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Lawlypops edited this page Apr 30, 2019 · 3 revisions

Red Matter Tools

Vanilla EMC Values

Sword Pickaxe Axe Shovel Hoe Shears Hammer
1,220,608 1,974,272 1,974,272 761,856 1,368,064 614,400 1,515,520

Crafting Recipes

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What it does

Slapping the newfound red matter, and an extra bit of Dark Matter, onto your current Dark Matter tools, you were finally able to achieve the best type of tools and weapons achievable. These Red Matter tools are extremely fast, with the ability to vary how strong you want them. They have the same kind of effects as their Dark Matter counterparts, but with a much greater effect strength.

Tool Abilities
Pickaxe Right clicking on a vein of ore mines the whole vein.
Sword Using the "Extra Function" key (Default V) will automatically attack all mobs near the player, at the cost of EMC.
Axe Right clicking on the stump of a tree will cause the trunk to fall.
Shears Same as a vanilla shear
Shovel Right-Click will dig up to a 7x7 area, flat to the ground. Adjustable with the charge key. (Default V)
Hoe Able to Hoe up to a 7x7 area. Adjustable with the charge key. (Default V)
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