This is the documentation for the Python library PyLX16A, a library for controlling LewanSoul's LX-16A servos. To get started with using them, read
. This document specifies all of the functionality of the library, so I would recommend reading the User Guide first.
NOTE: In this document, I make a distinction between the physical servo and the virtual servo object. In any program using PyLX16A, there should be a one-to-one correspondence between virtual servo objects and physical servos.
- LX16A.initialize(port) - Initializes the connection between the computer and the servo controller board
- LX16A.__init__(ID) - Creates a servo object
- LX16A.moveTimeWrite(angle, time=0) - Rotates the servo to the specified angle over the specified time
- LX16A.moveTimeWaitWrite(angle, time=0) - Sets an angle and time to be rotated to later
- LX16A.moveTimeWriteRel(relAngle, time=0) - Rotates the servo to the specified relative angle over the specified time
- LX16A.moveTimeWaitWriteRel(relAngle, time=0) - Sets a relative angle and time to be rotated to later
- LX16A.moveStart() - Begins servo rotation (to be with
) - LX16A.moveStop() - Halts the servo's rotation
- LX16A.IDWrite(ID) - Modifies the servo's ID
- LX16A.angleOffsetAdjust(offset) - Adjusts the servo's position offset
- LX16A.angleOffsetWrite() - Permanently writes the servo's position offset to memory
- LX16A.angleLimitWrite(lower, upper) - Adjusts the servo's angle boundaries
- LX16A.vInLimitWrite(lower, upper) - Adjusts the servo's input voltage limits
- LX16A.tempMaxLimitWrite(temp) - Adjusts the servo's maximum temperature limit
- LX16A.motorMode(speed) - Switches the servo to motor mode, and makes it rotate at the specified speed
- LX16A.servoMode() - Switches the servo to servo mode
- LX16A.loadOrUnloadWrite(power) - Turns the servo on or off
- LX16A.LEDCtrlWrite(power) - Turns the servo's LED on or off
- LX16A.LEDErrorWrite(temp, volt, lock) - Adjusts whether the servo's LED will flash if an error occurs
- LX16A.moveTimeRead() - Returns the parameters to the last call to
- LX16A.moveTimeWaitRead() - Returns the parameters to the last call to
- LX16A.IDRead() - Returns the servo's ID
- LX16A.angleOffsetRead() - Returns the servo's angle offset
- LX16A.angleLimitRead() - Returns the servo's angle limits
- LX16A.vInLimitRead() - Returns the maximum legal input voltage to the servo
- LX16A.tempMaxLimitRead() - Returns the maximum legal temperature of the servo
- LX16A.tempRead() - Returns the current temperature of the servo
- LX16A.vInRead() - Returns the current input voltage to the servo
- LX16A.getPhysicalPos() - Returns the current physical position of the servo
- LX16A.getVirtualPos() - Returns the current virtual position of the servo
- LX16A.servoMotorModeRead() - Returns whether the servo is in servo or motor mode
- LX16A.loadOrUnloadRead() - Returns whether the servo is loaded or unloaded
- LX16A.LEDCtrlRead() - Returns whether the LED is on or off
- LX16A.LEDErrorRead() - Returns which error conditions will cause the LED to flash
- LX16A.moveStartAll() - Rotates all servos at once (if they have parameters set by
. - LX16A.moveStopAll() - Halts all servo movement
- LX16A.moveTimeWriteList(servos, data) - Moves multiple servos simultaneously, each with distinct parameters
- LX16A.moveTimeWriteListRel(servos, data) - Moves multiple servos simultaneously, each with distinct parameters, and with relative angles
- LX16A.getServos() - Returns a list of all
objects in existence
Initiates the connection between the computer and the servo controller board. No other commands will work if this function is not called.
Parameter | Type |
port | str |
from lx16a import *
# To find the port on Windows, try COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, etc.
# This program initializes the controller board on the port COM3
from lx16a import *
# To find the port on Windows, go to the directory /dev/ in the terminal,
# and type `ls`. This will list all available ports, so try all of them
# This program initializes the controller board on the port /dev/ttyUSB0
If the port does not exist, a SerialException
will be raised.
Each physical servo has an ID number associated with it, between 0 and 253. Virtual servos also have an ID associated with them, and when a command is called in the code, this command affects the physical servo with the same ID. A servo's physical ID can be set programmatically or through LewanSoul's Bus Servo Terminal software.
Parameter | Type | Lower Bound | Upper Bound |
ID | int |
0 | 253 |
from lx16a import *
# Creates two virtual servo objects, with IDs 1 and 5
servo1 = LX16A(1)
servo2 = LX16A(5)
If the ID
parameter is out of range, a ServoError
will be raised.
