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Releases: skyscrapers/terraform-teleport

New teleport-ecs module

24 Jan 11:24
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Run teleport on ECS (#8)

* Teleport ecs module

* Bump LB module

* Bump version of teleport

* Generate proxy token to register to the auth servers

* Fixes for logs + naming

* Fixes for lb

* Add DNS

* Add description + DNS is optional

* Enable the node service on auth and expose port 3022

* Add description to variables

* Add readme

* Tweak memory limits of containers

I checked the test setup we run now and we use less than 10% of the memory. So I tweaked the memory consumption to that number to 128MB instead of 512MB

* Add tsh entry

* Use fixed port for auth server

* Fix dns resource name

* Don't advertise EC2 ip address for the proxy servers

* Bump alb and nlb target groups module version

* Refactor the whole teleport ecs module

Now using an ELB in front of the proxy service

* Switch ELB protocol to ssl instead of https so websockets work

* Don't deploy proxy multiple times in the same instance, because of the fixed ports

* Lock host port for auth server to overcome Teleport bug

Aparently, as the auth server is also a node, it's reporting to the
cluster with the EC2 host IP, so other nodes in the cluster use that IP
to connect to auth

* Parametrize teleport log severity setting

* Add securitygroup rules

* Added a cloudwatch logs container together with auth to ship audit logs

And other format fixes

* Make dynamodb table and region a variable for the iam permissions

* Increase CPU reservation of teleport

* Disable node on auth server

* Fix readme header level

* Update readme with recent changes in teleport-ecs module

* Added further documentation for teleport-ecs module

* Corrected some resource names in teleport-ecs module

* Set default value for aws_region of iam-policy module

* Use the same aws_region variable for all resources in teleport-ecs

2.2.1 Add general teleport config to the teleport-bootstrap module

14 Dec 15:16
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We want to add the systemd service file and general config file of teleport to the module so that we can use it in other modules.


13 Dec 08:33
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Instead of replacing inside a yaml file. Echo to a separate file that can be used as an systemd environment file.

Fix private IP fetch mechanism in bootstrap script

30 Nov 10:37
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Use more robust way to get private ip in bootstrap script (#3)

* Use more robust way to get private ip in bootstrap script

Previously I was always using the interface eth0 to fetch the
private IP, but not all instances use that interface name.
This will use instance metadata if available, if not it will use
a regular expression to extract the first private IP available.

* Add comment in bootstrap script

Fix in bootstrap script module outupt

17 Nov 11:48
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Fix bootstrap script output. Not a list

New teleport-bootstrap-script module

16 Nov 16:32
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Add - before the instance id in nodename

Allow nodes to access auth server through its public IP address

16 Nov 09:14
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Allow nodes to connect to port 3025 to the world

Right now nodes access the auth server through its public IP address
will change back when they access it through its private address

Added missing rule for trusted clusters

14 Nov 14:19
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Added missing rule for trusted clusters reverse ssh tunnel

Add additional security group rules for trusted clusters

14 Nov 14:10
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Add rule for auth to connect to trusted clusters

Allow port 443 on bastion for LetsEncrypt

10 Nov 15:08
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letsencrypt standalone connects through 443