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Survival analysis with SurvivalBoost#


Survival analysis is a time-to-event regression problem that deals with censored data. +We refer to individuals as censored if they did not experience the event during the +period of observation.


In our setting, we are mostly interested in right-censored data, which means that the +event of interest did not occur before the end of the observation period (typically the +time of data collection).


We will use the The Molecular Taxonomy of Breast Cancer International Consortium +(METABRIC) dataset as an example, which is available through pycox.datasets. This +is the processed data set used in the +DeepSurv paper (Katzman et al. 2018).

import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from pycox.datasets import metabric
+df = metabric.read_df()
+X = df.drop(columns=["event", "duration"])
+y = df[["event", "duration"]]
Dataset 'metabric' not locally available. Downloading...
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

1904 rows × 2 columns


Notice that the target y is comprised of two columns:

  • event, where \(0\) marks censoring and \(1\) is indicative that the +event of interest (death) has actually happened before the end of the +observation window.

  • +
  • duration, the censored time-to-event \(D = \min(T, C) > 0\). +This is the minimum between the date of the experienced event, represented by the +random variable \(T\), and the censoring date, represented by \(C\).

  • +

In this dataset, approximately 42% of the data is censored..

+1    0.579307
+0    0.420693
+Name: proportion, dtype: float64
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
+X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2)
+X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(X_train, y_train, test_size=0.2)

Using SurvivalBoost to estimate the survival function#


Here, our quantity of interest is the survival probability:

+\[S(t | X=x) = P(T > t | X=x)\]

This represents the probability that an event doesn’t occur at or before some +given time \(t\), i.e. that it happens at some time \(T > t\), +given the patient features \(x\).


SurvivalBoost is a scikit-learn compatible model which expects a covariates dataframe +(or array-like) X, and a target dataframe y with columns “event” and +“duration”. This allows SurvivalBoost to estimate the survival function \(S\).

from hazardous import SurvivalBoost
+survival_boost = SurvivalBoost(show_progressbar=False).fit(X_train, y_train)
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SurvivalBoost can then predict the survival function for each patient, +according to some time grid of horizons. +The time grid is learned during fit but can be passed during prediction +with the parameter times. +When times is set to None, the model will used the learned time grid.

predicted_curves = survival_boost.predict_cumulative_incidence(
+    X_test,
+    times=None,
+survival_curves = predicted_curves[:, 0]  # survival function S(t)
+incidence_curves = predicted_curves[:, 1]  # cumulative incidence of the event (death)

Let’s plot the estimated survival function for some patients.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+patient_ids_to_plot = [0, 1, 2, 3]
+for idx in patient_ids_to_plot:
+    ax.plot(survival_boost.time_grid_, survival_curves[idx], label=f"Patient {idx}")
+    # plot symbols for death or censoring
+    event = y_test.iloc[idx]["event"]
+    duration = y_test.iloc[idx]["duration"]
+    # find the index of time closest to duration
+    jdx = np.searchsorted(survival_boost.time_grid_, duration)
+    smiley = "☠️" if event == 1 else "✖"
+    ax.text(
+        duration,
+        survival_curves[idx, jdx],
+        smiley,
+        fontsize=20,
+        color=ax.lines[idx].get_color(),
+    )
+ax.set_ylabel("Predicted Survival Probability")
+plot survival analysis

Measuring features impact on predictions#


We can also observe the survival function by age group or by chemotherapy treatment +to show the impact that the model attributes to these features. We do something akin +to Partial Dependence Plots, where we sample the feature independently of the other +features to eliminate correlations.


We create a synthetic dataset where age (x8) is resampled to reduce +confounder bias.