Rotates the servo to the specified angle (in degrees) over the given time (in milliseconds). If the time argument is 0, the servo will rotate as fast as it can, but it will not be instant. If no time argument is given, it will be assumed to be 0. The angle must be inside the bounds set by LX16A.angleLimitWrite()
Parameter | Type | Lower Bound | Upper Bound |
angle | int |
0* | 240* |
time | int |
0 | 30000 |
* These values can be modified by LX16A.angleLimitWrite()
from lx16a import *
servo1 = LX16A(1)
servo2 = LX16A(2)
# Rotates servo1 to its halfway position
# Rotates servo2 to 200 degrees over 3 seconds
servo2.moveTimeWrite(200, 3000)
If angle
is outside of the bounds set by LX16A.angleLimitWrite()
, or if time
is out of range, a ServoError
will be raised.
Similar to LX16A.moveTimeWrite, except that the servo does not rotate immediately. Instead, it rotates by the angle and time when LX16A.moveStart()
or LX16A.moveStartAll()
is called. The angle must be inside the bounds set by LX16A.angleLimitWrite()
Parameter | Type | Lower Bound | Upper Bound |
angle | int |
0* | 240* |
time | int |
0 | 30000 |
* These values can be modified by LX16A.angleLimitWrite()
from lx16a import *
import time
servo1 = LX16A(1)
# Stores angle=180 and time=2000 in servo1
servo1.moveTimeWaitWrite(180, 2000)
# Sleep for one second
# Starts rotation of the servo
If angle
is outside of the bounds set by LX16A.angleLimitWrite()
, or if time
is out of range, a ServoError
will be raised.
Rotates the servo relative to its current angle (in degrees) over the specified time (in seconds). If the time argument is 0, the servo will rotate as fast as it can, but it will not be instant. If no time argument is given, it will be assumed to be 0. The absolute angle must be inside the bounds set by LX16A.angleLimitWrite()
Parameter | Type | Lower Bound | Upper Bound |
relAngle | int |
0* | 240* |
time | int |
0 | 30000 |
* These values can be modified by LX16A.angleLimitWrite()
from lx16a import *
import time
servo1 = LX16A(1)
# Rotate the servo to 120 degrees
# Wait for the servo to finish rotating
# Rotate by 30 degrees to an absolute angle of 150 degrees
If the servo's current angle plus relAngle
is outside of the bounds set by LX16A.angleLimitWrite()
, or if time
is out range, a ServoError
will be raised.
Similar to LX16A.moveTimeWriteRel, except that the servo does not rotate immediately. Instead, it rotates by the angle (relative to its current angle) and time when LX16A.moveStart()
or LX16A.moveStartAll()
is called. The absolute angle must be inside the bounds set by LX16A.angleLimitWrite()
Parameter | Type | Lower Bound | Upper Bound |
relAngle | int |
0* | 240* |
time | int |
0 | 30000 |
* These values can be modified by LX16A.angleLimitWrite()
from lx16a import *
import time
servo1 = LX16A(1)
# Rotate the servo to 120 degrees
# Stores relAngle=30 and time=2000 in servo1
servo1.moveTimeWaitWriteRel(30, 2000)
# Wait for the servo to finish rotating
# Rotate by the stored angle and time
If the servo's current angle plus relAngle
is outside of the bounds set by LX16A.angleLimitWrite()
, or if time
is out range, a ServoError
will be raised.
Rotates the servo by the angle specified by LX16A.moveTimeWaitWrite(), or by the the angle specified by moveTimeWaitWriteRel() (relative to the servo's current angle), over the specified time.
from lx16a import *
import time
servo1 = LX16A(1)
# Stores angle=180 and time=2000 in servo1
servo1.moveTimeWaitWrite(180, 2000)
# Sleep for one second
# Starts rotation of the servo
Halts the servo's movement. Both LX16A.getPhysicalPos()
and LX16A.getVirtualPos()
will still be accurate after this function is called.
from lx16a import *
import time
servo1 = LX16A(1)
servo1.moveTimeWrite(180, 5000)
# Halts the servos movement, wherever it is
Changes the ID of the physical servo as well as the servo object. After calling this function, the servo object will still work, but future servo objects referencing this physical servo will have to be aware of the ID change.
Parameter | Type | Lower Bound | Upper Bound |
ID | int |
0 | 253 |
from lx16a import *
servo1 = LX16A(1)
# Changes servo1's ID to 4
is out of range, a ServoError
will be raised.
