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Old Bailey Online Prisoner Defences 1751-1900

This dataset is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence

License: CC BY-SA 4.0


This dataset has been created from Old Bailey Online (OBO) XML data. It consists of all prisoner defence statements that could be identified in trials in the Old Bailey Proceedings between 1751 and 1900. The dataset has been created primarily in order to explore the Voices of Authority research theme of the Digital Panopticon project. It's made available here for other researchers who may find it of interest.

The data covers a period in which the English criminal trial (for felonies) profoundly changed: in the mid-18th century few lawyers were involved and the trial was conceived as a direct encounter between victim as prosecutor, and the defendant who was expected to conduct their own defence. By 1900, lawyers were in charge, and trial procedures were increasingly bureaucratic.

For more information on trial procedures and the Old Bailey, please refer to the background information at

Data creation

In addition to using OBO data as its direct source material, the dataset would not have been possible without the Old Bailey Corpus (OBC). OBC has added linguistic tagging to about a quarter of the Proceedings sessions, and this restructuring has made it possible to see speech data within the Proceedings in new ways. Thus, it became much clearer from OBC that prisoner defences (and, indeed, prisoners' statements more generally) are quite consistently labelled in the Proceedings text, and that defences tend to appear in certain places and forms that could be identified and extracted from the full OBO data for text mining and linguistic analysis.

Structured data from the OBO has then been added to the texts: all available defendant personal information (including gender and age), and offence, verdict and sentence categories, to make it possible to explore the effectiveness of particular kinds of defence narrative, or variations by gender or type of offence.

Data table

This is version 1.0 of the data (March 2017).

file: obo_defences_v1.tsv


  • normally there is one statement per defendant per trial, but there can be more than one
  • statements such as "I leave my defence to my counsel" or "I am guilty" have been left in the data, even though they are not exactly defences
  • sometimes prisoners put in written defences that were read out in court, or non-English speakers' defences were communicated through an interpreter; I have excluded these where they are indicated
Field label Description
uid unique identifier in the dataset
trial OBO trial ID
p_no paragraph number in the trial
def_id OBO defendant ID
sess_date OBO session date, YYYYMMDD
trial_def_count number of defendants in the trial
prefix words immediately preceding the statement, usually "Prisoner's Defence" or similar.
txt the statement
word_count count of words in the statement
given given name of defendant
surname surname of defendant
gender gender of defendant
age_years age of defendant (NULL if not present)
occupation occupation of defendant, as described in the trial report
offcat OBO offence category
offsubcat OBO offence subcategory
vercat OBO verdict category
versubcat OBO verdict subcategory
puncat OBO sentence category
punsubcat OBO sentence subcategory

Offence, verdict and sentence categories and subcategories


offcat offsubcat
breakingPeace assault
breakingPeace barratry
breakingPeace libel
breakingPeace other
breakingPeace riot
breakingPeace threateningBehaviour
breakingPeace vagabond
breakingPeace wounding
damage arson
damage other
deception bankrupcy
deception forgery
deception fraud
deception other
deception perjury
kill infanticide
kill manslaughter
kill murder
kill other
kill pettyTreason
miscellaneous concealingABirth
miscellaneous conspiracy
miscellaneous habitualCriminal
miscellaneous illegalAbortion
miscellaneous kidnapping
miscellaneous other
miscellaneous pervertingJustice
miscellaneous piracy
miscellaneous returnFromTransportation
royalOffences coiningOffences
royalOffences other
royalOffences religiousOffences
royalOffences seditiousLibel
royalOffences seditiousWords
royalOffences seducingAllegiance
royalOffences taxOffences
royalOffences treason
sexual assaultWithIntent
sexual assaultWithSodomiticalIntent
sexual bigamy
sexual indecentAssault
sexual keepingABrothel
sexual other
sexual rape
sexual sodomy
theft animalTheft
theft burglary
theft embezzlement
theft extortion
theft gameLawOffence
theft grandLarceny
theft housebreaking
theft mail
theft other
theft pettyLarceny
theft pocketpicking
theft receiving
theft shoplifting
theft simpleLarceny
theft stealingFromMaster
theft theftFromPlace
violentTheft highwayRobbery
violentTheft other
violentTheft robbery


vercat versubcat
guilty chanceMedley
guilty insane
guilty lesserOffence
guilty manslaughter
guilty pleadedGuilty
guilty pleadedPartGuilty
guilty theftunder100s
guilty theftunder1s
guilty theftunder40s
guilty theftunder5s
guilty withRecommendation
miscVerdict noAgreement
miscVerdict postponed
miscVerdict unfitToPlead
notGuilty accidentalDeath
notGuilty directed
notGuilty fault
notGuilty noEvidence
notGuilty nonComposMentis
notGuilty noProsecutor
notGuilty selfDefence
notGuilty notGuilty noEvidence


puncat punsubcat
corporal pillory
corporal privateWhipping
corporal publicWhipping
corporal whipping
death burning
death deathAndDissection
death drawnAndQuartered
death executed
death hangingInChains
death respited
death respitedForPregnancy
imprison hardLabour
imprison houseOfCorrection
imprison insanity
imprison newgate
imprison otherInstitution
imprison penalServitude
imprison preventiveDetention
miscPunish branding
miscPunish fine
miscPunish forfeiture
miscPunish militaryNavalDuty
miscPunish sureties
noPunish pardon
noPunish sentenceRespited