diff --git a/php_scripts/Helpful/try_catch.php b/php_scripts/Helpful/try_catch.php
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index 0000000..ac5359e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/php_scripts/Helpful/try_catch.php
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ __constructor
+ # constructor is something that will excute some code immidetly whenever you load the class.
+ # You dont need to call extra function
+ echo "this is calling from __construct function" . PHP_EOL;
+ #Notes => Initiate any value by default
+ # for suppose if you want initiate any value by default
+ $this->age = 55;
+ $this->name = $tempName;
+ }
+ public function set_name($a) // Methods(Parameters)
+ {
+ #Notes => access class proprties
+ #we can access this class properties using $this. we call it "pseudo variable"
+ $this->name = $a;
+ }
+ public function get_name()
+ {
+ return $this->name;
+ }
+ protected function get_set_name()
+ {
+ return $this->name;
+ }
+ public function add_sum()
+ {
+ return 7 * 7;
+ }
+ public function access_protected()
+ {
+ return $this->api_key . PHP_EOL;
+ }
+ public function access_private()
+ {
+ return $this->pwd . PHP_EOL;
+ }
+$cars = new Cars();
+echo $cars->get_name() . PHP_EOL;
+echo $cars->age . PHP_EOL;
+#Notes => Accessing protected property
+#Protected properties or methods. you can only access within class.
+#Outside class you can't access the protected properties and methods.
+#But using public method in call you can access protected properties or methods
+#echo $cars->api_key; // this will generate error, bcuz trying to access protected property outside of class.. you can test removing comment
+#echo $cars->get_set_name(); // this will also generate error, bcuz trying to access protected method outside of class.. you can test removing comment
+#Notes => Accessing protected property or method
+# You can access protected property or method using public method in a class
+echo $cars->access_protected();
+#echo $cars->pwd; // this will generate error, bcuz trying to access private property outside of class.. you can test removing this comment
+echo $cars->access_private(); // this will also generate error, bcuz trying to access private method outside of class.. you can test removing comment
+$intcars = new Cars("Bajaj"); //initiate parameter
+echo $intcars->get_name() . PHP_EOL;
+#Notes => Modifying Public values
+# Public properties means, User can access public propeties anywhere or he can modify the property value by using objects
+$cars->age = 46; // this is the example of modify age value if it is public property
+echo $cars->age . PHP_EOL;
+#Notes => Accessing constants
+# Accessing const values in two different types
+# method we call scope resultion operator ::
+echo $cars::CAR_SPAN_YEARS . PHP_EOL; //scope resultion operator
+echo cars::CAR_SPAN_YEARS . PHP_EOL; //with class name
+echo "example of extends or inhertance\n";
+class Vechils extends Cars
+ public static $static_property = "one";
+ public function change_name($n)
+ {
+ $this->name = $n;
+ }
+ #if you declare same method as you used on parent class, It will override the parent class.
+ public function add_sum()
+ {
+ return 8 * 8;
+ }
+ public static function static_method()
+ {
+ #notes: accessing static property with key word of "self" instead of "this"
+ return self::$static_property;
+ }
+ public static function parent_static_method()
+ {
+ #notes: when you accssing parent static property you need to use "parent" instead of "self"
+ return parent::$chk;
+ }
+$cars = new Cars();
+echo $cars->get_name() . PHP_EOL;
+echo $cars->add_sum() . PHP_EOL;
+$Vechils = new Vechils();
+echo $Vechils->get_name() . PHP_EOL;
+echo $Vechils->add_sum() . PHP_EOL;
+$child_intcars = new Vechils("KIA"); //child initiate parameter
+echo $child_intcars->get_name() . PHP_EOL;
+#nots: Calling static properties
+#you can call it directly using class name
+echo Vechils::$static_property . PHP_EOL;
+echo Vechils::static_method() . PHP_EOL;
+echo Vechils::parent_static_method() . PHP_EOL;
+#Working on multiple constructors
+class book
+ public $name;
+ public $price;
+ function __construct($temName = "", $tempPrice = "")
+ {
+ echo "This is Book class constructor";
+ $this->name = $temName;
+ $this->price = $tempPrice;
+ }
+ function get_book_name()
+ {
+ return $this->name;
+ }
+class author extends book
+ public $authorName;
+ public $age;
+ function __construct($tempAuthor = "") // Multiple constructor, bcoz we already have constructor on parent class
+ {
+ echo "This is author class constructor" . PHP_EOL;
+ $this->authorName = $tempAuthor;
+ parent::__construct();
+ }
+ function get_author_name()
+ {
+ return $this->authorName;
+ }
+$author = new author("Siddhartha");
+echo $author->get_author_name();
+// echo "example of abstract\n";
+// abstract class Trees
+// {
+// public $name;
+// public function set_tree_name($a)
+// {
+// $this->name = $a;
+// }
+// public function get_name()
+// {
+// return $this->name;
+// }
+// }
+// $trees = new Trees();
+// $trees->set_tree_name("Honda");
+// echo $trees->get_name();
diff --git a/php_scripts/php_classes/creating_class.php b/php_scripts/php_classes/creating_class.php
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index 0000000..a7fea09
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+++ b/php_scripts/php_classes/creating_class.php
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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