fix deck.js needs h2 rule and heading twos for slide break
add a heading h1/h2 slide breaker rule
fix images (i/) - (auto)redirect back to /i (e.g. from /slideshow-s6-blank/i/**) etc.
remove i/dots-white.gif with some sample (dummy) pics
add a deck struct to json service
add a section to deck - why? why not? make it optional/an alternative (for iteration?)
- e.g. use heading 1 for sections and heading 2 for slide titles for exampe - why? why not??
check out remark - add as a template - why? why not??
add opts for --h1 and --h2 slide breaks
slidy fix (encoding error?)
Successfully installed slideshow-service-0.3.0
Parsing documentation for slideshow-service-0.3.0
unable to convert "\xA9" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 for lib/slideshow/service/public/slideshow-slidy/help/help.html, skipping
Installing ri documentation for slideshow-service-0.3.0
Done installing documentation for slideshow-service after 12 seconds