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+# SONiC Packet Trimming
+## High Level Design document
+## Table of contents
+- [Revision](#revision)
+- [About this manual](#about-this-manual)
+- [Scope](#scope)
+- [Abbreviations](#abbreviations)
+- [1 Introduction](#1-introduction)
+ - [1.1 Feature overview](#11-feature-overview)
+ - [1.2 Requirements](#12-requirements)
+ - [1.2.1 Functionality](#121-functionality)
+ - [1.2.2 Command interface](#122-command-interface)
+ - [1.2.3 Error handling](#123-error-handling)
+ - [1.2.4 Event logging](#124-event-logging)
+- [2 Design](#2-design)
+ - [2.1 Overview](#21-overview)
+ - [2.2 SAI API](#22-sai-api)
+ - [2.3 Orchestration agent](#23-orchestration-agent)
+ - [2.3.1 Overview](#231-overview)
+ - [2.3.2 Switch orch](#232-switch-orch)
+ - [2.3.3 Buffer orch](#233-buffer-orch)
+ - [2.3.4 ACL orch](#234-acl-orch)
+ - [2.3.5 Flexcounter orch](#235-flexcounter-orch)
+ - [2.4 DB schema](#24-db-schema)
+ - [2.4.1 Config DB](#241-config-db)
+ - [ Switch OA](#2411-switch-oa)
+ - [ Buffer OA](#2412-buffer-oa)
+ - [ ACL OA](#2413-acl-oa)
+ - [2.4.2 State DB](#242-state-db)
+ - [ Switch trimming capabilities](#2421-switch-trimming-capabilities)
+ - [2.4.3 Data sample](#243-data-sample)
+ - [2.4.4 Configuration sample](#244-configuration-sample)
+ - [2.4.5 Initial configuration](#245-initial-configuration)
+ - [2.4.6 Configuration migration](#246-configuration-migration)
+ - [2.5 Flows](#25-flows)
+ - [2.5.1 Config section](#251-config-section)
+ - [ Switch trimming update](#2511-switch-trimming-update)
+ - [ Buffer profile update](#2512-buffer-profile-update)
+ - [2.5.2 Show section](#252-show-section)
+ - [ Switch trimming show](#2521-switch-trimming-show)
+ - [2.6 CLI](#26-cli)
+ - [2.6.1 Command structure](#261-command-structure)
+ - [2.6.2 Usage examples](#262-usage-examples)
+ - [ Config command group](#2621-config-command-group)
+ - [ Show command group](#2622-show-command-group)
+ - [2.7 YANG model](#27-yang-model)
+ - [2.8 Warm/Fast boot](#28-warmfast-boot)
+- [3 Test plan](#3-test-plan)
+ - [3.1 Unit tests via VS](#31-unit-tests-via-vs)
+ - [3.2 Data plane tests via PTF](#32-data-plane-tests-via-ptf)
+## Revision
+| Rev | Date | Author | Description |
+| 0.1 | 01/11/2024 | Nazarii Hnydyn | Initial version |
+## About this manual
+This document provides general information about PT implementation in SONiC
+## Scope
+This document describes the high level design of PT feature in SONiC
+**In scope:**
+1. Global PT configuration with per buffer profile control
+2. Fine-grained PT control via ACL disable trimming action
+## Abbreviations
+| Term | Meaning |
+| SONiC | Software for Open Networking in the Cloud |
+| PT | Packet trimming |
+| ACL | Access Control List |
+| OA | Orchestration agent |
+| DSCP | Differentiated Services Code Point |
+| NIC | Network Interface Card |
+| TC | Traffic Class |
+| QoS | Quality of Service |
+| API | Application Programming Interface |
+| ASIC | Application-Specific Integrated Circuit |
+| SAI | Switch Abstraction Interface |
+| DB | Database |
+| MMU | Memory Management Unit |
+| CLI | Сommand-line Interface |
+| JSON | JavaScript Object Notation | |
+| YANG | Yet Another Next Generation |
+| VS | Virtual Switch |
+| PTF | Packet Test Framework |
+## List of figures
+[Figure 1: PT design](#figure-1-pt-design)
+[Figure 2: PT OA design](#figure-2-pt-oa-design)
+[Figure 3: PT switch update flow](#figure-3-switch-trimming-update-flow)
+[Figure 4: PT buffer update flow](#figure-4-buffer-profile-update-flow)
+[Figure 5: PT switch show flow](#figure-5-switch-trimming-show-flow)
+## List of tables
+[Table 1: Frontend event logging](#table-1-frontend-event-logging)
+[Table 2: Backend event logging](#table-2-backend-event-logging)
+# 1 Introduction
+## 1.1 Feature overview
+When the lossy queue exceeds a buffer threshold, it drops packets without any notification to the destination host.
