A simple ColdFusion based XMPP bot This is a bot I built many years ago, many of the ideas were from Sean Corfields IRC bot: http://corfield.org/blog/index.cfm/do/blog.entry/entry/IRCBot_Event_Gateway_Now_Available
While moving applications over to Railo, I discovered Railo does not have native support for XMPP/Jabber gateways. But they're surprisingly easy to implement. This gateway uses the Smack library http://www.igniterealtime.org/projects/smack/index.jsp - many of the functions are left out, though they may be implemented later.
For the people specifically looking for the Railo custom gateway bits, check in WEB-INF/:
= Recently conveted the entire app to ColdBox using CB's remote proxy support. Individual commands are implemented as modules now, see hello-command and time-command for basic examples.