Be sure to check out the readme first.
Clone the repository and install dependencies if you haven't already:
$ git clone -b main
$ cd ./parse-proto
$ npm install
Now, check out the proto/in directory contents. You'll see an entity.proto
file with proto messages and a service.
This is the file we'll be parsing.
Next, we'll make one small change to parse-proto.ts on line 10 to see how it works with our sample .proto
- const ENV_FILE = '.env';
+ const ENV_FILE = '.env.example';
Finally, run the parse-proto
$ npm run parse-proto
The output of the parse-proto
script is a compiled JavaScript module and TypeScript definition.
$ cd ./example/out && ls
entity.1_0_0.compiled.proto.js entity.1_0_0.compiled.proto.d.ts
You can then copy the compiled JavaScript module and TypeScript definition to your project and use them as you see fit.