struct {
- // Details on interactive free text
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType_120769C `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text
- Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type InteractiveFreeTextType_78559S struct {
- // Details on interactive free text
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType_120769C `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text
- Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType struct {
- // Ancillary Service number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Responsible agency
- ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType_191597C struct {
- // Item number.
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates the item type .
- NumberType string `xml:"numberType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType_192331C struct {
- // Service coverage number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Responsible agency
- ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberType struct {
- // Item number details
- ItemNumber *ItemNumberIdentificationType_192331C `xml:"itemNumber"`
-type ItemNumberType_133453S struct {
- // Indicates the recommendation number.
- ItemNumberId *ItemNumberIdentificationType_191597C `xml:"itemNumberId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code share details.
- CodeShareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120771C `xml:"codeShareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Pricing ticketind details.
- PriceTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"priceTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberType_80866S struct {
- // Item number details
- ItemNumberDetails *ItemNumberIdentificationType `xml:"itemNumberDetails"`
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
- // Qualifies the type of the reference used.
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unique fee reference.
- RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_78536S struct {
- // Qualifies the type of the reference used.
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unique fee reference.
- RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_78564S struct {
- // Qualifies the type of the reference used.
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unique fee reference.
- FeeRefNumber *int32 `xml:"feeRefNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItineraryDetailsType struct {
- // Airport/City Qualifier: the passenger wants to depart/arrive from/to the same airport or city in the specified requested segment
- AirportCityQualifier string `xml:"airportCityQualifier"`
- // Requested segment number
- SegmentNumber int32 `xml:"segmentNumber"`
-type LocationIdentificationDetailsType struct {
- // 3 characters ATA/IATA airport/city code
- LocationId string `xml:"locationId"`
- // Airport/city qualifier: the requested point is an airport when ambiguity exists (e.g. HOU)
- AirportCityQualifier string `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Terminal information
- Terminal string `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MiniRulesDetailsType struct {
- // Coded text (period or day)
- Interpretation string `xml:"interpretation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Data type coded or value of interpretation
- Value []string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type MiniRulesIndicatorType struct {
- // See rule indicator and free form text indicator
- RuleIndicator []string `xml:"ruleIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type MiniRulesType struct {
- // Type of restriction: PTC, Max Adv Res, Max Ticketing After Res, ...
- RestrictionType string `xml:"restrictionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Categoty of restriction: PTC, Max Adv Pur, Days, ...
- Category string `xml:"category"`
- // Indicators
- Indicator *MiniRulesIndicatorType `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Mini rules
- MiniRules []*MiniRulesDetailsType `xml:"miniRules,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
- // To specify amount and percentage.
- AmountType string `xml:"amountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount
- Amount float64 `xml:"amount"`
- // ISO currency code
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationType struct {
- // Monetary information
- MonetaryDetail []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetail"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type MonetaryInformationType_134806S struct {
- // Monetary information.
- MonetaryDetail []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="30"
-type MonetaryInformationType_137835S struct {
- // Monetary information.
- MonetaryDetail []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type OriginAndDestinationRequestType struct {
- // Requested segment number
- SegRef int32 `xml:"segRef"`
- // Forces arrival or departure, from/to the same airport/city
- LocationForcing []*ItineraryDetailsType `xml:"locationForcing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type OriginAndDestinationRequestType_134833S struct {
- // Requested segment number
- SegRef int32 `xml:"segRef"`
-type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Office Name.
- OfficeName *int32 `xml:"officeName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Agent Sign In .
- AgentSignin string `xml:"agentSignin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Confidential Office Name.
- ConfidentialOffice string `xml:"confidentialOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other Office Name
- OtherOffice string `xml:"otherOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingInformationType struct {
- // Price type qualifier
- PriceType []string `xml:"priceType"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type PricingTicketingSubsequentType struct {
- // Passenger fare product number
- PaxFareNum []string `xml:"paxFareNum"` // maxOccurs="10"
-type PricingTicketingSubsequentType_134837S struct {
- // Passenger fare product number
- PaxFareNum string `xml:"paxFareNum"`
- // Total fare amount
- TotalFareAmount float64 `xml:"totalFareAmount"`
- // Total tax amount
- TotalTaxAmount *float64 `xml:"totalTaxAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code share details.
- CodeShareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120771C `xml:"codeShareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Monetary information.
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Pricing ticketing details.
- PricingTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"pricingTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProcessingInformationType struct {
- // Action qualifier
- ActionQualifier string `xml:"actionQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference qualifier
- ReferenceQualifier string `xml:"referenceQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference number
- RefNum string `xml:"refNum,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeType struct {
- // Departure date
- DateOfDeparture string `xml:"dateOfDeparture"`
- // Departure time
- TimeOfDeparture string `xml:"timeOfDeparture,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival date
- DateOfArrival string `xml:"dateOfArrival,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival time
- TimeOfArrival string `xml:"timeOfArrival,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival date compared to departure date, only if different from 0
- DateVariation *int32 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDetailsType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..17
- Designator string `xml:"designator"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- AvailabilityStatus string `xml:"availabilityStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- SpecialService string `xml:"specialService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..7
- Option []string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ProductFacilitiesType struct {
- // Yes-No indicator whether Last Seat Available
- LastSeatAvailable string `xml:"lastSeatAvailable,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Level of access
- LevelOfAccess string `xml:"levelOfAccess,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Yes-No indicator whether electronic ticketing
- ElectronicTicketing string `xml:"electronicTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product identification suffix
- OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Define whether a flight has been polled or not
- ProductDetailQualifier string `xml:"productDetailQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Add some flight restrictions (See code set list)
- FlightCharacteristic []string `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ProductInformationType struct {
- // value of the Qualifier: INT for International DOM for Domestic EUR for European otherwise CM#10569 INVALID INTERNATIONAL INDICATOR is returned.
- ProductDetailsQualifier string `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BookingClassDetails []*ProductDetailsType `xml:"bookingClassDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
-type ProductTypeDetailsType struct {
- // Availability connection type.
- AvailabilityCnxType []string `xml:"availabilityCnxType"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type ProposedSegmentDetailsType struct {
- // Flight proposal reference
- Ref string `xml:"ref,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Elapse Flying Time
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProposedSegmentType struct {
- // Parameters for proposed flight group
- FlightProposal []*ProposedSegmentDetailsType `xml:"flightProposal"` // maxOccurs="9"
- // Flight characteristics.
- FlightCharacteristic string `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Majority cabin
- MajCabin string `xml:"majCabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferenceInfoType struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_191583C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
-type ReferenceInfoType_133176S struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferenceInfoType_134838S struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type ReferenceInfoType_134839S struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_195561C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferenceInfoType_134840S struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_195561C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
-type ReferenceType struct {
- // Reference of leg
- RefOfLeg string `xml:"refOfLeg,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference of segment starting range
- FirstItemIdentifier *int32 `xml:"firstItemIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference of segment ending range
- LastItemIdentifier *int32 `xml:"lastItemIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
- // Reference qualifier
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Requested segment reference
- RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
-type ReferencingDetailsType_191583C struct {
- // Service reference qualifier
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Service reference
- RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
-type ReferencingDetailsType_195561C struct {
- // Segment reference qualifier
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Flight or flight group reference
- RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
-type SelectionDetailsInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee type
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Carrier fee status
- OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetailsType struct {
- // Carrier fees options
- CarrierFeeDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationType `xml:"carrierFeeDetails"`
-type SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType struct {
- // SSR seat characteristic
- SeatCharacteristics []string `xml:"seatCharacteristics,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type SpecialRequirementsDetailsType struct {
- // To specify the Service Requirement of the customer
- ServiceRequirementsInfo *SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType `xml:"serviceRequirementsInfo"`
- // Seat details
- SeatDetails []*SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType `xml:"seatDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType struct {
- // To specify the Service Classification of the Service Requirement.
- ServiceClassification string `xml:"serviceClassification"`
- // Status
- ServiceStatus string `xml:"serviceStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the number of items involved
- ServiceNumberOfInstances *int32 `xml:"serviceNumberOfInstances,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify to which marketing carrier the service applies
- ServiceMarketingCarrier string `xml:"serviceMarketingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify the Service group
- ServiceGroup string `xml:"serviceGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify the Service Sub-Group
- ServiceSubGroup string `xml:"serviceSubGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free Text attached to the Service.
- ServiceFreeText []string `xml:"serviceFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type SpecificDataInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee description
- DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationType `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
- // Data information
- DataInformation []*DataInformationType `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type SpecificTravellerDetailsType struct {
- // Reference number
- ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SpecificTravellerType struct {
- // Traveller details
- TravellerDetails []*SpecificTravellerDetailsType `xml:"travellerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type StatusDetailsType struct {
- // Advisory type information, Fare Server
- AdvisoryTypeInfo string `xml:"advisoryTypeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // CPU time, user type
- Notification string `xml:"notification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // CPU time,user type
- Notification2 string `xml:"notification2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Capture and trace information
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StatusType struct {
- // Status details
- Status []*StatusDetailsType `xml:"status"` // maxOccurs="10"
-type TaxDetailsType struct {
- // Amount
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country code
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency code
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicator
- Indicator []string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
-type TaxType struct {
- // Tax category
- TaxCategory string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tax details
- TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsType `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TravelProductType struct {
- // Date and time of departure and arrival
- ProductDateTime *ProductDateTimeType `xml:"productDateTime"`
- // Location of departure and arrival
- Location []*LocationIdentificationDetailsType `xml:"location"` // maxOccurs="2"
- // Company identification
- CompanyId *CompanyIdentificationType `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Flight number or trainNumber
- FlightOrtrainNumber string `xml:"flightOrtrainNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product details
- ProductDetail *AdditionalProductDetailsType `xml:"productDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Additional product details
- AddProductDetail *ProductFacilitiesType `xml:"addProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerDetailsType struct {
- // Direct reference of passenger assigned by requesting system.
- Ref *int32 `xml:"ref,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Traveller is an infant
- InfantIndicator *int32 `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerReferenceInformationType struct {
- // Requested passenger type
- Ptc []string `xml:"ptc,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
- // Traveller details
- Traveller []*TravellerDetailsType `xml:"traveller,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type UserIdentificationType struct {
- // Originator Identification Details
- OfficeIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"officeIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to specify which kind of info is given in DE 9900.
- OfficeType string `xml:"officeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The code given to an agent by the originating reservation system.
- OfficeCode string `xml:"officeCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
diff --git a/respstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_reply/structs.go b/respstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_reply/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b5a5b9..0000000
--- a/respstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2037 +0,0 @@
-package fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/FMPTBR_14_3_1A Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply"`
- // Gives status about reply : type of process, region , CPU etc..
- ReplyStatus *StatusType `xml:"replyStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ErrorMessage *ErrorMessage `xml:"errorMessage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specifies the currency used for pricing.
- ConversionRate *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"conversionRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Solution Family
- SolutionFamily []*FareInformationType `xml:"solutionFamily,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Details of the fare families processed
- FamilyInformation []*FareFamilyType `xml:"familyInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
- AmountInfoForAllPax *AmountInfoForAllPax `xml:"amountInfoForAllPax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AmountInfoPerPax []*AmountInfoPerPax `xml:"amountInfoPerPax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2099"
- // Free text identifying an airline in a code share.
- CompanyIdText []*CompanyIdentificationTextType `xml:"companyIdText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5000"
- OfficeIdDetails []*OfficeIdDetails `xml:"officeIdDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- FlightIndex []*FlightIndex `xml:"flightIndex,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- Recommendation []*Recommendation `xml:"recommendation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
- OtherSolutions []*OtherSolutions `xml:"otherSolutions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100009"
- WarningInfo []*WarningInfo `xml:"warningInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- GlobalInformation []*GlobalInformation `xml:"globalInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- ServiceFeesGrp []*ServiceFeesGrp `xml:"serviceFeesGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
- Value []*ValueSearchCriteriaType `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100009"
- MnrGrp *MnrGrp `xml:"mnrGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorMessage struct {
- // Application error details.
- ApplicationError *ApplicationErrorInformationType_78543S `xml:"applicationError"`
- // Type of error message and free text
- ErrorMessageText *InteractiveFreeTextType_78544S `xml:"errorMessageText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AmountInfoForAllPax struct {
- // Itinerary amounts for all passengers
- ItineraryAmounts *MonetaryInformationType_137835S `xml:"itineraryAmounts"`
- AmountsPerSgt []*AmountsPerSgt `xml:"amountsPerSgt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type AmountsPerSgt struct {
- // Requested segment reference
- SgtRef *ReferenceInfoType_133176S `xml:"sgtRef"`
- // Amounts : Issue total amount, issue taxes amount, non refundable taxes amount
- Amounts *MonetaryInformationType_137835S `xml:"amounts,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AmountInfoPerPax struct {
- // Passenger references
- PaxRef *SpecificTravellerType `xml:"paxRef"`
- // Passenger attributes : Infant indicator
- PaxAttributes *FareInformationType_80868S `xml:"paxAttributes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Itinerary amounts information
- ItineraryAmounts *MonetaryInformationType_137835S `xml:"itineraryAmounts"`
- AmountsPerSgt []*AmountsPerSgt `xml:"amountsPerSgt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FeeDetails struct {
- // Fee/Reduction Reference number.
- FeeReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_78564S `xml:"feeReference"`
- // Fee/Reduction information.
- FeeInformation *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationType `xml:"feeInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fee/Reduction parameters.
- FeeParameters *AttributeType_78561S `xml:"feeParameters,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify conversion rate details
- ConvertedOrOriginalInfo *ConversionRateTypeI_78562S `xml:"convertedOrOriginalInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OfficeIdDetails struct {
- // Office Id Information
- OfficeIdInformation *UserIdentificationType `xml:"officeIdInformation"`
- // Office Id Reference Number
- OfficeIdReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_78536S `xml:"officeIdReference"`
-type FlightIndex struct {
- // Indicates references and details about requested segments
- RequestedSegmentRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"requestedSegmentRef"`
- GroupOfFlights []*GroupOfFlights `xml:"groupOfFlights"` // maxOccurs="100000"
-type GroupOfFlights struct {
- // To indicate parameters for proposed flight group.
- PropFlightGrDetail *ProposedSegmentType `xml:"propFlightGrDetail"`
- FlightDetails []*FlightDetails `xml:"flightDetails"` // maxOccurs="4"
-type FlightDetails struct {
- // Specification of details on the flight and posting availability
- FlightInformation *TravelProductType `xml:"flightInformation"`
- // returns booking class and availability context
- AvlInfo []*FlightProductInformationType_141442S `xml:"avlInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Details on Flight date, time and location of technical stop or change of gauge
- TechnicalStop []*DateAndTimeInformationType `xml:"technicalStop,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- // Code Share Agreement description for current flight.
- CommercialAgreement *CommercialAgreementsType `xml:"commercialAgreement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Additional Info about flight, such as Reference number, and several options
- AddInfo *HeaderInformationTypeI `xml:"addInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Flight characteristics
- FlightCharacteristics *FlightCharacteristicsType `xml:"flightCharacteristics,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Flight Services by cabin/rbd
- FlightServices []*FlightServicesType `xml:"flightServices,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type Recommendation struct {
- // Specification of the item number
- ItemNumber *ItemNumberType_161497S `xml:"itemNumber"`
- // To describe type of recommendation
- WarningMessage []*InteractiveFreeTextType_78544S `xml:"warningMessage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- // Indicates the Fare family reference.
- FareFamilyRef *ReferenceInfoType_133176S `xml:"fareFamilyRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Recommendation Price and Taxes.
- RecPriceInfo *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"recPriceInfo"`
- // Mini rules
- MiniRule []*MiniRulesType_78547S `xml:"miniRule,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // Indicates reference of Flight or the fee reference valid for all pax (usage:start with the 1 possible Fee reference, then provide the segments references)
- SegmentFlightRef []*ReferenceInfoType `xml:"segmentFlightRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100009"
- RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails []*RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails `xml:"recommandationSegmentsFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- PaxFareProduct []*PaxFareProduct `xml:"paxFareProduct"` // maxOccurs="10"
- SpecificRecDetails []*SpecificRecDetails `xml:"specificRecDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
-type RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails struct {
- // Reference and details about requested segments.
- RecommendationSegRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"recommendationSegRef"`
- // Amounts per requested segment.
- SegmentMonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType_137835S `xml:"segmentMonetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PaxFareProduct struct {
- // Passenger Fare Details.
- PaxFareDetail *PricingTicketingSubsequentType_144401S `xml:"paxFareDetail"`
- // Indicates Fee references (usage: start with the 1 possible Fee reference, then provide the segments references)
- FeeRef *ReferenceInfoType_134839S `xml:"feeRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger Reference
- PaxReference []*TravellerReferenceInformationType `xml:"paxReference"` // maxOccurs="6"
- // add tax details for each passenger of each recommendations.
- PassengerTaxDetails *TaxType `xml:"passengerTaxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Fare []*Fare `xml:"fare,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="7"
- FareDetails []*FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails"` // maxOccurs="6"
-type Fare struct {
- // Last Date to Ticket, Penalties
- PricingMessage *InteractiveFreeTextType_78559S `xml:"pricingMessage"`
- // Amount of penalties, Surcharges...
- MonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType_185955S `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetails struct {
- // Reference of the Requested Segment
- SegmentRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"segmentRef"`
- GroupOfFares []*GroupOfFares `xml:"groupOfFares,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- // Amounts per passenger per requested segment.
- PsgSegMonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType_137835S `xml:"psgSegMonetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Majority Cabin Info
- MajCabin []*ProductInformationType `xml:"majCabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type GroupOfFares struct {
- // Contains details of Flight and Fare
- ProductInformation *FlightProductInformationType_176659S `xml:"productInformation"`
- // Fare calculation code details
- FareCalculationCodeDetails []*FareCalculationCodeDetailsType `xml:"fareCalculationCodeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // Ticket designator, ticket code and fare basis.
- TicketInfos *FareQualifierDetailsType `xml:"ticketInfos,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference of Fare Family for each Fare Component
- FareFamiliesRef *ReferenceInfoType_176658S `xml:"fareFamiliesRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SpecificRecDetails struct {
- // Recommendation details
- SpecificRecItem *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"specificRecItem"`
- SpecificProductDetails []*SpecificProductDetails `xml:"specificProductDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type SpecificProductDetails struct {
- // Product details
- ProductReferences *PricingTicketingSubsequentType `xml:"productReferences"`
- FareContextDetails []*FareContextDetails `xml:"fareContextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type FareContextDetails struct {
- // Reference of requested segment
- RequestedSegmentInfo *OriginAndDestinationRequestType_134833S `xml:"requestedSegmentInfo"`
- CnxContextDetails []*CnxContextDetails `xml:"cnxContextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
-type CnxContextDetails struct {
- // Fare connection context details
- FareCnxInfo *FlightProductInformationType `xml:"fareCnxInfo"`
-type OtherSolutions struct {
- // Reference to the current solution
- Reference *SequenceDetailsTypeU `xml:"reference"`
- AmtGroup []*AmtGroup `xml:"amtGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
- PsgInfo []*PsgInfo `xml:"psgInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type AmtGroup struct {
- // reference to the current amount (per bound, per segment...)
- Ref *ReferenceInfoType_165972S `xml:"ref"`
- // Amount Description
- Amount *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PsgInfo struct {
- // passenger reference
- Ref *SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI `xml:"ref"`
- // Passenger Description Info
- Description *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger frequent traveler info
- FreqTraveller *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"freqTraveller,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // amount per passenger or group of passenger
- Amount *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare description
- Fare *FlightProductInformationType_161491S `xml:"fare,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Additional Information
- Attribute []*AttributeTypeU `xml:"attribute,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type WarningInfo struct {
- // Dummy Segment
- GlobalMessageMarker *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"globalMessageMarker"`
- // Informative free text information
- GlobalMessage *InteractiveFreeTextType_78534S `xml:"globalMessage"`
-type GlobalInformation struct {
- // Coded attributes
- Attributes *CodedAttributeType `xml:"attributes"`
-type ServiceFeesGrp struct {
- // Service fee type (OC)
- ServiceTypeInfo *SelectionDetailsType `xml:"serviceTypeInfo"`
- ServiceFeeRefGrp []*ServiceFeeRefGrp `xml:"serviceFeeRefGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
- ServiceCoverageInfoGrp []*ServiceCoverageInfoGrp `xml:"serviceCoverageInfoGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
- // Globalmessage marker
- GlobalMessageMarker *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"globalMessageMarker"`
- ServiceFeeInfoGrp []*ServiceFeeInfoGrp `xml:"serviceFeeInfoGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
- ServiceDetailsGrp []*ServiceDetailsGrp1 `xml:"serviceDetailsGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
- FreeBagAllowanceGrp []*FreeBagAllowanceGrp `xml:"freeBagAllowanceGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
-type ServiceFeeRefGrp struct {
- // Reference of service fee global information
- RefInfo *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"refInfo"`
-type ServiceCoverageInfoGrp struct {
- // Item reference number for service coverage details
- ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
- ServiceCovInfoGrp []*ServiceCovInfoGrp `xml:"serviceCovInfoGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
-type ServiceCovInfoGrp struct {
- // Passenger reference number
- PaxRefInfo *SpecificTravellerType `xml:"paxRefInfo"`
- // Service coverage information at flight level Matched seat characteristics
- CoveragePerFlightsInfo []*ActionDetailsType `xml:"coveragePerFlightsInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Carrier information
- CarrierInfo *TransportIdentifierType `xml:"carrierInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Service reference number
- RefInfo *ReferenceInfoType_134840S `xml:"refInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ServiceFeeInfoGrp struct {
- // Item number details
- ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
- ServiceDetailsGrp []*ServiceDetailsGrp `xml:"serviceDetailsGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
-type ServiceDetailsGrp struct {
- // Service reference number
- RefInfo *ReferenceInfoType_134840S `xml:"refInfo"`
- ServiceMatchedInfoGroup []*ServiceMatchedInfoGroup `xml:"serviceMatchedInfoGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ServiceMatchedInfoGroup struct {
- // Reference on pax number
- PaxRefInfo *SpecificTravellerType `xml:"paxRefInfo"`
- // Pricing oriented service matched information
- PricingInfo *FareInformationType_80868S `xml:"pricingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Informative Service amount
- AmountInfo *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"amountInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ServiceDetailsGrp1 struct {
- // Service sub-code and options (exclusion,inclusion, mode pushed,polled)
- ServiceOptionInfo *SpecificDataInformationType `xml:"serviceOptionInfo"`
- FeeDescriptionGrp *FeeDescriptionGrp `xml:"feeDescriptionGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FeeDescriptionGrp struct {
- // Specification of the item number
- ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType_80866S `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
- // Attributes (SSR code EMD, RFIC, SSIM)
- ServiceAttributesInfo *AttributeType `xml:"serviceAttributesInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other service information (service description, ...)
- ServiceDescriptionInfo *SpecialRequirementsDetailsType `xml:"serviceDescriptionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Commercial name
- CommercialName *InteractiveFreeTextType `xml:"commercialName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FreeBagAllowanceGrp struct {
- // Free baggage allownce information
- FreeBagAllownceInfo *ExcessBaggageType `xml:"freeBagAllownceInfo"`
- // Item number information
- ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType_166130S `xml:"itemNumberInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MnrGrp struct {
- Mnr *MiniRulesType `xml:"mnr"`
- MnrDetails []*MnrDetails `xml:"mnrDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type MnrDetails struct {
- MnrRef *ItemNumberType_176648S `xml:"mnrRef"`
- DateInfo []*DateAndTimeInformationType_182345S `xml:"dateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="16"
- CatGrp []*CatGrp `xml:"catGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type CatGrp struct {
- // Category information
- CatInfo *CategDescrType `xml:"catInfo"`
- // Monetary information
- MonInfo *MonetaryInformationType_174241S `xml:"monInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Status information
- StatusInfo *StatusType_182386S `xml:"statusInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ActionDetailsType struct {
- // Number of items details
- NumberOfItemsDetails *ProcessingInformationType `xml:"numberOfItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Range of segments
- LastItemsDetails []*ReferenceType `xml:"lastItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Rate class
- RateClass string `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticket designator.
- TicketDesignator string `xml:"ticketDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Pricing group
- PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Second rate class
- SecondRateClass []string `xml:"secondRateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="29"
-type AdditionalProductDetailsType struct {
- // Type of aircraft
- EquipmentType string `xml:"equipmentType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day number of the week
- OperatingDay string `xml:"operatingDay,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number of stops made in a journey if different from 0
- TechStopNumber *int32 `xml:"techStopNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location places of the stops
- LocationId []string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
- // The code assigned by the receiver of a message for identification of a data validation error condition.
- Error string `xml:"error"`
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType_78543S struct {
- // Details on application error.
- ApplicationErrorDetail *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"applicationErrorDetail"`
-type AttributeInformationType struct {
- // Type of parameter.
- FeeParameterType string `xml:"feeParameterType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference to company Id.
- FeeParameterDescription string `xml:"feeParameterDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeInformationTypeU struct {
- // Attribute type
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute description
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeInformationType_97181C struct {
- // Attribute type
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute description
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeType struct {
- // Criteria Set Type
- AttributeQualifier string `xml:"attributeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Criteria details
- AttributeDetails []*AttributeInformationType_97181C `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type AttributeTypeU struct {
- // provides the function of the attribute
- AttributeFunction string `xml:"attributeFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // provides details for the Attribute
- AttributeDetails *AttributeInformationTypeU `xml:"attributeDetails"`
-type AttributeType_78561S struct {
- // Fee/reduction parameters.
- FeeParameter []*AttributeInformationType `xml:"feeParameter,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type BaggageDetailsType struct {
- // Number of pieces or weight
- FreeAllowance *int32 `xml:"freeAllowance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Nature of the free allowance ( Number of pieces or weight)
- QuantityCode string `xml:"quantityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unit qualifier
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type BagtagDetailsType struct {
- // Identifier
- Identifier string `xml:"identifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number
- Number *int32 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CabinInformationType struct {
- // Identify the features associated to the cabin/class
- Service string `xml:"service"`
- // Cabin code designator
- Cabin []string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type CabinProductDetailsType struct {
- // Reservation booking designator - RBD
- Rbd string `xml:"rbd"`
- // Reservation Booking Modifier
- BookingModifier string `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CabinProductDetailsType_195516C struct {
- // Reservation booking designator - RBD
- Rbd string `xml:"rbd,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reservation Booking Modifier
- BookingModifier string `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus"`
-type CabinProductDetailsType_205138C struct {
- // Reservation booking designator - RBD
- Rbd string `xml:"rbd"`
- // Reservation Booking Modifier
- BookingModifier string `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CabinProductDetailsType_229142C struct {
- // Reservation booking designator - RBD
- Rbd string `xml:"rbd"`
- // Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CategDescrType struct {
- // Category description information
- DescriptionInfo *CategoryDescriptionType `xml:"descriptionInfo"`
- // Category processing indicator
- ProcessIndicator string `xml:"processIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CategoryDescriptionType struct {
- // Category number from ATPCO naming conventions (C05 for Advance Purchase restrictions, C06 for Minimun stay ...)
- Number int32 `xml:"number"`
- // Category Code (ATPCO component code, e.g ADV for Advance purchase, STP for stopover restrictions, ELG for eligibility restrictions...)
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ClassInformationType struct {
- // Identify the features associated to the cabin/class
- Service string `xml:"service"`
- // Class designator
- Rbd []string `xml:"rbd,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
- // Type of fee/reduction
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Fee Id Number
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_260992C struct {
- // Format limitations: an..5
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Attribute description
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeType struct {
- // Fee/reduction Id
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type CommercialAgreementsType struct {
- // Codeshare Details
- CodeshareDetails *CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"codeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other codeshare details
- OtherCodeshareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"otherCodeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type CompanyIdentificationTextType struct {
- // Company Id Text reference.
- TextRefNumber *int32 `xml:"textRefNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company id free text.
- CompanyText string `xml:"companyText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyIdentificationType struct {
- // Marketing carrier
- MarketingCarrier string `xml:"marketingCarrier"`
- // Operating carrier
- OperatingCarrier string `xml:"operatingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // airline alliance code
- Alliance string `xml:"alliance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // Company
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company
- OperatingCompany string `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company
- OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyRoleIdentificationType struct {
- // Type of code share agreement.
- CodeShareType string `xml:"codeShareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // company identification
- AirlineDesignator string `xml:"airlineDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // flight number
- FlightNumber *int32 `xml:"flightNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120771C struct {
- // Type of code share agreement.
- TransportStageQualifier string `xml:"transportStageQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // company identification
- Company string `xml:"company,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Conversion type
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI_179848C struct {
- // Conversion type
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency"`
- // Conversion rate for pricing
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Converted value amount
- ConvertedAmountLink string `xml:"convertedAmountLink,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Applicable ISO country code or Tax designator code.
- TaxQualifier string `xml:"taxQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
- // Detail of conversion rate of First Monetary Unit.
- ConversionRateDetail []*ConversionRateDetailsTypeI_179848C `xml:"conversionRateDetail"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type ConversionRateTypeI_78562S struct {
- // Details of conversion
- ConversionRateDetail []*ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"conversionRateDetail"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type CriteriaiDetaislType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..18
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DataInformationType struct {
- // Ancillary services options
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DataTypeInformationType struct {
- // service group/sub-group/sub-code information
- SubType string `xml:"subType"`
- // Status (automated, manually added, exempted). Default is automated
- Option string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsType struct {
- // Date time period qualifier
- DateQualifier string `xml:"dateQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First Date
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First Time
- FirstTime string `xml:"firstTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Movement type.
- EquipementType string `xml:"equipementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Place/location identification.
- LocationId string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsType_256192C struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Time
- Time string `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeInformationType struct {
- // Details on date and time
- StopDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsType `xml:"stopDetails"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type DateAndTimeInformationType_182345S struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsType_256192C `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="400"
-type DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Value
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountAndPenaltyInformationType struct {
- // Used to specify airline collected fee or agent collected fee.
- FeeIdentification string `xml:"feeIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to specify penalty information
- FeeInformation *DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationType `xml:"feeInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountPenaltyInformationType struct {
- // Discounted fare,...
- FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier"`
- // Dicount code,...
- RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Percentage
- Percentage *float64 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationType struct {
- // Type of discount/penalty
- FeeType string `xml:"feeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The amount Type can be a percentage or an amount
- FeeAmountType string `xml:"feeAmountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // specify the value
- FeeAmount *float64 `xml:"feeAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fee currency code.
- FeeCurrency string `xml:"feeCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
-type ExcessBaggageType struct {
- // Baggage details
- BaggageDetails *BaggageDetailsType `xml:"baggageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free baggage allowance details
- BagTagDetails []*BagtagDetailsType `xml:"bagTagDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FareCalculationCodeDetailsType struct {
- // Qualifier of the amout or rate
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location code
- LocationCode string `xml:"locationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other location code
- OtherLocationCode string `xml:"otherLocationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareCategoryCodesTypeI struct {
- // Fare type
- FareType string `xml:"fareType"`
- // Other fare type
- OtherFareType []string `xml:"otherFareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type FareDetailsType struct {
- // Passenger Type qualifier
- PassengerTypeQualifier string `xml:"passengerTypeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare category
- FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetailsType_193037C struct {
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate
- Rate *int32 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Category
- FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareFamilyDetailsType struct {
- // Commercial fare Family Short name
- CommercialFamily string `xml:"commercialFamily"`
-type FareFamilyType struct {
- // Fare Family Reference Number
- RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
- // Fare Family Short Name
- FareFamilyname string `xml:"fareFamilyname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Hierarchy *int32 `xml:"hierarchy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates Commercial Fare Family Short names
- CommercialFamilyDetails []*FareFamilyDetailsType `xml:"commercialFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Short description of the fare family
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Carrier code
- Carrier string `xml:"carrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference to the services details
- Services []*ServicesReferences `xml:"services,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FareInformationType struct {
- // Value Qualifier
- ValueQualifier string `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Value
- Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsType_193037C `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Identity Number
- IdentityNumber string `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Type Grouping
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationType `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate Category
- RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareInformationTypeI struct {
- // Value qualifier
- ValueQualifier string `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Value
- Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareInformationType_80868S struct {
- // Fare details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsType `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareProductDetailsType struct {
- // Fare basis code
- FareBasis string `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareProductDetailsType_248552C struct {
- // Fare basis code
- FareBasis string `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PTC priced
- PassengerType string `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type of fare
- FareType []string `xml:"fareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareQualifierDetailsType struct {
- // Route Code
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare categories
- FareCategories *FareCategoryCodesTypeI `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Additional fare details
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Discount details
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationType `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareTypeGroupingInformationType struct {
- // Pricing Group
- PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightCharacteristicsType struct {
- // On-Time Performance
- OnTimePerformance *OnTimePerformanceType `xml:"onTimePerformance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // In flight services
- InFlightSrv []string `xml:"inFlightSrv,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FlightProductInformationType struct {
- // Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct []*CabinProductDetailsType_195516C `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // To specify additional characteristics.
- ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightProductInformationType_141442S struct {
- // Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct []*CabinProductDetailsType_205138C `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
- // To specify additional characteristics.
- ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType_205137C `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightProductInformationType_161491S struct {
- // Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct *CabinProductDetailsType_229142C `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare product details
- FareProductDetail *FareProductDetailsType `xml:"fareProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightProductInformationType_176659S struct {
- // Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct *CabinProductDetailsType `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare product details
- FareProductDetail *FareProductDetailsType_248552C `xml:"fareProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Corporate number or name and number
- CorporateId []string `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // To determine if Fare Breaks at this segment
- BreakPoint string `xml:"breakPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify additional characteristics.
- ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightServicesType struct {
- // Type of service used
- ServiceType string `xml:"serviceType"`
- CabinInfo []*CabinInformationType `xml:"cabinInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- ClassInfo []*ClassInformationType `xml:"classInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FreeTextQualificationType struct {
- // Type of message
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Coded Text or type of information in 4440 (e.g. type of OSI or free text, canned message value)
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FreeTextQualificationTypeI struct {
- // Text subject qualifier
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
-type FreeTextQualificationType_120769C struct {
- // Type of message
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Coded Text or type of information in 4440 (e.g. type of OSI or free text, canned message value)
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ISO code for language of free text (default is English)
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType struct {
- // Frequent Traveller Info
- FrequentTravellerDetails []*FrequentTravellerIdentificationType `xml:"frequentTravellerDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType struct {
- // Carrier where the FQTV is registered.
- Carrier string `xml:"carrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify a Tier linked to the FQTV
- TierLevel string `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // For example : priority code
- PriorityCode string `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type HeaderInformationTypeI struct {
- // Status
- Status []string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // Date and Time info
- DateTimePeriodDetails *DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI `xml:"dateTimePeriodDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference number
- ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Contains product identification such as UIC code...
- ProductIdentification []string `xml:"productIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type InteractiveFreeTextType struct {
- // Free text qualification
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text
- FreeText string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type InteractiveFreeTextType_78534S struct {
- // Details on interactive free text
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text
- Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type InteractiveFreeTextType_78544S struct {
- // Details on interactive free text
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType_120769C `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text
- Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type InteractiveFreeTextType_78559S struct {
- // Details on interactive free text
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType_120769C `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text
- Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType struct {
- // Ancillary Service number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Responsible agency
- ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType_191597C struct {
- // Item number.
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates the item type .
- NumberType string `xml:"numberType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType_192331C struct {
- // Service coverage number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Responsible agency
- ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType_234878C struct {
- // Number
- Number *int32 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType_248537C struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberType struct {
- // Item number details
- ItemNumber *ItemNumberIdentificationType_192331C `xml:"itemNumber"`
-type ItemNumberType_161497S struct {
- // Indicates the recommendation number.
- ItemNumberId *ItemNumberIdentificationType_191597C `xml:"itemNumberId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code share details.
- CodeShareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120771C `xml:"codeShareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Pricing ticketind details.
- PriceTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"priceTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberType_166130S struct {
- // Item number details
- ItemNumberDetails []*ItemNumberIdentificationType_234878C `xml:"itemNumberDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type ItemNumberType_176648S struct {
- ItemNumberDetails []*ItemNumberIdentificationType_248537C `xml:"itemNumberDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type ItemNumberType_80866S struct {
- // Item number details
- ItemNumberDetails *ItemNumberIdentificationType `xml:"itemNumberDetails"`
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
- // Qualifies the type of the reference used.
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unique fee reference.
- RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_78536S struct {
- // Qualifies the type of the reference used.
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unique fee reference.
- RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_78564S struct {
- // Qualifies the type of the reference used.
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unique fee reference.
- FeeRefNumber *int32 `xml:"feeRefNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItineraryDetailsType struct {
- // Airport/City Qualifier: the passenger wants to depart/arrive from/to the same airport or city in the specified requested segment
- AirportCityQualifier string `xml:"airportCityQualifier"`
- // Requested segment number
- SegmentNumber int32 `xml:"segmentNumber"`
-type LocationIdentificationDetailsType struct {
- // 3 characters ATA/IATA airport/city code
- LocationId string `xml:"locationId"`
- // Airport/city qualifier: the requested point is an airport when ambiguity exists (e.g. HOU)
- AirportCityQualifier string `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Terminal information
- Terminal string `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MiniRulesDetailsType struct {
- // Coded text (period or day)
- Interpretation string `xml:"interpretation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Data type coded or value of interpretation
- Value []string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type MiniRulesIndicatorType struct {
- // See rule indicator and free form text indicator
- RuleIndicator []string `xml:"ruleIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type MiniRulesType struct {
- // Categoty of restriction: PTC, Max Adv Pur, Days, ...
- Category string `xml:"category"`
-type MiniRulesType_78547S struct {
- // Type of restriction: PTC, Max Adv Res, Max Ticketing After Res, ...
- RestrictionType string `xml:"restrictionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Categoty of restriction: PTC, Max Adv Pur, Days, ...
- Category string `xml:"category"`
- // Indicators
- Indicator *MiniRulesIndicatorType `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Mini rules
- MiniRules []*MiniRulesDetailsType `xml:"miniRules,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
- // To specify amount and percentage.
- AmountType string `xml:"amountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount
- Amount float64 `xml:"amount"`
- // ISO currency code
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // type Qualifier
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsType_245528C struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // location
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationType struct {
- // Monetary information.
- MonetaryDetail []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="30"
-type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
- // Monetary details
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"monetaryDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type MonetaryInformationType_137835S struct {
- // Monetary information.
- MonetaryDetail []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type MonetaryInformationType_174241S struct {
- MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsType_245528C `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType_245528C `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type MonetaryInformationType_185955S struct {
- // Monetary information
- MonetaryDetail []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetail"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type OnTimePerformanceType struct {
- // Date time period
- DateTimePeriod string `xml:"dateTimePeriod,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Percentage
- Percentage *float64 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Accuracy
- Accuracy string `xml:"accuracy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OriginAndDestinationRequestType struct {
- // Requested segment number
- SegRef int32 `xml:"segRef"`
- // Forces arrival or departure, from/to the same airport/city
- LocationForcing []*ItineraryDetailsType `xml:"locationForcing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type OriginAndDestinationRequestType_134833S struct {
- // Requested segment number
- SegRef int32 `xml:"segRef"`
-type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Office Name.
- OfficeName *int32 `xml:"officeName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Agent Sign In .
- AgentSignin string `xml:"agentSignin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Confidential Office Name.
- ConfidentialOffice string `xml:"confidentialOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other Office Name
- OtherOffice string `xml:"otherOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingInformationType struct {
- // Price type qualifier
- PriceType []string `xml:"priceType"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type PricingTicketingSubsequentType struct {
- // Passenger fare product number
- PaxFareNum []string `xml:"paxFareNum"` // maxOccurs="10"
-type PricingTicketingSubsequentType_144401S struct {
- // Passenger fare product number
- PaxFareNum string `xml:"paxFareNum"`
- // Total fare amount
- TotalFareAmount float64 `xml:"totalFareAmount"`
- // Total tax amount
- TotalTaxAmount *float64 `xml:"totalTaxAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code share details.
- CodeShareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120771C `xml:"codeShareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Monetary information.
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // Pricing ticketing details.
- PricingTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"pricingTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProcessingInformationType struct {
- // Action qualifier
- ActionQualifier string `xml:"actionQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference qualifier
- ReferenceQualifier string `xml:"referenceQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference number
- RefNum string `xml:"refNum,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeType struct {
- // Departure date
- DateOfDeparture string `xml:"dateOfDeparture"`
- // Departure time
- TimeOfDeparture string `xml:"timeOfDeparture,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival date
- DateOfArrival string `xml:"dateOfArrival,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival time
- TimeOfArrival string `xml:"timeOfArrival,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival date compared to departure date, only if different from 0
- DateVariation *int32 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDetailsType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..17
- Designator string `xml:"designator"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- AvailabilityStatus string `xml:"availabilityStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- SpecialService string `xml:"specialService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..7
- Option []string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ProductFacilitiesType struct {
- // Yes-No indicator whether Last Seat Available
- LastSeatAvailable string `xml:"lastSeatAvailable,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Level of access
- LevelOfAccess string `xml:"levelOfAccess,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Yes-No indicator whether electronic ticketing
- ElectronicTicketing string `xml:"electronicTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product identification suffix
- OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Define whether a flight has been polled or not
- ProductDetailQualifier string `xml:"productDetailQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Add some flight restrictions (See code set list)
- FlightCharacteristic []string `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type ProductInformationType struct {
- // value of the Qualifier: INT for International DOM for Domestic EUR for European otherwise CM#10569 INVALID INTERNATIONAL INDICATOR is returned.
- ProductDetailsQualifier string `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BookingClassDetails []*ProductDetailsType `xml:"bookingClassDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
-type ProductTypeDetailsType struct {
- // Availability connection type.
- AvailabilityCnxType []string `xml:"availabilityCnxType"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type ProductTypeDetailsType_205137C struct {
- // indicates whether the flight is domestic or international
- Avl []string `xml:"avl"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type ProposedSegmentDetailsType struct {
- // Flight proposal reference
- Ref string `xml:"ref,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Elapse Flying Time
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProposedSegmentType struct {
- // Parameters for proposed flight group
- FlightProposal []*ProposedSegmentDetailsType `xml:"flightProposal"` // maxOccurs="9"
- // Flight characteristics.
- FlightCharacteristic string `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Majority cabin
- MajCabin string `xml:"majCabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferenceInfoType struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_191583C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
-type ReferenceInfoType_133176S struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferenceInfoType_134839S struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_195561C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferenceInfoType_134840S struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_195561C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
-type ReferenceInfoType_165972S struct {
- // Reference details
- ReferenceDetails []*ReferencingDetailsType_234704C `xml:"referenceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type ReferenceInfoType_176658S struct {
- // Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type ReferenceType struct {
- // Reference of leg
- RefOfLeg string `xml:"refOfLeg,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference of segment starting range
- FirstItemIdentifier *int32 `xml:"firstItemIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference of segment ending range
- LastItemIdentifier *int32 `xml:"lastItemIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
- // Reference qualifier
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Requested segment reference
- RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
-type ReferencingDetailsType_191583C struct {
- // Service reference qualifier
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Service reference
- RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
-type ReferencingDetailsType_195561C struct {
- // Segment reference qualifier
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Flight or flight group reference
- RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
-type ReferencingDetailsType_234704C struct {
- // Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Value
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI struct {
- // traveller number
- Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // range of traveller
- NumberOfUnits *int32 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI struct {
- // Segment control details
- SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type SelectionDetailsInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee type
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Carrier fee status
- OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetailsType struct {
- // Carrier fees options
- CarrierFeeDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationType `xml:"carrierFeeDetails"`
-type SequenceDetailsTypeU struct {
- // Sequence details
- SequenceDetails *SequenceInformationTypeU `xml:"sequenceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SequenceInformationTypeU struct {
- // Number
- Number string `xml:"number"`
- // Identification code
- IdentificationCode string `xml:"identificationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ServicesReferences struct {
- // Reference of the service
- Reference string `xml:"reference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Status of the service
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType struct {
- // SSR seat characteristic
- SeatCharacteristics []string `xml:"seatCharacteristics,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type SpecialRequirementsDetailsType struct {
- // To specify the Service Requirement of the customer
- ServiceRequirementsInfo *SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType `xml:"serviceRequirementsInfo"`
- // Seat details
- SeatDetails []*SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType `xml:"seatDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType struct {
- // To specify the Service Classification of the Service Requirement.
- ServiceClassification string `xml:"serviceClassification"`
- // Status
- ServiceStatus string `xml:"serviceStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the number of items involved
- ServiceNumberOfInstances *int32 `xml:"serviceNumberOfInstances,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify to which marketing carrier the service applies
- ServiceMarketingCarrier string `xml:"serviceMarketingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify the Service group
- ServiceGroup string `xml:"serviceGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify the Service Sub-Group
- ServiceSubGroup string `xml:"serviceSubGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free Text attached to the Service.
- ServiceFreeText []string `xml:"serviceFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type SpecificDataInformationType struct {
- // Carrier fee description
- DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationType `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
- // Data information
- DataInformation []*DataInformationType `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type SpecificTravellerDetailsType struct {
- // Reference number
- ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SpecificTravellerType struct {
- // Traveller details
- TravellerDetails []*SpecificTravellerDetailsType `xml:"travellerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type StatusDetailsType struct {
- // Advisory type information, Fare Server
- AdvisoryTypeInfo string `xml:"advisoryTypeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // CPU time, user type
- Notification string `xml:"notification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // CPU time,user type
- Notification2 string `xml:"notification2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Capture and trace information
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StatusDetailsType_256255C struct {
- // list of status/qualifiers Either His for Historical or Crt for Current
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Action string `xml:"action,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StatusType struct {
- // Status details
- Status []*StatusDetailsType `xml:"status"` // maxOccurs="10"
-type StatusType_182386S struct {
- StatusInformation []*StatusDetailsType_256255C `xml:"statusInformation"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type TaxDetailsType struct {
- // Amount
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country code
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency code
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicator
- Indicator []string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
-type TaxType struct {
- // Tax category
- TaxCategory string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tax details
- TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsType `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TransportIdentifierType struct {
- // Company identification
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravelProductType struct {
- // Date and time of departure and arrival
- ProductDateTime *ProductDateTimeType `xml:"productDateTime"`
- // Location of departure and arrival
- Location []*LocationIdentificationDetailsType `xml:"location"` // maxOccurs="2"
- CompanyId *CompanyIdentificationType `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Flight number or trainNumber
- FlightOrtrainNumber string `xml:"flightOrtrainNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product details
- ProductDetail *AdditionalProductDetailsType `xml:"productDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Additional product details
- AddProductDetail *ProductFacilitiesType `xml:"addProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_260992C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type TravellerDetailsType struct {
- // Direct reference of passenger assigned by requesting system.
- Ref *int32 `xml:"ref,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Traveller is an infant
- InfantIndicator *int32 `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerReferenceInformationType struct {
- // Requested passenger type
- Ptc []string `xml:"ptc,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
- // Traveller details
- Traveller []*TravellerDetailsType `xml:"traveller,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type UserIdentificationType struct {
- // Originator Identification Details
- OfficeIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"officeIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to specify which kind of info is given in DE 9900.
- OfficeType string `xml:"officeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The code given to an agent by the originating reservation system.
- OfficeCode string `xml:"officeCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ValueSearchCriteriaType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- Ref string `xml:"ref,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..18
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CriteriaDetails []*CriteriaiDetaislType `xml:"criteriaDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
diff --git a/respstructs/fare_pricepnrwithbookingclass_old_reply/structs.go b/respstructs/fare_pricepnrwithbookingclass_old_reply/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index ceb6cc7..0000000
--- a/respstructs/fare_pricepnrwithbookingclass_old_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,990 +0,0 @@
-package fare_pricepnrwithbookingclass_old_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type FarePricePNRWithBookingClassOldReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TPCBRR_12_4_1A Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClassReply"`
- ApplicationError *ErrorGroupType `xml:"applicationError,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR record locator information for this transaction. This PNR record locator is used for tracing purpose.
- PnrLocatorData *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"pnrLocatorData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareList []*FareList `xml:"fareList,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FareList struct {
- // Pricing information such as pricing rule and sales indicator.
- PricingInformation *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI `xml:"pricingInformation"`
- // Fare reference number. Ordering information is not relevant here.
- FareReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_94584S `xml:"fareReference"`
- // Fare Indicators
- FareIndicators *FareInformationType `xml:"fareIndicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Last date to ticket the fare.
- LastTktDate *StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"lastTktDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Validating carrier identification.
- ValidatingCarrier *TransportIdentifierType `xml:"validatingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger/segment association of the fare is specified here.
- PaxSegReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"paxSegReference"`
- FareDataInformation *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"fareDataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TaxInformation []*TaxInformation `xml:"taxInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="120"
- // Banker's rates are used to convert amounts of the TST (converts base fare to equivalent fare) 1st C661 : 1st bankers' rate which is a percentage (no currency) 2nd C661 : 2nd bankers' rate which is currency+amount.
- BankerRates *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"bankerRates,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PassengerInformation []*PassengerInformation `xml:"passengerInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // Origin and destination of the fare. 1st C3225 occurence : origin city. 2nd C3225 occurence : destination city
- OriginDestination *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originDestination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SegmentInformation []*SegmentInformation `xml:"segmentInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="96"
- // Other pricing information such as endorsement, tour name...
- OtherPricingInfo []*CodedAttributeType_39223S `xml:"otherPricingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- WarningInformation []*WarningInformation `xml:"warningInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- AutomaticReissueInfo *AutomaticReissueInfo `xml:"automaticReissueInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Corporate number
- CorporateInfo *CorporateFareInformationType `xml:"corporateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FeeBreakdown []*FeeBreakdown `xml:"feeBreakdown,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // convey the mileage information
- Mileage *AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareComponentDetailsGroup []*FareComponentDetailsType `xml:"fareComponentDetailsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- EndFareList *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"endFareList"`
-type TaxInformation struct {
- // Tax details
- TaxDetails *DutyTaxFeeDetailsTypeU `xml:"taxDetails"`
- // Amount details. If the tax is a passenger facility charge (PFC) the detail of the airports related taxes is given here.
- AmountDetails *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"amountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PassengerInformation struct {
- // Penalty/discount details specified in the request.
- PenDisInformation *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI_6128S `xml:"penDisInformation"`
- // Reference of passengers that have a type code.
- PassengerReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"passengerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegmentInformation struct {
- // Connection information.
- ConnexInformation *ConnectionTypeI `xml:"connexInformation"`
- // Details on open segments added to the price calculation. These open segments exist only in the fare calculated, they have no equivalent in the PNR itinerary. This segment gives also information on booking class for best buy transactions.
- SegDetails *TravelProductInformationTypeI_26322S `xml:"segDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare basis information
- FareQualifier *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Validity information for this fare
- ValidityInformation []*StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"validityInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // Baggage allowance information
- BagAllowanceInformation *ExcessBaggageTypeI `xml:"bagAllowanceInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference of the segment associated to the group.
- SegmentReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"segmentReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The segment order in the pricing response can be different than the one of the PNR itinerary (segments are reordered at price calculation time). This order inform,ation is conveyed by the sequence number. If this order information is not present then the order is by default the one of the PNR.
- SequenceInformation *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"sequenceInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type WarningInformation struct {
- // Fare warning information code.
- WarningCode *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"warningCode"`
- // Description in free flow text of the warning concerning the fare.
- WarningText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_6759S `xml:"warningText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AutomaticReissueInfo struct {
- // This segment contains the original ticket number.
- TicketInfo *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"ticketInfo"`
- // This segment contains the coupon number (in absolute) corresponding to the first coupon for use from the last flawn segment.
- CouponInfo *CouponInformationTypeI `xml:"couponInfo"`
- PaperCouponRange *PaperCouponRange `xml:"paperCouponRange,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Base fare Information
- BaseFareInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S `xml:"baseFareInfo"`
- FirstDpiGroup *FirstDpiGroup `xml:"firstDpiGroup"`
- SecondDpiGroup *SecondDpiGroup `xml:"secondDpiGroup"`
- // this segment conveys specific reissue attributes like Revalidation flag.
- ReissueAttributes *CodedAttributeType `xml:"reissueAttributes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PaperCouponRange struct {
- // This segment contains the original ticket number.
- TicketInfo *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"ticketInfo"`
- // This segment contains the coupon number (in absolute) corresponding to the first coupon for use from the last flawn segment.
- CouponInfo *CouponInformationTypeI `xml:"couponInfo"`
-type FirstDpiGroup struct {
- // Penalty amount in reissue currency
- ReIssuePenalty *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"reIssuePenalty"`
- // Reissue Informations
- ReissueInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S `xml:"reissueInfo"`
- // Old Tax informations
- OldTaxInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S `xml:"oldTaxInfo"`
- // Balance Reissue Informations
- ReissueBalanceInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S `xml:"reissueBalanceInfo"`
-type SecondDpiGroup struct {
- // Discount and penalty info.
- Penalty *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"penalty"`
- // Residual Value information
- ResidualValueInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S `xml:"residualValueInfo"`
- // Old Tax informations
- OldTaxInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S `xml:"oldTaxInfo"`
- // Balance issue Informations
- IssueBalanceInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S `xml:"issueBalanceInfo"`
-type FeeBreakdown struct {
- // Nature of the fee (OB, OC)
- FeeType *SelectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"feeType"`
- FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FeeDetails struct {
- // Fee information
- FeeInfo *SpecificDataInformationTypeI `xml:"feeInfo"`
- // Attributes of this fee (commercial description)
- FeeDescription *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"feeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fee associated amounts: amount with/without tax, total tax amount
- FeeAmounts *MonetaryInformationTypeI_39230S `xml:"feeAmounts,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // taxes related to this fee
- FeeTaxes []*TaxTypeI `xml:"feeTaxes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-// Complex structs
-type AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Primary code of the fare basis. This is not a codeset but a free flow text field.
- PrimaryCode string `xml:"primaryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare basis code of the fare basis. This is not a codeset but a free flow text field.
- FareBasisCode string `xml:"fareBasisCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticket designator of the fare basis
- TicketDesignator string `xml:"ticketDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // For any query : discount ticket designator to be assigned by Fare Quote server. For any response : priced PTCs
- DiscTktDesignator string `xml:"discTktDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI struct {
- MileageTimeDetails *MileageTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileageTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
- // Code identifying the data validation error condition.
- ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
- // Identification of a code list.
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationErrorDetailType_48648C struct {
- // Code identifying the data validation error condition.
- ApplicationErrorCode string `xml:"applicationErrorCode"`
- // Identification of a code list.
- CodeListQualifier string `xml:"codeListQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
- CodeListResponsibleAgency string `xml:"codeListResponsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
- // Application error details.
- ApplicationErrorDetail *ApplicationErrorDetailType_48648C `xml:"applicationErrorDetail"`
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType_84497S struct {
- // Application error details.
- ErrorDetails *ApplicationErrorDetailType `xml:"errorDetails"`
-type BaggageDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Baggage allowance quantity (piece concept)
- BaggageQuantity *int32 `xml:"baggageQuantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Baggage allowance weight
- BaggageWeight *int32 `xml:"baggageWeight,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Baggage allowance type (weight/number)
- BaggageType string `xml:"baggageType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Measurement unit for weighing baggage allowance
- MeasureUnit string `xml:"measureUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
- // provides the attribute Type
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
- // provides a description for the attribute
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_66047C struct {
- // provides the attribute Type
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
- // provides a description for the attribute
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeType struct {
- // provides details for the Attribute
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type CodedAttributeType_39223S struct {
- // provides details for the Attribute
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_66047C `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="5"
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // Carrier code
- CarrierCode string `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConnectionDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Specify ARNK and surface segments not included in the fare routing.
- RoutingInformation string `xml:"routingInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type of connection for the flight
- ConnexType string `xml:"connexType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConnectionTypeI struct {
- // Connection details
- ConnecDetails *ConnectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"connecDetails"`
-type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Currency of the rate
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount/percentage
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
- // First rate detail.
- FirstRateDetail *ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"firstRateDetail"`
- // Second rate detail.
- SecondRateDetail *ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"secondRateDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CorporateFareIdentifiersTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- CorporateID []string `xml:"corporateID,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type CorporateFareInformationType struct {
- CorporateFareIdentifiers []*CorporateFareIdentifiersTypeI `xml:"corporateFareIdentifiers"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type CouponDetailsType struct {
- // Tattoo + type of the product identifying the coupon.
- ProductId *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"productId"`
- // Flight Connection Type
- FlightConnectionType *TravelProductInformationType `xml:"flightConnectionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CouponInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Coupon number
- CpnNumber string `xml:"cpnNumber"`
-type CouponInformationTypeI struct {
- // Details on coupon
- CouponDetails *CouponInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"couponDetails"`
- // Details on coupon
- OtherCouponDetails []*CouponInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherCouponDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type DataInformationTypeI struct {
- // fee attribute
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DataTypeInformationTypeI struct {
- // fee subcode
- Type string `xml:"type"`
-type DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
- // Used to specify penalty information
- PenDisData *DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI_29792C `xml:"penDisData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI_6128S struct {
- // Qualify the type of information. Penalties are not passenger associated and are pure monetary information. Discount are passenger associated but only discount code is specified.
- InfoQualifier string `xml:"infoQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to specify penalty information.
- PenDisData []*DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"penDisData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type DiscountPenaltyInformationType struct {
- // Used for codes in the AMADEUS code tables. Code Length is three alphanumeric characters.
- FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
- // Discount off type.
- ZapOffType string `xml:"zapOffType"`
- // Discount amount
- ZapOffAmount *float64 `xml:"zapOffAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Discount percentage.
- ZapOffPercentage *int32 `xml:"zapOffPercentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
- // Type of penalty.
- PenaltyType string `xml:"penaltyType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The penalty amount can be described differently: amount/percentage.
- PenaltyQualifier string `xml:"penaltyQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount of the penalty.
- PenaltyAmount *float64 `xml:"penaltyAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This discount code is defined by the airlines. This cannot be coded as airlines might apply any combination of letters for their discounts.
- DiscountCode string `xml:"discountCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Penalty currency code.
- PenaltyCurrency string `xml:"penaltyCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI_29792C struct {
- // The amount Type can be a percentage or an amount
- PenaltyQualifier string `xml:"penaltyQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // specify the value
- PenaltyAmount *float64 `xml:"penaltyAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // penalty currency code
- PenaltyCurrency string `xml:"penaltyCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
-type DutyTaxFeeAccountDetailTypeU struct {
- // Iso country of the tax
- IsoCountry string `xml:"isoCountry"`
-type DutyTaxFeeDetailsTypeU struct {
- // Tax data qualifier
- TaxQualifier string `xml:"taxQualifier"`
- // Tax type identification
- TaxIdentification *DutyTaxFeeTypeDetailsTypeU `xml:"taxIdentification"`
- // Type of the tax
- TaxType *DutyTaxFeeAccountDetailTypeU `xml:"taxType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Nature of the tax
- TaxNature string `xml:"taxNature,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Exempt tax indicator. If an tax is Exempted no amount is provided for this tax.
- TaxExempt string `xml:"taxExempt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DutyTaxFeeTypeDetailsTypeU struct {
- // Tax type identifier
- TaxIdentifier string `xml:"taxIdentifier"`
-type ErrorGroupType struct {
- // The details of error/warning code.
- ErrorOrWarningCodeDetails *ApplicationErrorInformationType_84497S `xml:"errorOrWarningCodeDetails"`
- // The desciption of warning or error.
- ErrorWarningDescription *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"errorWarningDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ExcessBaggageTypeI struct {
- // Baggage allowance information details
- BagAllowanceDetails *BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"bagAllowanceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareComponentDetailsType struct {
- // fare Component identification
- FareComponentID *ItemNumberType `xml:"fareComponentID"`
- // Market information related to fare component
- MarketFareComponent *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"marketFareComponent,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Monetary Information
- MonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType_157196S `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Component Class information
- ComponentClassInfo *PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType `xml:"componentClassInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Qualifier Detail
- FareQualifiersDetail *FareQualifierDetailsType `xml:"fareQualifiersDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CouponDetailsGroup []*CouponDetailsType `xml:"couponDetailsGroup"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FareDetailsType struct {
- // fare indicators
- FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareInformationType struct {
- FareDetails *FareDetailsType `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareQualifierDetailsType struct {
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationType `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Type of movement for this segment to take into account by Fare Quote to calculate the fare.
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare basis detail
- FareBasisDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Discount data for zap off to apply to price calculation.
- ZapOffDetails *DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"zapOffDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..4
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Source string `xml:"source"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Encoding string `xml:"encoding"`
-type FreeTextInformationType struct {
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType `xml:"freeTextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FreeTextQualificationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
-type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..10
- FreeText string `xml:"freeText"`
-type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_6759S struct {
- // Free flow text describing the error
- ErrorFreeText string `xml:"errorFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberType struct {
- ItemNumberDetails []*ItemNumberIdentificationType `xml:"itemNumberDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
- // Identification details : order number
- SequenceSection *UniqueIdDescriptionType `xml:"sequenceSection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_94584S struct {
- // qualifies the type of the reference used. Code set to define
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tattoo number
- UniqueReference *int32 `xml:"uniqueReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..25
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationTypeI_47688C struct {
- // Code of the city.
- CityCode string `xml:"cityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MileageTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // mileage total associated to the TST
- TotalMileage int32 `xml:"totalMileage"`
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Qualify the type of fare defined in this composite
- FareDataQualifier string `xml:"fareDataQualifier"`
- // Fare data amount
- FareAmount string `xml:"fareAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare data currency code
- FareCurrency string `xml:"fareCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location of the fare data (PFCs specific)
- FareLocation string `xml:"fareLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_37257C struct {
- // Type qualifier
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount"`
- // currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // location
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_63727C struct {
- // Qualifier
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223826C struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- FareDataQualifier string `xml:"fareDataQualifier"`
- // Amount
- FareAmount string `xml:"fareAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- FareCurrency string `xml:"fareCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // location
- FareLocation string `xml:"fareLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationType struct {
- FareDataMainInformation *MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223826C `xml:"fareDataMainInformation"`
- FareDataSupInformation []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223826C `xml:"fareDataSupInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
- // Main fare data infomation, can b thee base or the total fare information which are mandatory anyway
- FareDataMainInformation *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDataMainInformation"`
- // Supplementary fare data information
- FareDataSupInformation []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDataSupInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S struct {
- // monetaryDetails
- MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_37257C `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_37257C `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type MonetaryInformationTypeI_39230S struct {
- // Monetary info
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_63727C `xml:"monetaryDetails"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type MonetaryInformationType_157196S struct {
- // Monetary information per fare component
- MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- // Other monetary information per fare component
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Code of the city.
- CityCode []string `xml:"cityCode"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType struct {
- FareBasisDetails *RateTariffClassInformationType `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI struct {
- // Information on TST type.
- TstInformation *RateTariffClassInformationTypeI `xml:"tstInformation"`
- // International sales indicator
- SalesIndicator string `xml:"salesIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare calculation mode indicator. This indicator specifies the type fare.
- Fcmi string `xml:"fcmi"`
- // Information of original fare used to create TST. The TST is created from Best Fare ( possible or available).
- BestFareType string `xml:"bestFareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // OPEN or AIR are the two identifications accepted. OPEN means the segment described here is an open segment. AIR means that it is a valid AIR segment.
- Identification string `xml:"identification"`
- // to describe the transportation class.
- BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Class of service to use in order to price the extra segment.
- ClassOfService string `xml:"classOfService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductTypeDetailsType struct {
- // TST Connection Type
- FlightIndicator string `xml:"flightIndicator"`
-type RateTariffClassInformationType struct {
- // Fare Basis Code
- RateTariffClass string `xml:"rateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticket Designator
- OtherRateTariffClass string `xml:"otherRateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RateTariffClassInformationTypeI struct {
- // Indicator qualifying the type of TST (basically manual or automatic)
- TstIndicator string `xml:"tstIndicator"`
-type ReferenceInfoType struct {
- ReferenceDetails *ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referenceDetails"`
-type ReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
- // Passenger/segment/TST/fare reference details
- RefDetails []*ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"refDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..10
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Format limitations: an..60
- Value string `xml:"value"`
-type ReferencingDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Qualifyer of the reference (Pax/Seg/Tst/Fare tattoo)
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger/segment/TST/fare tattoo reference number
- RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Record locator.
- ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber"`
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
- // Reservation control information
- ReservationInformation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservationInformation"`
-type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..2
- Option string `xml:"option"`
-type SelectionDetailsTypeI struct {
- SelectionDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"selectionDetails"`
-type SpecificDataInformationTypeI struct {
- // Carrier fee code
- DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationTypeI `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
- // Carrier fee application code (NI, NR, CM, NC)
- DataInformation []*DataInformationTypeI `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type StructuredDateTimeInformationType struct {
- // This data element can be used to provide the semantic of the information provided. Examples : - Impacted period - Departure date - Estimated arrival date and time
- BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
- // Year number. The format is a little long for short term usage but it can be reduced by implementation if required.
- Year *int32 `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month string `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day string `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TaxDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Tax Amount
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ISO code identifying Country
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ISO code identifying currency
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tax designator code
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // tax designator code.
- SecondType string `xml:"secondType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TaxTypeI struct {
- // Tax details
- TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TicketNumberDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Ticket number
- Number string `xml:"number"`
- // ticket type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TicketNumberTypeI struct {
- // Details on the document
- DocumentDetails *TicketNumberDetailsTypeI `xml:"documentDetails"`
-type TransportIdentifierType struct {
- // Information related to validating carrier.
- CarrierInformation *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"carrierInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravelProductInformationType struct {
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // TST Connection Type
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravelProductInformationTypeI_26322S struct {
- // City of departure for this extra segment.
- DepartureCity *LocationTypeI_47688C `xml:"departureCity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // City of arrival for this extra segment.
- ArrivalCity *LocationTypeI_47688C `xml:"arrivalCity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Airline detail information of the extra segment.
- AirlineDetail *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"airlineDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Segment detail information.
- SegmentDetail *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticketing status for this segment. Relevant only in case of reply.
- TicketingStatus string `xml:"ticketingStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type UniqueIdDescriptionType struct {
- // Number specifying the ordering information of the item described within a group.
- SequenceNumber *int32 `xml:"sequenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
diff --git a/respstructs/fare_pricepnrwithbookingclass_reply/structs.go b/respstructs/fare_pricepnrwithbookingclass_reply/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index ca231f4..0000000
--- a/respstructs/fare_pricepnrwithbookingclass_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1030 +0,0 @@
-package fare_pricepnrwithbookingclass_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type FarePricePNRWithBookingClassReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TPCBRR_14_1_1A Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClassReply"`
- ApplicationError *ErrorGroupType `xml:"applicationError,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR record locator information for this transaction. This PNR record locator is used for tracing purpose.
- PnrLocatorData *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"pnrLocatorData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareList []*FareList `xml:"fareList,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FareList struct {
- // Pricing information such as pricing rule and sales indicator.
- PricingInformation *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI `xml:"pricingInformation"`
- // Fare reference number. Ordering information is not relevant here.
- FareReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_94584S `xml:"fareReference"`
- // Fare Indicators
- FareIndicators *FareInformationType `xml:"fareIndicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Last date to ticket the fare.
- LastTktDate *StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"lastTktDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Validating carrier identification.
- ValidatingCarrier *TransportIdentifierType `xml:"validatingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger/segment association of the fare is specified here.
- PaxSegReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"paxSegReference"`
- FareDataInformation *MonetaryInformationType_187640S `xml:"fareDataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TaxInformation []*TaxInformation `xml:"taxInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="120"
- // Banker's rates are used to convert amounts of the TST (converts base fare to equivalent fare) 1st C661 : 1st bankers' rate which is a percentage (no currency) 2nd C661 : 2nd bankers' rate which is currency+amount.
- BankerRates *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"bankerRates,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PassengerInformation []*PassengerInformation `xml:"passengerInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // Origin and destination of the fare. 1st C3225 occurence : origin city. 2nd C3225 occurence : destination city
- OriginDestination *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originDestination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SegmentInformation []*SegmentInformation `xml:"segmentInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="96"
- // Other pricing information such as endorsement, tour name...
- OtherPricingInfo []*CodedAttributeType_39223S `xml:"otherPricingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- WarningInformation []*WarningInformation `xml:"warningInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- AutomaticReissueInfo *AutomaticReissueInfo `xml:"automaticReissueInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Corporate number
- CorporateInfo *CorporateFareInformationType `xml:"corporateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FeeBreakdown []*FeeBreakdown `xml:"feeBreakdown,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // convey the mileage information
- Mileage *AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details at fare component or at bound level.
- FareComponentDetailsGroup []*FareComponentDetailsType `xml:"fareComponentDetailsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- EndFareList *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"endFareList"`
-type TaxInformation struct {
- // Tax details
- TaxDetails *DutyTaxFeeDetailsTypeU `xml:"taxDetails"`
- // Amount details. If the tax is a passenger facility charge (PFC) the detail of the airports related taxes is given here.
- AmountDetails *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"amountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PassengerInformation struct {
- // Penalty/discount details specified in the request.
- PenDisInformation *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI_6128S `xml:"penDisInformation"`
- // Reference of passengers that have a type code.
- PassengerReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"passengerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegmentInformation struct {
- // Connection information.
- ConnexInformation *ConnectionTypeI `xml:"connexInformation"`
- // Details on open segments added to the price calculation. These open segments exist only in the fare calculated, they have no equivalent in the PNR itinerary. This segment gives also information on booking class for best buy transactions.
- SegDetails *TravelProductInformationTypeI_26322S `xml:"segDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare basis information
- FareQualifier *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Validity information for this fare
- ValidityInformation []*StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"validityInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // Baggage allowance information
- BagAllowanceInformation *ExcessBaggageTypeI `xml:"bagAllowanceInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference of the segment associated to the group.
- SegmentReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"segmentReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The segment order in the pricing response can be different than the one of the PNR itinerary (segments are reordered at price calculation time). This order inform,ation is conveyed by the sequence number. If this order information is not present then the order is by default the one of the PNR.
- SequenceInformation *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"sequenceInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type WarningInformation struct {
- // Fare warning information code.
- WarningCode *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"warningCode"`
- // Description in free flow text of the warning concerning the fare.
- WarningText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_6759S `xml:"warningText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AutomaticReissueInfo struct {
- // This segment contains the original ticket number.
- TicketInfo *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"ticketInfo"`
- // This segment contains the coupon number (in absolute) corresponding to the first coupon for use from the last flawn segment.
- CouponInfo *CouponInformationTypeI `xml:"couponInfo"`
- PaperCouponRange *PaperCouponRange `xml:"paperCouponRange,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Base fare Information
- BaseFareInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S `xml:"baseFareInfo"`
- FirstDpiGroup *FirstDpiGroup `xml:"firstDpiGroup"`
- SecondDpiGroup *SecondDpiGroup `xml:"secondDpiGroup"`
- // this segment conveys specific reissue attributes like Revalidation flag.
- ReissueAttributes *CodedAttributeType `xml:"reissueAttributes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PaperCouponRange struct {
- // This segment contains the original ticket number.
- TicketInfo *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"ticketInfo"`
- // This segment contains the coupon number (in absolute) corresponding to the first coupon for use from the last flawn segment.
- CouponInfo *CouponInformationTypeI `xml:"couponInfo"`
-type FirstDpiGroup struct {
- // Penalty amount in reissue currency
- ReIssuePenalty *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"reIssuePenalty"`
- // Reissue Informations
- ReissueInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S `xml:"reissueInfo"`
- // Old Tax informations
- OldTaxInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S `xml:"oldTaxInfo"`
- // Balance Reissue Informations
- ReissueBalanceInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S `xml:"reissueBalanceInfo"`
-type SecondDpiGroup struct {
- // Discount and penalty info.
- Penalty *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"penalty"`
- // Residual Value information
- ResidualValueInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S `xml:"residualValueInfo"`
- // Old Tax informations
- OldTaxInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S `xml:"oldTaxInfo"`
- // Balance issue Informations
- IssueBalanceInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S `xml:"issueBalanceInfo"`
-type FeeBreakdown struct {
- // Nature of the fee (OB, OC)
- FeeType *SelectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"feeType"`
- FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FeeDetails struct {
- // Fee information
- FeeInfo *SpecificDataInformationTypeI `xml:"feeInfo"`
- // Attributes of this fee (commercial description)
- FeeDescription *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"feeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fee associated amounts: amount with/without tax, total tax amount
- FeeAmounts *MonetaryInformationTypeI_39230S `xml:"feeAmounts,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // taxes related to this fee
- FeeTaxes []*TaxTypeI `xml:"feeTaxes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-// Complex structs
-type AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Primary code of the fare basis. This is not a codeset but a free flow text field.
- PrimaryCode string `xml:"primaryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare basis code of the fare basis. This is not a codeset but a free flow text field.
- FareBasisCode string `xml:"fareBasisCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticket designator of the fare basis
- TicketDesignator string `xml:"ticketDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // For any query : discount ticket designator to be assigned by Fare Quote server. For any response : priced PTCs
- DiscTktDesignator string `xml:"discTktDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI struct {
- MileageTimeDetails *MileageTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileageTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
- // Code identifying the data validation error condition.
- ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
- // Identification of a code list.
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationErrorDetailType_48648C struct {
- // Code identifying the data validation error condition.
- ApplicationErrorCode string `xml:"applicationErrorCode"`
- // Identification of a code list.
- CodeListQualifier string `xml:"codeListQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
- CodeListResponsibleAgency string `xml:"codeListResponsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
- // Application error details.
- ApplicationErrorDetail *ApplicationErrorDetailType_48648C `xml:"applicationErrorDetail"`
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType_84497S struct {
- // Application error details.
- ErrorDetails *ApplicationErrorDetailType `xml:"errorDetails"`
-type BaggageDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Baggage allowance quantity (piece concept)
- BaggageQuantity *int32 `xml:"baggageQuantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Baggage allowance weight
- BaggageWeight *int32 `xml:"baggageWeight,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Baggage allowance type (weight/number)
- BaggageType string `xml:"baggageType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Measurement unit for weighing baggage allowance
- MeasureUnit string `xml:"measureUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
- // provides the attribute Type
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
- // provides a description for the attribute
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_66047C struct {
- // provides the attribute Type
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
- // provides a description for the attribute
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeType struct {
- // provides details for the Attribute
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type CodedAttributeType_39223S struct {
- // provides details for the Attribute
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_66047C `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="5"
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // Carrier code
- CarrierCode string `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI_222513C struct {
- // Carrier owner fo the fare family
- OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConnectionDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Specify ARNK and surface segments not included in the fare routing.
- RoutingInformation string `xml:"routingInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type of connection for the flight
- ConnexType string `xml:"connexType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConnectionTypeI struct {
- // Connection details
- ConnecDetails *ConnectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"connecDetails"`
-type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Currency of the rate
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount/percentage
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
- // First rate detail.
- FirstRateDetail *ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"firstRateDetail"`
- // Second rate detail.
- SecondRateDetail *ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"secondRateDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CorporateFareIdentifiersTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- CorporateID []string `xml:"corporateID,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type CorporateFareInformationType struct {
- CorporateFareIdentifiers []*CorporateFareIdentifiersTypeI `xml:"corporateFareIdentifiers"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type CouponDetailsType struct {
- // Tattoo + type of the product identifying the coupon.
- ProductId *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"productId"`
- // Flight Connection Type
- FlightConnectionType *TravelProductInformationType `xml:"flightConnectionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CouponInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Coupon number
- CpnNumber string `xml:"cpnNumber"`
-type CouponInformationTypeI struct {
- // Details on coupon
- CouponDetails *CouponInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"couponDetails"`
- // Details on coupon
- OtherCouponDetails []*CouponInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherCouponDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type DataInformationTypeI struct {
- // fee attribute
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DataTypeInformationTypeI struct {
- // fee subcode
- Type string `xml:"type"`
-type DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
- // Used to specify penalty information
- PenDisData *DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI_29792C `xml:"penDisData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI_6128S struct {
- // Qualify the type of information. Penalties are not passenger associated and are pure monetary information. Discount are passenger associated but only discount code is specified.
- InfoQualifier string `xml:"infoQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to specify penalty information.
- PenDisData []*DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"penDisData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type DiscountPenaltyInformationType struct {
- // Used for codes in the AMADEUS code tables. Code Length is three alphanumeric characters.
- FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
- // Discount off type.
- ZapOffType string `xml:"zapOffType"`
- // Discount amount
- ZapOffAmount *float64 `xml:"zapOffAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Discount percentage.
- ZapOffPercentage *int32 `xml:"zapOffPercentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
- // Type of penalty.
- PenaltyType string `xml:"penaltyType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The penalty amount can be described differently: amount/percentage.
- PenaltyQualifier string `xml:"penaltyQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount of the penalty.
- PenaltyAmount *float64 `xml:"penaltyAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This discount code is defined by the airlines. This cannot be coded as airlines might apply any combination of letters for their discounts.
- DiscountCode string `xml:"discountCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Penalty currency code.
- PenaltyCurrency string `xml:"penaltyCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI_29792C struct {
- // The amount Type can be a percentage or an amount
- PenaltyQualifier string `xml:"penaltyQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // specify the value
- PenaltyAmount *float64 `xml:"penaltyAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // penalty currency code
- PenaltyCurrency string `xml:"penaltyCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
-type DutyTaxFeeAccountDetailTypeU struct {
- // Iso country of the tax
- IsoCountry string `xml:"isoCountry"`
-type DutyTaxFeeDetailsTypeU struct {
- // Tax data qualifier
- TaxQualifier string `xml:"taxQualifier"`
- // Tax type identification
- TaxIdentification *DutyTaxFeeTypeDetailsTypeU `xml:"taxIdentification"`
- // Type of the tax
- TaxType *DutyTaxFeeAccountDetailTypeU `xml:"taxType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Nature of the tax
- TaxNature string `xml:"taxNature,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Exempt tax indicator. If an tax is Exempted no amount is provided for this tax.
- TaxExempt string `xml:"taxExempt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DutyTaxFeeTypeDetailsTypeU struct {
- // Tax type identifier
- TaxIdentifier string `xml:"taxIdentifier"`
-type ErrorGroupType struct {
- // The details of error/warning code.
- ErrorOrWarningCodeDetails *ApplicationErrorInformationType_84497S `xml:"errorOrWarningCodeDetails"`
- // The desciption of warning or error.
- ErrorWarningDescription *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"errorWarningDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ExcessBaggageTypeI struct {
- // Baggage allowance information details
- BagAllowanceDetails *BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"bagAllowanceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareComponentDetailsType struct {
- FareComponentID *ItemNumberType `xml:"fareComponentID"`
- // Market information related to the fare component or to the bound.
- MarketFareComponent *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"marketFareComponent,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Monetary Information.
- MonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Component Class information
- ComponentClassInfo *PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType `xml:"componentClassInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Qualifier Detail
- FareQualifiersDetail *FareQualifierDetailsType `xml:"fareQualifiersDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details of the fare family used for this fare component
- FareFamilyDetails *FareFamilyType `xml:"fareFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Carrier owner of the fare family
- FareFamilyOwner *TransportIdentifierType_156079S `xml:"fareFamilyOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to specify coupons included in the fare component or in the bound.
- CouponDetailsGroup []*CouponDetailsType `xml:"couponDetailsGroup"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FareDetailsType struct {
- // fare indicators
- FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareFamilyDetailsType struct {
- // Commercial fare Family Short name
- CommercialFamily string `xml:"commercialFamily"`
-type FareFamilyType struct {
- // Fare Family Short Name
- FareFamilyname string `xml:"fareFamilyname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Hierarchy *int32 `xml:"hierarchy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates Commercial Fare Family Short names
- CommercialFamilyDetails []*FareFamilyDetailsType `xml:"commercialFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type FareInformationType struct {
- FareDetails *FareDetailsType `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareQualifierDetailsType struct {
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationType `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Type of movement for this segment to take into account by Fare Quote to calculate the fare.
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare basis detail
- FareBasisDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Discount data for zap off to apply to price calculation.
- ZapOffDetails *DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"zapOffDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..4
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Source string `xml:"source"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Encoding string `xml:"encoding"`
-type FreeTextInformationType struct {
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType `xml:"freeTextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FreeTextQualificationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
-type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..10
- FreeText string `xml:"freeText"`
-type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_6759S struct {
- // Free flow text describing the error
- ErrorFreeText string `xml:"errorFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationType struct {
- // Item identification: number of the fare component or of the bound.
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Item type: fare component (FC) or bound (BND).
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberType struct {
- // Item identification: number of the fare component or of the bound.
- ItemNumberDetails []*ItemNumberIdentificationType `xml:"itemNumberDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
- // Identification details : order number
- SequenceSection *UniqueIdDescriptionType `xml:"sequenceSection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_94584S struct {
- // qualifies the type of the reference used. Code set to define
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tattoo number
- UniqueReference *int32 `xml:"uniqueReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..25
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationTypeI_47688C struct {
- // Code of the city.
- CityCode string `xml:"cityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MileageTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // mileage total associated to the TST
- TotalMileage int32 `xml:"totalMileage"`
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Qualify the type of fare defined in this composite
- FareDataQualifier string `xml:"fareDataQualifier"`
- // Fare data amount
- FareAmount string `xml:"fareAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare data currency code
- FareCurrency string `xml:"fareCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location of the fare data (PFCs specific)
- FareLocation string `xml:"fareLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_37257C struct {
- // Type qualifier
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount"`
- // currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // location
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_63727C struct {
- // Qualifier
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223832C struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- FareDataQualifier string `xml:"fareDataQualifier"`
- // Amount
- FareAmount string `xml:"fareAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency
- FareCurrency string `xml:"fareCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // location
- FareLocation string `xml:"fareLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationType struct {
- // Monetary information per fare component
- MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- // Other monetary information per fare component
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
- // Main fare data infomation, can b thee base or the total fare information which are mandatory anyway
- FareDataMainInformation *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDataMainInformation"`
- // Supplementary fare data information
- FareDataSupInformation []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDataSupInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S struct {
- // monetaryDetails
- MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_37257C `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_37257C `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type MonetaryInformationTypeI_39230S struct {
- // Monetary info
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_63727C `xml:"monetaryDetails"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type MonetaryInformationType_187640S struct {
- FareDataMainInformation *MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223832C `xml:"fareDataMainInformation"`
- FareDataSupInformation []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223832C `xml:"fareDataSupInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Code of the city.
- CityCode []string `xml:"cityCode"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType struct {
- FareBasisDetails *RateTariffClassInformationType `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI struct {
- // Information on TST type.
- TstInformation *RateTariffClassInformationTypeI `xml:"tstInformation"`
- // International sales indicator
- SalesIndicator string `xml:"salesIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare calculation mode indicator. This indicator specifies the type fare.
- Fcmi string `xml:"fcmi"`
- // Information of original fare used to create TST. The TST is created from Best Fare ( possible or available).
- BestFareType string `xml:"bestFareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // OPEN or AIR are the two identifications accepted. OPEN means the segment described here is an open segment. AIR means that it is a valid AIR segment.
- Identification string `xml:"identification"`
- // to describe the transportation class.
- BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Class of service to use in order to price the extra segment.
- ClassOfService string `xml:"classOfService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductTypeDetailsType struct {
- // TST Connection Type
- FlightIndicator string `xml:"flightIndicator"`
-type RateTariffClassInformationType struct {
- // Fare Basis Code
- RateTariffClass string `xml:"rateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticket Designator
- OtherRateTariffClass string `xml:"otherRateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RateTariffClassInformationTypeI struct {
- // Indicator qualifying the type of TST (basically manual or automatic)
- TstIndicator string `xml:"tstIndicator"`
-type ReferenceInfoType struct {
- ReferenceDetails *ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referenceDetails"`
-type ReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
- // Passenger/segment/TST/fare reference details
- RefDetails []*ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"refDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..10
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Format limitations: an..60
- Value string `xml:"value"`
-type ReferencingDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Qualifyer of the reference (Pax/Seg/Tst/Fare tattoo)
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger/segment/TST/fare tattoo reference number
- RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Record locator.
- ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber"`
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
- // Reservation control information
- ReservationInformation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservationInformation"`
-type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..2
- Option string `xml:"option"`
-type SelectionDetailsTypeI struct {
- SelectionDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"selectionDetails"`
-type SpecificDataInformationTypeI struct {
- // Carrier fee code
- DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationTypeI `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
- // Carrier fee application code (NI, NR, CM, NC)
- DataInformation []*DataInformationTypeI `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type StructuredDateTimeInformationType struct {
- // This data element can be used to provide the semantic of the information provided. Examples : - Impacted period - Departure date - Estimated arrival date and time
- BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
- // Year number. The format is a little long for short term usage but it can be reduced by implementation if required.
- Year *int32 `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month string `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day string `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TaxDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Tax Amount
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ISO code identifying Country
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ISO code identifying currency
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tax designator code
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // tax designator code.
- SecondType string `xml:"secondType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TaxTypeI struct {
- // Tax details
- TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TicketNumberDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Ticket number
- Number string `xml:"number"`
- // ticket type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TicketNumberTypeI struct {
- // Details on the document
- DocumentDetails *TicketNumberDetailsTypeI `xml:"documentDetails"`
-type TransportIdentifierType struct {
- // Information related to validating carrier.
- CarrierInformation *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"carrierInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TransportIdentifierType_156079S struct {
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentificationTypeI_222513C `xml:"companyIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravelProductInformationType struct {
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // TST Connection Type
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravelProductInformationTypeI_26322S struct {
- // City of departure for this extra segment.
- DepartureCity *LocationTypeI_47688C `xml:"departureCity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // City of arrival for this extra segment.
- ArrivalCity *LocationTypeI_47688C `xml:"arrivalCity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Airline detail information of the extra segment.
- AirlineDetail *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"airlineDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Segment detail information.
- SegmentDetail *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticketing status for this segment. Relevant only in case of reply.
- TicketingStatus string `xml:"ticketingStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type UniqueIdDescriptionType struct {
- // Number specifying the ordering information of the item described within a group.
- SequenceNumber *int32 `xml:"sequenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
diff --git a/respstructs/pnr_list/structs.go b/respstructs/pnr_list/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 64fa627..0000000
--- a/respstructs/pnr_list/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-package pnr_list
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/formats"
-type PNRList struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TNLRES_00_1_1A PNR_List"`
- // provide free from or coded text information
- FreeFormText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"freeFormText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Citypair *Citypair `xml:"citypair"`
- // to specify the error or information
- ErrorInformation *ApplicationErrorInformationTypeI `xml:"errorInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type Citypair struct {
- // origin and destination
- OriginDestinationMarker *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originDestinationMarker"`
- TravellerInformationSection []*TravellerInformationSection `xml:"travellerInformationSection"` // maxOccurs="300"
-type TravellerInformationSection struct {
- // To specify a traveler and personal details relating to the traveler.
- TravellerInformation *TravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"travellerInformation"`
- // To indicate quantity and action required in relation to a product
- RelatedProduct *RelatedProductInformationTypeI `xml:"relatedProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify details related to a product
- TravelProduct *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"travelProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // to specify a reference to a reservation
- ReservationInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"reservationInfo"`
- // to specify details related to availability status or cabin configuration for a product
- ProductInfo *ProductInformationTypeI `xml:"productInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // to specify the message type and business function
- MessageAction *MessageActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"messageAction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ApplicationErrorDetailTypeI struct {
- // Application error, coded - 366 for name list too long
- ErrorCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"errorCode"`
- // Code list qualifier - INF for information code , WEC for warning code
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Code list responsible agency, coded
- ResponsibleAgency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"responsibleAgency"`
-type ApplicationErrorInformationTypeI struct {
- ErrorDetail *ApplicationErrorDetailTypeI `xml:"errorDetail"`
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // Company identification , airline code
- Identification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"identification"`
-type FreeTextQualificationTypeI struct {
- // Identifies whether the free text is coded or not coded 3 for Literal text
- SubjectQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"subjectQualifier"`
- // Coded text, or specifies type of information in the free text
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI struct {
- FreetextDetail *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freetextDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // free text
- Text formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"text,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationTypeI struct {
- // Board point For non air segment, e.g. SUR, can be alphanumeric. 5 chars long Board and Off points for SNCF TRN segment
- CityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"cityCode"`
-type MessageActionDetailsTypeI struct {
- Business *MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI `xml:"business"`
-type MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Business function, coded
- Function formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"function,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI struct {
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI struct {
- // departure date of the flight
- DepDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"depDate"`
-type ProductDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Characteritic identification - class of service
- Identification formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"identification"`
- // Item description identification - N for Night class
- Description formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Product Idenfication -Flight number or OPEN (ARNK is not a possible value since no SI in similar name list)
- Identification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"identification"`
- // Flight number alpha suffix A, B, C, D, E
- Subtype formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"subtype,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductInformationTypeI struct {
- Product *ProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"product,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RelatedProductInformationTypeI struct {
- // Number in party
- Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Status, coded , cancel indicator , XX-cancel Airimp code
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Company identification - 1A for amadeus
- CompanyId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"companyId"`
- // Reservation control number - amadeus record locator of the requested PNR
- ControlNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"controlNumber"`
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
- Reservation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
- Product *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"product,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BoardpointDetail *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardpointDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OffpointDetail *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetail *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ProductDetails *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Traveller First Name
- FirstName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To56 `xml:"firstName"`
-type TravellerInformationTypeI struct {
- Traveller *TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI `xml:"traveller"`
- Passenger []*TravellerDetailsTypeI `xml:"passenger,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI struct {
- // Traveller last name
- Surname formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To57 `xml:"surname"`
diff --git a/respstructs/pnr_reply/structs.go b/respstructs/pnr_reply/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 53fcf57..0000000
--- a/respstructs/pnr_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7778 +0,0 @@
-package pnr_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type PNRReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/PNRACC_11_3_1A PNR_Reply"`
- PnrHeader []*PnrHeader `xml:"pnrHeader,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="198"
- // specify the amadeus PNR record locator security information for different pnr elements .
- SecurityInformation *ReservationSecurityInformationType `xml:"securityInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // specify a queue , that is an office , a queue number , a category number ,and a date range number or a date .This segment can be used in an output message.
- QueueInformations *QueueType `xml:"queueInformations,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // specify the number of units required
- NumberOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsTypeI `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- GeneralErrorInfo []*GeneralErrorInfo `xml:"generalErrorInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // Conveys PNR special types
- PnrType *CodedAttributeType `xml:"pnrType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // provide free form or coded long text information
- FreetextData []*LongFreeTextType `xml:"freetextData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
- // Conveys the Header tags of the PNR.
- PnrHeaderTag *StatusType `xml:"pnrHeaderTag,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // provide free from or coded text information
- FreeFormText []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_136698S `xml:"freeFormText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // specify an amadeus PNR history data
- HistoryData []*PnrHistoryDataType_6022S `xml:"historyData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
- // Point of Sale Information at SBR level. Owner of the PNR.
- SbrPOSDetails *POSGroupType `xml:"sbrPOSDetails"`
- // Point of Sale Information at SBR level. Creator of the PNR.
- SbrCreationPosDetails *POSGroupType `xml:"sbrCreationPosDetails"`
- // Point of Sale Information at SBR level. Updator of the PNR.
- SbrUpdatorPosDetails *POSGroupType `xml:"sbrUpdatorPosDetails"`
- TechnicalData *TechnicalData `xml:"technicalData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TravellerInfo []*TravellerInfo `xml:"travellerInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100"
- OriginDestinationDetails []*OriginDestinationDetails `xml:"originDestinationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="50"
- // specify the segment marriages and connections
- SegmentGroupingInfo []*SegmentGroupingInformationType `xml:"segmentGroupingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="50"
- DataElementsMaster *DataElementsMaster `xml:"dataElementsMaster,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TstData []*TstData `xml:"tstData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100"
- DcdData *DcdData `xml:"dcdData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PnrHeader struct {
- // specify a reference to a reservation
- ReservationInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeI_87792S `xml:"reservationInfo"`
- // provide specific reference identification
- ReferenceForRecordLocator *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceForRecordLocator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type GeneralErrorInfo struct {
- // identify the type of application error within a message
- MessageErrorInformation *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"messageErrorInformation"`
- // provide free from or coded text information
- MessageErrorText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_136698S `xml:"messageErrorText"`
-type TechnicalData struct {
- // Contains the enveloppe number of the PNR, issue at last EOT.
- EnveloppeNumberData *SequenceDetailsTypeU `xml:"enveloppeNumberData"`
- // CS assumption on last transmitted envelope number
- LastTransmittedEnvelopeNumber *PnrHistoryDataType `xml:"lastTransmittedEnvelopeNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Contains the Purge Date of the PNR at the time of the retrieval
- PurgeDateData *StructuredDateTimeInformationType_27086S `xml:"purgeDateData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Contains general information relative to the state of the PNR
- GeneralPNRInformation *StatusTypeI_32775S `xml:"generalPNRInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerInfo struct {
- // specify the PNR segments/elements references and action to apply
- ElementManagementPassenger *ElementManagementSegmentType `xml:"elementManagementPassenger"`
- PassengerData []*PassengerData `xml:"passengerData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- NameError *NameError `xml:"nameError,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PassengerData struct {
- // specify traveler and personal details relating to a traveler
- TravellerInformation *TravellerInformationTypeI_6097S `xml:"travellerInformation"`
- // In case of group, contains the group counters (Booked, Canceled, Split)
- GroupCounters *NumberOfUnitsType_76106S `xml:"groupCounters,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Inf/Child date of birth (DDMMYYYY). For instance 01122007
- DateOfBirth *DateAndTimeInformationType `xml:"dateOfBirth,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type NameError struct {
- // identify the type of application error within a message
- NameErrorInformation *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"nameErrorInformation"`
- // provide free form or error coded text
- NameErrorFreeText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_136698S `xml:"nameErrorFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OriginDestinationDetails struct {
- // convey origin and destination of a journey
- OriginDestination *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI_3061S `xml:"originDestination"`
- ItineraryInfo []*ItineraryInfo `xml:"itineraryInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ItineraryInfo struct {
- // specify the PNR segments/elements references and action to apply
- ElementManagementItinerary *ElementManagementSegmentType `xml:"elementManagementItinerary"`
- // specify details related to a product
- TravelProduct *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"travelProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // specify the message type and business function
- ItineraryMessageAction *MessageActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"itineraryMessageAction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // specify a reference to a reservation
- ItineraryReservationInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeI_115879S `xml:"itineraryReservationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // indicate quantity and action required in relation to a product
- RelatedProduct *RelatedProductInformationTypeI `xml:"relatedProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicator at element level: - CGB (chargeable indicator)
- ElementsIndicators *StatusType_99946S `xml:"elementsIndicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To Convey the Reason for Issuance Code (RFIC) and Reason For Issuance Sub code (RFISC)
- ReasonForIssuanceCode *PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType `xml:"reasonForIssuanceCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // convey additional information concerning an airline flight
- FlightDetail *AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Contain the cabin class details
- CabinDetails *CabinDetailsType `xml:"cabinDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // specify details for making a selection
- SelectionDetails *SelectionDetailsTypeI_2067S `xml:"selectionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // provide free from or coded text information
- ItineraryfreeFormText []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_136698S `xml:"itineraryfreeFormText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // provide free form or coded long text information
- ItineraryFreetext *LongFreeTextType `xml:"itineraryFreetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // specify the details for hotel transaction
- HotelProduct *HotelProductInformationType `xml:"hotelProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // specify the Rate information
- RateInformations *RateInformationType `xml:"rateInformations,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // specify one option
- GeneralOption []*GeneralOptionType `xml:"generalOption,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="199"
- // provide the ISO code of a country
- Country *CountryCodeListType `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify details relating to tax(es).
- TaxInformation []*TaxTypeI `xml:"taxInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
- // specify operating flight additional information
- CustomerTransactionData *CustomerTransactionDataType `xml:"customerTransactionData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- YieldGroup *YieldGroup `xml:"yieldGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LegInfo []*LegInfo `xml:"legInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // Group used to carry FLIX information associated to the segment
- FlixInfo []*FLIXType `xml:"flixInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- // Provide Date and Time Details relative to the Itinerary
- DateTimeDetails *DateAndTimeInformationTypeI `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LccTypicalData *LccTypicalData `xml:"lccTypicalData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- InsuranceInformation []*InsuranceInformation `xml:"insuranceInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="198"
- // This group handles all Insurance structured details.
- InsuranceDetails *InsuranceBusinessDataType `xml:"insuranceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- HotelReservationInfo *HotelReservationInfo `xml:"hotelReservationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TypicalCarData *TypicalCarData `xml:"typicalCarData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Dedicated to convey the specific cruise sailing information. It is in fact the reflection of the cruise segment PNR content. An example of Amadeus PNR with 2 Cruise segments, one confirmed the other cancelled. RP/NYCP02001/NYCP02001 AA/SU 19AUG03/1423Z YYAA63 NYCP02001/0001AA/19AUG03 1.TEST/AAA MR 2 CRU PCL HK1 SJUSJU 18JAN2004-7 DAWN PRINCESS/CF-9VHJ2K/NM-TEST/AAA MR 3 CRU PCL HX1 XYZPKG 18MAY2004-7 CORAL PRINCESS/GP-ABCDEF/CX-654321/NM-TEST/AAA MR 4 AP 0494503434 5 TK OK19AUG/NYCP02001
- TypicalCruiseData *CruiseBusinessDataType `xml:"typicalCruiseData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Information pertaining to a rail segment
- RailInfo *TrainInformationType `xml:"railInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Marks separation between Rail Group and Tour Group, avoid Ambiguity with CPY segment.
- MarkerRailTour *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"markerRailTour"`
- // Dedicated to convey the specific Tour information.
- TourInfo *TourInformationType `xml:"tourInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Information pertaining to a Ferry segment
- FerryLegInformation *FerryBookingDescriptionType `xml:"ferryLegInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ErrorInfo *ErrorInfo `xml:"errorInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // provide specific reference identification
- ReferenceForSegment *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceForSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type YieldGroup struct {
- // It contains some specific air segment's indicators data, not present in yieldDataGroup
- YieldData *ODKeyPerformanceDataType `xml:"yieldData"`
- // Details of the yield data.
- YieldDataGroup *ONDType `xml:"yieldDataGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LegInfo struct {
- // Marks separation to avoid Ambiguity between TVL segments.
- MarkerLegInfo *FlightSegmentDetailsTypeI `xml:"markerLegInfo"`
- LegTravelProduct *TravelProductInformationTypeI_99362S `xml:"legTravelProduct"`
- InteractiveFreeText []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_99363S `xml:"interactiveFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type LccTypicalData struct {
- // Fare data obtained from D/A availabilty (mapped under PRXP20LCC structure)
- LccFareData *TariffInformationTypeI_28460S `xml:"lccFareData"`
- // Connection key tattoo if any
- LccConnectionData *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_6550S `xml:"lccConnectionData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type InsuranceInformation struct {
- // contain data related to each passenger
- InsuranceName *InsuranceNameType `xml:"insuranceName"`
- // To specify monetary information
- InsuranceMonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationTypeI_1689S `xml:"insuranceMonetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify an Amadeus PNR Ticket element
- InsurancePremiumInfo *TravellerInsuranceInformationType `xml:"insurancePremiumInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // provide traveller document information
- InsuranceDocInfo *TravellerDocumentInformationTypeU `xml:"insuranceDocInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type HotelReservationInfo struct {
- // This segment is used to convey the hotel property information.
- HotelPropertyInfo *HotelPropertyType `xml:"hotelPropertyInfo"`
- // This segment is used to convey the hotel chain code and name.
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyInformationType `xml:"companyIdentification"`
- // This segment is used to convey the dates.
- RequestedDates *StructuredPeriodInformationType_11026S `xml:"requestedDates"`
- RoomRateDetails *RoomRateDetails `xml:"roomRateDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment is used to convey the confirmation number or the cancellation number. control type (9958) is: - 2 for Confirmation reference - X for cancellation reference - O for on request reference
- CancelOrConfirmNbr []*ReservationControlInformationTypeI_115879S `xml:"cancelOrConfirmNbr"` // maxOccurs="3"
- // indicate the roomstay index in case of groups
- RoomstayIndex *ItemNumberTypeU_33258S `xml:"roomstayIndex,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment is used to convey the booking source.
- BookingSource *UserIdentificationType_21014S `xml:"bookingSource"`
- // This segment is used to convey the billable information
- BillableInfo *BillableInformationTypeU `xml:"billableInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment is used to convey the customer reference number
- CustomerInfo *ConsumerReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"customerInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment is used to convey the frequent traveler number.
- FrequentTravellerInfo *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType_38226S `xml:"frequentTravellerInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- GuaranteeOrDeposit *GuaranteeOrDeposit `xml:"guaranteeOrDeposit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment is used to convey additional information which are entered by the agent and stored on the hotel booking.
- TextOptions []*MiscellaneousRemarksType_664S `xml:"textOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- // This segment is used to convey the saving amount/percentage information.
- SavingAmountInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_1689S `xml:"savingAmountInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment is used to convey the fax or the E-Mail to receive the written confirmation
- WrittenConfirmationContact *ContactInformationTypeU `xml:"writtenConfirmationContact,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment is used to convey the name and address of the party to recieve the written confirmation
- WrittenConfirmationInfo *NameAndAddressBatchTypeU `xml:"writtenConfirmationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // documentInformationDetails
- DocumentInformationDetails *DocumentInformationDetailsTypeI_9936S `xml:"documentInformationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ArrivalFlightDetails *ArrivalFlightDetails `xml:"arrivalFlightDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment is used to convey specific hotel booking indicators
- BookingIndicator *StatusType_99582S `xml:"bookingIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RoomRateDetails struct {
- // This segment is used to convey the room information.
- RoomInformation *HotelRoomType `xml:"roomInformation"`
- // This group is used to conveys list of children
- Children []*ChildrenGroupType `xml:"children,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // This segment is used to convey the tariff/rate details.
- TariffDetails *TariffInformationTypeI `xml:"tariffDetails"`
- // This segment is used to convey the rate code indicator.
- RateCodeIndicator *RuleInformationTypeU `xml:"rateCodeIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type GuaranteeOrDeposit struct {
- // This segment is used to convey the guarantee or deposit information
- PaymentInfo *PaymentInformationTypeI `xml:"paymentInfo"`
- // This segment is used to convey the credit card information.
- CreditCardInfo *FormOfPaymentTypeI_29553S `xml:"creditCardInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ArrivalFlightDetails struct {
- // Travel Product Information
- TravelProductInformation *TravelProductInformationTypeI_186189S `xml:"travelProductInformation"`
- // Additional Transport Details
- AdditionalTransportDetails *AdditionalTransportDetailsTypeU `xml:"additionalTransportDetails"`
-type TypicalCarData struct {
- // Vehicle information - vehicle type (SIPP code), - vehicle special equipments - vehicle details
- VehicleInformation *VehicleInformationType `xml:"vehicleInformation"`
- // Additional vehicle info
- AdditionalInfo *FreeTextInformationType_136708S `xml:"additionalInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Voucher Print Acknowledgement.
- VoucherPrintAck *ReferenceInformationTypeI_136704S `xml:"voucherPrintAck,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // CAR provider code
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyInformationType `xml:"companyIdentification"`
- // Car AVL pickup and dropoff location parameters (for Amadeus and Provider locations). Used as well to transport the Collection and Delivery place information.
- LocationInfo []*PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU `xml:"locationInfo"` // maxOccurs="6"
- DeliveryAndCollection []*DeliveryAndCollection `xml:"deliveryAndCollection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // Pickup and dropoff dates and times.
- PickupDropoffTimes *StructuredPeriodInformationType_136705S `xml:"pickupDropoffTimes"`
- // Cancellation or Confirmation number.
- CancelOrConfirmNbr []*ReservationControlInformationTypeI_136703S `xml:"cancelOrConfirmNbr,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- RateCodeGroup *RateCodeGroup `xml:"rateCodeGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Frequent flyer number.
- FFlyerNbr *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"fFlyerNbr,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Customer information ID and CD numbers
- CustomerInfo *ConsumerReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"customerInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segments is used to convey: 1)General Rate information (identifier, plan, category) and Unstructured RB/RQ/RG 2) Structured rate quoted (RQ) or guaranted (RG) 3) Structured base rate (RB) 4) Estimated total information 5) Drop amount data 6) Voucher coupon print references (VV) 7) Rate Override (RO) 8) Modification fee indicator 9) Cancellation fee indicator 10) prepayment
- RateInfo []*TariffInformationTypeI_136706S `xml:"rateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
- ErrorWarning *ErrorWarning `xml:"errorWarning,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RulesPoliciesGroup *RulesPoliciesGroup `xml:"rulesPoliciesGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // - Form of payment (FP) - Form of guarantee (G)
- Payment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"payment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // - Billing reference number (contains conpany data to be built) - Billing mumber (number included in the billing) - Agency account
- BillingData *BillableInformationTypeU `xml:"billingData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The booking source
- BookingSource *AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationType `xml:"bookingSource,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tour code
- InclusiveTour *TourInformationTypeI `xml:"inclusiveTour,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Contains: 1) up to 6 lines of marketing text sent by the car provider. 2) up to 3 lines of Other services messages (advertisments).
- MarketingInfo []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_136698S `xml:"marketingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // This segment is used to convey the supplementary informations (SI). e.g: "Customer arriving after agency closure hour. Car keys waiting at the hotel reception located next to the agency".
- SupleInfo []*MiscellaneousRemarksType_136700S `xml:"supleInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // This segment is used to convey distances. 1) Intercity distance. Distance between the Pickup and the Dropoff cities. Information returned by the Car provider for customer notification purpose. 2) Estimated distance Distance that is going to be runned during the rental period.
- EstimatedDistance []*QuantityTypeI `xml:"estimatedDistance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // Booking agent name
- AgentInformation *NameTypeU_136701S `xml:"agentInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tracking Option (TK)
- TrackingOpt *AgreementIdentificationTypeU `xml:"trackingOpt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Electronic Voucher Number
- ElectronicVoucherNumber *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"electronicVoucherNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // E-mail
- CustomerEmail *CommunicationContactTypeU `xml:"customerEmail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This mandatory segment marks the end of the CAR data group. It specifies also if the booking is leisure or not.
- Attribute *AttributeType `xml:"attribute"`
-type DeliveryAndCollection struct {
- // This Segment is used to Delivery and Collection information: Format 1- (Home Collection): - Address - City - State - Country - Zip Code Format 2- (Site Collection): - Site Ref Id - Site Name
- AddressDeliveryCollection *AddressTypeU_136710S `xml:"addressDeliveryCollection"`
- // This segment is used to carry phone number associated to a Delivery / Collection address
- PhoneNumber *PhoneAndEmailAddressType `xml:"phoneNumber"`
-type RateCodeGroup struct {
- // Rate code
- RateCodeInfo *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"rateCodeInfo"`
- // Additional Rate Code Information
- AdditionalInfo *FreeTextInformationType_136708S `xml:"additionalInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorWarning struct {
- // Error/warning
- ApplicationError *ApplicationErrorInformationType_136725S `xml:"applicationError"`
- // Error or Warning freetext
- ErrorFreeText *FreeTextInformationType_136708S `xml:"errorFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RulesPoliciesGroup struct {
- // Dummy segment to mark the beginning of the group
- Dummy1 *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"dummy1"`
- // Present only if information is linked to a seamless availability
- SourceLevel *SelectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"sourceLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to convey remarks corresponding to rule information.
- Remarks *FreeTextInformationType_136708S `xml:"remarks,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TaxCovSurchargeGroup []*TaxCovSurchargeGroup `xml:"taxCovSurchargeGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
- OtherRulesGroup []*OtherRulesGroup `xml:"otherRulesGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="13"
- PickupDropoffLocation []*PickupDropoffLocation `xml:"pickupDropoffLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- SpecialEquipmentDetails []*SpecialEquipmentDetails `xml:"specialEquipmentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type TaxCovSurchargeGroup struct {
- // This segment is used to convey Tax, Coverage, Coupon, Surcharge or Delivery and collection information (If period associated to the surcharge, tariff and period definition conveyed in group 6)
- TaxSurchargeCoverageInfo *TariffInformationTypeI_136714S `xml:"taxSurchargeCoverageInfo"`
- // Additional information for Tax, Surcharge or Coverage section
- AdditionalInfo *FreeTextInformationType_136708S `xml:"additionalInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SurchargePeriods []*SurchargePeriods `xml:"surchargePeriods,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type SurchargePeriods struct {
- // tariff period/distance validity in number of days, weeks, months, km, miles.
- Period *RangeDetailsTypeI `xml:"period"`
- // This segment is used to convey Tax, Coverage, Coupon, Surcharge or Delivery and collection information
- SurchargePeriodTariff *TariffInformationTypeI_136719S `xml:"surchargePeriodTariff"`
- // This segment conveys the Unit Qualifier for maximum range of associated RNG.
- MaximumUnitQualifier *MeasurementsBatchTypeU `xml:"maximumUnitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OtherRulesGroup struct {
- // Used to convey the following type of information: - Pickup Information - Advance Payment Information - Policy Information - Deposit Information - Advance Booking Information - Guarantee Information - One Way Information
- OtherRules *RuleInformationTypeU_136720S `xml:"otherRules"`
- // Used to convey date/time Information (only used for Pickup and Guarantee rules)
- DateTimeInfo []*StructuredPeriodInformationType_136705S `xml:"dateTimeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type PickupDropoffLocation struct {
- // Car AVL pickup and dropoff location parameters (for Amadeus and Provider locations). Used as well to transport the Collection and Delivery place information.
- LocationInfo *PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_136722S `xml:"locationInfo"`
- // Location Address
- Address *AddressTypeU_136721S `xml:"address,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location opening hours
- OpeningHours []*StructuredPeriodInformationType_136724S `xml:"openingHours,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
- // Phone / Fax number
- Phone []*PhoneAndEmailAddressType_136723S `xml:"phone,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type SpecialEquipmentDetails struct {
- // DUM used to remove ambiguity between TFFs
- Dummy2 *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"dummy2"`
- RangePeriod []*RangePeriod `xml:"rangePeriod,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- // Additional special equipment information
- AdditionalInfo *FreeTextInformationType_136715S `xml:"additionalInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // First TFF occurence convey main data: - 013 spec. equipment code - Qualifier (Included / Optional) - Spec. equipment name Up to 5 next occurences convey tarrif periods. - 013 spec. equipment code - converted indicator - amount/currency - period (/day, /weekend, /week, /month, /rental) - max amount / currency
- SpecialEquipmentTariff []*TariffInformationTypeI_136714S `xml:"specialEquipmentTariff"` // maxOccurs="6"
-type RangePeriod struct {
- // define age period validity associted to the special equipment
- AgePeriod *RangeDetailsTypeI `xml:"agePeriod"`
- // This segment conveys the Unit Qualifier for maximum range of associated RNG.
- MaximumUnitQualifier *MeasurementsBatchTypeU `xml:"maximumUnitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorInfo struct {
- // identify the type of application error within a message
- ErrorInformation *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"errorInformation"`
- // provide free from or coded text information
- ErrorfreeFormText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_136698S `xml:"errorfreeFormText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DataElementsMaster struct {
- // marker
- Marker2 *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"marker2"`
- DataElementsIndiv []*DataElementsIndiv `xml:"dataElementsIndiv,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type DataElementsIndiv struct {
- // specify the PNR segments/elements references and action to apply
- ElementManagementData *ElementManagementSegmentType `xml:"elementManagementData"`
- // specify the amadeus PNR individual security element
- PnrSecurity *IndividualPnrSecurityInformationType `xml:"pnrSecurity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Specify the amadeus accounting information
- Accounting *AccountingInformationElementType `xml:"accounting,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // specify miscellaneous, confidential, quality control and invoice remarks
- MiscellaneousRemarks *MiscellaneousRemarksType_211S `xml:"miscellaneousRemarks,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // specify special request or services information relating to a traveller
- ServiceRequest *SpecialRequirementsDetailsTypeI `xml:"serviceRequest,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SeatPaxInfo []*SeatPaxInfo `xml:"seatPaxInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // To Convey the Reason for Issuance Code (RFIC) and Reason For Issuance Sub code (RFISC)
- ReasonForIssuanceCode *PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType `xml:"reasonForIssuanceCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rail Seat Preferences
- RailSeatPreferences *RailSeatPreferencesType `xml:"railSeatPreferences,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CityPair *CityPair `xml:"cityPair,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RailSeatDetails []*RailSeatDetails `xml:"railSeatDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // provide date and time details relative to flight movements
- DateAndTimeInformation *DateAndTimeInformationTypeI `xml:"dateAndTimeInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details of SSR FQT content (Frequent Flyer Data)
- FrequentFlyerInformationGroup *FrequentFlyerInformationGroupType `xml:"frequentFlyerInformationGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // specify an amadeus PNR ticket element
- TicketElement *TicketElementType `xml:"ticketElement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ReferencedRecord *ReferencedRecord `xml:"referencedRecord,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // option element
- OptionElement *OptionElementType `xml:"optionElement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // provide free form or coded long text information
- OtherDataFreetext []*LongFreeTextType `xml:"otherDataFreetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // specify the way data are mapped for the structured addresses
- StructuredAddress *StructuredAddressType `xml:"structuredAddress,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the monetary information
- MonetaryInformation []*MonetaryInformationTypeI_1689S `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- ElementErrorInformation *ElementErrorInformation `xml:"elementErrorInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- McoRecord *McoRecord `xml:"mcoRecord,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Group Total Price
- TotalPrice *TotalPriceType `xml:"totalPrice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicators at element level
- ElementsIndicators []*StatusTypeI_33257S `xml:"elementsIndicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- // provide specific reference identification
- ReferenceForDataElement *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceForDataElement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Carries a Form of Payment in structured way.
- StructuredFop []*FOPRepresentationType `xml:"structuredFop,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type SeatPaxInfo struct {
- // details of the seat at pax level
- SeatPaxDetails *SeatRequestParametersTypeI `xml:"seatPaxDetails"`
- // seat indicator at pax level
- SeatPaxIndicator *StatusTypeI_33257S `xml:"seatPaxIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ref to pax tattoo
- CrossRef *ReferenceInfoType_6074S `xml:"crossRef"`
-type CityPair struct {
- // Departure station location
- DepLocation *PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_35293S `xml:"depLocation"`
- // Arrival station location
- ArrLocation *PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_35293S `xml:"arrLocation"`
-type RailSeatDetails struct {
- // Used to convey specific seat details relative to Train for a specific request or the "near-to" seat details for a "next-to" request.
- RailSeatReferenceInformation *RailSeatReferenceInformationType `xml:"railSeatReferenceInformation"`
- // Rail Seat Denomination
- RailSeatDenomination *FreeTextInformationType_29860S `xml:"railSeatDenomination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferencedRecord struct {
- // specify a reference to a reservation
- ReferencedReservationInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeI_87792S `xml:"referencedReservationInfo"`
- // specify the amadeus PNR record locator security information for different pnr elements .
- SecurityInformation *ReservationSecurityInformationType_167761S `xml:"securityInformation"`
-type ElementErrorInformation struct {
- // identify the type of application error within a message
- ErrorInformation *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"errorInformation"`
- // provide free from or coded text information
- ElementErrorText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_136698S `xml:"elementErrorText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type McoRecord struct {
- // specify that a MCO element is present in the PNR - this is a visual trigger of the MCO
- McoType *MiscellaneousChargeOrderType `xml:"mcoType"`
- // Contains the data relative to the MCO element itself
- McoInformation *FreeTextInformationType_9865S `xml:"mcoInformation"`
- GroupOfFareElements []*GroupOfFareElements `xml:"groupOfFareElements,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type GroupOfFareElements struct {
- // Sequence Number for a Fare element
- SequenceNumber *SequenceDetailsTypeU `xml:"sequenceNumber"`
- // Contains the Fare Element data
- FareElementData *FreeTextInformationType_9865S `xml:"fareElementData"`
-type TstData struct {
- // TST general information
- TstGeneralInformation *TstGeneralInformationType `xml:"tstGeneralInformation"`
- // provide free form or coded long text information
- TstFreetext []*LongFreeTextType `xml:"tstFreetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // describe fare basis information
- FareBasisInfo *FareBasisCodesLineType `xml:"fareBasisInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // fare data
- FareData *FareDataType `xml:"fareData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // selection details
- SegmentAssociation *SelectionDetailsTypeI_2067S `xml:"segmentAssociation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // provide specific reference identification
- ReferenceForTstData *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceForTstData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DcdData struct {
- // This is used as DUM segment
- MarkerPax *PassengerFlightDetailsTypeI `xml:"markerPax"`
- // This is used as a Dum segment.
- MarkerSegment *PassengerFlightDetailsTypeI `xml:"markerSegment"`
- SegmentSection []*SegmentSection `xml:"segmentSection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19602"
- // This is used as a Dum segement.
- MarkerLeg *PassengerFlightDetailsTypeI `xml:"markerLeg"`
- LegSection []*LegSection `xml:"legSection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="176418"
-type SegmentSection struct {
- // Specify structured elements references
- ElementManagementStructData *ElementManagementSegmentType_127983S `xml:"elementManagementStructData"`
- // provide specific reference identification
- ReferenceForStructDataElement *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceForStructDataElement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DcsSegmentInfo *DcsSegmentInfo `xml:"dcsSegmentInfo"`
-type DcsSegmentInfo struct {
- // Booking information. This is not required by the process it self, but can be used to easily track problems. This segment is required also to solve ambiguity problems. It can be empty if there is not need to convey information (more meaningful than a DUM)
- Booking *TravelProductInformationTypeI_127288S `xml:"booking"`
- // Determines if the DCS Data apply to the adult or to the infant (in case there is one). By default, it applies to the adult.
- PaxType *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"paxType"`
- // Gives the compensation type. * attributeDetails/attributeType = - DBA - DBN - DBO - DBV - DBM - DBD - DBW
- TypeOfCOP *CodedAttributeType_127282S `xml:"typeOfCOP,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LegSection struct {
- // Specify structured elements references
- ElementManagementStructData *ElementManagementSegmentType_127983S `xml:"elementManagementStructData"`
- // provide specific reference identification
- ReferenceForStructDataElement *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceForStructDataElement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DcsLegInfo *DcsLegInfo `xml:"dcsLegInfo"`
-type DcsLegInfo struct {
- // Contains the leg position inside the booking
- LegPosition *TravelItineraryInformationTypeI `xml:"legPosition"`
- // Indenties uniquely a leg inside a multi-leg booking
- Leg *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI `xml:"leg"`
- // Determines if the DCS Data apply to the adult or to the infant (in case there is one). By default, it applies to the adult.
- PaxType *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"paxType"`
- // Contains information on the seat delivered by the DCS
- SeatDelivery *SpecialRequirementsDetailsType `xml:"seatDelivery,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Third data element provide the category of attribute: NOREC information, acceptance status... First data element contains the value of the attribute : the NOREC flag, the acceptance status, the boarding status and the cabin regrade type, Check Bags indicator, Waitlist status.
- PaxStatus *StatusTypeI `xml:"paxStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AccregReason []*AccregReason `xml:"accregReason,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // Regrade cabin code
- RegradeCabin *SegmentCabinIdentificationType `xml:"regradeCabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AcceptanceChannel *AcceptanceChannel `xml:"acceptanceChannel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Provides information on the compensation offered to passengers with valid tickets, airline turned down at check-in/boarding. - coded form of payment (NGDCS only) - currency code (NGDCS only) - amount (NGDCS only) - compensation type (voluntary/involuntary) - free text (both valid for PFS clients and NGDCS)
- CompensationData *CompensationType `xml:"compensationData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AccregReason struct {
- // Reason code for: - Acceptation/Cancellation - Regrade
- Reasons *CodedAttributeType_127279S `xml:"reasons"`
- // Contains Acceptance Reason, Regrade Reason description.
- DeliveryInformation *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"deliveryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AcceptanceChannel struct {
- // Qualifies originator of the acceptance actions: - A for Check-in Agent - D for Direct consumer - S for automated Devices - E for internet/web based application
- AcceptanceOrigin *UserIdentificationType_127265S `xml:"acceptanceOrigin"`
- // contains the application used to perform check-in operations: - cryptic application - Java front End application - SMS application - Telephone - web application - External departure control application
- ApplicationType *ApplicationType `xml:"applicationType"`
-// Complex structs
-type AccommodationAllocationInformationDetailsTypeU struct {
- // Accommodation (room/compartment) number
- ReferenceId string `xml:"referenceId"`
- // Accommodation (room/compartment) code
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AccommodationAllocationInformationTypeU struct {
- // Allocated accommodation
- AccommAllocation *AccommodationAllocationInformationDetailsTypeU `xml:"accommAllocation"`
-type AccountingElementType struct {
- // Account number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Cost Number
- CostNumber string `xml:"costNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // IATA company number
- CompanyNumber string `xml:"companyNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Client Reference Number
- ClientReference string `xml:"clientReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..109
- GSTTaxDetails string `xml:"gSTTaxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AccountingInformationElementType struct {
- // One of these 4 data elements is mandatory , but non in particular
- Account *AccountingElementType `xml:"account,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number of units qualifier
- AccountNumberOfUnits string `xml:"accountNumberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ActionDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Contains the details about the product knowledge
- NumberOfItemsDetails *ProcessingInformationTypeI `xml:"numberOfItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationType struct {
- OriginatorDetails *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI_198179C `xml:"originatorDetails"`
-type AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI struct {
- ProductDetails *AdditionalProductTypeI `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DepartureInformation *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"departureInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ArrivalStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI_119771C `xml:"arrivalStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MileageTimeDetails *MileageTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileageTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TimeDetail *TravellerTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"timeDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Facilities []*ProductFacilitiesTypeI `xml:"facilities,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type AdditionalProductDetailsTypeU struct {
- // Conveys the product area (TOU)
- ProductArea string `xml:"productArea"`
- // The general product description
- ProductDetails *ProductDataInformationTypeU `xml:"productDetails"`
-type AdditionalProductTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Equipment string `xml:"equipment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..2
- NumOfStops *int32 `xml:"numOfStops,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Time format: 24H. All digits are mandatory . Example: from 0000 to 2359
- Duration string `xml:"duration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n1
- WeekDay *int32 `xml:"weekDay,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AdditionalTransportDetailsTypeU struct {
- // Terminal Information
- TerminalInformation []*TerminalInformationTypeU `xml:"terminalInformation"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type AddressDetailsTypeU struct {
- // Address Format . Will be 5 unstructured
- Format string `xml:"format"`
- // Address Text. Any of the following address lines may start with a tag: Door number- Street- ExternalNumber- InternalNumber- County- Neighbourhood- State-
- Line1 string `xml:"line1"`
- // Format limitations: an..70
- Line2 string `xml:"line2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- Line3 string `xml:"line3,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- Line4 string `xml:"line4,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- Line5 string `xml:"line5,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- Line6 string `xml:"line6,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AddressDetailsTypeU_17987C struct {
- // To specify what kind of address we have
- Format string `xml:"format"`
- // Address
- Line1 string `xml:"line1"`
- // Address
- Line2 string `xml:"line2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PO Box
- Line4 string `xml:"line4,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AddressDetailsTypeU_198210C struct {
- // Address format
- Format string `xml:"format"`
- // Address Field in free flow text
- Line1 string `xml:"line1"`
-type AddressDetailsTypeU_198226C struct {
- // - 5 for unstructured address
- Format string `xml:"format"`
- // address line 1
- Line1 string `xml:"line1"`
- // address line 2
- Line2 string `xml:"line2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AddressType struct {
- // will convey the adress text
- AddressDetails *AddressDetailsTypeU `xml:"addressDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // City name.
- City string `xml:"city,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // postal identification code.
- ZipCode string `xml:"zipCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country code. ISO 3166 code for the country
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AddressTypeU struct {
- // to specify the information of the address
- AddressDetails *AddressDetailsTypeU_17987C `xml:"addressDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // city name of the given address
- City string `xml:"city,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // zip code of the given address
- ZipCode string `xml:"zipCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To convey a sub-entity within a country : region, states..
- RegionDetails *CountrySubEntityDetailsTypeU `xml:"regionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // to specify the countryname
- LocationDetails *LocationIdentificationTypeU `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AddressTypeU_136710S struct {
- // Address Type
- AddressUsageDetails *AddressUsageTypeU `xml:"addressUsageDetails"`
- // Format 1 - Home Delivery/Collection
- AddressDetails *AddressDetailsTypeU_198210C `xml:"addressDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // City name
- City string `xml:"city,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Postal Code
- ZipCode string `xml:"zipCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country code
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To convey a sub-entity within a country : region, states..
- RegionDetails *CountrySubEntityDetailsTypeU_198213C `xml:"regionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format 2 - Site Delivery/Collection
- LocationDetails *LocationIdentificationTypeU_198211C `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AddressTypeU_136721S struct {
- // Location address
- AddressDetails *AddressDetailsTypeU_198226C `xml:"addressDetails"`
- // City Name
- City string `xml:"city,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Postal Code
- ZipCode string `xml:"zipCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Country code
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To convey a sub-entity within a country : region, states..
- RegionDetails *CountrySubEntityDetailsTypeU_198229C `xml:"regionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AddressUsageTypeU struct {
- // Address Type: - DEL for Delivery - COL for Collection
- Purpose string `xml:"purpose"`
-type AgreementIdentificationTypeU struct {
- // Agreement identification
- AgreementDetails *AgreementTypeIdentificationTypeU `xml:"agreementDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AgreementTypeIdentificationTypeU struct {
- // - TK for Tracking option
- Code string `xml:"code"`
- // Agreement description
- Description string `xml:"description"`
-type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
- // Code identifying the data validation error condition.
- ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
- // Identification of a code list.
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory"`
-type ApplicationErrorDetailTypeI struct {
- // Message number or "ZZZ" if no number
- ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
- // EC for Error codes WEC for Warning code INF for Information code
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- // 3 for IATA UN for UN 1A for AMADEUS
- ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency"`
-type ApplicationErrorDetailType_198235C struct {
- // Code identifying the data validation error condition.
- ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
- // Identification of a code list.
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
- // Detail the error type
- ErrorDetail *ApplicationErrorDetailTypeI `xml:"errorDetail"`
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType_136725S struct {
- // Application error details.
- ErrorDetails *ApplicationErrorDetailType_198235C `xml:"errorDetails"`
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType_94519S struct {
- // Application error details.
- ErrorDetails *ApplicationErrorDetailType `xml:"errorDetails"`
-type ApplicationIdentificationType struct {
- // application internal identifier
- InternalId string `xml:"internalId"`
- // Item Version Number
- VersionNumber string `xml:"versionNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationType struct {
- // provides information on application identification
- ApplicationDetails *ApplicationIdentificationType `xml:"applicationDetails"`
-type AssociatedChargesInformationTypeI struct {
- // This data element is used to identify the type of charge entered in the other fields.
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This data element is used to convey the amount of the supplementary charge.
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To qualify the amount, can be - UNL (for unlimited mileage) when used for free mileage - 3 (for included in base rate) - 4 (for not included in base rate)
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This data element is used to specify the number of charge needed.
- NumberInParty *int32 `xml:"numberInParty,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This data element is used to convey the currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This data element is used to convey the voucher text (in case of voucher).
- Comment string `xml:"comment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AssociatedChargesInformationTypeI_198205C struct {
- // This data element is used to identify the type of charge entered in the other fields.
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Mileage charge amount
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To qualify the amount, can be - UNL (for unlimited mileage) when used for free mileage - 3 (for included in base rate) - 4 (for not included in base rate)
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Quantity of free mileage
- NumberInParty *int32 `xml:"numberInParty,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unit: - K Kilometer - M Miles
- PeriodType string `xml:"periodType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // the currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unstructured RG,RG and RQ rates.
- Comment string `xml:"comment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AssociatedChargesInformationTypeI_198218C struct {
- // - 045 Tax - 108 Surchage - COV Coverage - CPN Coupon
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Policy amount (coupon amount)
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Qualifier: The possible values are: - IES included in Estimated Total - IBR included in Base Rate - OPT Optional - MAN Mandatory - NBR Not Included in Base Rate - ITX Policy amount Includes Tax - NTX Policy amount Not Includes Tax
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Maximum days
- NumberInParty *int32 `xml:"numberInParty,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 001 per day 002 per week 003 per month 004 per rental 012 tax percentage 013 no coupon value available
- PeriodType string `xml:"periodType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Policy amount currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Policy name
- Comment string `xml:"comment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AssociatedChargesInformationTypeI_39535C struct {
- // To specify the type of tax, the type of converted amount. It is coded on our side if not specifued by provider.
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // to specify the tax in a foreign currency.
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tax name
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // foreign currency.
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AssociatedChargesInformationTypeU struct {
- // Qualify the associated charge. For Tour, only "employee" is used to define a commission
- ChargeUnitCode string `xml:"chargeUnitCode"`
- // Value of the associated charge
- Amount float64 `xml:"amount"`
- // Commission's percentage
- Percentage float64 `xml:"percentage"`
-type AttributeInformationTypeU struct {
- // Type of the authorization data. Some of the possible types are: 25: (AUT) Context (Credit Mutuel) 26: (ATN) Customer instruction (Barclays) 27: (ATN) Cryptogram computation method (Credit Mutuel) 28: (AUT) Modified securisation mode (Credit Mutuel) 29: (ATN) Electronic commerce transaction type (Credit Mutuel) E: (ATN) Result of the secured payment VADS (Credit Mutuel) MID: (AUT) Merchant ID
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
- // value of the data
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeInformationTypeU_198185C struct {
- // the attribute type LEI for leisure booking CLP for clip booking
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
- // Not Used
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeInformationTypeU_36633C struct {
- // This element is used to convey the service code of the service group of the ferry booking. The list of possible values depends of the Ferry provider.
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
-type AttributeInformationTypeU_45068C struct {
- // The list of possible values is: ADT Adult CHD Child FDC Diplomatic corps FEU Disabled FFM Family FFR Free FIR Inter rail FJO Journalist FSL School pupil INF Infant MIL Military NAT Nato official REC Child resident RES Resident SRC Senior citizen STU Student YTH Young person
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
-type AttributeType struct {
- // Specify which attribute is described in E003. BAT for booking attribute
- CriteriaSetType string `xml:"criteriaSetType"`
- // Details for the attribute type. LEI:Y for leisure booking CLP:Y for clip booking
- CriteriaDetails []*AttributeInformationTypeU_198185C `xml:"criteriaDetails"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type AttributeTypeU struct {
- // Describes the service type.
- AttributeFunction string `xml:"attributeFunction"`
- // Service details.
- AttributeDetails *AttributeInformationTypeU_36633C `xml:"attributeDetails"`
-type AttributeTypeU_24552S struct {
- // provides the function of the attribute
- AttributeFunction string `xml:"attributeFunction"`
- // provides details for the Attribute
- AttributeDetails *AttributeInformationTypeU_45068C `xml:"attributeDetails"`
-type AttributeType_94514S struct {
- // Determines if the set of criteria corresponds to the message identification criteria or to normal criteria.
- CriteriaSetType string `xml:"criteriaSetType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // List of attributes and status linked to credit card process. Most of them are link dependant.
- CriteriaDetails *AttributeInformationTypeU `xml:"criteriaDetails"`
-type AttributeType_94553S struct {
- // Type of Data Exple : SAL sale indicator EXT for extended payment PAY payment type
- CriteriaSetType string `xml:"criteriaSetType"`
- // Details for the message criteria (name, value).
- CriteriaDetails *AttributeInformationTypeU `xml:"criteriaDetails"`
-type AttributeType_94576S struct {
- // Type of information: - is this a switch? - is this a structured data?
- CriteriaSetType string `xml:"criteriaSetType"`
- // Details for the message criteria (name, value).
- CriteriaDetails []*AttributeInformationTypeU `xml:"criteriaDetails"` // maxOccurs="999"
-type AuthenticationDataType struct {
- // VERes status (enrollment) Values : Y : authentication available N : cardholder not participating U : Unable to authenticate E : error message
- Veres string `xml:"veres,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PARes status (authentication). Values : Y : authentication successful N : authentication failed U : authentication could not be performed A : attempts processing performed
- Pares string `xml:"pares,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // CC Directory Server performing the enrollment process: VISA, MasterCard
- CreditCardCompany string `xml:"creditCardCompany"`
- // To indicate whether the transaction was successful, different indicators for Visa/MasterCard. - ECI for VISA - UCAF collection indicator for Matercard
- AuthenticationIndicator string `xml:"authenticationIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates the algorithm used to generate the Cardholder Authentication Verification Value (CAAV = authentication code)
- CaavAlgorithm *int32 `xml:"caavAlgorithm,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AuthorizationApprovalDataType struct {
- // will convey the value of the approval code of the payment authorisation
- ApprovalCode string `xml:"approvalCode"`
- // Source of approval for the payment authorisation. A Automatically obtained by the system. M Manually entered by an agent. F: Credit card automatic approval code of a settlement authorization transaction B: Credit card manual approval code of a settlement transaction.
- SourceOfApproval string `xml:"sourceOfApproval,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type BillableInformationTypeU struct {
- // This composite is used to convey the billable information.
- BillingInfo []*DiagnosisTypeU `xml:"billingInfo"` // maxOccurs="3"
-type BinaryDataType struct {
- // Length of the BLB
- DataLength int32 `xml:"dataLength"`
- // type of the data
- DataType string `xml:"dataType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // used to store binary data
- BinaryData string `xml:"binaryData"`
-type BrowserInformationType struct {
- // Indicates the type of cardholder device.
- DeviceCategory int32 `xml:"deviceCategory"`
-type CabinClassDesignationType struct {
- // Designates the class of service on the means of transport in which the passenger will travel: - M for Economy - W for Economy Premium - C for Business (Club) - F for First - Y for Economy All
- ClassDesignator string `xml:"classDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CabinDetailsType struct {
- CabinDetails *CabinClassDesignationType `xml:"cabinDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CardValidityType struct {
- // Type of the compensation, ie voluntary or involuntary
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Form of the payment of the compensation
- Form string `xml:"form,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount of the compensation
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency used for the compensation.
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Any comment related to the compensation
- FreeText string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ChildrenGroupType struct {
- // This segment is used to convey age for a child.
- Age *QuantityTypeI_65488S `xml:"age"`
- // This segment is used to convey the passenger association
- ReferenceForPassenger *ReferenceInformationType_65487S `xml:"referenceForPassenger,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ClassConfigurationDetailsType struct {
- // Class Details -Class Group -Sub Class -number of seats
- ClassDetails *ClassDetailsType `xml:"classDetails"`
-type ClassDetailsType struct {
- // Class Group : A-First Class, Seat B-Second Class, Seat C-First Class, Berth D-Second Class, Berth F-Binded Seat V-First Class, Sleeping-car W-Second Class, Sleeping-car
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rail class code.
- BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number of Free Seats
- NumberOfSeats int32 `xml:"numberOfSeats"`
-type ClassDetailsType_52782C struct {
- // For the booking class code.
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an2
- BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CoachProductInformationType struct {
- // Coach Product Details
- CoachDetails *ReferencingDetailsTypeI_36941C `xml:"coachDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Coach Equipment Qualifier
- EquipmentCode string `xml:"equipmentCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
- // provides the attribute Type
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_142109C struct {
- // will convey the following QF data: ONOD onoData Order Number(Qantas specific) GWTD gwtData Government Warrant number(Qantas specific) HOLDN ccHolderName Conveys the CN (company name) (Qantas specific).This has sense only in case of automatic creation of attribute record (cards is a bets card). In the other cases this information cannot be filled. ONOR onoRequired This ONO indicator indicates whether or not ONO data is mandatory.(Information provided by Qantas IGW link) This has sense only in case of automatic creation of attribute record (cards is a bets card) GWTR gwtRequired This GWT indicator indicates whether or not GWT data is mandatory.(Information provided by Qantas IGW link) This has sense only in case of automatic creation of attribute record (cards is a bets card) CIND cind Conveys CIND indicator : - MANU - AUTO This indicates whether attributes records have been created manually (no bets card) or automatically (bets card). BFAREC bestFareCandidate Conveys best fare indicator: - Yes - No This indicates whether or not the card is best fare candidate. (this implies card is a bets card)
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
- // onoData Order Number(Qantas specific) gwtData Government Warrant number ccHolderName Conveys the CN onoRequired YES - NO gwtRequired YES - NO cind MANU - AUTO bestFareCandidate YES - NO
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription"`
-type CodedAttributeInformationType_185753C struct {
- // provides the attribute Type
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
- // provides a description for the attribute: If 950K set to ARC, value can be: AS: Airline Staff, BA: Baggage not Accepted, CB: Customer failed to board, CR: Customer Request, CU: Customer Unwell, DB: Denied Boarding, FA: Flight Alternative Offered and accepted by the customer, FD: Flight Delayed, FO: Flight Oversold, FC: Flight Cancelled, MC: Missed Connection, MR: Medical Reasons, NO: NOSHOW (can only be used with Target Customer Acceptance Status set to 'Rejected'), OT: Other, RR: Regulatory Requirement not met, SR: Security Reasons, TC: Travel in different cabin through another booking, TD: Travel Documentation Incomplete, TI: Travel Industry Staff, UC: User Error Correction. If 950K set to RRC, value can be: OC: Cabin/Flight oversold (current flight), OO: Cabin/Flight oversold (other flight), MC: Misidentification of customer at check-in, PM: Previously mishandled, SO: Special occasion, AC: Aircraft change, CF: Cabin configuration change, RQ: Request from a special requestor, CO: Compassionate, MI: Marketing Initiative e.g. please try Club Class for free, DC: Disruption on current flight, DO: Disruption on other flight, CC: Crew level change, TR: Technical reason, CS: Catering shortfall, CI: Check-in error, IA: Inadmissible, ST: Staff, SR: Service Recovery Entitlement, AB: Authorized by, US: Unsuitable.
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeType struct {
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type CodedAttributeType_127279S struct {
- // provides details for the Attribute
- AttributeDetails *CodedAttributeInformationType_185753C `xml:"attributeDetails"`
-type CodedAttributeType_127282S struct {
- // provides details for the Attribute
- AttributeDetails *CodedAttributeInformationType `xml:"attributeDetails"`
-type CodedAttributeType_94497S struct {
- // Usage of this element will be the transport of the DescriptiveBilingInformation first value will be QF
- AttributeFunction string `xml:"attributeFunction"`
- // provides details for the Attribute
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_142109C `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type CodeshareFlightDataTypeI struct {
- // Company identification
- Airline string `xml:"airline"`
- // Product identification
- FlightNumber int32 `xml:"flightNumber"`
- // general indicator
- Inventory string `xml:"inventory"`
- // Characteristic identification
- SellingClass string `xml:"sellingClass"`
- // Item characteristic
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Product identification characteristic
- Suffix string `xml:"suffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1 : codeshare cascading is successful 0 : codeshare cascading unsuccessful blank: n/s
- CascadingIndicator *int32 `xml:"cascadingIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CommissionDetailsType struct {
- // Commission type : 'NEW' --) New commission 'OLD' --) Old Commission 'XLP' --) Commission on cancellation Penalty 'FMA' --) Airline Commission A 'FMB' --) Airline Commission B
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Commission amount
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Commission percentage
- Rate *int32 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Deal number
- DealNumber *int32 `xml:"dealNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CommissionInformationType struct {
- // Commission details
- CommissionDetails *CommissionDetailsType `xml:"commissionDetails"`
-type CommunicationContactDetailsType struct {
- // The communication address: an Url.
- UrlAddress string `xml:"urlAddress"`
- // will be AH for World Wide Web
- UrlType string `xml:"urlType"`
-type CommunicationContactDetailsTypeU struct {
- // Email
- Email string `xml:"email"`
- // Contact qualifier. EM for Electronic mail
- ContactQualifier string `xml:"contactQualifier"`
-type CommunicationContactType struct {
- // Communication channel
- Communication *CommunicationContactDetailsType `xml:"communication"`
-type CommunicationContactTypeU struct {
- // Customer contact
- Contact *CommunicationContactDetailsTypeU `xml:"contact"`
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- OperatingCompany string `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI_2785C struct {
- // Company code
- Identification string `xml:"identification"`
- // AIR segment : second airline code for joint flight number. Train Amtrack segment : system provider UIC code. Train SNCF segment : system provider UIC code. Tour segment : tour provider code.
- SecondIdentification string `xml:"secondIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tour segment : source code.
- SourceCode string `xml:"sourceCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI_46335C struct {
- // carrier details
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany"`
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI_46351C struct {
- // Targeted provider system code
- OperatingCompany string `xml:"operatingCompany"`
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeU struct {
- // Conveys the provider name
- ProviderName string `xml:"providerName"`
-type CompanyInformationType struct {
- // Qualify the company code, to identify the industry business it belongs.
- TravelSector string `xml:"travelSector"`
- // This data element is used to convey the context in which the code applies. The hotel chain code are managed by Amadeus.
- CompanyCodeContext string `xml:"companyCodeContext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This data element is used to convey the company code of a non-air company
- CompanyCode string `xml:"companyCode"`
- // This data element is used to convey the company name of a non-air company
- CompanyName string `xml:"companyName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This data element is used to convey the type of access the non-air company has with Amadeus.
- AccessLevel string `xml:"accessLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyInformationType_19450S struct {
- // This data element is used to convey the company code
- CompanyCode string `xml:"companyCode"`
- // This data element is used to convey the UIC code
- CompanyNumericCode *int32 `xml:"companyNumericCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyInformationType_20151S struct {
- // This element is used to qualify the company code, to identify the industry business it belongs. For Ferry, the codes are mutually agreed between Amadeus and the Ferry providers and are only valid within the Amadeus Ferry application.
- TravelSector string `xml:"travelSector,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This data element is used to convey the company code of a company. For Ferry, the list of providers is not fixed. The providers implemented actually are: Baleria BAL Brittany ferries BRI Color Lines COL Comarit COM Corsica ferries CSF Grandi Navi Veloci GNV Hoverspeed HOV Moby Lines MBL Seafrance SEA Smyril Line SMY SNCM SNC Stena Line STE TT Line TTL
- CompanyCode string `xml:"companyCode"`
- // This data element is used to convey the company name of a company
- CompanyName string `xml:"companyName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyInformationType_25420S struct {
- // This data element is used to qualify the company code, to identify the industry business it belongs.
- TravelSector string `xml:"travelSector"`
- // This data element is used to convey the company code of a company
- CompanyCode string `xml:"companyCode"`
- // This data element is used to convey the company name of a company
- CompanyName string `xml:"companyName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyInformationType_26258S struct {
- // This data element is used to qualify the company code, to identify the industry business it belongs.
- TravelSector string `xml:"travelSector,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This data element is used to convey the context in which the code applies
- CompanyCodeContext string `xml:"companyCodeContext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This data element is used to convey the company code of a company
- CompanyCode string `xml:"companyCode"`
- // This data element is used to convey the company name of a company
- CompanyName string `xml:"companyName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyInformationType_83550S struct {
- // This data element is used to qualify the company code, to identify the industry business it belongs.
- TravelSector string `xml:"travelSector"`
- // This data element is used to convey the company code of a company
- CompanyCode string `xml:"companyCode"`
-type CompanyInformationType_8953S struct {
- // This data element is used to qualify the company code, to identify the industry business it belongs.
- TravelSector string `xml:"travelSector"`
- // This data element is used to convey the context in which the code applies
- CompanyCodeContext string `xml:"companyCodeContext"`
- // This data element is used to convey the company code of a non-air company
- CompanyCode string `xml:"companyCode"`
- // This data element is used to convey the company name of a non-air company
- CompanyName string `xml:"companyName"`
-type CompanyInformationType_94554S struct {
- // This data element is used to convey the company code of a company Ex: AF for Air France MIL for millenium foundation
- CompanyCode string `xml:"companyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This data element is used to convey the numeric merchant ID.
- CompanyNumericCode string `xml:"companyNumericCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompensationType struct {
- // Compensation details
- CompensationDetails *CardValidityType `xml:"compensationDetails"`
-type ConsumerReferenceIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // Indicator - 1 for ID (customer number) - CD for CD (customer discount number)
- ReferenceQualifier string `xml:"referenceQualifier"`
- // Either the ID or CD number
- ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber"`
-type ConsumerReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
- // Consumer reference information
- CustomerReferences []*ConsumerReferenceIdentificationTypeI `xml:"customerReferences"` // maxOccurs="3"
-type ContactInformationDetailsTypeU struct {
- // W for party to receive Written confirmation
- PartyQualifier string `xml:"partyQualifier"`
- // FAX number or E-Mail address
- ComAddress string `xml:"comAddress"`
- // type of medium
- ComChannelQualifier string `xml:"comChannelQualifier"`
-type ContactInformationTypeU struct {
- // This composite is used to convey the E-mail address or FAX number to be used when a written confirmation is needed.
- ContactInformation []*ContactInformationDetailsTypeU `xml:"contactInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type CountryCodeListType struct {
- // ISO country code of the DESTINATION of the trip.
- DestinationCountryCode []string `xml:"destinationCountryCode"` // maxOccurs="198"
-type CountrySubEntityDetailsTypeU struct {
- // 84: state
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Region or State of the given address
- Name string `xml:"name"`
-type CountrySubEntityDetailsTypeU_198213C struct {
- // State Code. Mandatory if CountryCode is US, CA, AU.
- Code string `xml:"code"`
-type CountrySubEntityDetailsTypeU_198229C struct {
- // State code
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CountrydescriptionType struct {
- // To specify the destination zone.
- GeographicalZone string `xml:"geographicalZone,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the countries but in a coded way. up to 198 repetitions as we can have 99 segments in the PNR
- CountryCode []string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="198"
-type CreditCardDataGroupType struct {
- // will convey all the data related to the credit card
- CreditCardDetails *CreditCardDataType `xml:"creditCardDetails"`
- // will convey both the CVV and the Credit card number Ids stored in the fortknox Database it could also be used to store identifiers from external Tokenization Service Provider (TSP).
- FortknoxIds []*ReferenceInformationTypeI_94503S `xml:"fortknoxIds,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // Contains card holder's address information.
- CardHolderAddress *AddressType `xml:"cardHolderAddress,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CreditCardDataType struct {
- // Credit Card information
- CcInfo *CreditCardInformationType `xml:"ccInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CreditCardInformationType struct {
- // Vendor code (VI,CA,AX.)
- VendorCode string `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // may contain CC sub Types. eg: Maestro or Solo cards
- VendorCodeSubType string `xml:"vendorCodeSubType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Card number Card number
- CardNumber string `xml:"cardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys the security ID of the Credit Card (CVV,CVV2), 3-4 digits stored on the back of the card
- SecurityId string `xml:"securityId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Expiry date : format MMYY
- ExpiryDate *int32 `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This field indicates the date the Credit Card was issued. This data is present in case of (UK) maestro cards.
- StartDate *int32 `xml:"startDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This field indicates the date the Credit Card will not be valid anymore This data is present in case of (UK) maestro cards. May be different from the expiry date
- EndDate *int32 `xml:"endDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys Credit card holder's name, as written on the card
- CcHolderName string `xml:"ccHolderName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // will contain the code of the bank that issued the credit card
- IssuingBankName string `xml:"issuingBankName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // CC country of issuance details
- CardCountryOfIssuance string `xml:"cardCountryOfIssuance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This is the Credit Card Issue number. This represents the number of time a card has been issued. 1 is for the first time then in case of card renewal or card loss this issue number will be increased Today this is applicable to maestro cards.
- IssueNumber *int32 `xml:"issueNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Will convey the full name of the institution that issued he credit card
- IssuingBankLongName string `xml:"issuingBankLongName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Stores the CC track 1 information (base64 encoded)
- Track1 string `xml:"track1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Stores the CC track 2 information (base64 encoded)
- Track2 string `xml:"track2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Stores the CC track 3 information (base64 encoded)
- Track3 string `xml:"track3,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Stores the CC pin code information
- PinCode string `xml:"pinCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // All the tracks of a swipe credit card are contained here as one block.
- RawTrackData string `xml:"rawTrackData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CreditCardInformationTypeU struct {
- // Credit card name
- Name string `xml:"name"`
- // Credit card number
- CardNumber int32 `xml:"cardNumber"`
- // Credit card Expire date
- ExpireDate string `xml:"expireDate"`
-type CreditCardSecurityType struct {
- // Conveys all data of authentication process. Only used today for "Verified by Visa" process
- AuthenticationDataDetails *AuthenticationDataType `xml:"authenticationDataDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CreditCardStatusGroupType struct {
- // This segment is used to store specific data of links following ISO8583 standard.
- AuthorisationSupplementaryData *SpecificVisaLinkCreditCardInformationType `xml:"authorisationSupplementaryData"`
- // will convey the approval code/source
- ApprovalDetails *GenericAuthorisationResultType `xml:"approvalDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment conveys date and time information. You can specify the time mode used (GMT, UTC or Local)and what for it refers. - Transmission date and time This contains the date and time the request was submitted to the link (Visa, Nedbank...field 7). GMT can be used. - Local transaction date and time Date and time when Amadeus builds the authorization message (local according to the point of sale)(Visa, Nedbank...field 12/13) - Transaction receipt date and time date and time when amadeus receives the authorization message.
- LocalDateTime []*StructuredDateTimeInformationType_94516S `xml:"localDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
- // Transaction Information: - type of authorization message submit for the given FOP - bulk, superbulk, no bulk process - STAN number (identifying a pair of Credit Card authorization request/response).
- AuthorisationInformation *TransactionInformationForTicketingType `xml:"authorisationInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This group contains all data about the customer's browser.
- BrowserData *BrowserData `xml:"browserData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // this group will convey all the 3DS related data
- TdsInformation *ThreeDomainSecureGroupType `xml:"tdsInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This will allow the transmission of credit card data.
- CardSupplementaryData []*AttributeType_94514S `xml:"cardSupplementaryData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // will convey the various sub status that can be associated to a credit card payment CVV, AVS, AUT, ATN....
- TransactionStatus []*ErrorGroupType `xml:"transactionStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="7"
-type BrowserData struct {
- // This segment contains data about the customer's browser : 0 PC (HTML) 1 Mobile Internet Device (WML)
- BrowserProperties *BrowserInformationType `xml:"browserProperties"`
- // Contains in freeflow format data about the customer's browser. - userAgent - acceptHeaders This entities are independantly optional.
- FreeFlowBrowserData []*FreeTextInformationType_94526S `xml:"freeFlowBrowserData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type CreditCardType struct {
- // credit card company code
- CreditCardCompany string `xml:"creditCardCompany"`
- // credit card number
- CreditCardNumber string `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // expiration date
- ExpirationDate *int32 `xml:"expirationDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CruiseBusinessDataType struct {
- // Details of sailing ship for the sailing trip. Each cruise provider has a ship name table in the Amadeus system. This table is used for converting ship codes in ship names and vice-versa. Since both information are stored in the Cruise segment of the PNR, no DB access is necessary for the PNRACC processing.
- SailingShipInformation *ShipIdentificationType_8952S `xml:"sailingShipInformation"`
- // Details of the cruise line provider for the sailing trip.
- SailingProviderInformation *CompanyInformationType_8953S `xml:"sailingProviderInformation"`
- // Details of embarkation and disembarkation ports for the sailing trip. The codes sent by the cruise providers can be non-Iata codes.
- SailingPortsInformation *PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_8954S `xml:"sailingPortsInformation"`
- // Details of the departure and arrival dates of the sailing trip. The cruise segment in the PNR actually stores the departure date and the duration length in days. For the PNRACC 4.1 process, the arrival date is re-calculated.
- SailingDateInformation *StructuredPeriodInformationType_8955S `xml:"sailingDateInformation"`
- // Details of passengers for the sailing trip. For a cruise booking, the passenger names elements from the PNR can be different from the passengers in the cruise segment. They are identical at booking creation time. But the cruise providers allow adding passenger name(s) to an existing booking. That is not possible in an Amadeus PNR. Therefore, the name information had to be stored in the cruise segment itself.
- PassengerInfo []*TravellerInformationTypeI_8956S `xml:"passengerInfo"` // maxOccurs="9"
- // Booking information, including confirmation and cancellation number, and a flag telling where the booking has been originally created.
- BookingDetails *BookingDetails `xml:"bookingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Booking Date.
- BookingDate *StructuredDateTimeInformationType_20645S `xml:"bookingDate"`
- // Details of the sailing group code for the sailing trip.
- SailingGroupInformation *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_9271S `xml:"sailingGroupInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type BookingDetails struct {
- // Details of the booking references for the sailing trip. These references are returned by the cruise provider at booking creation time or at booking cancellation time. Note that as re-instate of a cruise booking is possible even several days after cancellation. Therefore, when a cruise booking is cancelled, the segment is kept in the PNR and the status updated to HX.
- CruiseBookingReferenceInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeI_8957S `xml:"cruiseBookingReferenceInfo"`
- // Company in which the booking is created: Amadeus or external.
- BookingCompany *CompanyInformationType_26258S `xml:"bookingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CustomerTransactionDataType struct {
- // Point of sell details
- Pos *PointOfSaleDataTypeI `xml:"pos"`
- // flight suplementary data
- Flight *OtherSegmentDataTypeI `xml:"flight"`
- Connection *int32 `xml:"connection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Codeshare flight details
- CodeShare *CodeshareFlightDataTypeI `xml:"codeShare,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DataInformationTypeI struct {
- // Animal type.
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator"`
- // Number of animals of the specified category.
- Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DataTypeInformationTypeI struct {
- // Type of data.
- Type string `xml:"type"`
-type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Seat SSR : Date of change of gauge. Group seat SSR : Date of change of gauge. MCO element : Date.
- FirstDate string `xml:"firstDate"`
- // MCO element : ARC carrier code code.
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // MCO element : ARC city code.
- LocationIdentification string `xml:"locationIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI_56946C struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Inf/Child date of birth
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeInformationType struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails *DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI_56946C `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateAndTimeInformationTypeI struct {
- // Date and Time details for flight movements
- DateAndTime *DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"dateAndTime"`
-type DateRangeType struct {
- // In range [1-4]
- DateRangeNum *int32 `xml:"dateRangeNum,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DetailedPaymentDataType struct {
- // This segment will convey the type of the FOP. Exple : CC credit card CA cash CH cheque WW web
- FopInformation *FormOfPaymentType `xml:"fopInformation"`
- // will allow the usage of FOP segment as trigger for GASS and GIVR groups
- Dummy *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"dummy"`
- // This group will convey the detailed status of the credit card payment
- CreditCardDetailedData *CreditCardStatusGroupType `xml:"creditCardDetailedData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DeviceControlDetailsType struct {
- // Stores the identification of the device.
- DeviceIdentification *IdentificationNumberTypeI `xml:"deviceIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiagnosisTypeU struct {
- // This data element can convey either an agency accounting or a billing number.
- BillingDetails string `xml:"billingDetails"`
- // This data element is used to specify the type of billable information that could be found in this segment
- BillingQualifier string `xml:"billingQualifier"`
-type DiningIdentificationType struct {
- // meal plan information (HALFBOARD, BREAKFAST ...)
- DiningDescription string `xml:"diningDescription"`
-type DiningInformationType struct {
- // Conveys dining information
- DiningIdentification *DiningIdentificationType `xml:"diningIdentification"`
-type DiscountInformationDetailsType struct {
- // Promotion code used to define redemption/upgrade price in miles
- DiscountCode string `xml:"discountCode"`
-type DiscountInformationType struct {
- // Contains the discount code
- DiscountDetails *DiscountInformationDetailsType `xml:"discountDetails"`
-type DistributionChannelType struct {
- // This field is used to indicate the type of channel used for authorization process: e-commerce (web / Internet), MOTO (Mail Order / telephone Order), Face to face ...) Example: 05 for API 0=MOTO (Mail Order / Telephone Order) 1=e-Commerce (Internet)
- DistributionChannelField int32 `xml:"distributionChannelField"`
- // Subgroup field.
- SubGroup *int32 `xml:"subGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Access Type.
- AccessType *int32 `xml:"accessType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DocumentDetailsType struct {
- // Document type: PT for passport, VS for visa.
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Passport number.
- Number string `xml:"number"`
- // Country where the document has been issued.
- CountryOfIssue string `xml:"countryOfIssue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Expiry date of the document. YYYYMMDD
- ExpiryDate string `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Date of issue of the document. YYYYMMDD
- IssueDate string `xml:"issueDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DocumentDetailsTypeI struct {
- // To convey the document number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To convey if the document has been printed
- Status string `xml:"status"`
- // To convey the date of the impression.
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DocumentDetailsTypeI_19732C struct {
- // documentNumber
- Number *int32 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Status Code
- Status string `xml:"status"`
-type DocumentInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // To convey the printing results.
- DocumentDetails *DocumentDetailsTypeI `xml:"documentDetails"`
-type DocumentInformationDetailsTypeI_9936S struct {
- // documentDetails
- DocumentDetails *DocumentDetailsTypeI_19732C `xml:"documentDetails"`
-type DocumentInformationTypeU struct {
- // Document type being provided: PP: Passport DL: Driving License NI: National Id. card ID: Local Id. Document
- TypeOfDocument string `xml:"typeOfDocument"`
- // Document Number
- DocumentNumber string `xml:"documentNumber"`
- // Country code where document has been issued
- CountryOfIssue string `xml:"countryOfIssue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
-type ElementManagementSegmentType struct {
- // Action to perform (When a PNR segment/element is transmitted) . IF for Information only (Value by default, Code used in a Server response)
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference details
- Reference *ReferencingDetailsType_127526C `xml:"reference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR segment or element name
- SegmentName string `xml:"segmentName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR segment/element 'line' number attributed by the Server
- LineNumber *int32 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ElementManagementSegmentType_127983S struct {
- // reference of the element
- ElementReference *ReferencingDetailsType_127526C `xml:"elementReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR segment or element name
- SegmentName string `xml:"segmentName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR segment/element 'line' number.
- LineNumber *int32 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ElementManagementSegmentType_83559S struct {
- // Reference details
- Reference *ReferencingDetailsType_127526C `xml:"reference"`
-type EquipmentDetailsTypeU struct {
- // equipment type
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // equipment details
- SizeTypeDetails *EquipmentTypeAndSizeTypeU `xml:"sizeTypeDetails"`
-type EquipmentTypeAndSizeTypeU struct {
- // equipment description
- Description string `xml:"description"`
-type ErrorGroupType struct {
- // The details of error/warning code.
- ErrorOrWarningCodeDetails *ApplicationErrorInformationType_94519S `xml:"errorOrWarningCodeDetails"`
- // The desciption of warning or error.
- ErrorWarningDescription *FreeTextInformationType_94495S `xml:"errorWarningDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FLIXType struct {
- // provides the Flix and Source Types. The Codes FX, LX or FD can be used to specify the Flix-Type. The codes USR or GUI can be used to specify the Data Source
- FlixAndSourceTypes *ItemDescriptionType `xml:"flixAndSourceTypes"`
- FlixComment *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"flixComment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AirportGroup *AirportGroup `xml:"airportGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AirportGroup struct {
- // Only used for Flix-LX or Flix-Disruption: provides the code of the Impacted Airport
- ImpactedAirport *TerminalTimeInformationTypeS `xml:"impactedAirport"`
-type FOPRepresentationType struct {
- // will convey all the data related to the various codes used by the FOP package, billing, ETS...
- FopPNRDetails *TicketingFormOfPaymentType `xml:"fopPNRDetails"`
- // Conveys the sequence number of the Form of Payment in the FP Line. It must be set to 1 if there is only 1 FOP in the FOP Old FOP are referenced with sequence number: 0
- FopSequenceNumber *SequenceDetailsTypeU_94494S `xml:"fopSequenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment conveys Form of Payment FreeText. Old FOP(s) are considered as one freeflow text even if there is more than one old form of payment. e.g.: FP O/CA+CCVI+/CH CA and CCVI are considered as freeflow text.
- FopFreeflow *FreeTextInformationType_94495S `xml:"fopFreeflow,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // will convey the switches and data associated to the FOP table
- PnrSupplementaryData []*PNRSupplementaryDataType `xml:"pnrSupplementaryData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // will contain all the data related to the payment transaction
- PaymentModule *PaymentGroupType `xml:"paymentModule,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareBasisCodesLineType struct {
- // Fare element information
- FareElement []*FareElementType `xml:"fareElement"` // maxOccurs="28"
-type FareCategoryCodesTypeI struct {
- // Rate Code (code set list not used)
- FareType string `xml:"fareType"`
-type FareDataType struct {
- // Issue identifier
- IssueIdentifier string `xml:"issueIdentifier"`
- // To specify the type of monetary amount, the amount and the currency code
- MonetaryInfo []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_8308C `xml:"monetaryInfo"` // maxOccurs="3"
- // Tax fields
- TaxFields []*TaxFieldsType `xml:"taxFields,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FareElementType struct {
- // Contains primary code of the fare element
- PrimaryCode string `xml:"primaryCode"`
- // Connection indicator
- Connection string `xml:"connection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Not valid before
- NotValidBefore string `xml:"notValidBefore,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Not valid after
- NotValidAfter string `xml:"notValidAfter,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Baggage allowance
- BaggageAllowance string `xml:"baggageAllowance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare basis
- FareBasis string `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticket designator
- TicketDesignator string `xml:"ticketDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Rate Code Information
- FareCategories *FareCategoryCodesTypeI `xml:"fareCategories"`
-type FerryAccomodationPackageDescriptionType struct {
- // This segment conveys the package code.
- PackageCode *ProductInformationTypeI `xml:"packageCode"`
- // This segment conveys the hotel code the of the accomodation package to which it is attached.
- HotelInformation *HotelPropertyType_26378S `xml:"hotelInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment conveys the check-in date and time for the accomodation package to which it is attached.
- HotelCheckInInformation *StructuredDateTimeInformationType_24436S `xml:"hotelCheckInInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment is used to convey the hotel area code information.
- AreaCodeInfo *PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_24573S `xml:"areaCodeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment is used to give the number of nights spent in the accomodation package to which it is attached.
- NumberOfNights *NumberOfUnitsType `xml:"numberOfNights,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment is used to convey the price of the accomodation to which it is attached.
- HotelItemPrice *TariffInformationTypeU `xml:"hotelItemPrice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment is used to give details about the rooms (if any) lined to the accomodation package.
- RoomInfoGroup []*RoomInfoGroup `xml:"roomInfoGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type RoomInfoGroup struct {
- // This segment is used to describe the room to which it is attached.
- RoomDetailsInformation *HotelRoomType_20177S `xml:"roomDetailsInformation"`
- // This segment is used to convey the number of instances of the room to which it is attached.
- NumberOfRooms *NumberOfUnitsType `xml:"numberOfRooms,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FerryBookingDescriptionType struct {
- // This segment is used to identify the ferry target provider for the message and is leading the description group for the ferry provider booking.
- FerryProviderInformation *CompanyInformationType_20151S `xml:"ferryProviderInformation"`
- // This group describes the ferry booking itinerary. It contains the ferry sailing leg information.
- ItineraryInfoGroup *FerryLegDescriptionType `xml:"itineraryInfoGroup"`
- // This group describes the accomodation (hotel) package attached to the booking.
- AccomodationPackageInfoGroup []*FerryAccomodationPackageDescriptionType `xml:"accomodationPackageInfoGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- // This segment conveys the ferry booking number information.
- BookingNumberInformation *ReservationControlInformationTypeI_20153S `xml:"bookingNumberInformation"`
-type FerryLegDescriptionType struct {
- // Conveys the sailing details for an itinerary leg.
- SailingDetails *TravelProductInformationTypeU `xml:"sailingDetails"`
- // Conveys the ship code and ship name.
- ShipDescription *ShipIdentificationType `xml:"shipDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment conveys the check-in time for the ferry sailing leg to which it is attached.
- SailingLegCheckInInformation *StructuredDateTimeInformationType_21109S `xml:"sailingLegCheckInInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys the list of passengers associated to the ferry leg.
- PassengerAssociation *ReferenceInformationTypeI_25132S `xml:"passengerAssociation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys the price information per leg per passenger.
- PriceInfoGroup []*PriceInfoGroup `xml:"priceInfoGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // This group describes the list of vehicles attached to the linked sailing leg.
- VehicleInfoGroup []*VehicleInfoGroup `xml:"vehicleInfoGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- // This segment describes the on-board service(s) in the linked sailing leg.
- ServiceInfoGroup []*ServiceInfoGroup `xml:"serviceInfoGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="18"
- // This group is used to describe the animals linked to the ferry booking.
- AnimalInfoGroup []*AnimalInfoGroup `xml:"animalInfoGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type AnimalInfoGroup struct {
- // This segment conveys the type of animal.
- AnimalInformation *SpecificDataInformationTypeI `xml:"animalInformation"`
- // This segment conveys the price per animal of the same type.
- AnimalRoutePrice *TariffInformationTypeU `xml:"animalRoutePrice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PriceInfoGroup struct {
- // This segment conveys the route price information for the passenger it is linked to.
- RoutePriceInformation *TariffInformationTypeU `xml:"routePriceInformation"`
- // This segment describes the passenger category type.
- PassengerCategoryType *AttributeTypeU_24552S `xml:"passengerCategoryType"`
- // This segment is used to convey the number of passengers to which the price applies.
- NumberOfPassengers *NumberOfUnitsType `xml:"numberOfPassengers"`
-type ServiceInfoGroup struct {
- // This segment describes the on-board service.
- ServiceInformation *AttributeTypeU `xml:"serviceInformation"`
- // This segment conveys the number of services of the attached service.
- NumberOfServices *NumberOfUnitsType `xml:"numberOfServices,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment conveys the price per unit of the attached service.
- ServiceRoutePrice *TariffInformationTypeU `xml:"serviceRoutePrice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type VehicleInfoGroup struct {
- // This segment conveys the description of a vehicle.
- VehicleInformation *VehicleTypeU `xml:"vehicleInformation"`
- // This segment is used to convey the number of bicycles associated to a ferry booking. Note: this segment is ignored if the vehicule description is not "bicycle".
- NumberOfBicycles *NumberOfUnitsType `xml:"numberOfBicycles,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment holds the price per vehicle.
- VehicleRoutePrice *TariffInformationTypeU `xml:"vehicleRoutePrice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightSegmentDetailsTypeI struct {
-type FormOfPaymentDetailsType struct {
- // Generic type of the Mean of Payment used : CC credit Card CA cash CH cheque WW web payment... INV invoice
- Type string `xml:"type"`
-type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Fop type (Cash, Credit card...)
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Credit card vendor code
- VendorCode string `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Credit card number
- CreditCardNumber string `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // expiry date (MMYY)
- ExpiryDate string `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // FOP purpose
- ExtendedPayment string `xml:"extendedPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unstructured fop layout (used for Voucher print purpose or guarantee details).
- FopFreeText string `xml:"fopFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI_20667C struct {
- // Reporting code
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Currency code per form of payment
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Form of payment amount
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Vendor code of the credit card. ex: VI
- VendorCode string `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Account number
- CreditCardNumber string `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Expiration date
- ExpiryDate string `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Approval code
- ApprovalCode string `xml:"approvalCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Source of approval code
- SourceOfApproval string `xml:"sourceOfApproval,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Authorised amount
- AuthorisedAmount *float64 `xml:"authorisedAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Address verification code
- AddressVerification string `xml:"addressVerification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Customer file reference
- CustomerAccount string `xml:"customerAccount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Extended payment code
- ExtendedPayment string `xml:"extendedPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // not used
- FopFreeText string `xml:"fopFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Credit card corporate contract
- MembershipStatus string `xml:"membershipStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Credit card transaction information
- TransactionInfo string `xml:"transactionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI_52343C struct {
- // Fop type (Cash, Credit card...)
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Credit card vendor code
- VendorCode string `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Credit card number
- CreditCardNumber string `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // expiry date (MMYY)
- ExpiryDate string `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // FOP purpose
- ExtendedPayment string `xml:"extendedPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Unstructured fop layout (used for Voucher print purpose or guarantee details).
- FopFreeText string `xml:"fopFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FormOfPaymentInformationType struct {
- // Format key that identify the FOP within a FOP table. (CCVI, ...)
- FopCode string `xml:"fopCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Name of the FOP map table used in order to validate the FP element.
- FopMapTable string `xml:"fopMapTable,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This corresponds to the fop billing code (CASH CA / Credit CC). This is only used in case of a MS reporting code. (it corresponds to XX of @FPMSXX tag of TPF tables)
- FopBillingCode string `xml:"fopBillingCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fop is a old / new fop.
- FopStatus string `xml:"fopStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Corresponds to the EDIFACT code. This enables to identify the type of FOP that will be added in case of a structured EDIFACT (i.e. via PNRADD) addition of the FOP. (it corresponds to the @EDI tag of TPF tables) Here is an example: Customer is eager to add a structured cash FOP using an EDIFACT message. The fopEdiCode will be filled with CA which means cash. Then in the FOP table in charge of validating free flow and generating FOP free flow, the system will try to look for the FOP map having CA as fop EDI code. If we are in an Air France (AF) ATO/CTO: the system will get FP CA.... If we are in an Iberia (IB) ATO/CTO: the system will get FP CASH,.... If we are in an United Airline (UA) ATO/CTO: the system will get FP S.... ... (@EDI value)
- FopEdiCode string `xml:"fopEdiCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This corresponds to the fop code which is used on reporting side. (XX value of @FPXXxx)
- FopReportingCode string `xml:"fopReportingCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This is the FOP printed code (@PR value)
- FopPrintedCode string `xml:"fopPrintedCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This is the FOP electronic ticketing code. This is used to classify any FOP from the FOP table and also to determine how the FOP should be transmitted to the airline concerned. Based on this, the absence of the switch would make the FOP disallowed for ETKT, for National System Ticketing Server Travel Agency locations and all Central Ticketing offices (@ET value)
- FopElecTicketingCode string `xml:"fopElecTicketingCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FormOfPaymentType struct {
- // Generic status(new/old) and type(cash, cheque, card...) of the MOP
- FormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentDetailsType `xml:"formOfPayment"`
-type FormOfPaymentTypeI struct {
- // Fop details
- FormOfPayment []*FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI `xml:"formOfPayment"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type FormOfPaymentTypeI_16862S struct {
- // Description of the form of paiement
- FormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI_20667C `xml:"formOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherFormOfPayment []*FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI_20667C `xml:"otherFormOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type FormOfPaymentTypeI_29553S struct {
- // FOP details
- FormOfPayment []*FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI_52343C `xml:"formOfPayment"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type FraudScreeningGroupType struct {
- // This data element is used to indicate if risk management must be performed at authorization time: - Y means risk management data will be appended to author; - N means risk management data will not be appended;
- FraudScreening *StatusType_94568S `xml:"fraudScreening"`
- // this segment contains the IP address used in RMM (risk management module or fraud screening)
- IpAdress *DeviceControlDetailsType `xml:"ipAdress,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Merchant's website URL.
- MerchantURL *CommunicationContactType `xml:"merchantURL,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // will convey either the phone or the email adress of the payer
- PayerPhoneOrEmail []*PhoneAndEmailAddressType_94565S `xml:"payerPhoneOrEmail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // this segment contains the shopper session used in RMM (risk management module)
- ShopperSession *SystemDetailsInfoType_94569S `xml:"shopperSession,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // conveys information about payer LastName (surName) and FirstName (givenName)
- PayerName *TravellerInformationType_94570S `xml:"payerName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // stores the payer date of birth
- PayerDateOfBirth *StructuredDateTimeInformationType_94567S `xml:"payerDateOfBirth,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Information about the billing address (can be extracted from the AB PNR element)
- BillingAddress *AddressType `xml:"billingAddress,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to store reference information on the payer for fraud screening purpose: social security number driving license information frequent flyer information
- FormOfIdDetails []*ReferenceInfoType_94566S `xml:"formOfIdDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
- // text subject qualifier
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // information type
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // status
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // company id
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Language, coded
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // source, coded
- Source string `xml:"source"`
- // encoding
- Encoding string `xml:"encoding"`
-type FreeTextDetailsType_142107C struct {
- // text subject qualifier
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Manual : M
- Source string `xml:"source"`
- // encoding
- Encoding string `xml:"encoding"`
-type FreeTextDetailsType_142141C struct {
- // mutually defined ZZZ
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // AH Browser Accept headers UA Browser User Agent
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType"`
- // Manual : M
- Source string `xml:"source"`
- // ZZZ mutually agreed
- Encoding string `xml:"encoding"`
-type FreeTextDetailsType_187698C struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Source string `xml:"source"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Encoding string `xml:"encoding"`
-type FreeTextDetailsType_198207C struct {
- // Text qualifier - 3 for literal text
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Information type
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1A for Amadeus
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ISO language code
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Text source Manual or System
- Source string `xml:"source"`
- // Character set
- Encoding string `xml:"encoding"`
-type FreeTextDetailsType_46357C struct {
- // booking description subject qualifier
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // booking information type
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType"`
- // booking desscription source
- Source string `xml:"source"`
- // booking description encoding information
- Encoding string `xml:"encoding"`
-type FreeTextInformationType struct {
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType_187698C `xml:"freeTextDetails"`
- // Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FreeTextInformationType_136708S struct {
- // Free text type
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType_198207C `xml:"freeTextDetails"`
- // Free text
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText"` // maxOccurs="24"
-type FreeTextInformationType_136715S struct {
- // Free text type
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType_198207C `xml:"freeTextDetails"`
- // 1 or 2 lines of free text
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type FreeTextInformationType_20551S struct {
- // Text attributes
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType_142107C `xml:"freeTextDetails"`
- // SVCs / Service Information (Amtrak). 63 characters maximum length, and a maximum of 5 lines per train segment.
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText"` // maxOccurs="5"
-type FreeTextInformationType_25445S struct {
- // booking description details
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType_46357C `xml:"freeTextDetails"`
- // Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type FreeTextInformationType_29860S struct {
- // Free text information.
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType_187698C `xml:"freeTextDetails"`
- // Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
- FreeText string `xml:"freeText"`
-type FreeTextInformationType_6235S struct {
- // To convey the type of the freeflow text.
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType_187698C `xml:"freeTextDetails"`
- // Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText"` // maxOccurs="5"
-type FreeTextInformationType_94495S struct {
- // will contain the FOP free flow text
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType_142107C `xml:"freeTextDetails"`
- // FOP freeflow
- FreeText string `xml:"freeText"`
-type FreeTextInformationType_94526S struct {
- // will contain the browser information
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType_142141C `xml:"freeTextDetails"`
- // Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FreeTextInformationType_94561S struct {
- // will describe the purchase
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType_142107C `xml:"freeTextDetails"`
- // Purchase free text description
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FreeTextInformationType_9865S struct {
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType `xml:"freeTextDetails"`
- // Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
- FreeText string `xml:"freeText"`
-type FreeTextQualificationType struct {
- // Identifies whether the free text is coded or not coded : 3 for Literal text
- SubjectQualifier string `xml:"subjectQualifier"`
- // Information type, coded. see code list
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Transmittable/non-transmittable indicator (S or X).
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Airline or system code.
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FreeTextQualificationTypeI struct {
- // Identifies whether the free text is coded or not coded 3 for Literal text
- SubjectQualifier string `xml:"subjectQualifier"`
- // Coded text, or specifies type of info Surface segment : 2 for Address or 5 for Telephone nature un known Cruise segment : P30 for Ship Name
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company code
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ISO code for language of free text
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FreeTextQualificationTypeI_148295C struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..4
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FreeTextQualificationTypeI_185754C struct {
- // Categorise the format of the text (free text, coded,...)
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Provides a code identifying the information (phone, OSI, etc...)
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The airline code that may be associated to this information
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FrequencyDetailsTypeU struct {
- // Indicates number of instalments for the payment
- InstalmentsNumber int32 `xml:"instalmentsNumber"`
- // Indicates frequency of instalments for the payment D daily M monthly W weekly
- InstalmentsFrequency string `xml:"instalmentsFrequency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates when first instalment should take place
- InstalmentsStartDate string `xml:"instalmentsStartDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // indicates extended payment start date format
- InstalmentsDatrDateFormat string `xml:"instalmentsDatrDateFormat,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FrequencyType struct {
- // Indicate if the sequence number represents days of the week or days of the month.
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Used to represent days of the week or days of the month. For week : 1 is monday and 7 is sunday. For month : 1 is the first day of the month.