X_synthetic = X_train.copy()
+# Age varies from 20 to 80
+X_synthetic["x8"] = np.linspace(20, 80, X_synthetic.shape[0])
+# Predict cumulative incidence on the synthetic dataset
+survival_curves_synthetic = survival_boost.predict_survival_function(X_synthetic)
+# Create age bins and sort them by the left bin edge
+age_bins = pd.cut(X_synthetic["x8"], bins=[0, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100])
+age_groups = sorted(age_bins.unique(), key=lambda x: x.left)
+# Create a colormap
+fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+cmap = plt.get_cmap("viridis", len(age_groups))
+for idx, age_group in enumerate(age_groups):
+    # Get the mask of patients in the current age group
+    mask = age_bins == age_group
+    # Calculate the mean and std cumulative incidence for the current age group
+    mean_survival = survival_curves_synthetic[mask].mean(axis=0)
+    std_survival = survival_curves_synthetic[mask].std(axis=0)
+    # Plot with color from colormap
+    ax.plot(
+        survival_boost.time_grid_,
+        mean_survival,
+        label=f"Age {age_group}",
+        color=cmap(idx),
+        linewidth=3,
+    )
+    # Add ribbon for std
+    ax.fill_between(
+        survival_boost.time_grid_,
+        mean_survival - std_survival,
+        mean_survival + std_survival,
+        color=cmap(idx),
+        alpha=0.3,
+    )
+ax.set_title("Survival function by age")
+ax.set_ylabel("Estimated Survival Probability")
+Survival function by age

Unsurprisingly, the cumulative incidence of death mostly increases with age. +We can do the same thing with chemotherapy treatement.


Let’s create a synthetic dataset where chemotherapy (x6) +alternates between 0 and 1.

X_synthetic = X_train.copy()
+X_synthetic["x6"] = np.tile([0, 1], X_synthetic.shape[0] // 2)
+survival_curves_synthetic = survival_boost.predict_survival_function(
+    X_synthetic,
+fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+cmap = plt.get_cmap("viridis", 2)
+for chemo_group in [0, 1]:
+    mask = X_synthetic["x6"] == chemo_group
+    mean_survival = survival_curves_synthetic[mask].mean(axis=0)
+    std_survival = survival_curves_synthetic[mask].std(axis=0)
+    ax.plot(
+        survival_boost.time_grid_,
+        mean_survival,
+        label=(
+            "Treated with Chemotherapy"
+            if chemo_group == 1
+            else "Not Treated with Chemotherapy"
+        ),
+        color=cmap(chemo_group),
+        linewidth=3,
+    )
+    ax.fill_between(
+        survival_boost.time_grid_,
+        mean_survival - std_survival,
+        mean_survival + std_survival,
+        color=cmap(chemo_group),
+        alpha=0.3,
+    )
+ax.set_title("Survival function by chemotherapy treatment")
+ax.set_ylabel("Estimated Survival Probability")
+Survival function by chemotherapy treatment

People treated with chemotherapy likely have more advanced stages of cancer, which is +reflected by the lower estimated survival function. This serves as a reminder that +the estimate is not causal.


Let’s now attempt to quantify how well a survival curve estimated on a training set +performs on a test set.


Survival model evaluation#


The Brier score and the C-index are measures that assess the quality of a +predicted survival curve on a finite data sample.

  • The Brier score in time is a strictly proper scoring rule, which means that an +estimate of the survival probabilities at a given time \(t\) has minimal Brier +score if and only if it matches the oracle survival probabilities induced by +the underlying data generating process. In that respect, the Brier score +assesses both the calibration and the ranking power of a survival +probability estimator. It is comprised between 0 and 1 (lower is better). It +answers the question “how close to the real probabilities are our estimates?”.

  • +
  • On the other hand, the C-index only assesses the ranking power: it +represents the probability that, for a randomly selected pair of patients, +the patient with the higher estimated survival probability will survive +longer than the other. It is comprised between 0 and 1 (higher is better), +with 0.5 corresponding to random predictions.

