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This is probably the hardest part of the entire site... probably even harder than the anticipated dry periods of blogging. I have no idea how many people this website will reach, but I'll try to describe myself in such a manner that one would not need to have met me in real life to realize I'm somewhat of a cool cat {% include emoji/CatKool.html %}
My name is Khinshan Khan, but feel free to call me Shan or any other nickname that makes sense (go ahead and throw new nicknames or scavenge for my other ones). I currently live in New York City, New York. I'm an undergraduate computer science student and a StuyCS alumnus (mentioned because I seem to meet a lot of alums... and Stuyvesant was an {% include emoji/emacs.html %} recruiting ground).
I don't particularly specialize in any areas ( yet? ) since I've always felt becoming a full stack developer is sort of the only path carved out of me (ironically so) due to my curiosity and passion to learn.
My key programming language languages are Python, C++, OCaml, Lisp (ELisp, SBCL).
This site is also my most procrastinated project (not really... I have some more I have yet to start {% include emoji/megublaze.html %} , but this is probably the longest project I've worked on and thus had more time doing nothing and "researching" rather than working on it). Hopefully you can learn something from here, or at least you'll be left entertained. If you want me to cover something specific or want to get in touch, I'll probably have a comments section you can use (unsure yet how I want it Incorporated).
I'll do my best to provide quality content ranging a wide variety of topics: from news commentary to anime to shows to books to life hacks to interesting tech to... well you get the point {% include emoji/dankfingers.html %}
Lastly and importantly, you can find site specifics (how it's setup and how the structure I want to use) here: [First]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link _posts/ %})