diff --git a/_maps/configs/srm_vagrant.json b/_maps/configs/srm_vagrant.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..feacdc29bb9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_maps/configs/srm_vagrant.json
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+	"$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shiptest-ss13/Shiptest/master/_maps/ship_config_schema.json",
+	"map_name": "Vagrant-class Hunting Vessel",
+	"faction": "/datum/faction/srm",
+	"prefix": "SRSV",
+	"namelists": [
+	],
+	"map_short_name": "Vagrant-class",
+	"map_path": "_maps/shuttles/roumain/srm_vagrant.dmm",
+	"description": "One of the smallest vessels available to Montagnes of the Saint-Roumaine-Militia, the Vagrant-Class provides hunters with an affordable, swift journey to their hunting grounds. This vessel features a rocky terrarium prepared with a seed bank perfectly fit for producing trickwines. Hunters and apprenticing shadows alike can find comfort around a campfire, utilizing a strong armory and potent brews to push them through their trials in service to the huntsman.",
+	"tags": [
+		"Botany",
+		"Combat",
+		"Specialist"
+	],
+	"map_id": "srm_vagrant",
+	"limit": 1,
+	"job_slots": {
+		"Hunter Montagne": {
+			"outfit": "/datum/outfit/job/roumain/captain",
+			"officer": true,
+			"slots": 1
+		},
+		"Hunter Colligne": {
+			"outfit": "/datum/outfit/job/roumain/hop",
+			"officer": true,
+			"slots": 1
+		},
+		"Flamebearer": {
+			"outfit": "/datum/outfit/job/roumain/flamebearer",
+			"slots": 1
+		},
+		"Hunter": {
+			"outfit": "/datum/outfit/job/roumain/security",
+			"slots": 1
+		},
+		"Shadow": {
+			"outfit": "/datum/outfit/job/roumain/assistant",
+			"slots": 1
+		}
+	},
+	"enabled": true
diff --git a/_maps/shuttles/roumain/srm_vagrant.dmm b/_maps/shuttles/roumain/srm_vagrant.dmm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7d1c8624f981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_maps/shuttles/roumain/srm_vagrant.dmm
@@ -0,0 +1,3728 @@
+"ag" = (
+	icon_state = "2-9"
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"ah" = (
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"ai" = (
+"ap" = (
+	icon_state = "redrock2"
+	},
+"aE" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	pixel_y = 0;
+	pixel_x = 0
+	},
+"aG" = (
+	icon_state = "0-8"
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"aJ" = (
+	anchored = 1
+	},
+"bz" = (
+	pixel_x = 10;
+	pixel_y = 3
+	},
+"bF" = (
+"bG" = (
+	icon_state = "2-8"
+	},
+	dir = 10
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"bH" = (
+	icon_state = "2-8"
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"bT" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	id = "vagrantstarboardengineshuts";
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"bZ" = (
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	icon_state = "0-4"
+	},
+"cc" = (
+	pixel_x = -9;
+	pixel_y = 3
+	},
+	icon_state = "0-8"
+	},
+"cf" = (
+"cn" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 9
+	},
+	pixel_y = 3;
+	pixel_x = 3
+	},
+	pixel_y = 4;
+	pixel_x = 4;
+	layer = 2.9
+	},
+	pixel_x = -7;
+	pixel_y = 3;
+	layer = 2.8
+	},
+"cp" = (
+"cL" = (
+	pixel_y = 24
+	},
+"cZ" = (
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"df" = (
+"dj" = (
+	id = "vagrantatriumshuts"
+	},
+"dt" = (
+	id = "vagrantatriumshuts";
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"dE" = (
+	pixel_y = 4;