Adds a constant offset (in degrees) to the servo's position. In a situation where the physical servo was placed a few degrees in a certain direction, this command could be used to adjust for that error. The offset does not adjust the virtual servo's angle. When the servo is powered off, this offset is erased from its memory. It is possible to achieve a negative angle using this command, by having the offset plus the virtual angle be negative. To permanently set an offset, follow this command with LX16A.angleOffsetWrite()
NOTE: This command may affect the return value of LX16A.getPhysicalPos()
and LX16A.getVirtualPos()
Parameter | Type | Lower Bound | Upper Bound |
offset | int |
-125 | 125 |
from lx16a import *
servo1 = LX16A(1)
# Sets the servo's offset to -4 degrees
# Rotates to 120 degrees, but if the offset is taken into account,
# the servo is really at 116 degrees
If offset
is out of range, a ServoError
will be raised.
Permanently writes the angle offset (set by LX16A.angleOffsetAdjust()
) to the servo's memory. Normally, after the servo is powered off, it loses its angle offset, but after using this command, it will remember.
from lx16a import *
servo1 = LX16A(1)
# Set the angle offset to 22 degrees
# Power the servo off and on again
# ...
# Write 90 degrees to the servo, but since it still remembers the offset,
# the servo is really at 112 degrees (90 + 22 degrees)
Sets the upper and lower limits for the servo's position. By default, these values are at their limits, 0 and 240 degrees. Note that the lower bound must be strictly less than the upper bound. If you attempt to rotate the servo to a position out of bounds, it will rotate but stop at its limits. If the servo's position is out of bounds set by this command, the servo will be able to rotate back into the legal range, but not back out.
Parameter | Type | Lower Bound | Upper Bound |
lower | int |
0 | 240 |
upper | int |
0 | 240 |
from lx16a import *
import time
servo1 = LX16A(1)
servo1.angleLimitWrite(60, 180)
# This command works
# This one does not
# servo1.moveTimeWrite(210)
If either lower
or upper
is out of range, or if lower
>= upper
, a ServoError
will be raised.
Sets the lower and upper limits (in millivolts) for the voltage going into the servo. If the voltage goes outside of these bounds, then the servo will stop working, and the LED will flash. Note that the lower bound must be strictly less than the upper bound.
Parameter | Type | Lower Bound | Upper Bound |
lower | int |
4500 | 12000 |
upper | int |
4500 | 12000 |
from lx16a import *
servo1 = LX16A(1)
# Normal range
servo1.vInLimitWrite(6000, 10000)
If either lower
or upper
is out of range, or if lower
>= upper
, a ServoError
will be raised.
Commands the servo to start continously rotating (like a motor), at a speed between -1000 and 1000 (0 is still, 1000 is full speed, and -1000 is full speed in the opposite direction).
Parameter | Type | Lower Bound | Upper Bound |
speed | int |
-1000 | 1000 |
from lx16a import *
import time
servo1 = LX16A(1)
# Have the servo rotate back and forth, changing direction every seccond
while True:
# Set the servo rotating at full speed
# Set the servo rotating at full speed, but backwards
If speed
is out of bounds, a ServoError
will be raised.
Reverts the servo back to servo mode (from motor mode, discussed in LX16A.motorMode()
from lx16a import *
import time
servo1 = LX16A(1)
# Switch the servo to servo mode. rotating at half speed
# Switch the servo back to servo mode
Returns the parameters of the last call to LX16A.moveTimeWrite()
. This includes calls to LX16A.moveTimeWriteRel()
(in this case, the returned angle will be absolute).
from lx16a import *
servo1 = LX16A(1)
servo1.moveTimeWrite(180, 500)
params = servo1.moveTimeRead()
print("Angle: {}, time: {}".format(*params))
A list containing two int
s, the first being the angle, and the second being the time.
Returns the parameters of the last call to LX16A.moveTimeWaitWrite()
. This includes calls to LX16A.moveTimeWaitWriteRel()
(in this case, the returned angle will be absolute).
from lx16a import *
import time
servo1 = LX16A(1)
servo1.moveTimeWaitWrite(180, 500)
params = servo1.moveTimeWaitRead()
print("Angle: {}, time: {}".format(*params))
A list containing two int
s, the first being the angle, and the second being the time.
Returns the physical position of the servo. This will sometimes differ from the commanded position of the servo if, for example, the servo's load is too big, or something is blocking it from rotating.
from lx16a import *
servo1 = LX16A(1)
pos = servo1.getPhysicalPos()
print("The servo's physical position is {} degrees".format(pos))
The physical position of the servo, between 0 and 240 degrees.
Returns the position that the servo is supposed to be at. The servo will usually physically be at this position, but if it is preventing from fully rotating because of a large load (for example), then its physical position will be different.
from lx16a import *
servo1 = LX16A(1)
print("The servo is supposed to be at position", servo1.getVirtualPos())
print("The servo is physically at position", servo1.getPhysicalPos())
The virtual position of the servo, between 0 and 240 degrees.