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Reading Public Data Examples

William Silversmith edited this page Jun 13, 2019 · 15 revisions

If you're new to CloudVolume, it can be helpful to try using it with a public dataset to get a feel for it. Start by following the instructions to install CloudVolume, then come back here!

We'll use the dataset by Kasthuri et al for these examples. Open Viewer

Kasthuri, Narayanan, et al. "Saturated reconstruction of a volume of neocortex." Cell 162.3 (2015): 648-661. (link)

Downloading EM Images

Neuroglancer datasets are often accessed as precomputed://protocol://bucket/dataset/layer. To initialize a CloudVolume instance, we can omit the precomputed:// part. In this example, we'll use the gs:// protocol, which means it's on Google Cloud Storage, but s3:// and other protocols are possible as well. For public datasets hosted on Google Cloud Storage, if you replace the gs:// protocol with, you'll be able to read them without an authentication token.

In this example, we download a 512x512x64 voxel patch of electron microscope images from the Kasthrui et al dataset at the highest resolution.

from cloudvolume import CloudVolume, view

# 1. Initialize a CloudVolume object which will know how to read from this dataset layer. 
cv = CloudVolume(
    progress=True, # shows progress bar
    cache=True, # cache to disk to avoid repeated downloads
    # parallel=True, # uncomment to try parallel download!

# 2. Download context around the point in the Neuroglancer link above
#    into a numpy array.
# argument one is the (x,y,z) coordinate from neuroglancer
# mip=resolution level (smaller mips are higher resolution, highest is 0)
# size is in voxels
img = cv.download_point( (5188, 9096, 1198), mip=0, size=(512, 512, 64) )

# 3. Visualize the image! 
# Open your browser to https://localhost:8080 to view
# Press ctrl-C to continue script execution.

# 4. When you're done experimenting, clean up the space we used on disk.
# cv.cache.flush() 

Downloading Segmentation