+	pixel_x = 2
+	},
+	layer = 5.1;
+	pixel_y = 1;
+	pixel_x = 10
+	},
+	layer = 5.1;
+	pixel_y = -1;
+	pixel_x = 6
+	},
+	layer = 5.1;
+	pixel_y = -1;
+	pixel_x = -5
+	},
+	layer = 5.1;
+	pixel_y = 0;
+	pixel_x = -9
+	},
+	layer = 5.1;
+	pixel_y = 17;
+	pixel_x = 11
+	},
+	layer = 5.1;
+	pixel_y = 18;
+	pixel_x = 7
+	},
+	layer = 5.1;
+	pixel_y = 18;
+	pixel_x = -5
+	},
+	layer = 5.1;
+	pixel_y = 17;
+	pixel_x = -9
+	},
+"dG" = (
+	pixel_x = -6;
+	pixel_y = 1
+	},
+	pixel_x = 6;
+	pixel_y = 12
+	},
+	pixel_x = 7;
+	pixel_y = 7
+	},
+	pixel_x = -6;
+	pixel_y = 14
+	},
+"dW" = (
+"es" = (
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"eN" = (
+	dir = 4;
+	id = "vagrantbaydoors"
+	},
+	dir = 1;
+	id = "vagrant_holo"
+	},
+	icon_state = "0-9"
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"eS" = (
+	dir = 9
+	},
+	pixel_x = 1;
+	pixel_y = -7
+	},
+"fa" = (
+"fd" = (
+	id = "vagrantportengineshuts"
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"fj" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	pixel_x = -7
+	},
+	pixel_y = 3;
+	pixel_x = 8
+	},
+"fm" = (
+"fT" = (
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"fV" = (
+	pixel_x = 0;
+	pixel_y = -10;
+	name = "Airlock Shutters";
+	id = "airlockshutters"
+	},
+"fY" = (
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	icon_state = "1-4"
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 1;
+	pixel_x = 0;
+	pixel_y = -27
+	},
+	dir = 4;
+	pixel_x = 0;
+	pixel_y = -27
+	},
+"fZ" = (
+	icon_state = "4-9"
+	},
+	icon_state = "2-4"
+	},
+	dir = 10
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"gg" = (
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"gz" = (
+	pixel_x = -7
+	},
+	pixel_x = -2;
+	pixel_y = 2
+	},
+"gJ" = (
+"gP" = (
+"gQ" = (
+"gV" = (
+	name = "Brewing Shed"
+	},
+	icon_state = "1-2"
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	pixel_y = -1;
+	pixel_x = -6
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"hb" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	id = "vagrantstarboardengineshuts";
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	icon_state = "0-8"
+	},
+"hh" = (
+	pixel_x = 0;
+	pixel_y = 13;
+	name = "Airlock Shutters";
+	id = "airlockshutters";
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"hq" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"hr" = (
+	dir = 9
+	},
+"hS" = (
+	dir = 4;
+	id = "vagrantbaydoors"
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"ia" = (
+"ie" = (
+	width = 30;
+	height = 15;
+	dwidth = 15
+	},
+"il" = (
+"iq" = (
+	pixel_x = 5;
+	pixel_y = 2
+	},
+	pixel_x = -5;
+	pixel_y = 1
+	},
+"iU" = (
+	desc = "A sparse patch of grass without color.";
+	light_power = 1;
+	light_range = 0;
+	name = "dead grass"
+	},
+"iW" = (
+	anchored = 1
+	},
+	pixel_x = -7
+	},
+	pixel_y = 3;
+	pixel_x = 8
+	},
+	pixel_x = -2;
+	pixel_y = 2
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"ja" = (
+	dir = 6
+	},
+"jj" = (
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"jo" = (
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	icon_state = "6-8"
+	},
+"jw" = (
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 8;
+	icon_state = "dirty_mattress"
+	},
+"jy" = (
+"jB" = (
+"jM" = (
+"kl" = (
+	icon_state = "2-4"
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 6
+	},
+"km" = (
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	pixel_x = -8
+	},
+	pixel_y = 8;
+	pixel_x = 8
+	},
+"ky" = (
