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docker build -t lyft/cartography
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose run cartography ...
Configuration is possible via the .compose
directory, which is
git ignored. neo4j config, logs, etc is located at .compose/neo4j/...
Configuration for cartography itself should be passed in through
environment variables, using the docker-compose format -e VARIABLE -e VARIABLE
AWS credentials can be bind mapped in using volumes. TODO: document correct bind mount format for docker-compose run.
- On initial start of the compose stack, it's necessary to change the neo4j user's password through the neo4j UI.
- Neither the docker image, nor the docker-compose file define an entrypoint, so it's necessary to pass in the command being run. This also makes it possible to run a custom sync script, rather than only cartography.
# Temporarily disable bash command history
set +o history
# See the cartography github configuration intel module docs
# You need to set this after starting neo4j once, and resetting
# the default neo4j password, which is neo4j
export NEO4j_PASSWORD=...
# Reenable bash command history
set -o history
# Start cartography dependencies
docker-compose up -d
# Run cartography
docker-compose run -e GITHUB_KEY -e NEO4j_PASSWORD cartography cartography --github-config-env-var GITHUB_KEY --neo4j-uri bolt://neo4j:7687 --neo4j-password-env-var NEO4j_PASSWORD --neo4j-user neo4j