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Using Cordova

Cordova is the platform bridge allowing you to build mobile applications using web technologies.

It comes with its own CLI to manage compilation, platforms and plugins that is usually installed globally.

However, we chose to use a gulp pass-through for Cordova CLI commands, to allow version locking in package.json. This way, you can use a different Cordova CLI version for each of your mobile projects, independently of the globally installed version. This is also necessary as new updates often break project compilation.

You can manage Cordova CLI updates like any NPM package.

If you do not want this behavior and prefer using your global Cordova install, simply run:

npm remove cordova --save-dev
npm install -g cordova

The gulp tasks will then use the global version instead of a local one.

Platform notes

Each Cordova platform may require specific tools to be installed for the command to work properly. You can check anytime if your system meets the requirements for a given platform with:

gulp cordova --command="requirements <ios|android>"


To build the iOS version, you need to install XCode.

To allow launching your app in simulator or device from command line, you need also:

npm install -g ios-sim
npm install -g ios-deploy

See Cordova documentation for additional information.


To build the Android version, you need to install the Android SDK.

See Cordova documentation for additional information.

Common tasks

Restoring platforms and plugins after a checkout

gulp cordova:prepare

This will restore all your platforms and plugins according to your config.xml file.

Adding a platform

gulp cordova --command="platform add <ios|android> --save"

Adding a plugin

gulp cordova --command="plugin add <plugin-name> --save"

Running the application

gulp run:<ios|android> [--device]

Run your application in specified platform emulator or device if you add the --device option.

Packaging and signing apps

To create properly signed application packages for store publication, you have to configure your app provisioning in the build.json file.

Here is an example configuration:

  "ios": {
    "release": {
      "codeSignIdentity": "iPhone Distribution",
      "provisioningProfile": "your_profile_guid"
  "android": {
    "release": {
      "keystore": "sign/your_android.keystore",
      "storePassword": "",
      "alias": "your_key",
      "password" : "your_password",
      "keystoreType": ""

This information will be used by the gulp cordova:release task to generate production packages.

You can find more detailed documentation in the iOS signing guide or Android signing guide.

Updating plugins

To update a single plugin:

gulp cordova --command="plugin update <plugin_name> --save"

Cordova does not include a mass update mechanism for plugins, but you can use the cordova-check-plugins tool:

npm install -g cordova-check-plugins

Then run the following commands to perform an interactive update of outdated plugins and save the new versions:

cordova-check-plugins --update=interactive
gulp cordova --command="plugin save"

Updating platforms

gulp cordova --command="platform update <ios|android> --save"

Icon and splash screen

In order to simplify icon and splash screen creation for each device/OS, you can use this command (make sure the ionic tool is installed beforehand with npm install -g ionic):

ionic resources

It will generate iOS and Android assets based on the files icon.png (which should be 1024x1024) and splash.png (which should be 2208x2208), using the Ionic servers. It will also edit your config.xml file accordingly.

You can also use .psd or .ai files as source, see the Ionic resources documentation. It also contains icon/splash screen templates to help you design your assets.

In addition, if you want to manage these assets manually, you should look at the Cordova documentation for additional information.

To avoid the "stretched" splash screen effect on Android, you can set this preference in your config.xml:

<preference name="SplashMaintainAspectRatio" value="true"/>

You can also use 9-patch images to further control how your images should be stretched.

Using improved web views

To improve performance and/or compatibility of your app, it is possibly to customize the web view used by Cordova. This is especially useful for devices running Android 4.3 and older, as they use a slow, outdated web view.

By default we enabled both Crosswalk and WKWebView.

Using Crosswalk on Android

The Crosswalk plugin allows you to embed a Chromium-based web view in your app instead of the Android system web view.

This allows to greatly improve compatibility and performance on systems using older or customized web views, and use modern browser APIs, at the cost of increased app size and memory footprint.

To add or remove Crosswalk:

gulp cordova --command="plugin <add|remove> cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview --save"

Using WKWebView on iOS

The WKWebView plugin makes use of the new WKWebView instead of UIWebView, enabling a huge increase in JavaScript performance.

The new web view is only active on iOS 9+ (with a fallback for older version), and has some limitations (see the plugin doc on github for more details), the biggest one being:

  • To perform any XHR request in your app, CORS must be enabled on your server.

To add or remove WKWebView:

gulp cordova --command="plugin <add|remove> cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine --save"

Security considerations

On a new project, all domains are allowed for loading resources by default.

Before building for production, you should consider restricting domain access to improve your app security. You can find documentation on this regard in the Cordova whitelist guide.

To go further in security considerations, you should also take a look at your Content Security Policy specified in index.html.

By default, the CSP used allows everything (e.g. CSS, AJAX, object, frame, media, etc) except:

  • CSS only from the same origin and inline styles,
  • Scripts only from the same origin and inline scripts, and eval()

For additional general security information, you can take a look at the Cordova security guide

Development helpers

Self-signed HTTPS certificate issues

On iOS, network request to server using a self-signed HTTPS certificate is not allowed, for security reason. You can disable this behavior in development builds with this command:

gulp patch:ios-https

This will patch your AppDelegate.m file to allow untrusted HTTPS certificate in debug builds.

DO NOT USE THIS FOR PRODUCTION BUILDS! It will result in your app being rejected by Apple.

Android build behind corporate proxy with custom SSL certificate

If you use a corporate proxy that intercepts HTTPS requests with a custom certificate, you may encounter issues like peer not authenticated errors. To fix this, you need to add this certificate to the Java trusted certificate store.

Make sure you have write access to your JRE (you may need sudo on Linux and OS X), then use the keytool utility to import it:

keytool -importcert -alias <an_alias> -keystore <path_to_jre>/lib/security/cacerts -file <certificate_file>

On OS X >10.9, you can use this command to find your java home:


The cacerts file is then located under there in jre/lib/security