+"kD" = (
+	dir = 8;
+	icon_state = "computer-left"
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"kJ" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	id = "vagrantportengineshuts";
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	icon_state = "0-8"
+	},
+"kR" = (
+	id = "vagrantwindowshuts"
+	},
+"kZ" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"lg" = (
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	icon_state = "0-5"
+	},
+"lo" = (
+	icon_state = "4-8"
+	},
+	icon_state = "6-8"
+	},
+	icon_state = "5-8"
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"lp" = (
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"lw" = (
+"lA" = (
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"lM" = (
+	icon_state = "1-4"
+	},
+	icon_state = "1-8"
+	},
+	icon_state = "1-10"
+	},
+	dir = 5
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	icon_state = "1-2"
+	},
+"lQ" = (
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"lW" = (
+	pixel_y = 6
+	},
+"lX" = (
+	icon_state = "1-4"
+	},
+	dir = 1;
+	name = "Disposals Outlet Valve"
+	},
+"mi" = (
+"mn" = (
+"mo" = (
+	icon_state = "6-8"
+	},
+"mz" = (
+	icon_state = "0-4"
+	},
+"mZ" = (
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	icon_state = "4-8"
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"nc" = (
+	pixel_y = 7;
+	pixel_x = -5;
+	layer = 2.9
+	},
+	pixel_x = 4;
+	pixel_y = 0;
+	layer = 2.8
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	pixel_x = -2;
+	pixel_y = 4
+	},
+"ni" = (
+	piping_layer = 2
+	},
+"nk" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"no" = (
+	name = "Restroom"
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"nr" = (
+"os" = (
+	icon_state = "4-8"
+	},
+	dir = 10
+	},
+	dir = 9
+	},
+"oB" = (
+	anchored = 1
+	},
+"oC" = (
+	bound_height = 32
+	},
+	layer = 5.1;
+	pixel_x = 13;
+	pixel_y = -3
+	},
+	layer = 5.1;
+	pixel_y = -4
+	},
+	layer = 5.1;
+	pixel_x = -5;
+	pixel_y = -1
+	},
+	layer = 5.1;
+	pixel_x = -10;
+	pixel_y = -2
+	},
+"oO" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"pp" = (
+	icon_state = "4-8"
+	},
+	icon_state = "4-10"
+	},
+	icon_state = "2-4"
+	},
+	name = "Air Supply Pump"
+	},
+"ps" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	pixel_x = -10;
+	pixel_y = 1
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"pD" = (
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"pN" = (
+	dir = 8;
+	pixel_y = 8;
+	pixel_x = 16
+	},
+	pixel_x = 8
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	pixel_x = -8;
+	pixel_y = 13
+	},
+"qh" = (
+	dir = 10
+	},
+	icon_state = "1-6"
+	},
+"qu" = (
+	icon_state = "1-4"
+	},
+	dir = 5
+	},
+	dir = 5
+	},
+"qK" = (
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"qM" = (
+	desc = "A sparse patch of grass without color.";
+	light_power = 1;
+	light_range = 0;
+	name = "dead grass"
+	},
+"qN" = (
+	id = "vagrantatriumshuts";
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"qQ" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	pixel_x = -7
+	},
+"qR" = (
+	icon_state = "1-4"
+	},
+	dir = 5
+	},
+	icon_state = "1-8"
+	},
+"re" = (
+	dir = 10
+	},
+"rg" = (
+	icon_state = "1-10"
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"rz" = (
+	icon_state = "4-8"
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"rH" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	id = "vagrantportengineshuts";
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"rY" = (