+When a packet is lost, it can be recovered through fast retransmission or by using timeouts.
+Retransmission triggered by timeouts typically incurs significant latency.
+To help the host recover data more quickly and accurately, packet trimming is introduced.
+This feature upon a failed packet admission to a shared buffer, will trim a packet to a configured size,
+and try sending it on a different queue to deliver a packet drop notification to an end host.
+## 1.2 Requirements
+### 1.2.1 Functionality
+**This feature will support the following functionality:**
+1. Global switch trimming configuration with per buffer profile control
+2. ACL disable trimming control policy
+3. Port/Queue trimming statistics
+### 1.2.2 Command interface
+**This feature will support the following commands:**
+1. config: set switch trimming global configuration
+2. show: display switch trimming global configuration
+### 1.2.3 Error handling
+#### Frontend
+**This feature will provide error handling for the next situations:**
+1. Missing parameters
+2. Invalid parameter value
+#### Backend
+**This feature will provide error handling for the next situations:**
+1. Missing parameters
+2. Invalid parameter value
+3. Parameter removal
+4. Configuration removal
+### 1.2.4 Event logging
+#### Frontend
+**This feature will provide event logging for the next situations:**
+1. Switch trimming update
+###### Table 1: Frontend event logging
+| Event | Severity |
+| Switch trimming update: success | NOTICE |
+| Switch trimming update: error | ERROR |
+#### Backend
+**This feature will provide event logging for the next situations:**
+1. Missing parameters
+2. Invalid parameter value
+3. Parameter removal
+4. Configuration removal
+5. Switch trimming update
+6. Buffer profile trimming update
+###### Table 2: Backend event logging
+| Event | Severity |
+| Missing parameters | ERROR |
+| Invalid parameter value | ERROR |
+| Parameter removal | ERROR |
+| Configuration removal | ERROR |
+| Switch trimming update: success | NOTICE |
+| Switch trimming update: error | ERROR |
+| Buffer profile trimming update: success | NOTICE |
+| Buffer profile trimming update: error | ERROR |
+# 2 Design
+## 2.1 Overview
+![PT design](images/pt_design.svg "Figure 1: PT design")
+###### Figure 1: PT design
+Eligibility for trimming will be defined in the Buffer Profile and applied to a Queue associated
+with this Buffer Profile. It means that packets sent via these Queues are eligible for trimming
+when they are dropped on admission to Shared Buffer.
+The packet will be trimmed to the configured size (default is 128 bytes). After trimming the packet will be set
+with the configured DSCP and sent via the configured Queue (usually high-priority queue to ensure it's delivery
+to the receiver for fast response to the originator's NIC). If the Queue index to send a trimmed packet out
+is not configured, the expectation is that new DSCP value will be mapped to TC and then to Queue
+according to the configured QoS mapping.
+The feature will use SAI Switch/Buffer/ACL API to configure desired behavior to ASIC.
+Fine-grained PT control can be achieved using ACL rules with disable trimming action.
+Trimmed packets statistics will be displayed at both Port/Queue levels.
