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Lawlypops edited this page Apr 30, 2019 · 11 revisions

Energy Collector MK1

Vanilla EMC = 82,953

Crafting Recipe

What it does

You wonder if there is a way to harness the most prevalent and constant energy in this world - light. After several weeks of tinkering and lots of trips into that dreaded underworld for the glowing dust, you manage to throw a contraption together. It seems to generate about 4 EMC per second when given strong light, and about 0.25 EMC less per second as the light deteriorates. This light has no need to be natural - you find pumpkin-based lighting as capable as the sun. Since you have worked a furnace into the devices, you find that the EMC is infused into specific items placed in the input slots, transmuting them into higher-powered materials by collecting the EMC value difference through light energy. It holds about 10000 EMC.

The sheer heat of the nether world seems to negate the need for light energy, as the Collector operates at full speed there, not that any Alchemist in their right mind would stay in the underworld long...

The device also seems capable of focusing EMC into the powerful Klein Stars, when they are placed in the machine.

Transmutation Order Findings
  • Charcoal
  • Redstone
  • Coal
  • Gunpowder
  • Glowstone
  • Alchemical Coal
  • Block of Redstone
  • Blaze Powder
  • Coal Block
  • Glowstone Block
  • Mobius Fuel
  • Alchemical Coal Block
  • Aeternalis Fuel
  • Mobius Fuel Block
  • Aeternalis Fuel Block

Picture Key

Energy Collector GUI

Left Slots - EMC fuel storage. MK1: 8, MK2: 12, MK3: 16
Right Bottom Slot - Current fuel to upgrade or charging Klein Star.
Right Middle Slot - Fuel lock. (Nothing will go past this level)
Right Top Slot - Fuel output.
Sun Icon - Current light level.
Arrow Up - Current progress to next fuel.
Top Blue Bar - How full the internal buffer is.
Bottom Blue Bar - How full the Klein Star is.
Top Number - Currently held EMC.
Bottom Number - Current Klein Star charge. (Only visible if a Klein Star is charging.)

Energy Collector MK2

Vanilla EMC = 232,969

Crafting Recipe

What it does

Working a piece of dark matter into the reception plane and adding more hellish glowstone dust seem to improve the efficiency of the machine. It now generates at 12 EMC per second at maximum speed, deteriorating at 0.75 EMC per light level lost. It holds 30,000 EMC. The glowstone has also expanded the container, allowing for more storage space.

Energy Collector MK3

Vanilla EMC = 710,665

Crafting Recipe

What it does

Working a piece of fiery red matter into the reception plane and adding even more hellish glowstone dust seem to further improve the efficiency of the machine. It now generates at 40 EMC per second at maximum speed, deteriorating at 2.5 EMC per light level lost. It holds 60,000 EMC. The glowstone has also expanded the container, allowing for more storage space.

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