+"sF" = (
+"sH" = (
+	dir = 4;
+	name = "Cargo Bay"
+	},
+	icon_state = "4-8"
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"sI" = (
+	pixel_x = 1;
+	pixel_y = 6;
+	layer = 3.1
+	},
+	pixel_x = 0;
+	pixel_y = 5
+	},
+	pixel_x = 0;
+	pixel_y = -1
+	},
+	pixel_x = 0;
+	pixel_y = 5
+	},
+"sP" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"sV" = (
+	dir = 10
+	},
+	dir = 8;
+	icon_state = "dirty_mattress"
+	},
+"sW" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"ti" = (
+	icon_state = "0-8"
+	},
+	dir = 10
+	},
+	pixel_x = 6;
+	pixel_y = 1
+	},
+"tA" = (
+	pixel_x = 10;
+	pixel_y = 0
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"un" = (
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"uy" = (
+"uV" = (
+"vk" = (
+	id = "vagrantatriumshuts";
+	name = "Atrium Shutters";
+	dir = 8;
+	pixel_y = 1;
+	pixel_x = 21;
+	layer = 2.7
+	},
+	pixel_y = 16;
+	pixel_x = 5
+	},
+	pixel_y = 16;
+	pixel_x = -6
+	},
+	pixel_x = 7;
+	pixel_y = -1
+	},
+	pixel_y = 8;
+	pixel_x = -9
+	},
+	id = "vagrantbridgeshutters";
+	dir = 8;
+	pixel_x = 21;
+	name = "Bridge shutters";
+	pixel_y = 10;
+	layer = 2.6
+	},
+	id = "vagrantwindowshuts";
+	dir = 8;
+	pixel_x = 21;
+	name = "Window Shutters";
+	pixel_y = -8;
+	layer = 2.8
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"vq" = (
+	dir = 8;
+	pixel_x = 19;
+	pixel_y = -4;
+	id = "vagrant_holo"
+	},
+	dir = 8;
+	id = "vagrantbaydoors";
+	name = "blast door control";
+	pixel_x = 21;
+	pixel_y = 7
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"wJ" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	icon_state = "4-8"
+	},
+"wP" = (
+"wV" = (
+	pixel_x = 5
+	},
+	pixel_x = -4
+	},
+	pixel_x = 2;
+	pixel_y = 3
+	},
+	pixel_x = 2;
+	pixel_y = 3
+	},
+"wY" = (
+	pixel_x = -8;
+	pixel_y = 1
+	},
+"xc" = (
+"xt" = (
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"xA" = (
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	icon_state = "0-4"
+	},
+"xK" = (
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"xS" = (
+"xU" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"yb" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	icon_state = "4-8"
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"yc" = (
+	dir = 8;
+	icon_state = "dirty_mattress"
+	},
+"yD" = (
+	icon_state = "4-8"
+	},
+	icon_state = "4-9"
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"yF" = (
+"yI" = (
+	icon_state = "4-8"
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"yU" = (
+	icon_state = "4-8"
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"yX" = (
+	pixel_x = -5;
+	pixel_y = 9
+	},
+	pixel_x = 1;
+	pixel_y = 4
+	},
+	pixel_x = 9;
+	pixel_y = -3
+	},
+"za" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"zd" = (
+	pixel_x = -6;
+	pixel_y = 14
+	},
+	pixel_x = 7;
+	pixel_y = 15
+	},
+	amount = 3;
+	pixel_x = 4;
+	pixel_y = -6
+	},
+	amount = 6;
+	pixel_x = -4;
+	pixel_y = 1
+	},
+"zP" = (
+"Ab" = (
+	id = "vagrantbridgeshutters";
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"Ag" = (
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"Ar" = (
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	pixel_x = 4;
+	pixel_y = -6
+	},
+"AB" = (
+	dir = 5
+	},
+	id = "vagrantportengineshuts";
+	name = "Engine Shutters";
+	dir = 1;
+	pixel_x = -7;
+	pixel_y = -20
+	},
+"Bq" = (
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"BD" = (
+	id = "vagrantatriumshuts"
