This is a work in progress.
Important: must be placed within the Canvas
element provided by react-three-fiber.
config // optional - object
worldParams // optional - object
logicWorker // optional - web worker
logicMappedComponents // optional - object
type config = {
maxNumberOfDynamicObjects: number // default 100
updateRate: number // default 1000 / 30 (i.e. physics updates 30 times a second)
See the planck.js documentation for
details regarding worldDef
type worldParams = {
allowSleep: boolean // default to true
gravity: Vec2 // default to Vec2(0, 0) (i.e. no gravity)
A Web Worker that will be run as the logic worker, synchronized with the physics app. Read more here.
Facilitates synchronising components from the logic app with the main app. Read more here.
type logicMappedComponents = {
[key: string]: ReactComponent
See useSyncWithMainComponent for further details.
Inspired by Unity's OnFixedUpDate
, useFixedUpdate
is a hook that enables
you to call a function after each physics update. For Unity this is the
recommended way to apply physics effects.
import { useFixedUpdate } from "react-three-game-engine"
useFixedUpdate((delta: number) => {
// do something
type BodyApi = {
// planck.js methods
applyForceToCenter: (vec: Vec2, uuid?: string) => void;
applyLinearImpulse: (vec: Vec2, pos: Vec2, uuid?: string) => void;
setPosition: (vec: Vec2, uuid?: string) => void;
setLinearVelocity: (vec: Vec2, uuid?: string) => void;
setAngle: (angle: number, uuid?: string) => void;
// custom
updateBody: (data: UpdateBodyData, uuid?: string) => void;
type UpdateBodyData = {
fixtureUpdate?: {
groupIndex?: number,
categoryBits?: number,
maskBits?: number,
For detail on what the planck.js methods do, see the documentation for planck.js.
useBody(PropsFn, Config): [ref: MutableRefObject<Object3D>, api: BodyApi, uuid: string]
type PropsFn = () => AddBodyDef
type AddBodyDef = {
bodyType: BodyType,
fixtures: Fixture[],
type Fixture = BoxFixture | CircleFixture
type BoxFixture = FixtureBase & {
hx: number,
hy: number,
center?: [number, number],
type CircleFixture = FixtureBase & {
radius: number,
type FixtureBase = {
shape: BodyShape,
fixtureOptions?: Partial<FixtureOpt>,
enum BodyShape {
box = 'box',
circle = 'circle',
enum BodyType {
static = 'static',
kinematic = 'kinematic',
dynamic = 'dynamic'
type Config = {
listenForCollisions?: boolean;
applyAngle?: boolean;
cacheKey?: string;
uuid?: string;
fwdRef?: MutableRefObject<Object3D>;
Note: for BodyDef
see the planck.js documentation.
Note: for FixtureOpt
see the planck.js documentation.
import { useBody, BodyType, BodyShape } from "react-three-game-engine"
import { Vec2 } from "planck-js"
const [ref, api, uuid] = useBody(() => ({
type: BodyType.dynamic,
position: Vec2(0, 0),
linearDamping: 4,
fixtures: [{
radius: 0.55,
fixtureOptions: {
density: 20,
Note: if you set bodyType
to static
it will not be synchronised with either the main app or
logic app.
createBoxFixture = ({
width = 1,
height = 1,
fixtureOptions = {}
}: {
width?: number,
height?: number,
center?: [number, number],
fixtureOptions?: Partial<FixtureOpt>
}) => BoxFixture
useBody(() => ({
type: BodyType.dynamic,
position: Vec2(0, 0),
linearDamping: 4,
fixtures: [
width: 2,
height: 2,
createCircleFixture = ({
radius = 1,
fixtureOptions = {}
}: {
radius?: number,
fixtureOptions?: Partial<FixtureOpt>
}) => CircleFixture
useBody(() => ({
type: BodyType.dynamic,
position: Vec2(0, 0),
linearDamping: 4,
fixtures: [
radius: 2,
useBodyApi: (uuid: string) => BodyApi
const api = useBodyApi('player')
// ...
api.setLinearVelocity(Vec2(1, 1))
useSubscribeMesh: (
uuid: string,
object: Object3D,
applyAngle: boolean = true,
isDynamic: boolean = true
const ref = useRef<Object3D>(new Object3D())
useSubscribeMesh('player', ref.current, false)
logicWorkerHandler: (worker: Worker, appComponent: ReactComponent)
/* eslint-disable no-restricted-globals */
import { logicWorkerHandler } from "react-three-game-engine";
// because of some weird react/dev/webpack/something quirk
(self).$RefreshReg$ = () => {};
(self).$RefreshSig$ = () => () => {};
logicWorkerHandler(self, require("../path/to/logic/app/component").LgApp)
withLogicWrapper: (appComponent: ReactComponent) => ReactComponent
import { withLogicWrapper } from "react-three-game-engine";
const App = () => {
// ... your new logic app goes here
export const LgApp = withLogicWrapper(App)
useSyncWithMainComponent: (componentKey: string, uniqueKey: string, props: {}) => UpdateProps
type UpdateProps = (props: {}) => void
const updateProps = useSyncWithMainComponent("player", "uniqueKey", {
foo: "bar",
blah: "blah",
// ...
foo: "updated"
See logicMappedComponents for implementation details.
useSendMessage: () => (messageKey: string, data: any) => void
import { useSendMessage } from "react-three-game-engine"
// ...
const sendMessage = useSendMessage()
// ...
sendMessage('messageKey', "any-data")
useOnMessage: () => (messageKey: string, callback: (data: any) => void) => UnsubscribeFn
import { useOnMessage } from "react-three-game-engine"
// ...
const onMessage = useOnMessage()
// ...
const unsubscribe = onMessage('messageKey', (data) => {
// data -> "any-data"
// ...
useStoreMesh: (uuid: string, mesh: Object3D)
useStoredMesh: (uuid: string) => Object3D | null
You'll need to install @react-three/drei
Place inside of <Engine/>
meshKey // unique key
maxInstances // maximum number of instances, smaller = better performance
gltfPath // e.g. /model.gltf
meshProps // optional - params that go on <instancedMesh/> for r3f, e.g. castShadow
type Props = {
meshKey: string,
maxInstances: number,
gltfPath: string,
meshProps?: JSX.IntrinsicElements['instancedMesh']
gltfPath is passed to useGltf
from @react-three/drei
Place inside of <InstancesProvider/>
You need to wrap it with React's <Suspense/>
<Suspense fallback={null}>
<InstancedMesh meshKey={"example"}
castShadow: true,
receiveShadow: true
meshKey // unique key
position // optional
rotation // optional
scale // optional
type Props = {
meshKey: string,
position?: [number, number, number],
rotation?: [number, number, number],
scale?: [number, number, number]
<Instance meshKey={"example"} position={[10, 20, 0]}/>