- HmIP-DRDI3: Added multichannel dimmer (@smhex)
- HmIP-FSI16: Added switch actor for 16A (@gkminix)
- General: Version bumps of dependencies
- HmIP-SWO: Added weather sensors: HmIP-SWO-B, HmIP-SWO-PL, HmIP-SWO-PR
- Thermostats: Added eve compatible valve position as custom characteristic
- General: Unified HmIPHeatingThermostat, HmIPWallMountedThermostat
- General: Fixed missing fakegato statistics
- General: Limited fakegato updates
- General: Version bumps of dependencies
- General: Works with Node.js >= 20
- Switches: Fixed "characteristic was supplied illegal value: null"
- WallMountedThermostat: Improved handling of heating/cooling state (@aceg1k)
- WallMountedThermostat: Guard against unnecessary API calls (@aceg1k)
- API call limited: Added reservoir and ability to prioritize API calls (@aceg1k)
- General: Version bumps of dependencies
- Switches: Fixed "characteristic was supplied illegal value: null"
- HmIP-BLS: Added support for HmIP-BLS door lock sensor (Many thanks to @smhex)
- ClimateSensor: Added switch to force a thermostat device to act as a climate sensor (Many thanks to @ohueter)
- General: It's time for version 1.0.0!
- General: Version bumps of dependencies.
- HmIP-DLS: Added support for HmIP-DLS door lock sensor (Many thanks to @smhex)
- General: Version bumps of dependencies.
- General: Switched to pnpm instead of npm.
- SecuritySystem: Fixed erroneous state change within the home app.
- HmIP-MOD: Added "lightSwitch" config option to disable light switch if not available.
- General: Reduced verbosity of log messages. Some frequent log messages have log level debug now.
- General: Fixed removal of cached accessories which were removed from HmIP cloud.
- General: Added per-device config. All devices can be hidden by setting config.json option "hidden": true. See GitHub Wiki for details.
- HmIP-DLD: New option "openLatch". When set to true, opening the lock will open the door completely by pulling the door latch.
- HmIP-DLD: Lock target state was not always updated correctly displaying an opening/closing animation in Home app.
- HmIP-DLD: Added support for HmIP door lock drive - thanks to @adrianoje for borrowing me his HmIP-DLD!
- General: Version bumps of dependencies.
- Elgato EVE history service: Support for graphical temperature/humidity plots when using EVE app. The history is stored on the filesystem of the server running this plugin (e.g. your Raspberry Pi). Many thanks to @dmalch for implementing this feature.
- General: Clean-up and version bumps.
- HmIP-eTRV-E: Added support for HmIP Thermostat "Evo" - thanks to Sven Liebert for adding support.
- HmIPHeatingThermostat: Extend min/max set temperature range to 5-30 degrees.
- General: Version bumps for dependencies. I'm still using 3.0.0-beta9 of node-fetch since all projects need to switch from "commonJS" to "ESM" starting from node-fetch 3.0.0. This caused problems for some users. (marcsowen#165)
- General: Version bumps for dependencies. Solves an issue with node-fetch for newer installations.
- HmIP-STH/STHD: Device is now a thermostat instead of a simple climate sensor. The target temperature is usually extracted from the device channel. In case of the HmIP-STH the target temperature is determined from the heating group since the device channel doesn't provide this kind of information.
- General: Log messages contain a unit symbol where applicable.
- General: Removed now long-running Hclean-up code for obsolete services and characteristics
- Dimmer: Fixed turning dimmer on with Siri.
- Dimmer: Fixed "flashing" of dimmer while changing dim level.
- Dimmer: Added dimmer devices: HmIP-PDT, HmIP-BDT, HmIP-FDT, HmIPW-DRD3
- MotionDetector: Added motion detector style devices: HmIP-SMI, HmIP-SMO-A, HmIP-SMI55
- PresenceDetector: Added presence detector: HmIP-SPI
- General: Fixed tampered state mapping.
- ContactSensor: Added sabotage state (tampered state) for contact sensors which support it.
- General: Fixed low battery display for all devices with sabotage channel.
- SmokeDetector: Removed obsolete tampered characteristic.
- General: Prevent warning messages about missing characteristics.