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"BO" = (
+	id = "airlockshutters"
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"BY" = (
+	icon_state = "1-4"
+	},
+	dir = 5
+	},
+	dir = 5
+	},
+"Cb" = (
+"Cp" = (
+	id = "vagrantbridgeshutters"
+	},
+"CG" = (
+	icon_state = "1-8"
+	},
+	icon_state = "1-2"
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"Dc" = (
+	icon_state = "4-8"
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"Df" = (
+	dir = 4;
+	id = "vagrantbaydoors"
+	},
+	id = "vagrant_holo"
+	},
+	icon_state = "0-10"
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"Dj" = (
+	icon_state = "1-8"
+	},
+	dir = 9
+	},
+	dir = 9
+	},
+"Dl" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	icon_state = "4-8"
+	},
+	id = "vagrantstarboardengineshuts";
+	name = "Engine Shutters";
+	pixel_x = 0;
+	pixel_y = 21
+	},
+"DJ" = (
+"El" = (
+	id = "airlockshutters"
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"Eo" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"EM" = (
+	id = "airlockshutters"
+	},
+	dir = 5
+	},
+	dir = 5
+	},
+"Fa" = (
+"Fr" = (
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"Fs" = (
+	icon_state = "0-4"
+	},
+	pixel_x = 3;
+	pixel_y = 39
+	},
+	pixel_x = -4
+	},
+	pixel_y = 9;
+	pixel_x = 3
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"FA" = (
+	name = "Starboard Engine Room"
+	},
+	icon_state = "1-2"
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"FJ" = (
+	icon_state = "2-4"
+	},
+	dir = 6
+	},
+	dir = 6
+	},
+"FK" = (
+	icon_state = "4-8"
+	},
+"Gf" = (
+"Gg" = (
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"Go" = (
+	dir = 2;
+	preferred_direction = 4;
+	port_direction = 8
+	},
+"Gu" = (
+"GT" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"GV" = (
+	dir = 10
+	},
+"GZ" = (
+	id = "vagrantbridgeshutters";
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"Hg" = (
+	pixel_x = -7
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"Hn" = (
+"Hy" = (
+	icon_state = "0-8"
+	},
+"HC" = (
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"HU" = (
+"HZ" = (
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"Ii" = (
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"Ik" = (
+	icon_state = "redrock3"
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"Il" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"Io" = (
+"IZ" = (
+"Ja" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"Jb" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"Jh" = (
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"Jp" = (
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"Jx" = (
+"JE" = (
+"JR" = (
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"Kx" = (
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	icon_state = "0-2"
+	},
+"KD" = (
+"KN" = (
+"KQ" = (
+	icon_state = "1-2"
+	},
+	icon_state = "1-4"
+	},
+	icon_state = "2-4"
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"KR" = (
+	icon_state = "5-8"
+	},
+	icon_state = "6-8"
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"KW" = (
+	id = "vagrantwindowshuts"
+	},
+"Lb" = (
+	amount = 25;
+	pixel_y = -2;
+	pixel_x = -9
+	},
+	amount = 25;
+	pixel_y = -2;
+	pixel_x = -9
+	},
+	amount = 25;
+	pixel_y = -2;
+	pixel_x = -9
+	},
+	amount = 25;
+	pixel_y = -2;
+	pixel_x = -9
+	},
+"Lp" = (
+	id = "vagrantwindowshuts"
+	},
+"LM" = (
+	pixel_x = -9;
+	pixel_y = 1
+	},
+"LO" = (
+	icon_state = "4-8"
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"LP" = (
