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Design for Testability


We just learned how the use of mocks and stubs can help developers in being highly productive and efficient in writing test code. In our previous chapter, it was easy to pass a IssuedInvoices stub to the InvoiceFilter class. The little refactoring operation we have performed (we made the class to receive its dependencies via constructors) facilitate the testing of the InvoiceFilter class. Note, however, that this was not the case at the beginning of the chapter. We had to refactor the code for that to happen.

Software systems are often not ready/prepared to be easily tested, as the classes in our previous chapter. And this is what this chapter is about: how to design and architect a software system in a way that it eases its testability.

Testability is related to the ease of writing automated tests to the system, class, or method under test. We already know that automated tests are crucial for high-quality software; it is, therefore, essential that our code is testable.

In this chapter, we'll discuss some design practices that increases the testability of our software systems (which we now refer to this idea as design for testability). More specifically:

  • Dependency injection
  • The separation between domain and infrastructure code
  • Implementation-level tips

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Dependency injection

Dependency injection is a design choice we can use to make our code more testable. We will illustrate what dependency injection is it by means of an analogy:

Say we need a hammer to perform a certain task. When we are asked to do this task, we could go search and find the hammer by ourselves. Then, once we have the hammer, we can use it to perform the task. However, another approach is to say that we need a hammer when someone asks us to perform the task. This way, instead of getting the hammer ourselves, we get it from the person that wants us to do the task.

We can do the same when managing the dependencies in our systems. Simply put, instead of the class instantiating dependency itself, the class asks for the dependency (via constructor or a setter, for example).

We actually applied this idea in the previous chapter. But let's revisit it: Let's assume that the InvoiveFilter was implemented as follows:

public class InvoiceFilter {

  public void filter() {
    IssuedInvoices dao = new IssuedInvoices();

    // ...


In our analogy, the InvoiceFilter (the worker) itself instantiates (searches for) the IssuedInvoices (hammer) class.
With an implementation like this, there is no easy way to pass any mocks to the InvoiceFilter. Any test code we devise will necessarily use a concrete instance of IssuedInvoices. As we know, IssuedInvoices goes to a database, which is something we have been trying to avoid. Thus, we cannot control the way the IssuedInvoice operates, at least for testing purposes. This makes it a lot harder for developers to write automated tests.

Instead, we can design our class in a way that it allows dependencies to be injected. Note how we receive the dependency via constructor now:

public class InvoiceFilter {

  private final IssuedInvoices issuedInvoices;

  public InvoiceFilter(IssuedInvoices issuedInvoices) {
    this.issuedInvoices = issuedInvoices;

  public void lowValuedInvoices() {
    // ...

In this new implementation, we can now instantiate the InvoiceFilter class and pass it a mocked/stubbed version of IssuedInvoices in the test code. This simple change in the design of the class makes the creation of automated tests easier and, therefore, increases the testability of the code.

Note that with such a design decision, the InvoiceFilter class also enables the production code to pass a concrete instance of IssueInvoices. After all, when the program is running "for real", we want the real implementation of IssuedInvoices to work.

More formally, Dependency injection is a technique where one object supplies the required dependencies of the another object. As in our example, whenever a client decides to make use of InvoiceFilter, it will have to also supply a IssuedInvoice. The term "injection" is about "injecting" a dependency, in this case, the IssuedInvoice, to another class, in this case InvoiceFilter.

The use of dependency injection improves our code in many ways:

  • Enables us to mock/stub the dependencies in the test code, increasing the productivity of the developer during the testing phase.
  • Makes all the dependencies more explicit; after all, they all need to be injected (via constructor, for example).
  • Better separation of concerns: classes now do not need to worry about how to build their dependencies, as they are inject to them.
  • The class becomes more extensible. As a client of the class, you can pass any dependency via the constructor. Suppose a class depends on a type A (and receives it via constructor). As a client, you can pass A or any implementation of A, e.g., if A is List, you can pass ArrayList or LinkedList. Your class now can work with many different implementations of A.

{% hint style='tip'%} If you want to understand more advanced OOP concepts, we suggest the reader to read more about:

  • The Open-Closed Principle
  • Inversion of Control
  • Separation of concerns {% endhint %}

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Domain vs infrastructure

A general recommendation to design for testability comes down to separating domain from infrastructure. Let us define domain and infrastructure The domain is where the core of the system lies. All its business rules, logics, entities, services, etc, reside. Throughout this book we have been using business systems as examples. Entities like Invoice, ChristmasDiscountCalculator are examples of domain classes.

Infrastructure, as the same says, is related to all the code that handle some infrastructure. For example, pieces of code that handle database queries, or webservice calls, or file reads and writes. In our examples, all our Data Access Objects are part of what we call infrastructure code.

