v0.7.0 (2022-02-09)
v0.6.0 (2022-02-09)
Merged pull requests:
- v0.6.0 #51 (github-actions[bot])
- version 0.6をリリース #50 (shimakaze-git)
- get_jp_era_rangeを追加. #49 (shimakaze-git)
- Feature/fix gh actions #48 (shimakaze-git)
v0.4.0 (2022-02-08)
Merged pull requests:
- v0.4.0 #47 (github-actions[bot])
- バージョン4.0をデプロイ #46 (shimakaze-git)
- 干支を表示する機能を作成. #45 (shimakaze-git)
v0.3.0 (2022-02-07)
Merged pull requests:
- v0.3.0 #44 (github-actions[bot])
- 0.3.0にアップデート #43 (shimakaze-git)
- Versionを0.2.3にする #41 (shimakaze-git)
v0.2.0 (2022-02-07)
Closed issues:
- Initial Update #30
Merged pull requests:
- v0.2.0 #40 (github-actions[bot])
- Versionを0.2にアップロード. #39 (shimakaze-git)
- v0.1.5 #37 (github-actions[bot])
- fix: git pushの処理を追加. #36 (shimakaze-git)
v0.1.5 (2022-01-29)
Merged pull requests:
- v0.1.5 #35 (github-actions[bot])
- develop to master. #34 (shimakaze-git)
v0.1.4 (2022-01-29)
Merged pull requests:
- v0.1.4 #33 (github-actions[bot])
- 0.1.4にバージョンアップ. #32 (shimakaze-git)
- Config file for pyup.io #31 (pyup-bot)
- v0.1.3 #29 (github-actions[bot])
- fix: templateを修正していく. #28 (shimakaze-git)
- [v0.1.3] (2022-01-29) #27 (github-actions[bot])
- fix: add HISTORY.rstを削除していく. #26 (shimakaze-git)
- [v0.1.3] (2022-01-29) #25 (github-actions[bot])
- develop to master #24 (shimakaze-git)
v0.1.3 (2022-01-28)
Merged pull requests:
- v0.1.3 #23 (github-actions[bot])
- develop to master. #22 (shimakaze-git)
- v0.1.3 #21 (github-actions[bot])
- 0.1.3に変更 #20 (shimakaze-git)
- Develop to Master. #18 (shimakaze-git)
- refactor: プルリク先をreleaseに変更. #16 (shimakaze-git)
- Develop to Master #15 (shimakaze-git)
- Develop #14 (shimakaze-git)
- fix: ワークフローの環境変数を色々表示させる. #12 (shimakaze-git)
- fix: master-prを修正する. #11 (shimakaze-git)
- fix: ci周りとreleaseのブランチを変更. #10 (shimakaze-git)
- feat: ciを追加して整備する. #9 (shimakaze-git)
- release 0.1 #8 (shimakaze-git)
- 一度templateを取り込む. #2 (shimakaze-git)
* This Changelog was automatically generated bygithub_changelog_generator