+## 2.2 SAI API
+**SAI port/queue statistics which shall be used for PT:**
+| Counter | Comment |
+| SAI_PORT_STAT_TRIM_PACKETS | FlexCounter/CLI infra |
+**SAI packet actions which shall be used for PT:**
+| Action | Comment |
+**SAI attributes which shall be used for PT:**
+| API | Function | Attribute |
+| OBJECT | sai_query_attribute_capability | SAI_SWITCH_ATTR_PACKET_TRIM_SIZE |
+| SWITCH | set_switch_attribute | SAI_SWITCH_ATTR_PACKET_TRIM_SIZE |
+## 2.3 Orchestration agent
+### 2.3.1 Overview
+![PT OA design](images/pt_swss_design.svg "Figure 2: PT OA design")
+###### Figure 2: PT OA design
+OA will be extended with a new PT Config DB schema and SAI Switch/Buffer/ACL API support.
+Switch trimming updates will be processed by OA based on Config DB changes.
+Some updates will be handled and some will be considered as invalid.
+### 2.3.2 Switch orch
+Class `SwitchOrch` holds a set of methods matching generic `Orch` class pattern to handle Config DB updates.
+For that purpose a producer-consumer mechanism (implemented in `sonic-swss-common`) is used.
+Method `SwitchOrch::doTask()` will be called on switch trimming update. It will distribute handling
+of DB updates between other handlers based on the table key updated (Redis Keyspace Notifications).
+This class is responsible for:
+1. Processing updates of switch trimming
+2. Partial input data validation
+3. Replicating data from Config DB to SAI DB via SAI Redis
+4. Caching objects in order to handle updates
+Switch trimming object is stored under `SWITCH_TRIMMING|GLOBAL` key in Config DB. On `SWITCH_TRIMMING` update,
+method `SwitchOrch::doCfgSwitchTrimmingTableTask()` will be called to process the change.
+Regular switch trimming update will refresh the internal class structures and appropriate SAI objects.
+Switch trimming capabilities are stored under `SWITCH_CAPABILITY|switch` key in State DB.
+The vendor specific data is being queried by switch OA on init and pushed to both internal cache and DB.
+Any further switch trimming update is being validated using vendor specific trimming capabilities.
+### 2.3.3 Buffer orch
+Buffer configuration infrastructure is represented with `buffermgrd` and `bufferorch`.
+Config DB updates are delivered to `buffermgrd`, while Application DB updates are delivered to `bufferorch`.
+The configuration is performed using either static or dynamic buffer model. Each one assumes usage
+of a different implementation of `buffermgrd`.
+Static model acts as a simple proxy and doesn't require any changes to `buffermgr`.
+Dynamic model requires some changes to `buffermgrdyn` in order to enable config forwarding.
+Buffer profile trimming configuration is represented with `BUFFER_PROFILE|name|packet_discard_action` field.
+On `BUFFER_PROFILE|name` update, method `BufferOrch::processBufferProfile` will be called to process the change.
+Regular buffer profile trimming update will refresh the internal class structures and appropriate SAI objects.
+### 2.3.4 ACL orch
+Existing infrastructure will be reused.
+ACL OA will be extended with a new trimming action `DISABLE_TRIM`.
+The new action will be handled as part of existing `PACKET_ACTION`.
+In order to use trimming configuration in ACL rule, a dedicated ACL table type must be defined.
+### 2.3.5 Flexcounter orch
+Existing infrastructure will be reused.