- Value string `xml:"value"`
-type FrequencyTypeU struct {
- // extended payment characteristics
- ExtendedPaymentDetails *FrequencyDetailsTypeU `xml:"extendedPaymentDetails"`
-type FrequentFlyerInformationGroupType struct {
- // To specify frequent traveller information
- FrequentTravellerInfo *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType_74327S `xml:"frequentTravellerInfo"`
- // Promotion code used to compute redemption/upgrade price in miles, when applicable
- DiscountInformation *DiscountInformationType `xml:"discountInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Original booking class
- BookingClassInformation *ProductInformationTypeI_73824S `xml:"bookingClassInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType struct {
- // Frequent Traveller Info
- AirlineFrequentTraveler *FrequentTravellerIdentificationType_198190C `xml:"airlineFrequentTraveler"`
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType_38226S struct {
- // Airline Frequent Traveller Info
- AirlineFrequentTraveler *FrequentTravellerIdentificationType `xml:"airlineFrequentTraveler"`
- // Alliance Frequent Traveller Info
- AllianceFrequentTraveler *FrequentTravellerIdentificationType_64816C `xml:"allianceFrequentTraveler,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType_74327S struct {
- FrequentTraveler *FrequentTravellerIdentificationTypeI `xml:"frequentTraveler"`
- PriorityDetails []*PriorityDetailsType `xml:"priorityDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // Specify the redemption information
- RedemptionInformation *ProductAccountDetailsTypeI `xml:"redemptionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType struct {
- // Carrier where the FQTV is registered.
- Company string `xml:"company"`
- // Frequent Traveller Reference Number
- MembershipNumber string `xml:"membershipNumber"`
- // To specify a Tier linked to the FQTV
- TierLevel string `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the Priority of the FQTV.
- PriorityCode string `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Full Text Tier description ex: EMERALD, SAPPHIRE
- TierDescription string `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // Airline code
- Company string `xml:"company"`
- // Frequent traveler number
- MembershipNumber string `xml:"membershipNumber"`
- // Provide airline customer value of the frequent traveller.
- CustomerValue *int32 `xml:"customerValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType_198190C struct {
- // Carrier where the FQTV is registered.
- Company string `xml:"company"`
- // Frequent Traveller Reference Number
- MembershipNumber string `xml:"membershipNumber"`
-type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType_64816C struct {
- // To specify a Tier linked to the FQTV
- TierLevel string `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the Priority of the FQTV.
- PriorityCode string `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Full Text Tier description ex: EMERALD, SAPPHIRE
- TierDescription string `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Alliance name
- CompanyCode string `xml:"companyCode"`
-type GategoryType struct {
- // A (first) category number
- CategoryNum1 *int32 `xml:"categoryNum1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // [2-16] characters for Special [2-10] characters for Dual
- CategoryName string `xml:"categoryName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type GeneralOptionInformationType struct {
- // Option type. hotel/car/cruise/train/insurance options type. CAR : ACD : Action Code for Display BCS : Billing Control System CWB : Car Warning Banner MKT : Marketing informations OS : Other Services informations HOTEL : ACD : Action code for Display BCS : Billing Control System TXT : Marketing text NAM : Hotel property name CNM : Hotel chain name MKT : Marketing informations CXL : Cancellation policy DES : Rate description PRI : Pricing information CRUISE : GPN : Group code. CXN : Booking cancellation number. CFN : Booking confirmation number. NME : Passenger's last name, first name and title.
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // 1. Hotel segment: for Update option indicator Y for yes N for no
- UpdateIndicator string `xml:"updateIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text
- Freetext []string `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type GeneralOptionType struct {
- // ONLY ONE OCCURRENCE Each option is one segment
- OptionDetail *GeneralOptionInformationType `xml:"optionDetail"`
-type GenericAuthorisationResultType struct {
- // transaction authorization approval data
- ApprovalCodeData *AuthorizationApprovalDataType `xml:"approvalCodeData"`
-type GenericDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Seat Characteristic
- SeatCharacteristic []string `xml:"seatCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type HotelProductInformationType struct {
- // Property header details
- Property *PropertyHeaderDetailsType `xml:"property,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Room details
- HotelRoom *RoomDetailsType `xml:"hotelRoom,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate code
- Negotiated []*RateCodeRestrictedType `xml:"negotiated,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
- // Other information
- OtherHotelInfo *OtherHotelInformationType `xml:"otherHotelInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type HotelPropertyType struct {
- // This composite is used to convey the hotel identifier.
- HotelReference *HotelUniqueIdType `xml:"hotelReference"`
- // This composite is used to convey the hotel name
- HotelName string `xml:"hotelName"`
- // This data element is used to indicates if the hotel is compliant with the fire safety rules.
- FireSafetyIndicator string `xml:"fireSafetyIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type HotelPropertyType_26378S struct {
- // This composite is used to convey the hotel identification details.
- HotelReference *HotelUniqueIdType_47769C `xml:"hotelReference"`
-type HotelRoomRateInformationType struct {
- // This data element is used to convey the room type
- RoomType string `xml:"roomType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This data element is used to convey the hotel rate code
- RatePlanCode string `xml:"ratePlanCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This data element is used to convey the hotel rate category code
- RateCategoryCode string `xml:"rateCategoryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This data element is used to indicate if the rate code is a qualified rate code or not.
- RateQualifiedIndic string `xml:"rateQualifiedIndic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type HotelRoomRateInformationType_46329C struct {
- // This data element is used to convey the room type.
- RoomType string `xml:"roomType"`
-type HotelRoomType struct {
- // This composite is used to convey the room rate identifier.
- RoomRateIdentifier *HotelRoomRateInformationType `xml:"roomRateIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This data element is used to convey the booking code.
- BookingCode string `xml:"bookingCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This composite is used to convey the occupancy level of the hotel room.
- GuestCountDetails *NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI_18670C `xml:"guestCountDetails"`
- // This data element is used to convey the override room type (non-Amadeus room types).
- RoomTypeOverride string `xml:"roomTypeOverride,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type HotelRoomType_20177S struct {
- // This data element is used to convey the override room type (non-Amadeus room types). NOTE: WAS AN..35 IN STANDRD.
- RoomTypeOverride string `xml:"roomTypeOverride"`
-type HotelRoomType_25429S struct {
- // This composite is used to convey the room type
- RoomRateIdentifier *HotelRoomRateInformationType_46329C `xml:"roomRateIdentifier"`
- // This data element is used to convey the booking code.
- BookingCode string `xml:"bookingCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This composite is used to convey the occupancy level of the hotel room.
- GuestCountDetails *NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI_46330C `xml:"guestCountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This data element is used to convey the override room type (non-Amadeus room types).
- RoomTypeOverride string `xml:"roomTypeOverride,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type HotelUniqueIdType struct {
- // To convey the chain code in the property ID
- ChainCode string `xml:"chainCode"`
- // To convey the city code in the hotel Id
- CityCode string `xml:"cityCode"`
- // To convey the property code in the Hotel Id
- HotelCode string `xml:"hotelCode"`
-type HotelUniqueIdType_47769C struct {
- // This element is used to convey the hotel code. The list of possible values is different for each Ferry provider.
- HotelCode string `xml:"hotelCode"`
-type IdentificationNumberTypeI struct {
- // will contain the IP adress of the shopper
- Address string `xml:"address"`
- // will contain IP for IP adress
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
-type IndividualPnrSecurityInformationType struct {
- // Returned before End of transaction when retrieving a PNR security element
- Security []*IndividualSecurityType_3194C `xml:"security,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- // Returned when retrieving a PNR
- SecurityInfo *SecurityInformationType `xml:"securityInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code as in the display: G for Amadeus Global Core Office Identification I for IATA number P for Pseudo-Office Identification Default is G.
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type IndividualSecurityType struct {
- // office Id
- Office string `xml:"office"`
- // R for Read B for Both read and write N for None
- AccessMode string `xml:"accessMode"`
- // - F for Family identifier
- OfficeIdentifier string `xml:"officeIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type IndividualSecurityType_3194C struct {
- // Type of receiver G: Amadeus Global Core Office Id with possible wild card chars '*' to mask some part(s) of it// I:IATA nb or '*' for all, no wild card char //P:Pseudo-Office Id or '*' for all, no wild card char.
- Identification string `xml:"identification"`
- // R for Read B for Both read and write N for None
- AccessMode string `xml:"accessMode"`
-type InsuranceBusinessDataType struct {
- // To convey the provider code and country. Can be empty in case preferences have been set up.
- ProviderProductDetails *InsuranceProductDetailsType `xml:"providerProductDetails"`
- // provides details about the substitute name or the nanny name.
- SubstiteName []*TravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"substiteName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // Amount that is added to the total premium in case an extrareference is specified.
- ExtraPremium *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"extraPremium,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To convey the products and it's directly related data.
- ProductSection []*ProductSection `xml:"productSection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="48"
- // contains the different amounts (net premium/taxes/total premium)
- PlanCostInfo *TariffInformationTypeI_22057S `xml:"planCostInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Provides details about the type of plan beeing booked.
- PlanTypeDetails *PlanTypeDetails `xml:"planTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify remarks and an emergency contact (phone or name)
- ContactDetails *ContactDetails `xml:"contactDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the address of the subscriber.
- SubscriberAddressSection *SubscriberAddressSection `xml:"subscriberAddressSection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This is used to convey the different coverages and it's values.
- CoverageDetails *CoverageDetails `xml:"coverageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // to specify a commission.
- ComissionAmount *CommissionInformationType `xml:"comissionAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To convey a structered FOP element.
- InsuranceFopSection *InsuranceFopSection `xml:"insuranceFopSection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify a number which means that the insurance is in a confirmed status.
- ConfirmationNumber *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"confirmationNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to specify the necesary data for pricing
- ProductKnowledge []*ActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"productKnowledge,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
- // to specify to which passenger the insurance is associated: if omitted then it's for all the names in the PNR. The repetition factor is 198 because we can have 99 passengers in a PNR each of them an infant.
- PassengerDetails []*PassengerDetails `xml:"passengerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="198"
- // To convey information if the document has been printed or not.
- PrintInformation *DocumentInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"printInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ContactDetails struct {
- // data to add some comments on the insurance element
- Miscelaneous *MiscellaneousRemarksType_12240S `xml:"miscelaneous"`
- // Used to specify a phone number as an emergency contact
- PhoneNumber *PhoneAndEmailAddressType_32298S `xml:"phoneNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // to specify the name of a person in case of an emergeny
- ContactName *TravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"contactName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CoverageDetails struct {
- // To specify the details of the insurance policy.
- PolicyDetails *InsurancePolicyType `xml:"policyDetails"`
- // This group is used to describe the coverage conditions details.
- CoverageInfo []*CoverageInfo `xml:"coverageInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
- // To specifie the covered persons: here it conveys the NB/NM and ON options
- CoveredPassenger []*TravellerInformationTypeI_15923S `xml:"coveredPassenger,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
- // starting date and end date
- CoverageDates *StructuredPeriodInformationType `xml:"coverageDates,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details of the subscription: date and time.
- SubscriptionDetails *StructuredDateTimeInformationType_20644S `xml:"subscriptionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To convey the details of the insurance seller.
- AgentReferenceDetails *UserIdentificationType_9456S `xml:"agentReferenceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type InsuranceFopSection struct {
- // To convey the form of payment
- FormOfPaymentSection *FormOfPaymentTypeI_16862S `xml:"formOfPaymentSection"`
- // To provide form of payment extended data
- FopExtendedData []*StatusTypeI_13270S `xml:"fopExtendedData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type PassengerDetails struct {
- // to specify to which passenger the insurance is associated: if omitted then it's for all the names in the PNR.
- PassengerAssociation *ReferenceInformationType `xml:"passengerAssociation"`
- // product knowledge indicator
- PerPaxProdKnowledge []*ActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"perPaxProdKnowledge,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // To specify the birthdate of the insuree.
- DateOfBirthInfo *StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"dateOfBirthInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // to specify the name /age of the insuree
- PassengerFeatures []*TravellerInformationType `xml:"passengerFeatures,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // to specify a remark for the insuree
- InsureeRemark *MiscellaneousRemarksType `xml:"insureeRemark,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the details concerning the documentation and the age of the insuree.
- TravelerDocInfo *PassengerDocumentDetailsType `xml:"travelerDocInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // fare discount code used per Pax
- PolicyDetails *InsurancePolicyType `xml:"policyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details per insuree of the travel cost
- TravelerValueDetails *TravelerValueDetails `xml:"travelerValueDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // to convey for each tariff code and passenger the premium for this tariff.
- PremiumPerTariffPerPax []*PremiumPerTariffPerPax `xml:"premiumPerTariffPerPax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- // To convey the premium perpax
- PremiumPerpaxInfo *TariffInformationTypeI_22057S `xml:"premiumPerpaxInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The Individual passenger reservation information
- VoucherNumber *ReservationControlInformationTypeU_31804S `xml:"voucherNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PlanTypeDetails struct {
- // Provides information about the type of plan being quoted/booked
- PlanType *InsuranceProviderAndProductsType `xml:"planType"`
- // to specify the value of the trip.
- TravelValue *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"travelValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductSection struct {
- // To convey the products or the tariffcodes together with description and amounts.
- ProductCode *InsuranceProductDetailsType_20774S `xml:"productCode"`
- // To convey the information the provider estimates important on a given product.
- InformationLines *FreeTextInformationType_6235S `xml:"informationLines,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SubscriberAddressSection struct {
- // This segment is used to convey the contact name
- NameDetails *NameTypeU `xml:"nameDetails"`
- // to specify the address of the subscriber
- AddressInfo *AddressTypeU `xml:"addressInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to specify a phone number
- PhoneNumber *PhoneAndEmailAddressType_32298S `xml:"phoneNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type InsuranceCoverageType struct {
- // Indicate type of amount (eg. Medical Coverage, Trip Value, etc)
- CoverageIndicator []string `xml:"coverageIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type InsuranceCoverageType_25483S struct {
- // to indicate which coverage we are talking about.
- CoverageIndicator string `xml:"coverageIndicator"`
-type InsuranceNameType struct {
- // insurance traveller details
- InsuranceTravelerDetails *SpecificTravellerDetailsType `xml:"insuranceTravelerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // travelerperpax details
- TravelerPerpaxDetails []*TravelerPerpaxDetailsType `xml:"travelerPerpaxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type InsurancePolicyType struct {
- // to specify a discount for the insuree like if it's a family etc..
- FareDiscount string `xml:"fareDiscount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type InsuranceProductDetailsType struct {
- // This data element is used to convey the company code of a non-air company
- CompanyCode string `xml:"companyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To identify the countrycode from the provider.
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Authorization number provided by ht insurance company
- ExtraReference []string `xml:"extraReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
-type InsuranceProductDetailsType_20774S struct {
- // This data element is used to convey the company code of a non-air company
- CompanyCode string `xml:"companyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To identify the countrycode from the provider.
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This composite contains the code of the insurance elements.
- ProductDetails *ProviderInformationType `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // contains the extensions for the main insurance product
- ExtensionIdentification []*ProviderInformationType `xml:"extensionIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="7"
- // tariff code info. tariff code and tariff familly code.
- TariffCodeDetails []*TariffcodeType `xml:"tariffCodeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="48"
-type InsuranceProductDetailsType_20775S struct {
- // tariff code info. tariff code and tariff familly code.
- TariffCodeDetails []*TariffcodeType `xml:"tariffCodeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="48"
-type InsuranceProviderAndProductsType struct {
- // Type of trip (package. leisure etc...)
- TripType string `xml:"tripType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code of the operator who provides the TOUR.
- TourOperator string `xml:"tourOperator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify the countries involved in the Travel assistance element.
- CountryInfo *CountrydescriptionType `xml:"countryInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI struct {
- // Provides information on the text conveyed in the IFT: language, type...
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI_185754C `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The information itself
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_136698S struct {
- // Describes free text type
- FreetextDetail *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freetextDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // One occurrence is supposed to represent a logical entity of free text (e.g. one line of text).
- Text []string `xml:"text,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_99363S struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI_148295C `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- FreeText string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemDescriptionType struct {
- // Qualify the item being described
- ItemCharacteristic string `xml:"itemCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationTypeU struct {
- // leg number
- Number string `xml:"number"`
-type ItemNumberIdentificationTypeU_46320C struct {
- // The place of the product in the Tour booking.
- ItemID int32 `xml:"itemID"`
- // It qualifies the item ID type.
- ItemIDQualifier string `xml:"itemIDQualifier"`
-type ItemNumberTypeU struct {
- // Provides information about the product place in the tour booking. It locally identifies the product in the booking.
- ItemIdentification *ItemNumberIdentificationTypeU_46320C `xml:"itemIdentification"`
-type ItemNumberTypeU_33258S struct {
- // leg number - idicate with leg is the first one, the second one, etc.
- ItemNumberDetails *ItemNumberIdentificationTypeU `xml:"itemNumberDetails"`
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
- // qualifies the type of the reference used. Code set to define
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType"`
- // The value of the reference
- UniqueReference string `xml:"uniqueReference"`
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_6550S struct {
- // ID details
- IDSection *UniqueIdDescriptionType `xml:"iDSection"`
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_9271S struct {
- // Defines the type of reference used: GPN : group code
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType"`
- // The value of the reference.
- UniqueReference string `xml:"uniqueReference"`
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_94556S struct {
- // qualifies the type of the reference used. Here it will be: PRI Payment Record Id APP Application Correlator Id EXT Third party Record Id
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType"`
- // The value of the payment record/correlator Id
- UniqueReference string `xml:"uniqueReference"`
-type LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU struct {
- // Set to: IATA to indicate IATA location code 1A to indicate a 1A location CPY to indicate a Car provider location
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location extended name for - Amadeus location type - Provider location type (followed by an *) - Free text for collection option. - Free text for delivery option.
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU_198230C struct {
- // Location Code "1A" to indicate Amadeus location type "CPY" to indicate a Provider location type
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location extended name for Amadeus location type and Provider location type (followed by an *)
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU_46344C struct {
- // location code
- Code string `xml:"code"`
- // location qualifier (city, country ...)
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- // location name
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU_56454C struct {
- // Railway station location code
- Code string `xml:"code"`
- // Code type
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Location name
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU_60738C struct {
- // Railway station location code
- Code string `xml:"code"`
- // Code type
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
-type LocationIdentificationTypeS struct {
- // Station. See IATA Airline Coding directory. IATA 3 letter city/aircode code
- CityCode string `xml:"cityCode"`
-type LocationIdentificationTypeU struct {
- // 162: country
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Country name
- Name string `xml:"name"`
-type LocationIdentificationTypeU_198211C struct {
- // Identification of the site
- Code string `xml:"code"`
- // Site name
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: a3
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationTypeI_2784C struct {
- // AIR segment : boarding point ATX segment : boarding point CAR segment : pick-up point city CCR segment : pick-up point city HHL segment : city code HTL segment : check-in city MIS segment : city code SUR segment : city/airport code Trn Amtrak sgt: board point city code Trn SNCF sgt: board point city code (RESARAIL code) TTO segment: departure location TUR segment: tour start city CRU segment: sailing departure port
- CityCode string `xml:"cityCode"`
- // TRN SNCF segment : board point city name.
- CityName string `xml:"cityName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationTypeU struct {
- // Port code.
- Code string `xml:"code"`
- // Port name.
- Name string `xml:"name"`
- // Port codes are non-standard and specific to the Amadeus ferry business.
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationTypeU_46324C struct {
- // city code
- Code string `xml:"code"`
- // city name
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // country code
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // location qualifier for the repetition (departure location, arrival location ...)
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
-type LongFreeTextType struct {
- // To specify the type of freetext
- FreetextDetail *FreeTextQualificationType `xml:"freetextDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Long free text information.
- LongFreetext string `xml:"longFreetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MeanOfPaymentDataType struct {
- // This segment will convey the type of the FOP. Exple : CC credit card CA cash CH cheque SWI swipe card WA web account WB web bank(fund tranfer)
- FopInformation *FormOfPaymentType `xml:"fopInformation"`
- // will allow the usage of FOP segment as trigger for GASY and GINV groups
- Dummy *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"dummy"`
- // will convey all credit card data needed for the payment
- CreditCardData *CreditCardDataGroupType `xml:"creditCardData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MeasurementsBatchTypeU struct {
- // Measurement qualifier (maximum unit qualifier).
- MeasurementQualifier string `xml:"measurementQualifier"`
- // Unit Qualifer for the range value.
- ValueRange *ValueRangeTypeU `xml:"valueRange"`
-type MessageActionDetailsTypeI struct {
- Business *MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI `xml:"business"`
-type MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI struct {
- // - Message function: REG for regular feed - Itinerary type: see codeset list: air/car/hotel/taxi/train/tour/surface...
- Function string `xml:"function"`
-type MessageReferenceType struct {
- // This number is used to identify and track ALL messages related to a given cardholder transaction (author, retry, reversal ...). It is usually composed of: - the date when the message was formatted followed by - the message number Field 37 Official definition of Retrieval Reference Number from ISO8583: Field 37 contains a number used with other key data elements to identify and track all messages related to a given cardholder transaction (referred to as a transaction set). It is usually assigned by the acquirer, but it may be assigned by a merchant or by an individual electronic terminal. V.I.P. will also generate the retrieval reference number for transactions it initiates. This field contains two parts. The first four digits are usually a yddd date (Julian date format). The date is defined to be the same day as the date in Field 7_Transmission Date and Time, of the original request. The last eight digits are a numeric transaction identification number. The value in field 37 can be based on the content of fields 7 and 11 in the original request or advice as shown in the recommendation below: . Positions 1_4: the yddd equivalent of the field 7 date . Positions 5_6: the hours from the time in field 7 . Positions 7_12: the value from field 11
- RetrievalReferenceNumber string `xml:"retrievalReferenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Authorization characteristics indicator Field 62.1 Possible values: A C E F K M S U V W R I P N T
- AuthorCharacteristicIndicator string `xml:"authorCharacteristicIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Authorization response code Field 39
- AuthorResponseCode string `xml:"authorResponseCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Card Level Result (Product Identification value) Field 62.23
- CardLevelResult string `xml:"cardLevelResult,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Additional POS Information - Terminal Type Field 60.1 - Position 1 CAT (Cardholder-Activated Terminal indicator) or UAT (Unattended Acceptance Terminal)
- TerminalType string `xml:"terminalType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MileageTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: n..18
- FlightLegMileage *int32 `xml:"flightLegMileage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MiscellaneousChargeOrderType struct {
- // Type of service
- Type string `xml:"type"`
-type MiscellaneousRemarkType struct {
- // This data element is used to convey the type of the remark. (see data mapping to view the codes)
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
- Freetext string `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This data element is used to convey the business function
- BusinessFunction string `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // language used for the free text.
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates if it has been manually entered by an agent or system generated.
- Source string `xml:"source,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Coded identification of the character encoding used in the interchange
- Encoding string `xml:"encoding,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MiscellaneousRemarkType_151C struct {
- // RC for confidential remark RI for invoice remark RM for miscellaneous remark RQ for quality control remark
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // This is the 3rd character (x) of the remark title RIx or RMx, or 2 letter code for RMxx, conditional for RM, not applicable for RC and RQ
- Category string `xml:"category,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
- Freetext string `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Provider type (element RIA): 1 for Air provider 2 for Car provider (CCR) 3 for Hotel Provider (HHL) M for Miscellaneous
- ProviderType string `xml:"providerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MiscellaneousRemarkType_18076C struct {
- // RC for confidential remark RI for invoice remark RM for miscellaneous remark RQ for quality control remark . ACC for Acceptance . BGG for Baggage . BPP for Boarding Pass Printing . GT for Gate . GNL for General
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
- Freetext string `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MiscellaneousRemarkType_198195C struct {
- // This data element is used to convey the type of the remark. (see data mapping to view the codes)
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
- Freetext string `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This data element is used to convey the business function
- BusinessFunction string `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // language used for the free text.
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates if it has been manually entered by an agent or system generated.
- Source string `xml:"source,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Coded identification of the character encoding used in the interchange
- Encoding string `xml:"encoding,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MiscellaneousRemarkType_861C struct {
- // RC for confidential remark RI for invoice remark RM for miscellaneous remark RQ for quality control remark . ACC for Acceptance . BGG for Baggage . BPP for Boarding Pass Printing . GT for Gate . GNL for General
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
- Freetext string `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MiscellaneousRemarksType struct {
- // miscellaneous remarks
- RemarkDetails *MiscellaneousRemarkType_861C `xml:"remarkDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MiscellaneousRemarksType_12240S struct {
- // miscellaneous remarks
- RemarkDetails *MiscellaneousRemarkType_18076C `xml:"remarkDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MiscellaneousRemarksType_136700S struct {
- // miscellaneous remarks
- RemarkDetails *MiscellaneousRemarkType_198195C `xml:"remarkDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MiscellaneousRemarksType_211S struct {
- // Miscellaneous remqrks
- Remarks *MiscellaneousRemarkType_151C `xml:"remarks,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // For confidential remark RC
- IndividualSecurity []*IndividualSecurityType `xml:"individualSecurity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type MiscellaneousRemarksType_664S struct {
- // miscellaneous remarks
- RemarkDetails *MiscellaneousRemarkType `xml:"remarkDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
- // Here is the list and the purpose of each amount today stored in the FP: I Transaction total amount Total amount authorized in authorization transaction IPC Transaction total amount in PNR currency Total amount authorized is also stored in PNR currency. Indeed, reversal must be done with the rate of exchange valid at time of authorization and therefore this avoids storing the rate of exchange and performing amount conversion at reversal time. IT Initial TST total amount Amount of TST multiplied by the number of passengers associated to the TST ITC Initial TST total amount in PNR currency IT amount in PNR currency for same reason as IPC amount R Total amount / Remaining amount Current authorized amount. Originally it is the total amount authorized and then this amount may decrease in case of total/partial reversal. T Initial Tst Individual amount Amount of TST TPC Initial Tst Individual amount in PNR currency Amount of TST in PNR currency for same reason as IPC amount AUT Authorized Amount Maybe different from the one given in input(for exple, if on input we have 2pax and the amount per pax. In case of bulk, we will authorize the sum of both amounts) It can also be used for: Total Fare Amount 712 or additional collection amount A
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Value of the amount. This is conveyed as a 'string' and therefore several strings can stand for the same amount (eg. 14 , 1400, 14.00... could potentially stand for 14.00 EUR). This means that sender/receiver of this message will need to come to an agreement concerning the way the amount is transferred in this segment.
- Amount float64 `xml:"amount"`
- // IATA alphabetic currency code. Eg: USD,GBP,EUR...
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Yield type
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Amount of the Yield
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_17849C struct {
- // Indicates amount is Fare amount
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Used to specify an amount of money
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // currency in which the amount is expressed
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_4220C struct {
- // Monetary amount qualifier : - NP : Net Premium - PR : Premium - CV : Coverage - TV : Travel Value - SAV : Saving Amount
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount float64 `xml:"amount"`
- // Eg: USD,FRF,EUR...
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode"`
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_8308C struct {
- // . F for Fare basis . E for Equivalent . T for Total
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount"`
- // Eg: USD,FRF,EUR...
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode"`
-type MonetaryInformationType struct {
- // Yield info
- MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
-type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
- // Total Trip value in a given currency
- MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_17849C `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- // Base Trip value in a given currency
- OtherMonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_17849C `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationTypeI_1689S struct {
- // To specify monetary information
- Information *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_4220C `xml:"information,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationType_94557S struct {
- // Contains the currencies and the various amounts
- MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="7"
-type NameAndAddressBatchTypeU struct {
- // W for party to revieve written confirmation
- PartyQualifier string `xml:"partyQualifier"`
- // This composite is used to convey the address
- AddressDetails *NameAndAddressDetailsTypeU `xml:"addressDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This composite is used to convey the party name
- PartyNameDetails *PartyNameBatchTypeU `xml:"partyNameDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type NameAndAddressDetailsTypeU struct {
- // Address line 1
- Line1 string `xml:"line1"`
- // address line 2
- Line2 string `xml:"line2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type NameInformationTypeU struct {
- // name qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- // name
- Name string `xml:"name"`
-type NameInformationTypeU_9747C struct {
- // to convey to who the address applies
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Company name
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Insuree name
- Identifier string `xml:"identifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type NameTypeU struct {
- // Used to specify the name field in the address field.
- NameInformation *NameInformationTypeU_9747C `xml:"nameInformation"`
-type NameTypeU_136701S struct {
- // Name information
- NameInformation *NameInformationTypeU `xml:"nameInformation"`
-type NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Group counter corresponding to passengers, and so value from 0 to 99.
- NumberOfUnit *int32 `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI_18670C struct {
- // This data element is used to convey the occupancy level of the room
- NumberOfUnit int32 `xml:"numberOfUnit"`
- // This data element is used to indicate the occupancy is the number of Adults in the room.
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier"`
-type NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI_2755C struct {
- // PNR Header / Queue header / number of remaining items in Queue
- Number *int32 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR for PNR
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI_35712C struct {
- // Number of units.
- NumberOfUnit int32 `xml:"numberOfUnit"`
-type NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI_46330C struct {
- // occupation of the room
- NumberOfUnit int32 `xml:"numberOfUnit"`
- // unit qualifier
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier"`
-type NumberOfUnitsType struct {
- // Number of Unit Details
- QuantityDetails *NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI_35712C `xml:"quantityDetails"`
-type NumberOfUnitsTypeI struct {
- // Number of Units detail
- NumberDetail *NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI_2755C `xml:"numberDetail"`
-type NumberOfUnitsType_76106S struct {
- // Number of Unit Details
- QuantityDetails []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"quantityDetails"` // maxOccurs="3"
-type ODKeyPerformanceDataType struct {
- // schedule change indicator -'C' or void
- ScheduleChange string `xml:"scheduleChange,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // oversale data
- Oversale *OversaleDataType `xml:"oversale,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ONDType struct {
- // Yield informations: Adjusted Yield Segment Bid Price Effective Yield Revenue Loss OND Yield
- YieldInformations *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"yieldInformations"`
- // Class code as defined in yield retrieved / Class combinaison of the yield retrieved
- ClassCombinaison *ProductInformationTypeI_76271S `xml:"classCombinaison,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Origin and Destination of the Yield
- Ondyield *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI_76268S `xml:"ondyield"`
- // Origin And Destination of the Trip
- TripOnD *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI_76268S `xml:"tripOnD,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OptionElementInformationType struct {
- // Option element office id
- MainOffice string `xml:"mainOffice"`
- // Date
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Queue number
- Queue *int32 `xml:"queue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Category number
- Category *int32 `xml:"category,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..61
- Freetext string `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // queuing or cancellation time
- Time string `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OptionElementType struct {
- OptionElementInfo *OptionElementInformationType `xml:"optionElementInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Individual Security for OPQ/OPX elements
- IndividualSecurity []*IndividualSecurityType `xml:"individualSecurity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // City pair to indentify uniquely a leg in a multi-leg booking
- Origin string `xml:"origin"`
- // City pair to indentify uniquely a leg in a multi-leg booking
- Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI_3061S struct {
- // Airport/city code of Origin In a Client request message, a non-blank ODI is used in an air sell request to advise that the following segments (TVL etc...) are connected. There is a maximum of 6 TVLs following a non-blank ODI.
- Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Airport/city code of Destination
- Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI_76268S struct {
- // Departure's city code:3 character ATA/IATA airport/city code
- Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Arrival's city code:3 character ATA/IATA airport/city code
- Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OriginatorDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Country code
- CodedCountry string `xml:"codedCountry"`
- // Currency code
- CodedCurrency string `xml:"codedCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Language code
- CodedLanguage string `xml:"codedLanguage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // IATA code
- OriginatorId *int32 `xml:"originatorId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Office ID of the PNR owner.
- InHouseIdentification1 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification1"`
- // Amid of the owner of the SBR.
- InHouseIdentification2 *int32 `xml:"inHouseIdentification2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI_198179C struct {
- // Agency Iata code
- OriginatorId string `xml:"originatorId"`
-type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI_37406C struct {
- // This data element is used to convey the bouking source.
- OriginatorId int32 `xml:"originatorId"`
-type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI_46358C struct {
- // Origin OficeID
- InHouseIdentification1 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Target OfficeID
- InHouseIdentification2 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OtherHotelInformationType struct {
- // Currency Code at Property 1. For AY Direct Access segment: Currency code
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OtherInformationType struct {
- // Queue cycle complete indicator that may appear in Queue working response message. QCC for Queue cycle complete
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicates the type of Queue in a Queue working response message. PNR for PNR MSG for Message
- QueueType string `xml:"queueType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OtherSegmentDataTypeI struct {
- // Cabin Code
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin"`
- // Sub class number
- Subclass *int32 `xml:"subclass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Flight type : - D for Domestic - I for International - L for Longhaul - S for Shorthaul
- FlightType string `xml:"flightType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Overbooking indicator
- Overbooking string `xml:"overbooking,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OversaleDataType struct {
- // Bid price oversale number
- OversaleNumber *float64 `xml:"oversaleNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Oversale indicator F for Bid-Price Feed Oversale O for Bid-Price Oversale P for Pushed Minimum Oversale
- OversaleIndicator []string `xml:"oversaleIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type PNRSupplementaryDataType struct {
- // will convey the values of the FOP data and switch maps
- DataAndSwitchMap *AttributeType_94576S `xml:"dataAndSwitchMap"`
-type POSGroupType struct {
- // - Office ID owner of the SBR. - IATA Code - Agent type
- SbrUserIdentificationOwn *UserIdentificationType `xml:"sbrUserIdentificationOwn"`
- // - Corporate Code - City Code
- SbrSystemDetails *SystemDetailsInfoType_33158S `xml:"sbrSystemDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Preferences - Country - Language - Currency
- SbrPreferences *UserPreferencesType `xml:"sbrPreferences,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PackageDescriptionType struct {
- // Inclusive package type: I
- PackageType string `xml:"packageType"`
- // List of inclusive package
- PackageDetails *PackageIdentificationType `xml:"packageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PackageIdentificationType struct {
- // Description of a package
- PackageDesc string `xml:"packageDesc"`
-type PartyNameBatchTypeU struct {
- // name
- Name1 string `xml:"name1"`
-type PassengerDocumentDetailsType struct {
- // Used to convey the age of the insuree
- BirthDate string `xml:"birthDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details on the document (visa, passport...)
- DocumentDetails *DocumentDetailsType `xml:"documentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PassengerFlightDetailsTypeI struct {
-type PaymentDataGroupType struct {
- // Contains merchant information (Entity selling a product/service for wich payment is requested: airline, insurance provider...).
- MerchantInformation *CompanyInformationType_94554S `xml:"merchantInformation"`
- // will convey all the monetary informations related to the payment : amount, currency, sub-amounts
- MonetaryInformation []*MonetaryInformationType_94557S `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
- // Conveys Payment Record ID (used by Payment Manager) to identify payment in a unique manner. May convey also a "correlator Id" used by the calling application to reconciliate its payment data. And also the "transaction Id" generated by the third party system (bank/PSP/PAyPAL...)
- PaymentId []*ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_94556S `xml:"paymentId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
- // It will describe the content of the extended payment : when it will start, the frequency and how many times it should occur
- ExtendedPaymentInfo *FrequencyTypeU `xml:"extendedPaymentInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The segment conveys the date/time of the transaction
- TransactionDateTime *StructuredDateTimeInformationType_94559S `xml:"transactionDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Will show the duration of validity of the payment request, mesured from receipt by the issuer. The customer has to agree to the payment within this period. Expressed in seconds.
- ExpirationPeriod *QuantityType_94558S `xml:"expirationPeriod,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Distribution Channel information
- DistributionChannelInformation *TerminalIdentificationDescriptionType `xml:"distributionChannelInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // will convey in free text the description of the purchase
- PurchaseDescription *FreeTextInformationType_94561S `xml:"purchaseDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // will convey all information needed to perform the checks requested by the banks/PSPs regarding the prevention of fraud.
- FraudScreeningData *FraudScreeningGroupType `xml:"fraudScreeningData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Will be used to convey information dedicated to the Payment.
- PaymentDataMap []*AttributeType_94553S `xml:"paymentDataMap,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type PaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
- // To convey the guarantee /deposit form
- FormOfPaymentCode string `xml:"formOfPaymentCode"`
- // This data element is used to idicates if it is a guarantee or a deposit
- PaymentType string `xml:"paymentType"`
- // This data element is used to identify the type of service to be paid, in our case it will always be 3 for hotel
- ServiceToPay string `xml:"serviceToPay"`
- // This data element is used to convey the guarantee or the deposit reference.
- ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PaymentDetailsTypeU struct {
- // Identify the mode of payment: - CASH - CC for credit card
- MethodCode string `xml:"methodCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Purpose of the payment: - DEPO for deposit - FINA for final payment
- PurposeCode string `xml:"purposeCode"`
- // Amount paid
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Currency used for the payment
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // date of the payment
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PaymentGroupType struct {
- // Used to describe the element on which the action is performed : FP/FC/PAY and in which context integrated/non integrated
- GroupUsage *CodedAttributeType_127282S `xml:"groupUsage"`
- // will convey all data necessary for the paiment and not dependant from the Mean Of Payment
- PaymentData *PaymentDataGroupType `xml:"paymentData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // it will convey the Descriptive Billing Information: ONO, GWT, best Fare indicator....
- PaymentSupplementaryData []*CodedAttributeType_94497S `xml:"paymentSupplementaryData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // will convey all the specificities of the Mean of Payment
- MopInformation *MeanOfPaymentDataType `xml:"mopInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // will allow the usage of FOP segment as trigger for MOPD and MOPS groups
- Dummy *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"dummy"`
- // will convey the result of the payment and related to the detailed Mean Of Payment
- MopDetailedData *DetailedPaymentDataType `xml:"mopDetailedData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PaymentInformationTypeI struct {
- // This composite is used to convey the payment information
- PaymentDetails *PaymentDetailsTypeI `xml:"paymentDetails"`
-type PaymentInformationTypeU struct {
- // Tour deposit details
- PaymentDetails *PaymentDetailsTypeU `xml:"paymentDetails"`
- // Credit card name, number and exp. date
- CreditCardInformation *CreditCardInformationTypeU `xml:"creditCardInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PhoneAndEmailAddressType struct {
- // Phone or Email contact type
- PhoneOrEmailType string `xml:"phoneOrEmailType"`
- // Structured telephone number
- TelephoneNumberDetails *StructuredTelephoneNumberType_198214C `xml:"telephoneNumberDetails"`
-type PhoneAndEmailAddressType_136723S struct {
- // - PHO phone number - FAX fax number - MAI
- PhoneOrEmailType string `xml:"phoneOrEmailType"`
- // Email address
- EmailAddress string `xml:"emailAddress"`
-type PhoneAndEmailAddressType_32298S struct {
- // Phone or Email contact type
- PhoneOrEmailType string `xml:"phoneOrEmailType"`
- // Structured telephone number
- TelephoneNumber *StructuredTelephoneNumberType_48448C `xml:"telephoneNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Email address
- EmailAddress string `xml:"emailAddress,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PhoneAndEmailAddressType_94565S struct {
- // Phone or Email contact type
- PhoneOrEmailType string `xml:"phoneOrEmailType"`
- // Structured telephone number
- TelephoneNumberDetails *StructuredTelephoneNumberType `xml:"telephoneNumberDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Email address
- EmailAddress string `xml:"emailAddress,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU struct {
- // location code qualifier
- LocationType string `xml:"locationType"`
- // location text
- LocationDescription *LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU `xml:"locationDescription"`
- // Associated airport/City code. Present if the pickup location is not an airport/city code.
- FirstLocationDetails *RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU_198193C `xml:"firstLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_136722S struct {
- // Used to differenciate the pickup location (176) from the Dropoff location (DOL)
- LocationType string `xml:"locationType"`
- // Pickup or dropoff location details
- LocationDescription *LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU_198230C `xml:"locationDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_24573S struct {
- // Location type qualifier (ZZZ-Mutually defined for Ferry).
- LocationType string `xml:"locationType"`
- // Hotel location details.
- FirstLocationDetails *RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU_45087C `xml:"firstLocationDetails"`
-type PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_25436S struct {
- // location type (place of arrival, place of departure or staying)
- LocationType string `xml:"locationType"`
- // city information
- LocationDescription *LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU_46344C `xml:"locationDescription"`
- // country description
- FirstLocationDetails *RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU_46345C `xml:"firstLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_32347S struct {
- // Type of location
- LocationType string `xml:"locationType"`
- // Railway station location details.
- LocationDescription *LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU_56454C `xml:"locationDescription"`
- // Railway station country details.
- FirstLocationDetails *RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU_56455C `xml:"firstLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_35293S struct {
- // Type of location
- LocationType string `xml:"locationType"`
- // Railway station location details.
- LocationDescription *LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU_60738C `xml:"locationDescription"`
- // Railway station country details.
- FirstLocationDetails *RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU_56455C `xml:"firstLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_8954S struct {
- // Details of the embarkation port.
- FirstLocationDetails *RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU `xml:"firstLocationDetails"`
- // Details of the disembarkation port.
- SecondLocationDetails *RelatedLocationTwoIdentificationTypeU `xml:"secondLocationDetails"`
-type PnrHistoryDataType struct {
- // Contains the last EOTed envelop number.
- CurrentRecord *int32 `xml:"currentRecord,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PnrHistoryDataType_6022S struct {
- // Reference to previous envelop It may not exist when we are on element creation case.
- PreviousRecord *int32 `xml:"previousRecord,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Current envelop
- CurrentRecord *int32 `xml:"currentRecord,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // History element name ON, AS, RF... First char for type of action done, followed by a letter related to the element concerned.
- ElementType string `xml:"elementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free flow text (history data element not detailed) Max length put from 254 to 255 for the case of long history
- ElementData string `xml:"elementData"`
-type PointOfSaleDataTypeI struct {
- // POSINV Classification: - C for Country - R for CRS
- Classification string `xml:"classification"`
- // Point of Sale CRS
- Crs string `xml:"crs,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Point of Sale Country Code
- PointOfSaleCountry string `xml:"pointOfSaleCountry,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType struct {
- // Reason for issuance code.
- SpecialCondition string `xml:"specialCondition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reason for Issuance Sub code
- OtherSpecialCondition string `xml:"otherSpecialCondition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PriorityDetailsType struct {
- // 1 : airline 2 : alliance
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Priority code
- PriorityCode string `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tier level
- TierLevel string `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tier description
- TierDescription string `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProcessingInformationTypeI struct {
- // Identifies the element we are talking about
- ActionQualifier string `xml:"actionQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to qualifie the element with an indicator.
- ReferenceQualifier string `xml:"referenceQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductAccountDetailsTypeI struct {
- // the award code returned by loyalty system in booking time and send to loyalty system in ticketing time.
- Category string `xml:"category,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Contains the old class of the segment before the upgrade.
- SequenceNumber string `xml:"sequenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // certificate number
- VersionNumber string `xml:"versionNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fake Tier level received by TTY in.
- RateClass string `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // stock control number
- ApprovalCode string `xml:"approvalCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDataInformationTypeU struct {
- // Tour product category (StandAlone, Package, Supplementary service ...)
- ProductCategory string `xml:"productCategory"`
- // Conveys the product code
- ProductCode string `xml:"productCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Set to 1 if the product is an addOn.
- AddOnIndicator *int32 `xml:"addOnIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The product description
- ProductDescription string `xml:"productDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateAndTimeTypeU struct {
- // Convey the begin date of a period. Format is ddmmyyyy.
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate"`
- // Convey the begin time of a period. Format is hhmm.
- DepartureTime string `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Convey the end date of a period. Format is ddmmyyyy.
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Convey the end time of a period. Format is hhmm.
- ArrivalTime string `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateAndTimeTypeU_46325C struct {
- // Conveys departure date
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate"`
- // Conveys departure time
- DepartureTime string `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys arrival date
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys arrival time
- ArrivalTime string `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI struct {
- // Date format: DDMMYY
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Time format: 24H. All digits are mandatory . Example: from 0000 to 2359
- DepartureTime string `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Date format: DDMMYY
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Time format: 24H. All digits are mandatory . Example: from 0000 to 2359
- ArrivalTime string `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI_171495C struct {
- // AIR segment : departure date ATX segment : requested date CAR segment : pick-up date CCR segment : pick-up date HHL segment : check-in date HTL segment : check-in date MIS segment : date for service requested SUR segment : date Trn Amtrak sgt: departure date Trn SNCF sgt: departure date TTO segment: departure date of the tour TUR segment: tour departure date INS element: departure date CRU segment: sailing departure date
- DepDate string `xml:"depDate"`
- // AIR segment : departure time SUR segment : pick-up time Trn Amtrak sgt: departure time Trn SNCF sgt: departure time
- DepTime string `xml:"depTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // AIR segment : arrival date CAR segment : drop-off date CCR segment : return date HHL segment : check-out date HTL segment : check-out date TTO segment: return date of the tour INS element: return date
- ArrDate string `xml:"arrDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // AIR segment : arrival time Trn Amtrak sgt: arrival time Trn SNCF sgt: arrival time
- ArrTime string `xml:"arrTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // AIR segment: day change indicator (1,2,-1) TRN Amtrak sgt: day change indicator (1,2,-1) TRN SNCF sgt: day change indicator (1,2,-1)
- DayChangeIndicator *int32 `xml:"dayChangeIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI_260882C struct {
- // AIR segment : departure date ATX segment : requested date CAR segment : pick-up date CCR segment : pick-up date HHL segment : check-in date HTL segment : check-in date MIS segment : date for service requested SUR segment : date Trn Amtrak sgt: departure date Trn SNCF sgt: departure date TTO segment: departure date of the tour TUR segment: tour departure date INS element: departure date CRU segment: sailing departure date
- DepDate string `xml:"depDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // AIR segment : departure time SUR segment : pick-up time Trn Amtrak sgt: departure time Trn SNCF sgt: departure time
- DepTime string `xml:"depTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // AIR segment : arrival date CAR segment : drop-off date CCR segment : return date HHL segment : check-out date HTL segment : check-out date TTO segment: return date of the tour INS element: return date
- ArrDate string `xml:"arrDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // AIR segment : arrival time Trn Amtrak sgt: arrival time Trn SNCF sgt: arrival time
- ArrTime string `xml:"arrTime"`
- // AIR segment: day change indicator (1,2,-1) TRN Amtrak sgt: day change indicator (1,2,-1) TRN SNCF sgt: day change indicator (1,2,-1)
- DayChangeIndicator *int32 `xml:"dayChangeIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI_46338C struct {
- // flight departure date
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate"`
- // flight departure time
- DepartureTime string `xml:"departureTime"`
- // flight arrival date
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // flight arrival time
- ArrivalTime string `xml:"arrivalTime"`
-type ProductDetailsTypeI struct {
- // booking class
- Designator string `xml:"designator"`
-type ProductDetailsTypeI_118108C struct {
- // Class combination
- Designator string `xml:"designator"`
- // indicate availability status . coded or numeric
- AvailabilityStatus string `xml:"availabilityStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDetailsTypeI_36664C struct {
- // Conveys the package code.
- Designator string `xml:"designator"`
-type ProductFacilitiesTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Entertainement string `xml:"entertainement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // For meal, the meal codes follow the IATA meal code standard
- EntertainementDescription string `xml:"entertainementDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..2
- ProductQualifier string `xml:"productQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..4
- ProductExtensionCode []string `xml:"productExtensionCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..4
- FlightNumber string `xml:"flightNumber"`
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_2786C struct {
- // Flight number or OPEN - ARNK, car type, transportation type (refer to VGTVD transaction), train number, insurance provider
- Identification string `xml:"identification"`
- // AIR segment : class of service TRN Amtrack segment : class of service (1 or 2 chars long). TRN SNCF segment : class of service.
- ClassOfService string `xml:"classOfService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // AIR segment : flight number alpha suffix : A, B, C, D, E. SUR segment : departure code : A or D.
- Subtype string `xml:"subtype,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // AIR segment : N for Night class
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_46336C struct {
- // flight number or transportation code
- FlightNumber string `xml:"flightNumber"`
- // booking class
- BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass"`
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeU struct {
- // Product code
- Number string `xml:"number"`
- // Product Name
- Name string `xml:"name"`
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeU_46327C struct {
- // Conveys the product code
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys the product type (accomodation, vehicule, transportation, cruise ...)
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Conveys the subType of a product (Chalet or Villa for accomodation, Transfert or ticket for supplementary services ...)
- SubType string `xml:"subType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys the product description
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductIdentificationTypeU struct {
- // product name and code to which prices data apply
- ProductData *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeU `xml:"productData"`
-type ProductInformationTypeI struct {
- // Conveys the package details.
- BookingClassDetails *ProductDetailsTypeI_36664C `xml:"bookingClassDetails"`
-type ProductInformationTypeI_73824S struct {
- // Booking class
- BookingClassDetails *ProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"bookingClassDetails"`
-type ProductInformationTypeI_76271S struct {
- // Booking Class Details
- BookingClassDetails []*ProductDetailsTypeI_118108C `xml:"bookingClassDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
-type ProductTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // AIR segment : Electronic ticketing indicator : ET for Electronic ticket candidate SUR segment : transportation zone number Amtrack segment : Equipement code SNCF segment : train type (3 chars code)
- Detail string `xml:"detail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductTypeDetailsTypeI_46337C struct {
- // sequence indicator for connection
- FlightIndicator string `xml:"flightIndicator"`
-type PropertyHeaderDetailsType struct {
- // 1. hotel Provider name
- ProviderName string `xml:"providerName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1. HHL segment:hotel Property Code (or ID) 2. HTL AY Direct Access segment: Property location
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1. HHL segment:hotel Property name. 2. HTL AY Direct Access segment: Hotel name. Alphanumeric type due to possible numeric values in the names.
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProviderInformationType struct {
- // productcode
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product name
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product Family Code
- ProductFamilyCode string `xml:"productFamilyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type QuantityAndActionDetailsTypeU struct {
- // Quantity information
- Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys the status code (HK, GK ...) of a booking, a product or a ticket
- StatusCode string `xml:"statusCode"`
-type QuantityAndActionDetailsTypeU_56796C struct {
- // accommodation reservation mandatoty, optionnal, advised, not possible
- StatusCode string `xml:"statusCode"`
-type QuantityAndActionTypeU struct {
- // Conveys quantity and status information
- QuantityActionDetails []*QuantityAndActionDetailsTypeU `xml:"quantityActionDetails"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type QuantityAndActionTypeU_32609S struct {
- // accommodation status
- AccoStatus *QuantityAndActionDetailsTypeU_56796C `xml:"accoStatus"`
-type QuantityDetailsTypeI struct {
- // A for age
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Age = number of years(default) or monthes.
- Value int32 `xml:"value"`
-type QuantityDetailsTypeI_142179C struct {
- // it will be L for Life time period
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- // duration expressed in Seconds during the consumer has to do the payment
- Value int32 `xml:"value"`
- // SEC for duration in seconds
- Unit string `xml:"unit"`
-type QuantityDetailsTypeI_198209C struct {
- // -NOD Number of Doors -MOD Maximum number of Doors -NOS Number of Seats -MOD Number of Seats -NOB Number of Bags -VOB Volume of Boots
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Value number corresponding to the qualifier type
- Value int32 `xml:"value"`
- // DM3 or FT3 if applicable
- Unit string `xml:"unit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type QuantityDetailsTypeI_46334C struct {
- // Quantity qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Quantity value
- Value int32 `xml:"value"`
- // Quantity unit
- Unit string `xml:"unit"`
-type QuantityType struct {
- // To specify an appropriate quantity.
- QuantityDetails *QuantityDetailsTypeI_46334C `xml:"quantityDetails"`
-type QuantityTypeI struct {
- // Estinated distance details
- QuantityDetails *QuantityDetailsTypeI_142179C `xml:"quantityDetails"`
-type QuantityTypeI_65488S struct {
- // This composite is used to convey the quantity details
- QuantityDetails *QuantityDetailsTypeI `xml:"quantityDetails"`
-type QuantityType_94558S struct {
- // To specify an appropriate quantity.
- QuantityDetails []*QuantityDetailsTypeI_142179C `xml:"quantityDetails"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type QueueDetailsType struct {
- // A (first) queue number
- QueueNum1 *int32 `xml:"queueNum1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // [2-7] characters
- QueueName string `xml:"queueName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type QueueType struct {
- // Queue detail
- QueueDetail *QueueDetailsType `xml:"queueDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Queue category detail
- CategoryDetail *GategoryType `xml:"categoryDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // date range
- DateRange *DateRangeType `xml:"dateRange,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Other queue information
- Informations *OtherInformationType `xml:"informations,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RailLegDataType struct {
- // Information pertaining to the train product
- TrainProductInfo *TrainProductInformationType_32331S `xml:"trainProductInfo"`
- // Reservation Mandatory, Advised, Possible, Not Possible
- ReservableStatus *QuantityAndActionTypeU_32609S `xml:"reservableStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Leg departure and arrival dates and times
- LegDateTime []*StructuredDateTimeInformationType_32362S `xml:"legDateTime"` // maxOccurs="2"
- // Departure station location
- DepLocation *PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_32347S `xml:"depLocation"`
- // Arrival station location
- ArrLocation *PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_32347S `xml:"arrLocation"`
- // leg reference: leg order within the itinerary
- LegReference *ItemNumberTypeU_33258S `xml:"legReference"`
-type RailSeatConfigurationType struct {
- // Seat space.
- SeatSpace string `xml:"seatSpace,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Coach type.
- CoachType string `xml:"coachType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Seat equipment.
- SeatEquipment string `xml:"seatEquipment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Seat position.
- SeatPosition string `xml:"seatPosition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Seat direction.
- SeatDirection string `xml:"seatDirection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Seat deck.
- SeatDeck string `xml:"seatDeck,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Special passenger information.
- SpecialPassengerType []string `xml:"specialPassengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type RailSeatPreferencesType struct {
- // Selection of the type of seat request.
- SeatRequestFunction string `xml:"seatRequestFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Seat smoking zone indicator.
- SmokingIndicator string `xml:"smokingIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Seat class details.
- ClassDetails *ClassDetailsType_52782C `xml:"classDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Seat configuration details.
- SeatConfiguration *RailSeatConfigurationType `xml:"seatConfiguration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SleeperDescription *RailSleeperDescriptionType `xml:"sleeperDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RailSeatReferenceInformationType struct {
- // Rail seat reference information.
- RailSeatReferenceDetails *SeatReferenceInformationType `xml:"railSeatReferenceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RailSleeperDescriptionType struct {
- // Berth deck
- BerthDeck string `xml:"berthDeck,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Cabin position
- CabinPosition string `xml:"cabinPosition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Cabin share type
- CabinShareType string `xml:"cabinShareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Cabin occupancy
- CabinOccupancy string `xml:"cabinOccupancy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RangeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // 701 for range definition
- RangeQualifier string `xml:"rangeQualifier"`
- // Range definition
- RangeDetails *RangeTypeI `xml:"rangeDetails"`
-type RangeDetailsTypeU struct {
- // Range qualifier
- RangeQualifier string `xml:"rangeQualifier"`
- // Range details
- RangeDetails *RangeTypeU `xml:"rangeDetails"`
-type RangeTypeI struct {
- // Duration qualifier: - DAY Duration in days - WE Duration in weeks - MTH Duration in months - G Kilometers - M Mileage - A Age
- DataType string `xml:"dataType"`
- // Base of the Range
- Min int32 `xml:"min"`
- // Top of the Range
- Max int32 `xml:"max"`
-type RangeTypeU struct {
- // Range data type
- DataType string `xml:"dataType"`
- // min Occupancy
- MinOccupancy *int32 `xml:"minOccupancy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Occupancy maximum
- MaxOccupancy int32 `xml:"maxOccupancy"`
-type RateCodeRestrictedType struct {
- // 1. HHL segment: hotel Rate code (an3) 2. For AY Direct Access segment: Rate type = MINR, MODR, MAXR, ADVR, DAYR, SRTE
- RateCode string `xml:"rateCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RateIndicatorsType struct {
- // 1. HTL AY Direct Access segment: Y for Yes (rate change)
- RateChangeIndicator string `xml:"rateChangeIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RateInformationDetailsType struct {
- // 1. Hotel segment: Total or daily indicator
- RatePlan string `xml:"ratePlan,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RateInformationType struct {
- // Rate Price
- RatePrice *RatePriceType `xml:"ratePrice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate information
- RateInfo *RateInformationDetailsType `xml:"rateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rate indicator
- RateIndicator *RateIndicatorsType `xml:"rateIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RateInformationTypeI struct {
- // Rate Category.
- Category string `xml:"category,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RateInformationTypeI_198204C struct {
- // Rate Category 002 Inclusive 006 Convention 007 Corporate 009 Government 011 Package 019 Association 020 Business 021 Consortium 022 Credential 023 Industry 024 Standard G General
- Category string `xml:"category"`
-type RateInformationTypeI_50732C struct {
- // Fare Group
- FareGroup string `xml:"fareGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RatePriceType struct {
- // 1. Hotel segment: Rate value 2. Hotel AY Direct Access segment: Room rate (imbedded decimal point)
- RateAmount *float64 `xml:"rateAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RateTypesTypeU struct {
- // This element holds the rate code that applies to the Ferry booking.
- RateCode string `xml:"rateCode"`
-type ReferenceInfoType struct {
- // This composite is used to transmit association information
- Reference []*ReferencingDetailsType_111975C `xml:"reference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="198"
-type ReferenceInfoType_25422S struct {
- ReferenceDetails *ReferencingDetailsTypeI_46317C `xml:"referenceDetails"`
-type ReferenceInfoType_6074S struct {
- // This composite is used to transmit association information
- Reference []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"reference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="198"
-type ReferenceInfoType_94524S struct {
- ReferenceDetails *ReferencingDetailsType_142140C `xml:"referenceDetails"`
-type ReferenceInfoType_94566S struct {
- ReferenceDetails *ReferencingDetailsType_142187C `xml:"referenceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferenceInformationType struct {
- // Used to specify the passenger association and the data per passanger.
- ReferenceDetails *ReferencingDetailsTypeI_17164C `xml:"referenceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
- // Details of the referencing
- ReferenceDetails *ReferencingDetailsTypeI_185716C `xml:"referenceDetails"`
-type ReferenceInformationTypeI_136704S struct {
- // Use to convey the reference details
- ReferenceDetails *ReferencingDetailsTypeI_198199C `xml:"referenceDetails"`
-type ReferenceInformationTypeI_25132S struct {
- // Conveys the passenger reference.
- ReferenceDetails []*ReferencingDetailsTypeI_45901C `xml:"referenceDetails"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type ReferenceInformationTypeI_83551S struct {
- // Reference details
- ReferenceDetails *ReferencingDetailsTypeI_127514C `xml:"referenceDetails"`
-type ReferenceInformationTypeI_94503S struct {
- ReferenceDetails *ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"referenceDetails"`
-type ReferenceInformationType_65487S struct {
- // Used to convey the passenger tatoo or display number.
- PassengerReference *ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"passengerReference"`
-type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
- // Amadeus codes are used here. PT for Passenger Tatoo // ST for Segment Tatoo //OT for Other element Tatoo //SS for Segment Tatoo+SubTatoo
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- // reference number refers to a PNR segment/element that has this number in its related element reference segment in the same message (qualifier PT, SS, ST).
- Number string `xml:"number"`
-type ReferencingDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Qualifier of the type of reference.
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Value of the association reference
- Value string `xml:"value"`
-type ReferencingDetailsTypeI_127514C struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Format limitations: an..10
- Value string `xml:"value"`
-type ReferencingDetailsTypeI_17164C struct {
- // to specify the segment association
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // used to identify the segment(s) from which we want to extract the data.
- Value string `xml:"value"`
-type ReferencingDetailsTypeI_185716C struct {
- // A code which identifies the type of identifier that is used.
- Type string `xml:"type"`
-type ReferencingDetailsTypeI_198199C struct {
- // Reference qualifier Amadeus codes : OT for Other element(non name, non segment) Tatoo PT for Passenger Tatoo ST for Segment Tatoo SS for Segment Tatoo+SubTatoo
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference number Number attributed by the Server to reference the PNR segment/element Limited to the time the PNR is worked (First retrieve - End of Transaction)
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferencingDetailsTypeI_36941C struct {
- // Coach Number
- Value string `xml:"value"`
-type ReferencingDetailsTypeI_45901C struct {
- // Qualifies the type of reference used.
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys the passenger sequence number.
- Value string `xml:"value"`
-type ReferencingDetailsTypeI_46317C struct {
- // Qualify the type of reference: passenger or product
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Passenger tatoo or Product sequence number
- Value string `xml:"value"`
-type ReferencingDetailsType_111975C struct {
- // Amadeus codes are used here. PT for Passenger Tatoo // ST for Segment Tatoo //OT for Other element Tatoo //SS for Segment Tatoo+SubTatoo
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- // reference number refers to a PNR segment/element that has this number in its related element reference segment in the same message (qualifier PT, SS, ST).
- Number string `xml:"number"`
-type ReferencingDetailsType_127526C struct {
- // Shopping Basket codes : CDS Shopping Basket Distribution record CRR Shopping Basket Reservation RecordCST Shopping Basket customer DOC Shopping Basket document FAR Shopping Basket fares and fees information FFY Shopping Basket frequent flyer information FOP Shopping Basket form of payment PRD Shopping Basket product RMK Shopping Basket remark SBK Shopping Basket (used in search results)
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Number attributed by the Server to reference the shopping basket item.
- Number int32 `xml:"number"`
-type ReferencingDetailsType_142140C struct {
- // will have the following values: XID Transaction identifier of the 3DS process CAAV authentication verification code for Visa AAV authentication verification code for MasterCard PAREQ authentication message PARES authentication response message
- Value string `xml:"value"`
-type ReferencingDetailsType_142187C struct {
- // FOID document type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // FOID document number
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferencingDetailsType_2780C struct {
- // Amadeus codes are used here. D for Dominant segment in a marriage N for Non dominant segment in a marriage
- MarriageQualifier string `xml:"marriageQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tatoo number of the segment
- TatooNum string `xml:"tatooNum"`
-type RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU struct {
- // Conveys the embarkation port code.
- Code string `xml:"code"`
-type RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU_198193C struct {
- // Assiciated airport code.
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Associated airport code qualifier.
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Set to IA to indicate that the associated location code is a IATA airport or city code.
- Agency string `xml:"agency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU_45087C struct {
- // Area code.
- Code string `xml:"code"`
-type RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU_46345C struct {
- // location code
- Code string `xml:"code"`
- // location qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
-type RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU_56455C struct {
- // Railway station country code
- Code string `xml:"code"`
- // Code type
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
-type RelatedLocationTwoIdentificationTypeU struct {
- // Conveys the disembarkation port code.
- Code string `xml:"code"`
-type RelatedProductInformationTypeI struct {
- // No quantity returned
- Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // see code list
- Status []string `xml:"status"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // 1A or Other airline record locator information Passive segment airline code
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1. Record - 1A record locator or - OA record locator
- ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1. Profile record locator information: Customer type: C for Corporate T for Traveler F for Frequent Flyer
- ControlType string `xml:"controlType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1. RR element: Date 2. SP element: Date 3. PNR header/RP line: Date of last End of transaction
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1. PNR header/RP line: time of last End of transaction
- Time string `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI_16352C struct {
- // Conveys the booking number.
- ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber"`
- // Conveys the booking number qualifier.
- ControlType string `xml:"controlType"`
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI_170724C struct {
- // 1A or Other airline record locator information Passive segment airline code
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1. Record - 1A record locator or - OA record locator Record locator is truncated to 7 characters.
- ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1. Profile record locator information: Customer type: C for Corporate T for Traveler F for Frequent Flyer
- ControlType string `xml:"controlType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1. RR element: Date 2. SP element: Date 3. PNR header/RP line: Date of last End of transaction
- Date *int32 `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1. PNR header/RP line: time of last End of transaction
- Time string `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI_18446C struct {
- // this is used to specify the confirmation number meaning that the booking was succesfull.
- ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI_198198C struct {
- // - 1A or Other airline record locator information - Passive segment airline code
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // - 1A record locator or - OA record locator
- ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR split type.
- ControlType string `xml:"controlType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1. RR element: Date 2. SP element: Date 3. PNR header/RP line: Date of lastest End of transaction
- Date *int32 `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1. PNR header/RP line: time of lastest End of transaction
- Time *int32 `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI_35709C struct {
- // This element conveys the booking number which is used as a booking reference by the Ferry provider.
- ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber"`
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeU struct {
- // Conveys the tour operator code
- TourOperatorCode string `xml:"tourOperatorCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys the reservation control number qualifier
- ReservationControlNumberQual string `xml:"reservationControlNumberQual"`
- // Conveys the reservation control number. Can have up to 32 chars. for Tour Server
- ReservationControlNumber string `xml:"reservationControlNumber"`
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeU_55378C struct {
- // The individual Passenger confirmation number in the Provider database.
- Value string `xml:"value"`
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
- // To specify the confirmation number in case the booking was succesfull
- Reservation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI_18446C `xml:"reservation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeI_115879S struct {
- // Reservation Information
- Reservation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI_170724C `xml:"reservation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeI_136703S struct {
- // Reservation Information
- Reservation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI_198198C `xml:"reservation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeI_20153S struct {
- // Provides details of the Ferry booking number. The booking number is a unique reference per provider per booking in the provider system. As such, it is stored in the PNR in all the legs of the same booking and it is used in the Ferry PNR indexing.
- Reservation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI_35709C `xml:"reservation"`
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeI_87792S struct {
- // Reservation Information
- Reservation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeI_8957S struct {
- // Cruise booking reference.
- Reservation []*ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI_16352C `xml:"reservation"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeU struct {
- // Conveys the reservation control Id
- ReservationControlId *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeU `xml:"reservationControlId"`
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeU_31804S struct {
- // The reference to the Provider Database
- ReferenceDetails *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeU_55378C `xml:"referenceDetails"`
-type ReservationSecurityInformationType struct {
- // Responsibility Information
- ResponsibilityInformation *ResponsibilityInformationType `xml:"responsibilityInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticket Information
- QueueingInformation *TicketInformationType_5120C `xml:"queueingInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1. PNR Header: Pseudo City Code (not in the CRT display) AGY for Travel agency EHD for First level Help Desk DAP for Data processing center / Amadeus Help Desk Nice SEC for Security administrator WZ for AIS security administrator
- CityCode string `xml:"cityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Second RP line information
- SecondRpInformation *SecondRpLineInformationType `xml:"secondRpInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReservationSecurityInformationType_167761S struct {
- // Responsibility Information
- ResponsibilityInformation *ResponsibilityInformationType_6835C `xml:"responsibilityInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticket Information
- QueueingInformation *TicketInformationType_5120C `xml:"queueingInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1. PNR Header: Pseudo City Code (not in the CRT display) AGY for Travel agency EHD for First level Help Desk DAP for Data processing center / Amadeus Help Desk Nice SEC for Security administrator WZ for AIS security administrator
- CityCode string `xml:"cityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Second RP line information
- SecondRpInformation *SecondRpLineInformationType_237255C `xml:"secondRpInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ResponseIdentificationType struct {
- // Transaction identifier Field 62.2 Official definition: Visa-generated identifier that is unique for each original transaction. The transaction identifier (TID) is a key element that links original authorization requests to subsequent messages, such as reversals.
- TransacIdentifier string `xml:"transacIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Validation code Field 62.3
- ValidationCode string `xml:"validationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Gateway Transaction Identifier - Banknet reference number Field 62.17 - Position 8-13
- BanknetRefNumber string `xml:"banknetRefNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Gateway Transaction Identifier - Banknet date in mmdd format Field 62.17 - Position 1-4
- BanknetDate string `xml:"banknetDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ResponsibilityInformationType struct {
- // Type of PNR element: - RR for Associated Cross Reference Record - SP for Split Party - RP for PNR Header line
- TypeOfPnrElement string `xml:"typeOfPnrElement"`
- // 1. RR element: 2. SP element: 3. PNR Header:Agent initials and duty code (eg: AASU)
- AgentId string `xml:"agentId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1. RR element office that copied the PNR 2. SP element: office that split the PNR 3. PNR Header: office responsibility or - OA office (City code + OA code) which is 5 chars long
- OfficeId string `xml:"officeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ATA/IATA reference number assigned to a travel agent
- IataCode *int32 `xml:"iataCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ResponsibilityInformationType_6835C struct {
- // Type of PNR element: - RR for Associated Cross Reference Record - SP for Split Party - RP for PNR Header line
- TypeOfPnrElement string `xml:"typeOfPnrElement"`
- // 1. RR element: 2. SP element: 3. PNR Header:Agent initials and duty code (eg: AASU)
- AgentId string `xml:"agentId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1. RR element office that copied the PNR 2. SP element: office that split the PNR 3. PNR Header: office responsibility or - OA office (City code + OA code) which is 5 chars long
- OfficeId string `xml:"officeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // ATA/IATA reference number assigned to a travel agent
- IataCode *int32 `xml:"iataCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RoomDetailsType struct {
- // 1. room Occupancy
- Occupancy *int32 `xml:"occupancy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // room Type
- TypeCode string `xml:"typeCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RuleDetailsTypeU struct {
- // This data element is used to identify the type of rule (see data mapping).
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // This data element is used to convey the afternoon time which is the maximum time to check-in. ex. if equal to 1, it means that the room is kept until 1PM.
- Quantity int32 `xml:"quantity"`
- // This data element is used to specify that the Maximim check-in time is given in hours.
- QuantityUnit string `xml:"quantityUnit"`
-type RuleDetailsTypeU_198224C struct {
- // Coded rule type
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // quantity (if applicable)
- Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // DAY for Day HOR for Hour (if applicable)
- QuantityUnit string `xml:"quantityUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Deposit Information: - BRE Before Rental - AFT After Booking Pickup Information - MAX Maximum Days Rental - MIN Minimum Days Rental One Way Information: - 009 for One Way Allowed - 005 for One Way not Allowed - 006 for Restricted One Way Allowed
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day of the week (Monday=1, Sunday=7)
- DaysOfOperation string `xml:"daysOfOperation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rule amount (if applicable)
- Amount *int32 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rule currency amount (if applicable)
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RuleInformationTypeU struct {
- // This composite is used to convey the rules details.
- RuleDetails *RuleDetailsTypeU `xml:"ruleDetails"`
- // This composite is used to indicate that the rule have been entered manually by the agent.
- RuleStatusDetails *RuleStatusTypeU `xml:"ruleStatusDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RuleInformationTypeU_136720S struct {
- // Rule details
- RuleDetails []*RuleDetailsTypeU_198224C `xml:"ruleDetails"` // maxOccurs="5"
- // Associated Rule Text
- RuleText *RuleTextTypeU `xml:"ruleText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RuleStatusTypeU struct {
- // This data element specifies the rule concerned by this information.
- StatusType string `xml:"statusType"`
- // This data element is used to indicate that the condition have been entered manually by the travel agent and is not coming from the supplier data.
- ProcessIndicator string `xml:"processIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RuleTextTypeU struct {
- // Coded rule type
- TextType string `xml:"textType"`
- // Rule Information
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type SeatReferenceInformationType struct {
- // Coach number.
- CoachNumber string `xml:"coachNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Deck number.
- DeckNumber string `xml:"deckNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Seat number.
- SeatNumber string `xml:"seatNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SeatRequestParametersTypeI struct {
- // Details of the seat
- GenericDetails *GenericDetailsTypeI `xml:"genericDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SecondRpLineInformationType struct {
- // Creation office
- CreationOfficeId string `xml:"creationOfficeId"`
- // Creation agent sine/queue category (eg: 1234AA)
- AgentSignature string `xml:"agentSignature,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR creation date
- CreationDate string `xml:"creationDate"`
- // ATA/IATA number assigned to a travel agent
- CreatorIataCode *int32 `xml:"creatorIataCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR creation time
- CreationTime string `xml:"creationTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SecondRpLineInformationType_237255C struct {
- // Creation office
- CreationOfficeId string `xml:"creationOfficeId"`
- // Creation agent sine/queue category (eg: 1234AA)
- AgentSignature string `xml:"agentSignature,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR creation date
- CreationDate string `xml:"creationDate"`
- // ATA/IATA number assigned to a travel agent
- CreatorIataCode *int32 `xml:"creatorIataCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR creation time
- CreationTime string `xml:"creationTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SecurityInformationType struct {
- // Date of creation
- CreationDate string `xml:"creationDate"`
- // Agent initials and duty code as in Originator informations (eg: AASU)
- AgentCode string `xml:"agentCode"`
- // Office Id of creation/update
- OfficeId string `xml:"officeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegmentCabinIdentificationType struct {
- // Cabin class designator
- CabinCode string `xml:"cabinCode"`
-type SegmentGroupingInformationType struct {
- // Type of segment grouping: Mxx for Marriage (see codeset) CNX for Connection
- GroupingCode string `xml:"groupingCode"`
- // transmit the list of segments participating in one marriage or segments that are connected.
- MarriageDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_2780C `xml:"marriageDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
- // see code list
- Option string `xml:"option"`
- // CRU segment - occurrence 1 : Duration of the cruise (saling length) expressed in days.
- OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI_198215C struct {
- // - P6 for seamless availability
- Option string `xml:"option"`
-type SelectionDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Booking access type requested
- SelectionDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI_198215C `xml:"selectionDetails"`
-type SelectionDetailsTypeI_2067S struct {
- // Only the first occurrence of the composite is mandatory. Up to 10 occurrences of the composite.
- Selection []*SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"selection"` // maxOccurs="10"
-type SequenceDetailsTypeU struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ActionRequest string `xml:"actionRequest,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SequenceDetails *SequenceInformationTypeU_24073C `xml:"sequenceDetails"`
-type SequenceDetailsTypeU_94494S struct {
- // Sequence Information
- SequenceDetails *SequenceInformationTypeU `xml:"sequenceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SequenceInformationTypeU struct {
- // Sequence number of the Mean Of Payment in the FOP line. There can be up to 3 New MOP and 3 Old MOP in a FOP line. Old Fops are considered as freeflow text.
- Number int32 `xml:"number"`
-type SequenceInformationTypeU_24073C struct {
- // Format limitations: an..10
- Number string `xml:"number"`
-type ShipIdentificationDetailsType struct {
- // Used to convey the ship code as in the Cruise specific database ship's table.
- Code string `xml:"code"`
- // Used to convey the ship name as in the Cruise specific database ship's table.
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to convey the cruise line provider code for the sailing ship.
- CruiseLineCode string `xml:"cruiseLineCode"`
-type ShipIdentificationDetailsType_45069C struct {
- // Used to convey the ship name.
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ShipIdentificationType struct {
- // Detailed information for the sailing ship.
- ShipDetails *ShipIdentificationDetailsType_45069C `xml:"shipDetails"`
-type ShipIdentificationType_8952S struct {
- // Detailed information for the sailing ship.
- ShipDetails *ShipIdentificationDetailsType `xml:"shipDetails"`
-type SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType struct {
- // The seat number
- SeatNumber string `xml:"seatNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // type of the seat
- SeatCharacteristic []string `xml:"seatCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Seat number + row (seat SSR) Number of seats (Group seat SSR)
- Data string `xml:"data,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Refers a Traveller / Reference number for association purpose
- CrossRef string `xml:"crossRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 3 occurrences may be used for in Amadeus seat SSR to indicate: 1. Smoking/no smoking 2. 1st area preference 3. 2nd area preference or passenger type
- SeatType []string `xml:"seatType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type SpecialRequirementsDetailsType struct {
- // To specify the Seat Number.
- SeatDetails *SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType `xml:"seatDetails"`
-type SpecialRequirementsDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Special requirements type details
- Ssr *SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"ssr"`
- // Group seat SSR cannot ask for specific seats but only smoking and/or non-smoking (see Group seat SSR). the maximum repetitions here are 9 seats (1 per passenger of non-group PNR).
- Ssrb []*SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsTypeI `xml:"ssrb,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // ATA/IATA defined Special Service Requirement code. (refer to IATA AIRIMP documentation)
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Use defined code or an ATA/IATA defined action code (See AIRIMP 7.1.2/7.1.3/7.1.4/8.14.1 (as bilaterally agreed), SIPP
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Number of services requested
- Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Airline code or YY
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Seat Special service request or Frequent Flyer SSR.
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1. Seat SSR Processing indicator, coded PS for Partial segment indicator
- ProcessingIndicator string `xml:"processingIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Board point
- Boardpoint string `xml:"boardpoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Off point
- Offpoint string `xml:"offpoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free flow of the SSR that can be up to 127 chars long, therefore split on two 4440 (70 + 57)
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type SpecificDataInformationTypeI struct {
- // This composite holds information about the element to which it applies. For the Ferry business, this element specifies that the type of information conveyed is about the animal(s) attached to a Ferry booking.
- DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationTypeI `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
- // Details and description of the conveyed information.
- DataInformation *DataInformationTypeI `xml:"dataInformation"`
-type SpecificTravellerDetailsType struct {
- // passenger type indicator
- PassengerType string `xml:"passengerType"`
- // Format limitations: a..60
- TravellerSurname string `xml:"travellerSurname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: a..60
- TravellerGivenName string `xml:"travellerGivenName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // TravellerReferenceNumber
- TravellerReferenceNumber string `xml:"travellerReferenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // birthdate or age of passenger
- PassengerBirthdate string `xml:"passengerBirthdate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SpecificVisaLinkCreditCardInformationType struct {
- // ISO8583 specific info
- MsgRef *MessageReferenceType `xml:"msgRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Response identification
- RespIdentification *ResponseIdentificationType `xml:"respIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StationInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..2
- DepartTerminal string `xml:"departTerminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StationInformationTypeI_119771C struct {
- // Format limitations: an..2
- Terminal string `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StatusDetailsType struct {
- // FRA for fraud screening
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator"`
- // This data element is used to indicate if risk management must be performed at authorization time: - Y means risk management data will be appended to author; - N means risk management data will not be appended;
- Action string `xml:"action"`
-type StatusDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Indicator name.
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator"`
-type StatusDetailsTypeI_185722C struct {
- // Status of the entity
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator"`
- // Qualifies the status
- Type string `xml:"type"`
-type StatusDetailsTypeI_20684C struct {
- // Coded identifying type of Information
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Data information upon qualifier.
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StatusDetailsTypeI_37285C struct {
- // Indicates of the reservation is modifiable directly in the 1A system
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StatusDetailsTypeI_57035C struct {
- // Indicator name.
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Contains "MOD" if the PNR has been modifed since it has been retrieved
- IsPNRModifDuringTrans string `xml:"isPNRModifDuringTrans,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StatusDetailsType_148479C struct {
- // list of status/qualifiers Either His for Historical or Crt for Current
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StatusDetailsType_148716C struct {
- // Indicator name.
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator"`
-type StatusDetailsType_183347C struct {
- // list of status/qualifiers Either His for Historical or Crt for Current
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys any additional data necessary to qualify the indicator
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StatusType struct {
- StatusInformation []*StatusDetailsType_183347C `xml:"statusInformation"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type StatusTypeI struct {
- // Provides a set of coded characteristics of the customer.
- StatusDetails []*StatusDetailsTypeI_185722C `xml:"statusDetails"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type StatusTypeI_13270S struct {
- // Provides information on the type of fop.
- StatusDetails *StatusDetailsTypeI_20684C `xml:"statusDetails"`
- OtherStatusDetails []*StatusDetailsTypeI_20684C `xml:"otherStatusDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
-type StatusTypeI_20923S struct {
- // Status information
- StatusDetails *StatusDetailsTypeI_37285C `xml:"statusDetails"`
-type StatusTypeI_32775S struct {
- // Contains general indicators relative to the state of the PNR
- StatusDetails *StatusDetailsTypeI_57035C `xml:"statusDetails"`
-type StatusTypeI_33257S struct {
- // indicates an open segment
- StatusDetails *StatusDetailsTypeI `xml:"statusDetails"`
-type StatusType_94568S struct {
- // will we perform the fraud screening ?
- StatusInformation *StatusDetailsType `xml:"statusInformation"`
-type StatusType_99582S struct {
- StatusInformation []*StatusDetailsType_148479C `xml:"statusInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
-type StatusType_99946S struct {
- StatusInformation *StatusDetailsType_148716C `xml:"statusInformation"`
-type StructuredAddressInformationType struct {
- // Following values are : CY for Company NA for Name L1 for Address line 1 L2 for Address line 2 PO for P.O. BOX ZP for Postal code CI for City ST for State CO for Country
- Option string `xml:"option"`
- // Alphanumeric information related to the level code. Each code has its own max length, an..50 corresponds to the max length among.
- OptionText string `xml:"optionText"`
-type StructuredAddressType struct {
- // Information type, coded 2 for billing address P08 for general mailing address P19 for miscellaneous mailing address P24 for home mailing address P25 for delivery mailing address
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Structured Address
- Address []*StructuredAddressInformationType `xml:"address,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type StructuredDateTimeInformationType struct {
- // Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_17997C `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeInformationType_20644S struct {
- // Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_36775C `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeInformationType_20645S struct {
- // Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_36777C `xml:"dateTime"`
-type StructuredDateTimeInformationType_21109S struct {
- // Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_35730C `xml:"dateTime"`
-type StructuredDateTimeInformationType_24436S struct {
- // Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_44876C `xml:"dateTime"`
-type StructuredDateTimeInformationType_25444S struct {
- // This data element can be used to provide the semantic of the information provided. Examples : - Impacted period - Departure date - Estimated arrival date and time
- BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic"`
- // Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_44876C `xml:"dateTime"`
-type StructuredDateTimeInformationType_27086S struct {
- // Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_16347C `xml:"dateTime"`
-type StructuredDateTimeInformationType_32362S struct {
- // This data element can be used to provide the semantic of the information provided. Examples : - Impacted period - Departure date - Estimated arrival date and time
- BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Departure or arrival date and time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_56472C `xml:"dateTime"`
-type StructuredDateTimeInformationType_83553S struct {
- // This data element can be used to provide the semantic of the information provided. Examples : - Impacted period - Departure date - Estimated arrival date and time
- BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic"`
- // Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"dateTime"`
-type StructuredDateTimeInformationType_94516S struct {
- // This data element can be used to provide the semantic of the information provided. Examples : - LT : date and time corresponding to Authorization message built - T : date and time corresponding to Authorization message sent - AR : date and time corresponding to Authorization message receipt
- BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicate if the time is expressed in UTC or in local time mode ( Codes U and L ). In the last case, the time zone information can be provided in the composite C89K.
- TimeMode string `xml:"timeMode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_142129C `xml:"dateTime"`
- // Reference : IATA SSIM Appendix F If it is not provided, the time is considered to be given in UTC.
- TimeZoneInfo *TimeZoneIinformationType `xml:"timeZoneInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeInformationType_94559S struct {
- // This data element is used to provide the semantic of the date information provided. Examples : - GMT Transaction date - Local Transaction date ... Default being L local date and time
- BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_142180C `xml:"dateTime"`
-type StructuredDateTimeInformationType_94567S struct {
- // Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_142188C `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
- // Year number.
- Year string `xml:"year"`
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month string `xml:"month"`
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day string `xml:"day"`
- // Hour between 0 and 23
- Hour string `xml:"hour,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Minutes between 0 and 59
- Minutes string `xml:"minutes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Seconds between 0 and 59
- Seconds *int32 `xml:"seconds,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeType_142129C struct {
- // Year number.
- Year int32 `xml:"year"`
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month int32 `xml:"month"`
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day int32 `xml:"day"`
- // Hour between 0 and 23
- Hour *int32 `xml:"hour,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Minutes between 0 and 59
- Minutes *int32 `xml:"minutes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Seconds between 0 and 59
- Seconds *int32 `xml:"seconds,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Milliseconds between 0 and 999.
- Milliseconds *int32 `xml:"milliseconds,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeType_142180C struct {
- // Year number.
- Year string `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month string `xml:"month"`
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day string `xml:"day"`
- // Hour between 0 and 23
- Hour string `xml:"hour,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Minutes between 0 and 59
- Minutes string `xml:"minutes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Seconds between 0 and 59
- Seconds *int32 `xml:"seconds,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Milliseconds between 0 and 999.
- Milliseconds *int32 `xml:"milliseconds,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeType_142188C struct {
- // Year number.
- Year *int32 `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month *int32 `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day *int32 `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeType_16347C struct {
- // Year number.
- Year int32 `xml:"year"`
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month string `xml:"month"`
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day string `xml:"day"`
-type StructuredDateTimeType_17997C struct {
- // Year number. The format is a little long for short term usage but it can be reduced by implementation if required.
- Year string `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month string `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day string `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeType_18725C struct {
- // Year number. The format is a little long for short term usage but it can be reduced by implementation if required.
- Year *int32 `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month string `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day string `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Hour between 0 and 23
- Hour *int32 `xml:"hour,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Minutes between 0 and 59
- Minutes *int32 `xml:"minutes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeType_198200C struct {
- // Year number. The format is a little long for short term usage but it can be reduced by implementation if required.
- Year *int32 `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month *int32 `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day *int32 `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Hour between 0 and 23
- Hour *int32 `xml:"hour,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Minutes between 0 and 59
- Minutes *int32 `xml:"minutes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeType_198234C struct {
- // Hour between 0 and 23
- Hour int32 `xml:"hour"`
- // Minutes between 0 and 59
- Minutes int32 `xml:"minutes"`
-type StructuredDateTimeType_35730C struct {
- // Hour between 0 and 23
- Hour string `xml:"hour"`
- // Minutes between 0 and 59
- Minutes string `xml:"minutes"`
-type StructuredDateTimeType_36775C struct {
- // Year number.
- Year string `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month string `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day string `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Hour between 0 and 23
- Hour string `xml:"hour,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Minutes between 0 and 59
- Minutes string `xml:"minutes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Seconds between 0 and 59
- Seconds *int32 `xml:"seconds,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeType_36777C struct {
- // Year number.
- Year int32 `xml:"year"`
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month string `xml:"month"`
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day string `xml:"day"`
-type StructuredDateTimeType_44876C struct {
- // Year number.
- Year string `xml:"year"`
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month string `xml:"month"`
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day string `xml:"day"`
-type StructuredDateTimeType_56472C struct {
- // Year number.
- Year string `xml:"year"`
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month string `xml:"month"`
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day string `xml:"day"`
- // Hour between 0 and 23
- Hour string `xml:"hour,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Minutes between 0 and 59
- Minutes string `xml:"minutes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredPeriodInformationType struct {
- // Convey the begin date/time of a period.
- BeginDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_17997C `xml:"beginDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Convey the end date/time of a period.
- EndDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_17997C `xml:"endDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredPeriodInformationType_11026S struct {
- // This data element can be used to provide the semantic of the information provided.
- BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicate the time is expressed in local time mode.
- TimeMode string `xml:"timeMode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Convey the begin date/time of a period.
- BeginDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_18725C `xml:"beginDateTime"`
- // Convey the end date/time of a period.
- EndDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_18725C `xml:"endDateTime"`
-type StructuredPeriodInformationType_136705S struct {
- // DDT Drop-off Date and Time OCH Opening and Closing hours PDT Pickup Date and Time PKT Early and Late Pickup time RTT Early and Late Return time
- BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicate if the time is expressed in UTC or in local time mode ( Codes U and L ). In the last case, the time zone information can be provided in the composite C89K.
- TimeMode string `xml:"timeMode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Convey the begin date/time of a period.
- BeginDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_198200C `xml:"beginDateTime"`
- // Convey the end date/time of a period.
- EndDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_198200C `xml:"endDateTime"`
-type StructuredPeriodInformationType_136724S struct {
- // DDT Drop-off Date and Time OCH Opening and Closing hours PDT Pickup Date and Time PKT Early and Late Pickup time RTT Early and Late Return time
- BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Indicate if the time is expressed in UTC or in local time mode ( Codes U and L ). In the last case, the time zone information can be provided in the composite C89K.
- TimeMode string `xml:"timeMode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Convey the begin date/time of a period.
- BeginDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_198234C `xml:"beginDateTime"`
- // Convey the end date/time of a period.
- EndDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_198234C `xml:"endDateTime"`
- // It is used with a period to give a restriction for days impacted. It permits for example to indicate on which days, a flight operates.
- Frequency *FrequencyType `xml:"frequency"`
-type StructuredPeriodInformationType_8955S struct {
- // Convey the begin date/time of a period.
- BeginDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_16347C `xml:"beginDateTime"`
- // Convey the end date/time of a period.
- EndDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_16347C `xml:"endDateTime"`
-type StructuredTelephoneNumberType struct {
- // Telephone number
- TelephoneNumber string `xml:"telephoneNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredTelephoneNumberType_198214C struct {
- // Telephone number
- TelephoneNumber string `xml:"telephoneNumber"`
-type StructuredTelephoneNumberType_48448C struct {
- // International dial code
- InternationalDialCode string `xml:"internationalDialCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Local prefix code
- LocalPrefixCode string `xml:"localPrefixCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Area code
- AreaCode string `xml:"areaCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Telephone number
- TelephoneNumber string `xml:"telephoneNumber"`
-type SystemDetailsInfoType struct {
- // BCS distribution channel
- CascadingSystem *SystemDetailsTypeI_46415C `xml:"cascadingSystem"`
-type SystemDetailsInfoType_33158S struct {
- // POS airline
- DeliveringSystem *SystemDetailsTypeI_57708C `xml:"deliveringSystem"`
-type SystemDetailsInfoType_94569S struct {
- // LNIATA of the agent.
- WorkstationId string `xml:"workstationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // System delivering the shopper session ID
- DeliveringSystem *SystemDetailsTypeI `xml:"deliveringSystem,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SystemDetailsTypeI struct {
- // will convey the name of the company ex: OPODO
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SystemDetailsTypeI_46415C struct {
- // contains the distribution channel data. It is the concatenation of "DCD" + [access type] + [product] + [sub-product] access type, product and sub-product are represented on 3 chars.
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId"`
-type SystemDetailsTypeI_57708C struct {
- // Corporate Code
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId"`
- // Pseudo City Code
- LocationId string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TariffInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // A unique rate product identifier.
- RateType string `xml:"rateType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This field is used to convey the amount.
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This field is used to convey the currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This data element is used to convey the rate plan (Daily or total indicator).
- RatePlanIndicator string `xml:"ratePlanIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This data element is used to convey the rate amount type.
- AmountType string `xml:"amountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This data element is used to specify the fact that a rate change occurs during the period of the stay. If the is a change the value is * (for YES)
- RateChangeIndicator string `xml:"rateChangeIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TariffInformationDetailsTypeI_198216C struct {
- // CNV for converted Rate
- RateChangeIndicator string `xml:"rateChangeIndicator"`
-type TariffInformationDetailsTypeI_39533C struct {
- // Net premium
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // currency of the total price and net premium i.e in EUR/ USD
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // general indicator
- AmountType string `xml:"amountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Total amount of the insurance element.
- TotalAmount *float64 `xml:"totalAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TariffInformationDetailsTypeI_50731C struct {
- // Fare Basis Code
- FareBasisCode string `xml:"fareBasisCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare Base amount
- FareBaseAmount *float64 `xml:"fareBaseAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This field is used to convey the currency
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TariffInformationDetailsTypeU struct {
- // Prive value. The value conveyed equals 100 times the original value in order to avoid transporting decimal placement information.
- PriceAmount float64 `xml:"priceAmount"`
- // Currency code.
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode"`
- // Gives the type of amount.
- PriceQualifier string `xml:"priceQualifier"`
-type TariffInformationDetailsTypeU_127523C struct {
- // Prive value. The value conveyed equals 100 times the original value in order to avoid transporting decimal placement information.
- PriceAmount float64 `xml:"priceAmount"`
- // Gives the type of amount.
- PriceQualifier string `xml:"priceQualifier"`
-type TariffInformationDetailsTypeU_45479C struct {
- // Prive value. The value conveyed equals 100 times the original value in order to avoid transporting decimal placement information.
- PriceAmount *float64 `xml:"priceAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys the currency code.
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This qualifier specifies how the price information is to be used. PPI = price per item. There is a price value. INC = Inclusive. There is no price value. This inclusive qualifier specifies that the price to which it applies is already accounted for in the price for another item.
- PriceQualifier string `xml:"priceQualifier"`
-type TariffInformationDetailsTypeU_46314C struct {
- // A unique rate product identifier: - PRODUCT = tariff for a product - TOUR = price of the tour - TAXFEE = tax or fee - REMAIN = remaining amount
- RateIdentifier string `xml:"rateIdentifier"`
- // unitary amount for the tariff
- UnitaryAmount float64 `xml:"unitaryAmount"`
- // currency code used for the tariff
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To qualify and get information on the tariff: cancellation charge, tax amount, total amount, no amount of insurance...
- TariffQualifier string `xml:"tariffQualifier"`
- // Total Amount for the tariff, set if quantity is present
- TotalAmount *float64 `xml:"totalAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // quantity for the tariff, when tariff is detailed with a quantity x unitaryAmount and totalPrice
- Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // value is codeset 65 if amount is negative. For Tour, the remaining amount to pay can be negative if the price of the tour has changed
- TariffStatus string `xml:"tariffStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TariffInformationType struct {
- // This composite gives details about the monetary amounts and their usage.
- PriceDetails *TariffInformationDetailsTypeU `xml:"priceDetails"`
-type TariffInformationTypeI struct {
- // This composite is used to convey the tariff information
- TariffInfo *TariffInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"tariffInfo"`
- // Additional rate type information
- RateInformation *RateInformationTypeI `xml:"rateInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This composite is used to convey all the extra charge information.
- ChargeDetails []*AssociatedChargesInformationTypeI `xml:"chargeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="30"
-type TariffInformationTypeI_136706S struct {
- // This composite is used to convey the tariff information
- TariffInfo *TariffInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"tariffInfo"`
- // Additional rate type information
- RateInformation *RateInformationTypeI_198204C `xml:"rateInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This composite is used to convey all the extra charge information.
- ChargeDetails []*AssociatedChargesInformationTypeI_198205C `xml:"chargeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="30"
-type TariffInformationTypeI_136714S struct {
- // tariff conversion indicator associated to the charge
- TariffInfo *TariffInformationDetailsTypeI_198216C `xml:"tariffInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tax, Surcharge, Coverage, Coupon details Repetition are used to carry: - General Info (estimated + name...) - Tariff per day / Max - Tariff per weekend / Max - Tariff per week / Max - Tariff per month / Max - Tariff per rental / Max - Excess amount - Liability amount
- ChargeDetails []*AssociatedChargesInformationTypeI_198218C `xml:"chargeDetails"` // maxOccurs="16"
-type TariffInformationTypeI_136719S struct {
- // tariff conversion indicator associated to the charge
- TariffInfo *TariffInformationDetailsTypeI_198216C `xml:"tariffInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tax, Surcharge, Coverage, Coupon details
- ChargeDetails []*AssociatedChargesInformationTypeI_198218C `xml:"chargeDetails"` // maxOccurs="4"
-type TariffInformationTypeI_22057S struct {
- // total price and net premium
- TariffInfo *TariffInformationDetailsTypeI_39533C `xml:"tariffInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // to specify the taxes and their values and converted values into other currencies if specified.
- ChargeDetails []*AssociatedChargesInformationTypeI_39535C `xml:"chargeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type TariffInformationTypeI_28460S struct {
- // This composite is used to convey the tariff information
- TariffInfo *TariffInformationDetailsTypeI_50731C `xml:"tariffInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Additional rate type information
- RateInformation *RateInformationTypeI_50732C `xml:"rateInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TariffInformationTypeU struct {
- // This composite provides details for a price.
- PriceDetails *TariffInformationDetailsTypeU_45479C `xml:"priceDetails"`
-type TariffInformationTypeU_25419S struct {
- // Information about the tariffs of a Tour: tour price, product price, additional price
- TariffInformation []*TariffInformationDetailsTypeU_46314C `xml:"tariffInformation"` // maxOccurs="3"
- // This composite is used to describe the commissions on the tariff
- AssociatedChargesInformation *AssociatedChargesInformationTypeU `xml:"associatedChargesInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TariffInformationType_83558S struct {
- // This composite gives details about the monetary amounts and their usage.
- PriceDetails *TariffInformationDetailsTypeU_127523C `xml:"priceDetails"`
-type TariffcodeType struct {
- // To convey the Tariff code.
- TariffCode string `xml:"tariffCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // to convey a description of the type of tariff.
- TariffCodeType string `xml:"tariffCodeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TaxDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Tax Amount
- TaxRate string `xml:"taxRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // See ISO 4217 codes
- CurrCode string `xml:"currCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type of the tax
- TaxType []string `xml:"taxType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TaxDetailsTypeU struct {
- // Tax qualifier. For Ferry, only one tax qualifier applies: Port taxes.
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Tax amount.
- Amount float64 `xml:"amount"`
-type TaxFieldsType struct {
- // Tax indicator
- TaxIndicator string `xml:"taxIndicator"`
- // Tax currency
- TaxCurrency string `xml:"taxCurrency"`
- // Tax amount
- TaxAmount string `xml:"taxAmount"`
- // Tax country code
- TaxCountryCode string `xml:"taxCountryCode"`
- // Tax nature code
- TaxNatureCode string `xml:"taxNatureCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TaxTypeI struct {
- // specify the tax details
- TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type TaxesType struct {
- // Tax details description.
- AdditionnalCharge *TaxDetailsTypeU `xml:"additionnalCharge"`
-type TerminalIdentificationDescriptionType struct {
- // Identification of the transaction initiator.
- TerminalID string `xml:"terminalID,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The distribution channel.
- DistributionChannel *DistributionChannelType `xml:"distributionChannel"`
-type TerminalInformationTypeU struct {
- // Arrival Terminal
- ArrivalTerminal string `xml:"arrivalTerminal"`
-type TerminalTimeInformationTypeS struct {
- LocationDetails *LocationIdentificationTypeS `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ThreeDomainSecureGroupType struct {
- // This segment conveys a set of data resulting from the 3DS authentication process
- AuthenticationData *CreditCardSecurityType `xml:"authenticationData"`
- // Access Control Server's URL (up to 2048 characters).
- AcsURL *CommunicationContactType `xml:"acsURL,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // will convey the various messages/encrypted data used during the 3DS authentication processes
- TdsBlobData []*TdsBlobData `xml:"tdsBlobData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
-type TdsBlobData struct {
- // will identify the content of the BLB that follows
- TdsBlbIdentifier *ReferenceInfoType_94524S `xml:"tdsBlbIdentifier"`
- TdsBlbData *BinaryDataType `xml:"tdsBlbData"`
-type TicketElementType struct {
- // Passenger type PAX for Passenger INF for Infant not occupying a seat
- PassengerType string `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticket information
- Ticket *TicketInformationType `xml:"ticket"`
- // Print options (//print options after double slash)
- PrintOptions string `xml:"printOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TicketInformationType struct {
- // Ticketing type TL, OK, DO, IN, MA, TR, AT, PT, XL, ST, SS
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator"`
- // Ticketing date
- Date *int32 `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticketing time
- Time string `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Office Id
- OfficeId string `xml:"officeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free flow text
- Freetext string `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Air France flag (e.g. //TELEPAYE for MINITEL)
- TransactionFlag string `xml:"transactionFlag,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Electronic ticketing flag + airline code (e.g. //ETLH) ET for Electronic ticket candidate
- ElectronicTicketFlag string `xml:"electronicTicketFlag,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Airline code
- AirlineCode string `xml:"airlineCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Queue number
- QueueNumber string `xml:"queueNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Category number
- QueueCategory string `xml:"queueCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // SITA addresses
- SitaAddress []string `xml:"sitaAddress,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type TicketInformationType_5120C struct {
- // 1. PNR Header: Amadeus Queuing Office Id
- QueueingOfficeId string `xml:"queueingOfficeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1. PNR Header: OA city code
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TicketNumberDetailsTypeI struct {
- // eVoucher number
- Number string `xml:"number"`
-type TicketNumberTypeI struct {
- // documentDetails
- DocumentDetails *TicketNumberDetailsTypeI `xml:"documentDetails"`
-type TicketingFormOfPaymentType struct {
- // Form of payment details
- FopDetails []*FormOfPaymentInformationType `xml:"fopDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type TimeZoneIinformationType struct {
- // ISO country Code See SSIM appendix F
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode"`
- // Time zone code. See SSIM appendix F.
- Code *int32 `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Time zone suffix to complete the time zone code when necessary. See SSIM appendix F.
- Suffix string `xml:"suffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TotalPriceType struct {
- // The provider code.
- ProviderCode *CompanyInformationType_83550S `xml:"providerCode"`
- // External Reference of the pricing
- ExternalRef *ReferenceInformationTypeI_83551S `xml:"externalRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // method of delivery, such as e-mail, pick at station, id card, etc.
- MethodOfDelivery *MethodOfDelivery `xml:"methodOfDelivery,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment is used to convey the main price information (e.g. the net total price for non-cancelled bookings, the cancellation fee for cancelled bookings). The currency code stands not only for this segment, but for the whole group: all prices have the same currency.
- MainPrice *TariffInformationType `xml:"mainPrice"`
- // The remaining price items are described here. In ferry business, there may be a maximum of 12 prices (+ main price and taxes). The currency code is not applicable because it is the same as in the mainPriceInformation segment.
- OtherPrices []*TariffInformationType_83558S `xml:"otherPrices,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="12"
- // product associated to the price item
- ProductDescription *ProductDescription `xml:"productDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment conveys the tax amount information. The repetition factor equals the number of codesets for the qualifier, because each type of tax may occur once. The currency code is the same as in the mainPriceInformation segment.
- AdditionnalChargeInformation []*TaxesType `xml:"additionnalChargeInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- // This segment is used to convey the booking fare information.
- RateCodeInformation *RateTypesTypeU `xml:"rateCodeInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment will transport the optional booking confirmation dead-line information. Note: if this segment transports a valid confirmation dead-line, then the booking is considered as optional.
- OptionalBooking *StructuredDateTimeInformationType_83553S `xml:"optionalBooking,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MethodOfDelivery struct {
- // Identification and semantic attached to the reference description (E.g: a customer can have multiple roles: payer, traveller, insured...)
- ElementManagement *ElementManagementSegmentType_83559S `xml:"elementManagement"`
- // Describes the details around this mode of delivery
- DeliveryDetails *PackageDescriptionType `xml:"deliveryDetails"`
-type ProductDescription struct {
- // product associated to the price item
- Product *ProductIdentificationTypeU `xml:"product"`
- // product restrictions and attributes: route code and description, crossLondon and advanced purchase.
- ProductRestriction []*TrafficRestrictionDetailsType `xml:"productRestriction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type TourAccountDetailsType struct {
- // Total price of the Tours. The segment can be repeated in case the total price is written in more than one currency. This trigger is M20 and not M1, but there is no grammar problem with that. There would be a problem if the group TURP was repeated, but this is not and shall never be the case.
- TourTotalPrices []*TariffInformationTypeU_25419S `xml:"tourTotalPrices"` // maxOccurs="20"
- // The remaining amount to pay, for each Tour Operator
- RemainingAmountsDetails []*RemainingAmountsDetails `xml:"remainingAmountsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
- // All tour products (accomodation, transport, insurance...) prices and additional price elements such as airport tax and fees. We can have 99 descriptions of prices about products. And we can have 2 additional prices' descriptions, about other fees and taxes not linked to a product. This gives a max of 101 prices' description.
- TourDetailedPriceInfo []*TourDetailedPriceInfo `xml:"tourDetailedPriceInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="101"
- // Payments done by Tour Operator
- PaymentInformation []*PaymentInformation `xml:"paymentInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type PaymentInformation struct {
- // Deposit details: amount, currency, date, purpose and payment method information
- Payment *PaymentInformationTypeU `xml:"payment"`
- // The Tour Operator code
- OperatorCode *CompanyInformationType_25420S `xml:"operatorCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RemainingAmountsDetails struct {
- // The Tour Operator code
- ProviderCode *CompanyInformationType_25420S `xml:"providerCode"`
- // The remaining amount to pay
- RemainingAmount *TariffInformationTypeU_25419S `xml:"remainingAmount"`
-type TourDetailedPriceInfo struct {
- // dummy segment
- MarkerSpecificRead *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"markerSpecificRead"`
- // Identifier of the product
- ProductId *ReferenceInfoType_25422S `xml:"productId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Price of a product or tax or fee to pay for a product
- ProductPrice *TariffInformationTypeU_25419S `xml:"productPrice"`
-type TourDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Inclusive tour number
- TourCode string `xml:"tourCode"`
-type TourInformationType struct {
- // Conveys summary information of the booking (such as departure/arrival location or date of the booking, the booking type ...). The providerName data of the composite E988 DOES NOT conveys the Tour Operator's name. Providers' name and code are stored in CPYs.
- BookingSummaryInfo *TravelProductInformationTypeU_25428S `xml:"bookingSummaryInfo"`
- // Conveys information about the booking duration
- BookingDurationInfo *QuantityType `xml:"bookingDurationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys staying location information
- StayingInfo *PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_25436S `xml:"stayingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys the tour description (name and description)
- TourDescriptionInfo *AdditionalProductDetailsTypeU `xml:"tourDescriptionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys booking reference and unique key in the provider system
- BookingReferenceInfo []*ReservationControlInformationTypeU `xml:"bookingReferenceInfo"` // maxOccurs="2"
- // Conveys the status of the booking or of the ticket and the number in party. The composite E958 is M2: -One instance can be the booking's status -The other can be the TKOK status
- StatusInfo *QuantityAndActionTypeU `xml:"statusInfo"`
- // Indicates whether an insurance is included in the tour booking.
- InsuranceIndication *InsuranceCoverageType_25483S `xml:"insuranceIndication,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys passenger information when there is a desynchronization between the PNR passengers and tour passengers (Tour Server). A Tour Server booking can contain its own passenger names. Tour Server's specifications specify a maximum of 99 passengers. If a Tour booking conveys its passengers in TIF, then there is no Pax assoc (no REF used for Pax assoc). BUT, when there is no TIF (for example in Tour Distribution), there may be a Pax assoc between product and PNR pax, and/or booking and PNR's pax. Then REFs are used
- PassengerInfo []*TravellerInformationType_25441S `xml:"passengerInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // Conveys the booking expiration information (only the expiration date is needed).
- ExpireInfo *StructuredDateTimeInformationType_25444S `xml:"expireInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys description information (Remark booking description). For the remarks we can have 2 lines of text that is why the 101C composite is repeted 2 times.
- BookingDescriptionInfo []*FreeTextInformationType_25445S `xml:"bookingDescriptionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- // Conveys information about the targeted system provider (TS for Tour source, TG for Royal Orchid Holiday ...). The only information conveyd is the code of the provider whose system has the master Tour booking. Example: the Tour Operator ROH provides its products throw the TG (Thai Airways) system: TRA conveys TG, one CPY conveys ROH.
- SystemProviderInfo *TransportIdentifierType `xml:"systemProviderInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys information about the tour operator (name, code ...)
- TourOperatorInfo []*CompanyInformationType_25420S `xml:"tourOperatorInfo"` // maxOccurs="10"
- // Bokking source (/BS)
- BookingSource *UserIdentificationType_25447S `xml:"bookingSource,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys the passenger association for the booking
- PassengerAssocation []*ReferenceInfoType_25422S `xml:"passengerAssocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // Conveys tour payment information such as the detailed price of the booking, the commisssion, the deposit information ...
- TourAccountDetails *TourAccountDetailsType `xml:"tourAccountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys information about the booked products (arrival/departure information, product identification, meal plan information, occupation ...)
- TourProductDetails []*TourServiceDetailsType `xml:"tourProductDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type TourInformationTypeI struct {
- // Tour code
- TourInformationDetails *TourDetailsTypeI `xml:"tourInformationDetails"`
-type TourServiceDetailsType struct {
- // Conveys the product sequence number which is the product place in the booking. This information locally identifies the product in the Tour booking.
- SequenceNumberInfo *ItemNumberTypeU `xml:"sequenceNumberInfo"`
- // Conveys information about the product status and the product quantity (number in party or number of service)
- StatusQuantityInfo *QuantityAndActionTypeU `xml:"statusQuantityInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys general Tour product information.
- ProductInfo *AdditionalProductDetailsTypeU `xml:"productInfo"`
- // Conveys product confirmation number.
- ConfirmationInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeU `xml:"confirmationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger association at product (package / standalone) level.
- PassengerAssociation []*ReferenceInfoType_25422S `xml:"passengerAssociation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // Conveys the service details which composes a tour product. If the product is a package this group can be repeted.
- ServiceDetails []*ServiceDetails `xml:"serviceDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type ServiceDetails struct {
- // Conveys general service information such as departure/arrival information, service code, service description, service type ...
- ServiceInfo *TravelProductInformationTypeU_25428S `xml:"serviceInfo"`
- // Conveys duration information (number of day, night ...)
- ServiceDurationInfo *QuantityType `xml:"serviceDurationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys information about booked rooms
- AccomodationDetails []*AccomodationDetails `xml:"accomodationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // Conveys vehicule details
- VehiculeDetails *VehiculeDetails `xml:"vehiculeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys transportation details. We store in the repetitions the legs (or connections) or this transportation. Tour Server specifications specify a max of 99 legs for cruises and flight.
- TransportationDetails []*TransportationDetails `xml:"transportationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // Billing Collection Statistic at Tour Product level
- ProductBCSDetails *ProductBCSDetails `xml:"productBCSDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TrafficRestrictionDetailsType struct {
- // restriction details
- RestrictionDetails *TrafficRestrictionDetailsTypeU `xml:"restrictionDetails"`
-type TrafficRestrictionDetailsTypeU struct {
- // restriction code.
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // restriction type
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // traffic restriction description
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TrainDataType struct {
- // Information pertaining to the train product
- TrainProductInfo *TrainProductInformationType `xml:"trainProductInfo"`
- // Trip dates and times
- TripDateTime []*StructuredDateTimeInformationType_32362S `xml:"tripDateTime"` // maxOccurs="2"
- // Departure station location
- DepLocation *PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_32347S `xml:"depLocation"`
- // Arrival station location
- ArrLocation *PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_32347S `xml:"arrLocation"`
- // Rail leg (train number, train provider, departure/arrival locations and dates, reservable status)
- RailLeg []*RailLegDataType `xml:"railLeg,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
-type TrainDetailsType struct {
- // Train company code
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Train number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TrainInformationType struct {
- // Information pertaining to the rail company
- CompanyInfo *CompanyInformationType_19450S `xml:"companyInfo"`
- // Indicates whether or not the reservation can be modified directly in the Amadeus system
- UpdatePermission *StatusTypeI_20923S `xml:"updatePermission,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // train number, equipment code, departure and arrival dates and times.
- TripDetails *TrainDataType `xml:"tripDetails"`
- // indicate that the train segment is open.
- OpenSegment *StatusTypeI_33257S `xml:"openSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Journey direction: outward, return, single
- JourneyDirection *TravelItineraryInformationTypeI_33275S `xml:"journeyDirection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Rail provider segment tattoo reference
- ProviderTattoo *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"providerTattoo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // SVC / Service information
- ServiceInfo *FreeTextInformationType_20551S `xml:"serviceInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Information pertaining to the class of service including number of seats
- ClassInfo *ClassConfigurationDetailsType `xml:"classInfo"`
- // Accommodation (room/compartment) details.
- AccommodationInfo *AccommodationAllocationInformationTypeU `xml:"accommodationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Coach information
- CoachInfo *CoachProductInformationType `xml:"coachInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reservation Mandatory, Advised, Possible, Not Possible
- ReservableStatus *QuantityAndActionTypeU_32609S `xml:"reservableStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TrainProductInformationType struct {
- // Train Details
- TrainDetails *TrainDetailsType `xml:"trainDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Transportation mode (BUS, SHIP, TRAIN, TGV etc)
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TrainProductInformationType_32331S struct {
- // Rail Company
- RailCompany string `xml:"railCompany"`
- // Train Details
- TrainDetails *TrainDetailsType `xml:"trainDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Train Equipment Type (TGV,TGD,TGN...)
- Type string `xml:"type"`
-type TransactionInformationForTicketingType struct {
- // Authorisation transaction details
- TransactionDetails *TransactionInformationsType `xml:"transactionDetails"`
-type TransactionInformationsType struct {
- // Authorization message type Eg 110: author according standard ISO8583 210: settlement according standard ISO858 ...
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Credit Card link used to perform authorization.
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Process indicator (bulkIndicator): - bulk - superbulk - no bulk.
- IssueIndicator string `xml:"issueIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This is a message number that uniquely identifies a cardholder transaction. According to the link this info can have various names: - STAN number(Systems Trace Audit Number) - ISO8583 (VISA,Nedbank, Credit Mutuel...) - Message number - APACS70 (Barclays,Euroline...) ... Official definition: This is a number assigned by the message initiator that uniquely identifies a cardholder transaction and all the message types (also known as system transactions) that it comprises, according to individual program rules. The trace number remains unchanged for all messages throughout the life of the transaction. For example, the same trace number is used in an authorization request and response, and in a subsequent reversal request and response, and in any advices of authorization or reversal.
- TransmissionControlNumber string `xml:"transmissionControlNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TransportIdentifierType struct {
- // Targeted provider system information
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentificationTypeI_46351C `xml:"companyIdentification"`
-type TravelItineraryInformationTypeI struct {
- // The sequence number indentifying the position of a leg in a booking
- ItemNumber int32 `xml:"itemNumber"`
-type TravelItineraryInformationTypeI_33275S struct {
- // direction of travel indicator (outward, return, single)
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType"`
-type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
- // To specify dates and times of the product
- Product *ProductDateTimeTypeI_171495C `xml:"product,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Boarding point detail
- BoardpointDetail *LocationTypeI_2784C `xml:"boardpointDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Off Point details
- OffpointDetail *LocationTypeI_2784C `xml:"offpointDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company identification
- CompanyDetail *CompanyIdentificationTypeI_2785C `xml:"companyDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product identifications details
- ProductDetails *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_2786C `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product Type details
- TypeDetail *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"typeDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // AIR segment : to indicate an Informational Air segment : N for No action required.
- ProcessingIndicator string `xml:"processingIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravelProductInformationTypeI_127288S struct {
-type TravelProductInformationTypeI_186189S struct {
- // To specify dates and times of the product
- Product *ProductDateTimeTypeI_260882C `xml:"product,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Boarding point detail
- BoardpointDetail *LocationTypeI_2784C `xml:"boardpointDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Off Point details
- OffpointDetail *LocationTypeI_2784C `xml:"offpointDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Company identification
- CompanyDetail *CompanyIdentificationTypeI_2785C `xml:"companyDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product identifications details
- ProductDetails *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_2786C `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Product Type details
- TypeDetail *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"typeDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // AIR segment : to indicate an Informational Air segment : N for No action required.
- ProcessingIndicator string `xml:"processingIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravelProductInformationTypeI_25434S struct {
- // flight date information
- FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI_46338C `xml:"flightDate"`
- // carrier details
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI_46335C `xml:"companyDetails"`
- // flight information
- FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_46336C `xml:"flightIdentification"`
- // connection sequence information
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI_46337C `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravelProductInformationTypeI_99362S struct {
- FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravelProductInformationTypeU struct {
- // Conveys the departure and arrival date time descriptions. If absent, then the leg status may be considered as open information.
- ItineraryDateTimeInfo *ProductDateAndTimeTypeU `xml:"itineraryDateTimeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys and itinerary leg embarkation and the disembarkation ports descriptions
- BoardPortDetails []*LocationTypeU `xml:"boardPortDetails"` // maxOccurs="2"
- // Internal reference for the leg.
- LineNumber string `xml:"lineNumber"`
-type TravelProductInformationTypeU_25428S struct {
- // Conveys information about the departure/ arrival date and time.
- DateTimeInformation *ProductDateAndTimeTypeU_46325C `xml:"dateTimeInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys the departure/arrival/staying location information
- LocationInformation []*LocationTypeU_46324C `xml:"locationInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // Conveys information about the provider of the product
- CompanyInformation *CompanyIdentificationTypeU `xml:"companyInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys details about the product
- ProductDetails *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeU_46327C `xml:"productDetails"`
-type TravelerPerpaxDetailsType struct {
- // Format limitations: an2
- PerpaxMask string `xml:"perpaxMask"`
- // perpax mask indicator (optional/mandatory)
- PerpaxMaskIndicator string `xml:"perpaxMaskIndicator"`
-type TravellerDetailsType struct {
- // passenger first name
- GivenName string `xml:"givenName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Traveler First Name
- FirstName string `xml:"firstName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Traveler Type using Amadeus codification.
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1 code is used to mention that the traveler is accompanied by an infant with no seat.
- InfantIndicator string `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Identification code, 2 cases: ID<1 to 51 char free text) or CR<1 to 40 char free text)
- IdentificationCode string `xml:"identificationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerDetailsTypeI_16351C struct {
- // Conveys passenger first name.
- GivenName string `xml:"givenName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Title string `xml:"title,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerDetailsTypeI_18004C struct {
- // firstname
- GivenName string `xml:"givenName"`
-type TravellerDetailsTypeI_27968C struct {
- // firstname
- GivenName string `xml:"givenName"`
- // Title (Mr, Mrs)
- Title string `xml:"title,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerDetailsTypeI_46354C struct {
- // Passenger lastName
- GivenName string `xml:"givenName"`
- // passenger title
- Title string `xml:"title,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerDocumentInformationTypeU struct {
- DocumentInformation *DocumentInformationTypeU `xml:"documentInformation"`
- DatesOfValidity *ValidityDatesTypeU `xml:"datesOfValidity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerInformationType struct {
- // to specify the last name, age and gender.
- PaxDetails *TravellerSurnameInformationType_858C `xml:"paxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // to provide the first name
- OtherPaxDetails *TravellerDetailsTypeI_18004C `xml:"otherPaxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerInformationTypeI struct {
- // to specify the last name and the type of person (if it's a nanny or a substitute)
- PaxDetails *TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI_18003C `xml:"paxDetails"`
- // Only used to put the firstname
- OtherPaxDetails *TravellerDetailsTypeI_18004C `xml:"otherPaxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerInformationTypeI_15923S struct {
- // to specify the last name and the type of person (if it's a nanny or a substitute)
- PaxDetails *TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI_18003C `xml:"paxDetails"`
- // Other name info
- OtherPaxDetails *TravellerDetailsTypeI_27968C `xml:"otherPaxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerInformationTypeI_6097S struct {
- // Traveller surname details
- Traveller *TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI `xml:"traveller,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Occurrence one relates to the traveler. Occurrence 2 relates only to an infant accompanying the traveler for whom only the given name is present.
- Passenger []*TravellerDetailsTypeI `xml:"passenger,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type TravellerInformationTypeI_8956S struct {
- // Passenger last name details.
- PaxDetails *TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI_16350C `xml:"paxDetails"`
- // Passnger first name details.
- OtherPaxDetails *TravellerDetailsTypeI_16351C `xml:"otherPaxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerInformationType_25441S struct {
- // passenger details
- PaxDetails *TravellerSurnameInformationType_46353C `xml:"paxDetails"`
- // other passenger details
- OtherPaxDetails *TravellerDetailsTypeI_46354C `xml:"otherPaxDetails"`
-type TravellerInformationType_94570S struct {
- // will convey the name of the credit card holder
- PaxDetails *TravellerSurnameInformationType `xml:"paxDetails"`
- // will convey the CC holder first name
- OtherPaxDetails *TravellerDetailsType `xml:"otherPaxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerInsuranceInformationType struct {
- // currency of manual premium
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // manual total premium for this traveller
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // supplementary info
- SupplementaryInformation string `xml:"supplementaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // gender - male or female
- SexCode string `xml:"sexCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Credit card details
- CreditCardDetails []*CreditCardType `xml:"creditCardDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- // currency of the total premium ,
- TotalPremiumCurrency string `xml:"totalPremiumCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // calculated total premium , all taxes included for this traveller
- TotalPremium *float64 `xml:"totalPremium,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // for future use
- FutureCurrency string `xml:"futureCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // for future use
- FutureAmount *float64 `xml:"futureAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reduction Code
- FareType string `xml:"fareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Beneficiary Name
- TravelerName string `xml:"travelerName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerSurnameInformationType struct {
- // CC holder name details
- Surname string `xml:"surname"`
-type TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI struct {
- // Traveler Last Name Group name
- Surname string `xml:"surname"`
- // G for group (The traveler type is in C324/6353)
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // 1 :one traveler with exceptions below. 2 :traveler accompanied by an infant for whom only the given name is present. n : total number of passengers of the group (assigned + unassigned)
- Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Staff type
- StaffType string `xml:"staffType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI_16350C struct {
- // Conveys passenger last name.
- Surname string `xml:"surname"`
-type TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI_18003C struct {
- // last name
- Surname string `xml:"surname"`
- // to specify the type of person
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerSurnameInformationType_46353C struct {
- // Passenger name
- Surname string `xml:"surname"`
-type TravellerSurnameInformationType_858C struct {
- // Passenger name
- Surname string `xml:"surname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Customer type: A=adult C=child IN = infant
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // to indicate if it's a man or a female.
- Gender string `xml:"gender,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Time format: 24H. All digits are mandatory . Example: from 0000 to 2359
- CheckinTime string `xml:"checkinTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TstGeneralInformationDetailsType struct {
- // TST reference number
- TstReferenceNumber string `xml:"tstReferenceNumber"`
- // TST creation date
- TstCreationDate string `xml:"tstCreationDate"`
- // Sales indicator
- SalesIndicator string `xml:"salesIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TstGeneralInformationType struct {
- // General information
- GeneralInformation *TstGeneralInformationDetailsType `xml:"generalInformation"`
-type UniqueIdDescriptionType struct {
- // ID sequence number : envelope number
- IDSequenceNumber int32 `xml:"iDSequenceNumber"`
- // ID qualifier: must be 'PNV' as PNR Version Number
- IDQualifier string `xml:"iDQualifier"`
-type UserIdentificationType struct {
- // Originator Identification Details
- OriginIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originIdentification"`
- // Agent type (A, T, E)
- OriginatorTypeCode string `xml:"originatorTypeCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type UserIdentificationType_127265S struct {
- // 1 character code for airline agent (A), travel agent (T), etc...
- OriginatorTypeCode string `xml:"originatorTypeCode"`
-type UserIdentificationType_21014S struct {
- // Originator Identification Details
- OriginIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI_37406C `xml:"originIdentification"`
-type UserIdentificationType_25447S struct {
- // Originator Identification Details
- OriginIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI_46358C `xml:"originIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Booking source or [agent numeric sign] + [agent initial] + [duty code]
- Originator string `xml:"originator"`
-type UserIdentificationType_9456S struct {
- // contains the client reference/signature.
- Originator string `xml:"originator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type UserPreferencesType struct {
- // This composite contains details on user preferences : _ Country code _ Language code _ Currency code
- UserPreferences *OriginatorDetailsTypeI `xml:"userPreferences"`
-type ValidityDatesTypeU struct {
- // Date the document was issued (YYYYMMDD)
- IssueDate string `xml:"issueDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Date document expires (YYYYMMDD)
- ExpirationDate string `xml:"expirationDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ValueRangeTypeU struct {
- // Unit Qualifier for maximum range gives in previous RNG: DAY: Duration in days G: Kilometers M: Mileage MTH: Durarion in Months WE: Duration in weeks
- MeasureUnitQualifier string `xml:"measureUnitQualifier"`
-type VehicleInformationType struct {
- // This composite is used to convey the vehicle type
- VehicleCharacteristic *VehicleTypeOptionType `xml:"vehicleCharacteristic"`
- // This data element is used to convey the equipment codes.
- VehSpecialEquipment []string `xml:"vehSpecialEquipment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // To indicate vehicle details: -Number of doors -Number of seats -Max Number of doors -Max Number of seats -Number of bags -Volume of the boots
- VehicleInfo []*QuantityDetailsTypeI_198209C `xml:"vehicleInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
- // Free text type
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType_198207C `xml:"freeTextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Description or Example of the Car
- CarModel string `xml:"carModel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type VehicleInformationTypeU struct {
- // Vehicle make and model.
- MakeAndModel string `xml:"makeAndModel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type VehicleInformationTypeU_46439C struct {
- // Conveys the occupancy of a vehicule
- Occupancy int32 `xml:"occupancy"`
-type VehicleTypeOptionType struct {
- // This data element is used to convey the owner of the type code.
- VehicleTypeOwner string `xml:"vehicleTypeOwner"`
- // This data element is used to convey the SIPP code(s) selection criteria.
- VehicleRentalPrefType []string `xml:"vehicleRentalPrefType"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type VehicleTypeU struct {
- // Conveys the type of vehicle.
- Category string `xml:"category"`
- // Describes the vehicle.
- VehicleDetails *VehicleInformationTypeU `xml:"vehicleDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type VehicleTypeU_25502S struct {
- // Describe the vehicule
- VehiculeDescription *VehicleInformationTypeU_46439C `xml:"vehiculeDescription"`
-type CoverageInfo struct {
- // For codelist 415Z, only values CP, CV, CM may apply here
- Coverage *InsuranceCoverageType `xml:"coverage"`
- // Values and currency of the different coverages amounts.
- CoverageValues *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"coverageValues,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PremiumPerTariffPerPax struct {
- // To convey the tariffcode information per passenger.
- TariffCodeInfo *InsuranceProductDetailsType_20775S `xml:"tariffCodeInfo"`
- // to specify the amount/currency per passenger and tariff code.
- TariffCodePerPaxAmount *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"tariffCodePerPaxAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravelerValueDetails struct {
- // For codelist 415Z, only TV value may apply here
- TravelCost *InsuranceCoverageType `xml:"travelCost"`
- // to specify the amount/currency per insuree
- TravelAmount *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"travelAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AccomodationDetails struct {
- // Conveys room information
- RoomInfo *HotelRoomType_25429S `xml:"roomInfo"`
- // Passenger association at accomodation room level
- PassengerAssociation []*ReferenceInfoType_25422S `xml:"passengerAssociation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- // Conveys room meal plan information
- RoomMealPlanInfo *DiningInformationType `xml:"roomMealPlanInfo"`
- // Conveys room occupancy information (room min or max occupancy)
- OccupancynInfo *RangeDetailsTypeU `xml:"occupancynInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductBCSDetails struct {
- // BCS Agent sign, office and target office ids
- AgentIdentification *UserIdentificationType_25447S `xml:"agentIdentification"`
- // BCS distribution channel
- DistributionChannelData *SystemDetailsInfoType `xml:"distributionChannelData"`
-type TransportationDetails struct {
- // Departure location information. The composite C517 conveys city information and the C519 the country information.
- DepartureInfo *PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_25436S `xml:"departureInfo"`
- // Arrival location information. The composite C517 conveys city information and the C519 the country information.
- ArrivalInfo *PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_25436S `xml:"arrivalInfo"`
- // Conveys transportation information
- TransportationInfo *TravelProductInformationTypeI_25434S `xml:"transportationInfo"`
- // Conveys duration information (number of day, night ...)
- TransportationDuration *QuantityType `xml:"transportationDuration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys transportation equipment information
- EquipmentInfo *EquipmentDetailsTypeU `xml:"equipmentInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Conveys transportation meal plan information
- TransportationMealPlanInfo *DiningInformationType `xml:"transportationMealPlanInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type VehiculeDetails struct {
- // Conveys vehicule information (such as the vehicule occupancy)
- VehiculeInfo *VehicleTypeU_25502S `xml:"vehiculeInfo"`
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index 9340667..0000000
--- a/respstructs/queue_countplanner_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-package queue_countplanner_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type QueueCountPlannerReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/QCDDRR_03_1_1A Queue_CountPlannerReply"`
- ErrorReturn *ErrorReturn `xml:"errorReturn,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DisplayTarget *DisplayTarget `xml:"displayTarget,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorReturn struct {
- ErrorDefinition *ErrorDefinition `xml:"errorDefinition"`
- ErrorText *ErrorText `xml:"errorText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorDefinition struct {
- ErrorDetails *ErrorDetails `xml:"errorDetails"`
-type ErrorDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorText struct {
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetails `xml:"freeTextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..199
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FreeTextDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Source string `xml:"source,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Encoding string `xml:"encoding,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DisplayTarget struct {
- LocalDateAndTime *LocalDateAndTime `xml:"localDateAndTime"`
- TargetOffice *TargetOffice `xml:"targetOffice"`
- DisplayType *DisplayType `xml:"displayType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- HourlyOrDailyCount []*HourlyOrDailyCount `xml:"hourlyOrDailyCount"` // maxOccurs="33"
-type LocalDateAndTime struct {
- DateTime *DateTime `xml:"dateTime"`
-type DateTime struct {
- // Format limitations: n..6
- Year float64 `xml:"year"`
- // Format limitations: n..2
- Month float64 `xml:"month"`
- // Format limitations: n..2
- Day float64 `xml:"day"`
- // Format limitations: n..6
- Hour float64 `xml:"hour"`
- // Format limitations: n..6
- Minutes float64 `xml:"minutes"`
-type TargetOffice struct {
- SourceType *SourceType `xml:"sourceType"`
- OriginatorDetails *OriginatorDetails `xml:"originatorDetails"`
-type SourceType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- SourceQualifier1 string `xml:"sourceQualifier1"`
-type OriginatorDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..9
- InHouseIdentification1 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification1"`
-type DisplayType struct {
- SelectionDetails *SelectionDetails `xml:"selectionDetails"`
-type SelectionDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Option string `xml:"option"`
-type HourlyOrDailyCount struct {
- DateOrTimeRange *DateOrTimeRange `xml:"dateOrTimeRange"`
- Count []*Count `xml:"count"` // maxOccurs="4"
-type DateOrTimeRange struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BeginDateTime *BeginDateTime `xml:"beginDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- EndDateTime *EndDateTime `xml:"endDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type BeginDateTime struct {
- // Format limitations: n..6
- Year *float64 `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..2
- Month *float64 `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..2
- Day *float64 `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..6
- Hour *float64 `xml:"hour,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type EndDateTime struct {
- // Format limitations: n..6
- Year *float64 `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..2
- Month *float64 `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..2
- Day *float64 `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..6
- Hour *float64 `xml:"hour,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type Count struct {
- QueueDetails *QueueDetails `xml:"queueDetails"`
-type QueueDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: n..15
- NumberOfItems float64 `xml:"numberOfItems"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
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index 7fc5435..0000000
--- a/respstructs/queue_counttotal_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-package queue_counttotal_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type QueueCountTotalReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/QCSDRR_03_1_1A Queue_CountTotalReply"`
- ErrorReturn *ErrorReturn `xml:"errorReturn,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- QueueCountDisplay *QueueCountDisplay `xml:"queueCountDisplay,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorReturn struct {
- ErrorDefinition *ErrorDefinition `xml:"errorDefinition"`
- ErrorText *ErrorText `xml:"errorText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorDefinition struct {
- ErrorDetails *ErrorDetails `xml:"errorDetails"`
-type ErrorDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorText struct {
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetails `xml:"freeTextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..199
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FreeTextDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Source string `xml:"source,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Encoding string `xml:"encoding,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type QueueCountDisplay struct {
- LocalDateAndTime *LocalDateAndTime `xml:"localDateAndTime"`
- OfficeBeingDisplayed *OfficeBeingDisplayed `xml:"officeBeingDisplayed"`
- DateRanges []*DateRanges `xml:"dateRanges,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- DelayedCount []*DelayedCount `xml:"delayedCount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- StandardQueueCountDisplay []*StandardQueueCountDisplay `xml:"standardQueueCountDisplay"` // maxOccurs="60"
-type LocalDateAndTime struct {
- DateTime *DateTime `xml:"dateTime"`
-type DateTime struct {
- // Format limitations: n..6
- Year float64 `xml:"year"`
- // Format limitations: n..2
- Month float64 `xml:"month"`
- // Format limitations: n..2
- Day float64 `xml:"day"`
- // Format limitations: n..6
- Hour float64 `xml:"hour"`
- // Format limitations: n..6
- Minutes float64 `xml:"minutes"`
-type OfficeBeingDisplayed struct {
- SourceType *SourceType `xml:"sourceType"`
- OriginatorDetails *OriginatorDetails `xml:"originatorDetails"`
-type SourceType struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- SourceQualifier1 string `xml:"sourceQualifier1"`
-type OriginatorDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..9
- InHouseIdentification1 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification1"`
-type DateRanges struct {
- BeginDateTime *BeginDateTime `xml:"beginDateTime"`
- EndDateTime *EndDateTime `xml:"endDateTime"`
-type BeginDateTime struct {
- // Format limitations: n..6
- Year float64 `xml:"year"`
- // Format limitations: n..2
- Month float64 `xml:"month"`
- // Format limitations: n..2
- Day float64 `xml:"day"`
-type EndDateTime struct {
- // Format limitations: n..6
- Year float64 `xml:"year"`
- // Format limitations: n..2
- Month float64 `xml:"month"`
- // Format limitations: n..2
- Day float64 `xml:"day"`
-type DelayedCount struct {
- QueueDetails *QueueDetails `xml:"queueDetails"`
-type QueueDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: n..15
- NumberOfItems float64 `xml:"numberOfItems"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StandardQueueCountDisplay struct {
- QueueName *QueueName `xml:"queueName"`
- QueueNumber *QueueNumber `xml:"queueNumber"`
- CategoryAndCount []*CategoryAndCount `xml:"categoryAndCount"` // maxOccurs="1020"
-type QueueName struct {
- ReferenceDetails *ReferenceDetails `xml:"referenceDetails"`
-type ReferenceDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- Value string `xml:"value"`
-type QueueNumber struct {
- QueueDetails *QueueDetails1 `xml:"queueDetails"`
-type QueueDetails1 struct {
- // Format limitations: n..2
- Number float64 `xml:"number"`
-type CategoryAndCount struct {
- CategoryAndDateRange *CategoryAndDateRange `xml:"categoryAndDateRange"`
- QueueCount []*QueueCount `xml:"queueCount"` // maxOccurs="4"
-type CategoryAndDateRange struct {
- SubQueueInfoDetails *SubQueueInfoDetails `xml:"subQueueInfoDetails"`
-type SubQueueInfoDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- IdentificationType string `xml:"identificationType"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ItemNumber string `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- ItemDescription string `xml:"itemDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type QueueCount struct {
- QueueDetails *QueueDetails `xml:"queueDetails"`
diff --git a/respstructs/queue_list_reply/structs.go b/respstructs/queue_list_reply/structs.go
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index 268eabb..0000000
--- a/respstructs/queue_list_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-package queue_list_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type QueueListReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/QDQLRR_11_1_1A Queue_ListReply"`
- ErrorReturn *ErrorReturn `xml:"errorReturn,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- QueueView *QueueView `xml:"queueView,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorReturn struct {
- // returns the error code
- ErrorDefinition *ApplicationErrorInformationTypeI `xml:"errorDefinition"`
- // free text for the error
- ErrorText *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"errorText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type QueueView struct {
- // details of who queue placed the PNR
- Agent *AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationType `xml:"agent"`
- // queue being displayed
- QueueNumber *QueueInformationTypeI `xml:"queueNumber"`
- // category and date range
- CategoryDetails *SubQueueInformationTypeI `xml:"categoryDetails"`
- // date range
- Date *StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // all 3 occurences are mandatory and show in order number of 1)PNRs on queue 2)PNRs found 3)PNRs scanned
- PnrCount []*NumberOfUnitsType `xml:"pnrCount"` // maxOccurs="3"
- Item []*Item `xml:"item"` // maxOccurs="1000"
-type Item struct {
- // surname of the passenger only or GROUP for a group PNR
- PaxName *TravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"paxName"`
- // record locator
- RecLoc *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"recLoc"`
- // 1st segment found in the PNR - if there is data to send
- Segment *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"segment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // details of who queue placed the PNR
- Agent *AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationType `xml:"agent"`
- // contains 1,2 or 3 of the following Queue placement date/time Ticketing date PNR creation date
- Pnrdates []*StructuredDateTimeInformationType_181906S `xml:"pnrdates"` // maxOccurs="3"
-// Complex structs
-type AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationType struct {
- OriginatorDetails *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originatorDetails"`
-type ApplicationErrorDetailTypeI struct {
- // error code
- ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
- // error category
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // error code owner
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationErrorInformationTypeI struct {
- // error details
- ErrorDetails *ApplicationErrorDetailTypeI `xml:"errorDetails"`
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // carrier code or defined codeset
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany"`
-type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
- // qualifier
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // source
- Source string `xml:"source"`
- // encoding
- Encoding string `xml:"encoding"`
-type FreeTextInformationType struct {
- // free text
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType `xml:"freeTextDetails"`
- // Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type LocationTypeI struct {
- // board or off point
- TrueLocation string `xml:"trueLocation"`
-type NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI struct {
- // numbers of items
- NumberOfUnit int32 `xml:"numberOfUnit"`
-type NumberOfUnitsType struct {
- // Number of Unit Details
- QuantityDetails *NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"quantityDetails"`
-type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // office ID of the agent who queue placed the PNR
- InHouseIdentification1 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification1"`
- // agent sign
- InHouseIdentification2 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeTypeI struct {
- // departure date
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // flight number
- FlightNumber string `xml:"flightNumber"`
- // operational suffix
- OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type QueueInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // queue number
- Number int32 `xml:"number"`
-type QueueInformationTypeI struct {
- // queue identification
- QueueDetails *QueueInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"queueDetails"`
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // contains the record locator to be queue placed
- ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber"`
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
- // contains the record locator
- Reservation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservation"`
-type StructuredDateTimeInformationType struct {
- // used for date range only The date ranges are defined on central system as 1,2,3,4 The actual values of the ranges are set in the office profile
- TimeMode int32 `xml:"timeMode"`
-type StructuredDateTimeInformationType_181906S struct {
- // This data element can be used to provide the semantic of the information provided. Examples : - Impacted period - Departure date - Estimated arrival date and time
- TimeMode string `xml:"timeMode"`
- // Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"dateTime"`
-type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
- // Year number.
- Year string `xml:"year"`
- // Month number of the year (1 being first month, 0 being NULL data)
- Month int32 `xml:"month"`
- // day number of the month (1 being first day of the month, 0 is null data)
- Day int32 `xml:"day"`
- // Hour between 0 and 23
- Hour string `xml:"hour,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Minutes between 0 and 59
- Minutes string `xml:"minutes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SubQueueInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // E for every category A for cats with items to be worked C for category number N for nickname CN for both category number and nickname numeric for date range
- IdentificationType string `xml:"identificationType"`
- // category number
- ItemNumber string `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // used for nickname on inbound used for category name on outbound
- ItemDescription string `xml:"itemDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SubQueueInformationTypeI struct {
- // identifies the category or categories.
- SubQueueInfoDetails *SubQueueInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"subQueueInfoDetails"`
-type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
- // departure date
- FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // board point
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // off point if present
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // carrier code or segment type
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // flight number and suffix
- FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerInformationTypeI struct {
- PaxDetails *TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI `xml:"paxDetails"`
-type TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI struct {
- // surname of the passenger or GROUP for a group PNR
- Surname string `xml:"surname"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..15
- Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
diff --git a/respstructs/queue_moveitem_reply/structs.go b/respstructs/queue_moveitem_reply/structs.go
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index 565e507..0000000
--- a/respstructs/queue_moveitem_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-package queue_moveitem_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type QueueMoveItemReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/QUQMUR_03_1_1A Queue_MoveItemReply"`
- ErrorReturn *ErrorReturn `xml:"errorReturn,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- GoodResponse *GoodResponse `xml:"goodResponse,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorReturn struct {
- ErrorDefinition *ErrorDefinition `xml:"errorDefinition"`
- ErrorText *ErrorText `xml:"errorText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorDefinition struct {
- ErrorDetails *ErrorDetails `xml:"errorDetails"`
-type ErrorDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorText struct {
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetails `xml:"freeTextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..199
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type FreeTextDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Source string `xml:"source,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Encoding string `xml:"encoding,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type GoodResponse struct {
- // Format limitations: a1
- ResponseType string `xml:"responseType"`
- // Format limitations: a1
- StatusCode string `xml:"statusCode"`
diff --git a/respstructs/queue_placepnr_reply/structs.go b/respstructs/queue_placepnr_reply/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 2512dff..0000000
--- a/respstructs/queue_placepnr_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-package queue_placepnr_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type QueuePlacePNRReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/QUQPCR_03_1_1A Queue_PlacePNRReply"`
- ErrorReturn *ErrorReturn `xml:"errorReturn,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // record locator
- RecordLocator *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"recordLocator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorReturn struct {
- // returns the error code
- ErrorDefinition *ApplicationErrorInformationTypeI `xml:"errorDefinition"`
- // contains the text of the error
- ErrorText *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"errorText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ApplicationErrorDetailTypeI struct {
- // error code
- ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
- // error category
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // error code owner
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationErrorInformationTypeI struct {
- // error details
- ErrorDetails *ApplicationErrorDetailTypeI `xml:"errorDetails"`
-type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
- // qualifier of the following text
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Source Details
- Source string `xml:"source,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Encoding Informations
- Encoding string `xml:"encoding,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FreeTextInformationType struct {
- // contains only the qualifier.
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType `xml:"freeTextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // contains the record locator to be queue placed
- ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber"`
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
- // contains the record locator
- Reservation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservation"`
diff --git a/respstructs/queue_removeitem_reply/structs.go b/respstructs/queue_removeitem_reply/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index c287d1a..0000000
--- a/respstructs/queue_removeitem_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-package queue_removeitem_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type QueueRemoveItemReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/QUQMDR_03_1_1A Queue_RemoveItemReply"`
- ErrorReturn *ErrorReturn `xml:"errorReturn,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // good response to the message
- GoodResponse *ResponseAnalysisDetailsTypeI `xml:"goodResponse,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorReturn struct {
- // returns the error code
- ErrorDefinition *ApplicationErrorInformationTypeI `xml:"errorDefinition"`
- // contains the text of the error
- ErrorText *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"errorText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ApplicationErrorDetailTypeI struct {
- // error code
- ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
- // error category
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // error code owner
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationErrorInformationTypeI struct {
- // error details
- ErrorDetails *ApplicationErrorDetailTypeI `xml:"errorDetails"`
-type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
- // qualifier of the following text
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Source Details
- Source string `xml:"source,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Encoding Informations
- Encoding string `xml:"encoding,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FreeTextInformationType struct {
- // contains only the qualifier.
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType `xml:"freeTextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free text
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type ResponseAnalysisDetailsTypeI struct {
- // type of response
- ResponseType string `xml:"responseType"`
- // will only be used in a good response
- StatusCode string `xml:"statusCode"`
diff --git a/respstructs/security_authenticate_reply/structs.go b/respstructs/security_authenticate_reply/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ea8ba0..0000000
--- a/respstructs/security_authenticate_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-package security_authenticate_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type SecurityAuthenticateReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/VLSSLR_06_1_1A Security_AuthenticateReply"`
- ErrorSection *ErrorSection `xml:"errorSection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment is only used if process is OK. In that case P is specified.
- ProcessStatus *ResponseAnalysisDetailsType `xml:"processStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment is used to specify organization details associated with the user.
- OrganizationInfo *OrganizationType `xml:"organizationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Identifier of a group of conversation, shared by sevreal mono-signed conversations.
- ConversationGrp *BusinessProcessIdType `xml:"conversationGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorSection struct {
- // Application Error
- ApplicationError *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"applicationError"`
- // Supplementary Info on the Error.
- InteractiveFreeText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"interactiveFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
- // Code identifying the data validation error condition.
- ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
- // Identification of a code list.
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
- // Application error details.
- ErrorDetails *ApplicationErrorDetailType `xml:"errorDetails"`
-type BusinessProcessIdType struct {
- // A unique reference to identify the process/business
- ProcessIdentifier string `xml:"processIdentifier"`
-type FreeTextQualificationTypeI struct {
- // Subject
- Subject string `xml:"subject"`
- // Info Type
- InfoType string `xml:"infoType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Language
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI struct {
- // Free Text Qualifier
- FreeTextQualif *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualif,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free Text
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type OrganizationIdentificationType struct {
- // Organization label (Company Id).
- Label string `xml:"label"`
-type OrganizationType struct {
- // This composite is used to specify an organization details
- OrganizationDetails *OrganizationIdentificationType `xml:"organizationDetails"`
-type ResponseAnalysisDetailsType struct {
- // P must be specified when status of the process is OK.
- StatusCode string `xml:"statusCode"`
diff --git a/respstructs/security_signout_reply/structs.go b/respstructs/security_signout_reply/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a4a144..0000000
--- a/respstructs/security_signout_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-package security_signout_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type SecuritySignOutReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/VLSSOR_04_1_1A Security_SignOutReply"`
- ErrorSection *ErrorSection `xml:"errorSection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment is only used if process is OK. In that case P is specified.
- ProcessStatus *ResponseAnalysisDetailsType `xml:"processStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorSection struct {
- // Application Error
- ApplicationError *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"applicationError"`
- // Supplementary Info on the Error.
- InteractiveFreeText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"interactiveFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
- // Code identifying the data validation error condition.
- ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
- // Identification of a code list.
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
- // Application error details.
- ErrorDetails *ApplicationErrorDetailType `xml:"errorDetails"`
-type FreeTextQualificationTypeI struct {
- // Subject
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Info Type
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Language
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI struct {
- // Free Text Qualifier
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free Text
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ResponseAnalysisDetailsType struct {
- // P must be specified when status of the process is OK.
- StatusCode string `xml:"statusCode"`
diff --git a/respstructs/ticket_createtstfrompricing_reply/structs.go b/respstructs/ticket_createtstfrompricing_reply/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a3992f4..0000000
--- a/respstructs/ticket_createtstfrompricing_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-package ticket_createtstfrompricing_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type TicketCreateTSTFromPricingReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TAUTCR_04_1_1A Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricingReply"`
- ApplicationError *ApplicationError `xml:"applicationError,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR record locator information for this transaction. This PNR record locator is used for tracing purpose.
- PnrLocatorData *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"pnrLocatorData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TstList []*TstList `xml:"tstList,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1980"
-type ApplicationError struct {
- // General error information returned by ticketing application
- ApplicationErrorInfo *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"applicationErrorInfo"`
- // Description in free flow text of the error returned by ticketing application
- ErrorText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"errorText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TstList struct {
- // TST tattoo number created by the transaction.
- TstReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"tstReference"`
- // Reference information on passengers.
- PaxInformation *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"paxInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
- // Code identifying the data validation error condition.
- ApplicationErrorCode string `xml:"applicationErrorCode"`
- // Identification of a code list.
- CodeListQualifier string `xml:"codeListQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
- CodeListResponsibleAgency string `xml:"codeListResponsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
- // Application error details.
- ApplicationErrorDetail *ApplicationErrorDetailType `xml:"applicationErrorDetail"`
-type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI struct {
- // Free flow text describing the error
- ErrorFreeText string `xml:"errorFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
- // qualifies the type of the reference used. Code set to define
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tattoo number (It is in fact the Tst Display Number)
- UniqueReference *int32 `xml:"uniqueReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Gives the TST ID number
- IDDescription *UniqueIdDescriptionType `xml:"iDDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
- // Passenger/segment/TST reference details
- RefDetails []*ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"refDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferencingDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Qualifyer of the reference (Pax/Seg/Tst)
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger/segment/TST reference number
- RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Record locator.
- ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber"`
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
- // Reservation control information
- ReservationInformation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservationInformation"`
-type UniqueIdDescriptionType struct {
- // The TST Id Number : The Id number allows to determine a TST in the single manner.
- IDSequenceNumber int32 `xml:"iDSequenceNumber"`
diff --git a/respstructs/ticket_creditcardcheck_reply/structs.go b/respstructs/ticket_creditcardcheck_reply/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c87b69..0000000
--- a/respstructs/ticket_creditcardcheck_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-package ticket_creditcardcheck_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type TicketCreditCardCheckReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/CCVRSP_06_1_1A Ticket_CreditCardCheckReply"`
- ResultInfo *ResultInfo `xml:"resultInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CreditCardData *CreditCardData `xml:"creditCardData"`
-type ResultInfo struct {
- ErrorWarningInfo *ErrorWarningInfo `xml:"errorWarningInfo"`
- ErrorWarningText *ErrorWarningText `xml:"errorWarningText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorWarningInfo struct {
- ApplicationDetails *ApplicationDetails `xml:"applicationDetails"`
-type ApplicationDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..5
- Number string `xml:"number"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
-type ErrorWarningText struct {
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetails `xml:"freeTextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- FreeText string `xml:"freeText"`
-type FreeTextDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
-type CreditCardData struct {
- CommonCcData *CommonCcData `xml:"commonCcData"`
- VisaInfo *VisaInfo `xml:"visaInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CannedMessageReference *CannedMessageReference `xml:"cannedMessageReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SecurityIdResponse *SecurityIdResponse `xml:"securityIdResponse,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CommonCcData struct {
- CcInfo *CcInfo `xml:"ccInfo"`
- PriceInfo *PriceInfo `xml:"priceInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AvsInfo *AvsInfo `xml:"avsInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MerchantInfo *MerchantInfo `xml:"merchantInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..5
- RejectCode string `xml:"rejectCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CcInfo struct {
- // Format limitations: an2
- VendorCode string `xml:"vendorCode"`
- // Format limitations: an..19
- CardNumber string `xml:"cardNumber"`
- // Format limitations: n4
- ExpiryDate string `xml:"expiryDate"`
- // Format limitations: an..8
- AuthorizationCode string `xml:"authorizationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ValidatingCarrier string `xml:"validatingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PriceInfo struct {
- // Format limitations: n3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..12
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AvsInfo struct {
- // Format limitations: an..20
- AddressCode string `xml:"addressCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..9
- ZipCode string `xml:"zipCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an1
- ResultCode string `xml:"resultCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MerchantInfo struct {
- // Format limitations: an..4
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..15
- Id string `xml:"id,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type VisaInfo struct {
- MsgRef *MsgRef `xml:"msgRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RespIdentification *RespIdentification `xml:"respIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CardBillingInfo *CardBillingInfo `xml:"cardBillingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ReversalInfo *ReversalInfo `xml:"reversalInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MsgRef struct {
- // Format limitations: an..12
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an1
- AuthorizIndic string `xml:"authorizIndic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an2
- PointOfService string `xml:"pointOfService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RespIdentification struct {
- // Format limitations: an..15
- TransacIdentifier string `xml:"transacIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an1
- StipReason string `xml:"stipReason,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..4
- ValidationCode string `xml:"validationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CardBillingInfo struct {
- // Format limitations: n3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..12
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..8
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReversalInfo struct {
- // Format limitations: an..42
- OriginalData string `xml:"originalData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..12
- ReplaceAmount string `xml:"replaceAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CannedMessageReference struct {
- ReferenceDetails *ReferenceDetails `xml:"referenceDetails"`
-type ReferenceDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Type string `xml:"type"`
- // Format limitations: an..5
- Value string `xml:"value"`
-type SecurityIdResponse struct {
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetails1 `xml:"freeTextDetails"`
- // Format limitations: an..199
- FreeText string `xml:"freeText"`
-type FreeTextDetails1 struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Source string `xml:"source"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Encoding string `xml:"encoding"`
diff --git a/respstructs/ticket_deletetst_reply/structs.go b/respstructs/ticket_deletetst_reply/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index f30a169..0000000
--- a/respstructs/ticket_deletetst_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-package ticket_deletetst_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type TicketDeleteTSTReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TTSTDR_04_1_1A Ticket_DeleteTSTReply"`
- // Process status after the TST delete
- ProcessStatus *ResponseAnalysisDetailsTypeI `xml:"processStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ApplicationError *ApplicationError `xml:"applicationError,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR record locator information for this transaction. This PNR record locator is used for tracing purpose.
- PnrLocatorData *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"pnrLocatorData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationError struct {
- // General error information returned by ticketing application
- ApplicationErrorInfo *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"applicationErrorInfo"`
- // Description in free flow text of the error returned by ticketing application
- ErrorText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"errorText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
- // Code identifying the data validation error condition.
- ApplicationErrorCode string `xml:"applicationErrorCode"`
- // Identification of a code list.
- CodeListQualifier string `xml:"codeListQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
- CodeListResponsibleAgency string `xml:"codeListResponsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
- // Application error details.
- ApplicationErrorDetail *ApplicationErrorDetailType `xml:"applicationErrorDetail"`
-type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI struct {
- // Free flow text describing the error
- ErrorFreeText string `xml:"errorFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Record locator.
- ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber"`
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
- // Reservation control information
- ReservationInformation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservationInformation"`
-type ResponseAnalysisDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Type of the response (update/cancel request)
- ResponseType string `xml:"responseType"`
- // Status of the process ran.
- ProcessingStatus string `xml:"processingStatus"`
diff --git a/respstructs/ticket_displaytst_reply/structs.go b/respstructs/ticket_displaytst_reply/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 510498e..0000000
--- a/respstructs/ticket_displaytst_reply/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,825 +0,0 @@
-package ticket_displaytst_reply
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type TicketDisplayTSTReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TTSTRR_07_1_1A Ticket_DisplayTSTReply"`
- // Scrolling information used for long messages. C673.1050 represents the number of TSTs remaining. 0 means that there is no more TST. C673.1154 represents the last TST reference in the list retrieved. For the last reply value in C673.1154 of the first query is placed.
- ScrollingInformation *ActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"scrollingInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ApplicationError *ApplicationError `xml:"applicationError,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareList []*FareList `xml:"fareList,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type ApplicationError struct {
- // Error information returned by ticketing application
- ApplicationErrorInfo *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"applicationErrorInfo"`
- // Description in free flow text of the error returned by ticketing application
- ErrorText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"errorText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareList struct {
- // Information on TST creation method such as pricing rules and sales indicator.
- PricingInformation *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI `xml:"pricingInformation"`
- // TST reference number. Ordering information is not relevant here.
- FareReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_14908S `xml:"fareReference"`
- // - Last date to ticket the fare - Creation date - Last modification date
- LastTktDate []*StructuredDateTimeInformationType_14907S `xml:"lastTktDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
- // Validating carrier identification.
- ValidatingCarrier *TransportIdentifierType `xml:"validatingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger/segment association of the TST.
- PaxSegReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"paxSegReference"`
- // Specify all fare data information (base fare, equivalent fare...)
- FareDataInformation *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"fareDataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TaxInformation []*TaxInformation `xml:"taxInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="120"
- // Banker's rates are used to convert amounts of the TST (base/equivalent).
- BankerRates *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"bankerRates,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PassengerInformation []*PassengerInformation `xml:"passengerInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // Origin and destination of the fare. 1st C3225 occurence : origin city. 2nd C3225 occurence : destination city
- OriginDestination *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originDestination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SegmentInformation []*SegmentInformation `xml:"segmentInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="96"
- // Other fare information : - fare calculation - payment restrictions. - mileage breakdown freeflow
- OtherPricingInfo []*CodedAttributeType `xml:"otherPricingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // TST status information such as TST confidentiality.
- StatusInformation *StatusTypeI `xml:"statusInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Mentions the TST creation office ID and the agent sign in.
- OfficeDetails *UserIdentificationType `xml:"officeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- WarningInformation []*WarningInformation `xml:"warningInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- AutomaticReissueInfo *AutomaticReissueInfo `xml:"automaticReissueInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CarrierFeesGroup []*CarrierFeesGroup `xml:"carrierFeesGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // contextual form of payment
- ContextualFop *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"contextualFop,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Office Id where the pricing has been made. Implemented with Airline Ticketing Fees
- ContextualPointofSale *UserIdentificationType `xml:"contextualPointofSale,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // convey the mileage information
- Mileage *AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TaxInformation struct {
- // Tax details
- TaxDetails *DutyTaxFeeDetailsTypeU `xml:"taxDetails"`
- // Amount details. If the tax is a passenger facility charge (PFC) the detail of the airports related taxes is given here.
- AmountDetails *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"amountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PassengerInformation struct {
- // Penalty details specified in the request.
- PenDisInformation *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI_6128S `xml:"penDisInformation"`
- // Reference of passengers that have a type code.
- PassengerReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"passengerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegmentInformation struct {
- // Connection information.
- ConnexInformation *ConnectionTypeI `xml:"connexInformation"`
- // Details on open segments added to the price calculation. These open segments exist only in the fare calculated, they have no equivalent in the PNR itinerary. This segment gives also information on booking class for best buy transactions.
- SegDetails *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"segDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare basis information
- FareQualifier *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Validity information for the fare
- ValidityInformation []*StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"validityInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // baggage allowance information
- BagAllowanceInformation *ExcessBaggageTypeI `xml:"bagAllowanceInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference of the segment associated to the group.
- SegmentReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"segmentReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The segment order in the pricing response can be different than the one of the PNR itinerary (segments are reordered at price calculation time). This order information is conveyed by the sequence number. If this order information is not present then the order is by default the one of the PNR.
- SequenceInformation *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"sequenceInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type WarningInformation struct {
- // Fare warning information code.
- WarningCode *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"warningCode"`
- // Description in free flow text of the warning concerning the fare.
- WarningText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_6759S `xml:"warningText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AutomaticReissueInfo struct {
- // This segment contains the original ticket number.
- TicketInfo *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"ticketInfo"`
- // This segment contains the coupon number (in absolute) corresponding to the first coupon for use from the last flawn segment.
- CouponInfo *CouponInformationTypeI `xml:"couponInfo"`
- PaperCouponRange *PaperCouponRange `xml:"paperCouponRange,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Base Fare information
- BaseFareInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S `xml:"baseFareInfo"`
- FirstDpiGroup *FirstDpiGroup `xml:"firstDpiGroup"`
- SecondDpiGroup *SecondDpiGroup `xml:"secondDpiGroup"`
-type PaperCouponRange struct {
- // This segment contains the original ticket number.
- TicketInfo *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"ticketInfo"`
- // This segment contains the coupon number (in absolute) corresponding to the first coupon for use from the last flawn segment.
- CouponInfo *CouponInformationTypeI `xml:"couponInfo"`
-type FirstDpiGroup struct {
- // Penalty amount in reissue currency
- ReIssuePenalty *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"reIssuePenalty"`
- // Reissue Information
- ReissueInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S `xml:"reissueInfo"`
- // Old Tax Information
- OldTaxInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S `xml:"oldTaxInfo"`
- // Balance Reissue Information
- ReissueBalanceInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S `xml:"reissueBalanceInfo"`
-type SecondDpiGroup struct {
- // Discount and penalty info.
- Penalty *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"penalty"`
- // Residual Value Information
- ResidualValueInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S `xml:"residualValueInfo"`
- // Old Tax Information
- OldTaxInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S `xml:"oldTaxInfo"`
- // Balance Issue Information
- IssueBalanceInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S `xml:"issueBalanceInfo"`
-type CarrierFeesGroup struct {
- // Airline Ticketing Fees : OB
- CarrierFeeType *SelectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"carrierFeeType"`
- CarrierFeeInfo []*CarrierFeeInfo `xml:"carrierFeeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type CarrierFeeInfo struct {
- // contains the Carrier Fee subcode and the properties of the carrier fee:
- CarrierFeeSubcode *SpecificDataInformationTypeI `xml:"carrierFeeSubcode"`
- // convey the commercial name of the fee
- CommercialName *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_37809S `xml:"commercialName"`
- // amount of the fee, taxes included
- FeeAmount *MonetaryInformationTypeI_37810S `xml:"feeAmount"`
- // tax on the fee
- FeeTax []*TaxTypeI `xml:"feeTax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-// Complex structs
-type ActionDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Information on next list of TSTs to return.
- NextListInformation *ReferenceTypeI `xml:"nextListInformation"`
-type AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Primary code of the fare basis. This is not a codeset but a free flow text field.
- PrimaryCode string `xml:"primaryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare basis code of the fare basis. This is not a codeset but a free flow text field.
- FareBasisCode string `xml:"fareBasisCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticket designator of the fare basis
- TicketDesignator string `xml:"ticketDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // For any query : discount ticket designator to be assigned by Fare Quote server. For any response : priced PTCs
- DiscTktDesignator string `xml:"discTktDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI struct {
- MileageTimeDetails *MileageTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileageTimeDetails"`
-type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
- // Code identifying the data validation error condition.
- ApplicationErrorCode string `xml:"applicationErrorCode"`
- // Identification of a code list.
- CodeListQualifier string `xml:"codeListQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
- CodeListResponsibleAgency string `xml:"codeListResponsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
- // Application error details.
- ApplicationErrorDetail *ApplicationErrorDetailType `xml:"applicationErrorDetail"`
-type BaggageDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Baggage allowance quantity (piece concept)
- BaggageQuantity *int32 `xml:"baggageQuantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Baggage allowance weight
- BaggageWeight *float64 `xml:"baggageWeight,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Baggage allowance type (weight/number)
- BaggageType string `xml:"baggageType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Measurement unit for weighing baggage allowance
- MeasureUnit string `xml:"measureUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
- // provides the attribute Type
- AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
- // provides a description for the attribute
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeType struct {
- // provides details for the Attribute fare calculation or payment restriction or mileage breakdown freeflow.
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="3"
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // Carrier code
- CarrierCode string `xml:"carrierCode"`
-type CompanyIdentificationTypeI_27116C struct {
- // Code of the airline.
- CarrierCode string `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConnectionDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Specify ARNK and surface segments not included in the fare routing.
- RoutingInformation string `xml:"routingInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type of connection for the flight
- ConnexType string `xml:"connexType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConnectionTypeI struct {
- // Connection details
- ConnecDetails *ConnectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"connecDetails"`
-type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Currency of the rate
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount/percentage
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
- // First rate detail.
- FirstRateDetail *ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"firstRateDetail"`
- // Second rate detail.
- SecondRateDetail *ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"secondRateDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CouponInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Coupon number
- CpnNumber string `xml:"cpnNumber"`
-type CouponInformationTypeI struct {
- // Details on coupon
- CouponDetails *CouponInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"couponDetails"`
- // Details on coupon
- OtherCouponDetails []*CouponInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherCouponDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type DataInformationTypeI struct {
- // fee attribute
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DataTypeInformationTypeI struct {
- // fee subcode
- Type string `xml:"type"`
-type DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
- // Used to specify penalty information
- PenDisData *DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI_29792C `xml:"penDisData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI_6128S struct {
- // Qualify the type of information. Penalties are not passenger associated and are pure monetary information. Discount are passenger associated but only discount code is specified.
- InfoQualifier string `xml:"infoQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to specify penalty information.
- PenDisData []*DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"penDisData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
- // Discount off type.
- ZapOffType string `xml:"zapOffType"`
- // Discount amount
- ZapOffAmount *float64 `xml:"zapOffAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Discount percentage.
- ZapOffPercentage *int32 `xml:"zapOffPercentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
- // Type of penalty.
- PenaltyType string `xml:"penaltyType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The penalty amount can be described differently: amount/percentage.
- PenaltyQualifier string `xml:"penaltyQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Amount of the penalty.
- PenaltyAmount *float64 `xml:"penaltyAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This discount code is defined by the airlines. This cannot be coded as airlines might apply any combination of letters for their discounts.
- DiscountCode string `xml:"discountCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Penalty currency code.
- PenaltyCurrency string `xml:"penaltyCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI_29792C struct {
- // The amount Type can be a percentage or an amount
- PenaltyQualifier string `xml:"penaltyQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // specify the value
- PenaltyAmount *float64 `xml:"penaltyAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // penalty currency code
- PenaltyCurrency string `xml:"penaltyCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DutyTaxFeeAccountDetailTypeU struct {
- // Iso country of the tax
- IsoCountry string `xml:"isoCountry"`
-type DutyTaxFeeDetailsTypeU struct {
- // Tax data qualifier
- TaxQualifier string `xml:"taxQualifier"`
- // Tax type identification
- TaxIdentification *DutyTaxFeeTypeDetailsTypeU `xml:"taxIdentification"`
- // Type of the tax
- TaxType *DutyTaxFeeAccountDetailTypeU `xml:"taxType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Nature of the tax
- TaxNature string `xml:"taxNature,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Exempt tax indicator. If an tax is Exempted no amount is provided for this tax.
- TaxExempt string `xml:"taxExempt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DutyTaxFeeTypeDetailsTypeU struct {
- // Tax type identifier
- TaxIdentifier string `xml:"taxIdentifier"`
-type ExcessBaggageTypeI struct {
- // Baggage allowance information details
- BagAllowanceDetails *BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"bagAllowanceDetails"`
-type FareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Type of movement for this segment to take into account by Fare Quote to calculate the fare.
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare basis detail
- FareBasisDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Discount data for zap off to apply to price calculation.
- ZapOffDetails *DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"zapOffDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Type of Form Of Payment (Credit card, cash, check...).
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // amount to be charged on this form
- ChargedAmount *float64 `xml:"chargedAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // It is mandatory if the Form of Payment at pricing was a credit card with a bin number. It may only occur for Credit Card Types. It is composed of the first 6 bin numbers of the credit card. Wildcards are not possible.
- CreditCardNumber string `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FormOfPaymentTypeI struct {
- FormOfPayment []*FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI `xml:"formOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type FreeTextQualificationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
-type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI struct {
- // Free flow text describing the error
- ErrorFreeText string `xml:"errorFreeText"`
-type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_37809S struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // commercial name of the fee suncode. 10 an
- FreeText string `xml:"freeText"`
-type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_6759S struct {
- // Free flow text describing the error
- ErrorFreeText string `xml:"errorFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
- // Identification details : order number
- SequenceSection *UniqueIdDescriptionType `xml:"sequenceSection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_14908S struct {
- // qualifies the type of the reference used. Code set to define
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tattoo number (It is in fact the Tst Display Number)
- UniqueReference *int32 `xml:"uniqueReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Gives the TST ID number
- IDDescription *UniqueIdDescriptionType_26102C `xml:"iDDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationTypeI struct {
- // Code of the city.
- CityCode string `xml:"cityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MileageTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // mileage total associated to the TST
- TotalMileage int32 `xml:"totalMileage"`
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Qualify the type of fare defined in this composite
- FareDataQualifier string `xml:"fareDataQualifier"`
- // Fare data amount
- FareAmount string `xml:"fareAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare data currency code
- FareCurrency string `xml:"fareCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Location of the fare data (PFCs specific)
- FareLocation string `xml:"fareLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_37257C struct {
- // Type qualifier
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount"`
- // currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // location
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_64230C struct {
- // qualifier
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // In case of exempted Fee, this data element does not contain an amount but a text: EXEMPTED.
- Amount string `xml:"amount"`
- // currency of the fee amount
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
- // Main fare data infomation, can b thee base or the total fare information which are mandatory anyway
- FareDataMainInformation *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDataMainInformation"`
- // Supplementary fare data information
- FareDataSupInformation []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDataSupInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S struct {
- // monetaryDetails
- MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_37257C `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_37257C `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type MonetaryInformationTypeI_37810S struct {
- // MON used for a single fee
- MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_64230C `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
-type OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Code of the city.
- CityCode []string `xml:"cityCode"` // maxOccurs="2"
-type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Agent Sign In
- InHouseIdentification1 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tst office ID : It's the TST creation office ID.
- InHouseIdentification2 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI struct {
- // Information on TST type.
- TstInformation *RateTariffClassInformationTypeI `xml:"tstInformation"`
- // International sales indicator
- SalesIndicator string `xml:"salesIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare calculation mode indicator. This indicator specifies the type fare.
- Fcmi string `xml:"fcmi"`
-type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // OPEN or AIR are the two identifications accepted. OPEN means the segment described here is an open segment. AIR means that it is a valid AIR segment.
- Identification string `xml:"identification"`
- // Class of service to use in order to price the extra segment.
- ClassOfService string `xml:"classOfService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RateTariffClassInformationTypeI struct {
- // Indicator qualifying the type of TST (basically manual or automatic)
- TstIndicator string `xml:"tstIndicator"`
-type ReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
- // Passenger/segment/TST reference details
- RefDetails []*ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"refDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferenceTypeI struct {
- // In case of query specifies the number of TSTs to get in reply. In case of response specifies the number of TSTs remaining.
- RemainingInformation *int32 `xml:"remainingInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // In case of first query specifies the value of this field in the last reply. In case of other queries specifies the last reference returned in the previous list. In case of reply specifies the last TST reference of the list. In case of last reply the value of this field set in the first query is sent.
- RemainingReference string `xml:"remainingReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferencingDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Qualifyer of the reference (Pax/Seg/Tst/Fare tattoo)
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger/segment/TST/fare tattoo reference number
- RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..2
- Option string `xml:"option"`
-type SelectionDetailsTypeI struct {
- SelectionDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"selectionDetails"`
-type SpecificDataInformationTypeI struct {
- // Carrier fee code
- DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationTypeI `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
- // Carrier fee application code (NI, NR, CM, NC)
- DataInformation []*DataInformationTypeI `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type StatusDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Information on TST.
- TstFlag string `xml:"tstFlag"`
-type StatusTypeI struct {
- // Detail on the status of the TST.
- FirstStatusDetails *StatusDetailsTypeI `xml:"firstStatusDetails"`
- // Other details on the status of the TST.
- OtherStatusDetails []*StatusDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherStatusDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type StructuredDateTimeInformationType struct {
- // This data element can be used to provide the semantic of the information provided. Examples : - Impacted period - Departure date - Estimated arrival date and time
- BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeInformationType_14907S struct {
- // This data element can be used to provide the semantic of the information provided. Examples : - Impacted period - Departure date - Estimated arrival date and time
- BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic"`
- // Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_26100C `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
- // Year number. The format is a little long for short term usage but it can be reduced by implementation if required.
- Year *int32 `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month string `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day string `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeType_26100C struct {
- // Year number. The format is a little long for short term usage but it can be reduced by implementation if required.
- Year *int32 `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month *int32 `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day string `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TaxDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Format limitations: an..17
- Rate string `xml:"rate"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Details applicable to the tax applied to the Carrier Fee. TX = Tax applies to fee
- Type []string `xml:"type"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type TaxTypeI struct {
- // type of tax
- TaxCategory string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FeeTaxDetails []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"feeTaxDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type TicketNumberDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Ticket number
- Number string `xml:"number"`
- // ticket type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TicketNumberTypeI struct {
- // Details on the document
- DocumentDetails *TicketNumberDetailsTypeI `xml:"documentDetails"`
-type TransportIdentifierType struct {
- // Information related to validating carrier.
- CarrierInformation *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"carrierInformation"`
-type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
- // departure city code
- DepartureCity *LocationTypeI `xml:"departureCity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // arrival city code
- ArrivalCity *LocationTypeI `xml:"arrivalCity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Airline detail information of the extra segment.
- AirlineDetail *CompanyIdentificationTypeI_27116C `xml:"airlineDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Segment detail information.
- SegmentDetail *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Ticketing status for this segment. Relevant only in case of reply.
- TicketingStatus string `xml:"ticketingStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type UniqueIdDescriptionType struct {
- // Number specifying the ordering information of the item described within a group.
- SequenceNumber *int32 `xml:"sequenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type UniqueIdDescriptionType_26102C struct {
- // The TST Id Number : The Id number allows to determine a TST in the single manner.
- IDSequenceNumber int32 `xml:"iDSequenceNumber"`
-type UserIdentificationType struct {
- // Originator Identification Details
- OriginIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originIdentification"`
diff --git a/sdk/_deprecated.go b/sdk/_deprecated.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 30ed6d6..0000000
--- a/sdk/_deprecated.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-package amadeus_sdk
-import (
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/fare/informativeBestPricingWithoutPNR/v12_4_query"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/fare/informativeBestPricingWithoutPNR/v12_4_reply"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/pnr/ignore/v04_1_query"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/pnr/ignore/v04_1_reply"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/salesReports/displayTransactionReport/v13_2_query"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/salesReports/displayTransactionReport/v13_2_reply"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/ticket/deleteTST/v04_1_query"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/ticket/deleteTST/v04_1_reply"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/ticket/displayTST/v07_1_query"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/ticket/displayTST/v07_1_reply"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/utils"
- "strings"
-func (client *AmadeusClient) FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchV163(query *Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearch_v16_3.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearch, attr *receiver.LogAttributes) (*Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply_v16_3.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- var soapAction = "FMPTBQ_16_3_1A"
- var reply = new(Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply_v16_3.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply)
- var messageId = strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client.session, support.AddMethod(attr, soapAction), client)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-// deprecated?
-func (client *AmadeusClient) TicketDisplayTSTv071(query *Ticket_DisplayTST_v07_1.TicketDisplayTST) (*Ticket_DisplayTSTReply_v07_1.TicketDisplayTSTReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- var soapAction = "TTSTRQ_07_1_1A"
- var reply = new(Ticket_DisplayTSTReply_v07_1.TicketDisplayTSTReply)
- var messageId = strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client.session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-// deprecated?
-func (client *AmadeusClient) TicketDeleteTSTv041(query *Ticket_DeleteTST_v04_1.TicketDeleteTST) (*Ticket_DeleteTSTReply_v04_1.TicketDeleteTSTReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- var soapAction = "TTSTDQ_04_1_1A"
- var reply = new(Ticket_DeleteTSTReply_v04_1.TicketDeleteTSTReply)
- var messageId = strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client.session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-// deprecated?
-func (client *AmadeusClient) SalesReportsDisplayTransactionReportV132(query *SalesReports_DisplayTransactionReport_v13_2.SalesReportsDisplayTransactionReport) (*SalesReports_DisplayTransactionReportReply_v13_2.SalesReportsDisplayTransactionReportReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- var soapAction = "TSRTRQ_13_2_1A"
- var reply = new(SalesReports_DisplayTransactionReportReply_v13_2.SalesReportsDisplayTransactionReportReply)
- var messageId = strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client.session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-// deprecated?
-func (client *AmadeusClient) PNRIgnoreV041(query *PNR_Ignore_v04_1.PNRIgnore) (*PNR_IgnoreReply_v04_1.PNRIgnoreReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- var soapAction = "CLTREQ_04_1_IA"
- var reply = new(PNR_IgnoreReply_v04_1.PNRIgnoreReply)
- var messageId = strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client.session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-// deprecated?
