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ReactUI style example

This is an example application for reactUI. It showcases the built-in reactUI themes and coloring schemes and how a developer is able to insert their own or edit the current modes.

This example uses the reactUI as library to show the different possible styles.

Dev Setup

  • run npm link in your reactUI directory
  • run npm link reactUI in your reactUI.stylexample directory
  • run npm link ../reactUI/node_modules/react in your reactUI.stylexample directory to prevent react collision errors
  • if you run npm install, you have to repeat step 2 and 3!
  • if you run into issues, where it says that reactUI can't be found, run npm run bundle or npm run devbundle, depending on whether you want to use production or development environmental variables, in your reactUI directory to create the dist directory where the example will receive the components, functions etc.

In the newer Node version I had a problem where multiple npm link commands did not work. (node 16.x.x) for me 14.x.x worked fine

Style Hirarchy

Here is some information which will show you how the style hirarchy is set in ReactUI.

Getting Started

Import the "ReactUI" Component from the reactUI library, in your main file (e.g. App.tsx) render the component and pass properties as you wish.

Setting the Theme and Coloring Scheme

Setting the theme, coloring scheme and design is possible by either importing the css from the library into your project or by creating your own theme scss (which needs to be converted into css) or css file and putting it into the public folder.

Available themes:

  • basti
  • basti_small
  • basti_mobile

Available color-schemes:

  • default
  • dark
  • orange
  • blue

Setting by Importing


import "reactUI/public/color-schemes/dark-scheme.css"
import "reactUI/public/themes/basti.css"

Setting by Creating own Files

First create your own theme/color-scheme/design which is described later on. Then put it in your public folder, it is important to put it into a "themes" respectively "color-schemes" or "design" folder. Also the color-schemes files have to be named like "xxx-scheme.css".

If you want to replace the default theme and color-scheme pass the colorScheme and theme property and the name of your file(s) as value.

<ReactUI colorScheme="custom-scheme" theme="custom-theme" design="design-file" />

If you want to add the css files to the head extra. Use the API functions addCSSToHeadAfter and addCSSToHeadBefore depending on whether you want your files to overwrite the existing css or not. These funtions need the path to the file as parameter.


In the following links there are screenshots which will showcase the already built-in themes and color-schemes which you can choose from.

1. Themes

There are three basic themes you can choose. Those will mainly change the padding or size of the components.

1.1 basti

The Basti Theme is the default theme applications use when there is nothing set.

1.2 basti_small

The Basti_small Theme is the small theme when smaller menu-items and components are required.

1.3 basti_mobile

The Basti_mobile Theme is the mobile theme which generally has bigger boxes so you can tap menu-items more easily and the inputfields borders look different aswell.

2. Color-Schemes

There are four basic color-schemes available. Some color-schemes change more colors than others e.g. dark mode changes almost everything but orange not change as much.

2.1 Default

The Default Color-Scheme is the standatd color-scheme for applications when no color-scheme is set.

2.2 Dark

The Dark Color-Scheme is a dark-mode if you want to rest your eyes. It features dark colors instead of bright ones.

2.3 Orange

The Orange Color-Scheme is a white-orange style for your application.

2.4 Blue

The Blue Color-Scheme is a white-blue style for your application. It is pretty similar to the default color-scheme.

Changing the Themes and Color-Schemes

Additionally to choosing a color-scheme or theme it is also possible to change the style we have set easily with either our pre-defined CSS-variables or just by your CSS-Statements. This can be done by changing the application.css file of your JVx application or in your react application.

1. Themes


As example/template file for themes I've added the Basti-Theme of the reactUI to this project.

Available CSS-Variables

To find a list of all pre-defined CSS-variables you are able to change for themes, click here

Changing the Theme with application.css

By changing the "application.css" file of the JVx-application it is also possible to change the styles of the reactUI client. You can either change the pre-defined CSS-variables mentioned earlier or via CSS selectors

:root {
  --button-padding: 1rem 1.5rem;

.p-inputtext {
    padding: 5px 5px;

Add a CSS/SCSS File to your project

Naturally you can also change the style by using your own CSS/SCSS files. Here you can also overwrite our CSS-variables or use your own selectors.

I've created an example theme, the Basti_big.scss. which is exclusive to this style-example. It features a bigger topbar and bigger paddings for some components.

If you want to use the themes provided by the reactUI, you have to comment the basti_big import out in App.tsx or your selection will be overwritten!

2. Color-Schemes


As example/template file for color-schemes I've added the Default-scheme of the reactUI to this project.

Available CSS-Variables

To find a list of all pre-defined CSS-variables you are able to change for color-schemes, click here.

Changing the Color-Scheme with application.css

By changing the "application.css" file of the JVx-application it is also possible to change the styles of the reactUI client. You can either change the pre-defined CSS-variables mentioned earlier or via CSS selectors

:root {
  --topbar-background: green;

.logo-background {
  background-color: orange;

Add a CSS/SCSS File to your project

Naturally you can also change the style by using your own CSS/SCSS files. Here you can also overwrite our CSS-variables or use your own selectors.

I've created another example color-scheme, the green-scheme.scss. which is exclusive to this style-example.

If you want to use the color-schemes provided by the reactUI, you have to comment the green-scheme import out in App.tsx or your selection will be overwritten!