  • +
+ +Mathematical formulation (Brier score)
+\[\mathrm{BS}^c(t) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n I(d_i \leq t \cap \delta_i = 1) +\frac{(0 - \hat{S}(t | \mathbf{x}_i))^2}{\hat{G}(d_i)} + I(d_i > t) +\frac{(1 - \hat{S}(t | \mathbf{x}_i))^2}{\hat{G}(t)}\]

In the survival analysis context, the Brier Score can be seen as the Mean +Squared Error (MSE) between our probability \(\hat{S}(t)\) and our +target label \(\delta_i \in {0, 1}\), weighted by the inverse probability +of censoring \(\frac{1}{\hat{G}(t)}\). +In practice we estimate \(\hat{G}(t)\) using a variant of +the Kaplan-Estimator with swapped event indicator.

  • When no event or censoring has happened at \(t\) yet, i.e. +\(I(d_i > t)\), we penalize a low probability of survival with +\((1 - \hat{S}(t|\mathbf{x}_i))^2\).

  • +
  • Conversely, when an individual has experienced an event before \(t\), i.e. +\(I(d_i \leq t \cap \delta_i = 1)\), we penalize a high probability +of survival with \((0 - \hat{S}(t|\mathbf{x}_i))^2\).

  • +
+ +Mathematical formulation (Harrell’s C-index)
+\[\mathrm{C_{index}} = \frac{\sum_{i,j} I(d_i < d_j \space \cap \space +\delta_i = 1 \space \cap \space \mu_i < \mu_j)} +{\sum_{i,j} I(d_i < d_j \space \cap \space \delta_i = 1)}\]

where \(\mu_i\) and \(\mu_j\) are the time-averaged predicted survival +probabilities for individual \(i\) and \(j\).


Additionnaly, we compute the Integrated Brier Score (IBS), which we will use to +summarize the Brier score in time:

+\[\mathrm{IBS} = \frac{1}{t_{max} - t_{min}}\int^{t_{max}}_{t_{min}} +\mathrm{BS(t)} dt\]
from hazardous.metrics import integrated_brier_score_survival
+ibs_survboost = integrated_brier_score_survival(
+    y_train,
+    y_test,
+    survival_curves,
+    times=survival_boost.time_grid_,
+print(f"IBS for SurvivalBoost: {ibs_survboost:.4f}")
IBS for SurvivalBoost: 0.1382

We can compare this to the Integrated Brier score of a simple Kaplan-Meier estimator, +which doesn’t take the patient features into account.

from lifelines import KaplanMeierFitter
+km_model = KaplanMeierFitter()
+km_model.fit(y["duration"], y["event"])
+survival_curve_agg_km = km_model.survival_function_at_times(
+    survival_boost.time_grid_,
+# To get individual survival curves, we duplicate the survival curve for each patient.
+survival_curves_km = np.tile(survival_curve_agg_km, (X_test.shape[0], 1))
+ibs_km = integrated_brier_score_survival(
+    y_train,
+    y_test,
+    survival_curves_km,
+    times=survival_boost.time_grid_,
+print(f"IBS for Kaplan-Meier: {ibs_km:.4f}")
IBS for Kaplan-Meier: 0.1566

Let’s also compute the concordance index for both the Kaplan-Meier and SurvivalBoost.

from lifelines.utils import concordance_index
+concordance_index_km = concordance_index(
+    event_observed=y_test["event"],
+    event_times=y_test["duration"],
+    predicted_scores=survival_curves_km.mean(axis=1),
+print(f"Concordance index for Kaplan-Meier: {concordance_index_km:.2f}")
Concordance index for Kaplan-Meier: 0.50

0.5 corresponds to random chance, which makes sense as the Kaplan-Meier estimator +doesn’t depend on the patient features.

concordance_index_survboost = concordance_index(
+    event_observed=y_test["event"],
+    event_times=y_test["duration"],
+    predicted_scores=survival_curves.mean(axis=1),
+print(f"Concordance index for SurvivalBoost: {concordance_index_survboost:.2f}")
Concordance index for SurvivalBoost: 0.67

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 8.398 seconds)

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