-func (client *AmadeusClient) FareInformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRv124(query *Fare_InformativeBestPricingWithoutPNR_v12_4.FareInformativeBestPricingWithoutPNR) (*Fare_InformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRReply_v12_4.FareInformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- var soapAction = "TIBNRQ_12_4_1A"
- var reply = new(Fare_InformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRReply_v12_4.FareInformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRReply)
- var messageId = strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client.session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
diff --git a/sdk/air/sellFromRecommendation/v05_2_query/query.go b/sdk/air/sellFromRecommendation/v05_2_query/query.go
deleted file mode 100644
index c9b2951..0000000
--- a/sdk/air/sellFromRecommendation/v05_2_query/query.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-package Air_SellFromRecommendation_v05_2 // itareq052
-import "encoding/xml"
-type AirSellFromRecommendation struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/ITAREQ_05_2_IA Air_SellFromRecommendation"`
- MessageActionDetails *MessageActionDetails `xml:"messageActionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RecordLocator *RecordLocator `xml:"recordLocator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ItineraryDetails []*ItineraryDetails `xml:"itineraryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type MessageActionDetails struct {
- MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionDetails `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MessageFunctionDetails struct {
- MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AdditionalMessageFunction []string `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type RecordLocator struct {
- Reservation []*Reservation `xml:"reservation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type Reservation struct {
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ControlType string `xml:"controlType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Time *float64 `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItineraryDetails struct {
- OriginDestinationDetails *OriginDestinationDetails `xml:"originDestinationDetails"`
- Message *Message `xml:"message,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SegmentInformation []*SegmentInformation `xml:"segmentInformation"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type OriginDestinationDetails struct {
- Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type Message struct {
- MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionDetails `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegmentInformation struct {
- TravelProductInformation *TravelProductInformation `xml:"travelProductInformation"`
- RelatedproductInformation *RelatedproductInformation `xml:"relatedproductInformation"`
-type TravelProductInformation struct {
- FlightDate *FlightDate `xml:"flightDate"`
- BoardPointDetails *BoardPointDetails `xml:"boardPointDetails"`
- OffpointDetails *OffpointDetails `xml:"offpointDetails"`
- CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails"`
- FlightIdentification *FlightIdentification `xml:"flightIdentification"`
- FlightTypeDetails *FlightTypeDetails `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SpecialSegment string `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MarriageDetails []*MarriageDetails `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FlightDate struct {
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DepartureTime *float64 `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ArrivalTime *float64 `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DateVariation string `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type BoardPointDetails struct {
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId"`
-type OffpointDetails struct {
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId"`
-type CompanyDetails struct {
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany"`
-type FlightIdentification struct {
- FlightNumber string `xml:"flightNumber"`
- BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass"`
- OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightTypeDetails struct {
- FlightIndicator []string `xml:"flightIndicator"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type MarriageDetails struct {
- Relation string `xml:"relation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MarriageIdentifier *float64 `xml:"marriageIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LineNumber *float64 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RelatedproductInformation struct {
- Quantity float64 `xml:"quantity"`
- StatusCode []string `xml:"statusCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
diff --git a/sdk/air/sellFromRecommendation/v05_2_reply/reply.go b/sdk/air/sellFromRecommendation/v05_2_reply/reply.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 37a33ec..0000000
--- a/sdk/air/sellFromRecommendation/v05_2_reply/reply.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
-package Air_SellFromRecommendationReply_v05_2 // itares052
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type AirSellFromRecommendationReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/ITARES_05_2_IA Air_SellFromRecommendationReply"`
- Message *Message `xml:"message,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ErrorAtMessageLevel []*ErrorAtMessageLevel `xml:"errorAtMessageLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- ItineraryDetails []*ItineraryDetails `xml:"itineraryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type Message struct {
- MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionDetails `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ResponseType string `xml:"responseType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MessageFunctionDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- BusinessFunction string `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- AdditionalMessageFunction []string `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type ErrorAtMessageLevel struct {
- ErrorSegment *ErrorSegment `xml:"errorSegment"`
- InformationText *InformationText `xml:"informationText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorSegment struct {
- ErrorDetails *ErrorDetails `xml:"errorDetails"`
-type ErrorDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..5
- ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type InformationText struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FreeTextQualification struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..4
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItineraryDetails struct {
- OriginDestination *OriginDestination `xml:"originDestination"`
- ErrorItinerarylevel []*ErrorItinerarylevel `xml:"errorItinerarylevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- SegmentInformation []*SegmentInformation `xml:"segmentInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type OriginDestination struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorItinerarylevel struct {
- ErrorSegment *ErrorSegment `xml:"errorSegment"`
- InformationText *InformationText `xml:"informationText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegmentInformation struct {
- FlightDetails *FlightDetails `xml:"flightDetails"`
- ApdSegment *ApdSegment `xml:"apdSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ActionDetails *ActionDetails `xml:"actionDetails"`
- InformationText *InformationText `xml:"informationText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ErrorAtSegmentLevel []*ErrorAtSegmentLevel `xml:"errorAtSegmentLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type FlightDetails struct {
- FlightDate *FlightDate `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BoardPointDetails *BoardPointDetails `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OffpointDetails *OffpointDetails `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightIdentification *FlightIdentification `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightTypeDetails *FlightTypeDetails `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- SpecialSegment string `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MarriageDetails []*MarriageDetails `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FlightDate struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..4
- DepartureTime *float64 `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..4
- ArrivalTime *float64 `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n1
- DateVariation string `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type BoardPointDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..25
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..17
- TrueLocation string `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OffpointDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..25
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..17
- TrueLocation string `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..35
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- OperatingCompany string `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightIdentification struct {
- // Format limitations: an..4
- FlightNumber string `xml:"flightNumber"`
- // Format limitations: an..2
- BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..7
- Modifier []string `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type FlightTypeDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..6
- FlightIndicator []string `xml:"flightIndicator"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type MarriageDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Relation string `xml:"relation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..10
- MarriageIdentifier *float64 `xml:"marriageIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..6
- LineNumber *float64 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- OtherRelation string `xml:"otherRelation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- CarrierCode string `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApdSegment struct {
- LegDetails *LegDetails `xml:"legDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DepartureStationInfo *DepartureStationInfo `xml:"departureStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ArrivalStationInfo *ArrivalStationInfo `xml:"arrivalStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FacilitiesInformation []*FacilitiesInformation `xml:"facilitiesInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
-type LegDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..8
- Equipment string `xml:"equipment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..3
- NumberOfStops *float64 `xml:"numberOfStops,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..6
- Duration *float64 `xml:"duration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..8
- Percentage *float64 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..7
- DaysOfOperation string `xml:"daysOfOperation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- DateTimePeriod string `xml:"dateTimePeriod,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n1
- ComplexingFlightIndicator string `xml:"complexingFlightIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..25
- Locations []string `xml:"locations,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type DepartureStationInfo struct {
- // Format limitations: an..6
- GateDescription string `xml:"gateDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..25
- Terminal string `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..25
- Concourse string `xml:"concourse,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ArrivalStationInfo struct {
- // Format limitations: an..6
- GateDescription string `xml:"gateDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..25
- Terminal string `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..25
- Concourse string `xml:"concourse,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FacilitiesInformation struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..17
- ExtensionCode []string `xml:"extensionCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
-type ActionDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: n..15
- Quantity float64 `xml:"quantity"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- StatusCode []string `xml:"statusCode"` // maxOccurs="10"
-type ErrorAtSegmentLevel struct {
- ErrorSegment *ErrorSegment `xml:"errorSegment"`
- InformationText *InformationText `xml:"informationText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
diff --git a/sdk/book.go b/sdk/book.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c2a2f6..0000000
--- a/sdk/book.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-package amadeus_sdk
-import (
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/air/sellFromRecommendation/v05_2_query"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/air/sellFromRecommendation/v05_2_reply"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/fare/pricePNRWithBookingClass/v14_1_query"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/fare/pricePNRWithBookingClass/v14_1_reply"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/pnr/addMultiElements/v11_3_query"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/pnr/cancel/v11_3_query"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/pnr/reply/v11_3"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/ticket/createTSTFromPricing/v04_1_query"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/ticket/createTSTFromPricing/v04_1_reply"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/utils"
- "strings"
-const (
- ActBookAirSellFromRecommendation = "ITAREQ_05_2_IA"
- ActBookPNRAddMultiElements = "PNRADD_11_3_1A"
- ActBookFarePricePNRWithBookingClass = "TPCBRQ_14_1_1A"
- ActBookTicketCreateTSTFromPricing = "TAUTCQ_04_1_1A"
- ActBookPNRCancel = "PNRXCL_11_3_1A"
-func (client *AmadeusClient) AirSellFromRecommendationV052(query *Air_SellFromRecommendation_v05_2.AirSellFromRecommendation) (*Air_SellFromRecommendationReply_v05_2.AirSellFromRecommendationReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- var soapAction = ActBookAirSellFromRecommendation
- var reply = new(Air_SellFromRecommendationReply_v05_2.AirSellFromRecommendationReply)
- var messageId = strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client)
- //header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client.session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (client *AmadeusClient) PNRAddMultiElementsV113(query *PNR_AddMultiElements_v11_3.PNRAddMultiElements) (*PNR_Reply_v11_3.PNRReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- var soapAction = ActBookPNRAddMultiElements
- var reply = new(PNR_Reply_v11_3.PNRReply)
- var messageId = strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (client *AmadeusClient) FarePricePNRWithBookingClassV141(query *Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass_v14_1.FarePricePNRWithBookingClass) (*Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClassReply_v14_1.FarePricePNRWithBookingClassReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- var soapAction = ActBookFarePricePNRWithBookingClass
- var reply = new(Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClassReply_v14_1.FarePricePNRWithBookingClassReply)
- var messageId = strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (client *AmadeusClient) TicketCreateTSTFromPricingV041(query *Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricing_v04_1.TicketCreateTSTFromPricing) (*Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricingReply_v04_1.TicketCreateTSTFromPricingReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- var soapAction = ActBookTicketCreateTSTFromPricing
- var reply = new(Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricingReply_v04_1.TicketCreateTSTFromPricingReply)
- var messageId = strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (client *AmadeusClient) PNRCancelV113(query *PNR_Cancel_v11_3.PNRCancel) (*PNR_Reply_v11_3.PNRReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- var soapAction = ActBookPNRCancel
- var reply = new(PNR_Reply_v11_3.PNRReply)
- var messageId = strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
diff --git a/sdk/client.go b/sdk/client.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a98230b..0000000
--- a/sdk/client.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-package amadeus_sdk
-import (
- "bytes"
- "crypto/sha1"
- "crypto/tls"
- "encoding/base64"
- "encoding/xml"
- "fmt"
- "os"
- "io/ioutil"
- "net"
- "net/http"
- "time"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/utils"
-var timeout = time.Duration(20 * time.Second)
-const (
- SoapNs = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
- XsiNs = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
- XsdNs = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
- WasNs = "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing"
- // Predefined WSS namespaces to be used in
- WssNsWSSE = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd"
- WssNsWSU = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd"
- WssNsEncodingType = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-soap-message-security-1.0#Base64Binary"
- WssNsPasswordType = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#PasswordDigest"
-type SOAPBody struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"soap:Body"`
- Fault *SOAPFault `xml:",omitempty"`
- Content interface{} `xml:",omitempty"`
-type ResponseSOAPBody struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ Body"`
- Fault *SOAPFault `xml:",omitempty"`
- Content interface{} `xml:",omitempty"`
-func (b *ResponseSOAPBody) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
- if b.Content == nil {
- return xml.UnmarshalError("Content must be a pointer to a struct")
- }
- var (
- token xml.Token
- err error
- consumed bool
- )
- for {
- if token, err = d.Token(); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if token == nil {
- break
- }
- switch se := token.(type) {
- case xml.StartElement:
- if consumed {
- return xml.UnmarshalError("Found multiple elements inside SOAP body; not wrapped-document/literal WS-I compliant")
- } else if se.Name.Space == "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" && se.Name.Local == "Fault" {
- b.Fault = &SOAPFault{}
- b.Content = nil
- err = d.DecodeElement(b.Fault, &se)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- consumed = true
- } else {
- if err = d.DecodeElement(b.Content, &se); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- consumed = true
- }
- case xml.EndElement:
- break Loop
- }
- }
- return nil
-type SOAPFault struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Fault"`
- Code string `xml:"faultcode,omitempty"`
- String string `xml:"faultstring,omitempty"`
- Actor string `xml:"faultactor,omitempty"`
- Detail string `xml:"detail,omitempty"`
-func (f *SOAPFault) Error() string {
- return f.String
-type RequestSOAP4Envelope struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"soap:Envelope"`
- SOAPAttr string `xml:"xmlns:soap,attr"`
- XSIAttr string `xml:"xmlns:xsi,attr"`
- XSDAttr string `xml:"xmlns:xsd,attr"`
- Header *RequsetSOAP4Header
- Body SOAPBody
-type ResponseSOAP4Envelope struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ Envelope"`
- Header ResponseSOAP4Header
- Body ResponseSOAPBody
-type RequsetSOAP4Header struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"soap:Header"`
- WSAAttr string `xml:"xmlns:wsa,attr"`
- To string `xml:"wsa:To"`
- Action string `xml:"wsa:Action"`
- MessageId string `xml:"wsa:MessageID"`
- Security *WSSSecurityHeader // `xml:"wsse:Security"`
- AMASecurity *AMASecurityHostedUser // `xml:"AMA_SecurityHostedUser"`
- Session *RequestSession // `xml:"Session"`
-type ResponseSOAP4Header struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ soap:Header"`
- To string `xml:"To"`
- From AddressingFrom `xml:"From"`
- Action string `xml:"Action"`
- MessageId string `xml:"MessageID"`
- // RelatesTo RelatesTo `xml:"RelatesTo"`
- RelatesTo string `xml:"RelatesTo"`
- Session Session `xml:"Session"`
- Items []interface{} `xml:",omitempty"`
-type WSSSecurityHeader struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"wsse:Security"`
- XmlNSWsse string `xml:"xmlns:wsse,attr"`
- XmlNSWsu string `xml:"xmlns:wsu,attr"`
- MustUnderstand string `xml:"mustUnderstand,attr,omitempty"`
- Token *WSSUsernameToken `xml:",omitempty"`
-type WSSUsernameToken struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"wsse:UsernameToken"`
- Id string `xml:"wsu:Id,attr,omitempty"`
- Username string `xml:"wsse:Username"`
- Nonce *WSSNonce // `xml:"wsse:Nonce"`
- Password *WSSPassword // `xml:"wsse:Password"`
- Created string `xml:"wsu:Created"`
-type WSSNonce struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"wsse:Nonce"`
- EncodingType string `xml:"EncodingType,attr"`
- Nonce string `xml:",chardata"`
-type WSSPassword struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"wsse:Password"`
- Type string `xml:"Type,attr"`
- Password string `xml:",chardata"`
-type AMASecurityHostedUser struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/2010/06/Security_v1 AMA_SecurityHostedUser"`
- UserId AMASecurityHostedUserUserID // `xml:"UserID"`
-type AMASecurityHostedUserUserID struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"UserID"`
- AgentDutyCode string `xml:"AgentDutyCode,attr"`
- RequestorType string `xml:"RequestorType,attr"`
- PseudoCityCode string `xml:"PseudoCityCode,attr"`
- POSType string `xml:"POS_Type,attr"`
-type SOAPHeader struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"soap:Header"`
- Items []interface{} `xml:",omitempty"`
-type AddressingFrom struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"wsa:From"`
- Address string `xml:"Address"`
-// type RelatesTo struct {
-// XMLName xml.Name `xml:"wsa:RelatesTo"`
-// RelationshipType string `xml:"RelationshipType,attr"` // "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/reply"
-// MessageId string `xml:",chardata"`
-// }
-func HashedPassword(password string, nonceRaw string, timestamp string) string {
- // HashedPassword = Base64 ( SHA-1 ( nonce + created + SHA-1 ( password ) ) )
- s := sha1.New()
- s.Write([]byte(password))
- pwd := string(s.Sum(nil))
- s.Reset()
- s.Write([]byte(nonceRaw + timestamp + pwd))
- return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(s.Sum(nil))
-func NewWSSSecurityHeader(user, pass, mustUnderstand string) *WSSSecurityHeader {
- nonce := utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(16)
- nonceBase64 := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(nonce))
- timestamp := time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
- hdr := &WSSSecurityHeader{XmlNSWsse: WssNsWSSE, XmlNSWsu: WssNsWSU, MustUnderstand: mustUnderstand}
- hdr.Token = &WSSUsernameToken{Id: "UsernameToken-" + utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(9), Username: user}
- hdr.Token.Nonce = &WSSNonce{EncodingType: WssNsEncodingType, Nonce: nonceBase64}
- hdr.Token.Password = &WSSPassword{Type: WssNsPasswordType, Password: HashedPassword(pass, nonce, timestamp)}
- hdr.Token.Created = timestamp
- return hdr
-func NewAMASecurityHostedUser(agent string) *AMASecurityHostedUser {
- return &AMASecurityHostedUser{UserId: AMASecurityHostedUserUserID{
- AgentDutyCode: "SU",
- RequestorType: "U",
- PseudoCityCode: agent,
- POSType: "1",
- }}
-type SOAP4Client struct {
- url string
- user string
- pass string
- agent string
- tls bool
- headers []interface{}
-type WebServicePT struct {
- client *SOAP4Client
- // wsap string
-func CreateWebServicePTSOAP4Header(url, user, pass, agent string, tls bool) *WebServicePT {
- return &WebServicePT{
- client: NewSOAP4Client(url, user, pass, agent, tls),
- // wsap: wsap,
- }
-func (service *WebServicePT) Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId string, query, reply interface{}, client *AmadeusClient) (header *ResponseSOAP4Header, err error) {
- header, err = service.client.Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client)
- return
-func (service *WebServicePT) AddHeader(header interface{}) {
- service.client.AddHeader(header)
-// Backwards-compatible function: use AddHeader instead
-func (service *WebServicePT) SetHeader(header interface{}) {
- service.client.UpdateHeader(header)
-func (service *WebServicePT) UpdateHeader(header interface{}) {
- service.client.UpdateHeader(header)
-func dialTimeout(network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
- return net.DialTimeout(network, addr, timeout)
-func NewSOAP4Client(url, user, pass, agent string, tls bool) *SOAP4Client {
- return &SOAP4Client{
- url: url,
- user: user,
- pass: pass,
- agent: agent,
- tls: tls,
- }
-func (s *SOAP4Client) AddHeader(header interface{}) {
- s.headers = append(s.headers, header)
-func (s *SOAP4Client) UpdateHeader(header interface{}) {
- s.headers = []interface{}{header}
-func (s *SOAP4Client) Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId string, query, reply interface{}, cli *AmadeusClient) (*ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- session := cli.session
- envelope := RequestSOAP4Envelope{SOAPAttr: SoapNs, XSIAttr: XsiNs, XSDAttr: XsdNs}
- envelope.Header = &RequsetSOAP4Header{WSAAttr: WasNs, To: s.url, Action: soapUrl + soapAction, MessageId: messageId}
- if session == nil || session.TransactionStatusCode == TransactionStatusCode[Start] {
- envelope.Header.Security = NewWSSSecurityHeader(s.user, s.pass, "")
- envelope.Header.AMASecurity = NewAMASecurityHostedUser(s.agent)
- }
- if session != nil {
- envelope.Header.Session = &RequestSession{Session: session}
- }
- envelope.Body.Content = query
- buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
- buffer.Write([]byte(""))
- encoder := xml.NewEncoder(buffer)
- // encoder.Indent(" ", " ")
- if err := encoder.Encode(envelope); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- if err := encoder.Flush(); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- savebuf := buffer.Bytes()
- //support.LogsPush(attr, savebuf)
- err := cli.Hooks.Fire("agent", soapAction, string(savebuf))
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to fire hook log_request: %v\n", err)
- }
- req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", s.url, buffer)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"")
- req.Header.Add("SOAPAction", soapUrl+soapAction)
- req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "connector_amadeus-go/0.2")
- req.Close = true
- tr := &http.Transport{
- TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
- InsecureSkipVerify: s.tls,
- },
- Dial: dialTimeout,
- }
- numberOfAttempts := 3
- var res *http.Response
- client := &http.Client{
- Transport: tr,
- Timeout: timeout,
- }
- res, err = client.Do(req)
- for err != nil {
- time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
- buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
- buffer.Write(savebuf)
- rc := ioutil.NopCloser(buffer)
- req.Body = rc // .(io.ReadCloser)
- client = &http.Client{
- Transport: tr,
- Timeout: timeout,
- }
- res, err = client.Do(req)
- numberOfAttempts--
- if numberOfAttempts == 0 {
- break
- }
- }
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- defer res.Body.Close()
- rawbody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- //attrResponse := *attr
- //attrResponse.Layer = receiver.Layer4
- //support.LogsPush(&attrResponse, rawbody)
- err = cli.Hooks.Fire("provider", soapAction, string(rawbody))
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to fire hook log_response: %v\n", err)
- }
- respEnvelope := new(ResponseSOAP4Envelope)
- respEnvelope.Body = ResponseSOAPBody{Content: reply}
- err = xml.Unmarshal(rawbody, respEnvelope)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- fault := respEnvelope.Body.Fault
- if fault != nil {
- return &respEnvelope.Header, fault
- }
- return &respEnvelope.Header, nil
diff --git a/sdk/comandCryptic.go b/sdk/comandCryptic.go
deleted file mode 100644
index ffe84ba..0000000
--- a/sdk/comandCryptic.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-package amadeus_sdk
-import (
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/command/cryptic/v07_3_query"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/command/cryptic/v07_3_reply"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/utils"
- "strings"
-func (client *AmadeusClient) CommandCrypticV073(query *Command_Cryptic_v07_3.CommandCryptic) (*Command_CrypticReply_v07_3.CommandCrypticReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- var soapAction = "HSFREQ_07_3_1A"
- var reply = new(Command_CrypticReply_v07_3.CommandCrypticReply)
- var messageId = strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
diff --git a/sdk/command/cryptic/v07_3_query/query.go b/sdk/command/cryptic/v07_3_query/query.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 676dbf3..0000000
--- a/sdk/command/cryptic/v07_3_query/query.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-package Command_Cryptic_v07_3 // hsfreq073
-import "encoding/xml"
-type CommandCryptic struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/HSFREQ_07_3_1A Command_Cryptic"`
- MessageAction *MessageAction `xml:"messageAction"`
- NumberOfUnits *NumberOfUnits `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- IntelligentWorkstationInfo *IntelligentWorkstationInfo `xml:"intelligentWorkstationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LongTextString *LongTextString `xml:"longTextString"`
-type MessageAction struct {
- MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionDetails `xml:"messageFunctionDetails"`
- ResponseType string `xml:"responseType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MessageFunctionDetails struct {
- BusinessFunction string `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction"`
- AdditionalMessageFunction []string `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
-type NumberOfUnits struct {
- NumberOfUnitsDetails1 *NumberOfUnitsDetails1 `xml:"numberOfUnitsDetails1"`
- NumberOfUnitsDetails2 []*NumberOfUnitsDetails2 `xml:"numberOfUnitsDetails2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type NumberOfUnitsDetails1 struct {
- Units float64 `xml:"units"`
- UnitsQualifier string `xml:"unitsQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type NumberOfUnitsDetails2 struct {
- Units *float64 `xml:"units,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- UnitsQualifier string `xml:"unitsQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type IntelligentWorkstationInfo struct {
- CompanyIdentification string `xml:"companyIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LongTextString struct {
- TextStringDetails string `xml:"textStringDetails"`
diff --git a/sdk/command/cryptic/v07_3_reply/reply.go b/sdk/command/cryptic/v07_3_reply/reply.go
deleted file mode 100644
index ce17473..0000000
--- a/sdk/command/cryptic/v07_3_reply/reply.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-package Command_CrypticReply_v07_3 // hsfres073
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type CommandCrypticReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/HSFRES_07_3_1A Command_CrypticReply"`
- MessageActionDetails *MessageActionDetails `xml:"messageActionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LongTextString *LongTextString `xml:"longTextString"`
-type MessageActionDetails struct {
- MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionDetails `xml:"messageFunctionDetails"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ResponseType string `xml:"responseType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MessageFunctionDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- BusinessFunction string `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction"`
-type LongTextString struct {
- // Format limitations: an..9999
- TextStringDetails string `xml:"textStringDetails"`
diff --git a/sdk/docIssuance/issueTicket/v09_1_query/query.go b/sdk/docIssuance/issueTicket/v09_1_query/query.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 288b4de..0000000
--- a/sdk/docIssuance/issueTicket/v09_1_query/query.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-package DocIssuance_IssueTicket_v09_1 // ttktiq091
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/formats"
-type DocIssuanceIssueTicket struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TTKTIQ_09_1_1A DocIssuance_IssueTicket"`
- // agent code
- AgentInfo *TicketAgentInfoTypeI `xml:"agentInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // override past date TST
- OverrideDate *StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"overrideDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Segment, TST, Coupon or line selection
- Selection []*ReferenceInfoType `xml:"selection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
- // Passenger Selection
- PaxSelection []*ReferenceInformationType `xml:"paxSelection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // stock reference
- Stock *StockInformationType `xml:"stock,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OptionGroup []*OptionGroup `xml:"optionGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // Infant or Adult passenger
- InfantOrAdultAssociation *TravellerInformationType `xml:"infantOrAdultAssociation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Contains other options that do take parameters.
- OtherCompoundOptions []*CodedAttributeType `xml:"otherCompoundOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type OptionGroup struct {
- // contains a list of switches, i.e. options that do not take any parameters.
- Switches *StatusTypeI `xml:"switches"`
- // Contains sub-options that do take parameters.
- SubCompoundOptions []*AttributeType `xml:"subCompoundOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // To override Alternative date for Invoice printing
- OverrideAlternativeDate *StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"overrideAlternativeDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type AttributeInformationTypeU struct {
- // provides the sub-option name: EMPR Email to the specified address EMPRA Email to the address specified in the APE element EMPRN Email to addresses associated to nickname FAXR Fax to Specified Number FAXA Fax to Number specified in AP element of the PNR FAXN Fax to number associated to nickname LP Issuance langage PALT Printer Options / Alternate printer PCIH Printer Options / Customize Itinerary Header PDCT Printer Options / Document Type PDPR Printer Options / Distribution Profile PDUP Printer Options / Duplicate Itinerary PMNE Printer Options / Mnemonic PNUM Printer Options / Number POFP Printer Options / Office profile
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"attributeType"`
- // provides the sub-option value
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To256 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AttributeType struct {
- // Details for the message criteria (name, value).
- CriteriaDetails *AttributeInformationTypeU `xml:"criteriaDetails"`
-type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
- // provides the option name
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"attributeType"`
- // provides a description for the attribute (option value)
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To256 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeType struct {
- // provides details for the Attribute
- AttributeDetails *CodedAttributeInformationType `xml:"attributeDetails"`
-type InternalIDDetailsTypeI struct {
- // agent code or agent sine
- InhouseId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"inhouseId"`
- // Agent qualifier
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
-type ReferenceInfoType struct {
- // Reference list (segment tattoos or PNR lines or TST number or Coupon number)
- ReferenceDetails []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referenceDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferenceInformationType struct {
- // Used to convey the passenger tatoo or display number.
- PassengerReference *ReferencingDetailsType_108978C `xml:"passengerReference"`
-type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
- // Reference qualifier
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
- // Reference value
- Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferencingDetailsType_108978C struct {
- // Reference qualifier
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger tattoo.
- Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"value"`
-type StatusDetailsTypeI struct {
- Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicator"`
-type StatusTypeI struct {
- StatusDetails *StatusDetailsTypeI `xml:"statusDetails"`
-type StockInformationType struct {
- // To convey Stock type
- StockTicketNumberDetails *StockTicketNumberDetailsType `xml:"stockTicketNumberDetails"`
-type StockTicketNumberDetailsType struct {
- // Stock Qualifier: 'S' stock control number
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Stock control number
- ControlNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeInformationType struct {
- // Date format
- BusinessSemantic formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"businessSemantic"`
- // Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
- // Year number.
- Year formats.Year_YYYY `xml:"year"`
- // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month formats.Month_mM `xml:"month"`
- // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day formats.Day_nN `xml:"day"`
-type TicketAgentInfoTypeI struct {
- // agent ID details
- InternalIdDetails *InternalIDDetailsTypeI `xml:"internalIdDetails"`
-type TravellerInformationType struct {
- // Detail if the discount is adult only or infant only
- PaxDetails *TravellerSurnameInformationType `xml:"paxDetails"`
-type TravellerSurnameInformationType struct {
- // Customer type: A=adult IN = infant
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"type"`
diff --git a/sdk/docIssuance/issueTicket/v09_1_reply/reply.go b/sdk/docIssuance/issueTicket/v09_1_reply/reply.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d8b008..0000000
--- a/sdk/docIssuance/issueTicket/v09_1_reply/reply.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-package DocIssuance_IssueTicketReply_v09_1 // ttktir091
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type DocIssuanceIssueTicketReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TTKTIR_09_1_1A DocIssuance_IssueTicketReply"`
- // The type of the answer : warning, aknowledgement, PNR display...
- ProcessingStatus *ResponseAnalysisDetailsType `xml:"processingStatus"`
- // Contains warning and errors.
- ErrorGroup *ErrorGroupType `xml:"errorGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
- // Code identifying the data validation error condition.
- ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
- // Identification of a code list.
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
- // Application error details.
- ErrorDetails *ApplicationErrorDetailType `xml:"errorDetails"`
-type ErrorGroupType struct {
- // The details of error/warning code.
- ErrorOrWarningCodeDetails *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"errorOrWarningCodeDetails"`
- // The desciption of warning or error.
- ErrorWarningDescription *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"errorWarningDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
- // textSubjectQualifier
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // source
- Source string `xml:"source"`
- // encoding
- Encoding string `xml:"encoding"`
-type FreeTextInformationType struct {
- // warning/error message details.
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType `xml:"freeTextDetails"`
- // Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
- FreeText string `xml:"freeText"`
-type ResponseAnalysisDetailsType struct {
- // type of the answer
- StatusCode string `xml:"statusCode"`
diff --git a/sdk/fare/checkRules/v07_1_query/query.go b/sdk/fare/checkRules/v07_1_query/query.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e2a8c8..0000000
--- a/sdk/fare/checkRules/v07_1_query/query.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,435 +0,0 @@
-package Fare_CheckRules_v07_1 // farqnq071
-import "encoding/xml"
-type FareCheckRules struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/FARQNQ_07_1_1A Fare_CheckRules"`
- MsgType *MsgType `xml:"msgType"`
- AvailcabinStatus *AvailcabinStatus `xml:"availcabinStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ConversionRate *ConversionRate `xml:"conversionRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PricingTickInfo *PricingTickInfo `xml:"pricingTickInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MultiCorporate *MultiCorporate `xml:"multiCorporate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ItemNumber *ItemNumber `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DateOfFlight *DateOfFlight `xml:"dateOfFlight,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightQualification []*FlightQualification `xml:"flightQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- TransportInformation []*TransportInformation `xml:"transportInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- TripDescription []*TripDescription `xml:"tripDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- PricingInfo []*PricingInfo `xml:"pricingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- FareRule *FareRule `xml:"fareRule,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MsgType struct {
- MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionDetails `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MessageFunctionDetails struct {
- MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AvailcabinStatus struct {
- ProductDetailsQualifier string `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BookingClassDetails []*BookingClassDetails `xml:"bookingClassDetails"` // maxOccurs="26"
-type BookingClassDetails struct {
- Designator string `xml:"designator"`
- Option []string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ConversionRate struct {
- ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetails `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
- OtherConvRateDetails []*OtherConvRateDetails `xml:"otherConvRateDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type ConversionRateDetails struct {
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RateType string `xml:"rateType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PricingAmount *float64 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ConvertedValueAmount *float64 `xml:"convertedValueAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DutyTaxFeeType string `xml:"dutyTaxFeeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MeasurementValue *float64 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MeasurementSignificance string `xml:"measurementSignificance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OtherConvRateDetails struct {
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RateType string `xml:"rateType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PricingAmount *float64 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ConvertedValueAmount *float64 `xml:"convertedValueAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DutyTaxFeeType string `xml:"dutyTaxFeeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MeasurementValue *float64 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MeasurementSignificance string `xml:"measurementSignificance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingTickInfo struct {
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeDetails `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LocationDetails *LocationDetails `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherLocationDetails *OtherLocationDetails `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeDetails struct {
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationDetails struct {
- City string `xml:"city,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OtherLocationDetails struct {
- City string `xml:"city,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MultiCorporate struct {
- CorporateId []*CorporateId `xml:"corporateId"` // maxOccurs="20"
-type CorporateId struct {
- CorporateQualifier string `xml:"corporateQualifier"`
- Identity []string `xml:"identity"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type ItemNumber struct {
- ItemNumberDetails []*ItemNumberDetails `xml:"itemNumberDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type ItemNumberDetails struct {
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateOfFlight struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type DateAndTimeDetails struct {
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Date *float64 `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightQualification struct {
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareCategories struct {
- FareType string `xml:"fareType"`
- OtherFareType []string `xml:"otherFareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type FareDetails struct {
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AdditionalFareDetails struct {
- RateClass string `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CommodityCategory string `xml:"commodityCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SecondRateClass []string `xml:"secondRateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="29"
-type DiscountDetails struct {
- FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier"`
- RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Percentage *float64 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TransportInformation struct {
- TransportService *TransportService `xml:"transportService"`
- AvailCabinConf *AvailCabinConf `xml:"availCabinConf,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RoutingInfo *RoutingInfo `xml:"routingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SelectionDetail *SelectionDetail `xml:"selectionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TransportService struct {
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentification `xml:"companyIdentification"`
- ProductIdentificationDetails []*ProductIdentificationDetails `xml:"productIdentificationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type CompanyIdentification struct {
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Operatingcompany string `xml:"operatingcompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductIdentificationDetails struct {
- FlightNumber string `xml:"flightNumber"`
- OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AvailCabinConf struct {
- ProductDetailsQualifier string `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BookingClassDetails []*BookingClassDetails `xml:"bookingClassDetails"` // maxOccurs="26"
-type RoutingInfo struct {
- RoutingDetails []*RoutingDetails `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type RoutingDetails struct {
- Station string `xml:"station,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherStation string `xml:"otherStation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetail struct {
- SelectionDetails *SelectionDetails `xml:"selectionDetails"`
- SelectionDetailsTwo []*SelectionDetailsTwo `xml:"selectionDetailsTwo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
-type SelectionDetails struct {
- Option string `xml:"option"`
- OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetailsTwo struct {
- Option string `xml:"option"`
- OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TripDescription struct {
- OrigDest *OrigDest `xml:"origDest"`
- DateFlightMovement *DateFlightMovement `xml:"dateFlightMovement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Routing []*Routing `xml:"routing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type OrigDest struct {
- Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateFlightMovement struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type Routing struct {
- RoutingInfo *RoutingInfo `xml:"routingInfo"`
- TransportService *TransportService `xml:"transportService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SegFareDetails *SegFareDetails `xml:"segFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PertinentQuantity *PertinentQuantity `xml:"pertinentQuantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SelectionMakingDetails *SelectionMakingDetails `xml:"selectionMakingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SegFareDetails struct {
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type PertinentQuantity struct {
- QuantityDetails *QuantityDetails `xml:"quantityDetails"`
- OtherQuantityDetails []*OtherQuantityDetails `xml:"otherQuantityDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type QuantityDetails struct {
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- Value float64 `xml:"value"`
- Unit string `xml:"unit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OtherQuantityDetails struct {
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- Value float64 `xml:"value"`
- Unit string `xml:"unit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionMakingDetails struct {
- SelectionDetails *SelectionDetails `xml:"selectionDetails"`
- SelectionDetailsTwo []*SelectionDetailsTwo `xml:"selectionDetailsTwo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
-type PricingInfo struct {
- NumberOfUnits *NumberOfUnits `xml:"numberOfUnits"`
- TicketPricingDate []*TicketPricingDate `xml:"ticketPricingDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
- Fare []*Fare `xml:"fare,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type NumberOfUnits struct {
- QuantityDetails *QuantityDetails1 `xml:"quantityDetails"`
- OtherQuantityDetails []*OtherQuantityDetails1 `xml:"otherQuantityDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type QuantityDetails1 struct {
- NumberOfUnit *float64 `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OtherQuantityDetails1 struct {
- NumberOfUnit *float64 `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TicketPricingDate struct {
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeDetails `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LocationDetails *LocationDetails `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherLocationDetails *OtherLocationDetails `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type Fare struct {
- DetailsOfFare *DetailsOfFare `xml:"detailsOfFare"`
- FareQualificationDetails []*FareQualificationDetails `xml:"fareQualificationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type DetailsOfFare struct {
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGrouping `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareTypeGrouping struct {
- PricingGroup []string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type FareQualificationDetails struct {
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareRule struct {
- TarifFareRule *TarifFareRule `xml:"tarifFareRule"`
- TravellerIdentification *TravellerIdentification `xml:"travellerIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TravellerDate *TravellerDate `xml:"travellerDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TarifFareRule struct {
- TariffClassId string `xml:"tariffClassId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RuleSectionId []string `xml:"ruleSectionId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type CompanyDetails struct {
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Operatingcompany string `xml:"operatingcompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerIdentification struct {
- ReferenceDetails []*ReferenceDetails `xml:"referenceDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferenceDetails struct {
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerDate struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
diff --git a/sdk/fare/checkRules/v07_1_reply/reply.go b/sdk/fare/checkRules/v07_1_reply/reply.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 1697d72..0000000
--- a/sdk/fare/checkRules/v07_1_reply/reply.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1132 +0,0 @@
-package Fare_CheckRulesReply_v07_1 // farqnr071
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type FareCheckRulesReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/FARQNR_07_1_1A Fare_CheckRulesReply"`
- TransactionType *TransactionType `xml:"transactionType"`
- StatusInfo *StatusInfo `xml:"statusInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareRouteInfo *FareRouteInfo `xml:"fareRouteInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- InfoText []*InfoText `xml:"infoText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
- ErrorInfo *ErrorInfo `xml:"errorInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TariffInfo []*TariffInfo `xml:"tariffInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
- FlightDetails []*FlightDetails `xml:"flightDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type TransactionType struct {
- MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionDetails `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MessageFunctionDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type StatusInfo struct {
- StatusDetails *StatusDetails `xml:"statusDetails"`
- OtherDetails []*OtherDetails `xml:"otherDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
-type StatusDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OtherDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareRouteInfo struct {
- // Format limitations: an..7
- DayOfWeek string `xml:"dayOfWeek,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareQualifierDetails *FareQualifierDetails `xml:"fareQualifierDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- IdentificationNumber string `xml:"identificationNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ValidityPeriod *ValidityPeriod `xml:"validityPeriod,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareQualifierDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- FareQualifier []string `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ValidityPeriod struct {
- // Format limitations: n..6
- FirstDate *float64 `xml:"firstDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..6
- SecondDate *float64 `xml:"secondDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type InfoText struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FreeTextQualification struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..4
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorInfo struct {
- RejectErrorCode *RejectErrorCode `xml:"rejectErrorCode"`
- ErrorFreeText *ErrorFreeText `xml:"errorFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RejectErrorCode struct {
- ErrorDetails *ErrorDetails `xml:"errorDetails"`
-type ErrorDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
-type ErrorFreeText struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TariffInfo struct {
- FareRuleInfo *FareRuleInfo `xml:"fareRuleInfo"`
- FareRuleText []*FareRuleText `xml:"fareRuleText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type FareRuleInfo struct {
- // Format limitations: an..9
- RuleSectionLocalId string `xml:"ruleSectionLocalId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..7
- RuleCategoryCode string `xml:"ruleCategoryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CompanyDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Operatingcompany string `xml:"operatingcompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareRuleText struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FlightDetails struct {
- NbOfSegments *NbOfSegments `xml:"nbOfSegments"`
- AmountConversion *AmountConversion `xml:"amountConversion,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- QuantityValue *QuantityValue `xml:"quantityValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PricingAndDateInfo *PricingAndDateInfo `xml:"pricingAndDateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- QualificationFareDetails []*QualificationFareDetails `xml:"qualificationFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- TransportService []*TransportService `xml:"transportService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- FlightErrorCode []*FlightErrorCode `xml:"flightErrorCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
- ProductInfo []*ProductInfo `xml:"productInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- PriceInfo []*PriceInfo `xml:"priceInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- FareDetailInfo []*FareDetailInfo `xml:"fareDetailInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- OdiGrp []*OdiGrp `xml:"odiGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
- TravellerGrp []*TravellerGrp `xml:"travellerGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- FareRouteGrp []*FareRouteGrp `xml:"fareRouteGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- ItemGrp []*ItemGrp `xml:"itemGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type NbOfSegments struct {
- SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentControlDetails `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type SegmentControlDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: n..15
- Quantity *float64 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..15
- NumberOfUnits *float64 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..15
- TotalNumberOfItems *float64 `xml:"totalNumberOfItems,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AmountConversion struct {
- ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetails `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
- OtherConversionRateDetails []*OtherConversionRateDetails `xml:"otherConversionRateDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type ConversionRateDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- RateType string `xml:"rateType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- PricingAmount *float64 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- MeasurementValue *float64 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MeasurementSignificance string `xml:"measurementSignificance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OtherConversionRateDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- RateType string `xml:"rateType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- PricingAmount *float64 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..18
- MeasurementValue *float64 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MeasurementSignificance string `xml:"measurementSignificance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type QuantityValue struct {
- QuantityDetails []*QuantityDetails `xml:"quantityDetails"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type QuantityDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
- // Format limitations: n..5
- Value float64 `xml:"value"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Unit string `xml:"unit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingAndDateInfo struct {
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeDetails `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LocationDetails *LocationDetails `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherLocationDetails *OtherLocationDetails `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductDateTimeDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: n6
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n6
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LocationDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- City string `xml:"city,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OtherLocationDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- City string `xml:"city,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type QualificationFareDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FareCategories struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- FareType []string `xml:"fareType"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type FareDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..3
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AdditionalFareDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..10
- RateClass string `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..13
- CommodityCategory string `xml:"commodityCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..10
- FareClass []string `xml:"fareClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
-type DiscountDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..35
- RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..3
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..3
- Percentage *float64 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TransportService struct {
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentification `xml:"companyIdentification"`
- ProductIdentificationDetails []*ProductIdentificationDetails `xml:"productIdentificationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type CompanyIdentification struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Operatingcompany string `xml:"operatingcompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductIdentificationDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..4
- FlightNumber string `xml:"flightNumber"`
- // Format limitations: an1
- OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightErrorCode struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ProductInfo struct {
- ProductDetails *ProductDetails `xml:"productDetails"`
- ProductErrorCode []*ProductErrorCode `xml:"productErrorCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ProductDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ProductDetailsQualifier string `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BookingClassDetails []*BookingClassDetails `xml:"bookingClassDetails"` // maxOccurs="26"
-type BookingClassDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an1
- Designator string `xml:"designator"`
- // Format limitations: an1
- Option []string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
-type ProductErrorCode struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type PriceInfo struct {
- MonetaryRates *MonetaryRates `xml:"monetaryRates"`
- TaxAmount *TaxAmount `xml:"taxAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareTypeInfo []*FareTypeInfo `xml:"fareTypeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type MonetaryRates struct {
- MonetaryDetails *MonetaryDetails `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- AmountTwo []*AmountTwo `xml:"amountTwo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type MonetaryDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..18
- Amount string `xml:"amount"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AmountTwo struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
- // Format limitations: an..18
- Amount string `xml:"amount"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TaxAmount struct {
- TaxDetails []*TaxDetails `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TaxDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..17
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Type []string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FareTypeInfo struct {
- FareDetailQualif *FareDetailQualif `xml:"fareDetailQualif"`
- FlightMovementDate *FlightMovementDate `xml:"flightMovementDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FaraRulesInfo *FaraRulesInfo `xml:"faraRulesInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SelectionMakingDetails *SelectionMakingDetails `xml:"selectionMakingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AmountConvDetails *AmountConvDetails `xml:"amountConvDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDetailQualif struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type FlightMovementDate struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type DateAndTimeDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..6
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FaraRulesInfo struct {
- // Format limitations: an..9
- RuleSectionLocalId string `xml:"ruleSectionLocalId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..7
- RuleCategoryCode string `xml:"ruleCategoryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionMakingDetails struct {
- SelectionDetails *SelectionDetails `xml:"selectionDetails"`
- SelectionDetailsTwo []*SelectionDetailsTwo `xml:"selectionDetailsTwo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
-type SelectionDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Option string `xml:"option"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type SelectionDetailsTwo struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Option string `xml:"option"`
- // Format limitations: an..3
- OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type AmountConvDetails struct {
- ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetails `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
- OtherConversionRateDetails []*OtherConversionRateDetails `xml:"otherConversionRateDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type FareDetailInfo struct {
- NbOfUnits *NbOfUnits `xml:"nbOfUnits"`
- PricingPlusDateInfo *PricingPlusDateInfo `xml:"pricingPlusDateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDeatilInfo *FareDeatilInfo `xml:"fareDeatilInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type NbOfUnits struct {
- QuantityDetails []*QuantityDetails1 `xml:"quantityDetails"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type QuantityDetails1 struct {
- // Format limitations: n..15
- NumberOfUnit *float64 `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type PricingPlusDateInfo struct {
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeDetails `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LocationDetails *LocationDetails `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherLocationDetails *OtherLocationDetails `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareDeatilInfo struct {
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGrouping `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareTypeGrouping struct {
- // Format limitations: an..6
- PricingGroup []string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type OdiGrp struct {
- OriginDestination *OriginDestination `xml:"originDestination"`
- FlightDateAndTime []*FlightDateAndTime `xml:"flightDateAndTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- FlightErrorText *FlightErrorText `xml:"flightErrorText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MonGrp []*MonGrp `xml:"monGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- RoutingGrp []*RoutingGrp `xml:"routingGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
- TravelProductGrp []*TravelProductGrp `xml:"travelProductGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type OriginDestination struct {
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightDateAndTime struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FlightErrorText struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type MonGrp struct {
- MonetaryValues *MonetaryValues `xml:"monetaryValues"`
- FareDetailGrp []*FareDetailGrp `xml:"fareDetailGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type MonetaryValues struct {
- MonetaryDetails *MonetaryDetails `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- AmountTwo []*AmountTwo `xml:"amountTwo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type FareDetailGrp struct {
- FareQualif *FareQualif `xml:"fareQualif"`
- AmountCvtRate *AmountCvtRate `xml:"amountCvtRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareQualif struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type AmountCvtRate struct {
- ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetails `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
- OtherConversionRateDetails []*OtherConversionRateDetails `xml:"otherConversionRateDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type RoutingGrp struct {
- RoutingInfo *RoutingInfo `xml:"routingInfo"`
- ServiceTransport *ServiceTransport `xml:"serviceTransport,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- QualificationOfFare *QualificationOfFare `xml:"qualificationOfFare,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PertinentQuantity *PertinentQuantity `xml:"pertinentQuantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RoutingInfo struct {
- RoutingDetails []*RoutingDetails `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type RoutingDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- Station string `xml:"station,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- OtherStation string `xml:"otherStation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ServiceTransport struct {
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentification `xml:"companyIdentification"`
- ProductIdentificationDetails []*ProductIdentificationDetails `xml:"productIdentificationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type QualificationOfFare struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type PertinentQuantity struct {
- QuantityDetails []*QuantityDetails `xml:"quantityDetails"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type TravelProductGrp struct {
- TravelProductInfo *TravelProductInfo `xml:"travelProductInfo"`
- RoutingGrp []*RoutingGrp1 `xml:"routingGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TravelProductInfo struct {
- FlightDate *FlightDate `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BoardPointDetails *BoardPointDetails `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OffpointDetails *OffpointDetails `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightIdentification *FlightIdentification `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightTypeDetails *FlightTypeDetails `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..6
- ItemNumber *float64 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- SpecialSegment string `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MarriageDetails *MarriageDetails `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightDate struct {
- // Format limitations: n6
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n6
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type BoardPointDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- TrueLocation string `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OffpointDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- TrueLocation string `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightIdentification struct {
- // Format limitations: an..4
- FlightNumber string `xml:"flightNumber"`
- // Format limitations: an1
- OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FlightTypeDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..6
- FlightIndicator string `xml:"flightIndicator"`
- // Format limitations: an..6
- SecondSequenceNb []string `xml:"secondSequenceNb,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
-type MarriageDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Relation string `xml:"relation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..10
- MarriageIdentifier *float64 `xml:"marriageIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..6
- LineNumber *float64 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- OtherRelation string `xml:"otherRelation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- CarrierCode string `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type RoutingGrp1 struct {
- RoutingInfo *RoutingInfo `xml:"routingInfo"`
- TransportServiceChange []*TransportServiceChange `xml:"transportServiceChange,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type TransportServiceChange struct {
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentification `xml:"companyIdentification"`
- ProductIdentificationDetails []*ProductIdentificationDetails `xml:"productIdentificationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type TravellerGrp struct {
- TravellerIdentRef *TravellerIdentRef `xml:"travellerIdentRef"`
- FareRulesDetails *FareRulesDetails `xml:"fareRulesDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightMovementDateInfo *FlightMovementDateInfo `xml:"flightMovementDateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TravellerIdentRef struct {
- ReferenceDetails []*ReferenceDetails `xml:"referenceDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferenceDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..10
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FareRulesDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..9
- TariffClassId string `xml:"tariffClassId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..7
- RuleSectionId []string `xml:"ruleSectionId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FlightMovementDateInfo struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FareRouteGrp struct {
- FareRouteInfo *FareRouteInfo `xml:"fareRouteInfo"`
- JourneyGrp []*JourneyGrp `xml:"journeyGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type JourneyGrp struct {
- JourneyOriginAndDestination *JourneyOriginAndDestination `xml:"journeyOriginAndDestination"`
- JourneyProductGrp []*JourneyProductGrp `xml:"journeyProductGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type JourneyOriginAndDestination struct {
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type JourneyProductGrp struct {
- JourneyProductInfo *JourneyProductInfo `xml:"journeyProductInfo"`
- JourneyRoutingGrp []*JourneyRoutingGrp `xml:"journeyRoutingGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type JourneyProductInfo struct {
- FlightDate *FlightDate `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BoardPointDetails *BoardPointDetails `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OffpointDetails *OffpointDetails `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightIdentification *FlightIdentification `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FlightTypeDetails *FlightTypeDetails `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: n..6
- ItemNumber *float64 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- SpecialSegment string `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MarriageDetails *MarriageDetails `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type JourneyRoutingGrp struct {
- JourneyRoutingInfo *JourneyRoutingInfo `xml:"journeyRoutingInfo"`
- JourneyTransportService *JourneyTransportService `xml:"journeyTransportService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type JourneyRoutingInfo struct {
- RoutingDetails []*RoutingDetails `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type JourneyTransportService struct {
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentification `xml:"companyIdentification"`
- ProductIdentificationDetails []*ProductIdentificationDetails `xml:"productIdentificationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ItemGrp struct {
- ItemNb *ItemNb `xml:"itemNb"`
- ProductAvailabilityStatus *ProductAvailabilityStatus `xml:"productAvailabilityStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- QuantityItem *QuantityItem `xml:"quantityItem,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TransportServiceItem []*TransportServiceItem `xml:"transportServiceItem,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
- FreeTextItem []*FreeTextItem `xml:"freeTextItem,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- FareQualifItem []*FareQualifItem `xml:"fareQualifItem,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- OriginDestinationGrp []*OriginDestinationGrp `xml:"originDestinationGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- UnitGrp []*UnitGrp `xml:"unitGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
- MonetaryGrp []*MonetaryGrp `xml:"monetaryGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- FarerouteGrp []*FarerouteGrp `xml:"farerouteGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ItemNb struct {
- ItemNumberDetails []*ItemNumberDetails `xml:"itemNumberDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type ItemNumberDetails struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ProductAvailabilityStatus struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- ProductDetailsQualifier string `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- BookingClassDetails []*BookingClassDetails `xml:"bookingClassDetails"` // maxOccurs="26"
-type QuantityItem struct {
- QuantityDetails []*QuantityDetails `xml:"quantityDetails"` // maxOccurs="9"
-type TransportServiceItem struct {
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentification `xml:"companyIdentification"`
- ProductIdentificationDetails []*ProductIdentificationDetails `xml:"productIdentificationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FreeTextItem struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..70
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FareQualifItem struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type OriginDestinationGrp struct {
- OriginDestOfJourney *OriginDestOfJourney `xml:"originDestOfJourney"`
- DateForMovements *DateForMovements `xml:"dateForMovements,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- RoutingForJourney *RoutingForJourney `xml:"routingForJourney,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OriginDestOfJourney struct {
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type DateForMovements struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type RoutingForJourney struct {
- RoutingDetails []*RoutingDetails `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type UnitGrp struct {
- NbOfUnits *NbOfUnits `xml:"nbOfUnits"`
- UnitPricingAndDateInfo *UnitPricingAndDateInfo `xml:"unitPricingAndDateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- UnitFareDetails *UnitFareDetails `xml:"unitFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type UnitPricingAndDateInfo struct {
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeDetails `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LocationDetails *LocationDetails `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherLocationDetails *OtherLocationDetails `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type UnitFareDetails struct {
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGrouping `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetaryGrp struct {
- MonetaryValues *MonetaryValues `xml:"monetaryValues"`
- MonetFareRuleValues *MonetFareRuleValues `xml:"monetFareRuleValues,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MonetTravellerRef *MonetTravellerRef `xml:"monetTravellerRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MonetTicketPriceAndDate *MonetTicketPriceAndDate `xml:"monetTicketPriceAndDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- MonetTaxValues *MonetTaxValues `xml:"monetTaxValues,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- QualifGrp []*QualifGrp `xml:"qualifGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type MonetFareRuleValues struct {
- // Format limitations: an..9
- RuleSectionLocalId string `xml:"ruleSectionLocalId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..7
- RuleCategoryCode string `xml:"ruleCategoryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetTravellerRef struct {
- ReferenceDetails []*ReferenceDetails `xml:"referenceDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type MonetTicketPriceAndDate struct {
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeDetails `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LocationDetails *LocationDetails `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- OtherLocationDetails *OtherLocationDetails `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type MonetTaxValues struct {
- TaxDetails []*TaxDetails `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type QualifGrp struct {
- QualificationFare *QualificationFare `xml:"qualificationFare"`
- QualifSelection *QualifSelection `xml:"qualifSelection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- QualifDateFlightMovement *QualifDateFlightMovement `xml:"qualifDateFlightMovement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- QualifConversionRate *QualifConversionRate `xml:"qualifConversionRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type QualificationFare struct {
- // Format limitations: an..3
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
-type QualifSelection struct {
- SelectionDetails *SelectionDetails `xml:"selectionDetails"`
- SelectionDetailsTwo []*SelectionDetailsTwo `xml:"selectionDetailsTwo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
-type QualifDateFlightMovement struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type QualifConversionRate struct {
- ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetails `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
- OtherConversionRateDetails []*OtherConversionRateDetails `xml:"otherConversionRateDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type FarerouteGrp struct {
- InfoForFareRoute *InfoForFareRoute `xml:"infoForFareRoute"`
- FarerouteTransportService []*FarerouteTransportService `xml:"farerouteTransportService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- FinalOdiGrp []*FinalOdiGrp `xml:"finalOdiGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type InfoForFareRoute struct {
- // Format limitations: an..7
- DayOfWeek string `xml:"dayOfWeek,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareQualifierDetails *FareQualifierDetails `xml:"fareQualifierDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an..35
- IdentificationNumber string `xml:"identificationNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ValidityPeriod *ValidityPeriod `xml:"validityPeriod,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FarerouteTransportService struct {
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentification `xml:"companyIdentification"`
- ProductIdentificationDetails []*ProductIdentificationDetails `xml:"productIdentificationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type FinalOdiGrp struct {
- FinalOriginDestination *FinalOriginDestination `xml:"finalOriginDestination"`
- LastOdiRoutingInfo *LastOdiRoutingInfo `xml:"lastOdiRoutingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- LastOdiDateFlightMovement *LastOdiDateFlightMovement `xml:"lastOdiDateFlightMovement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type FinalOriginDestination struct {
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Format limitations: an3..5
- Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type LastOdiRoutingInfo struct {
- RoutingDetails []*RoutingDetails `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type LastOdiDateFlightMovement struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
diff --git a/sdk/formats/structs.go b/sdk/formats/structs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index fe6f2fd..0000000
--- a/sdk/formats/structs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,607 +0,0 @@
-package formats
-// Used for codes in the AMADEUS code tables. Code Length is one alphanumeric character.
-// pattern = "[0-9A-Z]"
-type AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1 string
-// Used for codes in the AMADEUS code tables. Code Length is three alphanumeric characters.
-// pattern = "[0-9A-Z]{1,3}"
-type AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 string
-// Format limitations: an..1
-type AlphaNumericString_Length0To1 string
-// Format limitations: an..18
-type AlphaNumericString_Length0To18 string
-// Format limitations: an..3
-type AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 string
-// Format limitations: an1
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 string
-// Format limitations: an..10
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 string
-// Format limitations: an..109
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To109 string
-// Format limitations: an..11
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To11 string
-// Format limitations: an..12
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 string
-// Format limitations: an..126
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To126 string
-// Format limitations: an..127
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To127 string
-// Format limitations: an..13
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To13 string
-// Format limitations: an..14
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To14 string
-// Format limitations: an..15
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To15 string
-// Format limitations: an..17
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 string
-// Format limitations: an..18
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 string
-// Format limitations: an..19
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To19 string
-// Format limitations: an..199
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To199 string
-// Format limitations: an..2
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 string
-// Format limitations: an..20
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 string
-// Format limitations: an..200
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To200 string
-// Format limitations: an..25
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 string
-// Format limitations: an..250
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To250 string
-// Format limitations: an..256
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To256 string
-// Format limitations: an..27
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To27 string
-// Format limitations: an..28
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To28 string
-// Format limitations: an..3
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 string
-// Format limitations: an..30
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To30 string
-// Format limitations: an..35
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 string
-// Format limitations: an..4
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 string
-// Format limitations: an..40
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To40 string
-// Format limitations: an..49
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To49 string
-// Format limitations: an..5
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 string
-// Format limitations: an..50
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To50 string
-// Format limitations: an..56
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To56 string
-// Format limitations: an..57
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To57 string
-// Format limitations: an..6
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 string
-// Format limitations: an..60
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To60 string
-// Format limitations: an..7
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 string
-// Format limitations: an..70
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 string
-// Format limitations: an..8
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 string
-// Format limitations: an..9
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 string
-// Format limitations: an..99999
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To99999 string
-// Format limitations: an2
-type AlphaNumericString_Length2To2 string
-// Format limitations: an2..3
-type AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 string
-// Format limitations: an3
-type AlphaNumericString_Length3To3 string
-// Format limitations: an3..5
-type AlphaNumericString_Length3To5 string
-// Format limitations: an4
-type AlphaNumericString_Length4To4 string
-// Format limitations: an5..6
-type AlphaNumericString_Length5To6 string
-// Format limitations: an6
-type AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 string
-// Format limitations: an7
-type AlphaNumericString_Length7To7 string
-// Format limitations: an9
-type AlphaNumericString_Length9To9 string
-// Format limitations: a..1
-type AlphaString_Length0To1 string
-// Format limitations: a1
-type AlphaString_Length1To1 string
-// Format limitations: a..2
-type AlphaString_Length1To2 string
-// Format limitations: a..3
-type AlphaString_Length1To3 string
-// Format limitations: a..30
-type AlphaString_Length1To30 string
-// Format limitations: a..56
-type AlphaString_Length1To56 string
-// Format limitations: a..57
-type AlphaString_Length1To57 string
-// Format limitations: a2
-type AlphaString_Length2To2 string
-// Format limitations: a3
-type AlphaString_Length3To3 string
-// Format limitations: a3..5
-type AlphaString_Length3To5 string
-// Date format: DDMMYY
-// pattern = "(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])(0[1-9]|1[0-2])[0-9]{2}"
-type Date_DDMMYY string
-// Date format: MMYY
-// pattern = "(0[1-9]|1[0-2])([0-9][0-9])"
-type Date_MMYY string
-// Date format: YYYYMMDD
-// pattern = "[0-9]{4}(0[1-9]|1[0-2])(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])"
-type Date_YYYYMMDD string
-// Value of the day in the month. Only significant digits are mandatory. Example: 7
-// pattern = "(0?[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])"
-type Day_nN string
-// Format limitations: n..10
-type DecimalLengthNTo10 float64
-// Format limitations: n..15
-type DecimalLengthNTo15 float64
-// Format limitations: n..18
-type DecimalLengthNTo18 float64
-// Format limitations: n..3
-type DecimalLengthNTo3 float64
-// Format limitations: n..4
-type DecimalLengthNTo4 float64
-// Format limitations: n..6
-type DecimalLengthNTo6 float64
-// Format limitations: n..8
-type DecimalLengthNTo8 float64
-// Format limitations: n..9
-type DecimalLengthNTo9 float64
-// Value of the hours in the time. Only significant digits are mandatory. Example: 7
-// pattern = "[0-1]?[0-9]|2[0-3]"
-type Hour_hH string
-// Value of the month. Only significant digits are mandatory. Example: 7
-// pattern = "(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])"
-type Month_mM string
-// Format limitations: n..10
-type NumericDecimal_Length1To10 float64
-// Format limitations: n..11
-type NumericDecimal_Length1To11 float64
-// Format limitations: n..12
-type NumericDecimal_Length1To12 float64
-// Format limitations: n..18
-type NumericDecimal_Length1To18 float64
-// Format limitations: n..35
-type NumericDecimal_Length1To35 float64
-// Format limitations: n..5
-type NumericDecimal_Length1To5 float64
-// Format limitations: n..8
-type NumericDecimal_Length1To8 float64
-// Format limitations: n..9
-type NumericDecimal_Length1To9 float64
-// Format limitations: n..3
-// pattern = "-?[0-9]{0,3}"
-type NumericInteger_Length0To3 int32
-// Format limitations: n..35
-// pattern = "-?[0-9]{0,35}"
-type NumericInteger_Length0To35 int32
-// Format limitations: n10
-// pattern = "-?[0-9]{10,10}"
-type NumericInteger_Length10To10 int32
-// Format limitations: n1
-// pattern = "-?[0-9]{1,1}"
-type NumericInteger_Length1To1 int32
-// Format limitations: n..10
-// pattern = "-?[0-9]{1,10}"
-type NumericInteger_Length1To10 int32
-// Format limitations: n..11
-// pattern = "-?[0-9]{1,11}"
-type NumericInteger_Length1To11 int32
-// Format limitations: n..12
-// pattern = "-?[0-9]{1,12}"
-type NumericInteger_Length1To12 int32
-// Format limitations: n..13
-// pattern = "-?[0-9]{1,13}"
-type NumericInteger_Length1To13 int32
-// Format limitations: n..15
-// pattern = "-?[0-9]{1,15}"
-type NumericInteger_Length1To15 int32
-// Format limitations: n..18
-// pattern = "-?[0-9]{1,18}"
-type NumericInteger_Length1To18 int32
-// Format limitations: n..2
-// pattern = "-?[0-9]{1,2}"
-type NumericInteger_Length1To2 int32
-// Format limitations: n..3
-// pattern = "-?[0-9]{1,3}"
-type NumericInteger_Length1To3 int32
-// Format limitations: n..4
-// pattern = "-?[0-9]{1,4}"
-type NumericInteger_Length1To4 int32
-// Format limitations: n..5
-// pattern = "-?[0-9]{1,5}"
-type NumericInteger_Length1To5 int32
-// Format limitations: n..6
-// pattern = "-?[0-9]{1,6}"
-type NumericInteger_Length1To6 int32
-// Format limitations: n..8
-// pattern = "-?[0-9]{1,8}"
-type NumericInteger_Length1To8 int32
-// Format limitations: n..9
-// pattern = "-?[0-9]{1,9}"
-type NumericInteger_Length1To9 int32
-// Format limitations: n2
-// pattern = "-?[0-9]{2,2}"
-type NumericInteger_Length2To2 int32
-// Format limitations: n3
-// pattern = "-?[0-9]{3,3}"
-type NumericInteger_Length3To3 int32
-// Format limitations: n4
-// pattern = "-?[0-9]{4,4}"
-type NumericInteger_Length4To4 int32
-// Format limitations: an10
-type NumericString_Length10To10 string
-// Format limitations: an3
-type NumericString_Length3To3 string
-// Format limitations: n1
-type StringLength1To1 string
-// Format limitations: an..12
-type StringLength1To12 string
-// Format limitations: an..18
-type StringLength1To18 string
-// Format limitations: an..2
-type StringLength1To2 string
-// Format limitations: an..20
-type StringLength1To20 string
-// Format limitations: an..3
-type StringLength1To3 string
-// Format limitations: an..35
-type StringLength1To35 string
-// Format limitations: an..4
-type StringLength1To4 string
-// Format limitations: an..5
-type StringLength1To5 string
-// Format limitations: an..6
-type StringLength1To6 string
-// Format limitations: an..7
-type StringLength1To7 string
-// Format limitations: an..9
-type StringLength1To9 string
-// Format limitations: an..9999
-type StringLength1To9999 string
-// Format limitations: an3..5
-type StringLength3To5 string
-// Format limitations: n6
-type StringLength6To6 string
-// Time format: 24H. All digits are mandatory . Example: from 0000 to 2359
-// pattern = "([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3])[0-5][0-9]"
-type Time24_HHMM string
-// Time format: 24H.Only significant digits are mandatory. Example: from 0 to 2359
-// pattern = "([0-1]?[0-9]|2[0-3])?[0-5]?[0-9]"
-type Time24_hhmM string
-// Value of the year. Example: 2003
-// pattern = "[0-9]{4}"
-type Year_YYYY string
-// **********************************
-// Formats for backward compatibility
-// **********************************
-// Format limitations: an..35
-type AlphaNumericStringLength1To35 string
-// Format limitations: an..14
-type AlphaNumericStringLength1To14 string
-// Format limitations: an1
-type AlphaNumericStringLength1To1 string
-// Format limitations: an..30
-type AlphaNumericStringLength1To30 string
-// Format limitations: n..15
-type NumericIntegerLength1To15 int32
-// Format limitations: an..99999
-type AlphaNumericStringLength1To99999 string
-// Format limitations: an..3
-type AlphaNumericStringLength1To3 string
-// Format limitations: an..9
-type AlphaNumericStringLength1To9 string
-// Format limitations: an..17
-type AlphaNumericStringLength1To17 string
-// Format limitations: an..25
-type AlphaNumericStringLength1To25 string
-// Format limitations: an..5
-type AlphaNumericStringLength1To5 string
-// Format limitations: an..6
-type AlphaNumericStringLength1To6 string
-// Format limitations: an..70
-type AlphaNumericStringLength1To70 string
-// Format limitations: a..6
-type AlphaStringLength1To6 string
-// Format limitations: an..10
-type AlphaNumericStringLength1To10 string
-// Format limitations: an..4
-type AlphaNumericStringLength1To4 string
-// **************************
-// END backward compatibility
-// **************************
-// Value of the minutes in the time. Only significant digits are mandatory. Example: 7
-type Minute_mM string
-// Format limitations: n..2
-type NumericDecimal_Length1To2 float64
-// Format limitations: an..547
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To547 string
-// Format limitations: a..6
-type AlphaString_Length1To6 string
-// Format limitations: an..100
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To100 string
-// Format limitations: an..500
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To500 string
-// Format limitations: an..999
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To999 string
-// Format limitations: an..255
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To255 string
-// Format limitations: an..320
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To320 string
-// Format limitations: an..64
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To64 string
-// Format limitations: an..90
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To90 string
-// Format limitations: an..2
-type AlphaNumericString_Length0To2 string
-// Format limitations: an..55
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To55 string
-// Format limitations: n2..4
-type NumericInteger_Length2To4 int32
-// Format limitations: an..63
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To63 string
-// Format limitations: an..32
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To32 string
-// Format limitations: an..16
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To16 string
-// Format limitations: an8
-type AlphaNumericString_Length8To8 string
-// Format limitations: n8
-type NumericInteger_Length8To8 int32
-// Format limitations: an..24
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To24 string
-// Format limitations: n6
-type NumericInteger_Length6To6 int32
-// Format limitations: n..4
-type NumericInteger_Length0To4 int32
-// Format limitations: n..3
-type NumericDecimal_Length1To3 float64
-// Format limitations: a..60
-type AlphaString_Length1To60 string
-// Format limitations: an..22
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To22 string
-// Format limitations: n5..8
-type NumericInteger_Length5To8 int32
-// Format limitations: an..31
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To31 string
-// Format limitations: an..120
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To120 string
-// Format limitations: n..35
-type NumericInteger_Length1To35 int32
-// Format limitations: an..188
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To188 string
-// Format limitations: n..30
-type NumericDecimal_Length1To30 float64
-// Format limitations: n..20
-type NumericDecimal_Length1To20 float64
-// Format limitations: n..20
-type NumericInteger_Length1To20 int32
-// Format limitations: an..61
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To61 string
-// Format limitations: an..512
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To512 string
-// Format limitations: an..99
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To99 string
-// Format limitations: an..108
-type AlphaNumericString_Length0To108 string
-// Format limitations: an..56
-type AlphaNumericString_Length0To56 string
-// Format limitations: an..144
-type AlphaNumericString_Length0To144 string
-// Format limitations: an..400
-type AlphaNumericString_Length1To400 string
-// Format limitations: an6..9
-type AlphaNumericString_Length6To9 string
-// Format limitations: an..70
-type AlphaNumericString_Length0To70 string
-// Format limitations: an..6
-type AlphaNumericString_Length0To6 string
-// Format limitations: a..3
-type AlphaString_Length0To3 string
-// Format limitations: an..12
-type AlphaNumericString_Length0To12 string
-// Format limitations: a..9
-type AlphaString_Length0To9 string
-// Format limitations: an..5
-type AlphaNumericString_Length0To5 string
-// Format limitations: n..6
-type NumericInteger_Length0To6 int32
diff --git a/sdk/information.go b/sdk/information.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ba6e41..0000000
--- a/sdk/information.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-package amadeus_sdk
-import (
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/fare/checkRules/v07_1_query"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/fare/checkRules/v07_1_reply"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/fare/informativePricingWithoutPNR/v12_4_query"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/fare/informativePricingWithoutPNR/v12_4_reply"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/pnr/reply/v11_3"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/pnr/retrieve/v11_3_query"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/utils"
- "strings"
-const (
- ActInfoPNRRetrieve = "PNRRET_11_3_1A"
- ActInfoFareInformativePricingWithoutPNR = "TIPNRQ_12_4_1A"
- ActInfoFareCheckRules = "FARQNQ_07_1_1A"
-func (client *AmadeusClient) PNRRetrieveV113(query *PNR_Retrieve_v11_3.PNRRetrieve) (*PNR_Reply_v11_3.PNRReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- var soapAction = ActInfoPNRRetrieve
- var reply = new(PNR_Reply_v11_3.PNRReply)
- var messageId = strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (client *AmadeusClient) FareInformativePricingWithoutPNRv124(query *Fare_InformativePricingWithoutPNR_v12_4.FareInformativePricingWithoutPNR) (*Fare_InformativePricingWithoutPNRReply_v12_4.FareInformativePricingWithoutPNRReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- var soapAction = ActInfoFareInformativePricingWithoutPNR
- var reply = new(Fare_InformativePricingWithoutPNRReply_v12_4.FareInformativePricingWithoutPNRReply)
- var messageId = strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (client *AmadeusClient) FareCheckRulesV071(query *Fare_CheckRules_v07_1.FareCheckRules) (*Fare_CheckRulesReply_v07_1.FareCheckRulesReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- var soapAction = ActInfoFareCheckRules
- var reply = new(Fare_CheckRulesReply_v07_1.FareCheckRulesReply)
- var messageId = strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
diff --git a/sdk/issue.go b/sdk/issue.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 0548671..0000000
--- a/sdk/issue.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-package amadeus_sdk
-import (
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/docIssuance/issueTicket/v09_1_query"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/docIssuance/issueTicket/v09_1_reply"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/utils"
- "strings"
-const (
- ActIssueDocIssuanceIssueTicket = "TTKTIQ_09_1_1A"
-func (client *AmadeusClient) DocIssuanceIssueTicketV091(query *DocIssuance_IssueTicket_v09_1.DocIssuanceIssueTicket) (*DocIssuance_IssueTicketReply_v09_1.DocIssuanceIssueTicketReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- var soapAction = ActIssueDocIssuanceIssueTicket
- var reply = new(DocIssuance_IssueTicketReply_v09_1.DocIssuanceIssueTicketReply)
- var messageId = strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
diff --git a/sdk/pnr/cancel/v11_3_query/query.go b/sdk/pnr/cancel/v11_3_query/query.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 9051a55..0000000
--- a/sdk/pnr/cancel/v11_3_query/query.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-package PNR_Cancel_v11_3 // pnrxcl113
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/formats"
-type PNRCancel struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/PNRXCL_11_3_1A PNR_Cancel"`
- // reservation control informations
- ReservationInfo *ReservationControlInformationType `xml:"reservationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // specific actions to be processed on PNR
- PnrActions *OptionalPNRActionsType `xml:"pnrActions"`
- CancelElements []*CancelPNRElementType `xml:"cancelElements,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
-// Complex structs
-type CancelPNRElementType struct {
- // E : XE I : XI D : XD G : Name integration P : Priority line
- EntryType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"entryType"`
- // Element data
- Element []*ElementIdentificationType `xml:"element,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
-type ElementIdentificationType struct {
- Identifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"identifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // element number
- Number *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // sub element number
- SubElement *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"subElement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type OptionalPNRActionsType struct {
- // Processing options. Only the option 0, 10, 11 and 20 are supported.
- OptionCode []formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"optionCode"` // maxOccurs="40"
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // profile or PNR record locator
- ControlNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"controlNumber"`
-type ReservationControlInformationType struct {
- // record information
- Reservation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservation"`
diff --git a/sdk/pnr/ignore/v04_1_query/query.go b/sdk/pnr/ignore/v04_1_query/query.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 196826d..0000000
--- a/sdk/pnr/ignore/v04_1_query/query.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-package PNR_Ignore_v04_1 // cltreq041
-import "encoding/xml"
-type PNRIgnore struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/CLTREQ_04_1_IA PNR_Ignore"`
- ClearInformation *ClearInformation `xml:"clearInformation"`
-type ClearInformation struct {
- ActionRequest string `xml:"actionRequest"`
diff --git a/sdk/refund.go b/sdk/refund.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f9773e..0000000
--- a/sdk/refund.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-package amadeus_sdk
-import (
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/ama/ticketIgnoreRefund/v03_0"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/ama/ticketInitRefund/v03_0"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/ama/ticketProcessRefund/v03_0"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/ticket/processEDoc/v15_2_query"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/ticket/processEDoc/v15_2_reply"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/utils"
- "strings"
-const (
- ActRefundAMATicketIgnoreRefund = "Ticket_IgnoreRefund_3.0"
- ActRefundAMATicketInitRefund = "Ticket_InitRefund_3.0"
- ActRefundAMATicketProcessRefund = "Ticket_ProcessRefund_3.0"
- ActRefundTicketProcessEDoc = "TATREQ_15_2_1A"
-func (client *AmadeusClient) AMATicketIgnoreRefundV030(query *AMA_TicketIgnoreRefund_v03_0.AMATicketIgnoreRefundRQ) (*AMA_TicketIgnoreRefund_v03_0.AMATicketIgnoreRefundRS, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- var url = "http://webservices.amadeus.com/"
- var soapAction = ActRefundAMATicketIgnoreRefund
- var reply = new(AMA_TicketIgnoreRefund_v03_0.AMATicketIgnoreRefundRS)
- var messageId = strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- header, err := client.service.Call(url, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (client *AmadeusClient) AMATicketInitRefundV030(query *AMA_TicketInitRefund_v03_0.AMATicketInitRefundRQ) (*AMA_TicketInitRefund_v03_0.AMATicketInitRefundRS, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- var url = "http://webservices.amadeus.com/"
- var soapAction = ActRefundAMATicketInitRefund
- var reply = new(AMA_TicketInitRefund_v03_0.AMATicketInitRefundRS)
- var messageId = strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- header, err := client.service.Call(url, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (client *AmadeusClient) AMATicketProcessRefundV030(query *AMA_TicketProcessRefund_v03_0.AMATicketProcessRefundRQ) (*AMA_TicketProcessRefund_v03_0.AMATicketProcessRefundRS, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- var url = "http://webservices.amadeus.com/"
- var soapAction = ActRefundAMATicketProcessRefund
- var reply = new(AMA_TicketProcessRefund_v03_0.AMATicketProcessRefundRS)
- var messageId = strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- header, err := client.service.Call(url, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (client *AmadeusClient) TicketProcessEDocV152(query *Ticket_ProcessEDoc_v15_2.TicketProcessEDoc) (*Ticket_ProcessEDocReply_v15_2.TicketProcessEDocReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- var soapAction = ActRefundTicketProcessEDoc
- var reply = new(Ticket_ProcessEDocReply_v15_2.TicketProcessEDocReply)
- var messageId = strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
diff --git a/sdk/search.go b/sdk/search.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 23ae1ce..0000000
--- a/sdk/search.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-package amadeus_sdk
-import (
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v14_3_query"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v14_3_reply"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/utils"
- "strings"
-const (
- ActSearchFareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearch = "FMPTBQ_14_3_1A"
- // ActSearchFareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearch = "FMPTBQ_16_3_1A"
-func (client *AmadeusClient) FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchV143(query *Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearch_v14_3.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearch) (*Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply_v14_3.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- var soapAction = ActSearchFareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearch
- var reply = new(Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply_v14_3.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply)
- var messageId = strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
diff --git a/sdk/security/signOut/v04_1_query/query.go b/sdk/security/signOut/v04_1_query/query.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 0636eee..0000000
--- a/sdk/security/signOut/v04_1_query/query.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-package Security_SignOut_v04_1 // vlssoq041
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/formats"
-type SecuritySignOut struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/VLSSOQ_04_1_1A Security_SignOut"`
- // It contains conversation properties between the SI and the JFE.
- ConversationClt *ConversationIDType `xml:"conversationClt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ConversationIDType struct {
- // Sender identification
- SenderIdentification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"senderIdentification"`
- // Recipient identification
- RecipientIdentification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"recipientIdentification"`
- // Sender's interchange control reference
- SenderInterchangeControlReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To14 `xml:"senderInterchangeControlReference"`
- // Recipient's interchange control reference
- RecipientInterchangeControlReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To14 `xml:"recipientInterchangeControlReference"`
diff --git a/sdk/security/signOut/v04_1_reply/reply.go b/sdk/security/signOut/v04_1_reply/reply.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c81709..0000000
--- a/sdk/security/signOut/v04_1_reply/reply.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-package Security_SignOutReply_v04_1 // vlssor041
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type SecuritySignOutReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/VLSSOR_04_1_1A Security_SignOutReply"`
- ErrorSection *ErrorSection `xml:"errorSection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // This segment is only used if process is OK. In that case P is specified.
- ProcessStatus *ResponseAnalysisDetailsType `xml:"processStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ErrorSection struct {
- // Application Error
- ApplicationError *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"applicationError"`
- // Supplementary Info on the Error.
- InteractiveFreeText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"interactiveFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
- // Code identifying the data validation error condition.
- ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
- // Identification of a code list.
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
- // Application error details.
- ErrorDetails *ApplicationErrorDetailType `xml:"errorDetails"`
-type FreeTextQualificationTypeI struct {
- // Subject
- TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
- // Info Type
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Language
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI struct {
- // Free Text Qualifier
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Free Text
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ResponseAnalysisDetailsType struct {
- // P must be specified when status of the process is OK.
- StatusCode string `xml:"statusCode"`
diff --git a/sdk/services.go b/sdk/services.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 734200e..0000000
--- a/sdk/services.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-package amadeus_sdk
-import (
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/hooks"
-var soapUrl = "http://webservices.amadeus.com/WSAP/"
-func CreateAmadeusClient(url, originator, passwordRaw, officeId string) *AmadeusClient {
- var client = new(AmadeusClient)
- client.service = CreateWebServicePTSOAP4Header(url, originator, passwordRaw, officeId, true)
- //client.service = soap4.NewAmadeusWebServicesPTSOAP4Header(url, originator, passwordRaw, officeId, true)
- client.session = CreateSession()
- client.Hooks = make(hooks.LevelHooks)
- return client
-type AmadeusClient struct {
- service *WebServicePT
- //service *soap4_0.WebServicesPTSOAP4Header
- session *Session
- //session *soap4_0.Session_v3
- // messageIds []string
- Hooks hooks.LevelHooks
-func (client *AmadeusClient) Close() error {
- if client == nil || client.service == nil {
- return nil
- }
- if client.session != nil && client.session.TransactionStatusCode != TransactionStatusCode[End] {
- client.session.TransactionStatusCode = TransactionStatusCode[End]
- if _, _, err := client.SecuritySignOutV041(); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- client.session = nil
- }
- return nil
diff --git a/sdk/session.go b/sdk/session.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d28614..0000000
--- a/sdk/session.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-package amadeus_sdk
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/security/signOut/v04_1_query"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/security/signOut/v04_1_reply"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/utils"
- "strings"
-const (
- Start = iota
- End
- Rollback
- InSeries
- Continuation
- Subsequent
-var TransactionStatusCode = [...]string{
- "Start", // This is the first message within a transaction.
- "End", // This is the last message within a transaction.
- "Rollback", // This indicates that all messages within the current transaction must be ignored.
- "InSeries", // This is any message that is not the first or last message within a transaction.
- "Continuation", // Specifies that this is a followup request asking for more of what was requested in the previous request.
- "Subsequent", // This request message is a subsequent request based on the previous message sent in this transaction.
-type Session struct {
- // This attributes defines the status code of the session in a stateful flow.
- TransactionStatusCode string `xml:"TransactionStatusCode,attr,omitempty"`
- // This element defines the identifier part of the SessionId.
- SessionId string `xml:"SessionId,omitempty"`
- // This element defines the sequence number of the SessionId.
- SequenceNumber int `xml:"SequenceNumber,omitempty"`
- // This element defines the SecurityToken of the SessionId.
- SecurityToken string `xml:"SecurityToken,omitempty"`
-type RequestSession struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/2010/06/Session_v3 Session"`
- *Session
-const (
- ActSessionSecuritySignOut = "VLSSOQ_04_1_1A"
-func (client *AmadeusClient) SecuritySignOutV041() (*Security_SignOutReply_v04_1.SecuritySignOutReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- var soapAction = ActSessionSecuritySignOut
- var query = new(Security_SignOut_v04_1.SecuritySignOut)
- var reply = new(Security_SignOutReply_v04_1.SecuritySignOutReply)
- var messageId = strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func CreateSession() *Session {
- return &Session{
- TransactionStatusCode: TransactionStatusCode[Start],
- }
-func (client *AmadeusClient) GetSession() *Session {
- return client.session
-func (client *AmadeusClient) IncSequenceNumber(header *ResponseSOAP4Header) {
- if header != nil {
- client.session = &header.Session
- }
- client.session.SequenceNumber++
-func (client *AmadeusClient) SessionIsClosed() bool {
- if client == nil || client.session == nil || client.session.TransactionStatusCode == TransactionStatusCode[End] {
- return true
- }
- return false
-func (client *AmadeusClient) SetSessionEndTransaction() bool {
- if client == nil || client.session == nil || client.session.TransactionStatusCode == TransactionStatusCode[End] {
- return false
- }
- client.session.TransactionStatusCode = TransactionStatusCode[End]
- return true
-func (client *AmadeusClient) UpdateSession(session *Session) bool {
- if client == nil {
- return false
- }
- client.session = session
- return true
-func (client *AmadeusClient) CloseSession() (reply *Security_SignOutReply_v04_1.SecuritySignOutReply, err error) {
- if client == nil || client.service == nil {
- return
- }
- if client.session != nil && client.session.TransactionStatusCode != TransactionStatusCode[End] {
- var header *ResponseSOAP4Header
- client.session.TransactionStatusCode = TransactionStatusCode[End]
- reply, header, err = client.SecuritySignOutV041()
- if err == nil {
- client.session = nil
- } else {
- client.session = &header.Session
- }
- }
- return
diff --git a/sdk/ticket/createTSTFromPricing/v04_1_query/query.go b/sdk/ticket/createTSTFromPricing/v04_1_query/query.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 84555f5..0000000
--- a/sdk/ticket/createTSTFromPricing/v04_1_query/query.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-package Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricing_v04_1 // tautcq041
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/formats"
-type TicketCreateTSTFromPricing struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TAUTCQ_04_1_1A Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricing"`
- // PNR record locator information for this transaction. This PNR record locator is used for tracing purpose, no internal retrieve.
- PnrLocatorData *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"pnrLocatorData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PsaList []*PsaList `xml:"psaList"` // maxOccurs="1980"
-type PsaList struct {
- // Reference of the fare selected. A fare may have been calculated by Fare Quote for several passengers but there is still the possibility to create a TST only for a part of these passengers.
- ItemReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"itemReference"`
- // Reference information on passengers.
- PaxReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"paxReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
- // qualifies the type of the reference used. Code set to define
- ReferenceType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tattoo number : It is in fact the TST display number.
- UniqueReference *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"uniqueReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
- // Passenger/segment/TST/fare reference details
- RefDetails []*ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"refDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferencingDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Qualifyer of the reference (Pax/Seg/Tst/Fare tattoo)
- RefQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger/segment/TST/fare tattoo reference number
- RefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Record locator.
- ControlNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"controlNumber"`
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
- // Reservation control information
- ReservationInformation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservationInformation"`
diff --git a/sdk/ticket/createTSTFromPricing/v04_1_reply/reply.go b/sdk/ticket/createTSTFromPricing/v04_1_reply/reply.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 75c0418..0000000
--- a/sdk/ticket/createTSTFromPricing/v04_1_reply/reply.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-package Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricingReply_v04_1 // tautcr041
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type TicketCreateTSTFromPricingReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TAUTCR_04_1_1A Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricingReply"`
- ApplicationError *ApplicationError `xml:"applicationError,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR record locator information for this transaction. This PNR record locator is used for tracing purpose.
- PnrLocatorData *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"pnrLocatorData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TstList []*TstList `xml:"tstList,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1980"
-type ApplicationError struct {
- // General error information returned by ticketing application
- ApplicationErrorInfo *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"applicationErrorInfo"`
- // Description in free flow text of the error returned by ticketing application
- ErrorText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"errorText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TstList struct {
- // TST tattoo number created by the transaction.
- TstReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"tstReference"`
- // Reference information on passengers.
- PaxInformation *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"paxInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
- // Code identifying the data validation error condition.
- ApplicationErrorCode string `xml:"applicationErrorCode"`
- // Identification of a code list.
- CodeListQualifier string `xml:"codeListQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
- CodeListResponsibleAgency string `xml:"codeListResponsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
- // Application error details.
- ApplicationErrorDetail *ApplicationErrorDetailType `xml:"applicationErrorDetail"`
-type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI struct {
- // Free flow text describing the error
- ErrorFreeText string `xml:"errorFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
- // qualifies the type of the reference used. Code set to define
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tattoo number (It is in fact the Tst Display Number)
- UniqueReference *int32 `xml:"uniqueReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Gives the TST ID number
- IDDescription *UniqueIdDescriptionType `xml:"iDDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
- // Passenger/segment/TST reference details
- RefDetails []*ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"refDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferencingDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Qualifyer of the reference (Pax/Seg/Tst)
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger/segment/TST reference number
- RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Record locator.
- ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber"`
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
- // Reservation control information
- ReservationInformation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservationInformation"`
-type UniqueIdDescriptionType struct {
- // The TST Id Number : The Id number allows to determine a TST in the single manner.
- IDSequenceNumber int32 `xml:"iDSequenceNumber"`
diff --git a/sdk/ticket/deleteTST/v04_1_query/query.go b/sdk/ticket/deleteTST/v04_1_query/query.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 33fc23b..0000000
--- a/sdk/ticket/deleteTST/v04_1_query/query.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-package Ticket_DeleteTST_v04_1 // ttstdq041
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/formats"
-type TicketDeleteTST struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TTSTDQ_04_1_1A Ticket_DeleteTST"`
- // It can be: - 'ALL' - all TSTs are deleted; - 'SEL' - only the information corresponding to the TST/passenger selection is deleted.
- DeleteMode *CodedAttributeType `xml:"deleteMode"`
- // PNR record locator information for this transaction. This PNR record locator is used for tracing purpose, no internal retrieve.
- PnrLocatorData *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"pnrLocatorData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PsaList []*PsaList `xml:"psaList,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1980"
-type PsaList struct {
- // TST reference number. Order number is here meaningless.
- ItemReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"itemReference"`
- // Reference information about passenger(s) to delete from the TST(s)
- PaxReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"paxReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
- // provides the attribute Type
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"attributeType"`
-type CodedAttributeType struct {
- // provides details for the Attribute
- AttributeDetails *CodedAttributeInformationType `xml:"attributeDetails"`
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
- // qualifies the type of the reference used. Code set to define
- ReferenceType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tattoo number (It is in fact the Tst Display Number)
- UniqueReference *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"uniqueReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Gives the TST ID number
- IDDescription *UniqueIdDescriptionType `xml:"iDDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
- // Passenger/segment/TST reference details
- RefDetails []*ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"refDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferencingDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Qualifyer of the reference (Pax/Seg/Tst)
- RefQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger/segment/TST reference number
- RefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Record locator.
- ControlNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"controlNumber"`
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
- // Reservation control information
- ReservationInformation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservationInformation"`
-type UniqueIdDescriptionType struct {
- // The TST Id Number : The Id number allows to determine a TST in the single manner.
- IDSequenceNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length1To11 `xml:"iDSequenceNumber"`
diff --git a/sdk/ticket/deleteTST/v04_1_reply/reply.go b/sdk/ticket/deleteTST/v04_1_reply/reply.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c8f96a..0000000
--- a/sdk/ticket/deleteTST/v04_1_reply/reply.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-package Ticket_DeleteTSTReply_v04_1 // ttstdr041
-//import "encoding/xml"
-type TicketDeleteTSTReply struct {
- // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TTSTDR_04_1_1A Ticket_DeleteTSTReply"`
- // Process status after the TST delete
- ProcessStatus *ResponseAnalysisDetailsTypeI `xml:"processStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ApplicationError *ApplicationError `xml:"applicationError,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // PNR record locator information for this transaction. This PNR record locator is used for tracing purpose.
- PnrLocatorData *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"pnrLocatorData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationError struct {
- // General error information returned by ticketing application
- ApplicationErrorInfo *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"applicationErrorInfo"`
- // Description in free flow text of the error returned by ticketing application
- ErrorText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"errorText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
- // Code identifying the data validation error condition.
- ApplicationErrorCode string `xml:"applicationErrorCode"`
- // Identification of a code list.
- CodeListQualifier string `xml:"codeListQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
- CodeListResponsibleAgency string `xml:"codeListResponsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
- // Application error details.
- ApplicationErrorDetail *ApplicationErrorDetailType `xml:"applicationErrorDetail"`
-type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI struct {
- // Free flow text describing the error
- ErrorFreeText string `xml:"errorFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Record locator.
- ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber"`
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
- // Reservation control information
- ReservationInformation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservationInformation"`
-type ResponseAnalysisDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Type of the response (update/cancel request)
- ResponseType string `xml:"responseType"`
- // Status of the process ran.
- ProcessingStatus string `xml:"processingStatus"`
diff --git a/sdk/ticket/displayTST/v07_1_query/query.go b/sdk/ticket/displayTST/v07_1_query/query.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a9f5630..0000000
--- a/sdk/ticket/displayTST/v07_1_query/query.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-package Ticket_DisplayTST_v07_1 // ttstrq071
-import (
- "encoding/xml"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/formats"
-type TicketDisplayTST struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TTSTRQ_07_1_1A"`
- // It can be: - 'ALL' - all TSTs are displayed; - 'SEL' - only the information corresponding to the TST/passenger selection is displayed.
- DisplayMode *CodedAttributeType `xml:"displayMode"`
- // PNR record locator information for this transaction. This PNR record locator is used for tracing purpose, no internal retrieve.
- PnrLocatorData *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"pnrLocatorData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Scrolling information.
- ScrollingInformation *ActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"scrollingInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Used to get TST information for selected TST references. As we can have 10 TST per Pax, 99 passenger per PNR, and a TST split with the Infant , the max number of TST is 1980.
- TstReference []*ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"tstReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1980"
- // Passenger/segment references information about TST(s) to retrieve. - Passenger reference specified : all the TSTs concerning this passenger reference are returned. - Passenger/segment reference : only the TST having this passenger/segment association is returned.
- PsaInformation *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"psaInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-// Complex structs
-type ActionDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Information on next list of TSTs to return.
- NextListInformation *ReferenceTypeI `xml:"nextListInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
- // provides the attribute Type
- AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"attributeType"`
-type CodedAttributeType struct {
- // provides details for the Attribute
- AttributeDetails *CodedAttributeInformationType `xml:"attributeDetails"`
-type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
- // qualifies the type of the reference used. Code set to define
- ReferenceType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Tattoo number (It is in fact the Tst Display Number)
- UniqueReference *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"uniqueReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Gives the TST ID number
- IDDescription *UniqueIdDescriptionType `xml:"iDDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
- // Passenger/segment/TST reference details
- RefDetails []*ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"refDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
-type ReferenceTypeI struct {
- // In case of query specifies the number of TSTs to get in reply. In case of response specifies the number of TSTs remaining.
- RemainingInformation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"remainingInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // In case of first query specifies the value of this field in the last reply. In case of other queries specifies the last reference returned in the previous list. In case of reply specifies the last TST reference of the list. In case of last reply the value of this field set in the first query is sent.
- RemainingReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"remainingReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReferencingDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Qualifyer of the reference (Pax/Seg/Tst)
- RefQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger/segment/TST reference number
- RefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Record locator.
- ControlNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"controlNumber"`
-type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
- // Reservation control information
- ReservationInformation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservationInformation"`
-type UniqueIdDescriptionType struct {
- // The TST Id Number : The Id number allows to determine a TST in the single manner.
- IDSequenceNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length1To11 `xml:"iDSequenceNumber"`
diff --git a/sdk/void.go b/sdk/void.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 74d624c..0000000
--- a/sdk/void.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-package amadeus_sdk
-import (
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/salesReports/displayQueryReport/v10_1_query"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/salesReports/displayQueryReport/v10_1_reply"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/ticket/cancelDocument/v11_1_query"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/ticket/cancelDocument/v11_1_reply"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/ticket/deleteTST/v04_1_query"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/ticket/deleteTST/v04_1_reply"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/ticket/displayTST/v07_1_query"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/ticket/displayTST/v07_1_reply"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/utils"
- "strings"
-const (
- ActVoidSalesReportsDisplayQueryReport = "TSRQRQ_10_1_1A"
- ActVoidTicketCancelDocument = "TRCANQ_11_1_1A"
-func (client *AmadeusClient) SalesReportsDisplayQueryReportV101(query *SalesReports_DisplayQueryReport_v10_1.SalesReportsDisplayQueryReport) (*SalesReports_DisplayQueryReportReply_v10_1.SalesReportsDisplayQueryReportReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- var soapAction = ActVoidSalesReportsDisplayQueryReport
- var reply = new(SalesReports_DisplayQueryReportReply_v10_1.SalesReportsDisplayQueryReportReply)
- var messageId = strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (client *AmadeusClient) TicketCancelDocumentV111(query *Ticket_CancelDocument_v11_1.TicketCancelDocument) (*Ticket_CancelDocumentReply_v11_1.TicketCancelDocumentReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- var soapAction = ActVoidTicketCancelDocument
- var reply = new(Ticket_CancelDocumentReply_v11_1.TicketCancelDocumentReply)
- var messageId = strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (client *AmadeusClient) TicketDeleteTSTv041(query *Ticket_DeleteTST_v04_1.TicketDeleteTST) (*Ticket_DeleteTSTReply_v04_1.TicketDeleteTSTReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- var soapAction = "TTSTDQ_04_1_1A"
- var reply = new(Ticket_DeleteTSTReply_v04_1.TicketDeleteTSTReply)
- var messageId = strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (client *AmadeusClient) TicketDisplayTSTv071(query *Ticket_DisplayTST_v07_1.TicketDisplayTST) (*Ticket_DisplayTSTReply_v07_1.TicketDisplayTSTReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- var soapAction = "TTSTRQ_07_1_1A" //TTSTRQ_15_1_1A
- var reply = new(Ticket_DisplayTSTReply_v07_1.TicketDisplayTSTReply)
- var messageId = strings.ToUpper(utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(22))
- header, err := client.service.Call(soapUrl, soapAction, messageId, query, reply, client)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
diff --git a/service/00_session.go b/service/00_session.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be1dce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/service/00_session.go
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+package service
+import (
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/client"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/security/signOut/v04.1"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/session/v03.0"
+func (s *service) SecuritySignOut() (*SecuritySignOut_v04_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ return s.sdk.SecuritySignOutV041()
+func (s *service) Session() *Session_v03_0.Session {
+ return s.sdk.GetSession()
+func (s *service) IncSequenceNumber(header *client.ResponseSOAPHeader) {
+ s.sdk.IncSessionSequenceNumber(header)
+func (s *service) IfSessionIsClosed() bool {
+ return s.sdk.CheckIfSessionIsClosed()
+func (s *service) SessionEndTransaction() bool {
+ return s.sdk.SetSessionEndTransaction()
+func (s *service) UpdateSession(session *Session_v03_0.Session) bool {
+ return s.sdk.UpdateSessionV030(session)
+func (s *service) CloseSession() (reply *SecuritySignOut_v04_1.Response, err error) {
+ return s.sdk.CloseSessionV041()
diff --git a/service/10_search.go b/service/10_search.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f085d3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/service/10_search.go
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+package service
+import (
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/client"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/informativeBestPricingWithoutPNR/v12.4/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/informativeBestPricingWithoutPNR/v12.4/response"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/informativePricingWithoutPNR/v12.4/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/informativePricingWithoutPNR/v12.4/response"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v14.3/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v14.3/response"
+func (s *service) FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearch(query *Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchRequest_v14_3.Request) (*Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchResponse_v14_3.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ return s.sdk.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchV143(query)
+func (s *service) FareInformativeBestPricingWithout(query *Fare_InformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRRequest_v12_4.Request) (*Fare_InformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRResponse_v12_4.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ return s.sdk.FareInformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRV124(query)
+func (s *service) FareInformativePricingWithoutPNR(query *Fare_InformativePricingWithoutPNR_v12_4.Request) (*Fare_InformativePricingWithoutPNRReply_v12_4.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ return s.sdk.FareInformativePricingWithoutPNRV124(query)
diff --git a/service/20_book.go b/service/20_book.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c864598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/service/20_book.go
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+package service
+import (
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/client"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/air/sellFromRecommendation/v05.2/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/air/sellFromRecommendation/v05.2/response"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/pricePNRWithBookingClass/v14.1/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/pricePNRWithBookingClass/v14.1/response"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/pnr/addMultiElements/v11.3"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/pnr/reply/v11.3"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ticket/createTSTFromPricing/v04.1"
+func (s *service) AirSellFromRecommendation(query *Air_SellFromRecommendationRequest_v05_2.Request) (*Air_SellFromRecommendationResponse_v05_2.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ return s.sdk.AirSellFromRecommendationV052(query)
+func (s *service) PNRAddMultiElements(query *PNR_AddMultiElementsRequest_v11_3.Request) (*PNR_Reply_v11_3.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ return s.sdk.PNRAddMultiElementsV113(query)
+func (s *service) FarePricePNRWithBookingClass(query *Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClassRequest_v14_1.Request) (*Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClassResponse_v14_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ return s.sdk.FarePricePNRWithBookingClassV141(query)
+func (s *service) TicketCreateTSTFromPricing(query *Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricing_v04_1.Request) (*Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricing_v04_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ return s.sdk.TicketCreateTSTFromPricingV041(query)
diff --git a/service/21_cancel.go b/service/21_cancel.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d214047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/service/21_cancel.go
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+package service
+import (
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/client"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/pnr/cancel/v11.3"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/pnr/reply/v11.3"
+func (s *service) PNRCancel(query *PNR_Cancel_v11_3.Request) (*PNR_Reply_v11_3.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ return s.sdk.PNRCancelV113(query)
diff --git a/service/30_issue.go b/service/30_issue.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bb0a0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/service/30_issue.go
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+package service
+import (
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/client"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/docIssuance/issueTicket/v09.1"
+func (s *service) DocIssuanceIssueTicket(query *DocIssuance_IssueTicket_v09_1.Request) (*DocIssuance_IssueTicket_v09_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ return s.sdk.DocIssuanceIssueTicketV091(query)
diff --git a/service/40_void.go b/service/40_void.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f19f9cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/service/40_void.go
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+package service
+import (
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/client"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/salesReports/displayQueryReport/v10.1/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/salesReports/displayQueryReport/v10.1/response"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ticket/cancelDocument/v11.1"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ticket/deleteTST/v04.1"
+func (s *service) SalesReportsDisplayQueryReport(query *SalesReports_QueryReportRequest_v10_1.Request) (*SalesReports_QueryReportReply_v10_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ return s.sdk.SalesReportsDisplayQueryReportV101(query)
+func (s *service) TicketCancelDocument(query *Ticket_CancelDocument_v11_1.Request) (*Ticket_CancelDocument_v11_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ return s.sdk.TicketCancelDocumentV111(query)
+func (s *service) TicketDeleteTST(query *Ticket_DeleteTST_v04_1.Request) (*Ticket_DeleteTST_v04_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ return s.sdk.TicketDeleteTSTV041(query)
diff --git a/service/50_refund.go b/service/50_refund.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32c1a68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/service/50_refund.go
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+package service
+import (
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/client"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ama/ticketIgnoreRefund/v03.0"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ama/ticketInitRefund/v03.0"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ama/ticketProcessRefund/v03.0"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/pnr/ignore/v04.1"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/salesReports/displayTransactionReport/v13.2"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ticket/processEDoc/v15.2/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ticket/processEDoc/v15.2/response"
+func (s *service) RefundInit(query *AMA_TicketInitRefund_v03_0.Request) (*AMA_TicketInitRefund_v03_0.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ return s.sdk.AMATicketInitRefundV030(query)
+func (s *service) RefundIgnore(query *AMA_TicketIgnoreRefund_v03_0.Request) (*AMA_TicketIgnoreRefund_v03_0.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ return s.sdk.AMATicketIgnoreRefundV030(query)
+func (s *service) RefundProcess(query *AMA_TicketProcessRefund_v03_0.Request) (*AMA_TicketProcessRefund_v03_0.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ return s.sdk.AMATicketProcessRefundV030(query)
+func (s *service) TicketProcessEDoc(query *Ticket_ProcessEDocRequest_v15_2.Request) (*Ticket_ProcessEDocResponse_v15_2.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ return s.sdk.TicketProcessEDocV152(query)
+func (s *service) SalesReportsDisplayTransactionReport(query *SalesReports_DisplayTransactionReport_v13_2.Request) (*SalesReports_DisplayTransactionReport_v13_2.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ return s.sdk.SalesReportsDisplayTransactionReportV132(query)
+func (s *service) PNRIgnore(query *PNR_Ignore_v04_1.Request) (*PNR_Ignore_v04_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ return s.sdk.PNRIgnoreV041(query)
diff --git a/service/99_information.go b/service/99_information.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62a023e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/service/99_information.go
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+package service
+import (
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/client"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/commandCryptic"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/commandCryptic/v07.3"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/checkRules/v07.1/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/checkRules/v07.1/response"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/pnr/reply/v11.3"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/pnr/retrieve/v11.3"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ticket/displayTST/v07.1/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ticket/displayTST/v07.1/response"
+func (s *service) PNRRetrieve(query *PNR_Retrieve_v11_3.Request) (*PNR_Reply_v11_3.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ return s.sdk.PNRRetrieveV113(query)
+func (s *service) TicketDisplayTST(query *Ticket_DisplayTSTRequest_v07_1.Request) (*Ticket_DisplayTSTResponse_v07_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ return s.sdk.TicketDisplayTSTV071(query)
+func (s *service) FareCheckRules(query *Fare_CheckRulesRequest_v07_1.Request) (*Fare_CheckRulesResponse_v07_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error) {
+ return s.sdk.FareCheckRulesV071(query)
+func (s *service) CommandCryptic(msg string) (*commandCryptic.Response, error) {
+ switch s.mm[CommandCryptic] {
+ case CommandCrypticV073:
+ return commandCrypticV073(s, msg)
+ }
+ return nil, ErrNoRealisation
+func commandCrypticV073(s *service, msg string) (*commandCryptic.Response, error) {
+ q := &CommandCryptic_v07_3.Request{
+ MessageAction: &CommandCryptic_v07_3.MessageAction{
+ MessageFunctionDetails: &CommandCryptic_v07_3.MessageFunctionDetails{
+ MessageFunction: "F18",
+ },
+ },
+ LongTextString: &CommandCryptic_v07_3.LongTextString{
+ TextStringDetails: msg,
+ },
+ }
+ resp, err := s.sdk.CommandCrypticV073(q)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return resp.ToCommon(), nil
diff --git a/service/methods.go b/service/methods.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..500065b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/service/methods.go
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+package service
+import "errors"
+type MethodVersion int
+type MethodName int
+type MethodsMap map[MethodName]MethodVersion
+var ErrNoRealisation = errors.New("sorry, method has no realisation")
+// Methods versions sdk realisation
+const (
+ PNRRetrieveV113 MethodVersion = iota
+ TicketDisplayTSTV071
+ FareInformativePricingWithoutPNRV124
+ FareCheckRulesV071
+ CommandCrypticV073
+ SecuritySignOutV041
+ UpdateSessionV030
+ CloseSessionV041
+ FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchV143
+ FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchV163
+ FareInformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRV124
+ AirSellFromRecommendationV052
+ PNRAddMultiElementsV113
+ FarePricePNRWithBookingClassV141
+ TicketCreateTSTFromPricingV041
+ PNRCancelV113
+ DocIssuanceIssueTicketV091
+ SalesReportsDisplayQueryReportV101
+ TicketCancelDocumentV111
+ TicketDeleteTSTV041
+ AMATicketInitRefundV030
+ AMATicketIgnoreRefundV030
+ AMATicketProcessRefundV030
+ TicketProcessEDocV152
+ SalesReportsDisplayTransactionReportV132
+ PNRIgnoreV041
+//MethodsMap Represents methods that have realisation in current version of sdk
+const (
+ PNRRetrieve MethodName = iota
+ TicketDisplayTST
+ FareInformativePricingWithoutPNR
+ FareCheckRules
+ CommandCryptic
+ SecuritySignOut
+ UpdateSession
+ CloseSession
+ FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearch
+ FareInformativeBestPricingWithoutPNR
+ AirSellFromRecommendation
+ PNRAddMultiElements
+ FarePricePNRWithBookingClass
+ TicketCreateTSTFromPricing
+ PNRCancel
+ DocIssuanceIssueTicket
+ SalesReportsDisplayQueryReport
+ TicketCancelDocument
+ TicketDeleteTST
+ AMATicketInitRefund
+ AMATicketIgnoreRefund
+ AMATicketProcessRefund
+ TicketProcessEDoc
+ SalesReportsDisplayTransactionReport
+ PNRIgnore
+//GetLatest Generates latest actual methods map
+func GetLatestMethodsMap() MethodsMap {
+ return MethodsMap{
+ PNRRetrieve: PNRRetrieveV113,
+ TicketDisplayTST: TicketDisplayTSTV071,
+ FareInformativePricingWithoutPNR: FareInformativePricingWithoutPNRV124,
+ FareCheckRules: FareCheckRulesV071,
+ CommandCryptic: CommandCrypticV073,
+ SecuritySignOut: SecuritySignOutV041,
+ UpdateSession: UpdateSessionV030,
+ CloseSession: CloseSessionV041,
+ FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearch: FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchV143,
+ FareInformativeBestPricingWithoutPNR: FareInformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRV124,
+ AirSellFromRecommendation: AirSellFromRecommendationV052,
+ PNRAddMultiElements: PNRAddMultiElementsV113,
+ FarePricePNRWithBookingClass: FarePricePNRWithBookingClassV141,
+ TicketCreateTSTFromPricing: TicketCreateTSTFromPricingV041,
+ PNRCancel: PNRCancelV113,
+ DocIssuanceIssueTicket: DocIssuanceIssueTicketV091,
+ SalesReportsDisplayQueryReport: SalesReportsDisplayQueryReportV101,
+ TicketCancelDocument: TicketCancelDocumentV111,
+ TicketDeleteTST: TicketDeleteTSTV041,
+ AMATicketInitRefund: AMATicketInitRefundV030,
+ AMATicketIgnoreRefund: AMATicketIgnoreRefundV030,
+ AMATicketProcessRefund: AMATicketProcessRefundV030,
+ TicketProcessEDoc: TicketProcessEDocV152,
+ SalesReportsDisplayTransactionReport: SalesReportsDisplayTransactionReportV132,
+ PNRIgnore: PNRIgnoreV041,
+ }
diff --git a/service/options.go b/service/options.go
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5c1f13b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/service/options.go
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+package service
+// Option describes a functional option for configuring the Client.
+type Option func(*service)
+// MaxReconnects sets max reconnect attempts for Client.
+// 0 means reconnect forever.
+func SetMethodVersion(methodName MethodName, version MethodVersion) Option {
+ return func(s *service) {
+ s.mm[methodName] = version
+ }
diff --git a/service/service.go b/service/service.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8f4cdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/service/service.go
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+package service
+import (
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/client"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/air/sellFromRecommendation/v05.2/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/air/sellFromRecommendation/v05.2/response"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ama/ticketIgnoreRefund/v03.0"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ama/ticketInitRefund/v03.0"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ama/ticketProcessRefund/v03.0"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/commandCryptic"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/commandCryptic/v07.3"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/docIssuance/issueTicket/v09.1"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/checkRules/v07.1/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/checkRules/v07.1/response"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/informativeBestPricingWithoutPNR/v12.4/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/informativeBestPricingWithoutPNR/v12.4/response"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/informativePricingWithoutPNR/v12.4/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/informativePricingWithoutPNR/v12.4/response"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v14.3/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v14.3/response"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v16.3/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v16.3/response"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/pricePNRWithBookingClass/v14.1/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/fare/pricePNRWithBookingClass/v14.1/response"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/pnr/addMultiElements/v11.3"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/pnr/cancel/v11.3"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/pnr/ignore/v04.1"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/pnr/reply/v11.3"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/pnr/retrieve/v11.3"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/salesReports/displayQueryReport/v10.1/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/salesReports/displayQueryReport/v10.1/response"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/salesReports/displayTransactionReport/v13.2"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/security/signOut/v04.1"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/session/v03.0"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ticket/cancelDocument/v11.1"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ticket/createTSTFromPricing/v04.1"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ticket/deleteTST/v04.1"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ticket/displayTST/v07.1/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ticket/displayTST/v07.1/response"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ticket/processEDoc/v15.2/request"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/ticket/processEDoc/v15.2/response"
+type Client struct {
+ url string
+ user string
+ pass string
+ agent string
+ tls bool
+ headers []interface{}
+func New(sdk AmadeusSDK, opts ...Option) Service {
+ srv := &service{sdk: sdk}
+ srv.mm = GetLatestMethodsMap()
+ for _, opt := range opts {
+ opt(srv)
+ }
+ return srv
+type service struct {
+ mm MethodsMap
+ sdk AmadeusSDK
+type AmadeusSDK interface {
+ // Information
+ PNRRetrieveV113(query *PNR_Retrieve_v11_3.Request) (*PNR_Reply_v11_3.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ TicketDisplayTSTV071(query *Ticket_DisplayTSTRequest_v07_1.Request) (*Ticket_DisplayTSTResponse_v07_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ FareInformativePricingWithoutPNRV124(query *Fare_InformativePricingWithoutPNR_v12_4.Request) (*Fare_InformativePricingWithoutPNRReply_v12_4.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ FareCheckRulesV071(query *Fare_CheckRulesRequest_v07_1.Request) (*Fare_CheckRulesResponse_v07_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ CommandCrypticV073(query *CommandCryptic_v07_3.Request) (*CommandCryptic_v07_3.Response, error)
+ // Session
+ SecuritySignOutV041() (*SecuritySignOut_v04_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ GetSession() *Session_v03_0.Session
+ IncSessionSequenceNumber(header *client.ResponseSOAPHeader)
+ CheckIfSessionIsClosed() bool
+ SetSessionEndTransaction() bool
+ UpdateSessionV030(session *Session_v03_0.Session) bool
+ CloseSessionV041() (reply *SecuritySignOut_v04_1.Response, err error)
+ // Search
+ FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchV143(query *Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchRequest_v14_3.Request) (*Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchResponse_v14_3.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchV163(query *Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchRequest_v16_3.Request) (*Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchResponse_v16_3.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ FareInformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRV124(query *Fare_InformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRRequest_v12_4.Request) (*Fare_InformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRResponse_v12_4.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ // Book
+ AirSellFromRecommendationV052(query *Air_SellFromRecommendationRequest_v05_2.Request) (*Air_SellFromRecommendationResponse_v05_2.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ PNRAddMultiElementsV113(query *PNR_AddMultiElementsRequest_v11_3.Request) (*PNR_Reply_v11_3.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ FarePricePNRWithBookingClassV141(query *Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClassRequest_v14_1.Request) (*Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClassResponse_v14_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ TicketCreateTSTFromPricingV041(query *Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricing_v04_1.Request) (*Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricing_v04_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ PNRCancelV113(query *PNR_Cancel_v11_3.Request) (*PNR_Reply_v11_3.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ // Issue
+ DocIssuanceIssueTicketV091(query *DocIssuance_IssueTicket_v09_1.Request) (*DocIssuance_IssueTicket_v09_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ // Void
+ SalesReportsDisplayQueryReportV101(query *SalesReports_QueryReportRequest_v10_1.Request) (*SalesReports_QueryReportReply_v10_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ TicketCancelDocumentV111(query *Ticket_CancelDocument_v11_1.Request) (*Ticket_CancelDocument_v11_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ TicketDeleteTSTV041(query *Ticket_DeleteTST_v04_1.Request) (*Ticket_DeleteTST_v04_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ // Refund
+ AMATicketInitRefundV030(query *AMA_TicketInitRefund_v03_0.Request) (*AMA_TicketInitRefund_v03_0.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ AMATicketIgnoreRefundV030(query *AMA_TicketIgnoreRefund_v03_0.Request) (*AMA_TicketIgnoreRefund_v03_0.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ AMATicketProcessRefundV030(query *AMA_TicketProcessRefund_v03_0.Request) (*AMA_TicketProcessRefund_v03_0.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ TicketProcessEDocV152(query *Ticket_ProcessEDocRequest_v15_2.Request) (*Ticket_ProcessEDocResponse_v15_2.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ SalesReportsDisplayTransactionReportV132(query *SalesReports_DisplayTransactionReport_v13_2.Request) (*SalesReports_DisplayTransactionReport_v13_2.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ PNRIgnoreV041(query *PNR_Ignore_v04_1.Request) (*PNR_Ignore_v04_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+type Service interface {
+ // Information
+ PNRRetrieve(query *PNR_Retrieve_v11_3.Request) (*PNR_Reply_v11_3.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ TicketDisplayTST(query *Ticket_DisplayTSTRequest_v07_1.Request) (*Ticket_DisplayTSTResponse_v07_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ FareCheckRules(query *Fare_CheckRulesRequest_v07_1.Request) (*Fare_CheckRulesResponse_v07_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ CommandCryptic(msg string) (*commandCryptic.Response, error)
+ // Session
+ SecuritySignOut() (*SecuritySignOut_v04_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ Session() *Session_v03_0.Session
+ IncSequenceNumber(header *client.ResponseSOAPHeader)
+ IfSessionIsClosed() bool
+ SessionEndTransaction() bool
+ UpdateSession(session *Session_v03_0.Session) bool
+ CloseSession() (reply *SecuritySignOut_v04_1.Response, err error)
+ // Search
+ FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearch(query *Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchRequest_v14_3.Request) (*Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchResponse_v14_3.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ FareInformativeBestPricingWithout(query *Fare_InformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRRequest_v12_4.Request) (*Fare_InformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRResponse_v12_4.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ FareInformativePricingWithoutPNR(query *Fare_InformativePricingWithoutPNR_v12_4.Request) (*Fare_InformativePricingWithoutPNRReply_v12_4.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ // Book
+ AirSellFromRecommendation(query *Air_SellFromRecommendationRequest_v05_2.Request) (*Air_SellFromRecommendationResponse_v05_2.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ PNRAddMultiElements(query *PNR_AddMultiElementsRequest_v11_3.Request) (*PNR_Reply_v11_3.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ FarePricePNRWithBookingClass(query *Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClassRequest_v14_1.Request) (*Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClassResponse_v14_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ TicketCreateTSTFromPricing(query *Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricing_v04_1.Request) (*Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricing_v04_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ // Cancellation
+ PNRCancel(query *PNR_Cancel_v11_3.Request) (*PNR_Reply_v11_3.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ // Issue
+ DocIssuanceIssueTicket(query *DocIssuance_IssueTicket_v09_1.Request) (*DocIssuance_IssueTicket_v09_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ // Void
+ SalesReportsDisplayQueryReport(query *SalesReports_QueryReportRequest_v10_1.Request) (*SalesReports_QueryReportReply_v10_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ TicketCancelDocument(query *Ticket_CancelDocument_v11_1.Request) (*Ticket_CancelDocument_v11_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ TicketDeleteTST(query *Ticket_DeleteTST_v04_1.Request) (*Ticket_DeleteTST_v04_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ // Refund
+ RefundIgnore(query *AMA_TicketIgnoreRefund_v03_0.Request) (*AMA_TicketIgnoreRefund_v03_0.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ RefundInit(query *AMA_TicketInitRefund_v03_0.Request) (*AMA_TicketInitRefund_v03_0.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ RefundProcess(query *AMA_TicketProcessRefund_v03_0.Request) (*AMA_TicketProcessRefund_v03_0.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ TicketProcessEDoc(query *Ticket_ProcessEDocRequest_v15_2.Request) (*Ticket_ProcessEDocResponse_v15_2.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ SalesReportsDisplayTransactionReport(query *SalesReports_DisplayTransactionReport_v13_2.Request) (*SalesReports_DisplayTransactionReport_v13_2.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
+ PNRIgnore(query *PNR_Ignore_v04_1.Request) (*PNR_Ignore_v04_1.Response, *client.ResponseSOAPHeader, error)
diff --git a/service/service_test.go b/service/service_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2930a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/service/service_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+package service
+import (
+ "log"
+ "os"
+ "testing"
+ "github.com/joho/godotenv"
+ "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/client"
+ l "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/logger"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/logger/nilLogger"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/logger/stdoutLogger"
+var (
+ url string
+ originator string
+ passwordRaw string
+ officeId string
+ stdOutLog, logger l.LogWriter
+func tearUp() {
+ err := godotenv.Load("../.env")
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatal("Error loading .env file")
+ }
+ url = os.Getenv("URL")
+ originator = os.Getenv("ORIGINATOR")
+ passwordRaw = os.Getenv("PASSWORD_RAW")
+ officeId = os.Getenv("OFFICE_ID")
+ logger = nilLogger.Init()
+ stdOutLog = stdoutLogger.Init()
+ log.Printf("url: %s\noriginator: %s\npasswordRaw: %s\nofficeId: %s", url, originator, passwordRaw, officeId)
+func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
+ tearUp()
+ retCode := m.Run()
+ os.Exit(retCode)
+func TestNewSKD(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Run("initiating test", func(t *testing.T) {
+ cl := client.New(client.SetURL(url), client.SetUser(originator), client.SetPassword(passwordRaw), client.SetAgent(officeId), client.SetLogger(logger))
+ amadeusSDK := New(cl)
+ _, err := amadeusSDK.CommandCryptic("AN20MAYMOWLED/ALH")
+ if !assert.NoError(t, err) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+ })
+ t.Run("methods versions test", func(t *testing.T) {
+ cl := client.New(client.SetURL(url), client.SetUser(originator), client.SetPassword(passwordRaw), client.SetAgent(officeId), client.SetLogger(logger))
+ amadeusSDK := New(cl, SetMethodVersion(CommandCryptic, MethodVersion(123)))
+ _, err := amadeusSDK.CommandCryptic("AN20MAYMOWLED/ALH")
+ if !assert.Error(t, err) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+ })
diff --git a/soap2.0/actions.go b/soap2.0/actions.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 59760d7..0000000
--- a/soap2.0/actions.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,469 +0,0 @@
-package soap2_0
-import (
- flireq051 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/air_flightinfo"
- itareq052 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/air_sellfromrecommendation"
- hsfreq073 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/command_cryptic"
- ttktiq091 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/docissuance_issueticket"
- farqnq071 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/fare_checkrules"
- fcuqcq081 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/fare_convertcurrency"
- tibnrq124 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/fare_informativebestpricingwithoutpnr"
- tipnrq124 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/fare_informativepricingwithoutpnr"
- fmpcaq143 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/fare_masterpricercalendar"
- fmpcaq122 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/fare_masterpricercalendar_old"
- fmptbq143 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch"
- fmptbq163 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_new"
- fmptbq123 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_old"
- tpcbrq141 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/fare_pricepnrwithbookingclass"
- tpcbrq124 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/fare_pricepnrwithbookingclass_old"
- pnradd113 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/pnr_addmultielements"
- pnrxcl113 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/pnr_cancel"
- pnrret113 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/pnr_retrieve"
- qcddrq031 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/queue_countplanner"
- qcsdrq031 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/queue_counttotal"
- qdqlrq111 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/queue_list"
- quqmuq031 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/queue_moveitem"
- quqpcq031 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/queue_placepnr"
- quqmdq031 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/queue_removeitem"
- vlsslq061 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/security_authenticate"
- vlssoq041 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/security_signout"
- tautcq041 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/ticket_createtstfrompricing"
- ccvrqt061 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/ticket_creditcardcheck"
- ttstdq041 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/ticket_deletetst"
- ttstrq071 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/ticket_displaytst"
- flires051 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/air_flightinfo_reply"
- itares052 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/air_sellfromrecommendation_reply"
- hsfres073 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/command_cryptic_reply"
- ttktir091 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/docissuance_issueticket_reply"
- farqnr071 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/fare_checkrules_reply"
- fcuqcr081 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/fare_convertcurrency_reply"
- tibnrr124 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/fare_informativebestpricingwithoutpnr_reply"
- tipnrr124 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/fare_informativepricingwithoutpnr_reply"
- fmpcar122 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/fare_masterpricercalendar_old_reply"
- fmpcar143 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/fare_masterpricercalendar_reply"
- fmptbr163 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_new_reply"
- fmptbr123 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_old_reply"
- fmptbr143 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_reply"
- tpcbrr124 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/fare_pricepnrwithbookingclass_old_reply"
- tpcbrr141 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/fare_pricepnrwithbookingclass_reply"
- tnlres001 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/pnr_list"
- pnracc113 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/pnr_reply"
- qcddrr031 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/queue_countplanner_reply"
- qcsdrr031 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/queue_counttotal_reply"
- qdqlrr111 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/queue_list_reply"
- quqmur031 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/queue_moveitem_reply"
- quqpcr031 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/queue_placepnr_reply"
- quqmdr031 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/queue_removeitem_reply"
- vlsslr061 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/security_authenticate_reply"
- vlssor041 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/security_signout_reply"
- tautcr041 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/ticket_createtstfrompricing_reply"
- ccvrsp061 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/ticket_creditcardcheck_reply"
- ttstdr041 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/ticket_deletetst_reply"
- ttstrr071 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/ticket_displaytst_reply"
-var url = "http://webservices.amadeus.com"
-func (service *WebServicesPT) AirFlightInfo(query *flireq051.AirFlightInfo) (*flires051.AirFlightInfoReply, error) {
- soapAction := "FLIREQ_05_1_1A"
- reply := new(flires051.AirFlightInfoReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) AirSellFromRecommendation(query *itareq052.AirSellFromRecommendation) (*itares052.AirSellFromRecommendationReply, error) {
- soapAction := "ITAREQ_05_2_IA"
- reply := new(itares052.AirSellFromRecommendationReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) CommandCryptic(query *hsfreq073.CommandCryptic) (*hsfres073.CommandCrypticReply, *Session, error) {
- soapAction := "HSFREQ_07_3_1A"
- reply := new(hsfres073.CommandCrypticReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, nil, err
- }
- return reply, session, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) DocIssuanceIssueTicket(query *ttktiq091.DocIssuanceIssueTicket) (*ttktir091.DocIssuanceIssueTicketReply, error) {
- soapAction := "TTKTIQ_09_1_1A"
- reply := new(ttktir091.DocIssuanceIssueTicketReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) FareCheckRules(query *farqnq071.FareCheckRules) (*farqnr071.FareCheckRulesReply, error) {
- soapAction := "FARQNQ_07_1_1A"
- reply := new(farqnr071.FareCheckRulesReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) FareConvertCurrency(query *fcuqcq081.FareConvertCurrency) (*fcuqcr081.FareConvertCurrencyReply, error) {
- soapAction := "FCUQCQ_08_1_1A"
- reply := new(fcuqcr081.FareConvertCurrencyReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) FareInformativeBestPricingWithoutPNR(query *tibnrq124.FareInformativeBestPricingWithoutPNR) (*tibnrr124.FareInformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRReply, error) {
- soapAction := "TIBNRQ_12_4_1A"
- reply := new(tibnrr124.FareInformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) FareInformativePricingWithoutPNR(query *tipnrq124.FareInformativePricingWithoutPNR) (*tipnrr124.FareInformativePricingWithoutPNRReply, error) {
- soapAction := "TIPNRQ_12_4_1A"
- reply := new(tipnrr124.FareInformativePricingWithoutPNRReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) FareMasterPricerCalendar(query *fmpcaq143.FareMasterPricerCalendar) (*fmpcar143.FareMasterPricerCalendarReply, error) {
- soapAction := "FMPCAQ_14_3_1A"
- reply := new(fmpcar143.FareMasterPricerCalendarReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) FareMasterPricerCalendarOld(query *fmpcaq122.FareMasterPricerCalendarOld) (*fmpcar122.FareMasterPricerCalendarOldReply, error) {
- soapAction := "FMPCAQ_12_2_1A"
- reply := new(fmpcar122.FareMasterPricerCalendarOldReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchNew(query *fmptbq163.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearch) (*fmptbr163.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply, error) {
- soapAction := "FMPTBQ_16_3_1A"
- reply := new(fmptbr163.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearch(query *fmptbq143.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearch) (*fmptbr143.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply, error) {
- soapAction := "FMPTBQ_14_3_1A"
- reply := new(fmptbr143.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchOld(query *fmptbq123.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchOld) (*fmptbr123.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchOldReply, error) {
- soapAction := "FMPTBQ_12_3_1A"
- reply := new(fmptbr123.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchOldReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) FarePricePNRWithBookingClass(query *tpcbrq141.FarePricePNRWithBookingClass) (*tpcbrr141.FarePricePNRWithBookingClassReply, error) {
- soapAction := "TPCBRQ_14_1_1A"
- reply := new(tpcbrr141.FarePricePNRWithBookingClassReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) FarePricePNRWithBookingClassOld(query *tpcbrq124.FarePricePNRWithBookingClassOld) (*tpcbrr124.FarePricePNRWithBookingClassOldReply, error) {
- soapAction := "TPCBRQ_12_4_1A"
- reply := new(tpcbrr124.FarePricePNRWithBookingClassOldReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) PNRAddMultiElements(query *pnradd113.PNRAddMultiElements) (*pnracc113.PNRReply, error) {
- soapAction := "PNRADD_11_3_1A"
- reply := new(pnracc113.PNRReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) PNRCancel(query *pnrxcl113.PNRCancel) (*pnracc113.PNRReply, error) {
- soapAction := "PNRXCL_11_3_1A"
- reply := new(pnracc113.PNRReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) PNRRetrieve(query *pnrret113.PNRRetrieve) (*pnracc113.PNRReply, error) {
- soapAction := "PNRRET_11_3_1A"
- reply := new(pnracc113.PNRReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) PNRRetrieve2(query *pnrret113.PNRRetrieve) (*tnlres001.PNRList, error) {
- soapAction := "PNRRET_11_3_1A"
- reply := new(tnlres001.PNRList)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) QueueCountPlanner(query *qcddrq031.QueueCountPlanner) (*qcddrr031.QueueCountPlannerReply, error) {
- soapAction := "QCDDRQ_03_1_1A"
- reply := new(qcddrr031.QueueCountPlannerReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) QueueCountTotal(query *qcsdrq031.QueueCountTotal) (*qcsdrr031.QueueCountTotalReply, error) {
- soapAction := "QCSDRQ_03_1_1A"
- reply := new(qcsdrr031.QueueCountTotalReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) QueueList(query *qdqlrq111.QueueList) (*qdqlrr111.QueueListReply, error) {
- soapAction := "QDQLRQ_11_1_1A"
- reply := new(qdqlrr111.QueueListReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) QueueMoveItem(query *quqmuq031.QueueMoveItem) (*quqmur031.QueueMoveItemReply, error) {
- soapAction := "QUQMUQ_03_1_1A"
- reply := new(quqmur031.QueueMoveItemReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) QueuePlacePNR(query *quqpcq031.QueuePlacePNR) (*quqpcr031.QueuePlacePNRReply, error) {
- soapAction := "QUQPCQ_03_1_1A"
- reply := new(quqpcr031.QueuePlacePNRReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) QueueRemoveItem(query *quqmdq031.QueueRemoveItem) (*quqmdr031.QueueRemoveItemReply, error) {
- soapAction := "QUQMDQ_03_1_1A"
- reply := new(quqmdr031.QueueRemoveItemReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) SecurityAuthenticate(query *vlsslq061.SecurityAuthenticate) (*vlsslr061.SecurityAuthenticateReply, *Session, error) {
- soapAction := "VLSSLQ_06_1_1A"
- reply := new(vlsslr061.SecurityAuthenticateReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, nil, err
- }
- return reply, session, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) SecuritySignOut(query *vlssoq041.SecuritySignOut) (*vlssor041.SecuritySignOutReply, error) {
- soapAction := "VLSSOQ_04_1_1A"
- reply := new(vlssor041.SecuritySignOutReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) TicketCreateTSTFromPricing(query *tautcq041.TicketCreateTSTFromPricing) (*tautcr041.TicketCreateTSTFromPricingReply, error) {
- soapAction := "TAUTCQ_04_1_1A"
- reply := new(tautcr041.TicketCreateTSTFromPricingReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) TicketCreditCardCheck(query *ccvrqt061.TicketCreditCardCheck) (*ccvrsp061.TicketCreditCardCheckReply, error) {
- soapAction := "CCVRQT_06_1_1A"
- reply := new(ccvrsp061.TicketCreditCardCheckReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) TicketDeleteTST(query *ttstdq041.TicketDeleteTST) (*ttstdr041.TicketDeleteTSTReply, error) {
- soapAction := "TTSTDQ_04_1_1A"
- reply := new(ttstdr041.TicketDeleteTSTReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPT) TicketDisplayTST(query *ttstrq071.TicketDisplayTST) (*ttstrr071.TicketDisplayTSTReply, error) {
- soapAction := "TTSTRQ_07_1_1A"
- reply := new(ttstrr071.TicketDisplayTSTReply)
- session := new(Session)
- err := service.client.Call(url+"/"+service.wsap+"/"+soapAction, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return reply, nil
diff --git a/soap2.0/client.go b/soap2.0/client.go
deleted file mode 100644
index d5739d3..0000000
--- a/soap2.0/client.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-package soap2_0
-import (
- "bytes"
- "crypto/tls"
- "encoding/xml"
- "io/ioutil"
- "log"
- "net"
- "net/http"
- "time"
-var timeout = time.Duration(30 * time.Second)
-const (
- SoapNs = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
- XsiNs = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
- XsdNs = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
-type ResponseSOAPEnvelope struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ Envelope"`
- Header ResponseSOAPHeaderWithSession
- Body ResponseSOAPBody
-type SOAPEnvelope struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"soap:Envelope"`
- SOAPAttr string `xml:"xmlns:soap,attr"`
- XSIAttr string `xml:"xmlns:xsi,attr"`
- XSDAttr string `xml:"xmlns:xsd,attr"`
- Header SOAPHeaderWithSession
- Body SOAPBody
-type SOAPHeaderWithSession struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/ws/2009/01/WBS_Session-2.0.xsd soap:Header"`
- Session *Session `xml:"Session"`
- Items []interface{} `xml:",omitempty"`
-type ResponseSOAPHeaderWithSession struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ Header"`
- Session *Session `xml:",omitempty"`
- Items []interface{} `xml:",omitempty"`
-type SOAPHeader struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"soap:Header"`
- Items []interface{} `xml:",omitempty"`
-type SOAPBody struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"soap:Body"`
- Fault *SOAPFault `xml:",omitempty"`
- Content interface{} `xml:",omitempty"`
-type ResponseSOAPBody struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ Body"`
- Fault *SOAPFault `xml:",omitempty"`
- Content interface{} `xml:",omitempty"`
-type SOAPFault struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ Fault"`
- Code string `xml:"faultcode,omitempty"`
- String string `xml:"faultstring,omitempty"`
- Actor string `xml:"faultactor,omitempty"`
- Detail string `xml:"detail,omitempty"`
-type SOAPClient struct {
- url string
- tls bool
- headers []interface{}
-type WebServicesPT struct {
- client *SOAPClient
- wsap string
-func NewAmadeusWebServicesPT(url string, tls bool, WSAP string) *WebServicesPT {
- if url == "" {
- url = ""
- }
- client := NewSOAPClient(url, tls)
- return &WebServicesPT{
- client: client,
- wsap: WSAP,
- }
-func (service *WebServicesPT) AddHeader(header interface{}) {
- service.client.AddHeader(header)
-// Backwards-compatible function: use AddHeader instead
-func (service *WebServicesPT) SetHeader(header interface{}) {
- service.client.AddHeader(header)
-func dialTimeout(network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
- return net.DialTimeout(network, addr, timeout)
-func (b *ResponseSOAPBody) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
- if b.Content == nil {
- return xml.UnmarshalError("Content must be a pointer to a struct")
- }
- var (
- token xml.Token
- err error
- consumed bool
- )
- for {
- if token, err = d.Token(); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if token == nil {
- break
- }
- switch se := token.(type) {
- case xml.StartElement:
- if consumed {
- return xml.UnmarshalError("Found multiple elements inside SOAP body; not wrapped-document/literal WS-I compliant")
- } else if se.Name.Space == "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" && se.Name.Local == "Fault" {
- b.Fault = &SOAPFault{}
- b.Content = nil
- err = d.DecodeElement(b.Fault, &se)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- consumed = true
- } else {
- if err = d.DecodeElement(b.Content, &se); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- consumed = true
- }
- case xml.EndElement:
- break Loop
- }
- }
- return nil
-func (f *SOAPFault) Error() string {
- return f.String
-func NewSOAPClient(url string, tls bool) *SOAPClient {
- return &SOAPClient{
- url: url,
- tls: tls,
- }
-func (s *SOAPClient) AddHeader(header interface{}) {
- s.headers = append(s.headers, header)
-func (s *SOAPClient) Call(soapAction string, query, reply interface{}, session *Session) error {
- envelope := SOAPEnvelope{SOAPAttr: SoapNs, XSIAttr: XsiNs, XSDAttr: XsdNs}
- if s.headers != nil && len(s.headers) > 0 {
- soapHeader := SOAPHeaderWithSession{Items: make([]interface{}, len(s.headers))}
- copy(soapHeader.Items, s.headers)
- envelope.Header = soapHeader
- } else {
- soapHeader := SOAPHeaderWithSession{Session: &Session{}}
- envelope.Header = soapHeader
- }
- envelope.Body.Content = query
- buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
- buffer.Write([]byte(""))
- encoder := xml.NewEncoder(buffer)
- //encoder.Indent(" ", " ")
- if err := encoder.Encode(envelope); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if err := encoder.Flush(); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- log.Println(buffer.String())
- req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", s.url, buffer)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"")
- req.Header.Add("SOAPAction", soapAction)
- req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "connector_amadeus-go/0.1")
- req.Close = true
- tr := &http.Transport{
- TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
- InsecureSkipVerify: s.tls,
- },
- Dial: dialTimeout,
- }
- client := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
- res, err := client.Do(req)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- defer res.Body.Close()
- rawbody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if len(rawbody) == 0 {
- log.Println("empty response")
- return nil
- }
- log.Println(string(rawbody))
- respEnvelope := new(ResponseSOAPEnvelope)
- respEnvelope.Header = ResponseSOAPHeaderWithSession{Session: session}
- respEnvelope.Body = ResponseSOAPBody{Content: reply}
- err = xml.Unmarshal(rawbody, respEnvelope)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- fault := respEnvelope.Body.Fault
- if fault != nil {
- return fault
- }
- return nil
diff --git a/soap2.0/session.go b/soap2.0/session.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 3049acb..0000000
--- a/soap2.0/session.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-package soap2_0
-import "encoding/xml"
-type Session struct {
- //XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/ws/2009/01/WBS_Session-2.0.xsd Session"`
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Session"`
- // This element defines the identifier part of the SessionId.
- SessionId string `xml:"SessionId"` //,omitempty
- // This element defines the sequence number of the SessionId.
- SequenceNumber string `xml:"SequenceNumber"` //,omitempty
- // This element defines the SecurityToken of the SessionId.
- SecurityToken string `xml:"SecurityToken"` //,omitempty
diff --git a/soap4.0/actions.go b/soap4.0/actions.go
deleted file mode 100644
index b83f9d1..0000000
--- a/soap4.0/actions.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
-package soap4_0
-import (
- flireq051 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/air_flightinfo"
- itareq052 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/air_sellfromrecommendation"
- hsfreq073 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/command_cryptic"
- ttktiq091 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/docissuance_issueticket"
- farqnq071 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/fare_checkrules"
- fcuqcq081 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/fare_convertcurrency"
- tibnrq124 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/fare_informativebestpricingwithoutpnr"
- tipnrq124 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/fare_informativepricingwithoutpnr"
- fmpcaq143 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/fare_masterpricercalendar"
- fmpcaq122 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/fare_masterpricercalendar_old"
- fmptbq143 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch"
- fmptbq163 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_new"
- fmptbq123 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_old"
- tpcbrq141 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/fare_pricepnrwithbookingclass"
- tpcbrq124 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/fare_pricepnrwithbookingclass_old"
- pnradd113 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/pnr_addmultielements"
- pnrxcl113 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/pnr_cancel"
- pnrret113 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/pnr_retrieve"
- qcddrq031 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/queue_countplanner"
- qcsdrq031 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/queue_counttotal"
- qdqlrq111 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/queue_list"
- quqmuq031 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/queue_moveitem"
- quqpcq031 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/queue_placepnr"
- quqmdq031 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/queue_removeitem"
- vlssoq041 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/security_signout"
- tautcq041 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/ticket_createtstfrompricing"
- ccvrqt061 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/ticket_creditcardcheck"
- ttstdq041 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/ticket_deletetst"
- ttstrq071 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/reqstructs/ticket_displaytst"
- flires051 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/air_flightinfo_reply"
- itares052 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/air_sellfromrecommendation_reply"
- hsfres073 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/command_cryptic_reply"
- ttktir091 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/docissuance_issueticket_reply"
- farqnr071 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/fare_checkrules_reply"
- fcuqcr081 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/fare_convertcurrency_reply"
- tibnrr124 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/fare_informativebestpricingwithoutpnr_reply"
- tipnrr124 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/fare_informativepricingwithoutpnr_reply"
- fmpcar122 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/fare_masterpricercalendar_old_reply"
- fmpcar143 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/fare_masterpricercalendar_reply"
- fmptbr163 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_new_reply"
- fmptbr123 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_old_reply"
- fmptbr143 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/fare_masterpricertravelboardsearch_reply"
- tpcbrr124 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/fare_pricepnrwithbookingclass_old_reply"
- tpcbrr141 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/fare_pricepnrwithbookingclass_reply"
- tnlres001 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/pnr_list"
- pnracc113 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/pnr_reply"
- qcddrr031 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/queue_countplanner_reply"
- qcsdrr031 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/queue_counttotal_reply"
- qdqlrr111 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/queue_list_reply"
- quqmur031 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/queue_moveitem_reply"
- quqpcr031 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/queue_placepnr_reply"
- quqmdr031 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/queue_removeitem_reply"
- vlssor041 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/security_signout_reply"
- tautcr041 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/ticket_createtstfrompricing_reply"
- ccvrsp061 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/ticket_creditcardcheck_reply"
- ttstdr041 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/ticket_deletetst_reply"
- ttstrr071 "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/respstructs/ticket_displaytst_reply"
-var url = "http://webservices.amadeus.com/WSAP/"
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) AirFlightInfo(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *flireq051.AirFlightInfo) (*flires051.AirFlightInfoReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "FLIREQ_05_1_1A"
- reply := new(flires051.AirFlightInfoReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) AirSellFromRecommendation(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *itareq052.AirSellFromRecommendation) (*itares052.AirSellFromRecommendationReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "ITAREQ_05_2_IA"
- reply := new(itares052.AirSellFromRecommendationReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) CommandCryptic(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *hsfreq073.CommandCryptic) (*hsfres073.CommandCrypticReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "HSFREQ_07_3_1A"
- reply := new(hsfres073.CommandCrypticReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) DocIssuanceIssueTicket(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *ttktiq091.DocIssuanceIssueTicket) (*ttktir091.DocIssuanceIssueTicketReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "TTKTIQ_09_1_1A"
- reply := new(ttktir091.DocIssuanceIssueTicketReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) FareCheckRules(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *farqnq071.FareCheckRules) (*farqnr071.FareCheckRulesReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "FARQNQ_07_1_1A"
- reply := new(farqnr071.FareCheckRulesReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) FareConvertCurrency(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *fcuqcq081.FareConvertCurrency) (*fcuqcr081.FareConvertCurrencyReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "FCUQCQ_08_1_1A"
- reply := new(fcuqcr081.FareConvertCurrencyReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) FareInformativeBestPricingWithoutPNR(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *tibnrq124.FareInformativeBestPricingWithoutPNR) (*tibnrr124.FareInformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "TIBNRQ_12_4_1A"
- reply := new(tibnrr124.FareInformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) FareInformativePricingWithoutPNR(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *tipnrq124.FareInformativePricingWithoutPNR) (*tipnrr124.FareInformativePricingWithoutPNRReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "TIPNRQ_12_4_1A"
- reply := new(tipnrr124.FareInformativePricingWithoutPNRReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) FareMasterPricerCalendar(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *fmpcaq143.FareMasterPricerCalendar) (*fmpcar143.FareMasterPricerCalendarReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "FMPCAQ_14_3_1A"
- reply := new(fmpcar143.FareMasterPricerCalendarReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) FareMasterPricerCalendarOld(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *fmpcaq122.FareMasterPricerCalendarOld) (*fmpcar122.FareMasterPricerCalendarOldReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "FMPCAQ_12_2_1A"
- reply := new(fmpcar122.FareMasterPricerCalendarOldReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchNew(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *fmptbq163.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearch) (*fmptbr163.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "FMPTBQ_16_3_1A"
- reply := new(fmptbr163.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearch(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *fmptbq143.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearch) (*fmptbr143.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "FMPTBQ_14_3_1A"
- reply := new(fmptbr143.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchOld(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *fmptbq123.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchOld) (*fmptbr123.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchOldReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "FMPTBQ_12_3_1A"
- reply := new(fmptbr123.FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchOldReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) FarePricePNRWithBookingClass(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *tpcbrq141.FarePricePNRWithBookingClass) (*tpcbrr141.FarePricePNRWithBookingClassReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "TPCBRQ_14_1_1A"
- reply := new(tpcbrr141.FarePricePNRWithBookingClassReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) FarePricePNRWithBookingClassOld(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *tpcbrq124.FarePricePNRWithBookingClassOld) (*tpcbrr124.FarePricePNRWithBookingClassOldReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "TPCBRQ_12_4_1A"
- reply := new(tpcbrr124.FarePricePNRWithBookingClassOldReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) PNRAddMultiElements(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *pnradd113.PNRAddMultiElements) (*pnracc113.PNRReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "PNRADD_11_3_1A"
- reply := new(pnracc113.PNRReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) PNRCancel(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *pnrxcl113.PNRCancel) (*pnracc113.PNRReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "PNRXCL_11_3_1A"
- reply := new(pnracc113.PNRReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) PNRRetrieve(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *pnrret113.PNRRetrieve) (*pnracc113.PNRReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "PNRRET_11_3_1A"
- reply := new(pnracc113.PNRReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) PNRRetrieve2(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *pnrret113.PNRRetrieve) (*tnlres001.PNRList, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "PNRRET_11_3_1A"
- reply := new(tnlres001.PNRList)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) QueueCountPlanner(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *qcddrq031.QueueCountPlanner) (*qcddrr031.QueueCountPlannerReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "QCDDRQ_03_1_1A"
- reply := new(qcddrr031.QueueCountPlannerReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) QueueCountTotal(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *qcsdrq031.QueueCountTotal) (*qcsdrr031.QueueCountTotalReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "QCSDRQ_03_1_1A"
- reply := new(qcsdrr031.QueueCountTotalReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) QueueList(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *qdqlrq111.QueueList) (*qdqlrr111.QueueListReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "QDQLRQ_11_1_1A"
- reply := new(qdqlrr111.QueueListReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) QueueMoveItem(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *quqmuq031.QueueMoveItem) (*quqmur031.QueueMoveItemReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "QUQMUQ_03_1_1A"
- reply := new(quqmur031.QueueMoveItemReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) QueuePlacePNR(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *quqpcq031.QueuePlacePNR) (*quqpcr031.QueuePlacePNRReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "QUQPCQ_03_1_1A"
- reply := new(quqpcr031.QueuePlacePNRReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) QueueRemoveItem(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *quqmdq031.QueueRemoveItem) (*quqmdr031.QueueRemoveItemReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "QUQMDQ_03_1_1A"
- reply := new(quqmdr031.QueueRemoveItemReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) SecuritySignOut(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *vlssoq041.SecuritySignOut) (*vlssor041.SecuritySignOutReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "VLSSOQ_04_1_1A"
- reply := new(vlssor041.SecuritySignOutReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) TicketCreateTSTFromPricing(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *tautcq041.TicketCreateTSTFromPricing) (*tautcr041.TicketCreateTSTFromPricingReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "TAUTCQ_04_1_1A"
- reply := new(tautcr041.TicketCreateTSTFromPricingReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) TicketCreditCardCheck(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *ccvrqt061.TicketCreditCardCheck) (*ccvrsp061.TicketCreditCardCheckReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "CCVRQT_06_1_1A"
- reply := new(ccvrsp061.TicketCreditCardCheckReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) TicketDeleteTST(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *ttstdq041.TicketDeleteTST) (*ttstdr041.TicketDeleteTSTReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "TTSTDQ_04_1_1A"
- reply := new(ttstdr041.TicketDeleteTSTReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) TicketDisplayTST(session *Session_v3, messageId string, query *ttstrq071.TicketDisplayTST) (*ttstrr071.TicketDisplayTSTReply, *ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- soapAction := "TTSTRQ_07_1_1A"
- reply := new(ttstrr071.TicketDisplayTSTReply)
- header, err := service.client.Call(url + soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, header, err
- }
- return reply, header, nil
diff --git a/soap4.0/client.go b/soap4.0/client.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fa6c81..0000000
--- a/soap4.0/client.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
-package soap4_0
-import (
- "bytes"
- "crypto/sha1"
- "crypto/tls"
- "encoding/base64"
- "encoding/xml"
- "io/ioutil"
- "log"
- "net"
- "net/http"
- "time"
- soap "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/soap2.0"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/utils"
-var timeout = time.Duration(20 * time.Second)
-const (
- WasNs = "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing"
- // Predefined WSS namespaces to be used in
- WssNsWSSE = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd"
- WssNsWSU = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd"
- WssNsEncodingType = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-soap-message-security-1.0#Base64Binary"
- WssNsPasswordType = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#PasswordDigest"
-type RequestSOAP4Envelope struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"soap:Envelope"`
- SOAPAttr string `xml:"xmlns:soap,attr"`
- XSIAttr string `xml:"xmlns:xsi,attr"`
- XSDAttr string `xml:"xmlns:xsd,attr"`
- Header *RequsetSOAP4Header
- Body soap.SOAPBody
-type ResponseSOAP4Envelope struct {
- //XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ Envelope"`
- Header ResponseSOAP4Header
- Body soap.ResponseSOAPBody
-type RequsetSOAP4Header struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"soap:Header"`
- WSAAttr string `xml:"xmlns:wsa,attr"`
- To string `xml:"wsa:To"`
- Action string `xml:"wsa:Action"`
- MessageId string `xml:"wsa:MessageID"`
- Security *WSSSecurityHeader //`xml:"wsse:Security"`
- AMASecurity *AMASecurityHostedUser //`xml:"AMA_SecurityHostedUser"`
- Session *RequestSession_v3 //`xml:"Session"`
-type ResponseSOAP4Header struct {
- //XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ soap:Header"`
- To string `xml:"To"`
- From AddressingFrom `xml:"From"`
- Action string `xml:"Action"`
- MessageId string `xml:"MessageID"`
- //RelatesTo RelatesTo `xml:"RelatesTo"`
- RelatesTo string `xml:"RelatesTo"`
- Session Session_v3 `xml:"Session"`
- Items []interface{} `xml:",omitempty"`
-type WSSSecurityHeader struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"wsse:Security"`
- XmlNSWsse string `xml:"xmlns:wsse,attr"`
- XmlNSWsu string `xml:"xmlns:wsu,attr"`
- MustUnderstand string `xml:"mustUnderstand,attr,omitempty"`
- Token *WSSUsernameToken `xml:",omitempty"`
-type WSSUsernameToken struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"wsse:UsernameToken"`
- Id string `xml:"wsu:Id,attr,omitempty"`
- Username string `xml:"wsse:Username"`
- Nonce *WSSNonce //`xml:"wsse:Nonce"`
- Password *WSSPassword //`xml:"wsse:Password"`
- Created string `xml:"wsu:Created"`
-type WSSNonce struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"wsse:Nonce"`
- EncodingType string `xml:"EncodingType,attr"`
- Nonce string `xml:",chardata"`
-type WSSPassword struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"wsse:Password"`
- Type string `xml:"Type,attr"`
- Password string `xml:",chardata"`
-type AMASecurityHostedUser struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/2010/06/Security_v1 AMA_SecurityHostedUser"`
- UserId AMASecurityHostedUserUserID //`xml:"UserID"`
-type AMASecurityHostedUserUserID struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"UserID"`
- AgentDutyCode string `xml:"AgentDutyCode,attr"`
- RequestorType string `xml:"RequestorType,attr"`
- PseudoCityCode string `xml:"PseudoCityCode,attr"`
- POSType string `xml:"POS_Type,attr"`
-type SOAPHeader struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"soap:Header"`
- Items []interface{} `xml:",omitempty"`
-type AddressingFrom struct {
- //XMLName xml.Name `xml:"wsa:From"`
- Address string `xml:"Address"`
-//type RelatesTo struct {
-// XMLName xml.Name `xml:"wsa:RelatesTo"`
-// RelationshipType string `xml:"RelationshipType,attr"` // "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/reply"
-// MessageId string `xml:",chardata"`
-func HashedPassword(password string, nonceRaw string, timestamp string) string {
- // HashedPassword = Base64 ( SHA-1 ( nonce + created + SHA-1 ( password ) ) )
- s := sha1.New()
- s.Write([]byte(password))
- pwd := string(s.Sum(nil))
- s.Reset()
- s.Write([]byte(nonceRaw + timestamp + pwd))
- return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(s.Sum(nil))
-func NewWSSSecurityHeader(user, pass, mustUnderstand string) *WSSSecurityHeader {
- nonce := utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(16)
- nonceBase64 := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(nonce))
- timestamp := time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
- hdr := &WSSSecurityHeader{XmlNSWsse: WssNsWSSE, XmlNSWsu: WssNsWSU, MustUnderstand: mustUnderstand}
- hdr.Token = &WSSUsernameToken{Id: "UsernameToken-" + utils.RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(9), Username: user}
- hdr.Token.Nonce = &WSSNonce{EncodingType: WssNsEncodingType, Nonce: nonceBase64}
- hdr.Token.Password = &WSSPassword{Type: WssNsPasswordType, Password: HashedPassword(pass, nonce, timestamp)}
- hdr.Token.Created = timestamp
- return hdr
-func NewAMASecurityHostedUser(agent string) *AMASecurityHostedUser {
- return &AMASecurityHostedUser{UserId: AMASecurityHostedUserUserID{
- AgentDutyCode: "SU",
- RequestorType: "U",
- PseudoCityCode: agent,
- POSType: "1",
- }}
-type SOAP4Client struct {
- url string
- user string
- pass string
- agent string
- tls bool
- headers []interface{}
-type WebServicesPTSOAP4Header struct {
- client *SOAP4Client
- //wsap string
-func NewAmadeusWebServicesPTSOAP4Header(url, user, pass, agent string, tls bool) *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header {
- client := NewSOAP4Client(url, user, pass, agent, tls)
- return &WebServicesPTSOAP4Header{
- client: client,
- //wsap: wsap,
- }
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) Call(soapAction, messageId string, query, reply interface{}, session *Session_v3) (*ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- header, err := service.client.Call(soapAction, messageId, query, reply, session)
- if err != nil {
- return header, err
- }
- return header, nil
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) AddHeader(header interface{}) {
- service.client.AddHeader(header)
-// Backwards-compatible function: use AddHeader instead
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) SetHeader(header interface{}) {
- service.client.UpdateHeader(header)
-func (service *WebServicesPTSOAP4Header) UpdateHeader(header interface{}) {
- service.client.UpdateHeader(header)
-func dialTimeout(network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
- return net.DialTimeout(network, addr, timeout)
-func NewSOAP4Client(url, user, pass, agent string, tls bool) *SOAP4Client {
- return &SOAP4Client{
- url: url,
- user: user,
- pass: pass,
- agent: agent,
- tls: tls,
- }
-func (s *SOAP4Client) AddHeader(header interface{}) {
- s.headers = append(s.headers, header)
-func (s *SOAP4Client) UpdateHeader(header interface{}) {
- s.headers = []interface{}{header}
-func (s *SOAP4Client) Call(soapAction, messageId string, query, reply interface{}, session *Session_v3) (*ResponseSOAP4Header, error) {
- envelope := RequestSOAP4Envelope{SOAPAttr: soap.SoapNs, XSIAttr: soap.XsiNs, XSDAttr: soap.XsdNs}
- envelope.Header = &RequsetSOAP4Header{WSAAttr: WasNs, To: s.url, Action: soapAction, MessageId: messageId}
- if session == nil || session.TransactionStatusCode == TransactionStatusCode[Start] {
- envelope.Header.Security = NewWSSSecurityHeader(s.user, s.pass, "")
- envelope.Header.AMASecurity = NewAMASecurityHostedUser(s.agent)
- }
- if session != nil {
- envelope.Header.Session = &RequestSession_v3{Session_v3: *session}
- }
- envelope.Body.Content = query
- buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
- buffer.Write([]byte(""))
- encoder := xml.NewEncoder(buffer)
- //encoder.Indent(" ", " ")
- if err := encoder.Encode(envelope); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- if err := encoder.Flush(); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- savebuf := buffer.Bytes()
- log.Println(string(savebuf))
- req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", s.url, buffer)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"")
- req.Header.Add("SOAPAction", soapAction)
- req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "connector_amadeus-go/0.2")
- req.Close = true
- tr := &http.Transport{
- TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
- InsecureSkipVerify: s.tls,
- },
- Dial: dialTimeout,
- }
- numberOfAttempts := 3
- var res *http.Response
- client := &http.Client{
- Transport: tr,
- Timeout: timeout,
- }
- res, err = client.Do(req)
- for err != nil {
- time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
- buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
- buffer.Write(savebuf)
- rc := ioutil.NopCloser(buffer)
- req.Body = rc //.(io.ReadCloser)
- client = &http.Client{
- Transport: tr,
- Timeout: timeout,
- }
- res, err = client.Do(req)
- numberOfAttempts--
- if numberOfAttempts == 0 {
- break
- }
- }
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- defer res.Body.Close()
- rawbody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- if len(rawbody) == 0 {
- log.Println("empty response")
- return nil, nil
- }
- //log.Println(string(rawbody))
- var str = ""
- for _, ch := range rawbody {
- if ch != 0 && ch != '\r' {
- str += string(ch)
- }
- }
- log.Println(str)
- respEnvelope := new(ResponseSOAP4Envelope)
- respEnvelope.Body = soap.ResponseSOAPBody{Content: reply}
- err = xml.Unmarshal(rawbody, respEnvelope)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- fault := respEnvelope.Body.Fault
- if fault != nil {
- return &respEnvelope.Header, fault
- }
- return &respEnvelope.Header, nil
diff --git a/soap4.0/session.go b/soap4.0/session.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 70cc15a..0000000
--- a/soap4.0/session.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-package soap4_0
-import "encoding/xml"
-const (
- Start = iota
- End
- Rollback
- InSeries
- Continuation
- Subsequent
-var TransactionStatusCode = [...]string{
- "Start", // This is the first message within a transaction.
- "End", // This is the last message within a transaction.
- "Rollback", // This indicates that all messages within the current transaction must be ignored.
- "InSeries", // This is any message that is not the first or last message within a transaction.
- "Continuation", // Specifies that this is a followup request asking for more of what was requested in the previous request.
- "Subsequent", // This request message is a subsequent request based on the previous message sent in this transaction.
-type Session_v3 struct {
- // This attributes defines the status code of the session in a stateful flow.
- TransactionStatusCode string `xml:"TransactionStatusCode,attr,omitempty"`
- // This element defines the identifier part of the SessionId.
- SessionId string `xml:"SessionId,omitempty"`
- // This element defines the sequence number of the SessionId.
- SequenceNumber string `xml:"SequenceNumber,omitempty"`
- // This element defines the SecurityToken of the SessionId.
- SecurityToken string `xml:"SecurityToken,omitempty"`
-type RequestSession_v3 struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/2010/06/Session_v3 Session"`
- Session_v3
diff --git a/structs/air/sellFromRecommendation/v05.2/request/query.go b/structs/air/sellFromRecommendation/v05.2/request/query.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82cb7dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structs/air/sellFromRecommendation/v05.2/request/query.go
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+package Air_SellFromRecommendationRequest_v05_2 // itareq052
+import "encoding/xml"
+type Request struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/ITAREQ_05_2_IA Air_SellFromRecommendation"`
+ MessageActionDetails *MessageActionDetails `xml:"messageActionDetails,omitempty"`
+ RecordLocator *RecordLocator `xml:"recordLocator,omitempty"`
+ ItineraryDetails []*ItineraryDetails `xml:"itineraryDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type MessageActionDetails struct {
+ MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionDetails `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"`
+type MessageFunctionDetails struct {
+ MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"`
+ AdditionalMessageFunction []string `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
+type RecordLocator struct {
+ Reservation []*Reservation `xml:"reservation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
+type Reservation struct {
+ CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
+ ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"`
+ ControlType string `xml:"controlType,omitempty"`
+ Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"`
+ Time *float64 `xml:"time,omitempty"`
+type ItineraryDetails struct {
+ OriginDestinationDetails *OriginDestinationDetails `xml:"originDestinationDetails"`
+ Message *Message `xml:"message,omitempty"`
+ SegmentInformation []*SegmentInformation `xml:"segmentInformation"` // maxOccurs="9"
+type OriginDestinationDetails struct {
+ Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"`
+ Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"`
+type Message struct {
+ MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionDetails `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"`
+type SegmentInformation struct {
+ TravelProductInformation *TravelProductInformation `xml:"travelProductInformation"`
+ RelatedproductInformation *RelatedproductInformation `xml:"relatedproductInformation"`
+type TravelProductInformation struct {
+ FlightDate *FlightDate `xml:"flightDate"`
+ BoardPointDetails *BoardPointDetails `xml:"boardPointDetails"`
+ OffpointDetails *OffpointDetails `xml:"offpointDetails"`
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails"`
+ FlightIdentification *FlightIdentification `xml:"flightIdentification"`
+ FlightTypeDetails *FlightTypeDetails `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"`
+ SpecialSegment string `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"`
+ MarriageDetails []*MarriageDetails `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type FlightDate struct {
+ DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"`
+ DepartureTime *float64 `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"`
+ ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"`
+ ArrivalTime *float64 `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"`
+ DateVariation string `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"`
+type BoardPointDetails struct {
+ TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId"`
+type OffpointDetails struct {
+ TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId"`
+type CompanyDetails struct {
+ MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany"`
+type FlightIdentification struct {
+ FlightNumber string `xml:"flightNumber"`
+ BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass"`
+ OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"`
+type FlightTypeDetails struct {
+ FlightIndicator []string `xml:"flightIndicator"` // maxOccurs="9"
+type MarriageDetails struct {
+ Relation string `xml:"relation,omitempty"`
+ MarriageIdentifier *float64 `xml:"marriageIdentifier,omitempty"`
+ LineNumber *float64 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"`
+type RelatedproductInformation struct {
+ Quantity float64 `xml:"quantity"`
+ StatusCode []string `xml:"statusCode,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
diff --git a/structs/air/sellFromRecommendation/v05.2/response/reply.go b/structs/air/sellFromRecommendation/v05.2/response/reply.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..196d9c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structs/air/sellFromRecommendation/v05.2/response/reply.go
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+package Air_SellFromRecommendationResponse_v05_2 // itares052
+//import "encoding/xml"
+type Response struct {
+ // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/ITARES_05_2_IA Air_SellFromRecommendationReply"`
+ Message *Message `xml:"message,omitempty"`
+ ErrorAtMessageLevel []*ErrorAtMessageLevel `xml:"errorAtMessageLevel,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
+ ItineraryDetails []*ItineraryDetails `xml:"itineraryDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type Message struct {
+ MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionDetails `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"`
+ ResponseType string `xml:"responseType,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+type MessageFunctionDetails struct {
+ BusinessFunction string `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+ MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+ ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+ AdditionalMessageFunction []string `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20" // Format limitations: an..3
+type ErrorAtMessageLevel struct {
+ ErrorSegment *ErrorSegment `xml:"errorSegment"`
+ InformationText *InformationText `xml:"informationText,omitempty"`
+type ErrorSegment struct {
+ ErrorDetails *ErrorDetails `xml:"errorDetails"`
+type ErrorDetails struct {
+ ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"` // Format limitations: an..5
+ ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory"` // Format limitations: an..3
+ ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+type InformationText struct {
+ FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"`
+ FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99" // Format limitations: an..70
+type FreeTextQualification struct {
+ TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"` // Format limitations: an..3
+ InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..4
+ Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+ CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..35
+ Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+type ItineraryDetails struct {
+ OriginDestination *OriginDestination `xml:"originDestination"`
+ ErrorItinerarylevel []*ErrorItinerarylevel `xml:"errorItinerarylevel,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
+ SegmentInformation []*SegmentInformation `xml:"segmentInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
+type OriginDestination struct {
+ Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+ Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+type ErrorItinerarylevel struct {
+ ErrorSegment *ErrorSegment `xml:"errorSegment"`
+ InformationText *InformationText `xml:"informationText,omitempty"`
+type SegmentInformation struct {
+ FlightDetails *FlightDetails `xml:"flightDetails"`
+ ApdSegment *ApdSegment `xml:"apdSegment,omitempty"`
+ ActionDetails *ActionDetails `xml:"actionDetails"`
+ InformationText *InformationText `xml:"informationText,omitempty"`
+ ErrorAtSegmentLevel []*ErrorAtSegmentLevel `xml:"errorAtSegmentLevel,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
+type FlightDetails struct {
+ FlightDate *FlightDate `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"`
+ BoardPointDetails *BoardPointDetails `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"`
+ OffpointDetails *OffpointDetails `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"`
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
+ FlightIdentification *FlightIdentification `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"`
+ FlightTypeDetails *FlightTypeDetails `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"`
+ SpecialSegment string `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+ MarriageDetails []*MarriageDetails `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type FlightDate struct {
+ DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..35
+ DepartureTime *float64 `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // Format limitations: n..4
+ ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..35
+ ArrivalTime *float64 `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // Format limitations: n..4
+ DateVariation string `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // Format limitations: n1
+type BoardPointDetails struct {
+ TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..25
+ TrueLocation string `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..17
+type OffpointDetails struct {
+ TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..25
+ TrueLocation string `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..17
+type CompanyDetails struct {
+ MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..35
+ OperatingCompany string `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..35
+ OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..35
+type FlightIdentification struct {
+ FlightNumber string `xml:"flightNumber"` // Format limitations: an..4
+ BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..2
+ OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+ Modifier []string `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3" // Format limitations: an..7
+type FlightTypeDetails struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..6
+ FlightIndicator []string `xml:"flightIndicator"` // maxOccurs="9"
+type MarriageDetails struct {
+ Relation string `xml:"relation,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+ MarriageIdentifier *float64 `xml:"marriageIdentifier,omitempty"` // Format limitations: n..10
+ LineNumber *float64 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"` // Format limitations: n..6
+ OtherRelation string `xml:"otherRelation,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+ CarrierCode string `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..35
+type ApdSegment struct {
+ LegDetails *LegDetails `xml:"legDetails,omitempty"`
+ DepartureStationInfo *DepartureStationInfo `xml:"departureStationInfo,omitempty"`
+ ArrivalStationInfo *ArrivalStationInfo `xml:"arrivalStationInfo,omitempty"`
+ FacilitiesInformation []*FacilitiesInformation `xml:"facilitiesInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
+type LegDetails struct {
+ Equipment string `xml:"equipment,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..8
+ NumberOfStops *float64 `xml:"numberOfStops,omitempty"` // Format limitations: n..3
+ Duration *float64 `xml:"duration,omitempty"` // Format limitations: n..6
+ Percentage *float64 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // Format limitations: n..8
+ DaysOfOperation string `xml:"daysOfOperation,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..7
+ DateTimePeriod string `xml:"dateTimePeriod,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..35
+ ComplexingFlightIndicator string `xml:"complexingFlightIndicator,omitempty"` // Format limitations: n1
+ Locations []string `xml:"locations,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3" // Format limitations: an..25
+type DepartureStationInfo struct {
+ GateDescription string `xml:"gateDescription,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..6
+ Terminal string `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..25
+ Concourse string `xml:"concourse,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..25
+type ArrivalStationInfo struct {
+ GateDescription string `xml:"gateDescription,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..6
+ Terminal string `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..25
+ Concourse string `xml:"concourse,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..25
+type FacilitiesInformation struct {
+ Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+ Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..70
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+ ExtensionCode []string `xml:"extensionCode,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="26" // Format limitations: an..17
+type ActionDetails struct {
+ Quantity float64 `xml:"quantity"` // Format limitations: n..15
+ StatusCode []string `xml:"statusCode"` // maxOccurs="10" // Format limitations: an..3
+type ErrorAtSegmentLevel struct {
+ ErrorSegment *ErrorSegment `xml:"errorSegment"`
+ InformationText *InformationText `xml:"informationText,omitempty"`
diff --git a/sdk/ama/ticketIgnoreRefund/v03_0/query.go b/structs/ama/ticketIgnoreRefund/v03.0/request.go
similarity index 92%
rename from sdk/ama/ticketIgnoreRefund/v03_0/query.go
rename to structs/ama/ticketIgnoreRefund/v03.0/request.go
index 4ccb659..ddad27c 100644
--- a/sdk/ama/ticketIgnoreRefund/v03_0/query.go
+++ b/structs/ama/ticketIgnoreRefund/v03.0/request.go
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import "encoding/xml"
-type AMATicketIgnoreRefundRQ struct {
+type Request struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/2010/06/TicketGTP_v3 AMA_TicketIgnoreRefundRQ"`
Version string `xml:"Version,attr"`
//SchemaLocation string `xml:"xsi:schemaLocation,attr,omitempty"`
diff --git a/sdk/ama/ticketIgnoreRefund/v03_0/reply.go b/structs/ama/ticketIgnoreRefund/v03.0/response.go
similarity index 81%
rename from sdk/ama/ticketIgnoreRefund/v03_0/reply.go
rename to structs/ama/ticketIgnoreRefund/v03.0/response.go
index 0cc6f3a..a6bcccd 100644
--- a/sdk/ama/ticketIgnoreRefund/v03_0/reply.go
+++ b/structs/ama/ticketIgnoreRefund/v03.0/response.go
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ import "encoding/xml"
-type AMATicketIgnoreRefundRS struct {
- //XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/2010/06/TicketGTP_v2 AMA_TicketIgnoreRefundRS"`
+type Response struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/2010/06/TicketGTP_v3 AMA_TicketIgnoreRefundRS"`
Version string `xml:"Version,attr"`
SchemaLocation string `xml:"xsi:schemaLocation,attr,omitempty"`
diff --git a/sdk/ama/ticketInitRefund/v03_0/query.go b/structs/ama/ticketInitRefund/v03.0/query.go
similarity index 98%
rename from sdk/ama/ticketInitRefund/v03_0/query.go
rename to structs/ama/ticketInitRefund/v03.0/query.go
index 001ee71..c078965 100644
--- a/sdk/ama/ticketInitRefund/v03_0/query.go
+++ b/structs/ama/ticketInitRefund/v03.0/query.go
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import "encoding/xml"
-type AMATicketInitRefundRQ struct {
+type Request struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/2010/06/TicketGTP_v3 AMA_TicketInitRefundRQ"`
Version string `xml:"Version,attr"`
//SchemaLocation string `xml:"xsi:schemaLocation,attr,omitempty"`
diff --git a/sdk/ama/ticketInitRefund/v03_0/reply.go b/structs/ama/ticketInitRefund/v03.0/reply.go
similarity index 99%
rename from sdk/ama/ticketInitRefund/v03_0/reply.go
rename to structs/ama/ticketInitRefund/v03.0/reply.go
index 981d742..7624963 100644
--- a/sdk/ama/ticketInitRefund/v03_0/reply.go
+++ b/structs/ama/ticketInitRefund/v03.0/reply.go
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ package AMA_TicketInitRefund_v03_0 // amtinrf30
-type AMATicketInitRefundRS struct {
+type Response struct {
//XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/2010/06/TicketGTP_v3 AMA_TicketInitRefundRS"`
//AMAPAttr string `xml:"xmlns:ama,attr"`
//ATTPAttr string `xml:"xmlns:att,attr"`
diff --git a/sdk/ama/ticketProcessRefund/v03_0/query.go b/structs/ama/ticketProcessRefund/v03.0/request.go
similarity index 89%
rename from sdk/ama/ticketProcessRefund/v03_0/query.go
rename to structs/ama/ticketProcessRefund/v03.0/request.go
index 9855097..95c2ac2 100644
--- a/sdk/ama/ticketProcessRefund/v03_0/query.go
+++ b/structs/ama/ticketProcessRefund/v03.0/request.go
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import "encoding/xml"
-type AMATicketProcessRefundRQ struct {
+type Request struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/2010/06/TicketGTP_v3 AMA_TicketProcessRefundRQ"`
Version string `xml:"Version,attr"`
//SchemaLocation string `xml:"xsi:schemaLocation,attr,omitempty"`
diff --git a/sdk/ama/ticketProcessRefund/v03_0/reply.go b/structs/ama/ticketProcessRefund/v03.0/response.go
similarity index 99%
rename from sdk/ama/ticketProcessRefund/v03_0/reply.go
rename to structs/ama/ticketProcessRefund/v03.0/response.go
index d26a8ef..7bc6079 100644
--- a/sdk/ama/ticketProcessRefund/v03_0/reply.go
+++ b/structs/ama/ticketProcessRefund/v03.0/response.go
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ package AMA_TicketProcessRefund_v03_0 // amtpcrf30
-type AMATicketProcessRefundRS struct {
+type Response struct {
//XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/2010/06/TicketGTP_v3 AMA_TicketInitRefundRS"`
//AMAPAttr string `xml:"xmlns:ama,attr"`
//ATTPAttr string `xml:"xmlns:att,attr"`
diff --git a/structs/commandCryptic/response.go b/structs/commandCryptic/response.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27a6541
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structs/commandCryptic/response.go
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+package commandCryptic
+type Response struct {
+ // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/HSFRES_07_3_1A Command_CrypticReply"`
+ MessageActionDetails *MessageActionDetails `xml:"messageActionDetails,omitempty"`
+ LongTextString *LongTextString `xml:"longTextString"`
+type MessageActionDetails struct {
+ MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionDetails `xml:"messageFunctionDetails"`
+ ResponseType string `xml:"responseType,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+type LongTextString struct {
+ TextStringDetails string `xml:"textStringDetails"` // Format limitations: an..9999
+type MessageFunctionDetails struct {
+ BusinessFunction string `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"`
+ MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction"`
+ AdditionalMessageFunction []string `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
diff --git a/structs/commandCryptic/v07.3/reply.go b/structs/commandCryptic/v07.3/reply.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9bebab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structs/commandCryptic/v07.3/reply.go
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+package CommandCryptic_v07_3 // hsfres073
+import "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/commandCryptic"
+//import "encoding/xml"
+type Response struct {
+ // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/HSFRES_07_3_1A Command_CrypticReply"`
+ MessageActionDetails *MessageActionDetails `xml:"messageActionDetails,omitempty"`
+ LongTextString *LongTextString `xml:"longTextString"`
+type MessageActionDetails struct {
+ MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionDetails `xml:"messageFunctionDetails"`
+ ResponseType string `xml:"responseType,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+type LongTextString struct {
+ TextStringDetails string `xml:"textStringDetails"` // Format limitations: an..9999
+func (r *Response) ToCommon() *commandCryptic.Response {
+ mad := &commandCryptic.MessageActionDetails{}
+ if r.MessageActionDetails != nil {
+ if r.MessageActionDetails.MessageFunctionDetails != nil {
+ mad.MessageFunctionDetails = &commandCryptic.MessageFunctionDetails{
+ BusinessFunction: r.MessageActionDetails.MessageFunctionDetails.BusinessFunction,
+ MessageFunction: r.MessageActionDetails.MessageFunctionDetails.MessageFunction,
+ AdditionalMessageFunction: r.MessageActionDetails.MessageFunctionDetails.AdditionalMessageFunction,
+ }
+ mad.ResponseType = r.MessageActionDetails.ResponseType
+ }
+ }
+ return &commandCryptic.Response{
+ MessageActionDetails: mad,
+ LongTextString: &commandCryptic.LongTextString{
+ TextStringDetails: r.LongTextString.TextStringDetails,
+ },
+ }
diff --git a/structs/commandCryptic/v07.3/request.go b/structs/commandCryptic/v07.3/request.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e8202a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structs/commandCryptic/v07.3/request.go
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+package CommandCryptic_v07_3 // hsfreq073
+import (
+ "encoding/xml"
+type Request struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/HSFREQ_07_3_1A Command_Cryptic"`
+ MessageAction *MessageAction `xml:"messageAction"`
+ NumberOfUnits *NumberOfUnits `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"`
+ IntelligentWorkstationInfo *IntelligentWorkstationInfo `xml:"intelligentWorkstationInfo,omitempty"`
+ LongTextString *LongTextString `xml:"longTextString"`
+type MessageAction struct {
+ MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionDetails `xml:"messageFunctionDetails"`
+ ResponseType string `xml:"responseType,omitempty"`
+type MessageFunctionDetails struct {
+ BusinessFunction string `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"`
+ MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction"`
+ AdditionalMessageFunction []string `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
+type NumberOfUnits struct {
+ NumberOfUnitsDetails1 *NumberOfUnitsDetails1 `xml:"numberOfUnitsDetails1"`
+ NumberOfUnitsDetails2 []*NumberOfUnitsDetails2 `xml:"numberOfUnitsDetails2,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="8"
+type NumberOfUnitsDetails1 struct {
+ Units float64 `xml:"units"`
+ UnitsQualifier string `xml:"unitsQualifier,omitempty"`
+type NumberOfUnitsDetails2 struct {
+ Units *float64 `xml:"units,omitempty"`
+ UnitsQualifier string `xml:"unitsQualifier,omitempty"`
+type IntelligentWorkstationInfo struct {
+ CompanyIdentification string `xml:"companyIdentification,omitempty"`
diff --git a/structs/docIssuance/issueTicket/v09.1/request.go b/structs/docIssuance/issueTicket/v09.1/request.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1962a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structs/docIssuance/issueTicket/v09.1/request.go
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+package DocIssuance_IssueTicket_v09_1 // ttktiq091
+import (
+ "encoding/xml"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/formats"
+type Request struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TTKTIQ_09_1_1A DocIssuance_IssueTicket"`
+ AgentInfo *TicketAgentInfoTypeI `xml:"agentInfo,omitempty"` // agent code
+ OverrideDate *StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"overrideDate,omitempty"` // override past date TST
+ Selection []*ReferenceInfoType `xml:"selection,omitempty"` // maxOccurs = "3" // Segment, TST, Coupon or line selection
+ PaxSelection []*ReferenceInformationType `xml:"paxSelection,omitempty"` // maxOccurs = "99" // Passenger Selection
+ Stock *StockInformationType `xml:"stock,omitempty"` // stock reference
+ OptionGroup []*OptionGroup `xml:"optionGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs = "99"
+ InfantOrAdultAssociation *TravellerInformationType `xml:"infantOrAdultAssociation,omitempty"` // Infant or Adult passenger
+ OtherCompoundOptions []*CodedAttributeType `xml:"otherCompoundOptions,omitempty"` // maxOccurs = "99" // Contains other options that do take parameters.
+type OptionGroup struct {
+ Switches *StatusTypeI `xml:"switches"` // contains a list of switches, i.e. options that do not take any parameters.
+ SubCompoundOptions []*AttributeType `xml:"subCompoundOptions,omitempty"` // maxOccurs = "99" // Contains sub-options that do take parameters.
+ OverrideAlternativeDate *StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"overrideAlternativeDate,omitempty"` // To override Alternative date for Invoice printing
+// Complex structs
+type AttributeInformationTypeU struct {
+ AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"attributeType"` // provides the sub-option name: EMPR Email to the specified address EMPRA Email to the address specified in the APE element EMPRN Email to addresses associated to nickname FAXR Fax to Specified Number FAXA Fax to Number specified in AP element of the PNR FAXN Fax to number associated to nickname LP Issuance langage PALT Printer Options / Alternate printer PCIH Printer Options / Customize Itinerary Header PDCT Printer Options / Document Type PDPR Printer Options / Distribution Profile PDUP Printer Options / Duplicate Itinerary PMNE Printer Options / Mnemonic PNUM Printer Options / Number POFP Printer Options / Office profile
+ AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To256 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // provides the sub-option value
+type AttributeType struct {
+ CriteriaDetails *AttributeInformationTypeU `xml:"criteriaDetails"`
+type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
+ AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"attributeType"` // provides the option name
+ AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To256 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // provides a description for the attribute (option value)
+type CodedAttributeType struct {
+ // provides details for the Attribute
+ AttributeDetails *CodedAttributeInformationType `xml:"attributeDetails"`
+type InternalIDDetailsTypeI struct {
+ InhouseId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"inhouseId"` // agent code or agent sine
+ Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"` // Agent qualifier
+type ReferenceInfoType struct {
+ ReferenceDetails []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referenceDetails"` // maxOccurs="99" // Reference list (segment tattoos or PNR lines or TST number or Coupon number)
+type ReferenceInformationType struct {
+ // Used to convey the passenger tatoo or display number.
+ PassengerReference *ReferencingDetailsType_108978C `xml:"passengerReference"`
+type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
+ Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"` // Reference qualifier
+ Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // Reference value
+type ReferencingDetailsType_108978C struct {
+ Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // Reference qualifier
+ Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"value"` // Passenger tattoo.