We observe that, when domain code and infrastructure code are mixed up together, the system just gets harder to test. Let us go back to our InvoiceFilter example again. However, this time it will not depend on a Data Access Object, but will contain the SQL logic in itself:

public class InvoiceFilter {

  // accessing the database
  private List<IssuedInvoice> all() {
    Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("db", "root", "");

    return withSql( () -> {
        try (var ps = connection.prepareStatement("select * from invoice")) {
            final var rs = ps.executeQuery();

            List<Invoice> allInvoices = new ArrayList<>();
            while ( {
                allInvoices.add(new Invoice(rs.getString("name"), rs.getInt("value")));
            return allInvoices;


  public List<Invoice> lowValueInvoices() {

    var issuedInvoices = all();

    return issuedInvoices.all().stream()
        .filter(invoice -> invoice.value < 100)


We can make the following observations about the code above:

  • The code is less cohesive. It knows how to extract data from the database and it also knows the "low value invoices" business rule. This class now requires test cases that cover both responsibilities.
  • Domain code and infrastructure code are mixed up. This means a tester will not be able to avoid database access when testing the "low value invoices" rule. As we have seen many times already, this will incur in higher costs.
  • This new version of the InvoiceFilter class is definitely more complex than our previous version. Complex code are more prone to defects.

Our previous version was indeed better. It was more cohesive and simpler. But it also had a clear separation about domain code and infrastructure code. And this is what software developers should do whenever they are designing their systems. Make sure these two responsibilities are always separated from each other.

This idea of separating infrastructure and domain can be seen in the literature, by different names:

  • In the Ports and Adapters (also called the Hexagonal Architecture) idea, as proposed by Alistair Cockburn. The domain (business logic) depends on "Ports", rather than directly on the infrastructure. These ports are just interfaces that define what the infrastructure is able to do. These ports are completely separated from the implementation of the infrastructure. The "adapters", on the other hand, are very close to the infrastructure. These are the implementations of the ports that talk to the database or webservice etc. They know how the infrastructure works and how to communicate with it.

In the schema below, you can see that the ports are therefore part of the domain.

Hexagonal Architecture

Ports and Adapters helps us a lot with the testability of our code. After all, if our core domain depends only on ports, we can easily stub/mock them.

  • In the Domain-Driven Design work, by Eric Evans. Evans proposes that domain (the core of the system) to be isolated from the infrastructure layer. Besides all the design benefits that Eric cites in his book, testers benefit from this separation, as it enables them to exercises parts of code without having to depend on heavy infrastructure.

In practice, we observe that separating the infrastructure from domain is often challenging. The database example, where we move all the code to another class is rather a simplistic one. When building software, we often rely on different libraries and frameworks that are often opinionated and require you to follow certain design decisions that might not be ideal, from a testability perspective. It is the duty of a developer to be able to abstract these problems away, making sure that the domain concerns are indeed always separated from the infrastructure concerns.

{% hint style='tip' %} You see developers vouching for domain objects to not even depend on concrete implementations of the infrastructure code, but rather, to depend solely on abstractions. In our example, the InvoiceFilter domain object, instead of depending on a concrete implementation of IssuedInvoices (one that right now contains SQL code and knows how to communicate with the database), it would depend on an abstraction/interface.

By devising interfaces that represent the abstract interaction that domains and infrastructure classes will have with each other, the developer ends up better separating the concerns, reducing the coupling between both layers, and devising simpler flows of interactions between both layers.

The dependency inversion principle (note the inversion and not injection) help us in formalizing these concepts:

  • High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions (e.g. interfaces).
  • Abstractions should not depend on details. Details (concrete implementations) should depend on abstractions. {% endhint %}

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Implementation-level tips on designing for testability

We end this chapter with a couple of practical tips that you will help you in devising testable systems/classes:

  • Cohesion and testability: Cohesive classes are classes that do only one thing. Cohesive classes tend to be easier to test. After all, less responsibilities imply in less test cases. Less responsibilities often imply in less dependencies (as you need less to compose the required functionality) which implies in less testing costs.

A non-cohesive class, on the other hand, tends to consume a great amount of testing effort from developers. You might notice that a non-cohesive class requires a great amount of test cases, and you often feel "you are never done in testing it". Refactoring non-cohesive classes is therefore an important task when it comes to testability. A common way to do this is by splitting the non-cohesive class into several smaller-but-cohesive classes. Each small class can then be tested separately, and the class that combines them both might either rely on mock objects to assert the correctness of the interactions among the dependencies and/or by means of an integration test.

  • Coupling and testability: Coupling is about the amount of classes that a class depends on. A highly coupled class requires several other classes to do its work. As one could expect, coupling hurts testability. A tester trying to test a highly dependent class ends up having to test all its dependencies together. If the tester then decides to use stubs/mocks, the costs of setting them up will also be higher than it needed to be (just imagine yourself setting up 10 or 15 stubs/mocks to test a single class). Moreover, the number of test cases that would be required to achieve a minimum amount of coverage is too high, as each dependency probably brings together a whole set of requirements and conditions.

