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✦ Showtime // Zora NFT Editions


We kept the same swiss-army knife approach to editions that we used and loved from the original Zora Editions:

  • the base implementation is extremely versatile and composable
  • new editions are minimal proxies (i.e. cheaper to deploy than a brand new ERC721)
  • creator-owned collections with a unique address and on-chain royalties
  • each token is numbered with on-chain metadata rendering
  • support for ETH sales
  • support for minting through contracts (e.g. to support ERC20 primary sales)

... and then we added our on spin on it

Differences with the original Zora Editions

✨ Features

  • support for time-limited editions
  • support for opt-in OpenSea operator filtering
  • support for contractURI(), which means a nicer out-of-the-box experience on OpenSea. The collection will be automatically configured with the artwork as the collection cover, and the EIP-2981 creator fees will also be reflected (through seller_fee_basis_points and fee_recipient)
  • support for setExternalUrl(string), reflected in contractURI() and tokenURI(uint256)
  • support for setStringProperties(string[] names, string[] values), reflected in tokenURI(uint256)
  • special characters in the name and description fields are escaped so that the JSON doesn't break in the contract and token URIs
  • an edition can be deployed at the same address on multiple chains (instead of being an auto-incrementing counter, the edition id is now a hash of <creator-addr|edition-name|animation-url|image-url>)
  • many gas efficiency improvements, particularly in the minting flow

🧰 Dev

  • moved from hardhat to foundry
  • solc upgraded from 0.8.6 to 0.8.16
  • moved from OpenZeppelin's ERC721 as a base class to solmate's
  • moved from OpenZeppelin's string libraries to Solady's (LibString.toString(uint256), LibString.escapeJSON(string) and Base64.encode(bytes))
  • Edition now inherits from EditionMetadataRenderer instead of using an external SharedNFTLogic library
  • Solidity errors instead of strings
  • removed unnecessary functions from the ABI

Gas Comparison

See editions-gas-bench for the full methodology.

Creating a new edition

baseline this fork % change
testCreateNewEdition() 341563 225259 -34.05%

Single Mint

baseline this fork % change
testMintByContract() 57883 50702 -12.41%
testMintByOwner() 48457 49869 2.91%
testMintOpenEdition() 67489 64612 -4.26%

💁‍♂️ we purposefully optimised for the mint-by-contract flow because this is the most common by far for us (i.e. a contract is an approved minter, e.g. to enforce some requirements such as an allowlist). We made the trade-off to deprioritize mints that come from the owner because it should be much less likely in practice.

Batch Mint

baseline this fork % change
testMint10ByContract() 525498 515257 -1.95%
testMint10ByOwner() 512988 511354 -0.32%
testMint10OpenEdition() 515336 509392 -1.15%

View Functions

baseline this fork % change
testContractURI() n/a 42595
testTokenURI() 55674 42986 -22.79%

✨ credit to Solady's Base64.sol and LibString.sol for this improvement


baseline Showtime editions % change
testTransferFrom() 43090 40465 -6.09%

✨ credit to solmate's ERC721.sol for this improvement

🏭 Where is the EditionCreator factory contract deployed?

TODO (not deployed yet)

👶 How do I deploy a new edition?

Call EditionCreator.createEdition(...):

/// Creates a new edition contract as a factory with a deterministic address
/// Important: most of these fields can not be changed after calling
/// @param _name Name of the edition
/// @param _symbol Symbol of the edition
/// @param _description Description of the edition
/// @param _animationUrl Link to video for each token in this edition, ideally "ipfs://..."
/// @param _imageUrl Link to an image for each token in this edition, ideally "ipfs://..."
/// @param _editionSize Set to a number greater than 0 for a limited edition, 0 for an open edition
/// @param _royaltyBPS Royalty amount in basis points (1/100th of a percent) to be paid to the owner of the edition
/// @param _mintPeriodSeconds Set to a number greater than 0 for a time-limited edition, 0 for no time limit. The mint period starts when the edition is created.
/// @return newContract The address of the created edition

function createEdition(...) external override returns (IEdition newContract)

This will:

  • deploy an EIP 1167 minimal proxy to the reference Edition implementation
  • transfer ownership of the edition to the msg.sender
  • emit a CreatedEdition(uint256 editionId, address creator, uint256 editionSize, address newEdition) event

🏴‍☠️ How do I enable OpenSea operator filtering?

After deploying an edition, call enableDefaultOperatorFilter() to subscribe to the default OpenSea filter or setOperatorFilter(address operatorFilter) to pick a different one

💁‍♂️ How do I create different kinds of editions?

  • limited edition: create it with _editionSize > 0
  • time limited open edition: create it with _mintPeriodSeconds > 0 and _editionSize == 0 (after this duration, nobody will be able to mint)
  • a free mint for some accounts followed by a paid public mint: you will probably want to call setApprovedMinter(allowListContractAddress, true) to authorize mints through a contract that implements an allowlist, and then call setSalePrice(uint256) and setApprovedMinter(0, true) to kick off the paid public mint

🧰 Getting started

# install foundry
curl -L | bash

# build
forge build

# test
forge test -vvv

# deploy dry run (replace with desired network)
source .env && forge script script/Deploy.s.sol --rpc-url mumbai

# deploy for real (replace with desired network)
source .env && forge script script/Deploy.s.sol --rpc-url mumbai --broadcast --verify

New base implementations can be redeployed with these separate contracts:

forge script script/Edition.s.sol --rpc-url <network> --broadcast --verify --watch
forge script script/SingleBatchEdition.s.sol --rpc-url <network> --broadcast --verify --watch
forge script script/MultiBatchEdition.s.sol --rpc-url <network> --broadcast --verify --watch