You can take part in making Shopsys Framework better.
- Create a pull request
- Report an issue
- Guidelines for Creating Commits
- Guidelines for Writing Documentation
- Guidelines for Pull Request
- Guidelines for Dependencies
- Merging to Master on Github
For your code to be accepted, you should follow our guidelines mentioned above, and the code must pass coding standards checks and tests:
php phing standards tests tests-acceptance
Your code may not infringe the copyrights of any third party. If you are changing a composer's dependency in composer.json or you are changing the npm dependencies in package.json, you need to reflect this change into a list of License Overview of Included 3rd Party Libraries. Apply the same procedure if you make the changes in Dockerfile or docker-compose.yml files.
These rules ensure that the code will remain consistent and the project is maintainable in the future.
Tip: Read more about automatic checks in Phing Targets and Running Acceptance Tests.