If you experience a problem when using Distance for Windows then:
- Check the built-in help by visiting the Help menu.
- Check the release notes for your release.
- Check the user guide for your release.
- Check Current restrictions, known problems and workarounds for your release:
- Distance 6.2 and R
- Distance 6.0 Release 2.
- Distance 5.0 Release 2.
- Distance 4.1 Release 2.
- Distance 3.5 Release 6.
For all versions of Distance, also:
- Search Bugzilla for known problems and bugs, both open and fixed.
- Search the distance-sampling GoogleGroup archive.
- Search the distance-sampling JISCMail archive, for discussions up to June 2014.
If you cannot find a solution then you can do one of:
- Submit a new Bugzilla bug:
- Create an account.
- Information on reporting a bug using Bugzilla can be found in the Bugzilla Guide.
- E-mail the distance-sampling GoogleGroup archive.
- To subscribe, see the Distance sampling email list.
- Please submit only one bug per report.
- State your operating system and version.
- State any non-standard UK set up on your machine e.g. which language edition of Windows; which regional settings you are using.
- For Distance R packages, state your R version.
This can be found by running:
> getRversion()
Or, for more verbose information:
> R.version
- State your Distance version:
For Distance for Windows, this can be found via the Help=>About Distance command.
For Distance R packages, the package version can be found by running
with the package name e.g.> packageVersion("mrds")
- Provide any error messages and exceptions that you see.
- If providing exceptions then please provide these exactly as printed.
- Please do not provide a simple textual summary like 'It threw an error'.
- For Distance for Windows, feel free to send copies of your display:
- Press CTRL+Print Screen to copy the whole display.
- Press ALT+Print Screen to copy the currently-selected window.
- Paste these into an image editor (e.g. using Paint accessible via Start Menu=>Accessories) and save as a JPG.
- If possible, upload an example project demonstrating the bug.
- Please remove all non-relevant analyses/designs before uploading.
- Provide any other information you think will help.
- Clearly separate fact from speculation.
- Requests of the form 'I used Distance and am stuck!' are not helpful to either you or us and people may suspect that you are just a spammer or time waster.
No bug is too trivial to report - small bugs may hide big bugs!
Please be patient! The Distance team consists of members in a number of organisations who work on a number of projects, and may be very busy. Distance's support relies on the goodwill of these members and organisations. Our support is 'best effort' (i.e., we'll do the best we can, given our other commitments).