You will need to have a laptop (Windows, Linux or Mac), it is preferred for your machine to have at least 8GB of RAM. This isn't strictly required but highly recommended. Working with VMs and Containers is resource intensive, no way to get around it.
This workshop requires that you have the following installed on your machine:
In order to speed up the setup process, we also recommend you to download the VMs & containers required during the workshop.
Kubectl is the CLI controller app for kubernetes. You will use to interact with all the kubernetes cluster. Therefore it is required to be able to perform any task during the workshop.
Kustomize is needed to ease the handling and the customization of multiple manifest files.
Minikube is a simple one-node installation of Kubernetes specifically designed to work on your local machine.
Do the following commands to setup the minikube installation:
minikube start --cpus=4
, this will setup the minikube VM
# Replace `[...]` with the registry username
export REGISTRY_USER=[...]
# Replace `[...]` with the registry password
export REGISTRY_PASS=[...]
# Replace `[...]` with the registry email
export REGISTRY_EMAIL=[...]
helm repo add jenkinsci
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install \
jenkins jenkinsci/jenkins \
--namespace jenkins \
--create-namespace \
--values jenkins-values.yaml \
kubectl --namespace jenkins \
create secret \
docker-registry regcred \
--docker-server $REGISTRY_SERVER \
--docker-username $REGISTRY_USER \
--docker-password $REGISTRY_PASS \
--docker-email $REGISTRY_EMAIL
kubectl apply --filename roles.yaml
- Retrieve the initial administrator password with the Command Prompt:
kubectl --namespace jenkins get secret jenkins --output jsonpath="{.data.jenkins-admin-password}" | base64 --decode && echo
- Create port-forward tunnel:
kubectl port-forward svc/jenkins -n jenkins 8080:8080
- Goto the Jenkins url: http://localhost:8080
- Enter
and the initial administrator password
- Goto the Jenkins URL: http://localhost:8080
- Click: New Item
- Enter item name: Pipeline
- Select: Multibranch Pipeline
- Click: OK
- Branch Sources: Git
- Project Repository:
- Build Configuration: Jenkinsfile
- Script Path: jenkins-kaniko-kustomize/Jenkinsfile
- Enable Discard Old Builds
- Click: Save