+Flex counter groups `port/queue` will be extended with a new SAI attributes
+## 2.4 DB schema
+### 2.4.1 Config DB
+#### Switch OA
+; defines schema for switch trimming configuration attributes
+key = SWITCH_TRIMMING|GLOBAL ; switch trimming global. Must be unique
+; field = value
+size = 1*10DIGIT ; size (in bytes) to trim eligible packet
+dscp_value = 1*2DIGIT ; DSCP value assigned to a packet after trimming
+queue_index = queue-index ; queue index to use for transmission of a packet after trimming
+; value annotations
+queue-index = 1*3DIGIT / "dynamic"
+* when `queue_index` is set to `dynamic`, the `dscp_value` is used for mapping to queue
+* field removal is not supported
+* configuration removal is not supported
+#### Buffer OA
+; defines schema for buffer profile trimming configuration attributes
+key = BUFFER_PROFILE|buffer_profile_name ; buffer profile name. Must be unique
+; field = value
+packet_discard_action = discard-action ; action on failure to admit a packet to Shared Buffer/MMU
+; value annotations
+discard-action = "drop" / "trim"
+* field removal is not supported
+#### ACL OA
+; defines schema for ACL rule trimming configuration attributes
+key = ACL_RULE|table_name|rule_name ; ACL rule name. Must be unique
+; field = value
+PACKET_ACTION = packet-action ; disable packet trimming for a given match condition
+; value annotations
+packet-action = "DISABLE_TRIM"
+* field removal is not supported
+### 2.4.2 State DB
+#### Switch trimming capabilities
+; defines schema for switch trimming configuration capabilities
+key = SWITCH_CAPABILITY|switch ; must be unique
+; field = value
+SWITCH_TRIMMING_CAPABLE = capability-knob ; specifies whether switch is trimming capable
+SWITCH|PACKET_TRIMMING_QUEUE_RESOLUTION_MODE = queue-mode-list ; queue mapping mode capabilities
+; value annotations
+capability-knob = "true" / "false"
+queue-mode = "STATIC" / "DYNAMIC"
+queue-mode-list = "" / "N/A" / queue-mode [ 1*( "," queue-mode ) ]
+### 2.4.3 Data sample
+**Config DB:**
+1) "size"
+2) "128"
+3) "dscp_value"
+4) "48"
+5) "queue_index"
+6) "6"
+redis-cli -n 4 HGETALL 'BUFFER_PROFILE|q_lossy_trim_profile'
+1) "packet_discard_action"
+2) "trim"
+**State DB:**
+redis-cli -n 6 HGETALL 'SWITCH_CAPABILITY|switch'
+ 2) "true"
+### 2.4.4 Configuration sample
+**Packet trimming and filtering:**
+ "TRIMMING_L3": {
+ "MATCHES": [
+ "SRC_IP"
+ ],
+ "ACTIONS": [
+ ],
+ "PORT"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "ACL_TABLE": {
+ "POLICY_DESC": "Packet trimming",
+ "PORTS": [
+ "Ethernet0"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "ACL_RULE": {
+ "PRIORITY": "999",
+ "SRC_IP": "",
+ }
+ },
+ "egress_lossy_pool": {
+ "mode": "dynamic",
+ "type": "egress"
+ }
+ },
+ "q_lossy_trim_profile": {
+ "dynamic_th": "3",
+ "pool": "egress_lossy_pool",
+ "size": "0",
+ "packet_discard_action": "trim"
+ }
+ },
+ "Ethernet0|3": {
+ "profile": "q_lossy_trim_profile"
+ }
+ },
+ "GLOBAL": {
+ "size": "128",
+ "dscp_value": "48",
+ "queue_index": "6"
+ }
+ }
+### 2.4.5 Initial configuration
+No special handling is required: disabled by default
+### 2.4.6 Configuration migration
+No special handling is required: adding new and extending the existing schema
+## 2.5 Flows
+### 2.5.1 Config section
+### Switch trimming update
+![Switch trimming update flow](images/pt_switch_flow.svg "Figure 3: Switch trimming update flow")
+###### Figure 3: Switch trimming update flow
+### Buffer profile update
+![Buffer profile update flow](images/pt_buffer_profile_flow.svg "Figure 4: Buffer profile update flow")
+###### Figure 4: Buffer profile update flow
+### 2.5.2 Show section
+#### Switch trimming show
+![Switch trimming show flow](images/pt_show_flow.svg "Figure 5: Switch trimming show flow")
+###### Figure 5: Switch trimming show flow
+## 2.6 CLI
+### 2.6.1 Command structure
+**User interface**:
+|--- switch-trimming
+ |--- global [OPTIONS]
+|--- switch-trimming