Reducing coupling, however, is often tricky, and maybe one of the biggest challenges in software design. A common coupling-related refactoring is to group dependencies together into a higher and meaningful abstraction. Imagine that class A depends on B, C, D, and E. After inspection, you notice that B interacts with C, and D interacts with E. Devising a new class that handles the communication between B and C (let us call it BC), and other one that handles the communication between D and E (let us call it DE), already reduces A's coupling. After all, it now depends only on BC, and DE. In general, pushing responsibilities and dependencies to smaller classes and later connecting them via larger abstractions is the way to go.

  • Complex conditions and testability: We have seen in previous chapters that conditions that are very complex (e.g., an if statement composed of multiple Boolean operations) require great effort from testers. For example,
    the number of tests one might devise after applying some boundary testing or condition+branch coverage criteria might be too high.

Reducing the complexity of such conditions, by means of, e.g., breaking it into multiple smaller conditions, will not reduce the overall complexity of the problem, but will "spread" it.

  • Private methods and testability: A common question among developer is whether to test private methods or not. In principle, testers should test private methods only through their public methods. However, testers often feel the urge of testing a particular private method in isolation. One common cause for such feeling is the lack of cohesion or the complexity of this private method. In other words, this method does something so different than the public method, and/or its task is so complex, that it has to be tested separately. This is a good example of when "the test speaks with the developer" (a common saying among Test-Driven Developers).

Design-wise, it might mean that this private method does not belong to its current place. A common refactoring is to extract this method out. Maybe to a new brand new class. There, the former private method, now a public method, can be normally tested by the developer. The original class where the private method resided should now depend on this new class.

  • Static methods and testability: As we have seen before, static methods hurt testability, as they can not be easily stubbed. Therefore, avoiding the creation of static methods whenever possible is a good rule-of-thumb. Exceptions are for utility methods. As we saw before, utility methods are often not mocked.

If your system has to depend on a specific static method, e.g., because it comes with the framework your software depends on, adding an abstraction on top of it, similar to what we did with the Calendar class in the previous chapter, might be a good decision to facilitate testability.

The same recommendation goes to whenever your system needs to other's code or external dependencies. Again, creating layers/classes that abstract away the dependency might help you in increasing testability. We reinforce that developers should not be afraid to create these extra layers; while it might seem that these layers will increase the overall complexity of the design, the increased testability pays off.

Finally, note how there is a deep synergy between well design production code and testability. We reiterate that focusing solely on testing techniques (like the ones we discussed in the Testing Techniques section of this book), or solely on design techniques (like the ones we have been focusing in this section of the book), is not enough. High-quality software is only achieved when software systems are designed with testability in mind, and rigorous testing techniques are applied.

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Exercise 1. How can we improve the testability of the OrderDeliveryBatch class?

public class OrderDeliveryBatch {

  public void runBatch() {

    OrderDao dao = new OrderDao();
    DeliveryStartProcess delivery = new DeliveryStartProcess();

    List<Order> orders = dao.paidButNotDelivered();

    for (Order order : orders) {

      if (order.isInternational()) {
        order.setDeliveryDate("5 days from now");
      } else {
        order.setDeliveryDate("2 days from now");

class OrderDao {
  // accesses a database

class DeliveryStartProcess {
  // communicates with a third-party webservice

What techniques can we apply? What would the new implementation look like? Think about what you would need to do to test the OrderDeliveryBatch class.

Exercise 2. Consider the following requirement and implementation.

A webshop gives a discount of 15% whenever it's King's Day.
public class KingsDayDiscount {

  public double discount(double value) {

    Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance();

    boolean isKingsDay = today.get(MONTH) == Calendar.APRIL
        && today.get(DAY_OF_MONTH) == 27;

    return isKingsDay ? value * 0.15 : 0;


We want to create a unit test for this class.

Why does this class have bad testability? What can we do to improve the testability?

I.e. what makes it very hard to test the method?

Exercise 3. Sarah just joined a mobile app team that has been trying to write automated tests for a while. The team wants to write unit tests for some part of their code, but "that's really hard", according to the developers.

After some code review, the developers themselves listed the following problems in their codebase:

  1. May classes mix infrastructure and business rules
  2. The database has large tables and no indexes
  3. Use of static methods
  4. Some classes have too many attributes/fields

To increase the testability, the team has budget to work on two out of the four issues above. Which items should Sarah recommend them to tackle first?

Note: All of the four issues should obviously be fixed. However, try to prioritize the two most important ones: Which influence the testability the most?

Exercise 4. Observability and controllability are two important concepts when it comes to software testing. The three developers below could benefit from improving either the observability or the controllability of the system/class under test.

  1. "I can't really assert that the method under test worked well."
  2. "I need to make sure this class starts with that Boolean set to false, but I simply can't do it."
  3. "I just instantiated the mock object, but there's simply no way to inject it in the class."

For each of the problems above: is it related to observability or controllability?
