This list captures the set of organizations that are using Crossplane within their environments. If you are an adopter of Crossplane and not yet on this list, we encourage you to add your organization here as well!
The goal for this list is to be the complete and authoritative source for the entire community of Crossplane adopters, and give inspiration to others that are earlier in their Crossplane journey.
Contributing to this list is a small effort that has a big impact to the project's growth, maturity, and momentum. Thank you to all adopters and contributors of the Crossplane project!
To add your organization to this list, you can choose any of the following options:
- Open a PR to directly update this list, or edit this file directly in Github
- Fill out the adopters form
- Send an email to [email protected] with your information for the table below
Feel free to reach out to [email protected] with any questions and/or assistance with updating this list.
This list is sorted in the order that organizations were added to it.
Organization | Contact | Description of Use |
Upbound | @jbw976 | Main control plane and infrastructure management solution for Upbound Cloud. Crossplane powers the internal developer platforms for all dev, staging, and production environments. |
RunWhen | @stewartshea | Builds production and developer environments that power the RunWhen Social Reliability Platform. |
Nethopper | @ddonahuex | Main IaC component in Nethopper's Cloud Management Platform. Nethopper's Cloud Management Platform combines Crossplane with Continuous Delivery to allow DevOps to create, update, and destroy infrastructure in any cloud. |
Renault | @smileisak | Building Renault Kubernetes Platform resources using XRDs and compositions for an additional layer of abstraction to provide end-user services. |
Gympass | @caiofralmeida | Builds a self-service platform so engineers can be more productive in resource provisioning. |
Deutsche Kreditbank AG | @haarchri | Developer Self-Service for DKB Standard Operating Platform, higher standardization, simplification of tech stack and continuous reconciliation |
Akuity | @wanghong230 | Control plane and infrastructure management solution for Akuity Platform - Managed Argo CD. Crossplane manages some infrastructure part of dev, staging, and production environments. |
Neux | @styk-tv | In production, running dynamic Crossplane control plane for auto-adjusting kafka/connect/telegraf payload transformations, filtering to/from sources/destinations. |
Disashop | @edalonso | We manage our infrastructure in EKS for all dev, staging, and production environments and create compositions in order to deploy our transactional platform about digital products in kubernetes clusters. |
ConsenSys | @clementblaise | Main control plane for an internal developer platform |
Wildlife Studios | @kasama | Component that powers an API used to manage infrastructure for a self-service platform for developers |
Autodesk | @jessesanford | IaC components and declarative API abstractions for our next generation Autodesk Unified Control Plane. |
Millennium bcp | @infbase | Self-service platform for end-to-end application (and dependant resources) lifecycle |
Splash | @adrienzieba | Manage our shared infrastructure in EKS and provide a self-service framework for engineers' application resource needs |
Grafana Labs | @Duologic | Control plane for an internal developer platform |
Ancestry | @joshadambell | Control plane and infrastructure management solution in production for AWS EKS |
Syntasso | @syntassodev | Used as an optional subcomponent in Kratix, to enable platform teams to manage infrastructure. |
VSHN | @tobru | Crossplane powers the VSHN Application Catalog (AppCat), a Cloud Native marketplace which offers services from Cloud Service Providers like Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure,, Exoscale or, as well as managed services from VSHN. |
Grupo Boticário | @chicoribas, @fndiaz, @digogid, @manumbs, @haooliveira84 | Centralized developer portal |
PITS Global Data Recovery Services | @pheianox | Declarative configuration and integration with CI/CD pipelines |
NASA Science Cloud | [email protected] (@rezuma) | NASA Science Cloud has created compositions to deploy the Open Science Studio, a jupyterhub based platform that connects to HPC in the cloud and foster NASA Open Science Initiative. Navteca (@navteca) has been helping NASA with this initiative |
Navteca | [email protected] (@navteca) | Navteca is adopting Crossplane to deploy Voice Atlas a cloud based product that let customer connect corporate knowledge with any Large Language Model and offered to be consumed by users through any channel (slack, MS Teams, Website, etc) |
SAP | [email protected] | SAP uses Crossplane as part of a solution that gives teams owning micro-services the ability to provision hyper-scaler hosted backing services such as Redis on demand. |
Airnity | [email protected] | Airnity uses Crossplane to deploy a worldwide cellular connectivity platform for the automotive industry. |
Intility | @daniwk @JonasKs | We orchestrate our metacloud's infrastructure using Crossplane. |
Continental | @yogeek | Used to manage cloud infrastructure components and to provide self-service ephemeral K8S VCluster to development teams. |
Luminar | @satishweb | Manage our cloud infrastructure and provide a self-service framework for engineer's application resource needs |
Transfix | @transfixio @amanfredi | We are using Crossplane to deploy new AWS infrastructure and modify existing cloud resources. |