+ |--- global [OPTIONS]
+_config switch-trimming global_
+1. `-s|--size` - size (in bytes) to trim eligible packet
+2. `-d|--dscp` - DSCP value assigned to a packet after trimming
+3. `-q|--queue` - queue index to use for transmission of a packet after trimming
+_show switch-trimming global_
+1. `-j|--json` - display in JSON format
+### 2.6.2 Usage examples
+#### Config command group
+**The following command updates switch trimming global configuration:**
+config switch-trimming global \
+--size 128 \
+--dscp 48 \
+--queue 6
+**The following command updates switch trimming counter configuration:**
+counterpoll port enable
+counterpoll queue enable
+counterpoll acl enable
+counterpoll port interval 1000
+counterpoll queue interval 1000
+counterpoll acl interval 1000
+#### Show command group
+**The following command shows switch trimming global configuration:**
+root@sonic:/home/admin# show switch-trimming global
+| Configuration | Value |
+| Packet trimming size | 128 |
+| Packet trimming DSCP value | 48 |
+| Packet trimming queue index | 6 |
+root@sonic:/home/admin# show switch-trimming global --json
+ "size": "128",
+ "dscp_value": "48",
+ "queue_index": "6"
+**The following command shows switch trimming buffer configuration:**
+root@sonic:/home/admin# show buffer configuration
+Lossless traffic pattern:
+------------------ -
+default_dynamic_th 0
+------------------ -
+Pool: egress_lossy_pool
+---- -------
+mode dynamic
+type egress
+---- -------
+Profile: q_lossy_trim_profile
+--------------------- -----------------
+dynamic_th 3
+packet_discard_action trim
+pool egress_lossy_pool
+size 0
+--------------------- -----------------
+**The following command shows switch trimming ACL policy configuration:**
+root@sonic:/home/admin# show acl table
+Name Type Binding Description Stage Status
+---------- ----------- --------- --------------- ------- --------
+TRIM_TABLE TRIMMING_L3 Ethernet0 Packet trimming ingress Active
+root@sonic:/home/admin# show acl rule
+Table Rule Priority Action Match Status
+---------- --------- ---------- ------------ ------------------ --------
+**The following command shows switch trimming counter configuration:**
+root@sonic:/home/admin# counterpoll show
+Type Interval (in ms) Status
+------------ ------------------ --------
+PORT_STAT 1000 enable
+QUEUE_STAT 1000 enable
+ACL 1000 enable
+**The following command shows switch trimming statistics:**
+root@sonic:/home/admin# show interfaces counters -i Ethernet0 -a
+--------- ------- ------- -------- -------- --------- -------- -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- --------- -------- -------- -------- ------
+Ethernet0 U 100 0.00 B/s 0.00/s 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0.00 B/s 0.00 B/s 0.00% 0 100 0 100
+root@sonic:/home/admin# portstat -i Ethernet0 -a
+--------- ------- ------- -------- -------- --------- -------- -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- --------- -------- -------- -------- ------
+Ethernet0 U 100 0.00 B/s 0.00/s 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0.00 B/s 0.00 B/s 0.00% 0 100 0 100
+root@sonic:/home/admin# show interfaces counters trim Ethernet0
+--------- ------- ------
+Ethernet0 U 100
+root@sonic:/home/admin# portstat -i Ethernet0 --trim
+--------- ------- ------
+Ethernet0 U 100
+root@sonic:/home/admin# show queue counters Ethernet0 --all
+ Port TxQ Counter/pkts Counter/bytes Drop/pkts Drop/bytes Trim/pkts
+--------- ----- -------------- --------------- ----------- ------------ -----------
+Ethernet0 UC0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
+Ethernet0 UC1 N/A N/A 100 6400 100
+Ethernet0 UC2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
+Ethernet0 UC3 100 6400 N/A N/A N/A
+Ethernet0 UC4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
+Ethernet0 UC5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
+Ethernet0 UC6 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
