Config files are stored in the YAML format
Names for keys should be self-explanatory
Everything that's not a variant must be an integer value
- map_width, map_height: must be between 1 and 50
- starting_animals: must be between 0 and 100
- genome_length: must be between 1 and 100
- min_mutations: must be between 0 and genome_length
- max_mutations: must be between min_mutations and genome_length
- starting_foliage, energy_gain, daily_foliage_growth, starting_energy, min_procreation_energy: must be at least 0
- procreation_energy_loss: must be between 0 and min_procreation_energy
The above constraints are merely to assure the integrity of the simulation. They do not protect against nonsensical and useless setups, for instance:
- daily_foliage_growth=0: plants will not grow
- energy_gain=0: animals will be unable to gain energy
- procreation_energy_loss=0: children will be born dead
- min_procreation_energy=procreation_energy_loss: procreation may kill the parents
- starting_animals<2, starting_energy=0: simulation will be extremely boring
- map_variant: globe, portal
- foliage_variant: equator, toxic
- mutation_variant: random, step
- behaviour_variant: predestined, crazy
If loading of custom config fails, simulation will use default settings, which can be seen in the Example config file section below.
# This is an evgen configuration file.
# Refer to config/ for more info.
map_width: 15
map_height: 10
starting_foliage: 10
energy_gain: 5
daily_foliage_growth: 3
starting_animals: 20
starting_energy: 30
min_procreation_energy: 15
procreation_energy_loss: 10
min_mutations: 0
max_mutations: 5
genome_length: 10
map_variant: globe
foliage_variant: equator
mutation_variant: random
behaviour_variant: predestined