+	icon_state = "5-8"
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"LW" = (
+	desc = "A sparse patch of grass without color.";
+	light_power = 1;
+	light_range = 0;
+	name = "dead grass"
+	},
+"Me" = (
+	pixel_y = 11;
+	pixel_x = 0
+	},
+	pixel_y = 6;
+	pixel_x = 7
+	},
+	pixel_y = 7;
+	pixel_x = -5
+	},
+	pixel_y = 7;
+	pixel_x = -5
+	},
+	pixel_y = 7;
+	pixel_x = -5
+	},
+	pixel_y = 7;
+	pixel_x = -5
+	},
+	pixel_y = 7;
+	pixel_x = -5
+	},
+	pixel_y = 6;
+	pixel_x = 7
+	},
+	pixel_y = 6;
+	pixel_x = 7
+	},
+	pixel_y = 6;
+	pixel_x = 7
+	},
+	pixel_y = 6;
+	pixel_x = 7
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	pixel_x = 1;
+	pixel_y = -5
+	},
+	pixel_x = 1;
+	pixel_y = -5
+	},
+	pixel_x = 1;
+	pixel_y = -5
+	},
+	pixel_x = 1;
+	pixel_y = -5
+	},
+	pixel_x = 1;
+	pixel_y = -5
+	},
+	pixel_x = 1;
+	pixel_y = -5
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"Mq" = (
+"My" = (
+"MC" = (
+	icon_state = "4-8"
+	},
+	icon_state = "2-4"
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"MO" = (
+	name = "Cryopods"
+	},
+	icon_state = "1-2"
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"Ni" = (
+	icon_state = "1-2"
+	},
+	name = "Port Engine Room"
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"Nr" = (
+	dir = 8;
+	icon_state = "computer-right"
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"NF" = (
+"NN" = (
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"NQ" = (
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"NS" = (
+	icon_state = "4-8"
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"NW" = (
+	id = "airlockshutters"
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"Ob" = (
+"On" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"Op" = (
+"OC" = (
+"OH" = (
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"OJ" = (
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"Pj" = (
+	dir = 9
+	},
+	dir = 8;
+	icon_state = "dirty_mattress"
+	},
+"Pt" = (
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 8;
+	icon_state = "dirty_mattress"
+	},
+"PC" = (
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	icon_state = "0-4"
+	},
+"PE" = (
+"PS" = (
+"Qa" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 10
+	},
+"Qo" = (
+	dir = 5
+	},
+"Qs" = (
+	name = "Armory"
+	},
+	icon_state = "1-2"
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"QA" = (
+	dir = 10
+	},
+	dir = 6
+	},
+	layer = 3.22
+	},
+"Rk" = (
+"RA" = (
+	icon_state = "0-1"
+	},
+	dir = 5
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"RH" = (
+	pixel_x = -2;
+	pixel_y = -8
+	},
+	pixel_x = 5;
+	pixel_y = -3
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"Ss" = (
+"Sx" = (
+	icon_state = "1-8"
+	},
+	dir = 9
+	},
+	dir = 9
+	},
+"SR" = (
+	pixel_x = -5;
+	pixel_y = 1
+	},
+	pixel_y = 7;
+	pixel_x = 8
+	},
+	pixel_y = 10;
+	pixel_x = -4
+	},
+"SV" = (
+"Td" = (
+	icon_state = "2-8"
+	},
+	dir = 10
+	},
+	dir = 10
+	},
+"Te" = (
+	icon_state = "4-8"
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"TE" = (
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"TU" = (
+	icon_state = "0-9"
+	},
+"Uh" = (
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"Uj" = (
+"Ut" = (
+	id = "vagrantatriumshuts";
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"UF" = (
+	icon_state = "4-8"
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"UH" = (
+	icon_state = "0-4"
+	},
+"UT" = (
+	pixel_x = -3;