+type StatusDetailsTypeI struct {
+ Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicator"`
+type StatusTypeI struct {
+ StatusDetails *StatusDetailsTypeI `xml:"statusDetails"`
+type StockInformationType struct {
+ // To convey Stock type
+ StockTicketNumberDetails *StockTicketNumberDetailsType `xml:"stockTicketNumberDetails"`
+type StockTicketNumberDetailsType struct {
+ Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"qualifier"` // Stock Qualifier: 'S' stock control number
+ ControlNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"` // Stock control number
+type StructuredDateTimeInformationType struct {
+ BusinessSemantic formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"businessSemantic"` // Date format
+ DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"` // Convey date and/or time.
+type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
+ Year formats.Year_YYYY `xml:"year"` // Year number.
+ Month formats.Month_mM `xml:"month"` // Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
+ Day formats.Day_nN `xml:"day"` // Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
+type TicketAgentInfoTypeI struct {
+ // agent ID details
+ InternalIdDetails *InternalIDDetailsTypeI `xml:"internalIdDetails"`
+type TravellerInformationType struct {
+ // Detail if the discount is adult only or infant only
+ PaxDetails *TravellerSurnameInformationType `xml:"paxDetails"`
+type TravellerSurnameInformationType struct {
+ // Customer type: A=adult IN = infant
+ Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"type"`
diff --git a/structs/docIssuance/issueTicket/v09.1/response.go b/structs/docIssuance/issueTicket/v09.1/response.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8d8166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structs/docIssuance/issueTicket/v09.1/response.go
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+package DocIssuance_IssueTicket_v09_1 // ttktir091
+//import "encoding/xml"
+type Response struct {
+ // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TTKTIR_09_1_1A DocIssuance_IssueTicketReply"`
+ ProcessingStatus *ResponseAnalysisDetailsType `xml:"processingStatus"` // The type of the answer : warning, aknowledgement, PNR display...
+ ErrorGroup *ErrorGroupType `xml:"errorGroup,omitempty"` // Contains warning and errors.
+// Complex structs
+type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
+ ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"` // Code identifying the data validation error condition.
+ ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // Identification of a code list.
+ ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
+type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
+ ErrorDetails *ApplicationErrorDetailType `xml:"errorDetails"` // Application error details.
+type ErrorGroupType struct {
+ ErrorOrWarningCodeDetails *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"errorOrWarningCodeDetails"` // The details of error/warning code.
+ ErrorWarningDescription *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"errorWarningDescription,omitempty"` // The desciption of warning or error.
+type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
+ TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"` // textSubjectQualifier
+ Source string `xml:"source"` // source
+ Encoding string `xml:"encoding"` // encoding
+type FreeTextInformationType struct {
+ FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType `xml:"freeTextDetails"` // warning/error message details.
+ FreeText string `xml:"freeText"` // Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
+type ResponseAnalysisDetailsType struct {
+ // type of the answer
+ StatusCode string `xml:"statusCode"`
diff --git a/structs/fare/checkRules/v07.1/request/query.go b/structs/fare/checkRules/v07.1/request/query.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec0c8b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structs/fare/checkRules/v07.1/request/query.go
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+package Fare_CheckRulesRequest_v07_1 // farqnq071
+import "encoding/xml"
+type Request struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/FARQNQ_07_1_1A Fare_CheckRules"`
+ MsgType *MsgType `xml:"msgType"`
+ AvailcabinStatus *AvailcabinStatus `xml:"availcabinStatus,omitempty"`
+ ConversionRate *ConversionRate `xml:"conversionRate,omitempty"`
+ PricingTickInfo *PricingTickInfo `xml:"pricingTickInfo,omitempty"`
+ MultiCorporate *MultiCorporate `xml:"multiCorporate,omitempty"`
+ ItemNumber *ItemNumber `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"`
+ DateOfFlight *DateOfFlight `xml:"dateOfFlight,omitempty"`
+ FlightQualification []*FlightQualification `xml:"flightQualification,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+ TransportInformation []*TransportInformation `xml:"transportInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+ TripDescription []*TripDescription `xml:"tripDescription,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+ PricingInfo []*PricingInfo `xml:"pricingInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
+ FareRule *FareRule `xml:"fareRule,omitempty"`
+type MsgType struct {
+ MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionDetails `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"`
+type MessageFunctionDetails struct {
+ MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"`
+type AvailcabinStatus struct {
+ ProductDetailsQualifier string `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"`
+ BookingClassDetails []*BookingClassDetails `xml:"bookingClassDetails"` // maxOccurs="26"
+type BookingClassDetails struct {
+ Designator string `xml:"designator"`
+ Option []string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
+type ConversionRate struct {
+ ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetails `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
+ OtherConvRateDetails []*OtherConvRateDetails `xml:"otherConvRateDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
+type ConversionRateDetails struct {
+ ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"`
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
+ RateType string `xml:"rateType,omitempty"`
+ PricingAmount *float64 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"`
+ ConvertedValueAmount *float64 `xml:"convertedValueAmount,omitempty"`
+ DutyTaxFeeType string `xml:"dutyTaxFeeType,omitempty"`
+ MeasurementValue *float64 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"`
+ MeasurementSignificance string `xml:"measurementSignificance,omitempty"`
+type OtherConvRateDetails struct {
+ ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"`
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
+ RateType string `xml:"rateType,omitempty"`
+ PricingAmount *float64 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"`
+ ConvertedValueAmount *float64 `xml:"convertedValueAmount,omitempty"`
+ DutyTaxFeeType string `xml:"dutyTaxFeeType,omitempty"`
+ MeasurementValue *float64 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"`
+ MeasurementSignificance string `xml:"measurementSignificance,omitempty"`
+type PricingTickInfo struct {
+ ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeDetails `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"`
+ LocationDetails *LocationDetails `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"`
+ OtherLocationDetails *OtherLocationDetails `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"`
+ IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"`
+type ProductDateTimeDetails struct {
+ DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"`
+ ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"`
+type LocationDetails struct {
+ City string `xml:"city,omitempty"`
+ Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"`
+type OtherLocationDetails struct {
+ City string `xml:"city,omitempty"`
+ Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"`
+type MultiCorporate struct {
+ CorporateId []*CorporateId `xml:"corporateId"` // maxOccurs="20"
+type CorporateId struct {
+ CorporateQualifier string `xml:"corporateQualifier"`
+ Identity []string `xml:"identity"` // maxOccurs="9"
+type ItemNumber struct {
+ ItemNumberDetails []*ItemNumberDetails `xml:"itemNumberDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type ItemNumberDetails struct {
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
+type DateOfFlight struct {
+ DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type DateAndTimeDetails struct {
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
+ Date *float64 `xml:"date,omitempty"`
+type FlightQualification struct {
+ MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"`
+ FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"`
+ FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
+ AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"`
+ DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
+type FareCategories struct {
+ FareType string `xml:"fareType"`
+ OtherFareType []string `xml:"otherFareType,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="8"
+type FareDetails struct {
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
+ Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
+ Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"`
+ FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"`
+type AdditionalFareDetails struct {
+ RateClass string `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"`
+ CommodityCategory string `xml:"commodityCategory,omitempty"`
+ PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"`
+ SecondRateClass []string `xml:"secondRateClass,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="29"
+type DiscountDetails struct {
+ FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier"`
+ RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"`
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
+ Percentage *float64 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"`
+type TransportInformation struct {
+ TransportService *TransportService `xml:"transportService"`
+ AvailCabinConf *AvailCabinConf `xml:"availCabinConf,omitempty"`
+ RoutingInfo *RoutingInfo `xml:"routingInfo,omitempty"`
+ SelectionDetail *SelectionDetail `xml:"selectionDetail,omitempty"`
+type TransportService struct {
+ CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentification `xml:"companyIdentification"`
+ ProductIdentificationDetails []*ProductIdentificationDetails `xml:"productIdentificationDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type CompanyIdentification struct {
+ MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"`
+ Operatingcompany string `xml:"operatingcompany,omitempty"`
+ OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"`
+type ProductIdentificationDetails struct {
+ FlightNumber string `xml:"flightNumber"`
+ OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"`
+type AvailCabinConf struct {
+ ProductDetailsQualifier string `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"`
+ BookingClassDetails []*BookingClassDetails `xml:"bookingClassDetails"` // maxOccurs="26"
+type RoutingInfo struct {
+ RoutingDetails []*RoutingDetails `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type RoutingDetails struct {
+ Station string `xml:"station,omitempty"`
+ OtherStation string `xml:"otherStation,omitempty"`
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
+type SelectionDetail struct {
+ SelectionDetails *SelectionDetails `xml:"selectionDetails"`
+ SelectionDetailsTwo []*SelectionDetailsTwo `xml:"selectionDetailsTwo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="98"
+type SelectionDetails struct {
+ Option string `xml:"option"`
+ OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"`
+type SelectionDetailsTwo struct {
+ Option string `xml:"option"`
+ OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"`
+type TripDescription struct {
+ OrigDest *OrigDest `xml:"origDest"`
+ DateFlightMovement *DateFlightMovement `xml:"dateFlightMovement,omitempty"`
+ Routing []*Routing `xml:"routing,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type OrigDest struct {
+ Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"`
+ Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"`
+type DateFlightMovement struct {
+ DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type Routing struct {
+ RoutingInfo *RoutingInfo `xml:"routingInfo"`
+ TransportService *TransportService `xml:"transportService,omitempty"`
+ SegFareDetails *SegFareDetails `xml:"segFareDetails,omitempty"`
+ PertinentQuantity *PertinentQuantity `xml:"pertinentQuantity,omitempty"`
+ SelectionMakingDetails *SelectionMakingDetails `xml:"selectionMakingDetails,omitempty"`
+type SegFareDetails struct {
+ MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"`
+ FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"`
+ FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
+ AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"`
+ DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
+type PertinentQuantity struct {
+ QuantityDetails *QuantityDetails `xml:"quantityDetails"`
+ OtherQuantityDetails []*OtherQuantityDetails `xml:"otherQuantityDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="8"
+type QuantityDetails struct {
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
+ Value float64 `xml:"value"`
+ Unit string `xml:"unit,omitempty"`
+type OtherQuantityDetails struct {
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
+ Value float64 `xml:"value"`
+ Unit string `xml:"unit,omitempty"`
+type SelectionMakingDetails struct {
+ SelectionDetails *SelectionDetails `xml:"selectionDetails"`
+ SelectionDetailsTwo []*SelectionDetailsTwo `xml:"selectionDetailsTwo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="98"
+type PricingInfo struct {
+ NumberOfUnits *NumberOfUnits `xml:"numberOfUnits"`
+ TicketPricingDate []*TicketPricingDate `xml:"ticketPricingDate,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
+ Fare []*Fare `xml:"fare,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type NumberOfUnits struct {
+ QuantityDetails *QuantityDetails1 `xml:"quantityDetails"`
+ OtherQuantityDetails []*OtherQuantityDetails1 `xml:"otherQuantityDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="8"
+type QuantityDetails1 struct {
+ NumberOfUnit *float64 `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"`
+ UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"`
+type OtherQuantityDetails1 struct {
+ NumberOfUnit *float64 `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"`
+ UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"`
+type TicketPricingDate struct {
+ ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeDetails `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"`
+ LocationDetails *LocationDetails `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"`
+ OtherLocationDetails *OtherLocationDetails `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"`
+ IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"`
+type Fare struct {
+ DetailsOfFare *DetailsOfFare `xml:"detailsOfFare"`
+ FareQualificationDetails []*FareQualificationDetails `xml:"fareQualificationDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type DetailsOfFare struct {
+ FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGrouping `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"`
+type FareTypeGrouping struct {
+ PricingGroup []string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
+type FareQualificationDetails struct {
+ MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"`
+ FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"`
+ FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
+ AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"`
+ DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
+type FareRule struct {
+ TarifFareRule *TarifFareRule `xml:"tarifFareRule"`
+ TravellerIdentification *TravellerIdentification `xml:"travellerIdentification,omitempty"`
+ TravellerDate *TravellerDate `xml:"travellerDate,omitempty"`
+type TarifFareRule struct {
+ TariffClassId string `xml:"tariffClassId,omitempty"`
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
+ RuleSectionId []string `xml:"ruleSectionId,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type CompanyDetails struct {
+ MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"`
+ Operatingcompany string `xml:"operatingcompany,omitempty"`
+ OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"`
+type TravellerIdentification struct {
+ ReferenceDetails []*ReferenceDetails `xml:"referenceDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type ReferenceDetails struct {
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
+ Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"`
+type TravellerDate struct {
+ DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
diff --git a/structs/fare/checkRules/v07.1/response/reply.go b/structs/fare/checkRules/v07.1/response/reply.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7012c8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structs/fare/checkRules/v07.1/response/reply.go
@@ -0,0 +1,971 @@
+package Fare_CheckRulesResponse_v07_1 // farqnr071
+//import "encoding/xml"
+type Response struct {
+ // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/FARQNR_07_1_1A Fare_CheckRulesReply"`
+ TransactionType *TransactionType `xml:"transactionType"`
+ StatusInfo *StatusInfo `xml:"statusInfo,omitempty"`
+ FareRouteInfo *FareRouteInfo `xml:"fareRouteInfo,omitempty"`
+ InfoText []*InfoText `xml:"infoText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="999"
+ ErrorInfo *ErrorInfo `xml:"errorInfo,omitempty"`
+ TariffInfo []*TariffInfo `xml:"tariffInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="999"
+ FlightDetails []*FlightDetails `xml:"flightDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="999"
+type TransactionType struct {
+ MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionDetails `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"`
+type MessageFunctionDetails struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"`
+type StatusInfo struct {
+ StatusDetails *StatusDetails `xml:"statusDetails"`
+ OtherDetails []*OtherDetails `xml:"otherDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="98"
+type StatusDetails struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
+type OtherDetails struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
+type FareRouteInfo struct {
+ DayOfWeek string `xml:"dayOfWeek,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..7
+ FareQualifierDetails *FareQualifierDetails `xml:"fareQualifierDetails,omitempty"`
+ IdentificationNumber string `xml:"identificationNumber,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..35
+ ValidityPeriod *ValidityPeriod `xml:"validityPeriod,omitempty"`
+type FareQualifierDetails struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ FareQualifier []string `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
+type ValidityPeriod struct {
+ FirstDate *float64 `xml:"firstDate,omitempty"` // Format limitations: n..6
+ SecondDate *float64 `xml:"secondDate,omitempty"` // Format limitations: n..6
+type InfoText struct {
+ FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"`
+ FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"// Format limitations: an..70
+type FreeTextQualification struct {
+ TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"` // Format limitations: an..3
+ InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..4
+type ErrorInfo struct {
+ RejectErrorCode *RejectErrorCode `xml:"rejectErrorCode"`
+ ErrorFreeText *ErrorFreeText `xml:"errorFreeText,omitempty"`
+type RejectErrorCode struct {
+ ErrorDetails *ErrorDetails `xml:"errorDetails"`
+type ErrorDetails struct {
+ ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"` // Format limitations: an..3
+type ErrorFreeText struct {
+ FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"`
+ FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"// Format limitations: an..70
+type TariffInfo struct {
+ FareRuleInfo *FareRuleInfo `xml:"fareRuleInfo"`
+ FareRuleText []*FareRuleText `xml:"fareRuleText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="999"
+type FareRuleInfo struct {
+ RuleSectionLocalId string `xml:"ruleSectionLocalId,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..9
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
+ RuleCategoryCode string `xml:"ruleCategoryCode,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..7
+type CompanyDetails struct {
+ MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+ Operatingcompany string `xml:"operatingcompany,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+ OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+type FareRuleText struct {
+ FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"`
+ FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"// Format limitations: an..70
+type FlightDetails struct {
+ NbOfSegments *NbOfSegments `xml:"nbOfSegments"`
+ AmountConversion *AmountConversion `xml:"amountConversion,omitempty"`
+ QuantityValue *QuantityValue `xml:"quantityValue,omitempty"`
+ PricingAndDateInfo *PricingAndDateInfo `xml:"pricingAndDateInfo,omitempty"`
+ QualificationFareDetails []*QualificationFareDetails `xml:"qualificationFareDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+ TransportService []*TransportService `xml:"transportService,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="4"
+ FlightErrorCode []*FlightErrorCode `xml:"flightErrorCode,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="999"
+ ProductInfo []*ProductInfo `xml:"productInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+ PriceInfo []*PriceInfo `xml:"priceInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+ FareDetailInfo []*FareDetailInfo `xml:"fareDetailInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
+ OdiGrp []*OdiGrp `xml:"odiGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="999"
+ TravellerGrp []*TravellerGrp `xml:"travellerGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+ FareRouteGrp []*FareRouteGrp `xml:"fareRouteGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+ ItemGrp []*ItemGrp `xml:"itemGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="999"
+type NbOfSegments struct {
+ SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentControlDetails `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
+type SegmentControlDetails struct {
+ Quantity *float64 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // Format limitations: n..15
+ NumberOfUnits *float64 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // Format limitations: n..15
+ TotalNumberOfItems *float64 `xml:"totalNumberOfItems,omitempty"` // Format limitations: n..15
+type AmountConversion struct {
+ ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetails `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
+ OtherConversionRateDetails []*OtherConversionRateDetails `xml:"otherConversionRateDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
+type ConversionRateDetails struct {
+ ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+ RateType string `xml:"rateType,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+ PricingAmount *float64 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"` // Format limitations: n..18
+ MeasurementValue *float64 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // Format limitations: n..18
+ MeasurementSignificance string `xml:"measurementSignificance,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+type OtherConversionRateDetails struct {
+ ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+ RateType string `xml:"rateType,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+ PricingAmount *float64 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"` // Format limitations: n..18
+ MeasurementValue *float64 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // Format limitations: n..18
+ MeasurementSignificance string `xml:"measurementSignificance,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+type QuantityValue struct {
+ QuantityDetails []*QuantityDetails `xml:"quantityDetails"` // maxOccurs="9"
+type QuantityDetails struct {
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"` // Format limitations: an..3
+ Value float64 `xml:"value"` // Format limitations: n..5
+ Unit string `xml:"unit,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+type PricingAndDateInfo struct {
+ ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeDetails `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"`
+ LocationDetails *LocationDetails `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"`
+ OtherLocationDetails *LocationDetails `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"`
+ IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..35
+type ProductDateTimeDetails struct {
+ DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // Format limitations: n6
+ ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // Format limitations: n6
+type LocationDetails struct {
+ City string `xml:"city,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an3..5
+ Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+type QualificationFareDetails struct {
+ MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+ FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"`
+ FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
+ AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"`
+ DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
+type FareCategories struct {
+ FareType []string `xml:"fareType"` // maxOccurs="9"// Format limitations: an..3
+type FareDetails struct {
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+ Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // Format limitations: n..3
+ Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+ FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..3
+type AdditionalFareDetails struct {
+ RateClass string `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..10
+ CommodityCategory string `xml:"commodityCategory,omitempty"` // Format limitations: an..13
+ FareClass []string `xml:"fareClass,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"// Format limitations: an..10
+type DiscountDetails struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier"`
+ // Format limitations: an..35
+ RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: n..3
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: n..3
+ Percentage *float64 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"`
+type TransportService struct {
+ CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentification `xml:"companyIdentification"`
+ ProductIdentificationDetails []*ProductIdentificationDetails `xml:"productIdentificationDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type CompanyIdentification struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ Operatingcompany string `xml:"operatingcompany,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"`
+type ProductIdentificationDetails struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..4
+ FlightNumber string `xml:"flightNumber"`
+ // Format limitations: an1
+ OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"`
+type FlightErrorCode struct {
+ FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an..70
+ FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type ProductInfo struct {
+ ProductDetails *ProductDetails `xml:"productDetails"`
+ ProductErrorCode []*ProductErrorCode `xml:"productErrorCode,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type ProductDetails struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ ProductDetailsQualifier string `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"`
+ BookingClassDetails []*BookingClassDetails `xml:"bookingClassDetails"` // maxOccurs="26"
+type BookingClassDetails struct {
+ // Format limitations: an1
+ Designator string `xml:"designator"`
+ // Format limitations: an1
+ Option []string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
+type ProductErrorCode struct {
+ FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an..70
+ FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type PriceInfo struct {
+ MonetaryRates *MonetaryRates `xml:"monetaryRates"`
+ TaxAmount *TaxAmount `xml:"taxAmount,omitempty"`
+ FareTypeInfo []*FareTypeInfo `xml:"fareTypeInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type MonetaryRates struct {
+ MonetaryDetails *MonetaryDetails `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
+ AmountTwo []*AmountTwo `xml:"amountTwo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
+type MonetaryDetails struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
+ // Format limitations: an..18
+ Amount string `xml:"amount"`
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
+type AmountTwo struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
+ // Format limitations: an..18
+ Amount string `xml:"amount"`
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
+type TaxAmount struct {
+ TaxDetails []*TaxDetails `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type TaxDetails struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..17
+ Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ Type []string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type FareTypeInfo struct {
+ FareDetailQualif *FareDetailQualif `xml:"fareDetailQualif"`
+ FlightMovementDate *FlightMovementDate `xml:"flightMovementDate,omitempty"`
+ FaraRulesInfo *FaraRulesInfo `xml:"faraRulesInfo,omitempty"`
+ SelectionMakingDetails *SelectionMakingDetails `xml:"selectionMakingDetails,omitempty"`
+ AmountConvDetails *AmountConvDetails `xml:"amountConvDetails,omitempty"`
+type FareDetailQualif struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"`
+ FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"`
+ FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
+ AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"`
+ DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
+type FlightMovementDate struct {
+ DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type DateAndTimeDetails struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an..6
+ Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"`
+type FaraRulesInfo struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..9
+ RuleSectionLocalId string `xml:"ruleSectionLocalId,omitempty"`
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an..7
+ RuleCategoryCode string `xml:"ruleCategoryCode,omitempty"`
+type SelectionMakingDetails struct {
+ SelectionDetails *SelectionDetails `xml:"selectionDetails"`
+ SelectionDetailsTwo []*SelectionDetailsTwo `xml:"selectionDetailsTwo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="98"
+type SelectionDetails struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ Option string `xml:"option"`
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"`
+type SelectionDetailsTwo struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ Option string `xml:"option"`
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"`
+type AmountConvDetails struct {
+ ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetails `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
+ OtherConversionRateDetails []*OtherConversionRateDetails `xml:"otherConversionRateDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
+type FareDetailInfo struct {
+ NbOfUnits *NbOfUnits `xml:"nbOfUnits"`
+ PricingPlusDateInfo *PricingAndDateInfo `xml:"pricingPlusDateInfo,omitempty"`
+ FareDeatilInfo *FareDeatilInfo `xml:"fareDeatilInfo,omitempty"`
+type NbOfUnits struct {
+ QuantityDetails []*QuantityDetails1 `xml:"quantityDetails"` // maxOccurs="9"
+type QuantityDetails1 struct {
+ // Format limitations: n..15
+ NumberOfUnit *float64 `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"`
+type FareDeatilInfo struct {
+ FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGrouping `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"`
+type FareTypeGrouping struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..6
+ PricingGroup []string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
+type OdiGrp struct {
+ OriginDestination *OriginDestination `xml:"originDestination"`
+ FlightDateAndTime []*FlightDateAndTime `xml:"flightDateAndTime,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
+ FlightErrorText *FlightErrorText `xml:"flightErrorText,omitempty"`
+ MonGrp []*MonGrp `xml:"monGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+ RoutingGrp []*RoutingGrp `xml:"routingGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
+ TravelProductGrp []*TravelProductGrp `xml:"travelProductGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="999"
+type OriginDestination struct {
+ // Format limitations: an3..5
+ Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an3..5
+ Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"`
+type FlightDateAndTime struct {
+ DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type FlightErrorText struct {
+ FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an..70
+ FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type MonGrp struct {
+ MonetaryValues *MonetaryValues `xml:"monetaryValues"`
+ FareDetailGrp []*FareDetailGrp `xml:"fareDetailGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type MonetaryValues struct {
+ MonetaryDetails *MonetaryDetails `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
+ AmountTwo []*AmountTwo `xml:"amountTwo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
+type FareDetailGrp struct {
+ FareQualif *FareQualif `xml:"fareQualif"`
+ AmountCvtRate *AmountCvtRate `xml:"amountCvtRate,omitempty"`
+type FareQualif struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"`
+ FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"`
+ FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
+ AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"`
+ DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
+type AmountCvtRate struct {
+ ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetails `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
+ OtherConversionRateDetails []*OtherConversionRateDetails `xml:"otherConversionRateDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
+type RoutingGrp struct {
+ RoutingInfo *RoutingInfo `xml:"routingInfo"`
+ ServiceTransport *ServiceTransport `xml:"serviceTransport,omitempty"`
+ QualificationOfFare *QualificationOfFare `xml:"qualificationOfFare,omitempty"`
+ PertinentQuantity *PertinentQuantity `xml:"pertinentQuantity,omitempty"`
+type RoutingInfo struct {
+ RoutingDetails []*RoutingDetails `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type RoutingDetails struct {
+ // Format limitations: an3..5
+ Station string `xml:"station,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an3..5
+ OtherStation string `xml:"otherStation,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
+type ServiceTransport struct {
+ CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentification `xml:"companyIdentification"`
+ ProductIdentificationDetails []*ProductIdentificationDetails `xml:"productIdentificationDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type QualificationOfFare struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"`
+ FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"`
+ FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
+ AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"`
+ DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
+type PertinentQuantity struct {
+ QuantityDetails []*QuantityDetails `xml:"quantityDetails"` // maxOccurs="9"
+type TravelProductGrp struct {
+ TravelProductInfo *TravelProductInfo `xml:"travelProductInfo"`
+ RoutingGrp []*RoutingGrp1 `xml:"routingGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type TravelProductInfo struct {
+ FlightDate *FlightDate `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"`
+ BoardPointDetails *BoardPointDetails `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"`
+ OffpointDetails *OffpointDetails `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"`
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
+ FlightIdentification *FlightIdentification `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"`
+ FlightTypeDetails *FlightTypeDetails `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: n..6
+ ItemNumber *float64 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ SpecialSegment string `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"`
+ MarriageDetails *MarriageDetails `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"`
+type FlightDate struct {
+ // Format limitations: n6
+ DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: n6
+ ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"`
+type BoardPointDetails struct {
+ // Format limitations: an3..5
+ TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an3..5
+ TrueLocation string `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"`
+type OffpointDetails struct {
+ // Format limitations: an3..5
+ TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an3..5
+ TrueLocation string `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"`
+type FlightIdentification struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..4
+ FlightNumber string `xml:"flightNumber"`
+ // Format limitations: an1
+ OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"`
+type FlightTypeDetails struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..6
+ FlightIndicator string `xml:"flightIndicator"`
+ // Format limitations: an..6
+ SecondSequenceNb []string `xml:"secondSequenceNb,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="8"
+type MarriageDetails struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ Relation string `xml:"relation,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: n..10
+ MarriageIdentifier *float64 `xml:"marriageIdentifier,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: n..6
+ LineNumber *float64 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ OtherRelation string `xml:"otherRelation,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an..35
+ CarrierCode string `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"`
+type RoutingGrp1 struct {
+ RoutingInfo *RoutingInfo `xml:"routingInfo"`
+ TransportServiceChange []*TransportServiceChange `xml:"transportServiceChange,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
+type TransportServiceChange struct {
+ CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentification `xml:"companyIdentification"`
+ ProductIdentificationDetails []*ProductIdentificationDetails `xml:"productIdentificationDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type TravellerGrp struct {
+ TravellerIdentRef *TravellerIdentRef `xml:"travellerIdentRef"`
+ FareRulesDetails *FareRulesDetails `xml:"fareRulesDetails,omitempty"`
+ FlightMovementDateInfo *FlightMovementDateInfo `xml:"flightMovementDateInfo,omitempty"`
+type TravellerIdentRef struct {
+ ReferenceDetails []*ReferenceDetails `xml:"referenceDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type ReferenceDetails struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an..10
+ Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"`
+type FareRulesDetails struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..9
+ TariffClassId string `xml:"tariffClassId,omitempty"`
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an..7
+ RuleSectionId []string `xml:"ruleSectionId,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type FlightMovementDateInfo struct {
+ DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type FareRouteGrp struct {
+ FareRouteInfo *FareRouteInfo `xml:"fareRouteInfo"`
+ JourneyGrp []*JourneyGrp `xml:"journeyGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="999"
+type JourneyGrp struct {
+ JourneyOriginAndDestination *JourneyOriginAndDestination `xml:"journeyOriginAndDestination"`
+ JourneyProductGrp []*JourneyProductGrp `xml:"journeyProductGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="999"
+type JourneyOriginAndDestination struct {
+ // Format limitations: an3..5
+ Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an3..5
+ Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"`
+type JourneyProductGrp struct {
+ JourneyProductInfo *JourneyProductInfo `xml:"journeyProductInfo"`
+ JourneyRoutingGrp []*JourneyRoutingGrp `xml:"journeyRoutingGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type JourneyProductInfo struct {
+ FlightDate *FlightDate `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"`
+ BoardPointDetails *BoardPointDetails `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"`
+ OffpointDetails *OffpointDetails `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"`
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
+ FlightIdentification *FlightIdentification `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"`
+ FlightTypeDetails *FlightTypeDetails `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: n..6
+ ItemNumber *float64 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ SpecialSegment string `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"`
+ MarriageDetails *MarriageDetails `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"`
+type JourneyRoutingGrp struct {
+ JourneyRoutingInfo *JourneyRoutingInfo `xml:"journeyRoutingInfo"`
+ JourneyTransportService *JourneyTransportService `xml:"journeyTransportService,omitempty"`
+type JourneyRoutingInfo struct {
+ RoutingDetails []*RoutingDetails `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type JourneyTransportService struct {
+ CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentification `xml:"companyIdentification"`
+ ProductIdentificationDetails []*ProductIdentificationDetails `xml:"productIdentificationDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type ItemGrp struct {
+ ItemNb *ItemNb `xml:"itemNb"`
+ ProductAvailabilityStatus *ProductAvailabilityStatus `xml:"productAvailabilityStatus,omitempty"`
+ QuantityItem *QuantityItem `xml:"quantityItem,omitempty"`
+ TransportServiceItem []*TransportServiceItem `xml:"transportServiceItem,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="4"
+ FreeTextItem []*FreeTextItem `xml:"freeTextItem,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+ FareQualifItem []*FareQualifItem `xml:"fareQualifItem,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+ OriginDestinationGrp []*OriginDestinationGrp `xml:"originDestinationGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+ UnitGrp []*UnitGrp `xml:"unitGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
+ MonetaryGrp []*MonetaryGrp `xml:"monetaryGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+ FarerouteGrp []*FarerouteGrp `xml:"farerouteGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type ItemNb struct {
+ ItemNumberDetails []*ItemNumberDetails `xml:"itemNumberDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type ItemNumberDetails struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
+type ProductAvailabilityStatus struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ ProductDetailsQualifier string `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"`
+ BookingClassDetails []*BookingClassDetails `xml:"bookingClassDetails"` // maxOccurs="26"
+type QuantityItem struct {
+ QuantityDetails []*QuantityDetails `xml:"quantityDetails"` // maxOccurs="9"
+type TransportServiceItem struct {
+ CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentification `xml:"companyIdentification"`
+ ProductIdentificationDetails []*ProductIdentificationDetails `xml:"productIdentificationDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type FreeTextItem struct {
+ FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualification `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an..70
+ FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type FareQualifItem struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"`
+ FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"`
+ FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
+ AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"`
+ DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
+type OriginDestinationGrp struct {
+ OriginDestOfJourney *OriginDestOfJourney `xml:"originDestOfJourney"`
+ DateForMovements *DateForMovements `xml:"dateForMovements,omitempty"`
+ RoutingForJourney *RoutingForJourney `xml:"routingForJourney,omitempty"`
+type OriginDestOfJourney struct {
+ // Format limitations: an3..5
+ Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an3..5
+ Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"`
+type DateForMovements struct {
+ DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type RoutingForJourney struct {
+ RoutingDetails []*RoutingDetails `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type UnitGrp struct {
+ NbOfUnits *NbOfUnits `xml:"nbOfUnits"`
+ UnitPricingAndDateInfo *PricingAndDateInfo `xml:"unitPricingAndDateInfo,omitempty"`
+ UnitFareDetails *UnitFareDetails `xml:"unitFareDetails,omitempty"`
+type UnitFareDetails struct {
+ FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGrouping `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"`
+type MonetaryGrp struct {
+ MonetaryValues *MonetaryValues `xml:"monetaryValues"`
+ MonetFareRuleValues *MonetFareRuleValues `xml:"monetFareRuleValues,omitempty"`
+ MonetTravellerRef *MonetTravellerRef `xml:"monetTravellerRef,omitempty"`
+ MonetTicketPriceAndDate *PricingAndDateInfo `xml:"monetTicketPriceAndDate,omitempty"`
+ MonetTaxValues *MonetTaxValues `xml:"monetTaxValues,omitempty"`
+ QualifGrp []*QualifGrp `xml:"qualifGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type MonetFareRuleValues struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..9
+ RuleSectionLocalId string `xml:"ruleSectionLocalId,omitempty"`
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyDetails `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an..7
+ RuleCategoryCode string `xml:"ruleCategoryCode,omitempty"`
+type MonetTravellerRef struct {
+ ReferenceDetails []*ReferenceDetails `xml:"referenceDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type MonetTaxValues struct {
+ TaxDetails []*TaxDetails `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type QualifGrp struct {
+ QualificationFare *QualificationFare `xml:"qualificationFare"`
+ QualifSelection *QualifSelection `xml:"qualifSelection,omitempty"`
+ QualifDateFlightMovement *QualifDateFlightMovement `xml:"qualifDateFlightMovement,omitempty"`
+ QualifConversionRate *QualifConversionRate `xml:"qualifConversionRate,omitempty"`
+type QualificationFare struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..3
+ MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"`
+ FareCategories *FareCategories `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"`
+ FareDetails *FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
+ AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareDetails `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"`
+ DiscountDetails []*DiscountDetails `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
+type QualifSelection struct {
+ SelectionDetails *SelectionDetails `xml:"selectionDetails"`
+ SelectionDetailsTwo []*SelectionDetailsTwo `xml:"selectionDetailsTwo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="98"
+type QualifDateFlightMovement struct {
+ DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type QualifConversionRate struct {
+ ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetails `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
+ OtherConversionRateDetails []*OtherConversionRateDetails `xml:"otherConversionRateDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
+type FarerouteGrp struct {
+ InfoForFareRoute *InfoForFareRoute `xml:"infoForFareRoute"`
+ FarerouteTransportService []*FarerouteTransportService `xml:"farerouteTransportService,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+ FinalOdiGrp []*FinalOdiGrp `xml:"finalOdiGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type InfoForFareRoute struct {
+ // Format limitations: an..7
+ DayOfWeek string `xml:"dayOfWeek,omitempty"`
+ FareQualifierDetails *FareQualifierDetails `xml:"fareQualifierDetails,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an..35
+ IdentificationNumber string `xml:"identificationNumber,omitempty"`
+ ValidityPeriod *ValidityPeriod `xml:"validityPeriod,omitempty"`
+type FarerouteTransportService struct {
+ CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentification `xml:"companyIdentification"`
+ ProductIdentificationDetails []*ProductIdentificationDetails `xml:"productIdentificationDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type FinalOdiGrp struct {
+ FinalOriginDestination *FinalOriginDestination `xml:"finalOriginDestination"`
+ LastOdiRoutingInfo *LastOdiRoutingInfo `xml:"lastOdiRoutingInfo,omitempty"`
+ LastOdiDateFlightMovement *LastOdiDateFlightMovement `xml:"lastOdiDateFlightMovement,omitempty"`
+type FinalOriginDestination struct {
+ // Format limitations: an3..5
+ Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"`
+ // Format limitations: an3..5
+ Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"`
+type LastOdiRoutingInfo struct {
+ RoutingDetails []*RoutingDetails `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type LastOdiDateFlightMovement struct {
+ DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetails `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
diff --git a/sdk/fare/informativeBestPricingWithoutPNR/v12_4_query/query.go b/structs/fare/informativeBestPricingWithoutPNR/v12.4/request/query.go
similarity index 72%
rename from sdk/fare/informativeBestPricingWithoutPNR/v12_4_query/query.go
rename to structs/fare/informativeBestPricingWithoutPNR/v12.4/request/query.go
index 5899e86..26c39de 100644
--- a/sdk/fare/informativeBestPricingWithoutPNR/v12_4_query/query.go
+++ b/structs/fare/informativeBestPricingWithoutPNR/v12.4/request/query.go
@@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
-package Fare_InformativeBestPricingWithoutPNR_v12_4 // tibnrq124
+package Fare_InformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRRequest_v12_4 // tibnrq124
import (
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/formats"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/formats"
-type FareInformativeBestPricingWithoutPNR struct {
+type Request struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TIBNRQ_12_4_1A Fare_InformativeBestPricingWithoutPNR"`
// Contains general information about the message, especially the use case.
MessageDetails *MessageActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"messageDetails"`
- OriginatorGroup *OriginatorGroup `xml:"originatorGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginatorGroup *OriginatorGroup `xml:"originatorGroup,omitempty"`
- ConsumerReferenceInformation *ConsumerReferenceInformationType `xml:"consumerReferenceInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConsumerReferenceInformation *ConsumerReferenceInformationType `xml:"consumerReferenceInformation,omitempty"`
// Handles: * Fare conversion option * Fare selection option
- CurrencyOverride *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"currencyOverride,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyOverride *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"currencyOverride,omitempty"`
// Used for Unifare pricing
- CorporateFareInfo *CorporateFareInformationType `xml:"corporateFareInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CorporateFareInfo *CorporateFareInformationType `xml:"corporateFareInfo,omitempty"`
- TaxExemptGroup *TaxExemptGroup `xml:"taxExemptGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxExemptGroup *TaxExemptGroup `xml:"taxExemptGroup,omitempty"`
// Form of payment at query level: 9888: type of form of payment 5004: amount (amount charged on the current FOP in case of multi FOP) 1154: Bin Number, i.e. the first six digits of any credit card
- GeneralFormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"generalFormOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ GeneralFormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"generalFormOfPayment,omitempty"`
- PassengersGroup []*PassengersGroup `xml:"passengersGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ PassengersGroup []*PassengersGroup `xml:"passengersGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
- CabinPreferenceOption []*CabinPreferenceOption `xml:"cabinPreferenceOption,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="15"
+ CabinPreferenceOption []*CabinPreferenceOption `xml:"cabinPreferenceOption,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="15"
- PricingOptionsGroup []*PricingOptionsGroup `xml:"pricingOptionsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ PricingOptionsGroup []*PricingOptionsGroup `xml:"pricingOptionsGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
TripsGroup *TripsGroup `xml:"tripsGroup"`
- ObFeeRequestGroup *ObFeeRequestGroup `xml:"obFeeRequestGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ObFeeRequestGroup *ObFeeRequestGroup `xml:"obFeeRequestGroup,omitempty"`
type OriginatorGroup struct {
// Supplementary protocol or business related information.
- AdditionalBusinessInformation *AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationTypeI `xml:"additionalBusinessInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AdditionalBusinessInformation *AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationTypeI `xml:"additionalBusinessInformation,omitempty"`
type TaxExemptGroup struct {
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ type PassengersGroup struct {
SegmentRepetitionControl *SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI `xml:"segmentRepetitionControl"`
// Passengers' tattoos provided by the carrier in case of LCC pricing with U2. NOT USED FOR FSC.
- TravellersID *SpecificTravellerTypeI `xml:"travellersID,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravellersID *SpecificTravellerTypeI `xml:"travellersID,omitempty"`
- PtcGroup []*PtcGroup `xml:"ptcGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ PtcGroup []*PtcGroup `xml:"ptcGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type PtcGroup struct {
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ type PtcGroup struct {
DiscountPtc *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"discountPtc"`
// Form of payment at passenger level 9888: type of form of payment 5004: amount (amount charged on the current FOP in case of multi FOP) 1154: Bin Number, i.e. the first six digits of any credit card
- PassengerFormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"passengerFormOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerFormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"passengerFormOfPayment,omitempty"`
type CabinPreferenceOption struct {
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ type CabinPreferenceOption struct {
PreferenceLevel *ProductInformationTypeI `xml:"preferenceLevel"`
// * Contains Cabin option information
- CabinPreference *SeatRequestParametersType `xml:"cabinPreference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CabinPreference *SeatRequestParametersType `xml:"cabinPreference,omitempty"`
type PricingOptionsGroup struct {
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ type PricingOptionsGroup struct {
PricingDetails *PricingTicketingDetailsType `xml:"pricingDetails"`
// * Expanded parameters * Forced PTC flag
- ExtPricingDetails *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"extPricingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExtPricingDetails *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"extPricingDetails,omitempty"`
type TripsGroup struct {
@@ -94,18 +94,18 @@ type SegmentGroup struct {
SegmentInformation *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"segmentInformation"`
// Used for technical stops, even if it is currently deprecated.
- AdditionnalSegmentDetails *AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionnalSegmentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AdditionnalSegmentDetails *AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionnalSegmentDetails,omitempty"`
// *** deprecated *** * A segment tattoo provided by the carrier in case of LCC pricing with U2. USELESS FOR FSC.
- SegmentPricingOptions *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentPricingOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SegmentPricingOptions *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentPricingOptions,omitempty"`
// Contain Zap Off details
- ZapOffDetails *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"zapOffDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ZapOffDetails *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"zapOffDetails,omitempty"`
- InventoryGroup *InventoryGroup `xml:"inventoryGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InventoryGroup *InventoryGroup `xml:"inventoryGroup,omitempty"`
// Options at passenger level: PTC/Discount Tier Level
- PsgDetailsGroup []*GroupPassengerDetailsType `xml:"psgDetailsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ PsgDetailsGroup []*GroupPassengerDetailsType `xml:"psgDetailsGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type InventoryGroup struct {
@@ -125,9 +125,9 @@ type FeeOptionInfoGroup struct {
FeeTypeInfo *SelectionDetailsType `xml:"feeTypeInfo"`
// Associated tax rate
- RateTaxInfo *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"rateTaxInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateTaxInfo *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"rateTaxInfo,omitempty"`
- FeeDetailsInfoGroup []*FeeDetailsInfoGroup `xml:"feeDetailsInfoGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FeeDetailsInfoGroup []*FeeDetailsInfoGroup `xml:"feeDetailsInfoGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type FeeDetailsInfoGroup struct {
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ type FeeDetailsInfoGroup struct {
FeeProcessingInfo *SelectionDetailsType `xml:"feeProcessingInfo"`
// Associated amounts: amount to take into account to calculate the fee, ...
- AssociatedAmountsInfo *MonetaryInformationType_61169S `xml:"associatedAmountsInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AssociatedAmountsInfo *MonetaryInformationType_61169S `xml:"associatedAmountsInfo,omitempty"`
@@ -148,69 +148,69 @@ type FeeDetailsInfoGroup struct {
type AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationTypeI struct {
SourceType *SourceTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"sourceType"`
- OriginatorDetails *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originatorDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginatorDetails *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originatorDetails,omitempty"`
- LocationDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"`
- CountryCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CountryCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"`
- SystemCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"systemCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SystemCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"systemCode,omitempty"`
type AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
- RateClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"`
- CommodityCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"commodityCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CommodityCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"commodityCategory,omitempty"`
- PricingGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"`
- SecondRateClass []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"secondRateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="29"
+ SecondRateClass []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"secondRateClass,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="29"
type AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI struct {
- LegDetails *AdditionalProductTypeI `xml:"legDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LegDetails *AdditionalProductTypeI `xml:"legDetails,omitempty"`
- DepartureStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"departureStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"departureStationInfo,omitempty"`
- ArrivalStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"arrivalStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"arrivalStationInfo,omitempty"`
- MileageTimeDetails *MileageTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileageTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MileageTimeDetails *MileageTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileageTimeDetails,omitempty"`
- TravellerTimeDetails *TravellerTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"travellerTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravellerTimeDetails *TravellerTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"travellerTimeDetails,omitempty"`
- FacilitiesInformation []*ProductFacilitiesTypeI `xml:"facilitiesInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ FacilitiesInformation []*ProductFacilitiesTypeI `xml:"facilitiesInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
type AdditionalProductTypeI struct {
- Equipment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"equipment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Equipment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"equipment,omitempty"`
- NumberOfStops *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"numberOfStops,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfStops *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"numberOfStops,omitempty"`
- Duration *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"duration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Duration *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"duration,omitempty"`
- Percentage *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Percentage *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"`
- DaysOfOperation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"daysOfOperation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DaysOfOperation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"daysOfOperation,omitempty"`
- DateTimePeriod formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"dateTimePeriod,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateTimePeriod formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"dateTimePeriod,omitempty"`
- ComplexingFlightIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"complexingFlightIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ComplexingFlightIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"complexingFlightIndicator,omitempty"`
- Locations []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"locations,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ Locations []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"locations,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI struct {
Identifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To15 `xml:"identifier"`
- OtherIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To15 `xml:"otherIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To15 `xml:"otherIdentifier,omitempty"`
type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
- MarketingCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MarketingCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"`
- OperatingCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperatingCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"`
- OtherCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"`
type ConsumerReferenceIdentificationType struct {
@@ -225,27 +225,27 @@ type ConsumerReferenceInformationType struct {
type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI struct {
- ConversionType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConversionType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"`
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// Not used
- RateType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"rateType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"rateType,omitempty"`
// Not used
- PricingAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"`
// Not used
- ConvertedValueAmount *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"convertedValueAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConvertedValueAmount *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"convertedValueAmount,omitempty"`
// Not used
- DutyTaxFeeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"dutyTaxFeeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DutyTaxFeeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"dutyTaxFeeType,omitempty"`
// Not used
- MeasurementValue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MeasurementValue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"`
// Not used
- MeasurementSignificance formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"measurementSignificance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MeasurementSignificance formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"measurementSignificance,omitempty"`
type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
@@ -253,13 +253,13 @@ type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
// Fare Conversion option (/R,FC-xxx): 6345 = currencty Fare Selection option (/R,FS-xxx): 9875 = 700 6345 = currencty
- OtherConvRateDetails []*ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherConvRateDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
+ OtherConvRateDetails []*ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherConvRateDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
type CorporateFareIdentifiersTypeI struct {
- FareQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"`
- CorporateID []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"corporateID,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ CorporateID []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"corporateID,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type CorporateFareInformationType struct {
@@ -271,17 +271,17 @@ type DataTypeInformationTypeI struct {
Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
// Status event
- StatusEvent formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"statusEvent,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StatusEvent formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"statusEvent,omitempty"`
type DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
FareQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareQualifier"`
- RateCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"`
- Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
- Percentage *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Percentage *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"`
type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
@@ -290,110 +290,110 @@ type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
type FareCategoryCodesTypeI struct {
FareType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"fareType"`
- OtherFareType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"otherFareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
+ OtherFareType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"otherFareType,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="8"
type FareDetailsTypeI struct {
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
- Rate *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"`
- FareCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"`
type FareDetailsTypeI_58070C struct {
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
- Rate *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To8 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To8 `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"`
- FareCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"`
type FareInformationTypeI struct {
// PTC or Fare discount
- ValueQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ValueQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"`
- Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"`
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI_58070C `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI_58070C `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
- IdentityNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdentityNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"`
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"`
- RateCategory []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ RateCategory []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type FareInformationTypeI_133432S struct {
- ValueQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ValueQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"`
- Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"`
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
- IdentityNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdentityNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"`
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"`
- RateCategory []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ RateCategory []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type FareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
- MovementType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MovementType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"movementType,omitempty"`
- FareCategories *FareCategoryCodesTypeI `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareCategories *FareCategoryCodesTypeI `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"`
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI_58070C `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI_58070C `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"`
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI struct {
- PricingGroup []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ PricingGroup []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"type"`
- Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
- Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
- VendorCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ VendorCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"`
- CreditCardNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CreditCardNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"`
- ExpiryDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExpiryDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"`
- ApprovalCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"approvalCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ApprovalCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"approvalCode,omitempty"`
- SourceOfApproval formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"sourceOfApproval,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SourceOfApproval formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"sourceOfApproval,omitempty"`
- AuthorisedAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"authorisedAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AuthorisedAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"authorisedAmount,omitempty"`
- AddressVerification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"addressVerification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AddressVerification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"addressVerification,omitempty"`
- CustomerAccount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"customerAccount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerAccount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"customerAccount,omitempty"`
- ExtendedPayment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"extendedPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExtendedPayment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"extendedPayment,omitempty"`
- FopFreeText formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"fopFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FopFreeText formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"fopFreeText,omitempty"`
- MembershipStatus formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"membershipStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MembershipStatus formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"membershipStatus,omitempty"`
- TransactionInfo formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"transactionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TransactionInfo formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"transactionInfo,omitempty"`
type FormOfPaymentTypeI struct {
FormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI `xml:"formOfPayment"`
- OtherFormOfPayment []*FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherFormOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
+ OtherFormOfPayment []*FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherFormOfPayment,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="98"
type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType struct {
@@ -403,46 +403,46 @@ type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType struct {
type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType struct {
// Carrier where the FQTV is registered.
- Carrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"carrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Carrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"carrier,omitempty"`
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To28 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To28 `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Specifies which traveller in the TIF segment the frequent traveller number applies (same as 9944 in TIF).
- CustomerReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"`
// status code: 'OK' if the frequent flyer card has been validated
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"`
// To specify a Tier linked to the FQTV
- TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"`
// For example : priority code
- PriorityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriorityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"`
// For example : Level description
- TierDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TierDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"`
// For example : Company code of alliance
- CompanyCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"companyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"companyCode,omitempty"`
- CustomerValue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"customerValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerValue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"customerValue,omitempty"`
type GenericDetailsTypeI struct {
// not used
- CabinClassDesignator formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabinClassDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CabinClassDesignator formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabinClassDesignator,omitempty"`
// Not used
- NoSmokingIndicator formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"noSmokingIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NoSmokingIndicator formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"noSmokingIndicator,omitempty"`
// Cabin class
- CabinClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabinClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CabinClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabinClass,omitempty"`
// Compartment designator
- CompartmentDesignator formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"compartmentDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompartmentDesignator formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"compartmentDesignator,omitempty"`
// not used
- SeatCharacteristic []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"seatCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ SeatCharacteristic []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"seatCharacteristic,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type GroupPassengerDetailsType struct {
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ type GroupPassengerDetailsType struct {
PassengerReference *SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI `xml:"passengerReference"`
// Passengers' tattoos
- TravellersID *SpecificTravellerTypeI `xml:"travellersID,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravellersID *SpecificTravellerTypeI `xml:"travellersID,omitempty"`
// pricing option at passenger level
PsgDetailsInfo *PsgDetailsInfo `xml:"psgDetailsInfo"`
@@ -461,55 +461,55 @@ type PsgDetailsInfo struct {
DiscountPtc *FareInformationTypeI_133432S `xml:"discountPtc"`
// Tier level information
- FlequentFlyerDetails *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"flequentFlyerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlequentFlyerDetails *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"flequentFlyerDetails,omitempty"`
type LocationDetailsTypeI struct {
- City formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"city,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ City formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"city,omitempty"`
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"`
type LocationTypeI struct {
- TrueLocationId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TrueLocationId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"`
- TrueLocation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TrueLocation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"`
type MarriageControlDetailsTypeI struct {
- Relation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"relation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Relation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"relation,omitempty"`
- MarriageIdentifier *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To10 `xml:"marriageIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MarriageIdentifier *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To10 `xml:"marriageIdentifier,omitempty"`
- LineNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LineNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"`
- OtherRelation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"otherRelation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherRelation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"otherRelation,omitempty"`
- CarrierCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CarrierCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"`
type MessageActionDetailsTypeI struct {
- MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"`
- ResponseType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"responseType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ResponseType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"responseType,omitempty"`
type MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI struct {
- BusinessFunction formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BusinessFunction formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"`
- MessageFunction formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MessageFunction formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"`
- ResponsibleAgency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ResponsibleAgency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"`
- AdditionalMessageFunction []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ AdditionalMessageFunction []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type MileageTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
- FlightLegMileage *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"flightLegMileage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightLegMileage *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"flightLegMileage,omitempty"`
- UnitQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UnitQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"`
- ElapsedGroundTime *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"elapsedGroundTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ElapsedGroundTime *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"elapsedGroundTime,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
@@ -517,10 +517,10 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
// Amount
- Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsType_96941C struct {
@@ -528,13 +528,13 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsType_96941C struct {
TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
// Amount
- Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// Location
- Location formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Location formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"location,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationType struct {
@@ -548,122 +548,122 @@ type MonetaryInformationType_61169S struct {
type OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI struct {
- Origin formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Origin formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"origin,omitempty"`
- Destination formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Destination formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"destination,omitempty"`
type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- OriginatorId *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"originatorId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginatorId *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"originatorId,omitempty"`
- InHouseIdentification1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"inHouseIdentification1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InHouseIdentification1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"inHouseIdentification1,omitempty"`
- InHouseIdentification2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"inHouseIdentification2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InHouseIdentification2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"inHouseIdentification2,omitempty"`
- InHouseIdentification3 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"inHouseIdentification3,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InHouseIdentification3 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"inHouseIdentification3,omitempty"`
type PricingTicketingDetailsType struct {
- PriceTicketDetails *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"priceTicketDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceTicketDetails *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"priceTicketDetails,omitempty"`
- PriceTariffType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"priceTariffType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceTariffType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"priceTariffType,omitempty"`
// Not used
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"`
// * Validating Carrier : 9906 : MarketingCompany * Award Publishing Carrier : 9906 : OtherCompany
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
// Controlling Carrier
- CompanyNumberDetails *CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"companyNumberDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyNumberDetails *CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"companyNumberDetails,omitempty"`
// Point Of Sale Override Information (3225 : City)
- LocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"`
// Point Of Ticketing Override Information (3225 : City)
- OtherLocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherLocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"`
// PSR
- IdNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"`
- MonetaryAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"monetaryAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MonetaryAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"monetaryAmount,omitempty"`
type PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI struct {
- PriceTicketDetails *PricingTicketingInformationTypeI `xml:"priceTicketDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceTicketDetails *PricingTicketingInformationTypeI `xml:"priceTicketDetails,omitempty"`
- PriceTariffType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"priceTariffType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceTariffType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"priceTariffType,omitempty"`
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"`
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
- CompanyNumberDetails *CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"companyNumberDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyNumberDetails *CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"companyNumberDetails,omitempty"`
- LocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"`
- OtherLocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherLocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"`
- IdNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"`
- MonetaryAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"monetaryAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MonetaryAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"monetaryAmount,omitempty"`
type PricingTicketingInformationType struct {
- Indicators []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ Indicators []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicators,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type PricingTicketingInformationTypeI struct {
- Indicators []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ Indicators []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicators,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type ProductDateTimeTypeI struct {
- DepartureDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"`
- DepartureTime *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureTime *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"`
- ArrivalDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"`
- ArrivalTime *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalTime *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"`
- DateVariation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateVariation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"`
type ProductDetailsTypeI struct {
Designator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"designator"`
- AvailabilityStatus formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"availabilityStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AvailabilityStatus formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"availabilityStatus,omitempty"`
- SpecialService formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"specialService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SpecialService formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"specialService,omitempty"`
- Option []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ Option []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"option,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type ProductFacilitiesTypeI struct {
- Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"code,omitempty"`
- Description formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Description formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"description,omitempty"`
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
- ExtensionCode []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"extensionCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
+ ExtensionCode []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"extensionCode,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="26"
type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
FlightNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"flightNumber"`
- BookingClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"`
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"`
- Modifier []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ Modifier []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type ProductInformationTypeI struct {
- ProductDetailsQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDetailsQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"`
// Not used
- BookingClassDetails []*ProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"bookingClassDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
+ BookingClassDetails []*ProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"bookingClassDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="26"
type ProductTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -675,39 +675,39 @@ type RangeOfRowsDetailsTypeI struct {
SeatRowNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"seatRowNumber"`
// Number of rows
- NumberOfRows *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"numberOfRows,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfRows *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"numberOfRows,omitempty"`
// Seat column
- SeatColumn []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"seatColumn,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ SeatColumn []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"seatColumn,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type SeatRequestParametersType struct {
// Generic details
- GenericDetails *GenericDetailsTypeI `xml:"genericDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ GenericDetails *GenericDetailsTypeI `xml:"genericDetails,omitempty"`
// not used
- RangeOfRowsDetails *RangeOfRowsDetailsTypeI `xml:"rangeOfRowsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RangeOfRowsDetails *RangeOfRowsDetailsTypeI `xml:"rangeOfRowsDetails,omitempty"`
// not used
- ProcessingIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"processingIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProcessingIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"processingIndicator,omitempty"`
// not used
- ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"`
// not used
- Description formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Description formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"description,omitempty"`
type SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI struct {
- Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"`
- NumberOfUnits *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfUnits *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"`
- TotalNumberOfItems *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"totalNumberOfItems,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TotalNumberOfItems *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"totalNumberOfItems,omitempty"`
type SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI struct {
- SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type SelectionDetailsInformationType struct {
@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ type SelectionDetailsInformationType struct {
Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
// Carrier fee status
- OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"`
type SelectionDetailsType struct {
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ type SelectionDetailsType struct {
type SourceTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
SourceQualifier1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"sourceQualifier1"`
- SourceQualifier2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"sourceQualifier2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SourceQualifier2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"sourceQualifier2,omitempty"`
type SpecificDataInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -735,69 +735,69 @@ type SpecificDataInformationTypeI struct {
type SpecificTravellerDetailsTypeI struct {
- ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"`
- MeasurementValue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MeasurementValue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"`
- FirstDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"firstDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FirstDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"firstDate,omitempty"`
- Surname formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"surname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Surname formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"surname,omitempty"`
- FirstName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"firstName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FirstName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"firstName,omitempty"`
type SpecificTravellerTypeI struct {
- TravellerDetails []*SpecificTravellerDetailsTypeI `xml:"travellerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TravellerDetails []*SpecificTravellerDetailsTypeI `xml:"travellerDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type StationInformationTypeI struct {
- GateDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"gateDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ GateDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"gateDescription,omitempty"`
- Terminal formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Terminal formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"terminal,omitempty"`
- Concourse formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"concourse,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Concourse formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"concourse,omitempty"`
type TaxDetailsTypeI struct {
- Rate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
- CountryCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CountryCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"`
- CurrencyCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"`
- Type []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ Type []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type TaxTypeI struct {
- TaxCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"`
- TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
- FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"`
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"`
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"`
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
- FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"`
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"`
- ItemNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ItemNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"`
- SpecialSegment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SpecialSegment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"`
- MarriageDetails []*MarriageControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ MarriageDetails []*MarriageControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type TravellerTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
- DepartureTime *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureTime *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"`
- ArrivalTime *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalTime *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"`
- CheckInDateTime formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"checkInDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CheckInDateTime formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"checkInDateTime,omitempty"`
diff --git a/sdk/fare/informativeBestPricingWithoutPNR/v12_4_reply/reply.go b/structs/fare/informativeBestPricingWithoutPNR/v12.4/response/reply.go
similarity index 60%
rename from sdk/fare/informativeBestPricingWithoutPNR/v12_4_reply/reply.go
rename to structs/fare/informativeBestPricingWithoutPNR/v12.4/response/reply.go
index d71d94c..8f7ab96 100644
--- a/sdk/fare/informativeBestPricingWithoutPNR/v12_4_reply/reply.go
+++ b/structs/fare/informativeBestPricingWithoutPNR/v12.4/response/reply.go
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-package Fare_InformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRReply_v12_4 // tibnrr124
+package Fare_InformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRResponse_v12_4 // tibnrr124
//import "encoding/xml"
-type FareInformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRReply struct {
+type Response struct {
// XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TIBNRR_12_4_1A Fare_InformativeBestPricingWithoutPNRReply"`
// Contains general information about the message, especially the use case. Tells if the request was correctly performed of not.
MessageDetails *MessageActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"messageDetails"`
- ErrorGroup *ErrorGroupType `xml:"errorGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorGroup *ErrorGroupType `xml:"errorGroup,omitempty"`
- MainGroup *MainGroup `xml:"mainGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MainGroup *MainGroup `xml:"mainGroup,omitempty"`
type MainGroup struct {
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ type MainGroup struct {
DummySegment *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"dummySegment"`
// Convertion rates and currency information.
- ConvertionRate *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"convertionRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConvertionRate *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"convertionRate,omitempty"`
- GeneralIndicatorsGroup *GeneralIndicatorsGroup `xml:"generalIndicatorsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ GeneralIndicatorsGroup *GeneralIndicatorsGroup `xml:"generalIndicatorsGroup,omitempty"`
PricingGroupLevelGroup []*PricingGroupLevelGroup `xml:"pricingGroupLevelGroup"` // maxOccurs="99"
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ type PricingGroupLevelGroup struct {
NumberOfPax *SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI `xml:"numberOfPax"`
// * IDs of the passengers (same as in the request) * Carrier-related tattoo for LCC pricing (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
- PassengersID []*SpecificTravellerTypeI `xml:"passengersID,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ PassengersID []*SpecificTravellerTypeI `xml:"passengersID,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
FareInfoGroup *FareInfoGroup `xml:"fareInfoGroup"`
@@ -45,26 +45,26 @@ type FareInfoGroup struct {
EmptySegment *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"emptySegment"`
// Contains pricing-related indicators: * "Fare Basis in fare calc" flag * Last ticketing date * Type of fare priced * Non-Homogenous Reco(BestBuy only) * Rebooking required (BestBuy only) ... and many more
- PricingIndicators *PricingTicketingDetailsType `xml:"pricingIndicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingIndicators *PricingTicketingDetailsType `xml:"pricingIndicators,omitempty"`
- FareAmount *MonetaryInformationType_157223S `xml:"fareAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareAmount *MonetaryInformationType_157223S `xml:"fareAmount,omitempty"`
// Used to store text data such as: * Horizontal fare calulation line * Mileage fare calculation line * Endorsement information ...
- TextData []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"textData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TextData []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"textData,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
- SurchargesGroup *SurchargesGroup `xml:"surchargesGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SurchargesGroup *SurchargesGroup `xml:"surchargesGroup,omitempty"`
- CorporateGroup []*CorporateGroup `xml:"corporateGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ CorporateGroup []*CorporateGroup `xml:"corporateGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
- NegoFareGroup []*NegoFareGroup `xml:"negoFareGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ NegoFareGroup []*NegoFareGroup `xml:"negoFareGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
- SegmentLevelGroup []*SegmentLevelGroup `xml:"segmentLevelGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ SegmentLevelGroup []*SegmentLevelGroup `xml:"segmentLevelGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
- StructuredFareCalcGroup *StructuredFareCalcGroup `xml:"structuredFareCalcGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcGroup *StructuredFareCalcGroup `xml:"structuredFareCalcGroup,omitempty"`
- CarrierFeeGroup []*CarrierFeeGroup `xml:"carrierFeeGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ CarrierFeeGroup []*CarrierFeeGroup `xml:"carrierFeeGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
- FareComponentDetailsGroup []*FareComponentDetailsType `xml:"fareComponentDetailsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FareComponentDetailsGroup []*FareComponentDetailsType `xml:"fareComponentDetailsGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type SurchargesGroup struct {
@@ -72,10 +72,10 @@ type SurchargesGroup struct {
TaxesAmount *TaxTypeI `xml:"taxesAmount"`
// Stores the information related to the penalties: amount or rate, currency...
- PenaltiesAmount *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"penaltiesAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PenaltiesAmount *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"penaltiesAmount,omitempty"`
// To store the Passenger Facility Charges.
- PfcAmount []*MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"pfcAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ PfcAmount []*MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"pfcAmount,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type CorporateGroup struct {
@@ -86,13 +86,13 @@ type CorporateGroup struct {
type NegoFareGroup struct {
NegoFareIndicators *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI `xml:"negoFareIndicators"`
- ExtNegoFareIndicators *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"extNegoFareIndicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExtNegoFareIndicators *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"extNegoFareIndicators,omitempty"`
// Amount of the negociated fares
- NegoFareAmount *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"negoFareAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NegoFareAmount *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"negoFareAmount,omitempty"`
// Text informations : indicates to ticketing what to print in Fare and Total boxes.
- NegoFareText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"negoFareText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NegoFareText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"negoFareText,omitempty"`
type SegmentLevelGroup struct {
@@ -100,21 +100,21 @@ type SegmentLevelGroup struct {
SegmentInformation *TravelProductInformationTypeI_33489S `xml:"segmentInformation"`
// Contains the following pieces of information: * Ticket designator * NVA date * NVB date * Split PNR indicator * Slice And Dice indicator
- AdditionalInformation *PricingTicketingDetailsType `xml:"additionalInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AdditionalInformation *PricingTicketingDetailsType `xml:"additionalInformation,omitempty"`
// Contains the following pieces of information: * Transportation class * Fare Basis * Fare by Rule flag
- FareBasis *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareBasis *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"`
- CabinGroup []*CabinGroup `xml:"cabinGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ CabinGroup []*CabinGroup `xml:"cabinGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Baggage allowance in a given measurement unit.
- BaggageAllowance *ExcessBaggageTypeI `xml:"baggageAllowance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BaggageAllowance *ExcessBaggageTypeI `xml:"baggageAllowance,omitempty"`
// PTC associated to this segment in this fare group.
- PtcSegment *NumberOfUnitsTypeI `xml:"ptcSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PtcSegment *NumberOfUnitsTypeI `xml:"ptcSegment,omitempty"`
// Coupon value/TPM for national fares
- CouponInformation *QuantityTypeI `xml:"couponInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CouponInformation *QuantityTypeI `xml:"couponInformation,omitempty"`
type CabinGroup struct {
@@ -126,48 +126,48 @@ type StructuredFareCalcGroup struct {
// Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
StructureFareCalcRoot *FareComponentInformationTypeI `xml:"structureFareCalcRoot"`
- Group27 []*Group27 `xml:"group27,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ Group27 []*Group27 `xml:"group27,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type Group27 struct {
// Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
StructuredFareCalcG27EQN *NumberOfUnitsTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG27EQN"`
- Group28 []*Group28 `xml:"group28,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ Group28 []*Group28 `xml:"group28,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Dummy segment to differentiate MON in group 29 and 28
DummySegmentGroup27 *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"dummySegmentGroup27"`
// Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG27MON *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG27MON,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcG27MON *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG27MON,omitempty"`
// Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG27TXD []*TaxTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG27TXD,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ StructuredFareCalcG27TXD []*TaxTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG27TXD,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG27CVR *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG27CVR,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcG27CVR *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG27CVR,omitempty"`
type Group28 struct {
// Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
StructuredFareCalcG28ITM *ItemNumberTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28ITM"`
- Group29 []*Group29 `xml:"group29,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ Group29 []*Group29 `xml:"group29,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28MON *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28MON,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcG28MON *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28MON,omitempty"`
// Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28PTS *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28PTS,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcG28PTS *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28PTS,omitempty"`
// Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28FCC *FareCalculationCodeDetailsTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28FCC,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcG28FCC *FareCalculationCodeDetailsTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28FCC,omitempty"`
// Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28PTK *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28PTK,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcG28PTK *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28PTK,omitempty"`
// Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28FRU *FareRulesInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28FRU,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcG28FRU *FareRulesInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28FRU,omitempty"`
type Group29 struct {
@@ -175,14 +175,14 @@ type Group29 struct {
StructuredFareCalcG28ADT *ActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28ADT"`
// Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28TVL *TravelProductInformationTypeI_33489S `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28TVL,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcG28TVL *TravelProductInformationTypeI_33489S `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28TVL,omitempty"`
type CarrierFeeGroup struct {
// Nature of the fee (OB, OC, ...)
FeeType *SelectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"feeType"`
- FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type FeeDetails struct {
@@ -190,13 +190,13 @@ type FeeDetails struct {
FeeInfo *SpecificDataInformationTypeI `xml:"feeInfo"`
// Fee associated amounts: amount with/without tax, total tax amount
- FeeAmounts *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"feeAmounts,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeAmounts *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"feeAmounts,omitempty"`
// taxes related to this fee
- FeeTaxes []*TaxTypeI `xml:"feeTaxes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FeeTaxes []*TaxTypeI `xml:"feeTaxes,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Attributes of this fee (commercial description, ...)
- FeeDescription *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"feeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeDescription *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"feeDescription,omitempty"`
@@ -204,23 +204,23 @@ type FeeDetails struct {
type ActionDetailsTypeI struct {
- NumberOfItemsDetails *ProcessingInformationTypeI `xml:"numberOfItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfItemsDetails *ProcessingInformationTypeI `xml:"numberOfItemsDetails,omitempty"`
- LastItemsDetails []*ReferenceTypeI `xml:"lastItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ LastItemsDetails []*ReferenceTypeI `xml:"lastItemsDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..35
- RateClass string `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateClass string `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..18
- CommodityCategory string `xml:"commodityCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CommodityCategory string `xml:"commodityCategory,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- SecondRateClass []string `xml:"secondRateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="29"
+ SecondRateClass []string `xml:"secondRateClass,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="29"
type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
@@ -228,10 +228,10 @@ type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
// Identification of a code list.
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"`
// Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"`
type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
@@ -241,54 +241,54 @@ type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
type BaggageDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: n..15
- FreeAllowance *int32 `xml:"freeAllowance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeAllowance *int32 `xml:"freeAllowance,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..18
- Measurement *int32 `xml:"measurement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Measurement *int32 `xml:"measurement,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- QuantityCode string `xml:"quantityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ QuantityCode string `xml:"quantityCode,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- ProcessIndicator string `xml:"processIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProcessIndicator string `xml:"processIndicator,omitempty"`
type BagtagDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..35
- Company string `xml:"company,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Company string `xml:"company,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- Identifier string `xml:"identifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Identifier string `xml:"identifier,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..15
- Number *int32 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number *int32 `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..25
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..15
- CompanyNumber string `xml:"companyNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyNumber string `xml:"companyNumber,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Characteristic string `xml:"characteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Characteristic string `xml:"characteristic,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..4
- SpecialRequirement string `xml:"specialRequirement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SpecialRequirement string `xml:"specialRequirement,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..18
- Measurement *int32 `xml:"measurement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Measurement *int32 `xml:"measurement,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..70
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"`
type CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI struct {
@@ -296,50 +296,50 @@ type CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI struct {
Identifier string `xml:"identifier"`
// Format limitations: an..15
- OtherIdentifier string `xml:"otherIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherIdentifier string `xml:"otherIdentifier,omitempty"`
type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..35
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- OperatingCompany string `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperatingCompany string `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"`
type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- RateType string `xml:"rateType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateType string `xml:"rateType,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..18
- PricingAmount *float64 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingAmount *float64 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..18
- ConvertedValueAmount *int32 `xml:"convertedValueAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConvertedValueAmount *int32 `xml:"convertedValueAmount,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- DutyTaxFeeType string `xml:"dutyTaxFeeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DutyTaxFeeType string `xml:"dutyTaxFeeType,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..18
- MeasurementValue *int32 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MeasurementValue *int32 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- MeasurementSignificance string `xml:"measurementSignificance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MeasurementSignificance string `xml:"measurementSignificance,omitempty"`
type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
- OtherConvRateDetails []*ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherConvRateDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
+ OtherConvRateDetails []*ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherConvRateDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
type CouponDetailsType struct {
@@ -347,18 +347,18 @@ type CouponDetailsType struct {
ProductId *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"productId"`
// Flight Connection Type
- FlightConnectionType *TravelProductInformationType `xml:"flightConnectionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightConnectionType *TravelProductInformationType `xml:"flightConnectionType,omitempty"`
type DataInformationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..15
- Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Unit string `xml:"unit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Unit string `xml:"unit,omitempty"`
type DataTypeInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -366,19 +366,19 @@ type DataTypeInformationTypeI struct {
Type string `xml:"type"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- StatusEvent string `xml:"statusEvent,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StatusEvent string `xml:"statusEvent,omitempty"`
type DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- DiscountPenaltyQualifier string `xml:"discountPenaltyQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DiscountPenaltyQualifier string `xml:"discountPenaltyQualifier,omitempty"`
- DiscountPenaltyDetails []*DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"discountPenaltyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ DiscountPenaltyDetails []*DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"discountPenaltyDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type DiscountPenaltyInformationType struct {
// Used for codes in the AMADEUS code tables. Code Length is three alphanumeric characters.
- FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"`
type DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -386,30 +386,30 @@ type DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..18
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..8
- Percentage *int32 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Percentage *int32 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"`
type DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- Function string `xml:"function,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Function string `xml:"function,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- AmountType string `xml:"amountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AmountType string `xml:"amountType,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..18
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
@@ -420,47 +420,47 @@ type ErrorGroupType struct {
ErrorOrWarningCodeDetails *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"errorOrWarningCodeDetails"`
// The desciption of warning or error.
- ErrorWarningDescription *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"errorWarningDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorWarningDescription *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"errorWarningDescription,omitempty"`
type ExcessBaggageDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..18
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- ProcessIndicator string `xml:"processIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProcessIndicator string `xml:"processIndicator,omitempty"`
type ExcessBaggageTypeI struct {
- ExcessBaggageDetails *ExcessBaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"excessBaggageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExcessBaggageDetails *ExcessBaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"excessBaggageDetails,omitempty"`
- BaggageDetails *BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"baggageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BaggageDetails *BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"baggageDetails,omitempty"`
- OtherBaggageDetails *BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherBaggageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherBaggageDetails *BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherBaggageDetails,omitempty"`
- ExtraBaggageDetails *BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"extraBaggageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExtraBaggageDetails *BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"extraBaggageDetails,omitempty"`
- BagTagDetails []*BagtagDetailsTypeI `xml:"bagTagDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ BagTagDetails []*BagtagDetailsTypeI `xml:"bagTagDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type FareCalculationCodeDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- ChargeCategory string `xml:"chargeCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ChargeCategory string `xml:"chargeCategory,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..18
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..25
- LocationCode string `xml:"locationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationCode string `xml:"locationCode,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..25
- OtherLocationCode string `xml:"otherLocationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherLocationCode string `xml:"otherLocationCode,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..8
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
type FareCategoryCodesTypeI struct {
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ type FareCategoryCodesTypeI struct {
FareType string `xml:"fareType"`
// Format limitations: an..20
- OtherFareType []string `xml:"otherFareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
+ OtherFareType []string `xml:"otherFareType,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="8"
type FareComponentDetailsType struct {
@@ -476,108 +476,108 @@ type FareComponentDetailsType struct {
FareComponentID *ItemNumberType `xml:"fareComponentID"`
// Market information related to fare component
- MarketFareComponent *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"marketFareComponent,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MarketFareComponent *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"marketFareComponent,omitempty"`
// Monetary Information
- MonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"`
// Component Class information
- ComponentClassInfo *PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType `xml:"componentClassInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ComponentClassInfo *PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType `xml:"componentClassInfo,omitempty"`
// Fare Qualifier Detail
- FareQualifiersDetail *FareQualifierDetailsType `xml:"fareQualifiersDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareQualifiersDetail *FareQualifierDetailsType `xml:"fareQualifiersDetail,omitempty"`
CouponDetailsGroup []*CouponDetailsType `xml:"couponDetailsGroup"` // maxOccurs="99"
type FareComponentDetailsTypeI struct {
// Type of data _ fare calc or exchanged residual fare data
- DataType string `xml:"dataType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DataType string `xml:"dataType,omitempty"`
// Fare component count
- Count *int32 `xml:"count,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Count *int32 `xml:"count,omitempty"`
// Price quote date
- PricingDate string `xml:"pricingDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingDate string `xml:"pricingDate,omitempty"`
// Account code
- AccountCode string `xml:"accountCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AccountCode string `xml:"accountCode,omitempty"`
// Input designator
- InputDesignator string `xml:"inputDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InputDesignator string `xml:"inputDesignator,omitempty"`
type FareComponentInformationTypeI struct {
- FareComponentDetails *FareComponentDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareComponentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareComponentDetails *FareComponentDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareComponentDetails,omitempty"`
// Ticket document number
- TicketNumber string `xml:"ticketNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketNumber string `xml:"ticketNumber,omitempty"`
type FareDetailsTypeI struct {
// Not used
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Not used
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
// Not used
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"`
// Fare indicators
- FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"`
type FareInformationTypeI struct {
// Not used
- ValueQualifier string `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ValueQualifier string `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"`
// Not used
- Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"`
// Fare information
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
// Not used
- IdentityNumber string `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdentityNumber string `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"`
// Not used
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"`
// Not used
- RateCategory []string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ RateCategory []string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type FareQualifierDetailsType struct {
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationType `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationType `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type FareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"`
- FareCategories *FareCategoryCodesTypeI `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareCategories *FareCategoryCodesTypeI `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"`
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"`
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type FareRulesInformationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..9
- TariffClassId string `xml:"tariffClassId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TariffClassId string `xml:"tariffClassId,omitempty"`
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..7
- RuleSectionId []string `xml:"ruleSectionId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ RuleSectionId []string `xml:"ruleSectionId,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..35
- PricingGroup []string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ PricingGroup []string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
@@ -585,16 +585,16 @@ type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
// Format limitations: an..4
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
Source string `xml:"source"`
@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
type FreeTextInformationType struct {
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType `xml:"freeTextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType `xml:"freeTextDetails,omitempty"`
// Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
FreeText []string `xml:"freeText"` // maxOccurs="99"
@@ -615,42 +615,42 @@ type FreeTextQualificationTypeI struct {
TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
// Format limitations: an..4
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"`
type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..250
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type ItemNumberIdentificationType struct {
// Format limitations: an..35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberIdentificationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberType struct {
@@ -663,61 +663,61 @@ type ItemNumberTypeI struct {
type LocationDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..25
- City string `xml:"city,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ City string `xml:"city,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"`
type LocationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..25
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"`
type LocationTypeI_58141C struct {
// Format limitations: an..25
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..17
- TrueLocation string `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TrueLocation string `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"`
type MarriageControlDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- Relation string `xml:"relation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Relation string `xml:"relation,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..10
- MarriageIdentifier *int32 `xml:"marriageIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MarriageIdentifier *int32 `xml:"marriageIdentifier,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..6
- LineNumber *int32 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LineNumber *int32 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- OtherRelation string `xml:"otherRelation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherRelation string `xml:"otherRelation,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- CarrierCode string `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CarrierCode string `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"`
type MessageActionDetailsTypeI struct {
- MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- ResponseType string `xml:"responseType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ResponseType string `xml:"responseType,omitempty"`
type MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- BusinessFunction string `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BusinessFunction string `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- AdditionalMessageFunction []string `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ AdditionalMessageFunction []string `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
@@ -725,10 +725,10 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
// Amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -736,13 +736,13 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..25
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223868C struct {
@@ -750,13 +750,13 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223868C struct {
TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
// Amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// location
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationType struct {
@@ -764,142 +764,142 @@ type MonetaryInformationType struct {
MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
// Other monetary information per fare component
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
+ OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
+ OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
type MonetaryInformationType_157223S struct {
MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223868C `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223868C `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223868C `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: n..15
- NumberOfUnit *int32 `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfUnit *int32 `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"`
type NumberOfUnitsTypeI struct {
QuantityDetails *NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"quantityDetails"`
- OtherQuantityDetails []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherQuantityDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
+ OtherQuantityDetails []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherQuantityDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="8"
type PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType struct {
- FareBasisDetails *RateTariffClassInformationType `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareBasisDetails *RateTariffClassInformationType `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"`
type PricingTicketingDetailsType struct {
- PriceTicketDetails *PricingTicketingInformationTypeI `xml:"priceTicketDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceTicketDetails *PricingTicketingInformationTypeI `xml:"priceTicketDetails,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- PriceTariffType string `xml:"priceTariffType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceTariffType string `xml:"priceTariffType,omitempty"`
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"`
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
- CompanyNumberDetails *CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"companyNumberDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyNumberDetails *CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"companyNumberDetails,omitempty"`
- LocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"`
- OtherLocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherLocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..18
- MonetaryAmount *float64 `xml:"monetaryAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MonetaryAmount *float64 `xml:"monetaryAmount,omitempty"`
type PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI struct {
- PriceTicketDetails *PricingTicketingInformationTypeI `xml:"priceTicketDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceTicketDetails *PricingTicketingInformationTypeI `xml:"priceTicketDetails,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- PriceTariffType string `xml:"priceTariffType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceTariffType string `xml:"priceTariffType,omitempty"`
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"`
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
- CompanyNumberDetails *CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"companyNumberDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyNumberDetails *CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"companyNumberDetails,omitempty"`
- LocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"`
- OtherLocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherLocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..35
- IdNumber *int32 `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdNumber *int32 `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..18
- MonetaryAmount *float64 `xml:"monetaryAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MonetaryAmount *float64 `xml:"monetaryAmount,omitempty"`
type PricingTicketingInformationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- Indicators []string `xml:"indicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ Indicators []string `xml:"indicators,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..35
- ItemNumber string `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ItemNumber string `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"`
- FareBasisDetails *RateTariffClassInformationTypeI `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareBasisDetails *RateTariffClassInformationTypeI `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..18
- FareValue *int32 `xml:"fareValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareValue *int32 `xml:"fareValue,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- PriceType string `xml:"priceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceType string `xml:"priceType,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- SpecialCondition string `xml:"specialCondition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SpecialCondition string `xml:"specialCondition,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- OtherSpecialCondition string `xml:"otherSpecialCondition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherSpecialCondition string `xml:"otherSpecialCondition,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- AdditionalSpecialCondition string `xml:"additionalSpecialCondition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AdditionalSpecialCondition string `xml:"additionalSpecialCondition,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- TaxCategory []string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ TaxCategory []string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type ProcessingInformationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- ActionQualifier string `xml:"actionQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ActionQualifier string `xml:"actionQualifier,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- ReferenceQualifier string `xml:"referenceQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceQualifier string `xml:"referenceQualifier,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..6
- NumberOfItems string `xml:"numberOfItems,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfItems string `xml:"numberOfItems,omitempty"`
type ProductDateTimeTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..35
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..4
- DepartureTime *int32 `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureTime *int32 `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..4
- ArrivalTime *int32 `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalTime *int32 `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n1
- DateVariation *int32 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateVariation *int32 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"`
type ProductDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -907,13 +907,13 @@ type ProductDetailsTypeI struct {
Designator string `xml:"designator"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- AvailabilityStatus string `xml:"availabilityStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AvailabilityStatus string `xml:"availabilityStatus,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- SpecialService string `xml:"specialService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SpecialService string `xml:"specialService,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..7
- Option []string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ Option []string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -921,20 +921,20 @@ type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
FlightNumber string `xml:"flightNumber"`
// Format limitations: an..17
- BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..7
- Modifier []string `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ Modifier []string `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type ProductInformationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- ProductDetailsQualifier string `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDetailsQualifier string `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"`
- BookingClassDetails []*ProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"bookingClassDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
+ BookingClassDetails []*ProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"bookingClassDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="26"
type ProductTypeDetailsType struct {
@@ -955,35 +955,35 @@ type QuantityDetailsTypeI struct {
Value int32 `xml:"value"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Unit string `xml:"unit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Unit string `xml:"unit,omitempty"`
type QuantityTypeI struct {
QuantityDetails *QuantityDetailsTypeI `xml:"quantityDetails"`
- OtherquantityDetails []*QuantityDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherquantityDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
+ OtherquantityDetails []*QuantityDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherquantityDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="8"
type RateTariffClassInformationType struct {
// Fare Basis Code
- RateTariffClass string `xml:"rateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateTariffClass string `xml:"rateTariffClass,omitempty"`
// Ticket Designator
- OtherRateTariffClass string `xml:"otherRateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherRateTariffClass string `xml:"otherRateTariffClass,omitempty"`
type RateTariffClassInformationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..35
- RateTariffClass string `xml:"rateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateTariffClass string `xml:"rateTariffClass,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- RateTariffIndicator string `xml:"rateTariffIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateTariffIndicator string `xml:"rateTariffIndicator,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- OtherRateTariffClass string `xml:"otherRateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherRateTariffClass string `xml:"otherRateTariffClass,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- OtherRateTariffIndicator string `xml:"otherRateTariffIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherRateTariffIndicator string `xml:"otherRateTariffIndicator,omitempty"`
type ReferenceInfoType struct {
@@ -992,10 +992,10 @@ type ReferenceInfoType struct {
type ReferenceTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..6
- NumberOfItems string `xml:"numberOfItems,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfItems string `xml:"numberOfItems,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- LastItemIdentifier []string `xml:"lastItemIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ LastItemIdentifier []string `xml:"lastItemIdentifier,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
@@ -1008,17 +1008,17 @@ type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
type SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: n..15
- Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..15
- NumberOfUnits *int32 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfUnits *int32 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..15
- TotalNumberOfItems *int32 `xml:"totalNumberOfItems,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TotalNumberOfItems *int32 `xml:"totalNumberOfItems,omitempty"`
type SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI struct {
- SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -1026,96 +1026,96 @@ type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
Option string `xml:"option"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"`
type SelectionDetailsTypeI struct {
SelectionDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"selectionDetails"`
- OtherSelectionDetails []*SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"otherSelectionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
+ OtherSelectionDetails []*SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"otherSelectionDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="98"
type SpecificDataInformationTypeI struct {
DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationTypeI `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
- DataInformation []*DataInformationTypeI `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ DataInformation []*DataInformationTypeI `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type SpecificTravellerDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..10
- ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..18
- MeasurementValue *int32 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MeasurementValue *int32 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- FirstDate string `xml:"firstDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FirstDate string `xml:"firstDate,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..70
- Surname string `xml:"surname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Surname string `xml:"surname,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..70
- FirstName string `xml:"firstName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FirstName string `xml:"firstName,omitempty"`
type SpecificTravellerTypeI struct {
- TravellerDetails []*SpecificTravellerDetailsTypeI `xml:"travellerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TravellerDetails []*SpecificTravellerDetailsTypeI `xml:"travellerDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type TaxDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..17
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Type []string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ Type []string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type TaxTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- TaxCategory string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxCategory string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"`
- TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type TravelProductInformationType struct {
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"`
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"`
// TST Connection Type
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"`
type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"`
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"`
type TravelProductInformationTypeI_33489S struct {
- FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"`
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI_58141C `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI_58141C `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"`
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI_58141C `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI_58141C `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"`
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
- FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"`
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..6
- ItemNumber *int32 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ItemNumber *int32 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- SpecialSegment string `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SpecialSegment string `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"`
- MarriageDetails []*MarriageControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ MarriageDetails []*MarriageControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
diff --git a/sdk/fare/informativePricingWithoutPNR/v12_4_query/query.go b/structs/fare/informativePricingWithoutPNR/v12.4/request/query.go
similarity index 73%
rename from sdk/fare/informativePricingWithoutPNR/v12_4_query/query.go
rename to structs/fare/informativePricingWithoutPNR/v12.4/request/query.go
index aade96f..db25007 100644
--- a/sdk/fare/informativePricingWithoutPNR/v12_4_query/query.go
+++ b/structs/fare/informativePricingWithoutPNR/v12.4/request/query.go
@@ -3,43 +3,43 @@ package Fare_InformativePricingWithoutPNR_v12_4 // tipnrq124
import (
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/formats"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/formats"
-type FareInformativePricingWithoutPNR struct {
+type Request struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TIPNRQ_12_4_1A Fare_InformativePricingWithoutPNR"`
// Contains general information about the message, especially the use case.
MessageDetails *MessageActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"messageDetails"`
- OriginatorGroup *OriginatorGroup `xml:"originatorGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginatorGroup *OriginatorGroup `xml:"originatorGroup,omitempty"`
// Handles: * Fare conversion option * Fare selection option
- CurrencyOverride *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"currencyOverride,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyOverride *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"currencyOverride,omitempty"`
// Used for Unifare pricing
- CorporateFares *CorporateFareInformationType `xml:"corporateFares,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CorporateFares *CorporateFareInformationType `xml:"corporateFares,omitempty"`
- TaxExemptGroup *TaxExemptGroup `xml:"taxExemptGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxExemptGroup *TaxExemptGroup `xml:"taxExemptGroup,omitempty"`
// Form of payment at query level
- GeneralFormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"generalFormOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ GeneralFormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"generalFormOfPayment,omitempty"`
- PassengersGroup []*PassengersGroup `xml:"passengersGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ PassengersGroup []*PassengersGroup `xml:"passengersGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
- PricingOptionsGroup []*PricingOptionsGroup `xml:"pricingOptionsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ PricingOptionsGroup []*PricingOptionsGroup `xml:"pricingOptionsGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// This option allows to target the wished amount (called Instant pricing option)
- InstantPricingOption *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"instantPricingOption,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InstantPricingOption *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"instantPricingOption,omitempty"`
TripsGroup *TripsGroup `xml:"tripsGroup"`
- ObFeeRequestGroup *ObFeeRequestGroup `xml:"obFeeRequestGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ObFeeRequestGroup *ObFeeRequestGroup `xml:"obFeeRequestGroup,omitempty"`
type OriginatorGroup struct {
// Supplementary protocol or business related information.
- AdditionalBusinessInformation *AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationTypeI `xml:"additionalBusinessInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AdditionalBusinessInformation *AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationTypeI `xml:"additionalBusinessInformation,omitempty"`
type TaxExemptGroup struct {
@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ type PassengersGroup struct {
SegmentRepetitionControl *SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI_69179S `xml:"segmentRepetitionControl"`
// Passengers' tattoos provided by the carrier in case of LCC pricing with U2. NOT USED FOR FSC.
- TravellersID *SpecificTravellerTypeI `xml:"travellersID,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravellersID *SpecificTravellerTypeI `xml:"travellersID,omitempty"`
- PtcGroup []*PtcGroup `xml:"ptcGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ PtcGroup []*PtcGroup `xml:"ptcGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type PtcGroup struct {
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ type PtcGroup struct {
DiscountPtc *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"discountPtc"`
// Form of payment at passenger level
- PassengerFormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"passengerFormOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerFormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"passengerFormOfPayment,omitempty"`
type PricingOptionsGroup struct {
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ type PricingOptionsGroup struct {
PricingDetails *PricingTicketingDetailsType `xml:"pricingDetails"`
// * Expanded parameters * Forced PTC flag
- ExtPricingDetails *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"extPricingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExtPricingDetails *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"extPricingDetails,omitempty"`
type TripsGroup struct {
@@ -85,19 +85,19 @@ type SegmentGroup struct {
SegmentInformation *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"segmentInformation"`
// Used for technical stops, even if it is currently deprecated.
- AdditionnalSegmentDetails *AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionnalSegmentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AdditionnalSegmentDetails *AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionnalSegmentDetails,omitempty"`
// Contain Zap Off details
- ZapOffDetails *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"zapOffDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ZapOffDetails *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"zapOffDetails,omitempty"`
- InventoryGroup *InventoryGroup `xml:"inventoryGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InventoryGroup *InventoryGroup `xml:"inventoryGroup,omitempty"`
- PricePsgByFareBasisInfo []*PricePsgByFareBasisInfo `xml:"pricePsgByFareBasisInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ PricePsgByFareBasisInfo []*PricePsgByFareBasisInfo `xml:"pricePsgByFareBasisInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
Trigger *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"trigger"`
// Options at passenger level: PTC/Discount Tier Level
- PsgDetailsGroup []*GroupPassengerDetailsType `xml:"psgDetailsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ PsgDetailsGroup []*GroupPassengerDetailsType `xml:"psgDetailsGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type InventoryGroup struct {
@@ -110,9 +110,9 @@ type PricePsgByFareBasisInfo struct {
SegmentRepetitionControl *SegmentRepetitionControlType `xml:"segmentRepetitionControl"`
// Specific traveller details
- SpecificTravellerDetails *SpecificTravellerTypeI_65902S `xml:"specificTravellerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SpecificTravellerDetails *SpecificTravellerTypeI_65902S `xml:"specificTravellerDetails,omitempty"`
- RequestedPricingInfo *RequestedPricingInfo `xml:"requestedPricingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RequestedPricingInfo *RequestedPricingInfo `xml:"requestedPricingInfo,omitempty"`
type RequestedPricingInfo struct {
@@ -120,13 +120,13 @@ type RequestedPricingInfo struct {
FareInfo *FareInformationType `xml:"fareInfo"`
// Date and time information (for future use)
- DateAndTimeInfo *DateAndTimeInformationTypeI `xml:"dateAndTimeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateAndTimeInfo *DateAndTimeInformationTypeI `xml:"dateAndTimeInfo,omitempty"`
// Pricing by fare basis information
- PricingByFareBasisInfo *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI_82845S `xml:"pricingByFareBasisInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingByFareBasisInfo *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI_82845S `xml:"pricingByFareBasisInfo,omitempty"`
// For future use!
- RoutingNumberInfo *FareRouteInformationTypeI `xml:"routingNumberInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RoutingNumberInfo *FareRouteInformationTypeI `xml:"routingNumberInfo,omitempty"`
type ObFeeRequestGroup struct {
@@ -141,9 +141,9 @@ type FeeOptionInfoGroup struct {
FeeTypeInfo *SelectionDetailsType `xml:"feeTypeInfo"`
// Associated tax rate
- RateTaxInfo *MonetaryInformationType_69171S `xml:"rateTaxInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateTaxInfo *MonetaryInformationType_69171S `xml:"rateTaxInfo,omitempty"`
- FeeDetailsInfoGroup []*FeeDetailsInfoGroup `xml:"feeDetailsInfoGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FeeDetailsInfoGroup []*FeeDetailsInfoGroup `xml:"feeDetailsInfoGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type FeeDetailsInfoGroup struct {
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ type FeeDetailsInfoGroup struct {
FeeProcessingInfo *SelectionDetailsType `xml:"feeProcessingInfo"`
// Associated amounts: amount to take into account to calculate the fee, ...
- AssociatedAmountsInfo *MonetaryInformationType_69173S `xml:"associatedAmountsInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AssociatedAmountsInfo *MonetaryInformationType_69173S `xml:"associatedAmountsInfo,omitempty"`
@@ -164,104 +164,104 @@ type FeeDetailsInfoGroup struct {
type AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationTypeI struct {
SourceType *SourceTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"sourceType"`
- OriginatorDetails *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originatorDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginatorDetails *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originatorDetails,omitempty"`
- LocationDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"`
- CountryCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CountryCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"`
- SystemCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"systemCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SystemCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"systemCode,omitempty"`
type AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
- RateClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"`
- CommodityCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"commodityCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CommodityCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"commodityCategory,omitempty"`
- PricingGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"`
- SecondRateClass []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"secondRateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="29"
+ SecondRateClass []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"secondRateClass,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="29"
type AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI struct {
- LegDetails *AdditionalProductTypeI `xml:"legDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LegDetails *AdditionalProductTypeI `xml:"legDetails,omitempty"`
// not used
- DepartureStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"departureStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"departureStationInfo,omitempty"`
// not used
- ArrivalStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"arrivalStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"arrivalStationInfo,omitempty"`
// not used
- MileageTimeDetails *MileageTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileageTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MileageTimeDetails *MileageTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileageTimeDetails,omitempty"`
// not used
- TravellerTimeDetails *TravellerTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"travellerTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravellerTimeDetails *TravellerTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"travellerTimeDetails,omitempty"`
// not used
- FacilitiesInformation []*ProductFacilitiesTypeI `xml:"facilitiesInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ FacilitiesInformation []*ProductFacilitiesTypeI `xml:"facilitiesInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
type AdditionalProductTypeI struct {
- Equipment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"equipment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Equipment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"equipment,omitempty"`
- NumberOfStops *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"numberOfStops,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfStops *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"numberOfStops,omitempty"`
// not used
- Duration *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"duration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Duration *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"duration,omitempty"`
// not used
- Percentage *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Percentage *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"`
// not used
- DaysOfOperation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"daysOfOperation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DaysOfOperation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"daysOfOperation,omitempty"`
// not used
- DateTimePeriod formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"dateTimePeriod,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateTimePeriod formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"dateTimePeriod,omitempty"`
// not used
- ComplexingFlightIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"complexingFlightIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ComplexingFlightIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"complexingFlightIndicator,omitempty"`
// not used
- Locations []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"locations,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ Locations []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"locations,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI struct {
// Controlling Carrier
Identifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To15 `xml:"identifier"`
- OtherIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To15 `xml:"otherIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To15 `xml:"otherIdentifier,omitempty"`
type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
- MarketingCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MarketingCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"`
- OperatingCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperatingCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"`
- OtherCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"`
type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI struct {
- ConversionType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConversionType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"`
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
- RateType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"rateType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"rateType,omitempty"`
- PricingAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"`
- ConvertedValueAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"convertedValueAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConvertedValueAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"convertedValueAmount,omitempty"`
- DutyTaxFeeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"dutyTaxFeeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DutyTaxFeeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"dutyTaxFeeType,omitempty"`
- MeasurementValue *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MeasurementValue *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"`
- MeasurementSignificance formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"measurementSignificance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MeasurementSignificance formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"measurementSignificance,omitempty"`
type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
@@ -269,15 +269,15 @@ type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
// Fare Conversion option (/R,FC-xxx): 6345 = currencty Fare Selection option (/R,FS-xxx): 9875 = 700 6345 = currencty
- OtherConvRateDetails []*ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherConvRateDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
+ OtherConvRateDetails []*ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherConvRateDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
type CorporateFareIdentifiersTypeI struct {
// Fare type (e.g. U for unifares)
- FareQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"`
// Corporate ID
- CorporateID []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"corporateID,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ CorporateID []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"corporateID,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type CorporateFareInformationType struct {
@@ -289,30 +289,30 @@ type DataTypeInformationTypeI struct {
Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
// Status event
- StatusEvent formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"statusEvent,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StatusEvent formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"statusEvent,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
// A for not valid after, B for not valide before
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeInformationTypeI struct {
// Date and time details
- DateAndTimeDetails *DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateAndTimeDetails *DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"`
type DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
FareQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareQualifier"`
- RateCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"`
- Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
- Percentage *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Percentage *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"`
type DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI_127142C struct {
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ type DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI_127142C struct {
FareQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareQualifier"`
// fareBasisCode
- RateCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"`
type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
@@ -329,27 +329,27 @@ type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
type FareCategoryCodesTypeI struct {
FareType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"fareType"`
- OtherFareType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"otherFareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
+ OtherFareType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"otherFareType,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="8"
type FareDetailsTypeI struct {
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
- Rate *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"`
- FareCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"`
type FareDetailsTypeI_193637C struct {
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
- Rate *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To8 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To8 `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"`
- FareCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"`
type FareInformationType struct {
@@ -359,97 +359,97 @@ type FareInformationType struct {
type FareInformationTypeI struct {
// PTC or fare discount
- ValueQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ValueQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"`
- Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"`
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
- IdentityNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdentityNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"`
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"`
- RateCategory []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ RateCategory []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type FareInformationTypeI_133428S struct {
- ValueQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ValueQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"`
- Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"`
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI_193637C `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI_193637C `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
- IdentityNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdentityNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"`
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI_193636C `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI_193636C `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"`
- RateCategory []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ RateCategory []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type FareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
// Global indicator
- MovementType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MovementType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"movementType,omitempty"`
- FareCategories *FareCategoryCodesTypeI `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareCategories *FareCategoryCodesTypeI `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"`
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"`
// Zap off option: 9910: base / total fare indicator 5242: ticket designator 5004: amount 5482: percentage
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type FareQualifierDetailsTypeI_82845S struct {
- DiscountDetails *DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI_127142C `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DiscountDetails *DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI_127142C `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"`
type FareRouteInformationTypeI struct {
// Corresponds to the Routing Number For future use !
- IdentificationNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identificationNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdentificationNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identificationNumber,omitempty"`
type FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI struct {
- PricingGroup []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ PricingGroup []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI_193636C struct {
- PricingGroup []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ PricingGroup []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
// PTCs/ Discount-Codes
Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"type"`
- Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
// Amount charged on this FOP
- Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
- VendorCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ VendorCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"`
// Used: The 6 first digits of the credit Card, if any
- CreditCardNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CreditCardNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"`
- ExpiryDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExpiryDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"`
- ApprovalCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"approvalCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ApprovalCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"approvalCode,omitempty"`
- SourceOfApproval formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"sourceOfApproval,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SourceOfApproval formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"sourceOfApproval,omitempty"`
- AuthorisedAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"authorisedAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AuthorisedAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"authorisedAmount,omitempty"`
- AddressVerification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"addressVerification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AddressVerification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"addressVerification,omitempty"`
- CustomerAccount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"customerAccount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerAccount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"customerAccount,omitempty"`
- ExtendedPayment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"extendedPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExtendedPayment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"extendedPayment,omitempty"`
- FopFreeText formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"fopFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FopFreeText formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"fopFreeText,omitempty"`
- MembershipStatus formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"membershipStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MembershipStatus formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"membershipStatus,omitempty"`
- TransactionInfo formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"transactionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TransactionInfo formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"transactionInfo,omitempty"`
type FormOfPaymentTypeI struct {
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ type FormOfPaymentTypeI struct {
FormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI `xml:"formOfPayment"`
// 9888: type of form of payment 5004: amount (amount charged on the current FOP in case of multi FOP) 1154: Bin Number, i.e. the first six digits of any credit card
- OtherFormOfPayment []*FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherFormOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
+ OtherFormOfPayment []*FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherFormOfPayment,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="98"
type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType struct {
@@ -467,29 +467,29 @@ type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType struct {
type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType struct {
// Carrier where the FQTV is registered.
- Carrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"carrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Carrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"carrier,omitempty"`
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To28 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To28 `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Specifies which traveller in the TIF segment the frequent traveller number applies (same as 9944 in TIF).
- CustomerReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"`
// status code: 'OK' if the frequent flyer card has been validated
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"`
// To specify a Tier linked to the FQTV
- TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"`
// For example : priority code
- PriorityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriorityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"`
// For example : Level description
- TierDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TierDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"`
// For example : Company code of alliance
- CompanyCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"companyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"companyCode,omitempty"`
- CustomerValue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"customerValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerValue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"customerValue,omitempty"`
type GroupPassengerDetailsType struct {
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ type GroupPassengerDetailsType struct {
PassengerReference *SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI `xml:"passengerReference"`
// Passengers' tattoos
- TravellersID *SpecificTravellerTypeI `xml:"travellersID,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravellersID *SpecificTravellerTypeI `xml:"travellersID,omitempty"`
// pricing option at passenger level
PsgDetailsInfo *PsgDetailsInfo `xml:"psgDetailsInfo"`
@@ -508,62 +508,62 @@ type PsgDetailsInfo struct {
DiscountPtc *FareInformationTypeI_133428S `xml:"discountPtc"`
// Tier level information
- FlequentFlyerDetails *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"flequentFlyerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlequentFlyerDetails *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"flequentFlyerDetails,omitempty"`
type LocationDetailsTypeI struct {
// * Point of Sale Override (LocationDetails) * Point of Ticketing Override (OtherLocationDetails)
- City formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"city,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ City formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"city,omitempty"`
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"`
type LocationTypeI struct {
- TrueLocationId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TrueLocationId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"`
- TrueLocation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TrueLocation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"`
type MarriageControlDetailsTypeI struct {
// not used
- Relation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"relation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Relation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"relation,omitempty"`
// not used
- MarriageIdentifier *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To10 `xml:"marriageIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MarriageIdentifier *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To10 `xml:"marriageIdentifier,omitempty"`
// not used
- LineNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LineNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"`
// not used
- OtherRelation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"otherRelation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherRelation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"otherRelation,omitempty"`
// not used
- CarrierCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CarrierCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"`
type MessageActionDetailsTypeI struct {
- MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"`
- ResponseType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"responseType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ResponseType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"responseType,omitempty"`
type MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI struct {
- BusinessFunction formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BusinessFunction formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"`
- MessageFunction formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MessageFunction formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"`
- ResponsibleAgency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ResponsibleAgency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"`
// not used
- AdditionalMessageFunction []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ AdditionalMessageFunction []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type MileageTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
- FlightLegMileage *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"flightLegMileage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightLegMileage *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"flightLegMileage,omitempty"`
- UnitQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UnitQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"`
- ElapsedGroundTime formats.Time24_hhmM `xml:"elapsedGroundTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ElapsedGroundTime formats.Time24_hhmM `xml:"elapsedGroundTime,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
@@ -571,10 +571,10 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
// Amount
- Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsType_108001C struct {
@@ -582,23 +582,23 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsType_108001C struct {
TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
// Amount
- Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// Location
- Location formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Location formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"location,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsType_209983C struct {
TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
// Amount
- Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To35 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To35 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationType struct {
@@ -617,97 +617,97 @@ type MonetaryInformationType_69173S struct {
type OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI struct {
- Origin formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Origin formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"origin,omitempty"`
- Destination formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Destination formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"destination,omitempty"`
type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- OriginatorId *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"originatorId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginatorId *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"originatorId,omitempty"`
- InHouseIdentification1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"inHouseIdentification1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InHouseIdentification1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"inHouseIdentification1,omitempty"`
- InHouseIdentification2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"inHouseIdentification2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InHouseIdentification2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"inHouseIdentification2,omitempty"`
- InHouseIdentification3 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"inHouseIdentification3,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InHouseIdentification3 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"inHouseIdentification3,omitempty"`
type PricingTicketingDetailsType struct {
- PriceTicketDetails *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"priceTicketDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceTicketDetails *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"priceTicketDetails,omitempty"`
- PriceTariffType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"priceTariffType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceTariffType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"priceTariffType,omitempty"`
// Not used
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"`
// * Validating Carrier : 9906 : MarketingCompany * Award Publishing Carrier : 9906 : OtherCompany
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
// Controlling Carrier
- CompanyNumberDetails *CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"companyNumberDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyNumberDetails *CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"companyNumberDetails,omitempty"`
// Point Of Sale Override Information (3225 : City)
- LocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"`
// Point Of Ticketing Override Information (3225 : City)
- OtherLocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherLocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"`
// PSR Number
- IdNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"`
- MonetaryAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"monetaryAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MonetaryAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"monetaryAmount,omitempty"`
type PricingTicketingInformationType struct {
- Indicators []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ Indicators []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicators,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type ProductDateTimeTypeI struct {
- DepartureDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"`
- DepartureTime formats.Time24_hhmM `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureTime formats.Time24_hhmM `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"`
- ArrivalDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"`
- ArrivalTime formats.Time24_hhmM `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalTime formats.Time24_hhmM `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"`
- DateVariation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateVariation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"`
type ProductDetailsTypeI struct {
Designator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"designator"`
- AvailabilityStatus formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"availabilityStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AvailabilityStatus formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"availabilityStatus,omitempty"`
- SpecialService formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"specialService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SpecialService formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"specialService,omitempty"`
- Option []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ Option []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"option,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type ProductFacilitiesTypeI struct {
- Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"code,omitempty"`
- Description formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Description formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"description,omitempty"`
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
- ExtensionCode []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"extensionCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
+ ExtensionCode []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"extensionCode,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="26"
type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
FlightNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"flightNumber"`
- BookingClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"`
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"`
- Modifier []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ Modifier []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type ProductInformationTypeI struct {
- ProductDetailsQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDetailsQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"`
- BookingClassDetails []*ProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"bookingClassDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
+ BookingClassDetails []*ProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"bookingClassDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="26"
type ProductTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -716,39 +716,39 @@ type ProductTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
type SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsType struct {
// (Optional, information not taken into account at present)
- ProductReference *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"productReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductReference *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"productReference,omitempty"`
// (Optional, information not taken into account at present)
- NumberOfUnits *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfUnits *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"`
type SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI struct {
- Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"`
- NumberOfUnits *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfUnits *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"`
type SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI_193634C struct {
- Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"`
- NumberOfUnits *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfUnits *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"`
- TotalNumberOfItems *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"totalNumberOfItems,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TotalNumberOfItems *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"totalNumberOfItems,omitempty"`
type SegmentRepetitionControlType struct {
// Segment control details
- SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsType `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsType `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI struct {
- SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI_193634C `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI_193634C `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI_69179S struct {
- SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type SelectionDetailsInformationType struct {
@@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ type SelectionDetailsInformationType struct {
Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
// Carrier fee status
- OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"`
type SelectionDetailsType struct {
@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ type SelectionDetailsType struct {
type SourceTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
SourceQualifier1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"sourceQualifier1"`
- SourceQualifier2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"sourceQualifier2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SourceQualifier2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"sourceQualifier2,omitempty"`
type SpecificDataInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -777,82 +777,82 @@ type SpecificDataInformationTypeI struct {
type SpecificTravellerDetailsTypeI struct {
// Passenger Tattoos
- MeasurementValue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MeasurementValue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"`
type SpecificTravellerDetailsTypeI_108010C struct {
- ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"`
// Passenger Tattoos
- MeasurementValue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MeasurementValue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"`
- FirstDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"firstDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FirstDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"firstDate,omitempty"`
- Surname formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"surname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Surname formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"surname,omitempty"`
- FirstName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"firstName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FirstName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"firstName,omitempty"`
type SpecificTravellerTypeI struct {
- TravellerDetails []*SpecificTravellerDetailsTypeI_108010C `xml:"travellerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TravellerDetails []*SpecificTravellerDetailsTypeI_108010C `xml:"travellerDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type SpecificTravellerTypeI_65902S struct {
// Traveller details
- TravellerDetails []*SpecificTravellerDetailsTypeI `xml:"travellerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TravellerDetails []*SpecificTravellerDetailsTypeI `xml:"travellerDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type StationInformationTypeI struct {
- GateDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"gateDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ GateDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"gateDescription,omitempty"`
- Terminal formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Terminal formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"terminal,omitempty"`
- Concourse formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"concourse,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Concourse formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"concourse,omitempty"`
type TaxDetailsTypeI struct {
- Rate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
- CountryCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CountryCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"`
// Not used
- CurrencyCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"`
- Type []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ Type []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type TaxTypeI struct {
- TaxCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"`
- TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
- FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"`
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"`
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"`
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
- FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"`
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"`
// Connection indicators: order in the group.
- ItemNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ItemNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"`
- SpecialSegment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SpecialSegment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"`
// not used
- MarriageDetails []*MarriageControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ MarriageDetails []*MarriageControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type TravellerTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
- DepartureTime formats.Time24_hhmM `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureTime formats.Time24_hhmM `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"`
- ArrivalTime formats.Time24_hhmM `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalTime formats.Time24_hhmM `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"`
- CheckInDateTime formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"checkInDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CheckInDateTime formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"checkInDateTime,omitempty"`
diff --git a/sdk/fare/informativePricingWithoutPNR/v12_4_reply/reply.go b/structs/fare/informativePricingWithoutPNR/v12.4/response/reply.go
similarity index 60%
rename from sdk/fare/informativePricingWithoutPNR/v12_4_reply/reply.go
rename to structs/fare/informativePricingWithoutPNR/v12.4/response/reply.go
index bf30d59..7f67bcd 100644
--- a/sdk/fare/informativePricingWithoutPNR/v12_4_reply/reply.go
+++ b/structs/fare/informativePricingWithoutPNR/v12.4/response/reply.go
@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ package Fare_InformativePricingWithoutPNRReply_v12_4 // tipnrr124
//import "encoding/xml"
-type FareInformativePricingWithoutPNRReply struct {
+type Response struct {
// XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TIPNRR_12_4_1A Fare_InformativePricingWithoutPNRReply"`
// Contains general information about the message, especially the use case. Tells if the request was correctly performed of not.
MessageDetails *MessageActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"messageDetails"`
- ErrorGroup *ErrorGroupType `xml:"errorGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorGroup *ErrorGroupType `xml:"errorGroup,omitempty"`
- MainGroup *MainGroup `xml:"mainGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MainGroup *MainGroup `xml:"mainGroup,omitempty"`
type MainGroup struct {
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ type MainGroup struct {
DummySegment *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"dummySegment"`
// Convertion rates and currency information.
- ConvertionRate *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"convertionRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConvertionRate *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"convertionRate,omitempty"`
- GeneralIndicatorsGroup *GeneralIndicatorsGroup `xml:"generalIndicatorsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ GeneralIndicatorsGroup *GeneralIndicatorsGroup `xml:"generalIndicatorsGroup,omitempty"`
PricingGroupLevelGroup []*PricingGroupLevelGroup `xml:"pricingGroupLevelGroup"` // maxOccurs="99"
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ type PricingGroupLevelGroup struct {
NumberOfPax *SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI `xml:"numberOfPax"`
// * IDs of the passengers (same as in the request) * Carrier-related tattoo for LCC pricing (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
- PassengersID []*SpecificTravellerTypeI `xml:"passengersID,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ PassengersID []*SpecificTravellerTypeI `xml:"passengersID,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
FareInfoGroup *FareInfoGroup `xml:"fareInfoGroup"`
@@ -45,26 +45,26 @@ type FareInfoGroup struct {
EmptySegment *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"emptySegment"`
// Contains the following pieces of information: * Ticket designator * NVA date * NVB date
- PricingIndicators *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"pricingIndicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingIndicators *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"pricingIndicators,omitempty"`
- FareAmount *MonetaryInformationType_157205S `xml:"fareAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareAmount *MonetaryInformationType_157205S `xml:"fareAmount,omitempty"`
// Used to store text data such as: * Horizontal fare calulation line * Mileage fare calculation line * Endorsement information ...
- TextData []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"textData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TextData []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"textData,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
- SurchargesGroup *SurchargesGroup `xml:"surchargesGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SurchargesGroup *SurchargesGroup `xml:"surchargesGroup,omitempty"`
- CorporateGroup []*CorporateGroup `xml:"corporateGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ CorporateGroup []*CorporateGroup `xml:"corporateGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
- NegoFareGroup []*NegoFareGroup `xml:"negoFareGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ NegoFareGroup []*NegoFareGroup `xml:"negoFareGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
- SegmentLevelGroup []*SegmentLevelGroup `xml:"segmentLevelGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ SegmentLevelGroup []*SegmentLevelGroup `xml:"segmentLevelGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
- StructuredFareCalcGroup *StructuredFareCalcGroup `xml:"structuredFareCalcGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcGroup *StructuredFareCalcGroup `xml:"structuredFareCalcGroup,omitempty"`
- CarrierFeeGroup []*CarrierFeeGroup `xml:"carrierFeeGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ CarrierFeeGroup []*CarrierFeeGroup `xml:"carrierFeeGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
- FareComponentDetailsGroup []*FareComponentDetailsType `xml:"fareComponentDetailsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FareComponentDetailsGroup []*FareComponentDetailsType `xml:"fareComponentDetailsGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type SurchargesGroup struct {
@@ -72,10 +72,10 @@ type SurchargesGroup struct {
TaxesAmount *TaxTypeI `xml:"taxesAmount"`
// Stores the information related to the penalties: amount or rate, currency...
- PenaltiesAmount *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"penaltiesAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PenaltiesAmount *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"penaltiesAmount,omitempty"`
// To store the Passenger Facility Charges.
- PfcAmount []*MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"pfcAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ PfcAmount []*MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"pfcAmount,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type CorporateGroup struct {
@@ -86,13 +86,13 @@ type CorporateGroup struct {
type NegoFareGroup struct {
NegoFareIndicators *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI `xml:"negoFareIndicators"`
- ExtNegoFareIndicators *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"extNegoFareIndicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExtNegoFareIndicators *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"extNegoFareIndicators,omitempty"`
// Amount of the negociated fares
- NegoFareAmount *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"negoFareAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NegoFareAmount *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"negoFareAmount,omitempty"`
// Text informations : indicates to ticketing what to print in Fare and Total boxes.
- NegoFareText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"negoFareText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NegoFareText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"negoFareText,omitempty"`
type SegmentLevelGroup struct {
@@ -100,21 +100,21 @@ type SegmentLevelGroup struct {
SegmentInformation *TravelProductInformationTypeI_69238S `xml:"segmentInformation"`
// Contains the following pieces of information: * Ticket designator * NVA date * NVB date
- AdditionalInformation *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionalInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AdditionalInformation *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionalInformation,omitempty"`
// Contains the following pieces of information: * Transportation class * Fare Basis * Fare by Rule flag
- FareBasis *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareBasis *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"`
- CabinGroup []*CabinGroup `xml:"cabinGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ CabinGroup []*CabinGroup `xml:"cabinGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Baggage allowance in a given measurement unit.
- BaggageAllowance *ExcessBaggageTypeI `xml:"baggageAllowance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BaggageAllowance *ExcessBaggageTypeI `xml:"baggageAllowance,omitempty"`
// PTC associated to this segment in this fare group.
- PtcSegment *NumberOfUnitsTypeI `xml:"ptcSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PtcSegment *NumberOfUnitsTypeI `xml:"ptcSegment,omitempty"`
// Coupon value/TPM for national fares
- CouponInformation *QuantityTypeI `xml:"couponInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CouponInformation *QuantityTypeI `xml:"couponInformation,omitempty"`
type CabinGroup struct {
@@ -126,48 +126,48 @@ type StructuredFareCalcGroup struct {
// Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
StructureFareCalcRoot *FareComponentInformationTypeI `xml:"structureFareCalcRoot"`
- Group27 []*Group27 `xml:"group27,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ Group27 []*Group27 `xml:"group27,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type Group27 struct {
// Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
StructuredFareCalcG27EQN *NumberOfUnitsTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG27EQN"`
- Group28 []*Group28 `xml:"group28,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ Group28 []*Group28 `xml:"group28,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Dummy segment to differentiate MON in group 29 and 28
DummySegmentGroup27 *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"dummySegmentGroup27"`
// Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG27MON *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG27MON,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcG27MON *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG27MON,omitempty"`
// Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG27TXD []*TaxTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG27TXD,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ StructuredFareCalcG27TXD []*TaxTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG27TXD,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG27CVR *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG27CVR,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcG27CVR *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG27CVR,omitempty"`
type Group28 struct {
// Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
StructuredFareCalcG28ITM *ItemNumberTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28ITM"`
- Group29 []*Group29 `xml:"group29,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ Group29 []*Group29 `xml:"group29,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28MON *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28MON,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcG28MON *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28MON,omitempty"`
// Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28PTS *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28PTS,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcG28PTS *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28PTS,omitempty"`
// Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28FCC *FareCalculationCodeDetailsTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28FCC,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcG28FCC *FareCalculationCodeDetailsTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28FCC,omitempty"`
// Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28PTK *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28PTK,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcG28PTK *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28PTK,omitempty"`
// Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28FRU *FareRulesInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28FRU,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcG28FRU *FareRulesInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28FRU,omitempty"`
type Group29 struct {
@@ -175,14 +175,14 @@ type Group29 struct {
StructuredFareCalcG28ADT *ActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28ADT"`
// Reserved for a future use to store a structured fare calculation line. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
- StructuredFareCalcG28TVL *TravelProductInformationTypeI_69238S `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28TVL,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcG28TVL *TravelProductInformationTypeI_69238S `xml:"structuredFareCalcG28TVL,omitempty"`
type CarrierFeeGroup struct {
// Nature of the fee (OB, OC, ...)
FeeType *SelectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"feeType"`
- FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type FeeDetails struct {
@@ -190,13 +190,13 @@ type FeeDetails struct {
FeeInfo *SpecificDataInformationTypeI `xml:"feeInfo"`
// Fee associated amounts: amount with/without tax, total tax amount
- FeeAmounts *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"feeAmounts,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeAmounts *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"feeAmounts,omitempty"`
// taxes related to this fee
- FeeTaxes []*TaxTypeI `xml:"feeTaxes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FeeTaxes []*TaxTypeI `xml:"feeTaxes,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Attributes of this fee (commercial description, ...)
- FeeDescription *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"feeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeDescription *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"feeDescription,omitempty"`
@@ -204,23 +204,23 @@ type FeeDetails struct {
type ActionDetailsTypeI struct {
- NumberOfItemsDetails *ProcessingInformationTypeI `xml:"numberOfItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfItemsDetails *ProcessingInformationTypeI `xml:"numberOfItemsDetails,omitempty"`
- LastItemsDetails []*ReferenceTypeI `xml:"lastItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ LastItemsDetails []*ReferenceTypeI `xml:"lastItemsDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..35
- RateClass string `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateClass string `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..18
- CommodityCategory string `xml:"commodityCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CommodityCategory string `xml:"commodityCategory,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- SecondRateClass []string `xml:"secondRateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="29"
+ SecondRateClass []string `xml:"secondRateClass,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="29"
type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
@@ -228,10 +228,10 @@ type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
// Identification of a code list.
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"`
// Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"`
type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
@@ -241,54 +241,54 @@ type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
type BaggageDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: n..15
- FreeAllowance *int32 `xml:"freeAllowance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeAllowance *int32 `xml:"freeAllowance,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..18
- Measurement *int32 `xml:"measurement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Measurement *int32 `xml:"measurement,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- QuantityCode string `xml:"quantityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ QuantityCode string `xml:"quantityCode,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- ProcessIndicator string `xml:"processIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProcessIndicator string `xml:"processIndicator,omitempty"`
type BagtagDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..35
- Company string `xml:"company,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Company string `xml:"company,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- Identifier string `xml:"identifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Identifier string `xml:"identifier,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..15
- Number *int32 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number *int32 `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..25
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..15
- CompanyNumber string `xml:"companyNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyNumber string `xml:"companyNumber,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Characteristic string `xml:"characteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Characteristic string `xml:"characteristic,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..4
- SpecialRequirement string `xml:"specialRequirement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SpecialRequirement string `xml:"specialRequirement,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..18
- Measurement *int32 `xml:"measurement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Measurement *int32 `xml:"measurement,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..70
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"`
type CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI struct {
@@ -296,50 +296,50 @@ type CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI struct {
Identifier string `xml:"identifier"`
// Format limitations: an..15
- OtherIdentifier string `xml:"otherIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherIdentifier string `xml:"otherIdentifier,omitempty"`
type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..35
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- OperatingCompany string `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperatingCompany string `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"`
type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- RateType string `xml:"rateType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateType string `xml:"rateType,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..18
- PricingAmount *float64 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingAmount *float64 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..18
- ConvertedValueAmount *int32 `xml:"convertedValueAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConvertedValueAmount *int32 `xml:"convertedValueAmount,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- DutyTaxFeeType string `xml:"dutyTaxFeeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DutyTaxFeeType string `xml:"dutyTaxFeeType,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..18
- MeasurementValue *int32 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MeasurementValue *int32 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- MeasurementSignificance string `xml:"measurementSignificance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MeasurementSignificance string `xml:"measurementSignificance,omitempty"`
type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
ConversionRateDetails *ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"conversionRateDetails"`
- OtherConvRateDetails []*ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherConvRateDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
+ OtherConvRateDetails []*ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherConvRateDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
type CouponDetailsType struct {
@@ -347,18 +347,18 @@ type CouponDetailsType struct {
ProductId *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"productId"`
// Flight Connection Type
- FlightConnectionType *TravelProductInformationType `xml:"flightConnectionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightConnectionType *TravelProductInformationType `xml:"flightConnectionType,omitempty"`
type DataInformationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..15
- Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Unit string `xml:"unit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Unit string `xml:"unit,omitempty"`
type DataTypeInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -366,19 +366,19 @@ type DataTypeInformationTypeI struct {
Type string `xml:"type"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- StatusEvent string `xml:"statusEvent,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StatusEvent string `xml:"statusEvent,omitempty"`
type DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- DiscountPenaltyQualifier string `xml:"discountPenaltyQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DiscountPenaltyQualifier string `xml:"discountPenaltyQualifier,omitempty"`
- DiscountPenaltyDetails []*DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"discountPenaltyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ DiscountPenaltyDetails []*DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"discountPenaltyDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type DiscountPenaltyInformationType struct {
// Used for codes in the AMADEUS code tables. Code Length is three alphanumeric characters.
- FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"`
type DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -386,30 +386,30 @@ type DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..18
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..8
- Percentage *int32 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Percentage *int32 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"`
type DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- Function string `xml:"function,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Function string `xml:"function,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- AmountType string `xml:"amountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AmountType string `xml:"amountType,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..18
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
@@ -420,47 +420,47 @@ type ErrorGroupType struct {
ErrorOrWarningCodeDetails *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"errorOrWarningCodeDetails"`
// The desciption of warning or error.
- ErrorWarningDescription *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"errorWarningDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorWarningDescription *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"errorWarningDescription,omitempty"`
type ExcessBaggageDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..18
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- ProcessIndicator string `xml:"processIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProcessIndicator string `xml:"processIndicator,omitempty"`
type ExcessBaggageTypeI struct {
- ExcessBaggageDetails *ExcessBaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"excessBaggageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExcessBaggageDetails *ExcessBaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"excessBaggageDetails,omitempty"`
- BaggageDetails *BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"baggageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BaggageDetails *BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"baggageDetails,omitempty"`
- OtherBaggageDetails *BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherBaggageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherBaggageDetails *BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherBaggageDetails,omitempty"`
- ExtraBaggageDetails *BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"extraBaggageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExtraBaggageDetails *BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"extraBaggageDetails,omitempty"`
- BagTagDetails []*BagtagDetailsTypeI `xml:"bagTagDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ BagTagDetails []*BagtagDetailsTypeI `xml:"bagTagDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type FareCalculationCodeDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- ChargeCategory string `xml:"chargeCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ChargeCategory string `xml:"chargeCategory,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..18
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..25
- LocationCode string `xml:"locationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationCode string `xml:"locationCode,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..25
- OtherLocationCode string `xml:"otherLocationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherLocationCode string `xml:"otherLocationCode,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..8
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
type FareCategoryCodesTypeI struct {
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ type FareCategoryCodesTypeI struct {
FareType string `xml:"fareType"`
// Format limitations: an..20
- OtherFareType []string `xml:"otherFareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
+ OtherFareType []string `xml:"otherFareType,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="8"
type FareComponentDetailsType struct {
@@ -476,108 +476,108 @@ type FareComponentDetailsType struct {
FareComponentID *ItemNumberType `xml:"fareComponentID"`
// Market information related to fare component
- MarketFareComponent *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"marketFareComponent,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MarketFareComponent *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"marketFareComponent,omitempty"`
// Monetary Information
- MonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"`
// Component Class information
- ComponentClassInfo *PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType `xml:"componentClassInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ComponentClassInfo *PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType `xml:"componentClassInfo,omitempty"`
// Fare Qualifier Detail
- FareQualifiersDetail *FareQualifierDetailsType `xml:"fareQualifiersDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareQualifiersDetail *FareQualifierDetailsType `xml:"fareQualifiersDetail,omitempty"`
CouponDetailsGroup []*CouponDetailsType `xml:"couponDetailsGroup"` // maxOccurs="99"
type FareComponentDetailsTypeI struct {
// Type of data _ fare calc or exchanged residual fare data
- DataType string `xml:"dataType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DataType string `xml:"dataType,omitempty"`
// Fare component count
- Count *int32 `xml:"count,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Count *int32 `xml:"count,omitempty"`
// Price quote date
- PricingDate string `xml:"pricingDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingDate string `xml:"pricingDate,omitempty"`
// Account code
- AccountCode string `xml:"accountCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AccountCode string `xml:"accountCode,omitempty"`
// Input designator
- InputDesignator string `xml:"inputDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InputDesignator string `xml:"inputDesignator,omitempty"`
type FareComponentInformationTypeI struct {
- FareComponentDetails *FareComponentDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareComponentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareComponentDetails *FareComponentDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareComponentDetails,omitempty"`
// Ticket document number
- TicketNumber string `xml:"ticketNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketNumber string `xml:"ticketNumber,omitempty"`
type FareDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..8
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"`
type FareInformationTypeI struct {
// Not used
- ValueQualifier string `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ValueQualifier string `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"`
// Not used
- Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"`
// Fare information
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- IdentityNumber string `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdentityNumber string `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"`
// Not used
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"`
// Not used
- RateCategory []string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ RateCategory []string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type FareQualifierDetailsType struct {
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationType `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationType `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type FareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"`
- FareCategories *FareCategoryCodesTypeI `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareCategories *FareCategoryCodesTypeI `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"`
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"`
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type FareRulesInformationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..9
- TariffClassId string `xml:"tariffClassId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TariffClassId string `xml:"tariffClassId,omitempty"`
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..7
- RuleSectionId []string `xml:"ruleSectionId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ RuleSectionId []string `xml:"ruleSectionId,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..35
- PricingGroup []string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ PricingGroup []string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
@@ -585,16 +585,16 @@ type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
// Format limitations: an..4
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
Source string `xml:"source"`
@@ -615,42 +615,42 @@ type FreeTextQualificationTypeI struct {
TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
// Format limitations: an..4
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"`
type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..250
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type ItemNumberIdentificationType struct {
// Format limitations: an..35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberIdentificationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberType struct {
@@ -663,61 +663,61 @@ type ItemNumberTypeI struct {
type LocationDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..25
- City string `xml:"city,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ City string `xml:"city,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"`
type LocationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..25
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..17
- TrueLocation string `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TrueLocation string `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"`
type LocationTypeI_208252C struct {
// Format limitations: an..25
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"`
type MarriageControlDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- Relation string `xml:"relation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Relation string `xml:"relation,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..10
- MarriageIdentifier *int32 `xml:"marriageIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MarriageIdentifier *int32 `xml:"marriageIdentifier,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..6
- LineNumber *int32 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LineNumber *int32 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- OtherRelation string `xml:"otherRelation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherRelation string `xml:"otherRelation,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- CarrierCode string `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CarrierCode string `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"`
type MessageActionDetailsTypeI struct {
- MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MessageFunctionDetails *MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI `xml:"messageFunctionDetails,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- ResponseType string `xml:"responseType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ResponseType string `xml:"responseType,omitempty"`
type MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- BusinessFunction string `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BusinessFunction string `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- AdditionalMessageFunction []string `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ AdditionalMessageFunction []string `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
@@ -725,10 +725,10 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
// Amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -736,13 +736,13 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..25
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223848C struct {
@@ -750,13 +750,13 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223848C struct {
TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
// Amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// location
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationType struct {
@@ -764,119 +764,119 @@ type MonetaryInformationType struct {
MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
// Other monetary information per fare component
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
+ OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
+ OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
type MonetaryInformationType_157205S struct {
MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223848C `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223848C `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223848C `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: n..15
- NumberOfUnit *int32 `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfUnit *int32 `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"`
type NumberOfUnitsTypeI struct {
QuantityDetails *NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"quantityDetails"`
- OtherQuantityDetails []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherQuantityDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
+ OtherQuantityDetails []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherQuantityDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="8"
type PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType struct {
- FareBasisDetails *RateTariffClassInformationType `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareBasisDetails *RateTariffClassInformationType `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"`
type PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI struct {
- PriceTicketDetails *PricingTicketingInformationTypeI `xml:"priceTicketDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceTicketDetails *PricingTicketingInformationTypeI `xml:"priceTicketDetails,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- PriceTariffType string `xml:"priceTariffType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceTariffType string `xml:"priceTariffType,omitempty"`
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"`
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
- CompanyNumberDetails *CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"companyNumberDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyNumberDetails *CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"companyNumberDetails,omitempty"`
- LocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"`
- OtherLocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherLocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..18
- MonetaryAmount *float64 `xml:"monetaryAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MonetaryAmount *float64 `xml:"monetaryAmount,omitempty"`
type PricingTicketingInformationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- Indicators []string `xml:"indicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ Indicators []string `xml:"indicators,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..35
- ItemNumber string `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ItemNumber string `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"`
- FareBasisDetails *RateTariffClassInformationTypeI `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareBasisDetails *RateTariffClassInformationTypeI `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..18
- FareValue *int32 `xml:"fareValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareValue *int32 `xml:"fareValue,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- PriceType string `xml:"priceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceType string `xml:"priceType,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- SpecialCondition string `xml:"specialCondition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SpecialCondition string `xml:"specialCondition,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- OtherSpecialCondition string `xml:"otherSpecialCondition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherSpecialCondition string `xml:"otherSpecialCondition,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- AdditionalSpecialCondition string `xml:"additionalSpecialCondition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AdditionalSpecialCondition string `xml:"additionalSpecialCondition,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- TaxCategory []string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ TaxCategory []string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type ProcessingInformationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- ActionQualifier string `xml:"actionQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ActionQualifier string `xml:"actionQualifier,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- ReferenceQualifier string `xml:"referenceQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceQualifier string `xml:"referenceQualifier,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..6
- NumberOfItems string `xml:"numberOfItems,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfItems string `xml:"numberOfItems,omitempty"`
type ProductDateTimeTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..35
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..4
- DepartureTime *int32 `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureTime *int32 `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..4
- ArrivalTime *int32 `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalTime *int32 `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n1
- DateVariation *int32 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateVariation *int32 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"`
type ProductDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -884,13 +884,13 @@ type ProductDetailsTypeI struct {
Designator string `xml:"designator"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- AvailabilityStatus string `xml:"availabilityStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AvailabilityStatus string `xml:"availabilityStatus,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- SpecialService string `xml:"specialService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SpecialService string `xml:"specialService,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..7
- Option []string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ Option []string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -898,20 +898,20 @@ type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
FlightNumber string `xml:"flightNumber"`
// Format limitations: an..17
- BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..7
- Modifier []string `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ Modifier []string `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type ProductInformationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- ProductDetailsQualifier string `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDetailsQualifier string `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"`
- BookingClassDetails []*ProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"bookingClassDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
+ BookingClassDetails []*ProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"bookingClassDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="26"
type ProductTypeDetailsType struct {
@@ -932,35 +932,35 @@ type QuantityDetailsTypeI struct {
Value int32 `xml:"value"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Unit string `xml:"unit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Unit string `xml:"unit,omitempty"`
type QuantityTypeI struct {
QuantityDetails *QuantityDetailsTypeI `xml:"quantityDetails"`
- OtherquantityDetails []*QuantityDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherquantityDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
+ OtherquantityDetails []*QuantityDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherquantityDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="8"
type RateTariffClassInformationType struct {
// Fare Basis Code
- RateTariffClass string `xml:"rateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateTariffClass string `xml:"rateTariffClass,omitempty"`
// Ticket Designator
- OtherRateTariffClass string `xml:"otherRateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherRateTariffClass string `xml:"otherRateTariffClass,omitempty"`
type RateTariffClassInformationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..35
- RateTariffClass string `xml:"rateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateTariffClass string `xml:"rateTariffClass,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- RateTariffIndicator string `xml:"rateTariffIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateTariffIndicator string `xml:"rateTariffIndicator,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- OtherRateTariffClass string `xml:"otherRateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherRateTariffClass string `xml:"otherRateTariffClass,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- OtherRateTariffIndicator string `xml:"otherRateTariffIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherRateTariffIndicator string `xml:"otherRateTariffIndicator,omitempty"`
type ReferenceInfoType struct {
@@ -969,10 +969,10 @@ type ReferenceInfoType struct {
type ReferenceTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..6
- NumberOfItems string `xml:"numberOfItems,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfItems string `xml:"numberOfItems,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- LastItemIdentifier []string `xml:"lastItemIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ LastItemIdentifier []string `xml:"lastItemIdentifier,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
@@ -985,17 +985,17 @@ type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
type SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: n..15
- Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..15
- NumberOfUnits *int32 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfUnits *int32 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..15
- TotalNumberOfItems *int32 `xml:"totalNumberOfItems,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TotalNumberOfItems *int32 `xml:"totalNumberOfItems,omitempty"`
type SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI struct {
- SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -1003,96 +1003,96 @@ type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
Option string `xml:"option"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"`
type SelectionDetailsTypeI struct {
SelectionDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"selectionDetails"`
- OtherSelectionDetails []*SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"otherSelectionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
+ OtherSelectionDetails []*SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"otherSelectionDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="98"
type SpecificDataInformationTypeI struct {
DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationTypeI `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
- DataInformation []*DataInformationTypeI `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ DataInformation []*DataInformationTypeI `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type SpecificTravellerDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..10
- ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..18
- MeasurementValue *int32 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MeasurementValue *int32 `xml:"measurementValue,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- FirstDate string `xml:"firstDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FirstDate string `xml:"firstDate,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..70
- Surname string `xml:"surname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Surname string `xml:"surname,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..70
- FirstName string `xml:"firstName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FirstName string `xml:"firstName,omitempty"`
type SpecificTravellerTypeI struct {
- TravellerDetails []*SpecificTravellerDetailsTypeI `xml:"travellerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TravellerDetails []*SpecificTravellerDetailsTypeI `xml:"travellerDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type TaxDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..17
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Type []string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ Type []string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type TaxTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- TaxCategory string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxCategory string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"`
- TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type TravelProductInformationType struct {
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI_208252C `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI_208252C `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"`
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI_208252C `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI_208252C `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"`
// TST Connection Type
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"`
type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI_208252C `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI_208252C `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"`
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI_208252C `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI_208252C `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"`
type TravelProductInformationTypeI_69238S struct {
- FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"`
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"`
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"`
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
- FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"`
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..6
- ItemNumber *int32 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ItemNumber *int32 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- SpecialSegment string `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SpecialSegment string `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"`
- MarriageDetails []*MarriageControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ MarriageDetails []*MarriageControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
diff --git a/sdk/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v14_3_query/query.go b/structs/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v14.3/request/query.go
similarity index 78%
rename from sdk/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v14_3_query/query.go
rename to structs/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v14.3/request/query.go
index 921e9a3..40b5c87 100644
--- a/sdk/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v14_3_query/query.go
+++ b/structs/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v14.3/request/query.go
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-package Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearch_v14_3 // fmptbq143
+package Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchRequest_v14_3 // fmptbq143
import (
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/formats"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/formats"
-type FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearch struct {
+type Request struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/FMPTBQ_14_3_1A Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearch"`
// Number of seats, recommendations.
- NumberOfUnit *NumberOfUnitsType `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfUnit *NumberOfUnitsType `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"`
// Global options
- GlobalOptions *AttributeType `xml:"globalOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ GlobalOptions *AttributeType `xml:"globalOptions,omitempty"`
// Traveler Details
- PaxReference []*TravellerReferenceInformationType `xml:"paxReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ PaxReference []*TravellerReferenceInformationType `xml:"paxReference,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
// Customer references
- CustomerRef *ConsumerReferenceInformationType `xml:"customerRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerRef *ConsumerReferenceInformationType `xml:"customerRef,omitempty"`
// Fee with different payment forms by passenger.
- FormOfPaymentByPassenger []*FOPRepresentationType `xml:"formOfPaymentByPassenger,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="60"
+ FormOfPaymentByPassenger []*FOPRepresentationType `xml:"formOfPaymentByPassenger,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="60"
// Solution Family
- SolutionFamily []*FareInformationType `xml:"solutionFamily,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ SolutionFamily []*FareInformationType `xml:"solutionFamily,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Passenger info group (9 ADT + 9 IN)
- PassengerInfoGrp []*GroupPassengerDetailsType `xml:"passengerInfoGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ PassengerInfoGrp []*GroupPassengerDetailsType `xml:"passengerInfoGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
- FareFamilies []*FareFamilies `xml:"fareFamilies,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ FareFamilies []*FareFamilies `xml:"fareFamilies,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
- FareOptions *FareOptions `xml:"fareOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareOptions *FareOptions `xml:"fareOptions,omitempty"`
// Indicates Price to beat
- PriceToBeat *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"priceToBeat,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceToBeat *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"priceToBeat,omitempty"`
// Tax Details
- TaxInfo []*TaxType `xml:"taxInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ TaxInfo []*TaxType `xml:"taxInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
// Details of a Flight : Direct, Non stop...
- TravelFlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType_185853S `xml:"travelFlightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravelFlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType_185853S `xml:"travelFlightInfo,omitempty"`
- ValueSearch []*ValueSearchCriteriaType `xml:"valueSearch,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ ValueSearch []*ValueSearchCriteriaType `xml:"valueSearch,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
- Itinerary []*Itinerary `xml:"itinerary,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="18"
+ Itinerary []*Itinerary `xml:"itinerary,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="18"
- TicketChangeInfo *TicketChangeInfo `xml:"ticketChangeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketChangeInfo *TicketChangeInfo `xml:"ticketChangeInfo,omitempty"`
- CombinationFareFamilies []*CombinationFareFamilies `xml:"combinationFareFamilies,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2000"
+ CombinationFareFamilies []*CombinationFareFamilies `xml:"combinationFareFamilies,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2000"
- FeeOption []*FeeOption `xml:"feeOption,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ FeeOption []*FeeOption `xml:"feeOption,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
- OfficeIdDetails []*OfficeIdDetails `xml:"officeIdDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ OfficeIdDetails []*OfficeIdDetails `xml:"officeIdDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type FareFamilies struct {
@@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ type FareFamilies struct {
FamilyInformation *FareFamilyType `xml:"familyInformation"`
// Description of Fare Family Criteria.
- FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"`
- FareFamilySegment []*FareFamilySegment `xml:"fareFamilySegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ FareFamilySegment []*FareFamilySegment `xml:"fareFamilySegment,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
- OtherPossibleCriteria []*OtherPossibleCriteria `xml:"otherPossibleCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ OtherPossibleCriteria []*OtherPossibleCriteria `xml:"otherPossibleCriteria,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type FareFamilySegment struct {
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ type FareFamilySegment struct {
ReferenceInfo *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceInfo"`
// Description of fare family criteria.
- FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"`
type OtherPossibleCriteria struct {
@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ type OtherPossibleCriteria struct {
LogicalLink *BooleanExpressionRuleType `xml:"logicalLink"`
// Description of fare family criteria.
- FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"`
- FareFamilySegment []*FareFamilySegment `xml:"fareFamilySegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ FareFamilySegment []*FareFamilySegment `xml:"fareFamilySegment,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
type FareOptions struct {
@@ -91,25 +91,25 @@ type FareOptions struct {
PricingTickInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsType `xml:"pricingTickInfo"`
// Corporate name/number used to target fares
- Corporate *CorporateIdentificationType `xml:"corporate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Corporate *CorporateIdentificationType `xml:"corporate,omitempty"`
// Ticketing price scheme.
- TicketingPriceScheme *TicketingPriceSchemeType `xml:"ticketingPriceScheme,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketingPriceScheme *TicketingPriceSchemeType `xml:"ticketingPriceScheme,omitempty"`
// PSR number
- FeeIdDescription *CodedAttributeType `xml:"feeIdDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeIdDescription *CodedAttributeType `xml:"feeIdDescription,omitempty"`
// Used to force the currency of pricing
- ConversionRate *ConversionRateType `xml:"conversionRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConversionRate *ConversionRateType `xml:"conversionRate,omitempty"`
// Form of payment information.
- FormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"formOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"formOfPayment,omitempty"`
// Frequent traveller information
- FrequentTravellerInfo *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType_177150S `xml:"frequentTravellerInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FrequentTravellerInfo *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType_177150S `xml:"frequentTravellerInfo,omitempty"`
// Monetary and cabin information.
- MonetaryCabinInfo *MonetaryAndCabinInformationType `xml:"monetaryCabinInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MonetaryCabinInfo *MonetaryAndCabinInformationType `xml:"monetaryCabinInfo,omitempty"`
type Itinerary struct {
@@ -117,28 +117,28 @@ type Itinerary struct {
RequestedSegmentRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"requestedSegmentRef"`
// Specification of the requested departure point
- DepartureLocalization *DepartureLocationType `xml:"departureLocalization,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureLocalization *DepartureLocationType `xml:"departureLocalization,omitempty"`
// Specification of the requested arrival point
- ArrivalLocalization *ArrivalLocalizationType `xml:"arrivalLocalization,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalLocalization *ArrivalLocalizationType `xml:"arrivalLocalization,omitempty"`
// Details on requested date and time plus range of date trip duration
- TimeDetails *DateAndTimeInformationType_181295S `xml:"timeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TimeDetails *DateAndTimeInformationType_181295S `xml:"timeDetails,omitempty"`
// Specify Flight options.
- FlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType_165053S `xml:"flightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType_165053S `xml:"flightInfo,omitempty"`
- ValueSearch []*ValueSearchCriteriaType `xml:"valueSearch,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ ValueSearch []*ValueSearchCriteriaType `xml:"valueSearch,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
- GroupOfFlights []*GroupOfFlights `xml:"groupOfFlights,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ GroupOfFlights []*GroupOfFlights `xml:"groupOfFlights,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
- FlightInfoPNR []*FlightInfoPNR `xml:"flightInfoPNR,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
+ FlightInfoPNR []*FlightInfoPNR `xml:"flightInfoPNR,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="4"
// Action identification for the requested segment
- RequestedSegmentAction *ActionIdentificationType `xml:"requestedSegmentAction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RequestedSegmentAction *ActionIdentificationType `xml:"requestedSegmentAction,omitempty"`
// Coded attributes
- Attributes *CodedAttributeType_181239S `xml:"attributes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Attributes *CodedAttributeType_181239S `xml:"attributes,omitempty"`
type GroupOfFlights struct {
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ type GroupOfFlights struct {
PropFlightGrDetail *ProposedSegmentType `xml:"propFlightGrDetail"`
// Indicates Price to beat
- PriceToBeat *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"priceToBeat,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceToBeat *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"priceToBeat,omitempty"`
FlightDetails []*FlightDetails `xml:"flightDetails"` // maxOccurs="4"
@@ -156,25 +156,25 @@ type FlightDetails struct {
FlightInformation *TravelProductType `xml:"flightInformation"`
// returns booking class and availability context
- AvlInfo []*FlightProductInformationType `xml:"avlInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ AvlInfo []*FlightProductInformationType `xml:"avlInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
// Details on Flight date, time and location of technical stop or change of gauge
- TechnicalStop []*DateAndTimeInformationType `xml:"technicalStop,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ TechnicalStop []*DateAndTimeInformationType `xml:"technicalStop,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
// Code Share Agreement description for current flight.
- CommercialAgreement *CommercialAgreementsType_78540S `xml:"commercialAgreement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CommercialAgreement *CommercialAgreementsType_78540S `xml:"commercialAgreement,omitempty"`
// Additional Info about flight, such as Reference number, and several options
- AddInfo *HeaderInformationTypeI `xml:"addInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AddInfo *HeaderInformationTypeI `xml:"addInfo,omitempty"`
// Terminal, Equipment and EFT Details. If a Total EFT of the Travel Solution is requested then we will have 2 occurrences of the terminalEquipmentDetails attached to the first leg flightInformation: the 1st occurence will give the EFT of the leg, the 2nd occurrence will give the total EFT of the Travel Solution.
- TerminalEquipmentDetails []*AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"terminalEquipmentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ TerminalEquipmentDetails []*AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"terminalEquipmentDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// PNR flight reservation info
- ReservationInfo *PassengerItineraryInformationType `xml:"reservationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReservationInfo *PassengerItineraryInformationType `xml:"reservationInfo,omitempty"`
// Indicates Price to beat
- PriceToBeat *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"priceToBeat,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceToBeat *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"priceToBeat,omitempty"`
type FlightInfoPNR struct {
@@ -182,27 +182,27 @@ type FlightInfoPNR struct {
TravelResponseDetails *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"travelResponseDetails"`
// Time Table Effective/Discontinue dates and frequency of operating Travel Solution
- TimeTableDate *StructuredPeriodInformationType `xml:"timeTableDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TimeTableDate *StructuredPeriodInformationType `xml:"timeTableDate,omitempty"`
// Terminal, Equipment and EFT Details. If a Total EFT of the Travel Solution is requested then we will have 2 occurrences of the terminalEquipmentDetails attached to the first leg travelResponseDetails: the 1st occurrence will give the EFT of the leg, the 2nd occurrence will give the total EFT of the Travel Solution.
- TerminalEquipmentDetails []*AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"terminalEquipmentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ TerminalEquipmentDetails []*AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"terminalEquipmentDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Codeshare data
- CodeshareData *CommercialAgreementsType `xml:"codeshareData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CodeshareData *CommercialAgreementsType `xml:"codeshareData,omitempty"`
// Disclosure message from an operating carrier.
- Disclosure *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"disclosure,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Disclosure *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"disclosure,omitempty"`
// Stops Details
- StopDetails *RoutingInformationTypeI `xml:"stopDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StopDetails *RoutingInformationTypeI `xml:"stopDetails,omitempty"`
// Traffic restriction information
- TrafficRestrictionData *TrafficRestrictionTypeI `xml:"trafficRestrictionData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TrafficRestrictionData *TrafficRestrictionTypeI `xml:"trafficRestrictionData,omitempty"`
// PNR flight reservation info
- ReservationInfo *PassengerItineraryInformationType `xml:"reservationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReservationInfo *PassengerItineraryInformationType `xml:"reservationInfo,omitempty"`
- IncidentalStopInfo []*IncidentalStopInfo `xml:"incidentalStopInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
+ IncidentalStopInfo []*IncidentalStopInfo `xml:"incidentalStopInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="8"
type IncidentalStopInfo struct {
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ type TicketChangeInfo struct {
// Ticket nb details.
TicketNumberDetails *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"ticketNumberDetails"`
- TicketRequestedSegments []*TicketRequestedSegments `xml:"ticketRequestedSegments,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ TicketRequestedSegments []*TicketRequestedSegments `xml:"ticketRequestedSegments,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
type TicketRequestedSegments struct {
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ type TicketRequestedSegments struct {
ActionIdentification *ActionIdentificationType `xml:"actionIdentification"`
// Connected cities in changed ticket requested segment.
- ConnectPointDetails *ConnectionTypeI `xml:"connectPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConnectPointDetails *ConnectionTypeI `xml:"connectPointDetails,omitempty"`
type CombinationFareFamilies struct {
@@ -230,10 +230,10 @@ type CombinationFareFamilies struct {
ItemFFCNumber *ItemNumberType `xml:"itemFFCNumber"`
// Number of units.
- NbOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsType_80154S `xml:"nbOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NbOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsType_80154S `xml:"nbOfUnits,omitempty"`
// Requested segment reference
- ReferenceInfo []*ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ ReferenceInfo []*ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
type FeeOption struct {
@@ -241,9 +241,9 @@ type FeeOption struct {
FeeTypeInfo *SelectionDetailsType `xml:"feeTypeInfo"`
// Associated rate tax.
- RateTax *MonetaryInformationType_80162S `xml:"rateTax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateTax *MonetaryInformationType_80162S `xml:"rateTax,omitempty"`
- FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type FeeDetails struct {
@@ -251,9 +251,9 @@ type FeeDetails struct {
FeeInfo *SpecificDataInformationType `xml:"feeInfo"`
// Associated amounts : amounts to take into account to calculate fee.
- AssociatedAmounts *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"associatedAmounts,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AssociatedAmounts *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"associatedAmounts,omitempty"`
- FeeDescriptionGrp *FeeDescriptionGrp `xml:"feeDescriptionGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeDescriptionGrp *FeeDescriptionGrp `xml:"feeDescriptionGrp,omitempty"`
type FeeDescriptionGrp struct {
@@ -261,10 +261,10 @@ type FeeDescriptionGrp struct {
ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType_80866S `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
// Attributes (SSR code EMD, RFIC, SSIM)
- ServiceAttributesInfo *AttributeType_61377S `xml:"serviceAttributesInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceAttributesInfo *AttributeType_61377S `xml:"serviceAttributesInfo,omitempty"`
// Other service information (service description, ...)
- ServiceDescriptionInfo *SpecialRequirementsDetailsType `xml:"serviceDescriptionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceDescriptionInfo *SpecialRequirementsDetailsType `xml:"serviceDescriptionInfo,omitempty"`
type OfficeIdDetails struct {
@@ -272,21 +272,21 @@ type OfficeIdDetails struct {
OfficeIdInformation *UserIdentificationType `xml:"officeIdInformation"`
// Number of units.
- NbOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsType_80154S `xml:"nbOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NbOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsType_80154S `xml:"nbOfUnits,omitempty"`
// UID option
- UidOption *CodedAttributeType_78500S `xml:"uidOption,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UidOption *CodedAttributeType_78500S `xml:"uidOption,omitempty"`
// Pricing and ticketing details.
- PricingTickInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsType `xml:"pricingTickInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingTickInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsType `xml:"pricingTickInfo,omitempty"`
// Corporate fare information
- CorporateFareInfo *CorporateFareInformationType `xml:"corporateFareInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CorporateFareInfo *CorporateFareInformationType `xml:"corporateFareInfo,omitempty"`
// Details of a Flight : Direct, Non stop...
- TravelFlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType `xml:"travelFlightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravelFlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType `xml:"travelFlightInfo,omitempty"`
- AirlineDistributionDetails []*AirlineDistributionDetails `xml:"airlineDistributionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ AirlineDistributionDetails []*AirlineDistributionDetails `xml:"airlineDistributionDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
type AirlineDistributionDetails struct {
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ type AirlineDistributionDetails struct {
RequestedSegmentRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"requestedSegmentRef"`
// Specify Flight options.
- FlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType `xml:"flightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType `xml:"flightInfo,omitempty"`
@@ -305,112 +305,112 @@ type ActionIdentificationType struct {
// Action request code
ActionRequestCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"actionRequestCode"`
- ProductDetails *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_50878C `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDetails *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_50878C `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"`
type AdditionalProductDetailsType struct {
// Type of aircraft
- EquipmentType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"equipmentType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EquipmentType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"equipmentType,omitempty"`
// Day number of the week
- OperatingDay formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"operatingDay,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperatingDay formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"operatingDay,omitempty"`
// Number of stops made in a journey if different from 0
- TechStopNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"techStopNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TechStopNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"techStopNumber,omitempty"`
// Location places of the stops
- LocationId []formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ LocationId []formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI struct {
// Flight details
- LegDetails *AdditionalProductTypeI `xml:"legDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LegDetails *AdditionalProductTypeI `xml:"legDetails,omitempty"`
// Departure station
- DepartureStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"departureStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"departureStationInfo,omitempty"`
- ArrivalStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"arrivalStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"arrivalStationInfo,omitempty"`
// Ground Time Details when connection
- MileageTimeDetails *MileageTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileageTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MileageTimeDetails *MileageTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileageTimeDetails,omitempty"`
type AdditionalProductTypeI struct {
// Equipment type
- Equipment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"equipment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Equipment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"equipment,omitempty"`
// Elaps flying time of the leg
- Duration *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"duration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Duration *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"duration,omitempty"`
// COG indicator
- ComplexingFlightIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"complexingFlightIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ComplexingFlightIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"complexingFlightIndicator,omitempty"`
type AgentIdentificationType struct {
// Contains ARC number
- ArcNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"arcNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArcNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"arcNumber,omitempty"`
// ERSP number of the Office or Customer
- ErspNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"erspNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErspNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"erspNumber,omitempty"`
// IATA Number
- IataNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"iataNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IataNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"iataNumber,omitempty"`
type ArithmeticEvaluationType struct {
// Boolean operator
- CodeOperator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"codeOperator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CodeOperator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"codeOperator,omitempty"`
type ArrivalLocalizationType struct {
// Details on the location of the arrival point
- ArrivalPointDetails *ArrivalLocationDetailsType `xml:"arrivalPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalPointDetails *ArrivalLocationDetailsType `xml:"arrivalPointDetails,omitempty"`
// Arrival multi city option
- ArrivalMultiCity []*MultiCityOptionType `xml:"arrivalMultiCity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ ArrivalMultiCity []*MultiCityOptionType `xml:"arrivalMultiCity,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_139508C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_139508C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type ArrivalLocationDetailsType struct {
// For Radius: This is the length of the requested radius around the location of destination.
- Distance *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"distance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Distance *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"distance,omitempty"`
// Distance unit qualifier for radius
- DistanceUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"distanceUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DistanceUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"distanceUnit,omitempty"`
// ATA/IATA airport/city code of arrival In case of SP request from a PNR, this field is empty.
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"`
// Request from no PNR A = consider the locationID specified as an airport (used only when ambiguous) C = consider the locationId as a city (used only when ambiguous) A and C are not used in case of a request from PNR Request from a PNR with Radius option: O = radius applies to the origin of the PNR segments D = radius applies to the destination of the PNR segments
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"`
// Latitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere N=north S=south
- Latitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"latitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Latitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"latitude,omitempty"`
// Longitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere E=east, W=west
- Longitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"longitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Longitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"longitude,omitempty"`
type ArrivalLocationDetailsType_120834C struct {
// For Radius: This is the length of the requested radius around the location of origin.
- Distance *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"distance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Distance *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"distance,omitempty"`
// Distance unit qualifier for radius
- DistanceUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"distanceUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DistanceUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"distanceUnit,omitempty"`
// ATA/IATA airport/city code of arrival In case of SP request from a PNR, this field is empty.
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"`
// Request from no PNR A = consider the locationID specified as an airport (used only when ambiguous) C = consider the locationId as a city (used only when ambiguous) A and C are not used in case of a request from PNR Request from a PNR with Radius option: O = radius applies to the origin of the PNR segments D = radius applies to the destination of the PNR segments
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"`
// Latitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere N=north S=south
- Latitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"latitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Latitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"latitude,omitempty"`
// Longitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere E=east, W=west
- Longitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"longitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Longitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"longitude,omitempty"`
type AttributeInformationType struct {
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ type AttributeInformationType struct {
Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option"`
// Mandatory when alternate date option is used (ALT), must be set to plus (P) or minus (M) a number of days around the original PNR segment dates. E.g.: M1 (for minus 1 day) or P100 (for plus 100 days)
- OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"`
type AttributeInformationType_97181C struct {
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ type AttributeInformationType_97181C struct {
AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"attributeType"`
// Attribute description
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To256 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To256 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"`
type AttributeType struct {
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ type AttributeType struct {
type AttributeType_61377S struct {
// Criteria Set Type
- AttributeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"attributeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"attributeQualifier,omitempty"`
// Criteria details
AttributeDetails []*AttributeInformationType_97181C `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ type CabinClassDesignationType struct {
type CabinIdentificationType struct {
// Cabin qualifier. For Star Pricer,MD stands for Mandatory Cabin qualifier. For other products no qualifier stands for Mandatory Cabin.
- CabinQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"cabinQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CabinQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"cabinQualifier,omitempty"`
// Cabin
Cabin []formats.AlphaString_Length0To1 `xml:"cabin"` // maxOccurs="3"
@@ -462,10 +462,10 @@ type CabinIdentificationType struct {
type CabinIdentificationType_233500C struct {
// Cabin qualifier. For Star Pricer,MD stands for Mandatory Cabin qualifier. For other products no qualifier stands for Mandatory Cabin.
- CabinQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"cabinQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CabinQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"cabinQualifier,omitempty"`
// Cabin
- Cabin []formats.AlphaString_Length0To1 `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ Cabin []formats.AlphaString_Length0To1 `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type CabinProductDetailsType struct {
@@ -473,13 +473,13 @@ type CabinProductDetailsType struct {
Rbd formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"rbd"`
// Reservation Booking Modifier
- BookingModifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1 `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingModifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1 `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"`
// Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Cabin formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabin,omitempty"`
// Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AvlStatus formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"`
type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"attributeType"`
// Attribute Description
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"`
type CodedAttributeInformationType_120742C struct {
@@ -495,22 +495,22 @@ type CodedAttributeInformationType_120742C struct {
Name formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"name"`
// Value.
- Value []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ Value []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
type CodedAttributeInformationType_139508C struct {
// Attribute type
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Value.
- Value []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ Value []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
type CodedAttributeInformationType_247828C struct {
AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"attributeType"`
// Attribute description
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"`
type CodedAttributeInformationType_247829C struct {
@@ -526,12 +526,12 @@ type CodedAttributeInformationType_254574C struct {
AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"attributeType"`
// Attribute description
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To50 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To50 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"`
type CodedAttributeType struct {
// Fee/reduction Id
- FeeId []*CodedAttributeInformationType_247829C `xml:"feeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ FeeId []*CodedAttributeInformationType_247829C `xml:"feeId,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type CodedAttributeType_181239S struct {
@@ -549,15 +549,15 @@ type CommercialAgreementsType struct {
CodeshareDetails *CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"codeshareDetails"`
// Other codeshare details
- OtherCodeshareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"otherCodeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
+ OtherCodeshareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"otherCodeshareDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="8"
type CommercialAgreementsType_78540S struct {
// Codeshare Details
- CodeshareDetails *CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120761C `xml:"codeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CodeshareDetails *CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120761C `xml:"codeshareDetails,omitempty"`
// Other codeshare details
- OtherCodeshareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120761C `xml:"otherCodeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ OtherCodeshareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120761C `xml:"otherCodeshareDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type CompanyIdentificationType struct{}
@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ type CompanyIdentificationType_195544C struct {
MarketingCarrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"marketingCarrier"`
// Operating carrier
- OperatingCarrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"operatingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperatingCarrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"operatingCarrier,omitempty"`
type CompanyIdentificationType_233548C struct {
@@ -596,24 +596,24 @@ type CompanyRoleIdentificationType struct {
TransportStageQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"transportStageQualifier"`
// company identification
- AirlineDesignator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"airlineDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AirlineDesignator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"airlineDesignator,omitempty"`
// flight number
- FlightNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"flightNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"flightNumber,omitempty"`
// suffix
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"`
type CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120761C struct {
// Type of code share agreement.
- CodeShareType formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"codeShareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CodeShareType formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"codeShareType,omitempty"`
// company identification
- AirlineDesignator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"airlineDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AirlineDesignator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"airlineDesignator,omitempty"`
// flight number
- FlightNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"flightNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"flightNumber,omitempty"`
type ConnectPointDetailsType struct {
@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ type ConnectPointDetailsType struct {
LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
// Airport/city qualifier
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"`
type ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C struct {
@@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ type ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C struct {
LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
// Airport/city qualifier
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"`
type ConnectionDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -651,11 +651,11 @@ type ConnectionTypeI struct {
type ConsumerReferenceIdentificationTypeI struct {
ReferenceQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"referenceQualifier"`
- ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"`
- ReferencePartyName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referencePartyName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferencePartyName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referencePartyName,omitempty"`
- TravellerReferenceNbr formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"travellerReferenceNbr,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravellerReferenceNbr formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"travellerReferenceNbr,omitempty"`
type ConsumerReferenceInformationType struct {
@@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ type ConsumerReferenceInformationType struct {
type ConversionRateDetailsType struct {
// Conversion type
- ConversionType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConversionType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"`
// Currency
Currency formats.AlphaString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency"`
@@ -678,20 +678,20 @@ type ConversionRateType struct {
type CorporateFareIdentifiersType struct {
// Indicates the type of corporate fares requested
- FareQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"`
// Corporate contract number or name
- IdentifyNumber []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identifyNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ IdentifyNumber []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identifyNumber,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type CorporateFareInformationType struct {
// Corporate fare identifiers
- CorporateFareIdentifiers *CorporateFareIdentifiersType `xml:"corporateFareIdentifiers,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CorporateFareIdentifiers *CorporateFareIdentifiersType `xml:"corporateFareIdentifiers,omitempty"`
type CorporateIdentificationType struct {
// Corporate identity
- CorporateId []*CorporateIdentityType `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ CorporateId []*CorporateIdentityType `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type CorporateIdentityType struct {
@@ -703,16 +703,16 @@ type CorporateIdentityType struct {
type CriteriaiDetaislType struct {
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"`
- Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"value,omitempty"`
- Attribute []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"attribute,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ Attribute []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"attribute,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type DataInformationType struct {
// Ancillary services options
- Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
type DataTypeInformationType struct {
@@ -720,78 +720,78 @@ type DataTypeInformationType struct {
SubType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"subType"`
// Status (automated, manually added, exempted). Default is automated
- Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeDetailsType struct {
// Trip Duration type(Plus,Minus,Combined)
- FlexibilityQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"flexibilityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlexibilityQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"flexibilityQualifier,omitempty"`
// Number of days added or/and retrieved to the trip duration
- TripInterval *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"tripInterval,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TripInterval *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"tripInterval,omitempty"`
// Period between date of departure and date of arrival
- TripDuration *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"tripDuration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TripDuration *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"tripDuration,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
// Toidentify type of time Arrival/Departure
- TimeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"timeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TimeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"timeQualifier,omitempty"`
// Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"`
// Time
- Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"`
// Time window size in hours
- TimeWindow formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"timeWindow,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TimeWindow formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"timeWindow,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI_120740C struct {
// Date time period qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// First Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"`
// First Time
- Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"`
// .
- Qualifier2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier2,omitempty"`
- Reserved1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"reserved1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Reserved1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"reserved1,omitempty"`
- Reserved2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length3To5 `xml:"reserved2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Reserved2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length3To5 `xml:"reserved2,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeDetailsType_120762C struct {
// Date time period qualifier
- DateQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"dateQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"dateQualifier,omitempty"`
// First Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"`
// First Time
- FirstTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"firstTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FirstTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"firstTime,omitempty"`
// Movement type.
- EquipementType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"equipementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EquipementType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"equipementType,omitempty"`
// Place/location identification.
- LocationId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeDetailsType_254619C struct {
// To identify type of range (Plus,Minus or combined)
- RangeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"rangeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RangeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"rangeQualifier,omitempty"`
// Range of dates : Number of Days preceding or/and Following the request departure date
- DayInterval *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"dayInterval,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DayInterval *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"dayInterval,omitempty"`
// Time at destination (local)
- TimeAtdestination formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"timeAtdestination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TimeAtdestination formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"timeAtdestination,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeInformationType struct {
@@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ type DateAndTimeInformationType struct {
type DateAndTimeInformationTypeI struct {
- DateTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI_120740C `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ DateTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI_120740C `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type DateAndTimeInformationType_181295S struct {
@@ -809,10 +809,10 @@ type DateAndTimeInformationType_181295S struct {
FirstDateTimeDetail *DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"firstDateTimeDetail"`
// Details of the Requested Range of Dates
- RangeOfDate *DateAndTimeDetailsType_254619C `xml:"rangeOfDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RangeOfDate *DateAndTimeDetailsType_254619C `xml:"rangeOfDate,omitempty"`
// Details of the trip duration
- TripDetails *DateAndTimeDetailsType `xml:"tripDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TripDetails *DateAndTimeDetailsType `xml:"tripDetails,omitempty"`
type DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -820,21 +820,21 @@ type DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI struct {
Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier"`
// Value
- Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"value,omitempty"`
type DepartureLocationType struct {
// Details on localization of the departure point
- DeparturePoint *ArrivalLocationDetailsType_120834C `xml:"departurePoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DeparturePoint *ArrivalLocationDetailsType_120834C `xml:"departurePoint,omitempty"`
// Departure multi city option
- DepMultiCity []*MultiCityOptionType `xml:"depMultiCity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ DepMultiCity []*MultiCityOptionType `xml:"depMultiCity,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// To specify a series or a range of PNR segments
- FirstPnrSegmentRef *PNRSegmentReferenceType `xml:"firstPnrSegmentRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FirstPnrSegmentRef *PNRSegmentReferenceType `xml:"firstPnrSegmentRef,omitempty"`
// Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_139508C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_139508C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type FOPRepresentationType struct {
@@ -842,50 +842,50 @@ type FOPRepresentationType struct {
FormOfPaymentDetails *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"formOfPaymentDetails"`
// Fee/Reduction Passenger reference.
- PassengerFeeReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"passengerFeeReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerFeeReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"passengerFeeReference,omitempty"`
type FareDetailsType struct {
// Qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Rate
- Rate *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
// Country
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"`
// Fare Category
- FareCategory formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareCategory formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"`
type FareFamilyCriteriaType struct {
// Fare publishing carrier.
- CarrierId []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"carrierId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ CarrierId []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"carrierId,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Reservation booking designator.
- Rdb []formats.AlphaString_Length1To2 `xml:"rdb,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ Rdb []formats.AlphaString_Length1To2 `xml:"rdb,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Fare family info.
- FareFamilyInfo *FareQualifierInformationType `xml:"fareFamilyInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareFamilyInfo *FareQualifierInformationType `xml:"fareFamilyInfo,omitempty"`
// Fare product detail.
- FareProductDetail []*FareProductDetailsType `xml:"fareProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ FareProductDetail []*FareProductDetailsType `xml:"fareProductDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Corporate information.
- CorporateInfo []*MultipleIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"corporateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ CorporateInfo []*MultipleIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"corporateInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Indicates flight cabin details.
- CabinProduct []*CabinClassDesignationType `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ CabinProduct []*CabinClassDesignationType `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
// Cabin processing option.
- CabinProcessingIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"cabinProcessingIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CabinProcessingIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"cabinProcessingIdentifier,omitempty"`
// Product date or time.
- DateTimeDetails []*ProductDateTimeTypeI_194583C `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ DateTimeDetails []*ProductDateTimeTypeI_194583C `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Other criteria.
- OtherCriteria []*CodedAttributeInformationType_120742C `xml:"otherCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ OtherCriteria []*CodedAttributeInformationType_120742C `xml:"otherCriteria,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type FareFamilyDetailsType struct {
@@ -895,52 +895,52 @@ type FareFamilyDetailsType struct {
type FareFamilyType struct {
// Fare Family Reference Number
- RefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"`
// Fare Family Short Name
- FareFamilyName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"fareFamilyname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareFamilyName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"fareFamilyname,omitempty"`
- Hierarchy *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"hierarchy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Hierarchy *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"hierarchy,omitempty"`
// Indicates Commercial Fare Family Short names
- CommercialFamilyDetails []*FareFamilyDetailsType `xml:"commercialFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ CommercialFamilyDetails []*FareFamilyDetailsType `xml:"commercialFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type FareInformationType struct {
// Value Qualifier
- ValueQualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ValueQualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"`
// Value
- Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"`
// Fare Details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsType `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareDetails *FareDetailsType `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
// Identity Number
- IdentityNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdentityNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"`
// Fare Type Grouping
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationType `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationType `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"`
// Rate Category
- RateCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"`
type FareInformationTypeI struct {
// PTC (Full Codeset List described in ATPCo Documentation B11109 Appendix A)
- ValueQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ValueQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"`
// age
- Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"`
type FareProductDetailsType struct {
// Fare basis code
- FareBasis formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To18 `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareBasis formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To18 `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"`
// Type of fare
- FareType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"fareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ FareType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"fareType,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type FareQualifierInformationType struct {
@@ -950,15 +950,15 @@ type FareQualifierInformationType struct {
type FareTypeGroupingInformationType struct {
// Pricing Group
- PricingGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"`
type FlightProductInformationType struct {
// Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct []*CabinProductDetailsType `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
+ CabinProduct []*CabinProductDetailsType `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="26"
// To specify additional characteristics.
- ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType_205137C `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType_205137C `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"`
type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -966,15 +966,15 @@ type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
// amount to be charged on this form
- ChargedAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To12 `xml:"chargedAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ChargedAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To12 `xml:"chargedAmount,omitempty"`
// Reference number
- CreditCardNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CreditCardNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"`
type FormOfPaymentTypeI struct {
- FormOfPaymentDetails []*FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI `xml:"formOfPaymentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ FormOfPaymentDetails []*FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI `xml:"formOfPaymentDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
@@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
TextSubjectQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
// Type of the free text. Always 7 for our usage.
- InformationType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InformationType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"informationType,omitempty"`
// Source of the information.
Source formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"source"`
@@ -1004,7 +1004,7 @@ type FrequencyType struct {
Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier"`
// Used to represent days of the week. 1 is monday and 7 is sunday.
- Value []*formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="7"
+ Value []*formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="7"
type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType struct {
@@ -1019,32 +1019,32 @@ type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType_177150S struct {
type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType struct {
// Carrier where the FQTV is registered.
- Carrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"carrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Carrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"carrier,omitempty"`
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To28 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To28 `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Specifies which traveller in the TIF segment the frequent traveller number applies (same as 9944 in TIF).
- CustomerReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"`
// status code: 'OK' if the frequent flyer card has been validated
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"`
// To specify a Tier linked to the FQTV
- TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"`
// For example : priority code
- PriorityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriorityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"`
// For example : Level description
- TierDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TierDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"`
// For example : Company code of alliance
- CompanyCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"companyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"companyCode,omitempty"`
- CustomerValue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"customerValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerValue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"customerValue,omitempty"`
// To specify the product/account number qualifier. (e.g. 2=Corporate Frequent Flyer).
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"`
type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType_249074C struct {
@@ -1052,22 +1052,22 @@ type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType_249074C struct {
Carrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"carrier"`
// Frequent traveller number
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Customer reference
- CustomerReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"`
// Tier level
- TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"`
// Priority code
- PriorityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriorityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"`
// Tier description
- TierDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TierDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"`
// To specify the product/account number qualifier. (e.g. 2=Corporate Frequent Flyer).
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"`
type GroupPassengerDetailsType struct {
@@ -1075,7 +1075,7 @@ type GroupPassengerDetailsType struct {
PassengerReference *SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI `xml:"passengerReference"`
// pricing option at passenger level
- PsgDetailsInfo []*PsgDetailsInfo `xml:"psgDetailsInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ PsgDetailsInfo []*PsgDetailsInfo `xml:"psgDetailsInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type PsgDetailsInfo struct {
@@ -1083,35 +1083,35 @@ type PsgDetailsInfo struct {
DiscountPtc *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"discountPtc"`
// Tier level information
- FlequentFlyerDetails *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"flequentFlyerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlequentFlyerDetails *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"flequentFlyerDetails,omitempty"`
type HeaderInformationTypeI struct {
// Status
- Status []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ Status []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Date and Time info
- DateTimePeriodDetails *DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI `xml:"dateTimePeriodDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateTimePeriodDetails *DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI `xml:"dateTimePeriodDetails,omitempty"`
// Reference number
- ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"`
// Contains product identification such as UIC code...
- ProductIdentification []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"productIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ ProductIdentification []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"productIdentification,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type ItemNumberIdentificationType struct {
// Fare family combination number
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Type
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Responsible agency
- ResponsibleAgency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ResponsibleAgency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberType struct {
@@ -1126,13 +1126,13 @@ type ItemNumberType_80866S struct {
type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
// Reference Qualifier.
- PassengerFeeRefType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerFeeRefType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefType,omitempty"`
// Reference number.
- PassengerFeeRefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerFeeRefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefNumber,omitempty"`
// Unique id description.
- OtherCharacteristics *UniqueIdDescriptionType `xml:"otherCharacteristics,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherCharacteristics *UniqueIdDescriptionType `xml:"otherCharacteristics,omitempty"`
type ItineraryDetailsType struct {
@@ -1148,7 +1148,7 @@ type LocationDetailsTypeI struct {
LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
// Country, coded
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"`
type LocationIdentificationDetailsType struct {
@@ -1156,10 +1156,10 @@ type LocationIdentificationDetailsType struct {
LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
// Airport/city qualifier: the requested point is an airport when ambiguity exists (e.g. HOU)
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"`
// Terminal information
- Terminal formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Terminal formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"terminal,omitempty"`
type LocationTypeI struct {
@@ -1169,54 +1169,54 @@ type LocationTypeI struct {
type MileageTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
// Ground Time in minutes at Board point (connection with incoming flight)
- ElapsedGroundTime *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"elapsedGroundTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ElapsedGroundTime *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"elapsedGroundTime,omitempty"`
type MonetaryAndCabinInformationDetailsType struct {
// Amount qualifier.
- AmountType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"amountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AmountType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"amountType,omitempty"`
// Amount
Amount formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"amount"`
// ISO currency code
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// Airport/city code
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"`
// Cabin class designator
- CabinClassDesignator []formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabinClassDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ CabinClassDesignator []formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabinClassDesignator,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type MonetaryAndCabinInformationType struct {
// Monetary and cabin information.
- MoneyAndCabinInfo []*MonetaryAndCabinInformationDetailsType `xml:"moneyAndCabinInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ MoneyAndCabinInfo []*MonetaryAndCabinInformationDetailsType `xml:"moneyAndCabinInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
// Monetary amount type qualifier, coded
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Allowance or charge number
Amount formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"amount"`
// Currency, coded
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_194597C struct {
// Monetary amount type qualifier, coded
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Allowance or charge number
Amount formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"amount"`
// Currency, coded
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// Place or Location identification
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65140C struct {
@@ -1224,10 +1224,10 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65140C struct {
TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
// Amount
- Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65141C struct {
@@ -1235,13 +1235,13 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65141C struct {
TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
// Amount
- Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// Location
- Location formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Location formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"location,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationType struct {
@@ -1249,7 +1249,7 @@ type MonetaryInformationType struct {
MoneyInfo *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"moneyInfo"`
- AdditionalMoneyInfo []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_194597C `xml:"additionalMoneyInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
+ AdditionalMoneyInfo []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_194597C `xml:"additionalMoneyInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -1267,20 +1267,20 @@ type MultiCityOptionType struct {
LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
// Requested arrival point is an airport or a city (default is city and used only when ambiguity)
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"`
type MultipleIdentificationNumbersTypeI struct {
// Corporate number or ALL.
- CorporateNumberIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"corporateNumberIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CorporateNumberIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"corporateNumberIdentifier,omitempty"`
// Corporate name.
- CorporateName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"corporateName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CorporateName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"corporateName,omitempty"`
type NumberOfUnitDetailsType struct {
// Number of Units
- NumberOfUnits *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfUnits *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"`
// Number of unit qualifier
TypeOfUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeOfUnit"`
@@ -1317,77 +1317,77 @@ type OriginAndDestinationRequestType struct {
SegRef formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"segRef"`
// Forces arrival or departure, from/to the same airport/city
- LocationForcing []*ItineraryDetailsType `xml:"locationForcing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ LocationForcing []*ItineraryDetailsType `xml:"locationForcing,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
// Office Name.
