issues Search Results · repo:sgoldenlab/simba language:Python
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insgoldenlab/simba (press backspace or delete to remove)We are running some experiments where we need to measure the time in the video before the animal enters a zone.
If possible, it would be great to have an ROI analysis option that provides time of first ...
- 4
- Opened 21 hours ago
- #414
Describe the bug when analyzing machine prediction by RROI the terminal gives me: SIMBA WARNING: ROIWarning: ROI named
bottom of shape type Circle not found for video video__9808_250203_empty. Skipping ...
- 7
- Opened yesterday
- #413
I have trained model using data from Project A. But when I tried to use the same model for Project B I got really low
accuracies. The two projects are almost the same, the only difference was the time ...
- 3
- Opened 7 days ago
- #412
When I draw an ROI and then try to press save SimBA freezes and crashes.
When I press save with no ROI drawn, it logs that the file s ROI s were saved (0 ROI s saved). So the button seems to
This ...
- 5
- Opened 26 days ago
- #411
Hi @sronilsson,
I didn t see your Nature publication last year. Congratulations 🚀! I m about to cite you in a resubmission. Your github
page lists your 2020 biorxiv to cite. I assume the published version ...
- 3
- Opened 27 days ago
- #410
Not able to append ROI data. Task has 1 animal in a maze spontaneous alternation, and I am trying to calculate ROI
directionality but keep getting the following error:
Exception in Tkinter callback Traceback ...
- 7
- Opened 29 days ago
- #409
Describe the bug I created a script that filled in missing identities and corrected jumps on a csv file from SLEAP and
exported it in the same format as released by SLEAP. I attempted to import the file ...
- 6
- Opened on Jan 24
- #408
I successfully installed simba with venv to get Pytho3.10 and with Anaconda to get Python 3.6 I tried to start simba by
simba and press enter, but nothing happens except at the task manager simba.exe is ...
- 5
- Opened on Jan 22
- #407
Dear SIMBA creator. Thank you for your work on SIMBA. I have a big project with more than 1000 videos acquired in
standardized conditions (open field). I leave the GUI and I work on jupyter notebook to ...
- 20
- Opened on Jan 18
- #406
Describe the bug I am having an issue where the results of the Analyze ROI Data: Aggregates (movement_log.csv) and
Analyze distances/velocities: aggregates (ROI_movement_data.csv) do not seem to align. ...
- 8
- Opened on Jan 17
- #405

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