Sometimes, to perform validation and return a proper type as an output you need something else besides a form state. For example, there is an array of categories array<Category.t>
that comes from your server and you need to validate that input value is a valid category from this array. In such cases, you can add a metadata
type to a form config and pass a value of this type to the useForm
hook. Then all validators will receive an additional argument of this type on each invocation.
module Category = {
type t = {
id: CategoryId.t,
name: string,
module Form = %form(
type input = {
category: string,
type output = {
category: Category.t,
type metadata = {
categories: array<Category.t>,
let validators = {
category: {
strategy: OnFirstChange,
validate: (input, metadata) => {
switch (input.category) {
| "" => Error("Category is required")
| _ =>
let category =
->Belt.Array.getBy(category => == input.category);
switch category {
| Some(category) => Ok(category)
| None => Error("Invalid category")
let initialInput = {category: ""};
let make = (~categories: array<Category.t>) => {
let form =
~metadata={categories: categories},
~onSubmit=(output, form) => { ... },
// ...
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