- OfficeName *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"officeName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OfficeName *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"officeName,omitempty"`
// Agent Sign In .
- AgentSignin formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"agentSignin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AgentSignin formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"agentSignin,omitempty"`
// Confidential Office Name.
- ConfidentialOffice formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"confidentialOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConfidentialOffice formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"confidentialOffice,omitempty"`
// Other Office Name
- OtherOffice formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"otherOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherOffice formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"otherOffice,omitempty"`
type PNRSegmentReferenceType struct {
// For a request from PNR: this is the reference number of a PNR air segment. In case a range of PNR segments is specified (eg. segments 2-5), then it is the 1st of the range, the last being in ARR.
- PnrSegmentTattoo *formats.NumericInteger_Length0To35 `xml:"pnrSegmentTattoo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PnrSegmentTattoo *formats.NumericInteger_Length0To35 `xml:"pnrSegmentTattoo,omitempty"`
- PnrSegmentQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"pnrSegmentQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PnrSegmentQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"pnrSegmentQualifier,omitempty"`
type PassengerItineraryInformationType struct {
// .
- Booking formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"booking,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Booking formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"booking,omitempty"`
// .
- Identifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"identifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Identifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"identifier,omitempty"`
// .
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"`
// .
- ItemNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ItemNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"`
// .
- DateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeType `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeType `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"`
// .
- Designator formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"designator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Designator formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"designator,omitempty"`
// .
- MovementType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MovementType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"movementType,omitempty"`
// .
- ProductTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"productTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"productTypeDetails,omitempty"`
type PricingTicketingDetailsType struct {
// Pricing ticketing Details.
- PricingTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"pricingTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"pricingTicketing,omitempty"`
- TicketingDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI_194598C `xml:"ticketingDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketingDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI_194598C `xml:"ticketingDate,omitempty"`
- CompanyId *CompanyIdentificationType `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId *CompanyIdentificationType `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
- SellingPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"sellingPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SellingPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"sellingPoint,omitempty"`
- TicketingPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"ticketingPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketingPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"ticketingPoint,omitempty"`
// Used to Target Transborder Fares
- JourneyOriginPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"journeyOriginPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ JourneyOriginPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"journeyOriginPoint,omitempty"`
// Contains the ARC,IATA and ERSP numbers
- CorporateId *AgentIdentificationType `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CorporateId *AgentIdentificationType `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"`
type PricingTicketingInformationType struct {
@@ -1400,24 +1400,24 @@ type ProductDateTimeType struct {
Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date"`
// .
- Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"`
type ProductDateTimeTypeI struct {
// Departure date in YYYYMMDD format
- DepartureDate formats.Date_YYYYMMDD `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureDate formats.Date_YYYYMMDD `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"`
// Departure time
- DepartureTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"`
// Arrival date
- ArrivalDate formats.Date_YYYYMMDD `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalDate formats.Date_YYYYMMDD `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"`
// Arrival time
- ArrivalTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"`
// Day difference between Departure date of the leg and date of reference (Departure or Arrival date specified in the SDI)
- DateVariation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateVariation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"`
type ProductDateTimeTypeI_194583C struct {
@@ -1425,7 +1425,7 @@ type ProductDateTimeTypeI_194583C struct {
Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date"`
// Ticketing purchase date
- OtherDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"otherDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"otherDate,omitempty"`
type ProductDateTimeTypeI_194598C struct {
@@ -1433,7 +1433,7 @@ type ProductDateTimeTypeI_194598C struct {
Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date"`
// Half round trip combination.
- RtcDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"rtcDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RtcDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"rtcDate,omitempty"`
type ProductDateTimeType_195546C struct {
@@ -1441,36 +1441,36 @@ type ProductDateTimeType_195546C struct {
DateOfDeparture formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"dateOfDeparture"`
// Departure time
- TimeOfDeparture formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"timeOfDeparture,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TimeOfDeparture formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"timeOfDeparture,omitempty"`
// Arrival date
- DateOfArrival formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"dateOfArrival,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateOfArrival formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"dateOfArrival,omitempty"`
// Arrival time
- TimeOfArrival formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"timeOfArrival,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TimeOfArrival formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"timeOfArrival,omitempty"`
// Arrival date compared to departure date, only if different from 0
- DateVariation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateVariation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"`
type ProductFacilitiesType struct {
// Yes-No indicator whether Last Seat Available
- LastSeatAvailable formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"lastSeatAvailable,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LastSeatAvailable formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"lastSeatAvailable,omitempty"`
// Level of access
- LevelOfAccess formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"levelOfAccess,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LevelOfAccess formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"levelOfAccess,omitempty"`
// Yes-No indicator whether electronic ticketing
- ElectronicTicketing formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"electronicTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ElectronicTicketing formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"electronicTicketing,omitempty"`
// Product identification suffix
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"`
// Define whether a flight has been polled or not
- ProductDetailQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"productDetailQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDetailQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"productDetailQualifier,omitempty"`
// Add some flight restrictions (See code set list)
- FlightCharacteristic []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ FlightCharacteristic []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -1478,30 +1478,30 @@ type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
FlightNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"flightNumber"`
// Flight suffix
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"`
type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_50878C struct {
FlightNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"flightNumber"`
- BookingClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"`
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"`
- Modifier []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ Modifier []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type ProductLocationDetailsTypeI struct {
// airport
- Station formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"station,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Station formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"station,omitempty"`
type ProductTypeDetailsType struct {
// .
- SequenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"sequenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SequenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"sequenceNumber,omitempty"`
// PNR availability context
- AvailabilityContext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"availabilityContext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AvailabilityContext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"availabilityContext,omitempty"`
type ProductTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -1511,7 +1511,7 @@ type ProductTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
type ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C struct {
// Type of flight
- FlightType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"flightType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ FlightType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"flightType,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type ProductTypeDetailsType_205137C struct {
@@ -1521,10 +1521,10 @@ type ProductTypeDetailsType_205137C struct {
type ProposedSegmentDetailsType struct {
// Flight proposal reference
- Ref formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"ref,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Ref formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"ref,omitempty"`
// Elapse Flying Time
- UnitQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UnitQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"`
type ProposedSegmentType struct {
@@ -1532,20 +1532,20 @@ type ProposedSegmentType struct {
FlightProposal []*ProposedSegmentDetailsType `xml:"flightProposal"` // maxOccurs="9"
// Flight characteristics.
- FlightCharacteristic formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightCharacteristic formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"`
// Majority cabin
- MajCabin formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"majCabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MajCabin formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"majCabin,omitempty"`
type ReferenceInfoType struct {
// Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
// Segment reference qualifier
- RefQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"`
// Flight or flight group reference
RefNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length0To3 `xml:"refNumber"`
@@ -1553,17 +1553,17 @@ type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
type RoutingInformationTypeI struct {
// Stops details
- RoutingDetails []*ProductLocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ RoutingDetails []*ProductLocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI struct {
// traveller number
- Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"`
type SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI struct {
// Segment control details
- SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type SelectionDetailsInformationType struct {
@@ -1571,25 +1571,25 @@ type SelectionDetailsInformationType struct {
Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
// Carrier fee status
- OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"`
type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option"`
- OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"`
type SelectionDetailsType struct {
// Carrier fees options
CarrierFeeDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationType `xml:"carrierFeeDetails"`
- OtherSelectionDetails []*SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"otherSelectionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
+ OtherSelectionDetails []*SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"otherSelectionDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="98"
type SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType struct {
// SSR seat characteristic
- SeatCharacteristics []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"seatCharacteristics,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ SeatCharacteristics []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"seatCharacteristics,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type SpecialRequirementsDetailsType struct {
@@ -1597,7 +1597,7 @@ type SpecialRequirementsDetailsType struct {
ServiceRequirementsInfo *SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType `xml:"serviceRequirementsInfo"`
// Seat details
- SeatDetails []*SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType `xml:"seatDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
+ SeatDetails []*SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType `xml:"seatDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="999"
type SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType struct {
@@ -1605,22 +1605,22 @@ type SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType struct {
ServiceClassification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"serviceClassification"`
// Status
- ServiceStatus formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceStatus formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceStatus,omitempty"`
// To specify the number of items involved
- ServiceNumberOfInstances *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"serviceNumberOfInstances,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceNumberOfInstances *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"serviceNumberOfInstances,omitempty"`
// To specify to which marketing carrier the service applies
- ServiceMarketingCarrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceMarketingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceMarketingCarrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceMarketingCarrier,omitempty"`
// Specify the Service group
- ServiceGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceGroup,omitempty"`
// Specify the Service Sub-Group
- ServiceSubGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceSubGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceSubGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceSubGroup,omitempty"`
// Free Text attached to the Service.
- ServiceFreeText []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"serviceFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ ServiceFreeText []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"serviceFreeText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type SpecificDataInformationType struct {
@@ -1628,63 +1628,63 @@ type SpecificDataInformationType struct {
DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationType `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
// Data information
- DataInformation []*DataInformationType `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ DataInformation []*DataInformationType `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type StationInformationTypeI struct {
// Departure terminal
- Terminal formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Terminal formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"terminal,omitempty"`
type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
// Year number. The format is a little long for short term usage but it can be reduced by implementation if required.
- Year *formats.NumericInteger_Length4To4 `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Year *formats.NumericInteger_Length4To4 `xml:"year,omitempty"`
// Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Month *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"month,omitempty"`
// Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Day *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"day,omitempty"`
type StructuredPeriodInformationType struct {
// Effective date of period of operation
- BeginDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"beginDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BeginDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"beginDateTime,omitempty"`
// Discontinue date of period of operation
- EndDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"endDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EndDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"endDateTime,omitempty"`
// It is used with a period to give a restriction for days impacted. It permits for example to indicate on which days, a flight operates.
- Frequency *FrequencyType `xml:"frequency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Frequency *FrequencyType `xml:"frequency,omitempty"`
type TaxDetailsTypeI struct {
// Duty/tax/fee rate
- Rate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
// Country, coded
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"`
// Currency, coded
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// Duty/Tax fee type, coded
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Amount type qualifier, coded
- AmountQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"amountQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AmountQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"amountQualifier,omitempty"`
type TaxType struct {
// Duty tax fee category, coded
- WithholdTaxSurcharge formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"withholdTaxSurcharge,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ WithholdTaxSurcharge formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"withholdTaxSurcharge,omitempty"`
- TaxDetail []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TaxDetail []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type TicketNumberDetailsTypeI struct {
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"number,omitempty"`
type TicketNumberTypeI struct {
@@ -1696,88 +1696,88 @@ type TicketingPriceSchemeType struct {
ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber"`
// Price Scheme Name
- Name formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Name formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"name,omitempty"`
// Price Scheme Status. Is the price scheme valid for service fee calculation ?
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"`
// free flow description of the price scheme
- Description formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To250 `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Description formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To250 `xml:"description,omitempty"`
type TrafficRestrictionDetailsTypeI struct {
// Traffic Restriction code
- Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"code,omitempty"`
type TrafficRestrictionTypeI struct {
// Traffic Restriction Details
- TrafficRestrictionDetails []*TrafficRestrictionDetailsTypeI `xml:"trafficRestrictionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ TrafficRestrictionDetails []*TrafficRestrictionDetailsTypeI `xml:"trafficRestrictionDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type TravelFlightInformationType struct {
// Cabin identification
- CabinId *CabinIdentificationType `xml:"cabinId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CabinId *CabinIdentificationType `xml:"cabinId,omitempty"`
// Company Identification
- CompanyIdentity []*CompanyIdentificationType_120719C `xml:"companyIdentity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ CompanyIdentity []*CompanyIdentificationType_120719C `xml:"companyIdentity,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Type of flight details
- FlightDetail *ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightDetail *ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"`
// Details of included connecting points
- InclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C `xml:"inclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ InclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C `xml:"inclusionDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Further connection details
- ExclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType `xml:"exclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ ExclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType `xml:"exclusionDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Nb of connections for each requested segment of the journey.
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"unitNumberDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"unitNumberDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type TravelFlightInformationType_165053S struct {
// Cabin identification
- CabinId *CabinIdentificationType_233500C `xml:"cabinId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CabinId *CabinIdentificationType_233500C `xml:"cabinId,omitempty"`
// Company Identification
- CompanyIdentity []*CompanyIdentificationType_120719C `xml:"companyIdentity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ CompanyIdentity []*CompanyIdentificationType_120719C `xml:"companyIdentity,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Type of flight details
- FlightDetail *ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightDetail *ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"`
// Details of included connect point
- InclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C `xml:"inclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ InclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C `xml:"inclusionDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Further connection details
- ExclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType `xml:"exclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ ExclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType `xml:"exclusionDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Nb of connections allowed at requested segment level.
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"unitNumberDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"unitNumberDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type TravelFlightInformationType_185853S struct {
// Cabin identification
- CabinId *CabinIdentificationType_233500C `xml:"cabinId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CabinId *CabinIdentificationType_233500C `xml:"cabinId,omitempty"`
// Company Identification
- CompanyIdentity []*CompanyIdentificationType_233548C `xml:"companyIdentity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ CompanyIdentity []*CompanyIdentificationType_233548C `xml:"companyIdentity,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Type of flight details
- FlightDetail *ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightDetail *ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"`
// Details of included connect point
- InclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C `xml:"inclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ InclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C `xml:"inclusionDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Further connection details
- ExclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType `xml:"exclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ ExclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType `xml:"exclusionDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Added departed flights flag
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"unitNumberDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"unitNumberDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
// Flight Date
- FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"`
// Board point
BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails"`
@@ -1789,10 +1789,10 @@ type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails"`
// Flight identification
- FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"`
// Identify flight part of the journey
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"`
type TravelProductType struct {
@@ -1803,19 +1803,19 @@ type TravelProductType struct {
Location []*LocationIdentificationDetailsType `xml:"location"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Company identification
- CompanyId *CompanyIdentificationType_195544C `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId *CompanyIdentificationType_195544C `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// Flight number or trainNumber
- FlightOrtrainNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"flightOrtrainNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightOrtrainNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"flightOrtrainNumber,omitempty"`
// Product details
- ProductDetail *AdditionalProductDetailsType `xml:"productDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDetail *AdditionalProductDetailsType `xml:"productDetail,omitempty"`
// Additional product details
- AddProductDetail *ProductFacilitiesType `xml:"addProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AddProductDetail *ProductFacilitiesType `xml:"addProductDetail,omitempty"`
// Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_247828C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_247828C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type TravellerDetailsType struct {
@@ -1823,12 +1823,12 @@ type TravellerDetailsType struct {
Ref formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"ref"`
// Traveller is an infant
- InfantIndicator *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InfantIndicator *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"`
type TravellerReferenceInformationType struct {
// Requested passenger type
- Ptc []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"ptc,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ Ptc []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"ptc,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
// Traveller details
Traveller []*TravellerDetailsType `xml:"traveller"` // maxOccurs="9"
@@ -1836,26 +1836,26 @@ type TravellerReferenceInformationType struct {
type UniqueIdDescriptionType struct {
// Reference qualifier.
- PassengerFeeRefQualif formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefQualif,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerFeeRefQualif formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefQualif,omitempty"`
type UserIdentificationType struct {
// Originator Identification Details
- OfficeIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"officeIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OfficeIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"officeIdentification,omitempty"`
// Used to specify which kind of info is given in DE 9900.
- OfficeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"officeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OfficeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"officeType,omitempty"`
// The code given to an agent by the originating reservation system.
- OfficeCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To30 `xml:"officeCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OfficeCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To30 `xml:"officeCode,omitempty"`
type ValueSearchCriteriaType struct {
- CriteriaName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To50 `xml:"criteriaName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CriteriaName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To50 `xml:"criteriaName,omitempty"`
- CriteriaCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"criteriaCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CriteriaCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"criteriaCode,omitempty"`
- Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"value,omitempty"`
- CriteriaDetails []*CriteriaiDetaislType `xml:"criteriaDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ CriteriaDetails []*CriteriaiDetaislType `xml:"criteriaDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
diff --git a/sdk/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v14_3_reply/reply.go b/structs/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v14.3/response/reply.go
similarity index 64%
rename from sdk/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v14_3_reply/reply.go
rename to structs/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v14.3/response/reply.go
index 2a94f0d..022df93 100644
--- a/sdk/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v14_3_reply/reply.go
+++ b/structs/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v14.3/response/reply.go
@@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
-package Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply_v14_3 // fmptbr143
+package Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchResponse_v14_3 // fmptbr143
//import "encoding/xml"
-type FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply struct {
+type Response struct {
// XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/FMPTBR_14_3_1A Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply"`
// Gives status about reply : type of process, region , CPU etc..
- ReplyStatus *StatusType `xml:"replyStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReplyStatus *StatusType `xml:"replyStatus,omitempty"`
- ErrorMessage *ErrorMessage `xml:"errorMessage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorMessage *ErrorMessage `xml:"errorMessage,omitempty"`
// Specifies the currency used for pricing.
- ConversionRate *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"conversionRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConversionRate *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"conversionRate,omitempty"`
// Solution Family
- SolutionFamily []*FareInformationType `xml:"solutionFamily,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ SolutionFamily []*FareInformationType `xml:"solutionFamily,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Details of the fare families processed
- FamilyInformation []*FareFamilyType `xml:"familyInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
+ FamilyInformation []*FareFamilyType `xml:"familyInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="200"
- AmountInfoForAllPax *AmountInfoForAllPax `xml:"amountInfoForAllPax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AmountInfoForAllPax *AmountInfoForAllPax `xml:"amountInfoForAllPax,omitempty"`
- AmountInfoPerPax []*AmountInfoPerPax `xml:"amountInfoPerPax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ AmountInfoPerPax []*AmountInfoPerPax `xml:"amountInfoPerPax,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
- FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2099"
+ FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2099"
// Free text identifying an airline in a code share.
- CompanyIdText []*CompanyIdentificationTextType `xml:"companyIdText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5000"
+ CompanyIdText []*CompanyIdentificationTextType `xml:"companyIdText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5000"
- OfficeIdDetails []*OfficeIdDetails `xml:"officeIdDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ OfficeIdDetails []*OfficeIdDetails `xml:"officeIdDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
- FlightIndex []*FlightIndex `xml:"flightIndex,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ FlightIndex []*FlightIndex `xml:"flightIndex,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
- Recommendation []*Recommendation `xml:"recommendation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
+ Recommendation []*Recommendation `xml:"recommendation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="100000"
- OtherSolutions []*OtherSolutions `xml:"otherSolutions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100009"
+ OtherSolutions []*OtherSolutions `xml:"otherSolutions,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="100009"
- WarningInfo []*WarningInfo `xml:"warningInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ WarningInfo []*WarningInfo `xml:"warningInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
- GlobalInformation []*GlobalInformation `xml:"globalInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ GlobalInformation []*GlobalInformation `xml:"globalInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
- ServiceFeesGrp []*ServiceFeesGrp `xml:"serviceFeesGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ ServiceFeesGrp []*ServiceFeesGrp `xml:"serviceFeesGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
- Value []*ValueSearchCriteriaType `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100009"
+ Value []*ValueSearchCriteriaType `xml:"value,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="100009"
- MnrGrp *MnrGrp `xml:"mnrGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MnrGrp *MnrGrp `xml:"mnrGrp,omitempty"`
type ErrorMessage struct {
@@ -52,14 +52,14 @@ type ErrorMessage struct {
ApplicationError *ApplicationErrorInformationType_78543S `xml:"applicationError"`
// Type of error message and free text
- ErrorMessageText *InteractiveFreeTextType_78544S `xml:"errorMessageText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorMessageText *InteractiveFreeTextType_78544S `xml:"errorMessageText,omitempty"`
type AmountInfoForAllPax struct {
// Itinerary amounts for all passengers
ItineraryAmounts *MonetaryInformationType_137835S `xml:"itineraryAmounts"`
- AmountsPerSgt []*AmountsPerSgt `xml:"amountsPerSgt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ AmountsPerSgt []*AmountsPerSgt `xml:"amountsPerSgt,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type AmountsPerSgt struct {
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ type AmountsPerSgt struct {
SgtRef *ReferenceInfoType_133176S `xml:"sgtRef"`
// Amounts : Issue total amount, issue taxes amount, non refundable taxes amount
- Amounts *MonetaryInformationType_137835S `xml:"amounts,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amounts *MonetaryInformationType_137835S `xml:"amounts,omitempty"`
type AmountInfoPerPax struct {
@@ -75,12 +75,12 @@ type AmountInfoPerPax struct {
PaxRef *SpecificTravellerType `xml:"paxRef"`
// Passenger attributes : Infant indicator
- PaxAttributes *FareInformationType_80868S `xml:"paxAttributes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PaxAttributes *FareInformationType_80868S `xml:"paxAttributes,omitempty"`
// Itinerary amounts information
ItineraryAmounts *MonetaryInformationType_137835S `xml:"itineraryAmounts"`
- AmountsPerSgt []*AmountsPerSgt `xml:"amountsPerSgt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ AmountsPerSgt []*AmountsPerSgt `xml:"amountsPerSgt,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type FeeDetails struct {
@@ -88,13 +88,13 @@ type FeeDetails struct {
FeeReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_78564S `xml:"feeReference"`
// Fee/Reduction information.
- FeeInformation *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationType `xml:"feeInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeInformation *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationType `xml:"feeInformation,omitempty"`
// Fee/Reduction parameters.
- FeeParameters *AttributeType_78561S `xml:"feeParameters,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeParameters *AttributeType_78561S `xml:"feeParameters,omitempty"`
// To specify conversion rate details
- ConvertedOrOriginalInfo *ConversionRateTypeI_78562S `xml:"convertedOrOriginalInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConvertedOrOriginalInfo *ConversionRateTypeI_78562S `xml:"convertedOrOriginalInfo,omitempty"`
type OfficeIdDetails struct {
@@ -124,22 +124,22 @@ type FlightDetails struct {
FlightInformation *TravelProductType `xml:"flightInformation"`
// returns booking class and availability context
- AvlInfo []*FlightProductInformationType_141442S `xml:"avlInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ AvlInfo []*FlightProductInformationType_141442S `xml:"avlInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
// Details on Flight date, time and location of technical stop or change of gauge
- TechnicalStop []*DateAndTimeInformationType `xml:"technicalStop,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ TechnicalStop []*DateAndTimeInformationType `xml:"technicalStop,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
// Code Share Agreement description for current flight.
- CommercialAgreement *CommercialAgreementsType `xml:"commercialAgreement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CommercialAgreement *CommercialAgreementsType `xml:"commercialAgreement,omitempty"`
// Additional Info about flight, such as Reference number, and several options
- AddInfo *HeaderInformationTypeI `xml:"addInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AddInfo *HeaderInformationTypeI `xml:"addInfo,omitempty"`
// Flight characteristics
- FlightCharacteristics *FlightCharacteristicsType `xml:"flightCharacteristics,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightCharacteristics *FlightCharacteristicsType `xml:"flightCharacteristics,omitempty"`
// Flight Services by cabin/rbd
- FlightServices []*FlightServicesType `xml:"flightServices,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ FlightServices []*FlightServicesType `xml:"flightServices,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type Recommendation struct {
@@ -147,25 +147,25 @@ type Recommendation struct {
ItemNumber *ItemNumberType_161497S `xml:"itemNumber"`
// To describe type of recommendation
- WarningMessage []*InteractiveFreeTextType_78544S `xml:"warningMessage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
+ WarningMessage []*InteractiveFreeTextType_78544S `xml:"warningMessage,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="4"
// Indicates the Fare family reference.
- FareFamilyRef *ReferenceInfoType_133176S `xml:"fareFamilyRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareFamilyRef *ReferenceInfoType_133176S `xml:"fareFamilyRef,omitempty"`
// Recommendation Price and Taxes.
RecPriceInfo *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"recPriceInfo"`
// Mini rules
- MiniRule []*MiniRulesType_78547S `xml:"miniRule,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ MiniRule []*MiniRulesType_78547S `xml:"miniRule,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
// Indicates reference of Flight or the fee reference valid for all pax (usage:start with the 1 possible Fee reference, then provide the segments references)
- SegmentFlightRef []*ReferenceInfoType `xml:"segmentFlightRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100009"
+ SegmentFlightRef []*ReferenceInfoType `xml:"segmentFlightRef,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="100009"
- RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails []*RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails `xml:"recommandationSegmentsFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails []*RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails `xml:"recommandationSegmentsFareDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
PaxFareProduct []*PaxFareProduct `xml:"paxFareProduct"` // maxOccurs="10"
- SpecificRecDetails []*SpecificRecDetails `xml:"specificRecDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
+ SpecificRecDetails []*SpecificRecDetails `xml:"specificRecDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="100000"
type RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails struct {
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ type RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails struct {
RecommendationSegRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"recommendationSegRef"`
// Amounts per requested segment.
- SegmentMonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType_137835S `xml:"segmentMonetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SegmentMonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType_137835S `xml:"segmentMonetaryInformation,omitempty"`
type PaxFareProduct struct {
@@ -181,15 +181,15 @@ type PaxFareProduct struct {
PaxFareDetail *PricingTicketingSubsequentType_144401S `xml:"paxFareDetail"`
// Indicates Fee references (usage: start with the 1 possible Fee reference, then provide the segments references)
- FeeRef *ReferenceInfoType_134839S `xml:"feeRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeRef *ReferenceInfoType_134839S `xml:"feeRef,omitempty"`
// Passenger Reference
PaxReference []*TravellerReferenceInformationType `xml:"paxReference"` // maxOccurs="6"
// add tax details for each passenger of each recommendations.
- PassengerTaxDetails *TaxType `xml:"passengerTaxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerTaxDetails *TaxType `xml:"passengerTaxDetails,omitempty"`
- Fare []*Fare `xml:"fare,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="7"
+ Fare []*Fare `xml:"fare,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="7"
FareDetails []*FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails"` // maxOccurs="6"
@@ -199,20 +199,20 @@ type Fare struct {
PricingMessage *InteractiveFreeTextType_78559S `xml:"pricingMessage"`
// Amount of penalties, Surcharges...
- MonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType_185955S `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType_185955S `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"`
type FareDetails struct {
// Reference of the Requested Segment
SegmentRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"segmentRef"`
- GroupOfFares []*GroupOfFares `xml:"groupOfFares,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
+ GroupOfFares []*GroupOfFares `xml:"groupOfFares,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="4"
// Amounts per passenger per requested segment.
- PsgSegMonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType_137835S `xml:"psgSegMonetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PsgSegMonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType_137835S `xml:"psgSegMonetaryInformation,omitempty"`
// Majority Cabin Info
- MajCabin []*ProductInformationType `xml:"majCabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ MajCabin []*ProductInformationType `xml:"majCabin,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
type GroupOfFares struct {
@@ -220,34 +220,34 @@ type GroupOfFares struct {
ProductInformation *FlightProductInformationType_176659S `xml:"productInformation"`
// Fare calculation code details
- FareCalculationCodeDetails []*FareCalculationCodeDetailsType `xml:"fareCalculationCodeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ FareCalculationCodeDetails []*FareCalculationCodeDetailsType `xml:"fareCalculationCodeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
// Ticket designator, ticket code and fare basis.
- TicketInfos *FareQualifierDetailsType `xml:"ticketInfos,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketInfos *FareQualifierDetailsType `xml:"ticketInfos,omitempty"`
// Reference of Fare Family for each Fare Component
- FareFamiliesRef *ReferenceInfoType_176658S `xml:"fareFamiliesRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareFamiliesRef *ReferenceInfoType_176658S `xml:"fareFamiliesRef,omitempty"`
type SpecificRecDetails struct {
// Recommendation details
SpecificRecItem *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"specificRecItem"`
- SpecificProductDetails []*SpecificProductDetails `xml:"specificProductDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ SpecificProductDetails []*SpecificProductDetails `xml:"specificProductDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
type SpecificProductDetails struct {
// Product details
ProductReferences *PricingTicketingSubsequentType `xml:"productReferences"`
- FareContextDetails []*FareContextDetails `xml:"fareContextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ FareContextDetails []*FareContextDetails `xml:"fareContextDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
type FareContextDetails struct {
// Reference of requested segment
RequestedSegmentInfo *OriginAndDestinationRequestType_134833S `xml:"requestedSegmentInfo"`
- CnxContextDetails []*CnxContextDetails `xml:"cnxContextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
+ CnxContextDetails []*CnxContextDetails `xml:"cnxContextDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="4"
type CnxContextDetails struct {
@@ -259,9 +259,9 @@ type OtherSolutions struct {
// Reference to the current solution
Reference *SequenceDetailsTypeU `xml:"reference"`
- AmtGroup []*AmtGroup `xml:"amtGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ AmtGroup []*AmtGroup `xml:"amtGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
- PsgInfo []*PsgInfo `xml:"psgInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ PsgInfo []*PsgInfo `xml:"psgInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type AmtGroup struct {
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ type AmtGroup struct {
Ref *ReferenceInfoType_165972S `xml:"ref"`
// Amount Description
- Amount *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
type PsgInfo struct {
@@ -277,19 +277,19 @@ type PsgInfo struct {
Ref *SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI `xml:"ref"`
// Passenger Description Info
- Description *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Description *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"description,omitempty"`
// Passenger frequent traveler info
- FreqTraveller *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"freqTraveller,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreqTraveller *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"freqTraveller,omitempty"`
// amount per passenger or group of passenger
- Amount *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Fare description
- Fare *FlightProductInformationType_161491S `xml:"fare,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Fare *FlightProductInformationType_161491S `xml:"fare,omitempty"`
// Additional Information
- Attribute []*AttributeTypeU `xml:"attribute,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ Attribute []*AttributeTypeU `xml:"attribute,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
type WarningInfo struct {
@@ -309,18 +309,18 @@ type ServiceFeesGrp struct {
// Service fee type (OC)
ServiceTypeInfo *SelectionDetailsType `xml:"serviceTypeInfo"`
- ServiceFeeRefGrp []*ServiceFeeRefGrp `xml:"serviceFeeRefGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
+ ServiceFeeRefGrp []*ServiceFeeRefGrp `xml:"serviceFeeRefGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="100000"
- ServiceCoverageInfoGrp []*ServiceCoverageInfoGrp `xml:"serviceCoverageInfoGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
+ ServiceCoverageInfoGrp []*ServiceCoverageInfoGrp `xml:"serviceCoverageInfoGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="100000"
// Globalmessage marker
GlobalMessageMarker *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"globalMessageMarker"`
- ServiceFeeInfoGrp []*ServiceFeeInfoGrp `xml:"serviceFeeInfoGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
+ ServiceFeeInfoGrp []*ServiceFeeInfoGrp `xml:"serviceFeeInfoGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="100000"
- ServiceDetailsGrp []*ServiceDetailsGrp1 `xml:"serviceDetailsGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
+ ServiceDetailsGrp []*ServiceDetailsGrp1 `xml:"serviceDetailsGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="200"
- FreeBagAllowanceGrp []*FreeBagAllowanceGrp `xml:"freeBagAllowanceGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
+ FreeBagAllowanceGrp []*FreeBagAllowanceGrp `xml:"freeBagAllowanceGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="100000"
type ServiceFeeRefGrp struct {
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ type ServiceCoverageInfoGrp struct {
// Item reference number for service coverage details
ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
- ServiceCovInfoGrp []*ServiceCovInfoGrp `xml:"serviceCovInfoGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
+ ServiceCovInfoGrp []*ServiceCovInfoGrp `xml:"serviceCovInfoGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="200"
type ServiceCovInfoGrp struct {
@@ -340,27 +340,27 @@ type ServiceCovInfoGrp struct {
PaxRefInfo *SpecificTravellerType `xml:"paxRefInfo"`
// Service coverage information at flight level Matched seat characteristics
- CoveragePerFlightsInfo []*ActionDetailsType `xml:"coveragePerFlightsInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ CoveragePerFlightsInfo []*ActionDetailsType `xml:"coveragePerFlightsInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
// Carrier information
- CarrierInfo *TransportIdentifierType `xml:"carrierInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CarrierInfo *TransportIdentifierType `xml:"carrierInfo,omitempty"`
// Service reference number
- RefInfo *ReferenceInfoType_134840S `xml:"refInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefInfo *ReferenceInfoType_134840S `xml:"refInfo,omitempty"`
type ServiceFeeInfoGrp struct {
// Item number details
ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
- ServiceDetailsGrp []*ServiceDetailsGrp `xml:"serviceDetailsGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
+ ServiceDetailsGrp []*ServiceDetailsGrp `xml:"serviceDetailsGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="200"
type ServiceDetailsGrp struct {
// Service reference number
RefInfo *ReferenceInfoType_134840S `xml:"refInfo"`
- ServiceMatchedInfoGroup []*ServiceMatchedInfoGroup `xml:"serviceMatchedInfoGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ ServiceMatchedInfoGroup []*ServiceMatchedInfoGroup `xml:"serviceMatchedInfoGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type ServiceMatchedInfoGroup struct {
@@ -368,17 +368,17 @@ type ServiceMatchedInfoGroup struct {
PaxRefInfo *SpecificTravellerType `xml:"paxRefInfo"`
// Pricing oriented service matched information
- PricingInfo *FareInformationType_80868S `xml:"pricingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingInfo *FareInformationType_80868S `xml:"pricingInfo,omitempty"`
// Informative Service amount
- AmountInfo *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"amountInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AmountInfo *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"amountInfo,omitempty"`
type ServiceDetailsGrp1 struct {
// Service sub-code and options (exclusion,inclusion, mode pushed,polled)
ServiceOptionInfo *SpecificDataInformationType `xml:"serviceOptionInfo"`
- FeeDescriptionGrp *FeeDescriptionGrp `xml:"feeDescriptionGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeDescriptionGrp *FeeDescriptionGrp `xml:"feeDescriptionGrp,omitempty"`
type FeeDescriptionGrp struct {
@@ -386,13 +386,13 @@ type FeeDescriptionGrp struct {
ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType_80866S `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
// Attributes (SSR code EMD, RFIC, SSIM)
- ServiceAttributesInfo *AttributeType `xml:"serviceAttributesInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceAttributesInfo *AttributeType `xml:"serviceAttributesInfo,omitempty"`
// Other service information (service description, ...)
- ServiceDescriptionInfo *SpecialRequirementsDetailsType `xml:"serviceDescriptionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceDescriptionInfo *SpecialRequirementsDetailsType `xml:"serviceDescriptionInfo,omitempty"`
// Commercial name
- CommercialName *InteractiveFreeTextType `xml:"commercialName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CommercialName *InteractiveFreeTextType `xml:"commercialName,omitempty"`
type FreeBagAllowanceGrp struct {
@@ -400,21 +400,21 @@ type FreeBagAllowanceGrp struct {
FreeBagAllownceInfo *ExcessBaggageType `xml:"freeBagAllownceInfo"`
// Item number information
- ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType_166130S `xml:"itemNumberInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType_166130S `xml:"itemNumberInfo,omitempty"`
type MnrGrp struct {
Mnr *MiniRulesType `xml:"mnr"`
- MnrDetails []*MnrDetails `xml:"mnrDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
+ MnrDetails []*MnrDetails `xml:"mnrDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="999"
type MnrDetails struct {
MnrRef *ItemNumberType_176648S `xml:"mnrRef"`
- DateInfo []*DateAndTimeInformationType_182345S `xml:"dateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="16"
+ DateInfo []*DateAndTimeInformationType_182345S `xml:"dateInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="16"
- CatGrp []*CatGrp `xml:"catGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ CatGrp []*CatGrp `xml:"catGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type CatGrp struct {
@@ -422,10 +422,10 @@ type CatGrp struct {
CatInfo *CategDescrType `xml:"catInfo"`
// Monetary information
- MonInfo *MonetaryInformationType_174241S `xml:"monInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MonInfo *MonetaryInformationType_174241S `xml:"monInfo,omitempty"`
// Status information
- StatusInfo *StatusType_182386S `xml:"statusInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StatusInfo *StatusType_182386S `xml:"statusInfo,omitempty"`
@@ -434,38 +434,38 @@ type CatGrp struct {
type ActionDetailsType struct {
// Number of items details
- NumberOfItemsDetails *ProcessingInformationType `xml:"numberOfItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfItemsDetails *ProcessingInformationType `xml:"numberOfItemsDetails,omitempty"`
// Range of segments
- LastItemsDetails []*ReferenceType `xml:"lastItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ LastItemsDetails []*ReferenceType `xml:"lastItemsDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
// Rate class
- RateClass string `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateClass string `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"`
// Ticket designator.
- TicketDesignator string `xml:"ticketDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketDesignator string `xml:"ticketDesignator,omitempty"`
// Pricing group
- PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"`
// Second rate class
- SecondRateClass []string `xml:"secondRateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="29"
+ SecondRateClass []string `xml:"secondRateClass,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="29"
type AdditionalProductDetailsType struct {
// Type of aircraft
- EquipmentType string `xml:"equipmentType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EquipmentType string `xml:"equipmentType,omitempty"`
// Day number of the week
- OperatingDay string `xml:"operatingDay,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperatingDay string `xml:"operatingDay,omitempty"`
// Number of stops made in a journey if different from 0
- TechStopNumber *int32 `xml:"techStopNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TechStopNumber *int32 `xml:"techStopNumber,omitempty"`
// Location places of the stops
- LocationId []string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ LocationId []string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
@@ -480,10 +480,10 @@ type ApplicationErrorInformationType_78543S struct {
type AttributeInformationType struct {
// Type of parameter.
- FeeParameterType string `xml:"feeParameterType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeParameterType string `xml:"feeParameterType,omitempty"`
// Reference to company Id.
- FeeParameterDescription string `xml:"feeParameterDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeParameterDescription string `xml:"feeParameterDescription,omitempty"`
type AttributeInformationTypeU struct {
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ type AttributeInformationTypeU struct {
AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
// Attribute description
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"`
type AttributeInformationType_97181C struct {
@@ -499,12 +499,12 @@ type AttributeInformationType_97181C struct {
AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
// Attribute description
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"`
type AttributeType struct {
// Criteria Set Type
- AttributeQualifier string `xml:"attributeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeQualifier string `xml:"attributeQualifier,omitempty"`
// Criteria details
AttributeDetails []*AttributeInformationType_97181C `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ type AttributeType struct {
type AttributeTypeU struct {
// provides the function of the attribute
- AttributeFunction string `xml:"attributeFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeFunction string `xml:"attributeFunction,omitempty"`
// provides details for the Attribute
AttributeDetails *AttributeInformationTypeU `xml:"attributeDetails"`
@@ -520,26 +520,26 @@ type AttributeTypeU struct {
type AttributeType_78561S struct {
// Fee/reduction parameters.
- FeeParameter []*AttributeInformationType `xml:"feeParameter,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ FeeParameter []*AttributeInformationType `xml:"feeParameter,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type BaggageDetailsType struct {
// Number of pieces or weight
- FreeAllowance *int32 `xml:"freeAllowance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeAllowance *int32 `xml:"freeAllowance,omitempty"`
// Nature of the free allowance ( Number of pieces or weight)
- QuantityCode string `xml:"quantityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ QuantityCode string `xml:"quantityCode,omitempty"`
// Unit qualifier
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"`
type BagtagDetailsType struct {
// Identifier
- Identifier string `xml:"identifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Identifier string `xml:"identifier,omitempty"`
// Number
- Number *int32 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number *int32 `xml:"number,omitempty"`
type CabinInformationType struct {
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ type CabinInformationType struct {
Service string `xml:"service"`
// Cabin code designator
- Cabin []string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ Cabin []string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type CabinProductDetailsType struct {
@@ -555,24 +555,24 @@ type CabinProductDetailsType struct {
Rbd string `xml:"rbd"`
// Reservation Booking Modifier
- BookingModifier string `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingModifier string `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"`
// Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"`
// Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"`
type CabinProductDetailsType_195516C struct {
// Reservation booking designator - RBD
- Rbd string `xml:"rbd,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rbd string `xml:"rbd,omitempty"`
// Reservation Booking Modifier
- BookingModifier string `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingModifier string `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"`
// Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"`
// Availibility status : posting level
AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus"`
@@ -583,13 +583,13 @@ type CabinProductDetailsType_205138C struct {
Rbd string `xml:"rbd"`
// Reservation Booking Modifier
- BookingModifier string `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingModifier string `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"`
// Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"`
// Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"`
type CabinProductDetailsType_229142C struct {
@@ -597,10 +597,10 @@ type CabinProductDetailsType_229142C struct {
Rbd string `xml:"rbd"`
// Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"`
// Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"`
type CategDescrType struct {
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ type CategDescrType struct {
DescriptionInfo *CategoryDescriptionType `xml:"descriptionInfo"`
// Category processing indicator
- ProcessIndicator string `xml:"processIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProcessIndicator string `xml:"processIndicator,omitempty"`
type CategoryDescriptionType struct {
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ type CategoryDescriptionType struct {
Number int32 `xml:"number"`
// Category Code (ATPCO component code, e.g ADV for Advance purchase, STP for stopover restrictions, ELG for eligibility restrictions...)
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"`
type ClassInformationType struct {
@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ type ClassInformationType struct {
Service string `xml:"service"`
// Class designator
- Rbd []string `xml:"rbd,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
+ Rbd []string `xml:"rbd,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="26"
type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
// Fee Id Number
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"`
type CodedAttributeInformationType_260992C struct {
@@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ type CodedAttributeInformationType_260992C struct {
AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
// Attribute description
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"`
type CodedAttributeType struct {
@@ -650,18 +650,18 @@ type CodedAttributeType struct {
type CommercialAgreementsType struct {
// Codeshare Details
- CodeshareDetails *CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"codeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CodeshareDetails *CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"codeshareDetails,omitempty"`
// Other codeshare details
- OtherCodeshareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"otherCodeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ OtherCodeshareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"otherCodeshareDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type CompanyIdentificationTextType struct {
// Company Id Text reference.
- TextRefNumber *int32 `xml:"textRefNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TextRefNumber *int32 `xml:"textRefNumber,omitempty"`
// Company id free text.
- CompanyText string `xml:"companyText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyText string `xml:"companyText,omitempty"`
type CompanyIdentificationType struct {
@@ -669,68 +669,68 @@ type CompanyIdentificationType struct {
MarketingCarrier string `xml:"marketingCarrier"`
// Operating carrier
- OperatingCarrier string `xml:"operatingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperatingCarrier string `xml:"operatingCarrier,omitempty"`
// airline alliance code
- Alliance string `xml:"alliance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Alliance string `xml:"alliance,omitempty"`
type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
// Company
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"`
// Company
- OperatingCompany string `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperatingCompany string `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"`
// Company
- OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"`
type CompanyRoleIdentificationType struct {
// Type of code share agreement.
- CodeShareType string `xml:"codeShareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CodeShareType string `xml:"codeShareType,omitempty"`
// company identification
- AirlineDesignator string `xml:"airlineDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AirlineDesignator string `xml:"airlineDesignator,omitempty"`
// flight number
- FlightNumber *int32 `xml:"flightNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightNumber *int32 `xml:"flightNumber,omitempty"`
type CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120771C struct {
// Type of code share agreement.
- TransportStageQualifier string `xml:"transportStageQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TransportStageQualifier string `xml:"transportStageQualifier,omitempty"`
// company identification
- Company string `xml:"company,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Company string `xml:"company,omitempty"`
type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI struct {
// Conversion type
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"`
// Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI_179848C struct {
// Conversion type
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"`
// Currency
Currency string `xml:"currency"`
// Conversion rate for pricing
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
// Converted value amount
- ConvertedAmountLink string `xml:"convertedAmountLink,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConvertedAmountLink string `xml:"convertedAmountLink,omitempty"`
// Applicable ISO country code or Tax designator code.
- TaxQualifier string `xml:"taxQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxQualifier string `xml:"taxQualifier,omitempty"`
type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
@@ -745,15 +745,15 @@ type ConversionRateTypeI_78562S struct {
type CriteriaiDetaislType struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..18
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"`
type DataInformationType struct {
// Ancillary services options
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
type DataTypeInformationType struct {
@@ -761,38 +761,38 @@ type DataTypeInformationType struct {
SubType string `xml:"subType"`
// Status (automated, manually added, exempted). Default is automated
- Option string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Option string `xml:"option,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeDetailsType struct {
// Date time period qualifier
- DateQualifier string `xml:"dateQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateQualifier string `xml:"dateQualifier,omitempty"`
// First Date
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"`
// First Time
- FirstTime string `xml:"firstTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FirstTime string `xml:"firstTime,omitempty"`
// Movement type.
- EquipementType string `xml:"equipementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EquipementType string `xml:"equipementType,omitempty"`
// Place/location identification.
- LocationId string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationId string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeDetailsType_256192C struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"`
// Time
- Time string `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Time string `xml:"time,omitempty"`
// Location
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeInformationType struct {
@@ -802,7 +802,7 @@ type DateAndTimeInformationType struct {
type DateAndTimeInformationType_182345S struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsType_256192C `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="400"
+ DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsType_256192C `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="400"
type DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -810,15 +810,15 @@ type DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI struct {
Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
// Value
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"`
type DiscountAndPenaltyInformationType struct {
// Used to specify airline collected fee or agent collected fee.
- FeeIdentification string `xml:"feeIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeIdentification string `xml:"feeIdentification,omitempty"`
// Used to specify penalty information
- FeeInformation *DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationType `xml:"feeInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeInformation *DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationType `xml:"feeInformation,omitempty"`
type DiscountPenaltyInformationType struct {
@@ -826,27 +826,27 @@ type DiscountPenaltyInformationType struct {
FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier"`
// Dicount code,...
- RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"`
// Amount
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Percentage
- Percentage *float64 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Percentage *float64 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"`
type DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationType struct {
// Type of discount/penalty
- FeeType string `xml:"feeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeType string `xml:"feeType,omitempty"`
// The amount Type can be a percentage or an amount
- FeeAmountType string `xml:"feeAmountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeAmountType string `xml:"feeAmountType,omitempty"`
// specify the value
- FeeAmount *float64 `xml:"feeAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeAmount *float64 `xml:"feeAmount,omitempty"`
// Fee currency code.
- FeeCurrency string `xml:"feeCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeCurrency string `xml:"feeCurrency,omitempty"`
type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
@@ -854,27 +854,27 @@ type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
type ExcessBaggageType struct {
// Baggage details
- BaggageDetails *BaggageDetailsType `xml:"baggageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BaggageDetails *BaggageDetailsType `xml:"baggageDetails,omitempty"`
// Free baggage allowance details
- BagTagDetails []*BagtagDetailsType `xml:"bagTagDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ BagTagDetails []*BagtagDetailsType `xml:"bagTagDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type FareCalculationCodeDetailsType struct {
// Qualifier of the amout or rate
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Amount
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Location code
- LocationCode string `xml:"locationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationCode string `xml:"locationCode,omitempty"`
// Other location code
- OtherLocationCode string `xml:"otherLocationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherLocationCode string `xml:"otherLocationCode,omitempty"`
// Rate
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
type FareCategoryCodesTypeI struct {
@@ -882,40 +882,40 @@ type FareCategoryCodesTypeI struct {
FareType string `xml:"fareType"`
// Other fare type
- OtherFareType []string `xml:"otherFareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
+ OtherFareType []string `xml:"otherFareType,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="8"
type FareDetailsType struct {
// Passenger Type qualifier
- PassengerTypeQualifier string `xml:"passengerTypeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerTypeQualifier string `xml:"passengerTypeQualifier,omitempty"`
type FareDetailsTypeI struct {
// Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Rate
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
// Country
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"`
// Fare category
- FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"`
type FareDetailsType_193037C struct {
// Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Rate
- Rate *int32 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate *int32 `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
// Country
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"`
// Fare Category
- FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"`
type FareFamilyDetailsType struct {
@@ -928,154 +928,154 @@ type FareFamilyType struct {
RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
// Fare Family Short Name
- FareFamilyname string `xml:"fareFamilyname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareFamilyname string `xml:"fareFamilyname,omitempty"`
- Hierarchy *int32 `xml:"hierarchy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Hierarchy *int32 `xml:"hierarchy,omitempty"`
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"`
// Indicates Commercial Fare Family Short names
- CommercialFamilyDetails []*FareFamilyDetailsType `xml:"commercialFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ CommercialFamilyDetails []*FareFamilyDetailsType `xml:"commercialFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Short description of the fare family
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"`
// Carrier code
- Carrier string `xml:"carrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Carrier string `xml:"carrier,omitempty"`
// Reference to the services details
- Services []*ServicesReferences `xml:"services,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ Services []*ServicesReferences `xml:"services,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type FareInformationType struct {
// Value Qualifier
- ValueQualifier string `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ValueQualifier string `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"`
// Value
- Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"`
// Fare Details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsType_193037C `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareDetails *FareDetailsType_193037C `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
// Identity Number
- IdentityNumber string `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdentityNumber string `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"`
// Fare Type Grouping
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationType `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationType `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"`
// Rate Category
- RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"`
type FareInformationTypeI struct {
// Value qualifier
- ValueQualifier string `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ValueQualifier string `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"`
// Value
- Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"`
type FareInformationType_80868S struct {
// Fare details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsType `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareDetails *FareDetailsType `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
type FareProductDetailsType struct {
// Fare basis code
- FareBasis string `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareBasis string `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"`
type FareProductDetailsType_248552C struct {
// Fare basis code
- FareBasis string `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareBasis string `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"`
// PTC priced
- PassengerType string `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerType string `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"`
// Type of fare
- FareType []string `xml:"fareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ FareType []string `xml:"fareType,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type FareQualifierDetailsType struct {
// Route Code
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"`
// Fare categories
- FareCategories *FareCategoryCodesTypeI `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareCategories *FareCategoryCodesTypeI `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"`
// Fare details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
// Additional fare details
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"`
// Discount details
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationType `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationType `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type FareTypeGroupingInformationType struct {
// Pricing Group
- PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"`
type FlightCharacteristicsType struct {
// On-Time Performance
- OnTimePerformance *OnTimePerformanceType `xml:"onTimePerformance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OnTimePerformance *OnTimePerformanceType `xml:"onTimePerformance,omitempty"`
// In flight services
- InFlightSrv []string `xml:"inFlightSrv,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ InFlightSrv []string `xml:"inFlightSrv,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type FlightProductInformationType struct {
// Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct []*CabinProductDetailsType_195516C `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ CabinProduct []*CabinProductDetailsType_195516C `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
// To specify additional characteristics.
- ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"`
type FlightProductInformationType_141442S struct {
// Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct []*CabinProductDetailsType_205138C `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
+ CabinProduct []*CabinProductDetailsType_205138C `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="26"
// To specify additional characteristics.
- ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType_205137C `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType_205137C `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"`
type FlightProductInformationType_161491S struct {
// Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct *CabinProductDetailsType_229142C `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CabinProduct *CabinProductDetailsType_229142C `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"`
// Fare product details
- FareProductDetail *FareProductDetailsType `xml:"fareProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareProductDetail *FareProductDetailsType `xml:"fareProductDetail,omitempty"`
type FlightProductInformationType_176659S struct {
// Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct *CabinProductDetailsType `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CabinProduct *CabinProductDetailsType `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"`
// Fare product details
- FareProductDetail *FareProductDetailsType_248552C `xml:"fareProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareProductDetail *FareProductDetailsType_248552C `xml:"fareProductDetail,omitempty"`
// Corporate number or name and number
- CorporateId []string `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ CorporateId []string `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// To determine if Fare Breaks at this segment
- BreakPoint string `xml:"breakPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BreakPoint string `xml:"breakPoint,omitempty"`
// To specify additional characteristics.
- ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"`
type FlightServicesType struct {
// Type of service used
ServiceType string `xml:"serviceType"`
- CabinInfo []*CabinInformationType `xml:"cabinInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ CabinInfo []*CabinInformationType `xml:"cabinInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
- ClassInfo []*ClassInformationType `xml:"classInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ ClassInfo []*ClassInformationType `xml:"classInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type FreeTextQualificationType struct {
@@ -1083,7 +1083,7 @@ type FreeTextQualificationType struct {
TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
// Coded Text or type of information in 4440 (e.g. type of OSI or free text, canned message value)
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"`
type FreeTextQualificationTypeI struct {
@@ -1096,10 +1096,10 @@ type FreeTextQualificationType_120769C struct {
TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
// Coded Text or type of information in 4440 (e.g. type of OSI or free text, canned message value)
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"`
// ISO code for language of free text (default is English)
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"`
type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType struct {
@@ -1109,111 +1109,111 @@ type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType struct {
type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType struct {
// Carrier where the FQTV is registered.
- Carrier string `xml:"carrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Carrier string `xml:"carrier,omitempty"`
// Number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// To specify a Tier linked to the FQTV
- TierLevel string `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TierLevel string `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"`
// For example : priority code
- PriorityCode string `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriorityCode string `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"`
type HeaderInformationTypeI struct {
// Status
- Status []string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ Status []string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Date and Time info
- DateTimePeriodDetails *DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI `xml:"dateTimePeriodDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateTimePeriodDetails *DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI `xml:"dateTimePeriodDetails,omitempty"`
// Reference number
- ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"`
// Contains product identification such as UIC code...
- ProductIdentification []string `xml:"productIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ ProductIdentification []string `xml:"productIdentification,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type InteractiveFreeTextType struct {
// Free text qualification
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"`
// Free text
- FreeText string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeText string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"`
type InteractiveFreeTextType_78534S struct {
// Details on interactive free text
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"`
// Free text
- Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type InteractiveFreeTextType_78544S struct {
// Details on interactive free text
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType_120769C `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType_120769C `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"`
// Free text
- Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type InteractiveFreeTextType_78559S struct {
// Details on interactive free text
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType_120769C `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType_120769C `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"`
// Free text
- Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type ItemNumberIdentificationType struct {
// Ancillary Service number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Responsible agency
- ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberIdentificationType_191597C struct {
// Item number.
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Indicates the item type .
- NumberType string `xml:"numberType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberType string `xml:"numberType,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberIdentificationType_192331C struct {
// Service coverage number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Responsible agency
- ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberIdentificationType_234878C struct {
// Number
- Number *int32 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number *int32 `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberIdentificationType_248537C struct {
// Format limitations: an..35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberType struct {
@@ -1223,13 +1223,13 @@ type ItemNumberType struct {
type ItemNumberType_161497S struct {
// Indicates the recommendation number.
- ItemNumberId *ItemNumberIdentificationType_191597C `xml:"itemNumberId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ItemNumberId *ItemNumberIdentificationType_191597C `xml:"itemNumberId,omitempty"`
// Code share details.
- CodeShareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120771C `xml:"codeShareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ CodeShareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120771C `xml:"codeShareDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
// Pricing ticketind details.
- PriceTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"priceTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"priceTicketing,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberType_166130S struct {
@@ -1248,26 +1248,26 @@ type ItemNumberType_80866S struct {
type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
// Qualifies the type of the reference used.
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"`
// Unique fee reference.
- RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"`
type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_78536S struct {
// Qualifies the type of the reference used.
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"`
// Unique fee reference.
- RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"`
type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_78564S struct {
// Qualifies the type of the reference used.
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"`
// Unique fee reference.
- FeeRefNumber *int32 `xml:"feeRefNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeRefNumber *int32 `xml:"feeRefNumber,omitempty"`
type ItineraryDetailsType struct {
@@ -1283,23 +1283,23 @@ type LocationIdentificationDetailsType struct {
LocationId string `xml:"locationId"`
// Airport/city qualifier: the requested point is an airport when ambiguity exists (e.g. HOU)
- AirportCityQualifier string `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AirportCityQualifier string `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"`
// Terminal information
- Terminal string `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Terminal string `xml:"terminal,omitempty"`
type MiniRulesDetailsType struct {
// Coded text (period or day)
- Interpretation string `xml:"interpretation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Interpretation string `xml:"interpretation,omitempty"`
// Data type coded or value of interpretation
- Value []string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ Value []string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
type MiniRulesIndicatorType struct {
// See rule indicator and free form text indicator
- RuleIndicator []string `xml:"ruleIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ RuleIndicator []string `xml:"ruleIndicator,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type MiniRulesType struct {
@@ -1309,27 +1309,27 @@ type MiniRulesType struct {
type MiniRulesType_78547S struct {
// Type of restriction: PTC, Max Adv Res, Max Ticketing After Res, ...
- RestrictionType string `xml:"restrictionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RestrictionType string `xml:"restrictionType,omitempty"`
// Categoty of restriction: PTC, Max Adv Pur, Days, ...
Category string `xml:"category"`
// Indicators
- Indicator *MiniRulesIndicatorType `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator *MiniRulesIndicatorType `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
// Mini rules
- MiniRules []*MiniRulesDetailsType `xml:"miniRules,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ MiniRules []*MiniRulesDetailsType `xml:"miniRules,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
// To specify amount and percentage.
- AmountType string `xml:"amountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AmountType string `xml:"amountType,omitempty"`
// Amount
Amount float64 `xml:"amount"`
// ISO currency code
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -1337,10 +1337,10 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
// Amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsType_245528C struct {
@@ -1348,18 +1348,18 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsType_245528C struct {
TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
// Amount
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// location
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationType struct {
// Monetary information.
- MonetaryDetail []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="30"
+ MonetaryDetail []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="30"
type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -1369,13 +1369,13 @@ type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
type MonetaryInformationType_137835S struct {
// Monetary information.
- MonetaryDetail []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ MonetaryDetail []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type MonetaryInformationType_174241S struct {
MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsType_245528C `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType_245528C `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
+ OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType_245528C `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
type MonetaryInformationType_185955S struct {
@@ -1385,13 +1385,13 @@ type MonetaryInformationType_185955S struct {
type OnTimePerformanceType struct {
// Date time period
- DateTimePeriod string `xml:"dateTimePeriod,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateTimePeriod string `xml:"dateTimePeriod,omitempty"`
// Percentage
- Percentage *float64 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Percentage *float64 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"`
// Accuracy
- Accuracy string `xml:"accuracy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Accuracy string `xml:"accuracy,omitempty"`
type OriginAndDestinationRequestType struct {
@@ -1399,7 +1399,7 @@ type OriginAndDestinationRequestType struct {
SegRef int32 `xml:"segRef"`
// Forces arrival or departure, from/to the same airport/city
- LocationForcing []*ItineraryDetailsType `xml:"locationForcing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ LocationForcing []*ItineraryDetailsType `xml:"locationForcing,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type OriginAndDestinationRequestType_134833S struct {
@@ -1409,16 +1409,16 @@ type OriginAndDestinationRequestType_134833S struct {
type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
// Office Name.
- OfficeName *int32 `xml:"officeName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OfficeName *int32 `xml:"officeName,omitempty"`
// Agent Sign In .
- AgentSignin string `xml:"agentSignin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AgentSignin string `xml:"agentSignin,omitempty"`
// Confidential Office Name.
- ConfidentialOffice string `xml:"confidentialOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConfidentialOffice string `xml:"confidentialOffice,omitempty"`
// Other Office Name
- OtherOffice string `xml:"otherOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherOffice string `xml:"otherOffice,omitempty"`
type PricingTicketingInformationType struct {
@@ -1439,27 +1439,27 @@ type PricingTicketingSubsequentType_144401S struct {
TotalFareAmount float64 `xml:"totalFareAmount"`
// Total tax amount
- TotalTaxAmount *float64 `xml:"totalTaxAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TotalTaxAmount *float64 `xml:"totalTaxAmount,omitempty"`
// Code share details.
- CodeShareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120771C `xml:"codeShareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ CodeShareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120771C `xml:"codeShareDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
// Monetary information.
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Pricing ticketing details.
- PricingTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"pricingTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"pricingTicketing,omitempty"`
type ProcessingInformationType struct {
// Action qualifier
- ActionQualifier string `xml:"actionQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ActionQualifier string `xml:"actionQualifier,omitempty"`
// Reference qualifier
- ReferenceQualifier string `xml:"referenceQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceQualifier string `xml:"referenceQualifier,omitempty"`
// Reference number
- RefNum string `xml:"refNum,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefNum string `xml:"refNum,omitempty"`
type ProductDateTimeType struct {
@@ -1467,16 +1467,16 @@ type ProductDateTimeType struct {
DateOfDeparture string `xml:"dateOfDeparture"`
// Departure time
- TimeOfDeparture string `xml:"timeOfDeparture,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TimeOfDeparture string `xml:"timeOfDeparture,omitempty"`
// Arrival date
- DateOfArrival string `xml:"dateOfArrival,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateOfArrival string `xml:"dateOfArrival,omitempty"`
// Arrival time
- TimeOfArrival string `xml:"timeOfArrival,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TimeOfArrival string `xml:"timeOfArrival,omitempty"`
// Arrival date compared to departure date, only if different from 0
- DateVariation *int32 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateVariation *int32 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"`
type ProductDetailsType struct {
@@ -1484,40 +1484,40 @@ type ProductDetailsType struct {
Designator string `xml:"designator"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- AvailabilityStatus string `xml:"availabilityStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AvailabilityStatus string `xml:"availabilityStatus,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- SpecialService string `xml:"specialService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SpecialService string `xml:"specialService,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..7
- Option []string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ Option []string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type ProductFacilitiesType struct {
// Yes-No indicator whether Last Seat Available
- LastSeatAvailable string `xml:"lastSeatAvailable,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LastSeatAvailable string `xml:"lastSeatAvailable,omitempty"`
// Level of access
- LevelOfAccess string `xml:"levelOfAccess,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LevelOfAccess string `xml:"levelOfAccess,omitempty"`
// Yes-No indicator whether electronic ticketing
- ElectronicTicketing string `xml:"electronicTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ElectronicTicketing string `xml:"electronicTicketing,omitempty"`
// Product identification suffix
- OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"`
// Define whether a flight has been polled or not
- ProductDetailQualifier string `xml:"productDetailQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDetailQualifier string `xml:"productDetailQualifier,omitempty"`
// Add some flight restrictions (See code set list)
- FlightCharacteristic []string `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ FlightCharacteristic []string `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type ProductInformationType struct {
// value of the Qualifier: INT for International DOM for Domestic EUR for European otherwise CM#10569 INVALID INTERNATIONAL INDICATOR is returned.
- ProductDetailsQualifier string `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDetailsQualifier string `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"`
- BookingClassDetails []*ProductDetailsType `xml:"bookingClassDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
+ BookingClassDetails []*ProductDetailsType `xml:"bookingClassDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="26"
type ProductTypeDetailsType struct {
@@ -1532,10 +1532,10 @@ type ProductTypeDetailsType_205137C struct {
type ProposedSegmentDetailsType struct {
// Flight proposal reference
- Ref string `xml:"ref,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Ref string `xml:"ref,omitempty"`
// Elapse Flying Time
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"`
type ProposedSegmentType struct {
@@ -1543,56 +1543,56 @@ type ProposedSegmentType struct {
FlightProposal []*ProposedSegmentDetailsType `xml:"flightProposal"` // maxOccurs="9"
// Flight characteristics.
- FlightCharacteristic string `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightCharacteristic string `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"`
// Majority cabin
- MajCabin string `xml:"majCabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MajCabin string `xml:"majCabin,omitempty"`
type ReferenceInfoType struct {
// Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_191583C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
+ ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_191583C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="200"
type ReferenceInfoType_133176S struct {
// Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type ReferenceInfoType_134839S struct {
// Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_195561C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_195561C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type ReferenceInfoType_134840S struct {
// Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_195561C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
+ ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_195561C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="200"
type ReferenceInfoType_165972S struct {
// Reference details
- ReferenceDetails []*ReferencingDetailsType_234704C `xml:"referenceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ ReferenceDetails []*ReferencingDetailsType_234704C `xml:"referenceDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type ReferenceInfoType_176658S struct {
// Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
type ReferenceType struct {
// Reference of leg
- RefOfLeg string `xml:"refOfLeg,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefOfLeg string `xml:"refOfLeg,omitempty"`
// Reference of segment starting range
- FirstItemIdentifier *int32 `xml:"firstItemIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FirstItemIdentifier *int32 `xml:"firstItemIdentifier,omitempty"`
// Reference of segment ending range
- LastItemIdentifier *int32 `xml:"lastItemIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LastItemIdentifier *int32 `xml:"lastItemIdentifier,omitempty"`
type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
// Reference qualifier
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"`
// Requested segment reference
RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
@@ -1600,7 +1600,7 @@ type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
type ReferencingDetailsType_191583C struct {
// Service reference qualifier
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"`
// Service reference
RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
@@ -1608,7 +1608,7 @@ type ReferencingDetailsType_191583C struct {
type ReferencingDetailsType_195561C struct {
// Segment reference qualifier
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"`
// Flight or flight group reference
RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
@@ -1616,23 +1616,23 @@ type ReferencingDetailsType_195561C struct {
type ReferencingDetailsType_234704C struct {
// Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Value
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"`
type SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI struct {
// traveller number
- Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"`
// range of traveller
- NumberOfUnits *int32 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfUnits *int32 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"`
type SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI struct {
// Segment control details
- SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type SelectionDetailsInformationType struct {
@@ -1640,7 +1640,7 @@ type SelectionDetailsInformationType struct {
Type string `xml:"type"`
// Carrier fee status
- OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"`
type SelectionDetailsType struct {
@@ -1650,7 +1650,7 @@ type SelectionDetailsType struct {
type SequenceDetailsTypeU struct {
// Sequence details
- SequenceDetails *SequenceInformationTypeU `xml:"sequenceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SequenceDetails *SequenceInformationTypeU `xml:"sequenceDetails,omitempty"`
type SequenceInformationTypeU struct {
@@ -1658,20 +1658,20 @@ type SequenceInformationTypeU struct {
Number string `xml:"number"`
// Identification code
- IdentificationCode string `xml:"identificationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdentificationCode string `xml:"identificationCode,omitempty"`
type ServicesReferences struct {
// Reference of the service
- Reference string `xml:"reference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Reference string `xml:"reference,omitempty"`
// Status of the service
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"`
type SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType struct {
// SSR seat characteristic
- SeatCharacteristics []string `xml:"seatCharacteristics,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ SeatCharacteristics []string `xml:"seatCharacteristics,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type SpecialRequirementsDetailsType struct {
@@ -1679,7 +1679,7 @@ type SpecialRequirementsDetailsType struct {
ServiceRequirementsInfo *SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType `xml:"serviceRequirementsInfo"`
// Seat details
- SeatDetails []*SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType `xml:"seatDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
+ SeatDetails []*SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType `xml:"seatDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="999"
type SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType struct {
@@ -1687,22 +1687,22 @@ type SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType struct {
ServiceClassification string `xml:"serviceClassification"`
// Status
- ServiceStatus string `xml:"serviceStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceStatus string `xml:"serviceStatus,omitempty"`
// To specify the number of items involved
- ServiceNumberOfInstances *int32 `xml:"serviceNumberOfInstances,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceNumberOfInstances *int32 `xml:"serviceNumberOfInstances,omitempty"`
// To specify to which marketing carrier the service applies
- ServiceMarketingCarrier string `xml:"serviceMarketingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceMarketingCarrier string `xml:"serviceMarketingCarrier,omitempty"`
// Specify the Service group
- ServiceGroup string `xml:"serviceGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceGroup string `xml:"serviceGroup,omitempty"`
// Specify the Service Sub-Group
- ServiceSubGroup string `xml:"serviceSubGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceSubGroup string `xml:"serviceSubGroup,omitempty"`
// Free Text attached to the Service.
- ServiceFreeText []string `xml:"serviceFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ ServiceFreeText []string `xml:"serviceFreeText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type SpecificDataInformationType struct {
@@ -1710,39 +1710,39 @@ type SpecificDataInformationType struct {
DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationType `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
// Data information
- DataInformation []*DataInformationType `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ DataInformation []*DataInformationType `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type SpecificTravellerDetailsType struct {
// Reference number
- ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"`
type SpecificTravellerType struct {
// Traveller details
- TravellerDetails []*SpecificTravellerDetailsType `xml:"travellerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TravellerDetails []*SpecificTravellerDetailsType `xml:"travellerDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type StatusDetailsType struct {
// Advisory type information, Fare Server
- AdvisoryTypeInfo string `xml:"advisoryTypeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AdvisoryTypeInfo string `xml:"advisoryTypeInfo,omitempty"`
// CPU time, user type
- Notification string `xml:"notification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Notification string `xml:"notification,omitempty"`
// CPU time,user type
- Notification2 string `xml:"notification2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Notification2 string `xml:"notification2,omitempty"`
// Capture and trace information
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"`
type StatusDetailsType_256255C struct {
// list of status/qualifiers Either His for Historical or Crt for Current
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Action string `xml:"action,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Action string `xml:"action,omitempty"`
type StatusType struct {
@@ -1757,32 +1757,32 @@ type StatusType_182386S struct {
type TaxDetailsType struct {
// Amount
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
// Country code
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"`
// Currency code
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"`
// Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Indicator
- Indicator []string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
+ Indicator []string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="98"
type TaxType struct {
// Tax category
- TaxCategory string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxCategory string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"`
// Tax details
- TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsType `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsType `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type TransportIdentifierType struct {
// Company identification
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyIdentification,omitempty"`
type TravelProductType struct {
@@ -1792,54 +1792,54 @@ type TravelProductType struct {
// Location of departure and arrival
Location []*LocationIdentificationDetailsType `xml:"location"` // maxOccurs="2"
- CompanyId *CompanyIdentificationType `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId *CompanyIdentificationType `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// Flight number or trainNumber
- FlightOrtrainNumber string `xml:"flightOrtrainNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightOrtrainNumber string `xml:"flightOrtrainNumber,omitempty"`
// Product details
- ProductDetail *AdditionalProductDetailsType `xml:"productDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDetail *AdditionalProductDetailsType `xml:"productDetail,omitempty"`
// Additional product details
- AddProductDetail *ProductFacilitiesType `xml:"addProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AddProductDetail *ProductFacilitiesType `xml:"addProductDetail,omitempty"`
// Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_260992C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_260992C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type TravellerDetailsType struct {
// Direct reference of passenger assigned by requesting system.
- Ref *int32 `xml:"ref,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Ref *int32 `xml:"ref,omitempty"`
// Traveller is an infant
- InfantIndicator *int32 `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InfantIndicator *int32 `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"`
type TravellerReferenceInformationType struct {
// Requested passenger type
- Ptc []string `xml:"ptc,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ Ptc []string `xml:"ptc,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
// Traveller details
- Traveller []*TravellerDetailsType `xml:"traveller,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ Traveller []*TravellerDetailsType `xml:"traveller,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type UserIdentificationType struct {
// Originator Identification Details
- OfficeIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"officeIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OfficeIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"officeIdentification,omitempty"`
// Used to specify which kind of info is given in DE 9900.
- OfficeType string `xml:"officeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OfficeType string `xml:"officeType,omitempty"`
// The code given to an agent by the originating reservation system.
- OfficeCode string `xml:"officeCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OfficeCode string `xml:"officeCode,omitempty"`
type ValueSearchCriteriaType struct {
// Format limitations: an..35
- Ref string `xml:"ref,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Ref string `xml:"ref,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..18
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"`
- CriteriaDetails []*CriteriaiDetaislType `xml:"criteriaDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ CriteriaDetails []*CriteriaiDetaislType `xml:"criteriaDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
diff --git a/sdk/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v16_3_query/query.go b/structs/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v16.3/request/query.go
similarity index 78%
rename from sdk/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v16_3_query/query.go
rename to structs/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v16.3/request/query.go
index 3258957..176521c 100644
--- a/sdk/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v16_3_query/query.go
+++ b/structs/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v16.3/request/query.go
@@ -1,64 +1,64 @@
-package Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearch_v16_3 // fmptbq163
+package Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchRequest_v16_3 // fmptbq163
import (
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/formats"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/formats"
-type FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearch struct {
+type Request struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/FMPTBQ_16_3_1A Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearch"`
// Number of seats , recommendations.
- NumberOfUnit *NumberOfUnitsType `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfUnit *NumberOfUnitsType `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"`
// Global options
- GlobalOptions *AttributeType `xml:"globalOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ GlobalOptions *AttributeType `xml:"globalOptions,omitempty"`
// Traveler Details
- PaxReference []*TravellerReferenceInformationType `xml:"paxReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ PaxReference []*TravellerReferenceInformationType `xml:"paxReference,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
// Customer references
- CustomerRef *ConsumerReferenceInformationType `xml:"customerRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerRef *ConsumerReferenceInformationType `xml:"customerRef,omitempty"`
// Search options
- SearchOptions []*AttributeList `xml:"searchOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ SearchOptions []*AttributeList `xml:"searchOptions,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
// Fee with different payment forms by passenger.
- FormOfPaymentByPassenger []*FOPRepresentationType `xml:"formOfPaymentByPassenger,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="60"
+ FormOfPaymentByPassenger []*FOPRepresentationType `xml:"formOfPaymentByPassenger,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="60"
// Solution Family
- SolutionFamily []*FareInformationType `xml:"solutionFamily,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ SolutionFamily []*FareInformationType `xml:"solutionFamily,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Passenger info group (9 ADT + 9 IN)
- PassengerInfoGrp []*GroupPassengerDetailsType `xml:"passengerInfoGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ PassengerInfoGrp []*GroupPassengerDetailsType `xml:"passengerInfoGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
- FareFamilies []*FareFamilies `xml:"fareFamilies,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ FareFamilies []*FareFamilies `xml:"fareFamilies,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
- FareOptions *FareOptions `xml:"fareOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareOptions *FareOptions `xml:"fareOptions,omitempty"`
// Indicates Price to beat
- PriceToBeat *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"priceToBeat,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceToBeat *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"priceToBeat,omitempty"`
// Tax Details
- TaxInfo []*TaxType `xml:"taxInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ TaxInfo []*TaxType `xml:"taxInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
// Details of a Flight : Direct, Non stop...
- TravelFlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType_199258S `xml:"travelFlightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravelFlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType_199258S `xml:"travelFlightInfo,omitempty"`
- ValueSearch []*ValueSearchCriteriaType `xml:"valueSearch,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ ValueSearch []*ValueSearchCriteriaType `xml:"valueSearch,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
- Buckets []*Buckets `xml:"buckets,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ Buckets []*Buckets `xml:"buckets,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
- Itinerary []*Itinerary `xml:"itinerary,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="18"
+ Itinerary []*Itinerary `xml:"itinerary,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="18"
- TicketChangeInfo *TicketChangeInfo `xml:"ticketChangeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketChangeInfo *TicketChangeInfo `xml:"ticketChangeInfo,omitempty"`
- CombinationFareFamilies []*CombinationFareFamilies `xml:"combinationFareFamilies,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2000"
+ CombinationFareFamilies []*CombinationFareFamilies `xml:"combinationFareFamilies,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2000"
- FeeOption []*FeeOption `xml:"feeOption,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ FeeOption []*FeeOption `xml:"feeOption,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
- OfficeIdDetails []*OfficeIdDetails `xml:"officeIdDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ OfficeIdDetails []*OfficeIdDetails `xml:"officeIdDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type FareFamilies struct {
@@ -66,11 +66,11 @@ type FareFamilies struct {
FamilyInformation *FareFamilyType_80157S `xml:"familyInformation"`
// Description of Fare Family Criteria.
- FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"`
- FareFamilySegment []*FareFamilySegment `xml:"fareFamilySegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ FareFamilySegment []*FareFamilySegment `xml:"fareFamilySegment,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
- OtherPossibleCriteria []*OtherPossibleCriteria `xml:"otherPossibleCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ OtherPossibleCriteria []*OtherPossibleCriteria `xml:"otherPossibleCriteria,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type FareFamilySegment struct {
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ type FareFamilySegment struct {
ReferenceInfo *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceInfo"`
// Description of fare family criteria.
- FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"`
type OtherPossibleCriteria struct {
@@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ type OtherPossibleCriteria struct {
LogicalLink *BooleanExpressionRuleType `xml:"logicalLink"`
// Description of fare family criteria.
- FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FamilyCriteria *FareFamilyCriteriaType `xml:"familyCriteria,omitempty"`
- FareFamilySegment []*FareFamilySegment `xml:"fareFamilySegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ FareFamilySegment []*FareFamilySegment `xml:"fareFamilySegment,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
type FareOptions struct {
@@ -96,25 +96,25 @@ type FareOptions struct {
PricingTickInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsType `xml:"pricingTickInfo"`
// Corporate name/number used to target fares
- Corporate *CorporateIdentificationType `xml:"corporate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Corporate *CorporateIdentificationType `xml:"corporate,omitempty"`
// Ticketing price scheme.
- TicketingPriceScheme *TicketingPriceSchemeType `xml:"ticketingPriceScheme,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketingPriceScheme *TicketingPriceSchemeType `xml:"ticketingPriceScheme,omitempty"`
// PSR number
- FeeIdDescription *CodedAttributeType_199259S `xml:"feeIdDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeIdDescription *CodedAttributeType_199259S `xml:"feeIdDescription,omitempty"`
// Used to force the currency of pricing
- ConversionRate *ConversionRateType `xml:"conversionRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConversionRate *ConversionRateType `xml:"conversionRate,omitempty"`
// Form of payment information.
- FormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"formOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"formOfPayment,omitempty"`
// Frequent traveller information
- FrequentTravellerInfo *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType_177150S `xml:"frequentTravellerInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FrequentTravellerInfo *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType_177150S `xml:"frequentTravellerInfo,omitempty"`
// Monetary and cabin information.
- MonetaryCabinInfo *MonetaryAndCabinInformationType `xml:"monetaryCabinInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MonetaryCabinInfo *MonetaryAndCabinInformationType `xml:"monetaryCabinInfo,omitempty"`
type Buckets struct {
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ type Buckets struct {
BucketInfo *BucketInformationType `xml:"bucketInfo"`
// Bucket details
- BucketDetails []*BucketDetailsType `xml:"bucketDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="15"
+ BucketDetails []*BucketDetailsType `xml:"bucketDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="15"
type Itinerary struct {
@@ -130,31 +130,31 @@ type Itinerary struct {
RequestedSegmentRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"requestedSegmentRef"`
// Specification of the requested departure point
- DepartureLocalization *DepartureLocationType `xml:"departureLocalization,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureLocalization *DepartureLocationType `xml:"departureLocalization,omitempty"`
// Specification of the requested arrival point
- ArrivalLocalization *ArrivalLocalizationType `xml:"arrivalLocalization,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalLocalization *ArrivalLocalizationType `xml:"arrivalLocalization,omitempty"`
// Details on requested date and time plus range of date trip duration
- TimeDetails *DateAndTimeInformationType_181295S `xml:"timeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TimeDetails *DateAndTimeInformationType_181295S `xml:"timeDetails,omitempty"`
// Specify Flight options.
- FlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType_199585S `xml:"flightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType_199585S `xml:"flightInfo,omitempty"`
// Segment used to target Commercial Fare Family at requested segment level
- FamilyInformation *FareFamilyType `xml:"familyInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FamilyInformation *FareFamilyType `xml:"familyInformation,omitempty"`
- ValueSearch []*ValueSearchCriteriaType `xml:"valueSearch,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ ValueSearch []*ValueSearchCriteriaType `xml:"valueSearch,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
- GroupOfFlights []*GroupOfFlights `xml:"groupOfFlights,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ GroupOfFlights []*GroupOfFlights `xml:"groupOfFlights,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
- FlightInfoPNR []*FlightInfoPNR `xml:"flightInfoPNR,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
+ FlightInfoPNR []*FlightInfoPNR `xml:"flightInfoPNR,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="4"
// Action identification for the requested segment
- RequestedSegmentAction *ActionIdentificationType `xml:"requestedSegmentAction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RequestedSegmentAction *ActionIdentificationType `xml:"requestedSegmentAction,omitempty"`
// Coded attributes
- Attributes *CodedAttributeType `xml:"attributes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Attributes *CodedAttributeType `xml:"attributes,omitempty"`
type GroupOfFlights struct {
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ type GroupOfFlights struct {
PropFlightGrDetail *ProposedSegmentType `xml:"propFlightGrDetail"`
// Indicates Price to beat
- PriceToBeat *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"priceToBeat,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceToBeat *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"priceToBeat,omitempty"`
FlightDetails []*FlightDetails `xml:"flightDetails"` // maxOccurs="4"
@@ -172,25 +172,25 @@ type FlightDetails struct {
FlightInformation *TravelProductType `xml:"flightInformation"`
// returns booking class and availability context
- AvlInfo []*FlightProductInformationType `xml:"avlInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ AvlInfo []*FlightProductInformationType `xml:"avlInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
// Details on Flight date, time and location of technical stop or change of gauge
- TechnicalStop []*DateAndTimeInformationType `xml:"technicalStop,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ TechnicalStop []*DateAndTimeInformationType `xml:"technicalStop,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
// Code Share Agreement description for current flight.
- CommercialAgreement *CommercialAgreementsType_78540S `xml:"commercialAgreement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CommercialAgreement *CommercialAgreementsType_78540S `xml:"commercialAgreement,omitempty"`
// Additional Info about flight, such as Reference number, and several options
- AddInfo *HeaderInformationTypeI `xml:"addInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AddInfo *HeaderInformationTypeI `xml:"addInfo,omitempty"`
// Terminal, Equipment and EFT Details. If a Total EFT of the Travel Solution is requested then we will have 2 occurrences of the terminalEquipmentDetails attached to the first leg flightInformation: the 1st occurence will give the EFT of the leg, the 2nd occurrence will give the total EFT of the Travel Solution.
- TerminalEquipmentDetails []*AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"terminalEquipmentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ TerminalEquipmentDetails []*AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"terminalEquipmentDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// PNR flight reservation info
- ReservationInfo *PassengerItineraryInformationType `xml:"reservationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReservationInfo *PassengerItineraryInformationType `xml:"reservationInfo,omitempty"`
// Indicates Price to beat
- PriceToBeat *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"priceToBeat,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceToBeat *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"priceToBeat,omitempty"`
type FlightInfoPNR struct {
@@ -198,27 +198,27 @@ type FlightInfoPNR struct {
TravelResponseDetails *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"travelResponseDetails"`
// Time Table Effective/Discontinue dates and frequency of operating Travel Solution
- TimeTableDate *StructuredPeriodInformationType `xml:"timeTableDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TimeTableDate *StructuredPeriodInformationType `xml:"timeTableDate,omitempty"`
// Terminal, Equipment and EFT Details. If a Total EFT of the Travel Solution is requested then we will have 2 occurrences of the terminalEquipmentDetails attached to the first leg travelResponseDetails: the 1st occurrence will give the EFT of the leg, the 2nd occurrence will give the total EFT of the Travel Solution.
- TerminalEquipmentDetails []*AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"terminalEquipmentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ TerminalEquipmentDetails []*AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"terminalEquipmentDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Codeshare data
- CodeshareData *CommercialAgreementsType `xml:"codeshareData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CodeshareData *CommercialAgreementsType `xml:"codeshareData,omitempty"`
// Disclosure message from an operating carrier.
- Disclosure *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"disclosure,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Disclosure *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"disclosure,omitempty"`
// Stops Details
- StopDetails *RoutingInformationTypeI `xml:"stopDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StopDetails *RoutingInformationTypeI `xml:"stopDetails,omitempty"`
// Traffic restriction information
- TrafficRestrictionData *TrafficRestrictionTypeI `xml:"trafficRestrictionData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TrafficRestrictionData *TrafficRestrictionTypeI `xml:"trafficRestrictionData,omitempty"`
// PNR flight reservation info
- ReservationInfo *PassengerItineraryInformationType `xml:"reservationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReservationInfo *PassengerItineraryInformationType `xml:"reservationInfo,omitempty"`
- IncidentalStopInfo []*IncidentalStopInfo `xml:"incidentalStopInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
+ IncidentalStopInfo []*IncidentalStopInfo `xml:"incidentalStopInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="8"
type IncidentalStopInfo struct {
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ type TicketChangeInfo struct {
// Ticket nb details.
TicketNumberDetails *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"ticketNumberDetails"`
- TicketRequestedSegments []*TicketRequestedSegments `xml:"ticketRequestedSegments,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ TicketRequestedSegments []*TicketRequestedSegments `xml:"ticketRequestedSegments,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
type TicketRequestedSegments struct {
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ type TicketRequestedSegments struct {
ActionIdentification *ActionIdentificationType `xml:"actionIdentification"`
// Connected cities in changed ticket requested segment.
- ConnectPointDetails *ConnectionTypeI `xml:"connectPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConnectPointDetails *ConnectionTypeI `xml:"connectPointDetails,omitempty"`
type CombinationFareFamilies struct {
@@ -246,10 +246,10 @@ type CombinationFareFamilies struct {
ItemFFCNumber *ItemNumberType `xml:"itemFFCNumber"`
// Number of units.
- NbOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsType_80154S `xml:"nbOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NbOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsType_80154S `xml:"nbOfUnits,omitempty"`
// Requested segment reference
- ReferenceInfo []*ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ ReferenceInfo []*ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
type FeeOption struct {
@@ -257,9 +257,9 @@ type FeeOption struct {
FeeTypeInfo *SelectionDetailsType `xml:"feeTypeInfo"`
// Associated rate tax.
- RateTax *MonetaryInformationType_80162S `xml:"rateTax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateTax *MonetaryInformationType_80162S `xml:"rateTax,omitempty"`
- FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type FeeDetails struct {
@@ -267,9 +267,9 @@ type FeeDetails struct {
FeeInfo *SpecificDataInformationType `xml:"feeInfo"`
// Associated amounts : amounts to take into account to calculate fee.
- AssociatedAmounts *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"associatedAmounts,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AssociatedAmounts *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"associatedAmounts,omitempty"`
- FeeDescriptionGrp *FeeDescriptionGrp `xml:"feeDescriptionGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeDescriptionGrp *FeeDescriptionGrp `xml:"feeDescriptionGrp,omitempty"`
type FeeDescriptionGrp struct {
@@ -277,10 +277,10 @@ type FeeDescriptionGrp struct {
ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType_80866S `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
// Attributes (SSR code EMD, RFIC, SSIM)
- ServiceAttributesInfo *AttributeType_61377S `xml:"serviceAttributesInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceAttributesInfo *AttributeType_61377S `xml:"serviceAttributesInfo,omitempty"`
// Other service information (service description, ...)
- ServiceDescriptionInfo *SpecialRequirementsDetailsType `xml:"serviceDescriptionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceDescriptionInfo *SpecialRequirementsDetailsType `xml:"serviceDescriptionInfo,omitempty"`
type OfficeIdDetails struct {
@@ -288,21 +288,21 @@ type OfficeIdDetails struct {
OfficeIdInformation *UserIdentificationType `xml:"officeIdInformation"`
// Number of units.
- NbOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsType_80154S `xml:"nbOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NbOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsType_80154S `xml:"nbOfUnits,omitempty"`
// UID option
- UidOption *CodedAttributeType_78500S `xml:"uidOption,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UidOption *CodedAttributeType_78500S `xml:"uidOption,omitempty"`
// Pricing and ticketing details.
- PricingTickInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsType `xml:"pricingTickInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingTickInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsType `xml:"pricingTickInfo,omitempty"`
// Corporate fare information
- CorporateFareInfo *CorporateFareInformationType `xml:"corporateFareInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CorporateFareInfo *CorporateFareInformationType `xml:"corporateFareInfo,omitempty"`
// Details of a Flight : Direct, Non stop...
- TravelFlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType `xml:"travelFlightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravelFlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType `xml:"travelFlightInfo,omitempty"`
- AirlineDistributionDetails []*AirlineDistributionDetails `xml:"airlineDistributionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ AirlineDistributionDetails []*AirlineDistributionDetails `xml:"airlineDistributionDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
type AirlineDistributionDetails struct {
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ type AirlineDistributionDetails struct {
RequestedSegmentRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"requestedSegmentRef"`
// Specify Flight options.
- FlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType `xml:"flightInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightInfo *TravelFlightInformationType `xml:"flightInfo,omitempty"`
@@ -321,128 +321,128 @@ type ActionIdentificationType struct {
// Action request code
ActionRequestCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"actionRequestCode"`
- ProductDetails *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_50878C `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDetails *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_50878C `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"`
type AdditionalProductDetailsType struct {
// Type of aircraft
- EquipmentType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"equipmentType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EquipmentType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"equipmentType,omitempty"`
// Day number of the week
- OperatingDay formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"operatingDay,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperatingDay formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"operatingDay,omitempty"`
// Number of stops made in a journey if different from 0
- TechStopNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"techStopNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TechStopNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"techStopNumber,omitempty"`
// Location places of the stops
- LocationId []formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ LocationId []formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI struct {
// Flight details
- LegDetails *AdditionalProductTypeI `xml:"legDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LegDetails *AdditionalProductTypeI `xml:"legDetails,omitempty"`
// Departure station
- DepartureStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"departureStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"departureStationInfo,omitempty"`
- ArrivalStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"arrivalStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"arrivalStationInfo,omitempty"`
// Ground Time Details when connection
- MileageTimeDetails *MileageTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileageTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MileageTimeDetails *MileageTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileageTimeDetails,omitempty"`
type AdditionalProductTypeI struct {
// Equipment type
- Equipment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"equipment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Equipment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"equipment,omitempty"`
// Elaps flying time of the leg
- Duration *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"duration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Duration *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"duration,omitempty"`
// COG indicator
- ComplexingFlightIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"complexingFlightIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ComplexingFlightIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"complexingFlightIndicator,omitempty"`
type AgentIdentificationType struct {
// Contains ARC number
- ArcNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"arcNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArcNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"arcNumber,omitempty"`
// ERSP number of the Office or Customer
- ErspNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"erspNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErspNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"erspNumber,omitempty"`
// IATA Number
- IataNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"iataNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IataNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"iataNumber,omitempty"`
type ArithmeticEvaluationType struct {
// Boolean operator
- CodeOperator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"codeOperator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CodeOperator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"codeOperator,omitempty"`
type ArrivalLocalizationType struct {
// Details on the location of the arrival point
- ArrivalPointDetails *ArrivalLocationDetailsType `xml:"arrivalPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalPointDetails *ArrivalLocationDetailsType `xml:"arrivalPointDetails,omitempty"`
// Arrival multi city option
- ArrivalMultiCity []*MultiCityOptionType `xml:"arrivalMultiCity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="50"
+ ArrivalMultiCity []*MultiCityOptionType `xml:"arrivalMultiCity,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="50"
// Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_139508C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_139508C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type ArrivalLocationDetailsType struct {
// For Radius: This is the length of the requested radius around the location of destination.
- Distance *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"distance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Distance *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"distance,omitempty"`
// Distance unit qualifier for radius
- DistanceUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"distanceUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DistanceUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"distanceUnit,omitempty"`
// ATA/IATA airport/city code of arrival In case of SP request from a PNR, this field is empty.
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"`
// Request from no PNR A = consider the locationID specified as an airport (used only when ambiguous) C = consider the locationId as a city (used only when ambiguous) A and C are not used in case of a request from PNR Request from a PNR with Radius option: O = radius applies to the origin of the PNR segments D = radius applies to the destination of the PNR segments
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"`
// Latitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere N=north S=south
- Latitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"latitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Latitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"latitude,omitempty"`
// Longitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere E=east, W=west
- Longitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"longitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Longitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"longitude,omitempty"`
type ArrivalLocationDetailsType_120834C struct {
// For Radius: This is the length of the requested radius around the location of origin.
- Distance *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"distance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Distance *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"distance,omitempty"`
// Distance unit qualifier for radius
- DistanceUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"distanceUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DistanceUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"distanceUnit,omitempty"`
// ATA/IATA airport/city code of arrival In case of SP request from a PNR, this field is empty.
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"`
// Request from no PNR A = consider the locationID specified as an airport (used only when ambiguous) C = consider the locationId as a city (used only when ambiguous) A and C are not used in case of a request from PNR Request from a PNR with Radius option: O = radius applies to the origin of the PNR segments D = radius applies to the destination of the PNR segments
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"`
// Latitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere N=north S=south
- Latitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"latitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Latitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"latitude,omitempty"`
// Longitude in degrees (decimal format) with hemisphere E=east, W=west
- Longitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"longitude,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Longitude formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"longitude,omitempty"`
type AttributeDetails struct {
// Qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Value
- Value []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To64 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ Value []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To64 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type AttributeDetailsType struct {
// Reference of the requested segment
- RequestedSgt formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"requestedSgt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RequestedSgt formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"requestedSgt,omitempty"`
// List of airlines, cabins, time window, number of connections.
- Value []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="50"
+ Value []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="50"
type AttributeInformationType struct {
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ type AttributeInformationType struct {
Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option"`
// Mandatory when alternate date option is used (ALT), must be set to plus (P) or minus (M) a number of days around the original PNR segment dates. E.g.: M1 (for minus 1 day) or P100 (for plus 100 days)
- OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"`
type AttributeInformationType_97181C struct {
@@ -458,15 +458,15 @@ type AttributeInformationType_97181C struct {
AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"attributeType"`
// Attribute description
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To256 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To256 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"`
type AttributeList struct {
// Qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*AttributeDetails `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ AttributeDetails []*AttributeDetails `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
type AttributeType struct {
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ type AttributeType struct {
type AttributeType_61377S struct {
// Criteria Set Type
- AttributeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"attributeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"attributeQualifier,omitempty"`
// Criteria details
AttributeDetails []*AttributeInformationType_97181C `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
@@ -489,39 +489,39 @@ type BooleanExpressionRuleType struct {
type BucketDetailsType struct {
// Code
- Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"code,omitempty"`
// Option or distribution
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Attribute
- Attribute []*AttributeDetailsType `xml:"attribute,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ Attribute []*AttributeDetailsType `xml:"attribute,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
type BucketInformationType struct {
// Number
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Name
- Name formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Name formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"name,omitempty"`
// Completion
- Completion formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"completion,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Completion formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"completion,omitempty"`
// Mode
- Mode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"mode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Mode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"mode,omitempty"`
// Value reference
- ValueRef formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"valueRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ValueRef formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"valueRef,omitempty"`
// Weight
- Weight *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"weight,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Weight *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"weight,omitempty"`
// Number of solutions in the bucket
- Count *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"count,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Count *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"count,omitempty"`
// Number of solutions per attribute
- AttributeCount *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"attributeCount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeCount *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"attributeCount,omitempty"`
type CabinClassDesignationType struct {
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ type CabinClassDesignationType struct {
type CabinIdentificationType struct {
// Cabin qualifier. For Star Pricer,MD stands for Mandatory Cabin qualifier. For other products no qualifier stands for Mandatory Cabin.
- CabinQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"cabinQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CabinQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"cabinQualifier,omitempty"`
// Cabin
Cabin []formats.AlphaString_Length0To1 `xml:"cabin"` // maxOccurs="3"
@@ -539,10 +539,10 @@ type CabinIdentificationType struct {
type CabinIdentificationType_233500C struct {
// Cabin qualifier. For Star Pricer,MD stands for Mandatory Cabin qualifier. For other products no qualifier stands for Mandatory Cabin.
- CabinQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"cabinQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CabinQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"cabinQualifier,omitempty"`
// Cabin
- Cabin []formats.AlphaString_Length0To1 `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ Cabin []formats.AlphaString_Length0To1 `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type CabinProductDetailsType struct {
@@ -550,13 +550,13 @@ type CabinProductDetailsType struct {
Rbd formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"rbd"`
// Reservation Booking Modifier
- BookingModifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1 `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingModifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1 `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"`
// Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Cabin formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabin,omitempty"`
// Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AvlStatus formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"`
type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"attributeType"`
// Attribute Description
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"`
type CodedAttributeInformationType_120742C struct {
@@ -572,22 +572,22 @@ type CodedAttributeInformationType_120742C struct {
Name formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"name"`
// Value.
- Value []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ Value []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
type CodedAttributeInformationType_139508C struct {
// Attribute type
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Value.
- Value []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ Value []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
type CodedAttributeInformationType_247828C struct {
AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"attributeType"`
// Attribute description
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"`
type CodedAttributeInformationType_254574C struct {
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ type CodedAttributeInformationType_254574C struct {
AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"attributeType"`
// Attribute description
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To50 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To50 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"`
type CodedAttributeInformationType_277155C struct {
@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ type CodedAttributeType struct {
type CodedAttributeType_199259S struct {
// Fee/reduction Id
- FeeId []*CodedAttributeInformationType_277155C `xml:"feeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ FeeId []*CodedAttributeInformationType_277155C `xml:"feeId,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type CodedAttributeType_78500S struct {
@@ -626,15 +626,15 @@ type CommercialAgreementsType struct {
CodeshareDetails *CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"codeshareDetails"`
// Other codeshare details
- OtherCodeshareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"otherCodeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
+ OtherCodeshareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"otherCodeshareDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="8"
type CommercialAgreementsType_78540S struct {
// Codeshare Details
- CodeshareDetails *CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120761C `xml:"codeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CodeshareDetails *CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120761C `xml:"codeshareDetails,omitempty"`
// Other codeshare details
- OtherCodeshareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120761C `xml:"otherCodeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ OtherCodeshareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120761C `xml:"otherCodeshareDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type CompanyIdentificationType struct{}
@@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ type CompanyIdentificationType_195544C struct {
MarketingCarrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"marketingCarrier"`
// Operating carrier
- OperatingCarrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"operatingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperatingCarrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"operatingCarrier,omitempty"`
type CompanyIdentificationType_275415C struct {
@@ -673,24 +673,24 @@ type CompanyRoleIdentificationType struct {
TransportStageQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"transportStageQualifier"`
// company identification
- AirlineDesignator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"airlineDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AirlineDesignator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"airlineDesignator,omitempty"`
// flight number
- FlightNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"flightNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"flightNumber,omitempty"`
// suffix
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"`
type CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120761C struct {
// Type of code share agreement.
- CodeShareType formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"codeShareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CodeShareType formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"codeShareType,omitempty"`
// company identification
- AirlineDesignator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"airlineDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AirlineDesignator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To3 `xml:"airlineDesignator,omitempty"`
// flight number
- FlightNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"flightNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"flightNumber,omitempty"`
type ConnectPointDetailsType struct {
@@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ type ConnectPointDetailsType struct {
LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
// Airport/city qualifier
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"`
type ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C struct {
@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ type ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C struct {
LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
// Airport/city qualifier
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"`
type ConnectionDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -728,11 +728,11 @@ type ConnectionTypeI struct {
type ConsumerReferenceIdentificationTypeI struct {
ReferenceQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"referenceQualifier"`
- ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"`
- ReferencePartyName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referencePartyName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferencePartyName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referencePartyName,omitempty"`
- TravellerReferenceNbr formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"travellerReferenceNbr,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravellerReferenceNbr formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"travellerReferenceNbr,omitempty"`
type ConsumerReferenceInformationType struct {
@@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ type ConsumerReferenceInformationType struct {
type ConversionRateDetailsType struct {
// Conversion type
- ConversionType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConversionType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"`
// Currency
Currency formats.AlphaString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency"`
@@ -755,20 +755,20 @@ type ConversionRateType struct {
type CorporateFareIdentifiersType struct {
// Indicates the type of corporate fares requested
- FareQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"`
// Corporate contract number or name
- IdentifyNumber []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identifyNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ IdentifyNumber []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identifyNumber,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type CorporateFareInformationType struct {
// Corporate fare identifiers
- CorporateFareIdentifiers *CorporateFareIdentifiersType `xml:"corporateFareIdentifiers,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CorporateFareIdentifiers *CorporateFareIdentifiersType `xml:"corporateFareIdentifiers,omitempty"`
type CorporateIdentificationType struct {
// Corporate identity
- CorporateId []*CorporateIdentityType `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ CorporateId []*CorporateIdentityType `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type CorporateIdentityType struct {
@@ -780,16 +780,16 @@ type CorporateIdentityType struct {
type CriteriaiDetaislType struct {
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"`
- Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"value,omitempty"`
- Attribute []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"attribute,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ Attribute []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"attribute,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type DataInformationType struct {
// Ancillary services options
- Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
type DataTypeInformationType struct {
@@ -797,78 +797,78 @@ type DataTypeInformationType struct {
SubType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"subType"`
// Status (automated, manually added, exempted). Default is automated
- Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeDetailsType struct {
// Trip Duration type(Plus,Minus,Combined)
- FlexibilityQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"flexibilityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlexibilityQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"flexibilityQualifier,omitempty"`
// Number of days added or/and retrieved to the trip duration
- TripInterval *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"tripInterval,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TripInterval *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"tripInterval,omitempty"`
// Period between date of departure and date of arrival
- TripDuration *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"tripDuration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TripDuration *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"tripDuration,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
// Toidentify type of time Arrival/Departure
- TimeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"timeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TimeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"timeQualifier,omitempty"`
// Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"`
// Time
- Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"`
// Time window size in hours
- TimeWindow formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"timeWindow,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TimeWindow formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"timeWindow,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI_120740C struct {
// Date time period qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// First Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"`
// First Time
- Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"`
// .
- Qualifier2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier2,omitempty"`
- Reserved1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"reserved1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Reserved1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"reserved1,omitempty"`
- Reserved2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length3To5 `xml:"reserved2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Reserved2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length3To5 `xml:"reserved2,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeDetailsType_120762C struct {
// Date time period qualifier
- DateQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"dateQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"dateQualifier,omitempty"`
// First Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"`
// First Time
- FirstTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"firstTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FirstTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"firstTime,omitempty"`
// Movement type.
- EquipementType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"equipementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EquipementType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"equipementType,omitempty"`
// Place/location identification.
- LocationId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeDetailsType_254619C struct {
// To identify type of range (Plus,Minus or combined)
- RangeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"rangeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RangeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"rangeQualifier,omitempty"`
// Range of dates : Number of Days preceding or/and Following the request departure date
- DayInterval *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"dayInterval,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DayInterval *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"dayInterval,omitempty"`
// Time at destination (local)
- TimeAtdestination formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"timeAtdestination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TimeAtdestination formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"timeAtdestination,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeInformationType struct {
@@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ type DateAndTimeInformationType struct {
type DateAndTimeInformationTypeI struct {
- DateTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI_120740C `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ DateTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI_120740C `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type DateAndTimeInformationType_181295S struct {
@@ -886,10 +886,10 @@ type DateAndTimeInformationType_181295S struct {
FirstDateTimeDetail *DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"firstDateTimeDetail"`
// Details of the Requested Range of Dates
- RangeOfDate *DateAndTimeDetailsType_254619C `xml:"rangeOfDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RangeOfDate *DateAndTimeDetailsType_254619C `xml:"rangeOfDate,omitempty"`
// Details of the trip duration
- TripDetails *DateAndTimeDetailsType `xml:"tripDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TripDetails *DateAndTimeDetailsType `xml:"tripDetails,omitempty"`
type DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -897,21 +897,21 @@ type DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI struct {
Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier"`
// Value
- Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"value,omitempty"`
type DepartureLocationType struct {
// Details on localization of the departure point
- DeparturePoint *ArrivalLocationDetailsType_120834C `xml:"departurePoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DeparturePoint *ArrivalLocationDetailsType_120834C `xml:"departurePoint,omitempty"`
// Departure multi city option
- DepMultiCity []*MultiCityOptionType `xml:"depMultiCity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="50"
+ DepMultiCity []*MultiCityOptionType `xml:"depMultiCity,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="50"
// To specify a series or a range of PNR segments
- FirstPnrSegmentRef *PNRSegmentReferenceType `xml:"firstPnrSegmentRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FirstPnrSegmentRef *PNRSegmentReferenceType `xml:"firstPnrSegmentRef,omitempty"`
// Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_139508C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_139508C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type FOPRepresentationType struct {
@@ -919,50 +919,50 @@ type FOPRepresentationType struct {
FormOfPaymentDetails *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"formOfPaymentDetails"`
// Fee/Reduction Passenger reference.
- PassengerFeeReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"passengerFeeReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerFeeReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"passengerFeeReference,omitempty"`
type FareDetailsType struct {
// Qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Rate
- Rate *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To8 `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
// Country
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"`
// Fare Category
- FareCategory formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareCategory formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"`
type FareFamilyCriteriaType struct {
// Fare publishing carrier.
- CarrierId []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"carrierId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ CarrierId []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"carrierId,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Reservation booking designator.
- Rdb []formats.AlphaString_Length1To2 `xml:"rdb,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ Rdb []formats.AlphaString_Length1To2 `xml:"rdb,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Fare family info.
- FareFamilyInfo *FareQualifierInformationType `xml:"fareFamilyInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareFamilyInfo *FareQualifierInformationType `xml:"fareFamilyInfo,omitempty"`
// Fare product detail.
- FareProductDetail []*FareProductDetailsType `xml:"fareProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ FareProductDetail []*FareProductDetailsType `xml:"fareProductDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Corporate information.
- CorporateInfo []*MultipleIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"corporateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ CorporateInfo []*MultipleIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"corporateInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Indicates flight cabin details.
- CabinProduct []*CabinClassDesignationType `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ CabinProduct []*CabinClassDesignationType `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
// Cabin processing option.
- CabinProcessingIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"cabinProcessingIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CabinProcessingIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"cabinProcessingIdentifier,omitempty"`
// Product date or time.
- DateTimeDetails []*ProductDateTimeTypeI_194583C `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ DateTimeDetails []*ProductDateTimeTypeI_194583C `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Other criteria.
- OtherCriteria []*CodedAttributeInformationType_120742C `xml:"otherCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ OtherCriteria []*CodedAttributeInformationType_120742C `xml:"otherCriteria,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type FareFamilyDetailsType struct {
@@ -972,57 +972,57 @@ type FareFamilyDetailsType struct {
type FareFamilyType struct {
// Indicates Commercial Fare Family Short names
- CommercialFamilyDetails []*FareFamilyDetailsType `xml:"commercialFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ CommercialFamilyDetails []*FareFamilyDetailsType `xml:"commercialFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type FareFamilyType_80157S struct {
// Fare Family Reference Number
- RefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"`
// Fare Family Short Name
- FareFamilyname formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"fareFamilyname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareFamilyname formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"fareFamilyname,omitempty"`
- Hierarchy *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"hierarchy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Hierarchy *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"hierarchy,omitempty"`
// Indicates Commercial Fare Family Short names
- CommercialFamilyDetails []*FareFamilyDetailsType `xml:"commercialFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ CommercialFamilyDetails []*FareFamilyDetailsType `xml:"commercialFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type FareInformationType struct {
// Value Qualifier
- ValueQualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ValueQualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"`
// Value
- Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"`
// Fare Details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsType `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareDetails *FareDetailsType `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
// Identity Number
- IdentityNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdentityNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"`
// Fare Type Grouping
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationType `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationType `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"`
// Rate Category
- RateCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"`
type FareInformationTypeI struct {
// PTC (Full Codeset List described in ATPCo Documentation B11109 Appendix A)
- ValueQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ValueQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"`
// age
- Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"value,omitempty"`
type FareProductDetailsType struct {
// Fare basis code
- FareBasis formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To18 `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareBasis formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To18 `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"`
// Type of fare
- FareType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"fareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ FareType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"fareType,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type FareQualifierInformationType struct {
@@ -1032,15 +1032,15 @@ type FareQualifierInformationType struct {
type FareTypeGroupingInformationType struct {
// Pricing Group
- PricingGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"`
type FlightProductInformationType struct {
// Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct []*CabinProductDetailsType `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
+ CabinProduct []*CabinProductDetailsType `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="26"
// To specify additional characteristics.
- ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType_205137C `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType_205137C `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"`
type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -1048,15 +1048,15 @@ type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
// amount to be charged on this form
- ChargedAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To12 `xml:"chargedAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ChargedAmount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To12 `xml:"chargedAmount,omitempty"`
// Reference number
- CreditCardNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CreditCardNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"`
type FormOfPaymentTypeI struct {
- FormOfPaymentDetails []*FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI `xml:"formOfPaymentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ FormOfPaymentDetails []*FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI `xml:"formOfPaymentDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
@@ -1064,7 +1064,7 @@ type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
TextSubjectQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
// Type of the free text. Always 7 for our usage.
- InformationType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InformationType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"informationType,omitempty"`
// Source of the information.
Source formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"source"`
@@ -1086,7 +1086,7 @@ type FrequencyType struct {
Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier"`
// Used to represent days of the week. 1 is monday and 7 is sunday.
- Value []*formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="7"
+ Value []*formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="7"
type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType struct {
@@ -1101,32 +1101,32 @@ type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType_177150S struct {
type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType struct {
// Carrier where the FQTV is registered.
- Carrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"carrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Carrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"carrier,omitempty"`
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To28 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To28 `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Specifies which traveller in the TIF segment the frequent traveller number applies (same as 9944 in TIF).
- CustomerReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"`
// status code: 'OK' if the frequent flyer card has been validated
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"`
// To specify a Tier linked to the FQTV
- TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"`
// For example : priority code
- PriorityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriorityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"`
// For example : Level description
- TierDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TierDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"`
// For example : Company code of alliance
- CompanyCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"companyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"companyCode,omitempty"`
- CustomerValue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"customerValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerValue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"customerValue,omitempty"`
// To specify the product/account number qualifier. (e.g. 2=Corporate Frequent Flyer).
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"`
type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType_249074C struct {
@@ -1134,22 +1134,22 @@ type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType_249074C struct {
Carrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"carrier"`
// Frequent traveller number
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Customer reference
- CustomerReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"`
// Tier level
- TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"`
// Priority code
- PriorityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriorityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"`
// Tier description
- TierDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TierDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"`
// To specify the product/account number qualifier. (e.g. 2=Corporate Frequent Flyer).
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"`
type GroupPassengerDetailsType struct {
@@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@ type GroupPassengerDetailsType struct {
PassengerReference *SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI `xml:"passengerReference"`
// pricing option at passenger level
- PsgDetailsInfo []*PsgDetailsInfo `xml:"psgDetailsInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ PsgDetailsInfo []*PsgDetailsInfo `xml:"psgDetailsInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type PsgDetailsInfo struct {
@@ -1165,35 +1165,35 @@ type PsgDetailsInfo struct {
DiscountPtc *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"discountPtc"`
// Tier level information
- FlequentFlyerDetails *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"flequentFlyerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlequentFlyerDetails *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"flequentFlyerDetails,omitempty"`
type HeaderInformationTypeI struct {
// Status
- Status []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ Status []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Date and Time info
- DateTimePeriodDetails *DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI `xml:"dateTimePeriodDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateTimePeriodDetails *DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI `xml:"dateTimePeriodDetails,omitempty"`
// Reference number
- ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"`
// Contains product identification such as UIC code...
- ProductIdentification []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"productIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ ProductIdentification []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"productIdentification,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type ItemNumberIdentificationType struct {
// Fare family combination number
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Type
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Qualifier
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Responsible agency
- ResponsibleAgency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ResponsibleAgency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberType struct {
@@ -1208,13 +1208,13 @@ type ItemNumberType_80866S struct {
type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
// Reference Qualifier.
- PassengerFeeRefType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerFeeRefType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefType,omitempty"`
// Reference number.
- PassengerFeeRefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerFeeRefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefNumber,omitempty"`
// Unique id description.
- OtherCharacteristics *UniqueIdDescriptionType `xml:"otherCharacteristics,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherCharacteristics *UniqueIdDescriptionType `xml:"otherCharacteristics,omitempty"`
type ItineraryDetailsType struct {
@@ -1230,7 +1230,7 @@ type LocationDetailsTypeI struct {
LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
// Country, coded
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"`
type LocationIdentificationDetailsType struct {
@@ -1238,10 +1238,10 @@ type LocationIdentificationDetailsType struct {
LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
// Airport/city qualifier: the requested point is an airport when ambiguity exists (e.g. HOU)
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"`
// Terminal information
- Terminal formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Terminal formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"terminal,omitempty"`
type LocationTypeI struct {
@@ -1251,54 +1251,54 @@ type LocationTypeI struct {
type MileageTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
// Ground Time in minutes at Board point (connection with incoming flight)
- ElapsedGroundTime *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"elapsedGroundTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ElapsedGroundTime *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"elapsedGroundTime,omitempty"`
type MonetaryAndCabinInformationDetailsType struct {
// Amount qualifier.
- AmountType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"amountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AmountType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"amountType,omitempty"`
// Amount
Amount formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"amount"`
// ISO currency code
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// Airport/city code
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"`
// Cabin class designator
- CabinClassDesignator []formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabinClassDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ CabinClassDesignator []formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"cabinClassDesignator,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type MonetaryAndCabinInformationType struct {
// Monetary and cabin information.
- MoneyAndCabinInfo []*MonetaryAndCabinInformationDetailsType `xml:"moneyAndCabinInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ MoneyAndCabinInfo []*MonetaryAndCabinInformationDetailsType `xml:"moneyAndCabinInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
// Monetary amount type qualifier, coded
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Allowance or charge number
Amount formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"amount"`
// Currency, coded
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_194597C struct {
// Monetary amount type qualifier, coded
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Allowance or charge number
Amount formats.NumericInteger_Length1To18 `xml:"amount"`
// Currency, coded
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// Place or Location identification
- LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"locationId,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65140C struct {
@@ -1306,10 +1306,10 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65140C struct {
TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
// Amount
- Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65141C struct {
@@ -1317,13 +1317,13 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_65141C struct {
TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
// Amount
- Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// Location
- Location formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Location formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"location,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationType struct {
@@ -1331,7 +1331,7 @@ type MonetaryInformationType struct {
MoneyInfo *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"moneyInfo"`
- AdditionalMoneyInfo []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_194597C `xml:"additionalMoneyInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
+ AdditionalMoneyInfo []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_194597C `xml:"additionalMoneyInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -1349,20 +1349,20 @@ type MultiCityOptionType struct {
LocationId formats.AlphaString_Length3To5 `xml:"locationId"`
// Requested arrival point is an airport or a city (default is city and used only when ambiguity)
- AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AirportCityQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"`
type MultipleIdentificationNumbersTypeI struct {
// Corporate number or ALL.
- CorporateNumberIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"corporateNumberIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CorporateNumberIdentifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"corporateNumberIdentifier,omitempty"`
// Corporate name.
- CorporateName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"corporateName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CorporateName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"corporateName,omitempty"`
type NumberOfUnitDetailsType struct {
// Number of Units
- NumberOfUnits *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfUnits *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"`
// Number of unit qualifier
TypeOfUnit formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeOfUnit"`
@@ -1399,77 +1399,77 @@ type OriginAndDestinationRequestType struct {
SegRef formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"segRef"`
// Forces arrival or departure, from/to the same airport/city
- LocationForcing []*ItineraryDetailsType `xml:"locationForcing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ LocationForcing []*ItineraryDetailsType `xml:"locationForcing,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
// Office Name.
- OfficeName *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"officeName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OfficeName *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"officeName,omitempty"`
// Agent Sign In .
- AgentSignin formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"agentSignin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AgentSignin formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"agentSignin,omitempty"`
// Confidential Office Name.
- ConfidentialOffice formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"confidentialOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConfidentialOffice formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"confidentialOffice,omitempty"`
// Other Office Name
- OtherOffice formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"otherOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherOffice formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"otherOffice,omitempty"`
type PNRSegmentReferenceType struct {
// For a request from PNR: this is the reference number of a PNR air segment. In case a range of PNR segments is specified (eg. segments 2-5), then it is the 1st of the range, the last being in ARR.
- PnrSegmentTattoo *formats.NumericInteger_Length0To35 `xml:"pnrSegmentTattoo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PnrSegmentTattoo *formats.NumericInteger_Length0To35 `xml:"pnrSegmentTattoo,omitempty"`
- PnrSegmentQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"pnrSegmentQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PnrSegmentQualifier formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"pnrSegmentQualifier,omitempty"`
type PassengerItineraryInformationType struct {
// .
- Booking formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"booking,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Booking formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"booking,omitempty"`
// .
- Identifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"identifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Identifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"identifier,omitempty"`
// .
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"`
// .
- ItemNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ItemNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"`
// .
- DateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeType `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeType `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"`
// .
- Designator formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"designator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Designator formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"designator,omitempty"`
// .
- MovementType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MovementType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"movementType,omitempty"`
// .
- ProductTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"productTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"productTypeDetails,omitempty"`
type PricingTicketingDetailsType struct {
// Pricing ticketing Details.
- PricingTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"pricingTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"pricingTicketing,omitempty"`
- TicketingDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI_194598C `xml:"ticketingDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketingDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI_194598C `xml:"ticketingDate,omitempty"`
- CompanyId *CompanyIdentificationType `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId *CompanyIdentificationType `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
- SellingPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"sellingPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SellingPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"sellingPoint,omitempty"`
- TicketingPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"ticketingPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketingPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"ticketingPoint,omitempty"`
// Used to Target Transborder Fares
- JourneyOriginPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"journeyOriginPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ JourneyOriginPoint *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"journeyOriginPoint,omitempty"`
// Contains the ARC,IATA and ERSP numbers
- CorporateId *AgentIdentificationType `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CorporateId *AgentIdentificationType `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"`
type PricingTicketingInformationType struct {
@@ -1482,24 +1482,24 @@ type ProductDateTimeType struct {
Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date"`
// .
- Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"`
type ProductDateTimeTypeI struct {
// Departure date in YYYYMMDD format
- DepartureDate formats.Date_YYYYMMDD `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureDate formats.Date_YYYYMMDD `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"`
// Departure time
- DepartureTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"`
// Arrival date
- ArrivalDate formats.Date_YYYYMMDD `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalDate formats.Date_YYYYMMDD `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"`
// Arrival time
- ArrivalTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"`
// Day difference between Departure date of the leg and date of reference (Departure or Arrival date specified in the SDI)
- DateVariation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateVariation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"`
type ProductDateTimeTypeI_194583C struct {
@@ -1507,7 +1507,7 @@ type ProductDateTimeTypeI_194583C struct {
Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date"`
// Ticketing purchase date
- OtherDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"otherDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"otherDate,omitempty"`
type ProductDateTimeTypeI_194598C struct {
@@ -1515,7 +1515,7 @@ type ProductDateTimeTypeI_194598C struct {
Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date"`
// Half round trip combination.
- RtcDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"rtcDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RtcDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"rtcDate,omitempty"`
type ProductDateTimeType_195546C struct {
@@ -1523,36 +1523,36 @@ type ProductDateTimeType_195546C struct {
DateOfDeparture formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"dateOfDeparture"`
// Departure time
- TimeOfDeparture formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"timeOfDeparture,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TimeOfDeparture formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"timeOfDeparture,omitempty"`
// Arrival date
- DateOfArrival formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"dateOfArrival,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateOfArrival formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"dateOfArrival,omitempty"`
// Arrival time
- TimeOfArrival formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"timeOfArrival,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TimeOfArrival formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"timeOfArrival,omitempty"`
// Arrival date compared to departure date, only if different from 0
- DateVariation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateVariation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"`
type ProductFacilitiesType struct {
// Yes-No indicator whether Last Seat Available
- LastSeatAvailable formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"lastSeatAvailable,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LastSeatAvailable formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"lastSeatAvailable,omitempty"`
// Level of access
- LevelOfAccess formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"levelOfAccess,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LevelOfAccess formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"levelOfAccess,omitempty"`
// Yes-No indicator whether electronic ticketing
- ElectronicTicketing formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"electronicTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ElectronicTicketing formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"electronicTicketing,omitempty"`
// Product identification suffix
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"`
// Define whether a flight has been polled or not
- ProductDetailQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"productDetailQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDetailQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"productDetailQualifier,omitempty"`
// Add some flight restrictions (See code set list)
- FlightCharacteristic []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ FlightCharacteristic []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -1560,30 +1560,30 @@ type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
FlightNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"flightNumber"`
// Flight suffix
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"`
type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_50878C struct {
FlightNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"flightNumber"`
- BookingClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"`
- OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperationalSuffix formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"`
- Modifier []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ Modifier []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type ProductLocationDetailsTypeI struct {
// airport
- Station formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"station,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Station formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"station,omitempty"`
type ProductTypeDetailsType struct {
// .
- SequenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"sequenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SequenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"sequenceNumber,omitempty"`
// PNR availability context
- AvailabilityContext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"availabilityContext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AvailabilityContext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"availabilityContext,omitempty"`
type ProductTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -1593,7 +1593,7 @@ type ProductTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
type ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C struct {
// Type of flight
- FlightType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"flightType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ FlightType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"flightType,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type ProductTypeDetailsType_205137C struct {
@@ -1603,10 +1603,10 @@ type ProductTypeDetailsType_205137C struct {
type ProposedSegmentDetailsType struct {
// Flight proposal reference
- Ref formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"ref,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Ref formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"ref,omitempty"`
// Elapse Flying Time
- UnitQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UnitQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"`
type ProposedSegmentType struct {
@@ -1614,20 +1614,20 @@ type ProposedSegmentType struct {
FlightProposal []*ProposedSegmentDetailsType `xml:"flightProposal"` // maxOccurs="9"
// Flight characteristics.
- FlightCharacteristic formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightCharacteristic formats.AlphaNumericString_Length0To3 `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"`
// Majority cabin
- MajCabin formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"majCabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MajCabin formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"majCabin,omitempty"`
type ReferenceInfoType struct {
// Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
// Segment reference qualifier
- RefQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"`
// Flight or flight group reference
RefNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length0To3 `xml:"refNumber"`
@@ -1635,17 +1635,17 @@ type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
type RoutingInformationTypeI struct {
// Stops details
- RoutingDetails []*ProductLocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ RoutingDetails []*ProductLocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI struct {
// traveller number
- Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"`
type SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI struct {
// Segment control details
- SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type SelectionDetailsInformationType struct {
@@ -1653,25 +1653,25 @@ type SelectionDetailsInformationType struct {
Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
// Carrier fee status
- OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"`
type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
Option formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"option"`
- OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OptionInformation formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"`
type SelectionDetailsType struct {
// Carrier fees options
CarrierFeeDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationType `xml:"carrierFeeDetails"`
- OtherSelectionDetails []*SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"otherSelectionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
+ OtherSelectionDetails []*SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"otherSelectionDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="98"
type SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType struct {
// SSR seat characteristic
- SeatCharacteristics []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"seatCharacteristics,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ SeatCharacteristics []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"seatCharacteristics,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type SpecialRequirementsDetailsType struct {
@@ -1679,7 +1679,7 @@ type SpecialRequirementsDetailsType struct {
ServiceRequirementsInfo *SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType `xml:"serviceRequirementsInfo"`
// Seat details
- SeatDetails []*SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType `xml:"seatDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
+ SeatDetails []*SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType `xml:"seatDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="999"
type SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType struct {
@@ -1687,22 +1687,22 @@ type SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType struct {
ServiceClassification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"serviceClassification"`
// Status
- ServiceStatus formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceStatus formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceStatus,omitempty"`
// To specify the number of items involved
- ServiceNumberOfInstances *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"serviceNumberOfInstances,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceNumberOfInstances *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"serviceNumberOfInstances,omitempty"`
// To specify to which marketing carrier the service applies
- ServiceMarketingCarrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceMarketingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceMarketingCarrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceMarketingCarrier,omitempty"`
// Specify the Service group
- ServiceGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceGroup,omitempty"`
// Specify the Service Sub-Group
- ServiceSubGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceSubGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceSubGroup formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"serviceSubGroup,omitempty"`
// Free Text attached to the Service.
- ServiceFreeText []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"serviceFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ ServiceFreeText []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"serviceFreeText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type SpecificDataInformationType struct {
@@ -1710,63 +1710,63 @@ type SpecificDataInformationType struct {
DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationType `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
// Data information
- DataInformation []*DataInformationType `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ DataInformation []*DataInformationType `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type StationInformationTypeI struct {
// Departure terminal
- Terminal formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Terminal formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"terminal,omitempty"`
type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
// Year number. The format is a little long for short term usage but it can be reduced by implementation if required.
- Year *formats.NumericInteger_Length4To4 `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Year *formats.NumericInteger_Length4To4 `xml:"year,omitempty"`
// Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Month *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"month,omitempty"`
// Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Day *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"day,omitempty"`
type StructuredPeriodInformationType struct {
// Effective date of period of operation
- BeginDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"beginDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BeginDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"beginDateTime,omitempty"`
// Discontinue date of period of operation
- EndDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"endDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EndDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"endDateTime,omitempty"`
// It is used with a period to give a restriction for days impacted. It permits for example to indicate on which days, a flight operates.
- Frequency *FrequencyType `xml:"frequency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Frequency *FrequencyType `xml:"frequency,omitempty"`
type TaxDetailsTypeI struct {
// Duty/tax/fee rate
- Rate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
// Country, coded
- Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Country formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"country,omitempty"`
// Currency, coded
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// Duty/Tax fee type, coded
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Amount type qualifier, coded
- AmountQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"amountQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AmountQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"amountQualifier,omitempty"`
type TaxType struct {
// Duty tax fee category, coded
- WithholdTaxSurcharge formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"withholdTaxSurcharge,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ WithholdTaxSurcharge formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"withholdTaxSurcharge,omitempty"`
- TaxDetail []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TaxDetail []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type TicketNumberDetailsTypeI struct {
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"number,omitempty"`
type TicketNumberTypeI struct {
@@ -1778,88 +1778,88 @@ type TicketingPriceSchemeType struct {
ReferenceNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"referenceNumber"`
// Price Scheme Name
- Name formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Name formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"name,omitempty"`
// Price Scheme Status. Is the price scheme valid for service fee calculation ?
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"`
// free flow description of the price scheme
- Description formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To250 `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Description formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To250 `xml:"description,omitempty"`
type TrafficRestrictionDetailsTypeI struct {
// Traffic Restriction code
- Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"code,omitempty"`
type TrafficRestrictionTypeI struct {
// Traffic Restriction Details
- TrafficRestrictionDetails []*TrafficRestrictionDetailsTypeI `xml:"trafficRestrictionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ TrafficRestrictionDetails []*TrafficRestrictionDetailsTypeI `xml:"trafficRestrictionDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type TravelFlightInformationType struct {
// Cabin identification
- CabinId *CabinIdentificationType `xml:"cabinId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CabinId *CabinIdentificationType `xml:"cabinId,omitempty"`
// Company Identification
- CompanyIdentity []*CompanyIdentificationType_120719C `xml:"companyIdentity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ CompanyIdentity []*CompanyIdentificationType_120719C `xml:"companyIdentity,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Type of flight details
- FlightDetail *ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightDetail *ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"`
// Details of included connecting points
- InclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C `xml:"inclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ InclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C `xml:"inclusionDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Further connection details
- ExclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType `xml:"exclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ ExclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType `xml:"exclusionDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Nb of connections for each requested segment of the journey.
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"unitNumberDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"unitNumberDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type TravelFlightInformationType_199258S struct {
// Cabin identification
- CabinId *CabinIdentificationType_233500C `xml:"cabinId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CabinId *CabinIdentificationType_233500C `xml:"cabinId,omitempty"`
// Company Identification
- CompanyIdentity []*CompanyIdentificationType_275415C `xml:"companyIdentity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ CompanyIdentity []*CompanyIdentificationType_275415C `xml:"companyIdentity,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Type of flight details
- FlightDetail *ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightDetail *ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"`
// Details of included connect point
- InclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C `xml:"inclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ InclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C `xml:"inclusionDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Further connection details
- ExclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType `xml:"exclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ ExclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType `xml:"exclusionDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Added departed flights flag
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"unitNumberDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"unitNumberDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type TravelFlightInformationType_199585S struct {
// Cabin identification
- CabinId *CabinIdentificationType_233500C `xml:"cabinId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CabinId *CabinIdentificationType_233500C `xml:"cabinId,omitempty"`
// Company Identification
- CompanyIdentity []*CompanyIdentificationType_120719C `xml:"companyIdentity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ CompanyIdentity []*CompanyIdentificationType_120719C `xml:"companyIdentity,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Type of flight details
- FlightDetail *ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightDetail *ProductTypeDetailsType_120801C `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"`
// Details of included connect point
- InclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C `xml:"inclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ InclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType_195492C `xml:"inclusionDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Further connection details
- ExclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType `xml:"exclusionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ ExclusionDetail []*ConnectPointDetailsType `xml:"exclusionDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Nb of connections allowed at requested segment level.
- UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"unitNumberDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ UnitNumberDetail []*NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI `xml:"unitNumberDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
// Flight Date
- FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"`
// Board point
BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails"`
@@ -1871,10 +1871,10 @@ type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails"`
// Flight identification
- FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"`
// Identify flight part of the journey
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"`
type TravelProductType struct {
@@ -1885,19 +1885,19 @@ type TravelProductType struct {
Location []*LocationIdentificationDetailsType `xml:"location"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Company identification
- CompanyId *CompanyIdentificationType_195544C `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId *CompanyIdentificationType_195544C `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// Flight number or trainNumber
- FlightOrtrainNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"flightOrtrainNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightOrtrainNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"flightOrtrainNumber,omitempty"`
// Product details
- ProductDetail *AdditionalProductDetailsType `xml:"productDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDetail *AdditionalProductDetailsType `xml:"productDetail,omitempty"`
// Additional product details
- AddProductDetail *ProductFacilitiesType `xml:"addProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AddProductDetail *ProductFacilitiesType `xml:"addProductDetail,omitempty"`
// Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_247828C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_247828C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type TravellerDetailsType struct {
@@ -1905,12 +1905,12 @@ type TravellerDetailsType struct {
Ref formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"ref"`
// Traveller is an infant
- InfantIndicator *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InfantIndicator *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"`
type TravellerReferenceInformationType struct {
// Requested passenger type
- Ptc []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"ptc,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
+ Ptc []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"ptc,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="4"
// Traveller details
Traveller []*TravellerDetailsType `xml:"traveller"` // maxOccurs="9"
@@ -1918,29 +1918,29 @@ type TravellerReferenceInformationType struct {
type UniqueIdDescriptionType struct {
// Reference qualifier.
- PassengerFeeRefQualif formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefQualif,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerFeeRefQualif formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerFeeRefQualif,omitempty"`
type UserIdentificationType struct {
// Originator Identification Details
- OfficeIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"officeIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OfficeIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"officeIdentification,omitempty"`
// Used to specify which kind of info is given in DE 9900.
- OfficeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"officeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OfficeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"officeType,omitempty"`
// The code given to an agent by the originating reservation system.
- OfficeCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To30 `xml:"officeCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OfficeCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To30 `xml:"officeCode,omitempty"`
type ValueSearchCriteriaType struct {
// Value search reference
- Ref formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"ref,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Ref formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"ref,omitempty"`
- CriteriaName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To50 `xml:"criteriaName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CriteriaName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To50 `xml:"criteriaName,omitempty"`
- CriteriaCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"criteriaCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CriteriaCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"criteriaCode,omitempty"`
- Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"value,omitempty"`
- CriteriaDetails []*CriteriaiDetaislType `xml:"criteriaDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ CriteriaDetails []*CriteriaiDetaislType `xml:"criteriaDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
diff --git a/sdk/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v16_3_reply/reply.go b/structs/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v16.3/response/reply.go
similarity index 64%
rename from sdk/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v16_3_reply/reply.go
rename to structs/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v16.3/response/reply.go
index 1d9b8b8..8a37e1d 100644
--- a/sdk/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v16_3_reply/reply.go
+++ b/structs/fare/masterPricerTravelBoardSearch/v16.3/response/reply.go
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-package Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply_v16_3 // fmptbr163
+package Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchResponse_v16_3 // fmptbr163
//import "encoding/xml"
-type FareMasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply struct {
+type Response struct {
// XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/FMPTBR_16_3_1A Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoardSearchReply"`
// Gives status about reply : type of process, region , CPU etc..
- ReplyStatus *StatusType `xml:"replyStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReplyStatus *StatusType `xml:"replyStatus,omitempty"`
- ErrorMessage *ErrorMessage `xml:"errorMessage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorMessage *ErrorMessage `xml:"errorMessage,omitempty"`
// Specifies the currency used for pricing.
- ConversionRate *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"conversionRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConversionRate *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"conversionRate,omitempty"`
// Solution Family
- SolutionFamily []*FareInformationType `xml:"solutionFamily,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ SolutionFamily []*FareInformationType `xml:"solutionFamily,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Details of the fare families processed
- FamilyInformation []*FareFamilyType `xml:"familyInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
+ FamilyInformation []*FareFamilyType `xml:"familyInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="200"
- AmountInfoForAllPax *AmountInfoForAllPax `xml:"amountInfoForAllPax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AmountInfoForAllPax *AmountInfoForAllPax `xml:"amountInfoForAllPax,omitempty"`
- AmountInfoPerPax []*AmountInfoPerPax `xml:"amountInfoPerPax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ AmountInfoPerPax []*AmountInfoPerPax `xml:"amountInfoPerPax,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
- FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2099"
+ FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2099"
// Bucket information
- BucketInfo []*BucketInformationType `xml:"bucketInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ BucketInfo []*BucketInformationType `xml:"bucketInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
// Theme identification text
- ThemeIdText []*ThemeText `xml:"themeIdText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1000"
+ ThemeIdText []*ThemeText `xml:"themeIdText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="1000"
- AdditionalInfo []*AdditionalInfo `xml:"additionalInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1000"
+ AdditionalInfo []*AdditionalInfo `xml:"additionalInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="1000"
// Free text identifying an airline in a code share.
- CompanyIdText []*CompanyIdentificationTextType `xml:"companyIdText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5000"
+ CompanyIdText []*CompanyIdentificationTextType `xml:"companyIdText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5000"
- OfficeIdDetails []*OfficeIdDetails `xml:"officeIdDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ OfficeIdDetails []*OfficeIdDetails `xml:"officeIdDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
- FlightIndex []*FlightIndex `xml:"flightIndex,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ FlightIndex []*FlightIndex `xml:"flightIndex,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
- Recommendation []*Recommendation `xml:"recommendation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
+ Recommendation []*Recommendation `xml:"recommendation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="100000"
- OtherSolutions []*OtherSolutions `xml:"otherSolutions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100009"
+ OtherSolutions []*OtherSolutions `xml:"otherSolutions,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="100009"
- WarningInfo []*WarningInfo `xml:"warningInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ WarningInfo []*WarningInfo `xml:"warningInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
- GlobalInformation []*GlobalInformation `xml:"globalInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ GlobalInformation []*GlobalInformation `xml:"globalInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
- ServiceFeesGrp []*ServiceFeesGrp `xml:"serviceFeesGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ ServiceFeesGrp []*ServiceFeesGrp `xml:"serviceFeesGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
// Multi dimension references
- MultiDimensionRef []*MultiDimensionalValueType `xml:"multiDimensionRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
+ MultiDimensionRef []*MultiDimensionalValueType `xml:"multiDimensionRef,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="100000"
- Value []*ValueSearchCriteriaType `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100009"
+ Value []*ValueSearchCriteriaType `xml:"value,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="100009"
- MnrGrp *MnrGrp `xml:"mnrGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MnrGrp *MnrGrp `xml:"mnrGrp,omitempty"`
- OffersGroup *OffersGroup `xml:"offersGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OffersGroup *OffersGroup `xml:"offersGroup,omitempty"`
type ErrorMessage struct {
@@ -65,14 +65,14 @@ type ErrorMessage struct {
ApplicationError *ApplicationErrorInformationType_78543S `xml:"applicationError"`
// Type of error message and free text
- ErrorMessageText *InteractiveFreeTextType_78544S `xml:"errorMessageText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorMessageText *InteractiveFreeTextType_78544S `xml:"errorMessageText,omitempty"`
type AmountInfoForAllPax struct {
// Itinerary amounts for all passengers
ItineraryAmounts *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"itineraryAmounts"`
- AmountsPerSgt []*AmountsPerSgt `xml:"amountsPerSgt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ AmountsPerSgt []*AmountsPerSgt `xml:"amountsPerSgt,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type AmountsPerSgt struct {
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ type AmountsPerSgt struct {
SgtRef *ReferenceInfoType_133176S `xml:"sgtRef"`
// Amounts : Issue total amount, issue taxes amount, non refundable taxes amount
- Amounts *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"amounts,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amounts *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"amounts,omitempty"`
type AmountInfoPerPax struct {
@@ -88,12 +88,12 @@ type AmountInfoPerPax struct {
PaxRef *SpecificTravellerType `xml:"paxRef"`
// Passenger attributes : Infant indicator
- PaxAttributes *FareInformationType_80868S `xml:"paxAttributes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PaxAttributes *FareInformationType_80868S `xml:"paxAttributes,omitempty"`
// Itinerary amounts information
ItineraryAmounts *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"itineraryAmounts"`
- AmountsPerSgt []*AmountsPerSgt `xml:"amountsPerSgt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ AmountsPerSgt []*AmountsPerSgt `xml:"amountsPerSgt,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type FeeDetails struct {
@@ -101,13 +101,13 @@ type FeeDetails struct {
FeeReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_78564S `xml:"feeReference"`
// Fee/Reduction information.
- FeeInformation *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationType `xml:"feeInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeInformation *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationType `xml:"feeInformation,omitempty"`
// Fee/Reduction parameters.
- FeeParameters *AttributeType_78561S `xml:"feeParameters,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeParameters *AttributeType_78561S `xml:"feeParameters,omitempty"`
// To specify conversion rate details
- ConvertedOrOriginalInfo *ConversionRateTypeI_78562S `xml:"convertedOrOriginalInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConvertedOrOriginalInfo *ConversionRateTypeI_78562S `xml:"convertedOrOriginalInfo,omitempty"`
type AdditionalInfo struct {
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ type AdditionalInfo struct {
IdentDetails *ProductIdentificationType `xml:"identDetails"`
// Date information
- DateInfo *DateTimePeriodType `xml:"dateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateInfo *DateTimePeriodType `xml:"dateInfo,omitempty"`
type OfficeIdDetails struct {
@@ -145,25 +145,25 @@ type FlightDetails struct {
FlightInformation *TravelProductType `xml:"flightInformation"`
// returns booking class and availability context
- AvlInfo []*FlightProductInformationType_141442S `xml:"avlInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ AvlInfo []*FlightProductInformationType_141442S `xml:"avlInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
// Details on Flight date, time and location of technical stop or change of gauge
- TechnicalStop []*DateAndTimeInformationType `xml:"technicalStop,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ TechnicalStop []*DateAndTimeInformationType `xml:"technicalStop,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
// Code Share Agreement description for current flight.
- CommercialAgreement *CommercialAgreementsType `xml:"commercialAgreement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CommercialAgreement *CommercialAgreementsType `xml:"commercialAgreement,omitempty"`
// Additional Info about flight, such as Reference number, and several options
- AddInfo *HeaderInformationTypeI `xml:"addInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AddInfo *HeaderInformationTypeI `xml:"addInfo,omitempty"`
// Flight characteristics
- FlightCharacteristics *FlightCharacteristicsType `xml:"flightCharacteristics,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightCharacteristics *FlightCharacteristicsType `xml:"flightCharacteristics,omitempty"`
// Flight Services by cabin/rbd
- FlightServices []*FlightServicesType `xml:"flightServices,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ FlightServices []*FlightServicesType `xml:"flightServices,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
// Meal services
- MealServices *MealServicesType `xml:"mealServices,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MealServices *MealServicesType `xml:"mealServices,omitempty"`
type Recommendation struct {
@@ -171,25 +171,25 @@ type Recommendation struct {
ItemNumber *ItemNumberType_161497S `xml:"itemNumber"`
// To describe type of recommendation
- WarningMessage []*InteractiveFreeTextType_78544S `xml:"warningMessage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
+ WarningMessage []*InteractiveFreeTextType_78544S `xml:"warningMessage,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="4"
// Indicates the Fare family reference.
- FareFamilyRef *ReferenceInfoType_133176S `xml:"fareFamilyRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareFamilyRef *ReferenceInfoType_133176S `xml:"fareFamilyRef,omitempty"`
// Recommendation Price and Taxes.
RecPriceInfo *MonetaryInformationType_193024S `xml:"recPriceInfo"`
// Mini rules
- MiniRule []*MiniRulesType_78547S `xml:"miniRule,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ MiniRule []*MiniRulesType_78547S `xml:"miniRule,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
// Indicates reference of Flight or the fee reference valid for all pax (usage:start with the 1 possible Fee reference, then provide the segments references)
- SegmentFlightRef []*ReferenceInfoType `xml:"segmentFlightRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100009"
+ SegmentFlightRef []*ReferenceInfoType `xml:"segmentFlightRef,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="100009"
- RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails []*RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails `xml:"recommandationSegmentsFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails []*RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails `xml:"recommandationSegmentsFareDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
PaxFareProduct []*PaxFareProduct `xml:"paxFareProduct"` // maxOccurs="10"
- SpecificRecDetails []*SpecificRecDetails `xml:"specificRecDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
+ SpecificRecDetails []*SpecificRecDetails `xml:"specificRecDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="100000"
type RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails struct {
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ type RecommandationSegmentsFareDetails struct {
RecommendationSegRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"recommendationSegRef"`
// Amounts per requested segment.
- SegmentMonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"segmentMonetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SegmentMonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"segmentMonetaryInformation,omitempty"`
type PaxFareProduct struct {
@@ -205,15 +205,15 @@ type PaxFareProduct struct {
PaxFareDetail *PricingTicketingSubsequentType_193023S `xml:"paxFareDetail"`
// Indicates Fee references (usage: start with the 1 possible Fee reference, then provide the segments references)
- FeeRef *ReferenceInfoType_134839S `xml:"feeRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeRef *ReferenceInfoType_134839S `xml:"feeRef,omitempty"`
// Passenger Reference
PaxReference []*TravellerReferenceInformationType `xml:"paxReference"` // maxOccurs="6"
// add tax details for each passenger of each recommendations.
- PassengerTaxDetails *TaxType `xml:"passengerTaxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerTaxDetails *TaxType `xml:"passengerTaxDetails,omitempty"`
- Fare []*Fare `xml:"fare,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="7"
+ Fare []*Fare `xml:"fare,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="7"
FareDetails []*FareDetails `xml:"fareDetails"` // maxOccurs="6"
@@ -223,20 +223,20 @@ type Fare struct {
PricingMessage *InteractiveFreeTextType_78559S `xml:"pricingMessage"`
// Amount of penalties, Surcharges...
- MonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType_199534S `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType_199534S `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"`
type FareDetails struct {
// Reference of the Requested Segment
SegmentRef *OriginAndDestinationRequestType `xml:"segmentRef"`
- GroupOfFares []*GroupOfFares `xml:"groupOfFares,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
+ GroupOfFares []*GroupOfFares `xml:"groupOfFares,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="4"
// Amounts per passenger per requested segment.
- PsgSegMonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"psgSegMonetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PsgSegMonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"psgSegMonetaryInformation,omitempty"`
// Majority Cabin Info
- MajCabin []*ProductInformationType `xml:"majCabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ MajCabin []*ProductInformationType `xml:"majCabin,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
type GroupOfFares struct {
@@ -244,34 +244,34 @@ type GroupOfFares struct {
ProductInformation *FlightProductInformationType_176659S `xml:"productInformation"`
// Fare calculation code details
- FareCalculationCodeDetails []*FareCalculationCodeDetailsType `xml:"fareCalculationCodeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ FareCalculationCodeDetails []*FareCalculationCodeDetailsType `xml:"fareCalculationCodeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
// Ticket designator, ticket code and fare basis.
- TicketInfos *FareQualifierDetailsType `xml:"ticketInfos,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketInfos *FareQualifierDetailsType `xml:"ticketInfos,omitempty"`
// Reference of Fare Family for each Fare Component
- FareFamiliesRef *ReferenceInfoType_176658S `xml:"fareFamiliesRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareFamiliesRef *ReferenceInfoType_176658S `xml:"fareFamiliesRef,omitempty"`
type SpecificRecDetails struct {
// Recommendation details
SpecificRecItem *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"specificRecItem"`
- SpecificProductDetails []*SpecificProductDetails `xml:"specificProductDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ SpecificProductDetails []*SpecificProductDetails `xml:"specificProductDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
type SpecificProductDetails struct {
// Product details
ProductReferences *PricingTicketingSubsequentType `xml:"productReferences"`
- FareContextDetails []*FareContextDetails `xml:"fareContextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ FareContextDetails []*FareContextDetails `xml:"fareContextDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
type FareContextDetails struct {
// Reference of requested segment
RequestedSegmentInfo *OriginAndDestinationRequestType_134833S `xml:"requestedSegmentInfo"`
- CnxContextDetails []*CnxContextDetails `xml:"cnxContextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
+ CnxContextDetails []*CnxContextDetails `xml:"cnxContextDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="4"
type CnxContextDetails struct {
@@ -283,9 +283,9 @@ type OtherSolutions struct {
// Reference to the current solution
Reference *SequenceDetailsTypeU `xml:"reference"`
- AmtGroup []*AmtGroup `xml:"amtGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ AmtGroup []*AmtGroup `xml:"amtGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
- PsgInfo []*PsgInfo `xml:"psgInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ PsgInfo []*PsgInfo `xml:"psgInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type AmtGroup struct {
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ type AmtGroup struct {
Ref *ReferenceInfoType_165972S `xml:"ref"`
// Amount Description
- Amount *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
type PsgInfo struct {
@@ -301,19 +301,19 @@ type PsgInfo struct {
Ref *SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI `xml:"ref"`
// Passenger Description Info
- Description *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Description *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"description,omitempty"`
// Passenger frequent traveler info
- FreqTraveller *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"freqTraveller,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreqTraveller *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"freqTraveller,omitempty"`
// amount per passenger or group of passenger
- Amount *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Fare description
- Fare *FlightProductInformationType_161491S `xml:"fare,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Fare *FlightProductInformationType_161491S `xml:"fare,omitempty"`
// Additional Information
- Attribute []*AttributeTypeU `xml:"attribute,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ Attribute []*AttributeTypeU `xml:"attribute,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
type WarningInfo struct {
@@ -333,18 +333,18 @@ type ServiceFeesGrp struct {
// Service fee type (OC)
ServiceTypeInfo *SelectionDetailsType `xml:"serviceTypeInfo"`
- ServiceFeeRefGrp []*ServiceFeeRefGrp `xml:"serviceFeeRefGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
+ ServiceFeeRefGrp []*ServiceFeeRefGrp `xml:"serviceFeeRefGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="100000"
- ServiceCoverageInfoGrp []*ServiceCoverageInfoGrp `xml:"serviceCoverageInfoGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
+ ServiceCoverageInfoGrp []*ServiceCoverageInfoGrp `xml:"serviceCoverageInfoGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="100000"
// Globalmessage marker
GlobalMessageMarker *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"globalMessageMarker"`
- ServiceFeeInfoGrp []*ServiceFeeInfoGrp `xml:"serviceFeeInfoGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
+ ServiceFeeInfoGrp []*ServiceFeeInfoGrp `xml:"serviceFeeInfoGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="100000"
- ServiceDetailsGrp []*ServiceDetailsGrp1 `xml:"serviceDetailsGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
+ ServiceDetailsGrp []*ServiceDetailsGrp1 `xml:"serviceDetailsGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="200"
- FreeBagAllowanceGrp []*FreeBagAllowanceGrp `xml:"freeBagAllowanceGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
+ FreeBagAllowanceGrp []*FreeBagAllowanceGrp `xml:"freeBagAllowanceGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="100000"
type ServiceFeeRefGrp struct {
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ type ServiceCoverageInfoGrp struct {
// Item reference number for service coverage details
ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
- ServiceCovInfoGrp []*ServiceCovInfoGrp `xml:"serviceCovInfoGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
+ ServiceCovInfoGrp []*ServiceCovInfoGrp `xml:"serviceCovInfoGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="200"
type ServiceCovInfoGrp struct {
@@ -364,27 +364,27 @@ type ServiceCovInfoGrp struct {
PaxRefInfo *SpecificTravellerType `xml:"paxRefInfo"`
// Service coverage information at flight level Matched seat characteristics
- CoveragePerFlightsInfo []*ActionDetailsType `xml:"coveragePerFlightsInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ CoveragePerFlightsInfo []*ActionDetailsType `xml:"coveragePerFlightsInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
// Carrier information
- CarrierInfo *TransportIdentifierType `xml:"carrierInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CarrierInfo *TransportIdentifierType `xml:"carrierInfo,omitempty"`
// Service reference number
- RefInfo *ReferenceInfoType_134840S `xml:"refInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefInfo *ReferenceInfoType_134840S `xml:"refInfo,omitempty"`
type ServiceFeeInfoGrp struct {
// Item number details
ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
- ServiceDetailsGrp []*ServiceDetailsGrp `xml:"serviceDetailsGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
+ ServiceDetailsGrp []*ServiceDetailsGrp `xml:"serviceDetailsGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="200"
type ServiceDetailsGrp struct {
// Service reference number
RefInfo *ReferenceInfoType_134840S `xml:"refInfo"`
- ServiceMatchedInfoGroup []*ServiceMatchedInfoGroup `xml:"serviceMatchedInfoGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ ServiceMatchedInfoGroup []*ServiceMatchedInfoGroup `xml:"serviceMatchedInfoGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type ServiceMatchedInfoGroup struct {
@@ -392,20 +392,20 @@ type ServiceMatchedInfoGroup struct {
PaxRefInfo *SpecificTravellerType `xml:"paxRefInfo"`
// Pricing oriented service matched information
- PricingInfo *FareInformationType_80868S `xml:"pricingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingInfo *FareInformationType_80868S `xml:"pricingInfo,omitempty"`
// Informative Service amount
- AmountInfo *MonetaryInformationType_193024S `xml:"amountInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AmountInfo *MonetaryInformationType_193024S `xml:"amountInfo,omitempty"`
// Attribute information
- AttributeInfo []*CodedAttributeType `xml:"attributeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ AttributeInfo []*CodedAttributeType `xml:"attributeInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
type ServiceDetailsGrp1 struct {
// Service sub-code and options (exclusion,inclusion, mode pushed,polled)
ServiceOptionInfo *SpecificDataInformationType `xml:"serviceOptionInfo"`
- FeeDescriptionGrp *FeeDescriptionGrp `xml:"feeDescriptionGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeDescriptionGrp *FeeDescriptionGrp `xml:"feeDescriptionGrp,omitempty"`
type FeeDescriptionGrp struct {
@@ -413,13 +413,13 @@ type FeeDescriptionGrp struct {
ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType_80866S `xml:"itemNumberInfo"`
// Attributes (SSR code EMD, RFIC, SSIM)
- ServiceAttributesInfo *AttributeType `xml:"serviceAttributesInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceAttributesInfo *AttributeType `xml:"serviceAttributesInfo,omitempty"`
// Other service information (service description, ...)
- ServiceDescriptionInfo *SpecialRequirementsDetailsType `xml:"serviceDescriptionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceDescriptionInfo *SpecialRequirementsDetailsType `xml:"serviceDescriptionInfo,omitempty"`
// Commercial name
- CommercialName *InteractiveFreeTextType `xml:"commercialName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CommercialName *InteractiveFreeTextType `xml:"commercialName,omitempty"`
type FreeBagAllowanceGrp struct {
@@ -427,21 +427,21 @@ type FreeBagAllowanceGrp struct {
FreeBagAllownceInfo *ExcessBaggageType `xml:"freeBagAllownceInfo"`
// Item number information
- ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType_166130S `xml:"itemNumberInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ItemNumberInfo *ItemNumberType_166130S `xml:"itemNumberInfo,omitempty"`
type MnrGrp struct {
Mnr *MiniRulesType `xml:"mnr"`
- MnrDetails []*MnrDetails `xml:"mnrDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
+ MnrDetails []*MnrDetails `xml:"mnrDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="999"
type MnrDetails struct {
MnrRef *ItemNumberType_176648S `xml:"mnrRef"`
- DateInfo []*DateAndTimeInformationType_182345S `xml:"dateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="16"
+ DateInfo []*DateAndTimeInformationType_182345S `xml:"dateInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="16"
- CatGrp []*CatGrp `xml:"catGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ CatGrp []*CatGrp `xml:"catGrp,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type CatGrp struct {
@@ -449,24 +449,24 @@ type CatGrp struct {
CatInfo *CategDescrType `xml:"catInfo"`
// Monetary information
- MonInfo *MonetaryInformationType_174241S `xml:"monInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MonInfo *MonetaryInformationType_174241S `xml:"monInfo,omitempty"`
// Status information
- StatusInfo *StatusType_182386S `xml:"statusInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StatusInfo *StatusType_182386S `xml:"statusInfo,omitempty"`
type OffersGroup struct {
// Response information
Response *ApplicationType `xml:"response"`
- Offers []*Offers `xml:"offers,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100000"
+ Offers []*Offers `xml:"offers,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="100000"
type Offers struct {
// Offer details
OfferDtetails *OfferType `xml:"offerDtetails"`
- OfferItems []*OfferItems `xml:"offerItems,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1000"
+ OfferItems []*OfferItems `xml:"offerItems,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="1000"
type OfferItems struct {
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ type OfferItems struct {
OfferItemDetails *OfferItemType `xml:"offerItemDetails"`
// References
- References []*ReferenceInfoType_165972S `xml:"references,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ References []*ReferenceInfoType_165972S `xml:"references,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
@@ -483,38 +483,38 @@ type OfferItems struct {
type ActionDetailsType struct {
// Number of items details
- NumberOfItemsDetails *ProcessingInformationType `xml:"numberOfItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfItemsDetails *ProcessingInformationType `xml:"numberOfItemsDetails,omitempty"`
// Range of segments
- LastItemsDetails []*ReferenceType `xml:"lastItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ LastItemsDetails []*ReferenceType `xml:"lastItemsDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
// Rate class
- RateClass string `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateClass string `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"`
// Ticket designator.
- TicketDesignator string `xml:"ticketDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketDesignator string `xml:"ticketDesignator,omitempty"`
// Pricing group
- PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"`
// Second rate class
- SecondRateClass []string `xml:"secondRateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="29"
+ SecondRateClass []string `xml:"secondRateClass,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="29"
type AdditionalProductDetailsType struct {
// Type of aircraft
- EquipmentType string `xml:"equipmentType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EquipmentType string `xml:"equipmentType,omitempty"`
// Day number of the week
- OperatingDay string `xml:"operatingDay,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperatingDay string `xml:"operatingDay,omitempty"`
// Number of stops made in a journey if different from 0
- TechStopNumber *int32 `xml:"techStopNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TechStopNumber *int32 `xml:"techStopNumber,omitempty"`
// Location places of the stops
- LocationId []string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ LocationId []string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
@@ -529,20 +529,20 @@ type ApplicationErrorInformationType_78543S struct {
type ApplicationIdentificationType struct {
// Unique identifier of the item.
- InternalId string `xml:"internalId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InternalId string `xml:"internalId,omitempty"`
type ApplicationType struct {
// Application details
- ApplicationDetails *ApplicationIdentificationType `xml:"applicationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ApplicationDetails *ApplicationIdentificationType `xml:"applicationDetails,omitempty"`
type AttributeInformationType struct {
// Type of parameter.
- FeeParameterType string `xml:"feeParameterType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeParameterType string `xml:"feeParameterType,omitempty"`
// Reference to company Id.
- FeeParameterDescription string `xml:"feeParameterDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeParameterDescription string `xml:"feeParameterDescription,omitempty"`
type AttributeInformationTypeU struct {
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ type AttributeInformationTypeU struct {
AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
// Attribute description
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"`
type AttributeInformationType_97181C struct {
@@ -558,12 +558,12 @@ type AttributeInformationType_97181C struct {
AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
// Attribute description
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"`
type AttributeType struct {
// Criteria Set Type
- AttributeQualifier string `xml:"attributeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeQualifier string `xml:"attributeQualifier,omitempty"`
// Criteria details
AttributeDetails []*AttributeInformationType_97181C `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ type AttributeType struct {
type AttributeTypeU struct {
// provides the function of the attribute
- AttributeFunction string `xml:"attributeFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeFunction string `xml:"attributeFunction,omitempty"`
// provides details for the Attribute
AttributeDetails *AttributeInformationTypeU `xml:"attributeDetails"`
@@ -579,37 +579,37 @@ type AttributeTypeU struct {
type AttributeType_78561S struct {
// Fee/reduction parameters.
- FeeParameter []*AttributeInformationType `xml:"feeParameter,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ FeeParameter []*AttributeInformationType `xml:"feeParameter,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type BaggageDetailsType struct {
// Number of pieces or weight
- FreeAllowance *int32 `xml:"freeAllowance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeAllowance *int32 `xml:"freeAllowance,omitempty"`
// Nature of the free allowance ( Number of pieces or weight)
- QuantityCode string `xml:"quantityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ QuantityCode string `xml:"quantityCode,omitempty"`
// Unit qualifier
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"`
type BagtagDetailsType struct {
// Identifier
- Identifier string `xml:"identifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Identifier string `xml:"identifier,omitempty"`
// Number
- Number *int32 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number *int32 `xml:"number,omitempty"`
type BucketInformationType struct {
// Number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Name
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"`
// Mode
- Mode string `xml:"mode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Mode string `xml:"mode,omitempty"`
type CabinInformationType struct {
@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ type CabinInformationType struct {
Service string `xml:"service"`
// Cabin code designator
- Cabin []string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ Cabin []string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type CabinProductDetailsType struct {
@@ -625,24 +625,24 @@ type CabinProductDetailsType struct {
Rbd string `xml:"rbd"`
// Reservation Booking Modifier
- BookingModifier string `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingModifier string `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"`
// Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"`
// Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"`
type CabinProductDetailsType_195516C struct {
// Reservation booking designator - RBD
- Rbd string `xml:"rbd,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rbd string `xml:"rbd,omitempty"`
// Reservation Booking Modifier
- BookingModifier string `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingModifier string `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"`
// Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"`
// Availibility status : posting level
AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus"`
@@ -653,13 +653,13 @@ type CabinProductDetailsType_205138C struct {
Rbd string `xml:"rbd"`
// Reservation Booking Modifier
- BookingModifier string `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingModifier string `xml:"bookingModifier,omitempty"`
// Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"`
// Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"`
type CabinProductDetailsType_229142C struct {
@@ -667,10 +667,10 @@ type CabinProductDetailsType_229142C struct {
Rbd string `xml:"rbd"`
// Indicates the cabin related to the Booking code
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"`
// Availibility status : posting level
- AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AvlStatus string `xml:"avlStatus,omitempty"`
type CategDescrType struct {
@@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ type CategDescrType struct {
DescriptionInfo *CategoryDescriptionType `xml:"descriptionInfo"`
// Category processing indicator
- ProcessIndicator string `xml:"processIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProcessIndicator string `xml:"processIndicator,omitempty"`
type CategoryDescriptionType struct {
@@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ type CategoryDescriptionType struct {
Number int32 `xml:"number"`
// Category Code (ATPCO component code, e.g ADV for Advance purchase, STP for stopover restrictions, ELG for eligibility restrictions...)
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"`
type ClassInformationType struct {
@@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ type ClassInformationType struct {
Service string `xml:"service"`
// Class designator
- Rbd []string `xml:"rbd,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
+ Rbd []string `xml:"rbd,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="26"
type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
// Fee Id Number
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"`
type CodedAttributeInformationType_270108C struct {
@@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ type CodedAttributeInformationType_270108C struct {
AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
// Attribute description
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"`
type CodedAttributeInformationType_283620C struct {
@@ -718,12 +718,12 @@ type CodedAttributeInformationType_283620C struct {
AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
// Attribute description
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"`
type CodedAttributeType struct {
// Attribute function
- AttributeFunction string `xml:"attributeFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeFunction string `xml:"attributeFunction,omitempty"`
// Attribute details
AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_283620C `xml:"attributeDetails"` // maxOccurs="10"
@@ -736,18 +736,18 @@ type CodedAttributeType_78535S struct {
type CommercialAgreementsType struct {
// Codeshare Details
- CodeshareDetails *CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"codeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CodeshareDetails *CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"codeshareDetails,omitempty"`
// Other codeshare details
- OtherCodeshareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"otherCodeshareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ OtherCodeshareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType `xml:"otherCodeshareDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type CompanyIdentificationTextType struct {
// Company Id Text reference.
- TextRefNumber *int32 `xml:"textRefNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TextRefNumber *int32 `xml:"textRefNumber,omitempty"`
// Company id free text.
- CompanyText string `xml:"companyText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyText string `xml:"companyText,omitempty"`
type CompanyIdentificationType struct {
@@ -755,68 +755,68 @@ type CompanyIdentificationType struct {
MarketingCarrier string `xml:"marketingCarrier"`
// Operating carrier
- OperatingCarrier string `xml:"operatingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperatingCarrier string `xml:"operatingCarrier,omitempty"`
// airline alliance code
- Alliance string `xml:"alliance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Alliance string `xml:"alliance,omitempty"`
type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
// Company
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"`
// Company
- OperatingCompany string `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperatingCompany string `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"`
// Company
- OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"`
type CompanyRoleIdentificationType struct {
// Type of code share agreement.
- CodeShareType string `xml:"codeShareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CodeShareType string `xml:"codeShareType,omitempty"`
// company identification
- AirlineDesignator string `xml:"airlineDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AirlineDesignator string `xml:"airlineDesignator,omitempty"`
// flight number
- FlightNumber *int32 `xml:"flightNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightNumber *int32 `xml:"flightNumber,omitempty"`
type CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120771C struct {
// Type of code share agreement.
- TransportStageQualifier string `xml:"transportStageQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TransportStageQualifier string `xml:"transportStageQualifier,omitempty"`
// company identification
- Company string `xml:"company,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Company string `xml:"company,omitempty"`
type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI struct {
// Conversion type
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"`
// Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI_179848C struct {
// Conversion type
- ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConversionType string `xml:"conversionType,omitempty"`
// Currency
Currency string `xml:"currency"`
// Conversion rate for pricing
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
// Converted value amount
- ConvertedAmountLink string `xml:"convertedAmountLink,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConvertedAmountLink string `xml:"convertedAmountLink,omitempty"`
// Applicable ISO country code or Tax designator code.
- TaxQualifier string `xml:"taxQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxQualifier string `xml:"taxQualifier,omitempty"`
type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
@@ -831,18 +831,18 @@ type ConversionRateTypeI_78562S struct {
type CriteriaiDetaislType struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..18
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"`
// Attribute
- Attribute string `xml:"attribute,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Attribute string `xml:"attribute,omitempty"`
type DataInformationType struct {
// Ancillary services options
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
type DataTypeInformationType struct {
@@ -850,38 +850,38 @@ type DataTypeInformationType struct {
SubType string `xml:"subType"`
// Status (automated, manually added, exempted). Default is automated
- Option string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Option string `xml:"option,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeDetailsType struct {
// Date time period qualifier
- DateQualifier string `xml:"dateQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateQualifier string `xml:"dateQualifier,omitempty"`
// First Date
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"`
// First Time
- FirstTime string `xml:"firstTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FirstTime string `xml:"firstTime,omitempty"`
// Movement type.
- EquipementType string `xml:"equipementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EquipementType string `xml:"equipementType,omitempty"`
// Place/location identification.
- LocationId string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationId string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeDetailsType_256192C struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"`
// Time
- Time string `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Time string `xml:"time,omitempty"`
// Location
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeInformationType struct {
@@ -891,15 +891,15 @@ type DateAndTimeInformationType struct {
type DateAndTimeInformationType_182345S struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsType_256192C `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="400"
+ DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsType_256192C `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="400"
type DateTimePeriodDetailsBatchType struct {
// Date time qualifier
- DateTimeQualifier string `xml:"dateTimeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateTimeQualifier string `xml:"dateTimeQualifier,omitempty"`
// Date time details
- DateTimeDetails string `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateTimeDetails string `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"`
type DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -907,7 +907,7 @@ type DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI struct {
Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
// Value
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"`
type DateTimePeriodType struct {
@@ -917,18 +917,18 @@ type DateTimePeriodType struct {
type DimensionDetailType struct {
// Bucket reference
- BucketRef string `xml:"bucketRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BucketRef string `xml:"bucketRef,omitempty"`
// Value reference
- ValueRef string `xml:"valueRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ValueRef string `xml:"valueRef,omitempty"`
type DiscountAndPenaltyInformationType struct {
// Used to specify airline collected fee or agent collected fee.
- FeeIdentification string `xml:"feeIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeIdentification string `xml:"feeIdentification,omitempty"`
// Used to specify penalty information
- FeeInformation *DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationType `xml:"feeInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeInformation *DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationType `xml:"feeInformation,omitempty"`
type DiscountPenaltyInformationType struct {
@@ -936,27 +936,27 @@ type DiscountPenaltyInformationType struct {
FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier"`
// Dicount code,...
- RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"`
// Amount
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Percentage
- Percentage *float64 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Percentage *float64 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"`
type DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationType struct {
// Type of discount/penalty
- FeeType string `xml:"feeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeType string `xml:"feeType,omitempty"`
// The amount Type can be a percentage or an amount
- FeeAmountType string `xml:"feeAmountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeAmountType string `xml:"feeAmountType,omitempty"`
// specify the value
- FeeAmount *float64 `xml:"feeAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeAmount *float64 `xml:"feeAmount,omitempty"`
// Fee currency code.
- FeeCurrency string `xml:"feeCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeCurrency string `xml:"feeCurrency,omitempty"`
type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
@@ -964,27 +964,27 @@ type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
type ExcessBaggageType struct {
// Baggage details
- BaggageDetails *BaggageDetailsType `xml:"baggageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BaggageDetails *BaggageDetailsType `xml:"baggageDetails,omitempty"`
// Free baggage allowance details
- BagTagDetails []*BagtagDetailsType `xml:"bagTagDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ BagTagDetails []*BagtagDetailsType `xml:"bagTagDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type FareCalculationCodeDetailsType struct {
// Qualifier of the amout or rate
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Amount
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Location code
- LocationCode string `xml:"locationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationCode string `xml:"locationCode,omitempty"`
// Other location code
- OtherLocationCode string `xml:"otherLocationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherLocationCode string `xml:"otherLocationCode,omitempty"`
// Rate
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
type FareCategoryCodesTypeI struct {
@@ -992,40 +992,40 @@ type FareCategoryCodesTypeI struct {
FareType string `xml:"fareType"`
// Other fare type
- OtherFareType []string `xml:"otherFareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
+ OtherFareType []string `xml:"otherFareType,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="8"
type FareDetailsType struct {
// Passenger Type qualifier
- PassengerTypeQualifier string `xml:"passengerTypeQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerTypeQualifier string `xml:"passengerTypeQualifier,omitempty"`
type FareDetailsTypeI struct {
// Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Rate
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
// Country
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"`
// Fare category
- FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"`
type FareDetailsType_193037C struct {
// Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Rate
- Rate *int32 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate *int32 `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
// Country
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"`
// Fare Category
- FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"`
type FareFamilyDetailsType struct {
@@ -1038,157 +1038,157 @@ type FareFamilyType struct {
RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
// Fare Family Short Name
- FareFamilyname string `xml:"fareFamilyname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareFamilyname string `xml:"fareFamilyname,omitempty"`
- Hierarchy *int32 `xml:"hierarchy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Hierarchy *int32 `xml:"hierarchy,omitempty"`
- Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Cabin string `xml:"cabin,omitempty"`
// Indicates Commercial Fare Family Short names
- CommercialFamilyDetails []*FareFamilyDetailsType `xml:"commercialFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ CommercialFamilyDetails []*FareFamilyDetailsType `xml:"commercialFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Short description of the fare family
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"`
// Carrier code
- Carrier string `xml:"carrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Carrier string `xml:"carrier,omitempty"`
// Reference to the services details
- Services []*ServicesReferences `xml:"services,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ Services []*ServicesReferences `xml:"services,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Reservation booking designator
- BookingClass []string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
+ BookingClass []string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="26"
type FareInformationType struct {
// Value Qualifier
- ValueQualifier string `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ValueQualifier string `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"`
// Value
- Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"`
// Fare Details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsType_193037C `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareDetails *FareDetailsType_193037C `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
// Identity Number
- IdentityNumber string `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdentityNumber string `xml:"identityNumber,omitempty"`
// Fare Type Grouping
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationType `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationType `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"`
// Rate Category
- RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateCategory string `xml:"rateCategory,omitempty"`
type FareInformationTypeI struct {
// Value qualifier
- ValueQualifier string `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ValueQualifier string `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"`
// Value
- Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"`
type FareInformationType_80868S struct {
// Fare details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsType `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareDetails *FareDetailsType `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
type FareProductDetailsType struct {
// Fare basis code
- FareBasis string `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareBasis string `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"`
type FareProductDetailsType_248552C struct {
// Fare basis code
- FareBasis string `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareBasis string `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"`
// PTC priced
- PassengerType string `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerType string `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"`
// Type of fare
- FareType []string `xml:"fareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ FareType []string `xml:"fareType,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type FareQualifierDetailsType struct {
// Route Code
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"`
// Fare categories
- FareCategories *FareCategoryCodesTypeI `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareCategories *FareCategoryCodesTypeI `xml:"fareCategories,omitempty"`
// Fare details
- FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareDetails *FareDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
// Additional fare details
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"`
// Discount details
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationType `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationType `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type FareTypeGroupingInformationType struct {
// Pricing Group
- PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"`
type FlightCharacteristicsType struct {
// On-Time Performance
- OnTimePerformance *OnTimePerformanceType `xml:"onTimePerformance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OnTimePerformance *OnTimePerformanceType `xml:"onTimePerformance,omitempty"`
// In flight services
- InFlightSrv []string `xml:"inFlightSrv,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ InFlightSrv []string `xml:"inFlightSrv,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type FlightProductInformationType struct {
// Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct []*CabinProductDetailsType_195516C `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ CabinProduct []*CabinProductDetailsType_195516C `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
// To specify additional characteristics.
- ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"`
type FlightProductInformationType_141442S struct {
// Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct []*CabinProductDetailsType_205138C `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
+ CabinProduct []*CabinProductDetailsType_205138C `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="26"
// To specify additional characteristics.
- ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType_205137C `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType_205137C `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"`
type FlightProductInformationType_161491S struct {
// Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct *CabinProductDetailsType_229142C `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CabinProduct *CabinProductDetailsType_229142C `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"`
// Fare product details
- FareProductDetail *FareProductDetailsType `xml:"fareProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareProductDetail *FareProductDetailsType `xml:"fareProductDetail,omitempty"`
type FlightProductInformationType_176659S struct {
// Indicates flight cabin details
- CabinProduct *CabinProductDetailsType `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CabinProduct *CabinProductDetailsType `xml:"cabinProduct,omitempty"`
// Fare product details
- FareProductDetail *FareProductDetailsType_248552C `xml:"fareProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareProductDetail *FareProductDetailsType_248552C `xml:"fareProductDetail,omitempty"`
// Corporate number or name and number
- CorporateId []string `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ CorporateId []string `xml:"corporateId,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// To determine if Fare Breaks at this segment
- BreakPoint string `xml:"breakPoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BreakPoint string `xml:"breakPoint,omitempty"`
// To specify additional characteristics.
- ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ContextDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"contextDetails,omitempty"`
type FlightServicesType struct {
// Type of service used
ServiceType string `xml:"serviceType"`
- CabinInfo []*CabinInformationType `xml:"cabinInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ CabinInfo []*CabinInformationType `xml:"cabinInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
- ClassInfo []*ClassInformationType `xml:"classInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ ClassInfo []*ClassInformationType `xml:"classInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type FreeTextQualificationType struct {
@@ -1196,7 +1196,7 @@ type FreeTextQualificationType struct {
TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
// Coded Text or type of information in 4440 (e.g. type of OSI or free text, canned message value)
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"`
type FreeTextQualificationTypeI struct {
@@ -1209,10 +1209,10 @@ type FreeTextQualificationType_120769C struct {
TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
// Coded Text or type of information in 4440 (e.g. type of OSI or free text, canned message value)
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"`
// ISO code for language of free text (default is English)
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"`
type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType struct {
@@ -1222,111 +1222,111 @@ type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType struct {
type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType struct {
// Carrier where the FQTV is registered.
- Carrier string `xml:"carrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Carrier string `xml:"carrier,omitempty"`
// Number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// To specify a Tier linked to the FQTV
- TierLevel string `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TierLevel string `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"`
// For example : priority code
- PriorityCode string `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriorityCode string `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"`
type HeaderInformationTypeI struct {
// Status
- Status []string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ Status []string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Date and Time info
- DateTimePeriodDetails *DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI `xml:"dateTimePeriodDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateTimePeriodDetails *DateTimePeriodDetailsTypeI `xml:"dateTimePeriodDetails,omitempty"`
// Reference number
- ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"`
// Contains product identification such as UIC code...
- ProductIdentification []string `xml:"productIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ ProductIdentification []string `xml:"productIdentification,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type InteractiveFreeTextType struct {
// Free text qualification
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"`
// Free text
- FreeText string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeText string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"`
type InteractiveFreeTextType_78534S struct {
// Details on interactive free text
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"`
// Free text
- Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type InteractiveFreeTextType_78544S struct {
// Details on interactive free text
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType_120769C `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType_120769C `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"`
// Free text
- Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type InteractiveFreeTextType_78559S struct {
// Details on interactive free text
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType_120769C `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationType_120769C `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"`
// Free text
- Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ Description []string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type ItemNumberIdentificationType struct {
// Ancillary Service number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Responsible agency
- ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberIdentificationType_191597C struct {
// Item number.
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Indicates the item type .
- NumberType string `xml:"numberType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberType string `xml:"numberType,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberIdentificationType_192331C struct {
// Service coverage number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Qualifier
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Responsible agency
- ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ResponsibleAgency string `xml:"responsibleAgency,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberIdentificationType_234878C struct {
// Number
- Number *int32 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number *int32 `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberIdentificationType_248537C struct {
// Format limitations: an..35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberType struct {
@@ -1336,13 +1336,13 @@ type ItemNumberType struct {
type ItemNumberType_161497S struct {
// Indicates the recommendation number.
- ItemNumberId *ItemNumberIdentificationType_191597C `xml:"itemNumberId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ItemNumberId *ItemNumberIdentificationType_191597C `xml:"itemNumberId,omitempty"`
// Code share details.
- CodeShareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120771C `xml:"codeShareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ CodeShareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120771C `xml:"codeShareDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
// Pricing ticketind details.
- PriceTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"priceTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"priceTicketing,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberType_166130S struct {
@@ -1361,26 +1361,26 @@ type ItemNumberType_80866S struct {
type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
// Qualifies the type of the reference used.
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"`
// Unique fee reference.
- RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"`
type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_78536S struct {
// Qualifies the type of the reference used.
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"`
// Unique fee reference.
- RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"`
type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_78564S struct {
// Qualifies the type of the reference used.
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"`
// Unique fee reference.
- FeeRefNumber *int32 `xml:"feeRefNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeRefNumber *int32 `xml:"feeRefNumber,omitempty"`
type ItineraryDetailsType struct {
@@ -1396,28 +1396,28 @@ type LocationIdentificationDetailsType struct {
LocationId string `xml:"locationId"`
// Airport/city qualifier: the requested point is an airport when ambiguity exists (e.g. HOU)
- AirportCityQualifier string `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AirportCityQualifier string `xml:"airportCityQualifier,omitempty"`
// Terminal information
- Terminal string `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Terminal string `xml:"terminal,omitempty"`
type MealServicesType struct {
// Service details
- ServiceDetails []*ServiceDetailsType `xml:"serviceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
+ ServiceDetails []*ServiceDetailsType `xml:"serviceDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="26"
type MiniRulesDetailsType struct {
// Coded text (period or day)
- Interpretation string `xml:"interpretation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Interpretation string `xml:"interpretation,omitempty"`
// Data type coded or value of interpretation
- Value []string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ Value []string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
type MiniRulesIndicatorType struct {
// See rule indicator and free form text indicator
- RuleIndicator []string `xml:"ruleIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ RuleIndicator []string `xml:"ruleIndicator,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type MiniRulesType struct {
@@ -1427,27 +1427,27 @@ type MiniRulesType struct {
type MiniRulesType_78547S struct {
// Type of restriction: PTC, Max Adv Res, Max Ticketing After Res, ...
- RestrictionType string `xml:"restrictionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RestrictionType string `xml:"restrictionType,omitempty"`
// Categoty of restriction: PTC, Max Adv Pur, Days, ...
Category string `xml:"category"`
// Indicators
- Indicator *MiniRulesIndicatorType `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator *MiniRulesIndicatorType `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
// Mini rules
- MiniRules []*MiniRulesDetailsType `xml:"miniRules,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ MiniRules []*MiniRulesDetailsType `xml:"miniRules,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
// To specify amount and percentage.
- AmountType string `xml:"amountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AmountType string `xml:"amountType,omitempty"`
// Amount
Amount float64 `xml:"amount"`
// ISO currency code
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -1455,10 +1455,10 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
// Amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsType_245528C struct {
@@ -1466,18 +1466,18 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsType_245528C struct {
TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
// Amount
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// location
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationType struct {
// Monetary information.
- MonetaryDetail []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ MonetaryDetail []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -1488,12 +1488,12 @@ type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
type MonetaryInformationType_174241S struct {
MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsType_245528C `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType_245528C `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
+ OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType_245528C `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
type MonetaryInformationType_193024S struct {
// Monetary information.