+	pixel_y = -8
+	},
+"UV" = (
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"Ve" = (
+"Vy" = (
+	id = "vagrantbridgeshutters"
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"Vz" = (
+	icon_state = "4-8"
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"VB" = (
+	icon_state = "1-2"
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	name = "Bridge"
+	},
+"VE" = (
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 9
+	},
+	icon_state = "1-4"
+	},
+"VG" = (
+	pixel_x = 1;
+	pixel_y = 8
+	},
+	pixel_x = 1;
+	pixel_y = 8
+	},
+	pixel_x = 5;
+	pixel_y = 6
+	},
+"VI" = (
+	icon_state = "6-8"
+	},
+"VL" = (
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"VO" = (
+	anchored = 1
+	},
+	pixel_x = -4;
+	pixel_y = -5
+	},
+	dir = 8
+	},
+"Wg" = (
+	anchored = 1
+	},
+	icon_state = "0-2"
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+"Ws" = (
+	pixel_x = -9;
+	pixel_y = 1
+	},
+"Wu" = (
+"Ww" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"WM" = (
+	icon_state = "0-8"
+	},
+"WO" = (
+	dir = 5
+	},
+	dir = 9
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	pixel_y = 2;
+	pixel_x = 0
+	},
+	pixel_y = 8;
+	pixel_x = -6
+	},
+	pixel_y = 0;
+	pixel_x = 4
+	},
+	pixel_y = 5;
+	pixel_x = -3
+	},
+"WU" = (
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	pixel_x = -1;
+	pixel_y = 5
+	},
+	pixel_x = 1;
+	pixel_y = 0
+	},
+"XB" = (
+	id = "vagrantatriumshuts"
+	},
+"XG" = (
+"XO" = (
+	icon_state = "0-4"
+	},
+"Yr" = (
+	icon_state = "4-8"
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"YL" = (
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	id = "vagrantbridgeshutters";
+	dir = 8
+	},
+	dir = 4
+	},
+"Ze" = (
+"ZA" = (
+"ZF" = (
+	icon_state = "1-4"
+	},
+	dir = 5
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	pixel_y = -4
+	},
+	layer = 3
+	},
+"ZI" = (
+	dir = 4
+	},
+	layer = 3.1
+	},
+"ZO" = (
+	icon_state = "2-9"
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 1
+	},
+	dir = 8;
+	pixel_x = 0;
+	pixel_y = 27
+	},
+	pixel_x = 0;
+	pixel_y = 27
+	},
+(1,1,1) = {"
+(2,1,1) = {"
+(3,1,1) = {"
+(4,1,1) = {"
+(5,1,1) = {"
+(6,1,1) = {"
+(7,1,1) = {"
+(8,1,1) = {"
+(9,1,1) = {"
+(10,1,1) = {"
+(11,1,1) = {"
+(12,1,1) = {"
+(13,1,1) = {"
+(14,1,1) = {"
+(15,1,1) = {"
+(16,1,1) = {"
+(17,1,1) = {"
+(18,1,1) = {"
+(19,1,1) = {"
+(20,1,1) = {"
+(21,1,1) = {"
+(22,1,1) = {"
+(23,1,1) = {"
+(24,1,1) = {"
+(25,1,1) = {"
+(26,1,1) = {"
+(27,1,1) = {"
+(28,1,1) = {"
+(29,1,1) = {"
+(30,1,1) = {"
+(31,1,1) = {"
+(32,1,1) = {"
+(33,1,1) = {"
diff --git a/code/game/objects/effects/spawners/random/entertainment.dm b/code/game/objects/effects/spawners/random/entertainment.dm
index 8e51ddf384c0..75028ca12e11 100644
--- a/code/game/objects/effects/spawners/random/entertainment.dm
+++ b/code/game/objects/effects/spawners/random/entertainment.dm
@@ -249,6 +249,7 @@
+		/obj/item/toy/plush/frederick,
 		/obj/effect/spawner/random/entertainment/plushie/moth // fair chances
diff --git a/code/game/objects/items/plushes.dm b/code/game/objects/items/plushes.dm
index dd00d3abd1fd..03c37fbce833 100644
--- a/code/game/objects/items/plushes.dm
+++ b/code/game/objects/items/plushes.dm
@@ -863,3 +863,44 @@
 	var/mutable_appearance/base_overlay_among = mutable_appearance(icon, "plushie_among_visor")
 	base_overlay_among.appearance_flags = RESET_COLOR
+	name = "Frederick plushie"
+	desc = "A plushie of Frederick, a lovable dragon head cricket."
