This exercise requires to finish exercise 1 and exercise 2
Table of contents:
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We will test the following contract ./exercise3/token.sol:
contract Ownership{
address owner = msg.sender;
constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;
modifier isOwner(){
require(owner == msg.sender);
contract Pausable is Ownership{
bool is_paused;
modifier ifNotPaused(){
function paused() isOwner public{
is_paused = true;
function resume() isOwner public{
is_paused = false;
contract Token is Pausable{
mapping(address => uint) public balances;
function transfer(address to, uint value) ifNotPaused public{
require(balances[msg.sender] >= value);
balances[msg.sender] -= value;
balances[to] += value;
Consider the following extension of the token (./exercise3/mintable.sol):
import "token.sol";
contract MintableToken is Token{
int totalMinted;
int totalMintable;
constructor(int _totalMintable) public {
totalMintable = _totalMintable;
function mint(uint value) isOwner() public{
require(int(value) + totalMinted < totalMintable);
totalMinted += int(value);
balances[msg.sender] += value;
The version of token.sol contains the fixes of the previous exercises.
- Create a scenario, where
echidna_caller (msg.sender)
becomes the owner of the contract at construction, andtotalMintable
is set to 10,000. Recall that Echidna needs a constructor without argument. - Add a property to check if
can mint more than 10,000 tokens. - Once Echidna finds the bug, fix the issue, and re-try your property with Echidna.
The skeleton for this exercise is (./exercise3/template.sol):
import "mintable.sol";
contract TestToken is MintableToken {
address echidna_caller = msg.sender;
// update the constructor
constructor() public {}
// add the property
function echidna_test_balance() public view returns (bool) {}
This solution can be found in ./exercise3/solution.sol