This library provides fast, atomic and easy-to-use API for encoding/decoding some well-known XMPP data structures (stanza and jid).
Erlang/OTP 19 [erts-8.3] [source-d5c06c6] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
Eshell V8.3 (abort with ^G)
1> Pkt = <<"<message from='' to='domain' type='chat' id='12345'><body>foo</body></message>">>.
<<"<message from='' to='domain' type='chat' id='12345'><body>foo</body></message>">>
2> XMPP_XML = xmpp_utils:parse_pkt(Pkt).
%% This is an Erlang record and in code is equal to:
%% #xmpp_utils_xml{kind = <<"message">>
%% ,from = #xmpp_utils_jid{username = <<"1">>, sever = <<"">>, resource = <<>>}
%% ,to = #xmpp_utils_jid{username = <<>>, server = <<"domain">>, reource = <<>>}
%% ,type = <<"chat">>
%% ,id = <<"12345">>
%% ,children = [#xmlel{name = <<"body">>
%% ,attrs = []
%% ,children = [#xmlcdata{content = <<"foo">>}]}]}
%% Just you need to include "xmpp_utils.hrl"
3> xmpp_utils:make_pkt(XMPP_XML).
<<"<message from='' to='domain' type='chat' id='12345'><body>foo</body></message>">>
4> xmpp_utils:make_pkt(xmpp_utils:change_from_to(XMPP_XML)).
<<"<message from='domain' to='' type='chat' id='12345'><body>foo</body></message>">>
5> xmpp_utils:make_pkt(xmpp_utils:set_from_to(<<"u@s/r">>, <<"g@conference.s">>, XMPP_XML)).
<<"<message from='u@s/r' to='g@conference.s' type='chat' id='12345'><body>foo</body></message>">>
6> xmpp_utils:make_pkt(<<"iq">> %% Kind of packet <<"iq">>, <<"presence">>, <<"message">>, etc.
,<<"me@ourserver/Client1">> %% From jid, can be binary or #xmpp_utils_jid{} record
,{xmpp_utils_jid, <<"you">>, <<"ourserver">>, <<"Client2">>} %% Destination(to) jid, can be binary or #xmpp_utils_jid{} record
,<<"get">> %% Type
,<<"id1234567890">> %% ID
,[{xmlel, <<"query">>, [{<<"xmlns">>, <<"urn:xmpp:ping">>}]}] %% Children
,[{<<"xml:lang">>, <<"en">>}] %% If packet has other attributes, defined them in this way
<<"<iq xml:lang='en' from='me@ourserver/Client1' to='you@ourserver/Client2' type='get' id='id1234567890'><query xmlns='urn:xmpp:ping'/></iq>">>
7> xmpp_utils:parse_jid(<<"me@server/res">>).
%% This is an Erlang record and in code is equal to:
%% #xmpp_utils_jid{username = <<"me">>, server = <<"server">>, resource = <<"res">>}
8> xmpp_utils:get_bare_jid(<<"me@server/res">>).
9> xmpp_utils:get_bare_jid(J).
10> xmpp_utils:make_xmpp_error(<<"not-acceptable">>).
11> xmpp_utils:make_xmpp_error_pkt(<<"not-acceptable">>).
<<"<error type='modify' code='406'><not-acceptable xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/></error>">>
12> xmpp_utils:make_xmpp_error_pkt(<<"item-not-found">>, <<"Why item not found">>).
<<"<error type='cancel' code='404'><item-not-found xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/><text xml:lang='en' xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'>Why item not found</text></error>">>