- General: Removed obsolete battery services and characteristics.
- ContactSensor: Removed obsolete current door state characteristic.
- ContactSensor: Removed additional "window" service which prevents display of two window sensors when there is only one.
- RotaryHandleSensor: Use window service for the rotary handle sensor exclusively. Removed contact service for this device.
- SecuritySystem: Added security system including internal and external alarm zones. This is definitely beta, so please don't trust the alarm to go off inside HomeKit. Also check the HomematicIP app to be sure the right alarm setting is applied.
- ContactSensor: Added "window" service to contact sensor. The window service supports "tilted" windows by displaying a current position of 50%.
- General: Only add battery service if device actually has a battery.
- General: Removed now optional characteristics "battery level" and "charging state" which are not supported by HomematicIP anyway.
- Shutter/Blind: Improved target position behavior even further. Now target always follows the current position. The spinning progress indicator was actually spinning because current and target position were not the same.
- General: Removed all push button type devices. I haven't figured out a way to get push events from the HmIP-Cloud. My guess is it is not possible. Now those devices not shown as unsupported devices in the Home App.
- HmIP-eTRV-C: Heating-thermostat compact without display
- HmIP-eTRV: Fixed update of valve position. Show valve position changes in logs.
- HmIP-eTRV: Valve position > 0 indicates current cooling/heating state: HEAT. Valve position = 0 indicates current heating cooling/heating state: OFF.
- HmIP-eTRV: Added logs for setting ignored values (target cooling/heating mode, display units).
- HmIP-eTRV: Target cooling/heating mode is now ignored. Will be used for future mapping of custom states.
- HmIP-eTRV: Show changes of valve state in logs.
- Shutter/Blind: Fixed spinning progress indicator in Home app.
- HmIP-eTRV-C: HmIP-eTRV-C was listed but not actually supported.
- HmIP-SLO: Light Sensor outdoor
- General: Added API call rate limiter to prevent 60 minutes IP blocks by eq-3 when using fast firing GUI elements like the shutter slider in EVE app.
- SwitchMeasuring: Show power and energy with less decimal places.
- Shutter/Blind: Show shutter and slats level without decimal places.
- General: Minor code cleanup.
- WallMountedThermostat: Added info log when changing target heating/cooling state or display unit. These changes are ignored.
- General: Fixed dependency problem preventing plugin to start.
- Switch: Split switch device into switch and measuring switch device to expose more features.
- SwitchMeasuring: Added EVE characteristics ElectricPower and ElectricalEnergy for measuring switches. Those values can be viewed e.g. by using the EVE App on iOS.
- General: Code clean-up. Removed dozens of unused home references.
- General: Removed unused weather device.
- WallMountedThermostat: Target heating mode is now AUTO by default. Current heating mode depends on cooling state of heating group.
- GarageDoor: Introduced assumed target position. Enhanced state logic.
- Blind: Set correct (current) shutter level when setting slats level. This should prevent the shutter from going all the way up when changing slats level.
- GarageDoor: Removed explicit target door position which is not known anyway. This might improve display of animation in Home App.
- HmIP-FBL: Blind Actuator - flush-mount
- HmIP-BBL: Blind Actuator - brand-mount
- General: Automatically remove unsupported devices from cache
- GarageDoor: Further optimized target door state by updating it asynchronously.
- WaterSensor: Hopefully fixed "This callback function has already been called by someone else; it can only be called one time." bug. Removed humidity detector for now.
- ClimateSensor: Fixed a bug where outside temperatures below zero won't be accepted by HomeKit.
- HmIP-SWD (Water sensor). The sensor exposes two services: Moisture detector and water level detector.
- GarageDoor: Display light state as ON/OFF instead of true/false
- HomeControllerAccessPoint: Removed the device completely. It was not useful anyway and confused people why there was still light burning in the house.
- SmokeDetector: Smoke alarm is only triggered when the device itself is detecting smoke. In this way the alarm displayed on your device is showing the sensor where the smoke actually was detected, not all the smoke sensors in the house.
- GarageDoor: Fixes target door state update when OPEN/CLOSE was triggered by external app
- SmokeDetector: Removed erroneous tampered state detection when instead it was really a burglar alarm.