diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/_Sunrise/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/_Sunrise/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml index ac49a8b3bb7..420e89aec58 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/_Sunrise/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/_Sunrise/Entities/Objects/Devices/pda.yml @@ -34,8 +34,7 @@ - type: entity parent: BasePDA id: BlueShieldPDA - name: КПК офицера «синий щит» - description: КПК для геев. + name: blue shield officer's PDA components: - type: Sprite sprite: _Sunrise/Objects/Devices/pda.rsi @@ -59,8 +58,8 @@ - type: entity parent: BasePDA id: PrisonerPDA - name: ПДА заключенного - description: В цвет робы для полного комплекта. + name: prisoner's PDA + description: In the colour of the robe for a complete set. components: - type: Sprite sprite: _Sunrise/Objects/Devices/pda.rsi @@ -74,8 +73,8 @@ - type: entity parent: BasePDA id: GuardPDA - name: ПДА тюремного охранника - description: Изогнутый и потертый, но каждая царапина - свидетельство непрерывной борьбы за безопасность. + name: prison guard's PDA + description: Bent and scuffed, but every scratch is evidence of a continuous struggle for safety. components: - type: Sprite sprite: _Sunrise/Objects/Devices/pda.rsi @@ -89,7 +88,7 @@ - type: entity parent: BasePDA id: PrisonEngineerPDA - name: ПДА тюремного инженера + name: prison engineer's PDA components: - type: Pda id: PrisonEngineeringIDCard @@ -103,8 +102,8 @@ - type: entity parent: BasePDA id: PrisonPilotPDA - name: КПК тюремного пилота - description: Блестящий и технологичный, словно его только что вытащили из кокпита. + name: prison pilot's PDA + description: Shiny and technologically advanced, as if it had just been pulled out of the cockpit. components: - type: Sprite sprite: _Sunrise/Objects/Devices/pda.rsi @@ -121,8 +120,8 @@ - type: entity parent: BasePDA id: HeadOfPrisonPDA - name: КПК начальника тюрьмы - description: Имеет вид престижного инструмента власти, но немного поцарапанный от постоянных срочных вызовов. + name: Prison governor's PDA + description: Has the look of a prestigious instrument of power, but a little scratched from constant emergency calls. components: - type: Sprite sprite: _Sunrise/Objects/Devices/pda.rsi @@ -139,8 +138,8 @@ - type: entity parent: BasePDA id: RoboticistPDA - name: КПК робототехника - description: Он покрыт чем-то липким. + name: roboticist's PDA + description: It's covered in something sticky. components: - type: Pda id: RoboticistIDCard @@ -160,8 +159,7 @@ - type: entity parent: BasePDA id: SecurityPilotPDA - name: КПК пилота службы безопастности - description: Нахуя нам пилот? + name: Security pilot's PDA components: - type: Pda id: SecurityPilotIDCard @@ -194,13 +192,13 @@ - type: entity parent: BasePDA id: BarberPDA - name: КПК парикмахера + name: barber's PDA components: - type: Pda id: BarberIDCard state: pda-bartender - type: Icon - state: pda-bartender # он достаточно нейтральный, мне лень рисовать отдельный кпк для него + state: pda-bartender - type: entity parent: BasePDA