- MonetaryDetail []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="30"
+ MonetaryDetail []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="30"
type MonetaryInformationType_199534S struct {
@@ -1503,37 +1503,37 @@ type MonetaryInformationType_199534S struct {
type MultiDimensionalValueType struct {
// Identifier
- Identifier string `xml:"identifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Identifier string `xml:"identifier,omitempty"`
// Dimension detail
- DimensionDetail []*DimensionDetailType `xml:"dimensionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ DimensionDetail []*DimensionDetailType `xml:"dimensionDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
type OfferItemType struct {
// Offer item identifier
- OfferItemId string `xml:"offerItemId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OfferItemId string `xml:"offerItemId,omitempty"`
// Status
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"`
type OfferType struct {
// Reference
- Reference string `xml:"reference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Reference string `xml:"reference,omitempty"`
// Offer identification
- OfferId string `xml:"offerId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OfferId string `xml:"offerId,omitempty"`
type OnTimePerformanceType struct {
// Date time period
- DateTimePeriod string `xml:"dateTimePeriod,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateTimePeriod string `xml:"dateTimePeriod,omitempty"`
// Percentage
- Percentage *float64 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Percentage *float64 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"`
// Accuracy
- Accuracy string `xml:"accuracy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Accuracy string `xml:"accuracy,omitempty"`
type OriginAndDestinationRequestType struct {
@@ -1541,7 +1541,7 @@ type OriginAndDestinationRequestType struct {
SegRef int32 `xml:"segRef"`
// Forces arrival or departure, from/to the same airport/city
- LocationForcing []*ItineraryDetailsType `xml:"locationForcing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ LocationForcing []*ItineraryDetailsType `xml:"locationForcing,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type OriginAndDestinationRequestType_134833S struct {
@@ -1551,16 +1551,16 @@ type OriginAndDestinationRequestType_134833S struct {
type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
// Office Name.
- OfficeName *int32 `xml:"officeName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OfficeName *int32 `xml:"officeName,omitempty"`
// Agent Sign In .
- AgentSignin string `xml:"agentSignin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AgentSignin string `xml:"agentSignin,omitempty"`
// Confidential Office Name.
- ConfidentialOffice string `xml:"confidentialOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConfidentialOffice string `xml:"confidentialOffice,omitempty"`
// Other Office Name
- OtherOffice string `xml:"otherOffice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherOffice string `xml:"otherOffice,omitempty"`
type PricingTicketingInformationType struct {
@@ -1581,27 +1581,27 @@ type PricingTicketingSubsequentType_193023S struct {
TotalFareAmount float64 `xml:"totalFareAmount"`
// Total tax amount
- TotalTaxAmount *float64 `xml:"totalTaxAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TotalTaxAmount *float64 `xml:"totalTaxAmount,omitempty"`
// Code share details.
- CodeShareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120771C `xml:"codeShareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ CodeShareDetails []*CompanyRoleIdentificationType_120771C `xml:"codeShareDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
// Monetary information.
- MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ MonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Pricing ticketing details.
- PricingTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"pricingTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingTicketing *PricingTicketingInformationType `xml:"pricingTicketing,omitempty"`
type ProcessingInformationType struct {
// Action qualifier
- ActionQualifier string `xml:"actionQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ActionQualifier string `xml:"actionQualifier,omitempty"`
// Reference qualifier
- ReferenceQualifier string `xml:"referenceQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceQualifier string `xml:"referenceQualifier,omitempty"`
// Reference number
- RefNum string `xml:"refNum,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefNum string `xml:"refNum,omitempty"`
type ProductDateTimeType struct {
@@ -1609,16 +1609,16 @@ type ProductDateTimeType struct {
DateOfDeparture string `xml:"dateOfDeparture"`
// Departure time
- TimeOfDeparture string `xml:"timeOfDeparture,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TimeOfDeparture string `xml:"timeOfDeparture,omitempty"`
// Arrival date
- DateOfArrival string `xml:"dateOfArrival,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateOfArrival string `xml:"dateOfArrival,omitempty"`
// Arrival time
- TimeOfArrival string `xml:"timeOfArrival,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TimeOfArrival string `xml:"timeOfArrival,omitempty"`
// Arrival date compared to departure date, only if different from 0
- DateVariation *int32 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateVariation *int32 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"`
type ProductDetailsType struct {
@@ -1626,50 +1626,50 @@ type ProductDetailsType struct {
Designator string `xml:"designator"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- AvailabilityStatus string `xml:"availabilityStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AvailabilityStatus string `xml:"availabilityStatus,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- SpecialService string `xml:"specialService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SpecialService string `xml:"specialService,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..7
- Option []string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ Option []string `xml:"option,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type ProductFacilitiesType struct {
// Yes-No indicator whether Last Seat Available
- LastSeatAvailable string `xml:"lastSeatAvailable,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LastSeatAvailable string `xml:"lastSeatAvailable,omitempty"`
// Level of access
- LevelOfAccess string `xml:"levelOfAccess,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LevelOfAccess string `xml:"levelOfAccess,omitempty"`
// Yes-No indicator whether electronic ticketing
- ElectronicTicketing string `xml:"electronicTicketing,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ElectronicTicketing string `xml:"electronicTicketing,omitempty"`
// Product identification suffix
- OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"`
// Define whether a flight has been polled or not
- ProductDetailQualifier string `xml:"productDetailQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDetailQualifier string `xml:"productDetailQualifier,omitempty"`
// Add some flight restrictions (See code set list)
- FlightCharacteristic []string `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ FlightCharacteristic []string `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type ProductIdentDetailsType struct {
// Number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
type ProductIdentificationType struct {
// Product identification details
- ProductData []*ProductIdentDetailsType `xml:"productData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ ProductData []*ProductIdentDetailsType `xml:"productData,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type ProductInformationType struct {
// value of the Qualifier: INT for International DOM for Domestic EUR for European otherwise CM#10569 INVALID INTERNATIONAL INDICATOR is returned.
- ProductDetailsQualifier string `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDetailsQualifier string `xml:"productDetailsQualifier,omitempty"`
- BookingClassDetails []*ProductDetailsType `xml:"bookingClassDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
+ BookingClassDetails []*ProductDetailsType `xml:"bookingClassDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="26"
type ProductTypeDetailsType struct {
@@ -1684,10 +1684,10 @@ type ProductTypeDetailsType_205137C struct {
type ProposedSegmentDetailsType struct {
// Flight proposal reference
- Ref string `xml:"ref,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Ref string `xml:"ref,omitempty"`
// Elapse Flying Time
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"`
type ProposedSegmentType struct {
@@ -1695,56 +1695,56 @@ type ProposedSegmentType struct {
FlightProposal []*ProposedSegmentDetailsType `xml:"flightProposal"` // maxOccurs="9"
// Flight characteristics.
- FlightCharacteristic string `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightCharacteristic string `xml:"flightCharacteristic,omitempty"`
// Majority cabin
- MajCabin string `xml:"majCabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MajCabin string `xml:"majCabin,omitempty"`
type ReferenceInfoType struct {
// Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_191583C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
+ ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_191583C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="200"
type ReferenceInfoType_133176S struct {
// Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type ReferenceInfoType_134839S struct {
// Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_195561C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_195561C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type ReferenceInfoType_134840S struct {
// Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_195561C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="200"
+ ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_195561C `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="200"
type ReferenceInfoType_165972S struct {
// Reference details
- ReferenceDetails []*ReferencingDetailsType_234704C `xml:"referenceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ ReferenceDetails []*ReferencingDetailsType_234704C `xml:"referenceDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type ReferenceInfoType_176658S struct {
// Referencing details
- ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ ReferencingDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referencingDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
type ReferenceType struct {
// Reference of leg
- RefOfLeg string `xml:"refOfLeg,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefOfLeg string `xml:"refOfLeg,omitempty"`
// Reference of segment starting range
- FirstItemIdentifier *int32 `xml:"firstItemIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FirstItemIdentifier *int32 `xml:"firstItemIdentifier,omitempty"`
// Reference of segment ending range
- LastItemIdentifier *int32 `xml:"lastItemIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LastItemIdentifier *int32 `xml:"lastItemIdentifier,omitempty"`
type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
// Reference qualifier
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"`
// Requested segment reference
RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
@@ -1752,7 +1752,7 @@ type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
type ReferencingDetailsType_191583C struct {
// Service reference qualifier
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"`
// Service reference
RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
@@ -1760,7 +1760,7 @@ type ReferencingDetailsType_191583C struct {
type ReferencingDetailsType_195561C struct {
// Segment reference qualifier
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"`
// Flight or flight group reference
RefNumber int32 `xml:"refNumber"`
@@ -1768,23 +1768,23 @@ type ReferencingDetailsType_195561C struct {
type ReferencingDetailsType_234704C struct {
// Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Value
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"`
type SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI struct {
// traveller number
- Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"`
// range of traveller
- NumberOfUnits *int32 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfUnits *int32 `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"`
type SegmentRepetitionControlTypeI struct {
// Segment control details
- SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ SegmentControlDetails []*SegmentRepetitionControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentControlDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type SelectionDetailsInformationType struct {
@@ -1792,7 +1792,7 @@ type SelectionDetailsInformationType struct {
Type string `xml:"type"`
// Carrier fee status
- OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"`
type SelectionDetailsType struct {
@@ -1802,7 +1802,7 @@ type SelectionDetailsType struct {
type SequenceDetailsTypeU struct {
// Sequence details
- SequenceDetails *SequenceInformationTypeU `xml:"sequenceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SequenceDetails *SequenceInformationTypeU `xml:"sequenceDetails,omitempty"`
type SequenceInformationTypeU struct {
@@ -1810,31 +1810,31 @@ type SequenceInformationTypeU struct {
Number string `xml:"number"`
// Identification code
- IdentificationCode string `xml:"identificationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdentificationCode string `xml:"identificationCode,omitempty"`
type ServiceDetailsType struct {
// Reservation booking designator
- BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"`
// Service
- Service []string `xml:"service,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ Service []string `xml:"service,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type ServicesReferences struct {
// Reference of the service
- Reference string `xml:"reference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Reference string `xml:"reference,omitempty"`
// Status of the service
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"`
// Service lowest price
- FromPrice string `xml:"fromPrice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FromPrice string `xml:"fromPrice,omitempty"`
type SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType struct {
// SSR seat characteristic
- SeatCharacteristics []string `xml:"seatCharacteristics,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ SeatCharacteristics []string `xml:"seatCharacteristics,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type SpecialRequirementsDetailsType struct {
@@ -1842,7 +1842,7 @@ type SpecialRequirementsDetailsType struct {
ServiceRequirementsInfo *SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType `xml:"serviceRequirementsInfo"`
// Seat details
- SeatDetails []*SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType `xml:"seatDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
+ SeatDetails []*SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType `xml:"seatDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="999"
type SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType struct {
@@ -1850,22 +1850,22 @@ type SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsType struct {
ServiceClassification string `xml:"serviceClassification"`
// Status
- ServiceStatus string `xml:"serviceStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceStatus string `xml:"serviceStatus,omitempty"`
// To specify the number of items involved
- ServiceNumberOfInstances *int32 `xml:"serviceNumberOfInstances,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceNumberOfInstances *int32 `xml:"serviceNumberOfInstances,omitempty"`
// To specify to which marketing carrier the service applies
- ServiceMarketingCarrier string `xml:"serviceMarketingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceMarketingCarrier string `xml:"serviceMarketingCarrier,omitempty"`
// Specify the Service group
- ServiceGroup string `xml:"serviceGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceGroup string `xml:"serviceGroup,omitempty"`
// Specify the Service Sub-Group
- ServiceSubGroup string `xml:"serviceSubGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceSubGroup string `xml:"serviceSubGroup,omitempty"`
// Free Text attached to the Service.
- ServiceFreeText []string `xml:"serviceFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ ServiceFreeText []string `xml:"serviceFreeText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type SpecificDataInformationType struct {
@@ -1873,39 +1873,39 @@ type SpecificDataInformationType struct {
DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationType `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
// Data information
- DataInformation []*DataInformationType `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ DataInformation []*DataInformationType `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type SpecificTravellerDetailsType struct {
// Reference number
- ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"`
type SpecificTravellerType struct {
// Traveller details
- TravellerDetails []*SpecificTravellerDetailsType `xml:"travellerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TravellerDetails []*SpecificTravellerDetailsType `xml:"travellerDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type StatusDetailsType struct {
// Advisory type information, Fare Server
- AdvisoryTypeInfo string `xml:"advisoryTypeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AdvisoryTypeInfo string `xml:"advisoryTypeInfo,omitempty"`
// CPU time, user type
- Notification string `xml:"notification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Notification string `xml:"notification,omitempty"`
// CPU time,user type
- Notification2 string `xml:"notification2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Notification2 string `xml:"notification2,omitempty"`
// Capture and trace information
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"`
type StatusDetailsType_256255C struct {
// list of status/qualifiers Either His for Historical or Crt for Current
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Action string `xml:"action,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Action string `xml:"action,omitempty"`
type StatusType struct {
@@ -1920,40 +1920,40 @@ type StatusType_182386S struct {
type TaxDetailsType struct {
// Amount
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
// Country code
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"`
// Currency code
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"`
// Type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Indicator
- Indicator []string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
+ Indicator []string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="98"
type TaxType struct {
// Tax category
- TaxCategory string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxCategory string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"`
// Tax details
- TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsType `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsType `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type ThemeText struct {
// Reference
- Reference string `xml:"reference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Reference string `xml:"reference,omitempty"`
// Text
- Text string `xml:"text,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Text string `xml:"text,omitempty"`
type TransportIdentifierType struct {
// Company identification
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyIdentification,omitempty"`
type TravelProductType struct {
@@ -1963,54 +1963,54 @@ type TravelProductType struct {
// Location of departure and arrival
Location []*LocationIdentificationDetailsType `xml:"location"` // maxOccurs="2"
- CompanyId *CompanyIdentificationType `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId *CompanyIdentificationType `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// Flight number or trainNumber
- FlightOrtrainNumber string `xml:"flightOrtrainNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightOrtrainNumber string `xml:"flightOrtrainNumber,omitempty"`
// Product details
- ProductDetail *AdditionalProductDetailsType `xml:"productDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDetail *AdditionalProductDetailsType `xml:"productDetail,omitempty"`
// Additional product details
- AddProductDetail *ProductFacilitiesType `xml:"addProductDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AddProductDetail *ProductFacilitiesType `xml:"addProductDetail,omitempty"`
// Attribute details
- AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_270108C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ AttributeDetails []*CodedAttributeInformationType_270108C `xml:"attributeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type TravellerDetailsType struct {
// Direct reference of passenger assigned by requesting system.
- Ref *int32 `xml:"ref,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Ref *int32 `xml:"ref,omitempty"`
// Traveller is an infant
- InfantIndicator *int32 `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InfantIndicator *int32 `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"`
type TravellerReferenceInformationType struct {
// Requested passenger type
- Ptc []string `xml:"ptc,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
+ Ptc []string `xml:"ptc,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="4"
// Traveller details
- Traveller []*TravellerDetailsType `xml:"traveller,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ Traveller []*TravellerDetailsType `xml:"traveller,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type UserIdentificationType struct {
// Originator Identification Details
- OfficeIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"officeIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OfficeIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"officeIdentification,omitempty"`
// Used to specify which kind of info is given in DE 9900.
- OfficeType string `xml:"officeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OfficeType string `xml:"officeType,omitempty"`
// The code given to an agent by the originating reservation system.
- OfficeCode string `xml:"officeCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OfficeCode string `xml:"officeCode,omitempty"`
type ValueSearchCriteriaType struct {
// Format limitations: an..35
- Ref string `xml:"ref,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Ref string `xml:"ref,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..18
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"`
- CriteriaDetails []*CriteriaiDetaislType `xml:"criteriaDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ CriteriaDetails []*CriteriaiDetaislType `xml:"criteriaDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
diff --git a/sdk/fare/pricePNRWithBookingClass/v14_1_query/query.go b/structs/fare/pricePNRWithBookingClass/v14.1/request/query.go
similarity index 70%
rename from sdk/fare/pricePNRWithBookingClass/v14_1_query/query.go
rename to structs/fare/pricePNRWithBookingClass/v14.1/request/query.go
index 5b8ccd3..cdf906c 100644
--- a/sdk/fare/pricePNRWithBookingClass/v14_1_query/query.go
+++ b/structs/fare/pricePNRWithBookingClass/v14.1/request/query.go
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-package Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass_v14_1 // tpcbrq141
+package Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClassRequest_v14_1 // tpcbrq141
import (
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/formats"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/formats"
-type FarePricePNRWithBookingClass struct {
+type Request struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TPCBRQ_14_1_1A Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass"`
PricingOptionGroup []*PricingOptionGroup `xml:"pricingOptionGroup"` // maxOccurs="999"
@@ -15,27 +15,27 @@ type FarePricePNRWithBookingClass struct {
type PricingOptionGroup struct {
PricingOptionKey *PricingOptionKey `xml:"pricingOptionKey"`
- OptionDetail *AttributeType `xml:"optionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OptionDetail *AttributeType `xml:"optionDetail,omitempty"`
- CarrierInformation *TransportIdentifierType `xml:"carrierInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CarrierInformation *TransportIdentifierType `xml:"carrierInformation,omitempty"`
- Currency *CurrenciesType `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency *CurrenciesType `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
- PenDisInformation *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationType `xml:"penDisInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PenDisInformation *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationType `xml:"penDisInformation,omitempty"`
- MonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"`
- TaxInformation []*DutyTaxFeeDetailsType `xml:"taxInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TaxInformation []*DutyTaxFeeDetailsType `xml:"taxInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
- DateInformation []*StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"dateInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ DateInformation []*StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"dateInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
- FrequentFlyerInformation *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"frequentFlyerInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FrequentFlyerInformation *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"frequentFlyerInformation,omitempty"`
- FormOfPaymentInformation *FormOfPaymentType `xml:"formOfPaymentInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FormOfPaymentInformation *FormOfPaymentType `xml:"formOfPaymentInformation,omitempty"`
- LocationInformation *PlaceLocationIdentificationType `xml:"locationInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationInformation *PlaceLocationIdentificationType `xml:"locationInformation,omitempty"`
- PaxSegTstReference *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"paxSegTstReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PaxSegTstReference *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"paxSegTstReference,omitempty"`
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ type AttributeInformationTypeU struct {
// Used for attribute value rather than attributeType
AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"attributeType"`
- AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To256 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeDescription formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To256 `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"`
type AttributeType struct {
@@ -55,35 +55,35 @@ type AttributeType struct {
type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
- OtherCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherCompany formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"`
type CurrenciesType struct {
- FirstCurrencyDetails *CurrencyDetailsTypeU `xml:"firstCurrencyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FirstCurrencyDetails *CurrencyDetailsTypeU `xml:"firstCurrencyDetails,omitempty"`
type CurrencyDetailsTypeU struct {
CurrencyQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currencyQualifier"`
- CurrencyIsoCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currencyIsoCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyIsoCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currencyIsoCode,omitempty"`
type DiscountAndPenaltyInformationType struct {
- DiscountPenaltyQualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"discountPenaltyQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DiscountPenaltyQualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"discountPenaltyQualifier,omitempty"`
- DiscountPenaltyDetails []*DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationType `xml:"discountPenaltyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ DiscountPenaltyDetails []*DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationType `xml:"discountPenaltyDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationType struct {
- Function formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"function,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Function formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"function,omitempty"`
- AmountType formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"amountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AmountType formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"amountType,omitempty"`
- Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To18 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
- Rate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
- Currency formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
type DutyTaxFeeAccountDetailType struct {
@@ -91,34 +91,34 @@ type DutyTaxFeeAccountDetailType struct {
type DutyTaxFeeDetailType struct {
- TaxRate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"taxRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxRate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"taxRate,omitempty"`
- TaxValueQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"taxValueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxValueQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"taxValueQualifier,omitempty"`
type DutyTaxFeeDetailsType struct {
TaxQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"taxQualifier"`
- TaxType *DutyTaxFeeAccountDetailType `xml:"taxType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxType *DutyTaxFeeAccountDetailType `xml:"taxType,omitempty"`
- TaxNature formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To15 `xml:"taxNature,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxNature formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To15 `xml:"taxNature,omitempty"`
- TaxData *DutyTaxFeeDetailType `xml:"taxData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxData *DutyTaxFeeDetailType `xml:"taxData,omitempty"`
type FormOfPaymentDetailsType struct {
Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"type"`
- Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To18 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
- CreditCardNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CreditCardNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"`
type FormOfPaymentType struct {
// Details on the form of payment
FormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentDetailsType `xml:"formOfPayment"`
- OtherFormOfPayment []*FormOfPaymentDetailsType `xml:"otherFormOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ OtherFormOfPayment []*FormOfPaymentDetailsType `xml:"otherFormOfPayment,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType struct {
@@ -128,42 +128,42 @@ type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType struct {
type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType struct {
// Carrier where the FQTV is registered.
- Carrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"carrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Carrier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"carrier,omitempty"`
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To28 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To28 `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// To specify a Tier linked to the FQTV
- TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TierLevel formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"`
// For example : priority code
- PriorityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriorityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
TypeQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeQualifier"`
// Amount
- Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To35 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To35 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// location
- Location formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Location formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"location,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationType struct {
MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
+ OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
type PlaceLocationIdentificationType struct {
LocationType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"locationType"`
- FirstLocationDetails *RelatedLocationOneIdentificationType `xml:"firstLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FirstLocationDetails *RelatedLocationOneIdentificationType `xml:"firstLocationDetails,omitempty"`
- SecondLocationDetails *RelatedLocationTwoIdentificationType `xml:"secondLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SecondLocationDetails *RelatedLocationTwoIdentificationType `xml:"secondLocationDetails,omitempty"`
type PricingOptionKey struct {
@@ -171,41 +171,41 @@ type PricingOptionKey struct {
type ReferenceInfoType struct {
- ReferenceDetails []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referenceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ ReferenceDetails []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"referenceDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"type,omitempty"`
- Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To60 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To60 `xml:"value,omitempty"`
type RelatedLocationOneIdentificationType struct {
- Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"code,omitempty"`
type RelatedLocationTwoIdentificationType struct {
- Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"code,omitempty"`
type StructuredDateTimeInformationType struct {
BusinessSemantic formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"businessSemantic"`
// Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"`
type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
// Year number.
- Year formats.Year_YYYY `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Year formats.Year_YYYY `xml:"year,omitempty"`
// Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month formats.Month_mM `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Month formats.Month_mM `xml:"month,omitempty"`
// Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day formats.Day_nN `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Day formats.Day_nN `xml:"day,omitempty"`
type TransportIdentifierType struct {
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyIdentification,omitempty"`
diff --git a/sdk/fare/pricePNRWithBookingClass/v14_1_reply/reply.go b/structs/fare/pricePNRWithBookingClass/v14.1/response/reply.go
similarity index 73%
rename from sdk/fare/pricePNRWithBookingClass/v14_1_reply/reply.go
rename to structs/fare/pricePNRWithBookingClass/v14.1/response/reply.go
index 9009520..5e1a4d3 100644
--- a/sdk/fare/pricePNRWithBookingClass/v14_1_reply/reply.go
+++ b/structs/fare/pricePNRWithBookingClass/v14.1/response/reply.go
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-package Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClassReply_v14_1 // tpcbrr141
+package Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClassResponse_v14_1 // tpcbrr141
//import "encoding/xml"
-type FarePricePNRWithBookingClassReply struct {
+type Response struct {
// XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TPCBRR_14_1_1A Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClassReply"`
- ApplicationError *ErrorGroupType `xml:"applicationError,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ApplicationError *ErrorGroupType `xml:"applicationError,omitempty"`
// PNR record locator information for this transaction. This PNR record locator is used for tracing purpose.
- PnrLocatorData *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"pnrLocatorData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PnrLocatorData *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"pnrLocatorData,omitempty"`
- FareList []*FareList `xml:"fareList,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FareList []*FareList `xml:"fareList,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type FareList struct {
@@ -21,48 +21,48 @@ type FareList struct {
FareReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_94584S `xml:"fareReference"`
// Fare Indicators
- FareIndicators *FareInformationType `xml:"fareIndicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareIndicators *FareInformationType `xml:"fareIndicators,omitempty"`
// Last date to ticket the fare.
- LastTktDate *StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"lastTktDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LastTktDate *StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"lastTktDate,omitempty"`
// Validating carrier identification.
- ValidatingCarrier *TransportIdentifierType `xml:"validatingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ValidatingCarrier *TransportIdentifierType `xml:"validatingCarrier,omitempty"`
// Passenger/segment association of the fare is specified here.
PaxSegReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"paxSegReference"`
- FareDataInformation *MonetaryInformationType_187640S `xml:"fareDataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareDataInformation *MonetaryInformationType_187640S `xml:"fareDataInformation,omitempty"`
- TaxInformation []*TaxInformation `xml:"taxInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="120"
+ TaxInformation []*TaxInformation `xml:"taxInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="120"
// Banker's rates are used to convert amounts of the TST (converts base fare to equivalent fare) 1st C661 : 1st bankers' rate which is a percentage (no currency) 2nd C661 : 2nd bankers' rate which is currency+amount.
- BankerRates *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"bankerRates,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BankerRates *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"bankerRates,omitempty"`
- PassengerInformation []*PassengerInformation `xml:"passengerInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ PassengerInformation []*PassengerInformation `xml:"passengerInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Origin and destination of the fare. 1st C3225 occurence : origin city. 2nd C3225 occurence : destination city
- OriginDestination *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originDestination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginDestination *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originDestination,omitempty"`
- SegmentInformation []*SegmentInformation `xml:"segmentInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="96"
+ SegmentInformation []*SegmentInformation `xml:"segmentInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="96"
// Other pricing information such as endorsement, tour name...
- OtherPricingInfo []*CodedAttributeType_39223S `xml:"otherPricingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ OtherPricingInfo []*CodedAttributeType_39223S `xml:"otherPricingInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
- WarningInformation []*WarningInformation `xml:"warningInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ WarningInformation []*WarningInformation `xml:"warningInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
- AutomaticReissueInfo *AutomaticReissueInfo `xml:"automaticReissueInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AutomaticReissueInfo *AutomaticReissueInfo `xml:"automaticReissueInfo,omitempty"`
// Corporate number
- CorporateInfo *CorporateFareInformationType `xml:"corporateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CorporateInfo *CorporateFareInformationType `xml:"corporateInfo,omitempty"`
- FeeBreakdown []*FeeBreakdown `xml:"feeBreakdown,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ FeeBreakdown []*FeeBreakdown `xml:"feeBreakdown,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
// convey the mileage information
- Mileage *AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Mileage *AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileage,omitempty"`
// Details at fare component or at bound level.
- FareComponentDetailsGroup []*FareComponentDetailsType `xml:"fareComponentDetailsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FareComponentDetailsGroup []*FareComponentDetailsType `xml:"fareComponentDetailsGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
EndFareList *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"endFareList"`
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ type TaxInformation struct {
TaxDetails *DutyTaxFeeDetailsTypeU `xml:"taxDetails"`
// Amount details. If the tax is a passenger facility charge (PFC) the detail of the airports related taxes is given here.
- AmountDetails *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"amountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AmountDetails *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"amountDetails,omitempty"`
type PassengerInformation struct {
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ type PassengerInformation struct {
PenDisInformation *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI_6128S `xml:"penDisInformation"`
// Reference of passengers that have a type code.
- PassengerReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"passengerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"passengerReference,omitempty"`
type SegmentInformation struct {
@@ -88,22 +88,22 @@ type SegmentInformation struct {
ConnexInformation *ConnectionTypeI `xml:"connexInformation"`
// Details on open segments added to the price calculation. These open segments exist only in the fare calculated, they have no equivalent in the PNR itinerary. This segment gives also information on booking class for best buy transactions.
- SegDetails *TravelProductInformationTypeI_26322S `xml:"segDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SegDetails *TravelProductInformationTypeI_26322S `xml:"segDetails,omitempty"`
// Fare basis information
- FareQualifier *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareQualifier *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"`
// Validity information for this fare
- ValidityInformation []*StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"validityInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ ValidityInformation []*StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"validityInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Baggage allowance information
- BagAllowanceInformation *ExcessBaggageTypeI `xml:"bagAllowanceInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BagAllowanceInformation *ExcessBaggageTypeI `xml:"bagAllowanceInformation,omitempty"`
// Reference of the segment associated to the group.
- SegmentReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"segmentReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SegmentReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"segmentReference,omitempty"`
// The segment order in the pricing response can be different than the one of the PNR itinerary (segments are reordered at price calculation time). This order inform,ation is conveyed by the sequence number. If this order information is not present then the order is by default the one of the PNR.
- SequenceInformation *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"sequenceInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SequenceInformation *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"sequenceInformation,omitempty"`
type WarningInformation struct {
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ type WarningInformation struct {
WarningCode *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"warningCode"`
// Description in free flow text of the warning concerning the fare.
- WarningText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_6759S `xml:"warningText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ WarningText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_6759S `xml:"warningText,omitempty"`
type AutomaticReissueInfo struct {
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ type AutomaticReissueInfo struct {
// This segment contains the coupon number (in absolute) corresponding to the first coupon for use from the last flawn segment.
CouponInfo *CouponInformationTypeI `xml:"couponInfo"`
- PaperCouponRange *PaperCouponRange `xml:"paperCouponRange,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PaperCouponRange *PaperCouponRange `xml:"paperCouponRange,omitempty"`
// Base fare Information
BaseFareInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S `xml:"baseFareInfo"`
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ type AutomaticReissueInfo struct {
SecondDpiGroup *SecondDpiGroup `xml:"secondDpiGroup"`
// this segment conveys specific reissue attributes like Revalidation flag.
- ReissueAttributes *CodedAttributeType `xml:"reissueAttributes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReissueAttributes *CodedAttributeType `xml:"reissueAttributes,omitempty"`
type PaperCouponRange struct {
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ type FeeBreakdown struct {
// Nature of the fee (OB, OC)
FeeType *SelectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"feeType"`
- FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FeeDetails []*FeeDetails `xml:"feeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type FeeDetails struct {
@@ -182,13 +182,13 @@ type FeeDetails struct {
FeeInfo *SpecificDataInformationTypeI `xml:"feeInfo"`
// Attributes of this fee (commercial description)
- FeeDescription *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"feeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeDescription *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"feeDescription,omitempty"`
// Fee associated amounts: amount with/without tax, total tax amount
- FeeAmounts *MonetaryInformationTypeI_39230S `xml:"feeAmounts,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeAmounts *MonetaryInformationTypeI_39230S `xml:"feeAmounts,omitempty"`
// taxes related to this fee
- FeeTaxes []*TaxTypeI `xml:"feeTaxes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FeeTaxes []*TaxTypeI `xml:"feeTaxes,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
@@ -197,20 +197,20 @@ type FeeDetails struct {
type AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
// Primary code of the fare basis. This is not a codeset but a free flow text field.
- PrimaryCode string `xml:"primaryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PrimaryCode string `xml:"primaryCode,omitempty"`
// Fare basis code of the fare basis. This is not a codeset but a free flow text field.
- FareBasisCode string `xml:"fareBasisCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareBasisCode string `xml:"fareBasisCode,omitempty"`
// Ticket designator of the fare basis
- TicketDesignator string `xml:"ticketDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketDesignator string `xml:"ticketDesignator,omitempty"`
// For any query : discount ticket designator to be assigned by Fare Quote server. For any response : priced PTCs
- DiscTktDesignator string `xml:"discTktDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DiscTktDesignator string `xml:"discTktDesignator,omitempty"`
type AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI struct {
- MileageTimeDetails *MileageTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileageTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MileageTimeDetails *MileageTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileageTimeDetails,omitempty"`
type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
@@ -218,10 +218,10 @@ type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
// Identification of a code list.
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"`
// Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"`
type ApplicationErrorDetailType_48648C struct {
@@ -229,10 +229,10 @@ type ApplicationErrorDetailType_48648C struct {
ApplicationErrorCode string `xml:"applicationErrorCode"`
// Identification of a code list.
- CodeListQualifier string `xml:"codeListQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CodeListQualifier string `xml:"codeListQualifier,omitempty"`
// Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
- CodeListResponsibleAgency string `xml:"codeListResponsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CodeListResponsibleAgency string `xml:"codeListResponsibleAgency,omitempty"`
type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
@@ -247,16 +247,16 @@ type ApplicationErrorInformationType_84497S struct {
type BaggageDetailsTypeI struct {
// Baggage allowance quantity (piece concept)
- BaggageQuantity *int32 `xml:"baggageQuantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BaggageQuantity *int32 `xml:"baggageQuantity,omitempty"`
// Baggage allowance weight
- BaggageWeight *int32 `xml:"baggageWeight,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BaggageWeight *int32 `xml:"baggageWeight,omitempty"`
// Baggage allowance type (weight/number)
- BaggageType string `xml:"baggageType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BaggageType string `xml:"baggageType,omitempty"`
// Measurement unit for weighing baggage allowance
- MeasureUnit string `xml:"measureUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MeasureUnit string `xml:"measureUnit,omitempty"`
type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
// provides a description for the attribute
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"`
type CodedAttributeInformationType_66047C struct {
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ type CodedAttributeInformationType_66047C struct {
AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
// provides a description for the attribute
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"`
type CodedAttributeType struct {
@@ -287,20 +287,20 @@ type CodedAttributeType_39223S struct {
type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
// Carrier code
- CarrierCode string `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CarrierCode string `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"`
type CompanyIdentificationTypeI_222513C struct {
// Carrier owner fo the fare family
- OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"`
type ConnectionDetailsTypeI struct {
// Specify ARNK and surface segments not included in the fare routing.
- RoutingInformation string `xml:"routingInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RoutingInformation string `xml:"routingInformation,omitempty"`
// Type of connection for the flight
- ConnexType string `xml:"connexType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConnexType string `xml:"connexType,omitempty"`
type ConnectionTypeI struct {
@@ -310,10 +310,10 @@ type ConnectionTypeI struct {
type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI struct {
// Currency of the rate
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"`
// Amount/percentage
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
@@ -321,15 +321,15 @@ type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
FirstRateDetail *ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"firstRateDetail"`
// Second rate detail.
- SecondRateDetail *ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"secondRateDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SecondRateDetail *ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"secondRateDetail,omitempty"`
type CorporateFareIdentifiersTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- CorporateID []string `xml:"corporateID,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ CorporateID []string `xml:"corporateID,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type CorporateFareInformationType struct {
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ type CouponDetailsType struct {
ProductId *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"productId"`
// Flight Connection Type
- FlightConnectionType *TravelProductInformationType `xml:"flightConnectionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightConnectionType *TravelProductInformationType `xml:"flightConnectionType,omitempty"`
type CouponInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -354,12 +354,12 @@ type CouponInformationTypeI struct {
CouponDetails *CouponInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"couponDetails"`
// Details on coupon
- OtherCouponDetails []*CouponInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherCouponDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ OtherCouponDetails []*CouponInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherCouponDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type DataInformationTypeI struct {
// fee attribute
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
type DataTypeInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -369,20 +369,20 @@ type DataTypeInformationTypeI struct {
type DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
// Used to specify penalty information
- PenDisData *DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI_29792C `xml:"penDisData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PenDisData *DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI_29792C `xml:"penDisData,omitempty"`
type DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI_6128S struct {
// Qualify the type of information. Penalties are not passenger associated and are pure monetary information. Discount are passenger associated but only discount code is specified.
- InfoQualifier string `xml:"infoQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InfoQualifier string `xml:"infoQualifier,omitempty"`
// Used to specify penalty information.
- PenDisData []*DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"penDisData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ PenDisData []*DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"penDisData,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type DiscountPenaltyInformationType struct {
// Used for codes in the AMADEUS code tables. Code Length is three alphanumeric characters.
- FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareQualifier string `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"`
type DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -390,38 +390,38 @@ type DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
ZapOffType string `xml:"zapOffType"`
// Discount amount
- ZapOffAmount *float64 `xml:"zapOffAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ZapOffAmount *float64 `xml:"zapOffAmount,omitempty"`
// Discount percentage.
- ZapOffPercentage *int32 `xml:"zapOffPercentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ZapOffPercentage *int32 `xml:"zapOffPercentage,omitempty"`
type DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
// Type of penalty.
- PenaltyType string `xml:"penaltyType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PenaltyType string `xml:"penaltyType,omitempty"`
// The penalty amount can be described differently: amount/percentage.
- PenaltyQualifier string `xml:"penaltyQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PenaltyQualifier string `xml:"penaltyQualifier,omitempty"`
// Amount of the penalty.
- PenaltyAmount *float64 `xml:"penaltyAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PenaltyAmount *float64 `xml:"penaltyAmount,omitempty"`
// This discount code is defined by the airlines. This cannot be coded as airlines might apply any combination of letters for their discounts.
- DiscountCode string `xml:"discountCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DiscountCode string `xml:"discountCode,omitempty"`
// Penalty currency code.
- PenaltyCurrency string `xml:"penaltyCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PenaltyCurrency string `xml:"penaltyCurrency,omitempty"`
type DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI_29792C struct {
// The amount Type can be a percentage or an amount
- PenaltyQualifier string `xml:"penaltyQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PenaltyQualifier string `xml:"penaltyQualifier,omitempty"`
// specify the value
- PenaltyAmount *float64 `xml:"penaltyAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PenaltyAmount *float64 `xml:"penaltyAmount,omitempty"`
// penalty currency code
- PenaltyCurrency string `xml:"penaltyCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PenaltyCurrency string `xml:"penaltyCurrency,omitempty"`
type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
@@ -440,13 +440,13 @@ type DutyTaxFeeDetailsTypeU struct {
TaxIdentification *DutyTaxFeeTypeDetailsTypeU `xml:"taxIdentification"`
// Type of the tax
- TaxType *DutyTaxFeeAccountDetailTypeU `xml:"taxType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxType *DutyTaxFeeAccountDetailTypeU `xml:"taxType,omitempty"`
// Nature of the tax
- TaxNature string `xml:"taxNature,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxNature string `xml:"taxNature,omitempty"`
// Exempt tax indicator. If an tax is Exempted no amount is provided for this tax.
- TaxExempt string `xml:"taxExempt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxExempt string `xml:"taxExempt,omitempty"`
type DutyTaxFeeTypeDetailsTypeU struct {
@@ -459,34 +459,34 @@ type ErrorGroupType struct {
ErrorOrWarningCodeDetails *ApplicationErrorInformationType_84497S `xml:"errorOrWarningCodeDetails"`
// The desciption of warning or error.
- ErrorWarningDescription *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"errorWarningDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorWarningDescription *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"errorWarningDescription,omitempty"`
type ExcessBaggageTypeI struct {
// Baggage allowance information details
- BagAllowanceDetails *BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"bagAllowanceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BagAllowanceDetails *BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"bagAllowanceDetails,omitempty"`
type FareComponentDetailsType struct {
FareComponentID *ItemNumberType `xml:"fareComponentID"`
// Market information related to the fare component or to the bound.
- MarketFareComponent *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"marketFareComponent,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MarketFareComponent *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"marketFareComponent,omitempty"`
// Monetary Information.
- MonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"`
// Component Class information
- ComponentClassInfo *PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType `xml:"componentClassInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ComponentClassInfo *PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType `xml:"componentClassInfo,omitempty"`
// Fare Qualifier Detail
- FareQualifiersDetail *FareQualifierDetailsType `xml:"fareQualifiersDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareQualifiersDetail *FareQualifierDetailsType `xml:"fareQualifiersDetail,omitempty"`
// Details of the fare family used for this fare component
- FareFamilyDetails *FareFamilyType `xml:"fareFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareFamilyDetails *FareFamilyType `xml:"fareFamilyDetails,omitempty"`
// Carrier owner of the fare family
- FareFamilyOwner *TransportIdentifierType_156079S `xml:"fareFamilyOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareFamilyOwner *TransportIdentifierType_156079S `xml:"fareFamilyOwner,omitempty"`
// Used to specify coupons included in the fare component or in the bound.
CouponDetailsGroup []*CouponDetailsType `xml:"couponDetailsGroup"` // maxOccurs="99"
@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ type FareComponentDetailsType struct {
type FareDetailsType struct {
// fare indicators
- FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareCategory string `xml:"fareCategory,omitempty"`
type FareFamilyDetailsType struct {
@@ -504,32 +504,32 @@ type FareFamilyDetailsType struct {
type FareFamilyType struct {
// Fare Family Short Name
- FareFamilyname string `xml:"fareFamilyname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareFamilyname string `xml:"fareFamilyname,omitempty"`
- Hierarchy *int32 `xml:"hierarchy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Hierarchy *int32 `xml:"hierarchy,omitempty"`
// Indicates Commercial Fare Family Short names
- CommercialFamilyDetails []*FareFamilyDetailsType `xml:"commercialFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ CommercialFamilyDetails []*FareFamilyDetailsType `xml:"commercialFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type FareInformationType struct {
- FareDetails *FareDetailsType `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareDetails *FareDetailsType `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
type FareQualifierDetailsType struct {
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationType `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationType `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type FareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
// Type of movement for this segment to take into account by Fare Quote to calculate the fare.
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"`
// Fare basis detail
- FareBasisDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareBasisDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"`
// Discount data for zap off to apply to price calculation.
- ZapOffDetails *DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"zapOffDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ZapOffDetails *DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"zapOffDetails,omitempty"`
type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
@@ -537,16 +537,16 @@ type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
// Format limitations: an..4
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..35
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
Source string `xml:"source"`
@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
type FreeTextInformationType struct {
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType `xml:"freeTextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType `xml:"freeTextDetails,omitempty"`
// Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
FreeText []string `xml:"freeText"` // maxOccurs="99"
@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ type FreeTextQualificationTypeI struct {
type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..10
FreeText string `xml:"freeText"`
@@ -576,15 +576,15 @@ type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI struct {
type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_6759S struct {
// Free flow text describing the error
- ErrorFreeText string `xml:"errorFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorFreeText string `xml:"errorFreeText,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberIdentificationType struct {
// Item identification: number of the fare component or of the bound.
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Item type: fare component (FC) or bound (BND).
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberType struct {
@@ -594,25 +594,25 @@ type ItemNumberType struct {
type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
// Identification details : order number
- SequenceSection *UniqueIdDescriptionType `xml:"sequenceSection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SequenceSection *UniqueIdDescriptionType `xml:"sequenceSection,omitempty"`
type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_94584S struct {
// qualifies the type of the reference used. Code set to define
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"`
// Tattoo number
- UniqueReference *int32 `xml:"uniqueReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UniqueReference *int32 `xml:"uniqueReference,omitempty"`
type LocationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..25
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"`
type LocationTypeI_47688C struct {
// Code of the city.
- CityCode string `xml:"cityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CityCode string `xml:"cityCode,omitempty"`
type MileageTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -625,10 +625,10 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
// Amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -636,13 +636,13 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
FareDataQualifier string `xml:"fareDataQualifier"`
// Fare data amount
- FareAmount string `xml:"fareAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareAmount string `xml:"fareAmount,omitempty"`
// Fare data currency code
- FareCurrency string `xml:"fareCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareCurrency string `xml:"fareCurrency,omitempty"`
// Location of the fare data (PFCs specific)
- FareLocation string `xml:"fareLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareLocation string `xml:"fareLocation,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_37257C struct {
@@ -653,10 +653,10 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_37257C struct {
Amount string `xml:"amount"`
// currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// location
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_63727C struct {
@@ -664,13 +664,13 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_63727C struct {
TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
// Amount
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// Location
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223832C struct {
@@ -678,13 +678,13 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223832C struct {
FareDataQualifier string `xml:"fareDataQualifier"`
// Amount
- FareAmount string `xml:"fareAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareAmount string `xml:"fareAmount,omitempty"`
// Currency
- FareCurrency string `xml:"fareCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareCurrency string `xml:"fareCurrency,omitempty"`
// location
- FareLocation string `xml:"fareLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareLocation string `xml:"fareLocation,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationType struct {
@@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ type MonetaryInformationType struct {
MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
// Other monetary information per fare component
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
+ OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -700,14 +700,14 @@ type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
FareDataMainInformation *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDataMainInformation"`
// Supplementary fare data information
- FareDataSupInformation []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDataSupInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
+ FareDataSupInformation []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDataSupInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
type MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S struct {
// monetaryDetails
MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_37257C `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_37257C `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_37257C `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type MonetaryInformationTypeI_39230S struct {
@@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ type MonetaryInformationTypeI_39230S struct {
type MonetaryInformationType_187640S struct {
FareDataMainInformation *MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223832C `xml:"fareDataMainInformation"`
- FareDataSupInformation []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223832C `xml:"fareDataSupInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FareDataSupInformation []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType_223832C `xml:"fareDataSupInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -728,7 +728,7 @@ type OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI struct {
type PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType struct {
- FareBasisDetails *RateTariffClassInformationType `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareBasisDetails *RateTariffClassInformationType `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"`
type PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI struct {
@@ -736,13 +736,13 @@ type PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI struct {
TstInformation *RateTariffClassInformationTypeI `xml:"tstInformation"`
// International sales indicator
- SalesIndicator string `xml:"salesIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SalesIndicator string `xml:"salesIndicator,omitempty"`
// Fare calculation mode indicator. This indicator specifies the type fare.
Fcmi string `xml:"fcmi"`
// Information of original fare used to create TST. The TST is created from Best Fare ( possible or available).
- BestFareType string `xml:"bestFareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BestFareType string `xml:"bestFareType,omitempty"`
type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -750,10 +750,10 @@ type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
Identification string `xml:"identification"`
// to describe the transportation class.
- BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"`
// Class of service to use in order to price the extra segment.
- ClassOfService string `xml:"classOfService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ClassOfService string `xml:"classOfService,omitempty"`
type ProductTypeDetailsType struct {
@@ -763,10 +763,10 @@ type ProductTypeDetailsType struct {
type RateTariffClassInformationType struct {
// Fare Basis Code
- RateTariffClass string `xml:"rateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateTariffClass string `xml:"rateTariffClass,omitempty"`
// Ticket Designator
- OtherRateTariffClass string `xml:"otherRateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherRateTariffClass string `xml:"otherRateTariffClass,omitempty"`
type RateTariffClassInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ type ReferenceInfoType struct {
type ReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
// Passenger/segment/TST/fare reference details
- RefDetails []*ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"refDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ RefDetails []*ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"refDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
@@ -793,10 +793,10 @@ type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
type ReferencingDetailsTypeI struct {
// Qualifyer of the reference (Pax/Seg/Tst/Fare tattoo)
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"`
// Passenger/segment/TST/fare tattoo reference number
- RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"`
type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -823,48 +823,48 @@ type SpecificDataInformationTypeI struct {
DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationTypeI `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
// Carrier fee application code (NI, NR, CM, NC)
- DataInformation []*DataInformationTypeI `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ DataInformation []*DataInformationTypeI `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type StructuredDateTimeInformationType struct {
// This data element can be used to provide the semantic of the information provided. Examples : - Impacted period - Departure date - Estimated arrival date and time
- BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"`
// Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"`
type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
// Year number. The format is a little long for short term usage but it can be reduced by implementation if required.
- Year *int32 `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Year *int32 `xml:"year,omitempty"`
// Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month string `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Month string `xml:"month,omitempty"`
// Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day string `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Day string `xml:"day,omitempty"`
type TaxDetailsTypeI struct {
// Tax Amount
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
// ISO code identifying Country
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"`
// ISO code identifying currency
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"`
// Tax designator code
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// tax designator code.
- SecondType string `xml:"secondType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SecondType string `xml:"secondType,omitempty"`
type TaxTypeI struct {
// Tax details
- TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type TicketNumberDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -872,7 +872,7 @@ type TicketNumberDetailsTypeI struct {
Number string `xml:"number"`
// ticket type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
type TicketNumberTypeI struct {
@@ -882,46 +882,46 @@ type TicketNumberTypeI struct {
type TransportIdentifierType struct {
// Information related to validating carrier.
- CarrierInformation *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"carrierInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CarrierInformation *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"carrierInformation,omitempty"`
type TransportIdentifierType_156079S struct {
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentificationTypeI_222513C `xml:"companyIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentificationTypeI_222513C `xml:"companyIdentification,omitempty"`
type TravelProductInformationType struct {
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"`
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"`
// TST Connection Type
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"`
type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"`
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"`
type TravelProductInformationTypeI_26322S struct {
// City of departure for this extra segment.
- DepartureCity *LocationTypeI_47688C `xml:"departureCity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureCity *LocationTypeI_47688C `xml:"departureCity,omitempty"`
// City of arrival for this extra segment.
- ArrivalCity *LocationTypeI_47688C `xml:"arrivalCity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalCity *LocationTypeI_47688C `xml:"arrivalCity,omitempty"`
// Airline detail information of the extra segment.
- AirlineDetail *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"airlineDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AirlineDetail *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"airlineDetail,omitempty"`
// Segment detail information.
- SegmentDetail *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SegmentDetail *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentDetail,omitempty"`
// Ticketing status for this segment. Relevant only in case of reply.
- TicketingStatus string `xml:"ticketingStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketingStatus string `xml:"ticketingStatus,omitempty"`
type UniqueIdDescriptionType struct {
// Number specifying the ordering information of the item described within a group.
- SequenceNumber *int32 `xml:"sequenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SequenceNumber *int32 `xml:"sequenceNumber,omitempty"`
diff --git a/formats/formats.go b/structs/formats/types.go
similarity index 100%
rename from formats/formats.go
rename to structs/formats/types.go
diff --git a/sdk/pnr/addMultiElements/v11_3_query/query.go b/structs/pnr/addMultiElements/v11.3/query.go
similarity index 79%
rename from sdk/pnr/addMultiElements/v11_3_query/query.go
rename to structs/pnr/addMultiElements/v11.3/query.go
index 75693ca..1e739e2 100644
--- a/sdk/pnr/addMultiElements/v11_3_query/query.go
+++ b/structs/pnr/addMultiElements/v11.3/query.go
@@ -1,25 +1,18 @@
-package PNR_AddMultiElements_v11_3 // pnradd113
+package PNR_AddMultiElementsRequest_v11_3 // pnradd113
import (
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/formats"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/formats"
-type PNRAddMultiElements struct {
- XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/PNRADD_11_3_1A PNR_AddMultiElements"`
- // To specify a reference to a reservation
- ReservationInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"reservationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // To specify specific Actions to be processed on PNR
- PnrActions *OptionalPNRActionsType `xml:"pnrActions"`
- TravellerInfo []*TravellerInfo `xml:"travellerInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100"
- OriginDestinationDetails []*OriginDestinationDetails `xml:"originDestinationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="50"
- DataElementsMaster *DataElementsMaster `xml:"dataElementsMaster,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+type Request struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/PNRADD_11_3_1A PNR_AddMultiElements"`
+ ReservationInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"reservationInfo,omitempty"` // To specify a reference to a reservation
+ PnrActions *OptionalPNRActionsType `xml:"pnrActions"` // To specify specific Actions to be processed on PNR
+ TravellerInfo []*TravellerInfo `xml:"travellerInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="100"
+ OriginDestinationDetails []*OriginDestinationDetails `xml:"originDestinationDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="50"
+ DataElementsMaster *DataElementsMaster `xml:"dataElementsMaster,omitempty"`
type TravellerInfo struct {
@@ -34,24 +27,24 @@ type PassengerData struct {
TravellerInformation *TravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"travellerInformation"`
// Passenger date of birth (DDMMYYYY) If the passenger has an infant, not in a separate TIF, then the date is used for the infant date of birth.
- DateOfBirth *DateAndTimeInformationType `xml:"dateOfBirth,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateOfBirth *DateAndTimeInformationType `xml:"dateOfBirth,omitempty"`
type OriginDestinationDetails struct {
// To convey the origin and destination of a journey
OriginDestination *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originDestination"`
- ItineraryInfo []*ItineraryInfo `xml:"itineraryInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ ItineraryInfo []*ItineraryInfo `xml:"itineraryInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type ItineraryInfo struct {
// To specify the PNR segments/elements references and action to apply
ElementManagementItinerary *ElementManagementSegmentType `xml:"elementManagementItinerary"`
- AirAuxItinerary *AirAuxItinerary `xml:"airAuxItinerary,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AirAuxItinerary *AirAuxItinerary `xml:"airAuxItinerary,omitempty"`
// To provide specific reference identification
- ReferenceForSegment *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceForSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceForSegment *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceForSegment,omitempty"`
type AirAuxItinerary struct {
@@ -62,23 +55,23 @@ type AirAuxItinerary struct {
MessageAction *MessageActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"messageAction"`
// To indicate quantity and action required in relation to a product
- RelatedProduct *RelatedProductInformationTypeI `xml:"relatedProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RelatedProduct *RelatedProductInformationTypeI `xml:"relatedProduct,omitempty"`
// To specify the details for making a selection
- SelectionDetailsAir *SelectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"selectionDetailsAir,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SelectionDetailsAir *SelectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"selectionDetailsAir,omitempty"`
// To specify a reference to a reservation
- ReservationInfoSell *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"reservationInfoSell,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReservationInfoSell *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"reservationInfoSell,omitempty"`
// To provide free form or coded long text information.
- FreetextItinerary *LongFreeTextType `xml:"freetextItinerary,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreetextItinerary *LongFreeTextType `xml:"freetextItinerary,omitempty"`
type DataElementsMaster struct {
// marker
Marker1 *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"marker1"`
- DataElementsIndiv []*DataElementsIndiv `xml:"dataElementsIndiv,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="250"
+ DataElementsIndiv []*DataElementsIndiv `xml:"dataElementsIndiv,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="250"
type DataElementsIndiv struct {
@@ -86,82 +79,82 @@ type DataElementsIndiv struct {
ElementManagementData *ElementManagementSegmentType `xml:"elementManagementData"`
// To specify the Amadeus PNR Individual Security element Note: up to 3 ISI segments may be needed to represent the ES element and its 3 types of receiver
- PnrSecurity *IndividualPnrSecurityInformationType `xml:"pnrSecurity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PnrSecurity *IndividualPnrSecurityInformationType `xml:"pnrSecurity,omitempty"`
// specify amadeus accounting informations
- Acccounting *AccountingInformationElementType `xml:"acccounting,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Acccounting *AccountingInformationElementType `xml:"acccounting,omitempty"`
// To specify different kinds of remarks
- MiscellaneousRemark *MiscellaneousRemarksType `xml:"miscellaneousRemark,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MiscellaneousRemark *MiscellaneousRemarksType `xml:"miscellaneousRemark,omitempty"`
// To specify special requests or services information relating to a traveller.
- ServiceRequest *SpecialRequirementsDetailsTypeI `xml:"serviceRequest,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceRequest *SpecialRequirementsDetailsTypeI `xml:"serviceRequest,omitempty"`
// To provide date and time details relative to flight movements
- DateAndTimeInformation *DateAndTimeInformationTypeI `xml:"dateAndTimeInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateAndTimeInformation *DateAndTimeInformationTypeI `xml:"dateAndTimeInformation,omitempty"`
// To specify the Amadeus PNR Tour Code element
- TourCode *TourCodeType `xml:"tourCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TourCode *TourCodeType `xml:"tourCode,omitempty"`
// To specify an Amadeus PNR Ticket element
- TicketElement *TicketElementType `xml:"ticketElement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketElement *TicketElementType `xml:"ticketElement,omitempty"`
// To provide free form or coded long text information.
- FreetextData *LongFreeTextType `xml:"freetextData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreetextData *LongFreeTextType `xml:"freetextData,omitempty"`
// To specify the way data are mapped for structured
- StructuredAddress *StructuredAddressType `xml:"structuredAddress,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredAddress *StructuredAddressType `xml:"structuredAddress,omitempty"`
// To specify an Amadeus PNR Option element
- OptionElement *OptionElementType `xml:"optionElement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OptionElement *OptionElementType `xml:"optionElement,omitempty"`
// To request a Hard Copy Print
- Printer *PrinterIdentificationType `xml:"printer,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Printer *PrinterIdentificationType `xml:"printer,omitempty"`
// The group handles Seat Request with possibly rail preferences
- SeatGroup *SeatEntityType `xml:"seatGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SeatGroup *SeatEntityType `xml:"seatGroup,omitempty"`
// To specify the Amadeus PNR Fare elements
- FareElement *FareElementsType `xml:"fareElement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareElement *FareElementsType `xml:"fareElement,omitempty"`
// To specify the Amadeus PNR Fare discount element
- FareDiscount *FareDiscountElementType `xml:"fareDiscount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareDiscount *FareDiscountElementType `xml:"fareDiscount,omitempty"`
// To specify the Amadeus PNR Manual Document Registration element
- ManualFareDocument *ManualDocumentRegistrationType `xml:"manualFareDocument,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ManualFareDocument *ManualDocumentRegistrationType `xml:"manualFareDocument,omitempty"`
// To specify the Amadeus PNR Commission element
- Commission *CommissionElementType `xml:"commission,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Commission *CommissionElementType `xml:"commission,omitempty"`
// To specify the Amadeus PNR Original Issue / Issue in Exchange For element
- OriginalIssue *OriginalIssueType `xml:"originalIssue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginalIssue *OriginalIssueType `xml:"originalIssue,omitempty"`
// To convey details describing the form of payment
- FormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"formOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"formOfPayment,omitempty"`
// To convey additional details of the form of payment
- FopExtension []*MarketSpecificDataType `xml:"fopExtension,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ FopExtension []*MarketSpecificDataType `xml:"fopExtension,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
// To convey the FOP service details
- ServiceDetails []*StatusTypeI `xml:"serviceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ ServiceDetails []*StatusTypeI `xml:"serviceDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
// To specify frequent traveler verification
- FrequentTravellerVerification *FrequentTravellerVerificationType `xml:"frequentTravellerVerification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FrequentTravellerVerification *FrequentTravellerVerificationType `xml:"frequentTravellerVerification,omitempty"`
// To specify the Amadeus PNR Ticketing Carrier Designator element
- TicketingCarrier *TicketingCarrierDesignatorType `xml:"ticketingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketingCarrier *TicketingCarrierDesignatorType `xml:"ticketingCarrier,omitempty"`
// To specify the Amadeus PNR Fare Print Override element
- FarePrintOverride *FarePrintOverrideType `xml:"farePrintOverride,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FarePrintOverride *FarePrintOverrideType `xml:"farePrintOverride,omitempty"`
// To convey frequent traveler program information relating to a specific traveller or group.
- FrequentTravellerData *FrequentTravellerInformationTypeU `xml:"frequentTravellerData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FrequentTravellerData *FrequentTravellerInformationTypeU `xml:"frequentTravellerData,omitempty"`
// To specify access level of an entity (office) to the element.
- AccessLevel *ExtendedOwnershipSecurityDetailsType `xml:"accessLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AccessLevel *ExtendedOwnershipSecurityDetailsType `xml:"accessLevel,omitempty"`
// To provide specific reference identification
- ReferenceForDataElement *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceForDataElement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceForDataElement *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceForDataElement,omitempty"`
@@ -170,78 +163,78 @@ type DataElementsIndiv struct {
type AccountingElementType struct {
// Account number
- Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Cost Number
- CostNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To60 `xml:"costNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CostNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To60 `xml:"costNumber,omitempty"`
// IATA company number
- CompanyNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"companyNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To12 `xml:"companyNumber,omitempty"`
// Client Reference Number
- ClientReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To60 `xml:"clientReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ClientReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To60 `xml:"clientReference,omitempty"`
- GSTTaxDetails formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To109 `xml:"gSTTaxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ GSTTaxDetails formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To109 `xml:"gSTTaxDetails,omitempty"`
type AccountingInformationElementType struct {
// One of these 4 data elements is mandatory , but non in particular
- Account *AccountingElementType `xml:"account,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Account *AccountingElementType `xml:"account,omitempty"`
// Number of units qualifier
- AccountNumberOfUnits formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"accountNumberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AccountNumberOfUnits formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"accountNumberOfUnits,omitempty"`
type ClassDetailsType struct {
// For the booking class code.
- Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"code,omitempty"`
- BookingClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To2 `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingClass formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To2 `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"`
type CommissionElementType struct {
// Passenger type PAX for Passenger INF for Infant not occupying a seat
- PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"`
// Commission indicator M, C, P, CR, PR
- Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
// Commission
CommissionInfo *CommissionInformationType `xml:"commissionInfo"`
// Old commission
- OldCommission *CommissionInformationType_6428C `xml:"oldCommission,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OldCommission *CommissionInformationType_6428C `xml:"oldCommission,omitempty"`
// Manual capping Amount (after tag C)
- ManualCapping *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To10 `xml:"manualCapping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ManualCapping *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To10 `xml:"manualCapping,omitempty"`
type CommissionInformationType struct {
// Percentage (max 2 decimals)
- Percentage *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To5 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Percentage *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To5 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"`
// Amount (before tag A)
- Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To10 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To10 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// VAT indicator V
- VatIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"vatIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ VatIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"vatIndicator,omitempty"`
// Net remit indicator N
- RemitIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"remitIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RemitIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"remitIndicator,omitempty"`
type CommissionInformationType_6428C struct {
// Percentage (max 2 decimals)
- Percentage *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Percentage *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"`
// Amount (before tag A)
- Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To10 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To10 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// VAT indicator V
- VatIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"vatIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ VatIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"vatIndicator,omitempty"`
// Net remit indicator N
- RemitIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"remitIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RemitIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"remitIndicator,omitempty"`
type CompanyIdentificationType struct {
@@ -249,10 +242,10 @@ type CompanyIdentificationType struct {
Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"code"`
// To specify the frequent traveller program partnership company code
- PartnerCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"partnerCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PartnerCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"partnerCode,omitempty"`
// To specify the frequent traveller program other partnership company code
- OtherPartnerCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"otherPartnerCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherPartnerCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"otherPartnerCode,omitempty"`
type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
@@ -260,7 +253,7 @@ type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
Identification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"identification"`
// To convey a second carrier (e.g. in case of multi airline open segments)
- SecondIdentification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"secondIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SecondIdentification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"secondIdentification,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -275,15 +268,15 @@ type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI_56946C struct {
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Inf/Child date of birth
- Date formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Date formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"date,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeInformationType struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails *DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI_56946C `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateAndTimeDetails *DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI_56946C `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -293,19 +286,19 @@ type DateAndTimeInformationTypeI struct {
type DiscountInformationType struct {
// Discount code
- AdjustmentReason formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"adjustmentReason,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AdjustmentReason formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"adjustmentReason,omitempty"`
// Discount percentage
- Percentage *formats.NumericInteger_Length2To2 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Percentage *formats.NumericInteger_Length2To2 `xml:"percentage,omitempty"`
// Status code
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"`
// Staff employee number
- StaffNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"staffNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StaffNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To7 `xml:"staffNumber,omitempty"`
// Staff employee name
- StaffName formats.AlphaString_Length1To30 `xml:"staffName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StaffName formats.AlphaString_Length1To30 `xml:"staffName,omitempty"`
type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
@@ -313,7 +306,7 @@ type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
type ElementManagementSegmentType struct {
// segments/elements references - type and number
- Reference *ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"reference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Reference *ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"reference,omitempty"`
// PNR segment or element name
SegmentName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"segmentName"`
@@ -326,7 +319,7 @@ type ExtendedOwnershipSecurityDetailsType struct {
type ExtendedSecurityDetailsType struct {
// Used to specify which kind of entities is specified. F - for family
- TypeOfEntity formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeOfEntity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TypeOfEntity formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"typeOfEntity,omitempty"`
// Used to specify the access mode regarding agreement and entities
AccessMode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"accessMode"`
@@ -337,39 +330,39 @@ type ExtendedSecurityDetailsType struct {
type FareDiscountElementType struct {
// Passenger type PAX for Passenger INF for Infant not occupying a seat
- PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"`
// To specify the discount details. Only 1 repetition must be used. The Fare Discount element cannot process multiple discounts. If you wish to enter multiple discounts for a passenger, you should enter several FD elements and associate them to the same passenger.
- Discount []*DiscountInformationType `xml:"discount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ Discount []*DiscountInformationType `xml:"discount,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
// Date of birth
- BirthDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"birthDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BirthDate formats.AlphaNumericString_Length6To6 `xml:"birthDate,omitempty"`
// number of years or months
- NumberDetail *NumberOfUnitDetailsType `xml:"numberDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberDetail *NumberOfUnitDetailsType `xml:"numberDetail,omitempty"`
// company ID and reference number (should not be used)
- RpInformation *RpInformationType `xml:"rpInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RpInformation *RpInformationType `xml:"rpInformation,omitempty"`
// Customer info
- Customer *ItemDetailsType `xml:"customer,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Customer *ItemDetailsType `xml:"customer,omitempty"`
// Resident Discount applicable for discount code RM,RC,DC,BP or BI
- ResidentDisc *ItemDetailsType_64822C `xml:"residentDisc,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ResidentDisc *ItemDetailsType_64822C `xml:"residentDisc,omitempty"`
type FareElementsType struct {
// E for FE - Endorsements / Restrictions element K for FK - Shadow AIR office ID element S for FS - Miscellaneous Ticketing Information element Z for FZ - Miscellaneous Information element
- GeneralIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"generalIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ GeneralIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"generalIndicator,omitempty"`
// Passenger type PAX for Passenger INF for Infant not occupying a seat
- PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"`
// 1. FK element: Office identification
- OfficeId []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length9To9 `xml:"officeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ OfficeId []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length9To9 `xml:"officeId,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
// 1. FE element: Free text 2. FS element: Free text 3. FZ element: Free text
- FreetextLong formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To126 `xml:"freetextLong,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreetextLong formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To126 `xml:"freetextLong,omitempty"`
type FarePrintOverrideDetailsType struct {
@@ -377,21 +370,21 @@ type FarePrintOverrideDetailsType struct {
BaseFare formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To11 `xml:"baseFare"`
// Total fare override
- TotalFare formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To11 `xml:"totalFare,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TotalFare formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To11 `xml:"totalFare,omitempty"`
// equivalent fare override
- EquivalentFare formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To11 `xml:"equivalentFare,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EquivalentFare formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To11 `xml:"equivalentFare,omitempty"`
// Tax amount override
- TaxAmount []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To11 `xml:"taxAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ TaxAmount []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To11 `xml:"taxAmount,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type FarePrintOverrideType struct {
// Passenger type PAX for Passenger INF for Infant not occupying a seat
- PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"`
// fare override detaild
- Override *FarePrintOverrideDetailsType `xml:"override,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Override *FarePrintOverrideDetailsType `xml:"override,omitempty"`
type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -399,31 +392,31 @@ type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
Identification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"identification"`
// Amount
- Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To9 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To9 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Credit card code
- CreditCardCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"creditCardCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CreditCardCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"creditCardCode,omitempty"`
// Credit card account number
- AccountNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"accountNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AccountNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"accountNumber,omitempty"`
// Credit card expiry date
- ExpiryDate formats.Date_MMYY `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExpiryDate formats.Date_MMYY `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"`
// Credit card approval code
- ApprovalCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"approvalCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ApprovalCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"approvalCode,omitempty"`
// Customer account number
- CustomerAccountNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"customerAccountNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerAccountNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"customerAccountNumber,omitempty"`
// Extended credit payment request E for extended payment
- PaymentTimeReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"paymentTimeReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PaymentTimeReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"paymentTimeReference,omitempty"`
// free text
- Freetext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Freetext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"freetext,omitempty"`
// Currency (as there is no place elsewhere)
- CurrencyCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"`
type FormOfPaymentTypeI struct {
@@ -433,27 +426,27 @@ type FormOfPaymentTypeI struct {
type FormatedTourCodeType struct {
// Tour type IT, BT
- ProductId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"productId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"productId,omitempty"`
// Last digit of year in which tour code became effective
- Year *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Year *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"year,omitempty"`
// Airline code of sponsor
- CompanyId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// Conference area approval code
- ApprovalCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"approvalCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ApprovalCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"approvalCode,omitempty"`
// Tour identification
- PartyId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"partyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PartyId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"partyId,omitempty"`
type FreeFormatTourCodeType struct {
// Free format indicator FF
- Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
// Free flow text
- Freetext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To14 `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Freetext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To14 `xml:"freetext,omitempty"`
type FreeTextQualificationType struct {
@@ -461,13 +454,13 @@ type FreeTextQualificationType struct {
SubjectQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"subjectQualifier"`
// 1. AP element: 2. AQ element: 3. OS element
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Transmittable/non-transmittable indicator (S or X). Codeset list not applicable.
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"`
// Airline or system code
- CompanyId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
type FrequentTravellerIdentificationTypeU struct {
@@ -488,7 +481,7 @@ type FrequentTravellerVerificationType struct {
ActionRequest formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"actionRequest"`
// company identification
- Company *CompanyIdentificationType `xml:"company,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Company *CompanyIdentificationType `xml:"company,omitempty"`
// frequent flyer number
Account *ProductAccountDetailsType `xml:"account"`
@@ -496,13 +489,13 @@ type FrequentTravellerVerificationType struct {
type IndividualPnrSecurityInformationType struct {
// Returned before EOT or after retrieve by RTE
- Security []*IndividualSecurityType `xml:"security,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ Security []*IndividualSecurityType `xml:"security,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
// Returned when retrieved
- SecurityInfo *SecurityInformationType `xml:"securityInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SecurityInfo *SecurityInformationType `xml:"securityInfo,omitempty"`
// Code as in the display: G for Amadeus Global Core Office Identification I for IATA number P for Pseudo-Office Identification Default is G.
- Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
type IndividualSecurityType struct {
@@ -521,37 +514,37 @@ type IssueInformationType struct {
DocumentNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"documentNumber"`
// {Original issue , exchange for} document check digit
- DocumentCD *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"documentCD,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DocumentCD *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"documentCD,omitempty"`
// 1st coupon number
- Coupon1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"coupon1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Coupon1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"coupon1,omitempty"`
// 2nd coupon number
- Coupon2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"coupon2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Coupon2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"coupon2,omitempty"`
// 3rd coupon number
- Coupon3 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"coupon3,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Coupon3 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"coupon3,omitempty"`
// 4th coupon number
- Coupon4 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"coupon4,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Coupon4 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"coupon4,omitempty"`
// Last 2 digits of the last conjunction document of the {original issue , exchange for} document
- LastConjunction *formats.NumericInteger_Length2To2 `xml:"lastConjunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LastConjunction *formats.NumericInteger_Length2To2 `xml:"lastConjunction,omitempty"`
// Last conjunction document of the {original issue , exchange for} document check digit
- ExchangeDocumentCD *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"exchangeDocumentCD,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExchangeDocumentCD *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"exchangeDocumentCD,omitempty"`
// 1st last conjunction document of the {original issue , exchange for} document coupon number
- LastConjunction1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"lastConjunction1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LastConjunction1 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"lastConjunction1,omitempty"`
// 2nd last conjunction document of the {original issue , exchange for} document coupon number
- LastConjunction2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"lastConjunction2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LastConjunction2 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"lastConjunction2,omitempty"`
// 3rd last conjunction document of the {original issue , exchange for} document 4th coupon number
- LastConjunction3 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"lastConjunction3,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LastConjunction3 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"lastConjunction3,omitempty"`
// 4th last conjunction document of the {original issue , exchange for} document 1st coupon number
- LastConjunction4 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"lastConjunction4,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LastConjunction4 formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"lastConjunction4,omitempty"`
// City code of the issue
CityCode formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"cityCode"`
@@ -560,53 +553,53 @@ type IssueInformationType struct {
DateOfIssue formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"dateOfIssue"`
// IATA number
- IataNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"iataNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IataNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"iataNumber,omitempty"`
// Currency
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// Amount
- Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To10 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To10 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
type ItemDetailsType struct {
// Only applicable for some discount codes
- CompanyId formats.AlphaString_Length2To2 `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId formats.AlphaString_Length2To2 `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// Only applicable for some discount codes
- CardType *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"cardType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CardType *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"cardType,omitempty"`
// Only applicable for some discount codes
- CardNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To13 `xml:"cardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CardNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To13 `xml:"cardNumber,omitempty"`
// for PC - alpha value for other - numeric value
- CardCheck formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"cardCheck,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CardCheck formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"cardCheck,omitempty"`
// for PC only
- Owner *formats.NumericInteger_Length2To2 `xml:"owner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Owner *formats.NumericInteger_Length2To2 `xml:"owner,omitempty"`
// for PC only
- Version *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"version,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Version *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"version,omitempty"`
type ItemDetailsType_64822C struct {
- IdCardCode formats.AlphaString_Length2To2 `xml:"idCardCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdCardCode formats.AlphaString_Length2To2 `xml:"idCardCode,omitempty"`
// T - used for TR resident discount only
- IdCardType formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"idCardType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdCardType formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"idCardType,omitempty"`
// Card Number
- CardNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To13 `xml:"cardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CardNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To13 `xml:"cardNumber,omitempty"`
// Card alpha check
- AlphaCheck formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"alphaCheck,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AlphaCheck formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"alphaCheck,omitempty"`
// Zip code
- ZipCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"zipCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ZipCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"zipCode,omitempty"`
// Credential certificate number
- CertificateNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"certificateNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CertificateNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"certificateNumber,omitempty"`
type LocationTypeI struct {
@@ -614,26 +607,26 @@ type LocationTypeI struct {
CityCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"cityCode"`
// 1. TRN SNCF segment: Off point city name
- CityName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"cityName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CityName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"cityName,omitempty"`
type LongFreeTextType struct {
// free text details
- FreetextDetail *FreeTextQualificationType `xml:"freetextDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreetextDetail *FreeTextQualificationType `xml:"freetextDetail,omitempty"`
// Long free text information
- LongFreetext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To199 `xml:"longFreetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LongFreetext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To199 `xml:"longFreetext,omitempty"`
type ManualDocumentRegistrationType struct {
// Passenger type PAX for Passenger INF for Infant not occupying a seat
- PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"`
// documentation details
- Document *ManualDocumentType `xml:"document,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Document *ManualDocumentType `xml:"document,omitempty"`
// Free text
- Freeflow formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To49 `xml:"freeflow,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Freeflow formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To49 `xml:"freeflow,omitempty"`
type ManualDocumentType struct {
@@ -644,54 +637,54 @@ type ManualDocumentType struct {
TicketNumber formats.NumericString_Length10To10 `xml:"ticketNumber"`
// Ticket number check digit
- TicketNumberCd *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"ticketNumberCd,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketNumberCd *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"ticketNumberCd,omitempty"`
// Last conjunction ticket number
- LastConjuction *formats.NumericInteger_Length2To2 `xml:"lastConjuction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LastConjuction *formats.NumericInteger_Length2To2 `xml:"lastConjuction,omitempty"`
// Last conjunction ticket number check digit
- LastConjuctionCD *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"lastConjuctionCD,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LastConjuctionCD *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"lastConjuctionCD,omitempty"`
type MarketSpecificDataDetailsType struct {
// Credit Card Verification data (*CV data)
- CvData formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"cvData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CvData formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"cvData,omitempty"`
// Printed and reported freeflow
- PrintedFreeflow formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"printedFreeflow,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PrintedFreeflow formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"printedFreeflow,omitempty"`
// Reported but not printed freeflow
- ReportedFreeflow formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"reportedFreeflow,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReportedFreeflow formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"reportedFreeflow,omitempty"`
// Credit Card ONO data.
- OnoData formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To15 `xml:"onoData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OnoData formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To15 `xml:"onoData,omitempty"`
// Credit Card GWT data
- GwtData formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To15 `xml:"gwtData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ GwtData formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To15 `xml:"gwtData,omitempty"`
// Credit Card Holder name.
- ChdData formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To40 `xml:"chdData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ChdData formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To40 `xml:"chdData,omitempty"`
// Delegation code.
- DelegationCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"delegationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DelegationCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"delegationCode,omitempty"`
// MCO Fop Document Number
- McoDocNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To13 `xml:"mcoDocNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ McoDocNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To13 `xml:"mcoDocNumber,omitempty"`
// MCO Fop Coupon Number
- McoCouponNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"mcoCouponNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ McoCouponNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"mcoCouponNumber,omitempty"`
// MCO Fop Iata Number
- McoIataNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"mcoIataNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ McoIataNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"mcoIataNumber,omitempty"`
// MCO Fop Place of Issue
- McoPlaceOfIssue formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"mcoPlaceOfIssue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ McoPlaceOfIssue formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"mcoPlaceOfIssue,omitempty"`
// MCO Fop date of Issue. DDMMMYY
- McoDateOfIssue formats.AlphaNumericString_Length7To7 `xml:"mcoDateOfIssue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ McoDateOfIssue formats.AlphaNumericString_Length7To7 `xml:"mcoDateOfIssue,omitempty"`
// Standard Fop Iata Number
- IataNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"iataNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IataNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"iataNumber,omitempty"`
type MarketSpecificDataType struct {
@@ -699,13 +692,13 @@ type MarketSpecificDataType struct {
FopSequenceNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"fopSequenceNumber"`
// Passenger type: PAX or INF.
- PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"`
// Form of Payment Market Specific Data
- NewFopsDetails *MarketSpecificDataDetailsType `xml:"newFopsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NewFopsDetails *MarketSpecificDataDetailsType `xml:"newFopsDetails,omitempty"`
// To provide extended FOP details.
- ExtFOP []*ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"extFOP,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ ExtFOP []*ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"extFOP,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type MessageActionDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -723,35 +716,35 @@ type MiscellaneousRemarkType struct {
Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
// This is the 3rd character (x) of the remark title RIx or RMx, or 2 letter code for RMxx, conditional for RM, not applicable for RC and RQ
- Category formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"category,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Category formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"category,omitempty"`
// Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
- Freetext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To127 `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Freetext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To127 `xml:"freetext,omitempty"`
// Provider type (element RIA): 1 for Air provider 2 for Car provider (CCR) 3 for Hotel Provider (HHL) M for Miscellaneous
- ProviderType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"providerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProviderType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"providerType,omitempty"`
// MCO element : Currency code
- Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// MCO element : total fee amount
- Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To11 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To11 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Office Id (confidential remark RC)
- OfficeId []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length9To9 `xml:"officeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ OfficeId []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length9To9 `xml:"officeId,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type MiscellaneousRemarksType struct {
// miscellaneous remarks
- Remarks *MiscellaneousRemarkType `xml:"remarks,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Remarks *MiscellaneousRemarkType `xml:"remarks,omitempty"`
type NetRemitTourCodeType struct {
// Net remit indicator N
- Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
// Free flow text of next remit
- Freetext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To14 `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Freetext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To14 `xml:"freetext,omitempty"`
type NumberOfUnitDetailsType struct {
@@ -764,24 +757,24 @@ type NumberOfUnitDetailsType struct {
type OptionElementInformationType struct {
// Office Id
- OfficeId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length9To9 `xml:"officeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OfficeId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length9To9 `xml:"officeId,omitempty"`
// Date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"`
// Queue number
- Queue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"queue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Queue *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"queue,omitempty"`
// Category number
- Category *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"category,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Category *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"category,omitempty"`
// Free flow text
- Freetext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To200 `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Freetext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To200 `xml:"freetext,omitempty"`
type OptionElementType struct {
// queuing option details
- OptionDetail *OptionElementInformationType `xml:"optionDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OptionDetail *OptionElementInformationType `xml:"optionDetail,omitempty"`
type OptionalPNRActionsType struct {
@@ -791,33 +784,33 @@ type OptionalPNRActionsType struct {
type OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI struct {
// Airport/city code of Origin In a Client request message, a non-blank ODI is used in an air sell request to advise that the following segments (TVL etc...) are connected. There is a maximum of 6 TVLs following a non-blank ODI.
- Origin formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Origin formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"origin,omitempty"`
// Airport/city code of Destination
- Destination formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Destination formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"destination,omitempty"`
type OriginalIssueType struct {
// Passenger type PAX for Passenger INF for Infant not occupying a seat
- PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"`
// 8 for Voucher/Certificate indicator RN for RN indicator
- VoucherIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"voucherIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ VoucherIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"voucherIndicator,omitempty"`
// 1st occurrence for original issue 2 occurrences for issues in exchange
Issue []*IssueInformationType `xml:"issue"` // maxOccurs="3"
// Base fare amount
- BaseFare *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To10 `xml:"baseFare,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BaseFare *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To10 `xml:"baseFare,omitempty"`
// Total tax amount
- TotalTax *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To10 `xml:"totalTax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TotalTax *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To10 `xml:"totalTax,omitempty"`
// Penalty amount
- Penalty *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To10 `xml:"penalty,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Penalty *formats.NumericDecimal_Length1To10 `xml:"penalty,omitempty"`
// Free flow text
- Freeflow formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To126 `xml:"freeflow,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Freeflow formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To126 `xml:"freeflow,omitempty"`
type PrinterIdentificationDetailsType struct {
@@ -825,23 +818,23 @@ type PrinterIdentificationDetailsType struct {
Name formats.AlphaNumericString_Length5To6 `xml:"name"`
// netwrok ID of the printer
- Network formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To2 `xml:"network,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Network formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To2 `xml:"network,omitempty"`
type PrinterIdentificationType struct {
// identification details
- IdentifierDetail *PrinterIdentificationDetailsType `xml:"identifierDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdentifierDetail *PrinterIdentificationDetailsType `xml:"identifierDetail,omitempty"`
// 1A office id
- Office formats.AlphaNumericString_Length9To9 `xml:"office,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Office formats.AlphaNumericString_Length9To9 `xml:"office,omitempty"`
// IATA teletype address
- TeletypeAddress formats.AlphaNumericString_Length7To7 `xml:"teletypeAddress,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TeletypeAddress formats.AlphaNumericString_Length7To7 `xml:"teletypeAddress,omitempty"`
type ProductAccountDetailsType struct {
// To specify the product/account number qualifier.
- NumberQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"numberQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"numberQualifier,omitempty"`
// A code to identify a frequent traveller (e.g. a frequent traveller number)
Number formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To27 `xml:"number"`
@@ -852,13 +845,13 @@ type ProductDateTimeTypeI struct {
DepDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"depDate"`
// 1. Air segment Departure time 2. SUR segment: Pick-up time 3. TRN Amtrack segment: Departure time 4. TRN SNCF segment: Departure time
- DepTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"depTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"depTime,omitempty"`
// 1. Air segment Arrival date (not in the display) 2. CAR segment Drop-off date 3. HTL segment: Check-out date 4. TTO segment: Return date of the Tour
- ArrDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"arrDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"arrDate,omitempty"`
// 1. Air segment Arrival time 2. TRN Amtrack segment: Arrival time 3. TRN SNCF segment: Arrival time
- ArrTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"arrTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"arrTime,omitempty"`
type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -866,13 +859,13 @@ type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
Identification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"identification"`
// 1. Air segment: Class of service 2. TRN Amtrack segment: Class of service 3. TRN SNCF segment: Class of service
- ClassOfService formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"classOfService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ClassOfService formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"classOfService,omitempty"`
// 1. Air segment Flight number alpha suffix A, B, C, D, E 2. SUR segment: Departure code A or D 3. TRN SNCF segment: Train type
- Subtype formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"subtype,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Subtype formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"subtype,omitempty"`
// 1. Air segment: N for Night class 2. TRN Amtrack segment: N for Night class 3. TRN SNCF segment: N for Night class
- Description formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Description formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"description,omitempty"`
type ProductTypeDetailsType struct {
@@ -882,49 +875,49 @@ type ProductTypeDetailsType struct {
type RailSeatConfigurationType struct {
// Seat space.
- SeatSpace formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To2 `xml:"seatSpace,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SeatSpace formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To2 `xml:"seatSpace,omitempty"`
// Coach type.
- CoachType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To2 `xml:"coachType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CoachType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To2 `xml:"coachType,omitempty"`
// Seat equipment.
- SeatEquipment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To2 `xml:"seatEquipment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SeatEquipment formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To2 `xml:"seatEquipment,omitempty"`
// Seat position.
- SeatPosition formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"seatPosition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SeatPosition formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"seatPosition,omitempty"`
// Seat direction.
- SeatDirection formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"seatDirection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SeatDirection formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"seatDirection,omitempty"`
// Seat deck.
- SeatDeck formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"seatDeck,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SeatDeck formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"seatDeck,omitempty"`
// Special passenger information.
- SpecialPassengerType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"specialPassengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ SpecialPassengerType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"specialPassengerType,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type RailSeatPreferencesType struct {
// Selection of the type of seat request.
- SeatRequestFunction formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"seatRequestFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SeatRequestFunction formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"seatRequestFunction,omitempty"`
// Seat smoking zone indicator.
- SmokingIndicator formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"smokingIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SmokingIndicator formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"smokingIndicator,omitempty"`
// Seat class details.
- ClassDetails *ClassDetailsType `xml:"classDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ClassDetails *ClassDetailsType `xml:"classDetails,omitempty"`
// Seat configuration details.
- SeatConfiguration *RailSeatConfigurationType `xml:"seatConfiguration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SeatConfiguration *RailSeatConfigurationType `xml:"seatConfiguration,omitempty"`
type RailSeatReferenceInformationType struct {
// Rail seat reference information.
- RailSeatReferenceDetails *SeatReferenceInformationType `xml:"railSeatReferenceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RailSeatReferenceDetails *SeatReferenceInformationType `xml:"railSeatReferenceDetails,omitempty"`
type ReferenceInfoType struct {
// This composite is used to transmit association information
- Reference []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"reference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="198"
+ Reference []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"reference,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="198"
type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
@@ -940,12 +933,12 @@ type ReferencingDetailsTypeI struct {
ReferenceQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To10 `xml:"referenceQualifier"`
// Reference value.
- DataValue formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"dataValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DataValue formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"dataValue,omitempty"`
type RelatedProductInformationTypeI struct {
// 1. Air segment: Number of passengers 2. ATX segment: Number of passengers 3. CAR segment: Number of cars 4. CCR segment: Number of cars 5. HHL segment: Number of rooms 6. HTL segment: Number of rooms
- Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"`
// status
Status formats.AlphaString_Length1To2 `xml:"status"`
@@ -953,23 +946,23 @@ type RelatedProductInformationTypeI struct {
type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
// 1A
- CompanyId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// 1. RR element: Record locator of the original PNR 2. Record locator information: Airline record locator 3. Profile record locator information: Profile record locator 4. Air segment: Passive segment airline record locator Due to technical limitations, RCI for air segment is truncated to 7 characters.
- ControlNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To19 `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ControlNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To19 `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"`
type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
// reservation control information - i.e. record locator
- Reservation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Reservation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservation,omitempty"`
type RpInformationType struct {
// Airline code (should not be used)
- CompanyId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// Numeric value (should not be used)
- ReferenceNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To12 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To12 `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"`
type SeatEntityType struct {
@@ -977,51 +970,51 @@ type SeatEntityType struct {
SeatRequest *SeatRequestType `xml:"seatRequest"`
// Used to convey specific seat details relative to Train for a specific request or the "near-to" seat details for a "next-to" request.
- RailSeatReferenceInformation []*RailSeatReferenceInformationType `xml:"railSeatReferenceInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ RailSeatReferenceInformation []*RailSeatReferenceInformationType `xml:"railSeatReferenceInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
// Rail Seat Preferences
- RailSeatPreferences *RailSeatPreferencesType `xml:"railSeatPreferences,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RailSeatPreferences *RailSeatPreferencesType `xml:"railSeatPreferences,omitempty"`
type SeatReferenceInformationType struct {
// Coach number.
- CoachNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"coachNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CoachNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"coachNumber,omitempty"`
// Deck number.
- DeckNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"deckNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DeckNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"deckNumber,omitempty"`
// Seat number.
- SeatNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"seatNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SeatNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"seatNumber,omitempty"`
type SeatRequestType struct {
// seat requirement details
- Seat *SeatRequierementsType `xml:"seat,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Seat *SeatRequierementsType `xml:"seat,omitempty"`
// Maximum 99 for Group Seat request
- Special []*SeatRequierementsDataType `xml:"special,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ Special []*SeatRequierementsDataType `xml:"special,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type SeatRequierementsDataType struct {
// Seat number + row (seat request) Number of seats (Group seat request)
- Data formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"data,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Data formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"data,omitempty"`
// 3 occurrences may be used for in Amadeus seat request to indicate: 1. smoking/no smoking 2. 1st area preference 2nd area preference or passenger type
- SeatType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"seatType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ SeatType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"seatType,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type SeatRequierementsType struct {
// G for group
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Type of Seat requested. S - Smoking (SMST) N - No Smoking (NSST) RQST
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Board point
- Boardpoint formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"boardpoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Boardpoint formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"boardpoint,omitempty"`
// Off point
- Offpoint formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"offpoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Offpoint formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"offpoint,omitempty"`
type SecurityInformationType struct {
@@ -1032,7 +1025,7 @@ type SecurityInformationType struct {
AgentCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length4To4 `xml:"agentCode"`
// Office Id of creation/update
- OfficeId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length9To9 `xml:"officeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OfficeId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length9To9 `xml:"officeId,omitempty"`
type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -1047,10 +1040,10 @@ type SelectionDetailsTypeI struct {
type SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsTypeI struct {
// Seat number + row (seat SSR) Number of seats (Group seat SSR)
- Data formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"data,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Data formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"data,omitempty"`
// 3 occurrences may be used for in Amadeus seat SSR to indicate: 1. smoking/no smoking 2. 1st area preference 3. 2nd area preference or passenger type
- SeatType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"seatType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ SeatType []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To2 `xml:"seatType,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type SpecialRequirementsDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -1058,38 +1051,38 @@ type SpecialRequirementsDetailsTypeI struct {
Ssr *SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"ssr"`
// Group seat SSR cannot ask for specific seats but only smoking and/or non-smoking (see Group seat SSR). Therefore the maximum repetitions here is 9 seats (1 per passenger of non-group PNR).
- Ssrb []*SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsTypeI `xml:"ssrb,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ Ssrb []*SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsTypeI `xml:"ssrb,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
// - ATA/IATA defined Special Service Requirement code. (refer to IATA AIRIMP documentation) - SK element : Keyword
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// ATA/IATA status code Codeset list not applicable.
- Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"status,omitempty"`
// Number of services requested
- Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"`
// Airline code or YY
- CompanyId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// Processing indicator, coded. - Normal SSR P01 request for SSR explosion at EOT ...
- Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
// Board point
- Boardpoint formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"boardpoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Boardpoint formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"boardpoint,omitempty"`
// Off point
- Offpoint formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"offpoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Offpoint formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"offpoint,omitempty"`
// free text data
- Freetext []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ Freetext []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type StatusDetailsTypeI struct {
// Service indicator SV : Service Fee
- Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
type StatusTypeI struct {
@@ -1115,24 +1108,24 @@ type StructuredAddressInformationType_5063C struct {
type StructuredAddressType struct {
// Information type, coded 2 for billing address P08 for general mailing address P19 for miscellaneous mailing address P24 for home mailing address P25 for delivery mailing address
- InformationType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InformationType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"informationType,omitempty"`
// address line
Address *StructuredAddressInformationType `xml:"address"`
// upto 8 possible address options
- OptionalData []*StructuredAddressInformationType_5063C `xml:"optionalData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
+ OptionalData []*StructuredAddressInformationType_5063C `xml:"optionalData,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="8"
type TicketElementType struct {
// Passenger type PAX for Passenger INF for Infant not occupying a seat
- PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"`
// general ticketing information
Ticket *TicketInformationType `xml:"ticket"`
// Print options (//print options after double slash)
- PrintOptions formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To127 `xml:"printOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PrintOptions formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To127 `xml:"printOptions,omitempty"`
type TicketInformationType struct {
@@ -1140,36 +1133,36 @@ type TicketInformationType struct {
Indicator formats.AlphaString_Length2To2 `xml:"indicator"`
// Ticketing date
- Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Date formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"date,omitempty"`
// Ticketing time
- Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Time formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"time,omitempty"`
// Office Id
- OfficeId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"officeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OfficeId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To9 `xml:"officeId,omitempty"`
// Free flow text
- Freetext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To15 `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Freetext formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To15 `xml:"freetext,omitempty"`
// Airline code
- AirlineCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"airlineCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AirlineCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"airlineCode,omitempty"`
// Queue number
- QueueNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"queueNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ QueueNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"queueNumber,omitempty"`
// Category number
- QueueCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"queueCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ QueueCategory formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"queueCategory,omitempty"`
// SITA Addresses
- SitaAddress []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length7To7 `xml:"sitaAddress,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ SitaAddress []formats.AlphaNumericString_Length7To7 `xml:"sitaAddress,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type TicketingCarrierDesignatorType struct {
// Passenger type PAX for Passenger INF for Infant not occupying a seat
- PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"`
// airline code and printer details
- Carrier *TicketingCarrierType `xml:"carrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Carrier *TicketingCarrierType `xml:"carrier,omitempty"`
type TicketingCarrierType struct {
@@ -1177,64 +1170,64 @@ type TicketingCarrierType struct {
AirlineCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"airlineCode"`
// Print itinerary option IBP, IEP, IBPJ, IEPJ
- OptionInfo formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"optionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OptionInfo formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To4 `xml:"optionInfo,omitempty"`
// Printer number
- PrinterNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"printerNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PrinterNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To8 `xml:"printerNumber,omitempty"`
// ISO code 639 - 1988
- Language formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Language formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"language,omitempty"`
type TourCodeType struct {
// Passenger type PAX for Passenger INF for Infant not occupying a seat
- PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"`
// Formatted tour code
- FormatedTour *FormatedTourCodeType `xml:"formatedTour,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FormatedTour *FormatedTourCodeType `xml:"formatedTour,omitempty"`
// Net remit
- NetRemit *NetRemitTourCodeType `xml:"netRemit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NetRemit *NetRemitTourCodeType `xml:"netRemit,omitempty"`
// Freeformat Tour information
- FreeFormatTour *FreeFormatTourCodeType `xml:"freeFormatTour,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeFormatTour *FreeFormatTourCodeType `xml:"freeFormatTour,omitempty"`
type TravelProductInformationType struct {
// date and time details
- Product *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"product,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Product *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"product,omitempty"`
// boardpoint details
- BoardpointDetail *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardpointDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BoardpointDetail *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardpointDetail,omitempty"`
// offpoint details
- OffpointDetail *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OffpointDetail *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetail,omitempty"`
// airline or system code
- Company *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"company,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Company *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"company,omitempty"`
// product details - number and class
- ProductDetails *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDetails *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"`
// Product type details. Here: availibility context.
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"`
// 1. Air segment To indicate an Informational Air segment: N for No action required
- ProcessingIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"processingIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProcessingIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"processingIndicator,omitempty"`
type TravellerDetailsTypeI struct {
// Traveler First Name + titel
- FirstName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To56 `xml:"firstName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FirstName formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To56 `xml:"firstName,omitempty"`
// Traveler Type using Amadeus codification. In values with 'X00' (X being any letter), 00 should be replaced by any value between 01 and 99.
- Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// 1. Infant (INF) No more info in Edifact. 2. Infant given name only (INF/BILL) Infant given name will be placed in a 2nd occurence of C324 of this (adult) passenger TIF. The 2nd C324/6353 element will contain INF. 3. Infant given and last name (INFGATES/BILL) Infant is treated as a separate TIF following immediately this (adult) passenger TIF. This following TIF C324/6353 element will contain INF.
- InfantIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InfantIndicator formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"`
// Identification code, 2 cases: ID < 1 to 51 char free text ) or CR < 1 to 40 char free text )
- IdentificationCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"identificationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdentificationCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To70 `xml:"identificationCode,omitempty"`
type TravellerInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -1242,7 +1235,7 @@ type TravellerInformationTypeI struct {
Traveller *TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI `xml:"traveller"`
// Occurrence one relates to the traveler. Occurrence 2 relates only to an infant accompanying the traveler for whom only the given name is present.
- Passenger []*TravellerDetailsTypeI `xml:"passenger,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ Passenger []*TravellerDetailsTypeI `xml:"passenger,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -1250,8 +1243,8 @@ type TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI struct {
Surname formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To57 `xml:"surname"`
// G for a group. (The traveler type is in C324/6353)
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// - 1 : only one traveler defined by TIFwith exceptions below. - 2 : the traveler is accompanied by an infant for whom only the given name is present.
- Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"`
diff --git a/structs/pnr/cancel/v11.3/query.go b/structs/pnr/cancel/v11.3/query.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa6a1b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structs/pnr/cancel/v11.3/query.go
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+package PNR_Cancel_v11_3 // pnrxcl113
+import (
+ "encoding/xml"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/formats"
+type Request struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/PNRXCL_11_3_1A PNR_Cancel"`
+ ReservationInfo *ReservationControlInformationType `xml:"reservationInfo,omitempty"` // reservation control informations
+ PnrActions *OptionalPNRActionsType `xml:"pnrActions"` // specific actions to be processed on PNR
+ CancelElements []*CancelPNRElementType `xml:"cancelElements,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="4"// CANCEL PNR ELEMENT
+// Complex structs
+type CancelPNRElementType struct {
+ EntryType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"entryType"` // E : XE I : XI D : XD G : Name integration P : Priority line
+ Element []*ElementIdentificationType `xml:"element,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="999"// Element data
+type ElementIdentificationType struct {
+ Identifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"identifier,omitempty"` // ELEMENT DATA
+ Number *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // element number
+ SubElement *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"subElement,omitempty"` // sub element number
+type OptionalPNRActionsType struct {
+ // Processing options. Only the option 0, 10, 11 and 20 are supported.
+ OptionCode []formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"optionCode"` // maxOccurs="40"
+type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
+ // profile or PNR record locator
+ ControlNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"controlNumber"`
+type ReservationControlInformationType struct {
+ // record information
+ Reservation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservation"`
diff --git a/structs/pnr/ignore/v04.1/request.go b/structs/pnr/ignore/v04.1/request.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e6e609
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structs/pnr/ignore/v04.1/request.go
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+package PNR_Ignore_v04_1 // cltreq041
+import "encoding/xml"
+type Request struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/CLTREQ_04_1_IA PNR_Ignore"`
+ ClearInformation *ClearInformation `xml:"clearInformation"`
diff --git a/sdk/pnr/ignore/v04_1_reply/reply.go b/structs/pnr/ignore/v04.1/response.go
similarity index 74%
rename from sdk/pnr/ignore/v04_1_reply/reply.go
rename to structs/pnr/ignore/v04.1/response.go
index 0a825de..dc27d22 100644
--- a/sdk/pnr/ignore/v04_1_reply/reply.go
+++ b/structs/pnr/ignore/v04.1/response.go
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
-package PNR_IgnoreReply_v04_1 // cltres041
+package PNR_Ignore_v04_1 // cltres041
//import "encoding/xml"
-type PNRIgnoreReply struct {
+type Response struct {
//XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/CLTRES_04_1_IA PNR_IgnoreReply"`
- SbrRecLoc *SbrRecLoc `xml:"sbrRecLoc,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SbrRecLoc *SbrRecLoc `xml:"sbrRecLoc,omitempty"`
ClearInformation *ClearInformation `xml:"clearInformation"`
diff --git a/sdk/pnr/reply/v11_3/reply.go b/structs/pnr/reply/v11.3/reply.go
similarity index 78%
rename from sdk/pnr/reply/v11_3/reply.go
rename to structs/pnr/reply/v11.3/reply.go
index 6aa88fd..939f4fb 100644
--- a/sdk/pnr/reply/v11_3/reply.go
+++ b/structs/pnr/reply/v11.3/reply.go
@@ -2,36 +2,36 @@ package PNR_Reply_v11_3 // pnracc113
//import "encoding/xml"
-type PNRReply struct {
+type Response struct {
// XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/PNRACC_11_3_1A PNR_Reply"`
- PnrHeader []*PnrHeader `xml:"pnrHeader,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="198"
+ PnrHeader []*PnrHeader `xml:"pnrHeader,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="198"
// specify the amadeus PNR record locator security information for different pnr elements .
- SecurityInformation *ReservationSecurityInformationType `xml:"securityInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SecurityInformation *ReservationSecurityInformationType `xml:"securityInformation,omitempty"`
// specify a queue , that is an office , a queue number , a category number ,and a date range number or a date .This segment can be used in an output message.
- QueueInformations *QueueType `xml:"queueInformations,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ QueueInformations *QueueType `xml:"queueInformations,omitempty"`
// specify the number of units required
- NumberOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsTypeI `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsTypeI `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"`
- GeneralErrorInfo []*GeneralErrorInfo `xml:"generalErrorInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ GeneralErrorInfo []*GeneralErrorInfo `xml:"generalErrorInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Conveys PNR special types
- PnrType *CodedAttributeType `xml:"pnrType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PnrType *CodedAttributeType `xml:"pnrType,omitempty"`
// provide free form or coded long text information
- FreetextData []*LongFreeTextType `xml:"freetextData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ FreetextData []*LongFreeTextType `xml:"freetextData,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
// Conveys the Header tags of the PNR.
- PnrHeaderTag *StatusType `xml:"pnrHeaderTag,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PnrHeaderTag *StatusType `xml:"pnrHeaderTag,omitempty"`
// provide free from or coded text information
- FreeFormText []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_136698S `xml:"freeFormText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FreeFormText []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_136698S `xml:"freeFormText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// specify an amadeus PNR history data
- HistoryData []*PnrHistoryDataType_6022S `xml:"historyData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
+ HistoryData []*PnrHistoryDataType_6022S `xml:"historyData,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="999"
// Point of Sale Information at SBR level. Owner of the PNR.
SbrPOSDetails *POSGroupType `xml:"sbrPOSDetails"`
@@ -42,20 +42,20 @@ type PNRReply struct {
// Point of Sale Information at SBR level. Updator of the PNR.
SbrUpdatorPosDetails *POSGroupType `xml:"sbrUpdatorPosDetails"`
- TechnicalData *TechnicalData `xml:"technicalData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TechnicalData *TechnicalData `xml:"technicalData,omitempty"`
- TravellerInfo []*TravellerInfo `xml:"travellerInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100"
+ TravellerInfo []*TravellerInfo `xml:"travellerInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="100"
- OriginDestinationDetails []*OriginDestinationDetails `xml:"originDestinationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="50"
+ OriginDestinationDetails []*OriginDestinationDetails `xml:"originDestinationDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="50"
// specify the segment marriages and connections
- SegmentGroupingInfo []*SegmentGroupingInformationType `xml:"segmentGroupingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="50"
+ SegmentGroupingInfo []*SegmentGroupingInformationType `xml:"segmentGroupingInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="50"
- DataElementsMaster *DataElementsMaster `xml:"dataElementsMaster,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DataElementsMaster *DataElementsMaster `xml:"dataElementsMaster,omitempty"`
- TstData []*TstData `xml:"tstData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="100"
+ TstData []*TstData `xml:"tstData,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="100"
- DcdData *DcdData `xml:"dcdData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DcdData *DcdData `xml:"dcdData,omitempty"`
type PnrHeader struct {
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ type PnrHeader struct {
ReservationInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeI_87792S `xml:"reservationInfo"`
// provide specific reference identification
- ReferenceForRecordLocator *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceForRecordLocator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceForRecordLocator *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceForRecordLocator,omitempty"`
type GeneralErrorInfo struct {
@@ -79,22 +79,22 @@ type TechnicalData struct {
EnveloppeNumberData *SequenceDetailsTypeU `xml:"enveloppeNumberData"`
// CS assumption on last transmitted envelope number
- LastTransmittedEnvelopeNumber *PnrHistoryDataType `xml:"lastTransmittedEnvelopeNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LastTransmittedEnvelopeNumber *PnrHistoryDataType `xml:"lastTransmittedEnvelopeNumber,omitempty"`
// Contains the Purge Date of the PNR at the time of the retrieval
- PurgeDateData *StructuredDateTimeInformationType_27086S `xml:"purgeDateData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PurgeDateData *StructuredDateTimeInformationType_27086S `xml:"purgeDateData,omitempty"`
// Contains general information relative to the state of the PNR
- GeneralPNRInformation *StatusTypeI_32775S `xml:"generalPNRInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ GeneralPNRInformation *StatusTypeI_32775S `xml:"generalPNRInformation,omitempty"`
type TravellerInfo struct {
// specify the PNR segments/elements references and action to apply
ElementManagementPassenger *ElementManagementSegmentType `xml:"elementManagementPassenger"`
- PassengerData []*PassengerData `xml:"passengerData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ PassengerData []*PassengerData `xml:"passengerData,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
- NameError *NameError `xml:"nameError,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NameError *NameError `xml:"nameError,omitempty"`
type PassengerData struct {
@@ -102,10 +102,10 @@ type PassengerData struct {
TravellerInformation *TravellerInformationTypeI_6097S `xml:"travellerInformation"`
// In case of group, contains the group counters (Booked, Canceled, Split)
- GroupCounters *NumberOfUnitsType_76106S `xml:"groupCounters,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ GroupCounters *NumberOfUnitsType_76106S `xml:"groupCounters,omitempty"`
// Inf/Child date of birth (DDMMYYYY). For instance 01122007
- DateOfBirth *DateAndTimeInformationType `xml:"dateOfBirth,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateOfBirth *DateAndTimeInformationType `xml:"dateOfBirth,omitempty"`
type NameError struct {
@@ -113,14 +113,14 @@ type NameError struct {
NameErrorInformation *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"nameErrorInformation"`
// provide free form or error coded text
- NameErrorFreeText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_136698S `xml:"nameErrorFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NameErrorFreeText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_136698S `xml:"nameErrorFreeText,omitempty"`
type OriginDestinationDetails struct {
// convey origin and destination of a journey
OriginDestination *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI_3061S `xml:"originDestination"`
- ItineraryInfo []*ItineraryInfo `xml:"itineraryInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ ItineraryInfo []*ItineraryInfo `xml:"itineraryInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type ItineraryInfo struct {
@@ -128,96 +128,96 @@ type ItineraryInfo struct {
ElementManagementItinerary *ElementManagementSegmentType `xml:"elementManagementItinerary"`
// specify details related to a product
- TravelProduct *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"travelProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravelProduct *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"travelProduct,omitempty"`
// specify the message type and business function
- ItineraryMessageAction *MessageActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"itineraryMessageAction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ItineraryMessageAction *MessageActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"itineraryMessageAction,omitempty"`
// specify a reference to a reservation
- ItineraryReservationInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeI_115879S `xml:"itineraryReservationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ItineraryReservationInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeI_115879S `xml:"itineraryReservationInfo,omitempty"`
// indicate quantity and action required in relation to a product
- RelatedProduct *RelatedProductInformationTypeI `xml:"relatedProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RelatedProduct *RelatedProductInformationTypeI `xml:"relatedProduct,omitempty"`
// Indicator at element level: - CGB (chargeable indicator)
- ElementsIndicators *StatusType_99946S `xml:"elementsIndicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ElementsIndicators *StatusType_99946S `xml:"elementsIndicators,omitempty"`
// To Convey the Reason for Issuance Code (RFIC) and Reason For Issuance Sub code (RFISC)
- ReasonForIssuanceCode *PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType `xml:"reasonForIssuanceCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReasonForIssuanceCode *PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType `xml:"reasonForIssuanceCode,omitempty"`
// convey additional information concerning an airline flight
- FlightDetail *AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightDetail *AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightDetail,omitempty"`
// Contain the cabin class details
- CabinDetails *CabinDetailsType `xml:"cabinDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CabinDetails *CabinDetailsType `xml:"cabinDetails,omitempty"`
// specify details for making a selection
- SelectionDetails *SelectionDetailsTypeI_2067S `xml:"selectionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SelectionDetails *SelectionDetailsTypeI_2067S `xml:"selectionDetails,omitempty"`
// provide free from or coded text information
- ItineraryfreeFormText []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_136698S `xml:"itineraryfreeFormText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ ItineraryfreeFormText []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_136698S `xml:"itineraryfreeFormText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// provide free form or coded long text information
- ItineraryFreetext *LongFreeTextType `xml:"itineraryFreetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ItineraryFreetext *LongFreeTextType `xml:"itineraryFreetext,omitempty"`
// specify the details for hotel transaction
- HotelProduct *HotelProductInformationType `xml:"hotelProduct,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ HotelProduct *HotelProductInformationType `xml:"hotelProduct,omitempty"`
// specify the Rate information
- RateInformations *RateInformationType `xml:"rateInformations,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateInformations *RateInformationType `xml:"rateInformations,omitempty"`
// specify one option
- GeneralOption []*GeneralOptionType `xml:"generalOption,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="199"
+ GeneralOption []*GeneralOptionType `xml:"generalOption,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="199"
// provide the ISO code of a country
- Country *CountryCodeListType `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Country *CountryCodeListType `xml:"country,omitempty"`
// To specify details relating to tax(es).
- TaxInformation []*TaxTypeI `xml:"taxInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ TaxInformation []*TaxTypeI `xml:"taxInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
// specify operating flight additional information
- CustomerTransactionData *CustomerTransactionDataType `xml:"customerTransactionData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerTransactionData *CustomerTransactionDataType `xml:"customerTransactionData,omitempty"`
- YieldGroup *YieldGroup `xml:"yieldGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ YieldGroup *YieldGroup `xml:"yieldGroup,omitempty"`
- LegInfo []*LegInfo `xml:"legInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ LegInfo []*LegInfo `xml:"legInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Group used to carry FLIX information associated to the segment
- FlixInfo []*FLIXType `xml:"flixInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
+ FlixInfo []*FLIXType `xml:"flixInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="4"
// Provide Date and Time Details relative to the Itinerary
- DateTimeDetails *DateAndTimeInformationTypeI `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateTimeDetails *DateAndTimeInformationTypeI `xml:"dateTimeDetails,omitempty"`
- LccTypicalData *LccTypicalData `xml:"lccTypicalData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LccTypicalData *LccTypicalData `xml:"lccTypicalData,omitempty"`
- InsuranceInformation []*InsuranceInformation `xml:"insuranceInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="198"
+ InsuranceInformation []*InsuranceInformation `xml:"insuranceInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="198"
// This group handles all Insurance structured details.
- InsuranceDetails *InsuranceBusinessDataType `xml:"insuranceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InsuranceDetails *InsuranceBusinessDataType `xml:"insuranceDetails,omitempty"`
- HotelReservationInfo *HotelReservationInfo `xml:"hotelReservationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ HotelReservationInfo *HotelReservationInfo `xml:"hotelReservationInfo,omitempty"`
- TypicalCarData *TypicalCarData `xml:"typicalCarData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TypicalCarData *TypicalCarData `xml:"typicalCarData,omitempty"`
// Dedicated to convey the specific cruise sailing information. It is in fact the reflection of the cruise segment PNR content. An example of Amadeus PNR with 2 Cruise segments, one confirmed the other cancelled. RP/NYCP02001/NYCP02001 AA/SU 19AUG03/1423Z YYAA63 NYCP02001/0001AA/19AUG03 1.TEST/AAA MR 2 CRU PCL HK1 SJUSJU 18JAN2004-7 DAWN PRINCESS/CF-9VHJ2K/NM-TEST/AAA MR 3 CRU PCL HX1 XYZPKG 18MAY2004-7 CORAL PRINCESS/GP-ABCDEF/CX-654321/NM-TEST/AAA MR 4 AP 0494503434 5 TK OK19AUG/NYCP02001
- TypicalCruiseData *CruiseBusinessDataType `xml:"typicalCruiseData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TypicalCruiseData *CruiseBusinessDataType `xml:"typicalCruiseData,omitempty"`
// Information pertaining to a rail segment
- RailInfo *TrainInformationType `xml:"railInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RailInfo *TrainInformationType `xml:"railInfo,omitempty"`
// Marks separation between Rail Group and Tour Group, avoid Ambiguity with CPY segment.
MarkerRailTour *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"markerRailTour"`
// Dedicated to convey the specific Tour information.
- TourInfo *TourInformationType `xml:"tourInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TourInfo *TourInformationType `xml:"tourInfo,omitempty"`
// Information pertaining to a Ferry segment
- FerryLegInformation *FerryBookingDescriptionType `xml:"ferryLegInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FerryLegInformation *FerryBookingDescriptionType `xml:"ferryLegInformation,omitempty"`
- ErrorInfo *ErrorInfo `xml:"errorInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorInfo *ErrorInfo `xml:"errorInfo,omitempty"`
// provide specific reference identification
- ReferenceForSegment *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceForSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceForSegment *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceForSegment,omitempty"`
type YieldGroup struct {
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ type YieldGroup struct {
YieldData *ODKeyPerformanceDataType `xml:"yieldData"`
// Details of the yield data.
- YieldDataGroup *ONDType `xml:"yieldDataGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ YieldDataGroup *ONDType `xml:"yieldDataGroup,omitempty"`
type LegInfo struct {
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ type LegInfo struct {
LegTravelProduct *TravelProductInformationTypeI_99362S `xml:"legTravelProduct"`
- InteractiveFreeText []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_99363S `xml:"interactiveFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ InteractiveFreeText []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_99363S `xml:"interactiveFreeText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type LccTypicalData struct {
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ type LccTypicalData struct {
LccFareData *TariffInformationTypeI_28460S `xml:"lccFareData"`
// Connection key tattoo if any
- LccConnectionData *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_6550S `xml:"lccConnectionData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LccConnectionData *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_6550S `xml:"lccConnectionData,omitempty"`
type InsuranceInformation struct {
@@ -250,13 +250,13 @@ type InsuranceInformation struct {
InsuranceName *InsuranceNameType `xml:"insuranceName"`
// To specify monetary information
- InsuranceMonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationTypeI_1689S `xml:"insuranceMonetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InsuranceMonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationTypeI_1689S `xml:"insuranceMonetaryInformation,omitempty"`
// Specify an Amadeus PNR Ticket element
- InsurancePremiumInfo *TravellerInsuranceInformationType `xml:"insurancePremiumInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InsurancePremiumInfo *TravellerInsuranceInformationType `xml:"insurancePremiumInfo,omitempty"`
// provide traveller document information
- InsuranceDocInfo *TravellerDocumentInformationTypeU `xml:"insuranceDocInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InsuranceDocInfo *TravellerDocumentInformationTypeU `xml:"insuranceDocInfo,omitempty"`
type HotelReservationInfo struct {
@@ -269,47 +269,47 @@ type HotelReservationInfo struct {
// This segment is used to convey the dates.
RequestedDates *StructuredPeriodInformationType_11026S `xml:"requestedDates"`
- RoomRateDetails *RoomRateDetails `xml:"roomRateDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RoomRateDetails *RoomRateDetails `xml:"roomRateDetails,omitempty"`
// This segment is used to convey the confirmation number or the cancellation number. control type (9958) is: - 2 for Confirmation reference - X for cancellation reference - O for on request reference
CancelOrConfirmNbr []*ReservationControlInformationTypeI_115879S `xml:"cancelOrConfirmNbr"` // maxOccurs="3"
// indicate the roomstay index in case of groups
- RoomstayIndex *ItemNumberTypeU_33258S `xml:"roomstayIndex,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RoomstayIndex *ItemNumberTypeU_33258S `xml:"roomstayIndex,omitempty"`
// This segment is used to convey the booking source.
BookingSource *UserIdentificationType_21014S `xml:"bookingSource"`
// This segment is used to convey the billable information
- BillableInfo *BillableInformationTypeU `xml:"billableInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BillableInfo *BillableInformationTypeU `xml:"billableInfo,omitempty"`
// This segment is used to convey the customer reference number
- CustomerInfo *ConsumerReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"customerInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerInfo *ConsumerReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"customerInfo,omitempty"`
// This segment is used to convey the frequent traveler number.
- FrequentTravellerInfo *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType_38226S `xml:"frequentTravellerInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FrequentTravellerInfo *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType_38226S `xml:"frequentTravellerInfo,omitempty"`
- GuaranteeOrDeposit *GuaranteeOrDeposit `xml:"guaranteeOrDeposit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ GuaranteeOrDeposit *GuaranteeOrDeposit `xml:"guaranteeOrDeposit,omitempty"`
// This segment is used to convey additional information which are entered by the agent and stored on the hotel booking.
- TextOptions []*MiscellaneousRemarksType_664S `xml:"textOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ TextOptions []*MiscellaneousRemarksType_664S `xml:"textOptions,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
// This segment is used to convey the saving amount/percentage information.
- SavingAmountInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_1689S `xml:"savingAmountInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SavingAmountInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_1689S `xml:"savingAmountInfo,omitempty"`
// This segment is used to convey the fax or the E-Mail to receive the written confirmation
- WrittenConfirmationContact *ContactInformationTypeU `xml:"writtenConfirmationContact,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ WrittenConfirmationContact *ContactInformationTypeU `xml:"writtenConfirmationContact,omitempty"`
// This segment is used to convey the name and address of the party to recieve the written confirmation
- WrittenConfirmationInfo *NameAndAddressBatchTypeU `xml:"writtenConfirmationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ WrittenConfirmationInfo *NameAndAddressBatchTypeU `xml:"writtenConfirmationInfo,omitempty"`
// documentInformationDetails
- DocumentInformationDetails *DocumentInformationDetailsTypeI_9936S `xml:"documentInformationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DocumentInformationDetails *DocumentInformationDetailsTypeI_9936S `xml:"documentInformationDetails,omitempty"`
- ArrivalFlightDetails *ArrivalFlightDetails `xml:"arrivalFlightDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalFlightDetails *ArrivalFlightDetails `xml:"arrivalFlightDetails,omitempty"`
// This segment is used to convey specific hotel booking indicators
- BookingIndicator *StatusType_99582S `xml:"bookingIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingIndicator *StatusType_99582S `xml:"bookingIndicator,omitempty"`
type RoomRateDetails struct {
@@ -317,13 +317,13 @@ type RoomRateDetails struct {
RoomInformation *HotelRoomType `xml:"roomInformation"`
// This group is used to conveys list of children
- Children []*ChildrenGroupType `xml:"children,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ Children []*ChildrenGroupType `xml:"children,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// This segment is used to convey the tariff/rate details.
TariffDetails *TariffInformationTypeI `xml:"tariffDetails"`
// This segment is used to convey the rate code indicator.
- RateCodeIndicator *RuleInformationTypeU `xml:"rateCodeIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateCodeIndicator *RuleInformationTypeU `xml:"rateCodeIndicator,omitempty"`
type GuaranteeOrDeposit struct {
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ type GuaranteeOrDeposit struct {
PaymentInfo *PaymentInformationTypeI `xml:"paymentInfo"`
// This segment is used to convey the credit card information.
- CreditCardInfo *FormOfPaymentTypeI_29553S `xml:"creditCardInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CreditCardInfo *FormOfPaymentTypeI_29553S `xml:"creditCardInfo,omitempty"`
type ArrivalFlightDetails struct {
@@ -347,10 +347,10 @@ type TypicalCarData struct {
VehicleInformation *VehicleInformationType `xml:"vehicleInformation"`
// Additional vehicle info
- AdditionalInfo *FreeTextInformationType_136708S `xml:"additionalInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AdditionalInfo *FreeTextInformationType_136708S `xml:"additionalInfo,omitempty"`
// Voucher Print Acknowledgement.
- VoucherPrintAck *ReferenceInformationTypeI_136704S `xml:"voucherPrintAck,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ VoucherPrintAck *ReferenceInformationTypeI_136704S `xml:"voucherPrintAck,omitempty"`
// CAR provider code
CompanyIdentification *CompanyInformationType `xml:"companyIdentification"`
@@ -358,61 +358,61 @@ type TypicalCarData struct {
// Car AVL pickup and dropoff location parameters (for Amadeus and Provider locations). Used as well to transport the Collection and Delivery place information.
LocationInfo []*PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU `xml:"locationInfo"` // maxOccurs="6"
- DeliveryAndCollection []*DeliveryAndCollection `xml:"deliveryAndCollection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ DeliveryAndCollection []*DeliveryAndCollection `xml:"deliveryAndCollection,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Pickup and dropoff dates and times.
PickupDropoffTimes *StructuredPeriodInformationType_136705S `xml:"pickupDropoffTimes"`
// Cancellation or Confirmation number.
- CancelOrConfirmNbr []*ReservationControlInformationTypeI_136703S `xml:"cancelOrConfirmNbr,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ CancelOrConfirmNbr []*ReservationControlInformationTypeI_136703S `xml:"cancelOrConfirmNbr,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
- RateCodeGroup *RateCodeGroup `xml:"rateCodeGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateCodeGroup *RateCodeGroup `xml:"rateCodeGroup,omitempty"`
// Frequent flyer number.
- FFlyerNbr *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"fFlyerNbr,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FFlyerNbr *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"fFlyerNbr,omitempty"`
// Customer information ID and CD numbers
- CustomerInfo *ConsumerReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"customerInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerInfo *ConsumerReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"customerInfo,omitempty"`
// This segments is used to convey: 1)General Rate information (identifier, plan, category) and Unstructured RB/RQ/RG 2) Structured rate quoted (RQ) or guaranted (RG) 3) Structured base rate (RB) 4) Estimated total information 5) Drop amount data 6) Voucher coupon print references (VV) 7) Rate Override (RO) 8) Modification fee indicator 9) Cancellation fee indicator 10) prepayment
- RateInfo []*TariffInformationTypeI_136706S `xml:"rateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ RateInfo []*TariffInformationTypeI_136706S `xml:"rateInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
- ErrorWarning *ErrorWarning `xml:"errorWarning,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorWarning *ErrorWarning `xml:"errorWarning,omitempty"`
- RulesPoliciesGroup *RulesPoliciesGroup `xml:"rulesPoliciesGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RulesPoliciesGroup *RulesPoliciesGroup `xml:"rulesPoliciesGroup,omitempty"`
// - Form of payment (FP) - Form of guarantee (G)
- Payment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"payment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Payment *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"payment,omitempty"`
// - Billing reference number (contains conpany data to be built) - Billing mumber (number included in the billing) - Agency account
- BillingData *BillableInformationTypeU `xml:"billingData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BillingData *BillableInformationTypeU `xml:"billingData,omitempty"`
// The booking source
- BookingSource *AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationType `xml:"bookingSource,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingSource *AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationType `xml:"bookingSource,omitempty"`
// Tour code
- InclusiveTour *TourInformationTypeI `xml:"inclusiveTour,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InclusiveTour *TourInformationTypeI `xml:"inclusiveTour,omitempty"`
// Contains: 1) up to 6 lines of marketing text sent by the car provider. 2) up to 3 lines of Other services messages (advertisments).
- MarketingInfo []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_136698S `xml:"marketingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ MarketingInfo []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_136698S `xml:"marketingInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// This segment is used to convey the supplementary informations (SI). e.g: "Customer arriving after agency closure hour. Car keys waiting at the hotel reception located next to the agency".
- SupleInfo []*MiscellaneousRemarksType_136700S `xml:"supleInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ SupleInfo []*MiscellaneousRemarksType_136700S `xml:"supleInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
// This segment is used to convey distances. 1) Intercity distance. Distance between the Pickup and the Dropoff cities. Information returned by the Car provider for customer notification purpose. 2) Estimated distance Distance that is going to be runned during the rental period.
- EstimatedDistance []*QuantityTypeI `xml:"estimatedDistance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ EstimatedDistance []*QuantityTypeI `xml:"estimatedDistance,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Booking agent name
- AgentInformation *NameTypeU_136701S `xml:"agentInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AgentInformation *NameTypeU_136701S `xml:"agentInformation,omitempty"`
// Tracking Option (TK)
- TrackingOpt *AgreementIdentificationTypeU `xml:"trackingOpt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TrackingOpt *AgreementIdentificationTypeU `xml:"trackingOpt,omitempty"`
// Electronic Voucher Number
- ElectronicVoucherNumber *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"electronicVoucherNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ElectronicVoucherNumber *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"electronicVoucherNumber,omitempty"`
// E-mail
- CustomerEmail *CommunicationContactTypeU `xml:"customerEmail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerEmail *CommunicationContactTypeU `xml:"customerEmail,omitempty"`
// This mandatory segment marks the end of the CAR data group. It specifies also if the booking is leisure or not.
Attribute *AttributeType `xml:"attribute"`
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ type RateCodeGroup struct {
RateCodeInfo *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"rateCodeInfo"`
// Additional Rate Code Information
- AdditionalInfo *FreeTextInformationType_136708S `xml:"additionalInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AdditionalInfo *FreeTextInformationType_136708S `xml:"additionalInfo,omitempty"`
type ErrorWarning struct {
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ type ErrorWarning struct {
ApplicationError *ApplicationErrorInformationType_136725S `xml:"applicationError"`
// Error or Warning freetext
- ErrorFreeText *FreeTextInformationType_136708S `xml:"errorFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorFreeText *FreeTextInformationType_136708S `xml:"errorFreeText,omitempty"`
type RulesPoliciesGroup struct {
@@ -447,18 +447,18 @@ type RulesPoliciesGroup struct {
Dummy1 *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"dummy1"`
// Present only if information is linked to a seamless availability
- SourceLevel *SelectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"sourceLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SourceLevel *SelectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"sourceLevel,omitempty"`
// Used to convey remarks corresponding to rule information.
- Remarks *FreeTextInformationType_136708S `xml:"remarks,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Remarks *FreeTextInformationType_136708S `xml:"remarks,omitempty"`
- TaxCovSurchargeGroup []*TaxCovSurchargeGroup `xml:"taxCovSurchargeGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
+ TaxCovSurchargeGroup []*TaxCovSurchargeGroup `xml:"taxCovSurchargeGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="98"
- OtherRulesGroup []*OtherRulesGroup `xml:"otherRulesGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="13"
+ OtherRulesGroup []*OtherRulesGroup `xml:"otherRulesGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="13"
- PickupDropoffLocation []*PickupDropoffLocation `xml:"pickupDropoffLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ PickupDropoffLocation []*PickupDropoffLocation `xml:"pickupDropoffLocation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
- SpecialEquipmentDetails []*SpecialEquipmentDetails `xml:"specialEquipmentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ SpecialEquipmentDetails []*SpecialEquipmentDetails `xml:"specialEquipmentDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type TaxCovSurchargeGroup struct {
@@ -466,9 +466,9 @@ type TaxCovSurchargeGroup struct {
TaxSurchargeCoverageInfo *TariffInformationTypeI_136714S `xml:"taxSurchargeCoverageInfo"`
// Additional information for Tax, Surcharge or Coverage section
- AdditionalInfo *FreeTextInformationType_136708S `xml:"additionalInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AdditionalInfo *FreeTextInformationType_136708S `xml:"additionalInfo,omitempty"`
- SurchargePeriods []*SurchargePeriods `xml:"surchargePeriods,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ SurchargePeriods []*SurchargePeriods `xml:"surchargePeriods,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
type SurchargePeriods struct {
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ type SurchargePeriods struct {
SurchargePeriodTariff *TariffInformationTypeI_136719S `xml:"surchargePeriodTariff"`
// This segment conveys the Unit Qualifier for maximum range of associated RNG.
- MaximumUnitQualifier *MeasurementsBatchTypeU `xml:"maximumUnitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MaximumUnitQualifier *MeasurementsBatchTypeU `xml:"maximumUnitQualifier,omitempty"`
type OtherRulesGroup struct {
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ type OtherRulesGroup struct {
OtherRules *RuleInformationTypeU_136720S `xml:"otherRules"`
// Used to convey date/time Information (only used for Pickup and Guarantee rules)
- DateTimeInfo []*StructuredPeriodInformationType_136705S `xml:"dateTimeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ DateTimeInfo []*StructuredPeriodInformationType_136705S `xml:"dateTimeInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type PickupDropoffLocation struct {
@@ -495,23 +495,23 @@ type PickupDropoffLocation struct {
LocationInfo *PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_136722S `xml:"locationInfo"`
// Location Address
- Address *AddressTypeU_136721S `xml:"address,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Address *AddressTypeU_136721S `xml:"address,omitempty"`
// Location opening hours
- OpeningHours []*StructuredPeriodInformationType_136724S `xml:"openingHours,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ OpeningHours []*StructuredPeriodInformationType_136724S `xml:"openingHours,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
// Phone / Fax number
- Phone []*PhoneAndEmailAddressType_136723S `xml:"phone,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ Phone []*PhoneAndEmailAddressType_136723S `xml:"phone,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type SpecialEquipmentDetails struct {
// DUM used to remove ambiguity between TFFs
Dummy2 *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"dummy2"`
- RangePeriod []*RangePeriod `xml:"rangePeriod,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ RangePeriod []*RangePeriod `xml:"rangePeriod,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
// Additional special equipment information
- AdditionalInfo *FreeTextInformationType_136715S `xml:"additionalInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AdditionalInfo *FreeTextInformationType_136715S `xml:"additionalInfo,omitempty"`
// First TFF occurence convey main data: - 013 spec. equipment code - Qualifier (Included / Optional) - Spec. equipment name Up to 5 next occurences convey tarrif periods. - 013 spec. equipment code - converted indicator - amount/currency - period (/day, /weekend, /week, /month, /rental) - max amount / currency
SpecialEquipmentTariff []*TariffInformationTypeI_136714S `xml:"specialEquipmentTariff"` // maxOccurs="6"
@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ type RangePeriod struct {
AgePeriod *RangeDetailsTypeI `xml:"agePeriod"`
// This segment conveys the Unit Qualifier for maximum range of associated RNG.
- MaximumUnitQualifier *MeasurementsBatchTypeU `xml:"maximumUnitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MaximumUnitQualifier *MeasurementsBatchTypeU `xml:"maximumUnitQualifier,omitempty"`
type ErrorInfo struct {
@@ -530,14 +530,14 @@ type ErrorInfo struct {
ErrorInformation *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"errorInformation"`
// provide free from or coded text information
- ErrorfreeFormText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_136698S `xml:"errorfreeFormText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorfreeFormText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_136698S `xml:"errorfreeFormText,omitempty"`
type DataElementsMaster struct {
// marker
Marker2 *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"marker2"`
- DataElementsIndiv []*DataElementsIndiv `xml:"dataElementsIndiv,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
+ DataElementsIndiv []*DataElementsIndiv `xml:"dataElementsIndiv,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="999"
type DataElementsIndiv struct {
@@ -545,67 +545,67 @@ type DataElementsIndiv struct {
ElementManagementData *ElementManagementSegmentType `xml:"elementManagementData"`
// specify the amadeus PNR individual security element
- PnrSecurity *IndividualPnrSecurityInformationType `xml:"pnrSecurity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PnrSecurity *IndividualPnrSecurityInformationType `xml:"pnrSecurity,omitempty"`
// Specify the amadeus accounting information
- Accounting *AccountingInformationElementType `xml:"accounting,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Accounting *AccountingInformationElementType `xml:"accounting,omitempty"`
// specify miscellaneous, confidential, quality control and invoice remarks
- MiscellaneousRemarks *MiscellaneousRemarksType_211S `xml:"miscellaneousRemarks,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MiscellaneousRemarks *MiscellaneousRemarksType_211S `xml:"miscellaneousRemarks,omitempty"`
// specify special request or services information relating to a traveller
- ServiceRequest *SpecialRequirementsDetailsTypeI `xml:"serviceRequest,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceRequest *SpecialRequirementsDetailsTypeI `xml:"serviceRequest,omitempty"`
- SeatPaxInfo []*SeatPaxInfo `xml:"seatPaxInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ SeatPaxInfo []*SeatPaxInfo `xml:"seatPaxInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
// To Convey the Reason for Issuance Code (RFIC) and Reason For Issuance Sub code (RFISC)
- ReasonForIssuanceCode *PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType `xml:"reasonForIssuanceCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReasonForIssuanceCode *PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType `xml:"reasonForIssuanceCode,omitempty"`
// Rail Seat Preferences
- RailSeatPreferences *RailSeatPreferencesType `xml:"railSeatPreferences,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RailSeatPreferences *RailSeatPreferencesType `xml:"railSeatPreferences,omitempty"`
- CityPair *CityPair `xml:"cityPair,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CityPair *CityPair `xml:"cityPair,omitempty"`
- RailSeatDetails []*RailSeatDetails `xml:"railSeatDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ RailSeatDetails []*RailSeatDetails `xml:"railSeatDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
// provide date and time details relative to flight movements
- DateAndTimeInformation *DateAndTimeInformationTypeI `xml:"dateAndTimeInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateAndTimeInformation *DateAndTimeInformationTypeI `xml:"dateAndTimeInformation,omitempty"`
// Details of SSR FQT content (Frequent Flyer Data)
- FrequentFlyerInformationGroup *FrequentFlyerInformationGroupType `xml:"frequentFlyerInformationGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FrequentFlyerInformationGroup *FrequentFlyerInformationGroupType `xml:"frequentFlyerInformationGroup,omitempty"`
// specify an amadeus PNR ticket element
- TicketElement *TicketElementType `xml:"ticketElement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketElement *TicketElementType `xml:"ticketElement,omitempty"`
- ReferencedRecord *ReferencedRecord `xml:"referencedRecord,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferencedRecord *ReferencedRecord `xml:"referencedRecord,omitempty"`
// option element
- OptionElement *OptionElementType `xml:"optionElement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OptionElement *OptionElementType `xml:"optionElement,omitempty"`
// provide free form or coded long text information
- OtherDataFreetext []*LongFreeTextType `xml:"otherDataFreetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ OtherDataFreetext []*LongFreeTextType `xml:"otherDataFreetext,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// specify the way data are mapped for the structured addresses
- StructuredAddress *StructuredAddressType `xml:"structuredAddress,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredAddress *StructuredAddressType `xml:"structuredAddress,omitempty"`
// To specify the monetary information
- MonetaryInformation []*MonetaryInformationTypeI_1689S `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ MonetaryInformation []*MonetaryInformationTypeI_1689S `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
- ElementErrorInformation *ElementErrorInformation `xml:"elementErrorInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ElementErrorInformation *ElementErrorInformation `xml:"elementErrorInformation,omitempty"`
- McoRecord *McoRecord `xml:"mcoRecord,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ McoRecord *McoRecord `xml:"mcoRecord,omitempty"`
// Group Total Price
- TotalPrice *TotalPriceType `xml:"totalPrice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TotalPrice *TotalPriceType `xml:"totalPrice,omitempty"`
// Indicators at element level
- ElementsIndicators []*StatusTypeI_33257S `xml:"elementsIndicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ ElementsIndicators []*StatusTypeI_33257S `xml:"elementsIndicators,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
// provide specific reference identification
- ReferenceForDataElement *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceForDataElement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceForDataElement *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceForDataElement,omitempty"`
// Carries a Form of Payment in structured way.
- StructuredFop []*FOPRepresentationType `xml:"structuredFop,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ StructuredFop []*FOPRepresentationType `xml:"structuredFop,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type SeatPaxInfo struct {
@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ type SeatPaxInfo struct {
SeatPaxDetails *SeatRequestParametersTypeI `xml:"seatPaxDetails"`
// seat indicator at pax level
- SeatPaxIndicator *StatusTypeI_33257S `xml:"seatPaxIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SeatPaxIndicator *StatusTypeI_33257S `xml:"seatPaxIndicator,omitempty"`
// ref to pax tattoo
CrossRef *ReferenceInfoType_6074S `xml:"crossRef"`
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ type RailSeatDetails struct {
RailSeatReferenceInformation *RailSeatReferenceInformationType `xml:"railSeatReferenceInformation"`
// Rail Seat Denomination
- RailSeatDenomination *FreeTextInformationType_29860S `xml:"railSeatDenomination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RailSeatDenomination *FreeTextInformationType_29860S `xml:"railSeatDenomination,omitempty"`
type ReferencedRecord struct {
@@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ type ElementErrorInformation struct {
ErrorInformation *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"errorInformation"`
// provide free from or coded text information
- ElementErrorText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_136698S `xml:"elementErrorText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ElementErrorText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_136698S `xml:"elementErrorText,omitempty"`
type McoRecord struct {
@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ type McoRecord struct {
// Contains the data relative to the MCO element itself
McoInformation *FreeTextInformationType_9865S `xml:"mcoInformation"`
- GroupOfFareElements []*GroupOfFareElements `xml:"groupOfFareElements,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ GroupOfFareElements []*GroupOfFareElements `xml:"groupOfFareElements,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type GroupOfFareElements struct {
@@ -674,19 +674,19 @@ type TstData struct {
TstGeneralInformation *TstGeneralInformationType `xml:"tstGeneralInformation"`
// provide free form or coded long text information
- TstFreetext []*LongFreeTextType `xml:"tstFreetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ TstFreetext []*LongFreeTextType `xml:"tstFreetext,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// describe fare basis information
- FareBasisInfo *FareBasisCodesLineType `xml:"fareBasisInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareBasisInfo *FareBasisCodesLineType `xml:"fareBasisInfo,omitempty"`
// fare data
- FareData *FareDataType `xml:"fareData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareData *FareDataType `xml:"fareData,omitempty"`
// selection details
- SegmentAssociation *SelectionDetailsTypeI_2067S `xml:"segmentAssociation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SegmentAssociation *SelectionDetailsTypeI_2067S `xml:"segmentAssociation,omitempty"`
// provide specific reference identification
- ReferenceForTstData *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceForTstData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceForTstData *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceForTstData,omitempty"`
type DcdData struct {
@@ -696,12 +696,12 @@ type DcdData struct {
// This is used as a Dum segment.
MarkerSegment *PassengerFlightDetailsTypeI `xml:"markerSegment"`
- SegmentSection []*SegmentSection `xml:"segmentSection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19602"
+ SegmentSection []*SegmentSection `xml:"segmentSection,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19602"
// This is used as a Dum segement.
MarkerLeg *PassengerFlightDetailsTypeI `xml:"markerLeg"`
- LegSection []*LegSection `xml:"legSection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="176418"
+ LegSection []*LegSection `xml:"legSection,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="176418"
type SegmentSection struct {
@@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ type SegmentSection struct {
ElementManagementStructData *ElementManagementSegmentType_127983S `xml:"elementManagementStructData"`
// provide specific reference identification
- ReferenceForStructDataElement *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceForStructDataElement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceForStructDataElement *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceForStructDataElement,omitempty"`
DcsSegmentInfo *DcsSegmentInfo `xml:"dcsSegmentInfo"`
@@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ type DcsSegmentInfo struct {
PaxType *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"paxType"`
// Gives the compensation type. * attributeDetails/attributeType = - DBA - DBN - DBO - DBV - DBM - DBD - DBW
- TypeOfCOP *CodedAttributeType_127282S `xml:"typeOfCOP,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TypeOfCOP *CodedAttributeType_127282S `xml:"typeOfCOP,omitempty"`
type LegSection struct {
@@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ type LegSection struct {
ElementManagementStructData *ElementManagementSegmentType_127983S `xml:"elementManagementStructData"`
// provide specific reference identification
- ReferenceForStructDataElement *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceForStructDataElement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceForStructDataElement *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceForStructDataElement,omitempty"`
DcsLegInfo *DcsLegInfo `xml:"dcsLegInfo"`
@@ -746,20 +746,20 @@ type DcsLegInfo struct {
PaxType *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"paxType"`
// Contains information on the seat delivered by the DCS
- SeatDelivery *SpecialRequirementsDetailsType `xml:"seatDelivery,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SeatDelivery *SpecialRequirementsDetailsType `xml:"seatDelivery,omitempty"`
// Third data element provide the category of attribute: NOREC information, acceptance status... First data element contains the value of the attribute : the NOREC flag, the acceptance status, the boarding status and the cabin regrade type, Check Bags indicator, Waitlist status.
- PaxStatus *StatusTypeI `xml:"paxStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PaxStatus *StatusTypeI `xml:"paxStatus,omitempty"`
- AccregReason []*AccregReason `xml:"accregReason,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ AccregReason []*AccregReason `xml:"accregReason,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Regrade cabin code
- RegradeCabin *SegmentCabinIdentificationType `xml:"regradeCabin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RegradeCabin *SegmentCabinIdentificationType `xml:"regradeCabin,omitempty"`
- AcceptanceChannel *AcceptanceChannel `xml:"acceptanceChannel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AcceptanceChannel *AcceptanceChannel `xml:"acceptanceChannel,omitempty"`
// Provides information on the compensation offered to passengers with valid tickets, airline turned down at check-in/boarding. - coded form of payment (NGDCS only) - currency code (NGDCS only) - amount (NGDCS only) - compensation type (voluntary/involuntary) - free text (both valid for PFS clients and NGDCS)
- CompensationData *CompensationType `xml:"compensationData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompensationData *CompensationType `xml:"compensationData,omitempty"`
type AccregReason struct {
@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ type AccregReason struct {
Reasons *CodedAttributeType_127279S `xml:"reasons"`
// Contains Acceptance Reason, Regrade Reason description.
- DeliveryInformation *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"deliveryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DeliveryInformation *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"deliveryInformation,omitempty"`
type AcceptanceChannel struct {
@@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ type AccommodationAllocationInformationDetailsTypeU struct {
ReferenceId string `xml:"referenceId"`
// Accommodation (room/compartment) code
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"`
type AccommodationAllocationInformationTypeU struct {
@@ -797,32 +797,32 @@ type AccommodationAllocationInformationTypeU struct {
type AccountingElementType struct {
// Account number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Cost Number
- CostNumber string `xml:"costNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CostNumber string `xml:"costNumber,omitempty"`
// IATA company number
- CompanyNumber string `xml:"companyNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyNumber string `xml:"companyNumber,omitempty"`
// Client Reference Number
- ClientReference string `xml:"clientReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ClientReference string `xml:"clientReference,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..109
- GSTTaxDetails string `xml:"gSTTaxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ GSTTaxDetails string `xml:"gSTTaxDetails,omitempty"`
type AccountingInformationElementType struct {
// One of these 4 data elements is mandatory , but non in particular
- Account *AccountingElementType `xml:"account,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Account *AccountingElementType `xml:"account,omitempty"`
// Number of units qualifier
- AccountNumberOfUnits string `xml:"accountNumberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AccountNumberOfUnits string `xml:"accountNumberOfUnits,omitempty"`
type ActionDetailsTypeI struct {
// Contains the details about the product knowledge
- NumberOfItemsDetails *ProcessingInformationTypeI `xml:"numberOfItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfItemsDetails *ProcessingInformationTypeI `xml:"numberOfItemsDetails,omitempty"`
type AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationType struct {
@@ -831,17 +831,17 @@ type AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationType struct {
type AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI struct {
- ProductDetails *AdditionalProductTypeI `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDetails *AdditionalProductTypeI `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"`
- DepartureInformation *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"departureInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureInformation *StationInformationTypeI `xml:"departureInformation,omitempty"`
- ArrivalStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI_119771C `xml:"arrivalStationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalStationInfo *StationInformationTypeI_119771C `xml:"arrivalStationInfo,omitempty"`
- MileageTimeDetails *MileageTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileageTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MileageTimeDetails *MileageTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileageTimeDetails,omitempty"`
- TimeDetail *TravellerTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"timeDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TimeDetail *TravellerTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"timeDetail,omitempty"`
- Facilities []*ProductFacilitiesTypeI `xml:"facilities,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ Facilities []*ProductFacilitiesTypeI `xml:"facilities,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type AdditionalProductDetailsTypeU struct {
@@ -854,16 +854,16 @@ type AdditionalProductDetailsTypeU struct {
type AdditionalProductTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- Equipment string `xml:"equipment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Equipment string `xml:"equipment,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n..2
- NumOfStops *int32 `xml:"numOfStops,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumOfStops *int32 `xml:"numOfStops,omitempty"`
// Time format: 24H. All digits are mandatory . Example: from 0000 to 2359
- Duration string `xml:"duration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Duration string `xml:"duration,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: n1
- WeekDay *int32 `xml:"weekDay,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ WeekDay *int32 `xml:"weekDay,omitempty"`
type AdditionalTransportDetailsTypeU struct {
@@ -879,19 +879,19 @@ type AddressDetailsTypeU struct {
Line1 string `xml:"line1"`
// Format limitations: an..70
- Line2 string `xml:"line2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Line2 string `xml:"line2,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..70
- Line3 string `xml:"line3,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Line3 string `xml:"line3,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..70
- Line4 string `xml:"line4,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Line4 string `xml:"line4,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..70
- Line5 string `xml:"line5,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Line5 string `xml:"line5,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..70
- Line6 string `xml:"line6,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Line6 string `xml:"line6,omitempty"`
type AddressDetailsTypeU_17987C struct {
@@ -902,10 +902,10 @@ type AddressDetailsTypeU_17987C struct {
Line1 string `xml:"line1"`
// Address
- Line2 string `xml:"line2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Line2 string `xml:"line2,omitempty"`
// PO Box
- Line4 string `xml:"line4,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Line4 string `xml:"line4,omitempty"`
type AddressDetailsTypeU_198210C struct {
@@ -924,38 +924,38 @@ type AddressDetailsTypeU_198226C struct {
Line1 string `xml:"line1"`
// address line 2
- Line2 string `xml:"line2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Line2 string `xml:"line2,omitempty"`
type AddressType struct {
// will convey the adress text
- AddressDetails *AddressDetailsTypeU `xml:"addressDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AddressDetails *AddressDetailsTypeU `xml:"addressDetails,omitempty"`
// City name.
- City string `xml:"city,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ City string `xml:"city,omitempty"`
// postal identification code.
- ZipCode string `xml:"zipCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ZipCode string `xml:"zipCode,omitempty"`
// Country code. ISO 3166 code for the country
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"`
type AddressTypeU struct {
// to specify the information of the address
- AddressDetails *AddressDetailsTypeU_17987C `xml:"addressDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AddressDetails *AddressDetailsTypeU_17987C `xml:"addressDetails,omitempty"`
// city name of the given address
- City string `xml:"city,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ City string `xml:"city,omitempty"`
// zip code of the given address
- ZipCode string `xml:"zipCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ZipCode string `xml:"zipCode,omitempty"`
// To convey a sub-entity within a country : region, states..
- RegionDetails *CountrySubEntityDetailsTypeU `xml:"regionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RegionDetails *CountrySubEntityDetailsTypeU `xml:"regionDetails,omitempty"`
// to specify the countryname
- LocationDetails *LocationIdentificationTypeU `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationDetails *LocationIdentificationTypeU `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"`
type AddressTypeU_136710S struct {
@@ -963,22 +963,22 @@ type AddressTypeU_136710S struct {
AddressUsageDetails *AddressUsageTypeU `xml:"addressUsageDetails"`
// Format 1 - Home Delivery/Collection
- AddressDetails *AddressDetailsTypeU_198210C `xml:"addressDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AddressDetails *AddressDetailsTypeU_198210C `xml:"addressDetails,omitempty"`
// City name
- City string `xml:"city,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ City string `xml:"city,omitempty"`
// Postal Code
- ZipCode string `xml:"zipCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ZipCode string `xml:"zipCode,omitempty"`
// Country code
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"`
// To convey a sub-entity within a country : region, states..
- RegionDetails *CountrySubEntityDetailsTypeU_198213C `xml:"regionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RegionDetails *CountrySubEntityDetailsTypeU_198213C `xml:"regionDetails,omitempty"`
// Format 2 - Site Delivery/Collection
- LocationDetails *LocationIdentificationTypeU_198211C `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationDetails *LocationIdentificationTypeU_198211C `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"`
type AddressTypeU_136721S struct {
@@ -986,16 +986,16 @@ type AddressTypeU_136721S struct {
AddressDetails *AddressDetailsTypeU_198226C `xml:"addressDetails"`
// City Name
- City string `xml:"city,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ City string `xml:"city,omitempty"`
// Postal Code
- ZipCode string `xml:"zipCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ZipCode string `xml:"zipCode,omitempty"`
// Country code
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"`
// To convey a sub-entity within a country : region, states..
- RegionDetails *CountrySubEntityDetailsTypeU_198229C `xml:"regionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RegionDetails *CountrySubEntityDetailsTypeU_198229C `xml:"regionDetails,omitempty"`
type AddressUsageTypeU struct {
@@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@ type AddressUsageTypeU struct {
type AgreementIdentificationTypeU struct {
// Agreement identification
- AgreementDetails *AgreementTypeIdentificationTypeU `xml:"agreementDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AgreementDetails *AgreementTypeIdentificationTypeU `xml:"agreementDetails,omitempty"`
type AgreementTypeIdentificationTypeU struct {
@@ -1040,10 +1040,10 @@ type ApplicationErrorDetailType_198235C struct {
ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
// Identification of a code list.
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"`
// Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"`
type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
@@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@ type ApplicationIdentificationType struct {
InternalId string `xml:"internalId"`
// Item Version Number
- VersionNumber string `xml:"versionNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ VersionNumber string `xml:"versionNumber,omitempty"`
type ApplicationType struct {
@@ -1076,45 +1076,45 @@ type ApplicationType struct {
type AssociatedChargesInformationTypeI struct {
// This data element is used to identify the type of charge entered in the other fields.
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// This data element is used to convey the amount of the supplementary charge.
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// To qualify the amount, can be - UNL (for unlimited mileage) when used for free mileage - 3 (for included in base rate) - 4 (for not included in base rate)
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"`
// This data element is used to specify the number of charge needed.
- NumberInParty *int32 `xml:"numberInParty,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberInParty *int32 `xml:"numberInParty,omitempty"`
// This data element is used to convey the currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// This data element is used to convey the voucher text (in case of voucher).
- Comment string `xml:"comment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Comment string `xml:"comment,omitempty"`
type AssociatedChargesInformationTypeI_198205C struct {
// This data element is used to identify the type of charge entered in the other fields.
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Mileage charge amount
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// To qualify the amount, can be - UNL (for unlimited mileage) when used for free mileage - 3 (for included in base rate) - 4 (for not included in base rate)
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"`
// Quantity of free mileage
- NumberInParty *int32 `xml:"numberInParty,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberInParty *int32 `xml:"numberInParty,omitempty"`
// Unit: - K Kilometer - M Miles
- PeriodType string `xml:"periodType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PeriodType string `xml:"periodType,omitempty"`
// the currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// Unstructured RG,RG and RQ rates.
- Comment string `xml:"comment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Comment string `xml:"comment,omitempty"`
type AssociatedChargesInformationTypeI_198218C struct {
@@ -1122,36 +1122,36 @@ type AssociatedChargesInformationTypeI_198218C struct {
Type string `xml:"type"`
// Policy amount (coupon amount)
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Qualifier: The possible values are: - IES included in Estimated Total - IBR included in Base Rate - OPT Optional - MAN Mandatory - NBR Not Included in Base Rate - ITX Policy amount Includes Tax - NTX Policy amount Not Includes Tax
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"`
// Maximum days
- NumberInParty *int32 `xml:"numberInParty,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberInParty *int32 `xml:"numberInParty,omitempty"`
// 001 per day 002 per week 003 per month 004 per rental 012 tax percentage 013 no coupon value available
- PeriodType string `xml:"periodType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PeriodType string `xml:"periodType,omitempty"`
// Policy amount currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// Policy name
- Comment string `xml:"comment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Comment string `xml:"comment,omitempty"`
type AssociatedChargesInformationTypeI_39535C struct {
// To specify the type of tax, the type of converted amount. It is coded on our side if not specifued by provider.
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// to specify the tax in a foreign currency.
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Tax name
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"`
// foreign currency.
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
type AssociatedChargesInformationTypeU struct {
@@ -1170,7 +1170,7 @@ type AttributeInformationTypeU struct {
AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
// value of the data
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"`
type AttributeInformationTypeU_198185C struct {
@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@ type AttributeInformationTypeU_198185C struct {
AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
// Not Used
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"`
type AttributeInformationTypeU_36633C struct {
@@ -1217,7 +1217,7 @@ type AttributeTypeU_24552S struct {
type AttributeType_94514S struct {
// Determines if the set of criteria corresponds to the message identification criteria or to normal criteria.
- CriteriaSetType string `xml:"criteriaSetType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CriteriaSetType string `xml:"criteriaSetType,omitempty"`
// List of attributes and status linked to credit card process. Most of them are link dependant.
CriteriaDetails *AttributeInformationTypeU `xml:"criteriaDetails"`
@@ -1241,19 +1241,19 @@ type AttributeType_94576S struct {
type AuthenticationDataType struct {
// VERes status (enrollment) Values : Y : authentication available N : cardholder not participating U : Unable to authenticate E : error message
- Veres string `xml:"veres,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Veres string `xml:"veres,omitempty"`
// PARes status (authentication). Values : Y : authentication successful N : authentication failed U : authentication could not be performed A : attempts processing performed
- Pares string `xml:"pares,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Pares string `xml:"pares,omitempty"`
// CC Directory Server performing the enrollment process: VISA, MasterCard
CreditCardCompany string `xml:"creditCardCompany"`
// To indicate whether the transaction was successful, different indicators for Visa/MasterCard. - ECI for VISA - UCAF collection indicator for Matercard
- AuthenticationIndicator string `xml:"authenticationIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AuthenticationIndicator string `xml:"authenticationIndicator,omitempty"`
// Indicates the algorithm used to generate the Cardholder Authentication Verification Value (CAAV = authentication code)
- CaavAlgorithm *int32 `xml:"caavAlgorithm,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CaavAlgorithm *int32 `xml:"caavAlgorithm,omitempty"`
type AuthorizationApprovalDataType struct {
@@ -1261,7 +1261,7 @@ type AuthorizationApprovalDataType struct {
ApprovalCode string `xml:"approvalCode"`
// Source of approval for the payment authorisation. A Automatically obtained by the system. M Manually entered by an agent. F: Credit card automatic approval code of a settlement authorization transaction B: Credit card manual approval code of a settlement transaction.
- SourceOfApproval string `xml:"sourceOfApproval,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SourceOfApproval string `xml:"sourceOfApproval,omitempty"`
type BillableInformationTypeU struct {
@@ -1274,7 +1274,7 @@ type BinaryDataType struct {
DataLength int32 `xml:"dataLength"`
// type of the data
- DataType string `xml:"dataType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DataType string `xml:"dataType,omitempty"`
// used to store binary data
BinaryData string `xml:"binaryData"`
@@ -1287,28 +1287,28 @@ type BrowserInformationType struct {
type CabinClassDesignationType struct {
// Designates the class of service on the means of transport in which the passenger will travel: - M for Economy - W for Economy Premium - C for Business (Club) - F for First - Y for Economy All
- ClassDesignator string `xml:"classDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ClassDesignator string `xml:"classDesignator,omitempty"`
type CabinDetailsType struct {
- CabinDetails *CabinClassDesignationType `xml:"cabinDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CabinDetails *CabinClassDesignationType `xml:"cabinDetails,omitempty"`
type CardValidityType struct {
// Type of the compensation, ie voluntary or involuntary
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Form of the payment of the compensation
- Form string `xml:"form,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Form string `xml:"form,omitempty"`
// Amount of the compensation
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Currency used for the compensation.
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// Any comment related to the compensation
- FreeText string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeText string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"`
type ChildrenGroupType struct {
@@ -1316,7 +1316,7 @@ type ChildrenGroupType struct {
Age *QuantityTypeI_65488S `xml:"age"`
// This segment is used to convey the passenger association
- ReferenceForPassenger *ReferenceInformationType_65487S `xml:"referenceForPassenger,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceForPassenger *ReferenceInformationType_65487S `xml:"referenceForPassenger,omitempty"`
type ClassConfigurationDetailsType struct {
@@ -1326,10 +1326,10 @@ type ClassConfigurationDetailsType struct {
type ClassDetailsType struct {
// Class Group : A-First Class, Seat B-Second Class, Seat C-First Class, Berth D-Second Class, Berth F-Binded Seat V-First Class, Sleeping-car W-Second Class, Sleeping-car
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"`
// Rail class code.
- BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"`
// Number of Free Seats
NumberOfSeats int32 `xml:"numberOfSeats"`
@@ -1337,18 +1337,18 @@ type ClassDetailsType struct {
type ClassDetailsType_52782C struct {
// For the booking class code.
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an2
- BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"`
type CoachProductInformationType struct {
// Coach Product Details
- CoachDetails *ReferencingDetailsTypeI_36941C `xml:"coachDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CoachDetails *ReferencingDetailsTypeI_36941C `xml:"coachDetails,omitempty"`
// Coach Equipment Qualifier
- EquipmentCode string `xml:"equipmentCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EquipmentCode string `xml:"equipmentCode,omitempty"`
type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
@@ -1369,7 +1369,7 @@ type CodedAttributeInformationType_185753C struct {
AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
// provides a description for the attribute: If 950K set to ARC, value can be: AS: Airline Staff, BA: Baggage not Accepted, CB: Customer failed to board, CR: Customer Request, CU: Customer Unwell, DB: Denied Boarding, FA: Flight Alternative Offered and accepted by the customer, FD: Flight Delayed, FO: Flight Oversold, FC: Flight Cancelled, MC: Missed Connection, MR: Medical Reasons, NO: NOSHOW (can only be used with Target Customer Acceptance Status set to 'Rejected'), OT: Other, RR: Regulatory Requirement not met, SR: Security Reasons, TC: Travel in different cabin through another booking, TD: Travel Documentation Incomplete, TI: Travel Industry Staff, UC: User Error Correction. If 950K set to RRC, value can be: OC: Cabin/Flight oversold (current flight), OO: Cabin/Flight oversold (other flight), MC: Misidentification of customer at check-in, PM: Previously mishandled, SO: Special occasion, AC: Aircraft change, CF: Cabin configuration change, RQ: Request from a special requestor, CO: Compassionate, MI: Marketing Initiative e.g. please try Club Class for free, DC: Disruption on current flight, DO: Disruption on other flight, CC: Crew level change, TR: Technical reason, CS: Catering shortfall, CI: Check-in error, IA: Inadmissible, ST: Staff, SR: Service Recovery Entitlement, AB: Authorized by, US: Unsuitable.
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"`
type CodedAttributeType struct {
@@ -1411,10 +1411,10 @@ type CodeshareFlightDataTypeI struct {
Type string `xml:"type"`
// Product identification characteristic
- Suffix string `xml:"suffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Suffix string `xml:"suffix,omitempty"`
// 1 : codeshare cascading is successful 0 : codeshare cascading unsuccessful blank: n/s
- CascadingIndicator *int32 `xml:"cascadingIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CascadingIndicator *int32 `xml:"cascadingIndicator,omitempty"`
type CommissionDetailsType struct {
@@ -1422,16 +1422,16 @@ type CommissionDetailsType struct {
Type string `xml:"type"`
// Commission amount
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// Commission percentage
- Rate *int32 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate *int32 `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
// Deal number
- DealNumber *int32 `xml:"dealNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DealNumber *int32 `xml:"dealNumber,omitempty"`
type CommissionInformationType struct {
@@ -1467,7 +1467,7 @@ type CommunicationContactTypeU struct {
type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- OperatingCompany string `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperatingCompany string `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"`
type CompanyIdentificationTypeI_2785C struct {
@@ -1475,10 +1475,10 @@ type CompanyIdentificationTypeI_2785C struct {
Identification string `xml:"identification"`
// AIR segment : second airline code for joint flight number. Train Amtrack segment : system provider UIC code. Train SNCF segment : system provider UIC code. Tour segment : tour provider code.
- SecondIdentification string `xml:"secondIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SecondIdentification string `xml:"secondIdentification,omitempty"`
// Tour segment : source code.
- SourceCode string `xml:"sourceCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SourceCode string `xml:"sourceCode,omitempty"`
type CompanyIdentificationTypeI_46335C struct {
@@ -1501,16 +1501,16 @@ type CompanyInformationType struct {
TravelSector string `xml:"travelSector"`
// This data element is used to convey the context in which the code applies. The hotel chain code are managed by Amadeus.
- CompanyCodeContext string `xml:"companyCodeContext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyCodeContext string `xml:"companyCodeContext,omitempty"`
// This data element is used to convey the company code of a non-air company
CompanyCode string `xml:"companyCode"`
// This data element is used to convey the company name of a non-air company
- CompanyName string `xml:"companyName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyName string `xml:"companyName,omitempty"`
// This data element is used to convey the type of access the non-air company has with Amadeus.
- AccessLevel string `xml:"accessLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AccessLevel string `xml:"accessLevel,omitempty"`
type CompanyInformationType_19450S struct {
@@ -1518,18 +1518,18 @@ type CompanyInformationType_19450S struct {
CompanyCode string `xml:"companyCode"`
// This data element is used to convey the UIC code
- CompanyNumericCode *int32 `xml:"companyNumericCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyNumericCode *int32 `xml:"companyNumericCode,omitempty"`
type CompanyInformationType_20151S struct {
// This element is used to qualify the company code, to identify the industry business it belongs. For Ferry, the codes are mutually agreed between Amadeus and the Ferry providers and are only valid within the Amadeus Ferry application.
- TravelSector string `xml:"travelSector,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravelSector string `xml:"travelSector,omitempty"`
// This data element is used to convey the company code of a company. For Ferry, the list of providers is not fixed. The providers implemented actually are: Baleria BAL Brittany ferries BRI Color Lines COL Comarit COM Corsica ferries CSF Grandi Navi Veloci GNV Hoverspeed HOV Moby Lines MBL Seafrance SEA Smyril Line SMY SNCM SNC Stena Line STE TT Line TTL
CompanyCode string `xml:"companyCode"`
// This data element is used to convey the company name of a company
- CompanyName string `xml:"companyName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyName string `xml:"companyName,omitempty"`
type CompanyInformationType_25420S struct {
@@ -1540,21 +1540,21 @@ type CompanyInformationType_25420S struct {
CompanyCode string `xml:"companyCode"`
// This data element is used to convey the company name of a company
- CompanyName string `xml:"companyName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyName string `xml:"companyName,omitempty"`
type CompanyInformationType_26258S struct {
// This data element is used to qualify the company code, to identify the industry business it belongs.
- TravelSector string `xml:"travelSector,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravelSector string `xml:"travelSector,omitempty"`
// This data element is used to convey the context in which the code applies
- CompanyCodeContext string `xml:"companyCodeContext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyCodeContext string `xml:"companyCodeContext,omitempty"`
// This data element is used to convey the company code of a company
CompanyCode string `xml:"companyCode"`
// This data element is used to convey the company name of a company
- CompanyName string `xml:"companyName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyName string `xml:"companyName,omitempty"`
type CompanyInformationType_83550S struct {
@@ -1581,10 +1581,10 @@ type CompanyInformationType_8953S struct {
type CompanyInformationType_94554S struct {
// This data element is used to convey the company code of a company Ex: AF for Air France MIL for millenium foundation
- CompanyCode string `xml:"companyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyCode string `xml:"companyCode,omitempty"`
// This data element is used to convey the numeric merchant ID.
- CompanyNumericCode string `xml:"companyNumericCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyNumericCode string `xml:"companyNumericCode,omitempty"`
type CompensationType struct {
@@ -1618,7 +1618,7 @@ type ContactInformationDetailsTypeU struct {
type ContactInformationTypeU struct {
// This composite is used to convey the E-mail address or FAX number to be used when a written confirmation is needed.
- ContactInformation []*ContactInformationDetailsTypeU `xml:"contactInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ ContactInformation []*ContactInformationDetailsTypeU `xml:"contactInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type CountryCodeListType struct {
@@ -1641,15 +1641,15 @@ type CountrySubEntityDetailsTypeU_198213C struct {
type CountrySubEntityDetailsTypeU_198229C struct {
// State code
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"`
type CountrydescriptionType struct {
// To specify the destination zone.
- GeographicalZone string `xml:"geographicalZone,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ GeographicalZone string `xml:"geographicalZone,omitempty"`
// To specify the countries but in a coded way. up to 198 repetitions as we can have 99 segments in the PNR
- CountryCode []string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="198"
+ CountryCode []string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="198"
type CreditCardDataGroupType struct {
@@ -1657,68 +1657,68 @@ type CreditCardDataGroupType struct {
CreditCardDetails *CreditCardDataType `xml:"creditCardDetails"`
// will convey both the CVV and the Credit card number Ids stored in the fortknox Database it could also be used to store identifiers from external Tokenization Service Provider (TSP).
- FortknoxIds []*ReferenceInformationTypeI_94503S `xml:"fortknoxIds,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ FortknoxIds []*ReferenceInformationTypeI_94503S `xml:"fortknoxIds,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Contains card holder's address information.
- CardHolderAddress *AddressType `xml:"cardHolderAddress,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CardHolderAddress *AddressType `xml:"cardHolderAddress,omitempty"`
type CreditCardDataType struct {
// Credit Card information
- CcInfo *CreditCardInformationType `xml:"ccInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CcInfo *CreditCardInformationType `xml:"ccInfo,omitempty"`
type CreditCardInformationType struct {
// Vendor code (VI,CA,AX.)
- VendorCode string `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ VendorCode string `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"`
// may contain CC sub Types. eg: Maestro or Solo cards
- VendorCodeSubType string `xml:"vendorCodeSubType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ VendorCodeSubType string `xml:"vendorCodeSubType,omitempty"`
// Card number Card number
- CardNumber string `xml:"cardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CardNumber string `xml:"cardNumber,omitempty"`
// Conveys the security ID of the Credit Card (CVV,CVV2), 3-4 digits stored on the back of the card
- SecurityId string `xml:"securityId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SecurityId string `xml:"securityId,omitempty"`
// Expiry date : format MMYY
- ExpiryDate *int32 `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExpiryDate *int32 `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"`
// This field indicates the date the Credit Card was issued. This data is present in case of (UK) maestro cards.
- StartDate *int32 `xml:"startDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StartDate *int32 `xml:"startDate,omitempty"`
// This field indicates the date the Credit Card will not be valid anymore This data is present in case of (UK) maestro cards. May be different from the expiry date
- EndDate *int32 `xml:"endDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EndDate *int32 `xml:"endDate,omitempty"`
// Conveys Credit card holder's name, as written on the card
- CcHolderName string `xml:"ccHolderName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CcHolderName string `xml:"ccHolderName,omitempty"`
// will contain the code of the bank that issued the credit card
- IssuingBankName string `xml:"issuingBankName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IssuingBankName string `xml:"issuingBankName,omitempty"`
// CC country of issuance details
- CardCountryOfIssuance string `xml:"cardCountryOfIssuance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CardCountryOfIssuance string `xml:"cardCountryOfIssuance,omitempty"`
// This is the Credit Card Issue number. This represents the number of time a card has been issued. 1 is for the first time then in case of card renewal or card loss this issue number will be increased Today this is applicable to maestro cards.
- IssueNumber *int32 `xml:"issueNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IssueNumber *int32 `xml:"issueNumber,omitempty"`
// Will convey the full name of the institution that issued he credit card
- IssuingBankLongName string `xml:"issuingBankLongName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IssuingBankLongName string `xml:"issuingBankLongName,omitempty"`
// Stores the CC track 1 information (base64 encoded)
- Track1 string `xml:"track1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Track1 string `xml:"track1,omitempty"`
// Stores the CC track 2 information (base64 encoded)
- Track2 string `xml:"track2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Track2 string `xml:"track2,omitempty"`
// Stores the CC track 3 information (base64 encoded)
- Track3 string `xml:"track3,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Track3 string `xml:"track3,omitempty"`
// Stores the CC pin code information
- PinCode string `xml:"pinCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PinCode string `xml:"pinCode,omitempty"`
// All the tracks of a swipe credit card are contained here as one block.
- RawTrackData string `xml:"rawTrackData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RawTrackData string `xml:"rawTrackData,omitempty"`
type CreditCardInformationTypeU struct {
@@ -1734,7 +1734,7 @@ type CreditCardInformationTypeU struct {
type CreditCardSecurityType struct {
// Conveys all data of authentication process. Only used today for "Verified by Visa" process
- AuthenticationDataDetails *AuthenticationDataType `xml:"authenticationDataDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AuthenticationDataDetails *AuthenticationDataType `xml:"authenticationDataDetails,omitempty"`
type CreditCardStatusGroupType struct {
@@ -1742,25 +1742,25 @@ type CreditCardStatusGroupType struct {
AuthorisationSupplementaryData *SpecificVisaLinkCreditCardInformationType `xml:"authorisationSupplementaryData"`
// will convey the approval code/source
- ApprovalDetails *GenericAuthorisationResultType `xml:"approvalDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ApprovalDetails *GenericAuthorisationResultType `xml:"approvalDetails,omitempty"`
// This segment conveys date and time information. You can specify the time mode used (GMT, UTC or Local)and what for it refers. - Transmission date and time This contains the date and time the request was submitted to the link (Visa, Nedbank...field 7). GMT can be used. - Local transaction date and time Date and time when Amadeus builds the authorization message (local according to the point of sale)(Visa, Nedbank...field 12/13) - Transaction receipt date and time date and time when amadeus receives the authorization message.
- LocalDateTime []*StructuredDateTimeInformationType_94516S `xml:"localDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ LocalDateTime []*StructuredDateTimeInformationType_94516S `xml:"localDateTime,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
// Transaction Information: - type of authorization message submit for the given FOP - bulk, superbulk, no bulk process - STAN number (identifying a pair of Credit Card authorization request/response).
- AuthorisationInformation *TransactionInformationForTicketingType `xml:"authorisationInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AuthorisationInformation *TransactionInformationForTicketingType `xml:"authorisationInformation,omitempty"`
// This group contains all data about the customer's browser.
- BrowserData *BrowserData `xml:"browserData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BrowserData *BrowserData `xml:"browserData,omitempty"`
// this group will convey all the 3DS related data
- TdsInformation *ThreeDomainSecureGroupType `xml:"tdsInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TdsInformation *ThreeDomainSecureGroupType `xml:"tdsInformation,omitempty"`
// This will allow the transmission of credit card data.
- CardSupplementaryData []*AttributeType_94514S `xml:"cardSupplementaryData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ CardSupplementaryData []*AttributeType_94514S `xml:"cardSupplementaryData,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// will convey the various sub status that can be associated to a credit card payment CVV, AVS, AUT, ATN....
- TransactionStatus []*ErrorGroupType `xml:"transactionStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="7"
+ TransactionStatus []*ErrorGroupType `xml:"transactionStatus,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="7"
type BrowserData struct {
@@ -1768,7 +1768,7 @@ type BrowserData struct {
BrowserProperties *BrowserInformationType `xml:"browserProperties"`
// Contains in freeflow format data about the customer's browser. - userAgent - acceptHeaders This entities are independantly optional.
- FreeFlowBrowserData []*FreeTextInformationType_94526S `xml:"freeFlowBrowserData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ FreeFlowBrowserData []*FreeTextInformationType_94526S `xml:"freeFlowBrowserData,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type CreditCardType struct {
@@ -1776,10 +1776,10 @@ type CreditCardType struct {
CreditCardCompany string `xml:"creditCardCompany"`
// credit card number
- CreditCardNumber string `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CreditCardNumber string `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"`
// expiration date
- ExpirationDate *int32 `xml:"expirationDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExpirationDate *int32 `xml:"expirationDate,omitempty"`
type CruiseBusinessDataType struct {
@@ -1799,13 +1799,13 @@ type CruiseBusinessDataType struct {
PassengerInfo []*TravellerInformationTypeI_8956S `xml:"passengerInfo"` // maxOccurs="9"
// Booking information, including confirmation and cancellation number, and a flag telling where the booking has been originally created.
- BookingDetails *BookingDetails `xml:"bookingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingDetails *BookingDetails `xml:"bookingDetails,omitempty"`
// Booking Date.
BookingDate *StructuredDateTimeInformationType_20645S `xml:"bookingDate"`
// Details of the sailing group code for the sailing trip.
- SailingGroupInformation *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_9271S `xml:"sailingGroupInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SailingGroupInformation *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_9271S `xml:"sailingGroupInformation,omitempty"`
type BookingDetails struct {
@@ -1813,7 +1813,7 @@ type BookingDetails struct {
CruiseBookingReferenceInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeI_8957S `xml:"cruiseBookingReferenceInfo"`
// Company in which the booking is created: Amadeus or external.
- BookingCompany *CompanyInformationType_26258S `xml:"bookingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingCompany *CompanyInformationType_26258S `xml:"bookingCompany,omitempty"`
type CustomerTransactionDataType struct {
@@ -1824,10 +1824,10 @@ type CustomerTransactionDataType struct {
Flight *OtherSegmentDataTypeI `xml:"flight"`
- Connection *int32 `xml:"connection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Connection *int32 `xml:"connection,omitempty"`
// Codeshare flight details
- CodeShare *CodeshareFlightDataTypeI `xml:"codeShare,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CodeShare *CodeshareFlightDataTypeI `xml:"codeShare,omitempty"`
type DataInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -1835,7 +1835,7 @@ type DataInformationTypeI struct {
Indicator string `xml:"indicator"`
// Number of animals of the specified category.
- Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value *int32 `xml:"value,omitempty"`
type DataTypeInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -1848,23 +1848,23 @@ type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
FirstDate string `xml:"firstDate"`
// MCO element : ARC carrier code code.
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"`
// MCO element : ARC city code.
- LocationIdentification string `xml:"locationIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationIdentification string `xml:"locationIdentification,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI_56946C struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Inf/Child date of birth
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeInformationType struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails *DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI_56946C `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateAndTimeDetails *DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI_56946C `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -1874,7 +1874,7 @@ type DateAndTimeInformationTypeI struct {
type DateRangeType struct {
// In range [1-4]
- DateRangeNum *int32 `xml:"dateRangeNum,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateRangeNum *int32 `xml:"dateRangeNum,omitempty"`
type DetailedPaymentDataType struct {
@@ -1885,12 +1885,12 @@ type DetailedPaymentDataType struct {
Dummy *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"dummy"`
// This group will convey the detailed status of the credit card payment
- CreditCardDetailedData *CreditCardStatusGroupType `xml:"creditCardDetailedData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CreditCardDetailedData *CreditCardStatusGroupType `xml:"creditCardDetailedData,omitempty"`
type DeviceControlDetailsType struct {
// Stores the identification of the device.
- DeviceIdentification *IdentificationNumberTypeI `xml:"deviceIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DeviceIdentification *IdentificationNumberTypeI `xml:"deviceIdentification,omitempty"`
type DiagnosisTypeU struct {
@@ -1926,10 +1926,10 @@ type DistributionChannelType struct {
DistributionChannelField int32 `xml:"distributionChannelField"`
// Subgroup field.
- SubGroup *int32 `xml:"subGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SubGroup *int32 `xml:"subGroup,omitempty"`
// Access Type.
- AccessType *int32 `xml:"accessType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AccessType *int32 `xml:"accessType,omitempty"`
type DocumentDetailsType struct {
@@ -1940,29 +1940,29 @@ type DocumentDetailsType struct {
Number string `xml:"number"`
// Country where the document has been issued.
- CountryOfIssue string `xml:"countryOfIssue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CountryOfIssue string `xml:"countryOfIssue,omitempty"`
// Expiry date of the document. YYYYMMDD
- ExpiryDate string `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExpiryDate string `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"`
// Date of issue of the document. YYYYMMDD
- IssueDate string `xml:"issueDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IssueDate string `xml:"issueDate,omitempty"`
type DocumentDetailsTypeI struct {
// To convey the document number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// To convey if the document has been printed
Status string `xml:"status"`
// To convey the date of the impression.
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"`
type DocumentDetailsTypeI_19732C struct {
// documentNumber
- Number *int32 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number *int32 `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Status Code
Status string `xml:"status"`
@@ -1986,7 +1986,7 @@ type DocumentInformationTypeU struct {
DocumentNumber string `xml:"documentNumber"`
// Country code where document has been issued
- CountryOfIssue string `xml:"countryOfIssue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CountryOfIssue string `xml:"countryOfIssue,omitempty"`
type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
@@ -1994,27 +1994,27 @@ type DummySegmentTypeI struct {
type ElementManagementSegmentType struct {
// Action to perform (When a PNR segment/element is transmitted) . IF for Information only (Value by default, Code used in a Server response)
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"`
// Reference details
- Reference *ReferencingDetailsType_127526C `xml:"reference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Reference *ReferencingDetailsType_127526C `xml:"reference,omitempty"`
// PNR segment or element name
- SegmentName string `xml:"segmentName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SegmentName string `xml:"segmentName,omitempty"`
// PNR segment/element 'line' number attributed by the Server
- LineNumber *int32 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LineNumber *int32 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"`
type ElementManagementSegmentType_127983S struct {
// reference of the element
- ElementReference *ReferencingDetailsType_127526C `xml:"elementReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ElementReference *ReferencingDetailsType_127526C `xml:"elementReference,omitempty"`
// PNR segment or element name
- SegmentName string `xml:"segmentName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SegmentName string `xml:"segmentName,omitempty"`
// PNR segment/element 'line' number.
- LineNumber *int32 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LineNumber *int32 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"`
type ElementManagementSegmentType_83559S struct {
@@ -2040,16 +2040,16 @@ type ErrorGroupType struct {
ErrorOrWarningCodeDetails *ApplicationErrorInformationType_94519S `xml:"errorOrWarningCodeDetails"`
// The desciption of warning or error.
