diff --git a/src/content/docs/flutter-version.mdx b/src/content/docs/flutter-version.mdx
index 37f0c2ad..bc4cfe75 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/flutter-version.mdx
+++ b/src/content/docs/flutter-version.mdx
@@ -3,70 +3,30 @@ title: Flutter Version Management
 description: How to manage your Shorebird Flutter version
+Shorebird works with a wide range of Flutter versions and uses a private cache
+of Flutter installs which it will automatically manage for you to match your
+desired Flutter version.
 When Shorebird CLI is installed, it pulls down the latest stable version of
 Shorebird's Flutter. In this section, we'll take a look at how to list and
 change the Flutter version used by Shorebird CLI.
 ## Supported Flutter Versions
-Shorebird currently focuses our efforts on support for the latest stable version
-of Flutter. When we make changes to Shorebird we do not currently backport those
-changes to previous release of Flutter.
+**Android** requires Flutter 3.10.0 or later.
-Shorebird supports creating a release with older versions of Flutter (back to
-3.10.0 for Android or 3.22.3 for iOS), a release created with one of these
-versions may not contain all of the most recent Shorebird features. Because of
-this, we recommend using the latest stable version of Flutter whenever possible.
+**iOS** requires Flutter 3.24.0 or later.
+Shorebird recommends using the latest stable version of Flutter whenever
+possible. When we make changes to Shorebird we do not currently backport those
+changes to previous release of Flutter.
 ## List Flutter Versions
 To list all Flutter versions Shorebird has published, use the
-`shorebird flutter versions list` command:
-$ shorebird flutter versions list
-📦 Flutter Versions
-✓ 3.22.3
-  3.22.2
-  3.22.1
-  3.22.0
-  3.19.6
-  3.19.5
-  3.19.4
-  3.19.3
-  3.19.2
-  3.19.1
-  3.19.0-0.4.pre
-  3.19.0
-  3.16.9
-  3.16.7
-  3.16.5
-  3.16.4
-  3.16.3
-  3.13.9
-  3.13.8
-  3.13.7
-  3.13.6
-  3.13.5
-  3.13.4
-  3.13.3
-  3.13.2
-  3.13.1
-  3.13.0
-  3.10.6
-  3.10.5
-  3.10.4
-  3.10.3
-  3.10.2
-  3.10.1
-  3.10.0
+`shorebird flutter versions list` command.
 The Flutter version used by `shorebird release` by default is marked with a `✓`.
 Another way to see the current Flutter version is by running `shorebird --version`.
@@ -90,16 +50,6 @@ Only the release command supports the `--flutter-version` option. Patches will
 always be built with the version of Flutter used by the release.
-## Supported Functionality
-At this time, not all functionality is supported for each Flutter version.
-Android requires Flutter 3.10.0 or later.
-`package:shorebird_code_push` requires Flutter 3.10.6 or later.
-iOS requires Flutter 3.22.3 or later.
 ### Disabled Flutter Versions
 June, 11, 2024: Disabled releasing and patching for iOS 3.19.5 - 3.22.1 due to a