The participants who need credits must answer the following questions and send the results as an R script with comments to [email protected] until latest end of 05 February 2025.
Data: A set of data collected by Heinz et al.(* Heinz G, Peterson LJ, Johnson RW, Kerk CJ Journal of Statistics Education Volume 11, Number 2 (2003), by Grete Heinz, Louis J. Peterson, Roger W. Johnson, and Carter J. Kerk, all rights reserved) is available in the file IS_24_exam.csv
Goals: Get to know the overall structure of the data. Summarize variables numerically and graphically. Model relationships between variables.
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- Have look at the file in a text editor to get familiar with it
- Open a new script file in R studio, comment it and save it.
- Read the file, assign it to object "IS_25_exam". Examine "IS_25_exam". a) How many observations and variables does the dataset have ? b) What are the names and types of the variables ? c) Get the summary statistics of "IS_25_exam".
- Make a scatter plot of all pairs of variables in the dataset.
- Calculate the BMI of each person and add it as an extra variable "bmi" to your dataframe (Google the BMI formula).
- Is there a significant difference in bmi means between males and females?
- How strong is the linear (Pearson) correlation between chest girth and height? Is it significant?
- If you model a linear relationship, how much does the chest girth increase per added cm of height? Is the change significant? What if you do this for males and females separately?
- Come up with a question for hypothesis testing of your own that includes one or more variable(s) of your choosing from the data set.
- Make plots as seen in the course to try to give visualization based answers to this question.
- Test your hypothesis using the tests and modeling techniques from the course, based on the type of variables you have. Include tests of the assumptions where appropriate.