- ErrorWarningDescription *FreeTextInformationType_94495S `xml:"errorWarningDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorWarningDescription *FreeTextInformationType_94495S `xml:"errorWarningDescription,omitempty"`
type FLIXType struct {
// provides the Flix and Source Types. The Codes FX, LX or FD can be used to specify the Flix-Type. The codes USR or GUI can be used to specify the Data Source
FlixAndSourceTypes *ItemDescriptionType `xml:"flixAndSourceTypes"`
- FlixComment *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"flixComment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlixComment *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"flixComment,omitempty"`
- AirportGroup *AirportGroup `xml:"airportGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AirportGroup *AirportGroup `xml:"airportGroup,omitempty"`
type AirportGroup struct {
@@ -2062,16 +2062,16 @@ type FOPRepresentationType struct {
FopPNRDetails *TicketingFormOfPaymentType `xml:"fopPNRDetails"`
// Conveys the sequence number of the Form of Payment in the FP Line. It must be set to 1 if there is only 1 FOP in the FOP Old FOP are referenced with sequence number: 0
- FopSequenceNumber *SequenceDetailsTypeU_94494S `xml:"fopSequenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FopSequenceNumber *SequenceDetailsTypeU_94494S `xml:"fopSequenceNumber,omitempty"`
// This segment conveys Form of Payment FreeText. Old FOP(s) are considered as one freeflow text even if there is more than one old form of payment. e.g.: FP O/CA+CCVI+/CH CA and CCVI are considered as freeflow text.
- FopFreeflow *FreeTextInformationType_94495S `xml:"fopFreeflow,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FopFreeflow *FreeTextInformationType_94495S `xml:"fopFreeflow,omitempty"`
// will convey the switches and data associated to the FOP table
- PnrSupplementaryData []*PNRSupplementaryDataType `xml:"pnrSupplementaryData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ PnrSupplementaryData []*PNRSupplementaryDataType `xml:"pnrSupplementaryData,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// will contain all the data related to the payment transaction
- PaymentModule *PaymentGroupType `xml:"paymentModule,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PaymentModule *PaymentGroupType `xml:"paymentModule,omitempty"`
type FareBasisCodesLineType struct {
@@ -2092,7 +2092,7 @@ type FareDataType struct {
MonetaryInfo []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_8308C `xml:"monetaryInfo"` // maxOccurs="3"
// Tax fields
- TaxFields []*TaxFieldsType `xml:"taxFields,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TaxFields []*TaxFieldsType `xml:"taxFields,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type FareElementType struct {
@@ -2100,22 +2100,22 @@ type FareElementType struct {
PrimaryCode string `xml:"primaryCode"`
// Connection indicator
- Connection string `xml:"connection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Connection string `xml:"connection,omitempty"`
// Not valid before
- NotValidBefore string `xml:"notValidBefore,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NotValidBefore string `xml:"notValidBefore,omitempty"`
// Not valid after
- NotValidAfter string `xml:"notValidAfter,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NotValidAfter string `xml:"notValidAfter,omitempty"`
// Baggage allowance
- BaggageAllowance string `xml:"baggageAllowance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BaggageAllowance string `xml:"baggageAllowance,omitempty"`
// Fare basis
- FareBasis string `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareBasis string `xml:"fareBasis,omitempty"`
// Ticket designator
- TicketDesignator string `xml:"ticketDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketDesignator string `xml:"ticketDesignator,omitempty"`
type FareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -2128,22 +2128,22 @@ type FerryAccomodationPackageDescriptionType struct {
PackageCode *ProductInformationTypeI `xml:"packageCode"`
// This segment conveys the hotel code the of the accomodation package to which it is attached.
- HotelInformation *HotelPropertyType_26378S `xml:"hotelInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ HotelInformation *HotelPropertyType_26378S `xml:"hotelInformation,omitempty"`
// This segment conveys the check-in date and time for the accomodation package to which it is attached.
- HotelCheckInInformation *StructuredDateTimeInformationType_24436S `xml:"hotelCheckInInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ HotelCheckInInformation *StructuredDateTimeInformationType_24436S `xml:"hotelCheckInInformation,omitempty"`
// This segment is used to convey the hotel area code information.
- AreaCodeInfo *PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_24573S `xml:"areaCodeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AreaCodeInfo *PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_24573S `xml:"areaCodeInfo,omitempty"`
// This segment is used to give the number of nights spent in the accomodation package to which it is attached.
- NumberOfNights *NumberOfUnitsType `xml:"numberOfNights,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfNights *NumberOfUnitsType `xml:"numberOfNights,omitempty"`
// This segment is used to convey the price of the accomodation to which it is attached.
- HotelItemPrice *TariffInformationTypeU `xml:"hotelItemPrice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ HotelItemPrice *TariffInformationTypeU `xml:"hotelItemPrice,omitempty"`
// This segment is used to give details about the rooms (if any) lined to the accomodation package.
- RoomInfoGroup []*RoomInfoGroup `xml:"roomInfoGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ RoomInfoGroup []*RoomInfoGroup `xml:"roomInfoGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type RoomInfoGroup struct {
@@ -2151,7 +2151,7 @@ type RoomInfoGroup struct {
RoomDetailsInformation *HotelRoomType_20177S `xml:"roomDetailsInformation"`
// This segment is used to convey the number of instances of the room to which it is attached.
- NumberOfRooms *NumberOfUnitsType `xml:"numberOfRooms,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfRooms *NumberOfUnitsType `xml:"numberOfRooms,omitempty"`
type FerryBookingDescriptionType struct {
@@ -2162,7 +2162,7 @@ type FerryBookingDescriptionType struct {
ItineraryInfoGroup *FerryLegDescriptionType `xml:"itineraryInfoGroup"`
// This group describes the accomodation (hotel) package attached to the booking.
- AccomodationPackageInfoGroup []*FerryAccomodationPackageDescriptionType `xml:"accomodationPackageInfoGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
+ AccomodationPackageInfoGroup []*FerryAccomodationPackageDescriptionType `xml:"accomodationPackageInfoGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="4"
// This segment conveys the ferry booking number information.
BookingNumberInformation *ReservationControlInformationTypeI_20153S `xml:"bookingNumberInformation"`
@@ -2173,25 +2173,25 @@ type FerryLegDescriptionType struct {
SailingDetails *TravelProductInformationTypeU `xml:"sailingDetails"`
// Conveys the ship code and ship name.
- ShipDescription *ShipIdentificationType `xml:"shipDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ShipDescription *ShipIdentificationType `xml:"shipDescription,omitempty"`
// This segment conveys the check-in time for the ferry sailing leg to which it is attached.
- SailingLegCheckInInformation *StructuredDateTimeInformationType_21109S `xml:"sailingLegCheckInInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SailingLegCheckInInformation *StructuredDateTimeInformationType_21109S `xml:"sailingLegCheckInInformation,omitempty"`
// Conveys the list of passengers associated to the ferry leg.
- PassengerAssociation *ReferenceInformationTypeI_25132S `xml:"passengerAssociation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerAssociation *ReferenceInformationTypeI_25132S `xml:"passengerAssociation,omitempty"`
// Conveys the price information per leg per passenger.
- PriceInfoGroup []*PriceInfoGroup `xml:"priceInfoGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ PriceInfoGroup []*PriceInfoGroup `xml:"priceInfoGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
// This group describes the list of vehicles attached to the linked sailing leg.
- VehicleInfoGroup []*VehicleInfoGroup `xml:"vehicleInfoGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ VehicleInfoGroup []*VehicleInfoGroup `xml:"vehicleInfoGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
// This segment describes the on-board service(s) in the linked sailing leg.
- ServiceInfoGroup []*ServiceInfoGroup `xml:"serviceInfoGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="18"
+ ServiceInfoGroup []*ServiceInfoGroup `xml:"serviceInfoGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="18"
// This group is used to describe the animals linked to the ferry booking.
- AnimalInfoGroup []*AnimalInfoGroup `xml:"animalInfoGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ AnimalInfoGroup []*AnimalInfoGroup `xml:"animalInfoGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type AnimalInfoGroup struct {
@@ -2199,7 +2199,7 @@ type AnimalInfoGroup struct {
AnimalInformation *SpecificDataInformationTypeI `xml:"animalInformation"`
// This segment conveys the price per animal of the same type.
- AnimalRoutePrice *TariffInformationTypeU `xml:"animalRoutePrice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AnimalRoutePrice *TariffInformationTypeU `xml:"animalRoutePrice,omitempty"`
type PriceInfoGroup struct {
@@ -2218,10 +2218,10 @@ type ServiceInfoGroup struct {
ServiceInformation *AttributeTypeU `xml:"serviceInformation"`
// This segment conveys the number of services of the attached service.
- NumberOfServices *NumberOfUnitsType `xml:"numberOfServices,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfServices *NumberOfUnitsType `xml:"numberOfServices,omitempty"`
// This segment conveys the price per unit of the attached service.
- ServiceRoutePrice *TariffInformationTypeU `xml:"serviceRoutePrice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceRoutePrice *TariffInformationTypeU `xml:"serviceRoutePrice,omitempty"`
type VehicleInfoGroup struct {
@@ -2229,10 +2229,10 @@ type VehicleInfoGroup struct {
VehicleInformation *VehicleTypeU `xml:"vehicleInformation"`
// This segment is used to convey the number of bicycles associated to a ferry booking. Note: this segment is ignored if the vehicule description is not "bicycle".
- NumberOfBicycles *NumberOfUnitsType `xml:"numberOfBicycles,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfBicycles *NumberOfUnitsType `xml:"numberOfBicycles,omitempty"`
// This segment holds the price per vehicle.
- VehicleRoutePrice *TariffInformationTypeU `xml:"vehicleRoutePrice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ VehicleRoutePrice *TariffInformationTypeU `xml:"vehicleRoutePrice,omitempty"`
type FlightSegmentDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -2248,19 +2248,19 @@ type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
Type string `xml:"type"`
// Credit card vendor code
- VendorCode string `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ VendorCode string `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"`
// Credit card number
- CreditCardNumber string `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CreditCardNumber string `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"`
// expiry date (MMYY)
- ExpiryDate string `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExpiryDate string `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"`
// FOP purpose
- ExtendedPayment string `xml:"extendedPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExtendedPayment string `xml:"extendedPayment,omitempty"`
// Unstructured fop layout (used for Voucher print purpose or guarantee details).
- FopFreeText string `xml:"fopFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FopFreeText string `xml:"fopFreeText,omitempty"`
type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI_20667C struct {
@@ -2268,46 +2268,46 @@ type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI_20667C struct {
Type string `xml:"type"`
// Currency code per form of payment
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
// Form of payment amount
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Vendor code of the credit card. ex: VI
- VendorCode string `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ VendorCode string `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"`
// Account number
- CreditCardNumber string `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CreditCardNumber string `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"`
// Expiration date
- ExpiryDate string `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExpiryDate string `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"`
// Approval code
- ApprovalCode string `xml:"approvalCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ApprovalCode string `xml:"approvalCode,omitempty"`
// Source of approval code
- SourceOfApproval string `xml:"sourceOfApproval,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SourceOfApproval string `xml:"sourceOfApproval,omitempty"`
// Authorised amount
- AuthorisedAmount *float64 `xml:"authorisedAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AuthorisedAmount *float64 `xml:"authorisedAmount,omitempty"`
// Address verification code
- AddressVerification string `xml:"addressVerification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AddressVerification string `xml:"addressVerification,omitempty"`
// Customer file reference
- CustomerAccount string `xml:"customerAccount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerAccount string `xml:"customerAccount,omitempty"`
// Extended payment code
- ExtendedPayment string `xml:"extendedPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExtendedPayment string `xml:"extendedPayment,omitempty"`
// not used
- FopFreeText string `xml:"fopFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FopFreeText string `xml:"fopFreeText,omitempty"`
// Credit card corporate contract
- MembershipStatus string `xml:"membershipStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MembershipStatus string `xml:"membershipStatus,omitempty"`
// Credit card transaction information
- TransactionInfo string `xml:"transactionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TransactionInfo string `xml:"transactionInfo,omitempty"`
type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI_52343C struct {
@@ -2315,48 +2315,48 @@ type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI_52343C struct {
Type string `xml:"type"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
// Credit card vendor code
- VendorCode string `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ VendorCode string `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"`
// Credit card number
- CreditCardNumber string `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CreditCardNumber string `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"`
// expiry date (MMYY)
- ExpiryDate string `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExpiryDate string `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"`
// FOP purpose
- ExtendedPayment string `xml:"extendedPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExtendedPayment string `xml:"extendedPayment,omitempty"`
// Unstructured fop layout (used for Voucher print purpose or guarantee details).
- FopFreeText string `xml:"fopFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FopFreeText string `xml:"fopFreeText,omitempty"`
type FormOfPaymentInformationType struct {
// Format key that identify the FOP within a FOP table. (CCVI, ...)
- FopCode string `xml:"fopCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FopCode string `xml:"fopCode,omitempty"`
// Name of the FOP map table used in order to validate the FP element.
- FopMapTable string `xml:"fopMapTable,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FopMapTable string `xml:"fopMapTable,omitempty"`
// This corresponds to the fop billing code (CASH CA / Credit CC). This is only used in case of a MS reporting code. (it corresponds to XX of @FPMSXX tag of TPF tables)
- FopBillingCode string `xml:"fopBillingCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FopBillingCode string `xml:"fopBillingCode,omitempty"`
// Fop is a old / new fop.
- FopStatus string `xml:"fopStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FopStatus string `xml:"fopStatus,omitempty"`
// Corresponds to the EDIFACT code. This enables to identify the type of FOP that will be added in case of a structured EDIFACT (i.e. via PNRADD) addition of the FOP. (it corresponds to the @EDI tag of TPF tables) Here is an example: Customer is eager to add a structured cash FOP using an EDIFACT message. The fopEdiCode will be filled with CA which means cash. Then in the FOP table in charge of validating free flow and generating FOP free flow, the system will try to look for the FOP map having CA as fop EDI code. If we are in an Air France (AF) ATO/CTO: the system will get FP CA.... If we are in an Iberia (IB) ATO/CTO: the system will get FP CASH,.... If we are in an United Airline (UA) ATO/CTO: the system will get FP S.... ... (@EDI value)
- FopEdiCode string `xml:"fopEdiCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FopEdiCode string `xml:"fopEdiCode,omitempty"`
// This corresponds to the fop code which is used on reporting side. (XX value of @FPXXxx)
- FopReportingCode string `xml:"fopReportingCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FopReportingCode string `xml:"fopReportingCode,omitempty"`
// This is the FOP printed code (@PR value)
- FopPrintedCode string `xml:"fopPrintedCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FopPrintedCode string `xml:"fopPrintedCode,omitempty"`
// This is the FOP electronic ticketing code. This is used to classify any FOP from the FOP table and also to determine how the FOP should be transmitted to the airline concerned. Based on this, the absence of the switch would make the FOP disallowed for ETKT, for National System Ticketing Server Travel Agency locations and all Central Ticketing offices (@ET value)
- FopElecTicketingCode string `xml:"fopElecTicketingCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FopElecTicketingCode string `xml:"fopElecTicketingCode,omitempty"`
type FormOfPaymentType struct {
@@ -2371,9 +2371,9 @@ type FormOfPaymentTypeI struct {
type FormOfPaymentTypeI_16862S struct {
// Description of the form of paiement
- FormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI_20667C `xml:"formOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FormOfPayment *FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI_20667C `xml:"formOfPayment,omitempty"`
- OtherFormOfPayment []*FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI_20667C `xml:"otherFormOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ OtherFormOfPayment []*FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI_20667C `xml:"otherFormOfPayment,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type FormOfPaymentTypeI_29553S struct {
@@ -2386,28 +2386,28 @@ type FraudScreeningGroupType struct {
FraudScreening *StatusType_94568S `xml:"fraudScreening"`
// this segment contains the IP address used in RMM (risk management module or fraud screening)
- IpAdress *DeviceControlDetailsType `xml:"ipAdress,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IpAdress *DeviceControlDetailsType `xml:"ipAdress,omitempty"`
// Merchant's website URL.
- MerchantURL *CommunicationContactType `xml:"merchantURL,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MerchantURL *CommunicationContactType `xml:"merchantURL,omitempty"`
// will convey either the phone or the email adress of the payer
- PayerPhoneOrEmail []*PhoneAndEmailAddressType_94565S `xml:"payerPhoneOrEmail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ PayerPhoneOrEmail []*PhoneAndEmailAddressType_94565S `xml:"payerPhoneOrEmail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// this segment contains the shopper session used in RMM (risk management module)
- ShopperSession *SystemDetailsInfoType_94569S `xml:"shopperSession,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ShopperSession *SystemDetailsInfoType_94569S `xml:"shopperSession,omitempty"`
// conveys information about payer LastName (surName) and FirstName (givenName)
- PayerName *TravellerInformationType_94570S `xml:"payerName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PayerName *TravellerInformationType_94570S `xml:"payerName,omitempty"`
// stores the payer date of birth
- PayerDateOfBirth *StructuredDateTimeInformationType_94567S `xml:"payerDateOfBirth,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PayerDateOfBirth *StructuredDateTimeInformationType_94567S `xml:"payerDateOfBirth,omitempty"`
// Information about the billing address (can be extracted from the AB PNR element)
- BillingAddress *AddressType `xml:"billingAddress,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BillingAddress *AddressType `xml:"billingAddress,omitempty"`
// Used to store reference information on the payer for fraud screening purpose: social security number driving license information frequent flyer information
- FormOfIdDetails []*ReferenceInfoType_94566S `xml:"formOfIdDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ FormOfIdDetails []*ReferenceInfoType_94566S `xml:"formOfIdDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
@@ -2415,16 +2415,16 @@ type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
// information type
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"`
// status
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"`
// company id
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// Language, coded
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"`
// source, coded
Source string `xml:"source"`
@@ -2463,7 +2463,7 @@ type FreeTextDetailsType_187698C struct {
TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
Source string `xml:"source"`
@@ -2477,13 +2477,13 @@ type FreeTextDetailsType_198207C struct {
TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
// Information type
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"`
// 1A for Amadeus
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// ISO language code
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"`
// Text source Manual or System
Source string `xml:"source"`
@@ -2597,13 +2597,13 @@ type FreeTextQualificationType struct {
SubjectQualifier string `xml:"subjectQualifier"`
// Information type, coded. see code list
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Transmittable/non-transmittable indicator (S or X).
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"`
// Airline or system code.
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
type FreeTextQualificationTypeI struct {
@@ -2611,13 +2611,13 @@ type FreeTextQualificationTypeI struct {
SubjectQualifier string `xml:"subjectQualifier"`
// Coded text, or specifies type of info Surface segment : 2 for Address or 5 for Telephone nature un known Cruise segment : P30 for Ship Name
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Company code
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// ISO code for language of free text
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"`
type FreeTextQualificationTypeI_148295C struct {
@@ -2625,10 +2625,10 @@ type FreeTextQualificationTypeI_148295C struct {
TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
// Format limitations: an..4
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"`
type FreeTextQualificationTypeI_185754C struct {
@@ -2636,10 +2636,10 @@ type FreeTextQualificationTypeI_185754C struct {
TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
// Provides a code identifying the information (phone, OSI, etc...)
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"`
// The airline code that may be associated to this information
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
type FrequencyDetailsTypeU struct {
@@ -2647,13 +2647,13 @@ type FrequencyDetailsTypeU struct {
InstalmentsNumber int32 `xml:"instalmentsNumber"`
// Indicates frequency of instalments for the payment D daily M monthly W weekly
- InstalmentsFrequency string `xml:"instalmentsFrequency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InstalmentsFrequency string `xml:"instalmentsFrequency,omitempty"`
// Indicates when first instalment should take place
- InstalmentsStartDate string `xml:"instalmentsStartDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InstalmentsStartDate string `xml:"instalmentsStartDate,omitempty"`
// indicates extended payment start date format
- InstalmentsDatrDateFormat string `xml:"instalmentsDatrDateFormat,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InstalmentsDatrDateFormat string `xml:"instalmentsDatrDateFormat,omitempty"`
type FrequencyType struct {
@@ -2674,10 +2674,10 @@ type FrequentFlyerInformationGroupType struct {
FrequentTravellerInfo *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType_74327S `xml:"frequentTravellerInfo"`
// Promotion code used to compute redemption/upgrade price in miles, when applicable
- DiscountInformation *DiscountInformationType `xml:"discountInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DiscountInformation *DiscountInformationType `xml:"discountInformation,omitempty"`
// Original booking class
- BookingClassInformation *ProductInformationTypeI_73824S `xml:"bookingClassInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingClassInformation *ProductInformationTypeI_73824S `xml:"bookingClassInformation,omitempty"`
type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType struct {
@@ -2690,7 +2690,7 @@ type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType_38226S struct {
AirlineFrequentTraveler *FrequentTravellerIdentificationType `xml:"airlineFrequentTraveler"`
// Alliance Frequent Traveller Info
- AllianceFrequentTraveler *FrequentTravellerIdentificationType_64816C `xml:"allianceFrequentTraveler,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AllianceFrequentTraveler *FrequentTravellerIdentificationType_64816C `xml:"allianceFrequentTraveler,omitempty"`
type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType_74327S struct {
@@ -2698,10 +2698,10 @@ type FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType_74327S struct {
FrequentTraveler *FrequentTravellerIdentificationTypeI `xml:"frequentTraveler"`
- PriorityDetails []*PriorityDetailsType `xml:"priorityDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ PriorityDetails []*PriorityDetailsType `xml:"priorityDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Specify the redemption information
- RedemptionInformation *ProductAccountDetailsTypeI `xml:"redemptionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RedemptionInformation *ProductAccountDetailsTypeI `xml:"redemptionInformation,omitempty"`
type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType struct {
@@ -2712,13 +2712,13 @@ type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType struct {
MembershipNumber string `xml:"membershipNumber"`
// To specify a Tier linked to the FQTV
- TierLevel string `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TierLevel string `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"`
// To specify the Priority of the FQTV.
- PriorityCode string `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriorityCode string `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"`
// Full Text Tier description ex: EMERALD, SAPPHIRE
- TierDescription string `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TierDescription string `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"`
type FrequentTravellerIdentificationTypeI struct {
@@ -2729,7 +2729,7 @@ type FrequentTravellerIdentificationTypeI struct {
MembershipNumber string `xml:"membershipNumber"`
// Provide airline customer value of the frequent traveller.
- CustomerValue *int32 `xml:"customerValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerValue *int32 `xml:"customerValue,omitempty"`
type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType_198190C struct {
@@ -2742,13 +2742,13 @@ type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType_198190C struct {
type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType_64816C struct {
// To specify a Tier linked to the FQTV
- TierLevel string `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TierLevel string `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"`
// To specify the Priority of the FQTV.
- PriorityCode string `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriorityCode string `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"`
// Full Text Tier description ex: EMERALD, SAPPHIRE
- TierDescription string `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TierDescription string `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"`
// Alliance name
CompanyCode string `xml:"companyCode"`
@@ -2756,10 +2756,10 @@ type FrequentTravellerIdentificationType_64816C struct {
type GategoryType struct {
// A (first) category number
- CategoryNum1 *int32 `xml:"categoryNum1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CategoryNum1 *int32 `xml:"categoryNum1,omitempty"`
// [2-16] characters for Special [2-10] characters for Dual
- CategoryName string `xml:"categoryName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CategoryName string `xml:"categoryName,omitempty"`
type GeneralOptionInformationType struct {
@@ -2767,10 +2767,10 @@ type GeneralOptionInformationType struct {
Type string `xml:"type"`
// 1. Hotel segment: for Update option indicator Y for yes N for no
- UpdateIndicator string `xml:"updateIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UpdateIndicator string `xml:"updateIndicator,omitempty"`
// Free text
- Freetext []string `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ Freetext []string `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
type GeneralOptionType struct {
@@ -2785,21 +2785,21 @@ type GenericAuthorisationResultType struct {
type GenericDetailsTypeI struct {
// Seat Characteristic
- SeatCharacteristic []string `xml:"seatCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ SeatCharacteristic []string `xml:"seatCharacteristic,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type HotelProductInformationType struct {
// Property header details
- Property *PropertyHeaderDetailsType `xml:"property,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Property *PropertyHeaderDetailsType `xml:"property,omitempty"`
// Room details
- HotelRoom *RoomDetailsType `xml:"hotelRoom,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ HotelRoom *RoomDetailsType `xml:"hotelRoom,omitempty"`
// Rate code
- Negotiated []*RateCodeRestrictedType `xml:"negotiated,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="8"
+ Negotiated []*RateCodeRestrictedType `xml:"negotiated,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="8"
// Other information
- OtherHotelInfo *OtherHotelInformationType `xml:"otherHotelInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherHotelInfo *OtherHotelInformationType `xml:"otherHotelInfo,omitempty"`
type HotelPropertyType struct {
@@ -2810,7 +2810,7 @@ type HotelPropertyType struct {
HotelName string `xml:"hotelName"`
// This data element is used to indicates if the hotel is compliant with the fire safety rules.
- FireSafetyIndicator string `xml:"fireSafetyIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FireSafetyIndicator string `xml:"fireSafetyIndicator,omitempty"`
type HotelPropertyType_26378S struct {
@@ -2820,16 +2820,16 @@ type HotelPropertyType_26378S struct {
type HotelRoomRateInformationType struct {
// This data element is used to convey the room type
- RoomType string `xml:"roomType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RoomType string `xml:"roomType,omitempty"`
// This data element is used to convey the hotel rate code
- RatePlanCode string `xml:"ratePlanCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RatePlanCode string `xml:"ratePlanCode,omitempty"`
// This data element is used to convey the hotel rate category code
- RateCategoryCode string `xml:"rateCategoryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateCategoryCode string `xml:"rateCategoryCode,omitempty"`
// This data element is used to indicate if the rate code is a qualified rate code or not.
- RateQualifiedIndic string `xml:"rateQualifiedIndic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateQualifiedIndic string `xml:"rateQualifiedIndic,omitempty"`
type HotelRoomRateInformationType_46329C struct {
@@ -2839,16 +2839,16 @@ type HotelRoomRateInformationType_46329C struct {
type HotelRoomType struct {
// This composite is used to convey the room rate identifier.
- RoomRateIdentifier *HotelRoomRateInformationType `xml:"roomRateIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RoomRateIdentifier *HotelRoomRateInformationType `xml:"roomRateIdentifier,omitempty"`
// This data element is used to convey the booking code.
- BookingCode string `xml:"bookingCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingCode string `xml:"bookingCode,omitempty"`
// This composite is used to convey the occupancy level of the hotel room.
GuestCountDetails *NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI_18670C `xml:"guestCountDetails"`
// This data element is used to convey the override room type (non-Amadeus room types).
- RoomTypeOverride string `xml:"roomTypeOverride,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RoomTypeOverride string `xml:"roomTypeOverride,omitempty"`
type HotelRoomType_20177S struct {
@@ -2861,13 +2861,13 @@ type HotelRoomType_25429S struct {
RoomRateIdentifier *HotelRoomRateInformationType_46329C `xml:"roomRateIdentifier"`
// This data element is used to convey the booking code.
- BookingCode string `xml:"bookingCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingCode string `xml:"bookingCode,omitempty"`
// This composite is used to convey the occupancy level of the hotel room.
- GuestCountDetails *NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI_46330C `xml:"guestCountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ GuestCountDetails *NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI_46330C `xml:"guestCountDetails,omitempty"`
// This data element is used to convey the override room type (non-Amadeus room types).
- RoomTypeOverride string `xml:"roomTypeOverride,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RoomTypeOverride string `xml:"roomTypeOverride,omitempty"`
type HotelUniqueIdType struct {
@@ -2896,13 +2896,13 @@ type IdentificationNumberTypeI struct {
type IndividualPnrSecurityInformationType struct {
// Returned before End of transaction when retrieving a PNR security element
- Security []*IndividualSecurityType_3194C `xml:"security,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ Security []*IndividualSecurityType_3194C `xml:"security,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
// Returned when retrieving a PNR
- SecurityInfo *SecurityInformationType `xml:"securityInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SecurityInfo *SecurityInformationType `xml:"securityInfo,omitempty"`
// Code as in the display: G for Amadeus Global Core Office Identification I for IATA number P for Pseudo-Office Identification Default is G.
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
type IndividualSecurityType struct {
@@ -2913,7 +2913,7 @@ type IndividualSecurityType struct {
AccessMode string `xml:"accessMode"`
// - F for Family identifier
- OfficeIdentifier string `xml:"officeIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OfficeIdentifier string `xml:"officeIdentifier,omitempty"`
type IndividualSecurityType_3194C struct {
@@ -2929,46 +2929,46 @@ type InsuranceBusinessDataType struct {
ProviderProductDetails *InsuranceProductDetailsType `xml:"providerProductDetails"`
// provides details about the substitute name or the nanny name.
- SubstiteName []*TravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"substiteName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ SubstiteName []*TravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"substiteName,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Amount that is added to the total premium in case an extrareference is specified.
- ExtraPremium *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"extraPremium,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExtraPremium *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"extraPremium,omitempty"`
// To convey the products and it's directly related data.
- ProductSection []*ProductSection `xml:"productSection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="48"
+ ProductSection []*ProductSection `xml:"productSection,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="48"
// contains the different amounts (net premium/taxes/total premium)
- PlanCostInfo *TariffInformationTypeI_22057S `xml:"planCostInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PlanCostInfo *TariffInformationTypeI_22057S `xml:"planCostInfo,omitempty"`
// Provides details about the type of plan beeing booked.
- PlanTypeDetails *PlanTypeDetails `xml:"planTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PlanTypeDetails *PlanTypeDetails `xml:"planTypeDetails,omitempty"`
// To specify remarks and an emergency contact (phone or name)
- ContactDetails *ContactDetails `xml:"contactDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ContactDetails *ContactDetails `xml:"contactDetails,omitempty"`
// To specify the address of the subscriber.
- SubscriberAddressSection *SubscriberAddressSection `xml:"subscriberAddressSection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SubscriberAddressSection *SubscriberAddressSection `xml:"subscriberAddressSection,omitempty"`
// This is used to convey the different coverages and it's values.
- CoverageDetails *CoverageDetails `xml:"coverageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CoverageDetails *CoverageDetails `xml:"coverageDetails,omitempty"`
// to specify a commission.
- ComissionAmount *CommissionInformationType `xml:"comissionAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ComissionAmount *CommissionInformationType `xml:"comissionAmount,omitempty"`
// To convey a structered FOP element.
- InsuranceFopSection *InsuranceFopSection `xml:"insuranceFopSection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InsuranceFopSection *InsuranceFopSection `xml:"insuranceFopSection,omitempty"`
// To specify a number which means that the insurance is in a confirmed status.
- ConfirmationNumber *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"confirmationNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConfirmationNumber *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"confirmationNumber,omitempty"`
// Used to specify the necesary data for pricing
- ProductKnowledge []*ActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"productKnowledge,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ ProductKnowledge []*ActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"productKnowledge,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// to specify to which passenger the insurance is associated: if omitted then it's for all the names in the PNR. The repetition factor is 198 because we can have 99 passengers in a PNR each of them an infant.
- PassengerDetails []*PassengerDetails `xml:"passengerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="198"
+ PassengerDetails []*PassengerDetails `xml:"passengerDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="198"
// To convey information if the document has been printed or not.
- PrintInformation *DocumentInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"printInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PrintInformation *DocumentInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"printInformation,omitempty"`
type ContactDetails struct {
@@ -2976,10 +2976,10 @@ type ContactDetails struct {
Miscelaneous *MiscellaneousRemarksType_12240S `xml:"miscelaneous"`
// Used to specify a phone number as an emergency contact
- PhoneNumber *PhoneAndEmailAddressType_32298S `xml:"phoneNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PhoneNumber *PhoneAndEmailAddressType_32298S `xml:"phoneNumber,omitempty"`
// to specify the name of a person in case of an emergeny
- ContactName *TravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"contactName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ContactName *TravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"contactName,omitempty"`
type CoverageDetails struct {
@@ -2987,19 +2987,19 @@ type CoverageDetails struct {
PolicyDetails *InsurancePolicyType `xml:"policyDetails"`
// This group is used to describe the coverage conditions details.
- CoverageInfo []*CoverageInfo `xml:"coverageInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ CoverageInfo []*CoverageInfo `xml:"coverageInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
// To specifie the covered persons: here it conveys the NB/NM and ON options
- CoveredPassenger []*TravellerInformationTypeI_15923S `xml:"coveredPassenger,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ CoveredPassenger []*TravellerInformationTypeI_15923S `xml:"coveredPassenger,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
// starting date and end date
- CoverageDates *StructuredPeriodInformationType `xml:"coverageDates,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CoverageDates *StructuredPeriodInformationType `xml:"coverageDates,omitempty"`
// Details of the subscription: date and time.
- SubscriptionDetails *StructuredDateTimeInformationType_20644S `xml:"subscriptionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SubscriptionDetails *StructuredDateTimeInformationType_20644S `xml:"subscriptionDetails,omitempty"`
// To convey the details of the insurance seller.
- AgentReferenceDetails *UserIdentificationType_9456S `xml:"agentReferenceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AgentReferenceDetails *UserIdentificationType_9456S `xml:"agentReferenceDetails,omitempty"`
type InsuranceFopSection struct {
@@ -3007,7 +3007,7 @@ type InsuranceFopSection struct {
FormOfPaymentSection *FormOfPaymentTypeI_16862S `xml:"formOfPaymentSection"`
// To provide form of payment extended data
- FopExtendedData []*StatusTypeI_13270S `xml:"fopExtendedData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ FopExtendedData []*StatusTypeI_13270S `xml:"fopExtendedData,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type PassengerDetails struct {
@@ -3015,34 +3015,34 @@ type PassengerDetails struct {
PassengerAssociation *ReferenceInformationType `xml:"passengerAssociation"`
// product knowledge indicator
- PerPaxProdKnowledge []*ActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"perPaxProdKnowledge,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ PerPaxProdKnowledge []*ActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"perPaxProdKnowledge,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
// To specify the birthdate of the insuree.
- DateOfBirthInfo *StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"dateOfBirthInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateOfBirthInfo *StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"dateOfBirthInfo,omitempty"`
// to specify the name /age of the insuree
- PassengerFeatures []*TravellerInformationType `xml:"passengerFeatures,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ PassengerFeatures []*TravellerInformationType `xml:"passengerFeatures,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// to specify a remark for the insuree
- InsureeRemark *MiscellaneousRemarksType `xml:"insureeRemark,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InsureeRemark *MiscellaneousRemarksType `xml:"insureeRemark,omitempty"`
// To specify the details concerning the documentation and the age of the insuree.
- TravelerDocInfo *PassengerDocumentDetailsType `xml:"travelerDocInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravelerDocInfo *PassengerDocumentDetailsType `xml:"travelerDocInfo,omitempty"`
// fare discount code used per Pax
- PolicyDetails *InsurancePolicyType `xml:"policyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PolicyDetails *InsurancePolicyType `xml:"policyDetails,omitempty"`
// Details per insuree of the travel cost
- TravelerValueDetails *TravelerValueDetails `xml:"travelerValueDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravelerValueDetails *TravelerValueDetails `xml:"travelerValueDetails,omitempty"`
// to convey for each tariff code and passenger the premium for this tariff.
- PremiumPerTariffPerPax []*PremiumPerTariffPerPax `xml:"premiumPerTariffPerPax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
+ PremiumPerTariffPerPax []*PremiumPerTariffPerPax `xml:"premiumPerTariffPerPax,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="4"
// To convey the premium perpax
- PremiumPerpaxInfo *TariffInformationTypeI_22057S `xml:"premiumPerpaxInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PremiumPerpaxInfo *TariffInformationTypeI_22057S `xml:"premiumPerpaxInfo,omitempty"`
// The Individual passenger reservation information
- VoucherNumber *ReservationControlInformationTypeU_31804S `xml:"voucherNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ VoucherNumber *ReservationControlInformationTypeU_31804S `xml:"voucherNumber,omitempty"`
type PlanTypeDetails struct {
@@ -3050,7 +3050,7 @@ type PlanTypeDetails struct {
PlanType *InsuranceProviderAndProductsType `xml:"planType"`
// to specify the value of the trip.
- TravelValue *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"travelValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravelValue *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"travelValue,omitempty"`
type ProductSection struct {
@@ -3058,7 +3058,7 @@ type ProductSection struct {
ProductCode *InsuranceProductDetailsType_20774S `xml:"productCode"`
// To convey the information the provider estimates important on a given product.
- InformationLines *FreeTextInformationType_6235S `xml:"informationLines,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InformationLines *FreeTextInformationType_6235S `xml:"informationLines,omitempty"`
type SubscriberAddressSection struct {
@@ -3066,15 +3066,15 @@ type SubscriberAddressSection struct {
NameDetails *NameTypeU `xml:"nameDetails"`
// to specify the address of the subscriber
- AddressInfo *AddressTypeU `xml:"addressInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AddressInfo *AddressTypeU `xml:"addressInfo,omitempty"`
// Used to specify a phone number
- PhoneNumber *PhoneAndEmailAddressType_32298S `xml:"phoneNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PhoneNumber *PhoneAndEmailAddressType_32298S `xml:"phoneNumber,omitempty"`
type InsuranceCoverageType struct {
// Indicate type of amount (eg. Medical Coverage, Trip Value, etc)
- CoverageIndicator []string `xml:"coverageIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ CoverageIndicator []string `xml:"coverageIndicator,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type InsuranceCoverageType_25483S struct {
@@ -3084,87 +3084,87 @@ type InsuranceCoverageType_25483S struct {
type InsuranceNameType struct {
// insurance traveller details
- InsuranceTravelerDetails *SpecificTravellerDetailsType `xml:"insuranceTravelerDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InsuranceTravelerDetails *SpecificTravellerDetailsType `xml:"insuranceTravelerDetails,omitempty"`
// travelerperpax details
- TravelerPerpaxDetails []*TravelerPerpaxDetailsType `xml:"travelerPerpaxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ TravelerPerpaxDetails []*TravelerPerpaxDetailsType `xml:"travelerPerpaxDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
type InsurancePolicyType struct {
// to specify a discount for the insuree like if it's a family etc..
- FareDiscount string `xml:"fareDiscount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareDiscount string `xml:"fareDiscount,omitempty"`
type InsuranceProductDetailsType struct {
// This data element is used to convey the company code of a non-air company
- CompanyCode string `xml:"companyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyCode string `xml:"companyCode,omitempty"`
// To identify the countrycode from the provider.
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"`
// Authorization number provided by ht insurance company
- ExtraReference []string `xml:"extraReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
+ ExtraReference []string `xml:"extraReference,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="4"
type InsuranceProductDetailsType_20774S struct {
// This data element is used to convey the company code of a non-air company
- CompanyCode string `xml:"companyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyCode string `xml:"companyCode,omitempty"`
// To identify the countrycode from the provider.
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"`
// This composite contains the code of the insurance elements.
- ProductDetails *ProviderInformationType `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDetails *ProviderInformationType `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"`
// contains the extensions for the main insurance product
- ExtensionIdentification []*ProviderInformationType `xml:"extensionIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="7"
+ ExtensionIdentification []*ProviderInformationType `xml:"extensionIdentification,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="7"
// tariff code info. tariff code and tariff familly code.
- TariffCodeDetails []*TariffcodeType `xml:"tariffCodeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="48"
+ TariffCodeDetails []*TariffcodeType `xml:"tariffCodeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="48"
type InsuranceProductDetailsType_20775S struct {
// tariff code info. tariff code and tariff familly code.
- TariffCodeDetails []*TariffcodeType `xml:"tariffCodeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="48"
+ TariffCodeDetails []*TariffcodeType `xml:"tariffCodeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="48"
type InsuranceProviderAndProductsType struct {
// Type of trip (package. leisure etc...)
- TripType string `xml:"tripType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TripType string `xml:"tripType,omitempty"`
// Code of the operator who provides the TOUR.
- TourOperator string `xml:"tourOperator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TourOperator string `xml:"tourOperator,omitempty"`
// To specify the countries involved in the Travel assistance element.
- CountryInfo *CountrydescriptionType `xml:"countryInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CountryInfo *CountrydescriptionType `xml:"countryInfo,omitempty"`
type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI struct {
// Provides information on the text conveyed in the IFT: language, type...
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI_185754C `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI_185754C `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"`
// The information itself
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_136698S struct {
// Describes free text type
- FreetextDetail *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freetextDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreetextDetail *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freetextDetail,omitempty"`
// One occurrence is supposed to represent a logical entity of free text (e.g. one line of text).
- Text []string `xml:"text,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ Text []string `xml:"text,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_99363S struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI_148295C `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI_148295C `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..70
- FreeText string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeText string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"`
type ItemDescriptionType struct {
// Qualify the item being described
- ItemCharacteristic string `xml:"itemCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ItemCharacteristic string `xml:"itemCharacteristic,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberIdentificationTypeU struct {
@@ -3221,18 +3221,18 @@ type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_94556S struct {
type LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU struct {
// Set to: IATA to indicate IATA location code 1A to indicate a 1A location CPY to indicate a Car provider location
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"`
// Location extended name for - Amadeus location type - Provider location type (followed by an *) - Free text for collection option. - Free text for delivery option.
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"`
type LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU_198230C struct {
// Location Code "1A" to indicate Amadeus location type "CPY" to indicate a Provider location type
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"`
// Location extended name for Amadeus location type and Provider location type (followed by an *)
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"`
type LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU_46344C struct {
@@ -3243,7 +3243,7 @@ type LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU_46344C struct {
Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
// location name
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"`
type LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU_56454C struct {
@@ -3254,7 +3254,7 @@ type LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU_56454C struct {
Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
// Location name
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"`
type LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU_60738C struct {
@@ -3283,12 +3283,12 @@ type LocationIdentificationTypeU_198211C struct {
Code string `xml:"code"`
// Site name
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"`
type LocationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: a3
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"`
type LocationTypeI_2784C struct {
@@ -3296,7 +3296,7 @@ type LocationTypeI_2784C struct {
CityCode string `xml:"cityCode"`
// TRN SNCF segment : board point city name.
- CityName string `xml:"cityName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CityName string `xml:"cityName,omitempty"`
type LocationTypeU struct {
@@ -3307,7 +3307,7 @@ type LocationTypeU struct {
Name string `xml:"name"`
// Port codes are non-standard and specific to the Amadeus ferry business.
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
type LocationTypeU_46324C struct {
@@ -3315,10 +3315,10 @@ type LocationTypeU_46324C struct {
Code string `xml:"code"`
// city name
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"`
// country code
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"`
// location qualifier for the repetition (departure location, arrival location ...)
Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
@@ -3326,10 +3326,10 @@ type LocationTypeU_46324C struct {
type LongFreeTextType struct {
// To specify the type of freetext
- FreetextDetail *FreeTextQualificationType `xml:"freetextDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreetextDetail *FreeTextQualificationType `xml:"freetextDetail,omitempty"`
// Long free text information.
- LongFreetext string `xml:"longFreetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LongFreetext string `xml:"longFreetext,omitempty"`
type MeanOfPaymentDataType struct {
@@ -3340,7 +3340,7 @@ type MeanOfPaymentDataType struct {
Dummy *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"dummy"`
// will convey all credit card data needed for the payment
- CreditCardData *CreditCardDataGroupType `xml:"creditCardData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CreditCardData *CreditCardDataGroupType `xml:"creditCardData,omitempty"`
type MeasurementsBatchTypeU struct {
@@ -3363,27 +3363,27 @@ type MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI struct {
type MessageReferenceType struct {
// This number is used to identify and track ALL messages related to a given cardholder transaction (author, retry, reversal ...). It is usually composed of: - the date when the message was formatted followed by - the message number Field 37 Official definition of Retrieval Reference Number from ISO8583: Field 37 contains a number used with other key data elements to identify and track all messages related to a given cardholder transaction (referred to as a transaction set). It is usually assigned by the acquirer, but it may be assigned by a merchant or by an individual electronic terminal. V.I.P. will also generate the retrieval reference number for transactions it initiates. This field contains two parts. The first four digits are usually a yddd date (Julian date format). The date is defined to be the same day as the date in Field 7_Transmission Date and Time, of the original request. The last eight digits are a numeric transaction identification number. The value in field 37 can be based on the content of fields 7 and 11 in the original request or advice as shown in the recommendation below: . Positions 1_4: the yddd equivalent of the field 7 date . Positions 5_6: the hours from the time in field 7 . Positions 7_12: the value from field 11
- RetrievalReferenceNumber string `xml:"retrievalReferenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RetrievalReferenceNumber string `xml:"retrievalReferenceNumber,omitempty"`
// Authorization characteristics indicator Field 62.1 Possible values: A C E F K M S U V W R I P N T
- AuthorCharacteristicIndicator string `xml:"authorCharacteristicIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AuthorCharacteristicIndicator string `xml:"authorCharacteristicIndicator,omitempty"`
// Authorization response code Field 39
- AuthorResponseCode string `xml:"authorResponseCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AuthorResponseCode string `xml:"authorResponseCode,omitempty"`
// Card Level Result (Product Identification value) Field 62.23
- CardLevelResult string `xml:"cardLevelResult,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CardLevelResult string `xml:"cardLevelResult,omitempty"`
// Additional POS Information - Terminal Type Field 60.1 - Position 1 CAT (Cardholder-Activated Terminal indicator) or UAT (Unattended Acceptance Terminal)
- TerminalType string `xml:"terminalType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TerminalType string `xml:"terminalType,omitempty"`
type MileageTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: n..18
- FlightLegMileage *int32 `xml:"flightLegMileage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightLegMileage *int32 `xml:"flightLegMileage,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"`
type MiscellaneousChargeOrderType struct {
@@ -3396,19 +3396,19 @@ type MiscellaneousRemarkType struct {
Type string `xml:"type"`
// Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
- Freetext string `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Freetext string `xml:"freetext,omitempty"`
// This data element is used to convey the business function
- BusinessFunction string `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BusinessFunction string `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"`
// language used for the free text.
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"`
// Indicates if it has been manually entered by an agent or system generated.
- Source string `xml:"source,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Source string `xml:"source,omitempty"`
// Coded identification of the character encoding used in the interchange
- Encoding string `xml:"encoding,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Encoding string `xml:"encoding,omitempty"`
type MiscellaneousRemarkType_151C struct {
@@ -3416,13 +3416,13 @@ type MiscellaneousRemarkType_151C struct {
Type string `xml:"type"`
// This is the 3rd character (x) of the remark title RIx or RMx, or 2 letter code for RMxx, conditional for RM, not applicable for RC and RQ
- Category string `xml:"category,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Category string `xml:"category,omitempty"`
// Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
- Freetext string `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Freetext string `xml:"freetext,omitempty"`
// Provider type (element RIA): 1 for Air provider 2 for Car provider (CCR) 3 for Hotel Provider (HHL) M for Miscellaneous
- ProviderType string `xml:"providerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProviderType string `xml:"providerType,omitempty"`
type MiscellaneousRemarkType_18076C struct {
@@ -3430,7 +3430,7 @@ type MiscellaneousRemarkType_18076C struct {
Type string `xml:"type"`
// Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
- Freetext string `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Freetext string `xml:"freetext,omitempty"`
type MiscellaneousRemarkType_198195C struct {
@@ -3438,19 +3438,19 @@ type MiscellaneousRemarkType_198195C struct {
Type string `xml:"type"`
// Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
- Freetext string `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Freetext string `xml:"freetext,omitempty"`
// This data element is used to convey the business function
- BusinessFunction string `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BusinessFunction string `xml:"businessFunction,omitempty"`
// language used for the free text.
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"`
// Indicates if it has been manually entered by an agent or system generated.
- Source string `xml:"source,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Source string `xml:"source,omitempty"`
// Coded identification of the character encoding used in the interchange
- Encoding string `xml:"encoding,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Encoding string `xml:"encoding,omitempty"`
type MiscellaneousRemarkType_861C struct {
@@ -3458,35 +3458,35 @@ type MiscellaneousRemarkType_861C struct {
Type string `xml:"type"`
// Free text and message sequence numbers of the remarks.
- Freetext string `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Freetext string `xml:"freetext,omitempty"`
type MiscellaneousRemarksType struct {
// miscellaneous remarks
- RemarkDetails *MiscellaneousRemarkType_861C `xml:"remarkDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RemarkDetails *MiscellaneousRemarkType_861C `xml:"remarkDetails,omitempty"`
type MiscellaneousRemarksType_12240S struct {
// miscellaneous remarks
- RemarkDetails *MiscellaneousRemarkType_18076C `xml:"remarkDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RemarkDetails *MiscellaneousRemarkType_18076C `xml:"remarkDetails,omitempty"`
type MiscellaneousRemarksType_136700S struct {
// miscellaneous remarks
- RemarkDetails *MiscellaneousRemarkType_198195C `xml:"remarkDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RemarkDetails *MiscellaneousRemarkType_198195C `xml:"remarkDetails,omitempty"`
type MiscellaneousRemarksType_211S struct {
// Miscellaneous remqrks
- Remarks *MiscellaneousRemarkType_151C `xml:"remarks,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Remarks *MiscellaneousRemarkType_151C `xml:"remarks,omitempty"`
// For confidential remark RC
- IndividualSecurity []*IndividualSecurityType `xml:"individualSecurity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ IndividualSecurity []*IndividualSecurityType `xml:"individualSecurity,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type MiscellaneousRemarksType_664S struct {
// miscellaneous remarks
- RemarkDetails *MiscellaneousRemarkType `xml:"remarkDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RemarkDetails *MiscellaneousRemarkType `xml:"remarkDetails,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
@@ -3497,7 +3497,7 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
Amount float64 `xml:"amount"`
// IATA alphabetic currency code. Eg: USD,GBP,EUR...
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -3505,7 +3505,7 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
// Amount of the Yield
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_17849C struct {
@@ -3513,10 +3513,10 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_17849C struct {
TypeQualifier string `xml:"typeQualifier"`
// Used to specify an amount of money
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// currency in which the amount is expressed
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_4220C struct {
@@ -3545,7 +3545,7 @@ type MonetaryInformationType struct {
// Yield info
MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
+ OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="4"
type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -3553,19 +3553,19 @@ type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_17849C `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
// Base Trip value in a given currency
- OtherMonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_17849C `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherMonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_17849C `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationTypeI_1689S struct {
// To specify monetary information
- Information *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_4220C `xml:"information,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Information *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_4220C `xml:"information,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationType_94557S struct {
// Contains the currencies and the various amounts
MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="7"
+ OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="7"
type NameAndAddressBatchTypeU struct {
@@ -3573,10 +3573,10 @@ type NameAndAddressBatchTypeU struct {
PartyQualifier string `xml:"partyQualifier"`
// This composite is used to convey the address
- AddressDetails *NameAndAddressDetailsTypeU `xml:"addressDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AddressDetails *NameAndAddressDetailsTypeU `xml:"addressDetails,omitempty"`
// This composite is used to convey the party name
- PartyNameDetails *PartyNameBatchTypeU `xml:"partyNameDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PartyNameDetails *PartyNameBatchTypeU `xml:"partyNameDetails,omitempty"`
type NameAndAddressDetailsTypeU struct {
@@ -3584,7 +3584,7 @@ type NameAndAddressDetailsTypeU struct {
Line1 string `xml:"line1"`
// address line 2
- Line2 string `xml:"line2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Line2 string `xml:"line2,omitempty"`
type NameInformationTypeU struct {
@@ -3600,10 +3600,10 @@ type NameInformationTypeU_9747C struct {
Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
// Company name
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"`
// Insuree name
- Identifier string `xml:"identifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Identifier string `xml:"identifier,omitempty"`
type NameTypeU struct {
@@ -3618,10 +3618,10 @@ type NameTypeU_136701S struct {
type NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI struct {
// Group counter corresponding to passengers, and so value from 0 to 99.
- NumberOfUnit *int32 `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfUnit *int32 `xml:"numberOfUnit,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"`
type NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI_18670C struct {
@@ -3634,10 +3634,10 @@ type NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI_18670C struct {
type NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI_2755C struct {
// PNR Header / Queue header / number of remaining items in Queue
- Number *int32 `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number *int32 `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// PNR for PNR
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
type NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI_35712C struct {
@@ -3670,10 +3670,10 @@ type NumberOfUnitsType_76106S struct {
type ODKeyPerformanceDataType struct {
// schedule change indicator -'C' or void
- ScheduleChange string `xml:"scheduleChange,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ScheduleChange string `xml:"scheduleChange,omitempty"`
// oversale data
- Oversale *OversaleDataType `xml:"oversale,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Oversale *OversaleDataType `xml:"oversale,omitempty"`
type ONDType struct {
@@ -3681,13 +3681,13 @@ type ONDType struct {
YieldInformations *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"yieldInformations"`
// Class code as defined in yield retrieved / Class combinaison of the yield retrieved
- ClassCombinaison *ProductInformationTypeI_76271S `xml:"classCombinaison,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ClassCombinaison *ProductInformationTypeI_76271S `xml:"classCombinaison,omitempty"`
// Origin and Destination of the Yield
Ondyield *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI_76268S `xml:"ondyield"`
// Origin And Destination of the Trip
- TripOnD *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI_76268S `xml:"tripOnD,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TripOnD *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI_76268S `xml:"tripOnD,omitempty"`
type OptionElementInformationType struct {
@@ -3695,26 +3695,26 @@ type OptionElementInformationType struct {
MainOffice string `xml:"mainOffice"`
// Date
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"`
// Queue number
- Queue *int32 `xml:"queue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Queue *int32 `xml:"queue,omitempty"`
// Category number
- Category *int32 `xml:"category,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Category *int32 `xml:"category,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..61
- Freetext string `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Freetext string `xml:"freetext,omitempty"`
// queuing or cancellation time
- Time string `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Time string `xml:"time,omitempty"`
type OptionElementType struct {
- OptionElementInfo *OptionElementInformationType `xml:"optionElementInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OptionElementInfo *OptionElementInformationType `xml:"optionElementInfo,omitempty"`
// Individual Security for OPQ/OPX elements
- IndividualSecurity []*IndividualSecurityType `xml:"individualSecurity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ IndividualSecurity []*IndividualSecurityType `xml:"individualSecurity,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -3722,23 +3722,23 @@ type OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI struct {
Origin string `xml:"origin"`
// City pair to indentify uniquely a leg in a multi-leg booking
- Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"`
type OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI_3061S struct {
// Airport/city code of Origin In a Client request message, a non-blank ODI is used in an air sell request to advise that the following segments (TVL etc...) are connected. There is a maximum of 6 TVLs following a non-blank ODI.
- Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"`
// Airport/city code of Destination
- Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"`
type OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI_76268S struct {
// Departure's city code:3 character ATA/IATA airport/city code
- Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"`
// Arrival's city code:3 character ATA/IATA airport/city code
- Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"`
type OriginatorDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -3746,21 +3746,21 @@ type OriginatorDetailsTypeI struct {
CodedCountry string `xml:"codedCountry"`
// Currency code
- CodedCurrency string `xml:"codedCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CodedCurrency string `xml:"codedCurrency,omitempty"`
// Language code
- CodedLanguage string `xml:"codedLanguage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CodedLanguage string `xml:"codedLanguage,omitempty"`
type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
// IATA code
- OriginatorId *int32 `xml:"originatorId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginatorId *int32 `xml:"originatorId,omitempty"`
// Office ID of the PNR owner.
InHouseIdentification1 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification1"`
// Amid of the owner of the SBR.
- InHouseIdentification2 *int32 `xml:"inHouseIdentification2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InHouseIdentification2 *int32 `xml:"inHouseIdentification2,omitempty"`
type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI_198179C struct {
@@ -3775,23 +3775,23 @@ type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI_37406C struct {
type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI_46358C struct {
// Origin OficeID
- InHouseIdentification1 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InHouseIdentification1 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification1,omitempty"`
// Target OfficeID
- InHouseIdentification2 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InHouseIdentification2 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification2,omitempty"`
type OtherHotelInformationType struct {
// Currency Code at Property 1. For AY Direct Access segment: Currency code
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"`
type OtherInformationType struct {
// Queue cycle complete indicator that may appear in Queue working response message. QCC for Queue cycle complete
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
// Indicates the type of Queue in a Queue working response message. PNR for PNR MSG for Message
- QueueType string `xml:"queueType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ QueueType string `xml:"queueType,omitempty"`
type OtherSegmentDataTypeI struct {
@@ -3799,21 +3799,21 @@ type OtherSegmentDataTypeI struct {
Cabin string `xml:"cabin"`
// Sub class number
- Subclass *int32 `xml:"subclass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Subclass *int32 `xml:"subclass,omitempty"`
// Flight type : - D for Domestic - I for International - L for Longhaul - S for Shorthaul
- FlightType string `xml:"flightType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightType string `xml:"flightType,omitempty"`
// Overbooking indicator
- Overbooking string `xml:"overbooking,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Overbooking string `xml:"overbooking,omitempty"`
type OversaleDataType struct {
// Bid price oversale number
- OversaleNumber *float64 `xml:"oversaleNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OversaleNumber *float64 `xml:"oversaleNumber,omitempty"`
// Oversale indicator F for Bid-Price Feed Oversale O for Bid-Price Oversale P for Pushed Minimum Oversale
- OversaleIndicator []string `xml:"oversaleIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ OversaleIndicator []string `xml:"oversaleIndicator,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type PNRSupplementaryDataType struct {
@@ -3826,10 +3826,10 @@ type POSGroupType struct {
SbrUserIdentificationOwn *UserIdentificationType `xml:"sbrUserIdentificationOwn"`
// - Corporate Code - City Code
- SbrSystemDetails *SystemDetailsInfoType_33158S `xml:"sbrSystemDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SbrSystemDetails *SystemDetailsInfoType_33158S `xml:"sbrSystemDetails,omitempty"`
// Preferences - Country - Language - Currency
- SbrPreferences *UserPreferencesType `xml:"sbrPreferences,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SbrPreferences *UserPreferencesType `xml:"sbrPreferences,omitempty"`
type PackageDescriptionType struct {
@@ -3837,7 +3837,7 @@ type PackageDescriptionType struct {
PackageType string `xml:"packageType"`
// List of inclusive package
- PackageDetails *PackageIdentificationType `xml:"packageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PackageDetails *PackageIdentificationType `xml:"packageDetails,omitempty"`
type PackageIdentificationType struct {
@@ -3852,10 +3852,10 @@ type PartyNameBatchTypeU struct {
type PassengerDocumentDetailsType struct {
// Used to convey the age of the insuree
- BirthDate string `xml:"birthDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BirthDate string `xml:"birthDate,omitempty"`
// Details on the document (visa, passport...)
- DocumentDetails *DocumentDetailsType `xml:"documentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DocumentDetails *DocumentDetailsType `xml:"documentDetails,omitempty"`
type PassengerFlightDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -3866,31 +3866,31 @@ type PaymentDataGroupType struct {
MerchantInformation *CompanyInformationType_94554S `xml:"merchantInformation"`
// will convey all the monetary informations related to the payment : amount, currency, sub-amounts
- MonetaryInformation []*MonetaryInformationType_94557S `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
+ MonetaryInformation []*MonetaryInformationType_94557S `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="999"
// Conveys Payment Record ID (used by Payment Manager) to identify payment in a unique manner. May convey also a "correlator Id" used by the calling application to reconciliate its payment data. And also the "transaction Id" generated by the third party system (bank/PSP/PAyPAL...)
- PaymentId []*ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_94556S `xml:"paymentId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ PaymentId []*ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_94556S `xml:"paymentId,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
// It will describe the content of the extended payment : when it will start, the frequency and how many times it should occur
- ExtendedPaymentInfo *FrequencyTypeU `xml:"extendedPaymentInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExtendedPaymentInfo *FrequencyTypeU `xml:"extendedPaymentInfo,omitempty"`
// The segment conveys the date/time of the transaction
- TransactionDateTime *StructuredDateTimeInformationType_94559S `xml:"transactionDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TransactionDateTime *StructuredDateTimeInformationType_94559S `xml:"transactionDateTime,omitempty"`
// Will show the duration of validity of the payment request, mesured from receipt by the issuer. The customer has to agree to the payment within this period. Expressed in seconds.
- ExpirationPeriod *QuantityType_94558S `xml:"expirationPeriod,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExpirationPeriod *QuantityType_94558S `xml:"expirationPeriod,omitempty"`
// Distribution Channel information
- DistributionChannelInformation *TerminalIdentificationDescriptionType `xml:"distributionChannelInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DistributionChannelInformation *TerminalIdentificationDescriptionType `xml:"distributionChannelInformation,omitempty"`
// will convey in free text the description of the purchase
- PurchaseDescription *FreeTextInformationType_94561S `xml:"purchaseDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PurchaseDescription *FreeTextInformationType_94561S `xml:"purchaseDescription,omitempty"`
// will convey all information needed to perform the checks requested by the banks/PSPs regarding the prevention of fraud.
- FraudScreeningData *FraudScreeningGroupType `xml:"fraudScreeningData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FraudScreeningData *FraudScreeningGroupType `xml:"fraudScreeningData,omitempty"`
// Will be used to convey information dedicated to the Payment.
- PaymentDataMap []*AttributeType_94553S `xml:"paymentDataMap,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ PaymentDataMap []*AttributeType_94553S `xml:"paymentDataMap,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type PaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -3904,24 +3904,24 @@ type PaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
ServiceToPay string `xml:"serviceToPay"`
// This data element is used to convey the guarantee or the deposit reference.
- ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"`
type PaymentDetailsTypeU struct {
// Identify the mode of payment: - CASH - CC for credit card
- MethodCode string `xml:"methodCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MethodCode string `xml:"methodCode,omitempty"`
// Purpose of the payment: - DEPO for deposit - FINA for final payment
PurposeCode string `xml:"purposeCode"`
// Amount paid
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Currency used for the payment
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"`
// date of the payment
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"`
type PaymentGroupType struct {
@@ -3929,19 +3929,19 @@ type PaymentGroupType struct {
GroupUsage *CodedAttributeType_127282S `xml:"groupUsage"`
// will convey all data necessary for the paiment and not dependant from the Mean Of Payment
- PaymentData *PaymentDataGroupType `xml:"paymentData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PaymentData *PaymentDataGroupType `xml:"paymentData,omitempty"`
// it will convey the Descriptive Billing Information: ONO, GWT, best Fare indicator....
- PaymentSupplementaryData []*CodedAttributeType_94497S `xml:"paymentSupplementaryData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ PaymentSupplementaryData []*CodedAttributeType_94497S `xml:"paymentSupplementaryData,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// will convey all the specificities of the Mean of Payment
- MopInformation *MeanOfPaymentDataType `xml:"mopInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MopInformation *MeanOfPaymentDataType `xml:"mopInformation,omitempty"`
// will allow the usage of FOP segment as trigger for MOPD and MOPS groups
Dummy *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"dummy"`
// will convey the result of the payment and related to the detailed Mean Of Payment
- MopDetailedData *DetailedPaymentDataType `xml:"mopDetailedData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MopDetailedData *DetailedPaymentDataType `xml:"mopDetailedData,omitempty"`
type PaymentInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -3954,7 +3954,7 @@ type PaymentInformationTypeU struct {
PaymentDetails *PaymentDetailsTypeU `xml:"paymentDetails"`
// Credit card name, number and exp. date
- CreditCardInformation *CreditCardInformationTypeU `xml:"creditCardInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CreditCardInformation *CreditCardInformationTypeU `xml:"creditCardInformation,omitempty"`
type PhoneAndEmailAddressType struct {
@@ -3978,10 +3978,10 @@ type PhoneAndEmailAddressType_32298S struct {
PhoneOrEmailType string `xml:"phoneOrEmailType"`
// Structured telephone number
- TelephoneNumber *StructuredTelephoneNumberType_48448C `xml:"telephoneNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TelephoneNumber *StructuredTelephoneNumberType_48448C `xml:"telephoneNumber,omitempty"`
// Email address
- EmailAddress string `xml:"emailAddress,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EmailAddress string `xml:"emailAddress,omitempty"`
type PhoneAndEmailAddressType_94565S struct {
@@ -3989,10 +3989,10 @@ type PhoneAndEmailAddressType_94565S struct {
PhoneOrEmailType string `xml:"phoneOrEmailType"`
// Structured telephone number
- TelephoneNumberDetails *StructuredTelephoneNumberType `xml:"telephoneNumberDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TelephoneNumberDetails *StructuredTelephoneNumberType `xml:"telephoneNumberDetails,omitempty"`
// Email address
- EmailAddress string `xml:"emailAddress,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EmailAddress string `xml:"emailAddress,omitempty"`
type PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU struct {
@@ -4003,7 +4003,7 @@ type PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU struct {
LocationDescription *LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU `xml:"locationDescription"`
// Associated airport/City code. Present if the pickup location is not an airport/city code.
- FirstLocationDetails *RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU_198193C `xml:"firstLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FirstLocationDetails *RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU_198193C `xml:"firstLocationDetails,omitempty"`
type PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_136722S struct {
@@ -4011,7 +4011,7 @@ type PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_136722S struct {
LocationType string `xml:"locationType"`
// Pickup or dropoff location details
- LocationDescription *LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU_198230C `xml:"locationDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationDescription *LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU_198230C `xml:"locationDescription,omitempty"`
type PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_24573S struct {
@@ -4030,7 +4030,7 @@ type PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_25436S struct {
LocationDescription *LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU_46344C `xml:"locationDescription"`
// country description
- FirstLocationDetails *RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU_46345C `xml:"firstLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FirstLocationDetails *RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU_46345C `xml:"firstLocationDetails,omitempty"`
type PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_32347S struct {
@@ -4041,7 +4041,7 @@ type PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_32347S struct {
LocationDescription *LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU_56454C `xml:"locationDescription"`
// Railway station country details.
- FirstLocationDetails *RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU_56455C `xml:"firstLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FirstLocationDetails *RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU_56455C `xml:"firstLocationDetails,omitempty"`
type PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_35293S struct {
@@ -4052,7 +4052,7 @@ type PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_35293S struct {
LocationDescription *LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU_60738C `xml:"locationDescription"`
// Railway station country details.
- FirstLocationDetails *RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU_56455C `xml:"firstLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FirstLocationDetails *RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU_56455C `xml:"firstLocationDetails,omitempty"`
type PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_8954S struct {
@@ -4065,18 +4065,18 @@ type PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_8954S struct {
type PnrHistoryDataType struct {
// Contains the last EOTed envelop number.
- CurrentRecord *int32 `xml:"currentRecord,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrentRecord *int32 `xml:"currentRecord,omitempty"`
type PnrHistoryDataType_6022S struct {
// Reference to previous envelop It may not exist when we are on element creation case.
- PreviousRecord *int32 `xml:"previousRecord,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PreviousRecord *int32 `xml:"previousRecord,omitempty"`
// Current envelop
- CurrentRecord *int32 `xml:"currentRecord,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrentRecord *int32 `xml:"currentRecord,omitempty"`
// History element name ON, AS, RF... First char for type of action done, followed by a letter related to the element concerned.
- ElementType string `xml:"elementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ElementType string `xml:"elementType,omitempty"`
// Free flow text (history data element not detailed) Max length put from 254 to 255 for the case of long history
ElementData string `xml:"elementData"`
@@ -4087,18 +4087,18 @@ type PointOfSaleDataTypeI struct {
Classification string `xml:"classification"`
// Point of Sale CRS
- Crs string `xml:"crs,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Crs string `xml:"crs,omitempty"`
// Point of Sale Country Code
- PointOfSaleCountry string `xml:"pointOfSaleCountry,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PointOfSaleCountry string `xml:"pointOfSaleCountry,omitempty"`
type PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType struct {
// Reason for issuance code.
- SpecialCondition string `xml:"specialCondition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SpecialCondition string `xml:"specialCondition,omitempty"`
// Reason for Issuance Sub code
- OtherSpecialCondition string `xml:"otherSpecialCondition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherSpecialCondition string `xml:"otherSpecialCondition,omitempty"`
type PriorityDetailsType struct {
@@ -4106,38 +4106,38 @@ type PriorityDetailsType struct {
Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier"`
// Priority code
- PriorityCode string `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriorityCode string `xml:"priorityCode,omitempty"`
// Tier level
- TierLevel string `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TierLevel string `xml:"tierLevel,omitempty"`
// Tier description
- TierDescription string `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TierDescription string `xml:"tierDescription,omitempty"`
type ProcessingInformationTypeI struct {
// Identifies the element we are talking about
- ActionQualifier string `xml:"actionQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ActionQualifier string `xml:"actionQualifier,omitempty"`
// Used to qualifie the element with an indicator.
- ReferenceQualifier string `xml:"referenceQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceQualifier string `xml:"referenceQualifier,omitempty"`
type ProductAccountDetailsTypeI struct {
// the award code returned by loyalty system in booking time and send to loyalty system in ticketing time.
- Category string `xml:"category,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Category string `xml:"category,omitempty"`
// Contains the old class of the segment before the upgrade.
- SequenceNumber string `xml:"sequenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SequenceNumber string `xml:"sequenceNumber,omitempty"`
// certificate number
- VersionNumber string `xml:"versionNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ VersionNumber string `xml:"versionNumber,omitempty"`
// Fake Tier level received by TTY in.
- RateClass string `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateClass string `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"`
// stock control number
- ApprovalCode string `xml:"approvalCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ApprovalCode string `xml:"approvalCode,omitempty"`
type ProductDataInformationTypeU struct {
@@ -4145,13 +4145,13 @@ type ProductDataInformationTypeU struct {
ProductCategory string `xml:"productCategory"`
// Conveys the product code
- ProductCode string `xml:"productCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductCode string `xml:"productCode,omitempty"`
// Set to 1 if the product is an addOn.
- AddOnIndicator *int32 `xml:"addOnIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AddOnIndicator *int32 `xml:"addOnIndicator,omitempty"`
// The product description
- ProductDescription string `xml:"productDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDescription string `xml:"productDescription,omitempty"`
type ProductDateAndTimeTypeU struct {
@@ -4159,13 +4159,13 @@ type ProductDateAndTimeTypeU struct {
DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate"`
// Convey the begin time of a period. Format is hhmm.
- DepartureTime string `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureTime string `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"`
// Convey the end date of a period. Format is ddmmyyyy.
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"`
// Convey the end time of a period. Format is hhmm.
- ArrivalTime string `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalTime string `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"`
type ProductDateAndTimeTypeU_46325C struct {
@@ -4173,27 +4173,27 @@ type ProductDateAndTimeTypeU_46325C struct {
DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate"`
// Conveys departure time
- DepartureTime string `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureTime string `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"`
// Conveys arrival date
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"`
// Conveys arrival time
- ArrivalTime string `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalTime string `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"`
type ProductDateTimeTypeI struct {
// Date format: DDMMYY
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"`
// Time format: 24H. All digits are mandatory . Example: from 0000 to 2359
- DepartureTime string `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureTime string `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"`
// Date format: DDMMYY
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"`
// Time format: 24H. All digits are mandatory . Example: from 0000 to 2359
- ArrivalTime string `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalTime string `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"`
type ProductDateTimeTypeI_171495C struct {
@@ -4201,33 +4201,33 @@ type ProductDateTimeTypeI_171495C struct {
DepDate string `xml:"depDate"`
// AIR segment : departure time SUR segment : pick-up time Trn Amtrak sgt: departure time Trn SNCF sgt: departure time
- DepTime string `xml:"depTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepTime string `xml:"depTime,omitempty"`
// AIR segment : arrival date CAR segment : drop-off date CCR segment : return date HHL segment : check-out date HTL segment : check-out date TTO segment: return date of the tour INS element: return date
- ArrDate string `xml:"arrDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrDate string `xml:"arrDate,omitempty"`
// AIR segment : arrival time Trn Amtrak sgt: arrival time Trn SNCF sgt: arrival time
- ArrTime string `xml:"arrTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrTime string `xml:"arrTime,omitempty"`
// AIR segment: day change indicator (1,2,-1) TRN Amtrak sgt: day change indicator (1,2,-1) TRN SNCF sgt: day change indicator (1,2,-1)
- DayChangeIndicator *int32 `xml:"dayChangeIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DayChangeIndicator *int32 `xml:"dayChangeIndicator,omitempty"`
type ProductDateTimeTypeI_260882C struct {
// AIR segment : departure date ATX segment : requested date CAR segment : pick-up date CCR segment : pick-up date HHL segment : check-in date HTL segment : check-in date MIS segment : date for service requested SUR segment : date Trn Amtrak sgt: departure date Trn SNCF sgt: departure date TTO segment: departure date of the tour TUR segment: tour departure date INS element: departure date CRU segment: sailing departure date
- DepDate string `xml:"depDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepDate string `xml:"depDate,omitempty"`
// AIR segment : departure time SUR segment : pick-up time Trn Amtrak sgt: departure time Trn SNCF sgt: departure time
- DepTime string `xml:"depTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepTime string `xml:"depTime,omitempty"`
// AIR segment : arrival date CAR segment : drop-off date CCR segment : return date HHL segment : check-out date HTL segment : check-out date TTO segment: return date of the tour INS element: return date
- ArrDate string `xml:"arrDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrDate string `xml:"arrDate,omitempty"`
// AIR segment : arrival time Trn Amtrak sgt: arrival time Trn SNCF sgt: arrival time
ArrTime string `xml:"arrTime"`
// AIR segment: day change indicator (1,2,-1) TRN Amtrak sgt: day change indicator (1,2,-1) TRN SNCF sgt: day change indicator (1,2,-1)
- DayChangeIndicator *int32 `xml:"dayChangeIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DayChangeIndicator *int32 `xml:"dayChangeIndicator,omitempty"`
type ProductDateTimeTypeI_46338C struct {
@@ -4238,7 +4238,7 @@ type ProductDateTimeTypeI_46338C struct {
DepartureTime string `xml:"departureTime"`
// flight arrival date
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"`
// flight arrival time
ArrivalTime string `xml:"arrivalTime"`
@@ -4254,7 +4254,7 @@ type ProductDetailsTypeI_118108C struct {
Designator string `xml:"designator"`
// indicate availability status . coded or numeric
- AvailabilityStatus string `xml:"availabilityStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AvailabilityStatus string `xml:"availabilityStatus,omitempty"`
type ProductDetailsTypeI_36664C struct {
@@ -4264,16 +4264,16 @@ type ProductDetailsTypeI_36664C struct {
type ProductFacilitiesTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- Entertainement string `xml:"entertainement,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Entertainement string `xml:"entertainement,omitempty"`
// For meal, the meal codes follow the IATA meal code standard
- EntertainementDescription string `xml:"entertainementDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EntertainementDescription string `xml:"entertainementDescription,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..2
- ProductQualifier string `xml:"productQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductQualifier string `xml:"productQualifier,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..4
- ProductExtensionCode []string `xml:"productExtensionCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
+ ProductExtensionCode []string `xml:"productExtensionCode,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="26"
type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -4286,13 +4286,13 @@ type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_2786C struct {
Identification string `xml:"identification"`
// AIR segment : class of service TRN Amtrack segment : class of service (1 or 2 chars long). TRN SNCF segment : class of service.
- ClassOfService string `xml:"classOfService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ClassOfService string `xml:"classOfService,omitempty"`
// AIR segment : flight number alpha suffix : A, B, C, D, E. SUR segment : departure code : A or D.
- Subtype string `xml:"subtype,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Subtype string `xml:"subtype,omitempty"`
// AIR segment : N for Night class
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"`
type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_46336C struct {
@@ -4313,16 +4313,16 @@ type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeU struct {
type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeU_46327C struct {
// Conveys the product code
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"`
// Conveys the product type (accomodation, vehicule, transportation, cruise ...)
Type string `xml:"type"`
// Conveys the subType of a product (Chalet or Villa for accomodation, Transfert or ticket for supplementary services ...)
- SubType string `xml:"subType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SubType string `xml:"subType,omitempty"`
// Conveys the product description
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"`
type ProductIdentificationTypeU struct {
@@ -4342,12 +4342,12 @@ type ProductInformationTypeI_73824S struct {
type ProductInformationTypeI_76271S struct {
// Booking Class Details
- BookingClassDetails []*ProductDetailsTypeI_118108C `xml:"bookingClassDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="26"
+ BookingClassDetails []*ProductDetailsTypeI_118108C `xml:"bookingClassDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="26"
type ProductTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
// AIR segment : Electronic ticketing indicator : ET for Electronic ticket candidate SUR segment : transportation zone number Amtrack segment : Equipement code SNCF segment : train type (3 chars code)
- Detail string `xml:"detail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Detail string `xml:"detail,omitempty"`
type ProductTypeDetailsTypeI_46337C struct {
@@ -4357,29 +4357,29 @@ type ProductTypeDetailsTypeI_46337C struct {
type PropertyHeaderDetailsType struct {
// 1. hotel Provider name
- ProviderName string `xml:"providerName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProviderName string `xml:"providerName,omitempty"`
// 1. HHL segment:hotel Property Code (or ID) 2. HTL AY Direct Access segment: Property location
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"`
// 1. HHL segment:hotel Property name. 2. HTL AY Direct Access segment: Hotel name. Alphanumeric type due to possible numeric values in the names.
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"`
type ProviderInformationType struct {
// productcode
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"`
// Product name
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"`
// Product Family Code
- ProductFamilyCode string `xml:"productFamilyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductFamilyCode string `xml:"productFamilyCode,omitempty"`
type QuantityAndActionDetailsTypeU struct {
// Quantity information
- Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"`
// Conveys the status code (HK, GK ...) of a booking, a product or a ticket
StatusCode string `xml:"statusCode"`
@@ -4427,7 +4427,7 @@ type QuantityDetailsTypeI_198209C struct {
Value int32 `xml:"value"`
// DM3 or FT3 if applicable
- Unit string `xml:"unit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Unit string `xml:"unit,omitempty"`
type QuantityDetailsTypeI_46334C struct {
@@ -4463,24 +4463,24 @@ type QuantityType_94558S struct {
type QueueDetailsType struct {
// A (first) queue number
- QueueNum1 *int32 `xml:"queueNum1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ QueueNum1 *int32 `xml:"queueNum1,omitempty"`
// [2-7] characters
- QueueName string `xml:"queueName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ QueueName string `xml:"queueName,omitempty"`
type QueueType struct {
// Queue detail
- QueueDetail *QueueDetailsType `xml:"queueDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ QueueDetail *QueueDetailsType `xml:"queueDetail,omitempty"`
// Queue category detail
- CategoryDetail *GategoryType `xml:"categoryDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CategoryDetail *GategoryType `xml:"categoryDetail,omitempty"`
// date range
- DateRange *DateRangeType `xml:"dateRange,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateRange *DateRangeType `xml:"dateRange,omitempty"`
// Other queue information
- Informations *OtherInformationType `xml:"informations,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Informations *OtherInformationType `xml:"informations,omitempty"`
type RailLegDataType struct {
@@ -4488,7 +4488,7 @@ type RailLegDataType struct {
TrainProductInfo *TrainProductInformationType_32331S `xml:"trainProductInfo"`
// Reservation Mandatory, Advised, Possible, Not Possible
- ReservableStatus *QuantityAndActionTypeU_32609S `xml:"reservableStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReservableStatus *QuantityAndActionTypeU_32609S `xml:"reservableStatus,omitempty"`
// Leg departure and arrival dates and times
LegDateTime []*StructuredDateTimeInformationType_32362S `xml:"legDateTime"` // maxOccurs="2"
@@ -4505,60 +4505,60 @@ type RailLegDataType struct {
type RailSeatConfigurationType struct {
// Seat space.
- SeatSpace string `xml:"seatSpace,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SeatSpace string `xml:"seatSpace,omitempty"`
// Coach type.
- CoachType string `xml:"coachType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CoachType string `xml:"coachType,omitempty"`
// Seat equipment.
- SeatEquipment string `xml:"seatEquipment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SeatEquipment string `xml:"seatEquipment,omitempty"`
// Seat position.
- SeatPosition string `xml:"seatPosition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SeatPosition string `xml:"seatPosition,omitempty"`
// Seat direction.
- SeatDirection string `xml:"seatDirection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SeatDirection string `xml:"seatDirection,omitempty"`
// Seat deck.
- SeatDeck string `xml:"seatDeck,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SeatDeck string `xml:"seatDeck,omitempty"`
// Special passenger information.
- SpecialPassengerType []string `xml:"specialPassengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ SpecialPassengerType []string `xml:"specialPassengerType,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type RailSeatPreferencesType struct {
// Selection of the type of seat request.
- SeatRequestFunction string `xml:"seatRequestFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SeatRequestFunction string `xml:"seatRequestFunction,omitempty"`
// Seat smoking zone indicator.
- SmokingIndicator string `xml:"smokingIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SmokingIndicator string `xml:"smokingIndicator,omitempty"`
// Seat class details.
- ClassDetails *ClassDetailsType_52782C `xml:"classDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ClassDetails *ClassDetailsType_52782C `xml:"classDetails,omitempty"`
// Seat configuration details.
- SeatConfiguration *RailSeatConfigurationType `xml:"seatConfiguration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SeatConfiguration *RailSeatConfigurationType `xml:"seatConfiguration,omitempty"`
- SleeperDescription *RailSleeperDescriptionType `xml:"sleeperDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SleeperDescription *RailSleeperDescriptionType `xml:"sleeperDescription,omitempty"`
type RailSeatReferenceInformationType struct {
// Rail seat reference information.
- RailSeatReferenceDetails *SeatReferenceInformationType `xml:"railSeatReferenceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RailSeatReferenceDetails *SeatReferenceInformationType `xml:"railSeatReferenceDetails,omitempty"`
type RailSleeperDescriptionType struct {
// Berth deck
- BerthDeck string `xml:"berthDeck,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BerthDeck string `xml:"berthDeck,omitempty"`
// Cabin position
- CabinPosition string `xml:"cabinPosition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CabinPosition string `xml:"cabinPosition,omitempty"`
// Cabin share type
- CabinShareType string `xml:"cabinShareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CabinShareType string `xml:"cabinShareType,omitempty"`
// Cabin occupancy
- CabinOccupancy string `xml:"cabinOccupancy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CabinOccupancy string `xml:"cabinOccupancy,omitempty"`
type RangeDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -4593,7 +4593,7 @@ type RangeTypeU struct {
DataType string `xml:"dataType"`
// min Occupancy
- MinOccupancy *int32 `xml:"minOccupancy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MinOccupancy *int32 `xml:"minOccupancy,omitempty"`
// Occupancy maximum
MaxOccupancy int32 `xml:"maxOccupancy"`
@@ -4601,33 +4601,33 @@ type RangeTypeU struct {
type RateCodeRestrictedType struct {
// 1. HHL segment: hotel Rate code (an3) 2. For AY Direct Access segment: Rate type = MINR, MODR, MAXR, ADVR, DAYR, SRTE
- RateCode string `xml:"rateCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateCode string `xml:"rateCode,omitempty"`
type RateIndicatorsType struct {
// 1. HTL AY Direct Access segment: Y for Yes (rate change)
- RateChangeIndicator string `xml:"rateChangeIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateChangeIndicator string `xml:"rateChangeIndicator,omitempty"`
type RateInformationDetailsType struct {
// 1. Hotel segment: Total or daily indicator
- RatePlan string `xml:"ratePlan,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RatePlan string `xml:"ratePlan,omitempty"`
type RateInformationType struct {
// Rate Price
- RatePrice *RatePriceType `xml:"ratePrice,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RatePrice *RatePriceType `xml:"ratePrice,omitempty"`
// Rate information
- RateInfo *RateInformationDetailsType `xml:"rateInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateInfo *RateInformationDetailsType `xml:"rateInfo,omitempty"`
// Rate indicator
- RateIndicator *RateIndicatorsType `xml:"rateIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateIndicator *RateIndicatorsType `xml:"rateIndicator,omitempty"`
type RateInformationTypeI struct {
// Rate Category.
- Category string `xml:"category,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Category string `xml:"category,omitempty"`
type RateInformationTypeI_198204C struct {
@@ -4637,12 +4637,12 @@ type RateInformationTypeI_198204C struct {
type RateInformationTypeI_50732C struct {
// Fare Group
- FareGroup string `xml:"fareGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareGroup string `xml:"fareGroup,omitempty"`
type RatePriceType struct {
// 1. Hotel segment: Rate value 2. Hotel AY Direct Access segment: Room rate (imbedded decimal point)
- RateAmount *float64 `xml:"rateAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateAmount *float64 `xml:"rateAmount,omitempty"`
type RateTypesTypeU struct {
@@ -4652,7 +4652,7 @@ type RateTypesTypeU struct {
type ReferenceInfoType struct {
// This composite is used to transmit association information
- Reference []*ReferencingDetailsType_111975C `xml:"reference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="198"
+ Reference []*ReferencingDetailsType_111975C `xml:"reference,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="198"
type ReferenceInfoType_25422S struct {
@@ -4662,7 +4662,7 @@ type ReferenceInfoType_25422S struct {
type ReferenceInfoType_6074S struct {
// This composite is used to transmit association information
- Reference []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"reference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="198"
+ Reference []*ReferencingDetailsType `xml:"reference,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="198"
type ReferenceInfoType_94524S struct {
@@ -4672,12 +4672,12 @@ type ReferenceInfoType_94524S struct {
type ReferenceInfoType_94566S struct {
- ReferenceDetails *ReferencingDetailsType_142187C `xml:"referenceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceDetails *ReferencingDetailsType_142187C `xml:"referenceDetails,omitempty"`
type ReferenceInformationType struct {
// Used to specify the passenger association and the data per passanger.
- ReferenceDetails *ReferencingDetailsTypeI_17164C `xml:"referenceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceDetails *ReferencingDetailsTypeI_17164C `xml:"referenceDetails,omitempty"`
type ReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -4736,7 +4736,7 @@ type ReferencingDetailsTypeI_127514C struct {
type ReferencingDetailsTypeI_17164C struct {
// to specify the segment association
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// used to identify the segment(s) from which we want to extract the data.
Value string `xml:"value"`
@@ -4749,10 +4749,10 @@ type ReferencingDetailsTypeI_185716C struct {
type ReferencingDetailsTypeI_198199C struct {
// Reference qualifier Amadeus codes : OT for Other element(non name, non segment) Tatoo PT for Passenger Tatoo ST for Segment Tatoo SS for Segment Tatoo+SubTatoo
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Reference number Number attributed by the Server to reference the PNR segment/element Limited to the time the PNR is worked (First retrieve - End of Transaction)
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"`
type ReferencingDetailsTypeI_36941C struct {
@@ -4762,7 +4762,7 @@ type ReferencingDetailsTypeI_36941C struct {
type ReferencingDetailsTypeI_45901C struct {
// Qualifies the type of reference used.
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Conveys the passenger sequence number.
Value string `xml:"value"`
@@ -4799,15 +4799,15 @@ type ReferencingDetailsType_142140C struct {
type ReferencingDetailsType_142187C struct {
// FOID document type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// FOID document number
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"`
type ReferencingDetailsType_2780C struct {
// Amadeus codes are used here. D for Dominant segment in a marriage N for Non dominant segment in a marriage
- MarriageQualifier string `xml:"marriageQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MarriageQualifier string `xml:"marriageQualifier,omitempty"`
// Tatoo number of the segment
TatooNum string `xml:"tatooNum"`
@@ -4820,13 +4820,13 @@ type RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU struct {
type RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU_198193C struct {
// Assiciated airport code.
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"`
// Associated airport code qualifier.
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Set to IA to indicate that the associated location code is a IATA airport or city code.
- Agency string `xml:"agency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Agency string `xml:"agency,omitempty"`
type RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU_45087C struct {
@@ -4857,7 +4857,7 @@ type RelatedLocationTwoIdentificationTypeU struct {
type RelatedProductInformationTypeI struct {
// No quantity returned
- Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"`
// see code list
Status []string `xml:"status"` // maxOccurs="2"
@@ -4865,19 +4865,19 @@ type RelatedProductInformationTypeI struct {
type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
// 1A or Other airline record locator information Passive segment airline code
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// 1. Record - 1A record locator or - OA record locator
- ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"`
// 1. Profile record locator information: Customer type: C for Corporate T for Traveler F for Frequent Flyer
- ControlType string `xml:"controlType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ControlType string `xml:"controlType,omitempty"`
// 1. RR element: Date 2. SP element: Date 3. PNR header/RP line: Date of last End of transaction
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"`
// 1. PNR header/RP line: time of last End of transaction
- Time string `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Time string `xml:"time,omitempty"`
type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI_16352C struct {
@@ -4890,41 +4890,41 @@ type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI_16352C struct {
type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI_170724C struct {
// 1A or Other airline record locator information Passive segment airline code
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// 1. Record - 1A record locator or - OA record locator Record locator is truncated to 7 characters.
- ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"`
// 1. Profile record locator information: Customer type: C for Corporate T for Traveler F for Frequent Flyer
- ControlType string `xml:"controlType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ControlType string `xml:"controlType,omitempty"`
// 1. RR element: Date 2. SP element: Date 3. PNR header/RP line: Date of last End of transaction
- Date *int32 `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Date *int32 `xml:"date,omitempty"`
// 1. PNR header/RP line: time of last End of transaction
- Time string `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Time string `xml:"time,omitempty"`
type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI_18446C struct {
// this is used to specify the confirmation number meaning that the booking was succesfull.
- ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"`
type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI_198198C struct {
// - 1A or Other airline record locator information - Passive segment airline code
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// - 1A record locator or - OA record locator
- ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"`
// PNR split type.
- ControlType string `xml:"controlType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ControlType string `xml:"controlType,omitempty"`
// 1. RR element: Date 2. SP element: Date 3. PNR header/RP line: Date of lastest End of transaction
- Date *int32 `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Date *int32 `xml:"date,omitempty"`
// 1. PNR header/RP line: time of lastest End of transaction
- Time *int32 `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Time *int32 `xml:"time,omitempty"`
type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI_35709C struct {
@@ -4934,7 +4934,7 @@ type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI_35709C struct {
type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeU struct {
// Conveys the tour operator code
- TourOperatorCode string `xml:"tourOperatorCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TourOperatorCode string `xml:"tourOperatorCode,omitempty"`
// Conveys the reservation control number qualifier
ReservationControlNumberQual string `xml:"reservationControlNumberQual"`
@@ -4950,17 +4950,17 @@ type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeU_55378C struct {
type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
// To specify the confirmation number in case the booking was succesfull
- Reservation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI_18446C `xml:"reservation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Reservation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI_18446C `xml:"reservation,omitempty"`
type ReservationControlInformationTypeI_115879S struct {
// Reservation Information
- Reservation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI_170724C `xml:"reservation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Reservation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI_170724C `xml:"reservation,omitempty"`
type ReservationControlInformationTypeI_136703S struct {
// Reservation Information
- Reservation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI_198198C `xml:"reservation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Reservation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI_198198C `xml:"reservation,omitempty"`
type ReservationControlInformationTypeI_20153S struct {
@@ -4970,7 +4970,7 @@ type ReservationControlInformationTypeI_20153S struct {
type ReservationControlInformationTypeI_87792S struct {
// Reservation Information
- Reservation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Reservation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservation,omitempty"`
type ReservationControlInformationTypeI_8957S struct {
@@ -4990,44 +4990,44 @@ type ReservationControlInformationTypeU_31804S struct {
type ReservationSecurityInformationType struct {
// Responsibility Information
- ResponsibilityInformation *ResponsibilityInformationType `xml:"responsibilityInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ResponsibilityInformation *ResponsibilityInformationType `xml:"responsibilityInformation,omitempty"`
// Ticket Information
- QueueingInformation *TicketInformationType_5120C `xml:"queueingInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ QueueingInformation *TicketInformationType_5120C `xml:"queueingInformation,omitempty"`
// 1. PNR Header: Pseudo City Code (not in the CRT display) AGY for Travel agency EHD for First level Help Desk DAP for Data processing center / Amadeus Help Desk Nice SEC for Security administrator WZ for AIS security administrator
- CityCode string `xml:"cityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CityCode string `xml:"cityCode,omitempty"`
// Second RP line information
- SecondRpInformation *SecondRpLineInformationType `xml:"secondRpInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SecondRpInformation *SecondRpLineInformationType `xml:"secondRpInformation,omitempty"`
type ReservationSecurityInformationType_167761S struct {
// Responsibility Information
- ResponsibilityInformation *ResponsibilityInformationType_6835C `xml:"responsibilityInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ResponsibilityInformation *ResponsibilityInformationType_6835C `xml:"responsibilityInformation,omitempty"`
// Ticket Information
- QueueingInformation *TicketInformationType_5120C `xml:"queueingInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ QueueingInformation *TicketInformationType_5120C `xml:"queueingInformation,omitempty"`
// 1. PNR Header: Pseudo City Code (not in the CRT display) AGY for Travel agency EHD for First level Help Desk DAP for Data processing center / Amadeus Help Desk Nice SEC for Security administrator WZ for AIS security administrator
- CityCode string `xml:"cityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CityCode string `xml:"cityCode,omitempty"`
// Second RP line information
- SecondRpInformation *SecondRpLineInformationType_237255C `xml:"secondRpInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SecondRpInformation *SecondRpLineInformationType_237255C `xml:"secondRpInformation,omitempty"`
type ResponseIdentificationType struct {
// Transaction identifier Field 62.2 Official definition: Visa-generated identifier that is unique for each original transaction. The transaction identifier (TID) is a key element that links original authorization requests to subsequent messages, such as reversals.
- TransacIdentifier string `xml:"transacIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TransacIdentifier string `xml:"transacIdentifier,omitempty"`
// Validation code Field 62.3
- ValidationCode string `xml:"validationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ValidationCode string `xml:"validationCode,omitempty"`
// Gateway Transaction Identifier - Banknet reference number Field 62.17 - Position 8-13
- BanknetRefNumber string `xml:"banknetRefNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BanknetRefNumber string `xml:"banknetRefNumber,omitempty"`
// Gateway Transaction Identifier - Banknet date in mmdd format Field 62.17 - Position 1-4
- BanknetDate string `xml:"banknetDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BanknetDate string `xml:"banknetDate,omitempty"`
type ResponsibilityInformationType struct {
@@ -5035,13 +5035,13 @@ type ResponsibilityInformationType struct {
TypeOfPnrElement string `xml:"typeOfPnrElement"`
// 1. RR element: 2. SP element: 3. PNR Header:Agent initials and duty code (eg: AASU)
- AgentId string `xml:"agentId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AgentId string `xml:"agentId,omitempty"`
// 1. RR element office that copied the PNR 2. SP element: office that split the PNR 3. PNR Header: office responsibility or - OA office (City code + OA code) which is 5 chars long
- OfficeId string `xml:"officeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OfficeId string `xml:"officeId,omitempty"`
// ATA/IATA reference number assigned to a travel agent
- IataCode *int32 `xml:"iataCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IataCode *int32 `xml:"iataCode,omitempty"`
type ResponsibilityInformationType_6835C struct {
@@ -5049,21 +5049,21 @@ type ResponsibilityInformationType_6835C struct {
TypeOfPnrElement string `xml:"typeOfPnrElement"`
// 1. RR element: 2. SP element: 3. PNR Header:Agent initials and duty code (eg: AASU)
- AgentId string `xml:"agentId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AgentId string `xml:"agentId,omitempty"`
// 1. RR element office that copied the PNR 2. SP element: office that split the PNR 3. PNR Header: office responsibility or - OA office (City code + OA code) which is 5 chars long
- OfficeId string `xml:"officeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OfficeId string `xml:"officeId,omitempty"`
// ATA/IATA reference number assigned to a travel agent
- IataCode *int32 `xml:"iataCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IataCode *int32 `xml:"iataCode,omitempty"`
type RoomDetailsType struct {
// 1. room Occupancy
- Occupancy *int32 `xml:"occupancy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Occupancy *int32 `xml:"occupancy,omitempty"`
// room Type
- TypeCode string `xml:"typeCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TypeCode string `xml:"typeCode,omitempty"`
type RuleDetailsTypeU struct {
@@ -5082,22 +5082,22 @@ type RuleDetailsTypeU_198224C struct {
Type string `xml:"type"`
// quantity (if applicable)
- Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"`
// DAY for Day HOR for Hour (if applicable)
- QuantityUnit string `xml:"quantityUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ QuantityUnit string `xml:"quantityUnit,omitempty"`
// Deposit Information: - BRE Before Rental - AFT After Booking Pickup Information - MAX Maximum Days Rental - MIN Minimum Days Rental One Way Information: - 009 for One Way Allowed - 005 for One Way not Allowed - 006 for Restricted One Way Allowed
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Day of the week (Monday=1, Sunday=7)
- DaysOfOperation string `xml:"daysOfOperation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DaysOfOperation string `xml:"daysOfOperation,omitempty"`
// Rule amount (if applicable)
- Amount *int32 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *int32 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Rule currency amount (if applicable)
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
type RuleInformationTypeU struct {
@@ -5105,7 +5105,7 @@ type RuleInformationTypeU struct {
RuleDetails *RuleDetailsTypeU `xml:"ruleDetails"`
// This composite is used to indicate that the rule have been entered manually by the agent.
- RuleStatusDetails *RuleStatusTypeU `xml:"ruleStatusDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RuleStatusDetails *RuleStatusTypeU `xml:"ruleStatusDetails,omitempty"`
type RuleInformationTypeU_136720S struct {
@@ -5113,7 +5113,7 @@ type RuleInformationTypeU_136720S struct {
RuleDetails []*RuleDetailsTypeU_198224C `xml:"ruleDetails"` // maxOccurs="5"
// Associated Rule Text
- RuleText *RuleTextTypeU `xml:"ruleText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RuleText *RuleTextTypeU `xml:"ruleText,omitempty"`
type RuleStatusTypeU struct {
@@ -5121,7 +5121,7 @@ type RuleStatusTypeU struct {
StatusType string `xml:"statusType"`
// This data element is used to indicate that the condition have been entered manually by the travel agent and is not coming from the supplier data.
- ProcessIndicator string `xml:"processIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProcessIndicator string `xml:"processIndicator,omitempty"`
type RuleTextTypeU struct {
@@ -5134,18 +5134,18 @@ type RuleTextTypeU struct {
type SeatReferenceInformationType struct {
// Coach number.
- CoachNumber string `xml:"coachNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CoachNumber string `xml:"coachNumber,omitempty"`
// Deck number.
- DeckNumber string `xml:"deckNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DeckNumber string `xml:"deckNumber,omitempty"`
// Seat number.
- SeatNumber string `xml:"seatNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SeatNumber string `xml:"seatNumber,omitempty"`
type SeatRequestParametersTypeI struct {
// Details of the seat
- GenericDetails *GenericDetailsTypeI `xml:"genericDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ GenericDetails *GenericDetailsTypeI `xml:"genericDetails,omitempty"`
type SecondRpLineInformationType struct {
@@ -5153,16 +5153,16 @@ type SecondRpLineInformationType struct {
CreationOfficeId string `xml:"creationOfficeId"`
// Creation agent sine/queue category (eg: 1234AA)
- AgentSignature string `xml:"agentSignature,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AgentSignature string `xml:"agentSignature,omitempty"`
// PNR creation date
CreationDate string `xml:"creationDate"`
// ATA/IATA number assigned to a travel agent
- CreatorIataCode *int32 `xml:"creatorIataCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CreatorIataCode *int32 `xml:"creatorIataCode,omitempty"`
// PNR creation time
- CreationTime string `xml:"creationTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CreationTime string `xml:"creationTime,omitempty"`
type SecondRpLineInformationType_237255C struct {
@@ -5170,16 +5170,16 @@ type SecondRpLineInformationType_237255C struct {
CreationOfficeId string `xml:"creationOfficeId"`
// Creation agent sine/queue category (eg: 1234AA)
- AgentSignature string `xml:"agentSignature,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AgentSignature string `xml:"agentSignature,omitempty"`
// PNR creation date
CreationDate string `xml:"creationDate"`
// ATA/IATA number assigned to a travel agent
- CreatorIataCode *int32 `xml:"creatorIataCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CreatorIataCode *int32 `xml:"creatorIataCode,omitempty"`
// PNR creation time
- CreationTime string `xml:"creationTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CreationTime string `xml:"creationTime,omitempty"`
type SecurityInformationType struct {
@@ -5190,7 +5190,7 @@ type SecurityInformationType struct {
AgentCode string `xml:"agentCode"`
// Office Id of creation/update
- OfficeId string `xml:"officeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OfficeId string `xml:"officeId,omitempty"`
type SegmentCabinIdentificationType struct {
@@ -5203,7 +5203,7 @@ type SegmentGroupingInformationType struct {
GroupingCode string `xml:"groupingCode"`
// transmit the list of segments participating in one marriage or segments that are connected.
- MarriageDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_2780C `xml:"marriageDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ MarriageDetail []*ReferencingDetailsType_2780C `xml:"marriageDetail,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -5211,7 +5211,7 @@ type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
Option string `xml:"option"`
// CRU segment - occurrence 1 : Duration of the cruise (saling length) expressed in days.
- OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OptionInformation string `xml:"optionInformation,omitempty"`
type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI_198215C struct {
@@ -5231,14 +5231,14 @@ type SelectionDetailsTypeI_2067S struct {
type SequenceDetailsTypeU struct {
// Format limitations: an..3
- ActionRequest string `xml:"actionRequest,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ActionRequest string `xml:"actionRequest,omitempty"`
SequenceDetails *SequenceInformationTypeU_24073C `xml:"sequenceDetails"`
type SequenceDetailsTypeU_94494S struct {
// Sequence Information
- SequenceDetails *SequenceInformationTypeU `xml:"sequenceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SequenceDetails *SequenceInformationTypeU `xml:"sequenceDetails,omitempty"`
type SequenceInformationTypeU struct {
@@ -5256,7 +5256,7 @@ type ShipIdentificationDetailsType struct {
Code string `xml:"code"`
// Used to convey the ship name as in the Cruise specific database ship's table.
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"`
// Used to convey the cruise line provider code for the sailing ship.
CruiseLineCode string `xml:"cruiseLineCode"`
@@ -5264,7 +5264,7 @@ type ShipIdentificationDetailsType struct {
type ShipIdentificationDetailsType_45069C struct {
// Used to convey the ship name.
- Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Name string `xml:"name,omitempty"`
type ShipIdentificationType struct {
@@ -5279,21 +5279,21 @@ type ShipIdentificationType_8952S struct {
type SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsType struct {
// The seat number
- SeatNumber string `xml:"seatNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SeatNumber string `xml:"seatNumber,omitempty"`
// type of the seat
- SeatCharacteristic []string `xml:"seatCharacteristic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ SeatCharacteristic []string `xml:"seatCharacteristic,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsTypeI struct {
// Seat number + row (seat SSR) Number of seats (Group seat SSR)
- Data string `xml:"data,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Data string `xml:"data,omitempty"`
// Refers a Traveller / Reference number for association purpose
- CrossRef string `xml:"crossRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CrossRef string `xml:"crossRef,omitempty"`
// 3 occurrences may be used for in Amadeus seat SSR to indicate: 1. Smoking/no smoking 2. 1st area preference 3. 2nd area preference or passenger type
- SeatType []string `xml:"seatType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ SeatType []string `xml:"seatType,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type SpecialRequirementsDetailsType struct {
@@ -5306,36 +5306,36 @@ type SpecialRequirementsDetailsTypeI struct {
Ssr *SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"ssr"`
// Group seat SSR cannot ask for specific seats but only smoking and/or non-smoking (see Group seat SSR). the maximum repetitions here are 9 seats (1 per passenger of non-group PNR).
- Ssrb []*SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsTypeI `xml:"ssrb,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ Ssrb []*SpecialRequirementsDataDetailsTypeI `xml:"ssrb,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type SpecialRequirementsTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
// ATA/IATA defined Special Service Requirement code. (refer to IATA AIRIMP documentation)
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Use defined code or an ATA/IATA defined action code (See AIRIMP 7.1.2/7.1.3/7.1.4/8.14.1 (as bilaterally agreed), SIPP
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"`
// Number of services requested
- Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"`
// Airline code or YY
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// Seat Special service request or Frequent Flyer SSR.
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
// 1. Seat SSR Processing indicator, coded PS for Partial segment indicator
- ProcessingIndicator string `xml:"processingIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProcessingIndicator string `xml:"processingIndicator,omitempty"`
// Board point
- Boardpoint string `xml:"boardpoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Boardpoint string `xml:"boardpoint,omitempty"`
// Off point
- Offpoint string `xml:"offpoint,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Offpoint string `xml:"offpoint,omitempty"`
// Free flow of the SSR that can be up to 127 chars long, therefore split on two 4440 (70 + 57)
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type SpecificDataInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -5351,34 +5351,34 @@ type SpecificTravellerDetailsType struct {
PassengerType string `xml:"passengerType"`
// Format limitations: a..60
- TravellerSurname string `xml:"travellerSurname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravellerSurname string `xml:"travellerSurname,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: a..60
- TravellerGivenName string `xml:"travellerGivenName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravellerGivenName string `xml:"travellerGivenName,omitempty"`
// TravellerReferenceNumber
- TravellerReferenceNumber string `xml:"travellerReferenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravellerReferenceNumber string `xml:"travellerReferenceNumber,omitempty"`
// birthdate or age of passenger
- PassengerBirthdate string `xml:"passengerBirthdate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerBirthdate string `xml:"passengerBirthdate,omitempty"`
type SpecificVisaLinkCreditCardInformationType struct {
// ISO8583 specific info
- MsgRef *MessageReferenceType `xml:"msgRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MsgRef *MessageReferenceType `xml:"msgRef,omitempty"`
// Response identification
- RespIdentification *ResponseIdentificationType `xml:"respIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RespIdentification *ResponseIdentificationType `xml:"respIdentification,omitempty"`
type StationInformationTypeI struct {
// Format limitations: an..2
- DepartTerminal string `xml:"departTerminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartTerminal string `xml:"departTerminal,omitempty"`
type StationInformationTypeI_119771C struct {
// Format limitations: an..2
- Terminal string `xml:"terminal,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Terminal string `xml:"terminal,omitempty"`
type StatusDetailsType struct {
@@ -5404,28 +5404,28 @@ type StatusDetailsTypeI_185722C struct {
type StatusDetailsTypeI_20684C struct {
// Coded identifying type of Information
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
// Data information upon qualifier.
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"`
type StatusDetailsTypeI_37285C struct {
// Indicates of the reservation is modifiable directly in the 1A system
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
type StatusDetailsTypeI_57035C struct {
// Indicator name.
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
// Contains "MOD" if the PNR has been modifed since it has been retrieved
- IsPNRModifDuringTrans string `xml:"isPNRModifDuringTrans,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IsPNRModifDuringTrans string `xml:"isPNRModifDuringTrans,omitempty"`
type StatusDetailsType_148479C struct {
// list of status/qualifiers Either His for Historical or Crt for Current
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
type StatusDetailsType_148716C struct {
@@ -5435,10 +5435,10 @@ type StatusDetailsType_148716C struct {
type StatusDetailsType_183347C struct {
// list of status/qualifiers Either His for Historical or Crt for Current
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
// Conveys any additional data necessary to qualify the indicator
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"`
type StatusType struct {
@@ -5455,7 +5455,7 @@ type StatusTypeI_13270S struct {
// Provides information on the type of fop.
StatusDetails *StatusDetailsTypeI_20684C `xml:"statusDetails"`
- OtherStatusDetails []*StatusDetailsTypeI_20684C `xml:"otherStatusDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
+ OtherStatusDetails []*StatusDetailsTypeI_20684C `xml:"otherStatusDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="98"
type StatusTypeI_20923S struct {
@@ -5480,7 +5480,7 @@ type StatusType_94568S struct {
type StatusType_99582S struct {
- StatusInformation []*StatusDetailsType_148479C `xml:"statusInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
+ StatusInformation []*StatusDetailsType_148479C `xml:"statusInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="4"
type StatusType_99946S struct {
@@ -5498,20 +5498,20 @@ type StructuredAddressInformationType struct {
type StructuredAddressType struct {
// Information type, coded 2 for billing address P08 for general mailing address P19 for miscellaneous mailing address P24 for home mailing address P25 for delivery mailing address
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"`
// Structured Address
- Address []*StructuredAddressInformationType `xml:"address,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ Address []*StructuredAddressInformationType `xml:"address,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type StructuredDateTimeInformationType struct {
// Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_17997C `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_17997C `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"`
type StructuredDateTimeInformationType_20644S struct {
// Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_36775C `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_36775C `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"`
type StructuredDateTimeInformationType_20645S struct {
@@ -5544,7 +5544,7 @@ type StructuredDateTimeInformationType_27086S struct {
type StructuredDateTimeInformationType_32362S struct {
// This data element can be used to provide the semantic of the information provided. Examples : - Impacted period - Departure date - Estimated arrival date and time
- BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"`
// Departure or arrival date and time.
DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_56472C `xml:"dateTime"`
@@ -5560,21 +5560,21 @@ type StructuredDateTimeInformationType_83553S struct {
type StructuredDateTimeInformationType_94516S struct {
// This data element can be used to provide the semantic of the information provided. Examples : - LT : date and time corresponding to Authorization message built - T : date and time corresponding to Authorization message sent - AR : date and time corresponding to Authorization message receipt
- BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"`
// Indicate if the time is expressed in UTC or in local time mode ( Codes U and L ). In the last case, the time zone information can be provided in the composite C89K.
- TimeMode string `xml:"timeMode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TimeMode string `xml:"timeMode,omitempty"`
// Convey date and/or time.
DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_142129C `xml:"dateTime"`
// Reference : IATA SSIM Appendix F If it is not provided, the time is considered to be given in UTC.
- TimeZoneInfo *TimeZoneIinformationType `xml:"timeZoneInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TimeZoneInfo *TimeZoneIinformationType `xml:"timeZoneInfo,omitempty"`
type StructuredDateTimeInformationType_94559S struct {
// This data element is used to provide the semantic of the date information provided. Examples : - GMT Transaction date - Local Transaction date ... Default being L local date and time
- BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"`
// Convey date and/or time.
DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_142180C `xml:"dateTime"`
@@ -5582,7 +5582,7 @@ type StructuredDateTimeInformationType_94559S struct {
type StructuredDateTimeInformationType_94567S struct {
// Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_142188C `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_142188C `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"`
type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
@@ -5596,13 +5596,13 @@ type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
Day string `xml:"day"`
// Hour between 0 and 23
- Hour string `xml:"hour,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Hour string `xml:"hour,omitempty"`
// Minutes between 0 and 59
- Minutes string `xml:"minutes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Minutes string `xml:"minutes,omitempty"`
// Seconds between 0 and 59
- Seconds *int32 `xml:"seconds,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Seconds *int32 `xml:"seconds,omitempty"`
type StructuredDateTimeType_142129C struct {
@@ -5616,21 +5616,21 @@ type StructuredDateTimeType_142129C struct {
Day int32 `xml:"day"`
// Hour between 0 and 23
- Hour *int32 `xml:"hour,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Hour *int32 `xml:"hour,omitempty"`
// Minutes between 0 and 59
- Minutes *int32 `xml:"minutes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Minutes *int32 `xml:"minutes,omitempty"`
// Seconds between 0 and 59
- Seconds *int32 `xml:"seconds,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Seconds *int32 `xml:"seconds,omitempty"`
// Milliseconds between 0 and 999.
- Milliseconds *int32 `xml:"milliseconds,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Milliseconds *int32 `xml:"milliseconds,omitempty"`
type StructuredDateTimeType_142180C struct {
// Year number.
- Year string `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Year string `xml:"year,omitempty"`
// Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
Month string `xml:"month"`
@@ -5639,27 +5639,27 @@ type StructuredDateTimeType_142180C struct {
Day string `xml:"day"`
// Hour between 0 and 23
- Hour string `xml:"hour,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Hour string `xml:"hour,omitempty"`
// Minutes between 0 and 59
- Minutes string `xml:"minutes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Minutes string `xml:"minutes,omitempty"`
// Seconds between 0 and 59
- Seconds *int32 `xml:"seconds,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Seconds *int32 `xml:"seconds,omitempty"`
// Milliseconds between 0 and 999.
- Milliseconds *int32 `xml:"milliseconds,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Milliseconds *int32 `xml:"milliseconds,omitempty"`
type StructuredDateTimeType_142188C struct {
// Year number.
- Year *int32 `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Year *int32 `xml:"year,omitempty"`
// Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month *int32 `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Month *int32 `xml:"month,omitempty"`
// Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day *int32 `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Day *int32 `xml:"day,omitempty"`
type StructuredDateTimeType_16347C struct {
@@ -5675,47 +5675,47 @@ type StructuredDateTimeType_16347C struct {
type StructuredDateTimeType_17997C struct {
// Year number. The format is a little long for short term usage but it can be reduced by implementation if required.
- Year string `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Year string `xml:"year,omitempty"`
// Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month string `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Month string `xml:"month,omitempty"`
// Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day string `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Day string `xml:"day,omitempty"`
type StructuredDateTimeType_18725C struct {
// Year number. The format is a little long for short term usage but it can be reduced by implementation if required.
- Year *int32 `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Year *int32 `xml:"year,omitempty"`
// Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month string `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Month string `xml:"month,omitempty"`
// Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day string `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Day string `xml:"day,omitempty"`
// Hour between 0 and 23
- Hour *int32 `xml:"hour,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Hour *int32 `xml:"hour,omitempty"`
// Minutes between 0 and 59
- Minutes *int32 `xml:"minutes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Minutes *int32 `xml:"minutes,omitempty"`
type StructuredDateTimeType_198200C struct {
// Year number. The format is a little long for short term usage but it can be reduced by implementation if required.
- Year *int32 `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Year *int32 `xml:"year,omitempty"`
// Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month *int32 `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Month *int32 `xml:"month,omitempty"`
// Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day *int32 `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Day *int32 `xml:"day,omitempty"`
// Hour between 0 and 23
- Hour *int32 `xml:"hour,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Hour *int32 `xml:"hour,omitempty"`
// Minutes between 0 and 59
- Minutes *int32 `xml:"minutes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Minutes *int32 `xml:"minutes,omitempty"`
type StructuredDateTimeType_198234C struct {
@@ -5736,22 +5736,22 @@ type StructuredDateTimeType_35730C struct {
type StructuredDateTimeType_36775C struct {
// Year number.
- Year string `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Year string `xml:"year,omitempty"`
// Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month string `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Month string `xml:"month,omitempty"`
// Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day string `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Day string `xml:"day,omitempty"`
// Hour between 0 and 23
- Hour string `xml:"hour,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Hour string `xml:"hour,omitempty"`
// Minutes between 0 and 59
- Minutes string `xml:"minutes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Minutes string `xml:"minutes,omitempty"`
// Seconds between 0 and 59
- Seconds *int32 `xml:"seconds,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Seconds *int32 `xml:"seconds,omitempty"`
type StructuredDateTimeType_36777C struct {
@@ -5787,26 +5787,26 @@ type StructuredDateTimeType_56472C struct {
Day string `xml:"day"`
// Hour between 0 and 23
- Hour string `xml:"hour,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Hour string `xml:"hour,omitempty"`
// Minutes between 0 and 59
- Minutes string `xml:"minutes,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Minutes string `xml:"minutes,omitempty"`
type StructuredPeriodInformationType struct {
// Convey the begin date/time of a period.
- BeginDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_17997C `xml:"beginDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BeginDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_17997C `xml:"beginDateTime,omitempty"`
// Convey the end date/time of a period.
- EndDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_17997C `xml:"endDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EndDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_17997C `xml:"endDateTime,omitempty"`
type StructuredPeriodInformationType_11026S struct {
// This data element can be used to provide the semantic of the information provided.
- BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"`
// Indicate the time is expressed in local time mode.
- TimeMode string `xml:"timeMode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TimeMode string `xml:"timeMode,omitempty"`
// Convey the begin date/time of a period.
BeginDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_18725C `xml:"beginDateTime"`
@@ -5817,10 +5817,10 @@ type StructuredPeriodInformationType_11026S struct {
type StructuredPeriodInformationType_136705S struct {
// DDT Drop-off Date and Time OCH Opening and Closing hours PDT Pickup Date and Time PKT Early and Late Pickup time RTT Early and Late Return time
- BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"`
// Indicate if the time is expressed in UTC or in local time mode ( Codes U and L ). In the last case, the time zone information can be provided in the composite C89K.
- TimeMode string `xml:"timeMode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TimeMode string `xml:"timeMode,omitempty"`
// Convey the begin date/time of a period.
BeginDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_198200C `xml:"beginDateTime"`
@@ -5831,10 +5831,10 @@ type StructuredPeriodInformationType_136705S struct {
type StructuredPeriodInformationType_136724S struct {
// DDT Drop-off Date and Time OCH Opening and Closing hours PDT Pickup Date and Time PKT Early and Late Pickup time RTT Early and Late Return time
- BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"`
// Indicate if the time is expressed in UTC or in local time mode ( Codes U and L ). In the last case, the time zone information can be provided in the composite C89K.
- TimeMode string `xml:"timeMode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TimeMode string `xml:"timeMode,omitempty"`
// Convey the begin date/time of a period.
BeginDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_198234C `xml:"beginDateTime"`
@@ -5856,7 +5856,7 @@ type StructuredPeriodInformationType_8955S struct {
type StructuredTelephoneNumberType struct {
// Telephone number
- TelephoneNumber string `xml:"telephoneNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TelephoneNumber string `xml:"telephoneNumber,omitempty"`
type StructuredTelephoneNumberType_198214C struct {
@@ -5866,13 +5866,13 @@ type StructuredTelephoneNumberType_198214C struct {
type StructuredTelephoneNumberType_48448C struct {
// International dial code
- InternationalDialCode string `xml:"internationalDialCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InternationalDialCode string `xml:"internationalDialCode,omitempty"`
// Local prefix code
- LocalPrefixCode string `xml:"localPrefixCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocalPrefixCode string `xml:"localPrefixCode,omitempty"`
// Area code
- AreaCode string `xml:"areaCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AreaCode string `xml:"areaCode,omitempty"`
// Telephone number
TelephoneNumber string `xml:"telephoneNumber"`
@@ -5890,15 +5890,15 @@ type SystemDetailsInfoType_33158S struct {
type SystemDetailsInfoType_94569S struct {
// LNIATA of the agent.
- WorkstationId string `xml:"workstationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ WorkstationId string `xml:"workstationId,omitempty"`
// System delivering the shopper session ID
- DeliveringSystem *SystemDetailsTypeI `xml:"deliveringSystem,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DeliveringSystem *SystemDetailsTypeI `xml:"deliveringSystem,omitempty"`
type SystemDetailsTypeI struct {
// will convey the name of the company ex: OPODO
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
type SystemDetailsTypeI_46415C struct {
@@ -5911,27 +5911,27 @@ type SystemDetailsTypeI_57708C struct {
CompanyId string `xml:"companyId"`
// Pseudo City Code
- LocationId string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationId string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"`
type TariffInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
// A unique rate product identifier.
- RateType string `xml:"rateType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateType string `xml:"rateType,omitempty"`
// This field is used to convey the amount.
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// This field is used to convey the currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// This data element is used to convey the rate plan (Daily or total indicator).
- RatePlanIndicator string `xml:"ratePlanIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RatePlanIndicator string `xml:"ratePlanIndicator,omitempty"`
// This data element is used to convey the rate amount type.
- AmountType string `xml:"amountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AmountType string `xml:"amountType,omitempty"`
// This data element is used to specify the fact that a rate change occurs during the period of the stay. If the is a change the value is * (for YES)
- RateChangeIndicator string `xml:"rateChangeIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateChangeIndicator string `xml:"rateChangeIndicator,omitempty"`
type TariffInformationDetailsTypeI_198216C struct {
@@ -5941,27 +5941,27 @@ type TariffInformationDetailsTypeI_198216C struct {
type TariffInformationDetailsTypeI_39533C struct {
// Net premium
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// currency of the total price and net premium i.e in EUR/ USD
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// general indicator
- AmountType string `xml:"amountType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AmountType string `xml:"amountType,omitempty"`
// Total amount of the insurance element.
- TotalAmount *float64 `xml:"totalAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TotalAmount *float64 `xml:"totalAmount,omitempty"`
type TariffInformationDetailsTypeI_50731C struct {
// Fare Basis Code
- FareBasisCode string `xml:"fareBasisCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareBasisCode string `xml:"fareBasisCode,omitempty"`
// Fare Base amount
- FareBaseAmount *float64 `xml:"fareBaseAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareBaseAmount *float64 `xml:"fareBaseAmount,omitempty"`
// This field is used to convey the currency
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"`
type TariffInformationDetailsTypeU struct {
@@ -5985,10 +5985,10 @@ type TariffInformationDetailsTypeU_127523C struct {
type TariffInformationDetailsTypeU_45479C struct {
// Prive value. The value conveyed equals 100 times the original value in order to avoid transporting decimal placement information.
- PriceAmount *float64 `xml:"priceAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceAmount *float64 `xml:"priceAmount,omitempty"`
// Conveys the currency code.
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"`
// This qualifier specifies how the price information is to be used. PPI = price per item. There is a price value. INC = Inclusive. There is no price value. This inclusive qualifier specifies that the price to which it applies is already accounted for in the price for another item.
PriceQualifier string `xml:"priceQualifier"`
@@ -6002,19 +6002,19 @@ type TariffInformationDetailsTypeU_46314C struct {
UnitaryAmount float64 `xml:"unitaryAmount"`
// currency code used for the tariff
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"`
// To qualify and get information on the tariff: cancellation charge, tax amount, total amount, no amount of insurance...
TariffQualifier string `xml:"tariffQualifier"`
// Total Amount for the tariff, set if quantity is present
- TotalAmount *float64 `xml:"totalAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TotalAmount *float64 `xml:"totalAmount,omitempty"`
// quantity for the tariff, when tariff is detailed with a quantity x unitaryAmount and totalPrice
- Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"`
// value is codeset 65 if amount is negative. For Tour, the remaining amount to pay can be negative if the price of the tour has changed
- TariffStatus string `xml:"tariffStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TariffStatus string `xml:"tariffStatus,omitempty"`
type TariffInformationType struct {
@@ -6027,10 +6027,10 @@ type TariffInformationTypeI struct {
TariffInfo *TariffInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"tariffInfo"`
// Additional rate type information
- RateInformation *RateInformationTypeI `xml:"rateInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateInformation *RateInformationTypeI `xml:"rateInformation,omitempty"`
// This composite is used to convey all the extra charge information.
- ChargeDetails []*AssociatedChargesInformationTypeI `xml:"chargeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="30"
+ ChargeDetails []*AssociatedChargesInformationTypeI `xml:"chargeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="30"
type TariffInformationTypeI_136706S struct {
@@ -6038,15 +6038,15 @@ type TariffInformationTypeI_136706S struct {
TariffInfo *TariffInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"tariffInfo"`
// Additional rate type information
- RateInformation *RateInformationTypeI_198204C `xml:"rateInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateInformation *RateInformationTypeI_198204C `xml:"rateInformation,omitempty"`
// This composite is used to convey all the extra charge information.
- ChargeDetails []*AssociatedChargesInformationTypeI_198205C `xml:"chargeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="30"
+ ChargeDetails []*AssociatedChargesInformationTypeI_198205C `xml:"chargeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="30"
type TariffInformationTypeI_136714S struct {
// tariff conversion indicator associated to the charge
- TariffInfo *TariffInformationDetailsTypeI_198216C `xml:"tariffInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TariffInfo *TariffInformationDetailsTypeI_198216C `xml:"tariffInfo,omitempty"`
// Tax, Surcharge, Coverage, Coupon details Repetition are used to carry: - General Info (estimated + name...) - Tariff per day / Max - Tariff per weekend / Max - Tariff per week / Max - Tariff per month / Max - Tariff per rental / Max - Excess amount - Liability amount
ChargeDetails []*AssociatedChargesInformationTypeI_198218C `xml:"chargeDetails"` // maxOccurs="16"
@@ -6054,7 +6054,7 @@ type TariffInformationTypeI_136714S struct {
type TariffInformationTypeI_136719S struct {
// tariff conversion indicator associated to the charge
- TariffInfo *TariffInformationDetailsTypeI_198216C `xml:"tariffInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TariffInfo *TariffInformationDetailsTypeI_198216C `xml:"tariffInfo,omitempty"`
// Tax, Surcharge, Coverage, Coupon details
ChargeDetails []*AssociatedChargesInformationTypeI_198218C `xml:"chargeDetails"` // maxOccurs="4"
@@ -6062,18 +6062,18 @@ type TariffInformationTypeI_136719S struct {
type TariffInformationTypeI_22057S struct {
// total price and net premium
- TariffInfo *TariffInformationDetailsTypeI_39533C `xml:"tariffInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TariffInfo *TariffInformationDetailsTypeI_39533C `xml:"tariffInfo,omitempty"`
// to specify the taxes and their values and converted values into other currencies if specified.
- ChargeDetails []*AssociatedChargesInformationTypeI_39535C `xml:"chargeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ ChargeDetails []*AssociatedChargesInformationTypeI_39535C `xml:"chargeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type TariffInformationTypeI_28460S struct {
// This composite is used to convey the tariff information
- TariffInfo *TariffInformationDetailsTypeI_50731C `xml:"tariffInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TariffInfo *TariffInformationDetailsTypeI_50731C `xml:"tariffInfo,omitempty"`
// Additional rate type information
- RateInformation *RateInformationTypeI_50732C `xml:"rateInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateInformation *RateInformationTypeI_50732C `xml:"rateInformation,omitempty"`
type TariffInformationTypeU struct {
@@ -6086,7 +6086,7 @@ type TariffInformationTypeU_25419S struct {
TariffInformation []*TariffInformationDetailsTypeU_46314C `xml:"tariffInformation"` // maxOccurs="3"
// This composite is used to describe the commissions on the tariff
- AssociatedChargesInformation *AssociatedChargesInformationTypeU `xml:"associatedChargesInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AssociatedChargesInformation *AssociatedChargesInformationTypeU `xml:"associatedChargesInformation,omitempty"`
type TariffInformationType_83558S struct {
@@ -6096,21 +6096,21 @@ type TariffInformationType_83558S struct {
type TariffcodeType struct {
// To convey the Tariff code.
- TariffCode string `xml:"tariffCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TariffCode string `xml:"tariffCode,omitempty"`
// to convey a description of the type of tariff.
- TariffCodeType string `xml:"tariffCodeType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TariffCodeType string `xml:"tariffCodeType,omitempty"`
type TaxDetailsTypeI struct {
// Tax Amount
- TaxRate string `xml:"taxRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxRate string `xml:"taxRate,omitempty"`
// See ISO 4217 codes
- CurrCode string `xml:"currCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrCode string `xml:"currCode,omitempty"`
// Type of the tax
- TaxType []string `xml:"taxType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TaxType []string `xml:"taxType,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type TaxDetailsTypeU struct {
@@ -6135,12 +6135,12 @@ type TaxFieldsType struct {
TaxCountryCode string `xml:"taxCountryCode"`
// Tax nature code
- TaxNatureCode string `xml:"taxNatureCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxNatureCode string `xml:"taxNatureCode,omitempty"`
type TaxTypeI struct {
// specify the tax details
- TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type TaxesType struct {
@@ -6150,7 +6150,7 @@ type TaxesType struct {
type TerminalIdentificationDescriptionType struct {
// Identification of the transaction initiator.
- TerminalID string `xml:"terminalID,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TerminalID string `xml:"terminalID,omitempty"`
// The distribution channel.
DistributionChannel *DistributionChannelType `xml:"distributionChannel"`
@@ -6163,7 +6163,7 @@ type TerminalInformationTypeU struct {
type TerminalTimeInformationTypeS struct {
- LocationDetails *LocationIdentificationTypeS `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationDetails *LocationIdentificationTypeS `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"`
type ThreeDomainSecureGroupType struct {
@@ -6171,10 +6171,10 @@ type ThreeDomainSecureGroupType struct {
AuthenticationData *CreditCardSecurityType `xml:"authenticationData"`
// Access Control Server's URL (up to 2048 characters).
- AcsURL *CommunicationContactType `xml:"acsURL,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AcsURL *CommunicationContactType `xml:"acsURL,omitempty"`
// will convey the various messages/encrypted data used during the 3DS authentication processes
- TdsBlobData []*TdsBlobData `xml:"tdsBlobData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
+ TdsBlobData []*TdsBlobData `xml:"tdsBlobData,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="4"
type TdsBlobData struct {
@@ -6186,13 +6186,13 @@ type TdsBlobData struct {
type TicketElementType struct {
// Passenger type PAX for Passenger INF for Infant not occupying a seat
- PassengerType string `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerType string `xml:"passengerType,omitempty"`
// Ticket information
Ticket *TicketInformationType `xml:"ticket"`
// Print options (//print options after double slash)
- PrintOptions string `xml:"printOptions,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PrintOptions string `xml:"printOptions,omitempty"`
type TicketInformationType struct {
@@ -6200,42 +6200,42 @@ type TicketInformationType struct {
Indicator string `xml:"indicator"`
// Ticketing date
- Date *int32 `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Date *int32 `xml:"date,omitempty"`
// Ticketing time
- Time string `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Time string `xml:"time,omitempty"`
// Office Id
- OfficeId string `xml:"officeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OfficeId string `xml:"officeId,omitempty"`
// Free flow text
- Freetext string `xml:"freetext,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Freetext string `xml:"freetext,omitempty"`
// Air France flag (e.g. //TELEPAYE for MINITEL)
- TransactionFlag string `xml:"transactionFlag,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TransactionFlag string `xml:"transactionFlag,omitempty"`
// Electronic ticketing flag + airline code (e.g. //ETLH) ET for Electronic ticket candidate
- ElectronicTicketFlag string `xml:"electronicTicketFlag,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ElectronicTicketFlag string `xml:"electronicTicketFlag,omitempty"`
// Airline code
- AirlineCode string `xml:"airlineCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AirlineCode string `xml:"airlineCode,omitempty"`
// Queue number
- QueueNumber string `xml:"queueNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ QueueNumber string `xml:"queueNumber,omitempty"`
// Category number
- QueueCategory string `xml:"queueCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ QueueCategory string `xml:"queueCategory,omitempty"`
// SITA addresses
- SitaAddress []string `xml:"sitaAddress,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ SitaAddress []string `xml:"sitaAddress,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type TicketInformationType_5120C struct {
// 1. PNR Header: Amadeus Queuing Office Id
- QueueingOfficeId string `xml:"queueingOfficeId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ QueueingOfficeId string `xml:"queueingOfficeId,omitempty"`
// 1. PNR Header: OA city code
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"`
type TicketNumberDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -6250,7 +6250,7 @@ type TicketNumberTypeI struct {
type TicketingFormOfPaymentType struct {
// Form of payment details
- FopDetails []*FormOfPaymentInformationType `xml:"fopDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ FopDetails []*FormOfPaymentInformationType `xml:"fopDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type TimeZoneIinformationType struct {
@@ -6258,10 +6258,10 @@ type TimeZoneIinformationType struct {
CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode"`
// Time zone code. See SSIM appendix F.
- Code *int32 `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code *int32 `xml:"code,omitempty"`
// Time zone suffix to complete the time zone code when necessary. See SSIM appendix F.
- Suffix string `xml:"suffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Suffix string `xml:"suffix,omitempty"`
type TotalPriceType struct {
@@ -6269,28 +6269,28 @@ type TotalPriceType struct {
ProviderCode *CompanyInformationType_83550S `xml:"providerCode"`
// External Reference of the pricing
- ExternalRef *ReferenceInformationTypeI_83551S `xml:"externalRef,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExternalRef *ReferenceInformationTypeI_83551S `xml:"externalRef,omitempty"`
// method of delivery, such as e-mail, pick at station, id card, etc.
- MethodOfDelivery *MethodOfDelivery `xml:"methodOfDelivery,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MethodOfDelivery *MethodOfDelivery `xml:"methodOfDelivery,omitempty"`
// This segment is used to convey the main price information (e.g. the net total price for non-cancelled bookings, the cancellation fee for cancelled bookings). The currency code stands not only for this segment, but for the whole group: all prices have the same currency.
MainPrice *TariffInformationType `xml:"mainPrice"`
// The remaining price items are described here. In ferry business, there may be a maximum of 12 prices (+ main price and taxes). The currency code is not applicable because it is the same as in the mainPriceInformation segment.
- OtherPrices []*TariffInformationType_83558S `xml:"otherPrices,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="12"
+ OtherPrices []*TariffInformationType_83558S `xml:"otherPrices,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="12"
// product associated to the price item
- ProductDescription *ProductDescription `xml:"productDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDescription *ProductDescription `xml:"productDescription,omitempty"`
// This segment conveys the tax amount information. The repetition factor equals the number of codesets for the qualifier, because each type of tax may occur once. The currency code is the same as in the mainPriceInformation segment.
- AdditionnalChargeInformation []*TaxesType `xml:"additionnalChargeInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
+ AdditionnalChargeInformation []*TaxesType `xml:"additionnalChargeInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="4"
// This segment is used to convey the booking fare information.
- RateCodeInformation *RateTypesTypeU `xml:"rateCodeInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateCodeInformation *RateTypesTypeU `xml:"rateCodeInformation,omitempty"`
// This segment will transport the optional booking confirmation dead-line information. Note: if this segment transports a valid confirmation dead-line, then the booking is considered as optional.
- OptionalBooking *StructuredDateTimeInformationType_83553S `xml:"optionalBooking,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OptionalBooking *StructuredDateTimeInformationType_83553S `xml:"optionalBooking,omitempty"`
type MethodOfDelivery struct {
@@ -6306,7 +6306,7 @@ type ProductDescription struct {
Product *ProductIdentificationTypeU `xml:"product"`
// product restrictions and attributes: route code and description, crossLondon and advanced purchase.
- ProductRestriction []*TrafficRestrictionDetailsType `xml:"productRestriction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ ProductRestriction []*TrafficRestrictionDetailsType `xml:"productRestriction,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
type TourAccountDetailsType struct {
@@ -6314,13 +6314,13 @@ type TourAccountDetailsType struct {
TourTotalPrices []*TariffInformationTypeU_25419S `xml:"tourTotalPrices"` // maxOccurs="20"
// The remaining amount to pay, for each Tour Operator
- RemainingAmountsDetails []*RemainingAmountsDetails `xml:"remainingAmountsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ RemainingAmountsDetails []*RemainingAmountsDetails `xml:"remainingAmountsDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
// All tour products (accomodation, transport, insurance...) prices and additional price elements such as airport tax and fees. We can have 99 descriptions of prices about products. And we can have 2 additional prices' descriptions, about other fees and taxes not linked to a product. This gives a max of 101 prices' description.
- TourDetailedPriceInfo []*TourDetailedPriceInfo `xml:"tourDetailedPriceInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="101"
+ TourDetailedPriceInfo []*TourDetailedPriceInfo `xml:"tourDetailedPriceInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="101"
// Payments done by Tour Operator
- PaymentInformation []*PaymentInformation `xml:"paymentInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ PaymentInformation []*PaymentInformation `xml:"paymentInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
type PaymentInformation struct {
@@ -6328,7 +6328,7 @@ type PaymentInformation struct {
Payment *PaymentInformationTypeU `xml:"payment"`
// The Tour Operator code
- OperatorCode *CompanyInformationType_25420S `xml:"operatorCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperatorCode *CompanyInformationType_25420S `xml:"operatorCode,omitempty"`
type RemainingAmountsDetails struct {
@@ -6344,7 +6344,7 @@ type TourDetailedPriceInfo struct {
MarkerSpecificRead *DummySegmentTypeI `xml:"markerSpecificRead"`
// Identifier of the product
- ProductId *ReferenceInfoType_25422S `xml:"productId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductId *ReferenceInfoType_25422S `xml:"productId,omitempty"`
// Price of a product or tax or fee to pay for a product
ProductPrice *TariffInformationTypeU_25419S `xml:"productPrice"`
@@ -6360,13 +6360,13 @@ type TourInformationType struct {
BookingSummaryInfo *TravelProductInformationTypeU_25428S `xml:"bookingSummaryInfo"`
// Conveys information about the booking duration
- BookingDurationInfo *QuantityType `xml:"bookingDurationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingDurationInfo *QuantityType `xml:"bookingDurationInfo,omitempty"`
// Conveys staying location information
- StayingInfo *PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_25436S `xml:"stayingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StayingInfo *PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_25436S `xml:"stayingInfo,omitempty"`
// Conveys the tour description (name and description)
- TourDescriptionInfo *AdditionalProductDetailsTypeU `xml:"tourDescriptionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TourDescriptionInfo *AdditionalProductDetailsTypeU `xml:"tourDescriptionInfo,omitempty"`
// Conveys booking reference and unique key in the provider system
BookingReferenceInfo []*ReservationControlInformationTypeU `xml:"bookingReferenceInfo"` // maxOccurs="2"
@@ -6375,31 +6375,31 @@ type TourInformationType struct {
StatusInfo *QuantityAndActionTypeU `xml:"statusInfo"`
// Indicates whether an insurance is included in the tour booking.
- InsuranceIndication *InsuranceCoverageType_25483S `xml:"insuranceIndication,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InsuranceIndication *InsuranceCoverageType_25483S `xml:"insuranceIndication,omitempty"`
// Conveys passenger information when there is a desynchronization between the PNR passengers and tour passengers (Tour Server). A Tour Server booking can contain its own passenger names. Tour Server's specifications specify a maximum of 99 passengers. If a Tour booking conveys its passengers in TIF, then there is no Pax assoc (no REF used for Pax assoc). BUT, when there is no TIF (for example in Tour Distribution), there may be a Pax assoc between product and PNR pax, and/or booking and PNR's pax. Then REFs are used
- PassengerInfo []*TravellerInformationType_25441S `xml:"passengerInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ PassengerInfo []*TravellerInformationType_25441S `xml:"passengerInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Conveys the booking expiration information (only the expiration date is needed).
- ExpireInfo *StructuredDateTimeInformationType_25444S `xml:"expireInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExpireInfo *StructuredDateTimeInformationType_25444S `xml:"expireInfo,omitempty"`
// Conveys description information (Remark booking description). For the remarks we can have 2 lines of text that is why the 101C composite is repeted 2 times.
- BookingDescriptionInfo []*FreeTextInformationType_25445S `xml:"bookingDescriptionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
+ BookingDescriptionInfo []*FreeTextInformationType_25445S `xml:"bookingDescriptionInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="4"
// Conveys information about the targeted system provider (TS for Tour source, TG for Royal Orchid Holiday ...). The only information conveyd is the code of the provider whose system has the master Tour booking. Example: the Tour Operator ROH provides its products throw the TG (Thai Airways) system: TRA conveys TG, one CPY conveys ROH.
- SystemProviderInfo *TransportIdentifierType `xml:"systemProviderInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SystemProviderInfo *TransportIdentifierType `xml:"systemProviderInfo,omitempty"`
// Conveys information about the tour operator (name, code ...)
TourOperatorInfo []*CompanyInformationType_25420S `xml:"tourOperatorInfo"` // maxOccurs="10"
// Bokking source (/BS)
- BookingSource *UserIdentificationType_25447S `xml:"bookingSource,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingSource *UserIdentificationType_25447S `xml:"bookingSource,omitempty"`
// Conveys the passenger association for the booking
- PassengerAssocation []*ReferenceInfoType_25422S `xml:"passengerAssocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ PassengerAssocation []*ReferenceInfoType_25422S `xml:"passengerAssocation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
// Conveys tour payment information such as the detailed price of the booking, the commisssion, the deposit information ...
- TourAccountDetails *TourAccountDetailsType `xml:"tourAccountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TourAccountDetails *TourAccountDetailsType `xml:"tourAccountDetails,omitempty"`
// Conveys information about the booked products (arrival/departure information, product identification, meal plan information, occupation ...)
TourProductDetails []*TourServiceDetailsType `xml:"tourProductDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
@@ -6415,16 +6415,16 @@ type TourServiceDetailsType struct {
SequenceNumberInfo *ItemNumberTypeU `xml:"sequenceNumberInfo"`
// Conveys information about the product status and the product quantity (number in party or number of service)
- StatusQuantityInfo *QuantityAndActionTypeU `xml:"statusQuantityInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StatusQuantityInfo *QuantityAndActionTypeU `xml:"statusQuantityInfo,omitempty"`
// Conveys general Tour product information.
ProductInfo *AdditionalProductDetailsTypeU `xml:"productInfo"`
// Conveys product confirmation number.
- ConfirmationInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeU `xml:"confirmationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConfirmationInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeU `xml:"confirmationInfo,omitempty"`
// Passenger association at product (package / standalone) level.
- PassengerAssociation []*ReferenceInfoType_25422S `xml:"passengerAssociation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ PassengerAssociation []*ReferenceInfoType_25422S `xml:"passengerAssociation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
// Conveys the service details which composes a tour product. If the product is a package this group can be repeted.
ServiceDetails []*ServiceDetails `xml:"serviceDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
@@ -6435,19 +6435,19 @@ type ServiceDetails struct {
ServiceInfo *TravelProductInformationTypeU_25428S `xml:"serviceInfo"`
// Conveys duration information (number of day, night ...)
- ServiceDurationInfo *QuantityType `xml:"serviceDurationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceDurationInfo *QuantityType `xml:"serviceDurationInfo,omitempty"`
// Conveys information about booked rooms
- AccomodationDetails []*AccomodationDetails `xml:"accomodationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ AccomodationDetails []*AccomodationDetails `xml:"accomodationDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Conveys vehicule details
- VehiculeDetails *VehiculeDetails `xml:"vehiculeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ VehiculeDetails *VehiculeDetails `xml:"vehiculeDetails,omitempty"`
// Conveys transportation details. We store in the repetitions the legs (or connections) or this transportation. Tour Server specifications specify a max of 99 legs for cruises and flight.
- TransportationDetails []*TransportationDetails `xml:"transportationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TransportationDetails []*TransportationDetails `xml:"transportationDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Billing Collection Statistic at Tour Product level
- ProductBCSDetails *ProductBCSDetails `xml:"productBCSDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductBCSDetails *ProductBCSDetails `xml:"productBCSDetails,omitempty"`
type TrafficRestrictionDetailsType struct {
@@ -6457,13 +6457,13 @@ type TrafficRestrictionDetailsType struct {
type TrafficRestrictionDetailsTypeU struct {
// restriction code.
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"`
// restriction type
Type string `xml:"type"`
// traffic restriction description
- Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Description string `xml:"description,omitempty"`
type TrainDataType struct {
@@ -6480,15 +6480,15 @@ type TrainDataType struct {
ArrLocation *PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU_32347S `xml:"arrLocation"`
// Rail leg (train number, train provider, departure/arrival locations and dates, reservable status)
- RailLeg []*RailLegDataType `xml:"railLeg,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ RailLeg []*RailLegDataType `xml:"railLeg,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
type TrainDetailsType struct {
// Train company code
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"`
// Train number
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
type TrainInformationType struct {
@@ -6496,42 +6496,42 @@ type TrainInformationType struct {
CompanyInfo *CompanyInformationType_19450S `xml:"companyInfo"`
// Indicates whether or not the reservation can be modified directly in the Amadeus system
- UpdatePermission *StatusTypeI_20923S `xml:"updatePermission,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UpdatePermission *StatusTypeI_20923S `xml:"updatePermission,omitempty"`
// train number, equipment code, departure and arrival dates and times.
TripDetails *TrainDataType `xml:"tripDetails"`
// indicate that the train segment is open.
- OpenSegment *StatusTypeI_33257S `xml:"openSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OpenSegment *StatusTypeI_33257S `xml:"openSegment,omitempty"`
// Journey direction: outward, return, single
- JourneyDirection *TravelItineraryInformationTypeI_33275S `xml:"journeyDirection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ JourneyDirection *TravelItineraryInformationTypeI_33275S `xml:"journeyDirection,omitempty"`
// Rail provider segment tattoo reference
- ProviderTattoo *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"providerTattoo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProviderTattoo *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"providerTattoo,omitempty"`
// SVC / Service information
- ServiceInfo *FreeTextInformationType_20551S `xml:"serviceInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ServiceInfo *FreeTextInformationType_20551S `xml:"serviceInfo,omitempty"`
// Information pertaining to the class of service including number of seats
ClassInfo *ClassConfigurationDetailsType `xml:"classInfo"`
// Accommodation (room/compartment) details.
- AccommodationInfo *AccommodationAllocationInformationTypeU `xml:"accommodationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AccommodationInfo *AccommodationAllocationInformationTypeU `xml:"accommodationInfo,omitempty"`
// Coach information
- CoachInfo *CoachProductInformationType `xml:"coachInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CoachInfo *CoachProductInformationType `xml:"coachInfo,omitempty"`
// Reservation Mandatory, Advised, Possible, Not Possible
- ReservableStatus *QuantityAndActionTypeU_32609S `xml:"reservableStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReservableStatus *QuantityAndActionTypeU_32609S `xml:"reservableStatus,omitempty"`
type TrainProductInformationType struct {
// Train Details
- TrainDetails *TrainDetailsType `xml:"trainDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TrainDetails *TrainDetailsType `xml:"trainDetails,omitempty"`
// Transportation mode (BUS, SHIP, TRAIN, TGV etc)
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
type TrainProductInformationType_32331S struct {
@@ -6539,7 +6539,7 @@ type TrainProductInformationType_32331S struct {
RailCompany string `xml:"railCompany"`
// Train Details
- TrainDetails *TrainDetailsType `xml:"trainDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TrainDetails *TrainDetailsType `xml:"trainDetails,omitempty"`
// Train Equipment Type (TGV,TGD,TGN...)
Type string `xml:"type"`
@@ -6552,16 +6552,16 @@ type TransactionInformationForTicketingType struct {
type TransactionInformationsType struct {
// Authorization message type Eg 110: author according standard ISO8583 210: settlement according standard ISO858 ...
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"`
// Credit Card link used to perform authorization.
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Process indicator (bulkIndicator): - bulk - superbulk - no bulk.
- IssueIndicator string `xml:"issueIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IssueIndicator string `xml:"issueIndicator,omitempty"`
// This is a message number that uniquely identifies a cardholder transaction. According to the link this info can have various names: - STAN number(Systems Trace Audit Number) - ISO8583 (VISA,Nedbank, Credit Mutuel...) - Message number - APACS70 (Barclays,Euroline...) ... Official definition: This is a number assigned by the message initiator that uniquely identifies a cardholder transaction and all the message types (also known as system transactions) that it comprises, according to individual program rules. The trace number remains unchanged for all messages throughout the life of the transaction. For example, the same trace number is used in an authorization request and response, and in a subsequent reversal request and response, and in any advices of authorization or reversal.
- TransmissionControlNumber string `xml:"transmissionControlNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TransmissionControlNumber string `xml:"transmissionControlNumber,omitempty"`
type TransportIdentifierType struct {
@@ -6581,25 +6581,25 @@ type TravelItineraryInformationTypeI_33275S struct {
type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
// To specify dates and times of the product
- Product *ProductDateTimeTypeI_171495C `xml:"product,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Product *ProductDateTimeTypeI_171495C `xml:"product,omitempty"`
// Boarding point detail
- BoardpointDetail *LocationTypeI_2784C `xml:"boardpointDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BoardpointDetail *LocationTypeI_2784C `xml:"boardpointDetail,omitempty"`
// Off Point details
- OffpointDetail *LocationTypeI_2784C `xml:"offpointDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OffpointDetail *LocationTypeI_2784C `xml:"offpointDetail,omitempty"`
// Company identification
- CompanyDetail *CompanyIdentificationTypeI_2785C `xml:"companyDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyDetail *CompanyIdentificationTypeI_2785C `xml:"companyDetail,omitempty"`
// Product identifications details
- ProductDetails *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_2786C `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDetails *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_2786C `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"`
// Product Type details
- TypeDetail *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"typeDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TypeDetail *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"typeDetail,omitempty"`
// AIR segment : to indicate an Informational Air segment : N for No action required.
- ProcessingIndicator string `xml:"processingIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProcessingIndicator string `xml:"processingIndicator,omitempty"`
type TravelProductInformationTypeI_127288S struct {
@@ -6607,25 +6607,25 @@ type TravelProductInformationTypeI_127288S struct {
type TravelProductInformationTypeI_186189S struct {
// To specify dates and times of the product
- Product *ProductDateTimeTypeI_260882C `xml:"product,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Product *ProductDateTimeTypeI_260882C `xml:"product,omitempty"`
// Boarding point detail
- BoardpointDetail *LocationTypeI_2784C `xml:"boardpointDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BoardpointDetail *LocationTypeI_2784C `xml:"boardpointDetail,omitempty"`
// Off Point details
- OffpointDetail *LocationTypeI_2784C `xml:"offpointDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OffpointDetail *LocationTypeI_2784C `xml:"offpointDetail,omitempty"`
// Company identification
- CompanyDetail *CompanyIdentificationTypeI_2785C `xml:"companyDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyDetail *CompanyIdentificationTypeI_2785C `xml:"companyDetail,omitempty"`
// Product identifications details
- ProductDetails *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_2786C `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDetails *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_2786C `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"`
// Product Type details
- TypeDetail *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"typeDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TypeDetail *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"typeDetail,omitempty"`
// AIR segment : to indicate an Informational Air segment : N for No action required.
- ProcessingIndicator string `xml:"processingIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProcessingIndicator string `xml:"processingIndicator,omitempty"`
type TravelProductInformationTypeI_25434S struct {
@@ -6639,24 +6639,24 @@ type TravelProductInformationTypeI_25434S struct {
FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI_46336C `xml:"flightIdentification"`
// connection sequence information
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI_46337C `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI_46337C `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"`
type TravelProductInformationTypeI_99362S struct {
- FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"`
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"`
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"`
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
- FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"`
type TravelProductInformationTypeU struct {
// Conveys the departure and arrival date time descriptions. If absent, then the leg status may be considered as open information.
- ItineraryDateTimeInfo *ProductDateAndTimeTypeU `xml:"itineraryDateTimeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ItineraryDateTimeInfo *ProductDateAndTimeTypeU `xml:"itineraryDateTimeInfo,omitempty"`
// Conveys and itinerary leg embarkation and the disembarkation ports descriptions
BoardPortDetails []*LocationTypeU `xml:"boardPortDetails"` // maxOccurs="2"
@@ -6667,13 +6667,13 @@ type TravelProductInformationTypeU struct {
type TravelProductInformationTypeU_25428S struct {
// Conveys information about the departure/ arrival date and time.
- DateTimeInformation *ProductDateAndTimeTypeU_46325C `xml:"dateTimeInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateTimeInformation *ProductDateAndTimeTypeU_46325C `xml:"dateTimeInformation,omitempty"`
// Conveys the departure/arrival/staying location information
- LocationInformation []*LocationTypeU_46324C `xml:"locationInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ LocationInformation []*LocationTypeU_46324C `xml:"locationInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Conveys information about the provider of the product
- CompanyInformation *CompanyIdentificationTypeU `xml:"companyInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyInformation *CompanyIdentificationTypeU `xml:"companyInformation,omitempty"`
// Conveys details about the product
ProductDetails *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeU_46327C `xml:"productDetails"`
@@ -6689,29 +6689,29 @@ type TravelerPerpaxDetailsType struct {
type TravellerDetailsType struct {
// passenger first name
- GivenName string `xml:"givenName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ GivenName string `xml:"givenName,omitempty"`
type TravellerDetailsTypeI struct {
// Traveler First Name
- FirstName string `xml:"firstName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FirstName string `xml:"firstName,omitempty"`
// Traveler Type using Amadeus codification.
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// 1 code is used to mention that the traveler is accompanied by an infant with no seat.
- InfantIndicator string `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InfantIndicator string `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"`
// Identification code, 2 cases: ID<1 to 51 char free text) or CR<1 to 40 char free text)
- IdentificationCode string `xml:"identificationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdentificationCode string `xml:"identificationCode,omitempty"`
type TravellerDetailsTypeI_16351C struct {
// Conveys passenger first name.
- GivenName string `xml:"givenName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ GivenName string `xml:"givenName,omitempty"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- Title string `xml:"title,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Title string `xml:"title,omitempty"`
type TravellerDetailsTypeI_18004C struct {
@@ -6724,7 +6724,7 @@ type TravellerDetailsTypeI_27968C struct {
GivenName string `xml:"givenName"`
// Title (Mr, Mrs)
- Title string `xml:"title,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Title string `xml:"title,omitempty"`
type TravellerDetailsTypeI_46354C struct {
@@ -6732,21 +6732,21 @@ type TravellerDetailsTypeI_46354C struct {
GivenName string `xml:"givenName"`
// passenger title
- Title string `xml:"title,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Title string `xml:"title,omitempty"`
type TravellerDocumentInformationTypeU struct {
DocumentInformation *DocumentInformationTypeU `xml:"documentInformation"`
- DatesOfValidity *ValidityDatesTypeU `xml:"datesOfValidity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DatesOfValidity *ValidityDatesTypeU `xml:"datesOfValidity,omitempty"`
type TravellerInformationType struct {
// to specify the last name, age and gender.
- PaxDetails *TravellerSurnameInformationType_858C `xml:"paxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PaxDetails *TravellerSurnameInformationType_858C `xml:"paxDetails,omitempty"`
// to provide the first name
- OtherPaxDetails *TravellerDetailsTypeI_18004C `xml:"otherPaxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherPaxDetails *TravellerDetailsTypeI_18004C `xml:"otherPaxDetails,omitempty"`
type TravellerInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -6754,7 +6754,7 @@ type TravellerInformationTypeI struct {
PaxDetails *TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI_18003C `xml:"paxDetails"`
// Only used to put the firstname
- OtherPaxDetails *TravellerDetailsTypeI_18004C `xml:"otherPaxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherPaxDetails *TravellerDetailsTypeI_18004C `xml:"otherPaxDetails,omitempty"`
type TravellerInformationTypeI_15923S struct {
@@ -6762,15 +6762,15 @@ type TravellerInformationTypeI_15923S struct {
PaxDetails *TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI_18003C `xml:"paxDetails"`
// Other name info
- OtherPaxDetails *TravellerDetailsTypeI_27968C `xml:"otherPaxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherPaxDetails *TravellerDetailsTypeI_27968C `xml:"otherPaxDetails,omitempty"`
type TravellerInformationTypeI_6097S struct {
// Traveller surname details
- Traveller *TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI `xml:"traveller,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Traveller *TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI `xml:"traveller,omitempty"`
// Occurrence one relates to the traveler. Occurrence 2 relates only to an infant accompanying the traveler for whom only the given name is present.
- Passenger []*TravellerDetailsTypeI `xml:"passenger,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ Passenger []*TravellerDetailsTypeI `xml:"passenger,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type TravellerInformationTypeI_8956S struct {
@@ -6778,7 +6778,7 @@ type TravellerInformationTypeI_8956S struct {
PaxDetails *TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI_16350C `xml:"paxDetails"`
// Passnger first name details.
- OtherPaxDetails *TravellerDetailsTypeI_16351C `xml:"otherPaxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherPaxDetails *TravellerDetailsTypeI_16351C `xml:"otherPaxDetails,omitempty"`
type TravellerInformationType_25441S struct {
@@ -6794,42 +6794,42 @@ type TravellerInformationType_94570S struct {
PaxDetails *TravellerSurnameInformationType `xml:"paxDetails"`
// will convey the CC holder first name
- OtherPaxDetails *TravellerDetailsType `xml:"otherPaxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherPaxDetails *TravellerDetailsType `xml:"otherPaxDetails,omitempty"`
type TravellerInsuranceInformationType struct {
// currency of manual premium
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// manual total premium for this traveller
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// supplementary info
- SupplementaryInformation string `xml:"supplementaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SupplementaryInformation string `xml:"supplementaryInformation,omitempty"`
// gender - male or female
- SexCode string `xml:"sexCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SexCode string `xml:"sexCode,omitempty"`
// Credit card details
- CreditCardDetails []*CreditCardType `xml:"creditCardDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ CreditCardDetails []*CreditCardType `xml:"creditCardDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
// currency of the total premium ,
- TotalPremiumCurrency string `xml:"totalPremiumCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TotalPremiumCurrency string `xml:"totalPremiumCurrency,omitempty"`
// calculated total premium , all taxes included for this traveller
- TotalPremium *float64 `xml:"totalPremium,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TotalPremium *float64 `xml:"totalPremium,omitempty"`
// for future use
- FutureCurrency string `xml:"futureCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FutureCurrency string `xml:"futureCurrency,omitempty"`
// for future use
- FutureAmount *float64 `xml:"futureAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FutureAmount *float64 `xml:"futureAmount,omitempty"`
// Reduction Code
- FareType string `xml:"fareType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareType string `xml:"fareType,omitempty"`
// Beneficiary Name
- TravelerName string `xml:"travelerName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravelerName string `xml:"travelerName,omitempty"`
type TravellerSurnameInformationType struct {
@@ -6842,13 +6842,13 @@ type TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI struct {
Surname string `xml:"surname"`
// G for group (The traveler type is in C324/6353)
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// 1 :one traveler with exceptions below. 2 :traveler accompanied by an infant for whom only the given name is present. n : total number of passengers of the group (assigned + unassigned)
- Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"`
// Staff type
- StaffType string `xml:"staffType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StaffType string `xml:"staffType,omitempty"`
type TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI_16350C struct {
@@ -6861,7 +6861,7 @@ type TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI_18003C struct {
Surname string `xml:"surname"`
// to specify the type of person
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
type TravellerSurnameInformationType_46353C struct {
@@ -6871,18 +6871,18 @@ type TravellerSurnameInformationType_46353C struct {
type TravellerSurnameInformationType_858C struct {
// Passenger name
- Surname string `xml:"surname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Surname string `xml:"surname,omitempty"`
// Customer type: A=adult C=child IN = infant
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// to indicate if it's a man or a female.
- Gender string `xml:"gender,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Gender string `xml:"gender,omitempty"`
type TravellerTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
// Time format: 24H. All digits are mandatory . Example: from 0000 to 2359
- CheckinTime string `xml:"checkinTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CheckinTime string `xml:"checkinTime,omitempty"`
type TstGeneralInformationDetailsType struct {
@@ -6893,7 +6893,7 @@ type TstGeneralInformationDetailsType struct {
TstCreationDate string `xml:"tstCreationDate"`
// Sales indicator
- SalesIndicator string `xml:"salesIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SalesIndicator string `xml:"salesIndicator,omitempty"`
type TstGeneralInformationType struct {
@@ -6914,7 +6914,7 @@ type UserIdentificationType struct {
OriginIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originIdentification"`
// Agent type (A, T, E)
- OriginatorTypeCode string `xml:"originatorTypeCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginatorTypeCode string `xml:"originatorTypeCode,omitempty"`
type UserIdentificationType_127265S struct {
@@ -6929,7 +6929,7 @@ type UserIdentificationType_21014S struct {
type UserIdentificationType_25447S struct {
// Originator Identification Details
- OriginIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI_46358C `xml:"originIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI_46358C `xml:"originIdentification,omitempty"`
// Booking source or [agent numeric sign] + [agent initial] + [duty code]
Originator string `xml:"originator"`
@@ -6937,7 +6937,7 @@ type UserIdentificationType_25447S struct {
type UserIdentificationType_9456S struct {
// contains the client reference/signature.
- Originator string `xml:"originator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Originator string `xml:"originator,omitempty"`
type UserPreferencesType struct {
@@ -6947,10 +6947,10 @@ type UserPreferencesType struct {
type ValidityDatesTypeU struct {
// Date the document was issued (YYYYMMDD)
- IssueDate string `xml:"issueDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IssueDate string `xml:"issueDate,omitempty"`
// Date document expires (YYYYMMDD)
- ExpirationDate string `xml:"expirationDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExpirationDate string `xml:"expirationDate,omitempty"`
type ValueRangeTypeU struct {
@@ -6963,21 +6963,21 @@ type VehicleInformationType struct {
VehicleCharacteristic *VehicleTypeOptionType `xml:"vehicleCharacteristic"`
// This data element is used to convey the equipment codes.
- VehSpecialEquipment []string `xml:"vehSpecialEquipment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ VehSpecialEquipment []string `xml:"vehSpecialEquipment,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// To indicate vehicle details: -Number of doors -Number of seats -Max Number of doors -Max Number of seats -Number of bags -Volume of the boots
- VehicleInfo []*QuantityDetailsTypeI_198209C `xml:"vehicleInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ VehicleInfo []*QuantityDetailsTypeI_198209C `xml:"vehicleInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
// Free text type
- FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType_198207C `xml:"freeTextDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeTextDetails *FreeTextDetailsType_198207C `xml:"freeTextDetails,omitempty"`
// Description or Example of the Car
- CarModel string `xml:"carModel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CarModel string `xml:"carModel,omitempty"`
type VehicleInformationTypeU struct {
// Vehicle make and model.
- MakeAndModel string `xml:"makeAndModel,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MakeAndModel string `xml:"makeAndModel,omitempty"`
type VehicleInformationTypeU_46439C struct {
@@ -6998,7 +6998,7 @@ type VehicleTypeU struct {
Category string `xml:"category"`
// Describes the vehicle.
- VehicleDetails *VehicleInformationTypeU `xml:"vehicleDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ VehicleDetails *VehicleInformationTypeU `xml:"vehicleDetails,omitempty"`
type VehicleTypeU_25502S struct {
@@ -7011,7 +7011,7 @@ type CoverageInfo struct {
Coverage *InsuranceCoverageType `xml:"coverage"`
// Values and currency of the different coverages amounts.
- CoverageValues *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"coverageValues,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CoverageValues *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"coverageValues,omitempty"`
type PremiumPerTariffPerPax struct {
@@ -7019,7 +7019,7 @@ type PremiumPerTariffPerPax struct {
TariffCodeInfo *InsuranceProductDetailsType_20775S `xml:"tariffCodeInfo"`
// to specify the amount/currency per passenger and tariff code.
- TariffCodePerPaxAmount *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"tariffCodePerPaxAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TariffCodePerPaxAmount *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"tariffCodePerPaxAmount,omitempty"`
type TravelerValueDetails struct {
@@ -7027,7 +7027,7 @@ type TravelerValueDetails struct {
TravelCost *InsuranceCoverageType `xml:"travelCost"`
// to specify the amount/currency per insuree
- TravelAmount *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"travelAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravelAmount *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"travelAmount,omitempty"`
type AccomodationDetails struct {
@@ -7035,13 +7035,13 @@ type AccomodationDetails struct {
RoomInfo *HotelRoomType_25429S `xml:"roomInfo"`
// Passenger association at accomodation room level
- PassengerAssociation []*ReferenceInfoType_25422S `xml:"passengerAssociation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ PassengerAssociation []*ReferenceInfoType_25422S `xml:"passengerAssociation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
// Conveys room meal plan information
RoomMealPlanInfo *DiningInformationType `xml:"roomMealPlanInfo"`
// Conveys room occupancy information (room min or max occupancy)
- OccupancynInfo *RangeDetailsTypeU `xml:"occupancynInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OccupancynInfo *RangeDetailsTypeU `xml:"occupancynInfo,omitempty"`
type ProductBCSDetails struct {
@@ -7063,13 +7063,13 @@ type TransportationDetails struct {
TransportationInfo *TravelProductInformationTypeI_25434S `xml:"transportationInfo"`
// Conveys duration information (number of day, night ...)
- TransportationDuration *QuantityType `xml:"transportationDuration,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TransportationDuration *QuantityType `xml:"transportationDuration,omitempty"`
// Conveys transportation equipment information
- EquipmentInfo *EquipmentDetailsTypeU `xml:"equipmentInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EquipmentInfo *EquipmentDetailsTypeU `xml:"equipmentInfo,omitempty"`
// Conveys transportation meal plan information
- TransportationMealPlanInfo *DiningInformationType `xml:"transportationMealPlanInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TransportationMealPlanInfo *DiningInformationType `xml:"transportationMealPlanInfo,omitempty"`
type VehiculeDetails struct {
diff --git a/sdk/pnr/retrieve/v11_3_query/query.go b/structs/pnr/retrieve/v11.3/query.go
similarity index 82%
rename from sdk/pnr/retrieve/v11_3_query/query.go
rename to structs/pnr/retrieve/v11.3/query.go
index a75c500..eddedbd 100644
--- a/sdk/pnr/retrieve/v11_3_query/query.go
+++ b/structs/pnr/retrieve/v11.3/query.go
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ package PNR_Retrieve_v11_3 // pnrret113
import (
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/formats"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/formats"
-type PNRRetrieve struct {
+type Request struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/PNRRET_11_3_1A PNR_Retrieve"`
- Settings *Settings `xml:"settings,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Settings *Settings `xml:"settings,omitempty"`
RetrievalFacts *RetrievalFacts `xml:"retrievalFacts"`
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ type Settings struct {
Options *OptionalPNRActionsType `xml:"options"`
// Identification of the printer when hardcopy is requested
- Printer *PrinterIdentificationType `xml:"printer,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Printer *PrinterIdentificationType `xml:"printer,omitempty"`
type RetrievalFacts struct {
@@ -27,15 +27,15 @@ type RetrievalFacts struct {
Retrieve *RetrievePNRType `xml:"retrieve"`
// Informations needed for retreive by record locator or retreive by customer profile.
- ReservationOrProfileIdentifier *ReservationControlInformationType `xml:"reservationOrProfileIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReservationOrProfileIdentifier *ReservationControlInformationType `xml:"reservationOrProfileIdentifier,omitempty"`
- PersonalFacts *PersonalFacts `xml:"personalFacts,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PersonalFacts *PersonalFacts `xml:"personalFacts,omitempty"`
// Informations needed for a retreive by frequent flyer .
- FrequentFlyer *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"frequentFlyer,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FrequentFlyer *FrequentTravellerIdentificationCodeType `xml:"frequentFlyer,omitempty"`
// Informations needed for a retreive by account number
- Accounting *AccountingInformationElementType `xml:"accounting,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Accounting *AccountingInformationElementType `xml:"accounting,omitempty"`
type PersonalFacts struct {
@@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ type PersonalFacts struct {
TravellerInformation *TravellerInformationType `xml:"travellerInformation"`
// Informations on the travel product
- ProductInformation *TravelProductInformationType `xml:"productInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductInformation *TravelProductInformationType `xml:"productInformation,omitempty"`
// Ticket number that can be used optionally when retreive by record locator is done .
- Ticket *TicketNumberType `xml:"ticket,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Ticket *TicketNumberType `xml:"ticket,omitempty"`
@@ -96,18 +96,18 @@ type PrinterIdentificationDetailsType struct {
Name formats.AlphaNumericString_Length5To6 `xml:"name"`
// network id of the printer
- Network formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To2 `xml:"network,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Network formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To2 `xml:"network,omitempty"`
type PrinterIdentificationType struct {
// printer identification
- IdentifierDetail *PrinterIdentificationDetailsType `xml:"identifierDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdentifierDetail *PrinterIdentificationDetailsType `xml:"identifierDetail,omitempty"`
// amadeus office id
- Office formats.AlphaNumericString_Length9To9 `xml:"office,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Office formats.AlphaNumericString_Length9To9 `xml:"office,omitempty"`
// IATA teletype address
- TeletypeAddress formats.AlphaNumericString_Length7To7 `xml:"teletypeAddress,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TeletypeAddress formats.AlphaNumericString_Length7To7 `xml:"teletypeAddress,omitempty"`
type ProductDateTimeTypeI struct {
@@ -115,10 +115,10 @@ type ProductDateTimeTypeI struct {
DepDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"depDate"`
// Only for retrieve by flight/departure time, needed.
- DepTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"depTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"depTime,omitempty"`
// Return/ drop-off/ check-out date
- ArrDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"arrDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrDate formats.Date_DDMMYY `xml:"arrDate,omitempty"`
type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
Identification formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"identification"`
// Flight number alpha suffix
- Subtype formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"subtype,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Subtype formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"subtype,omitempty"`
type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -144,22 +144,22 @@ type RetrievePNRType struct {
Type formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"type"`
// information needed for redisplay if RTSVC (AIR, HTL, CAR). Needed for retrieve by service and name . Optional for retrieve by office and name
- Service formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"service,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Service formats.AlphaString_Length3To3 `xml:"service,omitempty"`
// Element tattoo. Optional for redisplay when RTSVC.
- Tattoo formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"tattoo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Tattoo formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"tattoo,omitempty"`
// PNR owner office id
- Office formats.AlphaNumericString_Length9To9 `xml:"office,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Office formats.AlphaNumericString_Length9To9 `xml:"office,omitempty"`
// Target system for retrieve PNR via claim. Only for retrieve by record locator and retrieve by service and name
- TargetSystem formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To2 `xml:"targetSystem,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TargetSystem formats.AlphaNumericString_Length2To2 `xml:"targetSystem,omitempty"`
// X - RTAXR V - RV Optional for redisplay and retrieval types 2, 3 and 4. N/A otherwise.
- Option1 formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"option1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Option1 formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"option1,omitempty"`
// A - active PNRs only Optional for retrieve by office and name. N/A otherwise.
- Option2 formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"option2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Option2 formats.AlphaString_Length1To1 `xml:"option2,omitempty"`
type TicketNumberType struct {
@@ -172,19 +172,19 @@ type TicketNumberType struct {
type TravelProductInformationType struct {
// Defaults to current date
- Product *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"product,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Product *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"product,omitempty"`
// Needed for retrieval by flight, optional otherwise.
- BoardpointDetail *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardpointDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BoardpointDetail *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardpointDetail,omitempty"`
// needed only if board point is provided.
- OffpointDetail *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OffpointDetail *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetail,omitempty"`
// company identification
- Company *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"company,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Company *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"company,omitempty"`
// needed only for retrieve by flight
- ProductDetails *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDetails *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"productDetails,omitempty"`
type TravellerDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ type TravellerInformationType struct {
Traveller *TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI `xml:"traveller"`
// N/A for retrieve by record locator
- Passenger *TravellerDetailsTypeI `xml:"passenger,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Passenger *TravellerDetailsTypeI `xml:"passenger,omitempty"`
type TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI struct {
diff --git a/sdk/salesReports/displayQueryReport/v10_1_query/query.go b/structs/salesReports/displayQueryReport/v10.1/request/query.go
similarity index 77%
rename from sdk/salesReports/displayQueryReport/v10_1_query/query.go
rename to structs/salesReports/displayQueryReport/v10.1/request/query.go
index 171460a..2fad70f 100644
--- a/sdk/salesReports/displayQueryReport/v10_1_query/query.go
+++ b/structs/salesReports/displayQueryReport/v10.1/request/query.go
@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
-package SalesReports_DisplayQueryReport_v10_1 // tsrqrq101
+package SalesReports_QueryReportRequest_v10_1 // tsrqrq101
import (
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/formats"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/formats"
-type SalesReportsDisplayQueryReport struct {
+type Request struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TSRQRQ_10_1_1A SalesReports_DisplayQueryReport"`
// Conveys details used for handling scrolling requests.
- ActionDetails *ActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"actionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ActionDetails *ActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"actionDetails,omitempty"`
// Conveys optional details related to an agent or a user to target a specific sales report.
- AgentUserDetails *UserIdentificationType `xml:"agentUserDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AgentUserDetails *UserIdentificationType `xml:"agentUserDetails,omitempty"`
// Conveys an optional sales report date.
- DateDetails *StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"dateDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateDetails *StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"dateDetails,omitempty"`
// Conveys an optional sales report currency to select sales data in this currency.
- CurrencyInfo *CurrenciesTypeU `xml:"currencyInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyInfo *CurrenciesTypeU `xml:"currencyInfo,omitempty"`
// Conveys optional agency reference.
- AgencyDetails *AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationTypeI `xml:"agencyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AgencyDetails *AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationTypeI `xml:"agencyDetails,omitempty"`
// Conveys optional sales report period dates: From and To dates.
- SalesPeriodDetails *StructuredPeriodInformationType `xml:"salesPeriodDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SalesPeriodDetails *StructuredPeriodInformationType `xml:"salesPeriodDetails,omitempty"`
// Conveys optional transaction code and/or transaction type to target given documents in a sales report.
- TransactionData []*TransactionInformationForTicketingType `xml:"transactionData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ TransactionData []*TransactionInformationForTicketingType `xml:"transactionData,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Conveys optional details on the form of payment, or the credit card company name.
- FormOfPaymentDetails *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"formOfPaymentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FormOfPaymentDetails *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"formOfPaymentDetails,omitempty"`
// Conveys the validating carrier details.
- ValidatingCarrierDetails *TransportIdentifierType `xml:"validatingCarrierDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ValidatingCarrierDetails *TransportIdentifierType `xml:"validatingCarrierDetails,omitempty"`
// Conveys an option to request a sales report for: - all agents in the office. - all offices sharing the same IATA number - all STP/STDO offices - a STP/STDO office - all TDO offices - a TDO office. - only net remit documents. Some of those options are combinables.
- RequestOption *SelectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"requestOption,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RequestOption *SelectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"requestOption,omitempty"`
// Conveys optional sales indicator to target given documents in a sales report, domestic or international sales.
- SalesIndicator *StatusType `xml:"salesIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SalesIndicator *StatusType `xml:"salesIndicator,omitempty"`
// Conveys an optional sequence or document number to sort the transactions report.
- FromSequenceDocumentNumber *ItemNumberTypeI `xml:"fromSequenceDocumentNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FromSequenceDocumentNumber *ItemNumberTypeI `xml:"fromSequenceDocumentNumber,omitempty"`
// Conveys optional client ID data to target given documents in a sales report.
- AttributeInfo *CodedAttributeType `xml:"attributeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeInfo *CodedAttributeType `xml:"attributeInfo,omitempty"`
@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ type SalesReportsDisplayQueryReport struct {
type ActionDetailsTypeI struct {
// Conveys the number of lines to retrieve.
- NumberOfItemsDetails *ProcessingInformationTypeI `xml:"numberOfItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfItemsDetails *ProcessingInformationTypeI `xml:"numberOfItemsDetails,omitempty"`
// Identification of the last element retrieved.
- LastItemsDetails *ReferenceTypeI `xml:"lastItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LastItemsDetails *ReferenceTypeI `xml:"lastItemsDetails,omitempty"`
type AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ type AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationTypeI struct {
SourceType *SourceTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"sourceType"`
// Details (office/ID, IATA number) of the target office
- OriginatorDetails *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originatorDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginatorDetails *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originatorDetails,omitempty"`
type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
// provides a description for the attribute
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To256
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"`
type CodedAttributeType struct {
@@ -87,12 +87,12 @@ type CodedAttributeType struct {
type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
// Validating carrier code on 2 alpha characters.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"`
type CurrenciesTypeU struct {
// Details of the currency.
- CurrencyDetails *CurrencyDetailsTypeU `xml:"currencyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyDetails *CurrencyDetailsTypeU `xml:"currencyDetails,omitempty"`
type CurrencyDetailsTypeU struct {
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ type CurrencyDetailsTypeU struct {
// ISO code of the currency.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- CurrencyIsoCode string `xml:"currencyIsoCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyIsoCode string `xml:"currencyIsoCode,omitempty"`
type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
// Credit card vendor code
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To2
- VendorCode string `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ VendorCode string `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"`
type FormOfPaymentTypeI struct {
@@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ type FormOfPaymentTypeI struct {
type ItemNumberIdentificationTypeI struct {
// Conveys a number which can be: - up to 6 figures: a sequence number - from 7 to 10 figures: a document number.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To10
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Type of the number.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberTypeI struct {
@@ -137,28 +137,28 @@ type ItemNumberTypeI struct {
type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
// IATA number of the agency.
- OriginatorId *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"originatorId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginatorId *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"originatorId,omitempty"`
// Office ID of the agency.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To9
- InHouseIdentification1 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InHouseIdentification1 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification1,omitempty"`
type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI_85102C struct {
// Agent sine (Numeric Sine)+(Agent Initials)+(Duty Code) ex : 0001XVSU).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To9
- OriginatorId string `xml:"originatorId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginatorId string `xml:"originatorId,omitempty"`
type ProcessingInformationTypeI struct {
// - In a query: number of rows requested. - In a reply: 0 if no more remaining rows, else empty.
- NumberOfItems *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"numberOfItems,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfItems *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"numberOfItems,omitempty"`
type ReferenceTypeI struct {
// - In a reply: conveys the key on the last item sent in case there are more items. - In a request: when it is not the first call, conveys the last ticket key received. This key can be a ticket number or a sales report number, depending on the type of the report.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- LastItemIdentifier string `xml:"lastItemIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LastItemIdentifier string `xml:"lastItemIdentifier,omitempty"`
type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ type SelectionDetailsTypeI struct {
SelectionDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"selectionDetails"`
// Details of other options, related to the office type.
- OtherSelectionDetails []*SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"otherSelectionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="98"
+ OtherSelectionDetails []*SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"otherSelectionDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="98"
type SourceTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -182,13 +182,13 @@ type SourceTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
// Indicates that data are associated to all agencies sharing the same IATA number.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- SourceQualifier2 string `xml:"sourceQualifier2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SourceQualifier2 string `xml:"sourceQualifier2,omitempty"`
type StatusDetailsTypeI struct {
// Sales indicator: - 'DOM' for a domestic sale - 'INT' for an international sale
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
type StatusType struct {
@@ -199,29 +199,29 @@ type StatusType struct {
type StructuredDateTimeInformationType struct {
// This data element can be used to provide the semantic of the information provided. Examples : - Current date - Requested specific date
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"`
// Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"`
type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
// Year number.
- Year formats.Year_YYYY `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Year formats.Year_YYYY `xml:"year,omitempty"`
// Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month formats.Month_mM `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Month formats.Month_mM `xml:"month,omitempty"`
// Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day formats.Day_nN `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Day formats.Day_nN `xml:"day,omitempty"`
type StructuredPeriodInformationType struct {
// Convey the begin date/time of a period.
- BeginDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"beginDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BeginDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"beginDateTime,omitempty"`
// Convey the end date/time of a period.
- EndDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"endDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EndDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"endDateTime,omitempty"`
type TransactionInformationForTicketingType struct {
@@ -232,27 +232,27 @@ type TransactionInformationForTicketingType struct {
type TransactionInformationsType struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To4
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To4
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// 'O' --) Original transaction code 'C' --) Current transaction code
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To1
- IssueIndicator string `xml:"issueIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IssueIndicator string `xml:"issueIndicator,omitempty"`
type TransportIdentifierType struct {
// Carrier details
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyIdentification,omitempty"`
type UserIdentificationType struct {
// Originator Identification Details: reporting office.
- OriginIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI_85102C `xml:"originIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI_85102C `xml:"originIdentification,omitempty"`
// User Id of the requester
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To30
- Originator string `xml:"originator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Originator string `xml:"originator,omitempty"`
diff --git a/sdk/salesReports/displayQueryReport/v10_1_reply/reply.go b/structs/salesReports/displayQueryReport/v10.1/response/reply.go
similarity index 77%
rename from sdk/salesReports/displayQueryReport/v10_1_reply/reply.go
rename to structs/salesReports/displayQueryReport/v10.1/response/reply.go
index c361b39..bdb937b 100644
--- a/sdk/salesReports/displayQueryReport/v10_1_reply/reply.go
+++ b/structs/salesReports/displayQueryReport/v10.1/response/reply.go
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-package SalesReports_DisplayQueryReportReply_v10_1 // tsrqrr101
+package SalesReports_QueryReportReply_v10_1 // tsrqrr101
//import "encoding/xml"
-type SalesReportsDisplayQueryReportReply struct {
+type Response struct {
// XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TSRQRR_10_1_1A SalesReports_DisplayQueryReportReply"`
// Conveys a potential error and its associated Free flow text.
- ErrorGroup *ErrorGroupType `xml:"errorGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorGroup *ErrorGroupType `xml:"errorGroup,omitempty"`
// Conveys all the details associated to the query report.
- QueryReportDataDetails *QueryReportDataDetails `xml:"queryReportDataDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ QueryReportDataDetails *QueryReportDataDetails `xml:"queryReportDataDetails,omitempty"`
type QueryReportDataDetails struct {
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ type QueryReportDataDetails struct {
QueryReportDataOfficeGroup []*QueryReportDataOfficeGroup `xml:"queryReportDataOfficeGroup"` // maxOccurs="9"
// Conveys details related to the agent or user associated to the requested document.
- AgentDetails *UserIdentificationType `xml:"agentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AgentDetails *UserIdentificationType `xml:"agentDetails,omitempty"`
// Conveys details used for handling scrolling requests.
- ActionDetails *ActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"actionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ActionDetails *ActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"actionDetails,omitempty"`
// Sales report period dates: From and To dates.
- SalesPeriodDetails *StructuredPeriodInformationType `xml:"salesPeriodDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SalesPeriodDetails *StructuredPeriodInformationType `xml:"salesPeriodDetails,omitempty"`
type QueryReportDataOfficeGroup struct {
@@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ type DocumentData struct {
FopDetails *GeneralFopRepresentationType `xml:"fopDetails"`
// Conveys the passenger name.
- PassengerName *TravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"passengerName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerName *TravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"passengerName,omitempty"`
// Reservation information: RLOC of the PNR.
- ReservationInformation *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"reservationInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReservationInformation *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"reservationInformation,omitempty"`
@@ -72,10 +72,10 @@ type DocumentData struct {
type ActionDetailsTypeI struct {
// Conveys the number of lines to retrieve.
- NumberOfItemsDetails *ProcessingInformationTypeI `xml:"numberOfItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfItemsDetails *ProcessingInformationTypeI `xml:"numberOfItemsDetails,omitempty"`
// Identification of the last element retrieved.
- LastItemsDetails *ReferenceTypeI `xml:"lastItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LastItemsDetails *ReferenceTypeI `xml:"lastItemsDetails,omitempty"`
type AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
// Identification of a code list.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"`
// Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"`
type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
type CurrenciesTypeU struct {
// Details of the currency.
- CurrencyDetails *CurrencyDetailsTypeU `xml:"currencyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyDetails *CurrencyDetailsTypeU `xml:"currencyDetails,omitempty"`
type CurrencyDetailsTypeU struct {
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ type CurrencyDetailsTypeU struct {
// ISO code of the currency.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- CurrencyIsoCode string `xml:"currencyIsoCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyIsoCode string `xml:"currencyIsoCode,omitempty"`
type ErrorGroupType struct {
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ type ErrorGroupType struct {
ErrorOrWarningCodeDetails *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"errorOrWarningCodeDetails"`
// The desciption of warning or error.
- ErrorWarningDescription *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"errorWarningDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorWarningDescription *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"errorWarningDescription,omitempty"`
type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -135,31 +135,31 @@ type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
// Form of payment indicator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
// Amount paid by the form of payment.
// xmlType: NumericDecimal_Length1To18
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Credit card company identification (VI, CA, AX...)
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- VendorCode string `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ VendorCode string `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"`
// Credit card number
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- CreditCardNumber string `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CreditCardNumber string `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"`
// Expiry date of the credit card.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- ExpiryDate string `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExpiryDate string `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"`
// Approval code of the credit card.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To17
- ApprovalCode string `xml:"approvalCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ApprovalCode string `xml:"approvalCode,omitempty"`
// Source of the approval code: manual or automatic.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- SourceOfApproval string `xml:"sourceOfApproval,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SourceOfApproval string `xml:"sourceOfApproval,omitempty"`
type FormOfPaymentTypeI struct {
@@ -174,19 +174,19 @@ type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
// Type of information
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To4
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"`
// Status
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"`
// Company ID
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// Language
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"`
// Source of the free text
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
@@ -217,11 +217,11 @@ type GeneralFopRepresentationType struct {
type ItemNumberIdentificationTypeI struct {
// Conveys a document sequence number within the sales report.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To6
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Type of the number.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberTypeI struct {
@@ -236,18 +236,18 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
// Amount.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Currency of the amount.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
// Details on the amounts
MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
+ OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -256,35 +256,35 @@ type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
// Office ID of the agency.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To9
- InHouseIdentification1 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InHouseIdentification1 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification1,omitempty"`
type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI_85102C struct {
// Agent sine (Numeric Sine)+(Agent Initials)+(Duty Code) ex : 0001XVSU).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To9
- OriginatorId string `xml:"originatorId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginatorId string `xml:"originatorId,omitempty"`
type ProcessingInformationTypeI struct {
// - In a query: number of rows requested. - In a reply: 0 if no more remaining rows, else empty.
- NumberOfItems *int32 `xml:"numberOfItems,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfItems *int32 `xml:"numberOfItems,omitempty"`
type ReferenceTypeI struct {
// - In a reply: conveys the key on the last item sent in case there are more items. - In a request: when it is not the first call, conveys the last ticket key received. This key can be a ticket number or a sales report number, depending on the type of the report.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- LastItemIdentifier string `xml:"lastItemIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LastItemIdentifier string `xml:"lastItemIdentifier,omitempty"`
type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
// Reservation control number : RLoc of the PNR.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To20
- ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"`
type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
// Reservation details
- Reservation []*ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ Reservation []*ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type SourceTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -294,47 +294,47 @@ type SourceTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
// Indicates that data are associated to all agencies sharing the same IATA number.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- SourceQualifier2 string `xml:"sourceQualifier2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SourceQualifier2 string `xml:"sourceQualifier2,omitempty"`
type StructuredDateTimeInformationType struct {
// This data element can be used to provide the semantic of the information provided. Examples : - Current date - Requested specific date
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"`
// Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"`
type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
// Year number.
//formats: Year_YYYY
- Year string `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Year string `xml:"year,omitempty"`
// Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
//formats: Month_mM
- Month string `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Month string `xml:"month,omitempty"`
// Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
//formats: Day_nN
- Day string `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Day string `xml:"day,omitempty"`
type StructuredPeriodInformationType struct {
// Convey the begin date/time of a period.
- BeginDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"beginDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BeginDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"beginDateTime,omitempty"`
// Convey the end date/time of a period.
- EndDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"endDateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EndDateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"endDateTime,omitempty"`
type TicketNumberDetailsTypeI struct {
// Document number.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// In case of conjunctiv, indicates the total number of tickets.
- NumberOfBooklets *int32 `xml:"numberOfBooklets,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfBooklets *int32 `xml:"numberOfBooklets,omitempty"`
type TicketNumberTypeI struct {
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ type TicketNumberTypeI struct {
// Provide status on the document in the sales report: it can be confirmed or not.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"`
type TransactionInformationForTicketingType struct {
@@ -354,15 +354,15 @@ type TransactionInformationForTicketingType struct {
type TransactionInformationsType struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To4
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To4
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// 'O' --) Original transaction code 'C' --) Current transaction code
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To1
- IssueIndicator string `xml:"issueIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IssueIndicator string `xml:"issueIndicator,omitempty"`
type TravellerInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -377,14 +377,14 @@ type TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI struct {
// Qualifier
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
type UserIdentificationType struct {
// Originator Identification Details: reporting office.
- OriginIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI_85102C `xml:"originIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI_85102C `xml:"originIdentification,omitempty"`
// User Id of the requester
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To30
- Originator string `xml:"originator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Originator string `xml:"originator,omitempty"`
diff --git a/sdk/salesReports/displayTransactionReport/v13_2_query/query.go b/structs/salesReports/displayTransactionReport/v13.2/request.go
similarity index 73%
rename from sdk/salesReports/displayTransactionReport/v13_2_query/query.go
rename to structs/salesReports/displayTransactionReport/v13.2/request.go
index 7c7a372..a908026 100644
--- a/sdk/salesReports/displayTransactionReport/v13_2_query/query.go
+++ b/structs/salesReports/displayTransactionReport/v13.2/request.go
@@ -3,20 +3,20 @@ package SalesReports_DisplayTransactionReport_v13_2 // tsrtrq132
import (
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/formats"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/formats"
-type SalesReportsDisplayTransactionReport struct {
+type Request struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TSRTRQ_13_2_1A SalesReports_DisplayTransactionReport"`
// Conveys an optional document number
- DocumentNumber *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"documentNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DocumentNumber *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"documentNumber,omitempty"`
// Conveys an optional sequence/item number to target this given transaction.
- SequenceNumber *ItemNumberTypeI `xml:"sequenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SequenceNumber *ItemNumberTypeI `xml:"sequenceNumber,omitempty"`
// Conveys optional agency reference.
- AgencyDetails *AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationTypeI `xml:"agencyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AgencyDetails *AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationTypeI `xml:"agencyDetails,omitempty"`
@@ -28,17 +28,17 @@ type AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationTypeI struct {
SourceType *SourceTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"sourceType"`
// Details (office/ID, IATA number) of the target office
- OriginatorDetails *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originatorDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginatorDetails *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originatorDetails,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberIdentificationTypeI struct {
// Conveys a document sequence number within the sales report.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To6
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Type of the number.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberTypeI struct {
@@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ type ItemNumberTypeI struct {
type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
// IATA number of the agency.
- OriginatorId *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"originatorId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginatorId *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"originatorId,omitempty"`
// Office ID of the agency.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To9
- InHouseIdentification1 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InHouseIdentification1 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification1,omitempty"`
type SourceTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -62,16 +62,11 @@ type SourceTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
// Indicates that data are associated to all agencies sharing the same IATA number.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- SourceQualifier2 string `xml:"sourceQualifier2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SourceQualifier2 string `xml:"sourceQualifier2,omitempty"`
type TicketNumberDetailsTypeI struct {
// Document number.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type TicketNumberTypeI struct {
- // Details on the document transaction.
- DocumentDetails *TicketNumberDetailsTypeI `xml:"documentDetails"`
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
diff --git a/sdk/salesReports/displayTransactionReport/v13_2_reply/reply.go b/structs/salesReports/displayTransactionReport/v13.2/response.go
similarity index 69%
rename from sdk/salesReports/displayTransactionReport/v13_2_reply/reply.go
rename to structs/salesReports/displayTransactionReport/v13.2/response.go
index cb7f39d..c1c2c42 100644
--- a/sdk/salesReports/displayTransactionReport/v13_2_reply/reply.go
+++ b/structs/salesReports/displayTransactionReport/v13.2/response.go
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-package SalesReports_DisplayTransactionReportReply_v13_2 // tsrtrr132
+package SalesReports_DisplayTransactionReport_v13_2 // tsrtrr132
//import "encoding/xml"
-type SalesReportsDisplayTransactionReportReply struct {
+type Response struct {
// XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TSRTRR_13_2_1A SalesReports_DisplayTransactionReportReply"`
// Conveys a potential error and its associated Free flow text.
- ErrorGroup *ErrorGroupType `xml:"errorGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorGroup *ErrorGroupType `xml:"errorGroup,omitempty"`
// Conveys all the details associated to a transaction.
- TransactionReportDataDetails *TransactionReportDataDetails `xml:"transactionReportDataDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TransactionReportDataDetails *TransactionReportDataDetails `xml:"transactionReportDataDetails,omitempty"`
type TransactionReportDataDetails struct {
@@ -35,38 +35,38 @@ type TransactionReportDataDetails struct {
MonetaryInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"monetaryInfo"`
// Reservation information: RLOC of the PNR.
- ReservationInformation *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"reservationInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReservationInformation *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"reservationInformation,omitempty"`
// Conveys the passenger name.
- PassengerName *TravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"passengerName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PassengerName *TravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"passengerName,omitempty"`
- EnhancedPaxInfoCriteria *EnhancedTravellerInformationType `xml:"enhancedPaxInfoCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EnhancedPaxInfoCriteria *EnhancedTravellerInformationType `xml:"enhancedPaxInfoCriteria,omitempty"`
// Conveys the information about the tour code associated to the document.
- TourCodeDetails *TourInformationTypeI `xml:"tourCodeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TourCodeDetails *TourInformationTypeI `xml:"tourCodeDetails,omitempty"`
// Conveys the invoice details.
- InvoiceDetails *DocumentInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"invoiceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InvoiceDetails *DocumentInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"invoiceDetails,omitempty"`
// This group conveys data related to the FOP.
FopGroup []*FOPRepresentationType `xml:"fopGroup"` // maxOccurs="9"
- Tax []*TaxType `xml:"tax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ Tax []*TaxType `xml:"tax,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
// Conveys the fare calculation details in all cases. In specific cases (market/airline specifics) it conveys also: - the revenue attribution number/pseudo IATA number (entered in FZRA) - the payment on demand number generated at issuance time
- FareCalcDetails *CodedAttributeType `xml:"fareCalcDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareCalcDetails *CodedAttributeType `xml:"fareCalcDetails,omitempty"`
// Conveys the pricing indicator.
- PricingIndicator *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"pricingIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingIndicator *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"pricingIndicator,omitempty"`
// Conveys the Settlement and authorisation code if present.
- ReferenceData *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceData *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"referenceData,omitempty"`
// Conveys the fees data if present
- FeeGroup *FeeGroup `xml:"feeGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FeeGroup *FeeGroup `xml:"feeGroup,omitempty"`
// Details about exchanged tickets
- ExchangedGroup []*ExchangedGroup `xml:"exchangedGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ ExchangedGroup []*ExchangedGroup `xml:"exchangedGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type FeeGroup struct {
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ type FeeDetails struct {
// fee monetary Info
FeeMonetaryInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_52231S `xml:"feeMonetaryInfo"`
- FeeTaxInfo []*TaxType `xml:"feeTaxInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FeeTaxInfo []*TaxType `xml:"feeTaxInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type ExchangedGroup struct {
@@ -92,21 +92,13 @@ type ExchangedGroup struct {
TicketExchanged *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"ticketExchanged"`
// Coupon numbers and SAC number
- CouponAssociated *CouponInformationType `xml:"couponAssociated,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CouponAssociated *CouponInformationType `xml:"couponAssociated,omitempty"`
// Complex structs
-type AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationTypeI struct {
- // Source type
- SourceType *SourceTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"sourceType"`
- // details of the sales report originator.
- OriginatorDetails *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originatorDetails"`
type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
// Code identifying the data validation error condition.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To5
@@ -114,11 +106,11 @@ type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
// Identification of a code list.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"`
// Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"`
type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
@@ -133,7 +125,7 @@ type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
// provides a description for the attribute
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To256
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"`
type CodedAttributeType struct {
@@ -144,25 +136,25 @@ type CodedAttributeType struct {
type CouponInformationDetailsType struct {
// SAC number
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- SettlementAuthorization string `xml:"settlementAuthorization,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SettlementAuthorization string `xml:"settlementAuthorization,omitempty"`
// coupon number
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To60
- CpnReferenceNumber string `xml:"cpnReferenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CpnReferenceNumber string `xml:"cpnReferenceNumber,omitempty"`
type CouponInformationType struct {
// Coupon number and SAC number
- CouponDetails1 *CouponInformationDetailsType `xml:"couponDetails1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CouponDetails1 *CouponInformationDetailsType `xml:"couponDetails1,omitempty"`
// Coupon number and SAC number
- CouponDetails2 *CouponInformationDetailsType `xml:"couponDetails2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CouponDetails2 *CouponInformationDetailsType `xml:"couponDetails2,omitempty"`
// Coupon number and SAC number
- CouponDetails3 *CouponInformationDetailsType `xml:"couponDetails3,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CouponDetails3 *CouponInformationDetailsType `xml:"couponDetails3,omitempty"`
// Coupon number and SAC number
- CouponDetails4 *CouponInformationDetailsType `xml:"couponDetails4,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CouponDetails4 *CouponInformationDetailsType `xml:"couponDetails4,omitempty"`
type DataTypeInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -174,7 +166,7 @@ type DataTypeInformationTypeI struct {
type DocumentDetailsTypeI struct {
// Conveys the number of the document
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
type DocumentInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -184,7 +176,7 @@ type DocumentInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
type EnhancedTravellerInformationType struct {
// Name attributes unique for one passenger.
- TravellerNameInfo *TravellerNameInfoType `xml:"travellerNameInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravellerNameInfo *TravellerNameInfoType `xml:"travellerNameInfo,omitempty"`
// 5 possible types of names, for one passenger (adult OR infant).
OtherPaxNamesDetails []*TravellerNameDetailsType `xml:"otherPaxNamesDetails"` // maxOccurs="5"
@@ -195,7 +187,7 @@ type ErrorGroupType struct {
ErrorOrWarningCodeDetails *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"errorOrWarningCodeDetails"`
// The desciption of warning or error.
- ErrorWarningDescription *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"errorWarningDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorWarningDescription *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"errorWarningDescription,omitempty"`
type FOPRepresentationType struct {
@@ -213,35 +205,35 @@ type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
// Form of payment indicator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
// Amount paid by the form of payment.
// xmlType: NumericDecimal_Length1To18
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Credit card company identification (VI, CA, AX...)
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- VendorCode string `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ VendorCode string `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"`
// Credit card number
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- CreditCardNumber string `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CreditCardNumber string `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"`
// Expiry date of the credit card.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- ExpiryDate string `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExpiryDate string `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"`
// Approval code of the credit card.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To17
- ApprovalCode string `xml:"approvalCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ApprovalCode string `xml:"approvalCode,omitempty"`
// Source of the approval code: manual or automatic.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- SourceOfApproval string `xml:"sourceOfApproval,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SourceOfApproval string `xml:"sourceOfApproval,omitempty"`
// Extended payment indicator in case of CC Form of payment. It is composed of the sales channel indicator and the instalement value. Example: FP CCVI4012122222222226/1012/N123456/E01 Extended payment = E01
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- ExtendedPayment string `xml:"extendedPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExtendedPayment string `xml:"extendedPayment,omitempty"`
type FormOfPaymentTypeI struct {
@@ -256,19 +248,19 @@ type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
// Type of information
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To4
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"`
// Status
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"`
// Company ID
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// Language
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"`
// Source of the free text
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
@@ -295,22 +287,7 @@ type InternalIDDetailsType struct {
// type of the inHouse ID.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // Conveys a document sequence number within the sales report.
- // xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To6
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Type of the number.
- // xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberTypeI struct {
- // Conveys the sequence number of a transaction within a sales report display.
- ItemNumberDetails *ItemNumberIdentificationTypeI `xml:"itemNumberDetails"`
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -320,11 +297,11 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
// Amount.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Currency of the amount.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_85122C struct {
@@ -338,14 +315,14 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_85122C struct {
// Currency
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
// Details on the amounts
MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
+ OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
type MonetaryInformationTypeI_52231S struct {
@@ -353,53 +330,44 @@ type MonetaryInformationTypeI_52231S struct {
MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_85122C `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
// Other monetary details
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_85122C `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
-type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
- // IATA number of the agency.
- OriginatorId int32 `xml:"originatorId"`
- // Office ID of the agency.
- // xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To9
- InHouseIdentification1 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_85122C `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
type PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI struct {
// Conveys details on the pricing of the ticket.
- PriceTicketDetails *PricingTicketingInformationTypeI `xml:"priceTicketDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceTicketDetails *PricingTicketingInformationTypeI `xml:"priceTicketDetails,omitempty"`
type PricingTicketingInformationTypeI struct {
// Conveys the pricing indicator.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Indicators []string `xml:"indicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ Indicators []string `xml:"indicators,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type ReferenceInfoType struct {
- ReferenceDetails *ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"referenceDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceDetails *ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"referenceDetails,omitempty"`
type ReferencingDetailsTypeI struct {
// Conveys the type of the reference.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Value of the number
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"`
type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
// Reservation control number : RLoc of the PNR.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To20
- ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"`
type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
// Reservation details
- Reservation []*ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ Reservation []*ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -413,16 +381,6 @@ type SelectionDetailsTypeI struct {
SelectionDetails *SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"selectionDetails"`
-type SourceTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
- // Source qualifier: reporting office.
- // xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- SourceQualifier1 string `xml:"sourceQualifier1"`
- // Indicates that data are associated to all agencies sharing the same IATA number.
- // xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- SourceQualifier2 string `xml:"sourceQualifier2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
type SpecificDataInformationTypeI struct {
// Conveys fees subcode and information
DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationTypeI `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
@@ -431,73 +389,67 @@ type SpecificDataInformationTypeI struct {
type StructuredDateTimeInformationType struct {
// This data element can be used to provide the semantic of the information provided. Examples : - Current date - Requested specific date
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"`
// Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"`
type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
// Year number.
//formats: Year_YYYY
- Year string `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Year string `xml:"year,omitempty"`
// Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
//formats: Month_mM
- Month string `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Month string `xml:"month,omitempty"`
// Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
//formats: Day_nN
- Day string `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Day string `xml:"day,omitempty"`
type TaxDetailsType struct {
// Tax/fee/charge amount
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To17
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
// Country code
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"`
// ISO code identifying the currency
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Type []string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ Type []string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type TaxType struct {
// Tax category
- TaxCategory *int32 `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxCategory *int32 `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"`
// Refund tax details
- TaxDetails *TaxDetailsType `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxDetails *TaxDetailsType `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"`
type TicketAgentInfoType struct {
// Company number
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To15
- CompanyIdNumber string `xml:"companyIdNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyIdNumber string `xml:"companyIdNumber,omitempty"`
// Conveys the agent's details.
- InternalIdDetails []*InternalIDDetailsType `xml:"internalIdDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
-type TicketNumberDetailsTypeI struct {
- // document number
- // xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- Number string `xml:"number"`
+ InternalIdDetails []*InternalIDDetailsType `xml:"internalIdDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type TicketNumberDetailsTypeI_84557C struct {
// Document number.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// In case of conjunctiv, indicates the total number of tickets.
- NumberOfBooklets *int32 `xml:"numberOfBooklets,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfBooklets *int32 `xml:"numberOfBooklets,omitempty"`
type TicketNumberTypeI struct {
@@ -506,7 +458,7 @@ type TicketNumberTypeI struct {
// status
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"`
type TicketNumberTypeI_51826S struct {
@@ -515,18 +467,18 @@ type TicketNumberTypeI_51826S struct {
// Provide status on the document in the sales report: it can be confirmed or not.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"`
type TourDetailsTypeI struct {
// Tour code.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- TourCode string `xml:"tourCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TourCode string `xml:"tourCode,omitempty"`
type TourInformationTypeI struct {
// Details on the tour.
- TourInformationDetails *TourDetailsTypeI `xml:"tourInformationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TourInformationDetails *TourDetailsTypeI `xml:"tourInformationDetails,omitempty"`
type TransactionInformationForTicketingType struct {
@@ -537,15 +489,15 @@ type TransactionInformationForTicketingType struct {
type TransactionInformationsType struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To4
- Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code string `xml:"code,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To4
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// 'O' --) Original transaction code 'C' --) Current transaction code
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To1
- IssueIndicator string `xml:"issueIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IssueIndicator string `xml:"issueIndicator,omitempty"`
type TravellerInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -556,19 +508,19 @@ type TravellerInformationTypeI struct {
type TravellerNameDetailsType struct {
// Name type. Allows to identify the type of name, Native name, Universal name...
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To5
- NameType string `xml:"nameType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NameType string `xml:"nameType,omitempty"`
// Reference name.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To1
- ReferenceName string `xml:"referenceName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceName string `xml:"referenceName,omitempty"`
// Displayed name.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To1
- DisplayedName string `xml:"displayedName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DisplayedName string `xml:"displayedName,omitempty"`
// Romanization method.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To4
- RomanizationMethod string `xml:"romanizationMethod,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RomanizationMethod string `xml:"romanizationMethod,omitempty"`
// Passenger surname
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To70
@@ -576,35 +528,35 @@ type TravellerNameDetailsType struct {
// Passenger firstname
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To70
- GivenName string `xml:"givenName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ GivenName string `xml:"givenName,omitempty"`
// Title, when separated from the firstname field.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To70
- Title []string `xml:"title,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ Title []string `xml:"title,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type TravellerNameInfoType struct {
// PAX = PAX IN = Infant
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Quantity.
- Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"`
// Passenger type (PTC).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Passenger type (PTC).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- OtherType string `xml:"otherType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherType string `xml:"otherType,omitempty"`
// This field contains the tattoo number of the passenger that will be updated. The tattoo number is retrieved from a PNR structured image.
- UniqueCustomerIdentifier *int32 `xml:"uniqueCustomerIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UniqueCustomerIdentifier *int32 `xml:"uniqueCustomerIdentifier,omitempty"`
// 1. Infant (INF) No more info in Edifact. 2. Infant given name only (INF/BILL) Infant given name will be placed in another occurence of C325 of this (adult) passenger ETI. This other C324/6353 element will contain INF. 3. Infant given and last name (INFGATES/BILL) Infant is treated as a separate ETI following immediately this (adult) passenger ETI. This following ETI element will contain INF.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To1
- InfantIndicator string `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InfantIndicator string `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"`
type TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -614,5 +566,5 @@ type TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI struct {
// Qualifier
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
diff --git a/sdk/security/authenticate/v06_1_query/query.go b/structs/security/authenticate/v06.1/query.go
similarity index 89%
rename from sdk/security/authenticate/v06_1_query/query.go
rename to structs/security/authenticate/v06.1/query.go
index d6a6464..1cc6d37 100644
--- a/sdk/security/authenticate/v06_1_query/query.go
+++ b/structs/security/authenticate/v06.1/query.go
@@ -3,31 +3,31 @@ package Security_Authenticate_v06_1 // vlsslq061
import (
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/formats"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/formats"
type SecurityAuthenticate struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/VLSSLQ_06_1_1A Security_Authenticate"`
// It contains conversation properties between the SI and the JFE.
- ConversationClt *ConversationIDType `xml:"conversationClt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConversationClt *ConversationIDType `xml:"conversationClt,omitempty"`
// This segment is dedicated to specify a user identifier. The first one for the main logon and the second one to the delegate user if any. Either a SignId or a UserId can be used, depending on DE 9972 value (Z for Sign Id, U for User Id). The value itself is specified in DE 9904.
UserIdentifier []*UserIdentificationType `xml:"userIdentifier"` // maxOccurs="2"
// This segment can be used to specify an AMADEUS Duty Code for the TPF sign in. DUT must be specified in the qualifier.
- DutyCode *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"dutyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DutyCode *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"dutyCode,omitempty"`
// This segment is used to specify the system which is used by the user. The workstation Id (DE 3148) can be specified to determine the location in terms of office of the request (if no workstation Id, the source office must be specified in the first UID segment). Moreover, if a User Id is used instead of a Sign Id, the organization must be specified in DE 9906. WorkstationId is actually the Atid
- SystemDetails *SystemDetailsInfoType `xml:"systemDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SystemDetails *SystemDetailsInfoType `xml:"systemDetails,omitempty"`
// These segments contain the password information. Two segments can be used in case of a New password is required.
- PasswordInfo []*BinaryDataType `xml:"passwordInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ PasswordInfo []*BinaryDataType `xml:"passwordInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
- FullLocation *FullLocation `xml:"fullLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FullLocation *FullLocation `xml:"fullLocation,omitempty"`
// Conatins Baleb and INdex of application. ex: JFE 1
- ApplicationId *ApplicationType `xml:"applicationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ApplicationId *ApplicationType `xml:"applicationId,omitempty"`
type FullLocation struct {
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ type FullLocation struct {
WorkstationPos *PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU `xml:"workstationPos"`
// Contains terminal and facility or worstation id.
- LocationInfo *TerminalLocationType `xml:"locationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationInfo *TerminalLocationType `xml:"locationInfo,omitempty"`
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ type ApplicationIdentificationType struct {
InternalId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"internalId"`
// Application Index. Index is part of the ApplicationId.
- SeqNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"seqNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SeqNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To6 `xml:"seqNumber,omitempty"`
type ApplicationType struct {
@@ -85,15 +85,15 @@ type FacilityInformationType struct {
Type formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"type"`
// Unique Reference to a Facility of a given Type in a terminal. This can be several kind of values. E.g.: - 25 (means Gate 25 when associated Facility Type= Gate, or Check-in Desk 25 when associated Facility Type= Check-In Desk) - BAEXC: means Ba-Executive Club Lounge when associated to
- Identifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"identifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Identifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"identifier,omitempty"`
type LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU struct {
// Airport(139) or City (227) code
- Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"code,omitempty"`
// Discriminator between airport or city.
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ type PlaceLocationIdentificationTypeU struct {
LocationType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"locationType"`
// Description of the location
- LocationDescription *LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU `xml:"locationDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationDescription *LocationIdentificationBatchTypeU `xml:"locationDescription,omitempty"`
// Details on the location
- FirstLocationDetails *RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU `xml:"firstLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FirstLocationDetails *RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU `xml:"firstLocationDetails,omitempty"`
type ReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -127,21 +127,21 @@ type ReferencingDetailsTypeI struct {
type RelatedLocationOneIdentificationTypeU struct {
// Terminal (180) or Building(300) code
- Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"code,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Code formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To25 `xml:"code,omitempty"`
// Discriminator between airport or city.
- Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To17 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
type SystemDetailsInfoType struct {
// This field contains a workstation Identifier. It is used to retrieve the physical origin of the request (mainly for printing purposes) .
- WorkstationId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"workstationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ WorkstationId formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"workstationId,omitempty"`
// Used to specify an organization when User Id logon is used.
- OrganizationDetails *SystemDetailsTypeI `xml:"organizationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OrganizationDetails *SystemDetailsTypeI `xml:"organizationDetails,omitempty"`
// Explain what type of workstation ID is stored in data element 3148
- IdQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"idQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"idQualifier,omitempty"`
type SystemDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ type TerminalLocationType struct {
type UserIdentificationType struct {
// To specify the source office the workstation belongs to. Not used in the second repetition of the segment (if any, it will not be taken into account). Used when no workstation Id is specified in SYS segment.
- OriginIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originIdentification,omitempty"`
// Used to specify which kind of info is given in DE 9900.
OriginatorTypeCode formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To1 `xml:"originatorTypeCode"`
diff --git a/sdk/security/authenticate/v06_1_reply/reply.go b/structs/security/authenticate/v06.1/reply.go
similarity index 76%
rename from sdk/security/authenticate/v06_1_reply/reply.go
rename to structs/security/authenticate/v06.1/reply.go
index b400ec8..9f25648 100644
--- a/sdk/security/authenticate/v06_1_reply/reply.go
+++ b/structs/security/authenticate/v06.1/reply.go
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-package Security_AuthenticateReply_v06_1 // vlsslr061
+package Security_Authenticate_v06_1 // vlsslr061
//import "encoding/xml"
type SecurityAuthenticateReply struct {
// XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/VLSSLR_06_1_1A Security_AuthenticateReply"`
- ErrorSection *ErrorSection `xml:"errorSection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorSection *ErrorSection `xml:"errorSection,omitempty"`
// This segment is only used if process is OK. In that case P is specified.
- ProcessStatus *ResponseAnalysisDetailsType `xml:"processStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProcessStatus *ResponseAnalysisDetailsType `xml:"processStatus,omitempty"`
// This segment is used to specify organization details associated with the user.
- OrganizationInfo *OrganizationType `xml:"organizationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OrganizationInfo *OrganizationType `xml:"organizationInfo,omitempty"`
// Identifier of a group of conversation, shared by sevreal mono-signed conversations.
- ConversationGrp *BusinessProcessIdType `xml:"conversationGrp,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConversationGrp *BusinessProcessIdType `xml:"conversationGrp,omitempty"`
type ErrorSection struct {
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ type ErrorSection struct {
ApplicationError *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"applicationError"`
// Supplementary Info on the Error.
- InteractiveFreeText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"interactiveFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InteractiveFreeText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"interactiveFreeText,omitempty"`
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
// Identification of a code list.
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"`
// Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"`
type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
@@ -55,18 +55,18 @@ type FreeTextQualificationTypeI struct {
Subject string `xml:"subject"`
// Info Type
- InfoType string `xml:"infoType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InfoType string `xml:"infoType,omitempty"`
// Language
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"`
type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI struct {
// Free Text Qualifier
- FreeTextQualif *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualif,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeTextQualif *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualif,omitempty"`
// Free Text
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type OrganizationIdentificationType struct {
diff --git a/structs/security/signOut/v04.1/query.go b/structs/security/signOut/v04.1/query.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2324d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structs/security/signOut/v04.1/query.go
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+package SecuritySignOut_v04_1 // vlssoq041
+import (
+ "encoding/xml"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/formats"
+type Request struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/VLSSOQ_04_1_1A Security_SignOut"`
+ ConversationClt *ConversationIDType `xml:"conversationClt,omitempty"` // It contains conversation properties between the SI and the JFE.
+// Complex structs
+type ConversationIDType struct {
+ SenderIdentification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"senderIdentification"` // Sender identification
+ RecipientIdentification formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To35 `xml:"recipientIdentification"` // Recipient identification
+ SenderInterchangeControlReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To14 `xml:"senderInterchangeControlReference"` // Sender's interchange control reference
+ RecipientInterchangeControlReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To14 `xml:"recipientInterchangeControlReference"` // Recipient's interchange control reference
diff --git a/structs/security/signOut/v04.1/reply.go b/structs/security/signOut/v04.1/reply.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24248a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structs/security/signOut/v04.1/reply.go
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+package SecuritySignOut_v04_1 // vlssor041
+//import "encoding/xml"
+type Response struct {
+ // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/VLSSOR_04_1_1A Security_SignOutReply"`
+ ErrorSection *ErrorSection `xml:"errorSection,omitempty"`
+ ProcessStatus *ResponseAnalysisDetailsType `xml:"processStatus,omitempty"` // This segment is only used if process is OK. In that case P is specified.
+type ErrorSection struct {
+ ApplicationError *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"applicationError"` // Application Error
+ InteractiveFreeText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"interactiveFreeText,omitempty"` // Supplementary Info on the Error.
+// Complex structs
+type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
+ ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"` // Code identifying the data validation error condition.
+ ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // Identification of a code list.
+ ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
+type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
+ // Application error details.
+ ErrorDetails *ApplicationErrorDetailType `xml:"errorDetails"`
+type FreeTextQualificationTypeI struct {
+ TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"` // Subject
+ InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // Info Type
+ Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // Language
+type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI struct {
+ FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // Free Text Qualifier
+ FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"// Free Text
+type ResponseAnalysisDetailsType struct {
+ // P must be specified when status of the process is OK.
+ StatusCode string `xml:"statusCode"`
diff --git a/structs/session/v03.0/session.go b/structs/session/v03.0/session.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48692a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structs/session/v03.0/session.go
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+package Session_v03_0
+import "encoding/xml"
+const (
+ Start = iota
+ End
+ Rollback
+ InSeries
+ Continuation
+ Subsequent
+var TransactionStatusCode = [...]string{
+ "Start", // This is the first message within a transaction.
+ "End", // This is the last message within a transaction.
+ "Rollback", // This indicates that all messages within the current transaction must be ignored.
+ "InSeries", // This is any message that is not the first or last message within a transaction.
+ "Continuation", // Specifies that this is a followup request asking for more of what was requested in the previous request.
+ "Subsequent", // This request message is a subsequent request based on the previous message sent in this transaction.
+type Session struct {
+ TransactionStatusCode string `xml:"TransactionStatusCode,attr,omitempty"` // This attributes defines the status code of the session in a stateful flow.
+ SessionId string `xml:"SessionId,omitempty"` // This element defines the identifier part of the SessionId.
+ SequenceNumber int `xml:"SequenceNumber,omitempty"` // This element defines the sequence number of the SessionId.
+ SecurityToken string `xml:"SecurityToken,omitempty"` // This element defines the SecurityToken of the SessionId.
+type RequestSession struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/2010/06/Session_v3 Session"`
+ *Session
diff --git a/sdk/ticket/cancelDocument/v11_1_query/query.go b/structs/ticket/cancelDocument/v11.1/query.go
similarity index 79%
rename from sdk/ticket/cancelDocument/v11_1_query/query.go
rename to structs/ticket/cancelDocument/v11.1/query.go
index c5f9156..ee165c5 100644
--- a/sdk/ticket/cancelDocument/v11_1_query/query.go
+++ b/structs/ticket/cancelDocument/v11.1/query.go
@@ -5,23 +5,23 @@ import (
-type TicketCancelDocument struct {
+type Request struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TRCANQ_11_1_1A Ticket_CancelDocument"`
// primary ticket number of document to cancel
- DocumentNumberDetails *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"documentNumberDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DocumentNumberDetails *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"documentNumberDetails,omitempty"`
// up to four sequence number ranges
- SequenceNumberRanges []*ItemNumberTypeI `xml:"sequenceNumberRanges,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ SequenceNumberRanges []*ItemNumberTypeI `xml:"sequenceNumberRanges,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
// Drive specific void process
- VoidOption *StatusType `xml:"voidOption,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ VoidOption *StatusType `xml:"voidOption,omitempty"`
// stock provider of the document to cancel
StockProviderDetails *OfficeSettingsDetailsType `xml:"stockProviderDetails"`
// office the document to cancel belongs to
- TargetOfficeDetails *AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationType `xml:"targetOfficeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TargetOfficeDetails *AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationType `xml:"targetOfficeDetails,omitempty"`
@@ -36,21 +36,21 @@ type AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationType struct {
type DocumentInfoFromOfficeSettingType struct {
// airline alphabetic code
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- MarketIataCode string `xml:"marketIataCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MarketIataCode string `xml:"marketIataCode,omitempty"`
// Stock Provider Code
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- StockProviderCode string `xml:"stockProviderCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StockProviderCode string `xml:"stockProviderCode,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberIdentificationTypeI struct {
// document sequence number
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// value used: FROM or TO
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberTypeI struct {
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsType struct {
type StatusDetailsType struct {
// list of status/qualifiers Either His for Historical or Crt for Current
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
type StatusType struct {
@@ -92,5 +92,5 @@ type TicketNumberTypeI struct {
// status
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"`
diff --git a/sdk/ticket/cancelDocument/v11_1_reply/reply.go b/structs/ticket/cancelDocument/v11.1/reply.go
similarity index 69%
rename from sdk/ticket/cancelDocument/v11_1_reply/reply.go
rename to structs/ticket/cancelDocument/v11.1/reply.go
index 95c96fa..b6d5e65 100644
--- a/sdk/ticket/cancelDocument/v11_1_reply/reply.go
+++ b/structs/ticket/cancelDocument/v11.1/reply.go
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-package Ticket_CancelDocumentReply_v11_1 // trcanr111
+package Ticket_CancelDocument_v11_1 // trcanr111
//import "encoding/xml"
-type TicketCancelDocumentReply struct {
+type Response struct {
// XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TRCANR_11_1_1A Ticket_CancelDocumentReply"`
// for each processed document, up to 20, contains the information expected in CTS for further processing and a canned message number to be displayed to the user.
@@ -14,16 +14,16 @@ type TransactionResults struct {
ResponseDetails *ResponseAnalysisDetailsTypeI `xml:"responseDetails"`
// Sequence number of processed document
- SequenceNumberDetails *ItemNumberTypeI `xml:"sequenceNumberDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SequenceNumberDetails *ItemNumberTypeI `xml:"sequenceNumberDetails,omitempty"`
// the ticket numbers of the modified document, inclusive of check digit.
- TicketNumbers *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"ticketNumbers,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketNumbers *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"ticketNumbers,omitempty"`
// Describe the error
- ErrorGroup *ErrorGroupType `xml:"errorGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorGroup *ErrorGroupType `xml:"errorGroup,omitempty"`
// settelment authorization code number
- SacNumber *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"sacNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SacNumber *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"sacNumber,omitempty"`
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
// Identification of a code list.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"`
// Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"`
type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ type ErrorGroupType struct {
ErrorOrWarningCodeDetails *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"errorOrWarningCodeDetails"`
// The desciption of warning or error.
- ErrorWarningDescription *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"errorWarningDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorWarningDescription *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"errorWarningDescription,omitempty"`
type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
@@ -80,21 +80,6 @@ type FreeTextInformationType struct {
FreeText []string `xml:"freeText"` // maxOccurs="99"
-type ItemNumberIdentificationTypeI struct {
- // document sequence number
- // xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // value used: FROM or TO
- // xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
-type ItemNumberTypeI struct {
- // range of sequence numbers
- ItemNumberDetails []*ItemNumberIdentificationTypeI `xml:"itemNumberDetails"` // maxOccurs="2"
type ReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
// reference details
ReferenceDetails *ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"referenceDetails"`
@@ -107,7 +92,7 @@ type ReferencingDetailsTypeI struct {
// value
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To14
- Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Value string `xml:"value,omitempty"`
type ResponseAnalysisDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -119,18 +104,3 @@ type ResponseAnalysisDetailsTypeI struct {
// xmlType: AlphaString_Length1To1
StatusCode string `xml:"statusCode"`
-type TicketNumberDetailsTypeI struct {
- // document number
- // xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- Number string `xml:"number"`
-type TicketNumberTypeI struct {
- // document identifier
- DocumentDetails *TicketNumberDetailsTypeI `xml:"documentDetails"`
- // status
- // xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
diff --git a/structs/ticket/createTSTFromPricing/v04.1/query.go b/structs/ticket/createTSTFromPricing/v04.1/query.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76046c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structs/ticket/createTSTFromPricing/v04.1/query.go
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+package Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricing_v04_1 // tautcq041
+import (
+ "encoding/xml"
+type Request struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TAUTCQ_04_1_1A Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricing"`
+ PnrLocatorData *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"pnrLocatorData,omitempty"` // PNR record locator information for this transaction. This PNR record locator is used for tracing purpose, no internal retrieve.
+ PsaList []*PsaList `xml:"psaList"` // maxOccurs="1980"
+type PsaList struct {
+ ItemReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"itemReference"` // Reference of the fare selected. A fare may have been calculated by Fare Quote for several passengers but there is still the possibility to create a TST only for a part of these passengers.
+ PaxReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"paxReference,omitempty"` // Reference information on passengers.
diff --git a/structs/ticket/createTSTFromPricing/v04.1/reply.go b/structs/ticket/createTSTFromPricing/v04.1/reply.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2be370
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structs/ticket/createTSTFromPricing/v04.1/reply.go
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+package Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricing_v04_1 // tautcr041
+type Response struct {
+ // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TAUTCR_04_1_1A Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricingReply"`
+ ApplicationError *ApplicationError `xml:"applicationError,omitempty"`
+ PnrLocatorData *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"pnrLocatorData,omitempty"` // PNR record locator information for this transaction. This PNR record locator is used for tracing purpose.
+ TstList []*TstList `xml:"tstList,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="1980"
+type ApplicationError struct {
+ ApplicationErrorInfo *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"applicationErrorInfo"` // General error information returned by ticketing application
+ ErrorText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"errorText,omitempty"` // Description in free flow text of the error returned by ticketing application
+type TstList struct {
+ TstReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"tstReference"` // TST tattoo number created by the transaction.
+ PaxInformation *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"paxInformation,omitempty"` // Reference information on passengers.
+// Complex structs
+type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
+ ApplicationErrorCode string `xml:"applicationErrorCode"` // Code identifying the data validation error condition.
+ CodeListQualifier string `xml:"codeListQualifier,omitempty"` // Identification of a code list.
+ CodeListResponsibleAgency string `xml:"codeListResponsibleAgency,omitempty"` // Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
+type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
+ // Application error details.
+ ApplicationErrorDetail *ApplicationErrorDetailType `xml:"applicationErrorDetail"`
+type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI struct {
+ // Free flow text describing the error
+ ErrorFreeText string `xml:"errorFreeText,omitempty"`
+type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
+ ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // qualifies the type of the reference used. Code set to define
+ UniqueReference *int32 `xml:"uniqueReference,omitempty"` // Tattoo number (It is in fact the Tst Display Number)
+ IDDescription *UniqueIdDescriptionType `xml:"iDDescription,omitempty"` // Gives the TST ID number
+type ReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
+ // Passenger/segment/TST reference details
+ RefDetails []*ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"refDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type ReferencingDetailsTypeI struct {
+ RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // Qualifyer of the reference (Pax/Seg/Tst)
+ RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // Passenger/segment/TST reference number
+type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
+ // Record locator.
+ ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber"`
+type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
+ // Reservation control information
+ ReservationInformation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservationInformation"`
+type UniqueIdDescriptionType struct {
+ // The TST Id Number : The Id number allows to determine a TST in the single manner.
+ IDSequenceNumber int32 `xml:"iDSequenceNumber"`
diff --git a/structs/ticket/deleteTST/v04.1/query.go b/structs/ticket/deleteTST/v04.1/query.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1935fc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structs/ticket/deleteTST/v04.1/query.go
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+package Ticket_DeleteTST_v04_1 // ttstdq041
+import (
+ "encoding/xml"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/formats"
+type Request struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TTSTDQ_04_1_1A Ticket_DeleteTST"`
+ DeleteMode *CodedAttributeType `xml:"deleteMode"` // It can be: - 'ALL' - all TSTs are deleted; - 'SEL' - only the information corresponding to the TST/passenger selection is deleted.
+ PnrLocatorData *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"pnrLocatorData,omitempty"` // PNR record locator information for this transaction. This PNR record locator is used for tracing purpose, no internal retrieve.
+ PsaList []*PsaList `xml:"psaList,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="1980"
+type PsaList struct {
+ ItemReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"itemReference"` // TST reference number. Order number is here meaningless.
+ PaxReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"paxReference,omitempty"` // Reference information about passenger(s) to delete from the TST(s)
+// Complex structs
+type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
+ AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"attributeType"` // provides the attribute Type
+type CodedAttributeType struct {
+ AttributeDetails *CodedAttributeInformationType `xml:"attributeDetails"` // provides details for the Attribute
+type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
+ ReferenceType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // qualifies the type of the reference used. Code set to define
+ UniqueReference *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"uniqueReference,omitempty"` // Tattoo number (It is in fact the Tst Display Number)
+ IDDescription *UniqueIdDescriptionType `xml:"iDDescription,omitempty"` // Gives the TST ID number
+type ReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
+ // Passenger/segment/TST reference details
+ RefDetails []*ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"refDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type ReferencingDetailsTypeI struct {
+ RefQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // Qualifyer of the reference (Pax/Seg/Tst)
+ RefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // Passenger/segment/TST reference number
+type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
+ // Reservation control information
+ ReservationInformation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservationInformation"`
+type UniqueIdDescriptionType struct {
+ // The TST Id Number : The Id number allows to determine a TST in the single manner.
+ IDSequenceNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length1To11 `xml:"iDSequenceNumber"`
diff --git a/structs/ticket/deleteTST/v04.1/reply.go b/structs/ticket/deleteTST/v04.1/reply.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f26cbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structs/ticket/deleteTST/v04.1/reply.go
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+package Ticket_DeleteTST_v04_1 // ttstdr041
+//import "encoding/xml"
+type Response struct {
+ // XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TTSTDR_04_1_1A Ticket_DeleteTSTReply"`
+ ProcessStatus *ResponseAnalysisDetailsTypeI `xml:"processStatus,omitempty"` // Process status after the TST delete
+ ApplicationError *ApplicationError `xml:"applicationError,omitempty"`
+ PnrLocatorData *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"pnrLocatorData,omitempty"` // PNR record locator information for this transaction. This PNR record locator is used for tracing purpose.
+type ApplicationError struct {
+ ApplicationErrorInfo *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"applicationErrorInfo"` // General error information returned by ticketing application
+ ErrorText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"errorText,omitempty"` // Description in free flow text of the error returned by ticketing application
+// Complex structs
+type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
+ ApplicationErrorCode string `xml:"applicationErrorCode"` // Code identifying the data validation error condition.
+ CodeListQualifier string `xml:"codeListQualifier,omitempty"` // Identification of a code list.
+ CodeListResponsibleAgency string `xml:"codeListResponsibleAgency,omitempty"` // Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
+type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
+ // Application error details.
+ ApplicationErrorDetail *ApplicationErrorDetailType `xml:"applicationErrorDetail"`
+type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI struct {
+ // Free flow text describing the error
+ ErrorFreeText string `xml:"errorFreeText,omitempty"`
+type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
+ // Record locator.
+ ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber"`
+type ResponseAnalysisDetailsTypeI struct {
+ ResponseType string `xml:"responseType"` // Type of the response (update/cancel request)
+ ProcessingStatus string `xml:"processingStatus"` // Status of the process ran.
diff --git a/structs/ticket/displayTST/v07.1/request/query.go b/structs/ticket/displayTST/v07.1/request/query.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91d7c9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structs/ticket/displayTST/v07.1/request/query.go
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+package Ticket_DisplayTSTRequest_v07_1 // ttstrq071
+import (
+ "encoding/xml"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/formats"
+type Request struct {
+ XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TTSTRQ_07_1_1A"`
+ DisplayMode *CodedAttributeType `xml:"displayMode"` // It can be: - 'ALL' - all TSTs are displayed; - 'SEL' - only the information corresponding to the TST/passenger selection is displayed.
+ PnrLocatorData *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"pnrLocatorData,omitempty"` // PNR record locator information for this transaction. This PNR record locator is used for tracing purpose, no internal retrieve.
+ ScrollingInformation *ActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"scrollingInformation,omitempty"` // Scrolling information.
+ TstReference []*ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"tstReference,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="1980"// Used to get TST information for selected TST references. As we can have 10 TST per Pax, 99 passenger per PNR, and a TST split with the Infant , the max number of TST is 1980.
+ PsaInformation *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"psaInformation,omitempty"` // Passenger/segment references information about TST(s) to retrieve. - Passenger reference specified : all the TSTs concerning this passenger reference are returned. - Passenger/segment reference : only the TST having this passenger/segment association is returned.
+// Complex structs
+type ActionDetailsTypeI struct {
+ // Information on next list of TSTs to return.
+ NextListInformation *ReferenceTypeI `xml:"nextListInformation,omitempty"`
+type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
+ // provides the attribute Type
+ AttributeType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"attributeType"`
+type CodedAttributeType struct {
+ // provides details for the Attribute
+ AttributeDetails *CodedAttributeInformationType `xml:"attributeDetails"`
+type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
+ ReferenceType formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // qualifies the type of the reference used. Code set to define
+ UniqueReference *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"uniqueReference,omitempty"` // Tattoo number (It is in fact the Tst Display Number)
+ IDDescription *UniqueIdDescriptionType `xml:"iDDescription,omitempty"` // Gives the TST ID number
+type ReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
+ // Passenger/segment/TST reference details
+ RefDetails []*ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"refDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+type ReferenceTypeI struct {
+ RemainingInformation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"remainingInformation,omitempty"` // In case of query specifies the number of TSTs to get in reply. In case of response specifies the number of TSTs remaining.
+ RemainingReference formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To5 `xml:"remainingReference,omitempty"` // In case of first query specifies the value of this field in the last reply. In case of other queries specifies the last reference returned in the previous list. In case of reply specifies the last TST reference of the list. In case of last reply the value of this field set in the first query is sent.
+type ReferencingDetailsTypeI struct {
+ RefQualifier formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To3 `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // Qualifyer of the reference (Pax/Seg/Tst)
+ RefNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To5 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // Passenger/segment/TST reference number
+type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
+ // Record locator.
+ ControlNumber formats.AlphaNumericString_Length1To20 `xml:"controlNumber"`
+type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
+ // Reservation control information
+ ReservationInformation *ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservationInformation"`
+type UniqueIdDescriptionType struct {
+ // The TST Id Number : The Id number allows to determine a TST in the single manner.
+ IDSequenceNumber formats.NumericInteger_Length1To11 `xml:"iDSequenceNumber"`
diff --git a/sdk/ticket/displayTST/v07_1_reply/reply.go b/structs/ticket/displayTST/v07.1/response/reply.go
similarity index 61%
rename from sdk/ticket/displayTST/v07_1_reply/reply.go
rename to structs/ticket/displayTST/v07.1/response/reply.go
index ae5aaef..c5bc03f 100644
--- a/sdk/ticket/displayTST/v07_1_reply/reply.go
+++ b/structs/ticket/displayTST/v07.1/response/reply.go
@@ -1,119 +1,60 @@
-package Ticket_DisplayTSTReply_v07_1 // ttstrr071
+package Ticket_DisplayTSTResponse_v07_1 // ttstrr071
//import "encoding/xml"
-type TicketDisplayTSTReply struct {
+type Response struct {
// XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TTSTRR_07_1_1A Ticket_DisplayTSTReply"`
- // Scrolling information used for long messages. C673.1050 represents the number of TSTs remaining. 0 means that there is no more TST. C673.1154 represents the last TST reference in the list retrieved. For the last reply value in C673.1154 of the first query is placed.
- ScrollingInformation *ActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"scrollingInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- ApplicationError *ApplicationError `xml:"applicationError,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- FareList []*FareList `xml:"fareList,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ ScrollingInformation *ActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"scrollingInformation,omitempty"` // Scrolling information used for long messages. C673.1050 represents the number of TSTs remaining. 0 means that there is no more TST. C673.1154 represents the last TST reference in the list retrieved. For the last reply value in C673.1154 of the first query is placed.
+ ApplicationError *ApplicationError `xml:"applicationError,omitempty"`
+ FareList []*FareList `xml:"fareList,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type ApplicationError struct {
- // Error information returned by ticketing application
- ApplicationErrorInfo *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"applicationErrorInfo"`
- // Description in free flow text of the error returned by ticketing application
- ErrorText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"errorText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ApplicationErrorInfo *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"applicationErrorInfo"` // Error information returned by ticketing application
+ ErrorText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"errorText,omitempty"` // Description in free flow text of the error returned by ticketing application
type FareList struct {
- // Information on TST creation method such as pricing rules and sales indicator.
- PricingInformation *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI `xml:"pricingInformation"`
- // TST reference number. Ordering information is not relevant here.
- FareReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_14908S `xml:"fareReference"`
- // - Last date to ticket the fare - Creation date - Last modification date
- LastTktDate []*StructuredDateTimeInformationType_14907S `xml:"lastTktDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
- // Validating carrier identification.
- ValidatingCarrier *TransportIdentifierType `xml:"validatingCarrier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Passenger/segment association of the TST.
- PaxSegReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"paxSegReference"`
- // Specify all fare data information (base fare, equivalent fare...)
- FareDataInformation *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"fareDataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- TaxInformation []*TaxInformation `xml:"taxInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="120"
- // Banker's rates are used to convert amounts of the TST (base/equivalent).
- BankerRates *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"bankerRates,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- PassengerInformation []*PassengerInformation `xml:"passengerInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // Origin and destination of the fare. 1st C3225 occurence : origin city. 2nd C3225 occurence : destination city
- OriginDestination *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originDestination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- SegmentInformation []*SegmentInformation `xml:"segmentInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="96"
- // Other fare information : - fare calculation - payment restrictions. - mileage breakdown freeflow
- OtherPricingInfo []*CodedAttributeType `xml:"otherPricingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // TST status information such as TST confidentiality.
- StatusInformation *StatusTypeI `xml:"statusInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Mentions the TST creation office ID and the agent sign in.
- OfficeDetails *UserIdentificationType `xml:"officeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- WarningInformation []*WarningInformation `xml:"warningInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- AutomaticReissueInfo *AutomaticReissueInfo `xml:"automaticReissueInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- CarrierFeesGroup []*CarrierFeesGroup `xml:"carrierFeesGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
- // contextual form of payment
- ContextualFop *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"contextualFop,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Office Id where the pricing has been made. Implemented with Airline Ticketing Fees
- ContextualPointofSale *UserIdentificationType `xml:"contextualPointofSale,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // convey the mileage information
- Mileage *AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingInformation *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI `xml:"pricingInformation"` // Information on TST creation method such as pricing rules and sales indicator.
+ FareReference *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_14908S `xml:"fareReference"` // TST reference number. Ordering information is not relevant here.
+ LastTktDate []*StructuredDateTimeInformationType_14907S `xml:"lastTktDate,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"// - Last date to ticket the fare - Creation date - Last modification date
+ ValidatingCarrier *TransportIdentifierType `xml:"validatingCarrier,omitempty"` // Validating carrier identification.
+ PaxSegReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"paxSegReference"` // Passenger/segment association of the TST.
+ FareDataInformation *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"fareDataInformation,omitempty"` // Specify all fare data information (base fare, equivalent fare...)
+ TaxInformation []*TaxInformation `xml:"taxInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="120"
+ BankerRates *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"bankerRates,omitempty"` // Banker's rates are used to convert amounts of the TST (base/equivalent).
+ PassengerInformation []*PassengerInformation `xml:"passengerInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+ OriginDestination *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originDestination,omitempty"` // Origin and destination of the fare. 1st C3225 occurence : origin city. 2nd C3225 occurence : destination city
+ SegmentInformation []*SegmentInformation `xml:"segmentInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="96"
+ OtherPricingInfo []*CodedAttributeType `xml:"otherPricingInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"// Other fare information : - fare calculation - payment restrictions. - mileage breakdown freeflow
+ StatusInformation *StatusTypeI `xml:"statusInformation,omitempty"` // TST status information such as TST confidentiality.
+ OfficeDetails *UserIdentificationType `xml:"officeDetails,omitempty"` // Mentions the TST creation office ID and the agent sign in.
+ WarningInformation []*WarningInformation `xml:"warningInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+ AutomaticReissueInfo *AutomaticReissueInfo `xml:"automaticReissueInfo,omitempty"`
+ CarrierFeesGroup []*CarrierFeesGroup `xml:"carrierFeesGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
+ ContextualFop *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"contextualFop,omitempty"` // contextual form of payment
+ ContextualPointofSale *UserIdentificationType `xml:"contextualPointofSale,omitempty"` // Office Id where the pricing has been made. Implemented with Airline Ticketing Fees
+ Mileage *AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"mileage,omitempty"` // convey the mileage information
type TaxInformation struct {
- // Tax details
- TaxDetails *DutyTaxFeeDetailsTypeU `xml:"taxDetails"`
- // Amount details. If the tax is a passenger facility charge (PFC) the detail of the airports related taxes is given here.
- AmountDetails *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"amountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxDetails *DutyTaxFeeDetailsTypeU `xml:"taxDetails"` // Tax details
+ AmountDetails *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"amountDetails,omitempty"` // Amount details. If the tax is a passenger facility charge (PFC) the detail of the airports related taxes is given here.
type PassengerInformation struct {
- // Penalty details specified in the request.
- PenDisInformation *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI_6128S `xml:"penDisInformation"`
- // Reference of passengers that have a type code.
- PassengerReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"passengerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PenDisInformation *DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI_6128S `xml:"penDisInformation"` // Penalty details specified in the request.
+ PassengerReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"passengerReference,omitempty"` // Reference of passengers that have a type code.
type SegmentInformation struct {
- // Connection information.
- ConnexInformation *ConnectionTypeI `xml:"connexInformation"`
- // Details on open segments added to the price calculation. These open segments exist only in the fare calculated, they have no equivalent in the PNR itinerary. This segment gives also information on booking class for best buy transactions.
- SegDetails *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"segDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Fare basis information
- FareQualifier *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Validity information for the fare
- ValidityInformation []*StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"validityInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
- // baggage allowance information
- BagAllowanceInformation *ExcessBaggageTypeI `xml:"bagAllowanceInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // Reference of the segment associated to the group.
- SegmentReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"segmentReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
- // The segment order in the pricing response can be different than the one of the PNR itinerary (segments are reordered at price calculation time). This order information is conveyed by the sequence number. If this order information is not present then the order is by default the one of the PNR.
- SequenceInformation *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"sequenceInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConnexInformation *ConnectionTypeI `xml:"connexInformation"` // Connection information.
+ SegDetails *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"segDetails,omitempty"` // Details on open segments added to the price calculation. These open segments exist only in the fare calculated, they have no equivalent in the PNR itinerary. This segment gives also information on booking class for best buy transactions.
+ FareQualifier *FareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // Fare basis information
+ ValidityInformation []*StructuredDateTimeInformationType `xml:"validityInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"// Validity information for the fare
+ BagAllowanceInformation *ExcessBaggageTypeI `xml:"bagAllowanceInformation,omitempty"` // baggage allowance information
+ SegmentReference *ReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"segmentReference,omitempty"` // Reference of the segment associated to the group.
+ SequenceInformation *ItemReferencesAndVersionsType `xml:"sequenceInformation,omitempty"` // The segment order in the pricing response can be different than the one of the PNR itinerary (segments are reordered at price calculation time). This order information is conveyed by the sequence number. If this order information is not present then the order is by default the one of the PNR.
type WarningInformation struct {
@@ -121,7 +62,7 @@ type WarningInformation struct {
WarningCode *ApplicationErrorInformationType `xml:"warningCode"`
// Description in free flow text of the warning concerning the fare.
- WarningText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_6759S `xml:"warningText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ WarningText *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_6759S `xml:"warningText,omitempty"`
type AutomaticReissueInfo struct {
@@ -131,7 +72,7 @@ type AutomaticReissueInfo struct {
// This segment contains the coupon number (in absolute) corresponding to the first coupon for use from the last flawn segment.
CouponInfo *CouponInformationTypeI `xml:"couponInfo"`
- PaperCouponRange *PaperCouponRange `xml:"paperCouponRange,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PaperCouponRange *PaperCouponRange `xml:"paperCouponRange,omitempty"`
// Base Fare information
BaseFareInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S `xml:"baseFareInfo"`
@@ -181,7 +122,7 @@ type CarrierFeesGroup struct {
// Airline Ticketing Fees : OB
CarrierFeeType *SelectionDetailsTypeI `xml:"carrierFeeType"`
- CarrierFeeInfo []*CarrierFeeInfo `xml:"carrierFeeInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ CarrierFeeInfo []*CarrierFeeInfo `xml:"carrierFeeInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type CarrierFeeInfo struct {
@@ -195,7 +136,7 @@ type CarrierFeeInfo struct {
FeeAmount *MonetaryInformationTypeI_37810S `xml:"feeAmount"`
// tax on the fee
- FeeTax []*TaxTypeI `xml:"feeTax,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FeeTax []*TaxTypeI `xml:"feeTax,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
@@ -209,16 +150,16 @@ type ActionDetailsTypeI struct {
type AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
// Primary code of the fare basis. This is not a codeset but a free flow text field.
- PrimaryCode string `xml:"primaryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PrimaryCode string `xml:"primaryCode,omitempty"`
// Fare basis code of the fare basis. This is not a codeset but a free flow text field.
- FareBasisCode string `xml:"fareBasisCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareBasisCode string `xml:"fareBasisCode,omitempty"`
// Ticket designator of the fare basis
- TicketDesignator string `xml:"ticketDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketDesignator string `xml:"ticketDesignator,omitempty"`
// For any query : discount ticket designator to be assigned by Fare Quote server. For any response : priced PTCs
- DiscTktDesignator string `xml:"discTktDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DiscTktDesignator string `xml:"discTktDesignator,omitempty"`
type AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -230,10 +171,10 @@ type ApplicationErrorDetailType struct {
ApplicationErrorCode string `xml:"applicationErrorCode"`
// Identification of a code list.
- CodeListQualifier string `xml:"codeListQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CodeListQualifier string `xml:"codeListQualifier,omitempty"`
// Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
- CodeListResponsibleAgency string `xml:"codeListResponsibleAgency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CodeListResponsibleAgency string `xml:"codeListResponsibleAgency,omitempty"`
type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
@@ -243,16 +184,16 @@ type ApplicationErrorInformationType struct {
type BaggageDetailsTypeI struct {
// Baggage allowance quantity (piece concept)
- BaggageQuantity *int32 `xml:"baggageQuantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BaggageQuantity *int32 `xml:"baggageQuantity,omitempty"`
// Baggage allowance weight
- BaggageWeight *float64 `xml:"baggageWeight,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BaggageWeight *float64 `xml:"baggageWeight,omitempty"`
// Baggage allowance type (weight/number)
- BaggageType string `xml:"baggageType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BaggageType string `xml:"baggageType,omitempty"`
// Measurement unit for weighing baggage allowance
- MeasureUnit string `xml:"measureUnit,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MeasureUnit string `xml:"measureUnit,omitempty"`
type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
@@ -260,7 +201,7 @@ type CodedAttributeInformationType struct {
AttributeType string `xml:"attributeType"`
// provides a description for the attribute
- AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AttributeDescription string `xml:"attributeDescription,omitempty"`
type CodedAttributeType struct {
@@ -275,15 +216,15 @@ type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
type CompanyIdentificationTypeI_27116C struct {
// Code of the airline.
- CarrierCode string `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CarrierCode string `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"`
type ConnectionDetailsTypeI struct {
// Specify ARNK and surface segments not included in the fare routing.
- RoutingInformation string `xml:"routingInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RoutingInformation string `xml:"routingInformation,omitempty"`
// Type of connection for the flight
- ConnexType string `xml:"connexType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConnexType string `xml:"connexType,omitempty"`
type ConnectionTypeI struct {
@@ -293,10 +234,10 @@ type ConnectionTypeI struct {
type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI struct {
// Currency of the rate
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"`
// Amount/percentage
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
@@ -304,7 +245,7 @@ type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
FirstRateDetail *ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"firstRateDetail"`
// Second rate detail.
- SecondRateDetail *ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"secondRateDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SecondRateDetail *ConversionRateDetailsTypeI `xml:"secondRateDetail,omitempty"`
type CouponInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -317,12 +258,12 @@ type CouponInformationTypeI struct {
CouponDetails *CouponInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"couponDetails"`
// Details on coupon
- OtherCouponDetails []*CouponInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherCouponDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ OtherCouponDetails []*CouponInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherCouponDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type DataInformationTypeI struct {
// fee attribute
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
type DataTypeInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -332,15 +273,15 @@ type DataTypeInformationTypeI struct {
type DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
// Used to specify penalty information
- PenDisData *DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI_29792C `xml:"penDisData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PenDisData *DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI_29792C `xml:"penDisData,omitempty"`
type DiscountAndPenaltyInformationTypeI_6128S struct {
// Qualify the type of information. Penalties are not passenger associated and are pure monetary information. Discount are passenger associated but only discount code is specified.
- InfoQualifier string `xml:"infoQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InfoQualifier string `xml:"infoQualifier,omitempty"`
// Used to specify penalty information.
- PenDisData []*DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"penDisData,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ PenDisData []*DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"penDisData,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -348,38 +289,38 @@ type DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI struct {
ZapOffType string `xml:"zapOffType"`
// Discount amount
- ZapOffAmount *float64 `xml:"zapOffAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ZapOffAmount *float64 `xml:"zapOffAmount,omitempty"`
// Discount percentage.
- ZapOffPercentage *int32 `xml:"zapOffPercentage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ZapOffPercentage *int32 `xml:"zapOffPercentage,omitempty"`
type DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
// Type of penalty.
- PenaltyType string `xml:"penaltyType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PenaltyType string `xml:"penaltyType,omitempty"`
// The penalty amount can be described differently: amount/percentage.
- PenaltyQualifier string `xml:"penaltyQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PenaltyQualifier string `xml:"penaltyQualifier,omitempty"`
// Amount of the penalty.
- PenaltyAmount *float64 `xml:"penaltyAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PenaltyAmount *float64 `xml:"penaltyAmount,omitempty"`
// This discount code is defined by the airlines. This cannot be coded as airlines might apply any combination of letters for their discounts.
- DiscountCode string `xml:"discountCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DiscountCode string `xml:"discountCode,omitempty"`
// Penalty currency code.
- PenaltyCurrency string `xml:"penaltyCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PenaltyCurrency string `xml:"penaltyCurrency,omitempty"`
type DiscountPenaltyMonetaryInformationTypeI_29792C struct {
// The amount Type can be a percentage or an amount
- PenaltyQualifier string `xml:"penaltyQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PenaltyQualifier string `xml:"penaltyQualifier,omitempty"`
// specify the value
- PenaltyAmount *float64 `xml:"penaltyAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PenaltyAmount *float64 `xml:"penaltyAmount,omitempty"`
// penalty currency code
- PenaltyCurrency string `xml:"penaltyCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PenaltyCurrency string `xml:"penaltyCurrency,omitempty"`
type DutyTaxFeeAccountDetailTypeU struct {
@@ -395,13 +336,13 @@ type DutyTaxFeeDetailsTypeU struct {
TaxIdentification *DutyTaxFeeTypeDetailsTypeU `xml:"taxIdentification"`
// Type of the tax
- TaxType *DutyTaxFeeAccountDetailTypeU `xml:"taxType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxType *DutyTaxFeeAccountDetailTypeU `xml:"taxType,omitempty"`
// Nature of the tax
- TaxNature string `xml:"taxNature,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxNature string `xml:"taxNature,omitempty"`
// Exempt tax indicator. If an tax is Exempted no amount is provided for this tax.
- TaxExempt string `xml:"taxExempt,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxExempt string `xml:"taxExempt,omitempty"`
type DutyTaxFeeTypeDetailsTypeU struct {
@@ -416,29 +357,29 @@ type ExcessBaggageTypeI struct {
type FareQualifierDetailsTypeI struct {
// Type of movement for this segment to take into account by Fare Quote to calculate the fare.
- MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MovementType string `xml:"movementType,omitempty"`
// Fare basis detail
- FareBasisDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareBasisDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"`
// Discount data for zap off to apply to price calculation.
- ZapOffDetails *DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"zapOffDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ZapOffDetails *DiscountPenaltyInformationTypeI `xml:"zapOffDetails,omitempty"`
type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
// Type of Form Of Payment (Credit card, cash, check...).
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// amount to be charged on this form
- ChargedAmount *float64 `xml:"chargedAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ChargedAmount *float64 `xml:"chargedAmount,omitempty"`
// It is mandatory if the Form of Payment at pricing was a credit card with a bin number. It may only occur for Credit Card Types. It is composed of the first 6 bin numbers of the credit card. Wildcards are not possible.
- CreditCardNumber string `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CreditCardNumber string `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"`
type FormOfPaymentTypeI struct {
- FormOfPayment []*FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI `xml:"formOfPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ FormOfPayment []*FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI `xml:"formOfPayment,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type FreeTextQualificationTypeI struct {
@@ -452,7 +393,7 @@ type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI struct {
type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_37809S struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"`
// commercial name of the fee suncode. 10 an
FreeText string `xml:"freeText"`
@@ -460,28 +401,28 @@ type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_37809S struct {
type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI_6759S struct {
// Free flow text describing the error
- ErrorFreeText string `xml:"errorFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorFreeText string `xml:"errorFreeText,omitempty"`
type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType struct {
// Identification details : order number
- SequenceSection *UniqueIdDescriptionType `xml:"sequenceSection,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SequenceSection *UniqueIdDescriptionType `xml:"sequenceSection,omitempty"`
type ItemReferencesAndVersionsType_14908S struct {
// qualifies the type of the reference used. Code set to define
- ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceType string `xml:"referenceType,omitempty"`
// Tattoo number (It is in fact the Tst Display Number)
- UniqueReference *int32 `xml:"uniqueReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UniqueReference *int32 `xml:"uniqueReference,omitempty"`
// Gives the TST ID number
- IDDescription *UniqueIdDescriptionType_26102C `xml:"iDDescription,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IDDescription *UniqueIdDescriptionType_26102C `xml:"iDDescription,omitempty"`
type LocationTypeI struct {
// Code of the city.
- CityCode string `xml:"cityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CityCode string `xml:"cityCode,omitempty"`
type MileageTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -494,13 +435,13 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
FareDataQualifier string `xml:"fareDataQualifier"`
// Fare data amount
- FareAmount string `xml:"fareAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareAmount string `xml:"fareAmount,omitempty"`
// Fare data currency code
- FareCurrency string `xml:"fareCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareCurrency string `xml:"fareCurrency,omitempty"`
// Location of the fare data (PFCs specific)
- FareLocation string `xml:"fareLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareLocation string `xml:"fareLocation,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_37257C struct {
@@ -511,10 +452,10 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_37257C struct {
Amount string `xml:"amount"`
// currency
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// location
- Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Location string `xml:"location,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_64230C struct {
@@ -525,7 +466,7 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_64230C struct {
Amount string `xml:"amount"`
// currency of the fee amount
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -533,14 +474,14 @@ type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
FareDataMainInformation *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDataMainInformation"`
// Supplementary fare data information
- FareDataSupInformation []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDataSupInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
+ FareDataSupInformation []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareDataSupInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
type MonetaryInformationTypeI_20897S struct {
// monetaryDetails
MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_37257C `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_37257C `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI_37257C `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
type MonetaryInformationTypeI_37810S struct {
@@ -555,10 +496,10 @@ type OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI struct {
type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
// Agent Sign In
- InHouseIdentification1 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InHouseIdentification1 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification1,omitempty"`
// Tst office ID : It's the TST creation office ID.
- InHouseIdentification2 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InHouseIdentification2 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification2,omitempty"`
type PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI struct {
@@ -566,7 +507,7 @@ type PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI struct {
TstInformation *RateTariffClassInformationTypeI `xml:"tstInformation"`
// International sales indicator
- SalesIndicator string `xml:"salesIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SalesIndicator string `xml:"salesIndicator,omitempty"`
// Fare calculation mode indicator. This indicator specifies the type fare.
Fcmi string `xml:"fcmi"`
@@ -577,7 +518,7 @@ type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
Identification string `xml:"identification"`
// Class of service to use in order to price the extra segment.
- ClassOfService string `xml:"classOfService,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ClassOfService string `xml:"classOfService,omitempty"`
type RateTariffClassInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -587,23 +528,23 @@ type RateTariffClassInformationTypeI struct {
type ReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
// Passenger/segment/TST reference details
- RefDetails []*ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"refDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ RefDetails []*ReferencingDetailsTypeI `xml:"refDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type ReferenceTypeI struct {
// In case of query specifies the number of TSTs to get in reply. In case of response specifies the number of TSTs remaining.
- RemainingInformation *int32 `xml:"remainingInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RemainingInformation *int32 `xml:"remainingInformation,omitempty"`
// In case of first query specifies the value of this field in the last reply. In case of other queries specifies the last reference returned in the previous list. In case of reply specifies the last TST reference of the list. In case of last reply the value of this field set in the first query is sent.
- RemainingReference string `xml:"remainingReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RemainingReference string `xml:"remainingReference,omitempty"`
type ReferencingDetailsTypeI struct {
// Qualifyer of the reference (Pax/Seg/Tst/Fare tattoo)
- RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefQualifier string `xml:"refQualifier,omitempty"`
// Passenger/segment/TST/fare tattoo reference number
- RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefNumber *int32 `xml:"refNumber,omitempty"`
type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -620,7 +561,7 @@ type SpecificDataInformationTypeI struct {
DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationTypeI `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
// Carrier fee application code (NI, NR, CM, NC)
- DataInformation []*DataInformationTypeI `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ DataInformation []*DataInformationTypeI `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type StatusDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -633,15 +574,15 @@ type StatusTypeI struct {
FirstStatusDetails *StatusDetailsTypeI `xml:"firstStatusDetails"`
// Other details on the status of the TST.
- OtherStatusDetails []*StatusDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherStatusDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ OtherStatusDetails []*StatusDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherStatusDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type StructuredDateTimeInformationType struct {
// This data element can be used to provide the semantic of the information provided. Examples : - Impacted period - Departure date - Estimated arrival date and time
- BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic,omitempty"`
// Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"`
type StructuredDateTimeInformationType_14907S struct {
@@ -649,29 +590,29 @@ type StructuredDateTimeInformationType_14907S struct {
BusinessSemantic string `xml:"businessSemantic"`
// Convey date and/or time.
- DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_26100C `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateTime *StructuredDateTimeType_26100C `xml:"dateTime,omitempty"`
type StructuredDateTimeType struct {
// Year number. The format is a little long for short term usage but it can be reduced by implementation if required.
- Year *int32 `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Year *int32 `xml:"year,omitempty"`
// Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month string `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Month string `xml:"month,omitempty"`
// Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day string `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Day string `xml:"day,omitempty"`
type StructuredDateTimeType_26100C struct {
// Year number. The format is a little long for short term usage but it can be reduced by implementation if required.
- Year *int32 `xml:"year,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Year *int32 `xml:"year,omitempty"`
// Month number in the year ( begins to 1 )
- Month *int32 `xml:"month,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Month *int32 `xml:"month,omitempty"`
// Day number in the month ( begins to 1 )
- Day string `xml:"day,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Day string `xml:"day,omitempty"`
type TaxDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -679,7 +620,7 @@ type TaxDetailsTypeI struct {
Rate string `xml:"rate"`
// Format limitations: an..3
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"`
// Details applicable to the tax applied to the Carrier Fee. TX = Tax applies to fee
Type []string `xml:"type"` // maxOccurs="99"
@@ -687,7 +628,7 @@ type TaxDetailsTypeI struct {
type TaxTypeI struct {
// type of tax
- TaxCategory string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxCategory string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"`
FeeTaxDetails []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"feeTaxDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
@@ -697,7 +638,7 @@ type TicketNumberDetailsTypeI struct {
Number string `xml:"number"`
// ticket type
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
type TicketNumberTypeI struct {
@@ -712,24 +653,24 @@ type TransportIdentifierType struct {
type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
// departure city code
- DepartureCity *LocationTypeI `xml:"departureCity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureCity *LocationTypeI `xml:"departureCity,omitempty"`
// arrival city code
- ArrivalCity *LocationTypeI `xml:"arrivalCity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalCity *LocationTypeI `xml:"arrivalCity,omitempty"`
// Airline detail information of the extra segment.
- AirlineDetail *CompanyIdentificationTypeI_27116C `xml:"airlineDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AirlineDetail *CompanyIdentificationTypeI_27116C `xml:"airlineDetail,omitempty"`
// Segment detail information.
- SegmentDetail *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SegmentDetail *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"segmentDetail,omitempty"`
// Ticketing status for this segment. Relevant only in case of reply.
- TicketingStatus string `xml:"ticketingStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketingStatus string `xml:"ticketingStatus,omitempty"`
type UniqueIdDescriptionType struct {
// Number specifying the ordering information of the item described within a group.
- SequenceNumber *int32 `xml:"sequenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SequenceNumber *int32 `xml:"sequenceNumber,omitempty"`
type UniqueIdDescriptionType_26102C struct {
diff --git a/sdk/ticket/processEDoc/v15_2_query/query.go b/structs/ticket/processEDoc/v15.2/request/query.go
similarity index 67%
rename from sdk/ticket/processEDoc/v15_2_query/query.go
rename to structs/ticket/processEDoc/v15.2/request/query.go
index bdcd46c..bab56ba 100644
--- a/sdk/ticket/processEDoc/v15_2_query/query.go
+++ b/structs/ticket/processEDoc/v15.2/request/query.go
@@ -1,68 +1,68 @@
-package Ticket_ProcessEDoc_v15_2 // tatreq152
+package Ticket_ProcessEDocRequest_v15_2 // tatreq152
import (
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/formats"
+ "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/formats"
-type TicketProcessEDoc struct {
+type Request struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TATREQ_15_2_1A Ticket_ProcessEDoc"`
MsgActionDetails *MessageActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"msgActionDetails"`
// Travel agent details at level 0
- SysProvider *TicketAgentInfoTypeI `xml:"sysProvider,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SysProvider *TicketAgentInfoTypeI `xml:"sysProvider,omitempty"`
// Reservation details at level 0
- ReferenceInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"referenceInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"referenceInfo,omitempty"`
// Monetary information at level 0
- FareInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"fareInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"fareInfo,omitempty"`
// Pricing details at level 0
- ProductInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"productInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"productInfo,omitempty"`
// Origin - Destination at Level 0
- OriginDestination *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originDestination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginDestination *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originDestination,omitempty"`
- EnhancedPaxInfoCriteria *EnhancedTravellerInformationType_199238S `xml:"enhancedPaxInfoCriteria,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EnhancedPaxInfoCriteria *EnhancedTravellerInformationType_199238S `xml:"enhancedPaxInfoCriteria,omitempty"`
// Travel details at Level 0
- Leg *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"leg,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Leg *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"leg,omitempty"`
// Form of payment at Level 0
- Fop *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"fop,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Fop *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"fop,omitempty"`
// Frequent traveller info at Level 0
- FrequentTravellerInfo *FrequentTravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"frequentTravellerInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FrequentTravellerInfo *FrequentTravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"frequentTravellerInfo,omitempty"`
// Tour code at Level 0
- TourInfo *TourInformationTypeI `xml:"tourInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TourInfo *TourInformationTypeI `xml:"tourInfo,omitempty"`
// Document count
- NumberOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsTypeI `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsTypeI `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"`
// tax details at Level 0
- TaxInfo []*TaxTypeI `xml:"taxInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ TaxInfo []*TaxTypeI `xml:"taxInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
// Freeflow text at Level 0
- TextInfo []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"textInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TextInfo []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"textInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// form of identification at Level 0
- CustomerReference *ConsumerReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerReference *ConsumerReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"`
// Fare details at Level 0
- FareDetails *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareDetails *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
// For MCO, reason for issuance codes
- PricingInfo *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI `xml:"pricingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingInfo *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI `xml:"pricingInfo,omitempty"`
// Document group at level 1
- InfoGroup []*InfoGroup `xml:"infoGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ InfoGroup []*InfoGroup `xml:"infoGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Passenger Group
- DocGroup []*DocGroup `xml:"docGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ DocGroup []*DocGroup `xml:"docGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type InfoGroup struct {
@@ -70,82 +70,82 @@ type InfoGroup struct {
DocInfo *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"docInfo"`
// coupon details of Group 1
- CouponInfo []*CouponInformationTypeI `xml:"couponInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
+ CouponInfo []*CouponInformationTypeI `xml:"couponInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="4"
// Originator details group 1
- OriginatorInfo *OriginatorOfRequestDetailsTypeI `xml:"originatorInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginatorInfo *OriginatorOfRequestDetailsTypeI `xml:"originatorInfo,omitempty"`
type DocGroup struct {
PaxInfo *TravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"paxInfo"`
- EnhancedPaxInfo *EnhancedTravellerInformationType `xml:"enhancedPaxInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EnhancedPaxInfo *EnhancedTravellerInformationType `xml:"enhancedPaxInfo,omitempty"`
// Travel agent details at level 2
- SysProvider *TicketAgentInfoTypeI `xml:"sysProvider,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SysProvider *TicketAgentInfoTypeI `xml:"sysProvider,omitempty"`
// Reservation details at level 2
- ReferenceInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"referenceInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"referenceInfo,omitempty"`
// Monetary information at level 2
- FareInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"fareInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"fareInfo,omitempty"`
// Form of payment at level 2
- Fop *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"fop,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Fop *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"fop,omitempty"`
// Pricing details at level 2
- ProductInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"productInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"productInfo,omitempty"`
// Origin - Destination at Level 2
- OriginDestination *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originDestination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginDestination *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originDestination,omitempty"`
// Travel details at Level 2
- Leg *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"leg,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Leg *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"leg,omitempty"`
// Pricing subsequent at level 2
- PricingInfo *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI_51235S `xml:"pricingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingInfo *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI_51235S `xml:"pricingInfo,omitempty"`
// Frequent traveller info at Level 2
- FrequentTravellerInfo *FrequentTravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"frequentTravellerInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FrequentTravellerInfo *FrequentTravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"frequentTravellerInfo,omitempty"`
// Tour code L2
- TourInfo *TourInformationTypeI `xml:"tourInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TourInfo *TourInformationTypeI `xml:"tourInfo,omitempty"`
// Coupon count
- NumberOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsTypeI `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsTypeI `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"`
// tax details at Level 2
- TaxInfo []*TaxTypeI `xml:"taxInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ TaxInfo []*TaxTypeI `xml:"taxInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
// Document details at Level 2
- DocumentInformation []*DocumentInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"documentInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ DocumentInformation []*DocumentInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"documentInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Freeflow text at Level 2
- TextInfo []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"textInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ TextInfo []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"textInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
// form of identification at Level 2
- CustomerReference *ConsumerReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerReference *ConsumerReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"`
// Fare details at Level 2
- FareDetails *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareDetails *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
// Document Group
- DocDetailsGroup []*DocDetailsGroup `xml:"docDetailsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ DocDetailsGroup []*DocDetailsGroup `xml:"docDetailsGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Structured fare calc group
- FareElementsGroup []*FareElementsGroup `xml:"fareElementsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ FareElementsGroup []*FareElementsGroup `xml:"fareElementsGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Refund group
- RefundGroup []*RefundGroup `xml:"refundGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ RefundGroup []*RefundGroup `xml:"refundGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Staff group
- StaffTravellerGroup *StaffTravellerGroup `xml:"staffTravellerGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StaffTravellerGroup *StaffTravellerGroup `xml:"staffTravellerGroup,omitempty"`
// Exchanged information Group
- OriginalIssuanceGroup []*OriginalIssuanceGroup `xml:"originalIssuanceGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ OriginalIssuanceGroup []*OriginalIssuanceGroup `xml:"originalIssuanceGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Fee group
- CarrierFeeGroup []*CarrierFeeGroup `xml:"carrierFeeGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ CarrierFeeGroup []*CarrierFeeGroup `xml:"carrierFeeGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type DocDetailsGroup struct {
@@ -153,13 +153,13 @@ type DocDetailsGroup struct {
DocInfo *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"docInfo"`
// Pricing details at level 3
- ProductInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"productInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"productInfo,omitempty"`
// Freeflow text at Level 2
- TextInfo *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"textInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TextInfo *InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"textInfo,omitempty"`
// Coupon Group
- CouponGroup []*CouponGroup `xml:"couponGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
+ CouponGroup []*CouponGroup `xml:"couponGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="4"
type CouponGroup struct {
@@ -167,31 +167,31 @@ type CouponGroup struct {
CouponInfo *CouponInformationTypeI `xml:"couponInfo"`
// Travel details at Level 4
- Leg []*TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"leg,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ Leg []*TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"leg,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Reservation details at level 4
- ReferenceInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"referenceInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"referenceInfo,omitempty"`
// Related product information at level 4
- BookingStatus *RelatedProductInformationTypeI `xml:"bookingStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingStatus *RelatedProductInformationTypeI `xml:"bookingStatus,omitempty"`
// Pricing subsequent at L4
- PricingInfo *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI_51235S `xml:"pricingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingInfo *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI_51235S `xml:"pricingInfo,omitempty"`
// Baggage Details
- BaggageInfo *ExcessBaggageTypeI `xml:"baggageInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BaggageInfo *ExcessBaggageTypeI `xml:"baggageInfo,omitempty"`
// Frequent traveller info at Level 4
- FrequentTravellerInfo *FrequentTravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"frequentTravellerInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FrequentTravellerInfo *FrequentTravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"frequentTravellerInfo,omitempty"`
// Date information at level 4
- ValidityDates *DateAndTimeInformationTypeI `xml:"validityDates,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ValidityDates *DateAndTimeInformationTypeI `xml:"validityDates,omitempty"`
// Freeflow text at Level 4
- TextInfo []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"textInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ TextInfo []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"textInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
// Pricing details at level 4
- ProductInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"productInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"productInfo,omitempty"`
type FareElementsGroup struct {
@@ -199,16 +199,16 @@ type FareElementsGroup struct {
FareComponentInfo *FareComponentInformationTypeI `xml:"fareComponentInfo"`
// structured Fare Calc Group6
- FareComponentsGroup []*FareComponentsGroup `xml:"fareComponentsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FareComponentsGroup []*FareComponentsGroup `xml:"fareComponentsGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// structured Fare Calc monetary information 1
- FareInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"fareInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"fareInfo,omitempty"`
// Structured Fare Calc taxe information
- TaxInfo []*TaxTypeI `xml:"taxInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TaxInfo []*TaxTypeI `xml:"taxInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// structured Fare Calc Conversion Info
- ConversionRate *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"conversionRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ConversionRate *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"conversionRate,omitempty"`
type FareComponentsGroup struct {
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ type FareComponentsGroup struct {
NumberOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsTypeI `xml:"numberOfUnits"`
// structured Fare Calc Group6
- PricedFareComponentsGroup []*PricedFareComponentsGroup `xml:"pricedFareComponentsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ PricedFareComponentsGroup []*PricedFareComponentsGroup `xml:"pricedFareComponentsGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type PricedFareComponentsGroup struct {
@@ -224,32 +224,32 @@ type PricedFareComponentsGroup struct {
StructuredFareCalcItem *ItemNumberTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcItem"`
// structured Fare Calc Group8
- FareCouponGroup []*FareCouponGroup `xml:"fareCouponGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FareCouponGroup []*FareCouponGroup `xml:"fareCouponGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// structured Fare Calc Monetary Information 2
- FareInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"fareInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"fareInfo,omitempty"`
// structured Fare Calc Pricing subsequent
- PricingInfo *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI_51235S `xml:"pricingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingInfo *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI_51235S `xml:"pricingInfo,omitempty"`
// structured Fare Calculation details
- FareCalculationInfo *FareCalculationCodeDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareCalculationInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareCalculationInfo *FareCalculationCodeDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareCalculationInfo,omitempty"`
// structured Fare Calc rate
- FareRulesInfo *FareRulesInformationTypeI `xml:"fareRulesInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareRulesInfo *FareRulesInformationTypeI `xml:"fareRulesInfo,omitempty"`
// Pricing details
ProductInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"productInfo"`
// Fare details
- StructuredFareCalcFareDetails *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcFareDetails *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcFareDetails,omitempty"`
type FareCouponGroup struct {
// structured Fare Calc Action
CouponInfo *ActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"couponInfo"`
- Leg *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"leg,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Leg *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"leg,omitempty"`
type RefundGroup struct {
@@ -257,25 +257,25 @@ type RefundGroup struct {
RefundStatus *StatusTypeI `xml:"refundStatus"`
// Refund traveller details
- RefundLeg []*TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"refundLeg,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ RefundLeg []*TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"refundLeg,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// refund Pricing details
- ProductInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI_51227S `xml:"productInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI_51227S `xml:"productInfo,omitempty"`
// Refund document details
- RefundDocumentInfo *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"refundDocumentInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefundDocumentInfo *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"refundDocumentInfo,omitempty"`
// Refund coupon details
- CouponInfo []*CouponInformationTypeI `xml:"couponInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ CouponInfo []*CouponInformationTypeI `xml:"couponInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
// Refund pricing subsequent
- RefundPricingInfo *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI_51235S `xml:"refundPricingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefundPricingInfo *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI_51235S `xml:"refundPricingInfo,omitempty"`
// Refund routing details
- RefundRoutingDetails []*RoutingInformationTypeI `xml:"refundRoutingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ RefundRoutingDetails []*RoutingInformationTypeI `xml:"refundRoutingDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Refund product details
- RefundProductDetails *AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"refundProductDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefundProductDetails *AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"refundProductDetails,omitempty"`
type StaffTravellerGroup struct {
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ type StaffTravellerGroup struct {
TravellerPriorityInfo *TravellerPriorityDetailsTypeI `xml:"travellerPriorityInfo"`
// Staff information
- SpecialDataInfo *SpecificDataInformationTypeI `xml:"specialDataInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SpecialDataInfo *SpecificDataInformationTypeI `xml:"specialDataInfo,omitempty"`
type OriginalIssuanceGroup struct {
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ type OriginalIssuanceGroup struct {
OfficeIdentification *AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationTypeI `xml:"officeIdentification"`
// Exchange details
- ExchangeDocumentDetails *DocumentInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"exchangeDocumentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExchangeDocumentDetails *DocumentInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"exchangeDocumentDetails,omitempty"`
type CarrierFeeGroup struct {
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ type CarrierFeeInfo struct {
Fop *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"fop"`
// Fee taxes
- TaxInfo []*TaxTypeI `xml:"taxInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TaxInfo []*TaxTypeI `xml:"taxInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
@@ -321,42 +321,42 @@ type CarrierFeeInfo struct {
type ActionDetailsTypeI struct {
- LastItemsDetails []*ReferenceTypeI `xml:"lastItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ LastItemsDetails []*ReferenceTypeI `xml:"lastItemsDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationTypeI struct {
SourceType *SourceTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"sourceType"`
- OriginatorDetails *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI_83809C `xml:"originatorDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginatorDetails *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI_83809C `xml:"originatorDetails,omitempty"`
- LocationDetails *LocationTypeI_83769C `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationDetails *LocationTypeI_83769C `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"`
type AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI struct {
// Additional details describing a specific means of transport
- LegDetails *AdditionalProductTypeI `xml:"legDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LegDetails *AdditionalProductTypeI `xml:"legDetails,omitempty"`
type AdditionalProductTypeI struct {
// UN/IATA code identifying type of aircraft (747, 737, etc.).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To8
- Equipment string `xml:"equipment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Equipment string `xml:"equipment,omitempty"`
// Number of stops enroute made in a journey.
- NumberOfStops *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"numberOfStops,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfStops *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"numberOfStops,omitempty"`
type BaggageDetailsTypeI struct {
// Total number of units.
- FreeAllowance *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"freeAllowance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeAllowance *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"freeAllowance,omitempty"`
// Code to qualify unit as pieces or seats.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- QuantityCode string `xml:"quantityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ QuantityCode string `xml:"quantityCode,omitempty"`
// Code to qualify unit as pounds or kilos.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"`
type CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI struct {
@@ -364,24 +364,24 @@ type CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI struct {
Identifier string `xml:"identifier"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To15
- OtherIdentifier string `xml:"otherIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherIdentifier string `xml:"otherIdentifier,omitempty"`
type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- OperatingCompany string `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperatingCompany string `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"`
type CompanyIdentificationTypeI_83773C struct {
// Pricing System Code
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- PricingSystemCode string `xml:"pricingSystemCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingSystemCode string `xml:"pricingSystemCode,omitempty"`
type ConsumerReferenceIdentificationTypeI struct {
@@ -391,10 +391,10 @@ type ConsumerReferenceIdentificationTypeI struct {
// The actual form of identification number (FOID).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- ReferencePartyName string `xml:"referencePartyName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferencePartyName string `xml:"referencePartyName,omitempty"`
type ConsumerReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ type ConsumerReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI struct {
// Rate of Exchange
// xmlType: NumericDecimal_Length1To18
- PricingAmount *float64 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingAmount *float64 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"`
type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
@@ -414,37 +414,37 @@ type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
type CouponInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
// Coupon number.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To6
- CpnNumber string `xml:"cpnNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CpnNumber string `xml:"cpnNumber,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- CpnStatus string `xml:"cpnStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CpnStatus string `xml:"cpnStatus,omitempty"`
// Coupon amount.
// xmlType: NumericDecimal_Length1To18
- CpnAmount *float64 `xml:"cpnAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CpnAmount *float64 `xml:"cpnAmount,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- CpnExchangeMedia string `xml:"cpnExchangeMedia,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CpnExchangeMedia string `xml:"cpnExchangeMedia,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- SettlementAuthorization string `xml:"settlementAuthorization,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SettlementAuthorization string `xml:"settlementAuthorization,omitempty"`
// Involuntary indicator.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- VoluntaryIndicator string `xml:"voluntaryIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ VoluntaryIndicator string `xml:"voluntaryIndicator,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- CpnPreviousStatus string `xml:"cpnPreviousStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CpnPreviousStatus string `xml:"cpnPreviousStatus,omitempty"`
// In connection with coupon number.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To6
- CpnInConnectionWith string `xml:"cpnInConnectionWith,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CpnInConnectionWith string `xml:"cpnInConnectionWith,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- CpnSequenceNumber string `xml:"cpnSequenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CpnSequenceNumber string `xml:"cpnSequenceNumber,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- CpnInConnectionWithQualifier string `xml:"cpnInConnectionWithQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CpnInConnectionWithQualifier string `xml:"cpnInConnectionWithQualifier,omitempty"`
type CouponInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ type CouponInformationTypeI struct {
type DataInformationTypeI struct {
// The carrier fee application code
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
type DataTypeInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -464,35 +464,35 @@ type DataTypeInformationTypeI struct {
// Reservation entitlement/status, type of travel, ticket type
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- StatusEvent string `xml:"statusEvent,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StatusEvent string `xml:"statusEvent,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
// To identify type of date to follow.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Valid date (ddmmyy).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"`
// A time (hhmm).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To4
- Time string `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Time string `xml:"time,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeInformationTypeI struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type DocumentDetailsTypeI struct {
// Certificate number or original issue/ticket document number.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Original issue date (ddmmmyy)
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"`
type DocumentInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ type DocumentInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
type EnhancedTravellerInformationType struct {
// Name attributes unique for one passenger.
- TravellerNameInfo *TravellerNameInfoType_276832C `xml:"travellerNameInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravellerNameInfo *TravellerNameInfoType_276832C `xml:"travellerNameInfo,omitempty"`
// 5 possible types of names, for 1 passenger.
OtherPaxNamesDetails []*TravellerNameDetailsType `xml:"otherPaxNamesDetails"` // maxOccurs="5"
@@ -509,86 +509,86 @@ type EnhancedTravellerInformationType struct {
type EnhancedTravellerInformationType_199238S struct {
// Name attributes unique for one passenger.
- TravellerNameInfo *TravellerNameInfoType `xml:"travellerNameInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravellerNameInfo *TravellerNameInfoType `xml:"travellerNameInfo,omitempty"`
// 5 possible types of names, for 1 passenger.
OtherPaxNamesDetails []*TravellerNameDetailsType `xml:"otherPaxNamesDetails"` // maxOccurs="5"
type ExcessBaggageTypeI struct {
- BaggageDetails []*BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"baggageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ BaggageDetails []*BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"baggageDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type FareCalculationCodeDetailsTypeI struct {
// Fare calculation descriptive indicators
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- ChargeCategory string `xml:"chargeCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ChargeCategory string `xml:"chargeCategory,omitempty"`
// Charge or fare calculation amount
// xmlType: NumericDecimal_Length1To18
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// May apply to a specific airport/city
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To25
- LocationCode []string `xml:"locationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ LocationCode []string `xml:"locationCode,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Percentage amount
// xmlType: NumericDecimal_Length1To8
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
type FareComponentDetailsTypeI struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- DataType string `xml:"dataType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DataType string `xml:"dataType,omitempty"`
// Fare component count
- Count *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"count,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Count *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"count,omitempty"`
// Price quote date
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- PricingDate string `xml:"pricingDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingDate string `xml:"pricingDate,omitempty"`
// Account code
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- AccountCode string `xml:"accountCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AccountCode string `xml:"accountCode,omitempty"`
// Input designator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- InputDesignator string `xml:"inputDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InputDesignator string `xml:"inputDesignator,omitempty"`
type FareComponentInformationTypeI struct {
- FareComponentDetails *FareComponentDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareComponentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareComponentDetails *FareComponentDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareComponentDetails,omitempty"`
// Ticket document number
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- TicketNumber string `xml:"ticketNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketNumber string `xml:"ticketNumber,omitempty"`
type FareInformationTypeI struct {
// Specifies an industry defined fare component priced passenger type code (PTC).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- ValueQualifier string `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ValueQualifier string `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"`
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"`
type FareRulesInformationTypeI struct {
// Tariff identification
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To9
- TariffClassId string `xml:"tariffClassId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TariffClassId string `xml:"tariffClassId,omitempty"`
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI_83773C `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI_83773C `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
// Fare rule paragraph number code
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To7
- RuleSectionId []string `xml:"ruleSectionId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ RuleSectionId []string `xml:"ruleSectionId,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI struct {
// Account code
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"`
type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -597,59 +597,59 @@ type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
Type string `xml:"type"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
// Form of payment amount.
// xmlType: NumericDecimal_Length1To18
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Vendor code (CC).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- VendorCode string `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ VendorCode string `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"`
// Account number (CC/GR/SGR).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- CreditCardNumber string `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CreditCardNumber string `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"`
// Expiration date (CC) (mmyy).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- ExpiryDate string `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExpiryDate string `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"`
// Approval code (CC).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To17
- ApprovalCode string `xml:"approvalCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ApprovalCode string `xml:"approvalCode,omitempty"`
// Source of approval code (CC).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- SourceOfApproval string `xml:"sourceOfApproval,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SourceOfApproval string `xml:"sourceOfApproval,omitempty"`
// Maximum authorized amount (CC).
// xmlType: NumericDecimal_Length1To18
- AuthorisedAmount *float64 `xml:"authorisedAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AuthorisedAmount *float64 `xml:"authorisedAmount,omitempty"`
// Address verification code (CC).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- AddressVerification string `xml:"addressVerification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AddressVerification string `xml:"addressVerification,omitempty"`
// Customer file reference.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To70
- CustomerAccount string `xml:"customerAccount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerAccount string `xml:"customerAccount,omitempty"`
// Extended payment code (CC).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- ExtendedPayment string `xml:"extendedPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExtendedPayment string `xml:"extendedPayment,omitempty"`
// Specifies the EMD document number that is being used for payment.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To70
- FopFreeText string `xml:"fopFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FopFreeText string `xml:"fopFreeText,omitempty"`
// Credit card corporate contract.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- MembershipStatus string `xml:"membershipStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MembershipStatus string `xml:"membershipStatus,omitempty"`
// Credit card transaction information.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- TransactionInfo string `xml:"transactionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TransactionInfo string `xml:"transactionInfo,omitempty"`
type FormOfPaymentTypeI struct {
@@ -663,14 +663,14 @@ type FreeTextQualificationTypeI struct {
// A code describing data in 4440.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To4
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"`
// Fare calculation reporting indicator or pricing indicator.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
type FrequentTravellerIdentificationTypeI struct {
@@ -688,11 +688,11 @@ type FrequentTravellerInformationTypeI struct {
type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"`
// Free text message.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To70
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type InternalIDDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -702,13 +702,13 @@ type InternalIDDetailsTypeI struct {
// A code to identify type of agent identification.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberIdentificationTypeI struct {
// Reference number or Fare component number
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberTypeI struct {
@@ -717,44 +717,44 @@ type ItemNumberTypeI struct {
type LocationDetailsTypeI struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To25
- City string `xml:"city,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ City string `xml:"city,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"`
type LocationDetailsTypeI_83777C struct {
// ISO Country code of where ticketed.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"`
type LocationTypeI struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To25
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To17
- TrueLocation string `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TrueLocation string `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"`
type LocationTypeI_83769C struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To25
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"`
type MarriageControlDetailsTypeI struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Relation string `xml:"relation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Relation string `xml:"relation,omitempty"`
- MarriageIdentifier *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To10 `xml:"marriageIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MarriageIdentifier *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To10 `xml:"marriageIdentifier,omitempty"`
- LineNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LineNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- OtherRelation string `xml:"otherRelation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherRelation string `xml:"otherRelation,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- CarrierCode string `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CarrierCode string `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"`
type MessageActionDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -762,15 +762,15 @@ type MessageActionDetailsTypeI struct {
// Indicates wether request was processed successfully.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- ResponseType string `xml:"responseType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ResponseType string `xml:"responseType,omitempty"`
type MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- AdditionalMessageFunction []string `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ AdditionalMessageFunction []string `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -784,14 +784,14 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
// ISO currency code.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// The From city for the carrier fee
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To25
- LocationFrom string `xml:"locationFrom,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationFrom string `xml:"locationFrom,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To25
- LocationTo string `xml:"locationTo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationTo string `xml:"locationTo,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -803,7 +803,7 @@ type NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI struct {
NumberOfUnit formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"numberOfUnit"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"`
type NumberOfUnitsTypeI struct {
@@ -813,25 +813,25 @@ type NumberOfUnitsTypeI struct {
type OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI struct {
// Origin.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To25
- Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"`
// Destination
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To25
- Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"`
type OriginatorDetailsTypeI struct {
// ISO Country code of the agent issuing the ticket.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- CodedCountry string `xml:"codedCountry,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CodedCountry string `xml:"codedCountry,omitempty"`
// ISO currency code for currency of originator country.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- CodedCurrency string `xml:"codedCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CodedCurrency string `xml:"codedCurrency,omitempty"`
// ISO code of language.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- CodedLanguage string `xml:"codedLanguage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CodedLanguage string `xml:"codedLanguage,omitempty"`
type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -841,31 +841,31 @@ type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
// Amadeus office identification (AMID)
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To9
- InHouseIdentification1 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InHouseIdentification1 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification1,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To9
- InHouseIdentification2 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InHouseIdentification2 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification2,omitempty"`
type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI_83809C struct {
// Original issue agent numeric code (IATA number)
- OriginatorId *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"originatorId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginatorId *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"originatorId,omitempty"`
type OriginatorOfRequestDetailsTypeI struct {
DeliveringSystem *SystemDetailsTypeI `xml:"deliveringSystem"`
- OriginIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originIdentification,omitempty"`
- LocationDetails *LocationTypeI_83769C `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationDetails *LocationTypeI_83769C `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"`
- CascadingSystem *SystemDetailsTypeI_83771C `xml:"cascadingSystem,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CascadingSystem *SystemDetailsTypeI_83771C `xml:"cascadingSystem,omitempty"`
// 1 character code for airline agent, travel agent, etc.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To1
- OriginatorTypeCode string `xml:"originatorTypeCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginatorTypeCode string `xml:"originatorTypeCode,omitempty"`
- OriginDetails *OriginatorDetailsTypeI `xml:"originDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginDetails *OriginatorDetailsTypeI `xml:"originDetails,omitempty"`
// A code identifying the issuing agent or if the transaction is being initiated by a computer programme then the word 'system'.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To9
@@ -873,246 +873,246 @@ type OriginatorOfRequestDetailsTypeI struct {
type PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI struct {
- PriceTicketDetails *PricingTicketingInformationTypeI `xml:"priceTicketDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceTicketDetails *PricingTicketingInformationTypeI `xml:"priceTicketDetails,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- PriceTariffType string `xml:"priceTariffType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceTariffType string `xml:"priceTariffType,omitempty"`
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeTypeI_52035C `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeTypeI_52035C `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"`
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
- CompanyNumberDetails *CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"companyNumberDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyNumberDetails *CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"companyNumberDetails,omitempty"`
- LocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"`
- OtherLocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherLocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"`
// xmlType: NumericDecimal_Length1To18
- MonetaryAmount *float64 `xml:"monetaryAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MonetaryAmount *float64 `xml:"monetaryAmount,omitempty"`
type PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI_51227S struct {
- PriceTicketDetails *PricingTicketingInformationTypeI_83775C `xml:"priceTicketDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceTicketDetails *PricingTicketingInformationTypeI_83775C `xml:"priceTicketDetails,omitempty"`
// Fare rule code
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- PriceTariffType string `xml:"priceTariffType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceTariffType string `xml:"priceTariffType,omitempty"`
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeTypeI_83774C `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeTypeI_83774C `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"`
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI_83773C `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI_83773C `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
- LocationDetails []*LocationDetailsTypeI_83777C `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ LocationDetails []*LocationDetailsTypeI_83777C `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Waiver code
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"`
type PricingTicketingInformationTypeI struct {
// Ticketing Mode Indicator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- TicketingModeIndicator string `xml:"ticketingModeIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketingModeIndicator string `xml:"ticketingModeIndicator,omitempty"`
// International or Domestic Sales Indicator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- InternationalDomSalesIndicator string `xml:"internationalDomSalesIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InternationalDomSalesIndicator string `xml:"internationalDomSalesIndicator,omitempty"`
// Statistical Code
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- StatisticalCode string `xml:"statisticalCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StatisticalCode string `xml:"statisticalCode,omitempty"`
// Self Sale Indicator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- SelfSaleIndicator string `xml:"selfSaleIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SelfSaleIndicator string `xml:"selfSaleIndicator,omitempty"`
// Net Reporting Indicator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- NetReportingIndicator string `xml:"netReportingIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NetReportingIndicator string `xml:"netReportingIndicator,omitempty"`
// Tax on Commission
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- TaxOnCommissionIndicator string `xml:"taxOnCommissionIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxOnCommissionIndicator string `xml:"taxOnCommissionIndicator,omitempty"`
// Non Endorsable indicator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- NonEndorsableIndicator string `xml:"nonEndorsableIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NonEndorsableIndicator string `xml:"nonEndorsableIndicator,omitempty"`
// Non Refundable indicator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- NonRefundableIndicator string `xml:"nonRefundableIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NonRefundableIndicator string `xml:"nonRefundableIndicator,omitempty"`
// Penalty Restriction
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- PenaltyRestrictionIndicator string `xml:"penaltyRestrictionIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PenaltyRestrictionIndicator string `xml:"penaltyRestrictionIndicator,omitempty"`
// Present Credit Card indicator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- PresentCreditCardIndicator string `xml:"presentCreditCardIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PresentCreditCardIndicator string `xml:"presentCreditCardIndicator,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- EmergencySet string `xml:"emergencySet,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EmergencySet string `xml:"emergencySet,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- EmergencyClear string `xml:"emergencyClear,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EmergencyClear string `xml:"emergencyClear,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- NonInterlineableIndicator string `xml:"nonInterlineableIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NonInterlineableIndicator string `xml:"nonInterlineableIndicator,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- NonCommissionable string `xml:"nonCommissionable,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NonCommissionable string `xml:"nonCommissionable,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- PresentDebitCardIndicator string `xml:"presentDebitCardIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PresentDebitCardIndicator string `xml:"presentDebitCardIndicator,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- NonReissuableIndicator string `xml:"nonReissuableIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NonReissuableIndicator string `xml:"nonReissuableIndicator,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- CarrierFeeReportingIndicator string `xml:"carrierFeeReportingIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CarrierFeeReportingIndicator string `xml:"carrierFeeReportingIndicator,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- RefundSystemComputerCalculated string `xml:"refundSystemComputerCalculated,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefundSystemComputerCalculated string `xml:"refundSystemComputerCalculated,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- RefundManuallyCalculated string `xml:"refundManuallyCalculated,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefundManuallyCalculated string `xml:"refundManuallyCalculated,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Indicator20 []string `xml:"indicator20,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="11"
+ Indicator20 []string `xml:"indicator20,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="11"
type PricingTicketingInformationTypeI_83775C struct {
// Ticketing mode indicator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- TicketingModeIndicator string `xml:"ticketingModeIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketingModeIndicator string `xml:"ticketingModeIndicator,omitempty"`
// International or domestic sales indicator.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- InternationalDomSalesIndicator string `xml:"internationalDomSalesIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InternationalDomSalesIndicator string `xml:"internationalDomSalesIndicator,omitempty"`
// statistical Code
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- StatisticalCodeIndicator string `xml:"statisticalCodeIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StatisticalCodeIndicator string `xml:"statisticalCodeIndicator,omitempty"`
// Self Sale Indicator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- SelfSaleIndicator string `xml:"selfSaleIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SelfSaleIndicator string `xml:"selfSaleIndicator,omitempty"`
// Net Reporting Indicator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- NetReportingIndicator string `xml:"netReportingIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NetReportingIndicator string `xml:"netReportingIndicator,omitempty"`
// Tax on commission indicator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- TaxOnCommissionIndicator string `xml:"taxOnCommissionIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxOnCommissionIndicator string `xml:"taxOnCommissionIndicator,omitempty"`
// Non-Endorsable indicator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- NonEndorsableIndicator string `xml:"nonEndorsableIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NonEndorsableIndicator string `xml:"nonEndorsableIndicator,omitempty"`
// Non-Refundable indicator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- NonRefundableIndicator string `xml:"nonRefundableIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NonRefundableIndicator string `xml:"nonRefundableIndicator,omitempty"`
// Penalty restriction indicator.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- PenaltyRestrictionIndicator string `xml:"penaltyRestrictionIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PenaltyRestrictionIndicator string `xml:"penaltyRestrictionIndicator,omitempty"`
// Present Credit Card indicator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- PresentCreditCardIndicator string `xml:"presentCreditCardIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PresentCreditCardIndicator string `xml:"presentCreditCardIndicator,omitempty"`
// Non-interlineable indicator.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- NonInterlineableIndicator string `xml:"nonInterlineableIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NonInterlineableIndicator string `xml:"nonInterlineableIndicator,omitempty"`
// Non-commissionable indicator.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- NonCommissionableIndicator string `xml:"nonCommissionableIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NonCommissionableIndicator string `xml:"nonCommissionableIndicator,omitempty"`
// Non exchangeable indicator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- NonExchangeableIndicator string `xml:"nonExchangeableIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NonExchangeableIndicator string `xml:"nonExchangeableIndicator,omitempty"`
type PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- ItemNumber string `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ItemNumber string `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"`
- FareBasisDetails *RateTariffClassInformationTypeI `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareBasisDetails *RateTariffClassInformationTypeI `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"`
// xmlType: NumericDecimal_Length1To18
- FareValue *float64 `xml:"fareValue,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareValue *float64 `xml:"fareValue,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- PriceType string `xml:"priceType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceType string `xml:"priceType,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- SpecialCondition string `xml:"specialCondition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SpecialCondition string `xml:"specialCondition,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- OtherSpecialCondition string `xml:"otherSpecialCondition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherSpecialCondition string `xml:"otherSpecialCondition,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- AdditionalSpecialCondition string `xml:"additionalSpecialCondition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AdditionalSpecialCondition string `xml:"additionalSpecialCondition,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- TaxCategory []string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ TaxCategory []string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI_51235S struct {
- FareBasisDetails *RateTariffClassInformationTypeI_83791C `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareBasisDetails *RateTariffClassInformationTypeI_83791C `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"`
// Reason for issuance code.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- SpecialCondition string `xml:"specialCondition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SpecialCondition string `xml:"specialCondition,omitempty"`
// Reason for issuance sub code.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- OtherSpecialCondition string `xml:"otherSpecialCondition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherSpecialCondition string `xml:"otherSpecialCondition,omitempty"`
type ProductDateTimeTypeI struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To4
- DepartureTime string `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureTime string `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To4
- ArrivalTime string `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalTime string `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"`
- DateVariation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateVariation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"`
type ProductDateTimeTypeI_52035C struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"`
- DepartureTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureTime formats.Time24_HHMM `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"`
- ArrivalTime *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalTime *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To4 `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"`
- DateVariation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateVariation *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To1 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"`
type ProductDateTimeTypeI_83774C struct {
// Date of issue (ddmmyy).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To4
- DepartureTime string `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureTime string `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"`
type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -1120,19 +1120,19 @@ type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
FlightNumber string `xml:"flightNumber"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To17
- BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To7
- Modifier []string `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ Modifier []string `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type ProductLocationDetailsTypeI struct {
// Enroute city/airport
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To25
- Station string `xml:"station,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Station string `xml:"station,omitempty"`
type ProductTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -1142,63 +1142,63 @@ type ProductTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
type RateTariffClassInformationTypeI struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- RateTariffClass string `xml:"rateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateTariffClass string `xml:"rateTariffClass,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- RateTariffIndicator string `xml:"rateTariffIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateTariffIndicator string `xml:"rateTariffIndicator,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- OtherRateTariffClass string `xml:"otherRateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherRateTariffClass string `xml:"otherRateTariffClass,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- OtherRateTariffIndicator string `xml:"otherRateTariffIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherRateTariffIndicator string `xml:"otherRateTariffIndicator,omitempty"`
type RateTariffClassInformationTypeI_83791C struct {
// Fare basis/ticket designator.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- RateTariffClass string `xml:"rateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateTariffClass string `xml:"rateTariffClass,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- RateTariffIndicator string `xml:"rateTariffIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateTariffIndicator string `xml:"rateTariffIndicator,omitempty"`
type ReferenceTypeI struct {
// The coupon sequence number (1of3, 2of5)
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To6
- NumberOfItems string `xml:"numberOfItems,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfItems string `xml:"numberOfItems,omitempty"`
// The coupon/itinerary sequence number.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- LastItemIdentifier []string `xml:"lastItemIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ LastItemIdentifier []string `xml:"lastItemIdentifier,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type RelatedProductInformationTypeI struct {
// Sold reservation status code
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- StatusCode []string `xml:"statusCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ StatusCode []string `xml:"statusCode,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
// A 2-3 character airline/CRS code of the following record reference.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// A reference to a record.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To20
- ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"`
// A code to identify type of record reference.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To1
- ControlType string `xml:"controlType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ControlType string `xml:"controlType,omitempty"`
type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
- Reservation []*ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ Reservation []*ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type RoutingInformationTypeI struct {
- RoutingDetails []*ProductLocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ RoutingDetails []*ProductLocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -1208,7 +1208,7 @@ type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
type SelectionDetailsTypeI struct {
- SelectionDetails []*SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"selectionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ SelectionDetails []*SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"selectionDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type SourceTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -1220,13 +1220,13 @@ type SourceTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
type SpecificDataInformationTypeI struct {
DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationTypeI `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
- DataInformation []*DataInformationTypeI `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ DataInformation []*DataInformationTypeI `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type StatusDetailsTypeI struct {
// To specify that this is reissued flown flight coupon data.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
type StatusTypeI struct {
@@ -1240,39 +1240,39 @@ type SystemDetailsTypeI struct {
// 3 character ATA/IATA airport/city code of the delivering system physical location.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To25
- LocationId string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationId string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"`
type SystemDetailsTypeI_83771C struct {
// A 2-3 character airline/CRS code, or bilaterally agree code, of the system originating the message, WHEN DIFFERENT FROM THE DELIVERING SYSTEM.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// 3 character ATA/IATA airport/city code of the system that originates the message.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To25
- LocationId string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationId string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"`
type TaxDetailsTypeI struct {
// Tax/fee/charge amount.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To17
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"`
// ISO code identifying currency.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"`
// Tax/fee/charge type.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Type []string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ Type []string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type TaxTypeI struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- TaxCategory string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxCategory string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"`
TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
@@ -1280,70 +1280,70 @@ type TaxTypeI struct {
type TicketAgentInfoTypeI struct {
// Service airline/system provider identifier e.g. the airline passenger accounting and modulus 7
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To15
- CompanyIdNumber string `xml:"companyIdNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyIdNumber string `xml:"companyIdNumber,omitempty"`
- InternalIdDetails []*InternalIDDetailsTypeI `xml:"internalIdDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ InternalIdDetails []*InternalIDDetailsTypeI `xml:"internalIdDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
// Booking agent IATA number
- BookingIataNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"bookingIataNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingIataNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To9 `xml:"bookingIataNumber,omitempty"`
type TicketNumberDetailsTypeI struct {
// Document number.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Document type.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Total number of booklets issued.
- NumberOfBooklets *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"numberOfBooklets,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfBooklets *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"numberOfBooklets,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- DataIndicator string `xml:"dataIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DataIndicator string `xml:"dataIndicator,omitempty"`
// In connection with document number
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- InConnectionWith string `xml:"inConnectionWith,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InConnectionWith string `xml:"inConnectionWith,omitempty"`
type TicketNumberTypeI struct {
DocumentDetails *TicketNumberDetailsTypeI `xml:"documentDetails"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"`
type TourDetailsTypeI struct {
// Tour code.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- TourCode string `xml:"tourCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TourCode string `xml:"tourCode,omitempty"`
type TourInformationTypeI struct {
- TourInformationDetails *TourDetailsTypeI `xml:"tourInformationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TourInformationDetails *TourDetailsTypeI `xml:"tourInformationDetails,omitempty"`
type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
- FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"`
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"`
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"`
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
- FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"`
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"`
- ItemNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ItemNumber *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To6 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- SpecialSegment string `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SpecialSegment string `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"`
- MarriageDetails []*MarriageControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ MarriageDetails []*MarriageControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type TravellerDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -1355,21 +1355,21 @@ type TravellerDetailsTypeI struct {
type TravellerInformationTypeI struct {
PaxDetails *TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI `xml:"paxDetails"`
- OtherPaxDetails []*TravellerDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherPaxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ OtherPaxDetails []*TravellerDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherPaxDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type TravellerNameDetailsType struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To5
- NameType string `xml:"nameType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NameType string `xml:"nameType,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To1
- ReferenceName string `xml:"referenceName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceName string `xml:"referenceName,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To1
- DisplayedName string `xml:"displayedName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DisplayedName string `xml:"displayedName,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To4
- RomanizationMethod string `xml:"romanizationMethod,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RomanizationMethod string `xml:"romanizationMethod,omitempty"`
// Passenger surname
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To70
@@ -1377,69 +1377,69 @@ type TravellerNameDetailsType struct {
// Passenger firstname
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To70
- GivenName string `xml:"givenName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ GivenName string `xml:"givenName,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To70
- Title []string `xml:"title,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ Title []string `xml:"title,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type TravellerNameInfoType struct {
// PAX = PAX IN = Infant
- Qualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
- Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"`
// Passenger type (PTC).
- Type formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Passenger type (PTC).
- OtherType formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"otherType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherType formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"otherType,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To1
- InfantIndicator string `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InfantIndicator string `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"`
// Identification code, 2 cases: ID<1 to 51 char free text) or CR<1 to 40 char free text).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To70
- TravellerIdentificationCode string `xml:"travellerIdentificationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravellerIdentificationCode string `xml:"travellerIdentificationCode,omitempty"`
type TravellerNameInfoType_276832C struct {
// PAX = PAX IN = Infant
- Qualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
- Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To2 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"`
// Passenger type (PTC).
- Type formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Passenger type (PTC).
- OtherType formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"otherType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherType formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"otherType,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To1
- InfantIndicator string `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InfantIndicator string `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"`
// Identification code, 2 cases: ID<1 to 51 char free text) or CR<1 to 40 char free text).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To70
- TravellerIdentificationCode string `xml:"travellerIdentificationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravellerIdentificationCode string `xml:"travellerIdentificationCode,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Gender string `xml:"gender,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Gender string `xml:"gender,omitempty"`
- Age *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"age,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Age *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To3 `xml:"age,omitempty"`
type TravellerPriorityDetailsTypeI struct {
// Staff airline of employment
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- Company string `xml:"company,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Company string `xml:"company,omitempty"`
// Staff date of joining (ddmmmyy)
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- DateOfJoining string `xml:"dateOfJoining,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateOfJoining string `xml:"dateOfJoining,omitempty"`
// Staff id number
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To10
- TravellerReference string `xml:"travellerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravellerReference string `xml:"travellerReference,omitempty"`
type TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -1448,8 +1448,8 @@ type TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI struct {
Surname string `xml:"surname"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Specify age of unaccompanied minor.
- Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Quantity *formats.NumericInteger_Length1To15 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"`
diff --git a/sdk/ticket/processEDoc/v15_2_reply/reply.go b/structs/ticket/processEDoc/v15.2/response/reply.go
similarity index 67%
rename from sdk/ticket/processEDoc/v15_2_reply/reply.go
rename to structs/ticket/processEDoc/v15.2/response/reply.go
index b2e8b24..9dcfdc5 100644
--- a/sdk/ticket/processEDoc/v15_2_reply/reply.go
+++ b/structs/ticket/processEDoc/v15.2/response/reply.go
@@ -1,63 +1,59 @@
-package Ticket_ProcessEDocReply_v15_2 // tatres152
+package Ticket_ProcessEDocResponse_v15_2 // tatres152
-import (
- //"encoding/xml"
+import "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/structs/formats"
- "github.com/tmconsulting/amadeus-golang-sdk/sdk/formats"
-type TicketProcessEDocReply struct {
+type Response struct {
// XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://xml.amadeus.com/TATRES_15_2_1A Ticket_ProcessEDocReply"`
MsgActionDetails *MessageActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"msgActionDetails"`
// Travel agent details at level 0
- SysProvider *TicketAgentInfoTypeI `xml:"sysProvider,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SysProvider *TicketAgentInfoTypeI `xml:"sysProvider,omitempty"`
// Reservation details at level 0
- ReferenceInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"referenceInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"referenceInfo,omitempty"`
// Monetary information at level 0
- FareInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"fareInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"fareInfo,omitempty"`
// Pricing details at level 0
- ProductInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"productInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"productInfo,omitempty"`
// Origin - Destination at Level 0
- OriginDestination *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originDestination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginDestination *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originDestination,omitempty"`
// Tour code at Level 0
- TourInfo *TourInformationTypeI `xml:"tourInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TourInfo *TourInformationTypeI `xml:"tourInfo,omitempty"`
// Form of payment at Level 0
- Fop *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"fop,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Fop *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"fop,omitempty"`
// Document count
- NumberOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsTypeI `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsTypeI `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"`
// tax details at Level 0
- TaxInfo []*TaxTypeI `xml:"taxInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6"
+ TaxInfo []*TaxTypeI `xml:"taxInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="6"
// Error at message level
- Error *ApplicationErrorInformationTypeI `xml:"error,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Error *ApplicationErrorInformationTypeI `xml:"error,omitempty"`
// Coupon details
- CouponInfo *CouponInformationTypeI `xml:"couponInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CouponInfo *CouponInformationTypeI `xml:"couponInfo,omitempty"`
// Document details
- DocumentInformation []*DocumentInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"documentInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ DocumentInformation []*DocumentInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"documentInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Freeflow text at Level 0 POD Payment On Demand indicator
- TextInfo []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"textInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TextInfo []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"textInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Fare details
- FareDetails *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareDetails *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
// Document group at level 1
- GeneralDocGroup []*GeneralDocGroup `xml:"generalDocGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="999"
+ GeneralDocGroup []*GeneralDocGroup `xml:"generalDocGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="999"
// Passenger Group
- DocGroup []*DocGroup `xml:"docGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ DocGroup []*DocGroup `xml:"docGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type GeneralDocGroup struct {
@@ -65,91 +61,91 @@ type GeneralDocGroup struct {
DocInfo *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"docInfo"`
// Originator details group 1
- OriginatorInfo *OriginatorOfRequestDetailsTypeI `xml:"originatorInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginatorInfo *OriginatorOfRequestDetailsTypeI `xml:"originatorInfo,omitempty"`
// error at TKT level
- Error *ApplicationErrorInformationTypeI `xml:"error,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Error *ApplicationErrorInformationTypeI `xml:"error,omitempty"`
// Coupon details of group 1
- CouponInfo []*CouponInformationTypeI `xml:"couponInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
+ CouponInfo []*CouponInformationTypeI `xml:"couponInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="4"
type DocGroup struct {
// Passenger Details
PaxInfo *TravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"paxInfo"`
- EnhancedPaxInfo *EnhancedTravellerInformationType `xml:"enhancedPaxInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EnhancedPaxInfo *EnhancedTravellerInformationType `xml:"enhancedPaxInfo,omitempty"`
// Travel agent details at level 2
- SysProvider *TicketAgentInfoTypeI `xml:"sysProvider,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SysProvider *TicketAgentInfoTypeI `xml:"sysProvider,omitempty"`
// Reservation details at level 2
- ReferenceInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"referenceInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"referenceInfo,omitempty"`
// Monetary information at level 1
- FareInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"fareInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareInfo *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"fareInfo,omitempty"`
// Form of payment at level 2
- Fop *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"fop,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Fop *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"fop,omitempty"`
// Pricing details at level 1
- ProductInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"productInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"productInfo,omitempty"`
// Origin - Destination at Level 2
- OriginDestination *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originDestination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginDestination *OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originDestination,omitempty"`
// Frequent traveller info at Level 2
- FrequentTravellerInfo *FrequentTravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"frequentTravellerInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FrequentTravellerInfo *FrequentTravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"frequentTravellerInfo,omitempty"`
// Tour code L2
- TourInfo *TourInformationTypeI `xml:"tourInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TourInfo *TourInformationTypeI `xml:"tourInfo,omitempty"`
// Originator details group 2
- OriginatorInfo *OriginatorOfRequestDetailsTypeI `xml:"originatorInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginatorInfo *OriginatorOfRequestDetailsTypeI `xml:"originatorInfo,omitempty"`
// Coupon count
- NumberOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsTypeI `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsTypeI `xml:"numberOfUnits,omitempty"`
// tax details at Level 2
- TaxInfo []*TaxTypeI `xml:"taxInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ TaxInfo []*TaxTypeI `xml:"taxInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
// Error at Pax level
- Error *ApplicationErrorInformationTypeI `xml:"error,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Error *ApplicationErrorInformationTypeI `xml:"error,omitempty"`
// Document details at Level 2
- DocumentInformation []*DocumentInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"documentInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ DocumentInformation []*DocumentInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"documentInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Freeflow text at Level 1 RA Revenue Attribution indicator
- TextInfo []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"textInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TextInfo []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"textInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
- OtherTextInfo *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"otherTextInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherTextInfo *FreeTextInformationType `xml:"otherTextInfo,omitempty"`
// form of identification at Level 2
- CustomerReference *ConsumerReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerReference *ConsumerReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"`
// Fare details
- FareDetails *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareDetails *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"fareDetails,omitempty"`
// contains the RFIC/RFISC
- PricingInfo *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI `xml:"pricingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingInfo *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI `xml:"pricingInfo,omitempty"`
// Document Group
- DocDetailsGroup []*DocDetailsGroup `xml:"docDetailsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ DocDetailsGroup []*DocDetailsGroup `xml:"docDetailsGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Structured fare calc group
- FareElementsGroup []*FareElementsGroup `xml:"fareElementsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ FareElementsGroup []*FareElementsGroup `xml:"fareElementsGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Reissued Flown Group
- ReissuedFlownDetails []*ReissuedFlownDetails `xml:"reissuedFlownDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ ReissuedFlownDetails []*ReissuedFlownDetails `xml:"reissuedFlownDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Staff group
- StaffTravellerGroup *StaffTravellerGroup `xml:"staffTravellerGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StaffTravellerGroup *StaffTravellerGroup `xml:"staffTravellerGroup,omitempty"`
// Exchanged information Group
- OriginalIssuanceGroup []*OriginalIssuanceGroup `xml:"originalIssuanceGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ OriginalIssuanceGroup []*OriginalIssuanceGroup `xml:"originalIssuanceGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Fee group
- CarrierFeeGroup []*CarrierFeeGroup `xml:"carrierFeeGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ CarrierFeeGroup []*CarrierFeeGroup `xml:"carrierFeeGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type DocDetailsGroup struct {
@@ -157,27 +153,27 @@ type DocDetailsGroup struct {
DocInfo *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"docInfo"`
// error at level 2
- Error *ApplicationErrorInformationTypeI `xml:"error,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Error *ApplicationErrorInformationTypeI `xml:"error,omitempty"`
// Originator details group 3
- OriginatorInfo *OriginatorOfRequestDetailsTypeI `xml:"originatorInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginatorInfo *OriginatorOfRequestDetailsTypeI `xml:"originatorInfo,omitempty"`
// Date information at level 3
- ValidityDates *DateAndTimeInformationTypeI `xml:"validityDates,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ValidityDates *DateAndTimeInformationTypeI `xml:"validityDates,omitempty"`
// Freeflow text at Level 2
- TextInfo []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"textInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ TextInfo []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"textInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Pricing details at level 2
- ProductInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"productInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"productInfo,omitempty"`
// form of identification at Level 3
- CustomerReference *ConsumerReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerReference *ConsumerReferenceInformationTypeI `xml:"customerReference,omitempty"`
// Coupon Group
- CouponGroup []*CouponGroup `xml:"couponGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ CouponGroup []*CouponGroup `xml:"couponGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
- FareComponentDetailsGroup []*FareComponentDetailsGroup `xml:"fareComponentDetailsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4"
+ FareComponentDetailsGroup []*FareComponentDetailsGroup `xml:"fareComponentDetailsGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="4"
type CouponGroup struct {
@@ -185,38 +181,38 @@ type CouponGroup struct {
CouponInfo *CouponInformationTypeI `xml:"couponInfo"`
// Travel details at Level 4
- Leg []*TravelProductInformationTypeI_29340S `xml:"leg,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ Leg []*TravelProductInformationTypeI_29340S `xml:"leg,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Reservation details at level 4
- ReferenceInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"referenceInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceInfo *ReservationControlInformationTypeI `xml:"referenceInfo,omitempty"`
// Related product information at level 4
- BookingStatus *RelatedProductInformationTypeI `xml:"bookingStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingStatus *RelatedProductInformationTypeI `xml:"bookingStatus,omitempty"`
// Pricing subsequent at L4
- PricingInfo *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI `xml:"pricingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingInfo *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI `xml:"pricingInfo,omitempty"`
- BaggageInfo *ExcessBaggageTypeI `xml:"baggageInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BaggageInfo *ExcessBaggageTypeI `xml:"baggageInfo,omitempty"`
// Frequent traveller info at Level 4
- FrequentTravellerInfo *FrequentTravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"frequentTravellerInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FrequentTravellerInfo *FrequentTravellerInformationTypeI `xml:"frequentTravellerInfo,omitempty"`
// Date information at level 4
- ValidityDates *DateAndTimeInformationTypeI `xml:"validityDates,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ValidityDates *DateAndTimeInformationTypeI `xml:"validityDates,omitempty"`
// Error at coupon level
- Error *ApplicationErrorInformationTypeI `xml:"error,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Error *ApplicationErrorInformationTypeI `xml:"error,omitempty"`
// Originator details group 3
- OriginatorInfo *OriginatorOfRequestDetailsTypeI `xml:"originatorInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginatorInfo *OriginatorOfRequestDetailsTypeI `xml:"originatorInfo,omitempty"`
// Freeflow text at Level 3
- TextInfo []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"textInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TextInfo []*InteractiveFreeTextTypeI `xml:"textInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Pricing details at level 3 Noshow indicator
- ProductInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"productInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"productInfo,omitempty"`
- FareBasisDetails *FareQualifierDetailsType_174783S `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareBasisDetails *FareQualifierDetailsType_174783S `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"`
type FareComponentDetailsGroup struct {
@@ -224,22 +220,22 @@ type FareComponentDetailsGroup struct {
FareComponentID *ItemNumberType `xml:"fareComponentID"`
// Market information related to fare component
- MarketFareComponent *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"marketFareComponent,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MarketFareComponent *TravelProductInformationTypeI `xml:"marketFareComponent,omitempty"`
// Monetary Information
- MonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MonetaryInformation *MonetaryInformationType `xml:"monetaryInformation,omitempty"`
// Component Class information
- ComponentClassInfo *PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType `xml:"componentClassInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ComponentClassInfo *PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType `xml:"componentClassInfo,omitempty"`
// Fare Qualifier Detail
- FareQualifiersDetail *FareQualifierDetailsType `xml:"fareQualifiersDetail,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareQualifiersDetail *FareQualifierDetailsType `xml:"fareQualifiersDetail,omitempty"`
// Details of the fare family used for this fare component
- FareFamilyDetails *FareFamilyType `xml:"fareFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareFamilyDetails *FareFamilyType `xml:"fareFamilyDetails,omitempty"`
// Carrier owner of the fare family
- FareFamilyOwner *TransportIdentifierType `xml:"fareFamilyOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareFamilyOwner *TransportIdentifierType `xml:"fareFamilyOwner,omitempty"`
// The segments included in Coupon Fare information group (Tax/Fee/Charge Data at Ticket Coupon Level) have been developed for Amadeus Revenue Accounting User only as not mandatory in Reso 722f
CouponDetailsGroup []*CouponDetailsGroup `xml:"couponDetailsGroup"` // maxOccurs="99"
@@ -250,10 +246,10 @@ type CouponDetailsGroup struct {
ProductId *ReferenceInfoType `xml:"productId"`
// Flight Connection Type
- FlightConnectionType *TravelProductInformationType `xml:"flightConnectionType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightConnectionType *TravelProductInformationType `xml:"flightConnectionType,omitempty"`
// Tax Details Airport Tax included
- TaxDetails *TaxType `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxDetails *TaxType `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"`
type FareElementsGroup struct {
@@ -261,16 +257,16 @@ type FareElementsGroup struct {
FareComponentInfo *FareComponentInformationTypeI `xml:"fareComponentInfo"`
// structured Fare Calc Group6
- FareComponentsGroup []*FareComponentsGroup `xml:"fareComponentsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FareComponentsGroup []*FareComponentsGroup `xml:"fareComponentsGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// structured Fare Calc Monetary Information 1
- StructuredFareCalcMonInfo1 *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcMonInfo1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcMonInfo1 *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcMonInfo1,omitempty"`
// Structured Fare Calc taxe information
- StructuredFareCalcTaxInfo []*TaxTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcTaxInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ StructuredFareCalcTaxInfo []*TaxTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcTaxInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// structured Fare Calc Conversion Info
- StructuredFareCalcConversionInfo *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcConversionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcConversionInfo *ConversionRateTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcConversionInfo,omitempty"`
type FareComponentsGroup struct {
@@ -278,7 +274,7 @@ type FareComponentsGroup struct {
NumberOfUnits *NumberOfUnitsTypeI `xml:"numberOfUnits"`
// structured Fare Calc Group6
- PricedFareComponentsGroup []*PricedFareComponentsGroup `xml:"pricedFareComponentsGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ PricedFareComponentsGroup []*PricedFareComponentsGroup `xml:"pricedFareComponentsGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type PricedFareComponentsGroup struct {
@@ -286,32 +282,32 @@ type PricedFareComponentsGroup struct {
StructuredFareCalcItem *ItemNumberTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcItem"`
// structured Fare Calc Group8
- FareCouponGroup []*FareCouponGroup `xml:"fareCouponGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FareCouponGroup []*FareCouponGroup `xml:"fareCouponGroup,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// structured Fare Calc Monetary Information 2
- StructuredFareCalcMonInfo2 *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcMonInfo2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcMonInfo2 *MonetaryInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcMonInfo2,omitempty"`
// structured Fare Calc Pricing subsequent
- StructuredFareCalcPricingInfo *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcPricingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcPricingInfo *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcPricingInfo,omitempty"`
// structured Fare Calculation details
- StructuredFareCalcDetails *FareCalculationCodeDetailsTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcDetails *FareCalculationCodeDetailsTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcDetails,omitempty"`
// structured Fare Calc rate
- StructuredFareCalcRate *FareRulesInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcRate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcRate *FareRulesInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcRate,omitempty"`
// Pricing details
ProductInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"productInfo"`
// Fare details
- StructuredFareCalcFareDetails *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcFareDetails *FareInformationTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcFareDetails,omitempty"`
type FareCouponGroup struct {
// structured Fare Calc Action
StructuredFareCalcAction *ActionDetailsTypeI `xml:"structuredFareCalcAction"`
- StructuredFareCalcLeg *TravelProductInformationTypeI_29340S `xml:"structuredFareCalcLeg,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StructuredFareCalcLeg *TravelProductInformationTypeI_29340S `xml:"structuredFareCalcLeg,omitempty"`
type ReissuedFlownDetails struct {
@@ -319,25 +315,25 @@ type ReissuedFlownDetails struct {
RefundStatus *StatusTypeI `xml:"refundStatus"`
// Refund traveller details
- RefundLeg []*TravelProductInformationTypeI_29340S `xml:"refundLeg,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ RefundLeg []*TravelProductInformationTypeI_29340S `xml:"refundLeg,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Pricing details
- ProductInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"productInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductInfo *PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI `xml:"productInfo,omitempty"`
// Refund document details
- RefundDocumentInfo *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"refundDocumentInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefundDocumentInfo *TicketNumberTypeI `xml:"refundDocumentInfo,omitempty"`
// Refund coupon details
- CouponInfo []*CouponInformationTypeI `xml:"couponInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ CouponInfo []*CouponInformationTypeI `xml:"couponInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
// Refund pricing subsequent
- RefundPricingInfo *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI `xml:"refundPricingInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefundPricingInfo *PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI `xml:"refundPricingInfo,omitempty"`
// Refund routing details
- RefundRoutingDetails []*RoutingInformationTypeI `xml:"refundRoutingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ RefundRoutingDetails []*RoutingInformationTypeI `xml:"refundRoutingDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
// Refund product details
- RefundProductDetails *AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"refundProductDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefundProductDetails *AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI `xml:"refundProductDetails,omitempty"`
type StaffTravellerGroup struct {
@@ -345,7 +341,7 @@ type StaffTravellerGroup struct {
TravellerStatus *TravellerPriorityDetailsTypeI `xml:"travellerStatus"`
// Staff information
- StaffInfo *SpecificDataInformationTypeI `xml:"staffInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StaffInfo *SpecificDataInformationTypeI `xml:"staffInfo,omitempty"`
type OriginalIssuanceGroup struct {
@@ -353,7 +349,7 @@ type OriginalIssuanceGroup struct {
OfficeIdentification *AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationTypeI `xml:"officeIdentification"`
// Exchange details
- ExchangeDocumentDetails *DocumentInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"exchangeDocumentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExchangeDocumentDetails *DocumentInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"exchangeDocumentDetails,omitempty"`
type CarrierFeeGroup struct {
@@ -375,7 +371,7 @@ type CarrierFeeInfo struct {
Fop *FormOfPaymentTypeI `xml:"fop"`
// Fee taxes
- TaxInfo []*TaxTypeI `xml:"taxInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TaxInfo []*TaxTypeI `xml:"taxInfo,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
@@ -383,40 +379,40 @@ type CarrierFeeInfo struct {
type ActionDetailsTypeI struct {
- LastItemsDetails []*ReferenceTypeI `xml:"lastItemsDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ LastItemsDetails []*ReferenceTypeI `xml:"lastItemsDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type AdditionalBusinessSourceInformationTypeI struct {
SourceType *SourceTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"sourceType"`
- OriginatorDetails *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI_83809C `xml:"originatorDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginatorDetails *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI_83809C `xml:"originatorDetails,omitempty"`
- LocationDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"`
type AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsType struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- RateClass string `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateClass string `xml:"rateClass,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To18
- CommodityCategory string `xml:"commodityCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CommodityCategory string `xml:"commodityCategory,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"`
type AdditionalProductDetailsTypeI struct {
// Additional details describing a specific means of transport
- LegDetails *AdditionalProductTypeI `xml:"legDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LegDetails *AdditionalProductTypeI `xml:"legDetails,omitempty"`
type AdditionalProductTypeI struct {
// UN/IATA code identifying type of aircraft (747, 737, etc.).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To8
- Equipment string `xml:"equipment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Equipment string `xml:"equipment,omitempty"`
// Number of stops enroute made in a journey.
- NumberOfStops *int32 `xml:"numberOfStops,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfStops *int32 `xml:"numberOfStops,omitempty"`
type ApplicationErrorDetailTypeI struct {
@@ -424,10 +420,10 @@ type ApplicationErrorDetailTypeI struct {
ErrorCode string `xml:"errorCode"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorCategory string `xml:"errorCategory,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ErrorCodeOwner string `xml:"errorCodeOwner,omitempty"`
type ApplicationErrorInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -436,15 +432,15 @@ type ApplicationErrorInformationTypeI struct {
type BaggageDetailsTypeI struct {
// Total number of units.
- FreeAllowance *int32 `xml:"freeAllowance,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeAllowance *int32 `xml:"freeAllowance,omitempty"`
// Code to qualify unit as pieces or seats.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- QuantityCode string `xml:"quantityCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ QuantityCode string `xml:"quantityCode,omitempty"`
// Code to qualify unit as pounds or kilos.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"`
type CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI struct {
@@ -452,30 +448,30 @@ type CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI struct {
Identifier string `xml:"identifier"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To15
- OtherIdentifier string `xml:"otherIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherIdentifier string `xml:"otherIdentifier,omitempty"`
type CompanyIdentificationTypeI struct {
// Carrier owner fo the fare family
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"`
type CompanyIdentificationTypeI_51997C struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MarketingCompany string `xml:"marketingCompany,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- OperatingCompany string `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperatingCompany string `xml:"operatingCompany,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherCompany string `xml:"otherCompany,omitempty"`
type CompanyIdentificationTypeI_83773C struct {
// Pricing System Code
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- PricingSystemCode string `xml:"pricingSystemCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingSystemCode string `xml:"pricingSystemCode,omitempty"`
type ConsumerReferenceIdentificationTypeI struct {
@@ -485,10 +481,10 @@ type ConsumerReferenceIdentificationTypeI struct {
// The actual form of identification number (FOID).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceNumber string `xml:"referenceNumber,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- ReferencePartyName string `xml:"referencePartyName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferencePartyName string `xml:"referencePartyName,omitempty"`
type ConsumerReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -498,7 +494,7 @@ type ConsumerReferenceInformationTypeI struct {
type ConversionRateDetailsTypeI struct {
// Rate of Exchange
// xmlType: NumericDecimal_Length1To18
- PricingAmount *float64 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingAmount *float64 `xml:"pricingAmount,omitempty"`
type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
@@ -508,37 +504,37 @@ type ConversionRateTypeI struct {
type CouponInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
// Coupon number.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To6
- CpnNumber string `xml:"cpnNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CpnNumber string `xml:"cpnNumber,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- CpnStatus string `xml:"cpnStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CpnStatus string `xml:"cpnStatus,omitempty"`
// Coupon amount.
// xmlType: NumericDecimal_Length1To18
- CpnAmount *float64 `xml:"cpnAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CpnAmount *float64 `xml:"cpnAmount,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- CpnExchangeMedia string `xml:"cpnExchangeMedia,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CpnExchangeMedia string `xml:"cpnExchangeMedia,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- SettlementAuthorization string `xml:"settlementAuthorization,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SettlementAuthorization string `xml:"settlementAuthorization,omitempty"`
// Involuntary indicator.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- VoluntaryIndicator string `xml:"voluntaryIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ VoluntaryIndicator string `xml:"voluntaryIndicator,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- CpnPreviousStatus string `xml:"cpnPreviousStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CpnPreviousStatus string `xml:"cpnPreviousStatus,omitempty"`
// In connection with coupon number.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To6
- CpnInConnectionWith string `xml:"cpnInConnectionWith,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CpnInConnectionWith string `xml:"cpnInConnectionWith,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- CpnSequenceNumber string `xml:"cpnSequenceNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CpnSequenceNumber string `xml:"cpnSequenceNumber,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- CpnInConnectionWithQualifier string `xml:"cpnInConnectionWithQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CpnInConnectionWithQualifier string `xml:"cpnInConnectionWithQualifier,omitempty"`
type CouponInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -548,7 +544,7 @@ type CouponInformationTypeI struct {
type DataInformationTypeI struct {
// The carrier fee application code
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
type DataTypeInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -558,39 +554,39 @@ type DataTypeInformationTypeI struct {
// Reservation entitlement/status, type of travel, ticket type
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- StatusEvent string `xml:"statusEvent,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StatusEvent string `xml:"statusEvent,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI struct {
// To identify type of date to follow.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier string `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
// Valid date (ddmmyy).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"`
// A time (hhmm).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To4
- Time string `xml:"time,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Time string `xml:"time,omitempty"`
type DateAndTimeInformationTypeI struct {
- DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ DateAndTimeDetails []*DateAndTimeDetailsTypeI `xml:"dateAndTimeDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type DiscountPenaltyInformationType struct {
- FareQualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareQualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"fareQualifier,omitempty"`
type DocumentDetailsTypeI struct {
// Certificate number or original issue/ticket document number.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Original issue date (ddmmmyy)
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Date string `xml:"date,omitempty"`
type DocumentInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -599,7 +595,7 @@ type DocumentInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
type EnhancedTravellerInformationType struct {
// Name attributes unique for one passenger.
- TravellerNameInfo *TravellerNameInfoType `xml:"travellerNameInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravellerNameInfo *TravellerNameInfoType `xml:"travellerNameInfo,omitempty"`
// 5 possible types of names, for 1 passenger.
OtherPaxNamesDetails []*TravellerNameDetailsType `xml:"otherPaxNamesDetails"` // maxOccurs="5"
@@ -608,63 +604,63 @@ type EnhancedTravellerInformationType struct {
type ExcessBaggageDetailsTypeI struct {
// Currency of the excess baggage charge.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// Excess baggage rate per unit.
// xmlType: NumericDecimal_Length1To18
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
type ExcessBaggageTypeI struct {
- ExcessBaggageDetails *ExcessBaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"excessBaggageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExcessBaggageDetails *ExcessBaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"excessBaggageDetails,omitempty"`
- BaggageDetails []*BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"baggageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ BaggageDetails []*BaggageDetailsTypeI `xml:"baggageDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type FareCalculationCodeDetailsTypeI struct {
// Fare calculation descriptive indicators
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- ChargeCategory string `xml:"chargeCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ChargeCategory string `xml:"chargeCategory,omitempty"`
// Charge or fare calculation amount
// xmlType: NumericDecimal_Length1To18
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// May apply to a specific airport/city
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To25
- LocationCode []string `xml:"locationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ LocationCode []string `xml:"locationCode,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
// Percentage amount
// xmlType: NumericDecimal_Length1To8
- Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate *float64 `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
type FareComponentDetailsTypeI struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- DataType string `xml:"dataType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DataType string `xml:"dataType,omitempty"`
// Fare component count
- Count *int32 `xml:"count,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Count *int32 `xml:"count,omitempty"`
// Price quote date
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- PricingDate string `xml:"pricingDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingDate string `xml:"pricingDate,omitempty"`
// Account code
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- AccountCode string `xml:"accountCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AccountCode string `xml:"accountCode,omitempty"`
// Input designator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- InputDesignator string `xml:"inputDesignator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InputDesignator string `xml:"inputDesignator,omitempty"`
type FareComponentInformationTypeI struct {
- FareComponentDetails *FareComponentDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareComponentDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareComponentDetails *FareComponentDetailsTypeI `xml:"fareComponentDetails,omitempty"`
// Ticket document number
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- TicketNumber string `xml:"ticketNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketNumber string `xml:"ticketNumber,omitempty"`
type FareFamilyDetailsType struct {
@@ -676,47 +672,47 @@ type FareFamilyDetailsType struct {
type FareFamilyType struct {
// Fare Family Short Name
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To30
- FareFamilyname string `xml:"fareFamilyname,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareFamilyname string `xml:"fareFamilyname,omitempty"`
- Hierarchy *int32 `xml:"hierarchy,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Hierarchy *int32 `xml:"hierarchy,omitempty"`
// Indicates Commercial Fare Family Short names
- CommercialFamilyDetails []*FareFamilyDetailsType `xml:"commercialFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ CommercialFamilyDetails []*FareFamilyDetailsType `xml:"commercialFamilyDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type FareInformationTypeI struct {
// Specifies an industry defined fare component priced passenger type code (PTC).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- ValueQualifier string `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ValueQualifier string `xml:"valueQualifier,omitempty"`
- FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareTypeGrouping *FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI `xml:"fareTypeGrouping,omitempty"`
type FareQualifierDetailsType struct {
- DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationType `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ DiscountDetails []*DiscountPenaltyInformationType `xml:"discountDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type FareQualifierDetailsType_174783S struct {
- AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsType `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AdditionalFareDetails *AdditionalFareQualifierDetailsType `xml:"additionalFareDetails,omitempty"`
type FareRulesInformationTypeI struct {
// Tariff identification
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To9
- TariffClassId string `xml:"tariffClassId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TariffClassId string `xml:"tariffClassId,omitempty"`
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI_83773C `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI_83773C `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
// Fare rule paragraph number code
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To7
- RuleSectionId []string `xml:"ruleSectionId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ RuleSectionId []string `xml:"ruleSectionId,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type FareTypeGroupingInformationTypeI struct {
// Account code
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PricingGroup string `xml:"pricingGroup,omitempty"`
type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -725,59 +721,59 @@ type FormOfPaymentDetailsTypeI struct {
Type string `xml:"type"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
// Form of payment amount.
// xmlType: NumericDecimal_Length1To18
- Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount *float64 `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Vendor code (CC).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- VendorCode string `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ VendorCode string `xml:"vendorCode,omitempty"`
// Account number (CC/GR/SGR).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- CreditCardNumber string `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CreditCardNumber string `xml:"creditCardNumber,omitempty"`
// Expiration date (CC) (mmyy).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- ExpiryDate string `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExpiryDate string `xml:"expiryDate,omitempty"`
// Approval code (CC).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To17
- ApprovalCode string `xml:"approvalCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ApprovalCode string `xml:"approvalCode,omitempty"`
// Source of approval code (CC).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- SourceOfApproval string `xml:"sourceOfApproval,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SourceOfApproval string `xml:"sourceOfApproval,omitempty"`
// Maximum authorized amount (CC).
// xmlType: NumericDecimal_Length1To18
- AuthorisedAmount *float64 `xml:"authorisedAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AuthorisedAmount *float64 `xml:"authorisedAmount,omitempty"`
// Address verification code (CC).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- AddressVerification string `xml:"addressVerification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ AddressVerification string `xml:"addressVerification,omitempty"`
// Customer file reference.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To70
- CustomerAccount string `xml:"customerAccount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CustomerAccount string `xml:"customerAccount,omitempty"`
// Extended payment code (CC).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- ExtendedPayment string `xml:"extendedPayment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ExtendedPayment string `xml:"extendedPayment,omitempty"`
// Specifies the EMD document number that is being used for payment.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To70
- FopFreeText string `xml:"fopFreeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FopFreeText string `xml:"fopFreeText,omitempty"`
// Credit card corporate contract.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- MembershipStatus string `xml:"membershipStatus,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MembershipStatus string `xml:"membershipStatus,omitempty"`
// Credit card transaction information.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- TransactionInfo string `xml:"transactionInfo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TransactionInfo string `xml:"transactionInfo,omitempty"`
type FormOfPaymentTypeI struct {
@@ -789,10 +785,10 @@ type FreeTextDetailsType struct {
TextSubjectQualifier string `xml:"textSubjectQualifier"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To4
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Language string `xml:"language,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
Source string `xml:"source"`
@@ -816,14 +812,14 @@ type FreeTextQualificationTypeI struct {
// A code describing data in 4440.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To4
- InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InformationType string `xml:"informationType,omitempty"`
// Fare calculation reporting indicator or pricing indicator.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
type FrequentTravellerIdentificationTypeI struct {
@@ -841,11 +837,11 @@ type FrequentTravellerInformationTypeI struct {
type InteractiveFreeTextTypeI struct {
- FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FreeTextQualification *FreeTextQualificationTypeI `xml:"freeTextQualification,omitempty"`
// Free text message.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To70
- FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ FreeText []string `xml:"freeText,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type InternalIDDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -855,18 +851,18 @@ type InternalIDDetailsTypeI struct {
// A code to identify type of agent identification.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberIdentificationType struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberIdentificationTypeI struct {
// Reference number or Fare component number
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
type ItemNumberType struct {
@@ -879,38 +875,38 @@ type ItemNumberTypeI struct {
type LocationDetailsTypeI struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To25
- City string `xml:"city,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ City string `xml:"city,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Country string `xml:"country,omitempty"`
type LocationTypeI struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To25
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"`
type LocationTypeI_52002C struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To25
- TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TrueLocationId string `xml:"trueLocationId,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To17
- TrueLocation string `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TrueLocation string `xml:"trueLocation,omitempty"`
type MarriageControlDetailsTypeI struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Relation string `xml:"relation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Relation string `xml:"relation,omitempty"`
- MarriageIdentifier *int32 `xml:"marriageIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MarriageIdentifier *int32 `xml:"marriageIdentifier,omitempty"`
- LineNumber *int32 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LineNumber *int32 `xml:"lineNumber,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- OtherRelation string `xml:"otherRelation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherRelation string `xml:"otherRelation,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- CarrierCode string `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CarrierCode string `xml:"carrierCode,omitempty"`
type MessageActionDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -918,15 +914,15 @@ type MessageActionDetailsTypeI struct {
// Indicates wether request was processed successfully.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- ResponseType string `xml:"responseType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ResponseType string `xml:"responseType,omitempty"`
type MessageFunctionBusinessDetailsTypeI struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MessageFunction string `xml:"messageFunction,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- AdditionalMessageFunction []string `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20"
+ AdditionalMessageFunction []string `xml:"additionalMessageFunction,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="20"
type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
@@ -935,11 +931,11 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsType struct {
// Amount
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Amount string `xml:"amount,omitempty"`
// Currency
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -952,14 +948,14 @@ type MonetaryInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
// ISO currency code.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Currency string `xml:"currency,omitempty"`
// The From city for the carrier fee
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To25
- LocationFrom string `xml:"locationFrom,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationFrom string `xml:"locationFrom,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To25
- LocationTo string `xml:"locationTo,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationTo string `xml:"locationTo,omitempty"`
type MonetaryInformationType struct {
@@ -967,7 +963,7 @@ type MonetaryInformationType struct {
MonetaryDetails *MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"monetaryDetails"`
// Other monetary information per fare component
- OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="19"
+ OtherMonetaryDetails []*MonetaryInformationDetailsType `xml:"otherMonetaryDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="19"
type MonetaryInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -979,7 +975,7 @@ type NumberOfUnitDetailsTypeI struct {
NumberOfUnit int32 `xml:"numberOfUnit"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ UnitQualifier string `xml:"unitQualifier,omitempty"`
type NumberOfUnitsTypeI struct {
@@ -989,25 +985,25 @@ type NumberOfUnitsTypeI struct {
type OriginAndDestinationDetailsTypeI struct {
// Origin.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To25
- Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Origin string `xml:"origin,omitempty"`
// Destination
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To25
- Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Destination string `xml:"destination,omitempty"`
type OriginatorDetailsTypeI struct {
// ISO Country code of the agent issuing the ticket.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- CodedCountry string `xml:"codedCountry,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CodedCountry string `xml:"codedCountry,omitempty"`
// ISO currency code for currency of originator country.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- CodedCurrency string `xml:"codedCurrency,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CodedCurrency string `xml:"codedCurrency,omitempty"`
// ISO code of language.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- CodedLanguage string `xml:"codedLanguage,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CodedLanguage string `xml:"codedLanguage,omitempty"`
type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -1017,31 +1013,31 @@ type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
// Amadeus office identification (AMID)
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To9
- InHouseIdentification1 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification1,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InHouseIdentification1 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification1,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To9
- InHouseIdentification2 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification2,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InHouseIdentification2 string `xml:"inHouseIdentification2,omitempty"`
type OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI_83809C struct {
// Original issue agent numeric code (IATA number)
- OriginatorId *int32 `xml:"originatorId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginatorId *int32 `xml:"originatorId,omitempty"`
type OriginatorOfRequestDetailsTypeI struct {
DeliveringSystem *SystemDetailsTypeI `xml:"deliveringSystem"`
- OriginIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginIdentification *OriginatorIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"originIdentification,omitempty"`
- LocationDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"`
- CascadingSystem *SystemDetailsTypeI_83771C `xml:"cascadingSystem,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CascadingSystem *SystemDetailsTypeI_83771C `xml:"cascadingSystem,omitempty"`
// 1 character code for airline agent, travel agent, etc.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To1
- OriginatorTypeCode string `xml:"originatorTypeCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginatorTypeCode string `xml:"originatorTypeCode,omitempty"`
- OriginDetails *OriginatorDetailsTypeI `xml:"originDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OriginDetails *OriginatorDetailsTypeI `xml:"originDetails,omitempty"`
// A code identifying the issuing agent or if the transaction is being initiated by a computer programme then the word 'system'.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To9
@@ -1050,146 +1046,146 @@ type OriginatorOfRequestDetailsTypeI struct {
type PricingOrTicketingSubsequentType struct {
- FareBasisDetails *RateTariffClassInformationType `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareBasisDetails *RateTariffClassInformationType `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"`
type PricingTicketingDetailsTypeI struct {
- PriceTicketDetails *PricingTicketingInformationTypeI `xml:"priceTicketDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceTicketDetails *PricingTicketingInformationTypeI `xml:"priceTicketDetails,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- PriceTariffType string `xml:"priceTariffType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PriceTariffType string `xml:"priceTariffType,omitempty"`
- ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeTypeI_52035C `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ProductDateTimeDetails *ProductDateTimeTypeI_52035C `xml:"productDateTimeDetails,omitempty"`
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI_51997C `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI_51997C `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
- CompanyNumberDetails *CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"companyNumberDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyNumberDetails *CompanyIdentificationNumbersTypeI `xml:"companyNumberDetails,omitempty"`
- LocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"locationDetails,omitempty"`
- OtherLocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherLocationDetails *LocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherLocationDetails,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ IdNumber string `xml:"idNumber,omitempty"`
// xmlType: NumericDecimal_Length1To18
- MonetaryAmount *float64 `xml:"monetaryAmount,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ MonetaryAmount *float64 `xml:"monetaryAmount,omitempty"`
type PricingTicketingInformationTypeI struct {
// Ticketing Mode Indicator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- TicketingModeIndicator string `xml:"ticketingModeIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TicketingModeIndicator string `xml:"ticketingModeIndicator,omitempty"`
// International or Domestic Sales Indicator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- InternationalDomSalesIndicator string `xml:"internationalDomSalesIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InternationalDomSalesIndicator string `xml:"internationalDomSalesIndicator,omitempty"`
// Statistical Code
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- StatisticalCode string `xml:"statisticalCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ StatisticalCode string `xml:"statisticalCode,omitempty"`
// Self Sale Indicator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- SelfSaleIndicator string `xml:"selfSaleIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SelfSaleIndicator string `xml:"selfSaleIndicator,omitempty"`
// Net Reporting Indicator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- NetReportingIndicator string `xml:"netReportingIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NetReportingIndicator string `xml:"netReportingIndicator,omitempty"`
// Tax on Commission
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- TaxOnCommissionIndicator string `xml:"taxOnCommissionIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxOnCommissionIndicator string `xml:"taxOnCommissionIndicator,omitempty"`
// Non Endorsable indicator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- NonEndorsableIndicator string `xml:"nonEndorsableIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NonEndorsableIndicator string `xml:"nonEndorsableIndicator,omitempty"`
// Non Refundable indicator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- NonRefundableIndicator string `xml:"nonRefundableIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NonRefundableIndicator string `xml:"nonRefundableIndicator,omitempty"`
// Penalty Restriction
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- PenaltyRestrictionIndicator string `xml:"penaltyRestrictionIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PenaltyRestrictionIndicator string `xml:"penaltyRestrictionIndicator,omitempty"`
// Present Credit Card indicator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- PresentCreditCardIndicator string `xml:"presentCreditCardIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PresentCreditCardIndicator string `xml:"presentCreditCardIndicator,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- EmergencySet string `xml:"emergencySet,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EmergencySet string `xml:"emergencySet,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- EmergencyClear string `xml:"emergencyClear,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ EmergencyClear string `xml:"emergencyClear,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- NonInterlineableIndicator string `xml:"nonInterlineableIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NonInterlineableIndicator string `xml:"nonInterlineableIndicator,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- NonCommissionable string `xml:"nonCommissionable,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NonCommissionable string `xml:"nonCommissionable,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- PresentDebitCardIndicator string `xml:"presentDebitCardIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ PresentDebitCardIndicator string `xml:"presentDebitCardIndicator,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- NonReissuableIndicator string `xml:"nonReissuableIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NonReissuableIndicator string `xml:"nonReissuableIndicator,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- CarrierFeeReportingIndicator string `xml:"carrierFeeReportingIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CarrierFeeReportingIndicator string `xml:"carrierFeeReportingIndicator,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- RefundSystemComputerCalculated string `xml:"refundSystemComputerCalculated,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefundSystemComputerCalculated string `xml:"refundSystemComputerCalculated,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- RefundManuallyCalculated string `xml:"refundManuallyCalculated,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RefundManuallyCalculated string `xml:"refundManuallyCalculated,omitempty"`
// Noshow indicator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Indicators []string `xml:"indicators,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="11"
+ Indicators []string `xml:"indicators,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="11"
type PricingTicketingSubsequentTypeI struct {
- FareBasisDetails *RateTariffClassInformationTypeI `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FareBasisDetails *RateTariffClassInformationTypeI `xml:"fareBasisDetails,omitempty"`
// Reason for issuance code.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- SpecialCondition string `xml:"specialCondition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SpecialCondition string `xml:"specialCondition,omitempty"`
// Reason for issuance sub code.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- OtherSpecialCondition string `xml:"otherSpecialCondition,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherSpecialCondition string `xml:"otherSpecialCondition,omitempty"`
type ProductDateTimeTypeI struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To4
- DepartureTime string `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureTime string `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To4
- ArrivalTime string `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalTime string `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"`
- DateVariation *int32 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateVariation *int32 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"`
type ProductDateTimeTypeI_52035C struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureDate string `xml:"departureDate,omitempty"`
//formats: Time24_HHMM
- DepartureTime string `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DepartureTime string `xml:"departureTime,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalDate string `xml:"arrivalDate,omitempty"`
- ArrivalTime *int32 `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ArrivalTime *int32 `xml:"arrivalTime,omitempty"`
- DateVariation *int32 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateVariation *int32 `xml:"dateVariation,omitempty"`
type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -1197,19 +1193,19 @@ type ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI struct {
FlightNumber string `xml:"flightNumber"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To17
- BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingClass string `xml:"bookingClass,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OperationalSuffix string `xml:"operationalSuffix,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To7
- Modifier []string `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"
+ Modifier []string `xml:"modifier,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="3"
type ProductLocationDetailsTypeI struct {
// Enroute city/airport
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To25
- Station string `xml:"station,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Station string `xml:"station,omitempty"`
type ProductTypeDetailsType struct {
@@ -1226,20 +1222,20 @@ type ProductTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
type RateTariffClassInformationType struct {
// Fare Basis Code
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- RateTariffClass string `xml:"rateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateTariffClass string `xml:"rateTariffClass,omitempty"`
// Ticket Designator
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- OtherRateTariffClass string `xml:"otherRateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherRateTariffClass string `xml:"otherRateTariffClass,omitempty"`
type RateTariffClassInformationTypeI struct {
// Fare basis/ticket designator.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- RateTariffClass string `xml:"rateTariffClass,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateTariffClass string `xml:"rateTariffClass,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- RateTariffIndicator string `xml:"rateTariffIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RateTariffIndicator string `xml:"rateTariffIndicator,omitempty"`
type ReferenceInfoType struct {
@@ -1249,11 +1245,11 @@ type ReferenceInfoType struct {
type ReferenceTypeI struct {
// The coupon sequence number (1of3, 2of5)
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To6
- NumberOfItems string `xml:"numberOfItems,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfItems string `xml:"numberOfItems,omitempty"`
// The coupon/itinerary sequence number.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- LastItemIdentifier []string `xml:"lastItemIdentifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ LastItemIdentifier []string `xml:"lastItemIdentifier,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
@@ -1267,29 +1263,29 @@ type ReferencingDetailsType struct {
type RelatedProductInformationTypeI struct {
// Sold reservation status code
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- StatusCode []string `xml:"statusCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"
+ StatusCode []string `xml:"statusCode,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="10"
type ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI struct {
// A 2-3 character airline/CRS code of the following record reference.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// A reference to a record.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To20
- ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ControlNumber string `xml:"controlNumber,omitempty"`
// A code to identify type of record reference.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To1
- ControlType string `xml:"controlType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ControlType string `xml:"controlType,omitempty"`
type ReservationControlInformationTypeI struct {
- Reservation []*ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="9"
+ Reservation []*ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI `xml:"reservation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="9"
type RoutingInformationTypeI struct {
- RoutingDetails []*ProductLocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ RoutingDetails []*ProductLocationDetailsTypeI `xml:"routingDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -1299,7 +1295,7 @@ type SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI struct {
type SelectionDetailsTypeI struct {
- SelectionDetails []*SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"selectionDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ SelectionDetails []*SelectionDetailsInformationTypeI `xml:"selectionDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type SourceTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -1311,13 +1307,13 @@ type SourceTypeDetailsTypeI struct {
type SpecificDataInformationTypeI struct {
DataTypeInformation *DataTypeInformationTypeI `xml:"dataTypeInformation"`
- DataInformation []*DataInformationTypeI `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ DataInformation []*DataInformationTypeI `xml:"dataInformation,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type StatusDetailsTypeI struct {
// To specify that this is reissued flown flight coupon data.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Indicator string `xml:"indicator,omitempty"`
type StatusTypeI struct {
@@ -1331,60 +1327,60 @@ type SystemDetailsTypeI struct {
// 3 character ATA/IATA airport/city code of the delivering system physical location.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To25
- LocationId string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationId string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"`
type SystemDetailsTypeI_83771C struct {
// A 2-3 character airline/CRS code, or bilaterally agree code, of the system originating the message, WHEN DIFFERENT FROM THE DELIVERING SYSTEM.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyId string `xml:"companyId,omitempty"`
// 3 character ATA/IATA airport/city code of the system that originates the message.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To25
- LocationId string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ LocationId string `xml:"locationId,omitempty"`
type TaxDetailsType struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To17
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Type []string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ Type []string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type TaxDetailsTypeI struct {
// Tax/fee/charge amount.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To17
- Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Rate string `xml:"rate,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CountryCode string `xml:"countryCode,omitempty"`
// ISO code identifying currency.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CurrencyCode string `xml:"currencyCode,omitempty"`
// Tax/fee/charge type.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Type []string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ Type []string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type TaxType struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- TaxCategory string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxCategory string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"`
- TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsType `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsType `xml:"taxDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type TaxTypeI struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- TaxCategory string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TaxCategory string `xml:"taxCategory,omitempty"`
TaxDetails []*TaxDetailsTypeI `xml:"taxDetails"` // maxOccurs="99"
@@ -1392,89 +1388,89 @@ type TaxTypeI struct {
type TicketAgentInfoTypeI struct {
// Service airline/system provider identifier e.g. the airline passenger accounting and modulus 7
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To15
- CompanyIdNumber string `xml:"companyIdNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyIdNumber string `xml:"companyIdNumber,omitempty"`
- InternalIdDetails []*InternalIDDetailsTypeI `xml:"internalIdDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5"
+ InternalIdDetails []*InternalIDDetailsTypeI `xml:"internalIdDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="5"
// Booking agent IATA number
- BookingIataNumber *int32 `xml:"bookingIataNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BookingIataNumber *int32 `xml:"bookingIataNumber,omitempty"`
type TicketNumberDetailsTypeI struct {
// Document number.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Number string `xml:"number,omitempty"`
// Document type.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Total number of booklets issued.
- NumberOfBooklets *int32 `xml:"numberOfBooklets,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NumberOfBooklets *int32 `xml:"numberOfBooklets,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- DataIndicator string `xml:"dataIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DataIndicator string `xml:"dataIndicator,omitempty"`
// In connection with document number
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- InConnectionWith string `xml:"inConnectionWith,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InConnectionWith string `xml:"inConnectionWith,omitempty"`
type TicketNumberTypeI struct {
DocumentDetails *TicketNumberDetailsTypeI `xml:"documentDetails"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Status string `xml:"status,omitempty"`
type TourDetailsTypeI struct {
// Tour code.
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- TourCode string `xml:"tourCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TourCode string `xml:"tourCode,omitempty"`
type TourInformationTypeI struct {
- TourInformationDetails *TourDetailsTypeI `xml:"tourInformationDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TourInformationDetails *TourDetailsTypeI `xml:"tourInformationDetails,omitempty"`
type TransportIdentifierType struct {
- CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyIdentification *CompanyIdentificationTypeI `xml:"companyIdentification,omitempty"`
type TravelProductInformationType struct {
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"`
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"`
// TST Connection Type
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsType `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"`
type TravelProductInformationTypeI struct {
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"`
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"`
type TravelProductInformationTypeI_29340S struct {
- FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightDate *ProductDateTimeTypeI `xml:"flightDate,omitempty"`
- BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI_52002C `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ BoardPointDetails *LocationTypeI_52002C `xml:"boardPointDetails,omitempty"`
- OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI_52002C `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OffpointDetails *LocationTypeI_52002C `xml:"offpointDetails,omitempty"`
- CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI_51997C `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ CompanyDetails *CompanyIdentificationTypeI_51997C `xml:"companyDetails,omitempty"`
- FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightIdentification *ProductIdentificationDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightIdentification,omitempty"`
- FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ FlightTypeDetails *ProductTypeDetailsTypeI `xml:"flightTypeDetails,omitempty"`
- ItemNumber *int32 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ItemNumber *int32 `xml:"itemNumber,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- SpecialSegment string `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ SpecialSegment string `xml:"specialSegment,omitempty"`
- MarriageDetails []*MarriageControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ MarriageDetails []*MarriageControlDetailsTypeI `xml:"marriageDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type TravellerDetailsTypeI struct {
@@ -1486,21 +1482,21 @@ type TravellerDetailsTypeI struct {
type TravellerInformationTypeI struct {
PaxDetails *TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI `xml:"paxDetails"`
- OtherPaxDetails []*TravellerDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherPaxDetails,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="99"
+ OtherPaxDetails []*TravellerDetailsTypeI `xml:"otherPaxDetails,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="99"
type TravellerNameDetailsType struct {
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To5
- NameType string `xml:"nameType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ NameType string `xml:"nameType,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To1
- ReferenceName string `xml:"referenceName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ ReferenceName string `xml:"referenceName,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To1
- DisplayedName string `xml:"displayedName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DisplayedName string `xml:"displayedName,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To4
- RomanizationMethod string `xml:"romanizationMethod,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ RomanizationMethod string `xml:"romanizationMethod,omitempty"`
// Passenger surname
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To70
@@ -1508,49 +1504,49 @@ type TravellerNameDetailsType struct {
// Passenger firstname
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To70
- GivenName string `xml:"givenName,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ GivenName string `xml:"givenName,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To70
- Title []string `xml:"title,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"
+ Title []string `xml:"title,omitempty"` // maxOccurs="2"
type TravellerNameInfoType struct {
// PAX = PAX IN = Infant
- Qualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Qualifier formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"qualifier,omitempty"`
- Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"`
// Passenger type (PTC).
- Type formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Passenger type (PTC).
- OtherType formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"otherType,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ OtherType formats.AMA_EDICodesetType_Length1to3 `xml:"otherType,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To1
- InfantIndicator string `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ InfantIndicator string `xml:"infantIndicator,omitempty"`
// Identification code, 2 cases: ID<1 to 51 char free text) or CR<1 to 40 char free text).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To70
- TravellerIdentificationCode string `xml:"travellerIdentificationCode,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravellerIdentificationCode string `xml:"travellerIdentificationCode,omitempty"`
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Gender string `xml:"gender,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Gender string `xml:"gender,omitempty"`
- Age *int32 `xml:"age,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Age *int32 `xml:"age,omitempty"`
type TravellerPriorityDetailsTypeI struct {
// Staff airline of employment
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- Company string `xml:"company,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Company string `xml:"company,omitempty"`
// Staff date of joining (ddmmmyy)
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To35
- DateOfJoining string `xml:"dateOfJoining,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ DateOfJoining string `xml:"dateOfJoining,omitempty"`
// Staff id number
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To10
- TravellerReference string `xml:"travellerReference,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ TravellerReference string `xml:"travellerReference,omitempty"`
type TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI struct {
@@ -1560,8 +1556,8 @@ type TravellerSurnameInformationTypeI struct {
// Specifies passenger type (adult, infant, military, etc.).
// xmlType: AlphaNumericString_Length1To3
- Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Type string `xml:"type,omitempty"`
// Specify age of unaccompanied minor.
- Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"` // minOccurs="0"
+ Quantity *int32 `xml:"quantity,omitempty"`
diff --git a/test.env-example b/test.env-example
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f9d2c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test.env-example
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+PASSWORD_RAW=dGhlIHBhc3N3b3Jk # NOT **base 64 encoded** password
\ No newline at end of file