- Enter the master branch and check that pipelines are green
git checkout master
- reset your current master branch to the latest state by
git fetch
git reset origin/master --hard
- Checkout a new branch that we'll release versions from
git checkout -b release-new-version-[a-b-c]
Start the publishing procedure (**)
- Check the current version using
npm version
- Update the version you would to like to publish
npm version [version] # version -> major, minor, patch ... version
- Push the branch
git push
- Check the current version using
Publish the package.
npm publish
- Open a PR of your release branch and get an approval to finally merge the release it into master
git checkout master && git reset origin/master --hard
git merge origin/release-new-version-[a-b-c] --ff-only
git push origin master
Create a release note (Use template from older release tags https://github.com/signavio/i18n/releases)
- Add summary: Describe the changes/packages of this release
- Add the release tag created in the previous steps: (v1.2.0)
- Add title: # release of i18n packages
Great Job! You've done it. 🎉