+Ethernet0 UC7 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
+root@sonic:/home/admin# queuestat -p Ethernet0 --all
+ Port TxQ Counter/pkts Counter/bytes Drop/pkts Drop/bytes Trim/pkts
+--------- ----- -------------- --------------- ----------- ------------ -----------
+Ethernet0 UC0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
+Ethernet0 UC1 N/A N/A 100 6400 100
+Ethernet0 UC2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
+Ethernet0 UC3 100 6400 N/A N/A N/A
+Ethernet0 UC4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
+Ethernet0 UC5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
+Ethernet0 UC6 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
+Ethernet0 UC7 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
+root@sonic:/home/admin# show queue counters Ethernet0 --trim
+ Port TxQ Trim/pkts
+--------- ----- -----------
+Ethernet0 UC0 N/A
+Ethernet0 UC1 100
+Ethernet0 UC2 N/A
+Ethernet0 UC3 N/A
+Ethernet0 UC4 N/A
+Ethernet0 UC5 N/A
+Ethernet0 UC6 N/A
+Ethernet0 UC7 N/A
+root@sonic:/home/admin# queuestat -p Ethernet0 --trim
+ Port TxQ Trim/pkts
+--------- ----- -----------
+Ethernet0 UC0 N/A
+Ethernet0 UC1 100
+Ethernet0 UC2 N/A
+Ethernet0 UC3 N/A
+Ethernet0 UC4 N/A
+Ethernet0 UC5 N/A
+Ethernet0 UC6 N/A
+Ethernet0 UC7 N/A
+root@sonic:/home/admin# aclshow --all
+----------- ------------ ------ --------------- -------------
+TRIM_RULE TRIM_TABLE 999 100 6400
+## 2.7 YANG model
+Existing YANG model `sonic-buffer-profile.yang` at `sonic-buildimage/src/sonic-yang-models/yang-models`
+will be extended with a new schema in order to provide support for PT.
+**Skeleton code:**
+module sonic-buffer-profile {
+ ...
+ container sonic-buffer-profile {
+ container BUFFER_PROFILE {
+ key "name";
+ leaf name {
+ type string;
+ description "Buffer Profile name";
+ }
+ ...
+ leaf packet_discard_action {
+ type enumeration {
+ enum drop;
+ enum trim;
+ }
+ description "Action on failure to admit a packet to Shared Buffer/MMU";
+ }
+ }
+ /* end of BUFFER_PROFILE_LIST */
+ }
+ /* end of container BUFFER_PROFILE */
+ }
+ /* end of container sonic-trimming */
+/* end of module sonic-buffer-profile */
+New YANG model `sonic-trimming.yang` will be added to `sonic-buildimage/src/sonic-yang-models/yang-models`
+in order to provide support for PT.
+**Skeleton code:**
+module sonic-trimming {
+ yang-version 1.1;
+ namespace "http://github.com/sonic-net/sonic-trimming";
+ prefix trim;
+ description "TRIMMING YANG Module for SONiC OS";
+ revision 2024-11-01 {
+ description "First Revision";
+ }
+ container sonic-trimming {
+ container SWITCH_TRIMMING {
+ description "SWITCH_TRIMMING part of config_db.json";
+ container GLOBAL {
+ leaf size {
+ description "Size (in bytes) to trim eligible packet";
+ type uint32;
+ }
+ leaf dscp_value {
+ description "DSCP value assigned to a packet after trimming";
+ type uint8 {
+ range "0..63" {
+ error-message "Invalid DSCP value";
+ error-app-tag dscp-invalid;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ leaf queue_index {
+ description "Queue index to use for transmission of a packet after trimming";
+ type union {
+ type uint8;
+ type string {
+ pattern "dynamic";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* end of container GLOBAL */
+ }
+ /* end of container SWITCH_TRIMMING */
+ }
+ /* end of container sonic-trimming */
+/* end of module sonic-trimming */
+## 2.8 Warm/Fast boot
+No special handling is required
+# 3 Test plan
+## 3.1 Unit tests via VS
+PT basic configuration test:
+1. Verify ASIC DB object state after switch trimming size update
+2. Verify ASIC DB object state after switch trimming DSCP value update
+3. Verify ASIC DB object state after switch trimming queue index update
+4. Verify ASIC DB object state after buffer profile discard packet action update
+## 3.2 Data plane tests via PTF
+1. [Packet Trimming Test Plan](https://github.com/sonic-net/sonic-mgmt/pull/ "Test Plan")