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JavaScript - Strings

Strings are one of the data types of JavaScript, where they are used to store sequence of characters.

  • ' ' or " " - used to represent values of a string.
  • String.length - used to find how many characters are present in the string.
  • string[2] - used to get the specific character


  • There are two ways to concatenate a two or more strings.
    1. Using + operator.

      let firstName = "Ratan";
      let lastName = "Tata";
      let fullName = firstName + " " + lastName;
    2. Using Template Literals.

      let firstName = "Ratan";
      let lastName = "Tata";
      let fullName = `${firstName} ${lastName}`;
      • There are many things we can do with Template literals.
        • Define strings.
          let avenger = `ironman`
        • Quote inside strings.
          let stringWithQuote = `He's often called "Ironman"`
        • Define multiline strings.
          let multilineString =
        • Define interpolate variables and expressions into strings.
          let firstName = "Ratan";
          let lastName = "Tata";
          let fullName = `${firstName} ${lastName}!`;
          let radius = 10;
          const PI = 3.14;
          let areaOfCircle = `Area of circle: ${PI * (radius**2)}`;


  • toLowerCase() - used to make a string to lower case characters.
  • toUpperCase() - used to make a string to upper case characters.
  • indexOf('') - used to get the index of particular character.
    • if the character is present, it will return a number.
    • if the character is not present, it will return -1 number as result.
  • lastIndexOd('') - same as indexOf() but finds the last occurrence.
  • slice() - used to get the sub string from a string by taking start and end index values as input.
let avenger = "Ironman";
let lowerCaseOfAvenger = avenger.toLowerCase();
let upperCaseOfAvenger = avenger.toUpperCase();
let indexOfN = avenger.indexOf("n");
let lastIndexOfN = avenger.lastIndexOf("n");
let slicedAvenger = avenger.slice(2, 5);