: Create a skewed workload over a Limited Seek Range
By default, the whole SD or concatenated SD will be used to generate a random LBA. To limit the lba range for a workload, specify the starting and ending range of the SD: hotband=(40,60)
will limit I/O activity starting at 40% into the SD and ending at 60% into the SD. If the max value is larger than 100 but smaller than 200, Vdbench will consider this a wrap across the end of your SD. For instance with hotband=(90,110)
, Vdbench will generate an I/O workload using the last 10% and the first 10% of your volume. When the values are greater than 200, the values will be considered given in bytes instead of in percentages; e.g., Hotband=(1g,2g)
![image-20240304153521448](G:\sineio-projects\VdbenchUsersGuide-cn\1.17 参数:hotband(min, max)\img\image-20240304153521448.png)
Hotband has a skewed workload across the defined range. The probability (Pb) accessing a block in the range is biased toward lower LBAs It is intended to simulate something similar to database index. This access will allow for systems with a small cache to have a small cache hit. Systems with larger caches, have larger cache hit rates. The cache rate does not increase linearly as system cache size increases. Here is a sample scatter plot of four hotbands and the intensity of access is skewed to lower LBA. The X axis is the storage LBA range, the Y axis is time.
![image-20240304153432240](G:\sineio-projects\VdbenchUsersGuide-cn\1.17 参数:hotband(min, max)\img\image-20240304153432240.png)
: 在有限的寻址范围内创建倾斜的工作负载