+	icon_state = "plushie_frederick"
+	gender = MALE
+	name = "\improper G-80 Landmine plushie"
+	desc = "A plushie depicting an adorable anti-infantry explosive. Just don't step on it."
+	icon = 'icons/obj/landmine.dmi'
+	icon_state = "mine_armed"
+	should_squeak = FALSE
+	. = ..()
+	var/static/list/loc_connections = list(
+	)
+	AddElement(/datum/element/connect_loc, loc_connections)
+/obj/item/toy/plush/landmine/proc/on_entered(datum/source, atom/movable/arrived)
+	if(!(arrived.movement_type == GROUND))
+		return
+	if(ismob(arrived))
+		var/mob/living/fool = arrived
+		fool.do_alert_animation(fool)
+		fool.Immobilize(15 DECISECONDS, TRUE) // Shorter because it's fake
+		to_chat(fool, span_userdanger("You step on \the [src] and freeze."))
+		visible_message(span_danger("[icon2html(src, viewers(src))] *click*"))
+		playsound(src, 'sound/machines/click.ogg', 100, TRUE)
+/obj/item/toy/plush/landmine/proc/on_exited(datum/source, atom/movable/gone)
+	if(!isturf(loc) || iseffect(gone) || istype(gone, /obj/item/mine))
+		return
+	playsound(src, 'sound/items/mine_activate_short.ogg', 80, FALSE)
diff --git a/code/game/turfs/open/floor/plating/misc_plating.dm b/code/game/turfs/open/floor/plating/misc_plating.dm
index 684420c8eb89..f1cf31218b42 100644
--- a/code/game/turfs/open/floor/plating/misc_plating.dm
+++ b/code/game/turfs/open/floor/plating/misc_plating.dm
@@ -276,3 +276,7 @@
 	heavyfootstep = FOOTSTEP_GENERIC_HEAVY
 	tiled_dirt = FALSE
+	initial_gas_mix = OPENTURF_DEFAULT_ATMOS
+	planetary_atmos = FALSE
diff --git a/code/game/turfs/open/floor/plating/rockplanet.dm b/code/game/turfs/open/floor/plating/rockplanet.dm
index 69257e346ef8..889e2779ec52 100644
--- a/code/game/turfs/open/floor/plating/rockplanet.dm
+++ b/code/game/turfs/open/floor/plating/rockplanet.dm
@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
 	digResult = /obj/item/stack/ore/glass/rockplanet
+	initial_gas_mix = OPENTURF_DEFAULT_ATMOS
+	planetary_atmos = FALSE
 	light_range = 2
 	light_power = 0.6
@@ -28,10 +32,18 @@
 	baseturfs = /turf/open/floor/plating/asteroid/rockplanet/lit
 	turf_type = /turf/open/floor/plating/asteroid/rockplanet/lit
+	initial_gas_mix = OPENTURF_DEFAULT_ATMOS
+	planetary_atmos = FALSE
 	icon_state = "wet_soft0"
 	base_icon_state = "wet_soft"
+	initial_gas_mix = OPENTURF_DEFAULT_ATMOS
+	planetary_atmos = FALSE
 	light_range = 2
 	light_power = 0.6
@@ -41,6 +53,10 @@
 	icon_state = "wet_cracked0"
 	base_icon_state = "wet_cracked"
+	initial_gas_mix = OPENTURF_DEFAULT_ATMOS
+	planetary_atmos = FALSE
 	light_range = 2
 	light_power = 0.6
diff --git a/icons/obj/plushes.dmi b/icons/obj/plushes.dmi
index 2c982a8ac8f9..2ca4cc2875b7 100644
Binary files a/icons/obj/plushes.dmi and b/icons/obj/plushes.dmi differ